Howard Stern vs Opie & Anthony Bits | PKA

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and we're live i take most of my recommendations from kyle and woody here on my media consumption and i find myself like i have a basement gym with my tv and everything and so often it'll be like what do i want to watch and listen to while i'm working out king of the hill again or opie and anthony or opie and anthony i listen to if you took the amount of hours i spent listening to old opium anthony clips throughout a week it would be a full-time job like just always my background sound when i'm cleaning the kitchen when i'm doing whatever it's all old opie and anthony bits i've been going through the lady die saga again that's hilarious to the show because i know you're a big anthony fan yeah huge anthony and jim norton fan opie opie never sucked me in this part of the show he would if anything he often ruined bits because like they like uh jim and anthony would be like riff riff riff riff riff like going somewhere with like bobo or lady dye like the wack pack of their i don't know what their branding was but whatever the whack pack was for them and so often opie would step in and be like oh we got to take a caller uh it's steve from munaki or something it's like god god damn it dude like you just stepped on it right in the middle of the funny stuff there was no reason for you to do that and so you can definitely hear an old o a clips there are clips called nope clips on youtube and so you can search nopey and someone took the time to go through entire o a episodes and edit out every single thing that must hurt and it is i dude i i guarantee he's not hurt he's a multi-millionaire living awesome baby no he's very hurt uh his new show like his voicemail even has him he's like telling people if they're gonna leave a message like don't be negative uh he seems extremely sensitive he might be because there were also clips like throughout the because you can watch like a entire saga of the o a show falling apart over years and it's like eight hours long and the photo of it is anthony opie and jim photoshopped into the downfall poster which is the poster of the hitler movie where it's like anthony's standing there as hitler like in the downfall and they're all doing that and you can see it totally fall apart but it all seemed at least from a from a listener from someone you know you know how it is being a listener to a show you don't actually know the inner workings you don't know [ __ ] like you can assume a lot of things but just watching that it was like opie clearly became jealous of jim and anthony driving the direction and he would always try and re-seize the control because at the end of the day he was like the in-charge guy uh but yeah opie is is not liked i didn't know that what you said dick i didn't know he was like still sensitive about it i assumed he just kind of cashed out and was like i'm i'm worth like 15 million dollars i'm good to go but then work at all like i see that a lot like the internet will give some nba player a hard time who missed the game-winning free throw and a handful of people are like what he's rich it doesn't bother him no it absolutely bothers him this is his entire identity he's been working on this since he was a little kid his sense of self-worth is wrapped up in being able to do [ __ ] like this and he didn't do it uh that probably describes opie too you just hit it on you hit the nail on the head right there woody because there were definitely times in the clips where anthony jim and opie were arguing where opie would just write out and out say like oh you guys leave i'll still run a hit show i'll run a hit show i've done it before i found both of you guys i can find more people and that was his kind of angle because opi in in honesty he's the one who brought anthony on board anthony was a tin knocker like working in attics meaning like he was installing ac units and heating units and that's all he did and opie genuinely did find the talent which was anthony but it kind of consumed him to the point where he's like oh that talent like the people who have grown to love anthony and jim bantering i can i could do that again i can do that again in a different direction and that was kind of the last time that i saw him like it's hard to catch lightning right um yeah like anthony is one of the f like that i haven't listened to enough stern like kyle will probably disagree with me on this but on a classic on a is the funniest [ __ ] [ __ ] out there it's great because they didn't have structure they didn't have planned bits they did but not as much as like just bring in a bunch of jim norton's hilarious comedian friends and just have them riff and make fun of each other when when colin quinn calls bobby kelly a fat comedian when he says you look like a last-minute gift at the beijing airport when he says that that makes me laugh so hard like it's it's just just the the ruthless insults when he calls anthony a back alley tunisian knife fighter or uh whatever the other ones were of course yeah it's really funny i think i i i have a hard time choosing between the best of stern and the best of ona some of those stern bits are so [ __ ] good like some of that stuttering john stuff some of those like contests they had um some of them that make you laugh as hard as when they brought in lady dye a hardcore alcoholic homeless woman to be an intern for a week and she clogged up the sink with vomit and she was but but ladies and gentlemen building but i had the video of that right like i didn't have video for the stern stuff like like maybe if i had video for the stern stuff it would have been as funny but like some of that [ __ ] man when they went to namla to the north american man boy love associations like big meeting and like stuttering john is like questioning these guys and like like finding information out about them and like the guys are being like super open about what they're into and like they go back and forth between playing those clips and like howard like making fun of it it's that's really funny but then they'll just have like literally [ __ ] people come into the end of the studio and like they had beetlejuice which is a uh what was that um remember the zika virus that we were all afraid of like he he doesn't have it but he has what it causes which is that tiny head syndrome his head is like or something yeah that's it of course you know what what tiny heads you're hoping you could get it average me and him he's got this pointy head that's about one-third normal human size and while they say brain size doesn't correspond to intelligence in his case hillary says it does no nobody's [ __ ] [ __ ] taylor's dying on that hill obviously brain size correlates with intelligence and look at the big animals that have big brains they're the smartest ones bird brains not smart literally does literally does feel brain size in comparison to body weight beetlejuice is a black [ __ ] with a cone head the size of a cantaloupe and and and these awful rotted teeth and he thinks he's a badass and a pimp and so they and they bring him in and i i want to say they were sponsored by like manscaped like one of those companies that makes like razors to trim like your junk and so well i got a good idea for a sponsor segment hey beetlejuice this porn star is going to shave your balls you have to strip down a little bit little man yeah get naked right there oh yeah we're recording for the e-show no big deal right nope let's do it and he's just naked there it's on youtube uncensored somewhere this tiny headed [ __ ] black [ __ ] completely naked getting shaved by a porn star while a a multi-millionaire watches and laughs with all of his friends that stuff was good it's not my favorite part of stern uh one i thought his celebrity interviews were really good he got celebrities like relaxed and answering questions that no one else could he had a gift for that and um also i don't know if i love this so much but he built a community he'd go into a new city and he'd want to be number one in that city he'd talk about how he wanted to be number one in that city and how people needed to vote for him and fill out nielsen cards and just like stack the deck so that he would be rated number one in that city and a lot of people would be like yeah clearly we have to get howard to be number one in nashville somehow it's our mission to make him number one and you know i'm like driving somewhere in new jersey thinking man i hope he hits number one in nashville this apparently is important i don't know why that's important to me do you know who won people magazine's best looking man of the year for 1999 well second place was leonardo dicaprio first place went to hank the angry dwarf see and that's perfect that's what you want why can't we ruin those competitions anymore we used to we used to do this show live and we'd routinely take down websites that you wouldn't think we could take down like it if you go back eight years ago a place like wendy's wouldn't have a lot of like ddos protection and stuff and we'd be like everyone hit f5 f5 and we'd just take down maglite wendy's like mcdonald's [ __ ] like that whatever we could think of just for the solar system yeah i mean you can't take down amazon like they're they're built for that but would it be like take down my youtube home page yeah yeah keep hitting f5 uh autoplay it huh all right keep it up watch that ad before you click off count the humiliation parts of stern that i loved so like baba bowie's a video that he sent to his ex hello or hello hello like that just paying him 20 grand to endure that sort of humiliation was beautiful if i remember correctly it's a little fuzzy because it's been so long but he had like made a video of him apologizing to his girlfriend and like mailed it to her or something yeah and it was like the weasiliest scumbag like non-apology they were all they were critiquing it i know that you say that i was in the wrong but you know i was in a rough place and i i think you'll come to understand that and it's just like this long non-apology literal video because it's on a cassette tape that he mailed through the mail to her home put your jessie ventura impression there and she and she must have like sent it to how he had a copy he found oh and he brought it in oh yeah he brought it in and then he paid him like 30 grand to do a screening of it for everybody on the show and you know favorites jackie the joke man used to get paid in advertising like he didn't have a really high salary but they advertise his uh cds all the time his comedy cds i recently saw a thing where it's jackie it's um stuttering john and uh somebody else doing like a round table talking about um you know their time on the stern show and they were talking about how shitty the pay was from the e-channel specifically and uh i want it may have been jackie i don't remember which one it was but they were they were talking to somebody and they were like yeah what's that gig hey that's crazy everybody watches it and he's like they offered me ten but i'm not gonna [ __ ] take it i'm not gonna [ __ ] take it that's [ __ ] they're like you can't be doing so well that ten thousand dollars a week isn't worth your time and he's like no it's 10 a year it's 10 a year that they're offering me they were it's hard to it's hard to find what right is 10 a year it feels really wrong but howard's getting rich right howard's getting rich he's the king of all media he's got the book he's got the movie he's got the radio show he has a tv show he's work he's making it all happen but what is the gap between howard's pay and jackie's pace supposed to be well like what happened was like because he hadn't signed his e-contract because he wanted like his lawyer to look at it first and there was some slight delay every time he came into the studio the e-channel had to turn off their cameras because he hadn't signed his contract so it became this big controversy and like howard calls into his office and he has to like apologize and and be like i'm so sorry that i did this i'm so sorry i wanted my lawyer to look at my contract before i signed it sir i know that you're trying to make an extra eight million dollars this year and and get yourself over to the top i know you want to make 125 million this year and not just 117 or whatever the [ __ ] yeah howard's was such a scummy piece of [ __ ] because he's the worst he should have like look if if if the main guy the guy who's the titular star of the show is making is gonna end up being a billionaire off of it then the guys who we can name right off hand like like jackie and benji and and and you know the people who were there making especially well fred got paid fred and um robin got paid but nobody else did everybody else was getting paid just peanuts to be all the rest of it went into howard's greedy pockets i think our artie had a good deal artie was making i think one million a year uh a horrible deal for the amount of reach they had that's that's terrible well he was just sitting there high on heroin eating mcmuffins it doesn't matter what he was actually doing if he was contributing to the show and being the funny man like now that's possible it's on howard's back it's all on his way back it's way more gotta replace people yeah i don't know people um i didn't watch the already error so i i won't weigh in but i i did watch like fred and jackie and i always thought jackie was way better than fred like he added way more to the show to me than fred did fred added the sound board which i kind of hated i love it yeah yeah i think i'm in the minority i don't like when jack he opens his mouth jackie where jackie like puts his best work in is when he he whispers to howard check the i don't know what they call it an it's a defunct [ __ ] internal dming system that they guys it wasn't even that it was some sort of radio jargon thing yeah you know he did like type power he powered a line like a one-liner for to like make fun of somebody on the phone or or you know just some [ __ ] great and howard would deliver it well and it would get a huge laugh and it'd be this massive moment and you know jackie's just sitting over there like that's me that's me he should have gotten paid for that [ __ ] and you think that uh what's his name right the guy with the [ __ ] up nose wasn't also doing that already he was i know that i know that artie was doing that but yeah artie probably deserves less because he's doing heroin at like and asleep half the time like i'm just saying if he's passing jokes to the host and keeping it funny that's significant he was passing jokes when he was conscious like i just think he takes a a bit of a pay decrease because of the fact that he was literally his jokes funnier than what howard was coming up with off the cuff who could say yeah because you don't know you don't know which jokes are his and which are howard's because they're he's not going all right everybody hey i'm sending howard a joke check it out he's like privately dming howard jokes like throughout the show yes kyle oh like how many of those funny one-liners are my guess would be all of them because i don't think howard's that is that organically funny i think why is he worth a billion dollars uh because that's what he would take fair enough fair enough yeah and and you know i mean and if they paid him 2 million he would have killed himself like this along those lines you give that guy 2 million and he's he's [ __ ] dead it's not just his nose rotted off his face it's the whole face he got punched right i'm that's a big part of it was the the punching but also you know the years and years of snorting cocaine and heroin couldn't have helped do i i'm forgiving myself you can yeah you can snort heroin it's also heroin that you inject no okay but what's the one where you like put it in a spoon and turn it into an inhalable heroin oh wait wait you know what you're talking about methamphetamine yeah a glass straw to suck the fumes in yeah and maybe crack it has like it almost looks like a bowl a crack pipe like it has a yeah it's got a little round bowl on the end and you crack that's how mine all are no that's how mine is too i smoke a lot of crack that's why i'm so healthy and slim yeah keeps me focused wait crash dude i eat 3 000 calories of salted meats we lost dick's second account that's what just happened you're putting it back oh sorry about that yeah no worries what's that changing are you putting it back or should i fix the layout no no no you could oh did it mess up the thing yeah my computer was making noise my computer was making noise so i shut it down i think the big difference here is now dick can't see us that's okay yeah um i don't know i i just a million seems like a lot of money for for like what he was doing he just seemed like he was doing so little like like i'm not saying a million for his position is a lot i'm saying a million for his performance right like if you were to tell me it was a non i'm sorry to cut you off a non-drug dealer like anika mean to say like uh if colin quinn was crushing it in that job he's kind of like a reliable guy who comes to work you can count on him i presume like if he's killing it in that job i have an easier time paying him than artie who i have to imagine they're wondering where he is why he's not on time [ __ ] like that that was the entertainment though like all of artie's drug abuse was was more engaging to me than his comedy like i wouldn't watch colin quinn tell jokes but i'm into like oh man how did artie [ __ ] up this week like did he is he sober again did he ruin his life or his relationship yeah you always get a pass too like like if anything he would be the one who was hardest on himself he'd tell the embarrassing story about himself and they'd laugh at it but if like i'm trying to think who was always late who was just getting it and was it was it benji it was benji benji got just [ __ ] on just [ __ ] on just every [ __ ] day they'd [ __ ] on benji and uh it i don't know i like that i like the parts of the show where they would make fun of the staff i really liked um oh what was that eric the actor or aka eric the [ __ ] on the show he was he's probably my favorite whack packer he literally tried to have a hit put on uh a guy one time it was hilarious and like like they had they would have this guy who was like illegal yeah i know it is oh yeah they would have this guy um come on and like do do stuff with the stern show who who had been in the mob i can't remember who it was um but he was like an ex man no this was the he was like an x mobster and so hank or excuse me so um what's the [ __ ] midget's name uh um eric eric joel's that guy eric calls that guy and leaves him this voicemail he's like hey that guy you know the one he needs to go you know what to do you know what to do like leaves in this long voicemail where he's literally ordering up a hit well that guy of course just brings that voicemail to howard and he's like hey you're not going to believe this i think eric just he's like eric just tried to order a hit he just tried to have me off a guy and so they start playing it on the air over and over and over making fun of eric it's great it's [ __ ] hilarious well maybe i'll listen to that i won't though i'm gonna keep listening to old o a there's i've probably listened to like the the eric the actor eric the [ __ ] clips i think there's got to be 60 hours worth on youtube so listen to them i've listened to those things probably five or six times was great like people didn't know stuttering johnny was new and they're just like how did you get this job with the speech impediment [Laughter] and he's just out there doing his best to be actors like trying to be respectful while he's asking disrespectful questions with a speech impediment it was a good gig yeah yeah eric eric was my favorite um he died like i remember like like he died on the um you know he they were like yeah eric's going to surgery and then like you hear like the next week uh eric's dead it's like [ __ ] a little little fella couldn't make it anymore like they would pick on him so mercilessly low he was um he was a fan of some girl on american idol which was super hot at the time like digarmo or something like that and uh and so they were like if we can get you to meet her will you let us make a real doll out of you which is like one of those like hyper realistic sex dolls and he's like i guess we could do that yeah if i could meet her and like so there he is in this was on the e-show or at least on video i saw it because he's his his little [ __ ] eyes are so happy when this like beautiful pop star walks in she's like hey eric it's nice to meet you and he's like it's so nice to meet you too and he's got these little club feet up under his body because he's like he's in a wheelchair he's not over watching a video right now he has the most horrible little feet i've ever seen in our area well they bring up his feet at one point and and howard howard's like what's wrong with your feet eric like where do they even go are you do you have feet in those shoes and they just hammer on it hammer on a hammer on it he's avoiding avoiding avoiding avoiding fighting he's like i got a [ __ ] club foot you piece of [ __ ] like finally snaps uh and then like he had like a he was gonna have like his own like private comedy show and people were supposed to and like he's advertising it on the air live he's like yeah you just go to this you call this number or go to this website you reserve your seats at eric's comedy show and uh and fred kept playing that clip of how many people had called and reserved 0.0 he just every time eric tries to defend himself in the comedy show he plays that that's the sound board 0.0 and finally eric's like you got that damn it fred won't you i'm gonna [ __ ] fly over there that piece of [ __ ] right up your ass and and fred just without missing a beat he's like i'll be waiting at the airport 0.0 this is having a meltdown it's great i mean i i love meltdown stuff like that this is not for now this is for dick to enjoy later hopefully because i know kyle's listened to the whole thing the lady died she's so disgusting it's so funny and did the she is a hardcore alcoholic like the kind of person who drinks from sun up to sundown sure seven days a week 365 and the last call she makes into the o a show which at that point anthony had been fired it was like right after anthony was fired and it was the opium gym show and she called in and she had fully i learned about this i think from this it's called wernicke corsicoff syndrome and it's where you drink so much that you become wet brained like your synapses and stuff over the course of decades that you're just [ __ ] now and her last call into the o and j show is her talking about how she's on a mission on a navy ship oh god where they call her she calls in like lady die how are you doing what's new and she's like i'm just i'm on deployment i'm here outside and they're like where are you where are you lady die and they know she's not had a job since 1998 yeah 2015 at that point they're like so you're still doing that where are you docked where are you jim's like where you docked when you die she's like i i don't know i don't know exactly where i'm docked it's somewhere in the united states we're in the united states oh so you're just sailing around the united states in a military vessel are you yeah yeah that's what we're doing right here what's everybody talking about and she's like talking to other people in the insane asylum as it's happening and they're like can you ask her where you are and it's like where are we where are we docked where are we docked and then some nurses just like we're in new york we're like new york we're docked outside in new york right now like jim and opie are playing into it like well i mean it's it's not easy it's hard work being in a navy and she's like oh yeah oh yeah maybe it's hard working in the navy and she got serviced fired from working at budweiser in like 2001 oh no she got a dream and got fired like 2001 and they were like so uh everything lost no just left the job right into the military huh and she's like well no i still work at budweiser i still work at budweiser it's like oh really i i thought you lost that job in uh 2001. oh no no no no no no no no no i never lost that chop i never lost that child it is that interview in and of itself is actually pretty sad because you're watching someone yeah who's lost their mind but if you're an o a buff and you watch the 15 years of her being an appearance there are clips of her from 2003 being like i've been out of work for two years i'm gonna be fine i'm gonna be fine and she didn't end up being fine no lots of funny content came out of it though i feel bad for her son you know she would often or no they would always make fun they would play uh train soundboard clips because her first husband killed himself by jumping in front of a train oh god yeah yeah it was a real knee slapper every time they play that train why are you doing that that happened so many years ago why oh she'd cry and cry i think in la we had local people so after stern i'd either go i'd go to tom lycus or uh god heidi frosty and frank because they're so because i don't know they're so they were so big out here and because we had radios when i was learning how to drive so i got sucked into all those oh yeah i never listened to anything there was a really cool morning radio uh thing in atlanta when i was when i was out here selling cars in like 2005 2006 but i want to say they like got bought by a major market and like like la bottom or i don't know somebody else bought them and like yeah yeah they got wiped out all of talk radio like um it seemed like all of talk radio across the country got wiped out at the same time bought out and then uh dismantled like roger rabbit it was a cool show like there was like three main there was like a there was a guy a girl and then kind of a loser and the loser they would send out on the streets to do things called torture tuesday where he would have to do like humiliating public like like he had to panhandle and he couldn't stop until he had 50 or something like that like like or he'd have to ride he'd have to get on top of a a car and drive around i-285 in atlanta and you know honk if you see ben benji out he'll be on the roof of a hyundai he's strapped down uh and and then like i want to say that like that's nearly as brutal as the o a things they would have like lizards go find lady died by the train tracks in newark and they would try and go find her and there was that video i learned to you 33 minutes in out of nowhere she's not even being questioned yet i have something to tell you guys in the 80s i let my boyfriend [ __ ] me in the ass every weekend in a car like what the like the entire 80s he's like yeah in the 80s he let me stay with him and so i let him use me in the ass every weekend in a car like always in the car he's like yeah i was usually in the car really so you just do that all the time yeah yeah yeah over the 80s it was the 80s and so she got [ __ ] and they were like why would you bring this one she's like i just wanted you guys to know that i got [ __ ] in the ass in the 80s the entire the entirety of the 80s metallica's rise and fall she was getting the entire reagan administration just right up yes i want a warm hole for all coming [ __ ] [Music] and
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 12,395
Rating: 4.8672199 out of 5
Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, FPSRussia, WoodysGamertag, pka podcast, pka clip, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, PKA highlight, pka podcast highlights, PKA 511 Dick Masterson - Boogie and Frank Hassle Battle, Taylor's Huge Log, Supernatural, howard stern, stern, radio, sirius xm, anthony cumia, opie and anthony, jim norton, o & a, o and a, anthony cumia pka
Id: oKXdwSIe9-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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