Biggest Mistakes You Can't Afford To Do As a Teenager - Reddit

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what is one thing you regret about your teenage years I didn't take care of my teeth very well I had to pay a stupid amount of money to get them fixed underrated comment and it's not just the money it's the many hours spent on that torture chair and the pain leading up to it and after it treat your teeth like they're worth a fortune or you'll end up paying a fortune not being organized in school I was smart but lazy I didn't like schedules and didn't bother with deadlines these all added up and haunted me in University still comes back in adulthood having good habits and routines really help this torti if I had a routine and stuck to it my grades would have been consistently better and I wouldn't have hated myself when I pulled several all-nighters a semester to finish papers I could have worked on throughout the semester same here I wished someone had warned me about being smart but lazy but I just experienced this finished freshman year of college last week and this last quarter with the remote learning has been a [ __ ] shall for me the whole year has been a struggle learning to manage classes that are actually hard and require work but I feel like I can do better next year hopefully it's not all online not involving myself more I never went on school trips I didn't go to prom I skipped anything extra and a lot of what was mandatory it carried into my adult life and it seems obvious to say but I guess I'd be a different person now if I had been there I'd waited my whole life for my senior year of high school all the trips dances activities I dreamed of going places with my friends and having fun and doing things I had too much anxiety to do before my mom pulled me out of high school permanently within the last few months of my junior year and held me hostage in my house until I turned 18 for her own selfish reasons I missed everything do you mind if I ask what those selfish reasons were oh not at all the main reason was because of a buoyant her intense hatred towards him I dated said boy when I was 15 and for the next three she wreaked havoc on my life to keep me from him even though we had broken up when I was fifteen and blamed him for ruining my relationship with her I told her many times that no she ruined the relationship by destroying my mental health via me having no privacy at all feeling anxious when she was home BC she could snap at any moment never knowing if I could keep someone or something in my life for long because she always got rid of thing that went against her beliefs telling everyone I was a rape victim as justification for not letting me leave the house et Cie she thinks it is his fault that I hate her so she took me out of school permanently two years after this issue began to get me away from him which in turn damaged my friendships and GPA when I told her she was ruining everything for me she said I would thank her later still not grateful Mayer letting everyone take advantage of me I was a spineless kid I feel this one I'm too much other people pleaser it sucked the good thing is that I've hardened up after dealing with too much BS stressing over what is not even my situation I there become more aware but sometimes I still don't realize it until my boyfriend points it out same here you are not alone sorry for that kids can be as manipulative and cruel as adults getting fat not socializing in or out of school I'm now 25 fat and struggle to talk to people edit I just want to thank everyone who has been commenting here it really means a lot to me it's okay bro it's never too late to build social skills just take baby steps and do one small thing that makes you uncomfortable every day like small talk with someone in line at the coffee shop or complimenting the guy's tattoo of the cash register it may be awkward at first but before you know it you'll be a lot more comfortable in social situations that's actually pretty good advice Thanks I've also started playing DMD which is kinda jumping in the deep end but of definitely RDM gets us to roleplay what we say to intimidate persuades people so I'm getting a lot of practice with that hey yeah that's also social anxiety is a bch because our brains literally make us think our lives are threatened when you're doing something relatively basic like ordering a sandwich at Subway believe me I've been there but you just have to realize that you're not gonna die if you stumble or stutter we all do it and that it is possible to get better good luck starting to smoke started when I was 12 I'm extremely nicotine addicted now wish I never started to smoke I know I'm not telling you anything you don't already know but after 17 years I quit smoking I made a bunch of attempts but this last time it stuck and I'm almost at a year with no nicotine edit this is the easiest $3,000 I've ever saved congratulations and good job I spent so much time waiting for something to happen like sitting on some steps outside of a house waiting for something to happen hanging out with people I did not really like waiting for something to happen I feel like so much time was wasted waiting for something to happen instead of doing something or making things happen good answer but damn I did this till my mid-20s all my friends were the same way content to do next to nothing we had each other and it was actually pretty great but I was lonely I could be in a room full of my best friends and feel incredibly lonely now I agree with the thought that you shouldn't feel obligated to be in a cuddle that you should be happy with yourself that you don't need a romantic relationship to be happy but that was what was missing in my life and what I wanted to change about it I started asking my friends for referrals which was tough because most of them were single guys just like me who went to a sausagefest college we just didn't know many women at all anyway five years to fairly crazy relationships and a lot of bad online matchmaking dates I finally got a referral that ended up working out I'm now happily married with two kids to anyone reading it's worth it reaching out expanding your boundaries it's hard I'm glossing over years of depression setbacks and heartache but I'm glossing over it because I can it's nothing compared to how happy I've become it was agony to go through it but it's nothing now well not nothing I appreciate my wife life now because of the things I went through my point is it's worth it oh God I relate incredibly and yes it sucks pink floyd's time sums that up pretty well I was bad at taking hints flirting can be subtle there have been several occasions when people have flirted with me and I only know this because people have told me afterwards I am usually pretty good at reading social cues but when it comes to flirting I just mistake it for friendliness makes me curious about if there were any other occasions that I also didn't notice I'm only 17 though so hopefully I can learn to notice it better soon it's funny cause usually I am the very opposite of this I usually take everything as flirting and can tell if it's only a friendly approach or something more I'm this way too and I hate it when I was 16 I dated a guy who was 24 I knew then it was fairly creepy but when I think about it now I seriously cringe thankfully I had enough brains to not have sex with him good thing you stopped it I had a friend who was in the same spot as you were and it was hard for her to even talk about it I started dating a 25 year old dude at age 14 he left his wife for me I hosted a ton of age can stop love memes on myspace we got engaged it was so weird because he also wanted me to date kids my age so didn't miss out I also would have boyfriends or girlfriends my age and think it was totally normal to not tell them about my real relationship I left him when I was 16 because I honestly was outgrowing him I'm 27 now and look back at that time with just astonishment I was the only child of a single mother just raging with alcoholism and some prick disillusioned himself into thinking he was helping me when really he was just taking advantage of an abused and neglected child if I met him again in public I would have quite a few choice words oMG I did this in high school too it was that whole thing where he's like you're so mature for your age and everything looking back on that years later I was like ROH he was really gross that I never confessed my feelings for this girl until our late 20s but the story has a happy ending right yep together for 12 years married for five still the only one I ever loved : congratulations very happy for you and just a very cute outcome not paying attention in school I was a massive goof and only started paying attention when it was too late as a result my dream job may be just out of my reach study hard kids your dream job may depend on it edit dream job is to be a pilot good message here lots about schooling not being that we all or and all but this shows that you shouldn't let opportunities like that pass by keep working my man you can still get it : I see it like this you're in school for a reason it's your time you're in there so you might as well make the most of it find friends find hobbies and study hard I understand that certain subjects may not be relevant to what you want to do but sometimes life happens your dream job changes and it doesn't hurt to have those qualifications but it does hurt to not have them in regards to my dream job there is a rage limit line quickly approaching and I still have a lot to get done but I'm trying Cheers though D so true I always told myself that I would forget it in a few years so why even learn it turns out that's not really true and even if it were it would still help me to have graduated from a better University if you are reading this and still in school please try your hardest not to make the same mistake I did the amount of time I spent caring about what others thought of me I wish I cared a little more about what people thought of me all through high school I lived in my little own world with my friends as soon as I started to branch out and care about what others thought of me I started taking better care of myself I got into shape to care off my skin and started a few hobbies in college to make myself cooler which ultimately led to becoming true lifelong passions caring about what others thought led to self-care and confidence everything's good now but I could have had a few more years of this in high school a perspective that people usually don't have the balls to say nice I'm glad someone finally said it like this this was a major turning point in my life except it was with fashion I never really cared what I wore I figured that person's character was more important and couldn't be deciphered through fashion choices and I'm not supposed to care what people think of me anyway why bother getting nice clothes or ever dressing up right brown pants and a hoodie Bailey when I started caring a little more about my outfit I found making friends was easier it's like a little code that shows you live a specific lifestyle or that you understand the social norms of your peers it helps with girls helps with friends and ultimately I am dressing up for me still it's not about others but I dress up because it helps me fit in honestly there's a lot that I regret I wish I could have been more social i isolated myself from people in high school and didn't make many friends because it was a new school and I was basically in out caste and those who were so-called friends did things that I would have never been able to because of the household I lived in controlling stepdad who was a cop I never got to experience high school life unlike many of the people I knew they partied smoked and drank and I was that straightedge kid I took pride in it but now I hate that I missed out on a great deal of my teenage fun because of the strictness I lived in also not taking the chance with girls because I was undie social and didn't know how to talk to girls I kept to myself and played games all the time experiencing new things as a teen will make a bigger impact when getting old [Music]
Channel: Reddit Vamp
Views: 918
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, top posts reddit, reddit funny stories, best reddit stories, funny stories, story
Id: URManwQufN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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