This DISTURBING Manga is Based on a REAL CRIME in Japan.

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done a wtf japan in a hot minute one of which is that the past three or four episodes of this particular series have been deemed by youtube to be uh inappropriate basically youtube doesn't like it at all and loves giving me the fat yellow dollar sign to make sure that i know it doesn't like it and i guarantee with this particular video daddy youtube is just revving up the belts just can't wait to just smack this video down by the almighty power of the youtube algorithm oh and the second reason as to why i haven't done one of these because uh i just genuinely forgot about this show so there you go and regardless of the fact that this video is probably not going to reach a whole bunch of you because of the youtube algorithm this is a topic that i've been wanting to talk about in a video for a very very long time now so excuse me daddy youtube for i am about to commit a sin which i will not be attending sunday mass for now if there's one thing on the internet that has just exploded recently in notoriety and popularity it is the happy go lucky wonderful exciting yay world of true crime documentaries and i don't know if this is just what i have been seeing and what i have personally experienced but for some reason this particular topic is really popular amongst females i swear every female i know in my personal life online and offline has just become infatuated with true crime documentaries and videos exploding on youtube and now over on netflix as well and this certainly applies to the case of my significant other she has just been absolutely craving true crime documentaries for a very long time now now listen i have sat down and watched some of these true crime documentaries and i'm gonna be honest with you a lot of them are really goddamn cool it's just really interesting especially if you're into the whole psychology of things and just why and how these things just happen to be sometimes true life is really stranger than fiction but put yourself in my shoes if you will for just a second and imagine me waking up it's a lovely morning here in japan the birds are chirping the sun is shining and over from the kitchen i can hear the lovely beautiful sounds of a computer speaker blasting out something like millington early murder and desecrated five teenagers over the summer of 1994 with nothing but a bottle of lube watch as we cover this seven and a half hour confessional tape to unravel the mystery behind this overly lubricated crime against humanity uh disclaimer you can't actually kill five people with a bottle of lube unless you try really hard bottom line there are some really strange weird and truly heinous true crime stories out there and unsurprisingly a lot of the more famous ones out there have been swallowed up and spat out by the world of multimedia more specifically true crime documentaries but also in the case with fictional movies that are based off of the true crimes zodiac and monster being just a few examples but if you thought that japan was this utopian society where the crime rate is low and everyone is well behaved then you might be surprised because even in this supposed utopian society of nippon land there have been some truly heinous crimes that have been committed and documented extensively and for lack of the better words i would argue have been put in the spotlight just a little too much and that certainly applies to the case that we're going to be talking about today simply known as the murder of furuta jungle or more colloquially known as the concrete girl i'm sure for some of you true crime connoisseurs out there that name may have rung a bell but for those of you who don't know it is truly an understatement to say that this particular case has had its fair share in the spotlight so much so that not only have we had an exploitative film and many many books written about it but for the purpose of this video 2 whole manga series god help us all now as much as i would like to go over and cover the books and the exploitation film also uh that noise i'm already so much of a [ __ ] that i can't handle gore films like saw or hostile let alone a gore film an exploitative girl film about a murder that really happened in japan and honestly happened in a place that i used to live in imma say no thanks to that one let alone the fact that i have already had my sanity drained out of me by the fact that i have had to sit down and read the two manga series that we are going to be talking about later in this video so excuse me for wanting to hold on to little sanity i have left for just a little longer but before we jump into the two manga series in question i feel it's important for all of us watching this video right now to start on equal grounds in terms of what exactly the furuta junko case is all about and what exactly type of subject matter we are going to be dealing with but let's be real i'm not exactly the type of person who is cut out to talk about true crime stories so instead i'm going to get my lovely assistant detective aki to tell you guys just very briefly about what kind of case this fudeta junko murder case is all about good evening everyone my name is detective aki and you may know me from my on the case series with myself detective aki where i take infamous crimes from japan and urban legends and explain them in great detail now in this video for joey's channel we're talking about the junko furota case if you've never heard of it it is one of the most grotesque most brutal and most infamous crimes in japanese history now the details of what happened to junko furuta are actually so explicit that it's best safe for someone that's actually ready to read it on wikipedia but i will briefly break down the case so that everyone's on the same page [Music] junko furuta was a high school student that was liked by many of her peers she had a part-time job very high grades in school and was expected to live a very successful future but on november 25th 1988 jingle furota was actually on her bike going back home there were four teenage boys that spotted her and kicked her off her bike and fled the scene they wanted to make it look like that they had just come to the scene and was offering to help her go back home unfortunately this was the start of their plot to kidnap her and begin what is called the 44 days of hell the 44 days of hell for junko furata included torture rape and many other grotesque things that again i would suggest that you would just go read it online when she was reported missing by her parents the boys actually forced her to call her parents to tell them that she had run away and that she was safe with some friends they even forced her to try and stop the police investigation looking for her now there was a point of the investigation where the police did arrive at the boy's house where junko furota was actually being kept but the group insisted that they had no idea where she was and the cops left during the 44 days of hell junko was quite literally at the mercy of these four boys sometimes they would vent their anger by beating her other times they would just beat her for the fun of it and coming closer to the 44 days of hell junko furta eventually gave into her wounds and died now once the leader was notified by his brother that junko had passed away the four boys gathered together and dumped junko's body into a barrel and filled it with concrete and hid it afterwards another case was brought up that happened way before the kidnapping of junko furata and the police began their investigation by questioning the boys they were paranoid that junko was the girl that they were looking for they revealed the body location which surprised the police considering this isn't the person that they were looking for in the first place and the other woman from the original case was actually never closed now as far as the prosecution goes unfortunately these four boys are still walking around today because at the time of the junko furota case they were underage and many laws were protecting them so they were released but they were under a very heavy microscope under the government and three out of four of the boys were arrested for other illegal activities once they turned 18. while they did serve some time they were all eventually released and are still living and breathing today in fact in one of the cases regarding the illegal activities after junko further one of them was actually boasting about what he had done to the girl another incident that happened was one of the boy's mother vandalized junko's grave blaming her for ruining her son's life a funeral and memorial for junco furuto was taken place where all her high school classmates and her principal came where she was gifted her high school diploma and buried with her school uniform her mother had a very severe mental breakdown in the court as the trial was going on and there's no news about the father's whereabouts since then the media has portrayed this case in exploitative films and manga thanks detective so now they're all on the same level of understanding let's dive into the deep end the first manga series we're going to be looking at is simply titled ju nanasei or 17 years old this manga is told from the perspective of not the victim but rather one of the culprits named hiroki he's not really the ringleader but rather one of the many members who was responsible for doing unspeakable things to junko or sachiko as she's called in the story i guess this author wanted to try and respect the privacy of the real-life furita junko by naming her sachiko instead but it's weird because everyone who starts reading this manga will soon very quickly realize that this is obviously influenced and is based upon the furuta junko story so like what's the point what you'll immediately start to realize about jun nanasai is not only the fact that the story is told from the perspective of one of the culprits but rather the fact that the story itself including its conclusion completely differs from the actual case in the manga sachiko has a twin sister called miki who is out to look for and save her twin sister miki also plays into the story by messing with the mentality of our main character by looking exactly the same as sashko and being in the same class as our main character thus screwing up his perception and morality against the terrible things he's doing towards her twin sister one of the most interesting aspects of this manga however is how differently it plays out and portrays the real crime its story is based off of for one the real life furuta junko didn't have a twin sister in fact it's not really known if she had any siblings at all there are many points where our protagonist and many side characters that conduct in these heinous acts feel some sense of remorse or guilt towards their actions when in reality according to the many court case reports the culprits that were later caught and prosecuted for the crimes of futa tajunko's murder showed no signs of remorse or guilt even while they were being convicted and the biggest change of them all is how the story ends with sachiko actually escaping and surviving the torture which as we all now know was definitely not the case for the real life furita junko if i were to be blunt here i wouldn't exactly say that i enjoyed reading jun nanasai if anything i actually kind of found this manga to be rather insulting now the obvious answer to why someone might find it insulting is because well it's based off probably one of the most heinous and disturbing crimes that have happened in modern day japan and i don't think anybody can argue with you especially if you actually go out and read the wikipedia article that highlights and goes into details about all of the horrible things that furuta junko actually went through nobody can argue with you in saying that yeah this is absolutely freaking horrible and the fact that someone has decided to make a manga about it is in some aspects rather messed up but in my opinion the biggest sin that this manga committed is the fact that the message that the story in this manga is trying to portray insults the actual events of the crime that it is based off of the manga tries to humanize the main protagonist to be almost like a victim of his own destiny the fact that he's doing all these horrible things to this poor innocent girl and expecting us as the readers to feel sorry for this kid when let's be real he can very easily opt out of all of this and save the poor girl from her horrible fate multiple times throughout the events of the story is rather insulting to the reader like me i don't know if you know this is all your fault you decided to do this you are willingly hurting and torturing this poor innocent girl just because you're trying to show to your boys that you have a pair of testicles oh you're trying to prove a point to your boys and you think oh i'm a strong tough man because i like torturing poor innocent school girls miss me with that macho insecurity plus i find it a little bit disrespectful that this author changed the outcome of the story from her dying in the worst way possible to escaping and living to tell the tale because to me that just makes it seem like the author doesn't actually care about paying homage to the girl and her family but rather just wants to romanticize and lighten the weight on a very heavy subject matter that should be remembered for the actual events because if you didn't know ahead of time that this story is based off a crime where the girl didn't survive and didn't get the retribution she deserved even after death you'd think that this manga is just a fictional crime drama story when really it's an insane crime that should be remembered accurately so that history may never repeat itself again look i'm not trying to come out onto cameron saying that this author is exploiting the crime for his creative endeavors or whatever but if he really did care about the events of the actual crime that he is basing his story off of the least he could have done is portray the story as close as possible to what actually happened so that us the readers can remember furuta junko rather than her name being forgotten over time and muddied by this bastardized version of the true events but alas it seems that a different manga artist got that exact memo that i just mentioned and decided surprise surprise to make a manga series or rather a short story in a manga form on the actual events that happened in the future case scene for goddamn scene but there's just one catch because the mangaka in question goes by the name of ujigawaita and if you know enough about your messed up manga like i do you would know that he is one of the most infamous guru manga artists of all time and has created such wonderful bubbly fun little titles like maichan's daily life we can not get a w today now granted unlike jun junanasai which was an entire multi-volume series the ujigawaita version of the furuta junko gaze is only about a 30 page short story that is inside of this absolutely cursed anthology book which i will definitely not be showing you the cover of and i apologize in advance mood on that you have to censor this which means that you have to look at this because uh yeah i didn't really want to send this to you either to be honest with you and if you would like to see the next couple of images then i suggest going over to my patreon where you can see the uncensored version of this video but please be warned this this is some true nsfl [ __ ] so yeah just tread lightly if you will but even though the ujigo whiter version is a short story again only consisting of about 30 pages if you've actually gone to read the future junko wikipedia and have seen all of the horrible stuff that happens to her then uh yeah basically every messed up thing you just read on the wikipedia happens in the ujikawaiter manga and it is uh [Laughter] scarring but this is the part of the video where i might be seen from here on out as one of the weirdest dudes that is on the internet right now because as messed up as everything ujikawaita writes and i would know since i have done multiple videos on his works in the past his version of the furita junko case was actually not as bad as i was expecting for one i can say with absolute certainty that maichan's daily life is a million times worse than the furuta junko story that he wrote and if i'm being even weirder i would have to say that the ju nanasai manga actually offended me more than the gore manga equivalent of the same story and this is the moment in the video where you may proceed to pause and type out joey you are the biggest freaking weirdo on the internet why am i even subscribed to you comments down below you're welcome i swear i was actually freaking out over myself as to how calm and collected i was after reading the uzika whiter version of the fujita junko case i was like why does this not make me want to gouge my goddamn eyes out like everything else he has written like what is actually wrong with me have i become so dead on the inside now that this gore manga doesn't even phase me anymore bit of an understatement to say that i really had to sit down and self-reflect after that realization now please be advised this is not to say that you should go out and read these two manga series if you are interested in the furuta junko case or you have already known about the furuta junko case and are kind of curious to see what the world of multimedia has done to the case because i mean this in the utmost sincerity please don't waste your time on these this is why you guys come to me because i am the one who wastes your time for you all i value your life use that time that i have created by reading these shitty manga for you to go out and read some fantastic manga there is so much out there for you to enjoy and these two manga series definitely don't fit into that criteria like seriously i wouldn't even recommend this manga to even the biggest connoisseurs of true crime documentaries because there are so many better true crime manga out there to read and enjoy and spend your time on like seriously if you just want to go and look up the entirety of the future and go case just go onto the wikipedia page and listen here's the other thing i didn't make this video to bash on these two authors for creating what is seemingly exploitative manga on a very heavy and saddening subject matter that should be taken in full seriousness because let's be real i could make a hundred videos of this saying how dare these authors make so and so works that exploits so and so things because the unfortunate true nature of humanity says that doesn't matter if there's a whole lot of criticism about exploitative works people are still gonna make them and people are still gonna make bank off of them with every new drama tragedy and real life event there is always going to be someone there to come and lap it up and spit out some kind of multimedia around it whether that be in a retrospective homage-filled spotlight on a very serious matter to get people to know the actual events or whether it be someone who only romanticizes it and monetizes it for their own personal gain but all i'm going to say is this as someone who does pass their eyes through every creative medium and i truly do mean i pass my ass through every creative medium regardless of how good or bad it may be if you are going to make some kind of consumable exploitative media whether that be film music tv or even manga and anime just make it good make it compelling make it as close to the real thing as possible without twisting the facts because for a lot of people who aren't into true crime and for a lot of people who can't be bothered to look into the real life details that happen on each case these kinds of exploitative media are the only ways that they're ever going to know the existence of these real life crimes and i think that's really important to understand especially for someone like these two manga artists here who are creating consumable media that is based on supposedly unconsumable very difficult to swallow types of subject matter not only to preserve and respect the souls of those who had to go through these tragic and horrible events but again to also make sure that history never repeats itself yes i totally understand that the pill may be very hard to swallow if told from a very unfiltered set of eyes but at the same time it is the most straightforward and best way for people to understand just how messed up this subject matter is and was we had one furuta junko and we certainly don't need another one but if it is told from the eyes of one who is romanticizing these tragic events and there have been unfortunately a lot of cases of people who love romanticizing very heavy subject matter like this it's basically just gonna lead to us anxiously waiting on the next exploitative film based on another really tragic and horrible crime that is basically the same thing but with a different set of characters look obviously it goes without saying and and let me do the thing that we do in every wtf japan what the [ __ ] japan why anyone would willingly go and read manga series like the ones i've talked about in this video is is honestly beyond my understanding i mean i do it because i'm making a video on it i'm making content about it i'm sharing it to you guys because i guarantee that 99.9 of you watching this video right now probably had no idea that these two manga series existed and if i didn't have this youtube channel i probably wouldn't have wasted my time on these two manga series either but alas you guys just love to torture me and give me a mental lobotomy every time saying hey joey read this messed up manga thanks for the suggestion guys love you but anyways thanks for watching and let me know down in the comments below what you think about anything i said in this video if you are one of the few weirdos who decide to ignore my warnings and actually went to go read either one of the two mangas that i talked about let me know what you personally thought about it also let me know what you guys think about exploitative media based on true crime events like what are your thoughts about it do you find it to be some kind of a problem or are there more ethical and moral ways to go about it i'd love to know all your thoughts and opinions about it so make sure to leave it down in the comments below also if you'd like to check out the uncensored version of this video then make sure to follow your boy over on patreon just for five dollars a month you can get an access to all of the uncensored unfiltered directors cut versions of my videos and it helps your boy as well so please consider checking that out and supporting me if you want to also if you love your true crime stuff and i know you guys do by watching this video then uh make sure to go check out my lovely girlfriend akidira she has a series over there called on the case where she goes over extensively different types of true crime stories and documentaries in japan and all over the world and people are loving it and i don't know if you guys are watching it because i'm loving it as well so please go check that out and also make sure to go subscribe to our channel as well all that links down in the description below and also also also because i can't stop saying also if there are any more weird strange wtf things about japan japanese culture food language manga anime anything you want that has to do with japan's that you'd like to talk me to talk about in the next wtf japan then leave your suggestions by following your boy over on twitter every one of these wtf japan videos have come from suggestions from you guys over on the twitter so keep sending them in so that i may satiate the youtube gods in content that gets me the belt but anyways guys i hope you enjoyed and i will see you all in the next one thanks for watching like your favorite if you enjoyed subscribe to running my banter keep watching [Music] foreign
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 2,508,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman
Id: bSErVaZWprg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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