What Restaurant Chain Would You Want to Own? | PKA

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and we're live you guys were talking about all this serious stuff and i was like oh god damn the irish supreme court says that subway bread doesn't qualify as bread i know too much sugar too much sugar it's not all the bread are just the white bread though no it's all the bread all the bread they're like go [ __ ] yourself it's too high sugar they have like nine grain wheat bread there how does that have too much man has too much sugar dude and i am telling you this as a fact i have not clicked on the article yet dude i i read an article about that i i don't know why it matters that it's not bread but it just like i think all restaurant food is super bad for you no matter where you go they just give you so much butter so much oil so much fat so much salt it's fantastic but like you can hardly order a healthy meal and get a healthy meal they make the food taste good that's how they do it have you ever looked up where you'll be like damn i want to make mongolian beef but i want to make it the way pf changs does and then you look up the way they do it and it's like yeah it's like uh normal mongolian beef but secret full stick of butter three times the amount of oil and it's like oh this is i didn't want to learn this too and serve it yeah like and then you just paste sugar on top of your fat meat and then go oh it's lean like food is terrible for you and delicious it's so good that's why they that's why restaurants stay in business they're not worried at all about your health they just want you to come back and ignore the truth subway bread's not bread too much sugar yeah subway bread is not bread according to ireland that's true i haven't trusted the irish yeah that's where i get all my bread news from ireland yeah i don't know yeah yeah what the [ __ ] where did they get off what do they know about bread they make a lot about bread like that someone is suing because they didn't get the ingredients on their sandwich let me scan it i don't think they want subway to be able to call their sandwiches sandwiches anymore because technically the bread on them isn't bread oh okay i gotta call them stacks off my stacks of produce and meat and products so i guess they're trying to categorize it as a staple food which doesn't get taxed but because it's more like uh junk food you have to pay ten percent tax ah and probably some sort of like welfare card doesn't work for it as as well the sugar content in irish bread isn't supposed to be more than two percent i don't know how it could be more than two percent sugar and it's ten percent so well they're not even sugar that's five times the maximum amount of sugar and in fairness to ireland subway's bread is [ __ ] terrible it is awful i don't care when they do the song and dance about like wow we're pulling this out of the just baked oven it's like go [ __ ] yourself you have a neck tattoo like there's no way you baked that fresh it smells good there's no way you showed up early like an artisan baker and made this nine grain wheat what franchise would you want to own subways often considered a good one i would say because people go to subway to subways are literally on the decline they're closing more and more stores every day well i mean that makes sense because they have more locations than starbucks and there's not as much markup i think i think five guys are always growing i think that place that uh you and i always talk about cookout their franchises are rather cheap and whenever they like add some add one to a place it just explodes and they've got these lines literally around the block with attendance in the parking lot directing traffic it depends what you're looking for if you're looking for a plug-and-play franchise to make money and be off doing your own thing subway would be excellent if you're looking for a i am going to be on the site most of the time making sure this runs well somewhere like cookout or you know we have barbecue places like that here too why do you feel like cookout takes more personal attention than subway because there's a higher standard of quality like when people go to subway i've touched enough jim gaffigan bits to know that there's not a lot going on at subway i'm just saying that everywhere you go that's fast food and successful has an established standard of quality when you go to mcdonald's you know exactly the flavor of beef you're gonna get and you get that flavor every time and a lot of what building a successful fast food franchise is is having supreme consistency you don't want one location to be terrible one location to be awesome subway has every location bad waffle house too so waffle house you go in there and you pay we're not friends anymore you paid a few dollars for a sandwich the size of your head and when you're eating it and you go this isn't very good you go no [ __ ] i paid five dollars for a sandwich the size of my torso you really don't like waffle house i don't like waffle house i just feel like the standard is low that it meets my expectations every time i'll order steak and eggs that's just the worst steak ever just like i expected i've never enjoyed ordering steak at waffle at waffle house they are by the way they just buy these they sell more t-bones than any other restaurant in the world as is noted on that picture that every one of them has on the wall they're awful the eggs there are actually really good though i like their eggs as much as i like probably put sugar in them i i you can see what they're doing to them right there because elon is over there [ __ ] mixing it up six feet away from you splattering you with oil there's a ton of oil in there and uh and then there's just [ __ ] eggs and i've read somewhere that the uh the cooks at waffle house have better violence de-escalation skills than the police steak and shake too steak and shake is pretty [ __ ] good they got so many [ __ ] milkshakes at that place yeah we've got them in atlanta they're very popular um but but yeah waffle houses maybe waffle house will be the way to go because they're open 24 hours a day you just staff them with ex-convicts you can do that with mcdonald's too and you don't have to be scared who's got no there's a lot of there's a lot of moving parts in a mcdonald's there's a lot of menu items there's a lot of stuff going on back there a lot of computers and [ __ ] waffles is just that one grill and that waffle maker that's it and you think you would run a successful waffle house i don't think there's an unsuccessful waffle house in the [ __ ] world as long as you love it sounds great like we're making money here i want to do i want to get into you know you guys are obsessed with your money i should i want to get into chick-fil-a and bad ones be very very homophobic all the time as long as you love it then you'll be okay but yeah chick-fil-a sucks to own um what was i going to say i oh you know what sucks to own that i was into i used to want to own a movie theater like that was the dream a good movie theater you know with the nice chairs and like a restaurant movie theater i would be totally broke right now if i don't if i dumped everything into a movie theater that was the worst idea you can look at this i gotta remember that it's the first two things about like one hour photo stand yeah little baby you talked about this like like maybe four or five years ago or something i think and i remember i i was probably like yeah i don't know yeah yeah i get after it you're selling that popcorn it's such a markup you you can't lose money you can't lose yeah i had this i like um i really like the movie theaters that are from 10 years ago where everyone's jammed into shitty seats that don't recline but there's a movie theater i go to where it's a big leather like lazy boy with electric recline and stuff and i was like cool he could do that or even next level where the food gets good um what is it alamo that does that yeah i think you're right and i started looking into what it cost to make one and such and just decided not to i don't know i don't want to put all my eggs in one basket because it's pretty expensive right oh my gosh i'd be so broke but do you like those theaters where it's like a full meal comes out because we have some here that i've been to and it's so annoying for me to try to eat in the dark like cutting chicken and it's really tasty like actual food see there's your mistake one of those places just order hand food yeah if you're cutting chicken in the middle of a movie that's absurd and you're a dick for doing it you're you're scratching the plate guaranteed i haven't been to one as nice as an alamo what we have is a half is in between so you can get like chicken fingers like taylor's talking about maybe even a burger or a hot dog you can't get something that involves a fork and a knife there and but they do have seats that i haven't been to alamo but i have to imagine these seats compare well because they're big leather wide you take the middle up you can cuddle your wife while you watch the movie i ordered popcorn shrimp at one of those places at an amc once and i swear to god in the kitchen they were like we ran out of shrimp and they're like just deep fry balls of everything we coat the shrimp in and they just serve me that because there was not a bit of shrimp in there you got hush puppies with tails [Laughter] this is like a year ago but i went to panda express and i had never had coconut shrimp before and it was like coconut shrimp you can have it but it's an extra dollar and i'm like it must be good it's seafood candy i'm convincing myself this is a reasonable dinner to just eat like shrimp coated with glazed sugar coconut is the bomb same thing when i go to panda express every time i'm like i'll get the beef with broccoli and then my voice comes out double serving orange chicken and then i'm eating i'm like not so i got at least it's could definitely got vitamin c right here there were no oranges killed in the making of that chicken yeah no [ __ ] right just right dude i do like as far as fast food is concerned i rank panda express decently high like their their fried rice is so greasy and so oily that i like it you know you think it's disgusting yeah it's awful that's it's so far at the bottom of my list it's way below arby's and hardy's orbeez you [ __ ] idiot lots of people talking about our bees it's for retards in the [Laughter] put it in a bag and then they slice it as though it's real the first time that's true it's carrot bag the meat comes in a bag it's in a big congealed goopy glass really yeah it's not real they have the slider machine like they're slicing it but they're slicing emulsified meat logs they're not it's it's like a hot dog it's like they make a gigantic hot dog and then they cut it into like like roast beef slices and that's better than the express yes yes this isn't about how good arby's is taylor this is about how bad panda experience you need to have the coconut shrimp at panda express it's pretty much soft-serve shrimp or something it's great i've had chinese food in a long time i haven't had this in a year and a half but i'm hungry for it right now yeah another good one mcdonald's binge a month like we'll go get drunk and then do like an uber drive through where it's everything on the menu like two filet of fish a double quarter pounder two big macs uh probably six fries i mean just fill up a bag and you know you count it off tell me how many there were there's no bananas i mcdonald's always disappoints me so i'd stop going and it's not like i hate mcdonald's just keep having a bad mcdonald's experience where like it's cold or not fully done or it's falling apart and it's i keep getting misses yeah when i go to work and like you get the cheese that's not even vaguely melted cold food cold cheese cold french fries one of the places that i know is going to let me down every time and that i still crave usually once a year once my memory has lapsed enough that i forget is white castle is once a year i will eat 35 white castle burgers and at the time be like this is so great this is awesome it tastes like [ __ ] it's good though in a way i'm eating all this cabbage and then the next day you [ __ ] and it's the next day that's very generous 40 minutes later you [ __ ] and it smells exactly like you're right back inside white castle we got to get some like fiber and some some some probiotics in your diet taylor every time we talk about food you're like and then you just immediately have diarrhea you guys never had an apple in a banana like healthy stuff and these kale shakes [ __ ] that's not what cheese does to you yeah you come out tonight and you eat 10 white castle burgers and then cedar numbers you stop eating them and when you start drinking taylor once told me that uh he has a you know weakness for cheese sticks right this is like the string cheese and he has seven and i mentioned it to my wife and she's still like seven how can you have seven seven's a lot of cheese seven and i know it was that because like my girlfriend goes to bed earlier than me she has to be up earlier and so like i'll go and enjoy my evening sitting in my my living room and all my snacks as i eat them throughout the night the wrappers will accumulate on it was and i know it was seven because she came home one day after work was like hey did you have seven cheese sticks last night and i was like no it couldn't have been that many and she's like well i found seven rappers and i bought a pack of 12 and there's five left and i was like well must have been how do you know it was me there you have no evidence this is all circumstantial i can't be convicted actually like white castle um in the south we have crystal it's it's a lot more uh common uh it's it's it's exact same [ __ ] but uh but it's pretty good i like it yeah i made a homemade crystal burgers one time you um you take the ground beef and like flatten it on a griddle and uh you punch like uh you know you cut it you pre-cut it into the squares you like score the ground beef and you press it until it's like super thin like an eighth of an inch and then you put like five dots on each patty and you freeze it and you've got like this frozen sheet of ground beef that you then lay on top of uh onions on a uh a big griddle and you can onion flavored cabbage it's uh well i use onions and you look you cook you cook that block of beef on top of the onions and the onion steam like goes through the holes that you pre put into the meat it's really [ __ ] good you know that's why crystal and white castle give you such bad and immediate gas is because they found out a few decades ago that if you replace onions with onion-flavored cabbage you save an enormous amount of money you can't tell the difference and people really can't tell you onion flavored cabbage on white castle burgers that's why you eat that and immediately you're just like this this is dire i never had they unleashed a farting epidemic i ever had white castle tiny tiny little burgers like they're literally like this big like grease stains on either side of the burger combine to about three times the total girth of the burger itself yeah i have i'm aware of how their burgers are small for some reason but i have never been inside of white castle it's a depressing place you know what's overrated in and out i don't know why the weather is in and out is some wonderful dining experience and it's just shitty food you wow you answer you you ignorant sludge you don't like you don't like your fries sloppy and wet oh you have to you have to get them extra well done there's a whole process you've got to learn it that's part of it and then you douse them uh douse them in what what are you dousing them i don't know whatever that cheese sauce is that they pour over everything oh yeah man you got to get animal style everything you got to get extra crispy it's like it's like a learn you can trace your whole life through what you learned ordering it in and out i was here when i learned about animal style i was here when they i learned that you could just stack an infinite number of patties right next to each other until it's filled that's where they just pour sauce all over everything yeah um protein style what what is it where there's no buns don't you dare everything's fresh at in and out the line is a mile long i've been eating that rotten meat they have over at mickey d's but they've got the fresh stuff you guys are eating out of a bag it's disgusting you're eating roast beef and coconut shrimp dick out of a ladle i think we have the same mic but i like your shock mount much more um that's a road something i don't know it's a hundred bucks the bike or the shock mount oh the shock mount yeah oh this thing yeah uh i don't know man i just picked that up off amazon you don't like that yours looks like a claw machine right i just feel like it's cool it blocks more of me than it needs to like the whole scene like it's a freaking dominant like piece of what you see yeah good luck machine no i've had in and out twice and i wasn't blown away or anything it was okay yeah you got to have it 20 times that's when it really kicks in yeah i don't think anything guys no one leaves five guys hungry no those french fries are so [ __ ] good and they're like like just a regular cheeseburger is more than enough food for a human being but but for some reason they do double cheeseburgers instead as well so i avoid five guys because i think it's way more calories than other meals oh it's so bad for you the calories like a large fry is like 1400 calories you don't need a large you can hardly finish a small no one needs a large nobody needs a larger five guy i if you're watching this and you've never been to five guys that's amazing in itself but all right both of you listen up a small fry there is enough fries like you could empty out a human skull and fill it with french fries that it's this is how fahrenheit was invented i think you just randomly like this this is human skulls of fries yeah you know like we use feet i mean [ __ ] why not skulls so uh uh so yeah that's about right you could fill a human skull with a small fry at five guys it's all you need to eat the large fry is literally like a 20 ounce cup and fill it heaping full of french fries and then they just pour more over they put the the 20 ounce cup over the bag and then just heap them on it as it overfills into the bag the bottom of the bag has like a mcdonald's small fry of fries in it at least five guys yes yeah the worst fries in america and they think they can hide it from you if they give you a lot of them are you getting the curly fries no i'm getting the regular fries when i go there look at the cajun fries i'm just saying the regular fries i've never opted into a special kind of fries there they have sweet potato fries they are soggy immediately they are wet and floppy and not good fries i like wet floppy fries wow wow look at all this [ __ ] i have now i won't talk about how bad they are i know the curly fries i think maybe the nature of them they get cooked longer not sure but um i share your dislike of wet sloppy fries they need to be i prefer wet sloppy fries i like them overcooked yeah definitely i prefer nice crispy fry no curly fries are always better that's the best thing that jack in the box has over the rest or the curly fry arby's also has the curly fry which i do like but i like them when they're a little bit on the sides they cook them in peanut oil they're not trying to cheap out on you they just that's just their idea of a good fry no that's for their meat no they don't usually right now sorry yeah they're not frying them you're talking about chick-fil-a i thought he was saying arby's was was spending all their money cooking good curly fries and being like no no beef budget i'm stealing fries they use the peanut oil there yeah that's why uh doesn't chick-fil-a use it on their fries chick-fil-a also uses peanut oil yes you know what i'm not actually they use this denatured peanut oil that's actually safe for people who have peanut allergies i don't care for that i want the risky stuff well yeah yeah i want to know that only the genetically pure among us can consume these are the genetically impure inferior genes may not enjoy the fry that's the proud boy way only peanut butter you're like say white supremacists we are not so much concerned with race as much as what you cook the fry in the fry so white supremacist once again you're bringing up some this is the club about french fries [Laughter] how they are cooked well once again you ask me of president trump i am a french fry connoisseur i'm a sommelier [Music] and
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 27,768
Rating: 4.8940811 out of 5
Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, FPSRussia, WoodysGamertag, pka podcast, pka clip, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, PKA highlight, pka podcast highlights, PKA 511 Dick Masterson - Boogie and Frank Hassle Battle, Taylor's Huge Log, Supernatural, food, fast food, restuarant, burger, cheese burger, mcdonalds, burger king, wendy's, five guys, carl's jr
Id: g53XKRVF7Ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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