1,604 SOLDIERS BATTLE IN THE DESERT - Empire Campaign - Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord - Part 36

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so here we are back with our banner Lorde campaign and Emperor Apollo Constantine is thinking about what to do next he's got his little Falcon friend to the side and he's enjoying this comfy chair this is his thinking chair and he's thinking about what to do with this azurite war so what are we gonna do about the Azariah well I would like to destroy them honestly I would like to take a city or two before we even think about negotiating with peace but I don't know it the war is going decently well they've we've really killed a lot of them we're stronger than them now so if we can just keep pushing right if we just keep pushing and if we could take these two cities they're really gonna be weak at that point so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna keep pushing I'm also gonna try to recruit some some soldiers here oh nice our charm went up to 135 very nice all right so we couldn't recruit there we probably shouldn't recruit we'll take the prisoners for sure though so it's always good to have some prisoners eager to serve the great emperor but yeah we might that's the thing is like I might take a breather here from this war I'm not saying I'll negotiate peace but I might just take a little break and build up an army again that's gonna be very powerful so yeah I might I might go back up north I think that's what I'm gonna do the Asura are so weak right now that it's not like they're gonna be able to push us and be able to take any territory by the way the Blandings they're at war with the coos aides and I think they're seeing this castle right now so oh what's this piece I made pea okay with the western empire that's okay that's good I mean I don't know if that matters at all because the Western Empire is pretty non-existent at this point but yeah we'll just keep going up north and we're gonna recruit from these villages over here try to get some soldiers and I know like you're not supposed to recruit from your own villages so your vassals can do it but I'm kind of desperate and I don't have to go well I could go all the way to Velandia and try to recruit here we go here's more recruits let's go over this way because we can have a really big force and oh we took a castle look at that see my guys are already taking taking castles and whatnot so let's have a vote I will give it to you cuz you've gotten a lot of territory lately so we're good - we'll give it to Jamar Jamar so there we go he's got some territory we've got a thousand influence so what's going to spend that influence on you and we just might get him to positive we'll see maybe not but we're gonna try I'll spend it until we have like what less than 300 there we go and that's gonna put him hopefully very close to near positive and and then at that point we'll be able to move on to the next next vassal but yeah man all these villages are just running dry here there we go we got them to negative 27 and let's just hope nobody else declares war on us there we go here's some Pattani and recruits which we can turn those into really good archers and I can get my army up to 280 so this is definitely something we should be doing and look at my guys are taking prisoners this is going very well let's go ahead and check the the city over here and see if we can get any prisoners to join us see recruit troops and not prisoners but recruits my bad I'm so used to just recruiting prisoners that I'm not used to getting actual recruits all right well after many days of recruiting we are now up to 226 soldiers most of those are just recruits and it's now time to get back over to the war front get these new recruits some experience and because it's been so many days our influence has gone up back to a thousand so oh wait nice well done so yeah it's been really back and forth with the war they're taking prisoners were taking prisoners but I'm gonna go ahead and go and just try to get this guy to positive positive relations which we are getting very close I think we'll do it right here let's see like I said I'm gonna spend as much influence as possible I'll go to like 300 somewhere around there all right one more hopefully that's enough sees at minus 10 minus 8 minus 6 come on oh we're gonna have our first positive Lord after giving him so much influence here we go yes he's positive all right well done well done so he's a positive one now which makes me feel so much better that we're not gonna have to deal with like him breaking off at least not anytime soon but the Vil and ian's are at ward the coos eighths so that's something that that's good to keep the Vil and ian's occupied with war hopefully and we're still kind of making our way down down to this little land bridge we got some more prisoners who want to join us that should up our numbers is that just one I mean just one prisoner so that's gonna put us at 227 soldiers so here we go I'm thinking about summoning another army and I got to I got to take a settlement here I need to take a settlement it's time to push back the as a I can win this war so let's call in an army I'm gonna pause it here let's get as many as we can see four hours okay there's a lot for five hours oh yeah three days one day 15 hours that's gonna put us that's that's a big army that's good enough for me and now we will keep marching - oh yeah look at oh yeah get into this army we're gonna keep marching into the city and we're gonna take this city we're gonna crush this city oh and look at this a big battle must have happened and we just took a ton of Azeri soldiers or armies oh that is perfect whoa whoa whoa whoa okay did not see that coming big army time how about this how about how about you join us didn't we already try to get this guy to join us he's just too stubborn too stubborn okay if we get a critical success we can still do this okay we need a critical success right here come on here we go here we go critical ah dang it he had a hundred and twenty six men in his army so big battle time right before we siege now we haven't gotten all of our Lords into this army yet but we win this battle that we're really gonna hurt their numbers big time and they have a total oh would they barely outnumber us now I think we're gonna be fine this should be easy-peasy okay so I've got a lot of recruits in my army so I need to try to keep them alive as much as possible because obviously you don't want too many to die so they can eventually become better soldiers but we're gonna go do the same thing guys we're gonna go up here and we're gonna hold this position infantry will be right behind like so and horse archers you're gonna move up with me here follow me all right calves we only have 17 calves really we do not have a good cab presence we must a lot of we must have lost a lot of horsemen but here we go and here they come once again my favorite battlefield here look at this force oh yes a lot of these troops are mine too because I have such a big army all right my archers are getting in range that means I should start firing too I'm gonna try to use up all my ammo I've got my horse archers in position as well we need to put down as many arrows as we can there we go yes kill them all look at all the recruits that were just bringing down come on we need more we need to kill more come on yes break all right cap charge come on kill more for the recruits all right this is your time recruits this is your time to shine archers move back there all right here we go I'm trying to help where I can we are crushing them all right I'm out of ammo oh hey all right where's my horse where did my horse go come here I want your horse oh man we crushed them archers move up come on protect me cap protect me Oh God all right that's okay we should win this all right we've pretty much wiped out their army so we're gonna fast forward oh no my recruits don't hurt my recruits all right it's the calves really that that's really causing a lot of issues but right now we're just chasing them down and it looks like they are on the run and we're gonna end this as soon as we can and hopefully save as many as many recruits as possible all right there we go 18 lot only two died from my army that's perfect so our recruits should be okay and again I'm really cautious about the recruits because I got so many of them and I want a lot of them to become good soldiers so just trying to keep them alive and give them experience all right so you're you're captured and we got a ton of prisoners here which I think we should be able to hold on to it yeah we can hold on to all these absolutely absolutely so that's also gonna help build up our army as well as having all those prisoners so we should be good let me go ahead and join up with this guy really quick 32 wounded not bad and let's lay siege to this city and end this end this war or at the very least take this city there we go and we are going to build a ram and we wait we wait to attack hey we got a baby oh my god we're gonna name him Henry Henry it's a boy right well Henry's not a terrible name for a girl I guess it's not really a girl's name but it's kind of like edgy it's cool like this is Henry this is my daughter daughter like what so yeah if we go to its exit out of here let's check the new baby Empire of Cal Radia yes me and my baby is a yes a boy welcome to the world with little child you are going to be the Emperor one day let's return to see Jing all right so yeah we we've got our siege equipment almost built we're building some siege towers now I know some of you guys mentioned building artillery and that's gonna help you a ton I tested that out and our Tillery didn't really do much they just shot at the gate and did like no damage to the gate so I'm gonna stick with the siege towers I might build like 1 or 2 trebuchet and we'll build a like an honor and just kind of go with that but other than that I'm gonna stick with mine siege tower tactic okay so we've got the siege equipment ready which I'm going to go ahead and wait wait cancel we're gonna go ahead and place right here and then let's put one I guess right here so the siege equipments ready we're ready to go we greatly outnumber them this shouldn't be too difficult so let's fight it okay here we are I'm just gonna let them have at it again we've got our siege equipment you know what I'm gonna move this one let's move this one a little closer here there we go perfect so hopefully the the siege equipment helps the already helps and we're ready to go let's begin assault huge army going at it going at it so we have 631 troops now we have almost a thousand men but reinforcements will show up later but I'm gonna go ahead and brush up and trying to skirmish down some of the enemy archers just find a good position I'll probably go attack this side so far not so good we've already lost two men uh-huh you're not gonna hit me it's good in dismount right here and try to help out here we go oh how dare you okay well that's not going well so let's wait until more of my guys are pushing up we got to wait for the siege equipment to show up oh my god Hey look who's pushing up the siege tower look who it is it's that crazy companion I have the accursed I've given her like no equipment it's hilarious she just goes into every battle and dies all right let's push here we go the siege towers in place if my health is so low that if I even try to lead the attack you know I'm gonna die like instantly the other siege towers in place all right push guys push here we go I'm just gonna run up here and see what I can do I'm probably gonna die early on or get wounded early on it I guess I don't really die in this game to you do you or yet you don't die you just get wounded oh boy we've taken a lot of casualties trying to take this freakin city the city is so easy to defend come on guys let's go [Applause] let it go for the archers up here [Applause] don't think so buy three more arrows my push men push I'm busy dealing with the r-truth all right there you go go come on more men more men any more arrows there you go push recruits push [Applause] come on where's the extra forces oh I'm trying to do as much help as I can with such little help come on more troops what the heck why are you guys coming up like one at a time there we go now it's now we're getting some green oh my god we're getting some lag too Wow there we go the lag has finally gone away or it has it dang it okay okay I think it's it's better now that's for sure oh my god it just took us I guess we went through the gate and we killed a bunch of them now we're clearing out this position here and it's still super laggy I really hope they fix this like come on banner lord don't be so laggy it seems to be a little bit better now we're storming the the walls here we're gonna go rush the let me get some archers or not archers let me get some arrows here really quick all right how do I grab this it's not giving me the option it must be empty I guess there we go kill that guy he's throwing rocks down at my men Oh mad I'm getting pretty good with the the bow I push push push break through crush their forces look at this city that would work conquering here this is beautiful this is oz now for the Empire down with the Azariah and there you go guys victory we have won the battle we lost two hundred and thirty souls trying to take this city but we took the city and now we're gonna move on to the next one but before we do we're gonna rest up and try to get our army back up to health all right the city is ours let's let's go in here and and rest up for a couple days I'm gonna go ahead and up the cohesion here a little bit with our influence and we are also going to go to the keep let's go to the dungeon because we do have some prisoners I want to put in there we've got some vassals some enemy vassals so here we go put them in there for that prevent them from being able to join back in the war and yeah well we'll wait here for a couple days and let the army heal up oh my god we just took a bunch look at this we were just sitting here healing we just took a ton of azor i prisoners that is perfect guys I think we're crushing them I think any moment now the Asura are about to fall completely they have to be running out of men let's let's look at this alright first off we need to give this city away we'll give it to we'll give it to you I know more people wanted him to have it but he's gotten so much territory lately we can give him the next city resolve owner okay what is this another castle we'll give it to you since you missed out on the city so there you have it there you go and we have a lot of influence which I'm gonna go ahead and do what we always do we're gonna spend it on the next vassal who hates us so yeah let's give it to him get him positive again we're gonna do it until we get about 300 influence all right that's good enough is not negative 78 our charm has gone up to 145 we have most of our wounded healed up so we're gonna start marching out and we're gonna go siege the next city which is over here and we will continue our epic conquest we have plenty of food plenty of troops this is gonna go very well all right we're now in position we have 700 men 700 men ready to lay siege they have a defense of 488 so it's gonna be a little bit trickier to take this castle we might want to call in more troops just to be safe so well first off let's increase this the cohesion and then let's go ahead and call and see if we can get like this guys six days away four days five days two days one day there we go let's get you and you that will increase our strength just to play it safe so we can take this castle without losing too much whoa okay oh my god the answer I don't even see that there's no way where do thee where do they get these guys seriously this is gonna be a huge battle all right I am Apollo what are you offering oh wait no no no no is this the leader this is the leader of the Azariah showing up at that army of 600 men okay 800 excuse me we've got a battle of 877 versus our 727 we win this we greatly damaged the as arrive but we've got to win it with decisiveness we got to decisively win this battle so we can take this next city and I don't know like I don't know where they keep getting these guys from but they've got to be running out soon and oh this battlefield is not great let's go up to this hill all right archers get moving how many we have a hundred and twenty eight archers and we're gonna set up right here I guess it's right near the red line so right here I mean it's not great but I don't like these battlefields they have 86 horse archers all right infantry I don't know I don't know what to do Oh No archers set up here infantry get ready to shift over here cab blows in that's a lot of horse archers where's my horse archers I have three of them oh boy all right we got to protect our archers come on get up here so many horse archers I don't know where they get these troops from I really don't it's like they just hired crews eight mercenaries I think that's what they did we're getting some good kills my infantry infantry reform face this way all right we crushed them we crushed them we did it whoo or there goes their horse archers all right archers open fire come on focus their infantry focus our infantry where's my cap cap get out of there don't don't charge the infantry yet I know there's calves going to the flank Oh No hold holds men hold there you go all right archers kill their archers in the back hold this line we can do this hold this line there you go good job guys good job there we go oh they are dying quick get them guys get them alright infantry advance advance cab advance God they still have horse archers there's so many of them I don't know guys I don't know if we saved enough lives because remember we need a lot of true oh that's right they've got more forces god they have so many horse surgeries all right you know what stop advancing stop advancing go back go back cab go back let them come to us let them come to the archers this battles only just begun reform reform we've got more men what a fight oh my god give them hell guys give them hell I'm actually gonna move the archers up a little bit some more of them get a better angle all right here comes the next wave I'm just gonna randomly shoot here oh my God look at them all hold your ground infantry here comes the next wave all right cab advance you could probably kill a lot of them oh my God look at that force come on guys hold archers please get more kills their calves is just wrecking our cab the horse archers gotta go oh my god a bloody battle look at that kill fees where's my horse Oh Oh archers you got to get them hold your ground all right let me get on this little steppe horse here it should be pretty quick get them guys there you go huge break infantry keep holding all right infantry now's the time to advance get these archers the archers are kidding getting a lot of kills look at these mercenaries it's just that's all the answer I have is mercenaries oh my god the horse archers I got to try to help out against these horse archers all right archers advance I guess god are we getting any more troops how many have we lost to man come on archers it's all they have is skirmishers left we need to try to soften them up a little bit hopefully we can get them to break here huh I didn't expect another big army like this from the Azariah what is this does this reinforcements coming in oh there we go excuse me there we go guys clean them up ow this is a mess this battle is just a mess all right archers just stand your ground oh we won they're breaking all right let him flee we lost 314 men in this battle what a fight that was a huge battle that was crazy I did not think I didn't think a battle like this would happen all right you're my prisoner now so we got to heal up there's no way they're gonna send any more troops to us there's just no way man we took some heavy casualties heavy casualties tragic move another huge battle over we're gonna continue the siege but we desperately need more vassals with us I don't want to give up just yet like I really want to take this city and getting these extra men in our army should push push us to be able to take it but for now we just kind of have to wait a little bit keep building siege equipment and hope for the best oh my god they have another army over here look at they have 131 men guys we're gonna have to call off this is crazy yeah we're gonna have to call off the siege we're just two wounded we're gonna have to call it off and try to regroup I'm goo all right let's just try to save some time here all right they're not committing let's get some prisoners in here want to join our ranks we need more time it's just every time we try to siege they just hit us hard come on leave us alone okay that's all right see if we can get this guy to join us I'm the rightful ruler of this land did you not know that probably not gonna happen probably not gonna work all right let's try to get you nope he's not gonna join us so we're gonna have another big battle and after this battle we need to rest my army is greatly damaged well I tried I tried to avoid violence but you always must bring violence huh you must always challenge me Wow Wow look at the difference in numbers and the balance of powers still kind of close which is kind of crazy let's fight it no not this map again all right let's go back over here everyone follow me get back over here follow me all right archers loose formation set up here and infantry Oh God look at that army infantry oh you know what this is good this isn't good I don't know if we're gonna win this battle there's just so many of our uh but yeah infantry I'm actually gonna put you up with the archers you're gonna go up here archers archers face the enemy all right here we go yep set up archers oh my God look at that army that is a huge force all right let's hope for the best what are you doing infantry why are you looking that way all right I'm gonna fight with my men hey what are you doing oh go that way leave me alone come on get more kills why am I not hitting anything come on come on more kills all right make our stand infantry advanced archers are gonna have to fight where are you going infantry what are they doing what are they doing why are you doing this why are you doing this to me go towards the enemy horse archers our archers have to fight in close combat yes crush them there we go all right very nice advance we got to deal with their calves now because I'm pretty sure they just crushed our cavern die scum die all right I think I think we just want it okay that went pretty well with All Things Considered here let me get on this horse I'm not good enough to ride it we'll get out of here oh sorry oh the head shot over the horse while you was down that was a crazy shot right there crazy shot all right hey I thought we were gonna lose a lot more but their army was just so full of like crappy recruits that they just stood no chance all right and they're trying to escape no we're not done guys charge kill him kill him all right blended we lost 20 28 med 28 bed you got to be kidding me you got to be you're my prisoner now I'm taking all these guys as prisoners well after all those battles we need to go back and we need to heal up which is exactly what well actually should we we've got this force forming on you know what I say we go back to see gene I say we go back to seeing how many more armies can they have you know how many more forces can they send at us this has got to be the end the end of the azurite they've got they've had to have thrown everything at us there's no way they have anymore I just don't believe it I just don't believe it so we're gonna build all this fancy siege equipment we're waiting for more vassals to join us once they do we'll have a really strong army and we're gonna take out this next city you've got to be kidding me uh-uh no way ah this is ridiculous how many more troops do they have look at the amount of casualties oh my god they have so many all right no I'm done I am done okay it's gotta be like this huh it never ends you just keep throwing troops at us and you can hope for the best alright it's you let's see we don't have to kill each other please oh this guy might join us ineffective you formed an army huh and you want to challenge me alright so we need a critical success to get him to join our side if he does we might be able to avoid battle here and continue to siege but we need a critical success boom we did it welcome yes welcome oh that's perfect that is too good he joined us Oh nope they still want to fight they still want to fight okay well we're gonna have to fight them but this is gonna be much easier now now that they lost a bunch of troops and this army of 100s white right behind us so we should be able to beat this army go back to seeing and once again we're in the freaking desert okay alright let's go to this hill over here everyone everyone listen to me back here let's go a few more battles and we got this guy's so you said that 50 battles ago like I'm sorry alright archers set up here all right set up here but you're right here what you're facing the enemy so just face that way infantry right behind them and then we got a lot of calves actually we have a lot of horse archers that's pretty good what do they got alright know what horse archers go get em go get em horse archers nice who brought all the horse archers well done done there they go all right once again I'm gonna join the ranks my infantry you need to fix your place there you go oh they're already getting kills beautiful all right archers air cow go help the horse archers lost a couple horse archers here they come boys let loose let loose come on crush them more till more of them hold your ground we don't need the infantry all right well infantry charge [Music] get them boys get them just an absolute massacre everyone charge oh there goes my arch was looking to move up that's so cool what an army what a force all right enemies are fleeing let them run we've lost 14 men 14 men how many more troops are you gonna send at us huh how many more okay this army has been defeated let's group up with this other army what are you coming over to help us what are you doing don't chase alright whatever they'll join us later let's go siege again the siege town once again you think we could save the siege equipment there's no way now there's no way they have any more troops to deal with us good our siege equipment let's build our little artillery pieces and pretty soon when we get the last couple Lords hopefully they're nearby we're gonna have way more troops in them all right now it's daytime we've got an extra piece of artillery got a ballista so let's do this guy's let's lead a salt and let's end this city and make it our own the arm is in place we're now moving up let's go guys let's do this push up the siege equipment let's get aggressive now this is a cool castle it's it's definitely it definitely looks easier to take compared to the last one but I don't want to assume so let's just play it safe here I'm gonna close slowly close in on the enemy try to get into a good Archer position oh yeah oh yeah watch out oh dang it now we got the trebuchet is opening fire we have all the ballistas opening fire see if we can get some hits there we go there we go every Archer I kill I potentially saved like five lives potentially siege equipments ready here we go let's push move in with my men we're gonna take this wall God look at all the kills oh my God all these recruits are dying fine here we go let's get up here let's get this city let's take it gates going down they're climbing up on the other siege ladder come on we need more than two guys up here Oh God okay wait wait let's group up I wish there was like a nearby troop command all right wait what we charge you through the gate is that where you guys going because there's like nobody is - oh no not this not this again you guys are just running into the wall great it's this thing ow [Music] do as much as I can here comes reinforcements I look it's my crazy companion she's getting rekt there we go there occasionally coming up here like one at a time Oh God what's going on like what's happening they still need to fix siege battles it's still a problem all right now they're going through the gate yep they're all rushing through the gate I'm keeping these guys busy yep just keep shooting at me there you go come on archers oh that's so dumb it's like maybe I shouldn't bring siege equipment anymore they're just gonna do that look at this this is ah this is a cool siege this would have been awesome if I had an actual functioning army and we pushed through and actually got something done but yeah we're crushing this Center look at all the troops we should have just went through the gate it's like always go through the gate that's the best place to attack because the you know the AI the forces will charge through there once you break it open but yeah I'm just gonna fast forward unfortunately this would have been cool to like charge and be a part of this but no my troops don't go up the siege towers there we go there's the gate defense and now they're rushing across the gatehouse oh my goodness get in there guys for the empire down with the azor i down with the Azeri right we've lost 221 wow we've lost so much it's okay that is okay this city will be ours they've lost way more trying to defend this place you know with their endless amount of troops constantly attacking us over and over and over and this is the last stand of the Azariah right here this is their only hope and it's not enough and we will crush them very quickly there it is look how fast they're dropping all right Reb you say you can stop firing now we're mostly inside the city attacking the walls you don't need to fire there we go victory victory all right there we go finally we had to hunt down a couple like random soldiers but I'll take it we lost 269 but we got the castle we got the city and now we can move on okay so a part of me wants to just take this city because I need more of them remember I should always have more cities than they have but yeah I mean we took two more cities they've got four more to go looking at their strengths now here let's just vote on this oh I want the city though yeah I'm gonna keep it sorry it's mine you can have another city I just need a couple more it helps my influence a ton which is now 85 per turn thanks to the city and we're gonna go into here and rest a little bit so it's wait here for some time will rest for like a day or so get the wounded healed up and I'm gonna disperse this army I'm gonna disband it I should say so next next morning will disband it okay and we'll do that now so let's stop waiting let's leave well done lads go recruit get more forces do whatever you need to do and we're gonna go here and we're going to let's trade so let's trade all our Goods here except for you know the important stuff which is of course food and stuff let's just make sure all the food is locked up which it is and let's also make sure our our cattle is locked up as well which they are and we're gonna make fifty four thousand beautiful let's go to the keep let's manage the dungeon cuz I'm pretty sure we have some Lords in here that we're gonna put away or no do we not I guess they escaped or maybe or maybe someone else put them in there I don't know we have so many prisoners now it's crazy but yeah let's go ahead and add these troops to our forces and guys just like every episode we're gonna end it and our newly captured city and look I got another Falcon friend over here hello and the azor I continued to fall and I once again think about what we should do next on our next move but thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you next time on the battlefield
Channel: Pixelated Apollo
Views: 418,207
Rating: 4.8867841 out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord, campaign, first campaign, pixelated apollo, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, let's play bannerlord, episode, guide, tutorial, pa, talewords, massive army, siege, siege battle, pitched battle, funny, epic, mod, modded, commentary, first look, medieval, middle ages, total war, shieldwall, strategy, rts, morhau, new, first 30 mins, gameplay, m&b, siege defense, warfare, knights, king, bannerlord guide, how to play bannerlord, hd, campaign gameplay, part 36
Id: brzS5--QlRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 35sec (3035 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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