Monarchy VS Islamist | Hearts of Iron 4 [HOI4]

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all right so something really strange is starting to happen France is a monarchy but I figured this date would come so these two ideologies were by far the most suggested from the last video I do have a feeling though this world's gonna play out a little bit stranger because here's the thing that I noticed from the previous ideological versus video fascism wasn't really working together the communist nations were much quicker to defend each other so we need to watch for that today which belief will have an easier time unifying and fighting the other because obviously they'll have a little bit more of an advantage monarchies mostly dominate Western Europe so they'll get a lot of power out of this region but the Islamists are fully in control of eastern Asia I mean just India and China alone is gonna give them a lot of strength also there are only two big monarchies in the new worlds every other nation is Muslim and even though they're not gonna do anything here's the Australian free kingdom and the kingdom of New Zealand but the unibrow czar back in Belgium though so that'll be a nice fashion craze and look at that we even have a Lutheran's cameo in Palestine [ __ ] Saruman is here guys getting ready to kick Gandalf's ass now I think it's fair to say the queen is obviously gonna have to carry the monarchists here unless of course she falls and doesn't have life alert and I just learned which I probably should have known already this guy from Japan is Hirohito son I mean it's just kind of hard to tell because he doesn't have all his chins and there's our first war between Kenya and Somalia oh and also Austria is trying to take back hungry so I feel kind of dumb for not already anticipating this but I guess we're gonna see a lot of family members in this episode this is the grandson of the Ethiopian dude oh and I probably should have mentioned this it is the 2000 start date so America is gonna go after the Middle East and spread some freedom and buy freedom I just mean [ __ ] it up the Bulgarian Sultanate is about to take out Macedonia we'll have to see how Michael the first responds in Romania alright peace Prince so that's pretty early between you two the Russian Empire versus the Ukrainian Sultanate you're not gonna wait another like 12 years Putin just want to take him out now I guess Oh should I forgot yeah no the Putin is not leading Russia in this game this man clearly has a different plan then yep and they're already gone that was super fast oh my god speaking of things that don't happen in every single video let's see what happens here okay so I think Sweden is just declaring war on all the Baltic nations yep that's right he's also promoting poor okay what the [ __ ] maybe now we'll finally get Vic III you know this probably shouldn't be surprising but I have noticed a lot of kingdoms attacking each other and okay so I think this might be a little bit more of a common thing for the 2000 start date Communist China once again started a civil war this time to break away from Islam the first faction is formed under the Northern Alliance but uh nobody else has joined and at this point I'm starting to notice the monarchists have a lot more power I think they might just win this pretty early but this next election is coming soon for the US and there's a chance the ruling party may just change yeah I think we all could have guessed this the Baltics are now gonna form the European Union avala now I'm not sure but I don't think these two factions are really gonna grow that much I mean I see Austria and Hungary have decided to join but I feel like it might not get much bigger than that I guess it just depends on the conflicts South Korea has won and they made North Korea Islamist as well while the new Ottoman state declares war on Iran both happen to be monarchies so again this is not really something you want to see if you're rooting for this ideology but then again I think Islam needs all the help they can get because they're about to lose China NATO was just formed by Canada which introduces a third faction to this world which means I think it's unlikely we see one huge faction versus the other and personally I like it that way I don't want this game to go super slow and there's the confirmation Communist China has in fact won I really don't know what they're gonna do in a world like this but you're probably gonna want to just lay low for a while I don't know if the other ideologies are gonna like you very much share goes Iraq versus Syria just after Syria took out Jordan oh and I just noticed the Germans have now turned back into a social democracy and there isn't much popularity for the kingdom anymore we also as always have a lot going on in China Thailand versus Vietnam and Bangladesh has been kicking Burma's ass this is starting to get really interesting because a lot of monarchies are starting to fall in terms of popularity Germany might have just been the tip of the iceberg I've also noticed there are definitely not as many Wars going on compared to the previous video I mean there was obviously a few here but at this point in 2003 there was already a world war allas Colombia has declared war on Ecuador well here's our first war in South America oh yeah and of course Mexico is attacking Central America the Egyptian monarchy is now attacking Islamic Libya and this man seems pretty nice the same kind of nice my uncle was before he touched me India at this point is by far I think the strongest Islamic nation obviously with the fall of China they're really the only superpower this ideology has left oh but this should help a little bit I guess there was a second Korean war and this time South Korea just completely annexed the North swiggity swooty Germany is coming for dosha booty so I don't really know what the Germans are thinking there is no other person in that faction I guess this is just the only name they could come up with the South African Sultanate just grabbed some land and a new puppet and I think they'll definitely continue to help their ideology quite a bit and there goes the Nigerian union because Nigeria is now conservative so clearly I think this world really doesn't like these two ideologies so Germany declared war on Belgium and they release Luxembourg and got themselves a nice little naval port oh my god Poland what did you do to the Czechs Kingdom oh man that's just embarrassing defeat I know it's kind of hard to tell but the European Union of 'allah is beginning to grow slowly around the world Oh Argentina has got himself in a really messy situation a war with both Uruguay and Paraguay just giving him a lot of trouble plus allas Colombia isn't done they took out Ecuador and they want a little bit more oh there's a pretty massive peace deal Hungary Romania Italy are just a few that took some stuff even Germany with four states what the hell happened oh it's the end of that Baltic war that Sweden started I think damn and if you look at that faction map mode the Islamists lost a lot while this random booty Union continues to grow for Germany's team alright so something really strange is starting to happen Frances a monarchy but I figured this day would come okay wait a second I forgot my mental disability France has gone socialists as well as the European of 'allah is still around they just changed their color to a very similar blue that matches the Northern Alliance okay this is gonna suck now we still do have an example of a monarchy joining the Islamic faction I guess Finland's really needed the help even though I think they're still gonna lose okay that's something I definitely thought I'd never see vatican city joins the union of allah oh nice and now italy is being nuked i'm assuming by france yeah did that yeah they probably did that so basically what we're seeing here is kind of a continental war it's only in europe and i don't think it's gonna last that long but obviously the nukes are still flying oh also argentina just went through a devastating peace deal they're now called the traditional republic of argentina all while Brazil is just chillin they're not even doing anything about all's Colombia the American duchies just formed the Monroe Alliance which confirms they won't be helping the old world oh okay yeah that that's that's why and it looks like he's also about to do 9/11 there's a fan-favorite Poland is about to take out the Belarusian Kingdom while Germany I guess doesn't like the booty anymore they're there now called the Berlin alliance oh man now things were just getting really weird Afghanistan joined NATO we got the new Ottoman state joining the North American Federation and all his Columbia doing this it's been about five years and there's clearly not going to be a World War three at least not of the same size we saw in the previous video oh that kind of came out of nowhere the u.s. declared war on Canada and I guess Allah really didn't give a [ __ ] about Columbia there's another big peace deal Israel just took four states and puppeted everyone else which by the way I haven't mentioned yet this is the Israeli caliphate who would have guessed this is all they had to do to become super powerful and now the u.s. Brazil and Bolivia are just taken over all of the new world and alright Bush what what are you doing I've never seen them take just one side of Canada like this Communist China has been at war with Pakistan for quite some time but obviously the front hasn't really moved much they haven't joined a team or anything either so they really have been late but neither has Russia and I think that's the biggest reason why we didn't end up seeing a world war 3 there is another example of monarchies attacking each other Portugal versus Spain this time and I think this is a perfect example why even though the monarchists had a huge advantage they just didn't really end up working together most of the conflicts though were completely restricted to just Europe only so I obviously missed out on these Bolivian borders I think I can honestly say this is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in this continent okay there goes Russia it's about time it's been nearly six years they're also at war with India I have no idea why because India still has no faction so that's kind of odd I don't think socialist France has much of a chance here I think ultimately there's just too much power on the enemy side unless of course Germany does something which I am just starting to notice they they certainly have a lot of communist support in their nation and even though Ireland is at war with the British Empire they've managed to unify somehow all-perfect we get to see a nice peace treaty just before the end of the video Norway Italy Yugoslavia are just some of the big winners I think there's like ten different countries that ended up taking States though which is something I've never seen before obviously France didn't have a good time because Brittany was just puppeted okay that's much more of a defining victory the monarchists have a clear hold over Europe now I mean they obviously won in the new worlds and everyone else is at war with India so I think we can say they just barely avoided a pretty embarrassing loss for a second there I thought all the kingdoms were just gonna fall apart due to falling popularity anyways guys this was a super unique game I really liked it completely different from the previous match as well as don't forget to subscribe for 200k I'll be doing paintbrush today I'll be cutting my hair and I'll probably look like a neo-nazi anyways guys thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time and of course big thanks to neo y own destiny [ __ ] 9000 jacob w random guy Elfie storm blade Ethan J Kirby humour demon name ear Stefan M and free cruise for being my crack daddies if you want to support me you can find a link to my patreon in the description down below thank you so much for helping crack boy
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 566,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, Hearts of Iron 4, HOI4, Hearts of Iron IV, Monarchy, Monarchism, Monarchist, Kingdom, Hearts of Iron 4 Monarchy, HOI4 Monarchy, Hearts of Iron 4 Modern Day Mod, HOI4 Memes, HOI4 Timelapse, HOI4 Millennium Dawn, Hearts of Iron 4 Ideology, HOI4 Ideology, Hearts of Iron 4 Kingdom, HOI4 Kingdom, Hearts of Iron IV Gameplay, Hearts of Iron 4 AI Only, HOI4 AI Only
Id: t8AbqKIZY_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2017
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