THE ANNOYING ADWARE!?! - Virus Investigations 4

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This isn't a good idea. It's a wonderful one!!

-Not Muta, just a fan

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Hex_kOOKIE 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2018 🗫︎ replies

Make him sing before we kill him with memes

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Lopjing 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello guys and gals me muta horn welcome to another episode of virus investigations this week I am covering something that I don't know if it really truly classifies as a virus but many virus organizations that put it in the same is fear one thing that I've wanted to cover for a long time now have you ever heard of bonzi buddy have you ever heard of those Virtual Assistants you know what I'm talking about you know you know your serial now your Amazon Alexa your Microsoft Cortana whatever Amazon digital assistant you can find on any of your devices every major tech company has one I think even Facebook has one I'm just not getting the name of it but every major company has their big giant tech AI personal assistant that they have nowadays on the front end these things help us do a lot of tasks on our devices without even touching them for example want to turn your Wi-Fi setting on and off just ask Siri to do it or you want it you want to turn off you want to browse a web page you want to Google something really quickly you ask your devices to do it you want to order something you ask Amazon to order you whatever you want or order you that dragon dildo you've been thinking of and the next thing you know you've got one ordered and shipped right to you next day Express now the more and more you use these devices the more and more intelligent they become for those of you don't know these are machine learning AIS they're use for a lot of really intense back-end stuff but the more and more we as society talk to these things are smarter they become the better they become they can even machine learning on some of our devices now we've gotten that powerful so it's interesting stuff what if I told you back in the day these things existed all right back in the day there was one AI that existed one personal virtual assistant a virtual pet if you will an amalgamation of Tamagotchi and complete pure cancer ponzi buddy [ __ ] bonsai buddy dude this purple [ __ ] monkey brought on by Satan himself to make our lives miserable now I've never touched this myself but I've seen plenty of videos plenty of plenty of coverage about this man about this topic so going into the web page over here bonzi link here you got bottom Z buddy calm your best friend on the Internet take a minute and make a friend for life it's discontinued your friend is dead they've killed off your friend if this was ever your friend so you can download bonzi buddy for free which I believe every single water version of bonds you buddy was for free I think there were some paid for features in the application but let's go over here okay so it talks it emails it brasses it laughs to tell faxes get schedules it downloads sings and searches and it has a nice butterfly on top in the North Pole so it is a computer software he actually learns from okay that was a note I see over there it seems like the HTML cut off welcome to the world of bonds he buddy he will explore the internet with you as your very own friend and sidekick he can talk walk browse search email and download like no other friend you've ever had I don't think that's a friend that's a [ __ ] slave if they're downloading and emailing for you that's that's a [ __ ] slave let's be honest here he even has the ability to compare prices on the products you love and help you save money best of all he's free so it really it really was free I guess hello there I can't wait to meet you wait and wait until we get to the text-to-speech stuff that is the latest part of this video that is that of the best so you've got some you know obvious screenshots about the topic you can you know as bonds you better do a bunch of things you can make them send a bunch of emails with these [ __ ] at emojis you can you can even use it as a download manager back then they were if you would look to zoom if you zoom in really closely they're downloading like 437 kilobytes of information dude that is [ __ ] minimal so alongside that you need about 16 megabytes of RAM I know it's pretty pretty pretty intense of specs 11 megabytes of free disk space Windows 9x I think it could be 95 or 98 and NT for any Windows 2000 a sound card I guess is somewhat needed obviously if you want to hear the cringy voice dialog microsoft IE explorer fiver above there are people watching this video that were not alive years after that was discontinued now he has he has it has a copyright date of 1995 and 2000 meaning that it is it is a very very old piece of software again there are people that are watching this video that have not been alive for years even after this has been discontinued pretty impressive you think about it now bonzi buddy is technically considered spyware there are two big firms out there that classify this as adware it is universally at advertised as a potentially unwanted program or pump and some have claimed that it is actually late and spyware now let me get into all those definitions real quick up until now we've looked at malware's spyware is basically viruses or programs designed to take your personal information for nefarious reasons to send them off ship them for somewhere they're basically systems that are spying on you pups are not necessarily viruses but they've been deemed programs that are just unwanted they may not have anything negatives about them they're just annoying okay kind of think of them like as like bloatware if you will all right you ever buy a cell phone and you end up you end up having like a million apps on it that you don't want it consider some of those to be pups if you will adware is not necessarily I think even a virus although it does break the definition wants to starts manipulating things without your consent basically adware will essentially manipulate your device for you to receive more advertising you remember when we were doing those videos where you're playing those cringy flash games on the internet and they have those flash games where it wanted us to download a Chrome extension that was necessarily adware that was basically going to modify my web page every time so I would get ads specifically targeted from it it would inject my page filled with ads it's adware now in this way bonzi buddy sort of gets the distinction - semantics who run Norton and I believe Trend Micro or the two organizations that have classified this as adware so it's not a clean program there is a lot of stuff that is negative about this issue okay there's there so there's a lot of people that just don't plain like it so here I have a Windows Vista VM that I made I know that Windows it's a 32-bit VM that I made for Windows Vista and before we continue okay I don't hate Windows Vista it's not a bad system all right it was just a little ahead of its time it's still a perfectly usable operating system if this is what you got I would still recommend upgrade some [ __ ] 7 or 10 but Vista is still very usable ok it's got interesting things like this Aero mechanic which is something let me tell you but basically I installed bonzi buddy into the system and it installed multiple versions of bonds but got updated through the year so you have to you have three and you have four so we're gonna start off with two and I'm just gonna fire the application and sort of get Monsey buddies started I feel like in retrospect I probably should have started four but I created a bunch of snapshots in case so let's actually start one real quick and see where we go from so it's actually started for gonna think unexpected error quitting okay that's that's great dude that's amazing unexpected error quitting oh god I just got unexpected errors everywhere see that's the problem that's the best part about pre recording these things give me a little second through the power of editing and I'll make sure this program works you will see this [ __ ] monkey I will swear on my life you will give me a second all right no hello there okay I don't believe we've been properly introduced I don't think so alright so the program started it seems like give me a skinny a second so it seems like Windows oh my god this is gonna be a hell of a treat ladies and gentlemen now apparently Windows Vista as far as I recall had the most aggressive of virus protection software I guess or a user account controlling ever it was not letting me launch for some weird reason so bonzi buddy is this interesting little monkey floating around my screen now it's asking me for my name so I'm gonna put in my name is [ __ ] Tim alright I'm just gonna give it a random name and I'm gonna see how good it is meet you Tim so it's got the first time we have met I'd like to tell you a little about myself this is my first time using a friend and bond the more we browse search and travel the internet together the smarter I'll become yeah but you will do it okay I'm really proud of you Oh God oh it's smart okay alright well we'll go with that okay so Internet can feel like a jungle at times I can't help you find what you are looking for and even make suggestions as to where we should get it I'm already [ __ ] getting annoyed by this thing and I haven't gotten past the tutorials in smallest friend you have Tim but I will always try and make up for that with my big part oh this is one thing you can say it's got personality okay let's me any personal assistant nowadays that doesn't have personality like this but relax let me start it oh my god I just want to shoot this thing type something into my speech screen hello YouTube okay let's see Jim let's keep it clean oh they anticipated exactly what the first thing we render okay so it's got a pretty interesting you know voices speech okay it's not exactly as elegant as Microsoft saying or Microsoft Anna but but it's alright you know it's whatever so going around he's got telling jokes let's hear the amazing [ __ ] let's hear it let's hear the amazing memes of bonzi buddy tell me a joke oh no it glitched out oh [ __ ] oh god what's going on just what the [ __ ] I think the program is broken hold on I just want to hear a joke bonzi tell your boy a joke oh here it is if you are sure yes sure at Thanksgiving dinner who's never hungry turkey right there's a dead turkey gave its life for you man tell it okay tell me an amazing fact it's gonna dig out the paperwork or something for you Jim did you know that lightning strikes about six thousand times per minute on this planet look out threat you uninstall the program [ __ ] you did all right Thank You bonzi okay think stop okay it's literally dying it's actually Microsoft agent server was killed in the process of making this video no we'll wait holy crap oh my god it is it is shot it is shot to [ __ ] can I kill you man hearing an amazing fact [ __ ] killed it ok restart again so here's its actual option settings over here you set up your email accounts like if you have if you have a pop3 email server you can just set it up and hook it up over here so I can actually read you all their emails if God forbid you wanted that and you have email intervals how many times it's saying sleep mode which you probably want to put this thing at about a minute for its usage if you even want to install I don't know why you've got salutation so obviously what your name is internet connection which is really interesting because it has using dial-up modem America online are always connected to the Internet yeah there used to be there used to be a point where you are all where you had where you have to actually manually connect to the internet every time you wanted to use it god I feel old now over here you have controlling how much you want it to interact with you so if if you're a sadist okay for whatever [ __ ] reason you could have it never stop [ __ ] talking or you could tell it to shut the [ __ ] up very kindly it'll tell you how many times you want it to be funny how many times you want to hear friendly facts and there's an interesting thing called friendly conversation I guess we'll slide that [ __ ] up to ten okay let's hear some more friendly conversation oh okay that was a weird winked now I have a task manager up here that I'm looking through with all of the CPU usage on it and bombs you buddy likes randomly spikes up to like 25 percent for some reason so this [ __ ] guzzles your CPU watch out for that now it's got a bunch of stories so bond T in the internet okay read me a story the air is great it's a storybook reader what oh god this is awful okay yeah it takes me to the next page please error I think that's a blessing in disguise okay well well well it will end the story so it has a storybook reader I don't know I don't know why that would be needed if I thank you my options area whatever over there bonds you buddy email okay so if you got a like new message can I open it up oh my god this UI is absolutely like the program just just has an issue like right now it's not even hooking my right click like when bonzi buddy has frozen that way there's no animation it is dead what's going on it's it's see it spikes up to 25% CP usage like what's going on he literally is having a stroke this monkey right now is having a stroke on my computer okay well I guess I got a [ __ ] kill it at that point yeah in the process okay well why Ponzi buddy now is just stuck there oh my god okay now now it's dick what did I get but I'm so glad virtual machines exist oh my lord okay stop it's got a brain on me Tim so here you can actually browse the web using your bonzi buddy so for example let's assume that we want to travel the web okay let's find a site okay show me Facebook all right it'll take me to Facebook or something bonzi buddy is gonna take me over to well first of all it's gonna load up Microsoft Internet Explorer out to Facebook for some what oh god this is why it can't do you can't even do that so the thing with bonzi buddy is a statistic if you look at the URL it's hooking me into bonzi comm out of nowhere bond see portal index dot asp like it doesn't even hook you into a google or so it doesn't hook you into like google searches right through there like every personal assistant nowadays you can actually set your preferred search engine so it doesn't try to like auto do it through itself that is so sorry it's just it's all about you can oh god you'll search the world for me how to kill bonzi buddy okay let's learn how to do that is it gonna respond to it no i searched in the world how to kill itself god bless this monkey you don't don't have it don't have a care in the world dude again you can't do it cuz you gotta throw it through Fonzie buddy had to kill Fonzie buddy oh my god it won't work it just won't work tit so it's got um share me with friends I guess for some reason um not working not working there I see play games all right calendar show me show me the calendar calendar so this is its calendar all right here you can like schedule dates on bonzi button it'll keep [ __ ] more lines got it nowhere I can't track all of your appointments well thank you and special events for you god it's so annoying this voice is so awful I hate it it's just I want I want to if wish I could jump into my computer and [ __ ] strangle this thing I swear to God because so I'm trying to look for new add-ons I guess this is a way for you to install extensions to bondi bondi bondi buddy if I can [ __ ] read and try and try to make a better day and try to make try to make it smarter can I go through bonzi beat checkers jungle jigsaw okay show me jungle jigsaw it's loading again Goldmember login oh [ __ ] I don't have a Goldmember logging anesthesia thought I'd add bonds oh you can't even [ __ ] log in dude okay so at least you can play it over here I guess which is the interest let's just meet let's get rid of the task manager bonzi okay so it's got some games I guess if you want to play it so if you're really in for a jigsaw puzzle um hey I I guess you have it dude like holy so my god this is terrible geez obviously I assume it's a corner piece and of course it's a corner piece this is a piece for not there okay why am i why am i playing a ponzi buddy jigsaw puzzle like what's wrong with what have I done in my life that is so [ __ ] terribly boring that I'm start doing this holy crap alright you know what we're gonna do it I'm [ __ ] that up by the way that goes that goes there what am i doing why am I playing this puzzle No so does it have a bunch of other things okay so it's got a ship puzzle it's got what I believe to be said said is that is it the I believe that's a globe like New York is that what the [ __ ] it's got a picture of the sky with like I assume late-late lakebed to it it's got a forest it's got a lot it's got a lot of jigsaw puzzles is clearly who are the budgeting for this one do you want to scramble the puzzle knob dude how about how about how about how about we don't okay let's close bonzi buddy let's try it's trying to literally tell me to get a gold membership log and it's not happening alright let's try the other games I let's see let's just get through them all beat checkers you get yet how they're all jungle themes and stuff oh oh god are we really gonna play like this or we absolutely gonna okay start the game I guess you're playing against bond see funny dude back then you probably needed some [ __ ] probably new to a 3d voodoo effects - render this [ __ ] alright guess well well hmm don't move that over there I suppose oh dude that's [ __ ] dope that's it that's that so that's some interesting stuff that that's that's good I get that that's that's interesting no it's not no it's not so that that's checkers I guess I look like he has that smug look on him like he knows he's gonna he knows he's trying to outsmart me dude shut the [ __ ] up dad here let's do solitary no he just showed up there I thought you disappeared I was almost so happy this is a chair this is Microsoft solitaire except with the bouncy bunny like theme to it okay so if you ever played solitaire I don't think I have to describe to you what solitaire really is do I it's it's solitaire okay we've all we've all played it on our off time it's like describing minesweeper okay we all know what minesweeper is so let's get rid of this weird body buddy go bonza oh he died the excess tree killed himself I think I murdered bonzi no i'm god i'm summoning another one no get rid of that stop it you kidding me there's all ado this works it's got syncing to it man over the river and through the woods oh god I wonder if this might actually play a real mp3 song let's try to hear it the end through the woods to grandfather's house we took the [ __ ] lyrics to any song and I just put it in the text-to-speech it's like if I took it's like if I took any song right now teller the [ __ ] lyrics and put it into text-to-speech then backs on a new change might be love do cocaine it's always [ __ ] is you're gonna like look at that you can literally [ __ ] you just call my name and save me from the dark bid my blood to run like that's literally all they did they just stuffed the [ __ ] leer to let the basic speech function handle it dude God they did not put any effort into it so stop rotating Jesus Christ man stop it you know what I actually feel pretty [ __ ] terrible about installing this [ __ ] I I always used to I didn't think it would be this [ __ ] terrible here we come I never thought it would be this [ __ ] bad to deal with to deal with bonds buddies so I'm gonna I'm gonna actually end I'm gonna end this this part okay over I'm just gonna back out of this cuz I'm gonna save this for a live stream okay I will live stream soon okay destroying this whole operating system okay I mean I actually have to load up tons of fire something have to [ __ ] up Windows Vista because holy [ __ ] [ __ ] I have basically thrown napalm onto this so I think I have to ignite the fire at some point so we're gonna we're gonna shut the whole system down okay very very nicely well save this for another day I think that was all of bonzi buddy I needed to need for this moment in time at least holy [ __ ] that was horrible so today we saw what I would like to call a example of a pump an adware or spyware allegedly now this wasn't necessarily similar to the four billion dollar ransomware virus what you saw today was one of the most annoying but in all in all harmless pieces of malware out there it's a joke amongst many people in the community all-in-all bonzi buddy is a very very annoying and useless desktop helper personal assistant whatever you want to call it if you if this thing has ever helped you in any way you are a [ __ ] patron saint let me tell you if this thing ever assisted you my god do I have a new level of patience for you as a person but ultimately I don't think bonzi buddy is really as reliable as someone like to claim but the entire claimants that this is a piece of this is a virus toolkit or something of the sort is still dubious to me do I find what this does different than any other tech company out there that does also collect your data to analyze and build itself up with I don't think it's far off from it there has never been any case of bonzi buddy or the company leading it to ever be charged with illegally selling data as far as my knowledge goes I might be wrong but as far as I know I don't think any illegal data was sold or any laws were broken while semantics and Trend Micro do consider this to be adware spyware gray where it is still classified as pretty annoying in terms of anybody okay it's a potentially unwanted program and that's basically an example of what we're showing you over here so up until now you've definitely seen some of the high end spectrum of weird viruses you've definitely seen some lower end stuff we might look at some dos viruses later on we'll look at the Chernobyl virus which did actually cause millions upon millions of dollars of damage or don't we're near four billion but definitely some massive issues and I believe that one was popularized in South Korea if I'm not mistaken but bonzi buddy a program that I've wanted to see for years but just never really had the I guess want or drive or necessity of the time to look into it now I sort of sat down engaged with bonzi buddy and while I have two hours of video recorded I didn't want to at some point maybe kill myself throughout the entire endeavor so if you actually use this on ironically again you had the patience of the saint I however do not when it comes to this annoying piece of crap so that was our look at bonzi buddy unfortunately never got to see it in its heyday but hey for all intents and purposes I think what we saw was just fine ladies and gentlemen I think that's enough for this episode of virus investigations next week we'll be looking at something more dastardly I think at one point we'll definitely stream this so let me know if in the comments below if you want me to scream the destruction of this poor Windows Vista virtual machine that has been created on my computer let's give it a fitting burning death okay let's drive this Lamborghini into the [ __ ] wall in an inferno ladies and gentlemen this has been me muta har if you liked what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you dislike it I am out [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 2,479,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, annoying, adware, virus, investigations, episode, episode 4, bonzi buddy, sog, some, ordinary, gamers, some ordinary gamers
Id: EkjQ2FsFGzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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