What if VEGETA Raised TARBLE? (Full Story)

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foreign what's up everyone welcome back to another what-if video so as you can probably tell by the title today's video is going to be somewhat of an odd topic but something that could have definitely happened now tarble's been around for a while but not a lot has been done with him I mean the concept of Vegeta having a brother being somewhere in the universe it seems like kind of a big thing to ignore and I was wondering with all these possibilities there might be a way to make a good what-if idea about him now there are a ton of what-ifs about Saiyans being sent to different planets from where they were originally sent to or in the case of one of my videos having different circumstances for their birth like being born as twins alongside a brother so I wanted to try and apply that same concept to tarble seeing what could happen if maybe instead of being sent somewhere off Planet because he's weak if he was sent to be raised by Vegeta instead also be sure to drop a like on this video and let's try and hit a light goal of 2500 likes and if we hit that I can continue this what if because I'll know that there's enough interest in it so let's begin discussing what would happen if Vegeta raised tarble so this all starts way in the days of Dragon Ball minus I guess King Vegeta steals bardock's move and tries to send his baby away somewhere else so we don't really know too much about tarble's backstory but we do know that King Vegeta sent him somewhere else because he was a little too weak to be a good Saiyan so let's take that concept and reverse that a little while Vegeta's first son also named Vegeta had a really good power level and seemed to have a lot of promise it seems like tarble his second son doesn't really live up to that potential even as the son of an elite Warrior as a child it seems terrible as nothing like his brother well at least not right now Vegeta is currently off planet with Napa and Raditz and he's acting as a formidable Saiyan warrior and making very good progress that gets King Vegeta thinking maybe if he sent tarble to where Vegeta is he could grow up to be a much stronger Warrior and he wouldn't be as passive as he seems King Vegeta sends his transmission to his son's group saying they'll have a new member joining them that they should whip into shape they of course know that his Vegeta's younger brother terrible the space pod lands where they are and essentially now they're made into babysitters well really Napa is now he has three kids to look after and also not too long after this planet Vegeta does explode so tarble stuck with them now no longer as a temporary thing but as a full-time member of the group even though he's a little kid right now tarble grows up alongside of Vegeta Raditz and Napa over the next few years and decades while taru is a little bit weak Vegeta does have a soft spot for him because he is an elite Saiyan by birth and also seemingly as the last few sayings there this group is really the only people that Vegeta bonds with so tarble's personality will be completely warped here I feel like he'd be kind of a mix of Vegeta and Raditz because he grew up alongside them while he is a bit more analytical than the other two of course he displays that sense of say and pride that the whole group upholds as for his strength he'd most likely be one of the weaker members of the group possibly around radisson's level although it's kind of hard to speculate where he'd be at this point despite him being weak relative to the rest of the group I mean he's a Saiyan warrior after all so of course he's feared everywhere the group Works under Frieza like normal but secretly they decide that they do want to rebel a bit and shine recruit more members for their team it turns out that ratus actually has a brother on Earth named Kakarot and he might make for a great player on the team if they're able to recruit him so Raditz goes on his mission to recruit Kakarot and it's a huge failure somehow he died oh and Kakarot did but apparently there's something on Earth called dragon balls and they're going to be used to revive Kakarot so he will be back in a year's time so Vegeta plans on heading there alongside Napa but looks out for tarble on the sides that he wants him to stay behind they tell tarwhals because they feel like they can handle it alone but frankly Vegeta feels that tarble is a bit too weak he doesn't outright say this but deep down tarble knows that this is why his brother wanted him to stay behind Vegeta does feel a little bad about it but he can't dwell in it too much tarble is kind of a weak link right now well at least Napa thinks so on their journey to Earth Vegeta begins wondering with all this stuff heating up around space how is tarble going to make it a little bit disheartened by being left behind instead of going into a depression about it tarble decides that this is gonna actually help motivate him he's been taking it kind of easy as Vegeta's been heading a lot of the missions even if he was genetically disadvantaged and born weaker maybe if he works hard he'll be able to impress his brother right now Vegeta sadly does feel like tarble is a little bit of dead weight but he doesn't want it to be that way but he can't help but feel disappointed maybe it's for the best that he didn't come to Earth because he probably would have died if Raditz did well tarble probably wouldn't have made it either in that year that Vegeta and Napa take to go to Earth tarwell begins training more and more on his own this was the straw that broke the camel's back and actually encouraged him to train harder making him realize that everything he's been doing so far still wasn't enough and apparently that kakaraka on Earth was pretty weak and he still was able to kill Raditz so maybe if a low-class warrior can get that strong he definitely can as well with hard work as well as training he picks up more missions from Frieza not only to gain more trust within the Frieza Force but also has more experience for him this purposely puts him in danger which means he'll be able to exploit his zenkai's a little bit even though it is painful but even though it might not be ideal at least he knows it'll work the power boost he gets the experience he gets and all the training he gets from these missions as well as everything he does when he trains alone it all helps him get stronger this will be the last time he's looked down upon he has to have a mindset more like his older brother and while Vegeta did say he could handle this Mission it turns out he couldn't a year later Vegeta is back on planet 79 in terrible condition and is immediately placed in a healing pod while he did Escape barely Napa died so it was kind of a big loss after some time Vegeta exits his healing chamber and a surprise to be greeted by terrible he doesn't want to talk about the mission but as soon as he's out of the healing chamber he notices something different about his brother the way he carries himself it's different from before he seems noticeably stronger also even scarred up a bit and this tells Vegeta everything he needs to know he's actually pretty impressed he's glad to know that tarble hasn't been slacking off this past year he became a lot more independent and improved himself a ton tarble was never some insane Prodigy like Vegeta was as a kid he had to work much harder in his injury show this and the great thing is that he still has his tail unlike Vegeta these two are the last Saiyans remaining well excluding Kakarot and Gohan because they're not evil and I guess Broly and paragus too but they don't know they exist yada yada I'm kind of getting off course they think they're the last two Saiyans even if it might not be the right assumption the two of them begin to conversing they recognize this fact and they're encouraged to get revenge on Frieza right now as the last two fighters of their race Vegeta has a plan by using the dragon balls he wants to make them both Immortal but how is he gonna do that if he's not on Earth anymore tarble asked this and then Vegeta gives him an answer they're taking a trip to Namek the two set course for the planet and head off almost immediately after Vegeta is healed but of course they're not going to be alone far from it they land on the planet and they start their search but soon after they notice a bunch of other ships Landing wait frieza's Army is here too how do they find out about this the two are angered but they feel like it's nothing they can't handle they make their way throughout Namek fighting some fodder Frieza soldiers taking on people Qui and luckily enough for them they actually get a few Dragon Balls the two feel very happy right now even with Frieza here they might actually be able to make it out of this however on another part of the planet a group of earthlings land on the planet of course I'm referring to Krillin Gohan and Bulma Krillin and Gohan are pretty concerned right now because immediately they sense Vegeta is here alongside someone else oh and also that huge Army that's here too so it seems like they're not the only ones on Namek but their mission continues pretty much like normal at first they encountered adoria they meet dende and after escaping from dedoria they head to gurus considering the threat of another Saiyan on this planet alongside a stronger Vegeta and the entire army they decide they're all going to stick together to remain safe so Gohan Krillin and dende all hit the gurus at once leaving to Doria to be picked on by Vegeta and tarble the Dory is not too scared to fight them he thinks the two are weaklings especially terrible but clearly he doesn't know what's happened with them in the past year this battle between him and the same Brothers goes pretty quickly and in order to try and save himself he tells him about what truly happened to Planet Vegeta and while this information was something that Vegeta and tarble didn't know before all it really does is serve to piss them off with a dual gallot gun they killed adoria this only fuels the fire of their anger as well as their motivation to defeat Frieza they'll have to get those dragon balls at any cost Frieza is the sole person responsible for everything that's happened in their life their Planet the Saiyans all their power taken away by Frieza but after encountering to Doria there is something else that they want to chase after they notice that the Dory was already kind of winded when they fought him as well as detecting two powers that were flying away from dedoria almost as if he was chasing them what Target could be so valuable that the Doria had to chase them down they decide to investigate but it seems their keys have completely disappeared now they could try and fly off in the general direction that the group headed off to but for all they know it might just be a waste of time so out of luck here they decide to just search more Villages and they are able to get one more Dragon Ball right now they're at a total of three but of course they're not going to go into Tech it eventually they encountered zarbon too immediately he incapacitates tarble trying to make the fight more fair so he only has to face Vegeta now zarbon makes him quick work of Vegeta beating him senseless and even knocking him out he then turns around to pick up tarble so he can take the two of them back to Frieze his ship but when he looks back tarble's gone and then he sees something up in the sky a giant glowing ball tarble eventually then comes back into view although this time as a great ape although heavily injured and a little bit weakened from creating the artificial moon right now there's a massive Gap in power between him and zarbon zarbon even goes into his ugly form but it does absolutely nothing scared out of his mind he's eventually stepped on by a giant tarble who used the last of his energy to crush zarbon and finish him off for good as he then passes out and reverts to normal having been severely injured beforehand detecting all this commotion on a scouter and seeing a great ape in the distance Frieza obviously decides to check this out he's discusses that zaruban couldn't handle these two by himself and when he arrives he sees the two pass of Saiyans and a zarbon pancake a little bit disgusting but whatever he drags the two Saiyans to his ship to heal them so he can get all the info he needs out of them they clearly have info on the dragon balls and possibly have some hidden somewhere with the battle being a bit tense the armor got pretty messed up especially tarble who was nearly killed so once they wake up from their healing they also have new armor on which they're pretty surprised about really just my excuse to give terrible and newer look also kind of weird Frieza took the time to clothe them ew they also feel like they're much stronger than before with tarble even getting a massive boost greater than his brothers due to his worst injuries gradually he's closing the Gap in power both intentionally and unintentionally like in this case the two share a grin realizing that right now is the perfect opportunity to steal a dragon ball and Escape plus they're pretty happy with their new power they create a diversion and still frieza's Dragon Balls it seems like he and his group were able to gather three of them here blowing a hole in the ship distracting Frieza and taking the dragon balls they speed off undetected by the space emperor they head back to the lake where they hid their other dragon balls and now it seems like they'll have six total they're so close they only need one more Dragon Ball they arrive at the lake where the other Dragon Balls should be and the three of them are missing what Vegeta gets unrationally angry and of course tarble's pretty pissed too but he tries to come up with a plan it definitely wasn't the freezer force that took the dragon balls so it might have been whoever did Doria was chasing before they focus and eventually they sense three different powers all very faint but they're flying directly away from the lake they missed this group by mere minutes as he's developing his ability to sense Ki more and more Vegeta somewhat recognizes these key signatures no it can't be can these actually be some fighters from Earth of course this was Krillin Gohan and dende all of whom stole the dragon balls after having their potential unlocked by Guru right now they're heading back to Bulma to store these as well as the one that they actually got from Guru himself meanwhile in space Goku gets ever so close Dynamic and all the while Frieza has some plans of his own and decides to call for some more useful help all of the Saga is coming together quickly Frieza has made the choice to summon the Ginyu Force and while Goku heads towards the planet they're getting closer too back to the brothers the two decide to split up for now Vegeta decides he's going to guard the dragon balls that they just stole and tarble decides that he's going to go and pursue the earthlings not knowing how strong they are right now tarble eventually is successful and he encounters Gohan and Krillin who are pretty confused to see who he is this Saiyan looks very similar to Vegeta and then they find out that he's actually Vegeta's brother so it seems there is one more saying that they didn't know about but no matter they're not too concerned tarble is ready to fight them and they're prepared as well feeling like they outclass him even individually right as the fight is about to begin they're interrupted when they sense Powers coming to Namek it's the Ginyu Force tarble immediately knows who these guys are and just as soon as they land they're heading closer and closer to the group having since the reason surgeon key although tarble would love to beat up these guys right now it seems they've been forced into an enemy of my enemy situation and eventually they're Tracked Down By The Ginyu Force The Ginyu Force could just kill them right away but they toy with this group a bit and get the dragon balls from them but just as they're about to finish the job everyone senses another power coming towards Namek and the Ginyu Force turned on their scouters to see what's going on another ship has just landed and an individual is coming closer and closer to this group of course this is Goku who's finally landed on the planet while this group did get beat up a little by The Ginyu Force thankfully Goku's there to save them Krillin Gohan and tarble take on goldo together while Goku takes on Jason birder and having the whole body swap debacle with the Ginyu thankfully though this is restored and since dende is there he's able to get healed up right away as well as the rest of the group dende is very hesitant to heal tarble but he doesn't seem to be as vicious as Vegeta and they kinda need the extra Firepower right now anyways so he gets healed as well and gets a nice little boost from it but not nearly as much as Goku's but of course they are very wary of tarble I mean why wouldn't they be look at who he's aligned with another good thing that came out of the situation is that Goku gets to save his senzu beams just in case it's great that they all had dende there but there is one loose end that they didn't tie up besides the fact that Frieza is still out there somewhere raccoon was able to escape and is currently heading off in Vegeta's Direction sensing his power and assuming that he might have dragon balls after everyone's healed terrible focuses and he's able to sense where raccoon's heading to it's directly towards his brother while he doesn't want to work with these earthlings it seems he's really not in a position of power here so he has no choice but to make an appeal to them because otherwise Vegeta will probably die as well as him at least this might give the two brothers a little bit of safety swallowing his pride he asks for the group's help but can't they really trust tarble should they even try and save Vegeta this could be a trap for all they know and they could get double cross in the end Frieza can already tell that the Ginyu Force screwed up so he decides he's going to take matters into his own hands he puts on a scouter in order to search for any high power levels that he could find and across the planet he senses one that stands out to him it definitely isn't someone from The Ginyu Force or his army so he decides to pursue this mysterious power thinking it might lead him to at least one Dragon Ball the power he actually sends was nailed which had led him to guru's place we'll leave these two alone for a bit and let's switch back over to tarble to see what's up with them after defeating most of the Ginyu Force raccoon did leave and went after Vegeta since tarble knows that freezes after everyone he wanted to create a temporary alliance with the group that he was just fighting with and his first objective is to fight raccoon and protect Vegeta with little time to waste tarble immediately departs and Goku's group follows close behind him they're still not really sure if they want to trust this guy but as I mentioned in the previous episode they do see that he is a bit different from Vegeta and given the situation they're in it's probably wise to stick with as many people as possible tarble arrives and he sees raccoon about to attack Vegeta and immediately with one hit he takes raccoon down there actually was nothing to worry about he was strong within raccoon without even realizing it he's pretty amazed with his strength all the zenkins got up to this point especially the one after fighting the Ginyu Force really helped him grow stronger he felt confident taking on raccoon but he didn't know he could one shot him this amazement goes both ways because Vegeta sees this as well he's a bit beat up by raccoon and it's good that terrible intervene when he did because if akum was about to land the finishing blow but more so he's speechless by seeing tarpal's strength he feels a mix of emotions Pride jealousy anger sadness all of these he doesn't really know how to feel about tarble surpassing him in terms of power Goku's group then lands behind them and Vegeta sees what's going on he's asking why tarble LED them here and tar will explain that they all thought that Ginyu Force together and he decided it would be a better idea if they stuck with more people Vegeta's angered now but he hears tarble loud and now that they have Frieza after them he's kind of right they need as much power as they can get and it's good timing too because now that sense Frieza approaching his fight with the nail went pretty much as you'd expect and after detecting a huge bursts and power just now of course he's gonna go check it out this might be his answer especially since now where Coombs off the radar reluctantly dende heals Vegeta in preparation for frieza's arrival so where are we in terms of power levels right now well let's cover that here Goku is going to be at 3 million here it's a good thing that I had dende and he didn't have to wait to be healed in the healing pot as for terrible he surprisingly got really strong but it makes sense considering how close he's been to death this whole time he's at a power of 1.5 million way behind him is Vegeta who's at 400 000 which is still pretty impressive behind that is Gohan who's around 200 000 with Krillin at 75 000. the main cast is pretty much normal with Vegeta and tarble being the only real changes here because Vegeta's stronger and well tarble was never here in the first place Goku and Friends convinced Vegeta to hand over the Dragon Balls saying that they'll call for support and find a way to defeat Frieza that way Vegeta and tarbo aren't in the position of power here to be fair tarwell himself is decently strong but they can't stand up to someone like Goku oh excuse me kakaram that's like their thing calling him Kakarot but yeah they they're not really in a position to say no here begrudgingly they agree and they fly over to the other Dragon Balls quickly summoning paranga thanks to dende's help and this goes pretty much like you could expect pickle was brought back to life and then teleported Dynamic and then oh no guru dies ah he just loves doing that too bad because Vegeta was about to wish for immortality for him and tarble damn it seems like they'll have to wait Frieza is getting angrier and angrier he just arrived at the spot where he detected that huge power boost and there's nothing there and by the time he got there he sees in the distance that the sky turned black and there's a giant dragon in the sky and that could really only mean one thing while harunga is still there he Rockets over towards that area hoping not to miss them this time and he finally catches up to them just as paranga disappears they stole his wishes and now he can't get them back angered freezes in the mood to fight here immediately he goes into his second form and tells everyone he's just getting started this is only a taste of his power meanwhile on the other side of dynamic Piccolo was brought back and he finds male nearly dead on the ground his arrival on nameka was pretty much like normal he fuses with nail and then immediately goes to find Frieza because right now he senses that Frieza is fighting with his friends he needs to make haste because it looks like they're in trouble Frieza is still in a second form but of course he's not done yet he turned into his third form and everyone starts facing trouble they're able to hold him off in a second form pretty easily but now that he's in his third form it's going to be a lot harder thankfully by the time this happens support arrives in the form of Piccolo and now it's a 7v1 against Frieza Goku terrible and Piccolo fight as Krillin Vegeta and Gohan Provide support with dende hiding away so he doesn't die and he could say there is a Healer already this fight is seeming a lot more optimistic realizing that his third form isn't enough here he decides to finally power up into his final form and the group realizes that they can't risk it they go full power Goku shows off Kyle Ken times 20. Piccolo shows off his full power now that he's fused and terrible well he doesn't really have anything necessarily too special but he's strong so there's that and the three of them all team up been hit Frieza with a massive combined beam joined with some help from Vegeta Gohan and Krillin before he could even go into his final form Frieza is defeated knocked unconscious this full power strike while he was mid-transformation was actually very helpful and smart they realized that Frieza is still alive because of his insane survivability and Goku kinda does want to spare him but tarble steps in towards the unconscious Frieza and eradicates him with a single beam damn does it feel good to do that it's a good thing that Goku and Tarboro were here and that they acted earlier to fight Frieza by preventing him from going into his final form it allowed him to defeat Frieza with a little bit of struggle and for good this time alright so now what Kami wishes to revive every namekian and I know I've done a similar ending to name Arch and some of my other would have so I'm going to speed through this a little bit with the wish to revive Arena making that means paranga's back and they get one wish and instead of being selfish they decided to restore all the Damage Done to Namek so the planet is restored back to normal Mori has actually made a grand Elder before Guru dies and Namek is now saved and everything's back to normal once paranda is back as a show of thanks the namekians will revive ten shinhan Yamcha and chaotsu as a gift at least once paranga returns so the earthing should expect to see them back in three months time and everyone bored Goku's ship and goes back to Earth they bring Vegeta and tarbo along because they don't really know what else to do and the two did help fight Frieza so I guess they can kind of trust them now the name Arc had a surprisingly happy conclusion but could we say the same about the other arcs going forward well we'll see about that because there's already another Feud about to start and that's between Vegeta and tarble seeing tarble and Kakarot so strong Vegeta is half impressed with his brother but also half anger to himself seeing that he isn't as strong as either of them not only that but tarble just shot past him a feud is brewing with Vegeta but instead of the normal Dragon Ball Feud it's something that's internal something within Vegeta he feels lost here all these conflicting emotions boil up inside of him and eventually everyone gets back to Earth immediately Vegeta goes into Solitude training intensely the good thing is that capsicle Corp is a gravity training room so 24 7. Vegeta is trying to go in there seeing if he could somehow break his limits and with him at capsule Corp so much well Vegeta and Bulma still happens so a lot of this seems the same so far doesn't it well things are going to be changing as we go forward into the Androids Arc so stick with me here everyone is eventually revived as well but Vegeta still keeping up with his training Vegeta is focused on only one goal catching up to his brother and Kakarot I guess that's actually kind of two goals but you know what I mean tarble does train occasionally and sometimes with a Vegeta but he notices that Vegeta's been acting very distant kinda it's odd he's definitely changed since that experience on Namek why is that though he goes more and more into Solitude and eventually shuts pretty much everyone off besides balma he feels like a failure and he can't help but shake the feeling of uselessness he he wasn't an asset on that but he was a liability the fight with Frieza especially Vegeta was just on the sidelines watching terrible Piccolo and Kakarot do their thing it should have been him his brother was weakling and he never deserved to be this strong kakarot's a low-class warrior he shouldn't be the strong either has he been going about it wrong his whole life does the class of Saiyans that he didn't really matter one day during training capsicle begins shaking Vegeta is in the gravity room training just as hard as he was before under many times higher than normal gravity he keeps pushing himself farther and farther with the gravity with his feelings of jealousy rage sadness and uselessness finally boiling up almost ready to burst the entire area starts shaking as Vegeta feels an explosion of power suddenly the gravity in the chamber becomes a lot lighter he could have sworn he was at a couple hundred times Earth gravity right now did the chamber just stop working he feels lightweight but then he realizes something his power is overflowing there's an aura around him that's different than before he goes to turn off the gravity to see what's going on but then he sees as the red light in the room turn off in the reflection of the control panel that controls the gravity Vegeta sees his hair is golden there's no way only one thing is in Vegeta's mind right now the only conclusion that he could even jump to has he actually done it is this actually a Super Saiyan immediately the power goes away but Vegeta remembers to feel it all his motivation immediately comes back his pride restored and everyone rushes over to capsicle Raptors sending the surgeon key Vegeta has finally reclaimed the throne but he isn't sure how and of course he has to try and access this power again he slowly goes back to training with everyone else with kakra and turbo trying to figure out what he's done they've been trading this entire time too tarble's actually kind of become friends with Kakarot since he never really had a bad experience with him like Vegeta did and they've developed a friendly rivalry but Vegeta's on a whole new level now the Super Saiyan thing is intriguing they're greeted by someone that they've never seen before it's trunks he's a little bit confused there's no Frieza or King cold so he decided to find the group and see what was going going on he keeps his identity secret but he's here to give Goku the heart virus medicine and to warn everyone about the Androids but more surprising than Frieza and cold not being there is the fact that there's this new guy here he has to try really hard to not hide his astonishment when he finds out that this is Vegeta's brother he has an uncle since when he's never heard about this terrible guy anyways he shows off Super Saiyan to the group and prepares to fight in Goku thinking that he can do it as well Goku is amazed to see that trunks is a Super Saiyan but he reveals that he doesn't know how to do super saiyan just yet but he knows of the foreman has been training towards it trunks is really confused he knows by this time in the future Goku had a Super Saiyan already so why doesn't he have it here and how does he know about it if he doesn't actually know how to use it Vegeta then steps up and shows trunks that he is the one who can go Super Saiyan right now trunks is noticing that there's a lot of changes here some discrepancies in the timeline did he cause these by traveling back in time or maybe it was the fact that tarble's here he's not too sure but things aren't looking good but just to gauge everyone's power he wants to have a fight with Vegeta Vegeta obliges going Super Saiyan as well he still doesn't know who trunks is at this point but he's pretty impressed with his power trunks is an equally surprised to see that Vegeta is as strong as he is right now all of his confusion aside they have a friendly sparring match and both enjoy it and Trunks is glad that he had this opportunity while he's not sure about the whole timelines thing right now or about any discrepancies that he's noticed he still promises to return in three years time wanting to make sure everything in this timeline is okay he heads back to his time but not before he tells Goku his true identity oh and of course Piccolo hears this as well now Trunks goes back home and Vegeta turns to the group if they need to prepare for these Androids they need to follow his lead as the top dog around here he's going to take initiative and show off his true power hoping to whip everyone into shape more Super Saiyans and stronger earthlings they just need to follow his lead just like old times he feels like he's commanding the Saiyans once again finally back to his former self being led by Vegeta the three Sans all have a bit of a friendly competition right now Vegeta Knows for a fact that he's the top dog around here and he's not as angsty usually is he's a lot more Cooperative especially with tarble around but knowing Vegeta this is going to inflate his ego a lot he's the Super Saiyan the only one well trunks also is but he ignores that because trunks isn't from this timeline as far as Vegeta is concerned he's the only one he essentially coaches the group feeling like he's in charge around here all the while Goku and tarble are trying to unlock this form themselves with Goku also trying to train Gohan as well as the other humans and Piccolo training too although Vegeta already has Super Saiyan he's actually still motivated to train he's not gonna slack off just because he has it it's become very clear to Vegeta tarble and kakron will access this form it's only a matter of time and Vegeta's not gonna let them get the jump on him he definitely still is training and he wonders is there a form above this I guess he'll have to see for himself through enough training tarval is eventually able to go Super Saiyan before Goku even slowly but surely catching up to Vegeta once again their rivalry is still going strong as the three-year training continues Goku eventually follows suit getting Super Saiyan for himself with Gohan and managing to actually get it by the end of the three years only barely though but Vegeta's actually found something pretty interesting he's gone above Super Saiyan and once the Androids attack a few years later he's about to show it off they all head into the city searching for the Androids and they find Android 19 and 20 there so these must be the two banners that trunks was talking about they seem like weaklings Android 19 sets up the fight first with tarbo being the one to take him on tarble has some issues at first because Android 19 is stealing his energy but Turbo's not stupid he could figure out a workaround pretty easily and in terms of raw power he's able to defeat Android 19. Giro is concerned and wants to escape but Vegeta stops him yes tarble Kakarot and even kakarot's son have super saiyan and tarble and Super Saiyan was enough for 19. he lets jaro in on a little secret he's stronger than terrible at the moment and he knows something above Super Saiyan he begins powering up growing in both power and muscle he calls this form of his Super Vegeta and against someone gero at this point in the story it's kind of Overkill he's not as strong as the Super Vegeta we see later on in the original series because he didn't have the time chamber training but regardless he's still really powerful and too quick for Giro to escape from with ease he takes out the Android problem solved then right it seems like everything's going good and they could just wait for trunks to show up and then Goku collapses clutching his chest oh crap they forgot about the heart virus well the anders are defeated and they have the medicine for him so they're assuming everything's all good anyways they just need to take go from home as Gohan and Yamcha leave with Goku Trunks then shows up and sees the remains of Android 19 and 20. these definitely aren't the answer from his timeline I mean just from those weird clothes he could tell those are some really weird outfits it's good that they feed it these Androids but trunks is still concerned why are there two other Androids here where's 17 and 18 it doesn't take too long for him to figure out that Dr gero Android 20 actually has a secret lab somewhere thanks to bulma's hell so they're gonna track that down and hopefully that gives them some info the search begins and it takes some time but eventually the group does stumble upon the lab and while trunks was a bit nervous before he's calmed down now because he sees that Androids haven't been activated yet perfect I mean the group could have just tried to find the lab and destroy the Androids before so they wouldn't have to even worry about it but you know what this is fine too they could still destroy them here before they're activated they look around the lab and find some Blueprints and other things as Vegeta Trunks and tarbo blow up the pods for 17 and 18 as well as one Mark 16 but from another part of the lab Krillin screams for them to come here he's found something kind of concerning another project at a row is called cell it definitely isn't complete yet but still does this mean one of these exists in trunks this timeline too it's some sort of ultimate Android possibly stronger than any other Androids they've seen so far without hesitation they destroy it and it's good that trunks at least found out about this so by now he's realized this isn't the same timeline that he's from it's another one that he traveled to so whatever he does here won't affect his timeline they thank him for his help but now trunks is kind of in a weird spot how is he supposed to go back to his timeline to defeat the Androids well they have a few Solutions since Goku is still unconscious and can't tell everyone about the room of spirit and time Vegeta and Tarboro decide to train trunks up they could do some gravity training and on his way back they'll give some senzu beans to him but he's gonna have to do some really rigorous training if he wants to get strong enough in time to go back so they begin going at it and this is a nice opportunity for trunks to actually get to know terrible and this gets trunks thinking is tarbo live in the future timeline as well Vegeta doesn't really want to get his hopes up and he tells trunks that tarbo could have died on planet Vegeta but there is another possibility he doesn't know how his father went about it in the future timeline but Vegeta Knows that his father was about to send tarble somewhere else so although he wasn't raised by Vegeta in that timeline he could still be alive somewhere in space but it'd be really hard to find him it's kind of a bummer for trunks but he'll keep it in mind terrible and Trunks warm up to each other it's cool for trunks to find out that he has a new family member and he's pretty strong too it seems to be a good influence on Vegeta about a week or two passes and Trunks gotten a bit stronger but not too much gravity training for two weeks can only get you so far even if he's injured in the training hitting some zenkais they'd rather be safe than sorry so just in case bomas gathered some data on the Androids and created the self-destruct remote Goku's also joined in the training by this point because he's already been cured and he points out that trunks has a noticeable increase in strength even with a short training time trunks thanks his mom for the remote he still does plan on fighting the Androids because he feels that his strength might be enough to take on one of them at once and if he could take out one then he might be able to take out another at a later time but it's good to have the remote as a fallback in his timeline he also has to try and find cell before he's born hopefully it isn't too late so trunks returns to his timeline thanking everyone and saying goodbye knowing trunks he's usually one who'd rather be safe than sorry and even though it might feel like kind of a hollow Victory he ultimately decides he doesn't want to risk it and decides to just blow up the Androids right there this is the best outcome for him just because it's guaranteed to work he's also eventually able to hunt down cell by this point he might have already hatched but it was probably so reason that cell is really weak at this point but still Tough Enough To Face Trunks and with that he kills cell his timeline's finally safe but there is one loose end something that no one thought of yeah cell is dead in the present timeline and the future timeline but there's another cell the cell that we all know the one that came from another timeline in order to get the Androids he's still around in the present timeline he's been watching and his plans have been ruined still imperfect he lurks about not attacking now the Androids are dead he has no Escape back to his main timeline and as of now he might not be strong enough so he remains undercover slowly absorbing people and animals that he finds and over the seven year time skip cell actually grows pretty strong no one even knows he's here yet and the thing is he might not be able to achieve Perfection but over the course of years absorbing people and animals will slowly boost his power he remains dormant still looking for the right time to strike but eventually he's approached by someone he doesn't know how he's been found but this person promises that he's here for a partnership he has an offer for cell the man introduces himself a magician named Bobby with an ally named bobbity wants cell to work with him a servant of sorts and in exchange he can give cells some great power cell's pretty iffy on this the prospect of more power sounds cool but he doesn't know if he could trust these guys but during the conversation Bobby Reed sells mind looking for what he desires Perfection apparently he's programmed to have some sort of new transformation but something is preventing him from getting it oh so it's all mechanical nonsense how primitive that's nothing a little magic can't fix so bobbity actually makes another offer alongside this power he'll let cell get his perfect form cell surprised he doesn't know how that's possible but bobbity explains using magic he can modify cell and manifest the parts that he needs to become perfect I mean it's programmed within him right that seems like an easy work for bobbity cell doesn't really want to oppose because it's Deborah guy seems a little intimidating and he has this offer of more power and his Perfection so a little reluctantly he agrees over the seven years the Saints train and triangle above Super Saiyan following Vegeta's footsteps they eventually are able to get Super Saiyan 2. although it takes a while for them to get it Goten and Trunks are also born in this timeline and tarble remains single for now if you have any suggestions for what you want to do with him let me know in the comments below but for the time being he's gonna remain single and with Goku still around Gohan even continues his training Vegeta is still ahead of everyone but Gohan's actually catching up really quick just as Vegeta theorized a hybrid saying can grow a lot stronger in less time and it seems that's true although no one's nearly as strong as they are in the original story without that cell Saga training that they got originally combined with the fact that they didn't find about Super Saiyan 2 until later on they're a little behind but the world's at peace right now and even better the tournament's coming up it seems like a great opportunity for everyone so they decide to join up as for the roster this time around a lot of the tournament Remains the Same but there are a few changes smobavich and yamu are there but they're not possessed they're actually normal Fighters and as for shin and kabito they actually don't enter to the tournament they're spectating trying to remain undercover I mean it's kind of hard when they look the way they do but they try to remain stealthy without spoa Vision yamu there they don't know who the Majin servant is that's going to try and steal energy but they know that babadi is planning to steal someone's energy here yamu replaces kabido and tarbo replaces shin and spokovic replaces spokovic he's not going to be a psychopath this time and thankfully enough the tournament actually goes pretty smoothly someone is lurking about though and they're waiting to strike at the right point one of the first huge battles is Vegeta vs Goku and as I've mentioned already in this part Vegeta is the top dog around here so he's probably gonna win this fight although it's going to be a very hard fought battle and this is pretty early on in the tournament too there shows some crazy fights ahead one of the next crazy fights is Gohan who's facing off against tarble and even though Gohan's pretty strong tarble is too and this would be really and I mean really close battle I feel like Gohan might have the advantage in power but tarble might have the advantage in terms of skill and that might Edge the fight in the favor of terrible it's really close but tarble takes the win and that eventually leads to the finals of the tournament sadly Mr Satan didn't get too far because he had some sort of stomachache so the final matchup is between tarble and Vegeta a battle between siblings both are waiting to see which brother is better they Pace themselves starting base eventually going to Super Saiyan and then Super Saiyan 2. Vegeta is really impressed he has a clear advantage in power but tarbo still holding his own pretty well while before he was a little jealous of his brother he's mostly just impressed now and feeling proud about him they've both come such a long way and what better way to celebrate than an all-out fight the two enjoy themselves but then in the middle of the fight Vegeta feels a sharp pain in his back and immediately drops into bass tarble is terrified wondering what's happened and I see behind Vegeta a long green tail stretching out almost looking like a hose stretched along the ground within a split second it jumped up in the air and stabbed Vegeta who did that and kabito rush over to help quickly introducing themselves tarbo looks around for whoever just did that while Vegeta gets healed not too long after Goku points out someone leaving and he's sending this guy's energy what is this he sent his Vegeta freeze a piccolo even himself plus thousands no tens of thousands of other energies screaming out this is no normal opponent tarble is fuming as Vegeta is healed and chases after cell shooting can be to want everyone to wait but since tarbo's already leaving Goku and Vegeta follow suit alongside Gohan Piccolo and Krillin so shin and kabito follow along they arrive and see the guy from the tournament talking to three other people Bobby Deborah and weep we Deborah points out that the group from the tournament followed them and is about to strike but cell says that he wants to take over he gives Bobby his energy and then turns around looking directly at the group the group then makes out his face from looks alone the sky is terrifying but then they begin to recognize him from those blueprints that they found at the lab Krillin points out is that cell they killed him though how could he get here and something's not right either on his forehead he has the letter M but one thing's not done yet he turns back to Bobbidi and says now that he held up his end of the deal he wants what he was promised that's easy enough bobbity works his magic literally and settled against transformed even he and Deborah are a little scared at his new Power Cell immediately begins changing even going past a semi-perfect form suspend your disbelief here I don't really know if Bobby can do something like this but it seems likely magic and Dragon Ball could do a lot of crazy things having it modified technology like cell might not be that hard the group watches in awe as sells new formers revealed welcome to the Majin cell Saga with cell now ready to fight weep we and Deborah head into the ship they may not even need to fight anybody cell not only feels confident right now but he's happy after so long he's finally attained Perfection plus he's a Majin now and has that power boost from that Bobby commands him telling him to attack cell looks back and grins well Bobby said so so he'll do it almost instantaneously he attacks Bobbidi and with a single swipe of his tail Bobbidi is killed this whole time Celeste used Bobby he had the foresight and intelligence for this why what did you really think he was gonna sit back and let this happen to him being a slave to Bobby and Deborah no this is cell we're talking about Deborah and quipi then watch him fear as selim's blast towards them leaving the two Gravely injured so now cell could focus on its main target Goku and all the other Saiyans with him even with his new power they may be able to give him a good fight and you know what maybe if he's looking for some fun later that boo guy sounds interesting he remembers Bobby and Deborah rambling about that guy this fight against the Saiyans and their friends might be a little too easy so if worse comes to worse and he kills him too quickly so we'll just revive boo himself he does want a fun fight after all all he wants is to grow stronger and prove his Perfection a pretty simple goal really the group attempts to face so he's strong but not incredibly overpowered like I wouldn't say he's necessarily blue level but he's probably nearing on that level because of his training and the Majin curse that he has he definitely would be above where super perfect cell was probably by a considerable amount so the group tries to fight him but they're not really able to accomplish too much of course his regeneration is a bit of an issue combined with his massive strength but mid-fight cell realizes something why kill these guys why not use them so during the fight he extends his tail out towards Vegeta but he Dodges in a split second Vegeta realizes who's standing behind him and tells cell not to do it but cell's tale suddenly stops and Vegeta slowly turns around knowing what Waits behind him Goku Gohan and all the others looking horror as they see suspended in the air is he tarble being held up by cell's tail impaled directly in his chest Cel absorbs all of tarbo's energy with tarbo weakly saying Vegeta's name as cell drops him to the ground now lifeless cell attracts his tail that was a nice meal now who's next Vegeta looks Frozen in time trying to process it all he goes completely pale then falls to his knees cell watches this is actually pretty funny as Vegeta then screams slamming his fist into the ground forming a giant crater around him instantly his Aura explode it's enough to fling some of his allies backwards slowly he stands up his ore is incredibly tense and he looks terrifying his eyes are completely White Lightning around him arcs and turns the sand in the glass due to its sheer power causing the ground to literally shatter around him as he stands up in an instant he launches towards cell punching right through his stomach cell is shocked what is this he recollects himself regenerating and swings at Vegeta hitting him Square in the face but Vegeta tanks the hit as he gets angrier by the second he gets stronger too there's seemingly no end to his power in sight he is completely berserk he swings around delivering her kick to cell cell tries to block it but it just snaps his arm off he regenerates quickly trying to prepare Kamehameha but Vegeta also prepares an attack he launches a massive Final Flash towards cell screaming out as the two enter a desperate beam struggle cell is actually struggling here as is Vegeta seeing this as an opportunity everyone jumps into help and this is enough to turn the tides and seemingly destroy cell as his beam is overpowered and a crater is Left Behind also creating a massive divot off into space where the beam went Vegeta then Powers down depressed and feeling defeated he couldn't save tarble Goku tells Vegeta they can gather the dragon balls right away but it's just the principle of it he was caught up in the Heat of the Moment and forgot but still even if they can revive tarble he'll remember this it should have been him as all his Allies try reasoning with him and help cheering him up shining could be to a watch feeling a mix of Terror and relief Vegeta was somehow able to kill cell seemingly they knew the Sans were strong but what was this power up as everyone recollects themselves kabito walks up to the remains of the ship looking down he then tells everyone to come over there they're able to see directly towards the bottom of the ship and down at the bottom floor a half dead puipri and Deborah are still moving during this whole fight they were able to get into the ship and monitor Boo's egg and this fight actually ended up giving enough energy for Boo's Revival the two of them weekly left even without babidi it doesn't matter they'll command boo a giant cloud of steam that erupts from the ship as boo then comes out of his egg Hui and Tabora ask boo to heal them and he thinks for a second then Smiles as he proceeds to turn them both into cookies eating them the group doesn't know what to do now Vegeta's power-up was helpful but it seemed like it was temporary maybe not something he can access at will boo then slowly floats up towards them as weekly the group prepares to fight but to make matters worse they then see something far away and the divot created by Vegeta's Final Flash they see little specks coming together they don't even believe what they're seeing it's cell he's regenerating now this time without the M on his forehead stronger than before as well he Chuckles to himself it seems he died and came back luckily he was able to make sure his core remained intact and he looks over and sees oh that blue guy was actually revived he'll make for a nice snack he seems strong but stupid cell tries to attack the two begin fighting each other as Shin curses and tells everyone to grab onto it this may be bad but it's also a chance to escape so they take the opportunity as Shin quickly brings everyone to the sacred world of ties trying to come up with a plan so everyone can train Vegeta is still distraught and on top of that there's people still on Earth that they want to save but it seems he's finally calmed down once again getting a grasp on reality and he decided to take charge he'll do whatever it takes to kill boo kill cell and revive tarble he doesn't care what it takes it's weird Goku and Gohan have never seen the side of Vegeta same for the other Fighters there Shin then tells everyone about the Z sword maybe it would be a good idea if Vegeta tried to pull it out he seemed like he's the strongest one right now so Vegeta goes towards it and gets ready meanwhile on Earth cell is still set on absorbing boo while boo is set on killing cell the two continue to fight and it's a pretty long one at that cell is able to stab boo here and there Gathering some energy which lets him continuously regenerate without worrying about his stamina or anything after sells boost in power the two are very close to each other with each fighter matching the other in strength especially now that cell has been able to steal some abu's energy and not to mention both of them can regenerate this fight is not only a huge spectacle but it's a very prolonged one both Fighters are very stubborn I mean we all know how boo is so just as cell is set on stealing his energy boost slowly gets angrier as he doesn't reach his goal cell even notices during the battle extremely hot steam begins erupting from Boo's head he grits his teeth and continues trying to fight cell in Boo's classic caveman speak he tells cell two words boo angry cell just laughs at this how childish he can go all day he doesn't care as he then hits boo with a powerful punch grabbing his antenna and then swing him around flinging him to a nearby Mountain as long as he keeps chipping away at Buu's energy it keeps him fueled up and it helps boo power down it's a bit annoying and it's gonna take a while but cell definitely feels like he can win this one from the now destroyed Mountain boo stands up more steam emerges from it and the ground begins to shake as he goes towards cell the area getting hotter and hotter from the steam boo is starting to get fed up and suddenly he erupts with a massive explosion blowing himself up in an effort to kill cell he restrains himself though wanting to keep Earth intact so he can get some more sweets and from this explosion he regenerates as does cell the cell is then surprised to see there's two booze now Boo's explosion was out of anger and that created evil boo Cel just looks an astonishment this guy is really a weird fighter but if there's two booze that may take a devise a plan Buu hasn't noticed him yet as the two Boos are now fighting each other so cell splits himself into two setting his copy towards good boo during the fight between booze cell jumps out and stabs good boot as the evil boot watches in confusion good Booth falls to the ground as cell launches towards evil Boon next but evil blue launches a candy beam that cell narrowly Dodges well he better not push his luck he uses a solar flare and gets out of there trying to combine with his original Self and once the two cells are back together they'll be enough to fight evil boo but as cell temporarily Retreats it seems that the candy beam hit good boo and naturally evil blue walks up towards him and eats good boo wow how many times have I said boo so far as sales copy gets back to his original Self the two combine him once more as he laughs this is a lot of energy but as he was absorbing boo he noticed that he felt something strange almost like there was something besides boo that he was absorbing ah no matter he doesn't care about that now although he does feel a weird energy and a weird barrier within him this definitely doesn't feel right he feels stronger definitely but different something was added to him that wasn't supposed to be Estelle tries to figure out what happened he looks over and he sees Super Buu is formed and super boost seems disappointed for some reason when he absorbed good boo he wasn't as strong as he thought it seems that cell had something to do with it little does cell know he just took something from boo unexpectedly when he was drinking booze energy he accidentally absorbed the two Kai's within boo Grand Supreme Kai and South Kai these two guys who influenced an empowered boo before are now having the same effect on the cell angry and grunting superboo then sets his sights on Cell wanting to achieve more power as cell Ponders would happen to him he gets ready to fight as super blue lunges towards him in the meantime while this entire fight was happening it it seems there is some progress on the sacred world of Kai's it did take a bit of time but Vegeta was eventually able to pull out the Z sword after stressing himself thinking about Targo allowed him to summon that anger from before empowering him and helping him pull out the sword as the other Warrior to train with shin and kabito Vegeta practices with the Z sword although it's clearly going to take some time to get used to but with this he may be able to defeat Buu as well as sell if he's still an issue let's say by this point about an hour or so has passed given how much blue and cell were that seems reasonable not incredibly long but not short either and by now Vegeta is already practicing with the Z sword slowly getting stronger and getting the hang of handling it he grew remarkably fast and now it's time to actually test swinging it he practiced wielding the thing and now it might be good to test it out in combat he channels his inner trunks if his future son can do it then Vegeta could wield a sword too it's time for a stress test Shin decides he'll help out as he creates a block of Kachi he knows the Z sword is strong and should be able to slice this in half with ease and if not well Vegeta breaks his arm or something he'll just heal it Vegeta realizes the risk and doesn't care he needs to know this will work against boo if it could slice this block in half it should be good enough so he flings it at Vegeta as Vegeta swings his sword but here is sharp crack and everyone thinks it works but they see the block of conscience still fly it with Vegeta standing there holding half a sword um did they just break the Z sword amidst their Panic they don't even realize that something was released from the Z sword a strange old man dressed like a kite amidst all the chaos they didn't even realize this who is this mysterious man supposed to be and more importantly he looks like a Kai is there any way he can help them the fight between cell and boo continues on Earth as Elder Kai introduces himself to the group hearing about what happened and saying that he may be able to help somehow with Vegeta being the one to break the sword Elder kite decides he's gonna perform his ritual on Vegeta oh cool well I guess that means Goku and Gohan will continue training together and they'll see if Vegeta's power-up actually works the good thing is sell and boost still aren't done yet not in the slightest which means they have the time for this to happen in about a day Vegeta's potential will be drawn out and the ritual will be done so in the meantime we could return to Earth cell begins hyperventilated after escaping boo he's struggling to even stand he feels wrong something in him doesn't feel right it must have something to do with Boo's energy that he absorbed too much is it not compatible with him are the magical properties bad cell can't tell a million thoughts are racing through his head and he doesn't know what's happening he stumbles away to safety needing to collect himself before he fights the Majin once more in his head he begins hearing voices two of them in fact as discussed last time cell absorb the essence of those two Kai's that were inside boo South Supreme Kai and the Grand Supreme Kai these two Kai's are the same ones that influence Buu and kept him under control but the thing is it's a different case here for boo he was basically uncontrollable and had no intelligence whatsoever as you've seen with Kid Buu but for cell it's different he's much smarter and much more mentally sound so it's not like the Kaiser gonna have an easy time controlling him it's going to be a bit tough for them to get through to him but with their combined Essence and Magic it's enough to begin influencing the Android at the very least and this is why he begins hearing their voices in his head cell is literally losing control over his body and mind struggling to keep control it's almost as if he's conversing with himself in his mind he has an inner dialogue of sorts but eventually this begins to balance outward cell is able to retain control himself his mental fortitude is enough to keep the kais out but they keep trying desperately trying to control cell or at least influence him somewhat but it seems like it may not be enough although there is somewhat of a change while cell retains most of his control the Kai's do get some sort of influence over him changes do begin to occur with himself and not only is it the Kai's but even a bit of tarbles in there it's just his DNA but maybe it can be used by the Kai's to influence him some more not to mention all the DNA of the other Heroes inside it as cell gets more stable Buu continues his ramp page around Earth he's looking for a cell but also looking for some food and sweets he goes around cities turning people into candy looting every place of its food as well it's the boo we all know and love going around turning innocent people into food and then eating them what a great guy about a day passes cell continues his existential crisis while boo continues eating people and then Vegeta ends up arriving on Earth much stronger than before the ritual has been completed and successful he now has access to the ultimate form while I'm not a crazy boost like Gohan got in the main story Vegeta definitely would have a lot of potential within him and the power boost would be noticeable and not to even fight boo boost surprised but glad to see that one of the fighters is back at least this will give him some fun Vegeta is equally surprised Boo looks different and boo wonders why Vegeta looks like he hasn't transformed the two are both confused but they could tell that the other is stronger of course the two aren't going to exchange many words right away they get to fighting in Ultimate Vegeta does have a clear advantage in power a pretty big one at that it catches Buu off guard a bit but boo has a plan instead of trying to fight Vegeta head on he decides why not try to steal Vegeta's power instead if he could find a way to absorb Vegeta then he'll definitely win no one will stop him then Vegeta lands an attack that blows off one of Boo's arms and he regenerates it but this is good he begins distracting Vegeta with candy beams and while he shoots these beams he uses detached pieces from himself to creep towards Vegeta Buu then gives an evil grin as he fights when Vegeta suddenly notices these pieces approaching from behind Vegeta turns around and sees a wall of pink goo he braces himself ready to destroy it but before it can connect something ends up stopping it moose surprised too he can't control these pieces for some reason they're not moving he's then suddenly hit in the face by a massive blast Vegeta has a false hope as he senses Terrible's energy but then realizes why he does sense tarble's energy he sees cells standing there ready to help he's confused and angered why is cell helping and why is he still alive cell can't explain right now but he tells Vegeta to trust him he's not the same cell from before they can settle this later as the two Converse Buu lunges back towards them and the two begin blocking the majin's attacks cell prepares a gallic gun and Vegeta does the same they launch it together destroying the Majin pretty easily boot tries to regenerate during the blast but the two keep on firing eventually every little bit of him is erased Vegeta's relieved that they killed Buu but he's still confused and a bit angry that cell is there and what is he doing celibigan's explaining he's not the same cell anymore not in the slightest he tells Vegeta about the kite inside him and how now he's somewhat going through a change man it's not really over yet he's much stronger and he's gained new abilities as seen during the fight when he telekinetically held boost pieces the air he was strong enough to hold those back not to mention strong enough to even help destroy boo but besides the new techniques and increasing power the Kai's now influence him somewhat sales beginning to have a sort of epiphany while the Kai's influence him cell retains most of the control in a way this makes him more neutral if anything he realizes that his Perfection is an amazing gift and he's better than pretty much everyone and he realizes there's more to the universe than destroying stuff he's not good but he's not really evil he's slowly progressing towards a point of neutrality and he's kind of coming to terms with what he is now shin and everyone then teleport in seeing that it's safe and haven't heard what happened but what amazes Shin Moses what cell said and cell confirms yes two Kaiser inside him South Supreme Kai and Grand Supreme Kai but it's not like he's gonna give them up somehow no these two are for him now again he's not entirely a good guy he still does retain some of cell's evilness and in terms of power right now he and ultimate Vegeta are kind of on par the zenkai zeriga as well as the power that he's absorbed allowed him to get on Vegeta's level he still does Remain the most perfect being in the universe at least by his own standards so what does he do now well he's not gonna remain on Earth no he's gonna go off on his own seeing if he can find some greater purpose in his life but we'll get back to him later the dragon balls are then gathered as Vegeta makes the wish to revive terrible tarble is brought back and the two are related to see each other you can see if Vegeta is completely different in this scenario tarble is one of the few people that Vegeta heavily cares about and the two are glad that things are somewhat back to normal in the meantime Goku and Gohan can hear their training with the other two with ultimate Vegeta is now the strongest and due to how potent ultimate is he stops pursuing Super Saiyan forms even it draws out all of his potential which is better than any multiplier can do plus there's no stamina issues sticking with this will be more than enough tarble decides to pursue a new idea as well instead of going for regular Super Saiyan forms he decides why not use his tail to his Advantage he is the only one with the tail and he wants to see maybe he can combine grade ape with something else it's not necessarily useful now but with a little bit of Ingenuity he can definitely make it something worthwhile as for Goku and Gohan they continue down their normal path of trying to improve Super Saiyan more trying to go beyond Super Saiyan 2 even so what about cell well eventually he comes to his senses and decides why not go visit the Kai's he is Park Kai after all if he wants to get stronger maybe he can try and convince them to train him somehow despite him already being stronger than them shin and kabito are kind of torn on this but they're able to quickly see that cell definitely is not the same as he was before he is actually genuine about it he's completely neutral and only focus on improving himself now he has no ulterior motives or anything Shin could even read his mind and tell this and while cell occasionally goes to the sacred world of Kaiser train he also voyages throughout the Universe seeking more knowledge and power occasionally he does end up on Earth creating for some awkward reunions with everyone and they're all able to see his progression instead of the same egotistical being he was before sound destroying everyone and everything he's a lot more down to earth and insightful than he was although they barely have any control the two guys within him are actually kind of surprised well at least it all turned out for the better life remains like this for a few years eventually beerus does end up waking up pretty much like normal but instead of going to Goku first the person he first seeks out his cell because cell has connection with Shin beerus can find him pretty easily and explain what's going on he is aware that cell is the strongest person here after all and parts say it not to mention he's very knowledgeable maybe he knows something about the Super Saiyan God beerus and cell end up fighting but of course cell ends up losing beerus is intrigued though and cell as well as the Kai's end up leading him to Earth first off Vegeta fights him showing off the power of ultimate but surprising Lee it doesn't really do much to beerus tarbo then decides to show off his new form something that he's been working on for a while he turns into a great ape using an artificial moot Vegeta's already seen this but this is the first time everyone else is although Vegeta is pretty concerned the last time tarble did this he lost control pretty quickly tarble then does Super Saiyan on top of great ape turning into a golden great ape and he ends up losing control like before he still has issue gaining control over himself and without that he can't really use this form to the fullest I'm sure you guys already know what I'm referring to but tarbo is not quite there yet at least he's on the right track though tarbo's power in golden great ape is pretty amazing but since he lost control beerus is easily able to work around tarble I mean even if tarble had control beers would still win here so he ends up knocking tarble out reverting him back to his human form so much for that transformation Goku and Gohan have an idea but they decide against it what actually is the idea that they're planning well while Vegeta and cell were fighting boo Elder Kai ended up giving a gift to Goku and Gohan something that they could have as a last Resort in case Vegeta's power wasn't enough to defeat Buu it's a pair of earrings and apparently if they put them on they'll fuse into a much stronger being although it's a permanent fusion and even so it might not work against beerus so they stay with the patara earrings for later keeping it in mind the case they need it so it seems like they're pretty much out of luck there's no super saiyan God here but there is one more option of how to figure out where to get one like normal the dragon balls are gathered and sheneron is summoned and everyone finds out about the Super Saiyan God ritual the good thing is here they have more than enough sayings there's Goku Vegeta Gohan Goten and Trunks plus tarble's there now and there's also cell who has say in DNA but since they're not sure cell will even work there they decide to bring tarbaline not that it really matters too much so the ritual works and Goku is the one to get Super Saiyan God he ends up fighting beerus but surprisingly even with this brand new power it's not enough beerus is impressed but Goku can't defeat him at all but suddenly during the fight he's joined by someone else while Goku and beerus were fighting everyone realize that Goku may need help thankfully they still had enough people for a ritual this time with cell involved and Bieber's grin since he sees the next person to join the fight in Super Saiyan God Gohan joins and while beerus did want a one-on-one this definitely will make things more interesting the two are impressive individually but now with two Super Saiyan Gods beerus has more than he could want it's amazing and he's happy to have it but even with two of them fighting together it's still not enough Ramirez tell them not to worry he's more than impressed with these people that he's seen on Earth and not to mention he has not one but two Super Saiyan Gods now this is great what's better is he has all this great food on Earth that he didn't know about before he's more than pleased enough so everything ends peacefully Goku goes to train with beerus later on while Vegeta stays on Earth happy with ultimate tarble is set on pursuing his own form instead as well so those two aren't too concerned with Super Saiyan God they figure breakthrough is about to come to them soon so the two end up training together as for Gohan he retains Super Saiyan God but of course stays on Earth but he does have a brand new training partner cell is definitely intrigued with the power of both Gohan and Goku although Goku is pre-occupied with beerus and cell doesn't want to be stuck in one place sells us to Gohan that he may come to visit Earth and train a bit after all his only goal is to grow stronger plus with the Kai's in him cell can now teleport due to having kaikai so he could visit beerus's Planet whenever he wants and then go to Earth whenever he needs while also being able to go to the sacred world of Kai's whenever this gives him great mobility and makes his schedule very flexible but since Goku is so preoccupied and he can't learn too much else from the Kai's Gohan and cell form somewhat of a rivalry they train together most of the time and it's great Gohan never has to leave Earth and cell always has someone to rely on pretty weird right Gohan and cell becoming friends well that's the case here but as you could tell there's unique paths for every Saiyan tarble is pursuing a brand new Saiyan form one above even the Super Saiyan forms relying on the great ape transformation Vegeta he wants to pursue something else but he knows that ultimate is way better than literally any other form so he sticks with that Goku wants to surpass Super Saiyan God somehow as does Gohan and for cell well he's pleased with anything he just naturally grows a lot stronger while training even if he's capable of these Transformations he doesn't really need them everything is going very smoothly so far but a wrench is about to be thrown at everyone's plans eventually Frieza ends up getting revived and guess what king cold is there as well if you remember back here a few episodes ago things went very differently so now the Frieza Force has two great people to rely on Frieza is very angry he never even got to show off his final form to everyone he wants to watch them feel Terror wanting to enact his revenge as for King cold he doesn't really care as much but Reviving Frieza has been a long time coming really they just did this because they needed the extra Manpower of course they all plan on getting revenge going to Earth eradicating the Saiyans and getting the Revenge but before that they have to train an idea to disgust Frieza King Cole isn't too fond of it either but he realizes it is necessary in their current state they won't be enough instead of just Goku and Vegeta this time they're concerned about terrible 2. they haven't been able to surveil Earth much but from what they could tell there's other strong Fighters too and the ones they knew from before have grown much much stronger so while they hate the idea Frieza and King cold begin their training ready to grow stronger and kill those pesky Sans on Earth meanwhile everyone continues their training aware that someone summoned Shenron but very unaware that freezes back of course in their training Frieza would discover a new form of power that one obviously being his golden form King cold noticed this and realized that he has something to work towards too he may even copy Frieza and use the same golden color that he has but at the very least this serves his motivation for him to get stronger too and the two continue training working towards this new power and since Frieza now has a better training partner one that grows just as strong as him they're not going to be training for the full four months and with this the Frieza forced to set on Earth earlier than normal luckily there is no shortage of Fighters really the only one who'd be off planet is Goku as well as cell who is still a neutral party though and naturally the Frieza force is pretty easy to defeat there are pretty much nothing originally and here it's even easier but the real surprise comes when everyone sees who's on the ship not only is Frieza there but King cold is too both have been revived and they look the same as before no one's really too concerned though if they're the same power that they were before they're not going to really be a challenge at this point but Frieza and Cole to reassure everyone saying that they have trained these pesky earthmings will come to find that they're much stronger than before but they have news for Frieza and cold as well everyone here is stronger too not just the emperor and his father Frieza steps out of his pod being one of the first people trying to fight and what better person to face him than Vegeta even in base Vegeta completely outclasses first form Frieza causing him to go into his final form and even when Frieza transforms base Vegeta is able to keep up still but the fact that Frieza can even match Vegeta's power at this point shows how much he's grown well there's no point in holding back now Frieza then transforms into his golden form but Vegeta isn't really too scared in response he Powers up too activating Olton he tells Frieza that fight was a nice warm-up but now they could finally get serious the two Rush toward each other clashing the Collision of the two of them creates a massive shock wave with everyone pretty impressed except King cold wants to fight as well his presence is pretty intimidating for the rest of the fighters and Gohan's about to step up and face him but tarble goes it King cold Chuckles this small fry Vegeta's younger brother does he really think he has a chance against the king cold terrible smirks knowing he has an advantage in Super Saiyan 2 he faces King Cole and King cold wonders why tarble is so cocky sure he's keeping up with King cold but this isn't his full power not in the slightest he reveals to Turbo that he has an evolution in power as well just like Frieza they're not too surprised though so King Cole decides to give them a treat showing off his brand new pout his key soars as he begins to transform his skin now having a golden hue to it much like frieza's he introduces everyone to Gold cold kind of a catchy name tarble seems shocked for a brief moment but then goes back to his confidence self okay if this is King cold ceiling it shouldn't be too bad from his pocket he pulls out a small capsule King cold is confused but tarble tells him to watch closely he flings the capsule down and out of it comes some weird machine no one is really sure what it is but Vegeta Knows and of course Bulma does because she made it tarble asked someone to activate the machine so one of the other Fighters goes over and presses a button immediately it begins radiating some weird energy towards terrible green rings of energy surround him with turbo getting a more serious look this is a blood suede machine as he begins transforming into a great ape King Cole just laughs at this really a great ape King cold knows that form is way weaker than Super Saiyan the Size Doesn't intimidate him at all but in his great ape form tarble looks down at King cold grinning once again a massive golden ore surrounds him as he turned into a golden created everyone looks on kind of terrified knowing that the last time tarble did this he lost control but of course he's been training here and this time he may be able to pull it off he starts swinging at King cold and King cold Dodges all his attacks sure tarble is powerful in this form but it still doesn't seem like it's enough however it's clear that tarble has way more control this time and the more he fights in this form the more control he gets but at some point his eyes then widen he looks shocked and no one knows why King Cole Chuckles ah this four must have been too much for him because after tarble made that expression he began shrinking has he lost the transformation well not quite as tarbo shrinks he doesn't return to his normal self no he retains the same humanoid form from before but as he begins morphing into that form he looks much different from before his hair is longer his eyes are outlined in red but the most noticeable change he's covered in red fur by gaining control of the golden great ape form terrible has become a Super Saiyan 4. and while Vegeta and tarble don't have God forms they definitely would have access to God Ki at this point it's pretty much unavoidable and as we've seen just having access to God key alone is enough to empower you in your base form as well as your other forms so this isn't your average Super Saiyan 4. it's much much more potent than that tarble is amazed but his confidence returns he's finally achieved his goal this is what he was aiming for both Vegeta and Frieza turn shocked to see this new form Vegeta is proud of his brother while both Frieza and Kohler confused with this distraction Vegeta then attacks Frieza gaining the upper hand once again as tarble then rushes in to attack cold cold defends against tarble's attacks shocked to experience this new power so the Saiyan harness the power of both great ape and Super Saiyan somehow mutating to whatever this form is tarble completely overpowers King cold now and lands a punta sends King cold flying up into the air at the same time Vegeta lands an attack on Frieza that sends Frieza flying both cold and Frieza collide with each other angrily trying to recollect themselves the two look at each other and Nod aiming their hands out towards Vegeta and tarble they launched a combined attack as together Vegeta and tarble both begin charging a Gala gun launching it the Brotherhood Gallop gun overpowers the blast from cold and Frieza slowly creeping closer towards them and eventually making contact with one final push the two brothers put all their power into the attack as king cold and Frieza are decimated out of breath the brothers power down seeing that there's no trace of the tyrants left they fist bump with the rest of the fighters celebrating and this was felt Across the Universe cell notices from the Supreme Kai's plan with Goku noticing it from beerus's planet they're both amazed and proud it seems Vegeta and tarble's training is really paying off thankfully they're able to defend Earth from this threat but of course the story doesn't end here next up we have the universe 6 tournament as you could probably guess the team would be very different this time around obviously Goku is still on the team because he is the one with beerus at this point he's tasked with recruiting four people so he gets Vegeta tarble Gohan and cell to join the team cell agrees to this because well that's what cells look he just wants a good fight even though he's neutral here he's not really fighting for the benefit of universe 7. it's more so a selfish desire but hey as long as he's helping Universe 7 no no one cares and since everyone has their own method of training now let's actually rank them and see who's the strongest so even though Gohan is trading now and has access to God key he may still be the weakest of these five because he isn't training as seriously as everyone else or as often but even if he's the weakest of these five he's still stronger than literally anyone else in Universe 7 at this point so don't underestimate him here next would be Goku Goku would still be pretty strong here and have access to Super Saiyan blue but since he doesn't have Vegeta to train with his training may not be as effective as it once was sure he's still training with whis but it's not really the same and around the same level as him we have tarble as I mentioned even though he only has Super Saiyan 4 and doesn't have a God form he has God key which does give him a huge boost above that is Vegeta who has ultimate and as you could probably guess ultimate combined with God Ki is a hell of a drug alongside the fact that he is a Saiyan which just makes him stronger by default and unsurprisingly the strongest Heroes sell I mean that's not really a shocker he has the same crazy potential that Frieza would have as as well as the potential that Saiyans have not to mention regeneration and he is training with the Supreme Kai's and occasionally just going around space doing whatever getting smarter and smarter possibly even stopping by beerus's Planet at points he's just in it to have fun and even so he remains stronger than everyone else he could possibly be even stronger if he did take stuff more seriously but that doesn't matter the whole point of me power scaling everyone here is because well the universe 6 tournament is pretty much a wash the first four fights are pretty easy which is to be expected and and no one gets knocked out because Frost poison is overruled this means Goku swapped out because he's poisoned by Frost which means Vegeta's up next and he takes out all the other Fighters and against Hit he actually does seemingly better this time although he's still really no match it eliminates Vegeta with terrible going up next it's a similar story even with his great power of Super Saiyan 4 hit's time skip is just unbeatable as for Gohan that goes the same too and that means cell is up next cell is stronger than everyone and regeneration benefits him meaning he can last longer in fights not to mention he has the abilities of a ton of different Fighters as well as access to Magic now both from his time with Bobbidi and with the Supreme Kai so this is more of an even match hate tries to use his time abilities against cell and cell knows all about them now after watching the other fights he feigns weakness at first which leaves an opening from Hit all he needed was the small opening hit attacks and immediately cell begins ramping up his power freezing hit in place with his magic and then stabbing him with his tail he's not looking to absorb a bunch of energy from hit just enough to get more data plus if he did that he may end up killing him but with a brief poke from his tail he gets enough of that data that he needed with a very slight boost in power this would naturally anger hit wondering why self did that cell tells it to pipe down it wasn't like he was planning to kill him or anything quit being such a baby all he did was stab him and that's all cell needed hit now knows not to underestimate cell so he doesn't hold back at all cell attacks hit and this time hits able to use his time script to outpace him but just as he does that cell does the same thing being able to attack him by using his own time skip against him it's confused is this another one of his magic abilities no cell actually absorbs when it hits power before and was able to figure out a way to replicate his abilities although his time skip isn't too effective yet but having access to it does give him a huge Advantage he knows exactly how his ability works so not only can he briefly use a weakened version of it for himself but he knows exactly how to counter and nullify it what follows next is a fight that will really anger the galactic King both hit and cell use their time abilities itself begins to greatly outpace head as he adapts more and more simply put there's no way hit can win here cell was already stronger before but now it has no advantage in terms of techniques either cell is learning to use the same time abilities and learning to read every one of his moves cell ends up winning the match causing Universe 7 to win the whole tournament Goku's kind of bummed he never really got to show off his full power you know what whatever he tells Vegeta and tarbo to watch although he's not as strong as he was in Canon he still is very strong because he Powers up into blue kaioten he was hoping he'd have a chance to show this off to everyone but he didn't they're pretty impressed with it and go Goku feels that if he got to fight he might have been able to defeat it with this technique so knows all about this hmm the Kaio Ken he knows about it but he never actually thought to use it before maybe it's something he should look into anywho what's so important about Goku showing off his power well not only does it give cell some new info that he could use but Goku showing off this godly power will have some implications specifically with zamasu naturally he'd still be looking to steal someone's bot he would see the entire tournament on GodTube and while all the fighters are impressive there's only two here that really made a mockery of godly power one being Gohan who barely even got to show off and Goku who also didn't get to show off but zamasu still had to see a brief Taste of his power not to mention there were those two Mortals messing with time and this gets zamasu thinking so he's obviously gonna go through with his plan but whose body will he steal well so wouldn't anger him too much because cell technically is a supreme cop he's kind of iffy on the details but he knows he's more legitimate than the other two Gohan was using godly power but he didn't seem too strong or at least from what he showed off Vegeta and tarbo weren't really using Godly Powers sure ultimate kind of counts as that but it's really different from what Goku and Gohan were using zombies would likely still decide to seal Goku's body even with cell being the stronger one zamasu does have weird logic as we've seen in the anime he places Gods on a different level than others it even though cell technically is in a spot where he isn't really a god but also kind of is he'd probably show some sort of respect and not steal that body and rather go for the mortal's body despite the fact that he plans to kill everyone later anyways so Goku black still happens but trunks's timeline is going to be very different eventually trunks escapes and arrives back at Calvin's court but this time he has three other people in the time machine that escaped with him this time around someone was able to help trunks buy some time against black helping both Bulma and my Escape as well as trunks everyone is shocked as they see who's in The Time Machine all four of them are familiar faces it's trunks Bulma Mai and tarble okay they get why future bulma's there and even though Mai is a little bit weird they kind of understand that but tarble how'd he get there naturally trunks does have some explaining to do as a brief side note future cell in trunks's Timeline is dead as I mentioned a few parts ago trunks would have taken preventative measures for this defeating the Androids and making sure sell would never happen so with that we could fast forward to the boo Saka a lot of that went normal for trunks except before Shin died Shin did help trunks find someone this was the best opportunity for it now that he knows about tarble in the previous timeline he wanted to see what's up with turbo here Shin was able to find the Saiyan and take trunks to it and in the future timeline tarbo would be pretty much the same person that he was in Canon he was never raised by Vegeta as I did mention in the last few parts this is the first time we see future tarble he has the same story that he did originally he was sent away to a different planet because he was too weak and he just grew up there of course trunks would fill him in on everything that happened tarble is pretty saddened to hear about his brother and Trunks is pretty surprised to see that this turbo is actually kind of weak terrible in the past was much stronger and in terms of Personality he was completely different this guy's kind of soft but it's good that they met trunks is a new Ally and this will really helped terrible later on they briefly do train for a bit just so trunk to test his power and show off Super Saiyan he hopes tarble can reach a form similar to this soon and eventually that time does come when zamasu and black attack this timeline they decide they want to save Earth for last they're just gonna wipe out every other planet first wherever there's life they find it and killed it this would eventually lead them to tech tech where terrible lives the two split up as zombies who takes on this planet alone tarble tries to help some tactics Escape but of course he'd have to watch as most of the planet gets eliminated and this is more than enough to awaken tarbo's emotions with what he learned from trunks about Super Saiyan combined with the anger boiling within him tarble is able to transform into a Super Saiyan shockingly he transforms and begins trying to fend off zamasu zamasu's surprise he didn't expect any Mortals to be able to fight him here too bad Goku blacks off on another planet because this would have been easier otherwise and even though tarble is briefly able to catch zamasu off guard of course he's not gonna do anything zamasu will still be stronger than him and of course he's Immortal but this is enough to serve as a distraction to allow some people to escape out of anger tarble drive zamasu into the ground pummeling him down and trying to cover him in rocks he knows he can't win this fight and all that's on his mind is escaping with this brief distraction he Rockets away towards a ship alongside his wife and a few other Tech techs he's able to escape just as the planet explodes zombies who gets up brushing himself off curious to see where the other Saiyan went but just as quickly as this happens the plan explodes and zamasu realizes that that Saiyan's probably dead he brushes himself off teleporting to where Goku blackheads had zombies who not been so careless this would have been the end for tarble but thankfully he was barely able to escape although most of the tech decks ended up dying naturally he decides to head towards Earth and guess which planet Goku black was on that's right Earth he's been terrorizing it for about a year while zamasu went around pretty much destroying everything else tarble shocked to see the condition of Earth and thankfully he's able to find trunks even with his ability to sense energy he can't find trunks anywhere but the scouter does help he's able to find everyone underground joining the resistance and warning trunks of zamasu while trunks tells future tarbo about Goku black but this does come as a shock now they know that there's another enemy and as tarble described it he kind of looked like the guy that brought trunks to tarble's Planet it has to be a mistake there's no way is there actually a Supreme Kai attack in their timeline it was bad enough with Goku black but this complicates things even more thankfully they were able to escape and that leads us to where we were now so last time we left off trunks Bulma May and tarble headed into the path at least the future versions of them they explained their whole backstory and now they need to stop Goku black oh yeah and since they actually know about zamasu they need to stop him too alright that's good they at least know that maybe in this timeline they gotta watch out for zamas here whoever that is well fears and whist know so they get on that right away heading over to Universe 10 very angry his plan is already revealed so maybe they could stop it before it even happens maybe he doesn't even need a DOT they can just stop it alright but what about that Goku imposter there's another Goku running around yeah Goku black and he eventually appears not too long after showing up in the past blowing up the time machine just because it's a funny prank and glad to see that everyone's here good he tracked them down now he can finally dispose of them although he doesn't counter Goku and fights him which goes pretty much the same way it did normally with him heading back into the future and now everyone's pretty much out of luck they don't know what to do and they need to fix this time machine but at least this means trunks boom on my entire boat could stay here for a bit catching up with everyone and learning what's happening in this timeline the fact that there's a future tarpal here too is pretty cool like Trunks and Bulma that was obvious my a little weird but I mean they can kind of get it terrible it's good to see that he and Trunks cross paths and tarbo's glad to see his past self too although he is a little disappointed the two of them are still the same height future version himself is not taller at all kind of sucks he stuck at this height forever isn't he anyways at some point the time machine is fixed and they all go back to the future except Bulma and my stay back because they're just going to be in danger and they kind of need to make space for Goku Vegeta to get on there as well as tarble so there's gonna be five people squishing to that one time machine but it's okay the good thing is they also still know about zamasu they don't know that he's Immortal but they know about him so they know there's more than just Goku black although when they do get back they realize that this isn't going to be as easy as they thought Goku black ends up showing off Super Saiyan Rose okay this might be a bit tough but there still is one Trump car that they have you're probably thinking they forgot someone in the past didn't they no they didn't sell ends up showing up he doesn't need a time machine he has part Kai after all I mean if you went back and watched the past few parts which I hope you did because you'd probably pretty lost otherwise wondering why cells here you'll remember that he does have those guys within him so he's able to actually use a Time ring and this is how he's traveling through time it's better for him too and much more convenient he joins the group a bit later on and with his help maybe they'll be okay plus at some point shin and gowasu are gonna pop up as well but with all these people here especially with sales power now they might actually be able to hold off Goku black although cell wishes he was there earlier when Goku black first showed up this guy is strong and they could have prevented him from getting this strong and by now zombies has already revealed himself asking who sell is and sell just simply explains he's an artificial being a mortal and a God all in one zamasu is angered by this Proclamation this robot thinks he's a god he's artificially created he shouldn't even exist but also how did he get here in the first place and cell simply lifts up his hand showing off the time ring he's part Kai and has the two within him he would have never expected Akai to turn evil though so this fight should be fun it's only infuriate zamasu even more and once they actually figure out the zombies is Immortal they realize they probably should seal him away I mean cell could do that pretty easily and then after that they just gotta focus on Goku black and kill him that'll be no problem at all but right before cell is about to do this his obviously then does something drastic without even Consulting Goku black he takes the earring he has on and puts out on his other ear then fusing with Goku black unexpectedly oh great now the two of them are combined and a lot stronger than before and even with help from someone like cell yeah their power's not gonna be enough to contend with this guy he might even still be immortal even if he's like half mortal or something that's still insane what are they supposed to do against him I mean cell could probably try and steal him away but he's gonna need an opening and that's really hard given the strength of this guy he's not letting them get an opening but turbo or at least the present tarble he gets a great idea he knows exactly what to do against this guy alright if those two fused maybe they can as well what fuse how are they supposed to do that well those earrings that he had look over there shin and gowasu are here they have those same earrings just take them from those guys and fuse but who's gonna fuse with who well gawasu warns them first of all the fusion is not going to be permanent okay that's a good well yeah maybe it is because that means they're not gonna be stuck together forever but if they use too much power it's gonna shorten the time of the fusion is what he means so they need someone that's going to work quickly and sure they could make an ultra strong Fusion like getting sell and Goku to fuse together but that would be too risky what if he uses too much power before they're able to seal away zamasu so because of a scenario like that they think that it's best to keep cells separate because otherwise they're going to be wasting their one opportunity and one trump card to actually give cell an opening to seal away zamasu well Goku and Vegeta could fuse but Tarboro has a pretty good idea if they just need a distraction they need a fusion that's strong but they don't really need to go Overkill with it and let's be honest if Goku Vegeta fused here they might go Overkill and just end the fusion even earlier on they need someone with power but a little bit more modest power a fusion of people that'll work well together tarble gives one of the earrings of Vegeta and then he takes one for himself he asked Fuji to defuse with him and Vegeta is actually unsure of it at first but he realized that this might actually be the best option it might not be the strongest option but it definitely is very powerful if the two of them fuse they don't know what to expect but they know that together they'll work pretty well and golazo even theorizes two brothers fusing together that could create a really strong Fusion the two of them are not just getting a boost from being Rivals but also from being Brothers it might be the most perfect Fusion they could think of besides someone like zombies infusing with himself Goku and cell go to Whole of zamasu as the two brothers Place their earrings on and mid fight a new fighter appears a fusion of Vegeta and tarble alright what's his name gonna be he actually didn't consider this tarjita that sounds kind of gross and everything else it sounds like vegetable because I mean Vegeta tarble vegetable that's the whole point of their name so would his name just be vegetable vatarba you know what just for fun we'll call him vegetable spelled v-e-g-t-a-r-b-l-e veg tarbled it keeps the vegetable pun but it's also not just the word vegetable and this Fusion is pretty powerful utilizing the power of both Super Saiyan 4 creating something completely different brand new and incredibly strong full Thomas was amazed the power of these two brothers combined and with this power not being so high especially with how well they're maintaining each of their individual forms this makes the fusion a lot more stable lasting a lot longer but also still having the power behind the pack a punch and zamasu begins taking damage damage that he can't regenerate from but remember they're not here to kill zamasut they don't even know if that's possible because he is half Immortal they're just trying to create an open cell is nearby charging as much power as possible well apparently the Kaiser then have a technique to seal people so he might as well try it out and especially with his great power this technique will definitely be way more potent and probably will be enough to seal zamasu he just needs to buy some time as the two fusions duel cell is eventually charged up and he signals to the fusion who charges his ultimate attack just to distract zombies who even more and weaken him further well it's kind of strange the two of them can't make a unique technique because both of them share a lot of techniques but how about they go with their most iconic attack the fusion takes on the pose of a gallic gun charging up the strongest galic gun ever in existence this is the power of their brother they launched the attack of zamasu and it actually doesn't incinerate half of him of course he starts regenerating it but it keeps him in place it keeps him stunned for a bit allowing a cell to have his opening finally sealing zamasu away crap he completely forgot that Android he didn't know that Android was capable of this he looks over at him cell is smirking as he performs the technique and zamasu also looks back at the fusion expelling all of his power and then eventually defusing into Vegeta and tarble who look on triumphant as Fusion zamasu is sealed Away by cell cell is tired out from this but it worked he used up all of his power for this technique but he's surprised that he was actually able to pull it off he didn't really expect that it was kind of on a whim and he didn't know it was going to work so he placed a bet on something that he didn't know he could do yeah he did well gowasu and shin are kind of pissed that he did that because that could have destroyed them all if it didn't work but hey it works so they can't really be pissed off and Vegeta and tarble got to fuse future tarble watched on too damn that's cool he wishes his Vegeta was around to do that but he's glad he at least got to see the this Vegeta and most importantly this timeline is safe now and hey even though he doesn't have Vegeta he has trunks his nephew who does share a lot of similarities it's weird to think that things went so differently in that past timeline between him and his brother but now it's time for everyone to go their separate ways again with the future timeline safe all the Warriors from the present return home and now we can head on to the tournament of power again I'm gonna kind of Breeze through this just like I was doing with the Last Arc so first some setup as for tarble he's going to continue working with Super Saiyan 4 trying to surpass his brother remember the two of them are great Rivals after all they're going to continue wanting to surpass each other in terms of strength they want to get as strong as possible and tarble does eventually start working on Super Saiyan God forms as well maybe at some point in time he combine them with Super Saiyan 4 but for now he's gotta practice the god of the key first before he tries to combine the two at all but just imagine how cool that would be Godly key and Super Saiyan 4. that would be pretty awesome and as they continue training eventually they have a perfect opportunity to show off their strength the torment of power the team this time is going to be a little bit different it's going to be Goku Vegeta tarble Gohan Piccolo Krillin cell Goten Trunks and tension some of the people stayed the same but there's also a lot of differences here such as Goten trunks being on the team and obviously terrible and cell being there so I'm pretty sure all you are wondering who's the strongest out of these people so far the answer should be pretty obvious it's so consider all the insane potential he has and everything he's done in the series so far and the fact that he's continuously been training and such he definitely would be the strongest of the group it's kind of unfair and he recognizes that it's unfair but hey they don't mind that it's unfair because they have an incredibly strong rival with them which is nice as we head into the tournament power the team is pretty confident they are strong after all and as we've seen in the main story this tournament power didn't really have too many formidable foes there were some but not really that many and with how strong everyone is in the scenario they'll be able to handle it pretty well they'll be fine but what's the big fight gonna be Goku probably would want to fight jiren but they know the better option to fight jiren itself strongest on their team contending with the strongest universe 11 possibly the strongest in the Multiverse will it work well self decides to try this out you gotta remember how crazy overpowered cell is in terms of potential especially in this scenario and with all the great experience he's had so far he's actually going to be able to help hold off jiren for everyone the rest of them who do want to fight jiren but they're going to focus on their own fights Vegeta and tarble take on the rest of the universe 11 alone and not just the pry Troopers that let's be honest no one cares about but also toppo and dyspo the really strong ones the brothers together actually think that they can take on the entire force of the pride Troopers beside jiren the pride Troopers aren't sure if they're just being cocky or not but Vegeta and Tarboro decide to prove them wrong the rest of universe 7 focuses on everyone else each pick in their own fights and doing pretty well in the tournament actually and cell he realized that maybe he might not be strong enough to fight jira he's definitely really powerful and he probably would be close to jiren's power but as jiren begins to show off more and more strength cell realized that he's gonna need a little bit more than what he has right now so you can also try it out smart jiren too besides just sells raw strength he also a ton of crazy techniques here all the magic that he has from the Kai's in bobbity but also he has hits time abilities the ones that he got before from the universe 6 tournament he recognizes strength isn't gonna be the only thing that helped him here abilities will as well and it actually watches on his cell shows off his own technique utilizing it better than he did hit can't believe what he's seeing but he's actually interested how is this going to work out cell is able to freeze jiren not just in time but also paralyzing him using his Kai magic then he does something really strange he creates a single cell Junior the cell Junior then spawns a block of kachin forming it into a container of sorts jiren just looks on confused trying to break out of the time Loop and he is making progress but before he can cell then takes advantage of the paralysis using the concealed jeer in a way in that kochian container it took up all of his energy to do this but it was worth it and that cell Junior helps him closing the container off and then flinging it off stage and just like that jiren is knocked out of the ring essentially guaranteeing victory for Universe 7 because now the strongest of the fighters are eliminated oh yeah Vegeta and tarble were able to take on the pride Troopers together proving their strength in the fact that they weren't actually just being cocky this was something they were confident in and something that they knew would happen and universe 7 takes the win so we freeze through the zombasu arc and also the tournament of power I could go into Moro and such but like I said I did want to streamline this ending but from this part we could definitely see a lot of changes so far Sal is becoming more connected with the group at least which is nice and more importantly two very prominent rivalries begin showing Goku and cell become closer as Rivals the two of them work well off each other and as for Vegeta his main rival is still terrible the two are aiming to get stronger stronger trying to surpass each other tarbo always felt that he's been lagging behind his brother and he's so glad now Vegeta's acknowledging him more as a warrior and the two of them are getting stronger together as they continue training even further tarboro's really beginning to show off how far his determination goes he never gave up all this time and Vegeta admires it he always knew his brother how to end him he just needed to draw it out somehow and over the course of all these years they've spent together especially on Earth and all he's glad to say that tarble is developing into a fine Warrior I mean it is a reflection on him after all as the brother the one raising tarble too it's so weird how much their lives have changed now they're on Earth fighting against literal Gods using the power of literal gods and still the two brothers are together after all this it's nice and it's nice that the Rivalry is flourishing and with that we end off the scenario here so what'd you guys think about this part I might do it for more scenarios like the ones that are on Hiatus I might like to streamline it to make a finale so it's quick but also ends the series it's a nice win-win without dragging out the series but also still gets an ending so let me know what you guys think as always if you like the video be sure to drop a like it really helps with the channel and lets me know that you guys want to see more videos like this if you haven't already why not subscribe as well as hitting the Bell icon Channel notified about any future uploads of my channel including more videos like this one anyways thank you all for watching thanks for supporting the scenario all the way through and hopefully you enjoyed it as much as I did covering it I'll see you all in my next video
Channel: Salad Saiyan
Views: 144,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dbs, dbz, dbz what if, discussion, dragon ball, dragon ball super, dragon ball z, explain, explained, meme, memes, q&a, question, saiyan, salad, salad saiyan, salad snake, scenario, super, theory, what if, what-if, vegeta, nappa, tarble, raditz, freeza, frieza, gohan, saga, arc, future, trunks, ssj, super saiyan, ssj2, cell, perfect, babidi, buu, z sword, z-sword, evil, pure, rage, shin, kibito, boo, cold, king, beerus, whis, god, ssg, ssb, ultimate, twins, ssj4, blutz, wave, jiren, fusion, potara, zamasu, black, vs
Id: V7G3hWoAB7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 8sec (5708 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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