What The Hack Is This? | Y-Faster 2 Furious

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all right so this is why faster too furious i played one of the other ones these hacks are funny and a lot of fun it's decently rated um it is speedrun race category uh the description is so why faster because you should this is the second part of the why faster two project it pays homage to the uh through five more past hacks memorable for good and bad reasons with my own twists added of course the rules are this hack follows the same rule set as a previous entry buy faster too fast defeat five main bosses in five distinct areas then head to the final boss each area can be completed in one run and in any order once the main boss is defeated you must rush to the next area you don't have any time to spare as you usually do in most x uh exploration oriented hacks as you instantly die when the timer reaches zero if you exit an area before beating the main boss you're doing it wrong choose your first area with maximum care some areas are more challenging than others when things get angry at you in the first few rooms it might be a good idea to restart unless you're up to the challenge there is another super secret girl hidden somewhere you hear that guys oh it's a girl where find her please all right let's get started girl using the power of love samus has vanquished the flying brain but that was just the beginning more brains must be shredded or else she will die from nightmare trauma go samus go samus go [Music] all right let's do this [Music] all right so we didn't beat we did beat the last one so the last one started same same s2500 thanks for all the youtube content since i can't always catch you on twitch thank you for the 2500 appreciate that um so yeah this starts the same way as the other ones i guess this is like this is looking like green star in a way i don't have missiles but i was told that you can beat any area in any order [Music] this is a sequel okay i need that we have two hours and 19 minutes to beat this or else we die [Applause] [Music] yeah i guess i do but [Music] hi no that was last week i saved the orphans [Music] i gotta find that super secret hidden girl in here chat oh my god i'm so nervous okay so [Music] easy oh god missile tank [Music] oh it's how do you talk to girls i'm asking for a friend 575. wow i could have used a couple more game okay i need to wrap back around [ __ ] because i wanted to go on that other door [ __ ] okay actually this might be the only stuff that i get i might not even get ammo after this [Music] yeah i was trying to see if i could blow those up okay i gotta remember there's a quiz at the end maybe there was with the other one but maybe that's not the case this time there was 575 missiles [Applause] [Music] i don't know if that's going to matter but it might okay [Music] how are you faring with this ridiculous heatwave it's 88 degrees here and it's nighttime and it feels like balls here my shotgun also started rusting because of the heat and i've had to spend some time lubricating it to get rid of the rust [Music] that sucks that i fell um it's been really humid it's um it's been in the 90s but it feels like 100 according to weather because of the humidity which i mean isn't the craziest but yeah it's not fun i once had a stereotypical neckbeard friend in middle school if you want to talk to girls don't be like him he's a soundcloud rapper now dude from [ __ ] neckbeard in middle school to soundcloud rapper that's insane that's an insane transformation [Music] okay [Music] [Music] i haven't gotten any missiles yet so i'm a little bit concerned oh my god that was a lot of damage [Music] i'm a little bit concerned that i won't get any more missiles okay i gotta kill everything in here great dude also i can't really take any more hits [Music] [Music] oh that's [ __ ] that's [ __ ] i'm restarting all right this is why faster too fast uh stick in the family uh family always sticks together type of thing um that's why i always help my stepsist out of the washer all right let's go [Music] i'm not gonna read this again yeah i don't know it's probably a blessing in disguise that i died um you know what let's go back to that let's go down left first [Music] so i kind of understand what that is and the gist of that area now so i can bruise through that oh [ __ ] dude oh god okay whatever wait okay sweet got him gotcha [ __ ] this is looking like uh what's that one game um it's on steam not out of this world but mysterious maze unlocked yeah limbo yeah metroid yep okay this is not good um i'm not scanning [ __ ] yes genital jousting is what this looks like thanks for the thanks for 20 months the [ __ ] is that thing what is this some sort of maze or something where am i okay can i do anything over here oh that's unlocked let's go what do you mean good posture with a big pp i don't know ask todd dude oh god [Music] i hope what the [ __ ] is that all about okay dude it's trying to it's trying to [ __ ] my time up here this is hard on the eyes okay so if you guys are new here or not new but if you've never seen the why faster rom hacks they are very much satirical and they're they're very good hacks and it is satirical failure to communicate sheared to 100 it looks like an alien ant farm oats are you okay are you okay are you okay oats you're a smooth speed runner thank you wow i'm great thanks maybe if i kill all these things i'll get that oh god super secret grill oh my god i'm so excited here it comes okay never mind they just keep spawning [ __ ] you green beam dude i needed some more green in my life i'm so happy nacho thanks for three months i just wanted to see if maybe there was there any secrets so okay i don't think there's any secrets here i mean there might be but wait what the [ __ ] was that a secret i don't think there's any secrets here but i don't know maybe as i'm falling into i don't think this is a secret i think this is normal this is standard is that what i said the nrj uh all right so i need a powerbomb for that i'm gonna assume that this is it hey 76 months thank you so much keane holy cow here's your monthly youtube subscription please return the to d gen times um d gen times i started at 8 p.m dude so on one side i have the europeans saying heyos would you please start at a better time yes it's too late for the europeans and then there's people like you they're like oh it's like what the [ __ ] are you doing start at like 10 p.m and stream for 12 hours oh nice okay okay only five so i'm so confused the thing is the majority of my viewers like to watch around this time because right now it's like what five and the green beam open up in uh california [Music] i'll save just in case [Music] ask can you just stream 24 7 yours just die of a heart attack for our entertainment yes huh [Music] i i need to fight the boss i just don't know how holy there's something down there dude okay so i still need to make it through the maze and search all this [ __ ] no there's a secret down there it might be beneficial for me to um just reload which one which one of the homies in here wants to help me reload okay that's disgusting uh gives what's up um can i change the maze or is it the maze dolores the [ __ ] am i how the hell does this thing work i haven't been paying attention this entire time i've been blacking out no joke okay so it's putting me on the bottom what happens if i go back in is he's gonna put me on the bottom again or is this a how the hell did i get to the top last time ash thanks for the gifted sub [Music] azer already has a 26 in this what are you making fun of me because i haven't already beaten it oh this is your first play through this dude someone's already got a 26 in this snooze wait no i've already been here i'm not scanning the save room thanks uh tucker for the 13 months i need to get down here and i don't know how yeah oh it's my cousin and i um are having our third child and also he's way better than you at this game all right so this is okay i see okay well i can't do anything now [ __ ] okay do i just go down here this maze is off because it's okay okay i'm starting to understand hold on let me start making a mental map [Music] uh okay so you [ __ ] me dude map excuse me okay i haven't been here often hold on thank you [Music] [Music] if y'all didn't think i'd ask but but you want to wear a mate outfit with me in september while she streams when i come to visit you guys she told me to uh she told me [ __ ] it send it again what kind of sick fantasy is that plugs oh no dude i don't know see the colors well yes black and white no i'm making progress no i have no idea i'll need to talk to her because i don't even know if you are had to be there oh oh okay i'm still confused but i gotcha okay green am i supposed to go here no the color's up yeah i did green yeah i have no idea no clue what's going on yeah come on i'll just put on the maid outfit dude yes sir i still gotta do clown and shrek cosplay okay what do you walk in into nothing mind your own business dude god all right no thanks for the sub wait didn't i say thank you westlake for the 67 months okay uh hold on we've already been here we've already done green you're owed 60 hours of shack food no yeah stop playing around isn't this the same [ __ ] am i just going to circles right now then am i just is this just a big circle oh [ __ ] it is so this just brings me all the way back up whatever this area was already been to the green area okay so now this is a different area okay i understand this brings me wait no he's lost yeah because every time you enter a door it changes the map layout i just want to make sure i explore everything here and make sure i'm not missing like a color of something it's not really circles because it changes the layout every time you enter a door it's like a maze within a maze that's amazing okay i mean could i just escape no this is just ridley but it it said that i don't want to wait a minute i should go here right no i've already been here let me go back or size dick duck thanks for three months you're not understanding how this puzzle works it isn't the rooms that are changing it's okay so that's a big loop okay let me let me start thinking now green below green is crumble blocks okay below crumble blocks hold on dude you can't say in hindsight okay all you hindsight [ __ ] andy backseating oh it's dude i've already beat this and he hasn't figured it out i'm gonna blow okay so let me go into the green wait no okay wait a minute okay so out of this is just that this is a big loop okay so now that was normally green but now it's locked okay all right so let me think now so this is the this is the one without the green so let's go let's start from the bottom this is a green door i can't go into there um this is okay let's just try this from the bottom up so this is without the green door on top um so i'll go up or down i don't know let's just go up okay so up this is just one huge loop i believe okay so one big loop so let's go down progress okay so now we're on the cross let's try left first purple what's crazy lusty spade what were you asking so i don't know if i can do this i don't know if i want to waste my missiles but they might have fixed long time yt watcher first time managing to catch a stream i just wanted to say a huge thank you for the countless hours of boredom at the office that your vods instantly make 100 times easier you genuinely make my life a whole lot better thank you for the 25 bucks um what was your question though lusty spade what are you talking about thank you for the 25 just solo i'm glad i can help you get through your your day appreciate it [Music] pink bean all right so we got wave it is more of a lilac yeah can you x-ray shine spark to instant kill a boss x-ray shine spark what the hell is an x-ray shine spark oh x mode what the hell's x mode that's an item down here [ __ ] oh yeah that's task stuff yeah i know nice item why do you guys get so upset if i miss like something in a message or if i miss a question or if i miss a sub you guys get so upset at me um i don't know if i can make that you guys act like i'm capable of reading every single message as i'm trying to play this game if i was like an irl streamer doing like irl [ __ ] i could i could see people being a little more frustrated sometimes you guys are so needy that's fire to irl streamers no absolutely not i'm just saying obviously you don't need to focus on something you know as much as like a a game trying to keep a mental map let alone read every single message hey thanks for the 101 uh sandy said that um rolf is mad at you because you said this thing about him and now ernie has some beef with alfred and things are getting worse oh no dude what yeah i got it hey kitty what's up [Music] yeah ernie needs to work out his his issues here okay so we found the pink area and we need to find the area to the right now okay so from the pink area let us begin save is still over there you missed something no i mean i could have but i'm pretty sure you're not supposed to get the beams um fat cat nip things for 13 and the numbers cheered x-1000 nah i think ernie is good now oh okay thank you for the 1000 oh it's you missed some items chat stop trying to confuse me i'm i may have missed some items is that no is that a really important item that i need yes so it's yes halation if this is a missile or anything that's not important you're gone [Applause] oh wait [ __ ] i was supposed to go left oh wait hold on hey thanks for the um still work okay hey thanks for the five gifted subs point down appreciate that a whole bunch brother okay at this rate we're not going to be able to beat the game where was this item i swear to god if i can't get this hellation's gone dude wasting all my time see that timer on the top right yeah if that hits zero i'm dead yeah but i started with 220 and there's five areas and then a final area and i'm not even done with the first yeah i didn't think i could get this that's why i didn't i already was here [Music] don't i need grapple for this [Music] oh my god dude dude i'm i'm not going to listen to you guys anymore not a single [ __ ] time it's done i won't ban you but i'm i'm done i'm not listening to you oh you missed an item dude it's an item already checked you're trying to gaslight me morph bomb jump all the way up you can't it's um there's arrows that are facing down you can't go up there we're only trying to help and in the process of making things worse all right [Music] just grapple it oats i don't have grapple well then go find grapple and go grapple it dude oh okay you're right sorry i won't ban him i should but i won't okay let's go right after this um wait no this is wrong no oh [ __ ] hold on okay we got a little bit lucky there nice [Music] what can i uh when can you expect it i don't know maybe a week or two i'm not sure maybe a couple years there's half a map tile loads there could be an item there please oh i'm gonna complain until you get it yeah i know just solo thank you so much for the 10 gifted subs thank you thank you it's not good i can't do this yet can i i can't do this area yet can i unless i can bomb jump but [ __ ] nice dude [Music] holy [ __ ] i was lucky i wonder if i should go that way first i don't know i don't want to have to like bomb jump back up it's ultra guy zero cheered x200 oh ass zos took a break from rbo for a moment and decided to check out this hack he then proceeded to beat it within 10 minutes that's got a sting man you know it's got a sting your upcoming band dude what the [ __ ] is this thing i'm scared [Music] foreign [Music] these louise [Music] want these drops even though my time is ticking i don't know just see okay let's just see i'm afraid to go to the left nope i ain't going to the left okay so that's the boss i think we can leave this area now technically [Music] the iris scope [Music] nah because there was an item up here and that was the um that was the maze thing that you uh you used to start the maze now you can scan the save room i ain't scanning no save okay ain't happening what's shack tool doing here excuse me dan your future what future all right so this is probably just power bomb upgrade or some [ __ ] and um can i moonfall this wait i forgot i have x-ray hold on nothing nothing um okay we're done i can't get that item over there i assume that item is uh yeah okay i don't know what this item to the bottom is i assume three down one to go that was the boss though i can technically leave [Music] it says you can do any area first which means that if that is an item i don't need it you know what i'm saying you know that's the boss because look at the map there's a big cross big x typically that always means that's the boss i can try to go down um i'm just running out of time here i need to hustle on the other ones i'll try to find it [Music] no i didn't want to go down again just missiles maybe this will lead me somewhere else [Music] okay that just brings me back to the top which then loops back around like this um [Music] um oh [ __ ] dude that's not it right [Music] what's up kaku all set is the right area i assume it's to be blue hello kitty got no patience for this section sometimes you just gotta beast through it um so that's still just a save okay so let's go from the middle um middle no top this is just gonna be one big loop if i recall correctly it's not gonna stop looping wait no it does stop looping okay so now out of that out of the loop we can't go that way can we go up keku is gifted to tier three the fry uh harvest or ardavis i don't [ __ ] know thank you very much kecker i appreciate that very generous thanks okay so that's green so let's um let's okay so from green oh god this is brutal dude let's go left is it still green okay so let's go right [Music] okay so green is left to right that's the map um let me just come wait a minute from [Music] yeah dude totally that easy oh it's you [ __ ] dumbass just find the right way okay okay so let's go down from the blocked off green area um right from the blocked off green area this is gonna bring me to the waver air no what the waiver area is actually the other way down and then i think that way is that that's not where i'm supposed to go but that's the only way i can go god damn it okay okay so from that area this is really confusing hold on okay so the waiver area all the way through the waiver um i keep going right from the waiver crumble block area then the bottom's blocked off let's go left uh let's go left let's go left let's go left okay that's not gonna work no [Music] treble block area holy [ __ ] this is confusing um so from the crumble block area we'll go right right right which brings me back to this which then will have an infinite loop so then you go back up to the crumble block area and then go left go left oats thank you there i only have two options i have two options okay i go right doesn't work and then the big brain chatters oh try left okay left doesn't work let's pop back up now the top is blocked off now let's see what the bottom looks like still blocked off um so let's see what the right looks like this again which then is gonna put me in this huge loop with a huge loop will bring me back down here [Music] okay so let's go ahead and try left one more time pop me out and then i'm going to go through this door on the bottom okay so now we're back up through the top okay you'll know luck okay so if we're back up through the top okay let me i've already tried the bottom this is to be the l to the left or to the right yeah so let's go down from this uh let's just keep going down i guess no this is now this is going to bring me back to the waiver area back up from the waiver area oh which is the bottom of that room the pink doors to the left is that is that what we're doing here okay i can just go up what there's no up oh i just blew snot dude oh yeah all right we're good all right so who said i could go up from there huh but let me try to make it back okay this is this is cancer so the pink area i can go back to the pink area you're supposed to powerbomb that thing then i can't be here the reason i'm trying to find this is because master hodges told me to try to find one more to go okay got it jesus dude wait no we're already here [ __ ] no okay we didn't get it back this way okay so from the from this area great i lost it now dude i was trying to [ __ ] i was hoping i should really why do i even listen to the chat you're wrong 99 of the time then there'll be that one gem that's right and then you guys go see you listen to us more and trust us yeah okay uh okay i am i am wasting all my time here you know what i'm saying i'm gonna reset i'm just wasting my time what the [ __ ] [Music] i'm gonna get some time back and then i'm gonna try for another couple minutes i just i just gained some time back right there okay i'm gonna try for a couple more minutes before i go absolutely crazy because i can feel it coming on left back right back right over the mountain let's do this and now we're back here right [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] this might be right i don't know oh my god just let me in dude you should have gone left oats i told you hey oats big tip next time go the other way wow thank you my lord god ride going up left yeah that's the exit okay start from here again the cage and then now we'll try down okay so that let's try left come on baby [ __ ] you maybe we're on to something here maybe we're on to something i notice he never shoots the one part of the floor above the ground hatch what okay let's go this way hold on okay let's reset from the map station all right we need to we need common ground i'm gonna reset from here from the map station let's go all the way over here okay start from the bottom up that's the left room with the missile as he runs by it what do you want me to do queso [Music] okay so let's try down again which is going to bring me back to this [Music] um left is pink [Music] use the map oats you guys are driving [ __ ] crazy okay joe that emote is making me uh regret getting that emo okay so from the pink progress not really though [Music] okay okay wait so when this is blocked off let me see something here but that's blocked off and that's how it gets to the purple area so whatever area is blocked off like if this is blocked off over here or above it's probably the blue area or something let me see something okay so there's nothing blocked off i need to find the bottom most hatch when you're on the lowest part of the large room shoot the floor just as you run by it this this it's probably to the left come on please be something yes it's nothing i've already i've already done all that what do you what do you want me to do with it i'm confused what what do you want me to do with it go through the door oh it's all no i wanted to go up but now i'm stuck dude is this how do i get back there missile blocks maybe no no no see this is why i don't read the chat no offense but i can't x-ray missile block bomb spread every every crevice you know what i'm saying there you [ __ ] better wrap me around dude there there's an item in the middle can i get out of this oh god dude i mean it appears that way this way go to the bottom first where's the item is it in that thing no it's probably just a power bomb in the middle there that's probably what it is i'm just as confused and i'm not the one playing yeah i know but don't get frustrated at me when i run by something that i've already shot a million times eagleton you should take the controller oats is never going to finish this dude have you seen tickleton play rpgs man it's worse than i am and that's saying something okay so i can't can i not do anything here oh my god i'm gonna lose my [ __ ] if master hodges made me go on a goddamn [ __ ] hunt and i can't i can't do anything about it i'm gonna fall in the middle but i don't think the middle is nothing there's nothing there i'm not going to waste my time yeah hold on i know that's all powerbomb already i've figured that out these are crumble blocks above me i don't think i can do this without super missiles how the hell do i even get out of here first and foremost no i should be able to yeah there is there is a way but how so there has to be a way okay let me go scan this you can do any area first but it doesn't mean that you can get every item in that area first you know what i'm saying you would have to return because i don't have power bombs right now so if i want those powerbomb upgrades i need to come back okay sweet nice i need to start hustling um it's on it's below x-ray or up his ass [Music] yeah right what that's nice i'm glad it didn't kill me that would suck all right so one area down 40 minutes deep and we have to um hustle earth we're gonna die i don't think it's happening fellas i think we're toast oh great that's just a shortcut so now that i have the beams maybe i can yeah maybe i can just fly through the rest of the stuff [Music] we [ __ ] just only died once [Music] oh thomas just texted me and he said they beat this 30 minutes in the 90s not a chance dude not a [ __ ] chance hold on i'm gonna go save and i wanna see what's down there [Music] remember friday night races dude remember when we could do friday night races without everyone cheating except myself trying to have fun yeah yeah the [ __ ] is the point of that dude okay you're supposed to cheat too no it never started that way it was competitive and it was fun and we would [ __ ] talk and have a good time yeah i know you've been asking kekku i would like to at some point as well that would be fun i would like to possibly do a you know view those in the future or something heaters never prosper true thomas and his cause built a time machine with that 90s technology to go into the future and play this hack lousers all right let's uh let's try the left one now because i kind of know this hopefully we can fly through this with three people oh snuggles thanks for the 49 months appreciate that i bet i could eat ass better than you okay well it is what it is my man it is what it is [Music] [Music] this area's a lot easier with beams i'm glad that we got that other area out of the way [Music] [Music] figured [Applause] nice dude [Music] [Applause] [Music] i saw it for a brief second [Music] [Music] i think there's still one more dude i know i know [Music] this this middle area is like a maze of sorts [Music] all right that just brings me back over here i think we should be okay i'm gonna try to open up all the doors so i don't have to do that again assuming that they stay unlocked no idea [Music] hmm [Music] you guys talking about the todd rogers [Music] way to go idiot you didn't pre-order it didn't did you no i'm busy this weekend anyways the 500 missiles are still left yes [Music] oh you're being sued by uh todd rogers because you have a better dregs for time did wouldn't that be awkward todd rogers someone beats his time but he knows he cheated and he's like um yeah that'd be kind of awkward wouldn't it [Music] didn't i try that already what the [ __ ] uh mia is doing great [Music] maybe the crab breaks it i don't know i assume that's it [Music] albert are you going to be playing um are you going to be playing diablo 2 alone poor guy you got people playing with you that's the time if that hits zero i die i still have like four areas to go okay super missiles don't have them yet [Music] so [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] yeah i should have just um whatever [Music] all right progress that the last area took me the longest there's no way that the rest of these areas are going to be that bad that was terrible [Music] like i said it's kind of nice that i got that one out of the way the maze is ridiculously hard well not for chat and their cousins apparently [Music] whoa oh [ __ ] [Music] got him [ __ ] another shack tool what the [ __ ] is the point of this is something gonna happen if i kill every shack tool in every area i have a feeling that something will happen i just triggered an event flag right there killing shaq tool again [Music] missiles [Music] uh below x-ray uh silent thank you so much for the 41 months [Music] i need missiles man that's all come on don't make me go all the way back i should have grabbed the 500. [Music] dude it's so scarce the [ __ ] missile drops okay now we're getting somewhere how's it going dirty mike i kind of do wish i had the 500. oh nice one idiot [Music] [Music] and missile refill [Music] god damn it [Music] [Music] god dang it bobby [Music] i'm good i got this wait what about bdsm stuff wait hold on what's going on hope you don't regret not getting those missiles people find out all right okay what is this an exit how come i can't troll dude i've already been here i can't progress here short hold on it's up and around yes this is sonic the hedgehog wow anything i'm missing i don't think so i think i just need to go all right [Music] [Music] ah [Music] i'm trying [Music] this is a monk of shake right here holy [ __ ] my eyes [Music] [Music] all right we're good we good just need to get out of here um i don't need the energy refill [Music] at least i shouldn't i figured i was just um epilepsy warning i guess [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] [Music] that was super missiles i think right or [Music] [ __ ] i go all the way around [Music] yeah i assume they're in a different area one of those things if you go to that area first it makes this next area easier if you go to that area you get speed booster there's really no need to check anything else i need to hustle because i don't have much time yeah oh it's maybe if you uh rolled the dice and um you know got the 20 chance luck and pick the right area first idiot get the missiles [ __ ] i do have to get the missiles the missiles are pretty important man i need to take that couple minutes that's a lot of missiles yeah it's 575 it's worth it [Music] good [Music] [Music] thank you for listening to what a reason oats certainly nothing from you guys that i'm listening to [Music] well i mean that is something i should get all the other stuff that people ask me to do oh it's you missed an area on the ground it looked really suspicious okay fine i'll take five minutes to go check it oh that was nothing sorry it was just i was confused it was a fly on my screen dude that's the time that i have left to beat this hack yeah whoopsie dude that's the kind of [ __ ] that happens when i get mad don't don't come at me with oh thanks for finally listening to us dude i try you guys don't make it easy scream keep stopping that's that's on you nice hell yeah dude this is [ __ ] awesome oh my god this is funny best hack ever [Music] oh it's finally playing mario [Music] i can't wall jump on that [ __ ] [Music] they took away while jumping on those walls [Music] do they take away wall jumping on everything in this area because you can't wall jump in mario rayne thanks for three months [Music] [Music] lunarof [Music] the hell am i going from here oh my god the music just gonna grab us all crazy there's nothing i can do here [Music] what the heck is this i mean what the heck is this um hold on let me see something [Music] why does spazier also seem to do it spacer doesn't shoot through walls nice [Music] i okay i can get lost in the sauce here this can be a dangerous area because i can try to explore everything but then the problem is i'm gonna die because i don't i don't have that much time so [Music] [Music] is there any way i can go through this [Music] okay so that just loops around um i can't do that [Music] or if you end up needing super missile you don't you don't need anything you don't need anything that they don't give you if you enter an area you can technically finish that area 100 [Music] that's how this this that's how this hack works you can enter any area but i mean if you do it in the proper order you're obviously better off or if you do it in a decent order oh god [Music] smiley face [Music] [Music] okay i don't want to just sit here trying to get missiles the entire time [Music] i am going to waste so much time where's the boss i don't know where the boss is [Music] i assume it's gonna be this way but oh oh [ __ ] [Music] okay let's get out of here [Music] [Music] do i i don't know if i need to do anything there i'm a little bit worried that i'm going to just run around and try to find things that i don't need i feel like this game is going to try to send me a hunt an easter egg hunt here that isn't necessary [Music] okay i don't want it spoiled anyways [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] oh boy oh boy um okay let's get out here [Music] uh the boss is at the pyramid [Music] on top of the pyramid [Music] i'm gonna be so sad if i run out of time [Music] can i go left from there [Music] i'm not seeing nothing hold on [Music] i'm not sure how i get maybe from the middle i don't know i guess let's just go to the right i need to get done with this area in the next like 15 minutes or else i might be boned [Music] also in this area guys i cannot um i cannot wall jump [Music] ah yo [ __ ] off son oh no vitamin d i'm a gamer no the hell is my ship doing here [Music] [Music] this is awesome you lost all your missiles what [Music] i'm upset [Music] want the p-switch come on [Music] i don't want any more missiles well actually yes i do [ __ ] [Music] [Music] yeah it's my first playthrough [Music] okay i just wanted to make sure i was gonna [Music] did they make the booze to where they oh my god that's awesome they get scared and they stop uh creeping on you that's funny [Music] um [Music] like box wound except really really good actually that's a fantastic wait hold on [Music] respawn anything they're just mad [Music] yeah this is a this is a great hack [Music] the zapper beam um small nick thank you very much for the sub appreciate it what's up [Music] oh god dude it's making me go all the way back i mean it's worth it but [Music] wait a minute how do i get out of here oh [Music] whoa please get me out of here [Music] yeah that's pretty sweet [Music] wait did they take away all they took away bomb jumping i mean that makes sense [ __ ] uh it's not a big deal [Music] yeah we gotta hustle oh i can grapple onto the sun [Music] ah okay well [ __ ] the [ __ ] anything down here is there a load nope [Music] all right i can't wall jump so yeah well i need to find those supers [Music] okay so ah i assume i need to go that way there's probably something really good to the left let me try to find my way through this [Music] the best i can anyways [Music] does this make you miss grandpa worlds no [Music] okay so that's i've already done that can we go left or is there nothing to the left [Music] [ __ ] [Music] so [Music] [Music] thanks oh okay well you can wall jump if you grapple first [Music] i don't know how it works okay was there anything i could do over here i can't remember but i should at least check [Music] [Music] yeah i can't remember what it was so i'll take a look [Music] does this just bring me around [Music] isn't this just an item oh god [Music] um i do not have a spring ball now [Music] this is not good [ __ ] i need to get out of this area before one hour rolls rolls around [Music] i i i can't do this area how do i get there so i need to get to that door [Music] no that well i guess yeah actually that door which is the top right of that the hell is it [Music] um i didn't see any powerbomb blocks it's over here yeah that's what it is okay no dude [Music] i'm so [ __ ] [Music] uh don't spoil anything from hodges i bet the supers are all the way to the left [Music] [Music] powerbomb at least [Music] do [Music] okay how do i get there um [Music] i was hoping these colors dropped from the sky but i'll figure it out five eyes what are you doing around these parts huh you can't wall jump in this area i know you're just messing but [Music] what are you doing around these parts brother [ __ ] outta here [Music] [Music] okay well [Music] i don't have high jump boots on even [Music] you're on twitch a lot and you only come around here like once every couple months this bastard i told you man you did i wasn't listening you get shadow band which doesn't shadow ban you for having a vpn people use vpns all the time you don't get shadow banned for a vpn yes they do no they don't people use people use vpns i use a vpn whenever i'm on the computer yeah but i use a a good vpn [Music] it doesn't matter if it's express or nordvpn it's the same thing [Music] yeah no they're not gonna they're not gonna shadow ban you for having a vpn on [Music] i mean unless it's some weird-ass [ __ ] i don't know [Music] all right probably shouldn't save but [Music] daves her for the week you're right you're right true [Music] that's funny dude this is just bait it's gonna [ __ ] kill me isn't it [Music] yeah i know i'm just i'm just messing around [Music] that does that does suck though what the [ __ ] is this okay give me the super missile you clearly have it okay this is the super missile for sure [Music] [Music] i like how it's mandatory no never mind it's not mandatory i'm just a dumbass that's all opened oh okay [Music] there was nothing over here right yeah i don't think so all right [Music] that thing told me that saves her for the week so i have to listen to it [Music] oats ignored my sub earlier i ignored a couple subs apparently cmd thanks for the 78 months lab monkey thanks for the 18. bike crawler thanks v11 dirty mike 35 minutes ago with a tier 3 sub for 16 months thank you i'm sorry i'm sorry that is you can call me out if i miss something like that um i just hate when people call me out when they're like yo oats i just subbed for two months what the [ __ ] oats like dude i'm sorry i didn't see [Music] you guys realize that some streamers don't even think they're they're a community for subs [Music] yeah because you really can't larger communities don't think um they're you know [Music] viewers for subs because it's really difficult to do so you know the thing is i know i'm at the point where i still can [Music] you want to be like them i never said i wanted to be like them but oh it's you don't thank every single sub so clearly you are like them bro [Music] this [ __ ] [Music] [Music] this hack is uh pretty awesome it's really funny okay so i got super missiles now you just need to hustle he was working not very well apparently strongholder thanks for the four months [Music] throwing that pipe i tried pressing up but it didn't work maybe i didn't try hard enough [Music] of course i try to thank everyone for the subs i just don't always get to it not always easy okay i can't i can't get that [Music] [Music] yeah for our call correctly there's a glitch okay never mind that's the first time you thank me like four months no it's not i mean i can't verify this but maybe actually being such a big streamer so hard okay stop twisting my words yeah it must be real hard to make money from playing video games [ __ ] [Music] you can't you can't uh bomb jump um [Music] um can i get yeah okay you even work though no this is what i do for work this is my job [Music] i mean i do other things as well for money but that's none of your business [Music] like what else nothing okay hold on i definitely want this nice [Music] okay how do i get out here now [Music] oh god [Music] [Music] so [Music] yeah i mean i i primarily just yeah this is what i do for mine yeah [Music] wait this just loop me around man [Music] so sex stuff is just a hobby no there is no sex stuff [Music] okay i need to hurry up i need to be out of here at one hour and we got four minutes left [Music] [Music] yes i sell foot pictures [ __ ] out of here naders goddamn tornados [ __ ] dude die oh my god [Music] okay [Music] [Music] i did try to grapple hold on [Music] oh wait did it unlock oh i gotta break this first and then it unlocks hold on there we go yeah i got it up okay i just had to press off okay wow am i just going in circles now okay uh not recently no thank you yeah it's gonna keep looping me hold on let me see it's going good this hack is a lot of fun [Music] why is the title question mark what [Music] foreign [Music] first jump why is this called what it is called dude [Music] like the [Music] exactly stop what stop what [Music] exactly oh my god you guys are [ __ ] [Music] i'm just gonna forget it exactly [Music] i only get two jumps with this [Music] oh my god saves her for the he's right [Music] [Music] oh god i hope i don't die [Music] i thought this is so weird i feel like i only get two two jumps with this then was i right [Music] it i don't technically need it but [Music] it's cursed i mean yeah it certainly feels cursed that's right [Music] oh no dude i should have saved he's mad [Music] [Music] this is really funny whoever made this rom hack is a genius [Music] the phantom wannabe [Music] [Music] what patterns i don't know some bad ones [Music] i made this wrong echo no you didn't [Music] please don't crash please don't crash please don't crash okay all right i need to get out of here now [Music] [Music] yeah this is the best rom hack ever wait no where am i going how the hell do i get out of here [ __ ] god [Music] yeah just up the down arrow i thought that's where i came from [Music] [ __ ] oh i see okay dude this rom hack is probably this is like one of the this is the top this is the top three raw mac for sure [Music] okay it's four stars savings for the week it didn't flash right there so i'm good [Music] [Music] nice okay i have to hustle what the [ __ ] is going on with the gravity dude oh oh no please don't tell me it's all like this [Music] what okay i have to hustle [Music] what okay i can't use x-ray in this area [ __ ] dude oh my god the gravity is really weird oh god what the f oh [ __ ] what's going on right now don't look [Music] okay well i'm [ __ ] i don't know [Music] i just keep rocking okay how do i get out of this area [Music] oh boy i mean you can do every area there we go i did say i did save um yeah thank you so much for the tier three [Music] doing good [Music] yeah it's not gonna work hold on [Music] it is kind of cheating a little bit [Music] what the [ __ ] [Music] i might yeah trevor thank you for the tier 3 for 35 months i'm gonna go grab a snack hold on i'm gonna start it and i'm gonna pause um i really have to pee and i want to grab a quick snack hold on i might do this area for last that was kind of confusing all right looking submissive and breathable oats wow thanks dude why is your name oats dude i don't know it's just a name i picked when i was playing halo 2. like back in 2000 2011 or 10. oh dude i know how to do this let's go baby [Music] okay maybe i don't oh it's different [ __ ] [Music] the the more shoe please emote all right um oh okay it's really handy [Music] to have waves right now [Music] okay i need to hustle this area needs to go fast because i'm running out of time [Music] i like the big googly eyes hey thanks for four months [Music] stop [Music] um i'm not sure if speed boost is in this [Music] i miss an item did i no is this worth it is it i don't know if this is worth it fellas [Music] no speed boosters in this hack sorry this area i can't remember what i said not worth it oh my god dude not worth it at all i'm gonna die now because of that i'm gonna be one minute shy because of that oh it's you said something wrong and therefore i'm going to criticize you dumbass russell roney thank you for this up maria [ __ ] [Music] [Music] let me see if there's something over here i know i know [Music] [Music] oats i know how to do this mukbang [Music] damn this is a banging soundtrack [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] is there anything what is down there i don't know actually [Music] this is this this might be running me for a weird loop here thanks russell appreciate it the pit all right [Music] you got boost power why is money i wish i could give money to oates but i was catfished of dude i was catfished of 1160 usd in april finally i get to relive the good old days of watching my admirers again dude you are so confusing what the [ __ ] are you saying um okay [Music] oh god dude this is not worth it we found your burner account oh it's yes that's my burner account i'm typing with my feet if i didn't know any better i would assume that loganessen is a is a bot [Music] yeah i know that's why i said if i didn't know any better [Music] [Music] [Music] oh dude giving the [ __ ] out of the water [Music] he doesn't use hex what do you mean it just changed colors i mean i don't use hex [Music] friday underscore cheered x200 hey just to be clear brandon you want maker example out of me who the hell do you think you're talking to me like that on stream anyways huh you think you're god or what just because you're a twitch streamer or what ha don't you ever say that about me ever again you are becoming an [ __ ] towards me for no reason you know what go heck yourself whole and your damn crew to you little prince half sack is threatening me to post this or ban me send help um who said that again i can't remember we banned someone they whispered that to me it was like a viewer for a while wait varya was back there you don't [ __ ] it i need to go man [Music] oh yeah i think it was pizza farts wasn't it [Music] um can i short charge this [Music] [ __ ] dude [Music] well i got to turn around anyways hold on wait no i didn't miss anything i think you guys are [ __ ] with me [Music] come on [Music] no no no [Music] [Music] what's down here [Music] i really have to hurry up i shouldn't be doing this oh so we did more missiles i'm glad i [Music] checked it was a room away from where you got speed booster [Music] what the [ __ ] over here wait wait wait wait wait wait can i just go up from here [Music] ah i know i have to go this way actually [ __ ] man oh yeah help me out here do it let's go baby [Music] i [ __ ] suck man this space jump is so cursed [Music] [ __ ] this game dude i'm i am actually offended [Music] and that was all for a missile oh my god you got to be [ __ ] me dude please please be something please be the way i gotta go i gotta hustle this is not looking good [Music] oh wow i need x-ray for that god i'm [ __ ] blind as a bat i wasn't paying attention [Music] no i'm just having a hard time understanding what you're trying to ask and stuff log on loganesen that's all i i assume english isn't your first language [Music] um okay so i'm not gonna save let's go my first language language is something i despised why do we not create okay dude never mind you're [ __ ] timed out i can't do this right now it's 28 minutes just take it take it peace please god damn it that's what i get for being polite you guys always say oh don't be so toxic man i say okay man i'm sorry i just don't i just assume english isn't your first language and then we get that and we get that message the long troll [Music] ah so toxico shut the [ __ ] up god what's up piano [Music] so [Music] oh god this is not looking good [Music] [Music] first the guy gets catfished out of 1g that his favorite streamer fans and first of all i timed them out and how the hell do you get catfish out of a thousand dollars what the [ __ ] [Music] out of stock dude who's buying this [ __ ] [Music] oh [Music] hello me up hello [Music] all right i'm gonna shuffle the left motes and boat thanks for the gift it's up to valtteri [Music] um yeah this isn't good hold on dope i don't believe that [ __ ] dude i don't believe it is dope i'm gonna be honest [Music] okay how the hell am i supposed to do this [Music] i mean i assume i just do this but hold on it can't be that hard [Music] okay [Music] do i want this i want this item what is down here [Music] hold on i got this [Music] if this is missiles i'm gonna lose my [ __ ] i swear to god [Music] oh dude it's so cursed man i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm i'm dying because of this [ __ ] but it's gonna be worth it hold on [Music] close i got this baby i got this that's all the information i needed [Music] let's go baby let's go [Music] that wasn't it right i mean okay well i guess that's kind of cool [Music] oh god i have a oh god it's glitched [Music] okay we're good i saw something [Music] the top right that probably brings me all the way around this rom hack is a lot of fun it's goofy so what is over here the pit okay [Music] it's going good quite a bit of fun [Music] gravity would be nice in a situation like this [Music] whoa what the [ __ ] one of those hacks [Music] come on baby thank you yeah this music is banging [Music] [ __ ] [Music] worth this is definitely porn music [Music] [Music] yeah maybe some 80s maybe some 80s [ __ ] [Music] i think i could have just went above [Music] saving us for chomps fellas [Music] that's right i think we're gonna save here [Music] [Music] uh all right what is this now [Laughter] that is [ __ ] awesome dude what the hell yes oh my god this is the best thing ever [Music] that is [ __ ] awesome this might have this might be the best hack i've ever played [Music] [Music] all right music's over yeah fun's over one more area to go and this area kind of sucks [Music] david's for squirts i ain't no squirt but how come i can do this now how come i couldn't x-ray before [Music] ah okay well you tried pressing the button before yeah okay i can't x-ray right there [Music] or here oh no i can't hear your ex right here didn't i try before okay am i missing something how does this work i might be missing how this how this show works [Music] because i can't x-ray right now okay so i gotta be standing on not the planet like not on solid ground on like a platform or something [Music] cheesed it i think that's it dude [Music] right oh no no that's my time i dude i'm so confused how the x-ray works okay [ __ ] it i gotta go i don't need those missiles hello [Music] if i jump i can x-ray [Music] oh it's x right through her clothes brother [Music] well you don't like naked women [Music] yeah i gotta jump [Music] this is this is really weird [Music] foreign what the [ __ ] [Music] depends on the color of the surface you're standing on no i don't think that's what it is the angry ball oh yeah oh i'm charging up but nothing's happening what charge bombs okay i did it now what it works seals i told you that waiver was gonna get you hold run bomb jump release [Music] wow [Music] [Music] and kind of [ __ ] hard [Music] okay i just wall jump this [ __ ] now [ __ ] this dude [Music] what was that [Music] god dude oh this is not good [Music] what the [ __ ] i know i gotta hurry up it's just i'm scared [Music] [Music] see yeah it's not the surface that i'm on i just to re-jump your timer yeah if you look below x-ray that's 32 minutes left if i don't make it out before that it goes back on i'm dead or if i don't make it out before that uh hit zero what the [ __ ] did i say i was thinking about something else dude i need to get out of here [Music] words are hard [Music] yeah i needed those missiles nice isn't this the [ __ ] zone no wrong stream brother [Music] underscore nn sheared x200 hey oates youtube commenter here i noticed you didn't use the intended strat back there and so i can only assume you are using glitches you have cheated the game your audience but worst of all yourself also why did you ban me from chat three days ago selectively enforcing kill me this is very toxic in my opinion and a violation of my freedom of speech thank you to honor damn maybe i should try that one more time [Music] i don't know if i want to save here i'ma be honest [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] afraid i was gonna die [Music] i'll refill [Music] we go baby we good we got 30 minutes the [ __ ] am i supposed to do [Music] i know some [ __ ] gonna try to [Music] [Applause] [Music] well i guess that's it [Music] i can't do anything about that i'm good try beating the game faster yes [Music] so there's no area that you can't beat i'm just gonna check over here like i could have done this area first before anything and i could have i can complete it so i can't figure it out [Music] oh don't forget to stay hydrated more like die graded i'm sorry yeah i will why is so sm why is that so small in stream overlay i don't know it's [ __ ] out of key [ __ ] let me throw here hey listen here [Music] what's up megazero [Music] all right i'm just gonna go this way for now i know there was a secret to the right but i it's one of those things i don't know what area it's expecting me to go to so oh great dude oh [ __ ] this isn't even a boss door it's just a troll really just put me through something here [Music] yeah we're good i knew we were fine all along yeah a door open but it's nothing this is spooky what the hell okay well i got the i got plasma so we're good [Music] wow don't kill me can you guys see mia i know he's looking up at me like a weirdo [Music] all right like a little weirdo he's so bored it's been like 100 degrees out like feels like a hundred so we can't go for hikes normally we go for like an hour long hike a day but uh it's way too hot for her though we've been doing some other stuff but she she misses her hikes that's for sure [Music] how do i get out of here what the [ __ ] kind of layer what layer am i on oh my god [Music] okay i need to make sure i'm going the right way here [Music] mia you got to do that on camera [Music] what the [ __ ] [Music] i know i only have 25 minutes [Music] okay it's just glitched out dude i'm getting debated i think it's because of the background oh dear god how am i how do i get out of here [Music] okay let's just save i'm gonna go all the way around there are speed blocks i did see the speed blocks but that's from the bottom [Music] let's just go this way the way that i this should work [Music] right because this was the yeah this is the area i was stuck before [Music] [Music] oh uh hello samurai oh my god [Music] kitty that's a dog kitty [Music] free [Music] [Music] what's up with the physics there anything pretty oh dear god dude oh god i don't like any of this this is not good it's just a waste of time he better actually throw me like a bowling ball no it's fine you're just obviously a troll okay and that's why that's why i don't give sympathy to people and people think i'm an [ __ ] because at the end of the day you guys are just trolling me mia i don't got no snackies for you she is so spoiled oh my god i cook her [ __ ] chicken and [ __ ] i cooked her chicken thighs today oh you're dying aren't you yeah please i haven't eaten a chicken thigh in 10 minutes oh so cruel oh oh do you hate her then is that what that is wow dude i treat my dog better and give my dog like better food than i eat most days she eats more expensive food than i do most days all right you can call this dick most days yes because i eat more than um you know ramen every day all right sometimes i have a nice meal or a steak or something [Music] all right go this way beat her ramen yeah that's what i said all right everyone shut up does the dog get steak okay i'm not even gonna entertain any of you guys [ __ ] comments because most you don't have a dog let alone we'd be able to take care of a dog [Music] all right i have two dogs well then shut the hell up and stop criticizing me while you feed your dog ol roy [Music] oh roy i'm just kidding [Music] she's really spoiled though but she deserves it she deserves good chicken good food what the [ __ ] this is freaky [Music] oh dude [Music] oh [ __ ] hold on afc special thanks um still waiting for i'm crying [Music] not even thinking oats yeah because i definitely deserve thanks for doing nothing [Music] oh great i love mazes dude oh no we're running out of time here no i'm not gonna scan the save room i don't care if there is something in the save room i'm not scanning that [ __ ] ever i know i know we're running low on time okay reason to kill this boss escape go and finish the rest of the game at the start of the game easy god damn it dude what the [ __ ] [Music] that ain't right can i do anything here oh no i think i'm [ __ ] i can't see i i need to do something here this this is the area [Music] here's my last power bomb i guess come on am i supposed to i might have to blow it up here okay that was right [Music] what did i blow up though what the [ __ ] i gotta hurry up i need to get out of here with 10 minutes at least i don't get out of here with what the okay wait does that like flood this [ __ ] no what don't look okay something oh god nice hey this game's [ __ ] with me dude [Music] [Music] i know oh god dude [Music] get off of me [Music] oh fan [ __ ] tastic i can't move is it because this thing's on me no i can't escape oh dear god this is bad i don't know what to do here [Music] am i stuck [Music] [Music] this hack is actually like [ __ ] awesome it's probably like top three hacks i've played so far no joke am i am i actually stuck does anyone know i don't have power bombs did i just jump hello yeah i think i'm stuck here that's a really weird spot why would they expect you to have a power bomb though you can clearly use one because you need to use one to get here you know what i'm saying i just want to make sure that i'm doing a jacket thanks for four months i'm not gonna give you seaweed chips all right so it's not too bad of a setback it's quite jank it's this this hack these hacks are satirical that's that is the whole purpose of the hacks [Music] resetting the timer scam yeah i had to reload the save i got soft locked what do you want [Music] [Music] wait six minutes to make the timer fair out no okay [ __ ] i just want to see if i can do anything down here this might be where i need to go i am having a great day [Music] [Music] what happened to co-op co-op what um [Music] you can't scan these areas oh god hey is this where i was yeah okay we're where i was trying to get to isn't it [Music] um it's all from metroid construction okay what a waste dude i can't of what if what the hell's what if [Music] oh crap what if the show didn't suck [Music] okay so [Music] [Music] all right i think i'm just [ __ ] hold on [Music] lab monkey 42 cheered x200 [ __ ] disney plus but more than that [ __ ] warhammer plus and their stupid policy of shutting down fan art just had to get that off of my chest [Music] [ __ ] [Music] ugh [Music] got him i have a feeling this is all just a big red hair in here don't [ __ ] with me game don't [ __ ] with me [Music] whoa [Music] that's it oh god this is so bad dude i should probably just reset honestly it's gonna be hard to get out of here actually no it's not that hard [Music] cheating [Music] yep let me just replay the entire rom hack for three hours because you want your precious channel points yeah that sounds good [Music] [Music] all right so we just gotta try this way again um i couldn't do anything over here as nrj tank this i guess i just gotta hope it works i don't know yeah so i did expect you to have man i really wish that they would have given you [Music] something to prevent that from happening [Music] i can do this without it don't worry i'm saving baby [Music] so this i was still confused don't know what to do here i don't think there's anything i can do here oh actually it doesn't matter then how the [ __ ] do i enter the boss area man it's all the way at the bottom oats please please what figure out where to go without even playing the game in advance [Music] you got the hint wanted or not no yes thank you guys i can see the timer you're all very smart [Music] um [Music] [Music] doesn't this guy speed run yeah your mom um [Music] all right so [Music] how the [ __ ] am i supposed to kill these [ __ ] fish dude oh god i'm so confused man i don't i can't go to the left here fish i mean they're underwater i assume they're fish chat okay you don't know where to go either unless you've already beaten the game or watched someone beat the game to slow your roll but you don't know how yes i know how do i get out of this place man [Music] oh this is brutal i need to hustle and bustle [Music] go back oats am i supposed to am i supposed to be where i just came from because that yes no [Music] you were progressing just fine was i though all right well if i was progressing just fine then i might as well just do that because i didn't make any extra progress sorry mia [Laughter] [Music] my points dude those were my points though oats i earned them fair and square all right well i can't [ __ ] figure this [ __ ] out then man yeah maybe i just go up actually no no that's not it there's crumble blocks there let's go on the crumble blocks stop cheating dude i'm not gonna waste my time and come all the way back here just because you guys want to save your points all right i'm sorry but i'm not that attached to your channel points maybe don't gamble degenerates okay there's something up there let's go i'm just kidding you're not degenerates okay this is just a red herring man that's all it is [Music] yeah there's just a way to get through what are those crumble blocks down there then is that also a red herring this [ __ ] game dude okay well let's try just to do this again this has to be something [Music] so imagine scamming your loyal viewers i know dude it's great [Music] oats and goats do not read that essentially how i lost a sick uh 1100 gamble ignore them being catfishers and just pretend it's cool what you lost your money gambling all right whole area is a waste of your time no because we need to we need to beat the boss i don't know if this is the right way this right here but i mean i certainly hope so [Music] okay i don't understand they [ __ ] grapple [Music] uh [Music] yeah this is my last area and i just can't [ __ ] figure it out maybe that's a badly colored powerbomb skate nah [ __ ] dude our bomb on top of its head i would see what that would do use missile to shoot the block that the chozo statue is holding [Music] it's nothing i've already been down here [Music] okay there's got to be something how do i progress further down man [Music] okay so that opens it progress [Music] hog [Music] okay no [ __ ] that [Music] angry suit this game is so passive aggressive i hate it man i [ __ ] hate that they knew i was gonna be angry let me try to charge bombs no holy [ __ ] i'm blind [Music] jesus like pterodactyls or something man [Music] i don't know if i'm gonna have to kill all these things so i'm just gonna do it yeah youtube's pretty funny it is very bright it's hurting my eyes man just hard to see through it's okay though [Music] i'm gonna save just so i can have 13 minutes and if i die i can just try it again and just speed run that [ __ ] eventually [Music] jesus oh my god so [Music] i just need to get out of here [Applause] me [Applause] [Applause] not worth [Music] [Music] all right we might actually be able to beat this [Music] wow those things are so creepy after cheating it's not cheating if i take advantage of what's given to me all right oh okay answer six questions in order to proceed three minute bonus for each minute correct three minutes penalty for each wrong answer that ain't good dude okay fine go i got this i'm a [ __ ] genius let's go [Music] so little collab when was this hack released none of the above dude oh oh so little collab i don't know 2014 let's go baby it's that easy let's go three minutes oxide what is wrecked ship called in this hack and this hack okay this hack is [ __ ] so what it thinks i was looking up the answer oh angry fire shows up which boss cannot be fought in this hack uh ridley what uh crocomier i guess [ __ ] i guess i didn't grand prix what is the max percent in the first hack uh 69 [ __ ] dude i'm gonna die man uh which hack feature is similar aesthetics [Music] that's [ __ ] yp hell does as well that's why faster too fast which area cannot be skipped what nice [ __ ] not fast enough you guys are dumb all right i'm a genius i got this let's go the little collab oh let's go baby i instantly shot it um oxide was a what is its last revision number two angry firetrucks are which foster cannot be bossed in this ice crock mark what i okay i'll do that wrong grand prix what is the max percent okay so it wasn't uh let's just say 24. okay [Music] oh god dude what is the ancient extinct race called [Music] let's go live but the area cannot be skipped [Music] all right we got four minutes do the skeletons are perfect for this area [Music] [Music] okay i gotta hustle man [Music] is never gonna break that side or not oh god dude [Music] yeah i know i was hoping it was gonna break because i saw a crack all right we gotta hustle man we don't have a lot of time hurry up rise [Music] okay what i'm getting double-teamed you're supposed to help me [Music] [Music] okay two minutes two minutes do i have it in two minutes because i only got like one minute now meta broke something to escape fast [Music] i don't know if it's the right way but i just gotta hustle man [Music] i don't know if this is the right way [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so if the timer hits 17 seconds we're [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] okay so that's okay i just need to get out of here [Music] or should i take the risk i don't want to take the risk i'ma [ __ ] die dude oh i thought it was open what happened to it [Music] oh okay what the hell just happened i think i won yeah i thought i died oh okay so if ridley grabs you [Music] oh my god this is so great [Music] [Music] is it actually dmca i don't think it is we've played this before we've played it before and i don't think it was dmc aid you guys got me freaked out you tell me that you tell me that i'm gonna get dmcad and you guys bring it back we don't care take the strike on your channel why are you listening to chat i'm not listening to the chat because i'm not playing it if i was listening to the chat i would be listening to you and i'll turn the music back up it really is dmca i don't think it is i have played this song i played the other hack and we listened to the theme we listened to it at the end for a while and i didn't get any strikes there was no uh muted music sue the creator for emotional trauma sounds good okay i just i just realized in the reviews it's all five stars except well one's three star good hack but a version without the timer would be very welcome i'm good at the game but timer went out at spo spo unfortunately since i really wanted to see the ending well then keep playing it and get better like what the [ __ ] will you get mad at like a fighting game if you have to restart and then there's a review who cobbled together this jarring hack just throw random backgrounds together that make utterly no sense that'll do by metacarious and the author is metacareous [Music] wait what is this like a inception troll yes very self-aware yes yeah this is a great rom hack anyways fantastic i really enjoyed it um this is a top this is probably top three rom hack it was pretty [ __ ] fun i would have given it five stars oh you gave it three stars oh i was the one criticizing you oh sorry well i mean my point was you have to um you you have to just replay it dude you have to get better it's not about just yeah exactly and it even it warns you doesn't it all right see ya thanks for watching guys have a good friday night oh [ __ ]
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 43,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, what the hack, what, the, hack, what the hack is this, wth, wthit, items, gravity, final, phantoon, chozo, yfaster, y-faster, 2 furious, furious, y-faster 2 furious, yfaster 2furious, y faster, ridley, mario, captain falcon
Id: Gn30U2CJaZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 54sec (12594 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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