True Online Horror Stories | Online Dating, Catfish, Craigslist Scary Stories |

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this happened in 2011 I just gotten out of a rough relationship a few months prior to this happening my friends encouraged me to try dating again so I caved and made a profile on the website plenty of fish I'll surprised with how many messages I received within the first few hours most were just people say hi or asking to hook up I wasn't looking for a hookup so I just ignored those messages after about a week a guy roughly an hour away from me messaged me he was cute so I messaged him back the conversation was pretty casual at first he asked me if I would like to go offer coffee sometime not thinking anything of it I said sure this is where things started to get weird he started getting really pushy and asked when we could grab a coffee I told him that I didn't own my own car so I would have to borrow my mom's car to meet up with him he offered to come by and pick me up but I wasn't comfortable with that idea the next message made my blood run cold it read I'm sure your hometown isn't that big if I knock on a few doors someone would be able to tell me where you lived are you crazy I replied I'm sorry but that's kind of creepy this just pissed him off he messaged me multiple times after this they said you know I have a gun I could shoot you and make you disappear no one would even look for you you're nothing but a dirty [ __ ] I could kill you and throw you down a well and no one would ever find you I was really scared at this point so I asked him to please leave me alone he replied with a following I know where your hometown is it's not a big town I can find you at that point I had enough and I blocked him I reported his account to plenty of fish and deleted my account I was really on edge for the next few weeks after the fact I was afraid he was actually gonna come looking for me when I was in high school I knew my parents divorce was imminent my mom was cheating on my dad and my dad was cheating on my mom I did everything I could to prevent my parents from divorcing but I knew it was a lost cause my mother had been planning on leaving him for a long time and eventually served him on my 17th birthday they agreed to live under the same roof until I was out of high school so I would have to stress having two homes when I was a little over 18 my mom had been consistently conversating with a new man on multiple dating apps she even got an app that I was known to use called kik messenger she fell asleep with the app open one night and I seemed that she was message oh man I'm not gonna use his name due to privacy concerns I ignored it by knew the name and seeing his face up multiple times on her cell phone fast-forward maybe two months my dad and I were just spending some time together and wanted to go somewhere to eat his friend called him up that night my dad has been known to be a social drinker who frequented local bars he and many good friends that were bartenders and fellow social drinkers his friend was at the local bar and met a man named AJ who was looking for my father by name in order to buy a vehicle my dad was a car sales manager so we stopped by the bar that night because we just thought we'd be there the bar isn't really shabby or the typical bar most people would think of we lived in a small town and the bar was on the lake and people could rent lots and put campers on it it was more like a club Lodge this man introduced himself as AJ however I recognized him immediately as the man that my mother had been conversating online with I didn't say anything to my dad at first I for sure just thought that he looks similar and that I was overreacting that was until he called me by my full name without anyone introducing him to me or even saying my name he knew my first middle and last name he also came up to me to greet me at the table all-city night he tried getting me to open a lot of tickets for him and was rubbing against me and trying to touch my inner thighs I was kind of frozen and you didn't know what to do he eventually left me alone when he saw people staring at him I did what I needed to do I searched his full name on Google on Facebook and that's when I found out that he was a registered sex offender ex-con in a bordering state I looked repeatedly from AJ to the man on my phone screen and there was no doubt he was the same dude he only lived about 30 minutes away from my own home I pulled my dad to the side told him that his man was not who he said he was I showed him the picture and the information I found I rented the bathroom crying because I knew something bad was happening he lied about his name knowing me and my father's name and knowing where my father worked after hearing this info my dad refused to go outside with AJ he made multiple attempts like hitting my dad outside alone to take a look at my dad's truck due to the fact that he wanted something similar he eventually stopped pushing my dad and went outside to smoke the manager of the bar immediately locked the doors and locked him outside refusing to let him back in everyone in the bar most of them were close friends with my dad had seen how suspicious he was acting and many had seen him rubbing up against me the manager called the cops to report him he didn't take long for him to figure out that he had been caught and he attempted to leave the bar and drive away my dad followed him up the road trying to make sure he didn't get away however he was plastered enough and ended up crashing in a snowbank just up the road from the bar he was caught by the police and charged with a DWI he was jailed just five minutes up the road from my home I did not sleep good that night and sleep was bad for about a month if he knew my family as well as he seemed to he probably knew where I lived he was bailed out only two days after the incident his vehicle had been found with duct tape drugs rope a crowbar and other materials in it when they impounded his car he was also charged with violating his probation he is a tier 3 sex offender which means he raped a minor with a deadly weapon and was required to register for life he was not supposed to leave the state at the time today not supposed to have a Facebook or any form of social media where you could reach out to miners and he was not allowed to operate a vehicle due to his license being taken away I ended up pressing charges for sexual harassment as well as getting a restraining order against him I also found out later through phone records that the police had been tracking his phone and that he had driven past my home more than 20 times in the week leading up to the incident he had also been to my dad's job and my school multiple times throughout a period of six months he had been following both of us for a long time I never experienced something so crazy in my life I live in a completely different state thousands of miles away now thank God but my family is still in the state where the incident happened he has yet to be charged or arrested for the harassment stalking charges and probably never will seeing as he knows if he comes back to the state he could be arrested because he has a warrant but since then I don't ever put my full name on social media I only put my first name I've become a very paranoid person when it comes to my full name and my address or other personal info please everyone be careful who you talk to on online dating sites you never know who's behind the screen or what their true intentions are and if you do find someone you like investigate do your homework I lived in a town with a population of 5,000 and I never once thought this kind of thing could happen to me but it can this happened three summers ago but I remember the main events to preface this I have been on a shocking amount of dates and put myself in many foolish situations in the past I'm a female and was 25 at the time it started on the plenty of fish app I came across this cute guy he was my type physically kind of nerdy looking on his profile he had very adventurous photos of him hiking and traveling he seemed really exciting to get to know once he saw that I looked at his profile he sent me a message we flirted a bit back and forth and exchanged numbers even though he lived about an hour away he said on the app he's never been to my city and didn't plan on this so we probably would never mean I respected his honesty I don't like wasting my time one day shortly after meeting this guy online he texts me randomly saying that he's in my town on some work thing and inviting me to a bar he was at I just had to meet up since I was already in the area he said he would pick me up I was dumb and agreed even though it was just over four blocks away it took him longer than it should have to get to me and I honestly don't think he was actually ever at the bar once in plenty of fish dates car I noticed it was a rental and that it seemed like he just got his license because he was a terrible driver after driving new circles he told me to pick a place but not in the area because parking was impossible I picked a place 15 minutes away by car they had parking lots but also was a busy place since I was with a stranger once we got there he started pressuring me to drink he insisted I'm not a huge drinker but I enjoy pub style bars I caved and had a drink and was again pressured to have another one he was very pushy and seemed to get irritated that I wasn't going for it usually I didn't the date pretty quickly after being mistreated but he became charming enough to keep me there at least until we were done with our date I saw an old acquaintance at the bar and one of my date - no I knew him in my head I think I wanted my date to know that someone could identify him I'm not a paranoid person but I think my subconscious was on alert after an hour talking in the bar I tell him I'm ready to head out he insists we go across the road to get coffee at the time it felt strange to me neither of us had much to drink and I didn't need to sober up coffee seemed like an odd choice otherwise I entertained it once there we sipped on our drinks he told me he rented a beautiful Airbnb in the nearby neighborhood there's more out of the city he told me that he had it all to himself and invited me and was going on about how nice it was I kept politely saying no throwing around different excuse which he would counter with a reason for me to come with no intention of going I agreed but only if you drive me home to get some overnight things because I felt like he wasn't gonna let me say no he seemed happy with my answer so we headed out while driving in the direction of my place he said instead he would stop by 7-eleven and grab me a travel-sized toiletries so I wouldn't need anything I felt panicked because my plan was not to go with him something about him was off and I felt stupid for even getting back into the car with him to begin with he turned his car and we then headed towards a more country area literally there aren't any 7-eleven s or open stores in the middle of nowhere then I mentioned that I'm actually thinking I prefer not to stay with him and ask to be brought home he said something that made me completely nervous to be around him for much longer he said he's sharing the Airbnb with the owners and said that they are really fun and sweet and that they drink and play games which he originally told me that he had it all to himself I knew I didn't want to make it obvious that I was catching on to his lie so I went along with it and said oh I have to wear my cute fluffy overnight PJ's instead of my date dress because I'll be way more comfy then spew off a few other things I mentioned that I needed my medication and absolutely couldn't miss a dose surprisingly he turned around and as we drove back into the city I felt a bit more calm but at this point not safe finally we get close to my place I had no intention of letting him get close enough to where I lived he was mentioning that he was gonna come to my apartment once we get there and now it's just a huge he'll know I don't know what I would do but I looked for any opportunity to get out of the situation knowing that he could just turn around and take me somewhere private in a matter of 15 minutes if he wanted to we got to a stop sign where people were crossing thank God I quickly and calmly got out and said hey you know I think I have a headache I'll text you I closed the door I went through a public park which was beside a building that his car wouldn't be able to drive into I looked back to make sure he wasn't getting out of his car and I could see him staring at me he was so furious I have chills thinking about it within an hour he had blocked me on plentyoffish thinking back I think he possibly wanted to get coffee to possibly slip something in there I think he told me I'm plenty of fish that he would never mean to maybe cover his ass and I know that he did have good intentions with me since then I met my fiancee on plentyoffish and was super careful about dating making sure that the first few dates were in public and to arrange my own transportation so some contacts I've never really been in a long-term relationship I've dated a girl bit but I haven't dated a guy I'm bi and I've never slept with either a girl or guy I'm a 20 year old female this story like anyone else my age I started swiping on tinder to try to put myself out there I like to think I'm not naive and pretty intuitive about people but I wasn't perceptive about this guy at all Jake and I swipe to match each other two days ago Jake first messaged me telling me he wanted to eat me and my dog and that he thought we were both cute liking his directness I said we should meet up the night was the first red flag when I didn't message him back immediately he messaged me asking if he was detecting negativity sucking up to nervousness I apologized and explained why didn't answer and all was good we planned to meet up last night at the bar FLAC number two was waved when I arrived at the bar it's important to note in this day out where I live any place selling liquor cannot let in someone under 21 I didn't know this and I've been reassured by Jake that I could get in no problem of course this wasn't true luckily a rush respect unfortunately see my birthday was in a week the bouncer let me in anyway within minutes Jake was at the bar - meeting this guy he seemed normal red leather jacket chucks typical normal dude he orders me a gin and tonic and one for himself and we settle in to talk he tells me about his life and his family and I do the same we play pool at one point so I put my drink down this is when things get a little blurry I can't remember most of our conversation up until we happen to get back to my place I remember us leaving us getting into his car and us getting back near to my place you have to understand I don't drink much but one trick does not get me drunk I barely ever brown out and I never black out this is important to know once of my town we to go in the nearby market to pick up food as we were there red-flag 3 occurs seeing someone I thought I knew I told Jake I was gonna say hi he offered ly backed away it stood outside at that point refusing to meet her I was wrong though I didn't know the girl so I soon rejoined him to walk to my place as we opened the door to my place my roommate Mandy opens the door we say hi talking a little and she mentions that she's gonna take a shower Jake at this point creepily makes a Oh sound Mandy is also a little tipsy at this point and mentioned some guys she wants to have sex with no biggie it's the way she rolls but after his expression and the realization of how tired it was I say he should go he does with no attempt at any physical contact this is where the story should end but it doesn't within a few minutes dude blows up my phone with messages saying he is more open-minded like my roommate calling me boring implying that I'm not attracted to guys saying that he felt no chemistry and hope we would have cuddled I show my roommate who gasped he not getting the full meaning of the open-minded comment since I was kind of out of it I asked her why she's so shocked finally I get it he's implying that he wants to sleep with her that he is more open to sex than I am creepy so creepy at this point I'm freaking out slowly I realize how I'm acting and feeling putting together how one drink shouldn't make me feel this way I realized I might have been drugged Mandy and I go to the local police and we report it I decided not to get tested I could explain why but until you're in my position possibly drugged at three am embarrassed worried you're wrong worried you might be charged for underage drinking don't judge it's a lot harder than it looks to go through the whole process anyway the story ends I'm terrified because he knows where I live and with me sleeping off whatever's in my body this is something that happened to me a couple months ago I love Facebook I love memes I love talking to people I love long comment sections etc that being said I never give away any of my personal information such as where I work or live my birthday information is also private so on and so on that made quite a few friends that I don't know personally but then I agree with or have really good discussions with so after comedy back and forth on a friend's post for a while it was no surprise that Tyler messaged me it started off fairly simple we just talked about the posted comment on how do you do is and common interest I was excited to have a new friend he seemed pretty interesting and we had a lot in common I'm not a beauty queen or anything but I let him know after about an hour of casual conversation that I was taking happily I enjoyed his friendship but I want to leave you anything more since I was getting married next year he seemed a little upset but respectful I told him goodnight went to sleep thought nothing of it the conversation continued a few days he started to get a little pushy if I didn't respond to him immediately and I told him I was very busy and he apologized and told me that he was just bored and lonely I started to put a little distance but I didn't want to completely give up on my new friendship because I hated the fact that he was so lonely one day he randomly messaged me saying he wanted to have me in his arms I immediately nip that in the bud reminding him of my relationship and telling him if he didn't stop then our friendship would be done he's I respect and I'm a loyal to my fiance he immediately lost his [ __ ] messaging me saying he didn't care about my fiancee making threats towards him I stopped messaging him and selected to have his messages go to my ignore box he could still message me but it wouldn't go into my regular inbox I made a post about it and a friend of mine commented and said he did the same thing her except he knew where she lived and we show up outside her house I was freaked out and went to go see if there is more messages for a man because she told me he was bad news and I should call the police if any threats were made this is where the shitstorm begins he messaged me over a dozen times different things start off kind of tawny for me not answering then moved on to him messaging me about some [ __ ] who cut him off when he was driving and was too slow for his taste then he was saying he was gonna shoot the guy and it would be my fault since I made him angry by ignoring him I messaged him telling him to leave me alone and stop replying for a while he started messaging me narrowing down where I lived that really freaked me out cuz I had never told him where I lived or anything remotely close to my house the only thing I've ever said was that I'd talk to him later because I was going to Arby's and my phone was dying yet somehow he knew I was seven minutes away from Arby's by my house exactly how long it takes me to walk there and there are several Arby's in my city then you start narrowing down which Street I lived off of down to knowing in a four-door black sedan that was linked to my address which there was it was in my sister's name when she registered it as an uber this is enough for me and I called the non-emergency hotline the police refused to do anything of course saying until I actually showed up or did something there's nothing that could be done never mind that he was sending me pictures of dead people and saying that that was going to be my family and he was narrowing down my address unless he actually showed up I was screwed all I could do was apply for a protective order so I did Tyler kept messaging me so I told him about the protective order in place and he needed to leave me alone he responded that there's nothing that could be done until he was served and signed it which was true my fiance is a nightie and has a cousin who is pretty tech savvy as well and managed to get the last couple of addresses Tyler had but the police couldn't find him I either though we had license plate numbers address full name birthdays etc yeah he seemed to be untraceable he stopped for a while but the day of my court case to have the PIO extended for two more years he started again my fiancee filed criminal charges for a threat he had made he said someone could come shoot you in 15 minutes and his last known address was exactly a 15-minute drive from my house I spent the last couple months completely afraid he was arrested insert finally I think he was speeding or something and turns out he has a history of this multiple charges all dropped or dismissed they dropped everything from felonies to a misdemeanor disorderly conduct charged with 12 months suspended jail time depending on his behavior they couldn't prove it was him and not someone else behind the keyboard especially since we never met face to face in real life before his court date even though I had two people that received messages from him and had seen him face to face as well I can't sleep the slightest noise wakes me up panicking it's been hell for my family so Tyler that's not me so this happened a few years ago and I'm not much of a rioter so sorry if this story seems jumbled this started towards the end of my eighth grade year basically my friend had this guy who followed her on Instagram and would comment on all her posts telling her how pretty she was now that wasn't super weird but we kind of found it creepy because this dude was obviously in his late 50s and she was 13 it eventually escalated he started messaging her every day not anything overly creepy just mainly small talk at first eventually he finds my page and starts to comment but I don't post much pictures of myself online and basically a majority of it was doodles and pictures of my dog now this guy's account also mainly consisted of art and most of it was actually pretty good so I didn't mind in commenting on my art at first eventually though he also started to message me and tried talking to me now I have pretty bad anxiety and I hate coming across this mean so I wouldn't really respond with words unless he asked me a direct question me and Lee what I did was just hearted or a smiley face stupid I know so this continues for a few weeks and over the time I learned that this guy can randomly just blow up I learned this because I respond to his message from him asking my age I told him I was 13 but then I put my phone down because I had to do dishes when I came back to my phone I ten messages from him he was asking me why I wasn't responding to him and also telling me he was joking I have a super confused at first and what he could have sent that would have made me mad basically he responded about how both me and my friend look like we were 18 I found that to be kind of creepy but I didn't want to confront him about it so I told him it was fine and that I was just doing my chores and then the conversation moved on I made an excuse to stop messaging him for the day one really creepy thing he did was when I posted the picture of my grandma's dog which is a Corgi and put the caption as how much I love that dog he liked a photo and then day or so later he sends me a picture of a corgi he drew for me I thanked him for it and then he asked me for my address so he can send it to me I refused but he kept asking me and telling me that it was a gift and he wanted me to have it I had to send him a message explaining that it was my family rule and now I was not allowed to tell anyone my address and for him to drop it eventually after a bunch of creepy things my friend blocked him so he started ranting about it to me saying that she shouldn't be creeped out by him and he was just trying to be nice that she had a problem with anything he was saying she should have told him he basically he continued on like that for the next few days and then he pointed out how he was gonna follow her on her backup account and he was gonna start talking to her on that one so I immediately told my friend about it and she blocked him on her backup I stopped responding to him as well and blocked him so creepy guy on Instagram let's not mean this happened about a year ago I'm 16 now and he's gonna be 20 in August we met through the internet and it turned out he lived in the city right next to my village I was 12 then he was 16 we ended up losing contact rather quickly after two years I text him again because my friend added a photo of him and dared me to send it to him he seemed nice we had a lot of shared interest and talking with him felt pretty natural I was used to our age differences because for some reason I never met people my age so I didn't really mind he took the bus to my village a couple of times and we hit it off pretty well he even met my best friend then I heard he had a Skype call with one of my online friends that he told her how his last girlfriend supposedly killed herself because of him because of the horrible things he said to her my friend felt like he was beginning to crush on her maybe because she's nice and all too kind the other friend voiced her worried over him my friend told me about it and I asked him why he told them but not me he said I was too immature to understand that made me upset I was the person who introduced him to my friend group and I was trying to forcefully cut me out my friends ended up having enough of him and cut him out instead but I didn't I kind of felt bad for him he was an orphan he lived alone and had issues with alcohol and had a lot of trouble with depression losing three people in his life could have been devastating to him so I kept messaging him maybe out of pity after that he turned very very creepy very fast suddenly he started calling me Darlene I was over the moon a puppy-dog crush on someone I knew I could never date but it gave me hope that maybe just maybe I could he spent a lot of time with me send me pictures and videos of him going about his day nothing unusual until one time he called when I was busy playing a video game my laptop I don't remember what was said exactly but I do remember him being very excited that I was 15 15 was a legal age in Poland I was excited too I don't know why I remember being very stiff even though it was just a harmless phone conversation the joke was until February because I turned 15 then and he was supposed to visit I felt like I owed him everything just because he had issues with this mental health he told me that his psychiatrist said that she'd never met anyone so young that lived through so much even though our conversations were never about depression I felt bad for him that's why I never said anything that he said creeped me out or made me feel unsafe because I was afraid he'd feel worse and do something to himself he told me that he tried to kill himself multiple times so what if I was the reason he tried again he already told me about the issues of being abandoned and loneliness when he visited I learned that he still have feelings for his dead ex-girlfriend he played a song that was their song every word in it described their relationship and he was close to crying and I had no idea what to do put me in a situation even though he knew I wasn't equipped to deal with it once when I was upset I told him that I don't want to be cheered up I just didn't I wanted to be alone so instead of that he sent me tons of tech and pictures saying cheer up it was the one time I set some sort of boundaries and he broke it immediately I had a school trip in October and I had a good time from what I remember but for some reason I just lost all my feelings for him then in there maybe because for once I didn't force myself to feel bad for him and constantly check if he was online and if he wants to talk or something happened to him I cut contact with him later very very slowly I deleted him off of things that he never checked blocked his number and blocked him on Facebook he noticed but I never looked back later on through another friend the only one that kept in contact with him I learned that his ex wasn't really dead and then the screenshots of him moving in with a girl two years older than he is who oddly had the same name his eggs he sent a picture that was supposed to prove that he was in the psych ward but even my friend refused to believe him I don't know what he's lying about in the end or if he was lying at all next school year I'll be going to school in the city he lives in and I know he's still here but I hope we never meet again so when I was fairly young around 10 my dad was gonna throw out his dinosaur eh computer after he had got in a new one I begged to have it because you know that's a lot of independence for a ten-year-old I eventually got my first email account and would even my friend back and forth it was sort of our group messaging system for the early 2000s anyways I started getting emails from this guy that I've never met his name was max max would always email me several times a week asking me a question about myself my parents always taught me about stranger danger so I gave his little information as possible but having a cool pen pal my age seemed fun that was until he kept asking me more personal things my family members names etc I told my parents about it and they ended up blocking him for me I never heard from max again until I got a Facebook message about five years later it had only been days after meeting my profile when I got a friend request it was max I was scared shitless I mean who would wait five years and friend someone so quickly he would have had to been searching me or else how did he find my facebook so fast it didn't make any sense so I clicked his profile and in his profile picture was a blurred face in a poorly lit room he only had four friends I immediately deleted the request and blocked max from Facebook it's been a couple years and I haven't heard from him since so max let's not me I've played a lot of games online throughout the years I met a lot of weird people but this one takes the cake Jake was recording for twitch it got into a game with me and my friend Shay we had just won the match and played more he seemed cool so I sent him a friend request and we played more after that he seemed very nice if not timid it wasn't long after that we started talking more he confessed being sick as a kid and getting a make-a-wish from that I felt bad and confessed that I was also sick as a kid and still I'm sick but not at that level and felt nice to talk to someone that understands chronic illness because of mine I started playing online less and I didn't think much of it until I got back online and my message box was filled by Jake I talked to him about it and he claimed that he was worried and I told not to worry because my family and my boyfriend were helping me when things got bad as soon as I mentioned my boyfriend he started getting passive-aggressive and saying things like a good boyfriend could take the pain away you know I brushed it off because my friend circle was kind of small and I didn't want to lose anyone for small things less than a week after I found out that he's in the hospital for attempting to commit suicide and he called me from the hospital which normally he's understandable but I had never gave him my number when I asked about it he mold over the question and went on how you couldn't live without me he could treat me way better than my boyfriend does I asked him again but he continued how he was so scared to be kept there and how if I told him I'd be there for him things would get better at that moment I promised I would be honest if he was honest with how he got my number as you can imagine that got him to talk he said he searched my username through the Google and found my tumblr so I used the same username then found my Facebook and then my mother's and got my full name and looked it up getting my number along with my address I was stunned and hung up I ended up blocking him through everything all I could say is I hope we never meet again I worked in the residential care facility and for a number of years worked with a woman named Karen she was generally okay to work with but she could sometimes be intense the sort of joking flirtation the often finds his way to high-pressure environments was common throughout the whole team but when she directed at me it didn't seem so jokingly it took me forever to realize that because I usually don't notice someone flirting with me until someone else points it out but when she started giving me jewelry and chocolate bouquets I finally caught a clue in between things being normal and actually maybe not really normal there was a long escalation of text messages and comments that made me uncomfortable as well as personal space violations like dropping by my house uninvited or hanging around my shift hours after hers had finished unwanted touching etc as I mentioned I can be slow to catch on once I realized what was happening I put as much distance between her as possible I stopped answering her phone calls and texts and locked down social media I spoke to some other colleagues and had them running interference a lot of interference actually at the time it kind of became a joke but looking back at it it's been parked outside my house sometimes and I would sit in the back room with the lights off so she'd think that I wasn't home honestly 2018 meters looking back at 2016 me throwing popcorn and screaming do something you stupid cow but hey 2016 meat was alarmingly chill after a couple months of my disappearing woman act she seemed to get the hint and back right off I was pleased we all got along with our lives and lived happily ever after nope a few months after it all died down heard through the grapevine that Karen seemed to have focused her attentions on another co-worker Linda Linda and I had closed mutual friends but we didn't know each other well I didn't think much of it other than good lucky poor soul bad mm me a few months later I get a call from out of the blue from a mutual friend that Linda and I share he asked were you dating Karen um no I was shocked he had been aware of the awkward details of my experience with Karen and had helped me run interference he explained that he had been talking to Linda and she asked about my relationship with Karen the story that follows still sounds like fantasy to have actually happened in a sensible grown-up workplace Karen had been catfishing her own best friend Amanda posing as Linda in a string of emails Linda and Amanda had discussed Karen's drug problem her abusive dangerous ex none other than yours truly Linda coming out to her family after her brother caught her in bed with Karen and more the jig was up when Linda got a second job coincidentally with Amanda's husband who mentioned how great it was finally to meet Karen's a girlfriend which puzzled pour straight single Linda some highlights of the story Karen have been telling her friends and her co-workers that I wasn't close to that Linda and I have physically fought at work over carrying the two mill coworkers Karen and I had a orgy in the staff office one night shift that Karen and I had broken up after I cheated on her with another male co-worker that I would drug her against her will and that I plan to have children using a sperm donor but that I had a miscarriage this woman had been living out a full-on soap opera and using her co-workers and her friends as set-pieces eventually Linda and I reported her to management and she was immediately suspended pending an investigation she quit two days later unfortunately HR decided they needed to continue their investigation of the allegation that we had an orgy at work because that was totally plausible and not made up by a crazy woman I left that job a month later myself and when I interviewed for my current job she had been interviewed half an hour before me and they were looking to hire two people she didn't get the job but there are two more opening sentence and she applied for both of them I'm terrified of meeting her again it turned out that she has a history of inpatient psych treatment for delusional behavior and was known to be obsessive about people she took a liking to rumor has it her current girlfriend real not real me who knows as a similar first name as me and shares a few more physical similarities the scary thing is she still knows where I live so it's 2011 and I'm newly divorced I'm in my mid-20s and a single mother I decided to try out some online dating sites I start talking with this guy on one of the sites we seem to have a lot in common and he seems pretty normal I decided to give him my phone number we continued chatting via text and phone calls well I suggest to go get some coffee and meet up he states he doesn't drink coffee okay I suggest we have Teresa out of the bar he says he doesn't drink alcohol then he has a great idea let's go for a hike I reluctantly agree this was the first red flag he wants to go to this place called bath two in South Jersey which is a historic village with older men and buildings hiking trails and the home of the New Jersey Devil great place for a first date so I suggest we meet up at the main parking lot and he has a better idea he says let's meet at the train station nearby and he'll drive us over because he knows another entrance with better hiking trails second red flag I again reluctantly agree not wanting to be rude so the day of the date comes and for whatever dumb reason I didn't tell anyone I was doing this I think because I was embarrassed for using a dating site and I knew somewhere in the back of my mind my friends would have tried to talk me out of it so I pull up to the train station and he's in a late 90s Bronco okay not so bad we can't all afford newer cars he gets out and he's actually the guy from the pictures okay initial sigh of relief begin in the car and he starts to head to the secret hiking trail entrance we have a nice conversation on the way there all seems good we get there and as soon as we get out of the car I go to grab my phone he says no just leave it here I have mine red flag waving in my [ __ ] face again being polite and not wanting to argue I comply I see the entrances and one directs you towards a village and humanity so I naturally suggest that one he says no and points to the other trail that goes God knows where I again being the good girl I am say okay right before we set off a bit of rebellion sets in you know I should really have my phone with me he starts to argue and I'm like no I need it in case the babysitter calls I thought my son he gives in and it locks his car and I grabbed my phone we set up down the trail side-by-side we are talking and everything seems okay I started thinking I was overreacting before all it's good I get to the part of the trail where you can only go one by one so I say you go first and I'll follow he says oh no you go so in case you trip or anything I can grab you I do that nervous giggle thing and politely decline saying how bad I am at following paths he insists I go first in a stern voice red flags with sirens but I simply comply the trail is getting narrower by the second and the woods are getting darker because of the amount of trees and brush we are no longer talking and the only sounds are the current scene of our footsteps panic starts setting in I look back at him and he just got a scowl on his face and I did look in his eyes I tried to smile at him but nothing so I stop and say let's turn back I liked it better when we could walk next to each other and talk still be employee he says he wants to keep going this way so I say no really I want to go back to other way and I start to do just that as I walk past he grabs my arm and blocks my path I don't say anything and just casually grabbed my phone out of my pocket he lets me go saying [ __ ] whatever and we walked back towards the Karan silenced me with my phone in my hand the whole time amazingly I did have a signal as we reached the clearing where the cars are parked he looks at his watch and Stacy has to go now he has somewhere he needs to be we were only on the date for less than an hour but okay I'm not complaining for whatever dumb reason I get back in his car we drive in almost silence the entire way back to my car me with a death grip on my phone and him looking miserable he drops me off on my car and speeds away I never heard from him again me being naive I want to believe that there was no chemistry between us but let's be honest when I decided to [ __ ] politeness and grab my phone that day I spoiled his dastardly plans this happened to me my freshman year college tinder was new and everyone at my university was on that app I joined to see what all the fuss was about looking through profiles I found a few guys that were really interesting this one guy in particular caught my eye we will call him Walter I swipe right on Walter and we match I was excited and kind of giddy because he was super attractive he messages me and I get butterflies in my stomach we message on the app for maybe an hour typical conversation is happening I ask him what he does for a living and he asked me what my major was harmless conversation after a while he asked me for my number so we could text instead of messaging on the Hat I gave it to him he seemed nice enough we messaged back and forth for a few days lots of flirty conversations and play us to hang out finally occurred by the fourth day of our conversation he started calling me babe which gave me mixed feelings it was cute but also a little weird we didn't really know each other and I never met I ignored it and continue on with the conversations he started saying he wanted to be exclusive and you really wanted to see me in person he was begging me at this point to come to his apartment to cuddle and watch movies with him and his dog I told him about a first date needed to be in public and I would not be going to some stranger's apartment he said I was overreacting and kept begging I decided to ignore it for the rest of that night the next day he apologized and said he understood why we needed to meet in public so we made plants that weekend the weekend came faster than I expected and it was the day we were supposed to meet something just fell off and I decided to back out I text him apologizing saying my mom wasn't feeling well and needed me to come home to help her with some house chores this made him annoyed and he said your mom is a big girl if she needs you she can just call you just come over and you can leave whenever to go help her I really want to see and kiss you I told him now that I would be staying with my mom that weekend and that was that I only lived about 30 minutes from home so I actually do go home to see my mom that day after what he said about my mom I started ignoring him and the tacks started rolling in text after text babe I'm sorry please come over babe I miss you are you gonna come over I plan on applying the next day that I was just busy with my mom then he started calling me I had a total of 45 miss phone calls within a two hour period he left voicemail saying that he was sorry and he just missed me and wanted me to call him back similar voicemails continued almost the entire time I was home my roommate text me shortly after I finished dinner with my mom and asked if we could go out that night I agreed and went back to my University dorm suddenly the calls from Walter started increasing again more text voicemails and he started messaging me again on tinder asking me why I wasn't replied to him I wasn't planning on replying until I got a message on Instagram that said why didn't you tell me you were coming back to town tonight getting this message really freaked me out I replied to him and said sorry I've been busy with my mom how did you know I was back in town he said well I checked your tinder of course tinder doesn't show exact locations but has a within one mile message this really freaked me out and I messaged him back saying that he was being real creepy he seriously had to be constantly refreshing my profile to see that distance change the messages calls the voice knows continued all over him apologizing for making me feel weird about him knowing where I was he was just worried about me we had been texting for less than a full week I told my roommate about it and so we decided to stay in for the night the last straw for me was getting a message saying look I'm really sorry I'm outside your dorm with flowers and chocolate please forgive me oh hell no I called the campus security and told him about this guy but they never found anyone waiting outside my doors I'm assuming he was in his car waiting for me to reply I bucked him on all my socials phone number deleted tinder and haven't been back on since I have seen him once out and about in town but he didn't recognize me thankfully Walter if you read this I'm glad we never met thanks for making me second-guess every single guy I find attractive so I'm not sure how many people know what fetlife is but basically is a fetish BDSM social media site Facebook for those into kink basically it was a lot for hookups dating but I was primarily into it to reach some sorta rodica that were posted in forearms sometimes and finding more like-minded friends but I did eventually branch out and meet some people off of there most of them were really cool others not so much they were just kind of boring all in all it was pretty okay but after talking to this one guy and meeting up with him only once I got really bad vibes and decided not to go any further he just creeped me out for some reason he was not ready to give up things went quiet for a while and then two weeks later I kept getting harassing messages from Blake accounts that I'm assuming we're his as they are different variations of the same screen name but words and letters arranged a different order they were pretty harmless things like why don't you love me I thought we had something special hello please talk to me things of that nature annoying but not dangerous well one day he shows up to my work now I did workout at McDonald's so it isn't that weird and luckily I work in the back at the drive-thru I only really saw him out of the corner of my eye when I went up to the front to grab cups and I don't think he recognized me I had shaved my head it was trendy at the time and when I met him I had a wig on I never told him that I had shaved my head either but as I was walking back he called up my name I rushed him to the back and told my manager and he got asked to leave I didn't see or hear for him for two weeks afterwards I get another message from a totally new unnamed account but this one was much more sinister and I knew was him it had to be when he found out I was dating someone new he got angry he threatened to expose me I didn't work at McDonald's so he didn't know where I worked anymore but he knew where I went to school the names of my mother and sister and knew where they worked he knows what shops I shop at which friends I hang out with the most he didn't know her name but he gave me a really detailed description of how she looked and he says he knows where I live luckily nothing happened and I moved soon after I never heard from him again but needless to say I was very spooked out and it scared me away from online dating for good I made a police report so maybe that scared him away this is a sorter story but I think it fits here I just turned 18 all the time and after getting out of a shitty high school romance I figured I'd give tinder a try I didn't really plan on going on any dates I just wanted to talk to new people and then maybe someone would pique my interest let me set the scene it's my senior ball I'm all glammed up in my vintage dress and having a pretty good time despite not having a date the night was calming down so I was sitting on my phone while a slow song played open my tinder to see if I had any new matches and I did a guy who was decently attractive and only a year older than me asked if I wanted to go on a date I declined but he seemed pretty insistent to be fair it wasn't a very harsh no because I didn't want to hurt his feelings he then proceeds to spam me with different date ideas I tried to ignore it and just go back to my friends I checked my phone maybe 15 minutes later and he had sent me pictures of an empty school parking lot that was maybe two blocks away from the reception hall I was at he was asking me to meet him there I said that he would bring drinks and we could get drunk together I told him no he asked of Walmart rudra better I proceeded to block him and didn't pick up the app for a little while after this was a while ago so my memory of that night is a bit spotty so I probably missed some details that would make this little creepier so this has never happened to me and I hope it doesn't happen again I really don't go out much and I'm always working I'm either teaching or I'm working on the ambulance whenever I do have free time I'm either at home trying to get some rest or reading a book my friends and I were talking about how hard it is to meet guys nowadays and that we should really go out more often my friend said that she had talked to a couple guys online but she never met them in person and it was nice to at least have conversation with someone she tried convincing me to get a tinder which I really didn't think was a good idea because I know that's primarily a hook-up app and I really wasn't looking for that and wasn't gonna waste my time but after a few days she finally convinced me it helped me make a profile overall I didn't really like the app and found it odd that people just matched and then just met but I guess that's just me one day I was bored so I went on it and matched with a guy named Cameron he had about four pictures and a decent profile same thing he wanted to meet some new people and they enjoyed books and Netflix which I also enjoy he messaged me immediately saying that I was very beautiful and all the crap guys tell you I thanked him and we started talking about the kind of books we liked side no I'm into scary things and if I psychological TV and books very interesting and know quite a bit about serial killers so when he told me that he liked these things I wasn't alarmed at all after a few weeks of texting he asked if I wanted to hang out I wasn't really ready to meet him I guess and I was a bit hesitated and tried to avoid the question about hanging it out I would usually say I was busy at work or something after two months he finally convinced me to mean he said we should go hiking and I told him I was uncomfortable with that and I'd rather meet in a public place like Starbucks he agreed and said we could meet at Starbucks that take him home we met up he was a bit odd like controlling over small things like when I asked for hot coffee he said I needed to try a cold coffee he liked and proceeded to order without allowing me to answer after about two hours I just wanted to go home so I said it's getting late and I should head off he seemed upset and made an angry face I said still early very loudly I didn't like that at all and I said I worked very early he looked around for a while like he was trying to control himself from either singing or doing something I got up a second night and walked out when I got home I unmatched him and blocked his number fast forward to about three days ago I see on the news about this guy who had murdered a girl at a local hiking Mountain I completely froze when I saw the guy it was the same guy I got coffee with I just can't believe how close I came to a murderer I passed by that Starbucks every morning and it gives me chills to think he wanted to most likely kill me when I was 15 I was in a really bad mental headspace where that being said I was depressed lonely and desperate for someone's attention so against my better judgment I made an account on plenty of fish I understand that I put myself in the dangerous position for predators but I also understand that any man who I told my age to should I ever pour to my account and not spoken to me but after swiping left and right for an hour I met a man we will call read read was 26 a father two beautiful toddlers and a Puerto Rican native who recently moved to Florida he spoke a fair bit of English and had this charm to him when he spoke when I told him my age it's scary now to think about how okay he was with it he simply told me that he wouldn't have any sexual relations and that eärnur actions would be innocent we talked for a few months even talked about meeting up when I talked to read I felt happy whole like I finally found someone the first few times we met up it was fine we went to outlets Disney springs and the movies he was a perfect gentleman held my hand opened doors for me and kept his hands off me we kissed a bit but nothing too intense after six months into our relationship I turned 16 and I invited him to my house through the means of sneaking in through my window of course and he agreed we were just hanging out watching a movie when he kissed me in a way he had never done before in a way that I've never been kissed before it was surprising and without having to be said overwhelming I got scared it finally hit me that he was a full-grown man and I was a child I got off my bed and told him he had to leave his face contorted it into anger and he stepped towards me trying to convince me through his gritted teeth not to make him leave he reached out to grab my shoulder and out of instinct I shoved him in the chest to make him back off he in return shoved me harsh back a sharp hot pain suddenly overwhelmed me spreading from the back of my head down to the rest of my body then everything went black next thing I knew I was hearing blood-curdling screams I was dazed and too weak to open my eyes fully I was just barely able to make out that it was my mom I felt wetness on my head and my body felt so cold it was just doesn't gathered that something was wrong that I lost consciousness again the following time I awoke was in a hospital bed my head was pounding and my back was aching I reached up hazily to feel where the pain was coming from and my fingertips graze over a row of staples on a bald patch on the back of my head making me wince a doctor my mom explained to me that I must have slipped and hit my head on the windowsill being that that's where the first impact was before falling onto the tile floor my mom came into my room to wake me up for school and family laying in a pool of my own blood she thought I was dead because my breathing was so faint but I had no idea why or how I slipped I was too embarrassed and ashamed of myself to tell anyone I didn't think I deserve justice for what red did to me later on I found out the obstacles for my injury which were hearing loss in my right ear as well as the inability to retain some old memories the then a few flash memories of my childhood are the last thing I remembered before the incident though I was saddened by this I was happy to be alive and never see red again now being 18 a few months ago I signed up for plenty of fish I'll keep my guard up this time though I don't plan on going out on any dates I look out for warning signs and upon the first one will just block almost anyone then one day I received a message from red I had blocked him on every platform including his number it said hey how have you been I didn't respond but I looked at his profile it still said he was 26 which was odd so perhaps I didn't know his real age perhaps I didn't know this man at all being that he thought he must have killed me itself ously ran off without attempted to see if I was alive this was three years ago and I started college down the country I was 18 and on tinder I never actually met anyone off of it but I would just swipe through guys just to be nosy and see who else was on it I was swiping right on song and after about an hour got a message from this guy we made some small talk it was kind of awkward so I stopped her Pauline a day later I got a friend's request from him on Facebook mind you I have a common enough name so it would have taken ages for him to find me and we have no mutual friends and my tinder photo is not on my Facebook page the only thing I had on it was the University I was attending so maybe that's how he found me but I don't know I then quickly got a follow request on Instagram and somehow he found out my snapchat username I don't have it on any of my social medias and it is a variation of my full name and some extra vowels and underscore I was freaking out at this point I messaged him asking how he found out my full name and he is replied with I think we have a connection I really want to get to know you better I unmatched him deleted my tinder and blocked him on all the counts that he tried to add me on after that it was quiet for a few months I was mainly staying in and was knuckling down as I had a lot of assignments to get to this was towards the end of November I no assignments due for two weeks so I decided to go out with some friends one of my friends stayed in the student accommodations and the other was commuting so she was studying with my other friend I decided to walk back to my house as my landlady would probably freak out if I wasn't home that morning and I really wish I got a taxi instead my walk back was about 15 minutes from a local nightclub where we were at it was about 3:00 a.m. at this point I was at the front door of my house opening up the door was annoying as he had two different locks and I had to pull the handle towards myself to help open it up it's also tough when you're tipsy and you're trying not to wake up the family you're staying with anyway as I finally unlock the door a dark car pulls up into the housing the state I'm staying at it's a pretty big place it has a big green area for children and people to play with their dogs the car comes towards me so I quickly get inside and lock the door the car pulls into the driveway of the house that I'm staying in and just sits there with its headlights on I'm there shaking too afraid to move from Crouch below the door and as a frosted glass that was halfway up eventually I get courage and I go upstairs to look at the bedroom window to try to see who it was just then the car pulls out of their driveway and speeds away a few days later I get a new friends request from the creepy tender guy on a new Facebook profile as there's no photos on this account just the same name I blocked it it was bad enough that it cost me to transfer universities the following year thankfully I haven't heard anything sentence I don't know if it was bad timing or if it was the tinder creep that sat in the driveway but it was petrifying if you take anything from this be careful who you let in on the social media or dating apps and what information you have up just for some background info I'm an 18 year old male currently living in New York I'm 64 and rather well bill I've always been the center of ridicule and teasing from young age due to my size just for some context I stopped growing in the ninth grade four years ago I was already done with puberty and had a full-on beard and was adult like I took advantage of this sometimes which led me to losing my virginity in the ninth grade to girl who was in college this story takes place when I was in the tenth grade I was lonely after the breakup with my girlfriend who I dated for seven months I was looking for a one-night stand so I turned to tinder I set up a fake profile with my real picture and waited there was this gorgeous girl who I matched with this girl was too good to be true which gave me my first red flag yet I went along with it we exchanged innocent messages and plan to meet up at her place the next day around 9:00 p.m. I wasn't as excited as you would think because I had some doubts on this girl because I didn't know if she was real so 9 p.m. rolls around and I get ready to go to her place I mentally prepare myself for anything crazy or disappointing to go down before I left I text my dad saying I was going to my friend's house I asked my good friend Isaac who was 6 years older than me to drive me since he had a car he warned me to be cautious long story short he drives me to her apartment and I ring the doorbell I hear light footsteps beyond the door and a high-pitched voice hanging be right there I texted my friend telling him everything was fine and he was okay to leave boy was I wrong the door opens to the girl in the picture I immediately felt excited which didn't last for long on my tinder account I wrote that I was 24 when I was actually 15 she not knowing this swiftly asked me if I wanted a drink I said that I didn't really want anything which made her face visibly changed from happy to pissed off I found that really odd and came to the realization that maybe I was gonna be drugged and I was not about to take any chances so I asked if I could go to the bathroom she then out of the blue said sure happily again a weird response confirmed the theory in my head that something was off I go to the bathroom it quickly text my friend to come back and pick me up then in the corner of my eye I saw a figure dressed in black standing in the shower trying to hide behind the curtain I figure you saw me looking at him because not even after two seconds he lunged at me I was scared shitless even though I was bigger than him he tried pushing me to the floor but I had no luck I over powered him rather easily I grabbed him by the shirt and looked him in the eye he was around 510 mid 30s well Bill balding and looked like he might be Eastern European or Russian I pushed him to the floor and cursed him out he tells me to [ __ ] myself which is when I punched him in his face there I was a 15 year old idiot in a bathroom with a knocked out man I panicked but I try to keep my cool and took out my phone taking a picture of the man by then my friend texts me and told me that he was outside the building waiting for me but also by then the girl had opened the bathroom door and started to scream I pushed her with all my power and sprinted the hell out of the apartment when I got to my friend's car I explained to him what happened I only then realized that I could have been drugged robbed killed or worse obviously took screenshots or profile messages between us even though I had all the proof in the world to lock these [ __ ] up I didn't because I was scared of my parents finding out that I was lying to them more of the story be very cautious when dating online I'm a single Christian woman in my 20s and since I don't have many friends in my local church I decided to sign up for a website where I could make some friends online some of the site members also used it for the purpose of dating which was okay with me as I was open to all possibilities soon I met this guy that seemed very nice and we had a lot of the same interests in common after a few months of friendship we began to Skype since we live far away from each other so we couldn't meet up in person we've begun chatting and he seemed okay but every now and then he would pause go quiet and just stare into the webcam when I told him it was creepy and asked him what he was doing he replied that he enjoys staring to silence I wasn't sure if that was normal and since around the same time I was busy dating someone else I have avoided this guy for several months however when I broke up with my ex I was feeling lonely and decided I wouldn't mind chatting to a friend to take my mind off of things this guy happened to be the only person available we ended up chatting every couple days for the next two weeks and I even started to get used to his uncomfortable staring when things turned weirder during our conversations I found out that this guy was in his 30s still a virgin and we both agreed and believed that sex should only happen after marriage so came as a surprise one day when he confessed I had a fetish for girls in school uniforms and asked me if he could send me an erotic schoolgirl outfit with a very short miniskirt because he wanted to see me wearing it I said no since I didn't like wearing revealing clothes another time he showed up in his bed on the webcam only wearing underwear and began to ask me dirty questions I just laughed and made a few jokes and tried to change the subject however he was not very responsive to that conversation instead preferring to stare at a screen into the webcam grinny while making a repetitive motions with his hand under his bed covers I didn't want to see this so I made an excuse I'm left I should have completely stopped chatting with him after that but the next day and the days after he repeatedly texts me wanting to go on webcam since I was born in lonely I asked him to promise that he wouldn't be naked or do dirty things and he agreed for a couple of days we managed to carry on chatting but soon after he did it again and this time much worse first he asked me to touch myself and send him a recording of it I refused explained to him in case my qbt ever gets hacked I don't want such things being seen anywhere on the Internet oh but you don't have to make a video I just wanted to listen to the noises you make he replied again I refuse saying that made me uncomfortable but he wanted to take no for an answer he took off his underwear and we get touching himself as if he was stroking a pet while grinning at me with a big creepy smile I told him I had to go and terminated the video call that same evening I said I'm a long message explaining why I didn't think we would be compatible with each other and saying that I found him disrespectful and wanted to stop seeing him he responded saying that I'm stuck in the past only thinking about my ex who used me even though this guy had no idea what went on between me and my ex at that I got angry and told him not to speak to me again I had been sent to Korea for my university a few years ago they told me that for my major I had to go somewhere in Asia and my friend had really talked up Korea for me I knew nothing about it and I decided what the hell I embarked in a semester long trip I only had one serious boyfriend in my life who I broke up with a few months prior I also didn't enjoy one-night stands and wasn't digging the dudes at the clubs and saw but I still wanted to have some sort of romantic experience I suppose so my friend recommended I use a dating app to meet english-speaking Koreans that way I could meet someone and experienced the actual dating culture I thought I'm young so why not I was just so eager to have new experiences maybe it sounds dumb trying to date in a foreign country but it worked out for me eventually just not the first day I met him on a dating app after being his sole about 3 weeks let's call him Tim I still didn't know the culture or city very well and was a bit naive about everything he eagerly wanted to meet me for a date after talking to me and he seemed nice I should have asked more questions I should have also noticed that he wasn't giving me many details about himself Tim was a bit older than me but claimed that he was a college student I assumed that he'd done a little bit of military time since all men have - in Korea and then returned to school afterwards we talked for a bit and decided to meet up for a tea date and you know school I went to he wanted to come to my dorm originally to pick me up but I lived into all women's dorm I didn't want him to know exactly where I live since we were still strangers so instead I insisted that we meet at the main town centre near the subway he really didn't like this idea which looking back at it was a major red flag but eventually I insisted the night of the date I waited an hour for this guy he was very late Tim weirdly claimed he just wanted to make me wait I thought he was kidding and messaged him a laughing emoji assuming he was just lost when he finally arrived he was much smaller than I thought but I mean its height has never been something I care much about he was also quite thin maybe I'll let my guard down because I didn't see him as a physical threat which wasn't a mistake in the end right off the bat he was way too touchy with me and breathed creepy and heavily I was soft put by his demeanor I'm usually very tolerant with different personality types but this was very odd to me I had been told that most Korean men would be polite and not so touchy on the first date he was also just oddly like in business attire for a date but I thought maybe it was a Korean thing again I was dumb and you checked [ __ ] about the culture then the first thing he said to me was you're not as white as I thought you were I thought this was a translation error but his English was nearly perfect so I asked for clarification and he said what do you meant I thought you'd be more white your skin is darker than I thought and your eyes aren't as green are you pure European now I was officially weirded out first of all I pretty much as white as you can get I'm Irish and Scandinavian so why does help basically so the fact they thought that I could possibly be more wider was funny and why the hell did he care in the first place anyway why does my skin colour matter to this guy and why is he bringing it up he said about three times on the date how he wished my eyes were greener and every time I would just reply well maybe my online photos make me look brighter and brushed it off as him being nervous and trying to start conversation isn't it funny the dumb excuses you make when you're panicked when we arrived at the tea place I tried to order a basic raspberry tea and he stopped me and told me I had to order a special tea I thought it was weird that he wanted to choose my tea for me but in my head I brushed it off once again he really insisted I only drink this tea type and I just agreed these small details become weirder later after tea he asked me if he can look around my school it was dark out but my school was very well lit so I agreed and the whole time we were walking around he would rarely stop and grabbed me for long hugs at first I let it happen but then I stopped him and he just kept trying he kept grabbing me and breathing hard onto my neck it was so awkward he also would not tell me any personal details about himself I asked so many questions desperately trying to distract from the awkward grabbing and trying to get to know him but he would never tell me anything even said I won't play I'm a mysterious man like a movie line he also says something like you look so much like my favorite movie character and I asked him who but he said I would have to figure it out on my own finally he said I want to go into a dark area and in my head I screamed hell no at this point I wanted this date to be over fast he somehow knew that there was a wooded area you have my campus and he said we should go there I said no and that I just wanted to stay near the main campus in town but he kept pushing finally he grabbed my arm and started dragging me there he said I can't let anyone see and I started to panic I finally worked my arm away and just to manage we leave and go back to the main road immediately looking back I don't know why I didn't ask for help or get angry maybe I was scared but I just began to book it back to the main road and he followed we ended up in front of a hospital near the center of town and I told him it was time for him to go I made some excuse and he was pleading with me to stay I told him that we can meet up the next day which I lied and that I would message him I just wanted to get away from him at this point I was pretending that it was all okay just so he would leave suddenly I think he's leaning in to kiss me and I immediately think oh god no but it was so much worse instead I feel pain in my face it takes me a second to realize that he's biting my face it was like a dog I never felt this sensation before he leaned his head sideways and bit me on the nose and cheek as hard as he could I screamed to push them away his face looks so freaky and I barely had time to react in words instead I ran up to the sidewalk until I saw the convenience store on the right I ran to the back of this door and bent down and started crying the two men who owned the store started yelling at me but I couldn't explain my situation I begged him in English to let me stay I ended up having to buy a popsicle around I wish I'd learned more Korean by then I guess Tim didn't follow me I peered outside the store and didn't see him I text my friend and waited for them to get me to take me back to the dorm on the way back I messaged Tim and basically told him to stay away from me I told him he was a creep and that he should invite women but something along the lines of me calling the police and then I blocked him I was so scared to walk around my school after that I was so afraid that he'd find me somehow I'm so thankful I never let him pick me up in my dorm I called my mom to tell her what happened when she suddenly said wait what did he ask you she then put some details together and realized that all these weird things had to do with the Fifty Shades of Grey books at first I thought she was just being silly and overthinking a bad day I thought she was joking but oh gosh she was right she had recently seen the movie or read the book or something - knew the details the eye colour the way he dressed and the tea he made me drink and the random lines he said it all matches the books and the movies for his dirty little fantasy my mom thinks he picked me because I look like the girl in the movie it explains why he was fixated on my appearance and his whole thing with biting and trying to dominate me even if it wasn't his intention I later learned that there were a few creeps who seek out foreign girls to dominate and have sex with them like a prize they call it riding the white horse or something along those lines on a happier note this bad experience didn't stop me I eventually met someone else in Korea and ended up falling in love we even did the whole long-distance thing and now I'm living in Korea studying and working I hope to get married soon so I guess I didn't let this bad creepy guy stop me from living my life somewhat recently within the past year I joined a app called yobbo I had trouble finding guys and I figured that it would be the best way to meet someone especially since I was old enough yet to join apps like tinder my first night on that this guy messaged me he looked a bit old for his age which he stated was 17 since he was cute and my age I thought it was a score I also assumed like an idiot that that was his age and his pictures were just flattering enough to make him look older and more mature we hit it off instantly we lots of flirting and send me pictures back and forth but thankfully I never sent him anything too explicit he would always compliment me on how beautiful I was and he just wanted to see me and how much he would cuddle with me if we were to meet up I strongly considered this as I could drive myself and just use going out with a friend as a cover luckily I was busy the weekend after we first met and things also ended before this could happen I started to get suspicious that he was maybe not who he said he was as anyone should be on the Internet especially me as a younger woman I tried multiple times to ask him if we could FaceTime so I could verify this he instantly flipped demeanors getting kind of aggressive in defensive asking why I wanted to and why it mattered red flags immediately were raised we talked for another week before he started getting more aggressive there was a few times I would act bratty to flirt and he didn't take it well he called me a [ __ ] and told me you would never want to be with a girl who's with other guys I was also working quite a lot so sometimes I would miss his messages or see them and forget to message him back he would start cursing me out calling me names and calling me out for leaving them red that immediately was the last straw for me and I called him out on his [ __ ] I went off on him explaining that I was very busy and that my schooling work would always come before he did he screenshot in my text where we talked on snapchat so I could see every time he screenshotted it and his idea of a great response was so no head I blocked him and found him on every platform and blocked him there so he couldn't contact later found out when blocking him he was actually 24 being a dancer I sometimes resell some of my leotards online mostly on eBay small ads because it's easy and fast I had ordered a leotard online from another country which unfortunately was too small for me and as shifting costs were too high to send it back I decided just to sell it on eBay it was completely new and never worn it also had its tag still on it so one night around 1:00 a.m. I received an anonymous call I wasn't fast enough to answer I didn't think much of it and went back to sleep the next morning someone called anonymously again this time I answered and there was heavy breathing I asked who is this but the person on the phone just kept breathing I hung up it was evening the same day I got another call I answered the phone this time to a guy who sounded surprisingly young he said that he saw my ad on eBay and he was interested in buying the leotard but he had one question sure I said and he asked me if it was possible for me to wear the leotard for a couple days don't wash it afterwards and send it to him but first I was a bit confused but then decided that it wasn't a big deal I'm a tolerant person and I think it's okay to have fetishes he also offered me three times the price I paid for the leotard me being a poor 25 year old student I was excited and I agreed I already thought that it might be better to make him pay via PayPal and I'm writing my address on the package still thinking about how I will manage this he asked me another question would it be possible if you masturbate while wearing leotards - I was hesitant I'm still thinking about hi don't want to judge people based on their worst sexual preferences but at the same time I thought it might be a little too much to ask for I told him I want to think about it and he offered to call again later so later which was only 10 minutes he called again heavy breathing and supposedly jerking off while talking to me asking me if I had came to a conclusion yet then he asked me if we could meet for sex - I was now creeped out as this had crossed the line for me I said I wasn't interested in having sex with him and I didn't want to sell my leotard to them either he then mumbled something obscene and hung up on me at this point I might need to add that my eBay showed my real full name and a vague location based on the postal code I only realised now how naive this is but till there's a vet I never thought about how it might be a bit unsafe I was a bit creeped out as this guy knew my real name and sort of where I lived but then I thought due to the fact that I have a very common name in a city where there's a hundred plus girls my age with that name I might just stop being paranoid he was just looking online to buy clothes from some girl who warned them yeah I was wrong the next days I received at least five anonymous calls a day I never answered but I knew who the anonymous caller was the calls continued and continued and roughly after 10 days I decided to answer the phone and tell him to [ __ ] off there was heavy breathing again and he asked me several of disgusting things at some point screaming answer me [ __ ] I was totally creeped out and hung up on him he called again for a minute I tried to resist the urge to answer but after the shock I had gone I was very angry and wanted to scream back at him I picked her phone he started saying that if I didn't play along and talk with him he was gonna come visit me and forced me I said I don't believe him he laughed very creepy I said that he knew where I lived I had a strange feeling but wasn't sure to believe him or not I told him that he was a sick man and then he didn't know [ __ ] and if he calls me again I'm calling the police then I hung up on him I told my boyfriend this conversation he knew the whole story and I said I was a bit scared that he might actually found out where I lived we both agreed on being a bit alert for the next time and I tried to forget about this whole thing two days later my boyfriend was going on a walk with our cat yeah we at least trained him and he actually loves it we live in the big city complex so that's the only way you can go outside anyways my boyfriend noticed something on it a guy with a foreign license plate parked on the other side of the street where our apartment was and he was strolling along the houses checking all the door plates he then arrived to our house my boyfriend could see him writing something down when he checked our door plate the man then realized that my boyfriend was washing him rushed back into his car and drove off we later checked the city of the license plate and it turned out to be a city it's from four hundred and fifty kilometers away a four to five hour drive at this point I was really scared was this him had he actually done research and checked out all the options where I could live and who I might be I went to the police other day they told me that it wasn't possible pressing charges because he wasn't actually doing anything and then he needed to be calling me for six months minimum till it would be an actual crime to pursue the calls continued I never answered I couldn't block the number because I always had anonymous then yesterday I called the phone provider and somehow managed to block everyone who calls me anonymously I really hope you'll just let this go when he realizes that he needs to put a lot of effort into this and I really hope this guy checking houses wasn't him looking for me a few years ago I moved with my family right before I started college unfortunately it was kind of far from the University I had been accepted into so I've been trying to find a place to rent close to my University my dad helped me and showed me an ad on Craigslist there was a nice-looking house for rent and it was close to my university I decided to set up a meeting he'd go check out the place I showed up in the afternoon and unfortunately I was alone my dad said I was an adult and a big guy so I shouldn't worry about meeting this person this old guy greeted me and then goes you ought to follow me to get to the house for rent I was confused and said your ad said this was the house for rent why do I have to go somewhere else he says this is my house I'll take you to the one for Ryan I'm a little confused at this point and follow him to his other place I kind of figured if things didn't look right I just leave when we get there I notice the house looks bad and it looks like people were in a I didn't see any cars around so this seemed odd he looks at me he says don't you want to check it out I said I don't know this isn't what was in your ad it looks like other people are there he tells me that there are other people checking it out and I could join them something just feels off about this whole thing I told him I wasn't interested anymore this place looked a bad shape from the outside and appeared to have people in the house when he asked why I wasn't interested I told him it was a far Drive for my school and work he got mad and accused me a wasting his time I said I'm not the one that advertised the house and then to hunt a person it's not the one for riot he began to clean every sleeve towards the house and asked if I was sure I didn't want to check it out I told him no and left he never contacted me again thankfully I'm not sure what his attentions were but something just felt wrong maybe he was just trying to show me the house but I didn't like that you lied about the house to begin with and there are people inside the house I'm not sure what was going on there but I really didn't want to find out I also didn't like how he was looking at the house when he was asking me if I was sure I didn't want to go check it out it seems so bizarre you went from being mad to getting kind of desperate for me to go inside I know this sounds like common sense never go alone to a stranger's house but you always think yeah it'll be fine I learned my lesson I was telling to use VR headset on Facebook marketplace a man who lived in my town five minutes from my home messaged me saying he wanted to buy it everything went normal hey we agreed that I'd bring it to him after work at about 5:30 so today after work I go over to his address it's winter so the Sun has set it's a normal house normal street when I knock on the door a thirty year old man opens it I recognize him from his Facebook page instead of handing me over the money he tells me he left his money inside and that I should come in I politely declined knowing that setting foot in a stranger's house was a big mistake especially since I wasn't alone he continued to ask but eventually he gave up he turned to walk into his house to what I assumed was his living room he emerged a few moments later and stood there in the middle of the hallway holding out the money he stood far enough back that I would have to walk into his home to get it the fact that he so badly wanted me to cross the threshold into his house set off alarm bells in my mind I held the box I was holding in slowly with one hand do it on the path we stared at each other for a long 10 seconds before he sighed and walked out of the house over to me he snatched a box for my hands and dropped the twenty euro on the floor accidentally he stood waiting for me to bend over and retrieve the money instead I put one hand in my pocket slipping the key between my fingers just in case I didn't flex some damage to get away I think he realized whatever his plan was wasn't gonna happen because he sighed again I picked up the money for me he ended the money to me he just turned away without another word I slowly backed out of his garden before jogging to my car which I parked further down the road maybe I'm just paranoid but this whole situation made me feel so uneasy I just know I won't be doing that again this isn't your typical scary story it's not about ghosts creepy mountain men in the woods or strange creatures lurking in the shadows this is about the worst dating experience I've had so far and hopefully we'll ever have I'm a 30 year old male I recently had a long-term relationship fall apart and I moved to a new city I had been trying my luck in online dating for a while and while I hadn't had a whole lot of actual luck I still managed to meet some women who were fun to text here and there and occasionally hang out with at the bar but since meeting this woman I've been very hesitant to ever go back on those sites for the stories sake I'll call her Allie my first date went all right we went to a rock club and then went down to the river to talk and smoke some cigarettes she was quite a bit younger than me 21 or 22 I definitely acted like it most of the jokes and references I made were too obscure for her over way before her time movies and TV shows that are drilled into my head growing up were completely unknown to her and she didn't even listen to much of any classic rock I grew up with bands like the Grateful Dead Jefferson Airplane and Fleetwood Mac we're all brand new to her despite that she insisting that we still have tons of stuff in common I wasn't sure about that but I still had a fun time and we decided we would hang out again sometime the next day Ellie calls me ask you what I had planned for the day I remember thinking at the time that that was classy of her to prefer calling over text I told her I was gonna go visit my parents and I was gonna be out of town for at least the next two days which was 100% true she told me have fun and I proceeded to prepare for the visit and make my two-hour drive to my hometown pretty much as soon as I get to my parents house the rest of the world disappears beer and wine were flowing the pool was at perfect temperature the grill was fired up and we just couldn't stop telling goofy stories and laughing my fault was the last thing on my mind the day came to a close and I started getting ready for bed this is when I noticed my phone had been going off all day Allie called me six or seven times left two voicemails and left me at least 10 text message is the missus started out like hey hope you're having fun and when do you think he'll be back but quickly turned more disturbing she started talking about her drug habits and committing suicide her last text was about 15 minutes earlier they read call me time is a factor being pretty alarmed about the whole situation I hesitated but eventually called her back she answered with a creepy voice hey you said you're in this town right I'm here too want to hang out she followed me two hours and had spammed my phone hoping that dropped my plans to hang out with her and if that wasn't bad enough she was trying to use Gil as a weapon against someone that she met just a day earlier I told her I was too drunk to go anywhere and I needed to sleep I hope that would be the end of it but it sure wasn't through the rest of the night and all the next day she tried to contact me same stuff as before I had a lot of things to do that day plus I had a long drive ahead of me so I wasn't really interested in being on my phone I got home exhausted from the active weekend and was really looking forward to a peaceful night home alone I dozed off early in the evening and when I woke up Allie had blown up my phone yet again she told me that she'd have enough gas to get home from my hometown and she had no money she wanted me to drive all the way back put gas in her tank and then hang out with her more I told her no flat out she continued to guilt me and like an idiot I agreed that if she could make her own way back we would hang out that night so a couple hours later she told me that she made it home and asked me to pick her up I should have listened to my brain screaming that it was a bad idea but I picked her up and halfway back to the house he pops literally handful of pills when I asked her what she was doing she replied I'm coming down too hard I have struggled over substance abuse in the past and I told her I didn't care what she did on her own time but I didn't want that thing happening anywhere near me she sort of apologized but mostly pride to hear about my past of which I told her very little and we got to my house we smoked cigarettes before going to my room not even ten minutes later she started to look extremely sick I asked her if she was okay and she responded with a lot of vomit all over my bedroom floor and collapsing onto my bed taking up the whole mattress I rolled her on her side and started cleaning up by the time I was done it was after midnight and I was too angry to go to sleep I stayed up watching TV hoping that it would stir her awake and make some room for me to lay on my bed after a while my eyes grew tired and I just said it was time to go to sleep this is when I noticed that she rolled on her back then I noticed she wasn't breathing I lost my [ __ ] I started shaking her and screaming in her face she wouldn't stir I tilted her head back and open her mouth to check her airway still nothing and I couldn't detect any obstruction I had a brief moment of panic I am fully trained to deal with these situations but for the life of me I didn't know what to do all I could think about was that there would be a good chance I'd have to explain to her family why she died in my bed after what felt like an eternity what was probably only 30 seconds I regain enough of my composure to take action I checked her pulse and it was eerily slow and weak I shook her and check her airway one more time before getting on the phone when 9-1-1 as I'm about to push the call button on my phone she coughed and started snoring at this point I was beyond livid I shoved her over to make room for myself halfway hoping she'd roll off the bed and wake up the next morning I told her everything I told her that I needed to get her home and I had a lot of things to do that day even after making up a some story about an emergency at work she persisted if I wanted to hang out that afternoon I should have been honest with her and say hell no later that night I got two more voicemails from her both almost identical she said she was checking herself into rehab and as she wanted to hang out one more time before she left I ignored them and blocked her number a few months past I was finally able to laugh about the whole thing then just last night actually I got a text at 3 a.m. from an unknown number hey it's Ali I got a new phone want to hang out so about three years ago when I was 18 or so I was on Grindr and someone messaged me this lovely gentleman shall be referred to as Rando so we start talking and we asked how we were and what we were up to the usual conversation starter shortly after beginning the conversation Rando began to sound rather depressing be moaning about his insecurities and how everyone hates him occasionally talking about how he should just kill himself so being a nice person I am I tried to find something to compliment him on trying to make him feel better that sort of thing or bring him smile to his face at least and that's where things began to get heavy Rando begins deflecting my compliments calling me a liar or a user or saying I'm just trying to make fun of him I try my best to reassure him that my compliments were genuine because I hate seeing people depressed her down it's just my nature to bring joy to people now I've been in his shoes before with the severe insecurity thing so I know how it felt after you finally begin to believe my compliments were real he began to get very attached to me he started sending me over 20 messages at once and if I didn't reply to him within five seconds he'd start to be like oh I guess he found someone better to talk to you then you're just like the rest and it began to get frustrated at this point now I could have just blocked him and saved me the headache but I have anxiety and feared that he would just turn up at my door some day and do something drastic if I blocked him he also tried to send me news to grab my attention when I didn't reply literally instantly to his messages and it got worse and worse from there eventually he told me that he was in my town over the weekend and began to get very pushy about meeting up somewhere when I didn't reply he flips out and starts finding me on different social medias to keep tabs on me Facebook messages friend requests Instagram follows etc I went on a night out with some friends of mine at the time forgetting that he was in my town over the weekend and he saw me walking down the street and ran up to me bawling his eyes out about me trying to avoid him and then he began begging me for my phone number and my house address and whether he could join us for the night out and when we politely refused he followed us further and tried forcing drinks into my hand when we got to the bar infuriated by how cringy he was being I went home she just realized he boarded the same bus as me and followed me back to my place before he finally disappeared he started messaging me on Grindr about visiting my home sometime or trying to find my friends to get my phone number I finally snapped at this point and finally blocked him I thought that was that only to discover the next day he was trying to catfish me with my own pictures to get my attention and screaming to know why it blocked him at this point thinks I got way too heavy and I dilly to grind it for my phone changed my number and move just to avoid him the whole experience really puts me off dating people with severe insecurities out of fear that something like this will occur again and I've been trying against my nature to avoid complimenting people too much three years later and I haven't seen him since so Rando let's not meet I've always been addicted to online surveys that was the only reason why I made an account on OkCupid they had some really fun surveys so I made an incomplete sarcastic profile to be able to answer the surveys after a while I got a message from a dude that I started to plight lis chat with I warned him that I wasn't there to flirt and only there to do surveys then we started to be pals pretty soon we discovered how much anime each of us watched in life and this was the main topic of our conversations I'm not sure how it happened but we started to see each other a lot he seemed fun but he always had a crazy look in his eyes like you don't know what's gonna happen he doesn't give me tons of attention convention tickets food we didn't alcohol often you would hit on me but then I would have to go back and start talking about the fact that I wasn't interested so there was one night I was in college back then and one of my classes ended at 11:50 p.m. this guy called me earlier in the evening saying that he had a lot of weed and alcohol and that we should hang out together that night and he said he would even pick me up at my uni my class is over and he's taking this time to get there I decided to invite him to an elderly gym close to my house so we could smoke and drink together there honestly wasn't that much leader alcohol anyway so soon I said I need to go home because I have classes in the morning now I live in a neighborhood that there's nothing else other than big houses nothing not a drug store hospital school nothing he usually takes me 20 minutes to go from the bus stop to my residence and I don't walk slow we were in the middle of this course so about 10 minutes away from getting home by walking from where we were he offered me a ride and I accepted as soon as we get into the car he starts moving close to me touching my thighs and asking me for oral I get really annoyed after telling him so many times and I told him I just needed to get home soon that's when he starts to undo his pants I freaked out a little bit but then after a few seconds I jump out of the car and start walking towards my house I shouldn't have done that of course because until then he didn't know my address completely but I was very tired after a calculus 3 lesson that ended close to midnight and after spending the entire day and night at uni he shouted something that couldn't understand and I started to walk even faster as he turns the car and starts following me very slowly that's when I start to run I could already see my house from afar he accelerated it a bit more but I was quicker and jumped a fence and ran to my house locking all the doors and windows when I woke up the next day I had a message from OkCupid dude which said I know where you live I know who your friends are I know it's uni you attend by the way I love the picture of yours with long ears and the hi sock stockings thing is I never posted that picture anywhere online and I've never given him my phone to use I deleted my account after that of course so screw you creepy enemy dude let's not meet so this has happened today against my better judgment at the beginning of the month I got a tinder I matched with a few guys one of them was named James we ended up texting each other he seemed pretty chill and he was pretty into me he was a decent looking guy and we seemed to click he had apparently been in a relatively abusive relationship and he was looking to start over according to him she hit him with a frying pan and pepper sprayed him once he kept going on and on about crazy she was we went out to the movies this past Friday and I had a great time we ended up talking for a few hours and we hit it off pretty well I asked him about his ex because I was a bit curious Hawaii would stay with someone like that he didn't say anything positive about her just that she was crazy and had mental illnesses and didn't take her meds she had tried to baby trap him but she ended up having a miscarriage he expressed relief that she didn't end up with his kid in all I had a good time though this morning rolls around and he tells me that he had hooked up with his ex açaí and that he was gonna try to work things out with her mildly assaulted that lost out on a piece of chick but whatever I tell him it's cool a few hours later he texts me you say that she was crazy and he thought that she was changing but she wasn't blahblah he had kept asking if he could see me he was being very pushy about wanting to see me today he begged me for just five minutes of my time so he could explain to me I politely told him that I didn't want to be involved with someone that was so clearly hung up on his ex this is where it gets nuts he made that he still was but that he wanted to see me today so I could meet her and she could determine if I was better for him than she was and that she wanted him to be happy because he and I had a connection I could Polly flipped out after that told him that the fact that he needed his ex to determine who was right for him was absolutely nuts and that is not what love is and I want to know part of it his ex started texting me after that and it was non-stop insults and [ __ ] that made no sense she also dropped the bomb that she was actually his wife I basically told her to piss off and I blocked the number I went on tinder to message him where I called him a piece of [ __ ] and if he was intelligent he should leave her and never message me again he started to harass me saying I was miserable because they had a beautiful love together and all this other crazy stuff then went on to say my wife knows where you work I hope she doesn't do anything rash and I told him if that was a threat I would gladly go to the police he said that she had been to jail before and she's not afraid and that she loves him so much that she would mess anyone up even if it meant going to jail for him that she would kill my friends if they tried to protect me and that she was also armed and dangerous I told him goodbye reported him and to leave my tinder account I did go to the police tonight but since it wasn't a direct threat they couldn't do much the cop sticks that James was more or less full of [ __ ] and just trying to scare me so some people love getting off on that [ __ ] they said I did the right thing by blocking him and reporting him and said I should just keep my eyes open and alert people out my job a scary thing is James seemed perfectly normal but he lied about being married how he felt towards his wife and he flipped like a switch his excuse for not being up front about being married was that they were gonna get a divorce I honestly wonder what would have happened to me if I had gone to talk to him for five minutes I'm kind of concerned since they do know where I work but if you of them to try anything again the cops can actually nail them what a weekend for clarity I'm a straight 21 year old female so in November of 2016 I went through a pretty bad breakup fast-forward to October 2017 I finally felt comfortable enough to try to get back out in the dating world so like a [ __ ] I got on tinder so towards the end of October I met a guy named Dave on tinder and for the looks of it he was an okay guy he was funny and a gentleman didn't ask for anything appropriate and seemed fine we talked for about two weeks and set up a time to go on a date we decided to meet where he had recently moved to which was about 35 minutes away from my house I got to the bar to wait for him and he was 15 minutes late he walked in and looked relatively similar to his pictures which I was really happy about and then he opened his mouth to talk and had a very strange voice like he was on the verge of crying it was very weird he had some tattoos on his arm including the all-seeing eye Illuminati symbol trying to break the tension I jokingly said Illuminati confirmed tell me all your secrets he responds with what the hell are you talking about don't say that kind of stuff in public I kind of just laughed it off but he was being real weird he then says you know that people that pry are people who died I just looked at him and I generally did not know how to respond fast for 20 minutes and a couple of my friends come to the bar after me urging them to the minute I sit down he puts his hand on my knee and squeezes and not like oh I'm interested but a hard squeeze I looked at him to stop and he leans over in whispers you have lovely kneecaps by the time my friends left which was about an hour into the day he had seven beers and it was a Tuesday as they go to close my tab he stands behind me and he had a boner full mass boner I very quickly signed my receipt and stepped away it starts raining and he informs me that he walked to the bar from his house and asked me for a ride reluctantly I agreed and on the very short drive to his house he informs me that's not actually his house and he's living in his sister's basement when I finally park in front of his house he leans over to kiss me and I try to give him the cheek and he physically turns my head and puts his entire tongue in my mouth as I pull away this guy did it again get the hell out of my car and he responds with I'm in love with you I knew from the minute I saw your pictures you have to come inside and meet my sister and her husband I told him that if he didn't get on my car I was gonna call the police he started to tear up as he got out my car so weird boner Illuminati guy let's never meet again about five years ago or so I was 23 at the time I just got on my first serious relationship a year prior that guy was the first love and the first sexual experience so needless to say when things ended and he had zero interest in trying to make things work out I was heartbroken after about a year moping around and being stupidly sexually promiscuous I decided to try actual dating I met this guy named brick on a dating website he was a couple years older than me was an ex-marine cute and couldn't making conversation after a few days of talking online he asked me for my number and we decided to meet up I drove to his house and come to find out that he lives with a few other guys who looked rather shady now he actually lived in a good neighborhood but the way they kept their home and the way his roommates looked at me was my first red flag that an experienced naive girl would not fit in this crowd but I decided to stay and give it a chance once he saw me he came up gave me a hug and handed me a helmet to his motorcycle now I have never in my life rode on a motorcycle before but I've always wanted to so I thought why not and I hopped on the street that he decided to take me down it's known as a very long and winding road that is pretty secluded it's also important to note that is springtime and it's about 5:00 p.m. why don't we go on the ride I didn't realize at the time he had decided to take me on the specific road but once we got on it my red flag started to kick in I began to realize instead silent out here and there are no other cars on the road right now it's starting to get dark and I don't know this guy so what the hell am i doing my alarm bells start ringing now I will say that while I made tons of mistakes within the story this instance is why I am proud of myself of how I reacted once my anxiety kicked in I told him that we should turn around and go home he started laughing asked if I was scared and I just said no I needed to go home because my parents were expecting me for dinner he kept writing forward more alarm bells ringing pictures of me being raped or left in a ditch came to mind I kept asking him if we could just turn around and can we please go back and he finally gave in and turned around the next day comes I tell myself maybe I was overreacting and he was harmless and I decided to go on a second date a few days later we met up at a sports bar for dinner I had a couple of beers while watching the hockey game the whole entire time we were sitting there Rick has his arm around me and has me literally attached to his hip constantly trying to make out with me and acting extremely possessive at this point I completely freaked out he's I barely know this guy and all he's talking about is our future and how you'd be such a protective boyfriend since he is an ex-marine I knew I was done with him at this point but unfortunately my car was at his house when we were done and headed home he insists that I come inside and hang out for a bit I decided to walk in and stay about five minutes yeah I don't know what I was thinking we walk into his room and he immediately pounces on me making out with me and trying to fill me up I kept pushing in his hands away and kept telling him that I needed to get going but I could tell he wasn't gonna give up until I gave him what he wanted especially after I realized his little friend was aroused he told me that he wouldn't let me leave until we did something I have no idea what he would have forced me to do if I kept rejecting his advances so I decided my only way out was to finish him off so I did and the entire time I was trying to act like I was enjoying it while dying inside and hoping he would hurry up and finish so I can leave luckily only use my two hands and luckily he only took up a few minutes to finish once he was done I literally ran out the door and sped home after that night he tried to ask me to hang out again I told me that I think it was best if we stayed friends this guy became relentless calling me and texting me and begging me to see him then he proceeded to call me a [ __ ] because I was ignoring him then would apologize for calling me a [ __ ] and it was only because he liked me so much so I blocked him then he tried to message me on Instagram so I blocked him there and then on Facebook and finally on snapchat so Rick please let's not me ever again not sure if this belongs here but years ago when I was 13 I made a post on Craigslist advertising babysitting services as a way to make some money the morning after I made this post I got a phone call from a man supposedly interested in hiring as soon as I heard his voice I got an anxious feeling he was whispering very low and kind of slow the entire time it was extremely off-putting it sounded like he was middle-aged so we exchanged hellos and he says he was calling and asking about how much I charged he asked my name which he would repeat over and over again throughout the conversation just to add the strangeness he also asked me my age and other details so anyways he says he has a young son for whom he needs a babysitter then he begins to ask me about my experience and then strangely diving into overly lengthy descriptions of his own life I don't remember in details of the conversation but I do remember one thing he asked me extremely clearly now James my son sometimes he likes to touch himself that wouldn't bother you would it in his creepy slow and low voice I just remember being filled with anxiety and wanting to hang up and immediately it was just sort of beyond too much information his voice in tone really made it a lot worse he sounded serious but at this point I was partly convinced that this was some sort of prank and I was almost certain he didn't have a kid I had no idea how to respond to that even though what's just on the phone me being stupid and at this point a petrified 13 year old kid I just responded with no and I'm sure he realized how nervous I sounded if she just kind of gave a low little chuckle and continued on because do you know how little boys are honestly a lot of details of the combo are blurred and it went by fairly quickly I just remember nodding and yes seeing my way through the conversation till the end when he asked me my availability I see he would give me a call back he ended the call with okay thanks James with a little chuckle and hung up can't remember whether he gave me his information or not but I'm pretty sure he did not call back I do remember jumping onto my computer and taking down my ad as soon as the combo ended I felt like complete crap after the phone call and wondered whether this was a normal discussion for an adult to try to have with a potential child babysitter I mean it's not right definitely glad I never met this dude terrible terrible vibes just threw the phone I really love Craigslist I'd estimate I've met maybe 300 people for buying his selling stuff and for the most part everyone was nice and harmless however I did run into two creeps who made me rethink meeting strangers alone to sell stuff I was an early 20 year old female at the time first guy it's 2009 and I'm staying with my parents for the Christmas holidays in a small town in Florida I'm going through my childhood room and cleaning out the closet and find a giant CD folder full of maybe a hundred really shitty CDs think Nickelback it's a 21st century no one really uses CDs anymore I figured out tried to sell the CDs on Craigslist I put up a listing 100 CDs from the late 90s and early 2000s mix of rock and pop all for $35 or best offer the next day I get an email from this guy named John around 2:00 p.m. he says that he's in my town temporarily and he wants to buy the CDs he said though you could pick them up after dinner around 8:00 p.m. I emailed him back my address and number and tell him to text me or call me when he's on his way a PM comes and goes and I figure I had been stood up which happens often on Craigslist no big deal my dad works for a liquor distribution company and when often do demonstration nights at restaurants and bars and would come home after bar closing time this night he gets home around 3:00 a.m. I'm in college in a total night out so I'm still hot probably eating junk food and surfing the web or watching horror flicks I hear a car pull up look out my window to see him sitting in his car eating food he often stops a Taco Bell on his way home and eats in his car so my mom doesn't know he's cheating on his diet maybe ten minutes later my dad comes in and shouts my name there's someone here to see you can you please tell me why there's a strange man showing up at our house at 3:00 a.m. huh I go downstairs and my dad says someone pulled up into our driveway and asked for me by name I walk outside with my dad and this guy maybe in his mid-thirties gets out of his car he says he's the Craigslist guy who wants to buy the CDs my dad ends up going back in the house and I tell the guy it's really really late just to be stopping by especially without texting first however since I'm awake I go grab the CDs he proceeds to drone on and on but why he's buying the CDs he says he's engaged to a woman he loves very much and he wants to make her happy he said that last week someone broke into her car and stole all of her CDs she was really upset and he wanted to make it up to her he looked on Craigslist and found my listing and was really excited because I had a bunch of CDs she's to have the weird thing is I didn't list any of the artists or bands because I was too lazy but I don't think much of that at the time anyway he said he was getting it for her as a Christmas surprise he said he was staying with his future in-laws somewhere nearby and they had a family barbeque that ran really late which is why he never made it by 8 p.m. by this time I've lost interest and say something along the lines of that's sweet next time you should probably call or text a Craigslist er instead of just showing up I hand him the CDs he hands me cash and I go back inside three days later I start getting text from an unknown number hey I don't know my way around this town care to be my tour guide I could really use a massage where can I get a massage in this town you're Asian do you do a massage would you take $40 for one hour massage happy ending I finally responded back with who the [ __ ] is this I received a response in a matter of seconds oh oh sorry I bought the CDs from you the other day do you squirt I didn't respond obviously I showed my friends that night and we all laughed it off then the next day I get more tags I still have your address I'm at the Bank of America near your neighborhood I just got the $40 babe only three minutes away are you home you [ __ ] [ __ ] stop ignoring me I'm almost there I immediately ran downstairs to tell my mom and dad it was nighttime so we shut off all the lights outside and inside the house my mom little brother and I went up to my parents room in the back of the house my dad had behind the curtains of the front window bay with a shovel in his hand a few minutes later I heard him run down the front hallway flinging the front door open and running outside we heard some faint shouting so he walked out of the bedroom by that time my dad came back in with his shovel his face red and his hair all disheveled apparently the guy came driving down our street really really slowly my dad recognized the car and went running outside with the shovel yelling obscenities at the guy the guy peeled off and never came back again or text me again the second guy that was moving from Florida to DC and was gonna load up my car with as much stuff as I could fade however I lived on a third floor and also had a bit of a walk to my assigned parking spot so I figured I could use some help I posted an ad on Craigslist gigs I said I was looking for someone to help me load some heavy items like TV desk etc into my car less than an hour's worth of work and I'd pay $45 or whatever I gave the very first responder my number an address and he shows up he's probably five eight and about 350 pounds of pure fat the sweat and smell coming off this guy in the Florida heat was pretty nauseating but I didn't care if all he sees another job right well he was carting heavy stuff I was loading lighter things whenever I would go upstairs and grab another load he would hurry right behind me so he could walk up the stairs behind me I had the door propped open so he didn't have to worry about needing me to unlock it for him to go in or anything like that when he'd follow me up the stairs he made a weird crying noise like mm-hmm but I assumed it was just because he was out of shape eventually everything was loaded properly and safe except for some sweat smears on my stuff I pay him and he drives off I go back into my place and finish loading and cleaning about 45 minutes later I go to put another load in the car and see that his truck is back park across the street for mine he's sitting in the driver seat looking at me when he sees me noticed Hanuman he looks away I walk over to his window and knock he rolls it down and I ask him if he needs help or if he was lost I was really confused as to why he came back and I knew he didn't live anywhere near me he didn't say anything he just rolled his window back up and drove off I'm okay whatever of course five minutes later my phone starts blowing up I didn't recognize the number so I didn't answer the calls then the texts start rolling in I bet you taste salty and sweet who is this your [ __ ] what are you up to tonight I can come back over I get a sinking feeling that it's a Craigslist guy he never called me about the job so I never got his number so I really didn't know who the number was I like your pink panties then I realized he was looking at my dress when I was walking up the stairs I immediately felt like a total idiot for wearing a dress that day he then starts dialing my number over and over again I didn't know how to block a number through spray so I just turned my phone off later I was with my friend grabbing a bite to eat and turn my phone back on I got another text from the guy about how you wanted to toss me around like a rag doll and tied me up and make me beg for it I saw the text my friend and tell him the whole story the Craigslist creep then proceeds to blow up my phone again so my friend answers and he says he's gonna cut his dick off and feed it to his dog if he ever contacted me again I moved the next day so I never had to worry about him randomly showing up in his truck again since then I bought insult stuff on Craigslist but I always make sure to meet people in the public place this happened last year around this season while I was broken struggling to make ends meet I just moved out and didn't want to resort to going back to my parents anyways I was desperate and looking on Craigslist for caregiver slash housekeeping gigs just to make quick cash while I was looking for a full-time position after responding in several I got a bite back from a man who had advertised as a disabled man who needed help with his morning and evening routines since he had a bad back as a past caregiver I thought nothing of his request to help bathing and dressing him since I knew it could be difficult for some after chatting on the phone and coming to the conclusion that he was a nice and normal guy I proceeded to head over to his townhouse late one night to help him with his night routine he lived a bit out of the way for me but I was desperate and didn't mind he even said I could spend the night said she needed me in the morning anyway once I got there he was a decent looking man in his late 30s or early 40s with a cane he pay me $200 up front for the expected nighttime and morning routine he explained that he was ex-military and had back surgery recently things started to get weird once he offered me some wine and mentioned how cute he thought I was I should have seen this as a big red flag but again I was super poor and I didn't want to cheat him so I gave him the benefit of the doubt he led me to his bedroom where he got undressed for his evening shower I was horrified since I saw he already had a giant erection and he wanted me to lather him up he asked if I wanted to take my clothes off and I declined and he responded respectfully however he did touch my butt when I bent over to pick up something for him I should have ran out right there but I was kind of waiting for the right moment after quickly giving him the most unsexy shower in the most platonic way I could he got out said he was heading for bed but he didn't want to wear any clothes the guest room where I stayed was right next to his and though I was tired I was still pretty on edge my gut instinct was telling me to get the hell out of there the issue was we were on a third storey townhouse and we were on the top floor and he installed baby gates on each floor so that his cat wouldn't run away also he had turned off all the lights in the lower floors and it was pitch black in order for me to get out I'd have to pass his room I quietly arranged my stuff to my purse while I heard his TV blaring to my heart I saw him walking swiftly to his bathroom without his cane I realized then he wasn't as disabled as he told me since he previously put on an act as if he couldn't walk without a he was also still hard and was holding the giant bottle of lotion with him as quickly and quietly as I could I fled and ran like hell out of the room while he was in the bathroom I jumped like an Olympic sprinter over the cat gates down the stairs I throw up at the front door and ran to my car I heard his house alarm go off I got into my car as fast as lightning heart beating like crazy I immediately got phone calls from his number and every car that trailed me had me terrified until I got out of there finally after a two-hour drive I was back in my place and grateful I was out of there who knows what would have happened if I stayed overnight but I definitely do not want to stay to find out I've gotten used to checking Craigslist before buying anything new so while my ice cream maker died I headed over there I found the one I wanted new in the box and emailed to see if it was still available for some reason I assumed I was talking to a woman and we made plans to meet up I had gotten sort of careless about meeting in the public place I had agreed to come to her home believing that she had several small kids that made it difficult for her to leave I was supposed to go after work and we switched the text messages so they could give me the address and so that I would let them know when I was on my way I got her home and they text me an address my normal routine at this point would have been to hop into the car and use my TomTom but since I just booted up my PC while waiting I decided to use Google Maps I typed in the address and it showed that a registered sex offender violent sex offender and child sex offender lived there I googled the phone number and the same person came up I let them know I wasn't coming went to Walmart and spent five dollars more to buy it there so mr. sex offender who tried to lure me with ice cream let's not me my roommate Vee was always either boyfriend's place so I was living essentially alone in a two-bedroom apartment with my friend Esme who was crashing with me while she was looking for her own place she found a place online that was nearby renting a master bedroom with an attached bathroom dad said fimo only for weight cheap we checked out the Google Streetview on my laptop and it looked like a cute little beach house she then wrote her bike over there to check it out she said that was to Beach type white guys a young disheveled stoner guy and the middle-aged Parrothead guy that would close talked well giving her obvious elevator eyes the whole time she's a pretty petite michigan girl and was about twenty-one but looked a lot younger and the older guy kept saying that she was just what they were looking for kind of slowly in what she described as a uber creepy voice the younger guy just stared and followed them around she thought it was odd that they each slept in the tiny guest rooms and we're running out the master bedroom but decided to take a look at it anyway she said it was a really nice room with a big heavy wooden four-post bed in the middle of the room that looked like it belongs in a castle and a bathroom had a huge shower with multiple shower heads on the walls like it was built for a bunch of people to shower at once she didn't really like being back in the bedroom with the two guys looming over her so she said it was kind of stuffy and she wanted to make sure that her unlock bike was still in the front yard she all but ran to the front yard and once she was outside with bystanders he felt much better so she's standing in the front yard where the older guy and he's explaining that she can move in right away but the bed has to stay exactly where it is it comes to the room and is bolted to the floor so it can't be moved they have special she's spirited and everything and she could bring her stuff but she could never move the bed also she can have friends over only if they're young women know men and they can have sleepovers but also need to sleep in the bed they explained that the hardwood floors are just too uncomfortable and the couches in the living room are suede so no one can sleep on them all these reasons why the big pile of girls need to sleep in one bed she is completely creeped out by the guy and text me to come over I arrived my bike over and as I'm pulling up she's leaving we start to ride off in a little ways away we hear him yell out it's mandatory but we will have a blast she kind of shudders and I asked her what's up she says he'll tell me over drinks and we ride to the nearest beach bar she explains about the room the bed the guys and then tells me part of the deal is a mandatory skiing trip to Lake Tahoe in Northern California each year she can invite girls on the trip that have been to the house before if the guys think that they're cool enough it's free for her and her girlfriends but mandatory that she goes with the guys as their official woman there would be other men there but they all brought their own women he said it like women would be assigned to them or something so I might start racing and we convinced ourselves that the bedroom and the trip were some elaborate webcam situation or something needless to say she never moved in or took them up on the free ski weekend offer she ended up moving in with her boyfriend and as me moved in with me for a couple years she was an awesome roommate I was about to start my freshman year in high school and unlike 97% of the kids in my middle school I'm which is school based of Technology and instead of books and paper we use computers junky free Chromebooks the school provided were not my taste so my father and I searched Craigslist for a Mac and after a few days we hit the jackpot a 350 bucks used Mac Pro in great condition my father and I met the lady at a coffee shop she was short skinny and very happy I gave her the money and she gave me the laptop looking almost new we opened the Mac to go set it up the green webcam light turns on that meant the camera was showing our face I thought nothing of it at first and shrugged it off but for two months of using it the green light stayed on day and night every time I used it during lunch my fresh suggested that I put a piece of tape over the camera just in case so I grabbed some duct tape from my art closet and place a small piece over the webcam after that the green light finally turned off this next stories from a podcaster freak nation I put their link in the description next to their story link my wife and I we were looking for a used car on Craigslist and found one that we were really interested in we contacted the seller and told them that we can meet him up in a very public mall in an hour he responded that you wouldn't be available until you got off work at 5:00 we agreed to meet him at the mall at 5:30 we arrived at the mall a little early and soon get a text that he's running late so we wait and wait and wait then we finally get a text around 6:30 saying that he should be at the mall soon this was in late fall so his already getting dark when we started to worry the mall wouldn't be as busy soon short while later he texts us that we should meet him at another address in a rougher area of the city I look up the address to see it's a casino gas station right off the interstate I figured it would still be busy around 7:00 so we head over we pulled into the parking lot and don't see the car my wife finally says is that it and points to a midsize SUV hatchback it certainly looked like the right car but it was dark in that part of the parking lot squeezed between some parked 18 wheelers as two petite women we were very wary of going over there we locked the doors and drove over it was definitely the car but it was parked in the most darkest reclusive least visible spot in the whole parking lot with the hatch open no lights were on inside the car and no one was around the car I stopped for a couple of seconds to see if someone would come greet us when no one did I drove away I parked under the casino sign right next to the interest of the parking lot and text a guy my location he responded with I'm over here by the semis we left immediately it was all too weird so creepy Craigslist guy let's not meet hi my name is Tom I live in the st. Louis area and this is a horror story about something that happened to me I almost [ __ ] up my life forever when I was 21 years old I broke up on my first serious girlfriend who I had been together with for eight months I need this to stay I was devastated I fell into a deep depression and began abusing painkillers and xanax really heavily and I began looking for any chick I could find to rebound with I ended up looking on a personal section on Craigslist and found an ad for a girl named Stephanie I began talking to her and I arranged to come pick her up we had intercourse that night and decided to make it a regular thing she was an older lady about 35 and a bigger girl but she had her own apartment and enough money to keep me loaded on as much drugs and alcohol I wanted to be honest I couldn't use this lady and used her as a sugar mama for a lack of a better word after a while she really grew attached to me and wanted to be in the serious relationship eventually she started dropping hints that she wanted to get married she said she wanted to do this to help me out so she could give me on her insurance and help me with my drug and alcohol problems which I refused to consider one day we got into a big argument she told the police that I'd been abusing her and put a temporary restraining order on me a week after she did this she called me crying her eyes out asking me to please forgive her saying she loved me and all that other stuff and she wanted to come pick me up and buy me some dope and alcohol and gave me something to eat being the Attic I am I accepted of course from the moment she picked me up I know she was acting kind of odd she was usually talkative and would always be on my ass to talk about this or that but on this day she was oddly quiet when we got back to her apartment after I walked in she immediately pushed me on the couch and pulled down my pants and started giving me head then she climbed on top of me and began riding me and she seemed angry when I didn't come inside her I had been getting bad vibes off her her the whole night so after this happened I immediately asked her for a ride back home what she agreed to do after I got dropped off on my house I went inside and sat down with my sister and watch them spongebob about ten minutes after I got home I got a phone call I pick up the phone and to my surprise a lady on the other end says it's used' with the st. Louis County Police Department and we're gonna need you to come outside to talk to us I ran downstairs and hit my weeding pills and walked outside to figure out what the hell is going on when I walked outside there are seven cops on my porch pointing tasers and guns at me one of them hit me in the back of the leg with a nightstick and put me on the ground and handcuffed me the cops talked to my mom and got permission to go inside the house where they took a drug dog and began searching through my room in my basement area none let cops on the scene would tell me what was going on and they told me that I would talk to a detective at the station when I got to the police station I had a bombshell dropped on me apparently this lady accused me of kidnapping her and raping her she told the police that she came by my house to return my stuff since we had just broken up and then I came up to her and held a knife to your throat and forced my way into her vehicle and made her take me back to her apartment where I raped her repeatedly thankfully I remember that we made a couple stops on the way to her apartment she had gone to a gas station to get a couple packs of cigarettes with me and there's no way I could have kidnapped her the police swab me for DNA and they also took my clothes as evidence I was forced to spend the night in the st. Louis County Jail wearing nothing but hospital scrubs I was a release the next morning but my ordeal wasn't over this lady began constantly stalking me she would called me every night at odd times from a blocked number either crying into the phone or just begging to talk to me I also began seeing her vehicle quite a lot in the neighborhood even though she didn't live anywhere near me I called the police a couple times they didn't really seem to care they told me I would have to put a restraining order on her in order for them to do anything I like to think I have pretty decent instincts now when it comes to knowing who has bad intentions but I wasn't always cautious and observant as I am now when I was in high school I always felt so ugly I had low self-esteem and anxiety which was really more of a problem rather than my looks so if any one of the opposite sex gave me even a little attention I would start to like them I was pretty innocent despite how desperate I was having only kissed one boy so when I was 17 and a college guy put some interest into me I immediately clung to him I was on this app before tinder and I met this guy who lived 7 hours from our home city his name was Brandon and he was gorgeous blond hair muscular blue eyes he played soccer for his university and was 19 years old honestly he wasn't my usual type I really like guys with darker hair and eyes I still do but he was really handsome and really kind he would shower me with compliments and talk to me all the time I lived a long long story in an apartment with just my cats so when I would get lonely you're scared he would always comfort me a month him too talking he started to ask for pictures not once of my face but obviously nudes or bra pictures now this was nearly six years ago and I didn't have a good concept of stranger danger on the Internet I mean smartphones had only really been out for two or three years at this point at least in my school and with my age group 17 year old me who was insecure wanted to make him happy because I couldn't believe I got in a guy like him I was ready to do anything you asked I never sent naked pictures I was too insecure for that but I would send him pictures of me in a bra he would shower me with compliments saying how sexy and beautiful I was and I fell for every word with time I started to get upset though I wanted to see him I would always send him when he asked but he would never send me an e he would show me pictures of him with the shirt off but the pictures were always bad quality when I started to get persistent and promise he would start calling me for some reason that appeased me and we talked many times a week after a couple months he get increasingly more sexual with me tell me what he wanted to do with me and how badly he wanted me this made me kind of nervous I had only kissed a boy but it also made me a little excited it felt good to be wanted by someone and I had really grown to like him this is all during the first semester in my senior year in high school and I was about to turn 18 the next semester in late January as it got to Christmastime he started talking about coming to my city to see me for my birthday they sent me really excited since I really wanted to see him in person so badly we had first talked about me going to him something he had insisted on but I chickened out I said I couldn't drive alone it was an excuse I really didn't want to go to an older guy's house and stay with him alone my house just felt more comfortable and safe we planned on the weekend after my birthday and everything seemed fine but then one day my choir class my best friend an exchange student from Germany was talking with me about him I was telling her about him and she got very unsettled have you seen him on video I told her no she gave me a skeptical look something doesn't feel right there's no way that he's real not that you couldn't date someone like him but he's too perfect she was very direct and blunt with me something my other friends weren't so I took her words deeply and I'm so thankful I did I immediately asked him for a picture of his face he made up some excuse about how he couldn't take a picture right then so I persisted asking him every day finally my instincts were kicking in and I was getting scared I told him I wanted him to video call me he said no I fought with him for hours on it what night telling him if he tells me the truth I won't get mad he refused I searched for his name that he gave me in Facebook determined to find out on my own if he wasn't gonna give in nothing came up on him I text him told him I couldn't find him on Facebook and he gave in giving me a completely different name than he told me that's me I remember just feeling cold as I read that I looked up the account and everything he told me was a lie his name his face his age he was 25 not 19 I was terrified I thought I had been talking to someone that was just two years older which is legal in my state but he was eight years older I immediately stopped texting him that's when he started getting obsessive he would text me a dozen times a day call me over and over again he would beg me to answer him to give him a chance then he started threatening me to answer he told me that he saved all my pictures and told me that he would send it to all my friends and family on Facebook show everyone me and a bra and shower text messages talking about what he would do to me sexually if we met looking back all of this was more damaging to him than me but I was young and stupid and afraid I hated my body so much and I was terrified of people seeing it so I started talking to him again more reserved and cautious this time the day stage closer to my birthday and the weekend that we had planned our messages had became bland and short since I was trying to make him lose interest in me but he never gave up if I took too long to message him then he would threaten me again my birthday fell on Monday of this year and he sent me all kinds of messages I don't even remember what I did that birthday and he had many friends I never liked to celebrate so it was probably something small when Friday had I got a text from him on that morning say anything he was driving to my city and he would pick me up from school I was terrified I lost a lot of my friends the semester before long story so they obviously had no clue of my situation at a desperation I went to one of my guy friends who I hadn't talked to in a couple of months I spilled everything to him he was a longtime friend so he was sympathetic and promised to follow me home that day I went straight to my car ignoring the massive amounts of text saying why are you I'm here my friend drove behind me all the way to my apartment which he had no clue where I was living and stayed with me as I cried for a while I turned my phone off and my friend left later that night Brandon had no clue where I lived but I was still paranoid what if somehow he found me only three people knew where I lived for now was my guy a friend and he didn't come in contact with any of them when I finally turned my phone on again he was threatening me I was exhausted and fed up I started spam texting him yelling and venting I told him how stressed he made me and how he was doing was wrong I told him to send the pictures and I didn't care anymore then I started attacking his character telling him that no one could love him if he hides who he is and threatens people I treats people like [ __ ] when they catch him in a lie thankfully for me he had enough care for me to take my words to heart he apologized and told me he deleted all the pictures he swore to leave me alone as long as we still talk to each other once in a while as friends I agreed even though I knew I was lying I talked to him for a month short responses till he finally gave up even now at 22 I still see his name appear sometimes I blocked his number and deleted him on everything but his name still shows up on my Instagram or snapchat when he's trying to riad me he's the reason I don't give my name or pictures out he isn't the first stalker experienced the first one was in sixth grade but that story's for another time first off the story happened almost 10 years ago I'll jump right into it because this long I got home from work one day and logged through the Facebook to find a message for someone I didn't know it was too long ago you remember verbatim what was said but it was long lines of hey I know you have no idea who I am but I've been trying to decide what to do for a few days now and figured I had to let you know what's been going on someone has been catfishing me using your identity for the last two years and I just found out about it last week the sender of the email was clearly shaken up and understandably was experienced a mix of emotions according to her she had met this imposter online a little over two years prior to her writing this and that they had been engaged in a pretty intimate long-distance relationship for a majority of the time now posture created of Facebook and overtime reposted almost all of my photos with their own captions to them including the couldn't amount of the art that I've drawn that they took credit for too they created fake profiles of a good amount of my close family and friends so they could comment on the photos of themselves to make the profile seem more legit the funniest part to me is that although most things in my real life seem to be mirrored in this fake profile I a straight male was instead portrayed as a trans I think the main reason for that was at the center of the email and the imposter would actually speak on the phone and then posture turned out to be female in the end and therefore you didn't reason to justify her more feminine sounding voice anyway the center of the email was justifiably both angry and creeped out and wanted to find the catfish she started asking me a lot of questions about my life but phrased to them like is your sister's name and did you go to this high school some of these were clearly information that someone would get from a quick browse on my profile but then she asked is your best friend which struck me as odd since despite this person actually my closest friend who I spend most of his time with we barely have any Facebook photos together and most of them are from a long time ago then she asked were you adopted and are you half siblings named and we sealed the deal for me cuz I knew for a fact that I never posted anything about being adopted online the sender of the email already had an idea that this person had know me in real life but this confirmed it for me the sender of the email had contacted me shortly after confronting that posture for the first time I guess after two years they finally became suspicious of the fact that the imposter wouldn't show their face I have no idea how it took so long for them to figure out they're being played but I'm glad they finally decided to give the ultimatum of show your face or I'm cutting you off I'm pretty sure this is the point where the posture admitted to being a catfish and she'd been using identity someone she had a crush on in high school before hanging up I was giving the URL so I could go through the profile myself which was still up for a few days after before it all got removed it was definitely really bizarre now posture had posted more than I ever had on Facebook and generally seemed like they lived a pretty involved double life online as me almost everyone had posted photos with on my real profile would then have their own fake profiles created they had enough content to be generally convincing so they can be tagged in and would validate these new photos some of these profiles seem to have gone on and made their own real friends as well and I wondered if any of those were used to facilitate even more online dating deception either way the amount of time this person had taken fabricating their alter egos online presence was pretty shocking the whole time I've been crawling down his Facebook rabbit hole the sender of the email was looking through my real profile after a while she sent me a message saying did you take these photographs and showed me what I remembered as a black-and-white photos of a barn or something I hadn't which was weird since everything else on the fake profile originated with me and she noticed the discrepancy we both tried to reverse image searching with no luck then either through a stroke of genius or somewhat suspiciously I couldn't tell she thought to flip the fake number and posture had written into her facebook profile around in Reverse and the Google search came with a headline that belonged to the home address of a girl that I had gone to school with real me was Facebook friends with an Impostors real profile so we both went snooping around and found the photos she had claimed I taken which pretty much confirmed to me that this was an imposter I'm pretty sure there's more indicators to the sender as well but I can't remember I thought about messaging her for a while but decided that probably wouldn't lead to anything good at this time my thoughts were definitely let's not mean I talked a few more times with the sender just to try to decompress a bit but honestly just wanted to distance myself from the situation and also had my suspicions of the sender as well I figured maybe it was the imposters last-ditch effort to try to talk to me although when I was all over the Senators seemed eager to leave this all behind as well so probably not either way it was a really strange experience I felt mostly freaked out and violated but I guess some small part of me was flattered by it I had a lot of mixed emotions with the weirdest part to me is I'm a really approachable person and when had definitely been willing to talk and probably be friends if the person approached me instead although I'm still not sure if this was out of an obsession for me or if this person felt like I was just suitable image to base their fabrication persona off of I remember talking to her probably twice throughout high school and really didn't have a good idea who she was other than a quiet hipster girl I wasn't really actively looking but pop on OkCupid every few weeks or so to see if anything interesting was in my inbox being female I had a very active inbox I noticed an email from an interesting fairly local guy the email was all right asking about polyamory which I don't mind talking about if the person that is asking is sincerely interested and respectful we got to chatting eyes ero romantic sexual interest but thought this could be a friendship after a few months of chatting he found me on Facebook asked if it was okay to send me a request and I agreed we've been chatting getting along well and he seemed like a nice person a little weird but that's okay because I'm a little weird myself we continued to chat here and there for the next two years send birthday greetings and just a casual friendship then he started to ask me several times to meet and hang out etc I considered it but that time I was running my own business and working about 70 hours a week plus maintaining my home and raising my child and trying to balance two partners and an extremely needy demanding workaholic client who had no boundaries 11:00 p.m. phone calls occurred without a note of hesitation or remorse so the meet up never occurred but we kept in touch online late last year a new story broke about a man his girlfriend raping and murdering her young teenage daughter I never connected the name tell Frank contacted me and said oh I see you're friends with did you see him on the news the new story used his full legal name not his nickname think Richard first dick which is why I never connected the two it was him my event online friend of two years had beaten raped strangled and just membered his girlfriend's teen daughter with the help of his girlfriend he's made several statements since then saying that he's always had a murder rape fantasy and that it wasn't fun murdering her as he apparently thought it would be it still sends chills down my spine I toss the bullet big time be safe out there you never know who's on the other side of the keyboard or phone call and dude that's not me a few years ago my friend convinced me to get a tinder account I had been single for about a year and a half after finally get out of a three-year or Yourself relationship but that's a whole other story for another day so I decided why not I'll make the account and if I don't like it I'll delete it what harm could it do little did I know I was blown away by how many guys misses me I think we have our time I'm eating that it's a bit of a confidence booster anyways I've been talking to this one guy that I found very attractive and we seem to have a lot in common so finally I agreed to meet up with him but only if it's in public so after a bit back and forth we agreed on him coming to my work during lunch and just hang out for a bit I was currently working at grocery store deli I was back taking orders and helping customers when about 45 minutes later I noticed a man staring at me he was wearing sunglasses which already made him stand out since we were inside and I automatically knew it was him I wasn't sure what to do it kind of seemed like he wanted to stay hidden from me do I call now and say hi I ended up just ignoring it and justifying it as he's probably just coming in to make sure I was who I said I was but looking back that's just giving myself too much credit I'm no model or anything like that I'd say I'm average looking and on the chunky side with some confidence issues after he left I thought maybe didn't like what I looked like in person and that's why he came in to check me out first but I now know better so about two hours later he texts me I'm outside and I reply that I'm just clocking out and I'll meet him out front it was the same guy as before just without the glasses this time I didn't bring it up or tell him I saw him earlier it just felt kind of awkward I always seem to give people the benefit of the doubt and try to justify their actions lunch went really well and I really liked him so I end up just forgetting about the earlier situation I told him that I wanted to take things slow and he seemed totally okay with it we both really like the Utah Jazz so he invited me over to his house to watch the game after I got off work my coworker and friend told me they had a bad feeling about it but I just told him I'll be fine I'm a big girl we both left and then I was on my way to his house when I got there he told me he had a roommate but he wasn't home so just be the two of us the night was going very well until he said he needed to go to the bathroom before I go any further I need to explain his living room a little right when you walk in the TV is near the front door the living room and kitchen didn't have a wall between them it was just one big open space and the couch was placed in between so it wasn't against any wall just sitting on the couch you're facing the front door and the kitchen is behind you I hear him open the door and I continue watching the game I feel him come up behind the couch and put his hands on my shoulders down to my hands and he lifts something behind me I thought he was just goofing around so I went with it until he starts making my hands go lower when I suddenly feel his junk shocked I pulled up turn around and see him but naked fully erect with the most serious face his bright blue eyes just slicing into me I felt dread all I could think to say was what are you doing not changing his expression in a monotone voice he replies what do you think uh I just came here to watch the game and hang out you don't just come over to a guy's house you meet on tinder not expecting the hookup shocked and disgusted I reply I made it clear I want to take things slow this is not slow fuming mad he walked around the couch and started yelling at me calling me a tease at this point I wanted to get out so I grabbed my purse from beside the couch and started to walk towards the door when he saw what I was doing he ran up to the door locked both the locks and stood there still naked and still erect telling me I'm not leaving until I slept with him still in shock I laughed thinking he must be joking this went on for two hours I would go to the door and he would push me away or grab the doorknob telling me no I am now in survival mode racking my brain on what I should do my phone is dead and I don't know the area it's been two hours and he's still not letting me go I honestly felt like he was gonna hurt me if I didn't do what he said so finally I told him okay but only if you let me go to the bathroom and freshen up he had me go to his bathroom in his bedroom and said he was gonna make us dinner and drinks acting like nothing happened like he just didn't spent two hours yelling at me holding me against my will until I would sleep with him I just sat in there trying to get my phone to turn on but knowing it was fully dead and I had no way to contact anyone for help but that's when I remembered when he was showing me his apartment he showed me the balcony they shared with the neighbors I put my ear up next to the bathroom door I could still hear him in the kitchen I opened the bathroom door slowly praying he doesn't walk in or hear me coming out I slowly tiptoe across his bedroom to the patio when I hear me out are you kidding me I felt my heart sink into my stomach at this point I knew I was caught I slowly look up and I could see him to the crack of the door walk into the kitchen seek with his finger in his mouth he cut his finger I got a boost of confidence and slowly opened his balcony door thank God it wasn't loud but the confidence didn't last very long I started thinking what if he knows his neighbors and they don't help me what if they're not home what if I catch his attention and he pulls me back inside and God knows what happens to me I took a deep breath and knocked on their patio glass door it felt like forever and I finally heard someone walk up to the door she looked to the glass very confused but once she saw my face swollen from crying and distress she opened the door can I please walk through your house to leave she seemed to look a fuse so I said please I just want to go home choking back tears she guides me through her bedroom I see a man walking into the bedroom and I jump thinking it was by date coming to find me but as I look up it's a 40-something year old man looking at me confused then the woman she's nods and guides me out of the front door she gives me a pat on the back I tell her thank you as I rushed towards my car as I'm at the bottom of the stairs I hear a door open I expect when I look back to see the woman but it's my date he's still naked and once he sees me he chases me now it's winter in Utah and the ground is slippery from the ice but I don't care I finally make it to my car I get in I lock the door and I look up the front of his apartment he's standing there on the top of the stairs just staring at me and he finally turns back around and goes inside I guess it was too cold for him to chase me all the way to my car I hit the gas it get as far away as possible I don't want to go home so I Drive to my parents I knock for my mom's bedroom window because it's about midnight now I tell her everything it's been night there and I ended up not calling the cops I just didn't want to deal with it which I regret to this day because I don't want it to happen to another girl but it's been so long and I don't want to go through it all just for them to tell me it's not enough evidence I know I made a lot of mistakes at night but I am a completely changed person now and that's why I'll never use a dating site again I was 21 recently became a police officer so my friend suggested tinder as a 21 year old and a new cop I had the I'm invincible and I could take on any one mentality I matched with a very good-looking out of my league female we chatted and eventually set up a date to me she said she had a great open field to look at the Stars and hang out and we can meet up at our house so that night came I was excited and she seemed to be excited when I picked her up she guided me to the field and it looked nice open space woods deer and other wildlife in the field I noticed really dim headlights in the distance then the van started driving towards us and pulled up right in front of us almost close enough to block me from coming forward I told her to stay in the car and I'll go say hi I grabbed my flashlight in the car and walked up in the front of the driver side of the van there's a decently sized man I asked him what was going on and if he could back his car up a little bit he was very polite said he was the owner of the property and said he didn't mean to scare us he told me he's been having trouble with poachers on his property and just wanted to make sure that we weren't going to be shooting anything I insure him that we only came here to look at some stars and wildlife he was perfectly okay with that told me I have a nice date and drove away after that the girl was texting non-stop around an hour later I saw headlights coming towards us again this time at a really fast pace we hopped in the car and I moved to a more defensive position the same man came close enough to almost hit my car she hopped out of the car at that point and ran towards the guy I immediately knew I was [ __ ] I got out and getting them commands to back up and get on the ground neither of them complied obviously he then proceeded to charge me and knocked me to the ground and luckily I was able to get him on his back and get up I saw him I did grab a metal pipe from the van she told me they have a gun and to give them my money in truck and I won't get hurt of course with my invincible mentality I said no she started to cry stating they didn't want to hurt me he then started to go back towards the car at that point I told them I was a cop drew my concealed firearm and told him to lay on the ground after a moment a shock from all this they complied I was able to call 9-1-1 and tell them my name and badge number I had to at gunpoint and needs backup immediately I gave our dispatcher the best direction I could to this field while on the phone they both fled again stupid new young cop mentality I chased them I took off after the man who ran into the woods around the field I chased him for maybe 30 seconds and heard three loud pops and saw muzzle flash my invincible mentality went right out the window I ran like hell towards my car and peeled the hell out of there I went back to the area I picked her up in called dispatch again and had two officers come to another location of course the first officers to pull up was my sergeant in my field training officer of course they are both understanding and didn't give me [ __ ] about it at all the most used words were dumbass and stupid [ __ ] rookie I hopped in their cars and went towards the field luckily the van was still there I was told to shut my mouth and only come out if they were getting shot at they cleared the area I started looking in the van they found meth right in the center console and searched the car what scared me most was when my field officer and Sergeant came back to the patrol car led me out and told me to come look in the back of the van both of them were pale and looked horrified and went back to the van where there are several knifes duct tape lighter fluid and a decent amount of rifle ammunition handcuffs and what looked to be dry blood in the front seat passenger side we found an ar-15 style rifle and two more handguns we called for immediate backup and detectives when they investigated the blood it turned out it wasn't blood the plates had been stolen and the van was reported stolen I still get [ __ ] about the whole encounter but luckily no one got hurt I would never use online dating again ever Darren my freshman and sophomore years in college I was extremely awkward I just came out as being gay and I didn't have any friends and I was generally a big wad of social anxiety given that I didn't even have the social skills to make a few friends it's not surprising that I also had literally no dating experience miraculously over the course of summer in sophomore year I just sort of grew out of the worst of my social awkwardness I lost some weight I had a lot more confidence in myself and my self-esteem was a lot higher I came back to school in August of October I had a decent number of genuine friends and had gotten a lot more involved on campus with my newfound confidence I decided to download Grindr to see what it was like for anyone that doesn't know grind there's a gay dating app and is primarily used for finding sex and hookups despite my recent improvements in the social arena I was still extremely naive and inexperienced when it came to dating and sex I set up a Grindr profile with a nice picture of myself and a very brief bio and I got a lot of messages very quickly after my picture got approved one guy who messes me had the display name dad for young we should have been my first red flag but I was oblivious at the time I was 21 but I got regularly asked by campus staff which middle school or high school I was visiting from I'm 23 now I still get asked if I want a kids menu when I go to restaurants with my parents it's bad so dads for young says to me a message saying what's up and I reply without looking at as a profile first I then look at his profile and notice he's 54 his profile texts say the younger the better and his only picture is a zoomed in blurry picture of his hairy chest so I'm very much not interested but given my experience I thought ignoring him would be horribly rude so I kept responding I didn't totally remember what we talked about in there maybe ten or so messages we exchanged at first I do remember him telling me that I was berry cube I know I told him I was a student but I never mentioned which college I went to it's important to know I went to a college in the major city and there's a bunch of different colleges within five miles of each other and a few more within 10 miles of those sort of like tinder grinder works based off of your location but much more precisely if you're less than a mile or two away from someone who is online it displays the distance and feet I noticed that dad's four youngest profile said he was twenty five miles away which I thought was kind of far dad for young started getting more sexual in his chats and asked me if I wanted to meet up I felt bad flat-out denying him says he had been so polite so I told him I didn't want to meet up with him that day but that we could keep chatting if he wanted I figured that was that when I checked 20 minutes later instead he was offline about thirty minutes later I get a message from him hey I got it wild hair and I thought I would be nice and drive out to your College I had not told him my name on my college nor had I told him what town I was in I looked at his profile and now said he was three miles away I started freaking out a little bit I didn't reply to the message in hopes that he would just leave me alone it's important to note that my call to a couple different campus chunks separated by a few miles I lived in the upperclassmen residential campus which was about two miles away from the main campus where all the other student dorms and made building are I felt like if he was gonna find me he'd go to the main campus first then maybe give up since not many outside people know about the separate residential campus five or six minutes later I get another message that says something like no fun if you don't play along what building are you in his profile Dow says he's a little over 2,500 feet away and every single time I reopen this profile the distance would decrease I'm fully losing my [ __ ] at this point this kind of the ability to pinpoint my location so I shut my blinds turn off my light and lock my window and door to the apartment and my bedroom door my roommate was also out of town on some kind of retreat so it was just me he kept sending me messages every minute or so saying I'm gonna find you here I come another supremely creepy [ __ ] like that the distance was now down to 310 feet and I was completely losing my mind and didn't know what to do so I just deleted my whole profile nothing else happened that night thought I was absolutely terrified that he was gonna come knocking on my door fast forward to three days later I decided to redownload Grindr after doing more research it seen that you can adjust the settings so that my exact location is not visible when I log on the first time with my remade profile I just some of these search filters until the results were specified enough to display dads for Youngs profile which I promptly blocked later that evening I get a message for someone with the display name will find you with the same gross profile picture as - for young and my stomach sinks he sensed me flurry of messages you [ __ ] up almost got the police call on me because of you couldn't find you so I had to go to other dorms to find someone else said I was outside his dorm and told me to leave and he'd call the cops I'm coming for that sweet virgin [ __ ] I freaked out blocked him again to leave him my profile again then deleted Grindr I refused to download it or any other dating apps for about a year after that at which point I worked up enough courage to try it again I have not heard from this nut job since thank God so terrifying old men with a fetish of young inexperienced boys please let's never ever meet
Channel: Bad Vibes StoryTelling
Views: 136,013
Rating: 4.703824 out of 5
Keywords: lets not meet, true scary stories, true scary stories reddit lets not meet, scary stories, scary true stories, reddit lets not meet, true scary stories lets read, real scary stories, true scary, true, tinder, plenty of fish, online dating, scary online stories, scary date, creepy date, craigslist, online horror stories, catfish, facebook horror
Id: VqT5MWq1AyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 32sec (11312 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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