Horror Movies: Cult Classics, Freddy vs Jason & Alien Abductions | PKA

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and we're live yeah i like horror did you like uh mid-summer which one is that that's the one with the like swedish cult british cult i had to see the two people like the old people on the rock [ __ ] i was good no i haven't seen this is it in swedish no no no it's not it's the guy that did uh hereditary you've seen that yeah i like hereditary same guys and guys so like same vibes or you're like um this is uh the there's a documentary on dune and what it was supposed to be and it's a really sick documentary this is a good horror movie uh it's called the taking of deborah logan i've scrolled past that a hundred times and maybe worth it watch that one if i'm if i can't fall i can never fall asleep right after it's one of those movies that's really creepy for like the first i'm gonna guess it's 90 minutes long so it's like really creepy for 65 75 minutes and then the last 15 minutes it's just like oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh no you know what i liked and i usually don't usually horror movie uh like sequels suck and i know this movie got panned and people hated it i thought sinister two was pretty good it was fine like it was it was creepy enough it was spooky enough you know i don't mind jump scares i feel like it's a little lazy if it's all jump scares then i don't like that because it feels yeah they got to be mixed in but if they they sprinkle those in tactfully the jump scares can be real good the babadook uh for whatever reason uh for whatever reason that really really [ __ ] me up i i literally didn't finish it because i was just like tired of being frightened you hate that kid hey do you hate that kid i hated the kids you needed the kids but i i even rejected that car i was just like god i i we're going to lowe's i'm rolling the windows up and i'm going lumber shopping hang out in the back seat for three to five hours i think the only the first time i saw it i was a little disappointed it wasn't scarier because you had talked it up like it was going to be the big baddest one ever i watched it a second time and well this was still a long time ago but it was it was really good the second time too i was i was i it was not long after wings redemption had moved out of my house so i was still living in the basement and it was kind of scary down there and i just remember like and we were high and it all the lights were out and the house was completely quiet and and completely blacked out and i just remember that baba duke like crawling opens the door and starts crawling on the ceiling and the woman is under the covers and she lowers the covers and looks up and it's on the ceiling right above the [ __ ] bed and it drops on her and that's where i was i i paused it i turned i changed it to [ __ ] netflix and i was like we're done here and she's like thank god oh no you gotta finish have you seen uh what was this one insidious yeah it's good i like that one is that the one with um what's that guy's name god damn it isn't it i think i should feel differently about ethan kyle if you got to the end of it because they really put a bow on it and explain things that it was a depression or some [ __ ] like that being manifested you're close or yeah yeah the boy was good do you ever see the boy i thought that was such an under the radar movie that i never heard of and i caught it on netflix that's when i've scrolled past you liked it what it was really like if you don't know how that ends that's a good one and they have the boy 2 coming out soon but i would recommend that because it was one of those ones where like i didn't know it was going to be good and i was like how have i not seen it i must be [ __ ] and i put it on and then i'm like kind of like why didn't anyone tell me to watch this i like the taking of deborah logan a lot because um essentially what it is i'm not gonna spoil anything but i'm gonna give you like the basic premise uh this lady has alzheimer's and her daughter is allowing this film crew to come document her mother's alzheimer's because the payday that they'll get from allowing this film crew to come will allow her to help with her her mother's assisted living essentially and weird stuff starts happening in the house and you're viewing through the literal lens of that film crew who is documenting the alzheimer's and you know in movies when like scary [ __ ] starts happening and you're like i'd have been gone yeah i had a [ __ ] left well one of the guys in the film crew is like [ __ ] this [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] this job and [ __ ] all of you as as a matter of fact [ __ ] the old lady [ __ ] this creepy house i'm out here and she's like how are we gonna finish the film without you like i don't [ __ ] care i'm not dealing with this crazy [ __ ] he gets in his [ __ ] car he leaves you never see him again and i was like [ __ ] is this real see i i this is [ __ ] real i love that addition to it because that makes it feel more real yeah yeah one person leaves and then you know whoever's in charge of the job well this makes it doubly important for the rest of us to take it seriously let's buckle that like yeah that would always happen it's like hello foreign cabin we found i found a goat head nailed to a post satan's my friend and it's like well that's really interesting you want to spend the night it's like no i don't you know another good one i just i was just looking on google trying to remind myself of all the horror i've watched the autopsy of jane doe have we talked about that one before no i haven't seen that that's a real [ __ ] god it's a creepy i won't spoil anything but a an unidentified female corpse comes in and it's real to a morgue not walked in like brought in on a group i follow yeah and the mortician and like his son slash assistant start working on it and basically it's just a series of [ __ ] really creepy there's a couple jump scares but it's mostly like a slow creepy burn it it's really good i liked that one and then have you seen oculus the one with the mirror uh i don't know i usually skip the ones that have like a premise like that dude haunted mirror sounds [ __ ] right that's what i thought when i started it because i love chintzy terrible horror movies as much as i do the good ones i just like and i started that one with the idea in my head of like haunted mirror [ __ ] perfect this is gonna be like uh does that horror movie shrooms it's just it's absurd i don't even have that on that zombies yes it's gonna be like zom beavers and then like it like half an hour in it's like titties and zombies it's scary yeah oculus oculus is [ __ ] creepy but um uh my sk the scariest movies that i've ever seen are are both have the same um it's about what i'm afraid of right like i'm not saying they're the scariest movies ever they're scared they're the movies that scared me the most because of what i'm actually afraid of i'm afraid of alien abduction and as a kid i used to watch a lot of um x-files and i used to watch a lot of unsolved mysteries and there would always have these like alien abduction likes plot lines and it's basically like you're going to be kidnapped and tortured by these horrific looking beings and then nobody's going to believe you and you'll be and maybe if you're lucky they'll erase your memory and they're just going to keep coming and doing it over and over and no one's going to believe you best case scenario everyone thinks you're crazy and that was just so terrifying to me and uh the two movies that i watched that like exemplify it perfectly one of them fire in the sky i do it yeah that [ __ ] me up as a kid man it's so scary it's based on look you can do some reading on the backstory of it and the levitt uh the what word am i looking for levitic validity validity the validity of that story affinity and they it's based on a true story i know that that guy passed several lie detector tests regarding what he claims happened to him and his friends all agree that there was a light in the sky he disappeared and the authorities were searching for him for several days before he was returned before he was found again naked and that movie is terrifying like seeing that what happened that hot needle thing going to the eye do you remember that it was like a hot spiky needle yeah just to freak me out as a kid i was like yo these aliens are going to [ __ ] stick needles in my eye and suck my ass yeah you're going to put that that weird grip down my throat there's a part where he's like laying that they lay he's laying on the table and they take this like vacuum they like vacuum seal him to the table with like this latex [ __ ] and they sort of cut holes in the latex as they need to access a body part so at first he's like suffocating because it's over his face and they like cut a hole in it so he's like and the alien immediately takes a handful of what looks like brown jello and just slops it into his mouth and he's just like [ __ ] what is that what's the brown jello for you know it's just awful [ __ ] and then the other one also alien abduction and it's the fourth kind with mila jovovich um and i don't know something about that [ __ ] me up man fourth kind i feel like i saw that a long time ago i don't know or maybe i haven't it came out around 2000.96 oh okay i was thinking 2006 but 2009 around 2006 you got it right honestly really though 2005 2009 is the exact same [ __ ] it scared me real bad um there's a lot of like that thing where they warp people's faces um uh and there's a lot of and uh there's this part it's basically this community i want to say in alaska where um i think the woman does that like memory regression therapy stuff um for she has all these patients with this same recurring dream oh even talking about is creeping me out man like they're the kind you're talking about yeah their dream is that there's a big white owl outside a white owl yeah yeah man it's creeping me out it's like because i'm picturing it uh the white owl is outside their bedroom window and they're all like lying on her couch telling her this like like she keeps hearing the same thing and what it i won't spoil it yeah don't spoil it because i'm gonna watch this one i'm always looking for man man again some people there are some people doing real life pka and you don't show up outside his window in that i'll be so disappointed you will get yelled at so loud he's making a no-gun joke [Laughter] when he runs in the other room to get you and then you go let's see where taylor is you go in there and i'll i'll have run in by that time what's going on i'm not in an owl outfit that gif that gif i linked is from one of the movies that i suggested i won't tell you which uh i've seen this i don't think i have i've definitely seen this scene oh i've seen this also that's hard to look at yeah it's hard to look at i love that where is this from i've seen this it's from the taking of deborah logan oh maybe i have seen that yeah me too i'm thinking i've seen that this looks familiar yeah the guy in the wall eaten no it's uh that's that's a woman eating a child head first oh yeah maybe i haven't i'll watch it again whatever this looks really familiar though it's [ __ ] up i think it looks like [ __ ] drunk when i watch it i would really like another freddy movie no i don't i know we revisited it before people we didn't like doing that um but i think it's i think it's it's been a long time like enough time i i happen to like and enjoy the movie just one time going to see it um the problem child uh the [ __ ] uh child's play i was a movie i think horror movies i go in i spend 10 bucks i watch this movie and i leave and was i like [ __ ] that or was i like whoa there yeah uh i didn't watch the new child's play because they changed it from being the soul of a serial killer which was the best part to it being a defective toy but i think i think wait wait but i'll be honest with you guys i think there was because of if it was trademark issues it's the guy that made child's play made child's play and it has chucky in it but there were elements of the story which is why it was called child's play but there's another one called chucky because they're different like they split into two kind of like the guy that made childhood he sold off the rights of chucky and everything or whatever with it so like chucky went which is i don't think they called him chucky in the newest movie and like the whole chucky trademark is in is held by a different company now so they should have made it there i know what you mean like i know sometimes i'm just like like like i'm you know what i'm kind of like take the shot if you [ __ ] miss you [ __ ] up and you missed it but like i'm okay that they try like that ghostbusters movie where there was all girls i wasn't mad that they made it i was just like well it sucks man that was bad and it was bad but like [ __ ] i wasn't it didn't make ghostbusters my movies worse because this existed you know yeah i mean ghostbusters 2 was bad as well i think i'm mostly disappointed by the chucky movie thing like i've only seen the original chucky but it was just awful i've seen most of them didn't watch the remake i rewatched the first chucky movie a lot even growing up as a kid because i [ __ ] loved the beginning but after that i like the other movies better chucky's a per like a character but i always watch that first one because as a kid i thought the black magic was so cool and putting himself into the [ __ ] into the doll was so cool but i was going to look at it anymore oh you bumped it yeah i deleted it i couldn't i didn't want to look at it anymore it was that gif is just repeating i thought the chucky wasn't scary enough like woody yeah right like it's like being attacked by [ __ ] i don't know gerbils a dog thing right i don't care how psychotic and murderous this gerbil is i'm going to win i'm huge by comparison the doll didn't have super strength it was what sneaky i i don't know like sneaky it was sneaky and it had it had a [ __ ] butcher's knife see so your weakness only lasts for one time if you go if you're walking around and you go oh [ __ ] that thing's walking around it's got a knife i will never be snuck up on by that thing again ever no i will put enough distance between myself and that with a couple of with a one-minute jog that it's insurmountable for that let me see you see the the reason that chucky doesn't frighten me a bit is the same reason that the alien abduction movies scare the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of me okay because i want to believe you that's part of why they're scary but but what i'm getting at is that i'm not afraid of chucky if there was a real chucky bring him on and they're all right right the alien thing [ __ ] that doll up maybe some people act like they know but maybe it's a great answer maybe right dolls that come to life and get murdered that's just [ __ ] i would snatch chucky up and throw him in the oven and we'd have a good old there'd be a great [ __ ] reddit clip that i'd record while i melted his ass alive i'd lock him through the windows as he melted alive he's so not scary that like if i grabbed him in a panic threw him in my oven and closed it i would have the foresight to be like i'm gonna have melted plastic all over my enormous you know what i'm just going to burn them in the yard like if it's a moment of terror it's not that scary i did always think that um not always but once i saw dream warriors i knew it was a thing i was always like bro freddy like you're not jason jason you catch me sleeping i'm [ __ ] bent backwards in half or you catch me getting a hand job in the woods i'm getting my head cut off 100 jason's got me but freddie bro you want to come in here like we're sucking dick together bro you don't want to come in here you're not coming out the same freddy like this is bro we're gonna [ __ ] it like i'm gonna make you [ __ ] nobody's gonna wake up from a wet dream if you ever [ __ ] with me like i'm like i'll be like bro i'm gonna [ __ ] he's like you can't hurt me i'm like i'm not gonna hurt you i'll make you [ __ ] yeah your question your sexuality when you wake up you're gonna be like whoa i'm gonna give it to you lovely burned and shitty like it's not gonna work and because if you get bust in your mouth and your dreams it happens in real life so i'm gonna wake up and be like but like freddy's freddie like ever since i saw dream warrior so i'm like oh you could do that he's just better at it than you that's like when you got to go into your dreams you got to start training you got to be like i got to do the [ __ ] that is [ __ ] up freddy's going to be [ __ ] up and yeah like sucking his dick is the craziest thing you could do to freddie scabby exactly bro it's like a soggy breakfast i bet i bet his [ __ ] tastes like smoky barbecue sauce it tastes like the bacon you're winning me over it's like when you go to sunnies and that one bottle just says smokey you know of all those like syrians like the jason the freddie the one that i like the most and it's not as big as these other two is hellraiser like oh pinhead you're right i just never get nightmares if i have dreams they're just stupid and you know i i just i think that's why they're called the cenobytes what are they they're they're they're cinnabites yeah and i i watched like all of the hell show it's way better than jason and freddie freddie at least jason's better than him no i think freddie is awesome freddie's great but like i'm not scared of freddie pinhead is the scariest yeah pinhead like jason's gonna [ __ ] snap my neck cool i'm dead freddie's gonna be in your dreams and you're gonna wake up dead whatever you still died in your sleep pinhead comes i'm like oh now i'm gonna be tortured until the end of time [ __ ] if you're lucky they pulled the skin off yeah with all those hooks and it's just remember remember when he twisted the two security guards together and made yes he murdered the person with all the cds it was the early 90s they were cool that scene what does he say he comes in and it's like the the uh the priest is there in the church he has a line there i've got a hot track for you it's not i don't know um pinhead is crazy and i really really want a hell raiser a new one a good a good one i get behind that what's his name the guy that did it you can still get him he's still alive isn't he um yeah he's still alive i'm looking for uh for some of his quotes because i'm thinking some of his quote all of his quotes are awful it's it's like the um oh there's a lot of directors no tears please it's a waste of good suffering will tear your soul apart this isn't for your eyes and ah the suffering the sweet sweet suffering yeah uh pinhead is one of the scariest things i've told the story before but when i was in the fifth grade so i'd have been like 10 or 11 me and my buddy brad brad was going to spend the night at my house and we went to the the video warehouse you know the local video rental place and my mom was like yeah i get three or everyone's deals you know like get three movies for ten dollars or something for like a two day rental and uh i threw hellraiser bloodline in into the mix which is like one the worst telrazer movie but that's irrelevant i think it's like the third or fourth one dude they're all so gory and over the top i'm entertained by all of them yeah well hellraiser bloodline does this thing where they show you how the box was created and uh they they skipped through time three like three different timelines and uh they they go from like renaissance to like to our time to like space and throughout that time the same bloodline of this of the box creator is trying to destroy the box and in pinhead forever and we came out of my bedroom when it was time to eat dinner and my mom had made you know those chef boyardee like boxes of pizza where you get like the dough and the little sauce can and everything that was my favorite as a kid i love that [ __ ] and she had made that for us and me and brad are sitting there looking at our like slices of chef boyardee pizza and we're just not touching it and she and she's like what's wrong and i was just like we watched a scary move i was the first eraser i saw though that was the first one i ever saw that was the first one that i saw too i made me pursue and then i went and i saw i rented the first one and got i thought i was like yo i love horror i love scary i rented the first one and the body being created in the attic yeah it was such an old style of horror that like i wasn't ready for it yet it was like like [ __ ] was still like colorful and pop like when blood came out it was cool and silly effects this was like so realistic i was like how the [ __ ] did they do this and then they drank it i'm like how the [ __ ] did they [ __ ] do this man and it's not like pop out scares over the top it's like there's a lot of scenes in the hellraiser movies where it's like i'm not even i'm not fully scared right now i have a feeling of like apprehension is wrong it's just it's like it's more disturbing where yeah when that guy's body amalgamates out of goo and you see the whole thing coming together and it doesn't amalgamate out of goo it amalgamates out of semen right some some bodily fluid i don't remember yeah yeah definitely in the book it's [ __ ] in the movie i think it's blood by the way i think it's blood i think it's blue i think you're right i think it's blood and yeah yeah the dad cuts his hand on that nail and it's like a really nasty nail like tear on his hand um the dad coincidentally um played garrick star trek deep space nine for all you mega nerds out there you'll recognize that the dad from hellraiser one um who eventually gets his face torn off and worn uh by his brother at the end and then he kisses his niece like tongue kisses her while wearing her dad's face double incest yeah that's a yancy oh do you know what the scariest moment for me as a kid ever watching horror movies and probably because i thought i was so good in this game after hellraiser and i thought i was a [ __ ] pro so i sat in movie rental places trying to find movies that will scare the [ __ ] out of me and i rented one and it was so [ __ ] boring and i didn't think he was scary and the final image of the movie was so [ __ ] scary the movie was sleep away and i've seen that the 1983 version yeah [ __ ] the whole movie's about spoiler alert the whole movie is about this this these two kids a boy and a girl go and one of them dies in this accident early on so you watch this whole movie where you're watching this little girl and you don't know who the killer is and people are showing up dead and then you find out at the end of the movie the little girl is the killer but she was a guy and you see i didn't show her standing there with her hairy dick his hairy dick and the knife and this frozen face that if you could pull up the picture as a kid it was like it was not even about anything else it was just this image why does that face look like that only you brought that up i watched that movie for the first time a week ago because it's a guy's body with the girl [ __ ] does her face look like that for ex bro okay link even for me yeah yeah link i um oh yeah so basically she that face she is the the shy you can't show that obviously but the shy like you know oh it doesn't look like you're gonna watch it kyle so i'll go ahead and spoil it so basically like she's this quiet little girl the whole time and there's these mysterious deaths and things occurring and there's a lot of people that look like they should be responsible and there's this one guy this is the last person you expect the entire [ __ ] movie until about the last 20 minutes and then you're like ah nothing's been wrapped up it's going to be that creepiest [ __ ] but yeah that scene at the end it is really scary it gives you a dropping feeling oh that's a nice tough job she's got here i'm looking at her in a bikini earlier no it's it's not i know it's not a real dick well sometimes the things you say and believe make me with the mask on top they swap it you're going to see there's a picture where it looks more like the girl and and that's the girl where they do a a a shot from up top and uh then from there it goes to the wide and this wide shot even the face she's making is weird and as a kid then you see the dick and you're like what the [ __ ] did this mean like it was like you're like what the [ __ ] happened you're like why is she have a dick you're not thinking that the kid died you're not connecting these dots you're just a kid you're like whoa this person's [ __ ] up you're kind of like do i know girls with dicks happening you're like you're like she was quiet the whole like it just really you didn't expect it it's always so clear-cut it's like like it's freddy krueger and he's like i'm gonna [ __ ] kill you [ __ ] and you're like haha and this one it just shows you this image and i was just like me my friends like and it ends and the credits roll we were both like like we were kind of like abused like we were like sexually assaulted eyes dude you're right because that movie is tremendously milk toast and not scary for the first one hour and 27 and a half minutes and then the last 35 seconds you get all that and it's like oh wow they're really building for for a big they're edging for a [ __ ] maybe that's too much edging it's way too much edging i wouldn't watch the movie but that last scene is very disturbing [Music] yikes and
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 21,144
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, FPSRussia, WoodysGamertag, pka podcast, pka clip, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, PKA highlight, pka podcast highlights, Baby Beatdown, Wings Update, Helping Motorists, PKA 507 Harley Morenstein, Taylor's Next PC, Scary Movies, Gaming Talk, horror movies, movie, movies, jason, freddy, chucky, hellraiser, pinhead, the fourth kind, aliens
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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