What Is Your Worst Military Wife Story?

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service members of reddit what is your worst military wife's story dude in my platoon's wife falsely accused her ex-mp boyfriend of debauchery went as far as stabbing a mattress and swallowing condom to set him up dude spends weeks in jail before being cleared of all charges when it comes to light it was crazy lady vindictive bulls she amped up the crazy she handed her friend her and my platoon mates baby through a window at night while they watched a movie platoon mate went to check on the baby and it was missing prompted the first amber alert in alaska history she tried to pin it on the mp as some sort of act of vengeance i can only imagine what the poor dude was thinking when the cops came to him with this he was very quickly eliminated a subject and they figured out that the baby was safe rather quickly i have to first i was the witness to one of my soldiers wedding it was a typical joe wedding and that it took place midday at a wings and things during the lucky bride's lunch break the mother of the bride owned said wings end things but refused to attend the ceremony despite being at work that day it was pretty amazing second i was at officer candidate school with an army hot blonde she was a deployment nine stroke ten and everybody hit on her she was drowning in attention but it was all for naught because she was married to a green berry or something well all that attention finally got to her and she started sleeping with the cadets it got to the point of her and another married female getting nailed in a hotel room at the same time and they reportedly high-fived mid coatus about three stroke four of the way through the course she started to put on a little weight and it sure seemed like her belly was growing faster than the rest of her about four weeks before graduation it came out that she was in fact pregnant with who the frick knows baby not long after graduation i heard that her marriage to mr sf did not survive the encounter hope this counts my grandfather was stationed in germany where he met my grandmother they got married in germany and she moved back to the states with him where his family was absolutely not very happy about it his mother actually offered to buy him a brand new car if she married a nice american woman instead obviously my grandma wasn't too happy about that and decided the best course of action was to have a second wedding in the u.s to prove she wasn't going anywhere they were married 55 years and she's still living in the original family home she really didn't go anywhere oh wow a nice story in this thread my brother-in-law was on both sides of crappy cheating stories he married a woman he chatted to online for a few weeks when he was 19. then he had to go to iraq a month after he left she told him that he got her pregnant he comes home after six months then she has the baby the baby definitely is not his fast forward 10 years he's married to an awesome chick we all like she works a job and takes care of everything around the house he cheats on her with her 18 year old girl that worked at sonic she catches him and leaves for a weekend to go stay with her sister to figure out what to do he puts all her stuff in cardboard boxes out under the carport and moves in the new girl he really is a piece of crap air force and navy veteran here and i'm a marine wife the worst thing i ever experienced was the death of a beautiful five-month-old baby girl the sgt and his wife were serious gamers the wife also suffered from mental health issues both were weird and ignorant the wife was tired of the baby crying and not sleeping so she propped a bottle on a pillow used more pillows to cushion her and left her in the master bedroom while she and the hubby gamed the little girl suffocated neither parent checked on her for 12 plus hours they said they thought she was sleeping they found her dead left her for several more hours and made a failed attempt to resuscitate her while they were on the phone with 911 they're so stupid the police and ends shared with me that rigger motors had already set in and it looked as the baby had been dead for more than 24 hours the parents went back to gaming because that wanted to finish their match or whatever the mother showed zero remorse however she was completely fascinated with how popular she was becoming on social media so much so that she was super giddy with her local fame and said her kid dying was worth the fame and gofundme the marine was indifference to the whole thing this was one of my husband's marines we got the call to go to the family and bring them whatever they needed for temporary lodging we had no idea what a crap show we'd be walking into obligatory not me but my friend who i'll call robert robert was bummy slobby looking guy who was always on the receiving end of jokes and pretty much only survived because he was a nice guy so as lazy as he was most airmen would cover for him being a genuinely nice guy goes a long ways in the military so robert had an unusually hot wife like completely surprised everyone that ever saw them together and we all assumed that he was packing some real heat or that she wasn't a shallow butthole like the rest of us so i'm not sure how this was arranged but robert had a best friend who i'll called greg and one day after a few beers robert decides it would be real cool if greg fricked his wife and let him watch greg is objectively a better looking guy btw and it happens greg fricks the wife while robert watches and this happens a few more times until one of the times the wife finishes up with greg and tell her husband robert that she no longer wants to freak him that she only wants to freak greg this made him very upset and why do i know all of this because robert came into our squadron and had a mental breakdown and told all of us i was there trying to get some leave paperwork signed he straight up told this entire story to all of our leadership and finished it off with a demand that greg be punished greg obviously wasn't punished but was asked to stop which i'm sure he didn't in fact no one was punished and in classic military fashion this story spread faster than his wife's legs for greg gossip runs hard in the military robert was really freaking stupid i was pretty naughty even got maneuvered into a couple of crap situations first somehow ended up alone with colleague's wife she starts telling obscene stories and getting closer and closer to me tells me something like nobody gives better bj's than me it made sense in conversation it also wasn't really necessary my somewhat intoxicated response okay then good night i'll be leaving now second was drinking with a different colleague he got very intoxicated and out of the blue starting berating me for trying to sleep with his wife i did not want to sleep with his wife and was not trying to noped out of there too later that night wife showed up at my apartment ostensibly to apologize heard some other rumors but was never sure what to believe my best mate in the army married a girl he just met and then deployed while he was gone she kept begging him for money to buy everything that the needed to set up house when he got back when his tour ended the girl was genuinely p and wanted to know how soon he was deploying again after some days of heated discussion it turned out that she expected he would die in combat and told him that her her family and her boyfriend were counting on the money he was an aircraft tech and never left the airport he threw her out and told her they were getting divorced and she offered up her sister as a replacement wow what a terrible human a buddy of mine i met in et school had met a younger mexican girl fell in love and wanted to provide a better life for her than he was able to at the time he had been in the coast guard and rey joined he had the first pick of where he was going to be stationed next because he'd already had prior service and had been on a ship for years the school was about five months long while he was there his wife decided to join two without telling him they were from south texas and he had the choice to be stationed in galveston not far from both of their families but she ends up getting stationed in oregon on land the closest place they could get him to where she was stationed was seattle also on land but he obviously wanted to be close to her so that's where he opted to choose however within a couple of weeks of graduation she also gets transferred to seattle so it looks like things might be okay after all until the day of graduation when they tell him they have changed his orders and he will be stationed on a polar icebreaker which would be leaving the week he gets to his new unit the ship was set to literally make a trip around the world and he'd be gone for seven months or so he finds out while off the southern coast of south america that she had been kicked out of the coast guard for drugs and before cheating with the guy she was stationed with another long story and was now working as a stripper in seattle were there red flags before they got married i'm not sure but it didn't seem that way before she joined the cg he was a nice and really good dude weird turn of events in such a short time for those who may not know when being temporarily stationed somewhere for training like this at least in the cg they do not pay for your spouse to join you nor do they provide any form of lodging she was living in texas when she joined the service while he was stationed in california i was in the officer club in okinawa around 2012 or so in walk at least six women in s cut off shorts versions of flight suits that were bright orange i was pretty confused until my marine friend told me that meant their husbands were deployed and they were looking for a good time apparently it was an open secret while i was in the air force way back in 2003 or so a guy's wife started hanging out in the dorms without her husband me and my buddy avoided her because we figured it wasn't going to turn out okay yeah turns out she was just running through every guy in the dorms and even had fricked a guy in our shop i mean that literally he brought her into the shop and they had fricked on one of our work benches again back in the early 2000s guy i know had his wife attack him with an iron skillet both of them were active duty he ended up choking her out because she was trying to kill him cops get called because its base housing and walls are paper thin wife admits she attacked him and he was just defending himself first sergeant presses charges on the husband husband gets found guilty and kicked out of the af and becomes a house husband for his wife who is still in the military wife never got charged with anything i once pulled over the same lady on three separate occasions for speeding in a school zone i was trying to be nice the first two times and let her off the hook but she started balling the third time and i lost my patience she kept sobbing saying her husband was deployed i let her keep doing this for a couple minutes while i was writing everything she said in my notes it felt like a hot fuzz moment i finally asked how her husband being deployed was relevant to her speeding in a school zone and then she just stared at me like she couldn't believe i would question it she got quiet afterwards and i handed her the ticket and walked away without saying anything else i got two we had a particularly worthless piece of crap in my unit let's call him warren forsaker of the story warren was the single stupidest sob i have ever met in my entire life bar none absolute crap marine who could legitimately barely tie his shoes the fact that this dude had passed through the recruiters bootcamp and soy was a box on the name of the marine corps in my opinion this dude got married before we left for our first tour it took her about three days to send him pictures of her getting a train run on her by six black dudes him and his wife were both paced to lily white not trying to make it xenophobic just setting the scene she proceeded to get knocked up during one of these trysts which she was holding at their base housing regularly she found out which one of the dudes was the father and had him move into their house when we returned from deployment he proceeded to forgive her and continue to let her baby daddy live in the house with them that went on for a couple months till the dude beat him up and they called pmo to get him out of there fast forward a few years i am awaiting separation cause i reached the end of my contract so as warring cause we went to boot camp together he made it all the way somehow we were living in a barracks designated for soon to be separating marines he would hang out and bum bears of people to get drunk while she would make her way from room to room looking for dong with a decent success rate that was the state of things when i packed up my crap and left she offered me a goodbye bj which i politely declined the other dude was also a piece of crap we will call him niles he was one of our junior marines and was worthless from day one dude smoked a pack a day and never passed an annual fitness test as far as i know physically and mentally weak lived in off-base housing with his wife the story we got was that his lady was literally puking in the toilet drunk when he proposed to her in between volleys and she said yes and went through with it this dude would have some other platoon over to his apartment on the weekends to do some drinking and hanging out i never went mostly because i was very hard on him during the work day being as how i was this chuckle fricks team leader the story i heard from multiple sources was that every party went pretty much the same way they would all start drinking niles would get wasted wary early cause he was a lightweight pass out and then his wife would pick one three other guys there and let them have their way with her in the other room while he drunkenly slept the night away you get only the classiest of people in the marine infantry well i was in the navy my husband was a civilian we married young like all service members do at 19 we grew up in the same city and dated for several years i thought i knew the guy inside and out he had some anger issues but nothing out of the ordinary for a 19 year old dude i deployed to afghanistan almost immediately and that's when things changed some other base wife told him that i was freaking dudes in porta potties which i was not he started doing h at some point started selling drugs to base wives absolutely trashed my house he sold everything and drained my account thousands of dollars in deployment money gone he left base never to return my two dogs were left in the house did more and more damage and were taken to the humane society where i paid hundreds to get them back he hung out with a japanese girl off base until my return they got pregnant then he started to follow me and threaten me anyways we got divorced and his psycho mother continued to threaten me for several years overall very fun experience would rate four stroke ten i was in with a guy that proposed to a girl back home that he barely knew he bought her a car that she complained about but still accepted he doesn't even have a car and asks for rides everywhere he got her an apartment back in their hometown and pays her rent he sends her his entire paycheck to her to help her take care of her son and get anything else she needs he would tell me fishy things about her that mattered obvious she was cheating out of nowhere she gets pregnant and stops talking to him to him completely i tell him to get a dna and he refused of course a couple months later the baby is born and looks nothing like him he gets the test and it's not his daughter he later found out the baby was by the first kids basketball coach the coach tells my friend he's a good father and i am gonna fall back and let you raise a dart my friend is still with her to this day and she refuses to marry him happen in 2004 when we got back from the iraq invasion and such we had just hit bangor maine and some vets had cell phones that were donated for us to call and tell our loved ones that we were just house from reunion this sergeant called his wife whole deployment no issues all is good or so he thought we hear a string of cursing like only an infantryman could in this cell go flying like a scud across the terminal so apparently she decided to wait until he was just a few hours from home after a year of combat to say she was divorcing him she had left him negative a few hundred in the bank account what she didn't throw out was now in a couple of trash bags in his truck crappy old beater unsecure unlocked in the barracks parking lot he was remarried within two months there were no classy winners or losers in this story no animals were harmed and no coat hangers bloodied when my mother-in-law gave birth to my now wife she was advised to make a sandwich or two in case her husband got hungry while she was delivering her child her husband did not attend the delivery so all she had in the delivery room was a drill sergeant yelling at her to push when she got home the father had his car engine disassembled on the table he asked whether she'd had a boy or girl got told girl said oh and went back to his engine he really wanted a boy to carry on the family name but when in an attempt to save the relationship they had a boy together he moved out shortly afterward and never or rarely spoke to the son again the son changed his last name to his mother's name as soon as he legally could freaking bastard on my first deployment we had a comb guy that was dumber than a bag of hammers his wife wasn't much brighter we didn't have any steady communication with back home so the days we had phones or internet access were always a big deal well one of those phone days he came in all excited saying that his wife told him she was three months pregnant four months into the deployment he did his rounds off telling everyone all excited and i don't think anyone had the heart to tell him to think about the math we get back from deployment and when his son was born he came out looking a little different than what everyone expected his wife was mexican so i guess that was enough to convince him that everything was okay to be fair to be four weeks pregnant you'd have had frick two weeks ago so a discrepancy of a few weeks isn't proof of anything your pregnancy is dated from the first day of your period you ovulate two weeks after that if i told my husband i was six weeks pregnant and he argued we only had sex four weeks ago he'd be wrong my roommate when i got my first duty station at drum this guy freaks another soldier's wife in the troop platoon for non-cav other soldier finds out gets heavily drunk and was going to come to the barracks and shoot him i was the only one in the room that night luckily he passed out in the driver's seat with the car running at his foot on the gas pedal nothing happened to other dude or my roommate we had another [ __ ] who just wouldn't do anything right this dude brought nothing on the packing list to her rotation at jrtc at featuring poke dude gets scabies and is forced to wash everything he brought with him which wasn't a lot we all got chewed out bc we didn't look out for our battle buddy we had a female get rego just to not deploy to afghan but our orders got switched and instead of afghan we go to iraq and she came too oh boy buckle up this happened over the course of three three-month deployments over a two-year period first deployment i came back to my wife and a big stack of mail in there were two notices of repossession for non-payment of my car three final notices for all of our utilities and a letter from the landlord i started off with the car since i didn't want it to be repossessed i went to our joint bank account and found it empty no bills had been paid in three months when i asked her about what happened to all of our money she said i went to waffle house a lot second deployment i came back to a house with four dogs and three cats there was the outside garbage can sitting in the middle of the living room oh and a homeless guy was sleeping on my couch she apparently had taken to volunteering at the local animal shelter and had to save all these animals from being euthanized the backyard had no grass left from the dogs digging the carpets were torn up from the feral cats and there were pile of dog crap petrified all over the house but when asked about the garbage can she said that it was just too hard to take the trash out when asked about the homeless guy she said that she had met him at waffle house and he just needed some help the third deployment i came back to my wife having two new make friends after paling around with them for a couple months a different girl friend told me that my wife had been cheating on me with these two guys when i asked about the cheating she said she only sucked his dong because it was christmas and she hadn't gotten him a gift ugh at no point do you write that you've divorced this woman and i find that concerning not mine but the wife of my ceo of the training command i was in tried to have the air force guard mastered for not saluting her she was a civilian okay back in 2004 i am deployed to iraq i get a fedex box my wife of 80 years who was in the navy had sent me a note that read your dog dyed paper clip to her picture of my seven years old queensland healer under that photo was our divorce papers signed and filled without my presence or knowledge she had full power of attorney i came home after 18 months away yay stop loss to a storage shed that had been picked over by her relatives and about 12 k in savings should have been closer to atk but she took her half she apparently fell in love while out on a cruise and decided that it was in her best interest to just cut strings and move out so she did move and put a three-bedroom home into a 10x10 u-haul storage unit that i was on my credit card for over a year the value of those contents about 500 in furniture yeah being married while in the service was great my husband is in the army and we live on base our neighbor regularly beats the ever-loving crap out of his wife one night when we first moved in before we knew he was hitting her we had them over for drinks and he was bragging about how much his first gt loves him he said verbatim i could beat her and no one would do anything about it because they freaking love me i've personally called the mps multiple times and every time he came home after spending a few days in the barracks before he left she pretty much lived at our house because of his abuse they are 25 28 living in all suckers she has no family and nowhere to go and she was too scared to leave now that he's deployed i've been helping her pack her crap so she can get out of here before he gets back she even has a job lined up in the lower 48. most of these stories are about women cheating and spending too much money in their air and many about how abusive the soldier can be as well if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: military, military wife, military wives, military wife life, service men, married in army, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2020
Id: rYfc2gxBohE
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Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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