What if the UK Kept the USA? | Hearts of Iron 4 [HOI4]

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the admins are also getting themselves into a conflict and it's interesting to see they survived World War one when obviously a lot of other places didn't they're fighting pop papa now instead of giving the u.s. back to the British and bass game boy for I want to use this mod instead it's called Pax Britannica obviously it's way more thought-out and it's a world based around what if the American Revolution failed and as you can see it's a it's very much like Kaiser Ike I'm surprised it really hasn't gotten covered all that much it's been around for a while and it recently got an update and obviously it kind of works perfect for this video here it's kind of crazy how similar in north america looks to a video we did a couple weeks ago where france kepts French Louisiana once again we have a strong Mexican Empire the US haven't really moved westward much and we've got a Canada that's stronger than ever also a big shocker here South America actually has a little bit of relevance Brazil is one of the only socialist nations definitely the biggest in the world there's a few pockets around the map but they're kind of leading the charge now obviously this universe the British have remained ultra powerful with their holdings in America they've been on top of the world for at least a century now but after World War one and the I guess that's when Germany collapsed as well as Italy things aren't really still looking that good especially in Austria we've got a lot of sexual frustration there nationalism and authoritarianism are rising all throughout the east and actually the French and British are among the only major Democratic powers and back in the Western Hemisphere obviously the u.s. under the British Dominion aren't doing very well at all I'd actually say Canada is probably their prized possession at least in this continent alright I guess Denmark's going through a Civil War I didn't see this in my test runs I'm also using chaos AI which makes this mod a whole lot better I should mention I didn't exactly read everything about the lore but I'm assuming with all their territory in North America yeah Great Britain didn't really care much about India as well as Australia which makes a lot of sense you might as well let someone else have a prison colony I thought that was really nice touch if they did stop those damn Americans they probably wouldn't have cared as much about this stuff Tojo has finally taken his rightful place as leader of Japan and I believe he's gonna be going after Russia soon I I think he leaves China alone since their social democracy in this world yeah things seem to be going pretty well over here I'm really shocked they're super stable seem to be pretty powerful which reminds me have you guys ever tried opium Denmark is now attacking Norway all right they're being very aggressive in this video Wow okay well just like that Denmark has restored their monarchy and grabbed all of Norwegian territory back that was not what the civil war is for this has kind of come out of nowhere have you had to take a guess out of all the countries in Europe I think it's pretty safe to say we all know who's about to start everything in terms of World War two but in my test runs the Austrians didn't do very well especially because this Balkan League also formed up and they were kind of tough to take down oh man another great Mexican Empire is mobilizing against Central America I expect these guys to have a pretty good game are you to just need to get over it what first of all what year is it I'm pretty sure we we've already dealt with this conflict also Austria do you really want to go down this road again oh you know what maybe this is actually for the best there they seem to be kicking ass over here all right yeah this is fine anyways back in North America Mexico is doing okay but maybe not as good as I thought their monarchy but they got a lot of rebuilding to do yeah they definitely to get you know a few more factories the Ottomans are also getting themselves into a conflict and it's interesting to see they survived World War one when obviously a lot of other places didn't they're fighting pop papa uh some something doesn't feel right here that okay this this must be my stepdad he's about to beat me well either way let's see if he even survives he does have this mountain range that will keep him safe this just feels so so [ __ ] weird still the Austrian Reich has just taken 12 states all right well they they definitely made quick work of the Balkan League yep that's what I thought Tojo's attacking the Russian government I think they do pretty well in this conflict - oh and I think it's safe to say stepdad Stalin is not gonna make it to the end of this he's gonna die well good riddance oh and it's all good because we have another Soviet daddy here that can take his place khrushchev I haven't seen you before and wait for actually we have seen him a couple times Japanese also got the Mongolians to join the co-prosperity sphere I don't think they're involved in this war just yet hopefully that that changes okay and this peace deal just occurred took ten states alright the Ottomans are back baby what I also forgot to mention that Native American tribes are leading this part of the u.s. Idaho Montana the Dakotas this is a social liberal tribe as well as we've got ultra-nationalism in I guess Cascadia I guess this world's former central powers if they even had that sort of thing just kind of form back up between the Austrians and the Ottomans they also plan to attack Ukraine god dammit we just we just found this guy - and just look at my test run Milan is looking like it's trying to reform Italy they're attacking the papal States I think though I think they'll be fine surprisingly no one's trying to do that in Germany we've got all sorts of ideologies going on over here they're not fighting each other though oh and socialist Brazil is now moving in after Bolivia they've got to spread it somehow because damn that ideology isn't doing very well as well as you can see France is planning on attacking Milan which is actually pretty smart because they still aren't finished with this conflict down here it's now 1948 and I just realized there are five major factions in this world you can't really count Croatia because they're there by themselves obviously the British are doing the best but there are a lot of up-and-coming teams well things are starting to look a little bit better both the Austrians and the French taken some lands which is nice because damn these borders were looking disgusting in the beginning Portugal is now attacking the United Netherlands which both these nations have more colonies and they do in the base game so they both actually doing pretty good here yeah I mean looking around they got stuff all over the place this is kind of like a mini world war or at least like a mini eastern hemisphere war yeah Dutch I don't know if you realize this but if your Congo divisions actually still had hands they'd probably able to find a lot better down here oh I almost miss this one I believe Iran declared war on Egypt so they obviously called Big Daddy B to come in and save the day who would another faction just formed up between Sweden and Finland which I believe they're the Republic of Finland's yeah they definitely switched ideologies Oh God okay that that's what they're gonna do well this is gonna be fun damn guys do you guys really need more territory please please don't take this all yourself this is getting ridiculous finally something to Germany starting to happen alright and that is from there ultra-nationalism side and with the fall of Milan to the French we now have socialism from Two Sicilies now taking over this Peninsula they've got a while to go but they can do it Japan and Tojo really haven't made much progress at all against the Russians I know that Siberia is tough to fight in but damn I thought they'd get much further than this and just look at how the tables have turned this is actually really really weird to see and at the same time the British are going after Spain that doesn't make any sense at all because the Spanish are also conservative I figured they'd be invited to the party if anything okay yeah I clearly need to check back in on Nations a little bit more frequently beautiful Oswald is here man we've had a lot of a lot of sexy cameos in this video which means the strongest nation on earth by far just became super nationalistic alright I'm sure nothing bad will happen because of that things are just getting insane even though technically we don't really have a major world war 2 just yet fre Germany's going after a communist Germany and Poland I think is about to die just after they puppet it Prussia - Thank You Mongolia I don't know if you're the one that's actually doing all the work I doubt it but Russia is is finally about to fall oh well I guess they're not gonna fall completely Japan just wanted all of Siberia or most of it all right well that's fine so much is happening right now it's it's really hard to keep up the Austrians just became super powerful taking all of Poland and all of Prussia I don't think they can stand up to the British just yet they're getting there as well as oh yeah Sweden and Finland you're now a thing I guess we are seen in an East Asian war China declared war on Mongolia meaning that's gonna pull in all of the co-prosperity sphere is Mongolia like super strong in this universe how are they pushing I just did not expect that how are you guys no they only have like six seven they don't have anything basically Wow alright yeah this is really heating up and I don't think China has a chance Japan's doing real good right now oh whoa I believe the Americans in the Canadians actually did something I didn't realize but as Spain was still controlling Cuba and now that just capitulated and in literally about a year everything and Iberia just changed obviously the British wanted to take as much land as possible that's just what they seem to be doing but the French should also went after Portugal and they got them on their side unfortunately this is kind of hard to see but um III think I think you can get the picture mostly just joined the Austrian Reich and basically this games over because they have a fabrication on the French so it was nice knowing you all right well I was not expecting this video to go this way talk about a dark [ __ ] twist democracy's dead now yeah there's just no way this is gonna go very well for ya especially because you have no friends there's there's no one to call in and no matter what universe it is America will always take French Louisiana they're gonna get crushed and what the end of the world is happening I guess Sweden and Finland decided to get themselves in a two-front war Norway which is still Denmark and Russia both nations aren't aren't very strong so they should do well here actually they're the only shiny and glimmer of hope left in this universe I think they're the only social Liberal government I really hope they win these conflicts now and the kingdom of Tibet has basically taken over all of India or at least northern India this has got to be the best Tibetan game we've ever seen and Japan is about to take out China as well and here's the end of a very depressing and quick World War two the Austrian Reich taking 44 states the British taken 23 the French have been completely destroyed oh wait a second no I I've actually been noticing this this game's somewhat similar to Kaiser Reich they don't always take a bunch of territory they like to release lands still a puppet under the Austrians control Wow well that is an amazing peace deal I didn't expect them just to take everything man that's that's pretty beautiful what are those guys that's gonna be the end of this video this had to have been one of the more chaotic scenarios we've done maybe the most we've done in a while just I could I could barely keep up so much so much things to look at all the ideologies that were happening all the switches it sucks at this you can't really tell in terms of factions what's going on but yeah these guys became a lot more powerful the u.s. kind of just faded into the background this entire campaign they just added a little bit of extra help to the British which honestly they they really didn't need anymore because they were too ope thanks for watching and I'll see you next time and as always big thanks to my patreon supporters Franco is thick leather daddy linen Matthew R M bish free cruise Swiss Argo Jake Paul's my daddy Tyler Maxie G Sean Spellman Jen's Luvdisc father uncle grandpa reciprocation Matthew E Nathaniel n elijah senpai john cook's bay y own and lvc
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 688,250
Rating: 4.9287558 out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, Hearts of Iron 4, HOI4, Hearts of Iron 4 UK, HOI4 UK, Hearts of Iron IV UK, Hearts of Iron 4 USA, HOI4 USA, Hearts of Iron IV USA, Hearts of Iron IV, USA, UK, Hearts of Iron 4 Pax Britannica, Pax Britannica, United Kingdom, United States, Hearts of Iron 4 United States, HOI4 United States, Hearts of Iron 4 United Kingdom, HOI4 United Kingdom, Hearts of Iron IV United States, Hearts of Iron IV United Kingdom
Id: K_wr4KIqtHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2018
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