What if the Middle East was 1 Country? | Hearts of Iron 4 [HOI4]

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yeah because the commies joined the Allies and Hirohito joined the Comintern what the [ __ ] is going on I don't know about you guys but I feel like parts of iron has always consistently blue-balled us when it comes to the Middle East we've seen factions like the set of APEC form up in this region but it ends up not doing anything or breaking apart but that won't be the case today I've just always wanted to see a united force in this part of the map I just don't know how well that's gonna go because looking at their starting stats ouch yeah things aren't looking good this could be a disaster but that's okay they'll have time to build up right now it's a nice little nation it's pretty stable so please nobody ruin it speaking of oil yeah this area is gonna have a whole lot of it which actually it's gonna be pretty interesting to watch to see who they end up trading with the most there might be the first time we ever look at that sort of thing in these videos okay well I guess this is what we're doing now all right be Hitler here comes monarchist Germany and while that's all happening we've got to keep an eye on Spain as well fascism might completely fail in this video yep that is more than likely the case because usually when the German AI does something crazy so does Japan so yep this is gonna be weird one wish you know I'm actually okay with because there's a pretty high chance that Assyria might turn fascist at some point which would pretty much balance out everything that's going on Wow all right Brits you guys are looking like some [ __ ] you guys really gonna do that to Santa Claus he's just chilling here eat up well he is kind of looking like he might be a fascist all right you know what [ __ ] that guy all right so it's two years into this campaign 1938 and Syria is doing a lot better thanks you have an army now and 51 factories that's a small start and of course Republican Spain is one which means Benito is now the only fascist left in the old world or LSE is gonna be because Japan's gonna go commie all right and the Assyrians are just trading with the plethora of nations already checked the US and the Soviet Union are the only ones that are producing more oil than them [ __ ] is already going down in China everyone really doesn't like these guys I'm assuming a faction formed up yep the government of national defense oh whoa okay don't be getting cocky guys this this would be a bad idea please do not do this it's kind of strange there's just a bunch of these minor Wars popping up the u.s. going after Venezuela was actually one of the last fascists left and I guess this is what the Chinese are going with they're just gonna stay in this faction which is not a bad idea again Japan's gonna be doing their own thing over here damn the US is being really aggressive in this campaign they've already puppeted Venezuela and they've caused those civil wars in Brazil and Argentina to pop up there you go Italy smart pickup going after Yugoslavia I guess Czechoslovakia is still involved in that conflict wait a second I have not seen this guy before did your other guy die that's confusing ah the Allies only wanted Iceland in Greenland I should have known they're so valuable it's cool to see Germany trying to help out over here that's nice of them and Manchu Koo just annexed this other puppet over here are they independent or something no how'd they do that to civil wars popping up at once South Africa declaring war on nationalist South Africa as well as Japan going to that communist war all but this might arguably be even bigger Communist China just join the Comintern because they got kicked out of this faction which means it's the East that might end up causing World War two I wonder if the game realizes when certain ideologies aren't doing as well and tries to bounce it out the Dutch went fascists Australia is about to go fascist and so is our new baby it's gonna take some time for them but they'll get there eventually oh man Hitler is just probably rolling in his grave right now not only is the Syria going fascist but they're also trading most of their oil to the German Empire yeah you know the Nazis probably could have used this it's starting to look like the Nationalists in South Africa are gonna win the Civil War yeah I kind of wonder how the UK is gonna feel about this hey go Wilhelm you're looking sexy as always but you're gonna need it because you're getting ready to attack a monster right now can someone please explain this [ __ ] logic to me but neato what the hell are you doing are you drunk give me your keys give me your keys I'm gonna take your ass home seriously why did stall and let him in how how did that even happen and there goes Denmark as well who was also going to go fascists what is going on here and after the South Africa just join the Comintern so let me get this straight we have a faction full of bashes and commies working together to take down democracy yeah that's some [ __ ] we've never seen before and what does this mean for Assyria they're about to go fascist eventually it's gonna take some time and they don't like the Soviets with it well it's not that bad but will they still join the same team and actually now that I think about it in about a hundred days the Comintern will also have monarchists joining their faction because Luxembourg will likely join the Allies it looks like we also have Brazil and Argentina about to go communists Argentina by the way is going after Uruguay and even though Venezuela was puppeted by the US that won't stop them from going fascists actually you know maybe that's just the CIA thank you okay that is much much better at least we have a fascist faction now I don't see how that even happened how did the Comintern get all these weird members I'm not even using that many mods who FDR is getting ready to attack Mexico probably not a good idea although they'll just join the Allies who knows what team the Mexicans will side with they've got options I guess oh [ __ ] a bunch of things happen to Finland join the Comintern Greece joined the Allies Italy declared war on Greece makes sense Indonesian order after the Dutch East Indies all right now the Civil War and finally here's the moment we've been waiting for Assyria wind fascist attacked Afghanistan and yeah those two obviously joined different factions so here we go let's hope the Middle East can save Italy because they're not doing too well over here although I did forget the daddy Stalin is really helping out against Romania and Czechoslovakia I thought Benito was fighting them on their own I do real quick want to check out the Middle Eastern stats before you know they possibly lose everything they've got 119 divisions you know 62 factories and manpower wise they're doing much better so yeah they should actually help out quite a bit well here we go I guess the u.s. is taking the war on drugs to a whole nother level yes the big wild card here is China obviously he's gonna want to eliminate Communist China at some point which would definitely help the Allies cuz yep that would pull all of you Stacia in to abort the Comintern that's where things get pretty serious okay something really funky just happens why would the Soviets go after communist Japan this is gonna be bad isn't it yeah because the commies joined the Allies and Hirohito joined the Comintern what the [ __ ] is going on I don't understand this game I'm just gonna go back to reacting to memes but either way it's the Soviets that are doing most of the work they are killing off the Allies Italy's just surviving just basically all they usually do surprisingly nothing really happened in that North American war the u.s. already beat Mexico a democracy was installed let's see if that even lasts because it's not going to in Venezuela there it is well I guess this kind of makes sense monarchists Germany joined the Roman faction HRE ancient Rome same kind of thing right either way the Allies are totally dead now they're they're done Republican Spain join the Comintern little too late guys but okay next up today is the Swiss they've been dying a lot recently I don't know what's going on well wherever you guys are you better start performing your final yodel because you're all about to die well as always this is kind of a strange looking map Germany really put the team on their back for this faction I mean they did a ton of work the Allies are barely holding on the franco-british Union surprisingly popped up again that's kind of cool Oh God and now that's gonna distract the Soviets for quite some time well Lisa Syria is gonna win their war against India with the help of Mao I think but yeah this is gonna be tough maybe not as bad as I'm thinking it will take some time Brazil who did end up going communist went ahead and just joined the Allies because I ologies really didn't matter in this game you could just join any [ __ ] team you wanted unfortunately looking at just how fractured these factions are I don't think we're ever gonna get to a peace deal especially with the Allies with Brazil Canada the US yeah the AI is never gonna be able to invade over here and I feel like the inevitable war between the Assyrian Empire and the Soviets will probably start up I mean he's getting close he's getting close to starting to claim stuff but he hasn't done it yet interesting so the war between the fascists and the Communists eventually broke out because of Poland yeah probably should have expected that one and you know what the Comintern isn't that powerful at all remember they're also fighting China yeah they're gonna get their ass kicked here not only that but they just got a whole bunch of divisions and circles fantastic brilliant hey I gotta love it the Chinese over here have been putting in a lot of effort not too much progress though it's fine either way the West is probably gonna win the war for them and about a year later there it is the Soviets have fallen the Comintern is done now that you have to defeat the Allies which actually won't take that much time they'll get it done okay so amazingly enough I did actually get to the end of world war two even though I really didn't want to had this game ran for quite some time yeah this is what the world's looking like the Roman faction pretty dominant I'm actually really surprised that the Chinese got so much land I didn't think they were gonna contribute that much but yeah they're looking pretty good over here funny enough the nation that saved them that really gave them a foothold in the new world to take down the Allies is El Salvador I always forget about them but they obviously played a pretty key role being one of the only fascists left they really didn't get anything to show for it which kind of sucks but this was an awesome landing spot and they just kind of started flowing in from the Pacific but actually they weren't the only ones the Dutch also did an amazing job especially in South America when Brazil annoyingly joined the Allies they actually got a lot out of this war look at all this they got all of Scandinavia ireland's they got fucked-up borders in Iberia it's it's great unfortunately our unified Middle Eastern nation didn't grab any more territory I would have really liked if they got more of Rodge or Afghanistan but nonetheless it's all good because they ended up pumping in Brazil Canada and Guatemala so enjoy your oil overlords thank you guys for watching and I'll see you next time and as always big thanks to my patreon supporters free Cruz Swiss Argo Sean Spellman Jake Paul's my daddy Jen's Luvdisc Matthew King reciprocation Matthew E jungkook's BAE Alijah senpai y own and lvc if you what help support me you can find a link down below [Music]
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 1,044,829
Rating: 4.8920507 out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, Hearts of Iron 4, HOI4, Hearts of Iron IV, Hearts of Iron 4 Middle East, HOI4 Middle East, Hearts of Iron IV Middle East, Hearts of Iron 4 one country, HOI4 Country, Hearts of Iron IV Country, Hearts of Iron 4 Country, HOI4 One Country, Hearts of Iron IV One Country, Hearts of Iron 4 Waking the Tiger, HOI4 Waking the Tiger, Hearts of Iron IV Waking the Tiger
Id: BagUHSbAvp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 05 2018
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