What Is The Worst Job Interview Answer You've Heard? (Work Stories r/AskReddit)

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job interviewers over debt what is the worst answer someone gave you was interviewing a candidate with a few co-workers he was fresh out of college in this was for a mechanical engineering position asked him to explain a time he had to troubleshoot an issue and how he fixed it he starts telling us about a time that the front wheel on his car was squeaking and how he was going to figure out what was wrong gets about two minutes into describing his process then I crap you not says never mind you wouldn't understand the issue to a room full of Engineers plot twist the issue involved pure mathematics tell us why you left your last job it was boring I didn't like it so I started calling in slick come a calling in sleek yet telling my boss I was sick but I really just didn't want to come to work I liked that terminology me is there anything in your past that could prevent you from passing the background check candidate well last week I got arrested for domestic dispute because my wife put her hands in my face so I bit her finger off me silence a few years back we advertised for a job developing a cancer biomarker we got an interesting CV from a guy that worked in DNA forensics while the details were lacking it was her interesting enough CD to get him in for an interview once there and the pleasantries were out of the way the interview went as such could you tell us a bit more about your work in forensics what kind of techniques are you familiar with I was a janitor I want that man skill at making a CV I asked her to describe a time when she had to complete a repetitive task and how she stayed motivated her answer was waking up every morning I asked how she stayed motivated and she said she didn't have to because her mom got her up I'm not here to actually interview I just want this to be a practice interview for other companies I walked out never say that during an interview my current job was supposed to be a practice interview I love my job never worked with a more competent Bunch I helped interview some people once for a government job at an international center in Japan this was a job where foreigners who didn't speak Japanese would occasionally come in and talk to staff so even though the staff didn't have to be perfect at English they had to at least be able to understand the basics in the interviews my boss had me start out by asking the participants simple questions like what's your name and how are you feeling today to see how they would react the point wasn't to test their ability but just to make sure they would be able to handle an unexpected situation where a foreigner was speaking to them in English and it was horrible the first guy who came in just stared at the floor for about two minutes without saying anything one girl started to actually cry a little bit of course since this was the beginning of the interview it threw them off for the rest of it as well I felt like a total butthole but on the other hand if you cry when someone speaks English to you you are probably not the best pick for the job I usually cry when people speak to me in any language asked an interviewee to tell me about a time they'd built relationships with colleagues departments suppliers etc she proceeded to tell me how she started having an affair with a work colleague not quite the answer I was expecting see that's on you for not being specific enough interviewing a woman for a casino cashier position me how much money would you feel comfortable handling on a daily basis her none I don't want to go to jail interviewing a nervous person for their first job the question is what role do you typically play on a team candidate defense me this is an interesting response can you tell me more about that candidate I hate sports and don't want to have to touch the ball it was definitely a memorable answer if I worked in the daycare at a gym and one of the interview questions was what is the nicest thing you've ever done for someone one interview he said providing a false alibi to the police for my boyfriend so sweet hi there I'm I just no eyes thanks for coming in today is this going to take long I'm parked in a 15-minute spot I was interviewing a guy for a job as mall security I asked the standard interview question what is your biggest weakness he responded with weakness and then nearly maniacal laughter that lasted uncomfortably long I jumped to the last question and ended the interview early the guy creeped me out you dang near hired a super V laying bunny bullet dodged asked a question about conflict resolution this very small person with a Napoleon complex responded with to physical altercation stories he had at work both of which he initiated he beat them up though one walked out the thing that got me was he was chatting through each story like I was supposed to be impressed with his fighting skills it wasn't an interview didn't get that far but the job application it was a dog walking position for a pet company and we have a question asking about experience now obviously this means experience working with handling dogs but someone answered like this I've been walking almost my entire life not gonna lie that's pretty funny unless they weren't trying to make a joke you why did you leave your last company sir I am NOT going to lie I was fired for fighting a customer in the parking lot nice honesty but dang interviewer describe yourself in three words the guy stutters really struggling interviewer okay if I asked your closest friends how they would describe you what do you think they'd say he stutters more and just blurts out Welsh I asked someone what their sales experience was and he said um I know this doesn't sound professional but I sell drugs points for honesty : had the following people apply for my company software company tookies artist sheep sitter certified chainsaw user best one was where the kid put down one of his attributes as bravery she talked about using drugs on a cruise she went on she harassed me for months after and claimed I was racist because I wouldn't hire her tried to call my boss and then his boss she was lovely hopefully the bosses recognized your excellent decision not to hire this person instead of asking me to repeat a question that they had misheard they tried to pry my clipboard out of my hand so that they could read it and when I didn't let them take the clipboard they tried to walk around to my side of the table to read it over my shoulder without explaining this to me until I was ending the interview moments later this sounds like it could be a scene from the office not me it's a buddy of mine interviewed someone for a job at the end he asked so do you have any questions for me the interviewee says no but check this out pulls pant leg up to show new tattoo not an interviewer but years ago my husband used Google to find something during an interview at Yahoo while his screen was projected onto the wall in front of the interviewers why do you want this job I saw an opportunity so I took it it took him like 30 seconds to say he was so stunned and a former student from when I was teaching there was an interview that happened recently at my workplace the interviewer asked the interviewee to elaborate on a part of his resume to which the interviewee replied my resume was written by a professional and I'm not actually sure what he means by that part just know I've had contacting companies to complete rights of my resume before without my knowledge and sometimes they just blatantly lie about things I actually did get a job once after letting the interviewer know that I had no idea about some of the things on my resume this guy was easily the worst interview I've done he would ramble on for 5-10 minutes without really answering the question also one of the questions I have to ask tell me about a time you've had an upset customer he started with I'm not racist but it ended up basically saying all black people are thieves here's a really bad answer I gave I applied to work out a candle shop at a mall the guy who took my resume said they might need someone and started the interview why do you want to work here truth is didn't want to leave my job at the time but I was looking for something closer to home for some reason I didn't want to say any of that I just said it smells really great in here RN here dealing group peer interviews with a candidate that came across to me a little south shore we asked a few clinical questions and one went along the lines of do you know what to do when X equals y the candidate responded to the person asking the question with ya do you she did not get the job I am finishing nursing school and I'm actually really curious to what the question was me tell us about your educational background interviewee I have a degree in philosophy so I'm probably useless to you and your unenlightened being me in my head WTF interviewee in their head checkmate how much Bakery experience do you have none but I'm good at fixing cars perfect for Elmer's pies and auto repair was fun interviewing someone for a technical position I could hear him tapping away on a keyboard likely trying to giggle the answer every time I asked him while he meandered around the answer the sad part was he wasn't even able to search for the right thing more than once me so what interested you in the position candidate do you know how hard it is to lift a dead body the position was for a part-time cashier little additional hair about an hour later I asked another interview if he had any criminal convictions and that he didn't have to answer if he wasn't comfortable doing so this guy told me two counts of attempted murder but I don't see them anymore so it's cool I was interviewing someone for a customer service position tell me about a time you had to go out of your way to help a customer I asked her she gave me a 5-minute long answer about how she made sure that the customer respected her and how valuable her time was in that sometimes you just have to put them in their place they ask you all kinds of questions but they just need to think and then they'd know the answer so I tell them to think for them and then they get it she didn't get a call back I used to manage a water park at a resort one of the maintenance guys asked if I could interview his son for a lifeguard position so I said sure what the heck I delegated the task to one of my newly minted supervisors as a training exercise she's never interviewed someone before while I sat in and watched anyway kid comes in barely on time and I crap you not he's wearing a wife-beater basketball shorts and socks with flip-flops now I wasn't expecting a suit and tie but come on she supervisor looks at me wide-eyed but I motioned her to continue the interview so as to not waste the opportunity a kid expectedly bombs and when it's over I ask the supervisor to leave I don't believe in mincing words or giving false hope so I tell him point blank aside from the interview itself why do you think we should hire you when you come in wearing all this clearly indicating you don't respect us enough to even try his response you can't judge a book by its cover bro come on I think I adjusted it me so why do you want to work with us him yes not a sharpest guy you're hired thanks you two interviewing for a free clinic for homeless people we asked about their experiences with the homeless and this person told us a story of the time their family vacationed on a yacht in Fiji and their mehta fisherman who traded them his entire day's catch for a handful of M&Ms I was flabbergasted you couldn't possibly be more out of touch that fishermen probably wasn't even homeless and also why didn't they just give him their M&Ms without taking his hard-earned fish or pay him for the fish needless to say they did not get the job I was interviewing for seasonal ice rink staff when asked why did you leave your last job he replied and I got fired for helping a friend steal one of the snowboards he also showed up in ripped jeans into hoodie he rolled his sleeves up halfway through the interview revealing a cannabis leaf on each forearm asked an interviewee about his tech experience I helped my mom set up a new iPad and she's like you rage was in my mid 30s at the time sigh hung up how old was the interviewer at that time my fiancee is a recruiter for bank tellers she gets lots of people who don't quite understand the purpose of interviews she had one that went like this her why did you leave your last job applicant I hated that place and the customers were really crappy her okay did you give your employer a notice before leaving eh nah I just stopped going I really hated it there her so what makes you think you'd be a good fit for company eh I guess I live pretty close by the interview ended shortly after that obviously please don't talk bad about anybody during an interview not a good look I had a person interviewing for an operator position as soon as they sat down they looked directly at me and said shouldn't you be in school or something HR looks right at him and said she's the engineer on these manufacturing lines and will be your direct supervisor they definitely didn't get the job did interviews for a delivery company think ups but regional asked a guy what qualities he possessed that could be an asset to the company the usual Bulls answer usually involved being a hard worker kudos to this guy for informing me his dad raced dirt track cars and he driven them a couple of times so he was excellent at driving fast he then asked me if a pending DUI would be a problem thanks buddy not an employer but the company I work for just hired on a chick who is pretty intense during her interview they asked her how she handled stress her reply was something about her watching her kid die in front of her about a year ago they still hired her before she started working with us our boss informed us of this is to try not and trigger her or anything but so she comes in and starts working with us and immediately starts talking about her dead son and how she's a hardcore conspiracy theorist it was extremely uncomfortable not an interviewer but a co-worker told me about a guy they interviewed once who seemed perfect for the role until co-worker so we're a small team and help each other with whatever needs doing sometimes includes handling different equipment across sections sometimes we just need an extra hand to wipe the benches and sweep do you have any issues with expanding your role and assisting with a variety of tasks guy of course not I'm happy to help out wherever I'm needed and any chance to do something new is a chance to learn and gain skills I'll certainly assist in any task except cleaning of course that's women's work coworker to emphasize my coworker and the other person doing the interview were both women and this wasn't the guys bad attempt at humor he was 100% serious in his answer he did not get the job I once had a male employee tell me he was going to wait until the female employees got there to wipe down the tables in a tutoring lab nothing heavy-duty I had to rephrase so that it was clear that I was instructing him to do it not offering a choice by the end of the semester it was clear why his wife left him my bot is a console gamer playstation at the end of an interview he always asked the question playstation or xbox I remember one time the respondent said Xbox and I replied with a wrong answer the guy was crushed we explained it was just a joke and we did hire him but I still remember that end of the world look on this poor guy's face so a guy turns up 20 minutes late for the interview no ringing to let us know he was running late no apology when he eventually turned up and no reason given so we get through the interview and eventually asked what qualities to have that makes you think you are suited to this job his reply I am always on time he was sitting on a watch was running a job site and had a young early 20s fellow smelling like royal reserve whiskey approached me while I was doing some finicky drain related Bulls made fun of me because I was sweaty and dirty and then went two ways down to ask one of my laborers who was in charge because he was looking for work he comes back to me looking like a kicked puppy and claims he wants a job in upper management because he has a business degree told him that won't happen and he confesses that he just needs a job any job well have you ever eaten mashed potatoes with a spoon yet why then you can work a shovel congratulations wasn't so much an answer but making fun of a guy and then asking him if he can get you hired as his boss in a field you have zero experience in seems pretty dumb this is a money dog upvote into the next 24 hours and money will come your way if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 109,970
Rating: 4.9020867 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, worst job, interview, work, work stories, workplace
Id: kJxUb0T_-TY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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