What The Hack Is This? | Rogue Dawn

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the [ __ ] is this man [Music] standards must be low to be playing one of the highest rated metroid hacks ever made don't believe it man because i said so and i hate you so standards must be low dude [Music] how many stars five all right the reviews wow just wow so far the best nest droid hacked to exist it has metroid plus saving applied to it custom hud entirely custom graphics amazing music new level design many flaws of the original game flicks to new items you won't believe what this hack has in store for you i can't recommend it enough 10 to 10 finish and recommended full time of five hours all right so let's see here there's only one four star review and he doesn't even say why he says this hack is so amazing dude i'm so glad i had the opportunity to work on this project he gave it four stars like what why'd you give it four stars a five jesus [Music] destination arrival planet sr 388 hibernation sleep cycle terminate pogdan team okay so this is just [Music] okay so we start with morph ball then we got a custom map [Music] can i climb a ladder looks horrible dude i'm gonna vomit [Music] yes this is a metroid rom hack [Music] this is this is the original metroid remade with with some [ __ ] all right so before you say oh my god dude this sucks man it's on ness all right warning biological infestation detected in main core yo keith time with five more gifted subs [Music] thank you so much for the five man i appreciate it this game looks kind of shady dude play some fortnite thank you man [Music] all right federation research ship successfully forced the planet's surface orders to don aaron from ridley [Music] locate the ship and steal the metroid specimen before the federation fleet arrives yeah i've never i don't think i've seen anything on this game before planetary scan complete press start for map okay so they take away the double jump yo emmett with the five subs thank you so much man [Music] that sure is generous to you man thank you for the five in prime thanks for the 52 months [Music] no thank you for your support hello delicious this game is actually kind of cool so far i feel like i'm playing just another arcade game or something like some sort of like old school arcade [Music] game oh it's fog 2 is so much better man wow [Music] faison thanks for 39 months [Music] oh can you turn on the fog please thank you hmm okay so the only the only way is that way [Music] maybe you could spank me for getting out of control mr steve there's something i missed [Music] i just go back up i can't do anything here yet i don't know [Music] oh i'll pay you back tomorrow if you give me a sub right now tier three please oh god you can rapid fire then [ __ ] holy [ __ ] the wall shooting don't worry guys i am a master at these games all right one of the finest they say don't ask who they is [Music] all right just don't don't worry about it all right so while we're back in our ship i don't know yet we don't have bombs okay access left two okay so this is like a different access to the planet so i guess we're gonna probably go get bombs now so yeah if you guys are just tuning in this is a rom hack of metroid one um a very very [Music] liked and respected rom hack [Music] okay so this is just where that ends it's metroid roguedon yeah this is metroid one [Music] i am not running the gdq correct [Music] oh my god my accuracy is so goddamn good [Music] are these spikes no i'm good [Music] damn it you can't kill that one there's like the rough i think these are reskinned rippers [Music] this ain't good folks i'm gonna go refill my health [Music] [Music] damn it this game looks pretty sweet though i really like the soundtrack too so far i mean they're still beeping but it's not as obnoxious it seems jesus i don't think he's gonna die [ __ ] man [Music] crystal flash oats do it now this is bad [Music] oh 30 or 20 20 hp from that one okay i'm just gonna farm this room i guess because this is a [ __ ] show hey how's everyone doing today i missed you all dearly hope you're all having a great day i'm sorry i was super super exhausted yesterday so i didn't stream it's been busy as you know with house stuff and running a lot of errands and stuff [Music] okay so i cannot go up there but i don't think i could do anything over there either could i so this is an elevator that probably requires bombs [Music] [ __ ] this is a metroid one rom hack [Music] welcome to home well to home ownership well to home okay what i said about the amy thing earlier still holds true the game was preventing me from killing that and i aim [Music] okay i think we're just gonna go back up right now we can go down [Music] [ __ ] that's acid what else would it be oh it's just so stupid that's purple kool-aid dude god [Music] me [Music] [Music] damn i was holding right right there just wouldn't let me go you know kool-aid was invented in nebraska really i feel like you're lying to me if you are i don't appreciate it okay i just want to make things clear okay so that's it i guess i can't go up from here like in a cave [ __ ] how the hell do i go down from there um [Music] so that's that elevator i guess well i guess i can just keep going down [Music] i forgot i'm in this like underground area this is like an offshoot of that shaft kind of like that wicked boy i got on my shaft [Music] i want to get that checked out yeah yeah i know i probably should back [ __ ] yo come back [ __ ] this is the metroid one hack oh that's just this i didn't want to go back up the shaft google said it and google said it was in hastings figured you guys are always lying to me [Music] you guys always find some with a lot of me look at him spinning it's just like metroid he's spinning to win down there [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] they added water physics to this or it's just like it's probably just acid physics or lava physics [Music] [Music] oh it's refilling my health nice holy [ __ ] [Music] man why didn't you just drink from the fountain he was so close what an idiot instead he had to die [Music] lol keck [Music] dead [Music] i have a feeling there's gonna be a missile or some sort of upgrade on top proportion here i lied maybe maybe i lied i don't know yet technically i don't know yet there is a big room there i should probably go check it out [Music] why the [ __ ] is oats my favorite streamer because you love me and i'm so charismatic [Music] look they're playing grab ass man [ __ ] there was an item up there i was right it just doesn't show it [Music] dude come on man oh [Music] [ __ ] oh it's just wall jump [Music] well does it kind of give you a hint on how to get that like down no that's where we came from so i need to go the other way [Music] there what you son of a [ __ ] they hurt me but i can't oh yeah it's a metroid one hack it's uh liked by a lot of people [Music] yo to five thanks for the seven months okay so this is the end of the room here all right see you that's my [Music] [ __ ] it was worth it 69 dude nice oats can i have a high five brother [Music] [Music] oh it's that's a sex number dude [Music] nice thank you so much for the twitch prime the brian gaming appreciate that man [Music] okay so i can't do that [Music] if i even get back i have to go all the way around there [Music] host is going to get amazon sued by brian and be center stage [Music] no i won't [Music] i didn't need that [Music] uh on mass thanks so much for these seven months ooh i got an emote [Music] well you guys suck you can't even curse me i've typed twice in chat so far [Music] okay so i've already gone that way oh [Music] [ __ ] you are you okay [Music] all right i'm not sure where to go here one second [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] oh you want me to speak louder okay sorry [Music] [Laughter] [Music] get [ __ ] i pranked you guys you consider yourself pranked pranked and spanked okay we pay attention here [Music] so that goes all the way up around um i don't know if i need to do that yet actually i might need to no i totally knew your mic wasn't muted dude shut the hell up okay no you didn't [Music] you know what's gonna happen [ __ ] nintendo's gonna come in here oh what game is this [Music] they're remaking zero mission which is a remake of metroid they're gonna [ __ ] come in and dmca this [ __ ] oh what's this [Music] nothing turn it off play minecraft no is it this isn't nothing uh-huh i gotta go in the middle one [Music] yeah it is half what's even the point of making your hack in metroid one metroid one is so [ __ ] isn't that a good reason is that not a good reason to make a hack of a game that's like a classic but not doesn't play very well isn't that like a good reason like this is pretty sweet so far i feel like that would be a perfect reason to make a hack huh i mean it is a classic but i you know i admit i'll be the first to admit it's pretty [ __ ] man [Music] yeah i mean but this game's pretty sweet so far though so like i'm not complaining this feels like its own like brand new like classic arcadey 2d game it feels like um classic alert what do you mean classic alert what's going on because it feels pretty good so far i don't know if i get down from there maybe just to the right then we already try rights [Music] yeah we can't get through there unless we can get wait a minute wait a minute fred you shut your goddamn dude okay we need to get up there you're making me yawn i'm not yawning you're yannick which is making me yawn [ __ ] i was watching this movie it was called the rental [Music] in it kind of reminded me of like moderators and twitch chat anyways yo fudge thank you so much for like four months uh my friends that works for incentives preparing to cease and desist right now yeah nintendo doesn't like boring streamers oh okay so the movie is about is this uh is this this girl um her and her husband's um or like boyfriend or fiance they break up she goes to new york she's trying to rent this place she's this place like i'm pretty sure it's like in manhattan i didn't watch the entire thing i was kind of like in and out of the movie so i was doing something but she gets it she gets the place for super cheap okay and she's like wow what a great deal on the landlord is like some like you know kind of middle-aged man attractive or whatever so she thinks and he's like yeah it's you know i'm the i'm the landlord you know we'll get to give it to you for a good deal but what he does is he like lives in the walls so he like spies on her and [ __ ] and he becomes obsessed with her and like then she has like her old ex-boyfriend over and he's like spying he's like then he ends up killing him and like stalking how do i get through this anyways it just reminded me of you guys or like irl or like twitch streams yeah [Music] hmm i guess i just gotta go up [Music] it's called like the rental what it just reminded me of you guys there's nothing wrong with that not you guys in particular but i even said it's rocky i was watching i was like this this seems like this is how like a moderator would act you know like super obsessive there we go yeah that's what i thought i was like oh huh kind of seems like uh like a twitch moderator dinah thanks so much for the five inches on to my girth appreciate that man thank you thank you but yeah anyways in the movie he's like wait no we just did we just like go the wrong way yeah we're just making big loops man this is just one big loop let's go to the top and then left now part of the movie is like he's like well i mean you kissed me first so that was like him trying to like justify him like barging in and stalking this chick and trying to like continuously like harass her so his justification was well you kissed me first that kind of reminded me of like a twitch moderator well i mean you said i was cute first so therefore i thought we were dating so it's your fault [Music] i don't think i could go up and around wait no i don't even need to go up and around the only thing i need to try well yeah i kind of do because i need to get down there can i even get down there or do we already try that make it [ __ ] [Music] i didn't say this was boring this is a really cool rom hack so far jump you damn pig yeah i like this a lot so far it's cool this is metroid one yeah okay so we're trying to make a big loop around so i can't can i get all the way to the bottom here i feel like we already tried that didn't we yeah we can't because of this goddamn reef wait a minute is there another path am i blind af no i already tried ah it might require a bomb but even even then it doesn't really matter [Music] power bomb it okay [Music] [Music] you're moving you're gonna be in framingham [Music] i drove through family framingham the other day okay so we're just back here again [Music] so i got to be careful i want to try to get to the left here so there's like this hole wherever this hole is unless i just can't get there [Music] i need to cook jesse [Music] wait a minute over here up here wait no that's the same [ __ ] no that is right [Music] it is this way [Music] i made this game only i hope you enjoy [Music] it wait no this ain't the way oh oh no it was off [ __ ] dude i'm lost [Music] we actually did made this you actually did make this game [Music] no [Music] see this is why i don't believe you guys from the get-go because it's much more likely that you you didn't make it then you did make it so the safe bet is no you didn't make it [Music] he said no because you shamed him yeah well that's his fault um it's gotta be down right yeah so this is what i was trying to find earlier see if i can get all the way to the bottom if i can't oh if i can't then i'm screwed no we can't we're good i think wait haven't i already been down here oh no i don't think i have [Music] no we have not okay cool cool howl the smith with 14 gifted subs dude thank you so much for the 14 man [Music] hope you're doing well dude [Music] thank you so much [Music] welcome to the open if you got gifted a stuff from howl you have to listen to every word that he says now unfortunately that's how it goes so if he tells you to do something you gotta do it i'm sorry [Music] for for the entire month [Music] i got boots with wings oh god [Music] okay that's pretty high compared to the other jump nice hermes boots mine [Music] wait a minute where wait what i'm so confused on the path what path did i just take oh delicious it was a loop back up so it started there and then it loops you back up that's really weird [Music] let's just pay poach's mortgage now dude yeah just paid the whole thing off if you could i'll send you a bill oh delicious just pay my whole house off you guys are millionaires right um okay so let's get out of here we have high gem now so we can do quite a bit delicious you're a millionaire all right i'll just take one million you know i'm not greedy or nothing not two million now like i said i'm not too greedy so two minutes three million is fine i'll take that four million dollars any time thanks [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] god god [ __ ] [Music] i haven't saved in a while that's too risky yet can i just do it from here i guess we'll just go left yeah but it's it's just because i want the challenge okay [Music] don't hit me [Music] do you want to see ramstein next year oh i can't my um my dog is gonna be giving birth um next year so i gotta be i gotta get back home for that i'm sorry man [Music] hmm okay so we got high jump now good progress is being made [Music] i should have went and refilled my energy back at that dead body yeah this game is really cool so far though [Music] like i'm not you guys know how much i hate metroid one absolutely hate the game this is pretty cool okay are we going back up or can we go to the right now and then up oh [ __ ] dude i don't know i'm gonna be sick oh you know what we can't actually do this don't follow me [Music] i'm a little bit afraid i don't think i can kill it um [Music] okay we can't kill it i really got a refill man [Music] guys i don't have cold don't worry does it almost feel hot [Music] that does 10. good thing i didn't go for it last i don't want to die i want to do this without dying here [Music] oh [Music] stop beeping at me i just feel like windows is crashing or something windows will update in two seconds if you don't press this button to delay there's a really good update we gotta give you it's about microsoft edge you [ __ ] you haven't even used it yet does this happen to you guys sometimes i'll open my computer and microsoft edge it'll always it'll already be open and i'm like yo why why is this open i didn't open it [Music] it'll just open itself and be like hey you sure you don't want to use this [Music] sounds like a virus it's not a [ __ ] virus it's windows well i mean maybe it is a virus [Music] i'm just going for it dude what the [ __ ] don't die [Music] well that's [ __ ] ain't it do i have my high jump oh god dude i don't know the last time i saved okay i do have high jump we're good okay this is honestly that's probably the best scenario because now i can just go to the bottom here and i think i was going right [Music] now i have full health so [Music] uh [Music] god damn yeah i totally planned that death [Music] that was because i just wanted to death warp it you know it's just a beginner tactic really [Music] was there an under to the volcano i didn't see yes it's pretty cool so far it's actually pretty fun it's the only way i can play metroid one if you like if it looks completely different functions differently has different music yeah it's pretty much the only way i can play it if it's entirely different [Music] this doesn't really have slopes either it kind of has fake slopes you still fall off them [Music] um weren't we here earlier and we couldn't get back no no we weren't [Music] i thought it warped uh went to the left like a shortcut or something oh i need this that figured out oh my god i'm good first try baby god damn i'm good [ __ ] fine since you hate me i'm leaving forever i'm back oats damn that was a quick forever [Music] hey thanks for the 69 uh wait we already did this i couldn't go any further okay so i need bombs for them [Music] [Music] oh my god so what's wrong with the face cam i can play the new battle toads i don't know i got an offer to do like a speed running thing for it but you know they only offered me you know forty thousand i said it's at least forty thousand in one so i'm sorry yeah sometimes you just got a bargain you got to stick with your prices you know they wouldn't take the one extra penny they wouldn't pay it so i'm out of there give you a million dollars not a million and one penny uh no are you serious what the [ __ ] wrong with you oh didn't work out fellas oh nice what the [ __ ] is that shitty game this this is rogue dawn it's actually pretty sweet man because i want forty thousand dollars in ones excuse me someone put their blood sweat and tears into this game and i think it's really cool so far it's infinitely better than metroid one because i mean to be fair metroid one is prime for rom hacking because in contrast really anything is better than metroid one [Music] they function like the normal ones [Music] yes the metroid one developers are in here watching wait a minute wait a minute wasn't there a bomb section i said oh i can't do that yet oh let's go to that elevator [Music] oh it's look at your hp 89 okay [Music] uh [Music] all right missiles wait what did i do yesterday yeah i did a breath of the wild 100 the other day got that covered down i couldn't go down could i i think i could go down [Music] oh okay that's what that is [Music] this [Music] okay because there's a if you look at the map there's some there's already like a tile underneath i don't think i can go there you know wait i think i might actually have to go there [ __ ] you guys might be right can you bomb jump in this game no okay or like double jump i hate when you guys are right [ __ ] wait no i can get out this way [Music] i guess i'll try the monster hole but i don't think there's gonna be a hidden thing in the monster hole you know [Music] just gotta go the other way because the last monster hole i went into there was nothing yo mama's monster hole [Music] [Music] one [Music] damn it's like violent explosions [Music] [Music] okay can i get up there you're winning son no dad oh [Music] okay so there's a elevator that i can go to now on the top and then left i wonder if there's anything we can do with like the very beginning okay fine damage boost me [Music] uh yo garabash thanks for the two months how you doing [Music] guys i'm not gonna die okay i died once but that was just doing death okay we have to go back this way it's inevitable it's not okay [ __ ] we gotta face this volcano again cracker door did we already do this [Music] i don't think it matters if we did it i can't get up there [Music] monster hole [Music] dude i had like a frame perfect jump right here dude how do i do that before damn dude how'd i do that i'm just a legend i guess i can only do it once [Music] you know what they say legends can only do it once [Music] oh that's my favorite saying dude [Music] we've already been over here i think so let's go back [Music] in your case you did in 30 seconds of crowd afterwards uh who told you all right we got bombs now i think we go to the left [Music] oh [ __ ] you can cheese this game dude they didn't take the door glitching out [Music] okay um there's gotta be some like cool [ __ ] in here is there like a save up here or like uh oh sick bay heal me oh yeah i'm gonna tell nintendo please don't tell nintendo i'm sorry armory [Music] i need thor's hammer to push that that switch down [Music] oh neat oh i told you i told y'all all right i doubt there's gonna be anything over there [Music] you know what's the shittiest part about nintendo is that i was thinking the other day in their dmcas is you know that uh the fusion uh super metroid fusion that that one dude's making i'm super excited for that by the way it's like he's remaking fusion and super metroid engine but like all the same bosses he's doing a really good job you know what they're gonna do they're gonna come out they're gonna [ __ ] dmca it and they're gonna go oh we're just protecting our our [ __ ] and we we're gonna we're gonna go ahead and you know maybe make something like that in the future or like remake fusion at some point [Music] okay you want to know the only people that play that would play a rom hack like that like am2r are metroid fans okay the only people you're not going to get a non-metroid fan normie nintendo player that doesn't like metroid playing am2r okay you know who's only gonna buy a new metroid game he's metroid fans and normies it's not like people that play am2r are non-metroid fans that wouldn't buy the game if they played it like why is that a big [ __ ] deal like the only people that play am2r or any like game that they're gonna dmca are hardcore metroid fans that want to see or play the game in a different way the only people who are they trying to protect i mean i understand they're trying to protect their their intellectual property but it's like come on man okay i don't know if we can even get up here [ __ ] hmm that's it there's gotta be something here [Music] [Music] oh cool [Music] wait did i go down the wrong one i did go down the wrong one didn't i oh [ __ ] haven't we already been here and like made the big loop no wait a minute [Music] have we been here or not i'm trying to remember yeah we have been here i remember this [Music] right now i can't get back up [ __ ] man [Music] we've not been here though i need ice for this oh they're randomized the the jumps these guys [Music] daddy dice no it's gdq now they're doing sdq it's just not like live so it's viewership is kind of suffering compared to previous years we're still doing pretty good on donations though i'm pretty good casper how are you man [Music] do [Music] oh what's this [Music] it's finally your day off then you have like a nine day grind try to try to have a relaxing day i feel like i'm just going in circles [Music] broncos quest speedrun no was it good for people being asses about gdq because gotta be mad about something man [Music] wall jump oh they have a wall jump in [Music] this [Music] oh my goodness i'm happy now this game is officially good [Music] and it's like super metroid wall jumping officially happy [Music] like f-bombs like was it like bad like like cringe almost compilation kind of bad i certainly hope so i want some good cringe it's been a while yeah oh god [Music] you guys want to watch the vod later i don't think i don't think they'd like that i don't think i can watch the bot [Music] okay let's try to go down yeah people like that ain't coming back the thing is like a lot of people like that try to be yeah i don't give a [ __ ] man like like you know dude i don't care man but like they're not gonna gain a large so what i'm getting at is if people didn't like it and gdq didn't like it and they talked back bad about it people that don't like gdp are gonna go oh wow i like this streamer let's follow them normally there's like some sort of pushback because no one ever agrees with your opinion 100 it's like it's typically like half and half so but that's um [Music] that's kind of a um i don't know i don't i don't think you can kind of grow from that because it's kind of just like it seems trashy you know it's nothing like that do you see the runner that used a vod from your smi to simulate having a live audience behind him i did not see that though that's funny [Music] okay should we just go up i've already kind of done some of this i have wall jump now so [ __ ] i wonder what the um boundaries for wall jumping are on this game [Music] you know like can i wall jump on tight pixel corners and [ __ ] [Music] looks like you can [Music] okay we got it rip audio i gotcha i'm not muted nice one oats guys when i run um kaizo metroid at the next gdq the next live gdq i don't know what i'm saying but it's gonna be cool dude all right um i want to get back to the top mechanic i started watching you since your impossible run back in 2019 nice well it was 2020 but so we go to the top of this one oh cool [Music] no i haven't beat it yet but i do need to hmm there's some items here god they still got quite a while before they're caught up huh let's see what's up here first i guess you just have to wait and see casper we're gonna do some fun stuff [Music] i wonder if i can get up there how far away from the wall can i go when i wall jump oh that's enough yeah it's not quite enough yeah [ __ ] it looks like we have to fall down there anyway so it's not a big deal ice cool so there was if i recall correctly there's only that one thing that i could do with ice and also there's the thing on the left elevator i think i can bomb do i wanna see what's to the right yeah music is really cool [ __ ] get me out of here dude [Music] i feel like i'm dead don't overuse that email i said i will ban you i will bound the emote actually afraid the forbidden emote these guys look mean don't they there's only five hp from these guys they're not that mean [Music] yo sherman with the 23 sherminator oh [Music] so yes i just want to let you know i think you're pretty cool nice sarcasm [ __ ] [Music] hey oates i think you're pretty swell guy keck but yeah still gotta get those toxic emotes i feel like we're coming up on a boss fight at some point huh [Music] uh what was that i couldn't go to the right isn't that a boss [Music] or did i just miss out on it because i went the wrong way once jump you [ __ ] pig jump you [ __ ] pig gordon has no way to talk to your grandmother body positivity oats yeah you're definitely positive on the scale i'm just kidding that's rude of negative abuvil thanks for the 11 months this is a metroid rogue dawn it's actually pretty sweet it's a rom hack of metroid one the greatest metroid of all time and uh yeah it's pretty it's pretty dope so far i ain't dying all right chump that's what that's what dorks do is they die do i look like a dork no i feel like no matter what i say i look like if i say hey guys well that's not true because i if i go hey guys am i attractive do i look attractive today you guys are gonna go nope you're basically just gonna say whatever is the most hurtful so okay so this should be a boss fight right so the boss fight is right over here but how do i how do i get to this other area i guess i can't it has to be the other way so i have to like loop around wait okay so that's how you get to the boss fight how in the same hell am i supposed to do that is there like a a loop around [ __ ] there might be like a oh that might be it actually right there is in the middle right now wait no that's what this is i think yeah lock one and two can you bomb jump in this game it was kind of close to be honest oh can you bomb jump hmm okay let's just do this part normally and see if we can make progress i got samus doesn't need a suit for this area doing a lot of damage [ __ ] god what charity do you represent uh the charity of um i have to eat and pay my mortgage and bills so the oats and goats charity i guess i'm not dying i'm not taking that risk ooh spring ball what external twitch features okay spring ball is super nice for this [Music] it doesn't matter because i needed to go back to the elevator anyways so the joke's on you guys really okay so i think that's pretty much it i think we just peace out of this it is called that yes yeah the joke's really on you guys what is the armory let me already try that [Music] damn spring ball really shoots you okay cool we can go over here now hey this would be like a different area the [ __ ] hurting me probably just die to be honest with you so i guess i can't get through that that's kind of like his episode i didn't die i strategically warped back to this area so i could um get back to the elevator quicker that's what speedrunners do all right you guys wouldn't know anything about that i'm not falling for that again do oh it's athletic trail told me he has world record on speedrunning your mom care to comment [Music] i have no comment hi dad well i mean yeah i taped it that's [ __ ] hi son oh yeah baby [Music] look at that guy up there just spinning [Music] no he's not dude that doesn't [ __ ] do anything for me that just wraps around [Music] [ __ ] where was that elevator i couldn't go down before i gotta find that i'm a little bit lost but i think it's over here yes no yes i don't know let's just go for it bless you hey thanks [Music] oh we can do this now okay cool i have spring balls so [Music] [Music] to signals is continuing to get stuff they got from bueno thanks man [Music] i'm not yawning okay i'm wide awake you're the ones that yawning with my favorite flavor gaping grape [Music] you guys make it sound like i ignore everyone all the time yo get dead with the tier 2 for 10 months thanks for having an awesome stream congrats on the house um i mean if it was me i'd probably just end up dying to ridley or something but i appreciate it [Music] i can't go over here even what am i doing i gotta go down i can get down from here can i right here the [ __ ] is it we go no i feel like that's what it is i mean maybe i feel like we've done this part a million different times speaking of diana ridley any plans on fusion today no [Music] [Music] oh come on oates i want to see you suck ass again dude it's my favorite part of the stream haven't i already done this no i'm burning i haven't done this nice it's the old reach around so i need to try to get to the bottom there's like a bottom elevator i couldn't get to before because i needed bombs so i just wanna just gonna keep uh [Music] carrying on with our descents it's over here just up there's only up over there they look like regular water yeah we already got that it was just uh it's just an item oh wow [ __ ] there's gotta be something else i can do here huh what do you guys think in the water area i got wall jump [Music] i've got wall jump [Music] you think not oh great man i just got a lot of [ __ ] compared to the last time i was here what are we playing tonight i'm kind of lost [Music] am i just i kind of just want to die here [Music] if i don't need to be here [Music] imagine being lost in a metroid game [Music] too real guys that's sad stop oh no i can't be there whoever told me i couldn't is a liar [Music] yeah bombs now oh it's just a missile pack [ __ ] [Music] but still nonetheless it was something the progress has been made that's all you guys need to know just look at that [ __ ] [Music] all right ignore it again imagine getting ignored by oats dude i don't ignore you guys i simply don't respond to everything why do i need to respond to that you know i don't need to we always have this conversation but how i'm ignoring you guys and i said guys i'm not ignoring you i just hate you no i never say that but i mean it no i don't mean it [Music] so i just want to die and try to get back to the elevator okay [Music] better living know [Music] mod of abuse defend defund the mods [Music] guys [Music] stop trying to have stop trying to create a union i want to say it's left [Music] zero days for the 54 months thank you so much andres thanks for the 33 months ignore me like you do everyone else guys i don't ignore anyone stop sometimes you guys say just really stupid [ __ ] and sometimes i don't need to read it you know okay i don't think i can even do this part [Music] i don't think i can get through the uh zeb looking things here don't prematurely drain your nrj tanks thank you oh i can't do it actually cool oh boyd samus with the 10 donation thank you so much for ten dollars i sure do appreciate that partner some pretty cool music [ __ ] guys stop if i ignore you it's not on purpose and i'm sorry or it is on purpose because you say something like i don't know chat's on strike i'm not going to read that out loud yep you've been ignoring me for weeks you know [Music] hey thanks for 69. i'm responding like i'm not gonna respond to like flyers message for example chat's on strike we already tried this and no one liked it when i read everything it just didn't work [Music] this is the best chat on twitch i'm gonna twitch huh i don't like the entire earth rise up x 500 rise up chat our voices will be heard no they won't thanks for the 500 though [Music] it's a pretty cool uh pretty cool hack so far what's up chronic [Music] i definitely like it let me get wall jump out of the deal [Music] that's pretty sweet a wall jump metroid one i've been here for hours olds oh my god dude [Music] yeah that's nice yeah whatever are your pecs tonight oh they're feeling it man yo it's [ __ ] crade [Music] as a lobster it's a re-skinned crate with like no help [Music] oats we have a union now our great leader flyrant will lead us to victory no he won't no he definitely won't do that he's gonna take your paycheck okay don't listen to him if he says he's if he says he's gonna pay you fairly he's not gonna pay you fairly it's gonna take your money ooh nice what is this all right [Music] all right all right chad we're having a vote to make climber the new streamer all in favor say aye aye why not that's what you guys would say is i that wasn't me saying that wasn't me agreeing you don't have my blessings that's not crazy well i mean it was crazy it's just re-skinned to be an enemy it's kind of neat hmm [Music] see [ __ ] i don't know if i should go over here yet or if i should be in the other area i guess it doesn't matter either way we can get back up here wait no this is just a loop that puts you back up top interesting and this brings you back dude oh no it's a loop oh no [Music] it's a maze [Music] well good thing my maze skills are may zine [Music] oh shut the hell up dude god you've embarrassed me for the last time [Music] hey flyer can i join the union i'm looking for a job since you took my streaming no dude you wouldn't hire me you'd put me out of business i'd lose my house and then you wouldn't hire me back you'd wait until something good in my life happened and then you do it oh oats oats has a mortgage now all right time to start that union how do i get out of here we'll do an mtv cribs we'll find something for you to do oats okay like what hey guys i've come here to share the benefits of essential oils go wow where do i sign [Music] chase away bugs [Music] so i can't even get out of here so i have to find a different way so i guess just the loop that i came from just now [Music] really yellow dude i noticed that you're not wearing your glasses today man you must be wearing contacts you know what contacts do your eyes can make them extremely uncomfortable dry them out and can cause serious damage over time have you ever heard of lasik man here let me sign you up real quick [ __ ] [Music] yes it is never played it before so give it a go just don't have bad eyes yeah dude i remember before i had lasik i was kind of a uh what they'd call a turbo virgin they said you you're not that right dude okay good so yeah i'll sign you right up dude it's just a [ __ ] maze get me out of here let me go back up the other way and then to the right it's gonna be a little bit careful so i'm thinking this [Music] i didn't just come from here did i oh god i just come from here i think i did yeah oh god [Music] well i've been paying attention paying attention to the trees so [ __ ] the trees this is the right way [Music] almost did florent authorize you to keep screaming yes he did [Music] [Music] oh yes i'm getting uh an enema currently i mean trust me samus gets pretty [Music] pretty crusty in that suitors if you catch my drift [Music] what's up here again i'm sorry that's where i started we played dark souls again i was like last time i'm rushing yep add some grit okay so i need to get there somehow over there [Music] bloodborne ah [Music] [Music] yeah i can't get up there okay so back this way [Music] i'm definitely lost [Music] am i gonna play mortal shell i was thinking about buying mortal kill but i don't know is even that cool you guys even want to see me play mortal shell i asked that because i don't even know if i want to play it [Music] so it's like if you guys are like oh my god yes thanks for the five dollar spread oats i noticed you mentioned that this was a blind playthrough is that because you've never played this game before or is it because you haven't gotten lasik surgery and actually can't see thanks for the five dollars okay we've already made this loop we haven't done this yet though [Music] i think pat i gave it like a 6.5 i feel like patty is a harsh um judge of game i feel like he's a he's a tough critic i'm high you're not smoking dope are you dude oh my god that's loud wait how are we haven't we already done this part yeah wait no yeah this is where we found the freaking suit we never did go back right is oats high [Music] yeah but that doesn't matter you've already been here [ __ ] it's just a big loop dude [Music] man i don't know where i'm going oh i should actually do that okay so back there back there and we're going to loop all the way around all right when you're going to run the lasik ads i'm going to speed run lasik surgery lasik surgery blind run go blind yo thanks for 100. [Music] okay can't get behind that [Music] um kind of but not really kinda not really [Music] now give me one second guys [Music] okay i need to figure out a way to get up there well there he is so i need to figure out okay so my goal right now is grab that heat tank dr super mistake stop spamming [Music] i'm about to make a good mistake does that even exist and ban your ass [Music] so back here we go welcome to loot world i don't like loop worlds [Music] this is not a re this is not a is a metroid hack help i'm stuck [Music] help i don't want loop too hey actual rippers are in this game now okay right now we definitely can mess it up one time you have to restart the entire game versus an infinite loop there's so much lag i can kind of like use the leg to my advantage to fall properly space man thank you so much for the 15 months something there's like an item hidden over there or something oh what do i get actually it's kind of like this is like dried out [ __ ] little metroid's in the thing [Music] oh [ __ ] that was an item [Music] come here [ __ ] i'm gonna use it to my advantage [Music] just like i use all my friends to my advantage dan man thanks for the three months [Music] [Music] please be an actual item [Music] it's over here first all right well there's definitely an item on one of these i bet you any any anything nevermind [Music] it's another [ __ ] loop [Music] yeah don't type sacrifice because then everyone gets a tier three sub and it's just not fun anymore you know [Music] let me guess another loop somehow scarface [Music] am i just looping it right now dude i'm just on a loop aren't i yeah it just keeps looping me i just realized that's a screw attack noise oh it's this is loopy dude wow gotta ban your ass [Music] it was this way wasn't it yeah then we're gonna go down not up [Music] yep introducing another loop it is just a [ __ ] another loop from the top down dude i'm sick of the [ __ ] loops i gotta get down there somehow and then kill the boss that's going to be really challenging since i'm just looping constantly there's probably something on the bottom of this yeah there we go now we're talking [Music] don't you dare loot me don't do it looped oh she took one wrong turn dude i'm sorry man but that's a loop dude [Music] oh yo wayne young thanks for two months what's up dude wait isn't this where i started oh it [ __ ] is isn't it oh that's nice when i said loop i wasn't joking i guess [Music] or was i i'm so confused you can morph midair in this game nice that's actually really that's cool brother i require loops [Music] oh yeah that is that isn't it yo is this is this the loop area or should i go up i feel like i should go over here [Music] i don't feel like this is where we started is it i feel like it just looks the same [Music] wait tiggleton raided my channel oh dude thanks for the zero viewers man i appreciate that man i hope you're streaming dude nah thanks singleton i appreciate that man [Music] i saw the loop coming dude looped again [Music] hey guys i just want you to know that i uh i appreciate y'all and uh i don't know what i'll do without you guys in my life [Music] so thank you [Music] [Music] yeah just kidding i hate you okay this is the right area i'm pretty sure it just looked the same as the last one wait what's that item that looked important [Music] [Music] break your [ __ ] legs oats man i don't know dude you know what i'm afraid to move right now because i'm gonna get looped again i'm afraid to do anything i'm having like fear of the loop the [ __ ] was this for dude is it just showing me that this one's bombable no that okay [Music] no more loop for us boys we got out of it we got out of the perpetual loop [Music] i've been freed from the loop thank god took with him was throwing so hard and far guys it was sad luckily got the w well tommy did something it's not loud at all sounds perfect we luckily didn't get lubed right there so i think we're good now where do i go from here though um i need to get into that other area [Music] yeah guys i finally got my scuff control that i ordered like a year ago it already broke no i'm just kidding it didn't break it's really good though i've only played a couple games of ugly with it [Music] they're worth the money so far it's really nice controller i don't know it's kind of hard to say no i wanted the cherry blossom but they're out of that let's try to get the berry blossom god dude it's so embarrassing man i got the galaxy [Music] it's pretty nice controller feels good [Music] yeah but it's a controller made with um its own custom parts because xbox one controllers suck ass okay so this is like the actual crate fight listen to this epic music jesus criminy [Music] dude i bet there's an e tank here just like the original five nice [Music] bobby what did i tell you about [Music] nothing [Music] that beast had us pinned were all that's left of the research team you aren't here to rescue us [Music] the access code is yours we need the e-tank to power our distressed beacon we'll be lost without it well it's my [ __ ] e-tank now give it i i just realized that i just made those guy i just put those guys to like death they can't get out now [Music] [Music] now i kind of realized that when i was grabbing it but i didn't want to act like i knew what the consequences were until afterwards you know okay that's just this loop okay [Music] i mean that probably does give me some sort of like bad ending instead of like save the animals and save your companions your fellow fellow man you know which we just killed them essentially they'll find a way out i mean if a couple if a couple nasty sewer rodents can find their way to criteria into brinstar into the ship and then they can navigate their own ship they'll be some nasty sewer rats can find their way okay where have i not been i mean can i do more stuff over here yet i knew it god [Music] the big dangles so i got to go up the hell is that thing oh so close i just realized i forgot you can jump more from this game as i said earlier i keep thinking metroid one for you most definitely cannot do that leave me alone [ __ ] why are you [ __ ] serious put me back here [Music] hey oats i'm saying fog too dude doesn't that kind of what the hell does that look like that looks like a sea slug doesn't it one of them sea cucumbers [Music] the secret wait i could have just went out that way it kind of does look like one of those uh like wiener croissant things you know no one say what you're thinking all right so this way how the hell do i get up there i don't think there's anything over there but is that is that the entire loop up there that's where i can let's see here that loop that where that that red one is is that that might be the loop i need to take well no either way i can get there from [Music] there i'm so confused right now i'm grabbing the screw attack [Music] i feel like a lab rat [Music] uh do [Music] all right we're good we go we good finally jesus but finally jesus oates are finally jesus learn the wall jump you don't tell me what to do young man i need to master the fog jump damn you know what you're right actually [Music] wait didn't i come from this way no this is like the hot area wait is it i don't know if this is the way to go [Music] wait have we already been up here no we have not actually no we have yeah that's the ice that's where we got ice [Music] that's that's very nice thank you for that copy pasta standal it's very nice okay so now can we get into this area over here wait no that's one boss i need to kill one more boss [Music] wait no i just no i should just be going up oh wow i need to go over here anyways dude i'm so sick of the loop [Music] i mean now that i know that i can morph [Music] mid-air that might help i don't know we'll find out i mean it should technically help right it's all discolored hey thanks for the 300 appreciate it boyd go in the goddamn hole will ya oh dear god i want to see if i can wall jump that area but we have to like we have to have essentially a perfect morph i need a wall jump and then more um away from the wall okay so my goal here is well jump off the left and go to the right one more try that's hard man i don't want to save save this game okay can i just go to the right and then up no i can't actually so i'm doing the right thing you got an access code from those people you abandoned yeah i already used the access code so i need to go kill dude seriously work in a friendly community i don't appreciate your sarcasm standalone we don't have a friendly community in here shut up [Music] hey i read sometimes okay whatever there's gotta be some sort of speedrun tactic here like to where i can since we can remorph so but if you're not there's got to be some way to do this it ain't working folks all right never just go home um so was there another boss here hold on let me take a look i gotta go fight the other boss and the boss is there oh god from the bottom are you playing dark souls uh not right now all right we just have to progress in some way here later i'm not sure you should check the loop again you know maybe i should check the loop again i killed it on the left and it wrapped around the right so far wait a minute wait a minute i can't even do anything here oh dear god [Music] there's nothing i can do here [Music] [Music] i'm gonna use the uh okay this is way too slow man this is gonna be the fastest method here you guys what i uh what item did i get on the bottom right of the jungle area wasn't it mario oh no i died [Music] the peen warp no we talk about swift lives your dad went out got some milk he'll be back don't worry [Music] yeah that's really sweet the sick bay the corona bay hold on one second guys all right i think samus is enema is uh it's just about done here sorry about that guys uh i might cut the stream a little bit short tonight um i didn't stream yesterday but i'm still gonna i'm still gonna stream a little bit here everything's fine all right i need to find that area wait what the hell's to the how do i get to the no that's the forest area that's just the big loop now how in the sam hell is that still the forest area i ain't going back to the loop [ __ ] void samus cheered x-1000 this stream is a thirst trap i can't even right now thank you for 1 000. okay so i need to get to that right right wrong no right wait how the hell do i get punched in the eye with this eye no i just have allergies that eye has been red for a bit i can't do anything on this side i don't think [Music] man i finished this game in 45 minutes yeah we don't have i'll have a huge hog like you do all right [Music] okay so that brings me down god my eye is burning [ __ ] ah okay what the [ __ ] am i why do they make the map so goddamn tiny i think that's it i think that's what i need to get to yes yes yes yes it is [Music] confirmed i have small penis pepe sad [Music] damn bro i'm sorry to hear that oh okay i know where i'm trying to go now maybe high eye pressure oats you all i already had eye style styroids high steroids they gave me a while back because of high pressure what they did was they cleaned my eyes out all they did was took a uh they took an ice cream scoop and they she just cleaned them like a whistle just spit shine them okay where are we going from here oh it says glock glaucoma you get medical marijuana for that i mean i'm in massachusetts i can just go buy medical marijuana i can grow my own all right where the [ __ ] is the down where is the down is it not right here there's always these long ass lines there's this line like out to the road the other day for some medical dank i screamed out i said you [ __ ] pardons [Music] may god have mercy [Music] doesn't let you wall jump that without hitting your head [Music] yep secretion you're just saying that because you indulge in the devil's lettuce daily okay and let me tell you the lord is frowning upon you child is it this way and down and my eye is [ __ ] burning now he donates weed bucks to you mean yeah [ __ ] i don't mind me some weed bucks [Music] okay where the hell am i going right now can i get down from there maybe it's really hard to tell i don't think i can dude i'm so lost right now let me in [Music] how let me [Music] through i need to get down there and i can't remember how dude how did i get down there the one time i didn't have bombs back then [Music] how in the sam hell [Music] okay there's got to be like a shortcut here or something oh nice another samus enema she does poop a lot she consumes a lot of energy oh this is it i think i got it how did i normally get here dude i'm so confused i feel like i've only been playing this game for three hours and i feel like it's been like three years [Music] hello delicious yo thank you so much for the brime sub i appreciate that very much [Music] welcome [Music] oh it's you're fired from twitch dude oh my god actually no this is not the way but i'm gonna try it anyways and let me tell you this at the end of the day this better be the way that's not it [Music] i wonder what was brime's last tweet [Music] like i said i i'm pretty surprised that brian has an accused twitch when they change their name to prime gaming accused twitch of being like um afraid of brime's business model or some [ __ ] why can't i wall jump on that let me wall jump it would let me wall jump before dude what the [ __ ] i can just do that [ __ ] [Music] i'm not half the man that oats and goats is yeah that sounds about right [Music] the [ __ ] is brime it's that uh it's that layer of scum you scrape off the top of your fish tank when it's getting nasty and gross [Music] oh it's also another streaming site that's trying to be developed from some little kids [Music] i like how they throw shade on um they kind of throw shade on twitch like we're gonna actually care for our small streamers yes because all you that's all you're gonna have is small streamers with zero viewers like what are you [ __ ] on you have no choice but to care for your small streamers [Music] oh it's the [ __ ] loop that's what that is dude i forgot about the loop god it hurts so i need to get to the goddamn elevator why am i so lost i swear if there's a piece of cheese at the end of this maze that i have myself stuck in in this game i would be successful just like them lab rats [Music] you can't train a lab rat without treats you can train it real well with sugar or cocaine though uh thanks for the 34 months dark [Music] okay i don't know how to get to the other bahas so we're trying to get to this boss right there how do i get to him like where even is that entrance that the is that the entire water area no [ __ ] you know what no actually i don't know did we miss it is that the area right there the the forest area that we yeah i think if the mini map was smaller this game would be just top tier man i think it's far too big right now i can almost see like two areas i need to go at once [Music] now we'll see two hallways real talk what are some weekend plans with oats um tomorrow i am doing [Music] what am i doing tomorrow [Music] wait hold on can i go up there is that is that worthless also guys are those items that i can get the dots those are still items that i need correct let's just go try to get that one um tomorrow i want to do i want to do some speed runs but then i want to do either you know grandpa worlds [Music] or continue this [Music] you see that speedrun strap [Music] did we already get this [Music] for our call correctly we know that's not what we're after actually we're after that over there [Music] everyone does call me bad but that's not why i want to play dark souls [Music] no i don't want to play dark souls i do want to beat dark souls it's just like you guys ever play a game and then you enjoy it and then you just kind of like stop playing it for a little bit and then you go eh you know it's fine yo uh vavald thanks for the seven months and then you start playing it again and it's either a hit or miss it's either like oh i love this game let's keep playing it or it's like man i'm bored i don't want to play it [Music] anymore [Music] [Music] do i have a feeling we're just going to regret this because we already made this loop at one point wasn't this just spring ball no yeah we already made this loop did i not get the item [Music] maybe i couldn't make it up [Music] it still shows the item regardless if you got it or not wait [ __ ] use your memory i am that's a problem [Music] this game would actually be kind of a cool speedrun there are definitely cool tricks because i like the the midair morph like how you move and stuff also yeah i'm slightly disappointed that was nothing [ __ ] dude i don't know how to get [Music] ah [Music] i'm a little bit lost like very lost right now oh it's just quit molding you're the one balding bro i ain't a spider all right i don't malt i don't shed my old skin for new skin [ __ ] you dude no that's malls dude all this is happening i'm lost because i killed those guys trying to get out with the energy tank [Music] i know it i know that's why i'm lost [Music] we haven't been over here in a while i don't think that's karma oats you're karma [Music] god damn right that's what i said [Music] um guys i'm trying to think right now um so i do need to cut the stream early um but unfortunately right now me and raquel we share personal space we share the same room but that room has the bed that we sleep in so and um she cut her stream wasn't feeling too well and i might um either cut the stream or just like do [Music] do no do no mic no no cam no mic kind of kind of [ __ ] and just speed around the game the grim picker what just like peak oil stream it's the grim picker man so yeah anyways um so i can either either do some uh no cam no mic runs yeah just like sasha does um just like really focused on oh this is where i was trying to find for [ __ ] ever oh yeah we'll see just don't stream outs i mean would you guys rather see no cam no microns [Music] though i don't know or just like nothing and then i'll just speed around tomorrow [Music] do [Music] yeah i mean i don't really want my stream to go that way either i always want to like be able to talk to you guys oh nice [Music] so yeah maybe i won't i'll just i'll just start streaming again tomorrow yeah like i said i'm really sorry but there's nothing i can do right now until i get my own personal space um until we both get our own space [Music] um which is pretty soon we're working on the house a lot and yeah i don't want any trouble i don't know anything about the metroid specimen i'm a weapons engineer i was working on a wave beam prototype it doesn't pass through matter at its current state of development but it's powerful the prototype is locked in a vault we'll open it up [ __ ] i'm going to shoot you and it's going to go right through you and you have a nice day all right can i get up through here open it up [Music] how come everything's locked in this area open up you [ __ ] bag [Music] my right eye is burning i think there's salt in there or something maybe it has something to do with that salt that i rubbed in there earlier [ __ ] i don't know dude i don't think now that can't be now that i'm thinking about it that cannot be it wait did we come from this way for the missile oh it's just the same [ __ ] you just can't get you can't go into it oh is it from smoking too much weed dog what's strand is your favorite dude um i like the loud stuff i like uh purple kush extra loud [Music] [Music] hey thank you so much for 25 months appreciate it i have a question you like k-pop um i don't know i don't think we have that here in america what is that some sort of sims who says pop you mean k soda it was a soda joke it was bad i missed it was a swing and a miss all right now leave me alone [Music] [ __ ] you pass through it you just can't pass through it i understand [Music] i'm getting sick of these [ __ ] floating electrons [Music] oh it's their sticky youtube jackass okay we got it um i'm gonna start streaming at um 6 p.m est every day when i get back when i get into the new place we're making really good progress i applied some primer yesterday to the ceiling just looking really good it's covering up a lot of the [ __ ] that the previous owners had um did we go down this way yeah actually [Music] so yes it's turning out good if i if i'm not streaming if i gotta cut the stream short [ __ ] i might just go over there and paint but discovered that certain cells in the alpha metroid multiply into metroid larvae when exposed to beta rays [Laughter] beta rays we found that the plant life and their habitat naturally emits beta rays well guess what i naturally admit alpha rays l alpha lfa rays [Music] my oh god we're probably gonna make this whole loop i'll probably get some sort of like [Music] i bet i get the alpha rays here which is good because i don't want to [ __ ] with no beta rays beta rays h2o [Music] um is there anything over there that connects it [Music] hey thank you so much for 100 guinness in a can let me guess what your favorite beer is is it guinness in a can no it's middle miller light in a can you [ __ ] sick [Music] bastard [Music] guinness tastes like dirt i like guinness a lot because i like stouts but some stouts are pretty sweet guinness has its own like really unique taste seriously thanks for 500. i don't care what that item is over there i guess i swear to god if i needed that item it is a pretty shitty year man what is the point of this there's there's something here there has to be course i want my money back you guys realize 2020 has felt so friggin long as it feels like the longest year we've ever had [Music] normally time just flies by but this year feels so long yeah we're gonna be waiting for 2020 to roll around it's gonna be december 31st and it's gonna roll around at 11 50 59. it's gonna hit midnight it's gonna say december 32nd dude no [Music] wait weren't we already here we were already here it is a loop [Music] goes from 12 it goes from 11 59 to i don't know how that works yeah 11 11 59 to 11 60. wait [Music] no all right how do we get down here [Music] i didn't say anything you sh son of a [ __ ] do [Music] okay certainly hope i didn't need that item on the top right that i got pissed at and left yo guinness in a can thank you so much for 100 more bits [Music] if i'm lucky i'll be able to get myself some guinness in a can here enjoy it for real though i don't i haven't drank for like six months it probably was the beta wave gun no like seven or eight months since february i feel like doing math seven months [Music] i'm looping right now we're good i'm not nice to you stand though we sealed the metroid habitat species proved to be far dangerous are too dangerous the access bridge requires two codes to deploy our captain and the lead research teams have the codes the research team is somewhere on the planet's surface uh no back to the loop ouch we ain't going back to the loop all right i've mastered the loop [Music] i am afraid that this will loop me into something that i will regret where am i where the hell does this connect me i see [Music] look at her run animation damn she's hauling here comes samus for the 100 meter dash [Music] oh i wonder what this is reskinned [Music] [ __ ] i'm getting up close and dirty i'm getting [ __ ] dirty oh [ __ ] jeez i just gotta watch my health he's got the hitbox of a bewick [Music] i'm the captain of this ship we destroyed our metroid specimen you'll have to go to the meat rod habitat and get your own destroying an alpha metroid is the only way to acquire the correct keller specimen spare my crew and my access code is yours the habitat was sealed all right [Music] this capsule will hold the alpha metroid cells in suspension and their suspended animation exposing the cells to beta radiation will cause them to radioactive cause them to radioactivate and multiply to new metroid orgasms [Music] organisms gonna say what the hell is this sick [ __ ] game [Music] oh that's where this is why not [Music] yeah no i need that wave beam that son of a [ __ ] is holding out on me that was the wave beam dude oh my god i called it we fell man we made the loop no somebody else called it the alpha beam or whatever [Music] but it was a beam nonetheless the wide beam the wide load beam [Music] the spaghettio bean i'm shooting spaghettios [Music] the dippin dot so this doesn't shoot through things okay so we killed that one so now we can go up and probably beat the game [Music] oh god they're hatched [Music] what's the deal with airplane cookies man i like the airplane cookies they're the um they're like the little breakfast wafer things i always get a cup of coffee whipped cream and one of the breakfast waiver things wafer [Music] whenever i'm flying i always ask if i can have two a kind bar in the other whatever they have that's the most expensive even if i don't want it but it's more expensive i'll get that instead because i'm working the system e [Music] only your finest um penis we have only female uh flight attendants peanuts okay so we have to go i just laughed yo walmart warm alarm thank you so much for the five months appreciate that you guys when uh when i get into the when when me and raphael get into the new place what kind of marathon should we do or what kind of marriage should i do well we as an us all of us you want to see like a horror themed marathon like resident evil shits or like classic marathons where i play like five of the most classic snes games or uh okay i think it's up okay let's go to the sick mate first the corona bay for like another castlevania marathon a castlevania subathon it's where like we just add minutes per uh for sub some [ __ ] a crying session because chat will never have a girlfriend in the house um the majority of you have like wives and wives and kids in houses so [Music] except secretion oh god [Music] i'm glad secretions back i didn't have anyone to bully so it feels good [Music] all right we can do a castlevania marathon if you guys want or something when we get back uh probably nearly a month because we just need to redo the we need to have a contractor to the bathroom and then we can we're good the [ __ ] is this thing it's like a shack tool type i don't know if i need to kill it but i kind of want to kill it you know what did i get i didn't see what does that give me i have nash things for 100. it didn't say does somebody know that has played this game a suit a sense of pride and accomplishment no [ __ ] that i want a new suit prime trilogy well blindfolded when i just like make myself go blind and then i just do it like that that sounds way more entertaining [Music] rip knew it wait what what happened who's that that sounds familiar is that from a show what is that from i guess i gotta take the damn it dude [Music] geez louise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stop let's see i'm getting plenty of missiles this is that full hp well by my bullet to be there i do have plenty of missiles that's for sure these little [ __ ] oh that oh okay so it showed me an entirely new area here wait no this area has been on the map for a while [Music] it's pretty cool so far a lot of people have told me about it for a long time i just never got around to playing it am i supposed to kill all the metroids fight break me up no they just keep coming back oh they didn't get up there [Music] are you serious can i land on this i feel like i've been trying to and i've failed oh i can i thought i tried to earlier but maybe i like accidentally hit the uh the vine thing on it okay so what is that just a shortcut that's a nice little shortcut i don't want that [Music] um [Music] already got mario yeah also i needed some sort of item there but i doubt it they're coming out of their little nests you can definitely get here early i'm almost positive but i could have cheesed that earlier when i was trying to like um do the morph ball wall jump thing i bet you anything we can cheese that [Music] doing okay now it's going to be kind of a shorter stream on some stuff for some reason so i feel kind of bad but gotta take care of stuff first yep that's it man that's it [Music] this is a rom hack of metroid how are you doing [ __ ] okay wow i actually got to fold off sounded wrong nice so it's both of them [Music] [Music] um well i guess in the original why am i thinking i have to kill him and actually like an actual metroid one you don't have god damn it [Music] yep 4 fps brother i want the other one to come too nevermind [Music] all right we're almost at the end here guess this is a raw mac yas where the [ __ ] does that bring me i'm going oh i'm going up but how [Music] here we go do i have to loop back around oh that's nice really hoping i didn't have to do that i'm just gonna have to freeze it guys if i have to kill him i'll kill him no problem [ __ ] this geez louise some beautiful sounds in this game [Music] [ __ ] oh this area is laggy dude where the [ __ ] is the hitbox of that ledge jesus wait isn't that i'm so confused i is this not is this confusing anyone else it just feels so weird [Music] okay so i need to make it to the right which is right here yeah like it's it's cool and all but it's really hard to see where i have to go hmm it's down [Music] you just [ __ ] let me throw jesus [Music] god that's frustrating i feel like i don't want to fall here or maybe i do i don't know [Music] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] so [Music] dude i'm swinging [ __ ] dude i would admit i was i was half waiting for this to loop no joke [ __ ] [Music] [Music] what's over here probably a [ __ ] loop if i had a guess or nothing i guess i can't get there oh i can't get there please don't loot me okay we're good we're good shortcut oh you've been looped brother okay i'm out of here dude let me in the door no my favorite hack i don't know i have a soft spot for like kaizo and impossible even though they're kind of shitty hacks to be honest all right cool it's like some vines [Music] those are the turrets the metro to the turrets i get it dude [Music] i kinda gotta keep him alive i should have used them oh wow this almost sounds like metroid or uh castlevania music at first it almost sounds like metroid music at first isn't it that's weird [Music] why aren't i supposed to use like a like a like a [Music] special attack on him i think that's doing damage that not that should be doing damage any changing it's kind of nice that there's a metroid here you just farm how to use the [ __ ] beta race [Music] his thing's cracking isn't it look at the shell or it's always been cracked oh god i'm gonna die [Music] give me health dude so it's so [ __ ] man so ah just just give me help i am ordering health all right that is my demand as hell [Music] [Music] so [Music] there we go so it was working where that big crack was i want to try to freeze the next metroid like [ __ ] i would like some health please i'll try to freeze a metroid this is just this is a bad spot [Music] oh i keep hitting the vine thing [Music] i could freeze a wrinkle too for it [Music] either way they just need to be frozen [ __ ] oh [Music] oh [Music] do [Music] that was not the time i guess i just need more health i wonder if can i just like turn around like farms or metroids [ __ ] you gotta have faith i got this okay of course is the one [ __ ] i'm just like dying it's all i wish i could freeze those things with the turrets exactly i'm really close [Music] there's wrinkles we get it geez louise man [Music] incoming message the federation fleet is in orbit our ship has been destroyed locate the escape shuttle sent to the planet surface before you are captured if you read this entire message you will die because it took too much time look at them what the hell are you doing up there now [Music] thank good folks get off of me [Music] it's gonna be a bumpy road do don't get away from me [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] oh [ __ ] i kind of am running out of time right now this ain't good actually you [ __ ] serious dude lost in my nuts man it ain't my spin dude this is so bad [Music] so this is like the final climb okay wrong way oh [ __ ] oh i doubt their animals are safe all right we did it split we did it that way that was kind of close actually [Music] well done my apprentice i will show the federation the meaning of power oh god it's riddlers he's going to tell us a couple of riddles what is that oh that sounds federation will never rest so long as readily wields the power of the metroid our destruction is inevitable i will not blindly follow because i got lasik i'll choose my own destiny andromeda sector x3a uncharted region course laid uh propulsion system hey thanks so much command this is samus i'm making my approach on zb's i'm detecting a shuttle leaving orbit ignore it proceed with the salt on zbs as planned [Music] all right that was pretty cool yeah it was it was a good hack i played worse i played better but i played worse i still give it five [Music] i i think it's worth five it was it was really it was really well done very well done five out of five i think i think that was [Music] i think it was a good hack especially in contrast with metroid i appreciate you guys so much for watching this is a good good hack thanks for uh thanks for hanging out 69 nice [Music] all right thanks guys i appreciate it and i'll see you later also one thing i really really have to tell you guys is
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 46,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, 2020, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, what the hack is this, what the hack, hack, romhack, sm, super missiles, kraid, earth, rogue, dawn, rogue dawn, metroid 1, metroid, baby, wall jump, morph ball, metroid rogue dawn
Id: 5sCg45Dv0yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 4sec (13804 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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