What The Hack Is This? | SCROLLS SIX

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okay so this is uh metroid zero mission scrolls six um i wanted to play more rom hacks so i'm gonna try this it's one of the better rom hacks it's a it's one of the very few five star raw macs it'll come keith don't worry why don't you uh why don't you eat raw like raw veggies raw animals raw soda what whoops expert once again find absolutely bored eager to slay dragon an effort around the smell dragon here's a all right hey thanks how about i raw dog your mom bro steel blue okay so we already have that what do we have right now does it say mangler oh [Music] okay so i can't do anything here on any bombs i did not get vitamin ds today so yes like i said this is one of the very very few five-star rom hacks that exist it's already starting to look like a one star oh my god you guys are the worst critics ever literally two minutes into this yeah it's looking like a one star though [Music] tender pickle thanks for six months yeah oh this looks pretty bad wow i'd give this maybe half a star out of a hundred million billion maybe yeah maybe it's because i suck ass at video games so i make it look like it's a one star [ __ ] well we found the bomb yeah i'm just gonna give this up well i guess i'll just be an accountant you're right bombs already okay that can't happen was there something else over here well i don't know i guess i don't want to do that maze again [Music] okay that's all this was oh me no that was a that was my complaining voice when you guys [ __ ] where's the tracker man oh like you're in pain you just complain about everything [Music] suffering no that's disgusting i love voice you doula those are just my uh my standard everyday voices i think my girlfriend's sick of the uh the redneck voice well [ __ ] what do we have here all right sweetie what is this thank you so much for the raid appreciate that that's not a baby raid i appreciate it all this time i'm thinking uh people [Music] yeah that'll help wow oh it's ignored raider i already thanked him oh my god you guys complain about everything yes i never read any chat including what you just said thanks for the bits yeah you guys are really good at complaining about everything can't wall jump that probably shouldn't be trying a sequence break if you read this you're still sober oh [ __ ] you're right so i've only played one other zero mission hack if i recall correctly uh you can correct me if i'm wrong but i think i've only played the super metroid um like remake with this engine and it was uh it was pretty cool so like i said i wanted to um oh [ __ ] i wanted to uh try a couple more of these pretty cool music oh come on dude oh what i was holding up the epic battle god i [ __ ] suck oh no bakla thank you so much thank you so much for the um puma focusing yeah i just popped some ritalin thank you so much for the 50 months that's a long time and uh the 1500 viewers thank you what's up chickens how are we all today wait what did this say did i read it wrong i don't care whatever you guys make fun of me even if i read [ __ ] right so tome sorry i was thinking about getting some chickens but then i realized like there's a lot of fox and like coyotes that come through our yard at night those chickens would be gone so fast uh monster thanks for giving this up to enigma what's up enigma um and thank you yo this looks like mega man x2 sponge stage on it [Music] i don't know if i'm supposed to be here yeah how's it going everyone welcome uh thank you again but i really appreciate that i hope you're streaming um this is a um one of the highest rated zero mission hacks um if you're wondering what the hell this is normally i play raw max every wednesday so i want to switch it up from super metroid um a lot of people enjoy it a lot of the comments are just super positive about how it's a ton of fun it's like really easy to sync your time into it so i know we're all like super picky but sometimes you just got to try to enjoy things you know [ __ ] come on whatever [ __ ] i'm trying to keep up with the uh chat so [Music] my apologies if i missed something i doubt bach was chat is as needy as uh our chat here come on okay it's just either you know him or i i'm [Music] just oh you made this connor yeah this this hack sucks connor made it yeah whoops yikes dude [Music] huh you guys know that today is six nine [Music] nice mia is fantastic nice so it's dude i'm totally gonna have sex now dude yes [Music] [Music] because that i'm in your future [Music] am i just going in circles okay no i want to make sure it wasn't like one of those mario uh bowser stages you know castle stages yeah i mean it was just a straight line [Music] um can i get this probably just with a bomb jump i guess i want to do something cool but i'm pretty good today how are you daniel as you guys can see the piano isn't behind me anymore it's really hard to play piano up here when i'm like downstairs trying to watch mia so i just brought it back downstairs so i can like watch tv watch the dog and practice and [ __ ] don't worry i'll learn all the sm tunes in the future i'm still trying to finish moonlight sonata so i'm done with that [Music] after that it's going to be fair lease or however the [ __ ] you said the song everyone learns and then um okay what's this [ __ ] dragonforce maybe in the future oh my god it's just a big loop um so this is okay yes the moon walking sonata there's one song that i have to learn which i i'll learn it hold on let me find it real quick i'm going to learn this song before i die real quick i have it right here i'm just trying to remember what's called become a pro hot tub streamer well yeah i already have the hot tub on the way i'm just remember what it's called oh look campanella that's what it is i'll show you guys later so i don't hold up the gameplay here i don't know how to pronounce it but i'm gonna learn that um it's gonna take me ten years but i'm gonna learn it oh god [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] hell dude language please all right sorry freaking hell how's it going nutella i was thinking about making my own mechanical keyboard and uh i was thinking about you i was talking to sweden him a little bit and uh he was saying you helped him with his [Music] paganini you're not going to learn that that's why i said 10 years and yes i will you underestimate my brain all right not saying i'm like intelligent or anything because i'm far from it but it's the uh you know [Music] it's the persistence you spent 600 on your last keyboard the [ __ ] wrong with you [Music] you could have given that money to me [Music] you know [Music] i don't even know if that's the same song we're talking about okay am i supposed to be here yet hold on let me see [Music] um no i just wanted to make my own um my own mechanical keyboard with um there's a certain type of keys i can't remember what he told me they're like really good they're better than the cherry switches [Music] okay i'm gonna [ __ ] [Music] [Music] hold on i'm scared dude why couldn't it have been an e tank oh i think that's what it was durocks yeah but i want black keys so [Music] i guess stream building the keyboard and hell no you guys just make fun of me well switches yes ma you need like a modular circuit board or whatever [Music] modular something for switches he was telling me i don't know nutella knows come on [ __ ] [Music] be a hot swap as well [Music] give me some goddamn energy i'm beeping over here no no [Music] hey i'm beeping over here [Music] really dude where the [ __ ] did that come from [Music] this got sniped oh it's dude my children are watching and crying because of your curse words little billy's virgin ears are now destroyed i don't think i'm supposed to be here yet wait what's that to the top oh god dude i'm probably supposed to be here am i having fun yes but was there something over here it to the right than up i see the trailer battlefield uh no but i do like battlefield a lot so we can watch it later on stream i actually thought about just binging out some battlefield on stream for a little bit a while ago but i don't know the new one i played a little bit of the newest one it's all right [Music] okay good thing i came back here um how does the newest one look can we play battlefield someday no oh okay sounds good conor oh no fun [Music] oats is indeed east coast at the moment but he's a midwestern boy arcane roon you have a schedule or just stream whenever um i mean i was trying to have a schedule but then we got a puppy and then i just like destroyed our lives so shut the hell up you're just waiting for the next word that i said [Music] imagine caring for another life that isn't your own yeah i know dude that's major simp dumb becoming an osrs streamer the [ __ ] is that okay where am i going um was that here let me try this wait didn't i just come from there yeah i just came from here didn't i [ __ ] can i do anything down here let's try down here osrs these nut to the moon uh fan thanks for four months [Music] okay i'm confused what you're saying yeah well i need supers it would appear so let's try this way yeah let's go this way [Music] your metro descent um yes i haven't beaten it everything's good today i need to keep playing that um i guess i could shine spark this maybe oh [ __ ] off dude when i just why don't i just like infinite bomb jump what am i stupid don't do it don't think about it yeah he thought about it there nothing over here i don't believe that i'm in disbelief oh baby ain't happening oh i get infinite tries so it appear i need ice [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] if damaged boots existed that'd be nice [Music] uh [ __ ] [ __ ] you dude oh he helped me that time got him advanced casting all right [Music] so chat was right about the damage boost oh my god you guys are so annoying looks like chad was right [Music] i'm so tired of always being right hey that's my that's my saying against you guys just sick of always being right chad i'm sick of always proving you guys wrong is what it is is you'll tell me something then i'll have a quick google search an unbiased quick google search with that and it'll always be it'll always be the complete opposite of what you guys say oh [ __ ] i don't know if i like being here right now i feel like i'm sequence breaking like do i not need ice i'd assume i need ice maybe not though um you're supposed to have ice i'm pretty sure [Music] oh god infinite enemies man about how far back was that save oh god dude yeah that was a long time ago oh i see a save right above me the stuck up canadian voice no wait i have a stuck up canadian voice nah uh yeah i can't remember i used to live in northern minnesota and uh i had some family like basically in canada they were pretty much on the border of canada and it was pretty it ran thick up there the accent let's go fishing a a lot of a's and haze northern minnesota sounds redundant yeah hey you betcha yeah you betcha hey that's a little jamaican a tad too much jamaicos yeah let's go man this is me canadian accent man oh the death fish oh nice that's the jamaican no it's not that's canadian how deep is too deep in a v-neck are you talking about this oh it's not even a v-neck never mind i thought i was wearing a v-neck today sounds exactly like that he does doesn't he you're right hey let's go chicken group time to beat some zombies today yo that is baka just like him the swole cloak swole and to increase muscle mass oh my god samus is juicing yeah a little bit of uh hgh the uh the caleb suit the caleb suit would be like a translucent like skin like a bright carrot top wig hey do i have to kill all of this open sesame no didn't work huh maybe i could just go up oh so you missed an item oh it's oats wait i miss an item where above am i supposed to be in power bombs right now i already got the suits fluffy i swear to god if you're being dishonest this is why i don't ever talk to you this is a ban oh look at that no you said i missed an item see you fluffy wait what oh it's wife said does it like red deck voice do redneck voice anyways power move what you're starting to scare me dolphin arc of death thanks for the eight months [Music] [Music] oh it's pretty sweet [Music] gotta crank that music oh yeah that's good yes it's pretty sweet be kind of annoying to escape this i'm sure there was like a different way out buzz wave thanks for the nine months aim up oh back here i guess oh that's what this was i see uh fat catnip or fat uh no i'm sorry okay wow went from fat catnip to uh fat your name is faffen kittup okay your new name is now fat catnip [Music] you either like it or you don't all right what do you reckon your favorite rom hack so far um vitality was really cool um i really like challenge hacks i like the orange hacks uh eds leorn adidas um yeah i've had this ac for a little bit but um yeah oh wow okay [Music] in zero mission [Music] same uh same rng no it's actually different [Music] it's normally right now no no [Music] yeah it's the same [Music] i'm gonna die i'm not careful [Music] leave me alone oh my god no no fl we don't have flaren there's no flare on zero mission dude i'm hiding in the corner like a [ __ ] i think there's a save right here oats why didn't you die dude all right that's not that bad for more casual players um i'm actually not sure [Music] that's a big waste [Music] [Music] oh why did i turn around dude i panicked [Music] why is it skipping dear god oh it's my controller this is gonna be a little bit tough i did pick um hard mode to be fair so like i knew what was coming if i stay here i shouldn't get hit i thought anyways wow [Music] anyways let's try again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god almost you could be right there ah [ __ ] [Music] [Music] close die already [Music] i'm not careful i'm gonna die [Music] easy all right let me die on the way out now arcane rooney what the hell am i supposed to do if i don't have missiles um i guess to the right i should have saved uh nah i'm good i don't need to save savings for [ __ ] [Music] um i will go the other way i'm just curious to see if there's more health or something up here is that anything maybe from above okay well or we can see if it's speed it is speed uh tornado wind love winter love thanks very much oh [Music] we're good baby we're good easy i bet you there's another item over here too watch i'm bet in the family farm that there's not an item there told you [Music] wait no i said no why no you misheard oats lost the farm there was no farm i already lost in the last bit i made are you serious so uh grenade thanks for the 14 months foreign [Music] okay i think i can just shine spark for more [Applause] okay well we've figured that out i think i should just leave probably try to save maybe get those power bombs yeah i'm gonna go get the power bomb expansion [Music] yeah now i can get the item that i missed thanks to fluffy [Music] what's up i'm legit [Music] be fair i think we all come here for the gas lighting what you guys talking about how you gaslight me hey i'm good how are you you guys gasp like me on a daily basis i gas like you oh please he's doing it again guys uh-huh yeah he's doing it right now by saying he doesn't gas light he's gaslighting confirmed well there's no way around this one um what the hell is tbcc you guys are master manipulators oh it's how many times do we have to tell you it's gas lamping not lighting wait it is [Music] oh okay stop gaslighting me into thinking that i'm you doing a straw man right now got him i have a lot of new items maybe i should try to go to the right now but i also want to save well no no there's no reason to save i i think i should go to the right there's nowhere to save and well maybe let me explore over here hey thanks for the seven months wait was it down sorry for pausing so often yeah there is something down here wash [Music] is the room in the middle room in the middle oh down below ah frick yeah that's probably just an item but i'll grab it just to be sure [Music] nothing that's what it is all right we've been watching some oats what's the hacks on youtube and see people bring up fog what is it oh dear god what you guys have done look what you all have done there was this rom hack that i played a while ago i don't even know if it's on youtube probably not and um it was absolute trash it was just the vanilla game except they added a fog layer over everything like a filter and then it became like a meme everyone's like oh i want fog two oats when is it man they were talking about how fog two is gonna be like it's all the same everything is like super cloudy and hazy except mother brain is like a big humidifier and just like shooting out vapors dirty mike thanks for the give this up the fog or like a big vape pen or some some [ __ ] is that your contribution kefka probably didn't you make a picture of uh a mother brain as a dehumidifier or a humidifier why don't i just go the other way the [ __ ] is wrong with me okay wait a minute i wanted that map for [Music] hey thanks house music for the 100 oh god get away from me what does it say wait a second i need to log in that's the one that's the wrong link [Music] yo this music's pretty badass man [Music] so sick of these bugs oh here it is here it is there i'll show you there you go [ __ ] yeah that's fog too baby [Music] mother rain how many subs do we need or how much do we need to donate really dude you know how empty you'd feel on the inside if all right guys at 5 000 subs i'm gonna finish fog and then i finish it and then you realize that it's just the same game except shittier and then someone's like three paychecks poorer they're like oh wait what do what did i do [ __ ] my life i can't eat this beer tornado wind of love thanks for the um give this up [Music] okay i'm i feel a little bit lost in this area for some reason maybe it's because it's all very uh cookie cutter i've noticed that about a lot of areas they're like really creative and cool but every area is very like much the same once you get there you know really [Music] i was thinking this felt like symphony of the night or some [ __ ] wall jump you it's not letting me wall jump it's not it's not letting me no no i feel like it's not even letting me up here okay you know i could have just went this way i guess [Music] maybe [Music] everything that you see that's quoted is quoted out of context we had to get rid of a lot of them because it's bad so like i did say i'm a psychologist [ __ ] me in the ass but what happened was i said i'm a psychologist and i was and then something happened in a video game and i said [ __ ] me in the ass you know they're two different comments i said to the judge yeah [Music] well what happened was judge your honor what's that nothing [Music] [Music] daniel is the judge daniel can't even understand half the words i'm saying so like i don't know i don't trust him to like translate [Music] i'll say hey daniel what's going on man oh it's what sad face question mark dude what do you mean what i did yeah i play sm on that it's not funny to bully daniel when he isn't even around all right we'll leave so we can bully you next [Music] god damn it i'm trying to like [Music] maybe i'll just try to get the shine spark here and then keep a speed keep or something the fun of bullying someone who isn't around guy dude don't take it off don't be like the [ __ ] white knight for daniel okay [Music] like it's just he's just a part of this stream he's a part of the lore now all right like he ain't gonna have sex with you all right you're all a part of the lore [Applause] okay get the hell away from me bug [Music] your once great hairline also part of the lore i have a fantastic hairline [ __ ] and it hasn't aged a single day damn got him said the [ __ ] bald guy um i think we just gotta go this way [Music] oats is gonna be bald in five years yeah from stress that is if i keep streaming for a living what stress [Music] you're right just because i don't just because you don't see what i'm stressed out about and you don't see did you guys know that every hour that i'm not on stream i'm just sleeping i'm in a dormant state i don't do anything right when i turn off the stream i turn off i power off like an on off switch like a robot so like there's nothing to be stressed about [Music] really find streaming that stressful no i love streaming it's just you guys are sometimes idiots but you're my idiots and that's a that's an okay thing it's like how sometimes you you hate your children like you love your children but you also hate them hops that's not a thing well okay it kind of is a thing i've had a babysitter a lot of my nieces and nephews and it's always like you get super angry like you're just like what the [ __ ] like i just want to relax why are they acting like this but you still love them you don't like you don't hit them or anything but it's kind of like with the new dock it's like mia drives me crazy sometimes but she's like you know i'm gonna be my best friend and i love the little lady so i think i have supers early way too early yeah i'm not gonna have kids oh it's you say that bro just you wait no i'm not having kids who do you love more us or dog dog [Music] [Music] oh it's freeze your sperm why [Music] all right so here's this person uh they just played video games their entire life they didn't go to college you know pretty stupid uh you know pretty low iq [Music] yeah let's let's um [Music] let's uh let's have his dna pass on don't attack tiggleton like that you're right do you really think your iq is low no but i don't think about it nor do i i don't i don't think it's high i'm intelligent enough to understand that i'm not intelligent or like intelligent intelligent you know what i'm saying yeah it really doesn't matter but anyways yeah i'm not gonna have kids i'm not freezing my sperm yeah some days i just hope my iq is in the in the three digits just generally speaking some days i'm like having a rough time existing zero zero zero yeah don't worry oh it's probably like zero nine eight or something zero nine zero um uh the corpse what corpse like like human corpse oh oh it's you know the corpse the the corpse oh the corpse oh or the marine oh ah now it makes sense i think we're talking like a dead body or some [ __ ] no you need to pat you need to have like a an 80 to pass the aptitude test or uh you you need to pass the aptitude test and you need like an 80 in order to join the military don't you remember hearing this story about this dude got like a 50 and they wouldn't let him join and then he just like studied stuff for a week and then he got like you know just high enough definitely not they love dumb people i'm pretty sure you need to take you need to take an aptitude test like i know that because one of my buddies just joined the military aka lockwood yeah a really smart guy believe it or not um i'm not gonna like i don't know if he wants me talking about that kind of [ __ ] i don't know like whatever he streams next he might stream again in the future but all right measure how well you were being taught not how smart you are if you scored low wait do i have spring ball oh i have spring ball oh [ __ ] yeah i didn't know that [Music] okay oh okay nice got him [Music] [Music] well i mean i'm pretty sure it was actually like not just because whatever you said that sounds ridiculous [Music] i think that was around the time with redlining and [ __ ] i don't know probably i can't remember when that was but anyways oh yeah what's your super metroid score [Music] hmm okay i don't know what's down there all right see a big memoir [Music] oh you just arrived oh hey what's up man [Music] okay donald plump and everyone just stop okay that has literally nothing i just want to say how stupid that comment is donald trump that literally has nothing to do with what's being said but anyways just because just be just because knowledge is out there and and things exist doesn't mean that you know people are being educated properly you're like confusing the two things bro the greeks you know did this was it the greeks or the spartans weren't they uh wouldn't they have sex with each other all the all the dudes out in war so they could be like super close and bonded wouldn't they be just pounding each other the spartans [Music] i was just curious i just wanted to know i mean they were like some of the strongest uh fighters out there right just saying [Music] no i'm pretty sure that was a thing [ __ ] oh yeah i'm sure they did have a better drive okay where the hell is this [Music] all right if i'm ever in an argument and someone brings up the like spartans for any reason whatsoever i don't know how this would come up they gotta be like evangelicals or some [ __ ] [Music] i'm gonna use that use that little little fact [Music] all righty so i need to keep going left remember their name oats they were called what dude jump god damn it [Music] [ __ ] [Music] you could also love i did donald plump [Music] you're like one of those people that always has to like say the one thing to think it's like a got you moment no matter what the topic is just to like feel superior like you're winning some sort of debate that's not even happening at the moment that's what you've done constantly i am not you don't know me relax i mean i could go through your search history i don't know you as a person but i know you as donald plump dude or your uh now you're not your search history sorry your um hear your messages yep i'm gonna go through your search history no not that yeah exactly i don't i don't know who i don't know you as a person but yeah i know you as donald plump all right that's all that's all we need to know yeah i'm a little bit afraid here i don't know i think i'm just gonna die what i was just trying to like sequence break a little bit just a little bit dude let me throw whatever can't talk about anything in here oh my god dude don't flatter yourself please don't flatter yourself my god you could have any name don't choose to say it because your name dude please how special yeah [Music] [Music] anyways um yeah i'm gonna take up the uh spartan lifestyle [Music] okay uh we can't go up no [ __ ] dude what the hell is this yeah this hack is actually really cool so far oh there's more of them i'm gonna say why isn't the music stopped it's two of them cloak of wisdom yeah this is uh this is pretty cool this is one of very few five star raw macs [Music] yeah dude let me call uh call your cousin [Music] oh [Music] just imagine if they would have made uh another uh metroid game on the snes we could have had like a bunch of awesome rom hacks with like different bosses and [ __ ] same engine you know i do have spring ball yes can i go over that way now huh um hey oates how do you install your rom hacks i should probably make a quick um tutorial like a one minute tutorial on how to do raw max put it up on youtube this seems to be a lot of confusion [Music] to shreds you say yeah i use a um uh behringer um x 14 0 something i don't know it's pretty good behringer it's got some eights channeled so i have like my my audio from this going into it my pvm so everything's like separate and i can control the volume and the effects and the eq and stuff the gold xlr is like pretty nice but it's really expensive for what it is it's it's overpriced hype kind of you can you can get you can get a mixer that does so much more for like a quarter of the cost like you're supposed to not only xlr amp no i i always um i always had some sort of audio interface but um this is just a little bit nicer yeah i mean it they all do the same thing and i know i just triggered a bunch of people obviously when you get down to it they're gonna sound a little bit different they're gonna have different functions they're going to be better for like live recording or like performances and stuff um there's gonna be like nicer ways to like route audio but you can do a ton of stuff with um with this mixer [Music] okay let me see here so let's try up left i didn't miss something right there but i don't think that's anything and this mixer has built-in compression so without the compression i sound like this so and then with the compression it just kind of adds i i turned the compression up a little bit too loud but i kind of like it to be uh cutting through the mix kind of crisply and i have i also have you might be able to see it it's right behind me um hardware compression tube compression i can't remember you're just saying word so it's so like yeah obviously there's a difference sounds the same to me really test test one two one two one two test one two one two one two that sounds the same yeah no it sounds the same i don't believe you but anyways [Music] um [Music] those are just my viewbots kicking in [Music] yeah anyways compression definitely helps it's pretty necessary well it's not necessary but [Music] it kind of uh it kind of cleans up the peaks the random peaks so you can get more volume out of your voice so it kind of cuts through your game audio and [ __ ] um yeah because the way it does like to make an exaggeration like there's something called brick wall compression so if you look at the audio file it's just like a straight wall of audio so it just like limits everything to a certain volume so it can't go beyond that so this is just kind of taking out some of the peaks and then increasing the volume of the quieter stuff uh let's see if we can go straight this way so this is the for that's a limiter a limiter does increase the volume as [Music] well i mean a compression compression is kind of like a there's a lot to it it's not just what i said but because there's like your ratio and like how you're compressing [ __ ] and um i don't know there's a lot to it okay so i don't know if i can do anything here could i go to the right ah man so like if i go below craig i wonder if i can go to the right or if that's just a so i need to keep going this way to kill craig i didn't think i could get there just to save you some time you're done with the fire area thank you oh my god my controller yeah i think i'm gonna start using the uh i have a tube compressor behind me so i'm gonna start routing all my audio through that there's a vacuum what is it called again i don't know i'd have to look at it vacuum tube something [ __ ] off can you do anything about the static and the noise gate no that's my ac running sorry i can um i don't know wally's working overtime it's hot so haha very funny zupman oats i know it's hot as [ __ ] can you turn your ac off your ac so i don't get bothered by the static yeah man just for you [Music] oh can you do something about these toxic viewers sure thing boss all right yep i'm burning a hole in the in the ozone layer right now because of my ac yo super surprise we ran the ac for quite a lot or for quite a while last month and our electric bill was under 200 bucks it was like under 150 bucks i'm really concerned that this month is going to be like for some reason like 300 or 400 i don't know like we're mistaken or they like our ac didn't really go into the cost of that or something oh it's super good for summer months i was thinking it was gonna be 400 i was really scared ours is less than 100 yeah but we don't have central air and all the you know we have three ac's um it's gas as well so [Music] okay when do i get ice i wonder [Music] [Music] i don't think there's any way i can do this [Music] can i charge a spark here i mean probably [Music] okay yeah i mean i guess i could do that i was trying to be cool i wanted you guys to be super proud of me yo guys wednesday when's the e3 again i can't wait for metroid prime news we're very proud of you oates [Music] the 14th tomorrow prime news we got last year was great yeah yeah that was great wasn't it wait nintendo's the 15th oh i guess we do have to wait for that how come everyone's been saying that um well i mean i guess e3 encompasses everything okay cause right now [Music] okay cool oh it's we're so proud of you and you're so brave okay i know what that kind of statement means [Music] all right oh it's you're so brave the way you took on fanny wanny in that super metroid race you did get a two-hour time but wow you took them on so bravely that's what i'm waiting for [Music] i'm excited for breath of the wild soon i really enjoyed the first one um this isn't new but i'm so sick of hearing about smash [ __ ] and introducing a new fighter your wife's boyfriend todd yo what's up dude like i'm sick of the [ __ ] smash news very tough very hard yep announcing the baby is a new playable character as the baby you can suck your enemies and that's it and then when you die whenever you lose a stock you give them a hyper beam don't die i have not known put daniel in smash yeah i think daniel should be in smash is that a new floor behind you um i mean we did get our floors done when we were renovating the house that four inch trim board seven and a quarter okay i feel like i missed something but i don't know if i can get back up here maybe yeah mahogany no it's birch it's birch with a um sanded professionally with a uh half classic gray half special walnut blends with three clear coats of the finest polyurethane there did i sell it okay so that's all that is [Music] there's no item i mean yeah so i made i made a um raised garden bed and as i was checking out i realized that i made a big mistake lumber prices are so [ __ ] ridiculous and i need to make some more because we're planting some more [ __ ] and the soil here sucks but dude i it was so much monty for like cheap cuts of wood why is that is this is this uh a consequence of housing and [ __ ] the housing market [Music] well what they should do is just [ __ ] start growing hemp hemp products yeah thanks for the help let's see connor just grow hemp instead of wood like and then just use that that shit's resilient you can make it you can have a ton of it let's grows hemp no but i could if i wanted here yes that's what it is that's definitely what it is is all the covered protesters have destroyed so many windows which i don't know what windows have to do with wood that uh it shot the price of lumber up um [Music] [Music] yeah it's way too much man it was like thirty four dollars for a piece of um like a eight by no uh what is it well it's one by one by eight except eight foot long or before that i'll be yeah well you gotta [ __ ] on others for their ideas let them play their plywood theory because that shit's just [ __ ] dumb and shouldn't even be spoken into the air that's like saying that uh i don't know just put any dumb theory out there that's like and that's also like saying oh nothing can be nothing can be criticized you know so like yeah that's that's like flat earth [ __ ] and then and then you coming in here being a flat earther why can't we just entertain the idea of the earth being flat you know wow you're right i am toxic i know donald trump's [ __ ] around um let's try to go back to the right flat earth is a stupidest [ __ ] a lot of flat earthers have just convinced themselves that it's flat because they want to be a part of something interesting and unique to them and that's the sad truth oh that's right i don't know how to get this one maybe i do somewhere around here there we go i don't fall if earth was flat mountains wouldn't exist that's clearly false because mountains exist and the earth is flat checkmate yeah i mean i feel like after the the new king kong versus godzilla movie there should be a lot more hollow earth people that's what i was saying watching the movie i was like oh man here comes a new wave of hollow earth conspiracies in the next like two years just wait it's gonna happen i guarantee it because they go oh that'd be nice and magical and then it's gonna [ __ ] spread like wildfire what if the earth is hollow and there's a giant monkey you know [Music] shame that physics don't allow that have you ever been to the center of the earth have you oats that's besides the point um yeah the uh the godzilla the new movie really sucked i was so confused i i didn't know where it was going we talked about this and i think the worst part about the movie was those annoying kids and that [ __ ] australian kid with the one-liners constantly like dude just take him out of the movie early on just get have him be like sniped or something and then we can go oh man what a good character he could have been from new zealand whatever it was god that ruined the movie for me that little that little plotline on the side with that dumbass kid and that that what [ __ ] teenage girl that wasn't afraid of anything apparently yeah i'm not afraid of anything yeah okay new zealand yeah a kid just infiltrates a bunch of [ __ ] oh man it pisses me off and they like they travel to this spot with with you know no one sees them completely undetected neon gray knight thank you so much for the raid it just pissed me off man that's all [Music] okay yeah i'm from new zealand [Laughter] [Music] that's what he said too that was one of his lines oh tell us how you really feel [Laughter] spot huh yeah [ __ ] that movie wait is this one big maze didn't i just do this [Music] no [Music] um yeah i heard decent things about mortal kombat [Music] [Music] barb hates it i mean barb normally is a pretty uh pretty harsh critic i feel like um i mean rightfully so but um [Music] i'm i mean i'm kind of the same way sometimes you just have to um sometimes you just have to let it happen you know like if a movie sucks and you're like wow this is really bad sometimes you just gotta like roll with the punches and just try to enjoy it but i mean i get it it probably wasn't that great [Music] yeah he's a harsh critic but he's he's probably a pretty good critic how is that possible because everyone wants to see the big uh you know ape and the uh the little uh whatever her name was that communicates with the apes somehow wow so touching [Music] she used sign language what the hell is that even you know see this is what i'm saying wait was it american sign language well i mean dude [Music] just because she wasn't caucasian doesn't mean that she can't speak [Music] english or like learn english sign language [Music] i grew up on skull island that is true i don't know whatever just [ __ ] it you're right there's different types of sign language wait actually wait that's a really good question are there different sign languages for different languages this might be stupid i'd assume so since like translations are different and like words mean different things okay maybe it's not as stupid as i [Music] thought [ __ ] am i doing here oh it's a ball oh [ __ ] i didn't see the top layer i'm missing a bunch of items here yeah everyone speaks american and if they don't they [Music] should [Music] it's a language you love in corn it's your favorite variety of corn probably like [Music] grilled on a charcoal grill chard a little bit and then uh [Music] what is it called when you cut the kernels off de-shucked and then um eating it with uh you know no i think that's it just eating it that way yeah with some uh freshly cracked pepper you can put some um spicy mayonnaise in it too isn't that like uh like mexican corn or something i can't remember [Music] my god [Music] i love cornbread fresh cornbread okay so this sounds silly but i didn't realize that you could put corn in cornbread and it's so good then i remembered i was like oh it is cornbread that will suck attach [Music] no i actually wanted to try to learn how to make um tiramisu [Music] speaking about cooking i'm gonna i'm gonna butcher it a lot before i make it you know good [Music] generally make tiramisu you assemble it well i mean you can make everything from scratch it's not like you just go buy a tiramisu kit it's like a pastry it's like sweet but it has like coffee and chocolate in like layers okay this fight's actually really tedious and hard god damn it [Music] [Music] so jeez louise that was terrible man oh don't go out that way you have to fight him again nothing's from scratch unless you start with a molten ball of flame and wait four billion years dude you're right actually i'm not even mad whenever whenever anyone says yo this is homemade i'm gonna go really nothing's really homemade uh you gotta start with the molten ball of flame for four billion years ago [Music] and then i'll never be invited to the social gathering again [Music] social yeah coats [Music] that's what i said i said i'm not even that mad because [Music] you know it's not wrong [Music] but yeah anyways i want to learn to make it um homemade post uh creation of the universe [Music] [Music] oh the egg oats that's homemade did you lay the egg yourself bro as a matter of fact i did prove i didn't yes that's what i said the ag [ __ ] what about it oh it's can you lay the egg on stream for us to see [Music] now i'm sure somewhere in the world that's a fetish is laying some eggs lol it is oh it's definitely it totally is here i'll link you a couple pages easy we're green now [Music] oh oh no your yard coming along no there's still spiders wait that's that split that's the game oh [ __ ] [Music] [Music] um that's probably world record oats that's a bad ending dude um this was uh definitely a very good rom hack i would say this is probably like a four and a half plus star rom hack it is really it was really good like i didn't even realize two hours was half you know it was very easy to play um oh you were one of the uh you and connor one of 99 yeah i mean it was fun it was it was easy to play i didn't realize i was already done so it was uh it was cool yeah i mean it was definitely four and a half at least you know so it's fun jrp read all the music nice he did a really good job um so i mean [ __ ] kind of tough i thought that was popcorn nice thanks 200 x 200. [ __ ]
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 20,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, what the hack, what, the, hack, what the hack is this, wth, wthit, items, search, metroid fusion, fusion, scrolls six, scrolls, six, metroid fusion scrolls six, what the hack scrolls six, six scrolls
Id: jW6LvPocn0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 46sec (7786 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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