Making The ULTIMATE "𝘾π™ͺ𝙑𝙩π™ͺπ™§π™šπ™™" Manga Tier List

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hello boyfriend what are you doing glad you asked girlfriend i'm playing king sans king what king sans it's a strategic mobile rpg game with engaging gameplay a futuristic art style and hot anime wafers like this one what sense it's also the sponsor for today's video okay i called them waifus but they're actually called sensates what can you do with these sensates well you can engage in a turn-based strategic combat spread on a 5x9 grid with an unlimited combination of characters classes elemental powers and fighting styles as well as training and raising your wife is through an array of intimate and dynamically casual game modes did i also mention this game's waifus like this that's also pretty important information yes you did and also what kind of waifus are we talking about we've got everything from lollies with glasses ponytail beauties twin-tailing motors and absolute godly queens plus there's a bunch of amazing swimsuit clouded beauties that are readily available for your viewing pleasure amazing i should go and check out this game in the description below while you're at it you should use my code ks anime one to get some sweet welcome presents also waifus can we start the video now okay yeah let's do it ladies and gentlemen boys and girls please stand for the national anthem gentlemen it is time once again for your boy to take a bullet for the internet because if there's a single person on the internet that screams culture then look no further because you're in the right place i've done it once and i'm here to do it again on a never-ending quest to figure out what exactly is culture we got close with the last video in fact almost three million of you were there to witness the epiphany of culture that i was having but i realized that just going through the animated variety is not enough to fully explore everything that this culture has to offer so i figured why not put a little bit of a twist on it to come and revisit it again so i'm here right now once again back on tear maker to make the ultimate cultured manga tag tier list now if you're not kept up to the culture then allow the professor to explain this is mostly relevant in the cultured manga community aka dojinshi but when you go on to your favorite cultured manga website normally people look through these things called tags it's kind of the equivalent to musical genres you like rock music you like folk music you like rap music you like country music well the same thing kind of goes with the cultured manga and we look through these things called tags and i have just collected just some of those tags to just show you the wide variety that the cultured manga world has to offer now you're probably looking through this list and thinking hold on a second mr anime man there is a large number of questions i have to ask you because if my cultured eyes is uh serving me correctly there are a number of tags on this list that you have provided that are clearly missing now yes i am aware there are a shitload of tags out there but most if not all of them are pretty self-explanatory and are pretty basic so i decided with this particular tier list to only gather just some of the more varied strange weird and very specific to cultured manga tags that you can find this is not a video for the uncultured ladies and gentlemen this is the video for the cultured so put your suits on put your top hats on put your glasses on let's dive into the culture but if you're one of the truly cultured individuals then you may perhaps want to go check out my patreon to watch this video fully uncensored and uncut because on the patreon version i'll be going into my favorite dojin website to look up some examples uncensored of course so that i can further explain my cultural analysis on why i placed particular tags in particular places on the tier list obviously i will not be able to show any of that on the youtube version so again make sure to go to my patreon for just five dollars a month you can check out this video and many other uncensored uncut videos so go and support me there if you like this video but without further ado let's just jump into it all right first and foremost we have the ahigao now personally speaking the arya goal to me is a very much a hit or a miss in the sense that it really depends on who exactly is responsible for the ahiago and by who i don't mean the character but i mean the artist because there are obviously some artists who can do i go infinitely better than other artists for example an estee akigawa artist would be someone like asanagi whose aahi girls are the sole reason as to why i love his works at all i don't know man he just knows how to make that just that right ahead you know there are sometimes those akios that are just like way too far and way too ridiculous where it's like okay now you're just trying to like pull a funny face and make me laugh and i don't appreciate the laughter with a dick in my hand to be honest with you and then there are some artists out there who have clearly just never seen an ahigao in their lifetime where it's like what what am i even looking at what is this a face or is this just like a rorschach test so i would personally not seek it out all that much so i would probably have to say i would probably put it in a bt most of the time it's pretty good sometimes it's yeah all right up next is beauty mark now for those who don't know beauty mark is you know maybe like a little a little thing right here maybe like some some cheek things right here you know just just you know something a little more wholesome you know something this is the kind of tag that you would see just in like manga in general right like this this is an attribute that some people just like oh that's hot and to be honest for me as well i would have to say a lot of it is hot i'm gonna put that in the a tier now obviously i'm not going to like or dislike a particular dojin just because it has or doesn't have a beauty mark i mean this is a beauty mark tag is kind of just like the cherry on top right the whole cake is still pretty good regardless of if there's a cherry or not but you know if there's a cherry on top imma eat that [ __ ] all right up next biting now biting as in not like that like the cannibalism type [ __ ] that that that that's weird it's also weird thinking that there is probably an entire tag for that kind of stuff out there which i have luckily never stepped foot into and i personally don't have any intentions to thank god but you know maybe some like soft biting some like playful biting and stuff like that hey again this is kind of like beauty mark where it's like if it's in there i ain't complaining the only time i would probably complain about the binding tag is if you know the majority of the cultured manga is revolving around biting where then i'll just be like just just get to it come on get get to the good stuff all right we get it we get it you like you like your teeth game all right i i don't mind the teeth game too but you know something's gonna give all right just give me a little more so yeah no complaining with this one i'm gonna put in the bt all right up next blindfold now personally speaking i'm not too into the blindfold thing you know i get it's got like that whole kinkiness to it like ooh you can't see who you're doing it with her but i've just seen way too many situations where the blindfold tag almost immediately goes to the ntr tag and uh i i mean i'll talk about my feelings on ntr later in the video but uh yeah just just the whole preconception of that at least from all the ones that i have read is uh leaving a kind of a sour taste in my mouth when it comes to this tag so personally i'm gonna put it in the d tier again sometimes there's those exceptions where it doesn't go to antion it's just playful but i don't know why most of the time it just goes in that direction and it's like who asked for this [ __ ] alright up next body swap now this is a tag that i haven't personally delved a whole lot into just because of personal reasons but the stuff that i have seen but to to explain like probably explain what body swap is i mean as the name suggests body swap is essentially the guy and the girl switch places so now the guy knows what it feels like to get penetrated and the girl knows what it feels like to to pre essentially weirdly enough i actually like a lot of body swap regular manga than i do body swap cultured manga like you know things like rama half and the recent ayakashi triangle are like two really good body swap mangas that i really enjoy but when it comes to cultured manga um i'm kind of indifferent to it honestly i'm kind of indifferent to it i won't skip out on it completely if it's there but i'm not gonna go seek out that stuff so i'm gonna put that maybe in like a like a dt i'd say same as blindfold where it's like sometimes it's good but a lot of the times i'm kind of just mad about it all right up next bondage now again this is another one where it's like very very specific tag for specific type of people and you know what if you're into that kind of stuff i fully respect it me personally not too into the bondage you know i know a lot of people who are into it i'm not i'm not into it i like i like the bodies being free you know i like i like having the space to move and do whatever the hell i want and same thing for the partner so uh yeah i'm gonna have to put this in an e tier unfortunately sorry for you bdsm fans out there but uh your boy's not too into it all right up next catgirl s tier don't complain it's an s2 i literally have a skateboard up there with cat girls in it so clearly you know what my preferences are my mascot on youtube is literally a cat boy it's not weird don't judge me there's a reason why every v tuber recently has been putting cat ears on them because they realize oh this is just like a universally cute thing people love this [ __ ] it's not weird it's just adorable who doesn't like cats i'm allergic to cats and i like cats so yeah it's a nest here all right if you even if you're not a cat person just read up some cat gold versions there are some great ones out there but you'll instantly become a cat person trust me not to say to do a shane dawson and go you know screw your cat or anything right like just in real life just take care of your cats but in the dojin form hey do whatever you want all right up next cheating uh ft i am not into that kind of stuff at all i don't know why but every time i see like cheating happening in a cultured manga and even just manga or just in general real life or not real life cultured or not cultured it just doesn't feel good man i am a dedicated man all right if i pick one person i'm sticking to one person and if anything when i see that kind of stuff in doujins it kind of just distracts me if anything it's like wow i can't believe you do this i can't believe you would do this to the woman who is doing this beautiful things to you right like like what how could you do that so yeah personally not into it all right up next cheerleader um again this is kind of like just you know a cherry on top kind of the same with the the io and biting to be honest or actually no you know what it's it's close to the beauty mark i'd say because there's a lot of ones a lot of ones that have cheerleaders in a words like damn she cute she's athletic there's not you know you're gonna love an athletic girl man not like but that that that toy body toy like a toy guy all right up next skunk i'm gonna have to put in an e tier for this one it's just a little bit of barbie and because like don't get me wrong in real life chican by the way means like perversion like basically like you know you know those ones where like the girl is in a train and it's getting felt up but like an ugly boss and stuff like that sometimes not an ugly bastard and that's why i put in the e2 if if it was only ugly bastards that were in this particular tag this would have gone on the ft but because i've seen a few where it's like it's not it's like kind of a good looking dude where i'm just like this is wrong but it's kind of weirdly hot at the same time yeah i don't know this is kind of like cheating where it's like if i saw it in real life and i see it in a dozen or if i see it in a cultured non-cultured manga i feel i just kind of feel bad for the girl but then sometimes like there's like a a weird like domination loss that happens where then the girl is like ha reverse uno card now i have the upper hand because i've got a picture of you get wrecked son it's jail time for you buddy but yeah that's a very rare uh moment when it comes to this tag so i'm gonna just leave that in the e2 all right up next comedy ah i would honestly gonna have to put this also in an e2 just because not to say that there aren't any funny doujins out there quite the opposite in fact there are a lot of dozens where i've read where the kind of slice of life elements of the characters getting together and all that is actually really [ __ ] cute adorable and honestly wholesome and hilarious as hell but then there is that weird dilemma of you laughing your ass off reading a culture manga going all right that part was cute only to flip the next page to them having raunchy smacks uh yeah that feels really weird that i am laughing out loud with a [ __ ] in my hand so just for that whiplash of uh emotions um i'm gonna have to put in an e t personally all right up next crotch tattoo uh i'ma personally have to put this in an st i find that [ __ ] to be so hot i don't know why maybe it's just because i'm into girls with tattoos but like the crotch tattoo and the fact that like you know the different powers that happens in a crotch tattoo if you've seen this tag then you know exactly what i'm talking about it is like damn i think the reason why i really like the crotch tattoo tag is because the girls that have the tattoo usually end up feeling really good and enjoying the intercourse that they're having and you know like call me vanilla call me basic all you want but i like it when the girl is enjoying it is that a hot take not sure what an unpopular opinion that the man of culture is just thrown out there who would have thought that men like to see women enjoying the act as much as the guy ew disgusting but up next we have dark skin uh i'ma throw that in an s tier no question about it there is nothing i like better than a dark-skinned waifu chocolate caramel it doesn't matter if you got that little bit of brown in you a little bit of that cream in you i'ma eat that up and when you have crotch tattoo dark skin combined with the next one elf bruh i am hats off to the creator who ends up combining those three tags together i mean if you guys watch the handy episode on trash taste by the way links in the description if you haven't checked it out then you would know that uh kuroino has all three of those tags put together and that's why i unironically love that show i don't know why maybe it's just because it's so far away from anything that you get in real life like you you will never come across a dark-skinned elf with a crotch tattoo i mean you probably won't even come across a an elf just in general but you know what i mean so maybe it's like the whole fantasy element and the fact that it is so unrealistic that makes like extra s tier for me but i don't know why man just even those three tags separately just come out with some beautiful things and then when you when you just add that it's not even addition it's like a multiplication it just gets better and better and better on top of each other all right up next exhibitionism for those of you who are non-cultured this is the tag where a guy or a girl goes out into public and shows it off to the world i'm kind of indifferent about this one so i might put it in the seat here just because some of them i'm like okay yeah that's that's kind of hot and others i'm just like whatever it personally doesn't really excite me all that much so i'm just leaving the c2 all right up next eyepatch now this one is really depends on the context of the eye patch tag because there are some doujins out there where the eye patch is just used as a kind of prop like you know say like takanashirika from tunibio right like her eye is fine she just likes to put the eye patch for a prop that's cute because it's kind of like a cosplay thing and then there are other dojins that i've seen where there is a very legitimate reason as to why the eye patch is on her or his face and it usually has to do with the lack of a particular organ in your body so i've seen both situations of that so i'mma have to put it in a ct just kind of in the middle because it's like you know sometimes i'm okay with it sometimes i'm just like was that necessary all right up next fangs now when it comes to fangs i would have to probably put it in a bt now there is a good reason for this for one thing i love girls with fangs just because i find it to be really cute you know especially when there's like one little thing kind of sticking out i'm just like all right that's that's you know it kind of has like a a playful nature to it right like i'm about to to wreck your day but in like a in a wholesome way type of characteristic when you see that fang right but then you have like legitimate fangs that like snakes have especially when you go into the monster goal tag which we'll talk about later in the video obviously but yeah those ones i'm just like um i can't imagine having a good time when a girl like that goes down on you but i feel the latter is quite rare even in the dojin world at least from the ones i have seen and most of the times it is the kind of wholesome playful type of thing so i'm gonna put that in the bt just because i think that's really cute all right up next forced yeah you know what again this kind of goes back to the whole like cheating and gun thing where i'm like i want the i want to see the girl enjoying herself right so so i'm gonna have to put in the ft just because you know personally i feel really guilty about it when i see that kind of stuff you know like i'm just like i don't want that i don't want that come on come on we go i want to see a girl having fun right i don't want to see a girl not having fun so at least give her some [ __ ] consent all right up next freckles um i personally find freckles on anime girls really freaking cute um and again this is kind of like the beauty mark where it's just kind of the cherry on top so i'm gonna have to put in the eight here just because yeah that kind of stuff i found that to be really adorable all right now we got the the goliath of cultured manga tags and that is of course futanari now i will not explain what futanari is in this video because you guys have google and if you do decide to go google it use incognito but this is again a very very specific fetish which i don't have to be real with you guys i'm gonna have to be real with you you gentlemen i at first absolutely hated it i'm pretty sure i talked about this in a video but it wasn't until i looked at some other artists and i just got to see more and more of it as i was exploring more and more delta cultured manga and anime side of the world where i slowly start to be like alright this ain't too bad actually i realized that the future tag is by far not the worst tag out there it's definitely nowhere near the most scarring tag out there if anything compared to the other stuff that i have seen which i've obviously not included in this video uh the first attack is actually quite quite basic yeah trust me you don't want to know what i've looked at over the years so i'm probably gonna have to put futa in the seat here just because again there are some absolutely fantastic futa artists out there um you know boshi being an example of a boss she's like the king of footadosians and then there are other futa ones where i'm just like wow that's scarring all right up next glasses uh again this is kind of like uh the beauty mark freckles that kind of stuff where it's just kind of the cherry on top if we're talking about say you know like what i think to be is the the masterpiece of doujins aka metamorphosis by shindo well you would know that that is one of the most famous glasses characters in the cultured manga world uh but regardless of that yeah i mean i enjoy it you know if you have glasses or no glasses i personally won't really care so i'm probably going to put that in a bt just because it's like again if you have it cool if you don't have it it's fine all right up next heart pupils now this is a tag that i feel is very specific to cultured manga and uh i personally really freaking enjoy it i'm gonna put that in an a tier just because again there are some artists out there that can do hot pupils really well and again heart pupils indicate that the girl is loving it and again i love seeing the girl enjoy it like that's that's what it's all about i love seeing that the girl is into it she's liking it and that makes me feel good as well all right up next horns now usually horns means that uh you know they can be like devil horns they can be ram horns they can be whatever anthropomorphized animal horns it can be uh you know this is again kind of like cat girls uh and elfs you know with the elf ears and stuff like that i find it to be really cute because again a lot of the times it's like not exactly an anthropomorphized thing it's kind of just uses like a cosplay like a fantasy element so i'ma have to put in the s here there are so many like horn stuff where i'm just like um damn that just like added to the cake right there that that was the cherry on top of the cake all right up next horror okay look i'm gonna just throw it in the e2 this is again a lot like the comedy tag where it's like i appreciate it i mean don't get me wrong you know if you've been on my channel a lot you would know i love me some good horror manga like the horror genre when it comes to manga and anime is one of my faves but again i don't want to be scared holding my penis in my hand you feel me so this is another one where it's like just just keep it separate all right it doesn't have to be that i appreciate the sentiment but it's a it's a no thank you for me dawg all right up next humiliation uh now again this is uh you know it can be humiliation from the goal side can be humiliation from the guy's side personally i'm kind of not all that into it again i like seeing the guy and the girl enjoy themselves so i'm gonna have to put in the e tier sometimes it can lead to like a hot situation other times it's just kind of like oh god i feel like secondhand pair i never thought i could feel secondhand embarrassment from reading a cultured manga until i stumble upon this tag all right up next impression um yeah sometimes it's all right uh it's it's really more so about whether they you know show the end results or not i'm not gonna expand upon that if they don't show the results of it afterwards pretty alright i don't mind it when they do show the results and sometimes they do show the results if you've read metamorphosis you'd know exactly what i'm talking about then yeah that's that's a no thank you from me dawg so i'm probably gonna have to put this in the d tier again this is not something i would go and seek out and you know sometimes the way that they structure in the way that they phrase it is just a little like but you know other times i'm just like whatever i'll let it slide all right up next now i'm personally really into kuder is just in like the anime world like that's probably my favorite uh trope when it comes to like anime girls and anime waifus i don't know though but when it comes to the cultured kind it's really a toss-up it can be good it can be bad sometimes though it can be kind of boring so i'm gonna have to put it probably in the seat here just because it really depends on like how the cool data is kind of fitted into the theme and into the story you know because sometimes again the kuder might not necessarily be into it and it's kind of just like a dead fish flopped on the bed and i'm just like can you interact in some way or another please it's weird for me it's probably weird for the protagonist who's boning you right now all right up next lactation um yeah this is kind of like uh i've seen sometimes where it's like really good like the the fukuyama nalta stuff that i talked about and then there are other times where i'm just like nah dawg so i'm putting it in a d and like just thinking about it realistically it just sounds like a mess to deal with you know what i mean where i'm just like bro who's going to clean up this who's going to clean up this mess that you have just created also i don't know why but a lot of times uh these two tags aren't together like you would think realistically that you know if one of these is happening one of these is on the list then the other one would also be on the list but uh no apparently not that in the world of cultured manga logic doesn't mean [ __ ] apparently i think the one aspect about this particular tag that i'm not too fond of is when the guy is like way too enthusiastic to like drink it and i'm just like go to the fridge dude there's probably a carton of milk sitting there waiting for you just just drink that it's used by date is still good all right up next maid oh now maids for me can be a hit or a miss sometimes the personality of the maid in the cultured manga can be really [ __ ] obnoxious and then other times it can be like wink too cutesy for my liking but then other times sometimes you scoop that dirt up and sometimes there are pieces of gold in there and you come up with a maid that is actually quite nice to to read and watch so just for that and just because you know means are kind of cute in manga form i'm gonna put that in the b again if it's there cool if it's not there i don't really mind the next one right here miko which is like a shrine maiden girl that you see a lot uh in manga cultured manga and non culinary manga i personally find the mikko stuff to be way hotter than the maid stuff so i'm gonna put that in an 80 just because i don't know why the kind of traditional look is really hot it's really weird to visit shrines in japan for me but yeah i would be more glad if i opened up a random dojin and i saw the mikko tag than the main tag i'd just be like maids i sleep mikko i'm awake all right up next monster girl oh now this one is a is a highly contested tag even within the community it really does kind of become a 50 50 with this one sometimes it's really good and other times people are just like just give me people please for me again this really depends on the artist some artists are just like damn i i never knew i had this fetish until you drew it this way thank you for making me realize it and then there are other times where i'm just like that's like that this is like some weird godzilla hunty that i'm reading like this this is not hot at all for me i have my select few uh monster girl related artists out there and for those guys i might have to put in a b just because again i've read some really weird ones that i kind of want to burn out of my memory but then there are other ones i'm just like all right looks like i'm into monster girls now thank you very much i mean look let's be real i don't even think it was because of the monster girl tag in cultured manga that got people into monster girls i mean how many people watched muslims and and was like okay cool i'm into monster girls now thank you okay i get it now all right up next muscles now this one again kind of like the same with glasses maids and fangs and all that kind of stuff there are some situations where it's like damn that's really freaking hot and then other times i'm just like why so i'm gonna have to put it in the bt i've read some pretty good muscle girl stuff and you know there are some muscle girls hey i i like i like some girls with a bit of muscle you know you know there's nothing wrong with having an empowering woman all right if if your lady wants to lift you let your lady lift god damn it all right up next we have ntrf i'm not gonna explain uh if you have something to say about that get out all right we'll blast through these uh very quickly ninja none and nurse i feel all fit kind of into the same type of uh genre where it's like if it's there it's good if it's not there i don't really care so i feel like i'm gonna put all of these into a bt where you know i've seen some really good ones that have all of those in it and then there are other ones where i'm just like it wasn't really necessary clearly you're just trying to pertain to a particular fetish and trans so whatever i'll also put office lady there as well because it's for same reasons but then we have ojorsama which is like uh how do i explain object like a privilege like princess type character personally i'm gonna have to put that in a d two because in non-cultured manga and anime i am not a huge fan of the old summer character just because a lot of audio summer characters are just extremely obnoxious like they're the kind of characters that would unironically wear a top hat and monocle and walk around imitating the monopoly man if they want to i like my girls to be grounded to reality where you know i'm at the same level as them and i want the characters to be at the same level as them i don't want to see some rich snob going around being like okay i will take your dick like no no no you come down here young lady get on my freaking level and then we'll talk about the d but then again i say all of this and i haven't put it down in the enf tier because there is one situation where i do like the order summer tag and that is when you combine it with the domination loss tag where the order summer usually starts off on top of the guy being like i have the power and then something happens where there is a role reversal where the guy's like reverse uno card now you're going down to the lower level and i'm just like yeah you showed that rich person who's boss i honestly like it with the other way as well when it's the audi summer tag which is the prince tag where it's the guy who is the rich snobby like monopoly man top hat kind of character and the girl has the domination loss where it's like ha you you misjudged me because i was a commoner woman well we'll see who's laughing now [ __ ] all right up next we have i can't believe this is a tag and i just found out about it today orgasm denial what who was this tag made for like who willingly wants to see guys or girls edging in a cultured manga who asked for this so yeah i'ma have to put in the f tier yeah like again who asked for this [ __ ] all right up next pegging all right how do i how do i explain peggy gentlemen think of it like this um think of just like a standard vanilla dojian instead of the guy putting it in the girl the girl puts it in the guy and no i don't mean futa i mean like objects thank you for coming to my uh pegging 101 ted talk i will see you guys outside for signatures all right let me start on the ft all right up next uh pregnant no again this is like just just keep it out of it man like pregnancy is a beautiful thing i get it bearing a child is a beautiful act but keep it out of my doujins i don't want to see that [ __ ] put in the ft all right up next we have chipotle which i think i'm pronouncing correctly please chinese people let me know if i'm pronouncing that word correctly but for those of you don't know cheaper is this it's the it's a chinese dress looking thing you know you see like chun-li wearing and stuff like that um personally i freaking love this stuff i i'm gonna have to put it in a nest here i think that stuff is so goddamn hot and i mean that in real life and in cultured and non-cultured manga anime like if there is any opportunity for any woman to wear a cheapo i am all over that [ __ ] and like that dress is like just also just you know not even looking at it in a loud way i just find it to be like really freaking cool looking like it's so bad it's it's like simultaneously an adorable costume or dress and also just makes the girl wearing it look like a freaking badass i don't know how those two seemingly opposites can combine together into one great looking outfit but hey if if you want to impress me with any kind of manga or cultured or non-cultured and there's a girl with wearing a cheaper i'm all over it give it to me all right up next shimapang which is uh shimashima panzer which is which is this uh you know the hatsune miku pantsu as as weebs like to call it again for me this is kind of like if it's their cool if it's not there cool i don't care i mean do we really care what type of pantsu people are wearing because you know like three pages later it's gonna be taken off i'ma have to put in a seat here for this one because i'm just like if it's like whatever they're just pants dude they're just stripes on the pants why are people this like infatuated with stripes on some underwear all right that makes me have spats um now spats is a little bit different to shim up on i know i just [ __ ] all over shimmer pun literally like three seconds ago but spats spats is cultured as hell if you ask me again it's like the cheaper it kind of accentuates the curve of the woman you feel me like it accentuates the butt and legs which is just so good so i'm gonna have to put that in an a tier honestly man like spats is freaking nice i like spats and stockings dude stockings yeah throw that in an a tier as well my boy just because not not for the particular stockings it's that little pinch between where the stocking ends and the thigh starts like that little kind of curve in i don't know if there's a word for it yet but if there isn't please i'm gonna call it i'mma call it the pinch all right i'm gonna coin that term the pinch like the pinch that gets me excited all right up next succubus ester no questions asked i don't care what anyone says succubus were made for cultured manga i know succubus has supposedly this you know like folklore legend that extends you know several hundreds of years in traditional media and stuff like that but if you ask me succubus were made for cultured manga it is the perfect type of character archetype and trope that just so perfectly fits in with the type of lewd manga that i freaking love and the best thing about succubus or succubi is that you can combine any of these particular archetypes into it to make it better or worse so it's really just expansive you know you can do whatever you want with it it's like play-doh all right up next tan lines okay now this one i've thought about long and hard because there were moments in my life where i thought f t there were moments in my life where i thought s t or it's like which one is it is it is it so amazing or is it just so overrated if i'm being honest it's right in the middle for me it's a c t because sometimes the tan lines are really like nice where it's like it's not too freaking obvious where it's like maybe you know it's like just like the bra line maybe it's you know just the pants line stuff like that that's fine you know where it's like not too over the top and then there are some tan lines that just look like the girl has just received third degree burns while at a beach and she was wearing a bikini and bottom that were fireproof so yeah again this is completely dependent on the artist and the situation and just like how much of a i guess contrast of skin that is created during the tan line process all right up next tentacles now um i am sorry aki i know you're into tentacles uh um this is going in a knee tier for me i just can't do it man like there are i don't know why i wanna i wanna see some people not this like unidentified tentacle object uto i want to be able to put myself into the guy's perspective i want to be able to put myself into a person's perspective not some freaky tentacle monster's perspective don't get me wrong the only reason why it's not an ft is because there are some that i have read especially when inside the monster goal tag which i've put in the b tier where it makes tentacles just that that much more bearable but other times i'm just like you you read one tentacled ocean you pretty much read them all all right teacher um i'm throwing into the b tier again because it fits in with all these other ones where it's like a lot of them really freaking good but again i won't complain if it's not in it then we have tsunderi now tsunderies for me are a serious hit or a miss you know i was talking about kuderys and i put it in a ct where it's like it really depends on how they treat that particular trope and archetype in the context of the lewdness but uh the tundere kind of fits in the same way i feel where it's but i feel it works just a little bit better than a kuder because the entire thing about a tsundere trope or an archetype is that they start off cold but secretly they really like the person right and again whatever i've been saying this entire video i like it when the girls are into it especially if they're like secretly into it so a lot of the ones that i've seen with tune there is in it they're not usually into it at first but then they grow to really enjoy it so just for that i'm gonna put tsundere in probably a bt because again it's like it's just i think it's fitted for that kind of like cultured manga world just a little bit better than akuderi even though i like kuder is more in my non-cultured manga when it comes to culture manga tsundere is where it's at all right next uh actually first let me just put this in an f tier and then we have uncensored um all right i'm a little bit weird on this maybe it's because i'm just so used to reading all of my cultured manga censored with like the black bars or the entire thing is black or the entire thing is whited out that when you see something that's uncensored it's just like ew like is that what the penis looks like is that is that really what it looks like did it look that gross the entire time put the black bars back let's put it back so yeah uh i'm gonna put in a dt just because i think at this point my brain has just been conditioned to just ignore the black lines indulgence so yeah i actually prefer with the black lines in it a lot of the times as long as they don't overdo it with the black lines it's fine if everything else still looks good i'm okay with it all right it makes vanilla now vanilla you know what i can't complain about vanilla there is nothing wrong with vanilla you know we we keep bragging on especially on the podcast uh and if you watched it again so go check it out then you would know that we ragged conor on about having you know really just basic taste for him liking vanilla but in all honesty vanilla is necessary vanilla is good because sometimes you don't want to see some freaky [ __ ] or like freaky stuff that goes into like really weird territories and tags like some of the ones on this page now you know sometimes you just want to see two people doing the do so imma put in a bt you know it's good you can't complain about it all right up next voyage now uh how to explain voyeurism without getting uh demonetized if i haven't already voyeurism essentially is a lot like exhibitionism except it's the perspective from the other person it's not the person showing off but rather the person looking at somebody showing off or looking at someone having intercourse and them looking at it gets them all flustered basically it's a really weird ntr situation at least that's how i interpret voyeurism so personally i'm gonna put down an e t just because it's like honestly bro could do without it all right up next is the x-ray time now x-ray uh man i'm probably gonna have to put in the ct just because sometimes it's really hot and other times it's like that is like whoa way too much detail what am i [ __ ] witnessing a cat scan at a doctor's right now so yeah if we just with like the right amount of like showing it's actually all right like i don't mind like the top down view of like the girl but then when it's like an inside cam thing i'm just like no dude why why did you have to do that all right and last but certainly not least yandere now this one again is uh personally not really into it i'm putting the dt because it doesn't work as well as kudery in my opinion because it usually when you put in a yandere into a cultured manga it usually falls into ntr it can turn into cheating it can go into a whole bunch of things also just personally i'm i'm not really into yonder it's just in general anyway so i'm okay with it to be honest but there you have it ladies and gentlemen my culture ladies and my culture gentlemen that is my list we have created the ultimate cultured manga tag tier list here it is honestly it's actually quite balanced i didn't take all of the tags from farkub just because there are so many freaking tags and this video is already long enough but you know it's really surprising actually like i have you know some quite clear thoughts on a lot of these tags and uh it's it's kind of all over the place i clearly have my likes and dislikes but i would like to know what you guys are into i've basically showed you my cultured side and i want to get to know your guys's culture side especially if you're watching this video up until this point so i've left a link to this t-list down in the description below so go check it out also check out all my other tls videos that i have done in the past links to all those also down in the description below and if there is a particular dojin that you would like to recommend to me in the future just check out the s and a tags if if there are anything if there are tags on either the s tier or the a tier in your dojin then hey recommend them to me over on my twitter go follow me there and if you would like to support your boy in more cultured topics like this then the best place to do it is to go over to my patreon if you go over there right now you'll get this video fully uncensored and fully unedited the director's cut version of this video where i go onto faku and i actually show off examples of a lot of the different tags that i talk about in this video so to get the full experience of this video i definitely recommend you go over there support your boy as well going on to the anime man links down in the description below also don't forget to check out king sans links down in the description below but it is time ladies and gentlemen to bid you farewell and to see you guys in the next probably not as cultured video but thanks for watching guys and i will see you all in the next one like favorite if you enjoy subscribe for an event keep watching anime [Music] you
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 760,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, tier, list
Id: 5rMQwkkPyfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 58sec (2518 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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