Kyle's Love of Crazy Women | PKA

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the horse I want to do like funny things to the [ __ ] gross things to the [ __ ] and then eventually have sex with those same [ __ ] and you know games to make them compete in I think it would be I think it'd be funny if you took woody with you you just seems like the type of dude who would just like you just seem like it would be funny as [ __ ] cuz I mean actually you're married aren't you that's the challenge yeah hypothetical single woody you know would have a blast with this I guess but but the actual me is you know devoted to my wife yeah and she's devoted to him not going on a [ __ ] jousting ya know a good influence we're one step away from Mike Pence in the way that we manage our relationship which you might not get that reference he doesn't even have dinner with other women of course these days the way the white guys write box of all the people list could have scandals he's the last one that I'm suspecting because I think that whole religion no dinner without a chaperon thing is true yeah yeah yeah right policy twist it into this issue where it's harder to have like even a business relationship with him if you're a woman than if you're a man because ya only be near you with a chaperone but black script right your wife is some Titan of industry she runs a an import importing exporting company they do latex and other things and and she's and she needs to go meet some gentleman who's who's you know some some Italian gentleman a notoriously sexually aggressive race of people over dinner to discuss importing his Italian latex into the into into the in the Greater New York metropolitan area you wouldn't want her going on this dinner date basically would this a italiano gentleman with all his latex about you know escorted I honestly would would feel like not happy about that I wouldn't like that I think our people though who were like that is a ridiculous line of thinking if you can't trust you can't trust you you're like yeah she'll find a way but no [ __ ] moustache I would I would be afraid of some girls saying some sexual harassment accusations against me I I I don't really get that scared when I'm around girls and I'm but I'm single I like kinda go around and I you know I actively I'm open pretty openly like touchy feely with girls but I don't know I my friend Chad he said he was really afraid about girls giving him a false accusations so he would make them sign a consent form before they [ __ ] and I thought that was the stupidest thing ever but with all the stuff that's been happening recently I guess I kind of get it but I just feel like weird hey I've got a bit of documentation myself my manager has been looking out for me in that regard for better part of a decade any major your girls side there have been some girls not every girl but if she's clearly unstable and I like them that way I like some crazy women III I want you to be [ __ ] in the head you know my favorite aspects of Kyle's daily life is that he honestly does like women a little bit crazy I want you to be [ __ ] scary i I want I want I want you to have assault charges lately I mean I want to look dangerous lately I dated one chicken-like but let like it we meet up in Gatlinburg Tennessee like I drove up she drove down we met in the middle I rent this cabin and we're having this nice steak dinner she's really smoking hot Filipina chick she's like five foot two or something and just just [ __ ] bill she's just really muscular body but not enough you wouldn't like it what he's not that muscular but she's fit right and she's just like he's got small boobs but she's just like really nice ass like this chick I could get on her back piggyback style did you say she was Latin let Filipina better Philip people I just think it could she grow a happy trail go on no lo T so so I'm just we're having we're having dinner and like we we've been that we meet on Friday and you know we spent the night together Friday night Saturday night and now it's Sunday night right the last night of our weekend and we're having this really nice steak dinner and and I'm okay this has been really fun why don't we just stretch it out in the week I don't have [ __ ] going on like I'll just call and cancel anything that was going on let's stay until Tuesday or whatever she's like ah I got to be in court in the morning and I'm like oh traffic court because I just had Mike I hadn't had my Camaro all that long at that time and I already racked up a couple of serious speeding tickets I was like traffic court she's like no my ex-husband and I got in a little bit of a tussle and I shoved him through a plate-glass shower door and he got off the cut up Oh is she sexier to you at this point oh yeah are you like baby Thomas more I was like well thirty I don't know 30 40 stitches or something like that he's you know the door shattered it fell on him and sliced him out there in a few places and I'm like huh did he started he wouldn't shut the [ __ ] up I'm like oh uh aren't you gonna be in some trouble she's like look at me generally go in there in my polkadot dress I'm gonna look at that giant see no your honor you know he's he's six feet tall I'm 5 foot 2 look at me and I'm sure enough she goes in just right in and out you know they won't even listen to his side of the thing she says that he pushed her and she pushed him back right out of there hey you should probably be in jail are you know the type of guy who likes when the girl controls you in every situation or the bed at least no not necessarily uh but I could definitely go back go back and forth I'm okay with like her being dominant occasionally late like in and getting aggressive and but most part you know mixing it up but for the most part I like to be the one calling the shots you know I you know I get out my my tools I twist and it just depends you know like I really mix things up a lot keep things interesting yeah just anything and everything if that's her if that's what she's into I'm more than happy to do it for me I like what gets me off and what turns me on it is like her really enjoying herself and effort is required to make that happen I'm a hundred percent up for you know I think I don't think I could do would be like crazy I'm talking about of stuff that she liked the only thing I don't think I'd be able to to do is like ridiculous dress up like if she was like you I want you to dress up as Jesus Christ and come in here and you know tell me what sinner or whatever or anoint me or you dress up like a pirate because like would you be able to resist just like yeah and like just being over-the-top and silly with it like you wouldn't be able to I know your personality well enough Kyle you'd be in there and you're with your you know a pocket full of doubloons and a puffy shirt you would be like I can't not turn this into a joke but she's like Captain Jack Sparrow and you're like yeah we can't kiss because I have there she blows there were my eye patch on and [ __ ] fake parrot on my shoulder look I could definitely get it I could play I could play a part like most girls who'd want you to dress as a pirate wouldn't expect you to be taken seriously you want hope so I've never had anyone want me to dress up as a pirate ever I don't know where that before I've been a cowboy or well I think a big part of that is I don't have any costumes be a convict now oh that's a fake that's some kind of crazy fantasy like yeah yeah and what a Kyle's girlfriend's wants the convict outfit oh yeah believe that outfit just tactically placed [Laughter] what does it make you think oh yeah it made me too gross think how many girls have you had I don't like saying it's it's it's uh I'll tell you privately but but you know it's it's a shitload unless it's on our podcast for lots of people you know that's just kind of a you know I probably shouldn't say probably more than then then then some than most and yeah more than most I would say you know I've had my share is it more or less than 100 somewhere like the hundreds dude like it's ron jeremy stuff had nobody what's his name who the [ __ ] was saying recently they [ __ ] like 10,000 women that wrestler Ric Flair yeah he said he's [ __ ] like 10,000 women or something and I was just like trying to do the math and I'm like man that's like that's like a career like that's those are like you would have kit you cancelling front ins plans and family events all the time this is basketball player that said he [ __ ] 20,000 yeah was it was it will de creme I had both amberlynn and I think I don't think that's even possible given how many days human beings live 21 why they would be like well that 2500 would be like 3 3 7 years right something like that alright let's just do some math I need 30 oh yeah and this is assuming every single day a new girl 2500 is almost seven years twenty thousand fifty for her that's fifty four years yeah well I didn't even think of you know what if he's [ __ ] like seven or 12 at a time right like it's only [ __ ] each of these girls once ever right that's true too like there would definitely be some repeat customers cuz it this whole math doesn't add up unless it's like alright this girl one time and done and one time and done and one time and done yeah you got a one thing that might support his argument is the fact that he's traveling you know with the team right the same way that me just musicians could could really get a lot so like if you're musician every show you do if you're traveling you know there's there's there's dozens hundreds of hot chicks down there right there who are like waiting to [ __ ] you and you know you've got a handler who goes out and handpicks the the chicks it's like you and you and you and you and you and brings all these chicks back to your room and you [ __ ] any of them or all of them that you want and so every night you can have five or six or seven or just one or none every single night every tour day all around the country and the same things true with basketball players right you know you're you're in a different city every night I mean I wonder how the girls get the basketball players right cuz like hypothetically if I wanted to get a selfie or an autograph of the basketball player I don't even know how I'd get close to them but close enough to they they come as man you're not gonna get close enough well a couple like nowadays it's like social media you hop on their Instagram slide in to the Indians or on Twitter but you know they leave the stadium a lot of the times and you know kind of do like yeah like sign two or three autographs and like I mean if you're hot you just be like yo LeBron and he'd be like I'm married walk away cuz he's a nice guy but but maybe you wouldn't maybe maybe be like yeah you and your 14 year old sister talk to you about smart investing it a while ago but the NBA gave an alert to like NBA wives that like it was risky sex to have sex with their own husbands or something like that yeah that they were like your men or [ __ ] so many people you should know I want to look that up I'm Everett yeah it made uh it got a lot of it like that seems like not right that's like how's the NBA gonna tell the wives like hey don't trust your husband it seems kind of [ __ ] up actually yeah I would not be happy with the NBA you don't see Bud Selig ratting on people like that that's a horseshit it was a while ago I don't I can't Google it quick enough for the show but yeah I know I thought was bad it's a painting with a broad brush there I bet they do this has been one of the most raunchy shows we've done in a while raunchy is exactly the you pause you were searching for a word I was gonna give you a word bastok
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Id: e_fXuisQVgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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