What Super Dumb Things Has Your Work Done To Try To Help?

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today my employer held a kated Leadership Conference for managers only aiming to improve employee morale the employees were left out hungry and had to work twice as hard to make up for absent managers read it what idiotic things has your job done for the benefit of the employees my old company was having a morale problem me and my co-workers had been pulling serious overtime trying to get all the work done for two weeks straight we had essentially come in at 730 and left at 630 p.m. without taking lunch finally after we had openly started talking about how P we were that we were doing these hours and we were still getting bitched at for making tiny errors here and there they decided to reward our department with lunch when our lunch hour came the four of us walked in to find all the food had been eaten by the managers and they had left us two egg rolls and handful of fried rice Morel had never been higher you can eat when morale improves creating on the second policy you have to be at your desk exactly the second your workday begins this has created an atmosphere where they find it really really hard to get anyone to do anything extra on the second the workday ends everyone leaves before we didn't care about a minute or two here and there it's worth when you are expected to be at your desk station counter before your shift starts in order to crank up the crappy provided systems and then are expected to stay after your shift to close everything down and paid both times of course I used to work in catering as a chef and we once catered a company-wide going-away party for the head of a large local company that makes sixer sized equipment the reason that the company head was leaving was to go on a Mormon mission but that's neither here nor there the executives ate on a day said the head of a large conference room elevated a few feet above the ground they ate smoked beef tenderloin with a Calvados demi-glace haricot vert roast new potatoes Caesar salad and all manner of breads and rolls with handmade chocolate mousse in a champagne glass for dessert the employees on the other hand were left to mill about on the conference room floor and enjoy their fully catered meal of day nuts yep they got to eat crappy store-bought doughnuts and watch their bosses and managers enjoy a multi-course fully catered meal in full view of the masses of pubes that was close to 10 years ago and it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth it's like a scene from the Kim's my company has an annual trip for people voted as MVP from each office location plus executives and sales people who make quota the trips are usually quite fancy all-expenses-paid Affairs with tons of swag cut to the height of the great recession we have our quarterly town-hall meeting the CEO stands there in front of a screen showcasing photos from this trip I'm talking about pictures of people receiving fancy watches and going on helicopter rides while these photos are showing he gives a speech about tightening our belts no raises that year and all salaried employees having to take two weeks off without pay with pictures of him and all the other xxxx in the background drinking champagne on a helicopter behind him people were P to say the least your CEO sounds like via movie quality bad guy in my place of work we have got an extremely busy in the last few months they expanded their stores into Florida instead of giving the employees much-needed deserved raises we got oranges yes oranges they thought they were clever being in Florida and all just made me angry our company decided to give out a weekly price to randomly selected employees as a way to boost morale some of these prizes were things like iPads and TVs so at first this seemed cool then we started realizing that the people who won the big prizes were all VP's and above lower-level employees one things like a tote bag full of promotional materials the winners name title and prizes emailed to everyone in the comp why now whenever a regular person wins he or she gets a flood of congratulatory emails from the mused coworkers Congrats on winning that plastic cup you must be so proud oh man please please tell me that they all hit reply all to do that a motivational speech was being given to some of our assembly guys and two of their managers were trying to get them to see the importance of working hard as a team here is what they had to say think about slave ships if everyone didn't didn't keep rowing through the storm the boat would capsize and they'd all drown in order to improve morale my previous employer set up a suggestion box when people anonymously submitted their gripes management got P and said we had to put our names on our suggestions what's the point of a suggestion box if it's not anonymous if I'm going to put my name on it I will just email you directly you should have written that up as a suggestion and signed it with go Frick yourself casual passes this is the most idiotic thing I've ever seen you can be awarded or purchase a casual pass that lets you wear casual clothing anytime you like not just Friday if your manager approves oh and if there's not a customer visit it just strikes me as so childish you can wear comfortable clothes today don't you feel rewarded no I feel manipulated and patronized maybe I'm just bitter I worked in a call center for a large international insurance company no customer visits had to dress in full business attire all the time to answer the phone they had jeans passes that you could purchase with actual money but you've still had to wear dress shoes shirt I don't suppose it was for the benefits of the employees but I worked at a stationery store that sold DVDs CDs and the like WH Smith they had a management meeting about security and sharp lifting so already short-staffed the supervisors managers and security guards spent two hours upstairs nattering worst day for shoplifting the store had ever had hilarious not really related to having a job but I was knocked back from an internship at a world-leading insurance company last year because when you showed up you looked a bit like an IT considering I was applying for an IT internship and my technical background is IT I have no idea what this Human Resources goon was expecting HR is terrible when I was hiring here my interviewer basically gave me tips to lie to HR to make it easier for myself this is my bonehead move I was new to managing in the taxi world and thought hey let's throw a b b q and get to know everyone turns out a lot of muslims or taxi drivers and that ramadan thing is kind of a big deal now I throw a what I call a Halab a few days before Ramadan starts it's pretty nice hot dogs and sausages for everyone when I worked at McDonald's there was a month where they put a digital scale by the shake machine we had to zero out the weight of a cone each time and make sure that every customer was getting exactly 5 ounces of ice-cream a cone with too much got thrown out it's hard to appreciate the difficulty of making a cone let alone a perfect one and this just ended up being a massive waste of time and money my employer recently started charging for our employee appreciation luncheon $25 for some crappy baked chicken glad to know how much we are appreciated I work in the back room of a large retail store we're understaffed with hours cut and the only section of the store to run independently after three hundred and thirty we have one supervisor yet we have the highest rank in the nation in terms of speed and accuracy we still get called lazy by the upper ups you'll be considered lazy until you work for free and then they would just try to push you into paying them for allowing you to build experience our grocery pharmacy Outlet was involved in a company-wide push to boost profits over the holiday season if we we came out on top with the greatest percentage increase over all other outlets than we would receive a handsome Christmas bonus we came out on top that the only ones to reap the rewards were upper management among the 30 plus employees we would have stood to make nearly $1000 a piece for our hard work during the holidays instead management split it among the top three giving them a little under $10 zero zero zero each those who complained were fired and given crap excuses why I don't work for that crap company anymore nor do I ever have to see the greedy management that kept me and my family from my rightful Christmas bonus Frick M I can't relate to people who do things like this it's perplexing and I can't understand such behavior they must have the moral compass of Hitler leading by example really is one of the pillars of basic management for Frick sake do you build loyalty and trust your employees will be more productive and happy in the end wait you have managers who actually do stuff to the point where you have to work harder to make up for their absence man yay that's actually min blowing for me too we think it's in your best interest to not know how much the company pays off your insurance premium turned out it was 0% it's only going to hurt you to learn more about the industry you've learned enough my wife is always flabbergasted at the crap my company wastes money on the lamest was wooden back scratchers with the company logo on them they hand it out to everyone I'd actually love it if my employer bought me a back scratcher especially a wooden one cuz I could sharpen the end for extra back scratching goodness I'll trade you for my USB Magoo ma used to work at a movie theater as a supervisor and later a projectionist while we were making the transition to digital projectors we were informed that we would be keeping one or two of the old film projectors in case one of the movies we were showing wasn't available in a digital format they told us they were going to keep us on but give us extra duties to justify the 80% reduction in workload seemed fer fast-forward a few weeks and we get the heads up that they wanted us to Train a couple of managers on how to thread up a film projector and start it they then had a giant appreciation party for us at a local go-kart track where at the end told us that the managers were all going to be handing the projection equipment from then on they then offered us all jobs part-time regular employees starting at minimum wage with an adjustment based on other merit raises we'd been given I would have gone from 40 hours a week at $13 an hour to 25 hours a week at $8.75 on the last go-kart race I ran the general manager into a wall of 30 miles per hour so that's why they call you Jimmy three shoes you took the third one from your managers severed leg after he crashed into the wall don't f ck with this guy people at my firm we used to have this CEO that felt really entitled and he was a huge prick but the company HQ was in a three-story building with two stairways one on each end of the building his office was next to the stairway entrance on one end of the building for some reason he believed this was an executive staircase and only he was allowed to use it whenever he found another employee in it he would yell at them and threaten to write them up so all employees had to use the other stairway regardless of where their office was in the building such a huge inconvenience well we all had the last laugh he goes on this great vacation to Europe and little did he know that while he was gone the Board of Directors had fired him his company vehicle was removed from his property his access to company networks was revoked his key cards were deactivated and his office was packed up and placed outside the building the morning he arrived he was truly blindsided he came in claiming his car was stolen only to see it parked in the front ready for the next CEO a comma at my firm we used to have this CEO that felt really entitled and he was a huge prick every story in this thread coma I work at a theater and were pushed to sell these membership cards to 2% of our guests at the end of the year we ended up being one of the few theaters that ended up doing this so instead of giving everyone bonuses or raises or even a thank-you party the GM got to file the way to California and Las Vegas we also haven't had anyone internally promoted within the last year and a half or so the last two positions that were opened were filled from the outside needless to say everyone's kind of pee VP an annual employee meeting they are all about work-life balance but we have to work harder and longer mental frickin pygmy and by we I mean you and know you won't get any extra pay my workplace as yearly mandatory barbecues they call then meetings the meeting lasts for about 20 minutes and the rest is vbq and pool and stuff sounds awesome but it is mandatory that you show up and it is mandatory that you bring some food you will be written up and/or fired of you don't show up so they scheduled this year's vbq meet in the middle of the day on a day I already never work because I go to school I kept telling them I couldn't miss a day I'm in a really competitive program 200 people trying to get into an 18 slot program so I absolutely cannot Frick up and they said if I don't show up I'll get fired so I didn't show up I actually forgot I was going to just show up late and no one said anything and no Fricks were given I saw the photos on Facebook and it just seemed really lame all the stupid cliques were there same old Bulls just outside of work not getting paid for it just throwing this out there in many places mandatory meetings events must be paid it's either mandatory and paid or optional and in paid when Circuit City was still around I was a warehouse manager the company was struggling from spending too much on planograms and such so what did they do they spent tens of millions developing a new post system called Rios which we lovingly called our piece of crap I actually worked in the test store that was the first to get it in the nation we had the dev team in four months working out kinks we would find and whatnot and I discovered a pretty major flaw to the system would randomly lose items in inventory like $4,000 T V s on a daily basis I told them about this all the time and they said they would ray of Al you eight or something they didn't believe me and it had to be a human error so when the next dist truck came in we took complete inventory before accepting the shipment into Rojas and world and you know it we were immediately missing 25 K dollars in merch so they never fixed it pushed it out the stores and subsequently bankrupt lol and the old system wasn't even bad sure it was dated but once you knew the way around it was gold every year my hotel holds a staff holiday party at which noir prizes are given away our main competitor had had theirs a week before and staffed with friends and spouses at that hotel reported back to us about that party's door prizes iPhones iPads mini fridges filled with beer or groceries the grand prize a week for four at any hotel in their chain including airfare and meals our party came and my company's crapulous was revealed all the door prizes were free three nights at specific hotels in our Jane no airfare nothing else crappy hotels and non destination cities and towns three nights free in a hotel you had no desire to see in a city you have zero reason to visit and the prize winner had to cover their own f air staff morale plunged to an all-time low when one month later the managers all had their weekend advance on a four-day weekend at a nearby five-star resort all expenses covered including golf and sailing P dear freakin God please don't tell me you still work there or that the hotels are still successful in fact please tell me you went to their competitor because those are some bitchin prizes not even joking I was deployed in [ __ ] Afghanistan in 2002 and and butthole Colonel trips over Iraq walking from the command tent to the latrine at night 30 minutes later me and the other lowest ranking Airmen were outside picking up rocks with flashlights near the perimeter of base in the middle of the dang night I've never thought I might die for a more stupid reason than I did that night fall raises were cut for the last three years and replaced with gifts flowers year one lunchbox year two and an umbrella year three all were off cheap quality and clearly designed for women I'm a male nurse murse da III I just left my gifts at work at my office we hired a mediator to come in and address some of the workplace concerns our communication and interaction with one particular employee was lacking this employee has a competitive nature that borders on overbearing uncomfortable the mediator broke us all into pairs of two and asked us to arm wrestle with each other the winner of each match would receive a chocolate each group was given a bag of chocolates while everyone split up and performed the task every group just communicated that neither participant cared about winning and just wanted the chocolate so everyone just split the bags except for the one employee we had issues with she dominated her opponent and got every last piece of chocolate the mediator was befuddled gave a little speech and left TL DR mediator had our office do team-building exercises realized we're beyond her help and left as someone who has done team-building for about 200 different organizations the last four years that person really sucks at their job not to benefit but I was declined becoming a notary which is 150 dollars because we didn't have the money as I was doing the bills the CEO bought a personal plaque for himself with a company money for 149 dollars and 98 cents new guy was put in charge and he decides that we need to have an annual retreat where we go over what we've done the past year then plan out what we want to accomplish the following year and then we eat well when we get to the planning session it's led by the managers I heard from my co-workers that half of em didn't listen to this or tried to shift our suggestions to what they wanted we haven't had our annual meeting yet this year my company wanted to really get the employees involved and excited about the new direction the company was taking in terms of rebranding and new marketing strategies so they spent a lot of time trying to get people excited by the future and where the company was going of course none of us in my office appreciate it had given that they had announced to week earlier that our office would close and all our work would be moved out of country most people here felt like we were constantly being told how great things would be once we were gone insult to injury aggressive new marketing used the product we developed as the flagship product my company just went through a multi-million rebranding campaign not only does our new logo look pretty much like a boob our mission and vision statement is basically the same thing for a small local company what a waste of money here's a good one I haven't worked for Center partners since 1999 but they used to pull stupid crap like this all the time when I worked there the company was still only a few hundred employees and was still privately owned one day our HR department and the owner sent out an email that the entire company is going to receive a profit sharing bonus at the time we were a technical call center who contracted with HP supporting some of the first CD burners and also some of their lower end Travon style tape drives apparently we had been kicking butt in all of our metrics calls answered with minimal held time first call resolution customer satisfaction essentially we were making the company a lot of money and doing a great job maintaining our contracted service levels with HP so a couple of weeks go by and everyone is abuzz about this profit sharing bonus that we're all supposed to get how much was it going to be was this going to become a regular thing the typical water cooler discussions profit sharing day comes it's a Friday and it's also pay day everyone is excited to get their check and see what kind of bonus we ended up with but when they handed out checks there was no bonus on them as soon as payroll is distributed HR sends an email out telling us on our team leads will send us in a few at a time to collect our profit sharing yes they put the words in quotes what did now the profit sharing end up being chic-fil-a chicken breasts seasoned and vacuum packs one for each member of your family you see a few months prior to this one of our employees had a spouse with some kind of illness I can't remember now if it was MS or something similar she also happened to be the store manager for a chic-fil-a store in the local mall chic-fil-a corporate had promised her that if a store met a certain target they would purchase her a wheelchair accessible van when it turned out the store wasn't going to make it our company purchased enough raw chicken from the store to make up the difference so she could get the van yeah it was cool of them to do but then to turn around a couple months later and give us the chicken and call its profit sharing was probably among the shittier things a company has ever done ro not just vac you and Pat chicken breasts but two-month-old vacuum-packed chicken breasts when I used to actually work for a car dealer our insurance would require us to have a right to know presentation by a company once a year they were an independent company that pretty much audited your shops safety practices chemicals being used et Cie and let you know the various dangers we started to refer to them as a right to know what's going to kill you meetings anyways they always had an atrociously long list of safety violations eroding tools chemicals not being handled properly et Cie for this one particular shop the shops manager was old the shop was old the tools were old and safe etc so every year this list was made and every year the same thing was on the list well every year they do a demonstration about how gas fuel isn't exactly flammable it's the fumes and they do a demonstration where they light fumes on fire on one side and drop a match into diesel on the other and then extinguish it with a fire extinguisher one of the things on the list for this year was our fire extinguishers had not been inspected yet so earlier in the morning Tech one was doing a fuel filter where they were doing this fume demonstration so half the floor is on fire and the fire extinguishers arrant working you have the right to know that the right to no meeting may kill you fun facts they never fixed anything at that shop after those meetings one of the most hilariously and safe places I've ever worked my company manufacturing has an on-site company picnic every year with big giveaways for all employees but you have to be physically present to win soon night shift and anybody stuck in the factory working can't win just the folks whose job isn't important enough to stop working for five hours and play sack races with upper management even when I can go I refuse to I make sure to wave when I Drive by the picnic area when I am driving out to a quick McDonald's lunch infuriates me I hated working night shifts for reasons like this but there was a great Halloween party today we all took most of the day often drank while on the clock now can you make up for all the work that wasn't done today thanks plus people would look at me like I was trespassing if I ever walked in during the day shift one week the owner cut everyone's wages 15% in order to guarantee the future health of the company the next week he bought a 4.5 million dollar painting Thomson Reuters axed how Christmas bonuses so that we could have 452 inches TV screams that displayed Sky News company stock results company predictions and security systems they decided to shut down three of the five elevators in the air-conditioning for old nating hours one hour on one hour off throughout the day as part of a power saving green initiative but really they were just saving money on electricity wouldn't be bad except they started the shutdown just before everyone was arriving for work out 8:00 a.m. leading to widespread tardiness crammed elevators and near fistfights it was one of the hottest days of the summer and the stairwells are only accessible in emergencies doors have alarms at least they sent out an email telling us about it it arrived at 4:00 p.m. on the day the initiative started one thing that I think is worth pointing out here I am amazed at the absence of managers caused more work my experience in the corporate world is that for the most part when the managers are gone at worst no one notices but that usually everyone is in a lot better mood and productivity is a lot higher my story in my early twenties I worked at a technical support call center but there were two separate call centers one located at corporate headquarters and another satellite office located in a different part of the country corporate help desk was consistently bad on customer service and incompetent technically to the point where callers would ask to be placed back on hold to get us if they got through to corporate the solution everyone has to go to a customer service seminar worse yet the speaker that they got was some sleazy used-car salesman not only that but they also raised structured the way that the customer satisfaction surveys and the like were done so that it was not tracked by office anymore meaning that the crappy techs were bringing the whole company down and there was no real reason to try for excellence anymore comma one thing that I think is worth pointing out here I am amazed that the absence of managers caused more work my experience in the corporate world is that for the most part when the managers are gone at worst no one notices but that usually everyone is in a lot better mood and productivity is a lot higher I'm a manager and I concur we were a small company our boss plus four full-time employees a mandatory annual meeting one year was held at a lake resort paid for by the company the company also offered to pay for wives significant others to come and hang out at the resort get there on Friday meetings all day Saturday and go home Sunday dinner Friday and breakfast Saturday go normally meetings are pretty boring during the day but we seem to get some good stuff hammered out for the upcoming year dinner on Saturday we sit down and start looking at the menu boss announces that everyone will have to pay for their own dinner tonight we're talking like $15 for a salad $30 for an entree on this menu this is pretty surprising to us since it is the first time we're hearing about needing to spend any money remember some of us have SOS here too so we're talking $50 to $60 for this dinner we all felt like the meals were mandatory company team-building time and now we're surprised by having to pay for staff it wouldn't have been a big deal if we had known before the dinner just freaking go to Panera or something instead of fancy resort restaurant then our boss tells us we should totally check out the champagne breakfast brunch on Sunday before we go home thanks but I've spent enough of the money you don't pay me already this weekend I'm just going to grab a bagel and drive home if I worked there three years and we had our mandatory annual meeting only my first year at my current job 20 minute lunch breaks are normally given out one at a time but there have been men at times when the supervisors who make up roughly half the staff will all go on break together usually leaving me and one other gal to run register kitchen and cutting board seems to happen a lot when we become very busy like a birthday party nor worse the choir group it's not fun getting yelled at by an obese woman's obese children because their food is taking ten minutes longer than normal back when smartphones weren't super popular my manager texted me some crap like wow any large pizza for just 10 bucks tell your friends to order now bla bla bla corporate monster bla then instructed me to pass it on to my contacts I proceeded to use the good ol Phil the ten recipients lots with the same contact and sent it right back to her I hid race and about 15 times causing her phone to be unable to do anything but receive my messages one at a time one hundred and fifty times she didn't send me both marketing texts to forward after that well-played pizza lad when I was twenty I was the lead supervisor on a program evaluation contract supervising 45 employees the project was finished when I was out of the office I worked 12 8 p.m. it finished around 10:30 a.m. that morning my boss called and told me it was finished and everyone was going out to eat to celebrate so I said oh I'll come in now give me a few minutes and she said great we need you to come supervise the other team who wasn't on that project while we go so freaking stupid everything that that job was stupid including letting a 20 year old develop an evaluation for a statewide program on green jobs just out of the blue I made the whole thing based on a few Wikipedia articles frick it it was really successful and a lot of other states use it now but I ultimately got fired for wanting to be paid the same amount as the other supervisor whose team didn't do as well as mine but it was a boys club so I got fired buttholes the cookie incident I was working as an IT technician for a big corporation after 9/11 people were stress out and our manager thinks we need a morale boost he created some random appreciation tokens which were nothing but tickets for theater plays that were canceled a week earlier discounts for car rentals and hotel stays basically just unused corporate coupons that were laying around in his office I was bitter about not being nominated or any of my team even if our performance numbers were better than many of the winners we knew all the winners were brown-nose morons but this time universe did justice two days later a regular user did bake a big batch of cookies and sent to me and my team of massive amount of cookies when I did thank her and asked her the reason of her kindness she just said this is for all the times you guys had helped me that was way better than any random coupon , the cookie incident combo I was working as an IT technician for a big corporation dart , I saw this and I thought you were going to talk about internet cookies last year our company's CEO came down from Chicago and basically bragged to all US Poon's about how much profit our company made over a hundred mill so was a treat to us they gave us a $5 coupon for our in-house CAF I was so insulted I mean a decent lunch and there usually is around $7 morale is still in the crapper I work for a major credit card company back in the eighties I was a contractor at a major corporation one day they brought all the employees across the street for a video hookup with headquarters they were announcing company-wide layoffs that video hookup cost fifty thousand dollars back then they could have saved a person's job by doing it another way if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 66,247
Rating: 4.8614717 out of 5
Keywords: work stories, job, work, worst job, idiotic, managers, worst managers, stupid boss, bosses, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: Zllirc5LGXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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