Italy + France = Italian-Franco Union! | Hearts of Iron 4 [HOI4]

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well here it is showdown of the century this this is your moment guys III can't I don't wanna put pressure on you but he doesn't get any bigger than this so we've been doing a lot of these union videos lately where two countries come together but this is the one I'm most excited for because France and Italy form something I like to call the Commonwealth of disappointment because when you think about it what nations were bigger embarrassments two there are two corresponding factions than these ones right here I mean first of all obviously we've got the French with their whole surrendering thing yeah probably not the best strategy but as of recently I feel like it's Benito that gets a little bit more I mean going to war with Greece and then failing only to have daddy Adolph come down and help him out probably wasn't the best look then you know kind of losing the the whole African front that was that was kind of a big deal and then after all that they of course switch sides so I'm still trying to figure out exactly who did worse but that's not what this videos about this is about redemption for two amazing places hopefully they can rule the world together I just hope they don't join the Allies that wouldn't be very fair I'm kind of hoping they go communist as always I love checking out the stats of these new nations so yeah the franco-italian Republic is actually looking great let's hope they can make up for their previous blunders well I hope you guys like a little bit of incest because hungry and ex Austria and the hazards are back roll tide ooh and now this is gonna be a big problem for our French Italian Republic Franco will eventually join the axis oh that's cute look at that how adorable you eat though Chen you've ditched fascism and gone back towards non-aligned I don't really know what this is gonna mean though oh well I guess that's what this is gonna mean yeah I'm okay with this and once again Canada is ditching democracy I feel like that's happening a lot in these videos which I'm totally okay with oh wow just hit five states the other China only took two communism is on the rise once again this government of national defense this is always popping up now I don't really like it I'd like to see more conflict over here but at least Japan's going after Qing China so let's see how that goes so here we go our little Commonwealth of disappointment is starting to go communist I'm hoping they won't attack Franco in Germany at least this quickly the Aussies are another British colony that I think are going fascist but real quick while we're talking about this continent can I just say I don't even know why I know this why is there only 24 million people live I don't know why I expected so much more I'm sorry I'm sorry I know how random this is I just have to add one more thing I kid you not the country ahead of Australia in terms of population is North Korea alright that's the final straw they don't have food there guys you get it you gotta get it together start mating come on Remy damn this is starting to look like the best austria-hungary we've ever seen it took some lands from Romania as well as they've puppeted the kingdom of Bohemia and there we go our franco-italian republic has made the switch as well as I just noticed Yugoslavia when communists oh they're joining the Comintern dammit I was kind of hoping they would just form their own faction now Romania is declaring war on austria-hungary alright that was a terrible move wait no it's not as bad as I'm thinking because Romania is actually a puppet to Bulgaria still I'm pretty sure this is not gonna go very well also what the hell is up with this 1939 and world tension soient 9% I mean part of that has to do with nothing's happening in China but still and there's our baby okay perfect he's looking more evil than ever I thought you guys also don't have much population maybe you can just throw some mooses in your internment camps and all of a sudden a bunch of people just joined the Allies out of nowhere I don't even get these notifications oh okay yeah that that might be why what are the chances seriously I did not do this and we've never seen this pop up before it's so weird because we just did that Soviet German Union video I am still using that pure random way I focused mod I don't know if that has something to do with it I'm also using another mod called instant country unions which is fantastic by the way please go support it but yeah no I don't think this has anything to do with it hi this is just so crazy well unlike before we will get to see Poland get smashed because that didn't happen last time and you know what I'm totally okay with this please u.s. help the Allies they're gonna need you but this is perfect because the Franco Titan Republic is gonna do their own faction thing which means they can call on Yugoslavia that's yeah that's a good start austria-hungary just took out Romania that's that's good too maybe they can help out in the war against Germany and the Soviet Union this is a pretty strange looking Europe obviously the borders will not stay like this just just ignore Poland's they're not gonna be there so the war for Poland has begun and it looks like the Polish AI has already decided just to fall back yeah I don't even blame them but here's the fantastic news they were guaranteed by both Sweden which who cares about let's be real but also the UK so that's gonna pull in all the Allies so here it goes this is the start of World War 2 man you know got serious because even the Swiss er involved and Australia is gonna be kind of a thorn in the Allies side supporting an Indonesian uprising that'll be fun oh and while Canada is sending volunteers to Germany oh this is so good please France and Italy do something this is your moment man you could you can kind of save the world I don't know if it's gonna be enough actually but the Allies are definitely gonna need you where the hell is the US the Americans gotta get over here they're they're kind of here still they're about to lose swamp Germany come on Otto austria-hungary just joined the Berlin Moscow alliance that is very bad damn countries are just capitulating left and right Benelux is gone Sweden is gone Norway doesn't have much longer left's hey the Swiss are still around that is honestly incredible well here it is showdown of the century this this is your moment guys III can't I don't wanna put pressure on you but he doesn't get any bigger than this I mean what are we looking at how's it looking over here 190 factories okay 269 divisions not bad I'm sure they've got a pretty good Navy although that doesn't matter at all they definitely need more manpower it also kind of sucks that Belgium is gone because you can't really use your forts down here it doesn't really matter though I mean the Swiss are gone as well and Italy is also gonna have a border with the enemy hey you know what this is fine I did want you to create your own faction but at this point you know what are you gonna do anyways I guess the war is already begun yep there it is honestly I'm like invested here I really want to see France and Italy do well I don't know mad cuz I just watched as Germany just stacked this entire border with a whole ton of divisions Tito come on man I'm gonna need you to get you ass in here please don't don't leave him hanging even though you'll likely die too that would not be a fun border with austria-hungary still come on man okay I'm shocked one five speed things are fine I actually thought they're gonna get obliterated oh man Italy Italy is not doing well okay please please stop I don't even know what I'm looking at right here this is this is insane all right now we're the British and still we're the Americans I know it's only 1941 I don't know if they have had time to build up we're just kind of lucky that Hirohito went non-aligned this would have been even worse if he joined that faction as well yeah it seems like the Italian part of this Union is probably gonna fall first at least the Allies are starting to get over here why would you do this why why would you do this to us you know what if the Allies lose we're just blaming the UK that that's that's what's gonna happen I mean it's not like Yugoslavia was gonna help that much but still it still sucks yep well there goes Italy I think it's fine honestly just just let it fall okay well they're they're holding over here at least for now they're slowly gonna lose territory but that's fine what they need to hope for is that Japan actually does something against the Soviets even though that's probably unlikely Hirohito oh he's gonna go after Qing China I guess that's something oh man I think it just happened Australia joined the Berlin Moscow axis because Australia declared war on Japan perfect okay that's a small start if the Soviets start to bring more of their divisions over towards the East at least that'll you know ease some of the craziness in France and at this point I'm hoping the Canadians join the axis because I want to see the u.s. take them out that would that be beneficial for the Allies as a whole you guys kind of know I'm kind of an idiot but nonetheless take this with a grain of salt it seems like things are going alright I think this faction will be able to defend themselves for quite some time right now this has obviously been a pretty insane game and it's only 1941 I don't know who's gonna win I think it's kind of a coin toss I know that it definitely helps the Soviets have all these divisions out here in the East they're definitely worried about China and Japan is you know at least causing some sort of distraction the Franco Italians have even managed to send some divisions over here oh look at that they're pushing oh yeah and Mexico's in a civil war they form their own faction it's it's all good it doesn't matter if things get too crazy down here the u.s. is gonna stop come out so there is no movement over here this front is a stalemate as the days go by it really makes you think I think the Allies might have this well as I said FDR's gonna have to stomp out Canada and Mexico cuz just got too real and it all happened because of Central America El Salvador man always messing stuff up I was kind of worried the US wouldn't have enough divisions over here they've been sending their military all around the world but I think it's gonna be fine and there's another civil war an austro-hungarian civil war I don't see how this is happening oh and also North America is now back to normal that's fantastic holy all right one thing that I probably should have realized is the Allies have pure dominance in the sea I mean you're talking about the UK the US Japan Italy even to an extent yep there they're gonna be pretty okay out here okay this was a really shitty peace deal to finally get to that obviously took forever but I'm just kind of surprised there wasn't a lot more states taken what's there things puppeted what okay austria-hungary just got nineteen states out of nowhere well they're the allies so a lot of democracies were put into power and I'm assuming the Franco tide and Republic got some puppets okay that is kind of an underwhelming peace deal I kind of expected a lot more than this but it's fine I guess this is the cool though pretty random I am using the Affordable Nations mod so that explains why this randomly popped up stolen for some reason remains in power that is kind of an odd one as well as Germany okay Jeremy what communists interesting nonetheless it all doesn't matter I think this was the perfect redemption for France and Italy no longer are they the embarrassment of the Allies for the axis in this case it was the Allies this gives me a lot of hope because I too am also just a massive disappointment maybe I can redeem myself one day no I'm just kidding probably not thanks for watching and I'll see you next time and as always big thanks to my patreon supporters Franco is thick leather daddy linen Matthew Ren bish free Cruz Swiss agro Jake Paul's my daddy Sean Spellman Jen's Luvdisc Matthew King ruse for occasion Matthew E jungkook's BAE Elijah senpai why own and lvc
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 1,200,025
Rating: 4.8818588 out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, Hearts of Iron 4, HOI4, Hearts of Iron 4 Italy, HOI4 Italy, Hearts of Iron 4 France, Hearts of Iron IV Italy, Hearts of Iron IV France, Hearts of Iron 4 Union, HOI4 Union, Hearts of Iron IV Union, Hearts of Iron 4 Commonwealth, HOI4 Commonweatlh, Hearts of Iron IV Commonweatlh, Hearts of Iron 4 Waking the Tiger, HOI4 Waking the Tiger, Hearts of Iron IV Waking the Tiger
Id: vPtZu14uqEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 07 2018
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