What if BARDOCK and Gine SURVIVED? (Full DBZ/S Story)

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what's up everyone welcome back to another what a video so this video is going to be combining two concepts that i get asked to cover a lot one of them revolves around the fact if bardak and guinea somehow survived and the other concept well i'll keep that a secret until the middle of the video but i'll tell you now it's something that a lot of people have asked to see so really this is kind of two what-ifs in one fitting for 75k special thank you by the way i'm surprised we got to 75k sub so fast and i guess that means the next goal is 100k in all seriousness thank you guys so as a thanks i hope you can all enjoy this special video let's set a like goal of 3000 likes and i'll continue this series once we hit that but first let's actually get into the scenario we begin on planet vegeta around the time that bardock and guinea sent kakarot to earth not too long from now frieza is about to attack planning on destroying planet vegeta bardock can already tell something bad is about to happen but he's kind of torn should he stay and fight or should he and guinea abandon the planet joining kakarot by going to earth he begins thinking and he prepares two spacepods just in case he doesn't plan to go to earth right away because if it turns out that frieza notices him and guinea leaving he doesn't want kakarot to be in danger as well so these ships have a core set to some random low-level planet that frieza probably won't notice once bartok and guinea escape they'll go to that planet and if they're fortunate enough to make it there alive then after that they'll know frieza's not on their backs and then they can go to earth and get kakarot followed by them finding raditz it seems like a good plan right there will be an issue that pops up later not too long after frieza attacks planet vegeta bardock wants to fight back he feels it's cowardly to just escape now and not try and make a resistance but really he knows there's nothing he can do no matter how hard he tries planet vegeta is doomed and he's been thinking running away is the smart choice he curses that he even has to do this but it's good that he and guinea prepared as the planet is destroyed he and gina get on their space pods heading towards a randomly selected planet hoping that they somehow aren't spotted by the frieza force from space they watch as their planet is destroyed with everyone on it dead this is obviously a very stressful and sad moment for them and bardock's rage towards frieza builds up he promises one day he'll be strong enough to defeat frieza he'll be strong enough to avenge the saiyans with all the commotion of the planet being destroyed frieza's forces don't even notice that bardock and guinea are escaping because their space pods get camouflaged by the explosion hurtling off into space towards some unknown planet and here's where they face their first issue after weeks possibly months of travel they begin approaching a plant but they encounter some major turbulence their ships crash land thankfully they're both safe but once they exit their ships they notice some issues the ships are damaged with fuel leaking out in the electronics going down this is bad they might not be able to fly anymore and even if they somehow could repair them there's no fuel now so they begin looking for a place to find shelter in they can't tell is this planet uninhabited sure they knew it was a low priority but there's got to be some form of life here right and eventually they find an odd looking city so it appears life does exist here and as they walk in carrying their stuff they're met with a bunch of aliens who noticed the ship landing bardock and guinea introduced themselves saying who they are and why they're here looking for help thankfully the species seems to be pretty welcoming the species is a group of people called the yard rats with the planet itself also being called yardrat they don't know it but this is a very good place for them to land although they're going to be stuck here for quite some time possibly forever but the yardrats are glad to help they know of frieza and thankfully he's not here to attack the planet this bardock person apparently wants to oppose him but he's not strong enough and of course he's stranded on this planet he can't even use his scouter because he doesn't want to be noticed fortunately the yardage has some techniques that they could teach him it seems this guy wants to pursue some training and he could potentially be a very good student eventually bardock begins being trained by the yard rats for years a couple decades actually he and ginay stay on this planet getting adjusted while bardock trains he learned some really interesting and powerful techniques and thankfully he and ginay are actually able to live a somewhat peaceful life sure kakarot and raddis aren't here but they can still live as a family in other ways you'll see what i'm hinting at but rock even learns a technique called instant transmission so it looks like he does have a way to escape off this planet but the thing is he can't sense kakarot occasionally he does send some familiar powers around the universe clashing involved in battles as he learns to sense ki he senses an evil key which he assumes is frieza occasionally from the same planet it seems like he also feels giant powers clashing what planet could that be he's not going to teleport there though because he doesn't know what's going on but he takes note of this too bad he doesn't know what raddus's key feels like because otherwise he might be able to find him vegeta and napa same for kakarot as well he can only hope for the best but it's good to know this technique because if he ever needs to leave he can and with all this time here he can pretty much learn everything that the yardrats have to offer but then one day he sent him something threatening a really high power is approaching towards yardrat quickly but also fading out at the same time the yards are a bit nervous but bardock goes and checks it out trying to figure out what's going on and ready to face this potential threat he ends up in a somewhat remote area and above him he sees a ship approaching and he's immediately concerned once he sees what the ship looks like he can't really make it out from here but it looks like the same kind of space pod he used to get here and there's some sort of logo on the side the ship eventually crashes into the ground and he immediately knows what the logo is it's the emblem of the ginyu force his guard is up and he's ready to fight but then the hatch on the pod opens and what bardock sees is way more shocking than any ginyu force member could be it's someone that looks exactly like him there's no way is this kakarot he's unconscious it seems injured with his knowledge of spirit control thankfully he could heal so nervously he gives kakarot a quick jolt of energy bringing him back to consciousness and healing some of his wounds he's assuming this is kakarot and he hopes he's not here for bad purposes goku wakes up and at first he assumes he's looking at a mirror a guy is standing in front of him and he looks exactly the same kakarot immediately jumps out of the pod and jumps back realizing this is another saiyan assuming it may be a threat both are confused with goku and heiler and bardock not knowing what to say he says one word kakarot and goku confirms that's him but how does this guy know his name and why does he look exactly like him bardock drops his guard smirking he introduces himself as bardock saying that he's kakarot's father there's no way goku doesn't even know where he is and he's somehow on the same planet as the guy that claims to be his dad weren't raddus napa and vegeta the only ones left the two are speechless but bardock begins giving his backstory explaining what happened so goku explains what happens as well also explaining that his name is goku now but i guess he's gonna have to get used to the kakarot thing early on he already knows us his saiyan name bardock's wondering why is kakarot injured well it turns out he was hurt by frieza and bardock's more amazed and confused he somehow survived an encounter with frieza that's amazing he never would have thought cockroach had been able to do that well there's more than that kakarot has actually defeated frieza bardock then tries to sense frieza's key and he can't anymore kakarot's telling the truth he actually defeated frieza and that's not even the craziest part kakarot is a super saiyan bardock doesn't even know what to say this is such huge news his son is alive he's a super saiyan and he defeated frieza this is the best day of his life but he does have one question though does cacron know anything about raditz's whereabouts yeah that's work that's kind of awkward oh so raddus is dead but kakarot can explain first of all he technically wasn't the one who killed raditz that was piccolo plus raddus attacked his planet this was in self-defense if anything it's kind of awkward to explain but he even says if bardock wants they can revive him later and this is a shock to bardock as well there's so much that goku needs to explain bardock tell him to grab onto his shoulder using into transmission to bring both them to civilization and there's actually something that bardock forgot to tell goku about he was too wrapped up in all the stuff about frieza that he didn't even realize he barely got to tell kakarot about why he's here and how he got here goku is amazed he's surrounded by a bunch of aliens and then two human looking people run out of a building both female this is gonna be a weird family reunion who are these two people bardock introduced to the two of them gene goku's mother and a second woman named ruda who just so happens to be goku's sister he has a sister too yeah this is kind of a bombshell this is what i was talking about at the beginning of the video a lot and i mean a lot of comments have been asking me what if goku had a sister and we're gonna introduce her here we'll get more into her backstory but considering bardock and guinea have been on this planet for over 20 years it's not unlikely that they have another kid that's why she's even wearing bardock's old armor which was salvaged and repaired so of course they're excited to meet cakra and then they figure out what happened with him and why he's here guinea's a bit saddened here that raddus died but she can understand why goku had to defeat him as for ruda she's only heard stories about both of her brothers so it's amazing to see even one of them here in terms of personality i'd say she's a little bit like guinea and bardock a mix of them and unlike gine she's actually a fighter or at least wants to be she's been training with some yarder techniques as well i'd imagine her like a much more approachable version of bardock one who's a lot more friendly something that she'd get from her mother and while this is big news for them it's also huge news for goku yeah he knew about raddus of course but it turns out the rest of his family is alive and he has a younger sibling i mean none of them really know how to process any of this but gradually over time they'll get used to it and kakarot decides he's going to spend some time here catching up with his family and also training bardock healed him before which is kind of huge and he wants to learn this kind of techniques that the yard rats have also he wants to learn how to go super saiyan at will and he's going to need a lot more training for that so goku joins in training with the yardrats with bardock and ruda as teachers in terms of pure strength kakrot is way above both of them but they have some crazy techniques with all this training bardock of course knows spirit control we saw that when he healed goku and of course when he used instant transmission but spirit control does more than just that i'm sure all of you have seen in the dragon ball super manga by now all the different kinds of stuff that vegeta can do because of this spirit control allows you to duplicate yourself it lets you change your size you can teleport there's so many things not to mention it greatly increases your power overall and of course as we saw in one of the most recent chapters for spirit fission is the thing where you can essentially take energy from someone and distribute it wherever you like and it's a pretty overpowered technique when you think about it barlock essentially has mastery over this and ruda has some basic spirit control techniques and a few of the more advanced ones so even though goku is a lot stronger in terms of his pure strength bardock can root his techniques far out class goku's and yeah they're not calling him goku either they stick with the kakarot thing it's just weird to use an earthly name it's great that they're all here bardock's pretty proud of his son and they're not too concerned about the whole rattus thing because first of all according to kakarot they could bring him back somehow and secondly that's radical's own fault that he got killed and ruda actually gets along pretty well with her brother not only is it awesome to actually meet him but her personalities work well together at least this time his sibling isn't trying to kill him and because of that alone they're already better off than he was with raditz hopefully he won't be like that when they revive him time passes and back on earth we arrive at the point when frieza and king cold are returning and of course trunks is there already prepared to face off against them as he goes super saiyan out of nowhere four people appear in front of him one of them's goku but he's just confused who are the rest of these guys how do they even get here the dragon team is watching nearby and they're very confused as well and of course frieza and king cold are pretty livid frieza recognizes goku and there's another saiyan that looks just like him this just ticks him off but he's also a bit scared two super saiyans crap goku takes over and fights against king cold while bardock offers to fight against frieza surely he can't match frieza in terms of power can he well he doesn't need to goku and trunks take on king cole pretty easily i mean one of them is overkill as it is but hey trunks likes fighting alongside him regardless ruda even joins it alongside barak to fight frieza mostly to just spectate and try and learn some stuff bardock tells her to watch closely he begins attacking frieza and he is pretty strong but he's not nearly on the level that frieza is frieza's just amused by this does this guy think you'd really stand up against him kakarot might have not killed frieza before but barack's gonna finish the job for him frieza then throws a punch at bardock and bardock doesn't react at all this guy must be stronger than frieza thought he was no matter though he begins attacking more but his punches start doing less and less to bardock he even launches a death beam which just bounces right off bardock's chest and suddenly he starts to feel a bit exhausted it turns out this entire time bardock's been utilizing four-spirit fission that took me like five takes to say it's kind of a tongue twister thank god i actually got that right back to the fight though bardock's been using this and been draining frieza's energy very slowly frieza is exhausted he has no energy left and he looks up and sees above bardock he's been gathering all of frieza's energy he then draws it back down to him focusing into a massive blast using all of frieza's stolen energy bardock launches a massive blasted freezer that kills him bardock sees it as kind of poetic in a way frieza took everything from the saiyans so has a nice plate of revenge bardock took everything from frieza and used it against him killing the space tyran of course goku and trunks had no problem taking on king cole but now everyone's confused trunks doesn't know who these three saiyans are bardock gine and ruda don't know who anyone on earth is goku doesn't know who trunks is and everyone else that's there is just completely stunned overall because they see trunks and then they see these three other saiyans what's going on also goku basically teleported here this one saiyan defeated frieza without even going to super saiyan and then this other guy is a super saiyan as well they're gonna need a lot of things explained to them so goku decides to introduce everyone and it takes a long time but everyone eventually catches up to speed this is pretty weird for gohan too he now has two extra grandparents and an aunt weird but more confusing than that is the strong sky and trunks pulls goku to the side to talk to him alone he tells goku his true identity but goku only telling him about the androids and the heart virus also he doesn't remember his mom mentioning anything about goku having an extra family that's a pretty important detail to leave out it gets him kind of worried did she forget about it did she purposely leave it out for a reason or worse case scenario goku never did have his extra family here and this place he traveled to isn't the same as his main timeline he hopes that's not the case but he's gonna have to ask bulma about it everyone thanks him and he returns back to his timeline hoping for the best he'll be back in three years to make sure everything's okay with the androids okay but more importantly than the androids right now there's three extra stands on earth two of whom are fighters once we go into the android saga things are about to get really interesting but we'll say that for the next part bardock is immediately intrigued he sees that vegeta's thing ah the prince the person that raditz was with he heard kakarot mention him but it's weird actually seeing him here and the weirdness goes both ways because vegeta looks at bardock with confusion how is he so strong sure for kakrod or that other guy that just showed up there's super saiyans but bardock didn't even transform also he looks just like kakarot and the sister bears some sort of resemblance as well great more clowns like him just what vegeta wanted bardock goes up to vegeta and just thanks him you know showing rattus the ropes and helping him survive against frieza vegeta is just angered by this feeling he's being patronized he asked what bardock just did to kill frieza how is he so strong and bardock reveals what he just did for spirit fission and explains what it does it took him a while to get it and now that he actually used it in a fight he doesn't feel like using it too much anymore sure in dire situations it'll come in handy but after all that time training to kill frieza the victory feels a little bit hollow he quite literally didn't beat him with his own strength he instead beat frieza with frieza's strength but don't get him wrong here bardock is very strong regardless spirit of fission or not bardock also meets piccolo surprised to see a namekian here he even questions piccolo he's the guy who killed raditz right piccolo awkwardly says yes but bardock just laughs not the reaction piccolo was expecting he could tell us namekian is no pushover but he doesn't care too much because they're about to revive rabbits wait what did bardock just say yeah they want to revive raditz kacroft said they could oh yeah goku remembers he promised that it shouldn't really be an issue raddus is no threat especially with barack and guinea here he's probably going to warm up to everyone but one other person that this is very weird for is gohan not only is rad is coming back you know the guy who kidnapped him but he now has two extra grandparents and an aunt gene and ruda are pretty happy to meet everyone especially gohan and while bardock seems like a stereotypical saiyan everyone's amazed at how unsane like garuda and gene are well not so much rude more so guinea anywho just as promised they get the dragon radar and raditz is revived and everyone is there to see what happens raddus is actually back and once again more confusion ensues his parents are here kakarot's here there's vegeta the namekian that killed him and the kid that he kidnapped oh and some random saiyan girl what the heck happened while he died he gets whiplash by hearing all the info he gets there it's so much to process and the thing about him right now is he's not too sure how to feel about everyone of course he's on good terms with bardock and gina but he's not really too sure how to feel about kakra and rudo right now kakarot for obvious reasons because of their bad blood before and although he doesn't really know ruda it's just weird and some of his opinion on kakarot rubs off on her oh yeah he's pretty mad at vegeta too for not reviving him before also piccolo killed him raddus is just not in a good mood right now even though he's alive again it's going to take some time getting him to warm up to everyone bardock ends up hanging up his yardrack clothes saving them as a keepsake he did what he wanted and he feels happy about it despite him wishing that he could have done it with his own strength it only feels fitting to retire the yardrack clothes and go back to his normal clothes and since he gets his normal clothes back ruda also gets a change of clothes well a little bit you can see with this new design i took some inspiration from her old one and added a few things the blue bandana well it's actually a belt that's a goku's but to emulate bardock she keeps it as a bandana instead her new clothes are now more earth-like well kinda and just from her design alone you could tell she really looks up to kakarot and bardock not so much rats he seems like kind of a loose cannon but she still hopes to get on rats good side they do kinda understand why he's bitter but it seems like it's gonna be a long process to get him to see the light and of course over the next few years everyone tries to follow kakarot to get super saiyan so for raditz sadly he's too far behind and can't reach it yet and he also doesn't really want to train with kakarot too much he has to warm up to him he still does get stronger training mostly with bardock who is also trying to talk some sense into it raditz is basically isolating himself from everyone not just social distancing i mean he's basically just avoiding everyone this may cause some issues he's a bit of an anti-hero now kind of like vegeta but with much different motives and reasons for being this way anyways over this course of time it's safe to say people like bardock and ruta will get super saiyan they've had so much training on yardage beforehand they're experienced fighters after all kakarot's already basically learned how to do it on command so he shows them as well it takes some time but they all learn it with vegeta still off on his own like normal he still kind of excludes himself like radish does but in a different way and on his own he ends up unlocking super saiyan one way or another he'll surpass that family of kakarots he just knows it let's actually talk about powers now goku would still be the strongest probably stronger than before because he got better training on yard wrap behind him is bardock and then ruda with a decently large gap between the two behind that is vegeta gohan and piccolo after all his training raddus is about on the level of the humans who are all around the same strength because raddus did start at a much lower level and excluded himself he's still not really too sure where he fits in and we'll see more of this as the series goes on anywho the three years pass and the androids attack specifically 19 and 20 like normal goku tries to fight 19 first but too bad for my man because he gets hit by the heart virus look at this guy he didn't take his medicine what a chump no issue though because vegeta steps in and shows how cool he is with his new super saiyan form killing android 19. bardock kind of just laughs at this because not too impressive and once jero sees that there's three super saiyans here and a bunch of other strong people he realizes he's boned and immediately tries to escape back to his lap thankfully he's able to distract them and get there activating android 17 and 18. his creations they're so great he commands them to go find that group and kill them they don't listen they kill jerome instead and they see some pod label as number 16. cool another android they activate him and exit the lap but as soon as they do they encounter the dragon team who is searching for them plus trunks who's here now and trunks realizes oh crap these are the entrance from his timeline and they have an extra person not good cocky as ever vegeta still tries to fight 17 and 18 and he gets absolutely demolished oh yeah this seems pretty bad bardock ruta and trunks jump in but similarly they can't do much the androids are far too powerful and this concerns all of them as a last resort bardock tries his four-spirit fission trying to take their energy somehow but he has a terrifying realization it doesn't work not only can they not sense the androids but bardot can't even disable them using his technique or ruda for that matter it seems like they're absolutely screwed but thankfully the androids do spare them they're looking for goku now so they leave everyone there injured and 18 gives krillin a kiss weird but you know my boy krillin he likes it and the androids head off ready to cause more havoc the next few parts of this arc continue somewhat normally piccolo goes to the lookout and he fuses with the combi this new increase in power should let him face the androids but it's gonna be kind of tough finding them and like normally he encounters cell all the while goku eventually wakes up with gine and chichi trying to help him they were the ones actually watching over him this whole time and they're glad that he's finally back to consciousness things continue to go the same up until the point where goku suggests the room is spirit in time this is when stuff starts to change more he realizes that if everyone uses this room they'll be able to get stronger in a much shorter period of time and the androids won't be any problem so who ends up going in first well bardock volunteers and asks raditz to come in with him rattus is a bit of a weakling right now and he's gonna whip him into shape also trying to talk some sense into it vegeta really wanted to take trunks in first but bardock took the opportunity before him the two are still being very petty towards each other a lot of times passive aggressive vegeta begrudgingly accepts this and in the meantime he'll train her trunks on the lookout in the room of spirit and time bardock finally has an opportunity to talk with raditz he wants to know why is rattus being so moody it's the reason he's so weak right now raddus is surprised that bardock doesn't understand kakarot he's so unsane-like radish is just disgusted by the thought of it sure he's not a weakling anymore but where is that say in pride how could one be like kakarot plus a big part that he feels this way is because of the bad blood they had before barnach needs to put some sense into it he tells rat as plain and simple just shut up the whole saiyan pride thing makes no sense anymore all the saiyans are dead because of the way they lived kakarot's doing something right that's why he's so strong and he's having a good life while he's doing it plus in terms of the whole fight they had it was rad it's his fault he knows all about how radish tried to recruit kakarot it was just a stupid plan overall if anything radish is going against how the sand should be they should stick with each other that's the whole reason they were able to defeat frieza camaraderie and power is what will keep the saiyan race alive albeit just the spirit of it and rattus needs to get that in his head of course this is the spark notes version of the talk bardock's talk is much more detailed and personal and it actually sticks with the raditz his father's right he shouldn't be focused on a petty feud with its brother from years ago he could probably learn a thing or two from kakarot but anywho to show the problem of vegeta and bardock understands why raddus is bitter about that after everything he did with vegeta and napa they didn't even consider reviving him had bardock not come to earth radis would have remained dead vegeta wasn't concerned about him at all and you know what bardock understands this and he tells rabbits if there's one way he wants to get back a vegeta it's to surpass him this is all the motivation raditz needs catching up with kakarot surpassing vegeta and amending his relationship with his brother and even ruda going forward raditz is going to try to better himself with the help of bardock and guinea of course now let's go back to the outside of the room of spirit in time ruda isn't too sure what to do but she sticks with goku and gohan trying to monitor the situation with piccolo because from what they can tell he encountered the androids at kame house the humans were there as well but they're not joining in the fight they could sense piccolo's on the move and his power is increasing he's definitely fighting someone but they can't sense who of course he's facing off against android 17. gohan and rudolph both want to go down to help but goku says piccolo will be fine he hopes piccolo is pretty much at a stalemate with 17 and although piccolo's strong they can tell he's at his limits and he can't go much further ruda turns to her brother and says that she's leaving she wants to help piccolo and says that she'll be okay goku tries to stop her but she hasn't in transmission and it's kind of hard to stop someone that could teleport goku is concerned but he remains up here with gohan if worse comes to worst he'll go down there too in the middle of piccolo in 17's fight ruda joins jumping into super saiyan she's not much stronger than before but maybe with the extra muscle piccolo can defeat 17. piccolo wishes that she didn't come down here but there's no point in worrying about it now he just hopes for the best 17 is fine with it too a two on one he can handle that this is light work for him all the while cell is monitoring the fight waiting for a moment to strike with an extra person down here he's gonna be more cautious especially because he doesn't know who she is while those two are distracted by 17 he jumps in going to absorb 18 instead 16 is called by surprise and he can't react quick enough and everyone's distracted by their fight and they look over to see what's happening cell has become semi-perfect piccolo curses it's that same guy he saw before of course he would end up following them here cell then tries to go after android 17 but 16 jumps in as a human shield or i guess a robot shield as he tries to face off against cell piccolo does too ironically trying to protect 17 the guy who he was just fighting 16 tells 17 to leave and piccolo tells ruda to get out of there 17 tries to escape alone but ruda grabs his arm and then uses instant transmission teleporting to a random city and the second this happens goku decides that he's going to intervene grabbing some senzu beans and jumping in he arrives at the scene to find ruda missing as piccolo and 16 face off against cell with tan shinhan about to join in too goku meets cell for the first time saying that cell just needs to wait a little longer and they'll be strong enough to fight him he knows cell wants a good fight and he tells cell that if he just waits a bit he'll get that he's confident about the room of spirit and time but now he's a little more concerned 17 is rogue and he doesn't know where ruda is goku brings piccolo 16 attention onto the lookout and now his goal is to try to find where ruda went he searches for her key but he can't find her anywhere piccolo ensures that she's safe she just teleported somewhere random she must be trying to hide android 17 so a cell can't get him which admittedly is a pretty smart move goku agrees this was the right move but he can't deny he's still concerned he knows well by now rude is a smart fighter and knows what she's doing but he can't help but feel that she's a little rash sometimes when it comes to decision making especially considering how little real world experience she has she hasn't been in many real fights really he's just looking out for his younger sister but he hopes for the best on the bright side bardock might be done with his training soon so he and raddus are about to show up meanwhile back on the surface root is in a random location with 17 in the middle of a big city since cell might be able to sense their energies on the lookout with so many people there she decided would be better to take 17 somewhere else instead up there because if she took him up there cell would just come up kill everyone and absorb 17 maybe not on that order but something like that would happen although what she doesn't know is that cell is leaving the lookout off limits since goku is up there and now cell knows that goku and pals are training but it's still not worth the risk he could have gone up there anytime and gotten 17. so that's why he and ruda are here now she explains all this to him and now they have to consider their options through their lack of communication they think the lookout may be unsafe since cell can show up there bardock could help with spirit fission but he's in the room of spirit in time right now and that's something ruda isn't too experienced with the good thing is that should work on cell since they could sense his energy unlike the androids although it might be risky and they have to find an opening for it too bad she can't just do it herself they'll have to wait for bardock if he even can do that so for now she's gonna stick with 17 basically acting as his bodyguard despite him being the stronger one if cell comes out of anywhere she could just teleport him out of there basically a giant hide and seek game with cell and this shows exactly what goku was concerned about with her and although it isn't entirely her fault she acted on impulse and is now stuck due to a lack of communication and while i went over a lot of rudy's personality in the last video this is also another part of her that gives you a better understanding of what she's like it's a character flaw that sure she has good intentions but is still a flaw nonetheless so for now 17 and ruda awkwardly stick together and try to lay low while 17 also has to deal with the fact that his sister just got bored by cell gross think of it kind of like how charlotte was with the androids and dragon ball legends if you play that game with bardock and rat it's about to exit the room's spirit in time this is where we'll leave off for now just before bardock and rat has finished our training goku recruits dende pretty much like normal after bringing everyone to the lookout 16 is also taken to be repaired by bulma but after a long year of training bardock and radius exit the room of spirit in time it's clear that this training was a huge help raditz has been really pushing his limits and so has bardock raditz now even has super saiyan and bardock has attempted to go beyond super saiyan somehow and with his great knowledge of key control and spirit control plus the fact that he's a really strategic fighter it shouldn't be too hard for him to discover super saiyan grade 4. he has pretty much all the qualifications i mean he's a brilliant scientist after all i'm sorry that that joke was inevitable raditz puts his hand on goku's shoulder and apologizes bardock helped him see that he was in the wrong he's been very unfair to his brother and he wants to change that he promises kakarot though he will remain ahead of goku as he is right now this actually comes as a shock to goku but he's pleasantly surprised his brother actually did surpass him so did bardock as of now bardock is the strongest of the group with raditz trailing behind he has an insane amount of motivation right now and his training went very well everyone's glad to see this except for vegeta he's pissed raddus even shoots him a smirk and vegeta is not going to take that too lightly goku is about to go in with gohan but vegeta instead grabs trunks and literally drags him into the room of spirit in time how rude well even though vegeta and trunks are training barnuk and raddas feel pretty confident they're cut up to speed about everything that happened so far and they're a little concerned about ruda but in terms of cell they're feeling pretty good about fighting him now this new evolution of super saiyan that they've accessed makes them feel very confident and they want to give it a shot fighting against cell so they look around for his key and it turns out cell is laying low as well his key is completely concealed while they're at it they also try to look for ruda goku was very concerned as we saw in the last part he's a pretty protective brother and he is worried about her but barak assures him she'll be okay regardless though they are going to look for her it wouldn't hurt as goku and gohan sparring the lookout bardock and raddis remain calm and trying to search wherever concentrating very closely and looking for keys all around the world their two targets right now are ruda and cell thankfully after a few hours or so they sent cell's energy briefly flare up when he attacks the city and bardock teleports there with raditz back to ruda she's laying low at 17 and while she's disgusted to be even near him she eventually gets a bit sympathetic 17 is a villain but she learns it's against his will he didn't want to become like this he was kidnapped by jerome alongside 18 who forcefully turned them into androids programming them with the idea that they need to kill goku and now with 17 realizing that his sister's in danger his own human thinking is overriding his directives from jerome why would he want to kill goku in the first place he has no motive to do that rude is confused as to why he's telling her this well she's not his target and plus after all the stress he went through when 18 got absorbed by cell he doesn't care anymore he just wants cell defeated root is also able to talk some sentence to 17 after hearing about this trying to get him to maintain this course of thinking he's right why should he waste his time trying to kill kakarot that's what jareau wanted and he and 18 are supposed to hate jerome and even with jerome gone they have a common enemy now anyways she's suddenly surprised when she senses something two familiar keys but much more potent than normal it's bardock and raditz and near them she can send it cell wait are they planning to fight cell that doesn't really seem like a good idea but then she remembers bardock has his fourth spirit fission and although she's not as practiced with it she knows that barack might be able to do something with it using it against cell and saving android 18 she even tells 17 this and that makes him pretty happy although he is a bit confused at the moment these people that he was just trying to kill are now helping save his sister inadvertently or not you know maybe he might be able to turn things around meanwhile let's go over to burdock raditz and cell cell sees bardock is that goku remember cell's not familiar with bardock because bardock didn't exist in cell's timeline as far as he's concerned well he existed but cell doesn't know who the hell this guy is assuming it's goku what a weird outfit but he does vaguely know rabbits perfect now he gets to kill goku and his brother bardock and trumps he's sorry to break it to cell but he's not goku close though he's goku's father bardock and he's ready to take down this weird looking bug man cell and bardock both get ready with rattus also joining in the three clash and right now both bardock and reddit surpass selen power they have the advantage and although ruda expects him to use spirit vision she's paying attention to the fight and appeared that bardock isn't this doesn't even occur to barlock it didn't work on the other android so he just pushes it out of his mind now but he then hears a voice that catches them off guard it's ruda talking to him in his mind this leaves him open for an attack by cell but bardock counters first off ruda told him that she's fine but also she explains that the androids aren't willingly doing this and she pleads for him to use spirit fission even though it feels cheap to bardock this seemed like the easiest way to defeat cell and it means android 18 survives he does want a fair fight but he's not going to be like vegeta he realizes the risk here and he decides to swallow his pride using spirit fission at the request of ruda android 18 is freed from cell and cell just doesn't know how to react he reverts to his imperfect state now furious and confused what was that wanting to land the final blow rattus jumps in and with basically no effort at all he's seemingly able to kill cell sensing this rooted then teleports over with 17 feeling that everything's safe they're surprised to see her but glad although not so glad to see android 17 mainly because he was the enemy and bardock's a bit suspicious he was alone with his daughter for a few hours he hopes nothing weird happened jokes aside it all seems peaceful now goku even brings gohan and they teleport there with goku wanting to make sure ruda is okay they're all celebrating the victory until a bright flash of light comes out of nowhere everyone is blinded and in the commotion 17 and 18 suddenly disappear with everyone's vision restored they slowly see a silhouette appear out of the light and sends a huge spike in power the figure becomes clearer itself having fully transformed he regenerated cell lifts his hand up and launches a blast at bardock with ruda telling him to duck bardock narrowly avoids it his hair getting singed in the process almost immediately cell flies over to the group with his first target being ruda she meddled in his plans before and he doesn't want her around with a powerful swipe he flings her far away crashing to the ground nearby unconscious goku's watching and gets angrier by the second first bardock now ruda he can't stand watching them getting hurt in his anger he charges a cell telling cell to focus on him he is self's target after all but the thing is goku still hasn't trained it isn't any match for cell at this point cell easily blocks his attacks and then with one hit to the back he knocks goku down unconscious that was easy now he could finish off goku but then cells are to feel a bit strange it's the same feeling he felt before in bardock use spirit fission he looks over and sees using her very limited knowledge of spirit fission root is trying to save 17 and 18 once more but she's too weak and inexperienced for something this advanced to work a little bit annoyed still lifts up his hand and incinerates the entire area with bardock and goku injured on the ground raditz and goku watch as cell kills ruda effortlessly and without remorse blinded by rage gohan then jumps in and attacks cell while raddus just stands there paralyzed something snaps within him gohan tries to fight cell but fails to do anything but they're both distracted as they look behind them and see out of anger raddus's power increased once more he has now become super saiyan 2. he immediately goes into attack cell fighting alongside his nephew it's an odd duo and gohan's kind of lagging behind but they work effectively although there's an issue even with a rage boosted gohan and super saiyan 2 raditz they're still not enough to defeat cell they're just desperately trying to have a last stand nearby bardock begins to stand up and he sees in front of him kakarot is on the ground unconscious and injured and he can't sense ruda anywhere close by raddus and gohan are defending him against cell he recollects himself slowly becoming less and less disoriented he stumbles over to kakarot and heals him they're watching the battle go on but they have a bad feeling deep in their stomach they can't find ruda anywhere but bardock remembers she should be close by to where cell flung her to and as the two look over their stomachs immediately drop nothing is there besides a smoldering crater they both know what it means raddus and gohan struggle against cell but there's another burst of power together bardock and goku attack bardock now in super saiyan 2. this is enough to turn the tide cell is on the defensive he's being completely overwhelmed cell is being tossed around like a ragdoll there's nothing he could do he tries to brace himself somehow but he can't he's fighting against four saiyans bardock wants to make cell pay for what he's done as do raditz gohan and goku they are not playing around here mid fight bardock stretches his palm out towards cell cell gags as both 18 and 17 are drawn out of him and he forcibly reverts into his imperfect form he's screwed with the wrong family as together the three generations of saiyans prepare to kill cell making sure he's erased for good this time no regeneration they launch a combined attack as the massive beam of energy goes out into space the second it hits cell he's completely incinerated for good measure they continue firing the beam until they're absolutely sure that cell is gone they're victorious but still the mood is somber they all walk over to the crater where ruda was it and they confirmed there was no way she survived this but it's not all bad while they did react an impulse they're now a little calm down and realize she could always be revived but the thing is what are they gonna do about those androids bardock only freed them out of instinct realizing that it was the best way to defeat cell they don't seem like a threat now so the four of them decide to leave the androids be on the lookout vegeta and trunks exit the room of spirit in time ready to fight turns out they missed a lot and although vegeta was able to unlock grade four by himself it seems once again radical stayed ahead although just barely this only further cements their rivalry they all gather the dragon balls and they have two wishes due to the size of one of them their first wish revive everyone killed by cell and out of his kindness shenron brings ruda right to the lookout he tells them to consider it a gift they're all happy to have her back but it turns out they have one more wish well they shouldn't let it go to waste so someone has to take it krillin decides he wants to wish for something asking for shenron to restore the androids to humans he can't do that but he can remove their bombs which he ends up doing bulma found the bomb in android 16 who actually gets to survive but from this they realize that android 17 and 18 also had these bombs we all know why krillin did the wish though and on the lookout both 17 and 18 appear as krillin wish for their bombs to be removed it's an awkward encounter as 18 sees krillin and 17 sees ruda again but deep down they are grateful for it and in a hurry they fly off well problem solved the androids are no longer an issue cell is defeated and trunks is also stronger so it seems he can go home and defeat the androids there he thanks everyone and says goodbye as he's sent back home vegeta is pretty proud of him but a little mad that they didn't get to fight together plus raddus is now barely edging ahead of him in terms of power and it seems that kakarot's about to do the same because he heads into the room of spirit and time with gohan they never got to go in but the two of them want to spend some time bonding together also trying to reach where bardock and raddus are in terms of power i feel like they wouldn't be able to get super saiyan 2 until they at least master super saiyan since super saiyan 2 was essentially just grade five that's why even though they got angered against cell they didn't get super saiyan 2 because they were basically still on grade one but now with the knowledge of it this is what they pursue and they're able to obtain it within the room of spirit and time being able to utilize that anger they felt before and similar to vegeta and bardock goku is proud of his son he's very impressed seeing him fight against cell made him happy and it seems now he may have the potential to become the strongest warrior here and after that ruda and piccolo decide that they even want to train in there wanting to try and remain ahead of everyone barack decides he could use another year in there it wouldn't hurt and it allows him to train ruda and piccolo who wants to go in there with them this way she could try to ascend super saiyan and also honor spirit control more going forward vegeta will use this to motivate him that clown kakarot's family even raditz the weakling they're all getting stronger than him this will not sit well with vegeta knowing krillin he's a dog and he seeks out 18 like normal i mean come on they had that scene earlier in this arc and it's inevitable props to krillin because they start dating also gohan ends up meeting videl after the few years pass good for him too everyone's getting some well except for yamcha no need though yamcha is a pro athlete after all i'm sure he's very popular well i hope for his sake and for poar's sake just so yamcha doesn't get too lonely and like usual over this time goten is born and bardock's really happy about the resemblance he wants to name this kid bardock or at least some traditional saiyan name and the second he's born he says to chichi that she should name him little bardock bardock jr something like that she snaps at him and says his name will be goten barlock backs down pretty scared no wonder kakarot married her she's perfect for someone like him guinea's been getting along well with chichi and of course she'll help out with goten it's like raising kakarot and rats all over again except they're not gonna have to send him to war so maybe it isn't like that ah whatever she and bardock live near goku's home and although it's really odd ox king and bardock would probably become pretty good friends they're both the grandpas in the family and their kids are married after all it's an odd friendship but i think it's a pretty cool one and after all this time passes thanks to videl they find out about the tournament this will be a good opportunity to get everyone together again you know they should even contact ruda for this they haven't seen her in a while where has she been i haven't discussed her at all well let's rewind so choosing this was pretty difficult because i knew no matter who i picked there would still be people against it but i'm sure by now you all know where i'm leading to after the cell saga android 16 decided that he was going to go join android 17. once the twins flew off the lookout he went with them but he was grateful for the group's help so 16 still kept in contact and through him ruda was able to find out that android 17 guy he's on an island now as the ranger she thought it would be pretty nice to visit him so 16 helps her out she's actually pretty interested in the island and what 16 and 17 are doing she really just wanted to check up on them she was curious how 17 was doing after everything happened this eventually snowballs more and more and similar to what happened with krillin in 18 ruta actually ends up dating 17. i'm sure you guys saw this coming from a mile away and honestly i feel like this is the best choice some people suggested vegeta and that's partially my fault because i forgot to mention that vegeta still did get with bulma and another popular suggestion was yamcha but i just don't see that happening the personalities don't line up too well and she barely had any interactions with him like i said it's a case similar to krillin in 18 and i think it's a pretty good ship 17 is basically a clean slate at this point too i mean he's absent until dragon ball super which makes it even more convenient and two funny things arise out of this for one this means krillin is part of goku's family now as an in-law pretty fitting considering they're best friends and number two it's also kind of odd for bardock and goku 17 did want to kill goku after all i mean they could tell his reform now but it's a bit of an adjustment besides if 18 can turn good and get with krillin this should work bardock is more and more suspicious about what happened in that city but anyway that leads us to now the world tournament is here with a different roster most of it remains the same but there are some changes goku vegeta gohan videl krillin android 18 android 17 rueda bardock raditz bopovich yamu mr satan piccolo shin and who could forget kabita goten and trunks can't even sneak in his mighty mask sucks for them in the first round krillin ends up fighting 17 a match between brother-in-law's but it's pretty obvious who wins this it's weird because 18 doesn't know who to cheer on but besides that fight the next few go normal i am so sorry of a doubt you all know what happens to her i don't need to cover in depth i don't want her getting hurt sadly she does though and so does gohan later on once he gets stabbed by yawmu and spokovitch draining his energy kubito ends up healing gohan and everyone has to chase down smokovich and yamu but bardock's then realizing he knows what just happened they stole his energy so he decides it wouldn't hurt if he took it back smokovic and yamu don't even notice but as they're flying away bardock takes their energy back giving it to gohan which fully heals him it turns out kibito wasn't needed at all huh shin didn't even know he could do this and this is actually better it means they could still follow spoken vision yamu but they don't actually have any energy that they're bringing to bobady this time the same group goes and follows them except we have the addition of bardock raditz ruda and 17 a bit of a small army vegeta is a little upset he was about to fight kak rod and he wanted to fight bardock and reddit's too he's been training over these seven years and he feels confident still angered about how they surpassed him and kind of treated him with disrespect before with these emotions brewing up in vegeta we'll leave off here following the majin servants the group is eventually able to arrive at bobbidy's ship and it's clear that bobbidy is outmatched right now the group watches carefully they feel like they have an advantage right now and they don't want to blow that bobbidy's crew it's kind of weak compared to them and just as bobby is starting to realize they didn't actually get any energy from anyone since bardock was able to steal it back smart move by him bobbity is angered and panicking and his best line of defense right now is deborah they call out the group knowing that they're there watching bobby's gonna have to really use his magic to try and protect him right now deborah is able to coax the group out and they're all prepared to fight him together just as everyone's about to attack together to kill deborah most of the group suddenly vanishes in order to gather some energy and save deborah bobbidy scattered everyone around some ended up inside the ship some ended up back at the tournament while bardock kibito and piccolo are the ones left outside while barlock's group tries to fight tabora goku's part of a group inside the ship and they try to take everyone down inside root is easily able to kill puipui while goku kills yakon pretty much the same way he did in the canon story they quickly keep heading down the ship but it seems like they're not making any progress as soon as they get to another level they end up back at the same one they started at bobbidy is manipulating the ship making it like an infinite ladder imagine that staircase and mario 64 pretty much like that apply to the ship for now he's essentially just biding his time trying to figure out what he can do to try and counter this but after thinking for a bit he ends up coming up with an idea get more servants he searches around and finds two potential people he could possess one is vegeta who's probably the easiest target for bobbidy with all the bad emotions bubbling up within him bobby can easily exploit him he was one of the people teleported back to the tournament alongside rabbids and raditz would most likely be another good target for bobity just like the canon version of vegeta raditz is a good person by now but some of that malice still exists within him and although it's a little bit harder than vegeta bobby still can't exploit that malice first he goes after vegeta easily being able to get into his mind and possess him everyone at the tournament watches in horror as vegeta screams in agony and begins transforming after him the same happens to raditz with vegeta talking to him while it's happening while people at the tournament are trying to talk to raddus and help him vegeta instead is trying to encourage him not that he really needed the encouragement bobidi is still able to possess him and the two once again work together as malicious saiyan allies just as bardock is able to kill deborah his group and the one in the ship are teleported away bobbity is actively teleporting everyone right now just to annoy them and get the right matchups this bardock fellow is really strong so is goku but he can't have two of them together at once bardock and vegeta are teleported into a wasteland with rats and goku teleported to another one everyone else is sent to the world tournament trying to figure out what happened vegeta's target right now is bardock while rattus's target is goku bobadi carefully selected these matchups he knew these two had a malice towards the other bardock vs raditz wouldn't work since raddas would probably still have a soft spot for him goku vs vegeta could have worked but that leaves no one powerful enough to match raditz everyone at the tournament is confused but they quickly realize what's happening and they realize they need to stop the fights so the best option right now is to split up piccolo kabito and gohan go to help goku while shin ruta and 17 go to hell bardock everyone else stays back at the tournament to make sure the spectators are safe vegeta begins the fight with a powerful attack catching bardock off guard he wants barlock to fight without using his spirit techniques so they can make it fair he's had enough of barlock talking down to him vegeta has finally surpassed him in terms of power bardock's in a pretty hard spot here if he draws out the fight by fighting normally that means bobbidy gets energy but he's cautious because if he tries to steal vegeta's energy bobbidy may just steal it from him somehow once it's out of vegeta that would be the easiest way to defeat vegeta but there's more risk to it so bardock sticks with a normal fight for now maybe somehow he could still knock vegeta out with both in super saiyan 2 they are around even however vegeta has a slight edge and bardock is still holding back somewhat trying not to give off more energy and of course the fight has only just begun so bardock's not going to be going full power right away he needs to gauge vegeta first if barack's not going to go full power vegeta will force him too he charges up a powerful final flash and launches it at bardock bardock braces himself also trying to use spirit control to see if he can divert the beam anyhow but the beam ends up connecting with him or at least it's something just as soon as the fight started someone's already intervened vegeta feels the beam connect and he laughs but as the light dissipates he sees something forming around bardock there's a green barrier of sorts and vegeta quickly realizes what just happened using its transmission ruda teleported there with 17 looking to help and 17 quickly threw up a barrier trying to help bardock with ruda also throwing up a barrier of her own it's a pretty useful technique that she picked up from 17. bardock thanks them for helping and he tells vegeta to flat out they could fight some other time he doesn't care about some petty duel now they have bigger problems at hand this only further angers vegeta not only is bardock refusing to fight but he also has help now in his anger vegeta tries to attack shin the weakest of the group but once again rooted in 17 are able to work together throwing up barriers to protect the supreme kai this was a stupid move by vegeta because it leaves him open for bardock to attack which bardock takes the opportunity and just as soon as bardock attacks 17 and ruda attack too also trying to encapsulate vegeta in these barriers their combined power allows him to stop vegeta leaving him unconscious this could easily been prevented if bobbity teleported them out of there so why didn't he well this is what happens from bobby splitting his attention by separating the fights this allowed the group to come up with a plan when gohan's group left to help goku they had kabito teleport them to goku's fight and as soon as they got there they told kabito to teleport everyone including goku and raditz back to bobbidy's ship just at the outside though this put bobbidy's guard up as he watched the outside making sure they didn't get in because that's what he thought was going to happen he was too focused on that fight and tried teleporting everyone away which left vegeta defenseless all the while raditz still faces goku not distracted by the teleporting he's set on killing his brother as goku tries to talk him out of it rat is seriously can't feel the need to kill him right now right raddus doesn't care and continues fighting his brother this fight is also very even except rattus does have a slight advantage but not enough to make a difference because goku outshines him in terms of technique suddenly bardock's group teleports it with a subdued and unconscious vegeta trapped inside multiple barriers their group decides to go right for bobbity as piccolo and gohan try to intervene help and goku fight raditz raditz has serious deja vu from this not only because he's fighting the same people once more but because he loses again with majin raditz and majin vegeta unconscious the group descends once again on babity and all seems lost for him thinking on his feet he quickly teleports next to the unconscious vegeta and rats breaking the barriers around them and then putting them in his own shield with an energy draining device he stabs both of them taking all their energy and leaving them gravely injured teleporting back into his ship they're badly hurt but their majin seal is gone bobbidy leaves them for dead no longer having any use for them but thankfully bardot qubito and rudo rush over to heal them good thing they have multiple healers on the team kibito does the job and tells the other two to save their energy he has a bad feeling that they'll need as much as they can vegeta and raditz wake up bitter both disappointed in what they did and having mixed feelings about the whole thing they're also a little bit woozy right now but they can't focus on that right now because bobby is the main issue and they suddenly sent a huge spike in power somewhere it's too late with this little bit of energy he stole from vegeta and raditz bobby was able to finish buu's revival and far away they can sense bobbidy sick and come on cities killing people and destroying places as soon as he's awoken most of the group is terrified by majin buu's power but bardock feels like this is good he has an idea they had to stay away from taking energy before but now they're free to do whatever they want ruda realizes this too and now that she actually has some control over her spirit deficient she and bardock can work together to defeat buu so she and bardock immediately teleport to the city where buu is with the rest of the group reluctantly following ready to fight just in case this is a risky move but it seems like bardock has a good plan and just as soon as they get there raddus decides to launch a massive blast to kill bobity as payback and penance for his actions although boo easily blocks it being controlled by bobbity while it didn't have the intended effect of killing bobbity it still worked as a distraction for boo leaving him open for bardock to steal some of his energy he and ruda start taking buu's energy but bobby is smart enough to see through this and tells buu to focus on attacking those two he splits himself into multiple clones just to hold the others off and to attack bardock and ruda at the same time they're slowly weakening the majin but then they suddenly begin to realize something as they're trying to use spirit fission they already sent someone within boo this is just like cell before they were able to separate the people within him so maybe they can do the same taboo and it could weaken him coordinating the two do this buu suddenly stops attacking everyone and starts feeling a weird feeling in his stomach his stomach explodes open as two people fly out of him shin's jaw immediately drops to the floor barlock and ruda just freed the grand supreme kai and the south supreme kai who were unconscious but quickly healed by kabito bardock doesn't know what he just did and who these people are but it seemed to weaken boo and he's starting to transform into something else the two kai's are also pretty confused but they see shin who's glad to see them and catches them up to speed i mean they have missed millions of years worth of events but he catches them up about what's happening right now he'll explain the rest later bobbidi looks terrified as boo begins transforming slowly reverting into kid boo babidi remembers that even bibbidi had a hard time controlling kid buu and it's probably going to be even harder for him bobbity tries to command him but kid buu is angered by this immediately turning around and incinerating bobity the group watches the confusion but the kai's all-button and say what's happening they've restored fat boo to kidbu the incarnation of pure evil he's completely unhinged and uncontrollable and the group immediately sees what the kai's mean as buu tries to blow up earth thankfully with so many fighters there they're able to defend against it and outmaneuver kibu but they're shocked to see that he's not even holding back his power normally whenever they fight someone they have to control their key to a level so that they don't destroy earth but kitabu is not doing that at all the kais tell everyone to retreat but the group is confident they do overpower and outnumber kitabu after all ruda wanting to take charge is the first one to jump into attack laying a hit on kid buu so she could slowly safe and energy for him without him noticing good thinking on her part goku and 17 join in to make sure she'll be fine with bardock and radda's following the rest of the group stays back to protect the kai's sins kitabu might go after them it's good to have powerhouses like gohan and vegeta protecting them also they're protecting earth in case buu tries to blow it up again boo keeps regenerating from the attacks but he also keeps weakening rude's spirit fission is working buu isn't able to stop it or even take notice of it but still it's not enough they're gonna need a really strong attack so goku tells the rest of the group to hold the buu off as he slowly flies back and lifts his hands up into the sky bardock ruda 17 and rat is hold off boo while everyone on the ground lifts their hands up granting energy to goku as he repairs a spirit bomb the group fighting buu leads him up into the sky so goku can aim upwards and not towards earth boom notices the spirit bomb but he doesn't care and also he can't intervene because he's fighting four people right now those four fighters all lift their hands up and lend more energy to goku and while there's not a lot of people lending energy a lot of the life on earth is the plants the animal the planet itself the spirit bomb is charging slowly but surely but it still needs one final push ruda who's been stealing boo's energy lifts her arm up once more lending all of her energy to the bomb plus granting all the energy she's siphoned from boo no longer concealing the fact that she's draining his energy angered buu decides to go after her specifically but then crashes into something and is disoriented he hit his head really bad on something but as he recollects himself he sees 17 in front of ruda with a row of shields 17 won't let boo get to her angrily boo tries to smash the shields but behind him bardock and radiss then deliver kicks together which sends boo flying upwards into the sky running out of energy boo begins panting somewhat panicked and as a last resort he charges up an attack once again and aims it towards earth but it's swallowed up into goku's spirit bomb as ruda and bardock try to redirect it goku yells out the bomb is ready ironically fueled by buu's energy he flings the bomb towards boo and boo tries to push it back but he can't everyone else helps goku they join in pushing the spirit bomb and buu slowly starts to disintegrate everyone powers up to their maximum power giving one final push and it's more than enough the bomb erases every bit of boo quickly flying off into space careening out of the atmosphere and then turning into a massive explosion that thankfully doesn't collide with any other body in the solar system they don't want the moon to blow up again after all blue particles fall from the sky as remains of the spirit bomb and the kai's look in astonishment they thank shin for his great work finding these people but shin tells him to thank the mortals it's a shame that west and north supreme kairon alive but they got payback at least and two of the kais got saved grand supreme kai uses magic to heal everyone instantly even faster than the yard rat students or kibido could heal to extend his gratitude he offers to train any of these mortals if they'd like most of them do have families and responsibilities though so all of them decline but they thank him for his offer well all but one of them declined one of these fighters does not fall into that category grand supreme kai is surprised they didn't notice before there's a namekian on this planet it's piccolo the one person to step up and take the offer the saiyans are so far ahead of him right now and this may be the perfect opportunity to catch up plus with kami fuse into him he may as well pay respect to the gods and respect kami's name he's also able to tell they're two kai short because two of the directions are missing if they'd like he could show them how to bring them back to life by leading them to namek they will definitely consider this the invite is open so anyone can come and train if they want but they are still glad that piccolo joined they should be fun the four kai's teleport away thankful and happy telling everyone they're grateful for what they did with piccolo also saying a temporary farewell to everyone they teleport off to the sacred world of kai's the dragon team is able to gather the dragon balls and restore all the damage that's been done and it's a shame they couldn't have a tournament but they saved earth so it's all good everyone decides to return home it's a little awkward for vegeta but he apologizes for his actions as does raditz funny enough this is the first time raddus and vegeta worked together in a while and they shared the same experience so hopefully they can bond over it somehow bardock raditz goku and gohan go home joining guinea goten ok king and chichi back at the house ruda and 17 return to monster island with 16 as vegeta and the humans also go to their respective homes the group says their temporary farewells but of course this isn't the last time they'll see each other they're always in contact and there's always more fights to be fought there is a looming threat somewhere out there in space about to come to earth but with this temporary goodbye we'll save that for the next part a few years have passed since part 4 we open up on the world of kai's using namek's dragon balls every other kai has been revived and together the four directional kais kabito and grand supreme kai are meditating alongside piccolo they're somewhat novice student the meditation is interrupted grand supreme kai sent us something an awakening of someone he knew long ago the other guy is all sensitive too as does piccolo through what the kai's taught him he quickly learns what's happening there's no other way around it it has to be lord beerus piccolo's training has been going pretty well and he's made some great progress while also learning about the universe the kai's have all taught him about beerus and the multiverse as well and piccolo is stunned to hear that now beerus is once again awoken from his nap but while he knows the technical aspects of beerus he doesn't actually know beerus is he a threat should they all be concerned grand supreme kai reassures piccolo he shouldn't really be of any concern right now but shin does mention one thing virus has a temper and as long as beerus doesn't want something in his and angered he should be okay naturally piccolo is still a little bit worried but the kai's all go back to the training the god of destruction stretches as he wakes up with whisk greeting him after he returned from his long nap it turns out beerus hasn't really missed much frieza was killed and then buu was somehow defeated by people on earth and also the kais appear to have a new student and namekian and every kai has returned it's no longer just shin and kabito what a boring few decades but he is intrigued though frieza and buu defeated he asked whis who were the ones responsible for this well luiz checks and it appears on earth there appears to be some saiyans there beerus instantly perks up when he hears this saiyans huh that reminds him of a dream he had we go back to earth specifically monster island seventeen and ruda are outside overlooking the area with their kid their young daughter named jade 17 and 18's original names were lapis and lazuli so i'm sticking with the rock theme for the naming here i mean a jade is a gem but close enough i guess anywho it's a pretty average day on the island but they're then shocked to see a flash of light and show obvious concern they call for android 16 to join them as the four all fly over to see what just happened seventeen and ruda draw their rifles quietly approaching after they fly there they draw closer and see two human-like figures and the two then become clearer these two aren't human guns definitely won't be enough if they are a thread so 17 and ruda put their guns away as they approach the two mysterious visitors that's odd ruda can't sense their key at all could they be more androids i mean they definitely aren't human that's for sure beerus then turns and is happy to see the company he instantly notices root his tail and realizes she's a saiyan he and whis introduce themselves saying why they're hearing why they pick ruda specifically it is pretty early in the morning so everyone else is asleep and ruda was the first power that they sensed and it seems that they struck gold they actually did find a saiyan beer is asked if she knows anything about the super saiyan god and it turns out she doesn't but she does know about super saiyan and actually a level above that she shows off super saiyan 2 to beerus and whis and beerus tells her to test that power against him he wants a fight well if he says so ruda lunges at beerus she keeps trying to punch but she can't hit him at all he's too fast she considers draining his energy but she can't without making any contact she's not able to he is a bit disappointed i mean if she were some sort of super saiyan god she'd be able to keep up with his speed but he doesn't know other saiyans exist on earth maybe you can consult them runa tells beerus and whis that she knows the other saiyans and since she's kind of intimidated by these two she offers to go get them you know to appease them so they don't have to move beerus and whis are shocked to see her disappear as she uses instant transmission leaving 16 17 and jade awkwardly standing there how can they make conversation with a god and an angel at his residence goku and his family are asleep well besides three people bardock raddus and ox king the two were just enjoying the early morning air and watches as rattus does hundreds of thousands of push-ups nearby just so we can impress a certain blonde-haired girl who rejected him not too long ago if he works out he'll get her this time too bad that's not going to happen but he might as well get stronger ruda suddenly arrives and explains why she's here but tells him not to worry bardock immediately runs to goku's house to wake him goku and goten up with them getting ready to go consult vegeta and trunks ruda returns to the island and not long after goku and bardock teleport in with the other saiyans and bulma she wanted to come along to watch vegeta seems pretty scared right now trying to casually talk everyone out of it vegeta's here how funny but that doesn't really matter to beerus he wants to test out everyone's power no one is able to contest with him and just as he finishes up his final fight with vegeta piccolo then teleports in alongside shin and the grand supreme kai wow it's been a long time since they've seen piccolo he looks good but the grand supreme kai tells everyone they've all been watching and they saw what's going on it turns out piccolo actually had an idea he may know a way to find out about the super saiyan god he explains during his kai training he did have to research all the planets and one of them that he particularly got interested in was namek i mean what else would you expect and with his interest in namek he eventually did find out about the namekian book of legends and although he hasn't really read it too in depth he knows there's some stuff about saiyans in there he tells beerus to hold off for now he'll consult the book and tell him what he finds this is actually news to beerus any less than a mecca do it using the kai kai which he learned piccolo then goes to namek as they all wait around with some even trying to fight beerus again a few minutes later piccolo then shows up again and he seems pretty happy he's read the book and it turns out there is something about the super saiyan god in there and how to achieve it the super saiyan god isn't a person as a transformation well from what he can understand and the great thing the ritual isn't even too hard they just need five saiyans to channel all their energy into one other saiyan and they have more than enough saiyans here yeah that's all great but who do they use the ritual on they all turn to beerus letting him decide so he surveys the crowd and points a finger out his finger is pointed towards bardock from all of his fights beerus can tell that bardock seemed the most impressive although vegeta and that rooted girl came surprisingly close but still no match for beerus everyone agrees to this goku vegeta raditz aruda and gohan all channel their energy into bardock unsure if the ritual will work but it does bardock then descends from the sky with the red hair this is definitely what beerus was looking for they can't sense him but barna can tell this power is insane unlike anything he can ever imagine so beerus gets ready to fight him but 17 intervenes he tells everyone if they're going to fight do it away from the island please just to protect the animals beerus chuckles this machine immortal is pretty funny he jokes about 17 being confident enough to tell a god of destruction what to do and admires his personality and he appeases the android's wishes the group all flies towards the coast as bardock and beerus ascend above the water the fight itself is spectacular bardock still isn't a match for beerus but he's way better than he was before beerus mentions bardock still has a long way to go but he has hope that bardock will be a great rival in the future bardock himself even grows during the fight somehow obtaining the power of super saiyan god in his regular super saiyan form needless to say beerus is pretty pleased with his fight although he's not defeated he's happy and the two return to the island everyone's just cheering on bardock saying how awesome that was except for vegeta he scoffs in the corner but then beerus interjects he asked if any saiyans want to come to train with him he doesn't want to take too many but he's willing to take some it's better to have more than just one rival sadly ruda declines this she doesn't want to leave earth to train and she could just get the ritual done here instead she needs to look after her daughter and she wants to stay with 17 protecting the island and such goten and trunks obviously can't go and gohan declines because you know work and such but he can also just get the ritual done here just like ruda and you know on second thought he could actually just train with her and seventeen that could be cool but luckily for beerus he's able to pick up four saiyans bardock goku vegeta and raditz that settles it then he gives him a few weeks to get their things in order with goku having the most trouble because he has to run it by chichi but they all eventually go to his planet with whis and while we're talking about gods why not talk about the opposite end of the spectrum as we go to hell literally in hell or hiffle whatever you want to call it there's a new threat brewing i'm not talking about frieza either no a former villain waits there watching everything that's going on right now this villain awaits to make his return and while on the topic of villains frieza is also trying to make his return or at least his army is ruda jade 17 gohan ghosthead and trunks are all on earth training one day alongside android 18 and krillin who joined them even some of the humans are there with how often they visit the island they're all pretty good friends and 17 essentially has made everyone honorary rangers even some of their families have come out they're all having a feast but during this meal gohan then says he stunts to something weird ruda confirms this too and they ask android 16 to help android 16 has been upgraded many times by now 17 and ruda have done some upgrades as well as consulting bulma for some he's much stronger but also his features are stronger too such as his ability to sense key it's essentially a very advanced scouter so he turns it on and he's able to detect there's multiple ships coming to earth's atmosphere and he's then able to patch himself into their radios listening in just as he suspected it's frieza's army and he tells everyone the location of the ships their keys are kind of weak and there's so many of them so it'll be hard to find everyone so it's better to get to the ships before they land and spread out everyone grabs onto ruda as she drops them off at different locations on one of the ships sorbet sees what's happening and he commands the army to attack no longer wanting to remain stealthy the good thing for everyone on earth is that frieza's army isn't really too strong right now i mean in terms of pure power they never really stood a chance but as of right now they don't even stand a chance in terms of numbers this is before frieza's revival so it's very disorganized and it doesn't have as many people as it should the group is easily able to defeat the soldiers as some try to retreat sorbet calls everyone back they're not going to get the dragon balls but they do have an idea the ships quickly ascend to the air as they all get into formation each ship appears to be armed with a weapon a giant laser aimed right at earth sorbet maniacally laughs if they can't revive frieza they'll just destroy earth lord frieza would have wanted it anyways on the ships the lasers charge and they're launched towards the surface but they all explode in mid-air they collide with android 17 and reuters barriers the weapons themselves were actually pretty powerful it probably would have destroyed earth but with the barriers in place it essentially means that the frieza force just blew themselves up the remaining forces that escaped the ship are cleaned up by krillin tangent and yamcha that was a pretty easy victory and they could all return back to their feast good thing because they were pretty hungry and just like that resurrection f was avoided but as i mentioned earlier there's still another threat looming about unaware of this the four saiyans on beerus's planet all train and naturally by now all of them have super saiyan god gohan and ruda have done the ritual for themselves on earth and before those four saiyans left for beerus's planet they had it all done on them too they're learning some great things and growing stronger and they're slowly coming to learn there seems to be something above super saiyan god maybe if frieza's resurrection was successful they would have used this power for good but for now they continue to pursue it the next goal of their training is something called super saiyan god super saiyan kind of a mouthful this is sick they'll have to show gohan and rude it one day once they're back on earth but their return to earth may be sooner than they expected because things are about to go sour krillin 18 and marin are away from home one day enjoying a nice vacation that android 18 requested in their hotel room krillin turns on the tv and sees breaking news the city that they were in got attacked people heard explosions the route krillin's jaw drops when he sees on the tv his house is destroyed nothing else just his house thankfully they weren't home and they could always replace that but still what could possibly be going on the news describes it as some sort of terror attack no accident naturally news spreads 18 eventually makes a call to monster island runa picks up in a surprise to hear the news 18 surprisingly sounds pretty nonchalant when she says her house was blown up she's more angry than anything but rude is confused it wasn't any accident it was an attack who could possibly want to target krillin or 18. it's good that they were away from home and they say they're going to remain here for now at least until they get more information needless to say ruda is pretty concerned so she asked if 16 can go analyzing and see what's going on he agrees and heads over to the city as rooted then goes to tell 17 17 is out on the island right now and he sees an odd poacher oh great another one of these he fires a warning shot but the poacher doesn't budge he can't quite make out who it is maybe one of frieza's goons who escaped he draws closer in the forest to approach the person with his gun ready but he's surprised to hear an eerily familiar voice ruda exits the house to go tell 17 and then she sees an explosion in the distance near where 17 is supposed to be and even worse she senses power nearby wait is it a single power or is it multiple she can't really tell but something about it seems bad and familiar at the same time she's paralyzed in fear she sees in front of her the same guy who killed her a few years back and then she's literally paralyzed as she feels an odd wave of energy rush over her this energy isn't any normal kind of key or god key even it might not even be key at all the person she just saw turns and grins in his hands he holds a battered android 17. nice to see you again it's none other than cell he's alive how is he back and why is he stronger rudy gets it now he's the one who attacked android 18 but what does he want and what is this power he's using well we'll save that mystery for the next episode so as i mentioned this cell is the same cell from before i was pretty interested to read through the comments and see what people's theories were about the cell and surprisingly not many people predicted this you see for this brand new arc consider it somewhat of a rewrite of the super 17 saga and dragon ball gt well not really more so is taking heavy inspiration from it but how is that well let's rewind a bit all the way back to the buu saga wants to bore a dot since we are taking inspiration from gt we're going to assume that both jarrow and deborah get to keep their bodies in hell if frieza did then they probably would as well as well as a certain other someone in hell deborah ends up meeting jaro as well as bobby who's been sent to the same place they're all pretty disappointed and want revenge on a common group of people that group of earthlings saiyans that one namekian and those androids deborah and bobby are particularly angry at the saiyans while jerome is very angry at the androids but they're pretty much all angry at everyone else on earth and there is one more person in hell that's there with them and that would be cell while cell is jerome's creation it's not like they're best friends or anything however sel giroud deborah and bobby all have a common goal revenge and the perfect weapon is right there first off cell needs some upgrades jared was able to give cell dna from bobbity and deborah not only allowing him to have deborah's strength but bobbity's magical abilities so he's upgraded far beyond his original capabilities giro really wanted to gather some dna from ruda bardock and radis as well but obviously with their current location they're going to have kind of a hard time getting dna from people on earth in the living world they are able to work with what they have here though so now the actual escape plan although it will take a long time possibly even years the combined magic of bobbidy deborah and cell may be enough to create a rift to allow them to get to earth as we have seen both in canon and non-canon content it doesn't necessarily seem too hard to get back to the living world and with strong people such as this i'm sure it would be possible but they are eventually able to create this rift out of hell as cell exits through the temporary portal the three other villains laugh seeing cell as kind of a weapon for them they get to sit back and relax and hell as cell does the dirty work but of course cell is doing things his way he doesn't need these guys anymore he has the strength to overpower deborah the magical abilities to outshine bobbidy and the intelligence to make derose pale in comparison he has it all now and he no longer needs these guys on his side this is his mission now and can he really even trust them as he departs hell he launches a massive blast killing the three of them all together and since they died while in the afterlife these three are now all permanently dead the portal begins rapidly shrinking and cell heads through it quickly closing off as he's now back in the living world so now the hard part who should he target first well there is one thing that could be useful from one of the fighters on earth something that gero didn't have the resources to make in hell an infinite energy engine they actually told cell to do this regardless so they wouldn't have to make an engine themselves if he attacks one of the androids first he could just kill them take the battery and install it within himself much easier than gathering the resources and actually building the part with that he'll truly be unstoppable and not only is it easier but it's a bit more fun remaining stealthy his first target is android 18 and once he arrives at their house he immediately blows it up this is the quickest way to do it hopefully he killed everyone inside so he could just steal her engine pretty easily with no issues at all but as we mentioned in the last part they weren't home they actually lucked out here and he doesn't have any idea where she would be at the moment but thankfully there's other androids for him to target this leads him to going toward android 17 on the island once he arrives on the island he easily defeats android 17 and that brings us to where we were in the last part the thing that's paralyzing ruda and that weird energy she's feeling that's magic that energy absorption technique that she and bardock had was pretty annoying for cell so he wants to make sure that she's held in place and she can't do anything about it with android 17 unconscious and cell's hands ruda watches and terror as cell lifts his tail with a gruesome scene he stabs android 17 in the stomach removing the engine inside him with the engine now in his possession he throws the gravely injured android aside as rudy struggles to free herself so she could heal android 17. he's finally done it he has the infinite energy engine and now he'll be unstoppable now it's time to enact his revenge he'll save ruda for last he killed her once already so her watching 17 dies should be good enough for him as he charges a blast in her direction cells then caught off guard by two blasts pretty strong ones in fact but they don't really damage him too much he looks over and sees of course people nearby would sense what's happening and two people have joined to save the day android 16 hovers above with his arms attached having just launched the hell's flash itself by his side is gohan with red hair and his super saiyan god form and this was the perfect distraction it allows ruta to free herself quickly grabbing 17 and then teleporting over to gohan midair she's able to heal 17 but it appears there's an issue sure she did help him restore his wounds but that's not going to restore technology he retains his android strength but now he of course does not have that infinite energy engine to rely on he can still fight though and help but this will take some getting used to since he's so used to fighting with it it's definitely cause for problems but at least he's okay cell grins ah more challengers this should make it more fun plus it gives him the chance to test out his new powers more combine the four tack cell as ruda also goes into super saiyan god suppressed cell is able to hold them off pretty easily but gohan and aruta then hear a voice it's goku trying to check in on everyone he sends to very evil energy on earth as well as the energy of his son and his sister raising naturally making him think that they're in trouble he asks if they need help or if they're okay but they tell him not to come if cell fights goku or any other beerus's students he can absorb their energy and become unstoppable sure their strength would be helpful but they don't know what cell is capable of now for all they know that would just help him well at least they know what's going on but goku is of course pissed and concerned as is raditz he really wants to intervene to help and tells bardock to take him there but bardock declines he asks goku and goku says the same whis even steps in too saying it's best that they stay here unless they're absolutely needed it'll be interesting to see how those on earth handle themselves while goku baroque and vegeta realize that they can't intervene this really does not sit well with the raditz with the group heavily disadvantaged cell continues the onslaught not only does he have the edge in terms of power but he has magic which they can't really counter and cells seem to be heavily relying on magic here he truly is a terrifying threat now but as the four fights sell they then watch surprises he's then cut into four pieces with a massive keyblast going through those pieces a little bit caught off guard cell regenerates as someone then teleports behind him and he feels a sword go through his chest slicing upwards towards his head as he's then cut once again into many little pieces after a massive flash of light it's revealed who's there drawing the z sword back piccolo stands there as cell then regenerates from all his tiny pieces of course that wasn't enough to kill him he thought his magical abilities would be enough to defend against a random attack like that not to mention his natural strength the group's elated to see piccolo and cell's pretty amused he never expected a weakening piccolo to be here and what's with the sword cell tries to restrain piccolo using his magic ready to eat piccolo as a snack but piccolo easily breaks free somehow although piccolo doesn't nearly match still in terms of power remember who he's training with he's working with coyotes and piccolo is no real stranger to magic himself here he's essentially able to nullify all of cell's magical abilities pretty much rendering them useless on him and while this is pretty good there's still the issue of power of course piccolo is a powerful addition but even with him it's still not nearly enough to defeat cell stretching his hand towards the sky piccolo then heals all his allies telling 16 to retreat as he can't be healed by piccolo's abilities he'll take 16's place as he nullifies sells magic helping the group in their attacks while also still does have the upper hand he's a little bit angered by this after all that time spent getting his magical abilities and with how useful they were he somehow can't even use them now why confusion mixes with anger as he reveals more of his full power giving the group some serious trouble he is especially wary of ruda because now without his magical abilities she may be able to hit him which would allow her to drain his energy most of his focus is spent avoiding her but he has a better idea since he already did kill her he wanted to let her off easy but the best option here is probably to just kill ruda outright there's no point in savoring the moment if it'll screw him over quickly charging a massive blast he aims one towards her as everyone looks in shock knowing what will happen desperately she quickly braces herself a massive explosion takes place mid-air with gohan piccolo and 17 looking on in horror cell chuckles to himself but gohan and piccolo realized they could still sense her energy and it seems that someone else is there too the blast dissipates revealing ruda with her arms up trying to block the blast but in front of her is rabbits with his hands stretched out with bardock alongside it seeing bardock and make cell explode in anger this guy again meddling with his plans he's not even going to try to save her the moment he'll kill barlock instantly as he lunges towards bardock bardock then lets out a chuckle as he teleports away back to beerus's planet he's not there to fight he was only there to transport raddus after much thinking they decided it might be good to send some help even with the risk it shouldn't be too bad if they sent one person and raditz seemed to insist on going he hasn't really been there for his siblings too much but now he's going to make up for that as barlock teleports away cell stumbles mid-air confuses to where bardock went he then plummets to the ground as raddus delivers a flying kick spiking him downwards cell still collectively outshines them all in terms of power but naturally this is an issue for him not only is his magic nullified now but they have an extra fighter here and he seems pretty strong what the hell happened to raditz he was never this strong before and now that he thinks about it why do ruta and gohan have redhead and why does raddus have blue hair these are some really weird looking super saiyan forms but whatever he picks himself back up and continues fighting for the time being cell decides to set his sights on piccolo and the group is keen to pick up on this quickly they now all struggle to protect him cell is singling him out now because he wants to activate his magic once more they continue fighting and then go on and suddenly handed something by piccolo piccolo subtly pass it towards gohan so cell wouldn't see it this must be a senzu bean or something but telepathically piccolo then begins conversing with gohan and raditz raditz hears them loud and clear as he taunts cell going on the offensive rather than the defensive he gets cell to fight him one-on-one telling cell that no matter how strong he is now is nothing in comparison to where raditz is of course this is a lie and rattus doesn't really stand a chance here but he's confident he focuses on dodging cell's tail even cutting it off with a sword made of key with both of his hands encapsulated in keyblades obviously these blades don't injure cells since he just regenerates but is a smart move by raditz as raddus continues lunging towards cell with the keyblades he has a new plan he goes for cells arms and legs continuously cutting them off as well as his tail and you know what to up the ante how about some more blades radius turns his legs into blades as well he does have to be really careful with this but this essentially makes him a sentient kienzon right now rat it's grins this seemingly basic strategy is enough to hold cell off at least until cell is able to think away around it there's no point in holding back anymore cell fully powers up and the power that cell shows off actually makes radical stomach drop everyone on beerus's planet reacts the same way too except for beerus and whis beerus is admittedly a bit intrigued but he'll let these mortals handle it the good thing is piccolo only needed a really short diversion and rad has accomplished that as raddus distracted cell reuter was able to heal both piccolo and gohan as piccolo can't really just heal himself she and 17 get the rundown on the plan and they tell everyone to be safe as she and 17 then teleport in to help raditz in the heat of the battle cellars had a massive explosion as 17 desperately tries to shield the island beneath them and this blast knocks the three fighters back leaving them open for cell to strike as erratic tries to rebound he sees cell's tail lunging towards him too fast for him to dodge or slice off but then he sees someone else slices off the tail raditz ruda and 17 are happy the diversion worked watching from beerus's planet wii shows everyone on his staff goku's pretty shocked what happened to gohan luis's staff displays an image of gohan with green skin and some other odd features as whis explains it was a pretty smart move on piccolo's part the item that he handed gohan was a patara earring cell looks up and sees the same thing that goku was looking at a new figure wielding the z sword the fusion of gohan a piccolo a fusion of master and student the hardest part now is coming up with the name i could do kalohan like dragon ball fusions does but since this is a different fusion let's say he dubs himself go hello because any other option is kind of a mouthful or sounds very odd but he doesn't focus on that right now the fusion's pretty content the massive power of gohan combined with the abilities of a namekian and a kai although his grin disappears as he gets a message from the grand supreme kai within his head he told piccolo not to use those earrings on himself and piccolo completely forgot this may make the fusion permanent because piccolo is an apprentice kai no one's really sure but the kai's weren't against it just to be on the safe side maybe it'll be okay but only time will tell gohello needs to focus on the fight although he dreads the possibility of having to explain this to fidel later oh come and he has to explain it to chichi too he tosses that worry aside his cell attacks but he's able to kai-tai away seems like cell forgot that this fusion could teleport so tries to attack again but it's the same result he turns around and sees gohalo standing there charging a special beam cannon how stupid cell knows that move too and he knows how long it takes to charge preparing a quick blast he launches it towards go hello and the blast seemingly erases the fusion but rude radisson 17 aren't too scared that was just a clone a mere distraction because little does cell know about a dozen other gohelos are around him charging the same attack he realizes that when it's too late and he's hit by these collective attacks as the fusion then reforms into one beat with a brilliant red flash as he turns into super saiyan god or at least whatever his version of super saiyan god is still it seems like it might not be enough cell is just too strong but this fusion should do a good job holding him off cell prepares his own kienzong and gohalo seemingly isn't too fast to dodge this as his arm gets sliced off he regenerates feigning his weakness but really this is just as plain while gohalo regenerates the arm cell launches towards him but is then hit from behind as gohalo controls his severed arm distracted cell looks behind to see who attacked him seeing nothing but a floating arm there leaving him open for another attack from gohalo this fusion it's mocking him sells snaps he's lost all of his sanity with a menacing grin on his face he charges a massive kamehameha one that'll erase the fusion easily but just as he's about to launch it his hands were then pushed upward towards his face erasing his entire head and upper chest cell angrily regenerates seeing gohalo's arm stretched out laughing as he watched cell hit himself the gohan side of the fusion is amazed the zemekian dna sure is interesting with amazing speed cell then launches towards gohan finally landing a massive hit this sends the fusion plummeting down towards the island as cell then once again charges a blast he'll destroy the entire island everyone on it and the planet he doesn't care anymore he's lost all rational thinking who cares if he can't absorb these people for more power but as he charges the blast he notices he's not really able to charge it too quickly it's almost as if he's straining to charge it everyone down below looks on smiling then cell notices ruda isn't there with them nearby on a tall hill ruda is there slowly draining sells energy gohello served as a great distraction and in the midst of their fight reunder was able to land a punch on cell and he didn't even realize it assuming it was just one of the go hello clones cell quickly comes to the realization of what just happened and now is the perfect opportunity to kill him creating two massive blocks of kashi kachin gohalo then slams them into set crushing him and disorienting him greatly combined with the fact that his energy is being drained with cell temporarily stunned gohelo then goes to slice cell in half and although it's kind of disgusting he stretches his hand out grabbing everything inside a cell he retracts his arm back and cell regenerates but as we mentioned before you can't regenerate something mechanical something that's not originally part of you and as for cell the infinite energy engine was an addition it wasn't something that was part of his biological body gohalo was able to steal it back cell's lost hasn't he he has no infinite energy he has no magic and his energy is slowly being siphoned by ruda but there is one more option with a psychotic laugh cell then prepares to blow himself up as he then punch in the face once again by ruda collectively the rest of the group attacks too as she keeps trying to steal cell's energy cell is then held in place by gohan this is it raddus allows ruda to do the honors once again she jumps up with a look of rage and determination on her face one of her fists is coated in a red aura as well as coating herself in the stolen energy from cell she essentially becomes a missile with a godly dragon fist rude then lands the finishing blow on cell as he slowly disintegrates being hit by his own energy which was part of that massive glow surrounding ruda she finally did it this is revenge from when she died before and avenged for what he did to 17. as his cells fizzle out of existence the group watches content as he's now dead for good go hello descent glad to have helped but of course he can't help but feel concerned this fusion may actually be permanent while they're known for sure in about an hour or so and although there's a bit of damage 17 thankfully protected the island as well as 16 jade and all the animals that were on it too he was mostly focused on that and without his infinite energy engine he couldn't really do too much else but now they have the engine back so they could just head to bulma and get it repaired good idea ruda grabs him and then teleports into bulma as gohelo and raditz say goodbye raditz and go hello then teleport into the city where 18 and krillin now are this is the last loose end that they need how are they going to repair the house well gohalo is half a supreme cop so using those abilities thankfully he's able to create a new house for them and this time he fits it with a gym he tells the two of them to train up because next time this support won't be on the house no pun intended the two of them then teleport back to pierce's planet and they're stunned to see the other three sands are already preoccupied with someone as gohelo and raddis draw closer over the shoulders of the other saiyans they see beerus arguing with someone a fatter version of himself we'll leave off here for now so what do you guys think is this fusion permanent or will they defuse piccolo is only an apprentice kai after all not a full supreme kai we've seen kai fusions before but they involve shin and goku black who were both supreme kai's at the time we've never seen one with an apprentice kai and a non-kai so let me know what you think below of course they can undo it regardless but this will affect the next episode the last part ended with champa's arrival on beerus's planet and this means next we'll be going to the universe 6 tournament luckily for everyone else during this conversation gohan and piccolo end up defusing that's a huge relief right away the group already has a great team champa says it's cheating a piccolo is involved since he is a supreme kai but pretty much anyone else's fair game goku vegeta raddus and bardock are instantly on the team the next choice could either be gohan or ruda ruda khan has her hands full right now because 17 needs to have surgery and repairs to install his engine again and bulma mentions that it's a gross process and it'll take some time for 17 to get back to full form so gohan gets involved instead don't worry though we'll see some more of rudol later as for her she definitely has some catching up to do after seeing rattus reveal super saiyan blue as well as knowing that everyone on beerus's planet has access to it she realizes that she needs to step her game up she'd rather remain on earth but even with that she can still train for this form she wishes she could have been part of the tournament though it would have been pretty fun but maybe next time though that settles it they have their five members and the team is pretty stacked everyone is pretty much on the track for the same things too bardock goku vegeta and raditz already have blue so they continue to train with that and they also help gohan try and access it and this gives goku a great idea gohan may not be able to access it in the time before the tournament so instead they're going to go in the room of spirit in time just for a day because gohan doesn't really want to age too much while in here goku is able to find out about super saiyan blue kyle ken while gohan ends up back as in super saiyan blue and he seems pretty strong the two have a fight and goku's amazed he didn't know gohan could reach this level he's been so focused on training with the other three that he forgot about everyone on earth including gohan and his sister goku begins realizing something he should probably be visiting them more after the tournament but also he has a question for gohan he asked if he wants to stay in for another day since gohan already grew remarkably fast and goku wants to test his limit it takes some convincing but gohan is up agreeing he's actually interested too he wants to see how far he can go plus if he stays in a few extra days maybe he'll learn some stuff from goku that he didn't know before as for everyone else they continue their training on the outside getting some quality family time in two time passes and the tournament itself begins it's not really anything crazy the first fight is bardock vs botamo and bardock wins the next fight is bardock vs frost and bardock isn't playing around here especially because of who frost is he can see right through the act and bardock wins bardock is up against magetta next and even though he physically can't hurt magetta i'm sure bardot can come up with some pretty good insults so by doing that bardock wins again everyone in the crowd watches on champa is in disbelief how are his fighters being defeated so easily beerus of course is happy bardock just sweeping everyone and as for the other universe 7 fighters they're a little sad about it they want a chance to fight too it's not really fair that barack has to have all the fun out there i mean they're winning but still they wish they had a chance to fight next up barack kaaba obviously he saw kabba before the tournament and now he's realizing how crazy it is to see another saiyan one from another universe it's weird the saiyan doesn't have a tail and he looks really young and skinny nothing like the average universe 7 saiyan plus it turns out these saiyans are actually good people with a remarkably different history than universe 7. interested by this barak decides to test kaba's power intrigue with how strong he is but surprised to find out that he doesn't have super saiyan so barlock ends up helping him unlock this pretty much like vegeta did given how barack is as a person i feel like this is a likely outcome he'd probably help kabuka super saiyan in a similar way to what vegeta did basically just with brute force but even with super saiyan it's not enough cabba loses but bardock looks forward to seeing him again bardock's on a great streak right now he already took down four fighters and there's only one left after this they win he's actually gotten a little too confident he's seen the rest of the team and they're very weak in comparison to the next fighter that being hit bardock is quickly able to find out how strong hit is his base is enough super saiyan's not enough all the other super saiyan forms don't do the job either even with blue it doesn't work something about his strength and abilities it really trips him up through his brute strength and his time skipping techniques hit of course takes the win here being able to defeat barlock relatively easily this comes as a shock to everyone else bardock's no slouch he shouldn't have lost here that must mean this hit guy is really strong and the next one up is vegeta in terms of power he's relatively similar to bardock and now he knows a bit about his techniques although he doesn't really know too much about how they work the thing is here vegeta pretty much knows that this is a losing battle he doesn't overpower hit enough nor does he know enough about his abilities to counter him but vegeta has a strategy they have three fighters left and vegeta knows that even if he loses this he can get some valuable info for everyone else so instead of trying to win he drags the fight on as long as possible seeing his weaknesses and openings trying to figure out what anyone else could possibly do to defeat him and he's able to get some great info although inevitably hate of course is gonna be the one to take the win here vegeta has no real plan to win but his idea worked he was able to get some info and he tells the rest of the fighters about what he saw hits movements his openings how his attacks work in his fighting style vegeta got more than enough info and this will be valuable for the next fighter which is gohan it's a little bored now another saiyan what do they think they're going to do this time the group looks on wondering what gohan's gonna do he's been training yes but it hasn't been as intense as everyone else plus how strong could he have gotten over the few days before the tournament well goku actually kept this kind of a secret but he tells everyone that he's been training with gohan for two days not a normal two days either no in the room of spirit in time no less sure that's impressive to everyone two years of training but will it be enough the group then sees some of gohan's full power surprising everyone as he goes into super saiyan blue it's not too impressed this isn't the first time he's seen it but the group didn't know he could access it although it's not too unexpected he did have two years of training with goku after all but they're still skeptical how will this be enough goku tells everyone the two of them came up with something great together and asked if they remember the kyle ken the other saiyans do know about it by now and they think it's useless due to the strain that it gives goku it's been surpassed by every other form though and it's only useful for a brief burst in power so they just kind of viewed as useless at this point it's a big risk but goku says they've found a way to bring it back somehow their group's confused they goku laughs and he tells them to watch gohan remarkably is able to keep up with hit someone but it's still not enough even with vegeta's information there's just something about hit's time skip that gohan can't counter he simply is not fast enough hit's impressed that gohan knows his strategy but he assures gohan that it won't be enough but gohan tells hit this isn't his full power he has something up his sleeve above super saiyan blue even although it's only something he can use for a short time and he's not entirely sure it'll work the group instantly knows what he's talking about there's no way but goku confirms in those two years he taught gohan something new gohan begins powering up as he then shouts kyle kenneth going into kyle can on top of super saiyan blue the group is amazed and even gohan's a bit surprised it was a really risky technique but he's glad it worked and his power has greatly increased as well as speed and all his other abilities in a blue kyle ken times 10 he's able to completely outpace hit regardless of hits time skip it's not enough gohan is just too fast now and too strong and gohan knows he can't screw around here hayden clearly is a dangerous foe and the kaioken isn't going to last forever he needs to work as quickly as possible to defeat him and he does gohan's able to knock it out of the ring taking the win for this round and the win for universe 7. beerus is impressed but also realizes goku probably has the same thing not to mention now that both of them are so strong they hid this from him it's a way that they may be able to surpass him he's not too pleased about it but whatever it helped him win the tournament so he holds his tongue the tournament itself ends pretty normally zeno comes in the wish is made to restore earth in universe 6 and everyone goes back home all pretty standard here but while that goes normally what follows isn't going to go the same as it did in canon i'm referring to the next arc right after this zamasu has been watching and he sees all these saiyans and begins researching them but zamasu assumes that he can't hold his power for long seeing how it affected gon afterwards he assumes that super saiyan blew his flawed rather than blue kyle ken since gohan barely fought in blue at all he looked at the rest of the fighters goku vegeta and radic showed nothing amazing and two of them didn't even fight bardock had a good showing but he was defeated really easily by one of those other mortals one with a very interesting ability that one being hit a mortal playing with time for his own gain and for his own power how disgusting and yet somewhat intriguing the power definitely seems like something valuable and it mocks the gods just as much as the godly power that the saiyans use if not more and zamasu realizes if he could use this power for himself it would be very helpful he'd only need to make one wish that being to become immortal so what's going to happen here with trunks well he's actually safe for now that's because there's not gonna be any timeline meddling the only thing zamasu needs to do is to go into the future and use the super dragon balls and once he becomes immortal that's all the time travel he needs isn't he gonna steal someone's body though well there's no need to he considered stealing hit's body but then he realized it's an assassin he definitely doesn't have any strict moral guidelines either he just does whatever who he works for wants him to and this could be very useful so he decides he's going to recruit hit as an ally the first thing he does is travel universe 6 killing the supreme kai there which kills champa in the process he can't take any risk whatsoever this allows him to find hit with no issues and without being noticed by anyone important and he ends up hiring hit to kill all those fighters in universe 7 the ones that are too strong for zamasu to defeat himself but there is one thing though something that zamasu keeps to himself he's obviously not going to be allied with hip forever once hit kills the saiyans universe 7 zamasu will turn on him and work on his own but he'll actually have to find a way to defeat him for now hit is just the means to an end of course zamasu doesn't say this out loud but hit is pretty much expendable to him he doesn't care who the target is he's just surprised that akai is doing it but he doesn't ask questions he takes the payment and he's ready to do it one day in universe 7 everyone suddenly senses a huge increase in power it's coming from go on it looks like and then it ends up disappearing really quick sure he could have just been training but that doesn't seem right why would he power up so rapidly and so briefly you know it may be best to check on him those who do have the ability to teleport decide to go over there goku arrives followed by bardock and then ruda with some of the other fighters trying to fly over and it's weird when they use into transmission they ended up in a public space people are running away as cops began swarming the area including krillin of course why would gohan need to power up in a public place like this they're wondering what's happening looking for his energy and they can't sense anything at all but when krillin arrives he tells him that some altercation occurred he didn't even know gohan was involved until now it seemed like there was some sort of murder oh that kind of relieves everyone maybe gohan was just acting as the great saiyan trying to stop the murderer but their happiness quickly fades as they then see who it was nearby someone familiar then walks out it's hit wait hit what's he doing here in universe 7 he doesn't look too happy either but they look past hit and see behind him lying on the ground nearby is gohan's corpse it has completed his first assassination on gohan and his next targets are right in front of him as head slowly approaches this is where we'll leave off for now as fighters keep arriving they see gohan there with hit walking towards them naturally seeing gohan dead bardock instantly goes blue right away ready to fight hit as goku instead goes over to help gohan seeing if he could help somehow bardock tries to attack hit but none of his attacks actually land its timeskip is too powerful and there's no way he's holding back here like he was during the tournament and this is an issue bardock just needs to land one hit he doesn't care about a good fight or whatever he'll just use his spirit vision but if he can't land an attack he can't do that at all and it's hopeless ruder goes over to goku and tries to help heal gohan goku is hoping that it's okay and maybe he's just unconscious ruda tries to heal him but it appears it's too late gohan is actually dead rude is more so concerned about goku right now expecting him to not take this too well immediately everyone sends his goku power up instantly jumping into blue with his power even greater than it was before out of rage he starts attacking hit this actually does catch hit off guard as he blocks and dodges goku's attacks bardock expected this reaction but he's surprised to see how strong goku's gotten it appears that in his anger he got stronger out of necessity but he's also not in a right state of mind and it's unclear how long this boost will last and even so goku is still not doing much against hit so barack joins in and tries to help as well as trying to calm goku down reuter then joins in two surprising everyone as she shows off her own super saiyan blue although she may have been a bit behind before she's now finally caught up and got in this form this actually catches it off guard and that lets barack land a strong punch instead of just goku hits not too injured by this but bartok chuckles he says even though hit may be at full power now bardock does have a trick to help him knowing the clear danger he immediately starts rapidly draining hits energy hit tries to avoid attacks but gets harder and harder for him as his energy is drained he doesn't even know what's going on as bardock is about to finish off hit suddenly he's attacked from behind he shouts in pain and everyone looks to see a slash on his back his guard is down and someone attacked and he only narrowly avoided it zamasu has entered the picture he's pretty angered right now too obviously hit hasn't done his job yet and it seems he is having some issues why are these mortals not dead yet all he did is kill one of them hit apologizes saying that bardock has some weird ability to help drain his energy he doesn't know what happened he would have been able to finish them off otherwise that's a simple fix zamasu goes in healing hit while ruda tries to do the same for bardock he gets back up and he's fine but he's gonna need to attack hit again if he wants to drain his energy still so the fight between hit goku rude and bardot continues as zamasu's about to leave vegeta and raitis then step in and attack him together it's one of the few times these two have teamed up as you may remember from a few parts ago vegeta and raditz weren't really on the best terms beforehand for some pretty obvious reasons but after all this time spent training together they've come to tolerate each other and in a way they've somehow become rivals obviously they would have put the past behind them recognizing what they have in common rather than what they don't have in common the two begin fighting zamasu and quickly come to learn that he's immortal although it's not too big of a deal zamasu still does seem pretty weak it's just the immortality that's an issue if they find a way around this they'll be able to kill him relatively simply far away on the sacred world of kai's of course everyone's gonna be watching piccolo's confused and a bit angered not just from seeing gohan die but also the person that he sees there zamasu piccolo wouldn't know who zamasu is here there's even a fair chance that they've trained together briefly he's just more flabbergasted than anything he always knew that zamasu was a weird guy but to think he's evil shin decides he's gonna check in with gowasu seeing what's going on in that universe he tries to contact the kai of universe 10 but he gets no response at all none of the gods of universe 10 are responding they can only assume that the worst happened so instead shin tells everyone to grab onto him teleporting the rest of the kai is too beerus's planet whis of course would know about this situation and beerus is now filled in so a rogue high from universe 10 ended up attacking this universe for some unknown reason and it appears that he may have killed the gods in universe 10 as well on top of that he is seemingly immortal but what concerns beerus the most is that he's hit there wait a second how did zamasu get into universe 6 without being noticed surely one of the gods there would have seen something it may be even worse than they assumed they tried checking up on universe 6 and that's when they all realize zamasu has killed the gods of universe 6 as well probably in an effort to not be noticed and that does include champa this of course would not sit well with beerus it looks like they're the last line of defense now when surveilling everyone they notice that zamasu has a time ring so they're able to figure out what happened he must use the time ring to get the super dragon balls or any former dragon balls for that matter becoming a mortal in the process and as they watch zamasu is able to retreat escaping the attack from raditz and vegeta now that he's clear of this fight he teleports away ending up on beerus's planet the gods all look behind them and they see zamasu standing there zamasu is equally surprised he sees all of the kai's there and of course beerus and they're all alert all he needs to do is kill shin but piccolo stepped up to defend him as the strongest of the kai's piccolo will take a charge here holding off zamasu so the kaise can find another way to fix this beerus would love to kill zamasu too but he knows he can't with immortality the hakai is pretty much useless so he focuses his efforts on helping the kais as well piccolo should be able to hold off zamasu long enough the kaiser all teleported dynamic splitting up beerus travels with shin just in case he needs a bodyguard while all the other kai scatter around the planet each trying to find dragon balls the only one who doesn't go with them is the grand supreme kai staying back to support piccolo zamasu notices their plan and teleports away but clearly that's not going to work the grand supreme kai and piccolo can teleport too zamasu hops from planet to planet it's a planet but he keeps being chased along the way he's trying to figure out where all those other people teleported to they briefly stop at earth and is clearly not there what could they be planning zamasu continues his search as piccolo and grand supreme kai chase him eventually zamasu does arrive on namek as he sees a bunch of namekians and kai scrambling around the planet wait what is this planet piccolo hits zamasu with a powerful punch actually taking zamasu's head off which then regenerates piccolo's anger continues to swell now that they're on his home planet he'll defend namek and the kais at any cost all he needs to do is buy some time as they continue to fight the sky suddenly turns black but goes back to normal not long later piccolo smirks and zamasu wants to know what they did when suddenly shin appears in front of both of them with beerus angrily beerus lifts his hand up pointing it towards zamasu he doesn't care though he's immortal he can't be erased but as beerus stares him down zamasu suddenly realizes what happened wait namek the namekians he finally makes the connection he briefly remembers hearing about the super dragon balls and they had some sort of relation to namekians could there possibly be more here too and if so that means his immortality has been reversed but just as he comes to this realization beerus utters a single word hakai zamasu shrieks as he's then erased wiped from existence sadly dynamic dragon balls weren't strong enough to revive people from other universes but thankfully shin has a time ring so he can revive anyone killed in universe 6 and universe 10 with the super dragon balls but even though they couldn't revive people from other universes they still were able to revive someone here back on earth hit is outnumbered ruda healed bardock and they're all facing it together now more fighters have joined too including people like android 17 and android 18. although hits outnumbered hit's time skip is still incredibly long now because he keeps growing with each fight his time skip is possibly so buff now that he's a few seconds ahead of everyone but in terms of power he doesn't match up to all these people at once he's on the defensive against 5 super saiyan blues and some other fighters his main objective right now is to dodge bardock and ruda avoiding that same spirit vision that screwed him earlier asset tries to time skip dodging all the fighters at once he deactivates it and successfully dodged every attack but there's one thing he didn't account for right when he deactivated the time skip he's hit by someone else everyone looks over and see hit took a powerful punch with the face from a fighter that just rocketed onto the scene coated in a blue and red aura it's gohan he's been revived by one of the witches from haranga everyone is briefly distracted by seeing him but he tells them all the focus panicking hit immediately activates his time skip again but he's slowly getting more and more overwhelmed but even with the time skip at this level he's not going to be able to face all these people at once goku and his family decide why not trip him up goku barak and ruda all place their fingers on their forehead teleporting a round hit rapidly as everyone else tries to attack him hit guards all the attacks from vegeta rattus gohan and the other fighters while desperately trying to track the three teleporters goku ruda and barak are teleporting at such speeds that they create after images and hit can't even keep up with which ones are real and which ones aren't especially with the other people attacking him at the same time and then suddenly he feels a hand on the shoulder it's bardock again he lands a powerful punch right on his back knocking him into ruda who also punches him hits on his knees now as together bardock and ruta drain his energy hit weekly tries to stand up but the rest of the fighters all attack at once and together they kill hit with this they all give a collective sigh of relief thank tommy that's over eventually all the damage would be restored thankfully zamasu really didn't get too far into his plan champ is confused as to what happened but beerus fills him it shampa acts all cool and collected saying he didn't need beerus help but beerus continues glaring at him then whis and vados laugh as they watch champa break down into tears with beerus doing the same even though they act like they hate each other the two clearly do care it's almost comedic in a way and as they hug and cry like babies this is the end of this arc fast forward a bit everyone continues their training and life goes pretty normally zeno isn't really too pleased at the moment clearly he would figure out what happened and when he finds out akai went rogue and tried to kill a bunch of people how do you think he would react yeah he wouldn't really be too happy he's on the verge of just wiping out every universe the gods and mortals are also incompetent but instead why not have a little fun and give them a chance he decides it may be a good idea to hold the tournament soon just to keep the universes in check this will be the ultimate test to determine whether or not they should be erased the zamasu was the straw that broke the camel's back if zamasu didn't act the way he did it may have not had to turn out this way he gathers all the gods together and tells him about his plan 8 universes will form teams of 10 and compete in a battle royale the losers will all be eliminated with one universe that will be allowed to survive now all the gods will have to scramble and find teams for themselves naturally this would kind of create an issue for champa sure he would probably still have nine of the members that he had before but he'd be missing out his strongest one that being hit cabba would most likely be chosen as the leader for the team but now they kinda have an issue they need to find someone else to replace hit i mean champa would probably consider reviving hit but there's two reasons he probably wouldn't do that one hit doesn't really seem like a good person to trust especially after he basically did kill champa he's not really gonna trust that and two he's pretty fearful of zeno zeno is mad because of the whole situation involving hit and he's not really too sure that zeno will appreciate when hit's brought back so champa is just gonna have to suck it up and find a new member of the team he starts going around universe 6 trying to find a suitable planet with some strong warriors let's go back to universe 7. so since goku wasn't really involved in making the tournament this time beerus will pick the leader this time instead and if anything the two best candidates would be either bardock or vegeta both of them have power experience and battle strategies but beerus may lean favor towards bardock not that a leader really matters because either way they're going to go with the same strategy just attacking whoever they want when they want as for the team that'll be a bit more interesting to decide pretty much right away the first four fighters are chosen goku vegeta bardock and raddit as they're all on beerus's planet and they're the first to hear about it alright 4 out of 10 down naturally they go to recruit gohan 2 as well as ruda who would bring 17 along with her seven fighters another great option would be piccolo they wouldn't really be too sure about this one since he has an apprentice kai but they come to learn that it's fine because zeno thinks it's cool this would probably be a likely outcome because tobo was allowed into the tournament and he was a candidate for god of destruction so i guess gods are kind of allowed to fight at least the lower tiers of them i don't know it's probably more so the fact that zeno just lets anything go as long as he finds it cool he'd probably be pretty good at making what-ifs jokes aside everything's going great right now they have eight strong fighters and they have a bunch to choose from for the next two but more than likely i feel like it would be krillin in 18. krillin is goku's best friend and 17 is already there so why not bring 18 too plus they are some of the strongest people left on earth that they could bring with them goten trunks are strong but they're a little too inexperienced for something like this plus if they found out that the universe might get a race they may just panic but regardless this is awesome they now have 10 people and the team seems to be pretty strong and since i haven't really been too clear on this let's scale everyone to see who's the strongest the strongest on the team would probably be vegeta and raditz as they're more focused on power in their training the two are pretty much even with each other with goku trailing not very far behind as for bardock he's not solely focused on power for his training but also technique and he'd be a little bit below where goku is some of you actually mentioned that barrack's age may be affecting him now but i'll get more into that in the next video i feel like it's a little bit too early for his rapid aging to start happening but that's besides the point equal to bardock would be gohan he doesn't have the same great training that everyone does on beerus's planet but he does have blue kaioken which puts him up to a higher level plus his potential as a hybrid saiyan naturally helps him to get stronger so even if he doesn't train as much as everyone else he keeps up with them pretty easily not too far behind gohan is ruda as we've seen she has had some setbacks and much like gohan she is stuck on earth but in terms of technique she has one of the most diverse movesets of the team it's not like she's weak either even though she's not the highest on the team her power shouldn't really be underestimated same with all of her techniques behind her would be piccolo again another person with a great amount of techniques and some great power although not the strongest on the team behind piccolo is 17 then android 18 and then finally krillin that should be a pretty good scale to show who's where on the team in terms of power and as you can probably guess anyone who already is part of the canon story is stronger than they were in canon at this point it seems everyone had such different methods of training especially the four sans on beerus's planet who are all very close to each other in terms of power beerus is confident in this team and wonders how they'll perform there's no exhibition match either because there's no need for it so after the team is chosen they're all teleported to the world of void ready to fight in the tournament of power and with that i feel this is a good place to leave off for now so as i mentioned last time for the tournament of power champ is in kind of a sticky situation one of his strongest fighters hit is now dead he's to need an extra person on this team this would be pretty detrimental because i feel like the most likely option is recruiting another namekian the reason it's bad is because it weakens town island pairing up pretty significantly it would lower each of their powers just to make an extra fight so universe 6 takes a hit as a result no pun intended but as for universe 7 they're better off than ever i show the team at the end of the last part and they're pretty stacked as you could probably tell saiyans with great god powers saiyans with god powers and great techniques a namekian with kai abilities a hybrid sane with some huge power and even androids and a short bald guy they seem to be pretty well off right now it's going to be interesting to see how they do during the tournament because now we can transition into it so in the original story the first parts of the tournament were already easy and now with a stronger team it's only going to get easier from here on out there is one thing i should mention though both barack and ruda are going to try to fight smart since the universe is at stake here they'll probably try and use their spirit vision because they don't want to rely on just having a good fight they'll do whatever they need in order to win and this is particularly helpful once goku makes the spirit bomb against jiren they're able to gather a lot of energy this way lending it to the spirit bomb but i feel that by this point zeno would probably ban them using it since it's kind of cheap for a tournament and it could kill people which kind of sucks because if barack and ruta knew that they only had one more chance to use it they would have gone after jiren instead but regardless goku still got the energy from this so the spirit bomb gets a lot more powerful instead of just everyone from universe 7 lending energy there's now this extra bit of energy added onto it this would make the spirit bomb a lot harder for jiren to overcome instead of just having him blink it away he would have to actually put in some effort for once however even with this boost it probably still wouldn't be enough to actually do anything to it ultimately ending with him pushing it back causing goku to go ultra instinct which plays out pretty normally the good thing is after this happens he's able to get healed if only partially bardock and ruda don't want to use all their energy just healing goku but together they help restore him in turn causing a massive boost in his power most of the time during this tournament barak kind of goes on alone he realized that that ultra instinct thing was what whis was trying to teach them all along and he's curious if kakarot can do it maybe he can too he'll just have to put his mind to it somehow vegeta sticks with raddus a lot they make a pretty good combo while gohan's usually paired up with piccolo and of course ruda is going to be sticking with 17. together they're a great combo and fight very effectively with both of them also acting as supports for other fighters piccolo is also another great support he can heal people too and his use of magic could be particularly helpful in some cases such as paralysis together he and gohan are easily able to defeat dyspo piccolo was able to freeze him when he's running while gohan's strength and speed are more than enough to outpace him as for toppo vegeta and raddus take him out together they don't even need blue evolution together in blue alone they're strong enough to handle him and he likely wouldn't even go into his got a destruction mode without frieza there to anger him one particularly interesting tidbit is when kale and kali for fuse into kefla they're about to fight goku and ruda can tell he's in trouble so she and 17 step in to help 17 is able to throw up some barriers to help goku while root is able to teleport around and then hit kefla while zeno did ban spirit fission he meant it more in the sense that he didn't want people stealing energy or at least that's what ruda hopes he meant because she uses it to make kefla forcibly defuse in the process 17 kind of did act as bait which caused him to get defeated by kefla but it was for the benefit of the other two fighters there together the three of them knock out kale and cauliflower which easily helps them finish off universe 6. meanwhile raddas and vegeta face fighters from universe 3. they're having a pretty easy time until all of them decide to fuse into aniraza since raddus is right there aniraza kind of catches him off guard and defeats him pretty easily knocking raddus out of the ring the same almost happens to vegeta but everyone else helps intervene since aniraza is a mechanical being i'm gonna say that spirit fission won't work so neither bardock or ruda can do that which they end up finding out the hard way but thankfully the remaining fighters of universe 7 are able to team up goku barak ruda piccolo gohan and vegeta all defeat aniraza and the numbers of the people in the ring keep dwindling there still is one pretty big issue though that being jiren those six fighters are the last left to face him barnaud can rue to go in acting as bait using engine transmission to teleport around jiren while goku attacks after his power boost he's the strongest right now in terms of pure strength as piccolo gohan and vegeta helped him too even with jiren's insane strength he's facing six really strong fighters with great techniques so this would likely be overwhelming for him but as he powers up more and more he has a much easier time he charges one powerful blast launching it at goku and bardock the two teleport away but jiren reacts quick enough to launch another blast to where they teleport at he realized that as the transmission teleports into whatever energy sources around him so launching attacks of the other fighters proves to be effective he's able to defeat gohan and vegeta but as for the other four fighters they're able to teleport around to help them stay in piccolo's kai kai is the best because he can teleport anywhere he wants he doesn't need to rely on an energy source meaning he's more unpredictable for jiren allowing him to stay in longer with one swipe jiren launches an attack that knocks both bardock and goku off the edge as he then sets his sights on piccolo and ruda ruda wants to stay in the help fight but she realizes that she has something more important to do surprisingly she teleports away from jiren teleporting to where goku and bardock are jiren expects her to grab them and teleport back to piccolo meaning he can knock all four of them out at once but she knows that's too predictable something that jiren will be able to see ahead to so instead with both legs at once she kicks both barack and goku in the back pushing them back into the ring as she's flung out eliminating herself in order to save them but before she did she made sure to heal them while she kicked them splitting her energy amongst the two to help them get strong this distracts jiren as piccolo then quickly creates a block of kachin above him it drops on jiren and he's able to catch it with piccolo then teleporting behind him and launching two blasts at his legs causing him to fall on his back this allows piccolo to group up with bardock and goku once more as the block of kachin falls on jiren but this doesn't stop him for long the block glows red as it then explodes jiren completely destroys it with one blast as he quickly throws a blast towards piccolo seemingly knocking him out of the ring as well that leaves just goku and bardock he aims to knock them out with one attack charting his most powerful blast yet as the two desperately try to push it back their feet are planted into the ground as they're dragged to the edge but just as they're about to fall off they suddenly get a huge burst of power disappearing right in front of jiren jiren turns around and sees once again goku is using that same form and somehow bardock has it too both of them have ultra instinct think about it barack has the most unique and lengthy training of anyone here and had the exact same training with whis that everyone else got he is naturally advantaged and would likely be able to unlock this eventually the good thing is they were recently healed too so while ui is fleeting especially for bardock they do have a chance even with this new power they're not sure how they're supposed to win unless they willingly drag themselves out with jiren but if they do that they'll lose but they hear a voice in their head telling them to do it someone's been reading their thoughts and telepathically told them what to do it's piccolo but if they do this then they'll lose but piglow tells them not to worry look in the stands piccolo's not actually there he was never knocked out when jiren was distracted piccolo was able to split himself into two jiren only knocked out a clone of piccolo and he doesn't know that it was the perfect trick piccolo is still in the ring hiding somewhere he tells him to do whatever they need even if they follow the ring he's still in there so that's what they aim to do together in ultra instinct the father son duo defeats jiren tackling him out of the ring as they fall out too the spectators of universe 11 then realize piccolo was never really knocked out he's the last one in the ring meaning universe 7 wins and he's the mvp thankfully it all went well of course piccolo would wish for all the universes back not only is piccolo a good guy obviously but he's a kai too this is the morally right decision everyone returns home and now we're going to head into the morrow arc obviously there's going to be some changes here there's no boost so what are they supposed to do with that well because of that i feel like the galactic patrol wouldn't even stop by earth of course jaco wouldn't know about it but without buddha there's no real reason for them to stop there at least not at first this blunder causes moro to get his wish unnamed they try and stop him alone but they're not able to do it even with maers's help now with his youth moro can go around the universe doing as he pleases the galactic patrol has no other choice they need to unless some strong fighters they head to earth trying to warn everyone also aiming to get some help they hear this moral guy is pretty terrifying not only is he physically strong but his magical abilities are pretty tough to deal with especially his energy absorption but thankfully there's a solution he can only take energy from living beings but there is a certain artificial fighter that can help them out the galactic patrol has led to monster island there the galactic patrol meets two fighters android 16 and android 17. they asked 18 to help but there was no pay involved so she doesn't do it 17 decides help because all of these planets are at risk and he has people to protect the island just in case and as for 16 he's going to go along with 17. the two of them should actually be immune to moro's energy absorption but the issue is they may not be strong enough but there's no need to worry android 16 is not the same android 16 router 17 and bulma have continuously worked on upgrading it he gathers data from a bunch of fights to get stronger as well as getting a bunch of physical improvements as well plus with some nano technology from capsule corp they're able to give him an artificial form of regeneration something like what cell has except completely made with robots if any part of 16 gets destroyed nanobots inside him can help rebuild it after that whole debacle with cell beforehand they decided it might be a good idea to install this in it since he's completely artificial it wasn't really too hard to do he was actually the one to suggest this he thought maybe if he gathered data like cell did he could keep growing and growing and be more helpful and just in case ruda and barack are going to tag along too they're going to keep their distance just so mauro doesn't steal their energy or at least notices that they're there but they do want to see if their spirit vision is able to help against him so alongside mayors in the galactic patrol these four fighters teleport to where moro is right now finding him on a recently destroyed planet it seems they're too late he already destroyed most of this planet already he doesn't know who these people are and how they just got here randomly but they don't spend any time introducing themselves immediately a barrier forms around him trapping him with 16 and 17. the two immediately rush him landing some powerful attacks but not doing too much damage although they do leave some marks he launches an attack destroying the barrier so he could fight more freely 16 rips his arms off charging a hell's flash morrow sees this and gladly opens his mouth ready to eat the energy but as the beam flies towards him he suddenly realizes this isn't normal energy he quickly closes his mouth and tries to get out of the way but the beam hits him almost head-on causing some decent damage as he recollects himself from this 17 begins attacking two it's clear that moro underestimated them so he starts fighting more seriously he knows now that he can't take their energy but he could probably overpower them still during the fight he suddenly hit in the back by two people who continuously punch him as energy gets released he looks behind and sees barrock and ruda he swings his arm at them but they easily block punching him right in the snout he coughs up a bit of blood and then relaxes it feels like he's a bit older now the two continue attacking him with a barrage of attacks as 17 and 16 help distract him it appears he can absorb the energy of these two fighters but also whenever they attack he gets weaker and weaker telepathically bardock tells goku to come in now as goku then teleports in with other fighters they'll face morrow's crew who are now trying to get involved but there's one guy that's particularly an issue that being 7-3 he starts using moro's power stealing people's energy and this clearly is a big issue but before he can absorb it someone else then teleports in and attacks him that being piccolo he tries to take piccolo's energy but he can't with piccolo being a kai and all he's able to counter this magic making him pretty much immune to it moro notices this and knows that things are getting bad so he makes a beeline for 7-3 ready to eat him he lunges towards the android with his mouth open but just as he's about to grab 7-3 he's scathed by a massive attack a light grenade from piccolo that just incinerated 7-3 morrow's trump card has been erased and the rest of the escaped prisoners are getting caught or defeated more energy is taken from him as he gets older and older morrow is rapidly losing energy as he drops to his knees as he looks up he sees bardock and his three kids standing over it maerus watches nearby amazed to see what's happening morrow is furious but he has one way out he charges up a bunch of energy ready to directly attack the planet taking out everyone with him and if he's lucky enough he may even survive this but just as he lifts his hand up a keyblade goes right through it and he sees ratted sticking his arm out rattus decides that he'll do the honors and with his other arm he creates another keyblade going right through moro and instantly killing him their work here is finally done thankfully with the dragon balls they're able to restore all the damage that he did and luckily mayors get to live here continuing to stay under cover at the glacier patrol beerus and whis were watching the whole time as well they're interested to hear what's happening and they're glad to see that everyone made it out okay their students have really made some great progress and now the group returns home there is one thing that i do want to mention though it hasn't really started yet but eventually barlock's rapid aging would begin if he's not at that point already he'll definitely be there soon he can feel it he tries to get that ultra instinct power again but it's kind of tough goku continues his training and it's eventually able to unlock it at will as he goes on the path to mastering it rather than vegeta try to do the same but they notice that barak's sort of falling behind he's getting rustier and he knows exactly what it is he's finally reaching his limit in terms of age so why not quit while he's on top he thanks beerus and whis for all that they've done but says that it may finally be time for him to retire fighting he did it his whole life so it'd be nice to spend the rest of it relaxing on earth at home with guinea and the rest of his family the good thing is he's still able to see goku and rat is a lot while he's not training in transmission will still let him teleport there whenever he needs and while the two didn't really like each other before he and vegeta are in much better terms now it's crazy how far they all came and funny enough it's all thanks to frieza had he not destroyed namek bartokine and ruta would have never met kak rod and they would have never gone to earth it's weird how it all works out like that but he's pleased he could tell that generation as well as the generation after that with his grandkids they're all going to be fun he's lived a good life as a saiyan but now he kind of wants to enjoy earth life his kids and everyone around them made him proud and it's good that he no longer has to be at war all the time he departs from beerus's planet returning home guinea welcomes him back again with chichi surprised to hear that he's finished training and of course his pal ox king is there too and of course root is still on earth he'll be able to see her whenever as well as all his grandkids but for now it may just be time for him to sit back and relax at home cracking open a can of heat tap with ox kick enjoying some nice time with guinea and his grandkids this is so much better than planet vegeta and i think with that this is a good spot to finish off the series so what did you guys think about this series if anything happens next what do you think it'll be and what was your favorite thing about leave any thoughts and suggestions in the comments below i'll be sure to check them out to see what everyone thinks as always if you liked the video be sure to drop a like and let's try hit that like button from the beginning of the video if you haven't already why not subscribe as well as hitting the bell i can get notified about any future uploads on my channel including videos like this one or possible continuations to this scenario as always thank you all for watching thanks for supporting this scenario and i'll see you all in my next video
Channel: Salad Saiyan
Views: 2,015,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dbs, dbz, dbz what if, discussion, dragon ball, dragon ball super, dragon ball z, explain, explained, meme, q&a, question, saiyan, salad, salad saiyan, salad snake, scenario, theory, what if, what-if, super, arc, saga, bardock, gine, goku, vegeta, raditz, ruta, ssb, ssg, ssgss, blue, god, gohan, ki, piccolo, kai, moro, galactic, patrol, prisoner, merus, whis, beerus, jiren, tournament, power, zeno, mvp, chi chi, goten, android, 17, 16, 18, krillin, toppo, fusion, kefla, spirit, fission, yardrat, kale, caulifla, universe, angel, ui, ultra, instinct
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 41sec (7961 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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