The Celts Become a Superpower! Hearts of Iron 4 [HOI4]

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this is an emergency service announcement please everyone be prepared for the flash nut flood I just gotta realized I haven't talked about Ireland ever like I can't remember the last time I've even said their name or they've had like a good game almost every single other country especially in Western Europe has had a moment where they've had you know something good happen but not here that's probably because it's kind of more of those smaller island nations so one to make a scenario where there was unlimited potatoes potatoes were not a factor in this universe so I yeah there they're just a lot better off I did buff them quite a bit short of just giving them research all cuz that console command is just way too damn powerful now it's estimated about a million people died in the famine plus a million people left Ireland I know this is manpower but you know what I'm trying to do and finally I'm assuming this place would be unified just because just the nation as a whole is a lot better off now if these soldiers can just stay away from the booze and stay away from the drunken bar fights I think they're gonna have a pretty good game Wow okay you know I want to say I'm surprised but I just can't I didn't expect anything else Peru versus Ecuador all right South America is already getting into it I think they should be fine or at least in this front but I have no idea the Peruvians are gonna fight all those [ __ ] goats out here you know I never really thought about like this but I guess the Irish were one of the first nations to get their independence from the British Empire not the first I think that we know who that is Republican Spain has won the Civil War as well as we've got Yugoslavia and Bulgaria once again fighting it out oh and Hitler was just denied ouch just getting rejected by the village bicycle well I guess it's actually all good because Czechoslovakia already went fascists and they're a part of the axis Adolf's found himself a new thought the Irish Navy is looking pretty good so far that's actually a lot better than I expected at this point smart move Oscar you've really avoided being completely embarrassed the Peruvians have taken all the territory in the north but they've allowed those horrible creatures just to do their own thing here we go Resurrectionist Ireland just popped up you got to keep those Lucky Charms safe somehow whoa that would be a pretty amazing twist I think Bulgaria is about to take out Yugoslavia how the hell is this happening okay yeah that is incredible I've never seen this before and honestly it was never even a possibility in my mind oh maybe it was Benito because the Bulgarians did go towards authoritarianism that's pretty amazing of course there's a war in the East and these guys who I always try to just awkwardly avoid pronouncing ate up China and things are quickly getting out of control the Soviets are attack in Finland in January 1939 and once again stolen his caused World War two I didn't expect them to join this faction and by the way I'm the axis are doing great they're just kind of chilling and they're not fractured at all which is a surprise but it looks like the democracies as a whole are gonna be in pretty big trouble yeah you probably shouldn't have let Albania in guys I mean looking for the Allies they're gonna have two possible new members France is gonna stay Democratic I don't know how they killed all those commies was there a certain German dude giving you suggestions and then Republican Spain is supporting democracy which we've seen Franco do this not Jose Diaz Dale Marlins are 10 divisions Italy was just fine Albania okay that was a little unnecessary oh yeah it's way more than just that they've got divisions to Czechoslovakia and Germany as well yeah they're they're probably enjoying the axis I mean I guess it's all good either way the potatoes are just [ __ ] flowing now there is something going out the Italian AI it's not a conspiracy ice when something is happened it must have been like a secret patch they've been doing amazing for like the past three videos bad move Romania yep not a good choice especially because the axis are also involved and Greece joined the Allies as well oh oh okay that automatically looks pretty amazing monarchist Japan just took over China oh man we've never seen this before I wonder what this means I guess the Soviets should be still pretty worried but here come the French and the German I was clearly not prepared for this all right that that's pretty scary I figured one way or another these guys would pop up not a surprise okay Germany you're doing better but please please stop I have a feeling something's gonna go horribly wrong here of all the colonies it's Canada that's decided to also go fascist and break away from the Empire all right Adrian good luck you little demon pretty good timing it's 1940 I was really worried this would happen much later all right well let's see how they do I mean just immediately they do have naval dominance but this there's no way that's not gonna that's not gonna stay like that they have an okay Navy but not that good but the French are about to fall so they'll be getting some naval help from the Germans and Italians soon oh [ __ ] okay something crazy is happening I think we're about to see like a massive naval invasion and I guess the French state was just made alright strange name but that's fine yeah this is looking pretty good for the axis so far especially now that the British Isles are in a way kind of surrounded Jesus it's already over by April 1940 in all the chaos the Allies just didn't stand a chance and yep that is exactly what I expected even though they didn't have as strong of a navy with the Germans help they just obliterated the British fleet the bigger thing here though is that the Comintern took almost just as much it's gonna be close but Stalin's gonna be a pretty big threat to Adolf this is an emergency service announcement please everyone be prepared for the flash nut flood okay wait a second I don't know how they took all of this so I know they had a lot of participation points but this is a little bit much of course Canadian Hitler now rules in the north which is actually a great jumping-off point just in case the US gets out of line I just wanna know what Irish Raj is like is potato Korea thing maybe Jameson curry okay for although if you didn't believe in the luck of the Irish before come on this is gotta convince you a little bit yes don't really didn't get anything unless he forms some very unlikely faction with Japan he's he's in a bad spot the Nordic Brotherhood all right that's a new faction but of course the u.s. is joining some Scandinavian [ __ ] though what else is new okay yeah it's basically just the three brothers although the u.s. is not doing very well I don't know how Mexico is pushing like this oh yeah they're whooping over here all right what is going on how did they get all this the Middle East is now attacking Bulgaria which it doesn't seem like they're gonna be doing very well also a lot of people have yeah claims on this land I guess World War three is slowly brewing I wouldn't say it's official just yet but there's a lot of stuff going down again this could definitely true some stuff but we're gonna the access to do something before world wars official this greater Bulgarian faction is somehow finding a lot of friends they got Portugal who declared on Spain Yemen and Mexico and a few other Central American nations and I guess there's the final blow for the Nordic faction since Germany declared and Luxembourg joined in yeah that team is dead oh wow now this world super screwed because Hirohito did his thing and joined the axis which I didn't think he was gonna do I guess it's just because this faction is the most powerful Turkey just got 13 states wow they took all of Bulgaria and Yugoslavia I'm assuming there are a democratic faction as well so yep they're installing their ideology well Stalin has taken 11 states and just destroyed the Polish faction which he really needed it he's not looking too good pretty good move here Iran attack in Afghanistan which this could actually create one of the best AI Batman factions we've ever seen so it's for the people that are living under the new Celtic reign like New Zealand Australia India when did they turn you into a leprechaun I've always been curious here's a big old huge peace deal for the Bulgarian faction I think there's a lot of people involved who's kind of random so Canada just got 30 states Mexico only got eight I don't get that they clearly we're doing most of the work oh my god never have we seen North America look this cancerous whole [ __ ] it's so bad so FDR still leads this somewhat Confederate states it's the Confederate states and California just their favorite state ever oh damn oh no Mexico took quite a bit out of this most of the Nordic region I noticed the Philippines Estonia all right just a bunch of random places Iberia looks pretty bad but that's pretty normal as well as Canada now controls Spain this is this has been a weird video fantastic and here's the war for the Soviet Union I don't expect Stalin to last very long at all kind of as usual the only thing that matters here is to see who takes what Wow and there's her answer really wasn't expecting Japan to take this much they have a lot of Europe actually and of course the axis control the world's most of fascism in general controls the world actually not so much if you're in the East your a part of monarchy I guess for some reason we've got a pretty sizable portion of the Western Hemisphere that basically worships Bulgaria Bulgaria doesn't even [ __ ] exist in this universe so I don't get it cuz yeah Turkey wipe them out quite a long time ago and it's unfortunate that you know the axis just basically rule everything cuz I would've liked this faction to finally do something no oh and I guess the greater Canadian Empire has formed up and I I'd say that they're the strongest in North America but Mexico's doing pretty good too there's actually one war taking place the problem is Peru is in the axis and Chile they don't have a team so I don't expect anyone to let them in anytime soon but by far one of the worst living conditions in the entire world is under the Celtic Empire haven't watched all those [ __ ] Conor McGregor fights must be hell thanks for watching and I'll see you next time big thanks my patreon supporters furry crews Swiss agro KMT for China sister Pfister Jake Paul's my daddy yet God Mick neck ass steady sea beans maxi G Tyler Matthew R M bish Caitlin Lou Jean Spillman Jen's love dis crucification Matthew E William Bennett King Solomon Elijah's Empire B Y own and LV see
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 635,770
Rating: 4.9089141 out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, Hearts of Iron 4, HOI4, Hearts of Iron 4 Celts, HOI4 Celts, Hearts of Iron IV Celts, Hearts of Iron IV, Hearts of Iron 4 Super, Hearts of Iron IV Super, HOI4 Super, Hearts of Iron 4 Superpower, HOI4 Superpower, Hearts of Iron IV Superpower, The Celts, Celts, Superpower
Id: ARzTpMMn5Nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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