USA & Germany Axis! (Unholy Alliance) | Hearts of Iron 4 [HOI4]

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Francisco just an exportable and he formed nationalist Iberia wealthy Portuguese people enjoy their new national anthem did you be hearing it a lot we've done a video in the past where the Germans and the Soviet Union join forces that was called the Berlin Moscow alliance this however is called the unholy alliance between the US and Germany because both these nations are gonna be going into a crusade against communism in this timeline FDR hates the commies more than he hates places that don't offer some sort of ramp now obviously this is a pretty popular path in the US focus tree let's see how this plays out in 1936 alright so right away I guess the US are declaring war let's see how this crusade goes and of course Roosevelt is calling in his new buddy that's that's very sweet of them now I don't think there's gonna be any immediate conflict it's gonna take you know some time I guess they still got to both take down the punching bag of Europe try to figure out what the UK and France are gonna do are they gonna be alright without North American support maybe that's not even the right question are they're gonna be okay with this North American threat oh that's right so the only European power that's gonna be supporting Franco is mostly me alright well have fun with that because yeah Germany's at war so they can't send anything over oh wait a second no it's gonna be okay Republican Spain doesn't have anyone supporting them it's in stalin's at war too all right all right maybe he's got a chance I guess we'll see now as a little reminder the German Soviet liance did really well like that was probably the most dominant we've ever seen the AI I don't know if we're gonna see the same thing today I mean it's it's gonna be tough to top also the US was forced to go fascist in order to get this to continue to work which that's a pretty big deal because now that means that well they're starting to influence everyone in the Western Hemisphere this will probably lead to many new axis members its 1938 by the way and world tensions already at 86% that is a good sign this is gonna be a fun one we also just had two fascist civil wars pop up in Latin America alright I expect a lot more of this Francisco by the way did unbelievably pull out the win in Iberia so this is uh yeah this is starting to get a little scary well yes this is one small piece of good news but then again I don't think it would have mattered either way Wow Mexico is actually gonna win the Civil War I'm surprised because almost everywhere else in this region is going fascist either way I'm pretty sure this is gonna end very very badly for you guys just a matter of time we also have our first European war that I guess actually have conflict in it at least you would slobby a versus Bulgaria all right seems like this is gonna be pretty one-sided oh boy okay some something Bad's gonna happen from this Iran joined the Allies because Turkey declared war on Iran well I thought this would be the conflict that would lead to world war two but they're doing pretty all right they're not join Danya factions oh god this is not good luckily the Soviets don't have to deal with any immediate border conflicts so they can just kind of focus on this it's a non-aligned uprising I think they should be able to handle them good good okay here hito formed his co-prosperity sphere I was afraid to join the axis he's not supposed to do that but we've seen that in the past again just this is why he's my favorite boy for anime character yeah I don't think I've ever said this but this would have been a great time for Poland just to have joined the Allies yeah this wasn't the best move for him I'm pretty shocked that turkeys about to capitulate without anyone ever letting them in I understand you don't want to go to war with the Allies right now but what tension is that a hundred percent well look who joined the party all right who cares oh [ __ ] okay well that actually makes it pretty big deal because the peace treaty just happened I'm assuming they've already joined the Allies all right well I don't know what else I expected of course it was Italy let's let's see how this goes holy [ __ ] I well this is amazing France clearly wasn't ready for this war where are all their divisions okay I'm assuming they might have been back in the Middle East because they were trying to take out Turkey and now they got Yugoslavia on their side so this is looking very good for the fascists we also have Franco taking out Portugal but you know that team is still dealing with a huge mess this is not gonna be fun and of course it also bought sack Poland because that's just what he [ __ ] does and most importantly this free American Empire needs to get rid of Canada like as soon as possible and they need to help out somehow in the British Isles because the German AI always has trouble here and hopefully this old French dude is able to help Italy and African front cuz he's probably gonna need it Francisco just an exportable and he formed nationalist Iberia well healthy Portuguese people enjoy their new national anthem did he be hearing it alive for some reason a Romanian Hungarian war just popped up as well as we've got a Danzig war on the horizon right so obviously the Canadians were not gonna last very long now let's see how the Americans are doing naval e at least in Europe okay I actually expected a lot better than this that that can't be good off and this this is not gonna end well for you I understand you needed money but a gangbang is not always the way to go alright so here it is this is where the real test of this video comes into play and I'm very lucky to this scenario kind of played out somewhat historical I mean we've got an adolf hitler that's at worth pulling the Soviet Union they've already taken out France and the UK will the American support though be enough to help them win wait a second this isn't good why is stalling at war China Japan is also at war China I I don't understand this I was just about to say he's looking okay everywhere else I mean at least for the most part he didn't have that civil war so I'm sure he's not as strong as usually is also this conflict between China and the Soviet Union just popped up there's now this front over here alright well I think it's safe to assume the Chinese are not gonna have a fun time all in the exes are now getting help from Franco who's actually not doing too bad this campaign anyways the Polish war doesn't seem to be going as smoothly as they'd like yeah they're actually losing a lot of territory what the [ __ ] all right well that's definitely something you don't see every day at the very least this will distract the USA I or at least somewhat here they still got to deal with a lot of other axis members damn Berlin just fell to the Polish and this is only Poland here like it's not like the Soviets are over here contributing at all I don't I don't get this game to make matters worse I think Oh laid-off is gonna go after Benny lux because that that's just totally necessary I mean you've already killed France I don't get the point of going after the European speed bump I'm waiting for eight off to tell me it's just a prank bro it's just a prank but Poland is continuing to take more territory please tell me it's gonna stop it's got eventually stop Poland's got no manpower there are a few Allied troops over here but not many I mean keep in mind the Soviets are still dealing with the Chinese it's like they're sending all the divisions to Europe which by the way I think China's gonna capitulate here soon the American military is in Europe supporting the Nazis and this this front is still the same it hasn't really changed this is crazy that even the country that can't beat a bunch of [ __ ] birds is now invading the Philippines that's a minor axis member and sometimes AI just completely forgets about them I don't know what's going on here as well as Japanese are about to win their war against all of China which is a big deal because obviously stolen canal focus on what's going on over here oh I think that's it I think hentai Islands is about to save the axis from complete embarrassment they're going after the Soviet Union which means obviously that's gonna be a pretty huge distraction in the East as well as Germany is finally doing better against Poland they should be able to take him out here soon and then and then they can move out towards Moscow I mean unless Joseph thinks he can do this all by himself which it's possible he hasn't taken much damage at all at least so far in this video he's gonna have to fight a pretty tough to front war though he also just got Michael the first on his side which is definitely a help as Poland dies up in the north here there's the peace deal and if you were unsure before clearly the u.s. is putting in a lot of work yeah Hitler one to one that obviously if if they weren't there in Europe just by looking at this peace deal things are not really getting much easier though I mean everyone at this point is that worth the axis and they still gonna take down Benelux cuz that that's gonna be annoying yeah but I did notice there were a few naval invasions that were happening in the British Isles so this is gonna be a long-term problem especially if the UK can't support some of their allies oh damn III didn't realize this I guess the fall of that faction just meant Brazil has to die they were doing pretty well down here - pretty insane looking map at least not when it comes to the eastern hemisphere it's not until you look at the new world where yeah clearly things are a little different this thing is now formed which explains why everything looks maybe a little bit darker they also declared war on Denmark because you might as well interestingly you can now see a couple of American divisions fighting for the Germans against the Soviets in the Eastern Front just kind of a weird thing to see well I think this is it there's just no way only the Soviet Union and the UK at this point are gonna be able to stop all these enemies the interesting thing here though is without Japan's help would they've been able to do this that's kind of insane to me because for a second there it looked like Germany and America we're gonna lose and that was with the help of Benito and Francisco I think we would see very different results if if Japan didn't join in this is one of the biggest things though the American Navy is just dominating they can push their divisions wherever they need to go and actually at this point they're the only ones that are really moving against the Soviets well there it is and surprisingly I've never seen this before but when it comes to fascists they always take the land for themselves in this case Germany gave most of the land to that Russian uprising and they were actually not aligned well here's what the first peace deal looks like we still have another one but um interesting to see these guys in so much power and here's the next one Treaty of Brazzaville we've got Germany taking a hundred four states that's more like it Italy taking twenty that's actually about it because Japan wasn't really involved much against the Allies wait a second who the hell got all these puppets I'm guessing the US I I think it's the US nope not really the Americans barely got anything that's weird I mean I'm just saying guys they did most of the work I don't think I'm being biased about this yeah not only did Adolf take a pretty good chunk of territory he just puppeted like the entire world literally I think he puppeted almost everyone what he was guys this was a pretty interesting world and not in the way that I thought it was gonna be I mean for a second there this unholy alliance almost got their ass whooped I mean damn did we need another failed crusade either way thanks for watching and I'll see you next time and as always big thanks to my patreon supporters Franco is thick leather daddy linen Matthew rubbish free Cruz Swiss agro Jake Paul's my daddy Tyler Jason Wright Sean Spellman Jen's Luvdisc Matthew King ruse for occasion matthew e jong kook's bay elijah senpai y own and lvc
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 1,304,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, Hearts of Iron 4, HOI4, Hearts of Iron 4 USA, HOI4 USA, Hearts of Iron IV USA, Hearts of Iron 4 Germany, HOI4 Germany, Hearts of Iron IV Germany, Hearts of Iron IV, USA, Germany, Unholy Alliance, Hearts of Iron 4 America, HOI4 America, Hearts of Iron IV America, Hearts of Iron 4 US, HOI4 US, Hearts of Iron IV US, Hearts of Iron 4 United States, HOI4 United States, Hearts of Iron IV United States, Hearts of Iron 4 Axis, HOI4 Axis, Hearts of Iron IV Axis
Id: ebMdO2XLc5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 24 2018
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