People who quit a job, what sh!tshow did you leave them to handle? r/AskReddit EP2

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people who quit a job in the heat of the moment what [ __ ] out did you leave them to handle got offered a kitchen job by a friend of mine who was going to be head chef at a new place that was opening started there and it was a pretty cool job until about a month later when the owner yelled at my head chef friend infront of a dining room full of guests so my friend put in his notice right on the spot and finished his two weeks where he was replaced by a new chef new chef was nothing short of an artsy always berating employees nothing was ever good enough and he especially had a hard-on for me and was constantly giving me [ __ ] over anything he could think of I found out that my chef friend got a spot at a big themed restaurant guitars on the wall hint hint that opened recently so I requested half a day off for a doctor's appointment went there and got hired on the spot then called the restaurant and told the hostess to tell the head chef that I wasn't coming in for the rest of the shift and every shift after that since I was quitting but here's where it gets good I went back over a week later to get my last paycheck and dig head chef basically cornered me told me what I did was unprofessional and since he heard about where I was now he was going to call my supervisor and tell him how unprofessional I am then he asked me the name of my supervisor to which this brought a shit-eating grin to my face as I enthusiastically told him the name of my supervisor who just so happened to be my chef friend who just quit and who this Nazi [ __ ] just replaced I swear it was like watching a big balloon that rapidly deflated he just had unfounded look on his face as he melted out oh well tell him I said hi the best part was that his assistant chef was nearby who really wasn't fond of him either and he was trying to keep from busting out laughing walked out of there feeling like a boss bonus about a month after I left our sole chef made the mistake of pissing off a dishwasher because he forgot to clock for his shift and even though our sole chef knew damn well he was there the whole time he refused to make the adjustment and told him tough [ __ ] you learned a lesson meaning he just worked his full shift for nothing now this dishwasher was a big black dude who was built like a Steelers linebacker so he grabbed [ __ ] chef and a bear hug and started slamming him against the wall as hard as he could my ex-girlfriend was working the host stand and told me she kept hearing this dull thumping sound coming from the back of the restaurant then one of the kitchen workers came running up our sole chef screamed to him to go get help and he was laughing so hard that he couldn't tell them what was happening right away and had to catch his breath first the place then folded about less than a month later Famous Footwear during the interview manager world and shut up about how she wanted the other person but would hire me just to give me a chance worked there for five shifts on date so she went and asked my previous managers about my sex life the one that really peed me was she specifically asked my last employer who was employing my roommate while my roommate was on shift if I was sleeping with my roommate on day three she got mad at me for doing something wrong after refusing to train me I asked numerous times about pricing shoes she would just do one silently without showing me where to look on the scanner or what exactly she was scanning or anything and then handed back as if she had retained me on day four she berated me saying if I could it would royally [ __ ] her vacation up which was the only reason she hired me over the other person but now she won't have time to train a new person to cover her vacation which was still to Montee HS out my roommate put in notice at her job on this day on day five manager here's that room maid got a better job she confronts me saying I better not quit and then asks if I planned on putting in two weeks I tell her I'd been considering because she refused to train me and she was asking inappropriate questions to my previous employers she went off on me yelling at me on the sales floor telling me not to ever come back she then put that she had terminated me and my paperwork due to insubordination and theft as well as sending my one and only paycheck to the wrong ad five times before I finally got ours to just cancel the old checks and mail it directly to me edit my last day was on a Saturday all except one of her staff quit by the following Tuesday three days later I accidentally brought one of the box knives home I called asking if she wanted it back and she threatened to call the cops if I ever showed up again during the trying to get my check I mentioned the questioning of my previous employers they said they would deal with it I moved out of town and never went back anyway so not sure if she still works there I did get my check however she lied about how much I would be making so I was about $30.00 a short because I was making 13 hourly instead of 14.5 zero was so fed up with everything I said [ __ ] that and just call it the amount I would willingly pay to have her out of my life forever I worked 25 years for a large company in the sales division I was making six figures and had earned my role as VP of the West Coast my plan was to stick around to retirement but then we got a new president and a new president was an [ __ ] to everyone I saw one sales guy walk up all excited and offer a handshake to meet him the president didn't shake the extended hand and instead said I can't believe you came here without polishing your shoes the president gave a directive for me to stop hiring people with business or sales experience and to start just hiring attractive men and women because their good looks will sell product better than the educated words of a veteran salesperson plus they are young and worked cheaper I went along with this request and made two such hires then the next request came along tell me who is the worst member of your team right now I explained my team was hash one in the company and were all doing well but the weakest one one eight year employee who had a bad year last year he was making less frequent calls in the quality of calls was dropping I had to place him on a pip to improve in three months and he did he busted ass worked long hours and weekends and moved into the hash one spot on my team at the end of the three months th president calls me to discuss the PIP I explained the great progress and that I want to release him from the tip because he is on track now the reply was well there's probably other things wrong with him anyway so terminate him and document it make sure to hire a young attractive person as a replacement I quit on the spot with zero days notice unusual for a white-collar job and told him to do his own dirty work now I work as a high school teacher law the president gave a directive for me to stop hiring people with business or sales experience and to start just hiring attractive men and women that's doesn't sound legal it's only illegal if you can prove it they were found to be a great match to the new corporate culture and offered an excellent price slash value proposition I don't think physical attractiveness or lack thereof is covered by the ER it's shitty but it's not illegal I worked in shipping and receiving for a health food store over the past five days everyone else had quit including supervisors and department heads I was working a frozen shipment my regular job dairy came in cheese came in a bit over dollar sign 130 K huge fancy cheese in whole wheels a large generally organic dairy shipment I refused to sign any damn thing GM demanded I sign and put it away signing was already out of my pay grade those numbers made it way the hell out of my pay grade even demanded I put it all away it would have taken the rest of my shift for my own work I just quit get but he signed it in and it all went to waste he was fired I spent some time working at a gas station where my supervisor would take about 20 smoke breaks a day while demanding that the rest of us work harder after several days of this and my boss not doing anything about it I quit in the middle of a pizza order rush edit yes it is Casas for some reason I was reluctant to give away the real name at the time of writing this there was a pizza order rush at a gas station was it a side of the highway rest stop a lot of people will make a stop at Casas because of its pizza slices I even saw one guy picking up a whole pizza to hear it from Casas they're grease bombs but pretty tasty for gas station pizza I was a hostess for dinners in Arkansas the waiter / waitress is continuously degraded me and on top of that my manager is a functioning alcoholic the cash registers broke trillions of times and I kept getting yelled at for [ __ ] I literally had no control over one day the registers went down the same day the act went down I had plenty of people coming up yelling at me because I wasn't getting tickets out nor was I getting anyone cashed out people were piling up I was getting yelled at because I wasn't sitting people fast enough because I was dealing with those who had exact change so I could get them out and put it in the register when it came back online suddenly I heard one of the waitresses comment on how red my faces I'm dehydrated I replied as I'm not allowed to have drinks upfront I had a water bottle hidden but I could only take a few stealthy sips an hour a waitress found it during the ocean of people raising hell with me and took it from me I lost my [ __ ] and quit later that day I left midway through the ocean of people to attend to my mom during her doctor's appointment then is is funny online but every 10 as I've encountered is a real [ __ ] ow I had a job as a fairly niche field service engineer in it started off covering my local area which was fine maybe an hour traveling time to my most remote site tops then they lost an engineer in my adjacent territory and I had to cover that to put my travel time up to about 2 and 1/2 hours each way that wasn't great but it was temporary allegedly then they lost a further engineer and guess what I had to cover that area too that meant I was having to do up to four hours driving each way just to get to a site and then they expected me to put in up to a full eight-hour day I mentioned this to my manager and pointed out that if I was pulling multi day jobs at a site four hours away it'd be far better to put me up in a hotel but they said now as it was unusual for me to do multi-day installs anyway a month or so later I was expected to put in a complete new system as a site speed up four full days to do it high-profile client and I basically told my manager I needed a hotel they pushed back it's only four days you'll be fine just charge them the travel time has worked hours which is fine but I was salaried and they were the ones invoicing the client so no overtime for me anyway on the second day I arrived at nearly lunchtime after a massive accident on the motorway held me up for four hours and got a complete bar locking off the client for it I thought this pack my tools left the site with their old system ripped out and a pile of unopened boxes of nougat switched off my mobile and drove to head office parked close enough to the main entrance that the car operated the automatic doors went into reception and told the receptionist very politely it wasn't her fault that I quit all my gear was in the car and here are my keys Fernan pass then walked out and got a cab home found out from a friend that they lost that client which was one of their main ones even after my manager basically spent the rest of the week installing the kit on his own without any documentation as I'd written the spec and accidentally kept it if you want you can join my new discord link in the description old one got freaked have a nice day [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 485,637
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: PyoBYjLzd04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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