What's The Most NSFW Thing You've Seen At A Party? (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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what is the most nsfw thing you have seen at an office gathering or party went was a date to a lawyer girls work party open bar phenomenal food everything was amazing except the smell periodically through the night turns out one of the younger interns found out he never got the job opening so he sht himself and drank all night acting as if nothing ever happened my assistant gave a [ __ ] to one of my bosses at a bus stop while her boyfriend smoked cigars with our co-workers his suspicions were confirmed when his girlfriend showed up with breath that smelled like a christmas bonus we bought our bosses santa lingerie as a gag gift she tried it on in front of us and proceeded to do a striptease dance all the while screaming out how her husband was going to love this she's 54. edit i worked at a call center i am a female was 16 years old at the time so the answer was still is no i did not particularly enjoy it went out for drinks with co-workers after service it was a lunch focused restaurant and by the end of the night one of our cashiers decided to lactate on me from across the table pics last year's work christmas party one woman known for over drinking overdrank she came to sit at the table i was at and proceeded to sit down wear their wss no chair straight on her ass later that night she was grinding on one of the boss's girlfriends and apparently tried to talk the boss and his girl into a three-way she is still confused why she didn't get the promotion she was going for at the time that would have granted her a company credit card and had her taking clients out to dinners company credit card and taking clients out for dinner might sound awesome but all i'm hearing is working in your off time and more paperwork work party one guy took a stee in the toilet followed by grabbing the vacuum cleaner and sucking it all up first christmas party at a tech stocked up go to the bathroom towards the end of the night realize midpierce that the sounds coming from the stall next minor the cto and his wife going at it step out of the stall and the ceo and some sales guys are doing lines ceo sees me and shouts hey it's jared my name isn't jared he called me jared for about six months after that until i pulled him aside and corrected him one day fun times our company christmas party had a tequila ice luge one of our class a drivers got so wasted he was doing flips on the dance floor and juggling corona bottles then he went and sat on a 19 year old girl's lap and her mom went ballistic he was kicked out and proceeded to drive himself home what a guy edit let me answer a couple of questions it's a rock and roll type company so heavy drinking is accepted not driving drunk though both mom and daughter work for the company and are quite [ __ ] driver is late 30s he drove for the circus for years and apparently picked up a couple tricks along the way the worst part of him driving was the company paid for ubers to and from the party oh and no not wisconsin why did a 19 year old invite her mom or why did some middle-aged woman invite her 19-year-old christmas party married hr woman had an orgy with five of the warehouse workers all still work there hr woman is still married edit all right my mistake it was a gangbang not an orgy as far as i know sorry this sounds more like a gangbang i saw a woman squirt champagne from her vegina into the mouth of the woman who juzy inserted a champagne bottle into said vegina i worked as a prn editor at the time so it was appropriate to the situation co-worker threw his desk chair out of a four-story window after having a few too many damn that's a big window didn't witness this one but heard that this happened just a few months before i was hired we had a wine tasting for the managers with just some cheese miner [ __ ] dealers etc one particular manager got completely sloshed on wine and got super flirty with another manager from a different department who was significantly younger and good looking at some point this young lady put some scented lotion on her hands smelling this the drunk manager came over to her and pulled his dick out and asked her to put some lotion on there too right in the middle of the room and tasting i heard he was gone instantly he was recently found out to currently be a tour guide on a duck boat and a bad one at that tour guide on a duck boat i have no idea what that means and i also realize i have no idea what ducks do in their free time saw a drunk dude getting a handy under the table from another drunk dude both of them were supposedly straight when not drunk roger roger brodger used to work for a big bank we had a little potluck for christmas and long story short about two hours later someone's tea in the bathroom and smeared it literally and i mean literally all over the bathroom stalls the wall the stall door handle the toilet sensor f king everywhere it looked like a xxl hershey bar stepped on an ied we never did quite catch the elusive poop handle bandit legend says he's still out there ravaging the latrines of financial institutions to this day worked in a warehouse for a while we had regular awards nights where we'd all get f ked up and hand out stupid awards like driver of the year for the person who had the worst forklift accident or who crashed her work car other things of note 1. doing lines with the boss off his desk every party too married co-workers banging in the car park 3. the mentally handicapped and very drunk cleaner getting wrapped in packing tape by three guys for having forklift racers in the aisles of the warehouse four cliffs being driven by guys who are plastered five my husband's old company decided that they weren't going to invite spouses to the christmas party okay i dropped him off so he could drink freely no big deal after he called me to pick him up i ended up waiting in my car for nearly half an hour watching some of his male co-workers through the window getting lap dances from some female co-workers there's likely a reason the bosses decided to not invite spouses it means that they didn't have to bring their own spouses either and they could let loose for lack of a better term karaoke started with two assistants both women doing a ballad together in rapid succession on the stage and with plenty of drinks between the following things happened those two women sing a few songs while clutching each other and giggling the entire time some less than wholesome dancing together to a george michael song remaining on the stage one of them sits in a rolling chair while the other serenades gives a lap dance to her to santa baby at this point another woman in the office decides it's best to throw some cold water on this party by cutting off the karaoke and play a christmas music cd first song is all i want for christmas is you the two women turn this into what seems like the perfect song to s zeiss lodens too much caressing and grinding happening they are finally broken up once they start making out and light groping each other while trying to hide behind a santa hat that one of them is holding up covering their faces and then oh boy it was at our annual awards dinner where their war department of the year employee of the year couple other things for people who'd been there a long time woman from my department showed up with a bottle of vodka in her purse the meal was free the booze wasn't and it was expensive so people at the table were getting sodas free and mixing at the table it happened every year the venue mostly overlooked it woman who brought the bottle drank quite a lot of it i mean probably half of it herself over the course of the evening when the dancing started later on she was boombied she was wearing this strappy dress that she kept falling out of at one point she was pulling it up 2. to show off her thong at some point she lost said thong and was sitting on the stage with her skirt pushed up to her hips and showing off either a thing she got fired classic meredith i went to a customer's holiday party it was a bit of a good old boy company so it was at the shop and mostly drinking and grilling with funny awards it was mandatory and had a dress code so all these guys were as cleaned up as they could get but in clothes that didn't fit right anymore ever and whatnot sausage fest since women are rare in industry and most if the guys were bachelors the guys drank like it was water in the desert and decided to move it to a local bar they frequent well that bar was hosting the holiday party for a lab and was a total clambake until we showed up you mix drunk nerdy girls and drunk manly men and you end up with a lot of finger banging and it ain't discreet it was a match made in heaven absolutely no fallout the female bartender was egging them on and the boss men had gone to a different bar they often ran into those girls at lunch there but there were no repeat performances a co-worker once stood on a swively chair a group of girls pregamed the christmas party pretty hard they show up wearing prom dresses and 20 minutes later the most smashed if the girls is out back with her prom dress hiked up above her waist panties at her knees bent over taking it from some dude this set the tone for the rest of the night marriages were unintentionally put on hold so drunken co-workers could gain carnal knowledge of each other many walks of shame the following day you guys hiring our payroll manager got blackout drunk at a christmas party a few years ago and started insulting people and telling them that they weren't worth how much they were getting paid while quoting the actual salaries she was fired the next day but didn't even remember what she'd done we had a mardi gras themed holiday party one guy decided to bring his saxophone and be a jazz man normal enough right well he also thought that to be a jazz man he needed to show up in blackface luckily this is rural wisconsin and no one at the company was black so we all just got really really drunk and told him he's an idiot comma luckily this is rural wisconsin and no one at the company was black honestly not sure if this makes it better or worse there was the co-worker who arrived in a giant baby diaper with nothing else on except sneakers and someone smeared chocolate frosting on his diaper at some point not super wild but this was a dry party i worked at maccas and we had a work party some of the crew volunteered to run the night shift while the rest of us went 10-pin bowling and drank scrumpies i was a manager so i got to see the camera footage the next day it was of me walking around the restaurant and kitchen with my pants down shaping my balls to look like a brain and making people look at my taut scrote there were also brown eyes and squashed rats which is where you press your dick and balls up against the glass that was me in the drive-through window i woke up horrified and knew i was in trouble there was a small fallout i miraculously didn't get fired no one formally complained my punishment was to wash car windows as they went through drive-through on my day off and donate the tips to the ronald mcdonald house charity when i used to work for a large corporate law firm a guy and a girl who both worked in the accounts team got in an argument one thing led to another and the girl threw her glass of red wine over his white shirt without missing a beat he just grabbed her by the throat and started choking her this was just off the side of the dancefloor in front of 300 plus staff went to bar for after party dude was playing pool with girls with getting killed whipped his balls out and put out them on that table that sounds like a quick way to lose any chance at having children [Music] a bunch of people from the office decided to get together and head to a phone party one of the girls got white girl wasted and stripped down to nothing but her panties and danced on one of the tables made for an interesting night thanksgiving at my shop we all drew hand turkeys on the whiteboard my co-worker who is also my friend before we started working there trying to have sx with his gf in a river while the whole company was around along with their significant others and family p s my co-worker basically diddled herself in the middle of my boss's wedding reception in front of most of my boss's extended family good times first year at the company married ceo all over an employee pretty much in front of the whole company awkward af both really drunk the fact that they didn't start making out in front of everyone was a christmas miracle my christmas party is on friday guess i should just stick to beer all 30 of us ended up on top of a mountain at sunrise naked and drunk we then went for breakfast and back to work edit christ this blew up ceo slapped my ass in front of my boyfriend and kissed a co-worker in front of her husband edit his slapping my ass was not invited and i was thoroughly enraged i don't know about his kissing my co-worker though i was the one who started giving him head in the middle of the party it's okay though we are still together to this day that is one lucky maintenance man our christmas party recently i put a co-worker on my shoulders and carried him along so he could attach some tinsel to the beams in the roof that was pretty unsafe summer clark event clark has brought his gf who was very attractive marisa that you would have thought this clerk capable and everyone is having a good time dinner ends and people are deciding where to go out drinking when server shows up with a tray full of tequila shots partner's wife has ordered about 15-20 shots for the maybe 10 people still standing there anyway we start to get to work on the shots and now partner's wife who we are realizing is really really drunk wants to do body shots long story short a minute later potter's wife is sucking salt of the nape of clerk's gf's neck while everyone but mostly the clerk is nervously laughing we all head to the bar except partner and wife apparently go home rather than join us clark and gf don't last much longer as the wheels come flying off her wagon at the bar about 15 minutes later good times good times for your information park is now a fourth year associate and i don't believe i've seen the partner's wife at a firm function in quite some time my supervisor and i somehow ended up on the couch in the basement of another co-workers christmas party watching demon prn used to work as a press man in an old school magazine poster print house where the print side is mostly male and post-treatment mostly female for the most part 50 plus old press men are traditionally very keen on getting their drink on and this being finland in the 90s well suffice to say there were always loads of drunk people at our events most parties were disbanded after first few wrestling bouts it was usually around the third or so round of playful test of strength that someone got angry for real and then fists became involved i have no idea why but they were always wrestling guys in their 40s and 50s drunk as fck wrestling always some groping but those ladies had been around these kinds of guys for decades so they just slapped them off or used that commanding tone blue collar working women sometimes develop a harsh goddamn tim behave would always calm everyone down for at least good 10 minutes two lesbian girls drooling all over each other and smashing into things creepy bald guy hitting on every single taiwanese girl he could find and a half naked dude tied to a pillar but this was at the office pub an exec looked at a picture of my wife and did a little nod and wink while we drank gin and tonics the absolute madman my ex-girlfriend's parents own a restaurant and every year they throw a huge christmas party the party is always great and is open bar with a great band playing one year when i was walking into the kitchen to restock the beer i opened the door to see a dishwasher and a waitress having sex on the dishwasher counter picture op running out shouting guys these people are having sex on the dishwasher counter a friend of mine told me a story about a secret santa they had at her job there was a women she worked with that had a reputation for sleeping around with management to try to advance her career she was known to disappear with people in management from time to time during work hours and had been walked in on once her secret santa that year got her a pair of knee pads she opened them in front of the entire staff she and everyone else knew exactly what they were for she freaked out and ran straight to management whom she's been asking there was an investigation but they couldn't figure out who had done it because it was anonymous they stopped doing secret santa from the non she left the company after she realized that her secret rendezvous with management were actually well known throughout the entire company i worked in southern louisiana for an internship for a semester and to celebrate a year of no injuries in the workplace our lead supervisor decided to throw a keg party in the back parking lot of the plant the outrageous part was that she ended up ordering 16 kegs of beer for probably around 100 people needless to say there was some stumbling grumbling cajuns that almost didn't make it home that afternoon never seen that before in my life on company property in the daylight no christmas party for me in fact 80 percent of our office including me are fired on the 14th our biggest competitor bought the company back in june and figured the 14th of december was a great time to count nearly everyone happy holidays douchebags but we are having a last day get together weds night and at that point i plan on not so subtly reminding our smoking hot hr manager that we are now no longer co-workers [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 14,648
Rating: 4.871345 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, nsfw, askreddit nsfw, nsfw party, party, college party, college
Id: khHpKNA78oI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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