What if GOHAN Trained Like GOKU? (Full Story)

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what's up everyone welcome back to a brand new series I can probably already guess what you're thinking about the scenario this idea has been done a lot of times it's basically a rite of passage for what if people to do this scenario or something similar but I know that just like with other things I've done in the past such as the Time Chamber one if I hold off on doing a scenario for a while that means I'm trying to do it in my own way I'm trying to find a way to make it more interesting make it more unique otherwise it wouldn't be something that I'd want to do and here I kind of held off on it because well everyone's done it I've actually done one with Goten before what if Goten train like Goku but this one's not going to Simply Be just Gohan gets really powerful in one shot to everybody no I know that wouldn't be interesting not just for you guys but also for me but I think I've come up with a pretty good way to make this story go of course I can't give too much away right now but you'll see as the series goes on anyways let's begin discussing what would happen if Gohan trained like Goku the wording is pretty intentional there this isn't going to be what if Gohan had the exact same mindset as Goku and it's not going to be Gohan being a completely different character we're only changing his motivation here you'll see going forward that this will alter event significantly even though we're only changing this one little aspect Gohan is still Gohan everything about his personality will remain the same hell even chiji's still going to be there trying to influence Gohan I don't want to change Gohan's character here this is the same Gohan except this time he loves training and loves growing stronger as much as Goku does it's a pretty minute change with pretty big consequences of course this starts before the Saiyan Saga in that time skip after the 23rd World Tournament Gohan's obviously pretty young right now but growing up while he does actually have the goal of being a scholar too he also sees how great of a fighter his father is Goku does train from time to time and Gohan even tries to join him from time to time too now it's a little strange because Goku doesn't necessarily know how to train him Gohan's so young and he has no practice and honestly he's pretty fragile too at least go to assumes so he might need to wait a bit longer to train so we can't really have him do too much training here maybe at best he'll get a few months of light training with goke because right now there's no reason to intensely train him and even during this late training Goku notices some crazy burst and power with Gohan it's few and far in between but it's there and it's very noticeable and it makes Goku curious how truly powerful could Gohan be and he decides to consult someone he goes to roshi don't few months earlier than normal now this isn't their normal unit he's just actually going to visit roshi seeing what he thinks and this is good too because he gets to catch up with roshi and Krillin as well so they do catch up for a bit it's a pretty nice meeting obviously they're surprised that Goku has a kid and even more surprised that he's already training well definitely sounds like how Goku raised a kid this leads to Gohan actually being trained a bit by roshi with Goku also being there too roshi is the one who suggested sure he could train Gohan but it might be good if Goku's here too he knows Gohan best and he could also grow a bit here too plus Krillin really needs someone who to train with too Goku has to convince Chichi it really takes a lot of convincing but eventually they're able to make it work Goku Gohan and Krillin are all basically training together on the roshi where she's glad to see how strong all of his students have grown and he even has a new one which is surprising to him there already might be another generation of students coming around so Gohan's officially a student of the turtle school and he learns a lot from this two masters Goku and roshi there's also a reunion plan at some point AKA everyone who's already here and then Bulma this is initially when Raditz is supposed to arrive and he does arrive at the same time time his encounter with Piccolo goes the exact same eventually leading him to kame house there his scouter picks up on three pretty high powers and he crashes the reunion Goku learns of his origin from Raditz and Raditz basically lays out his whole plan here Kakarot should join him and he wants Capra to show his loyalty too Slaughter 100 people obviously they're just not going to sit by and take this he attacks Krillin though and attempts to kidnap Gohan too I say he attempts to kidnap Gohan because it does not go the same that it did normally now of course Gohan is still terrified by this but Radice attacks Goku and then ascends up into the air with Gohan and this kind of pisses Gohan off inadvertently he causes a huge burst of power from Gohan while holding on to Gohan Gohan then suddenly kicks Radice in the arm breaking it he freedoms and starts punching Raditz rapidly and without even realizing it hit them launches a huge burst of heat fling rat is far away across the water Gohan triumphantly lands back on the island looking confident and then his face turns to bewilderment he kind of has no clue what just happened and no one else really does either Goku equally congratulates him good going no one else really knows what to say Raditz showing up was weird enough and scary enough and then Gohan just beat him up without even realizing it pickle has been watching the whole thing too and he really can't believe what he's witnessing roshi and Krillin help Goku up Goku says Gohan definitely dealt a lot of damage to him but Radice is still out there he could sense it far away across the water they then see a large trail of mist coming right towards them getting closer and closer radus launches towards the island flying back over with his broken arm in his side and his other arm outstretched illuminated by some energy crap they have to do something really quick rosha tells everyone to get together in a line he'll help out too he beefs up into his max power assuming the stance for a Kamehameha Krillin and Goku follow with Gohan nervously following because he knows he could do this but he's not sure how this will go they at least have to try them ratus launches his blast as he gets closer to the island and together the turtle school or at least most of it launches a simultaneous Kamehameha the two beams connect but Raditz keeps charging forward and plows right through the Kamehameha the blast cancel each other wrap and Raditz made it back to the island he turns back to the others and smirks that kid's power is gone he doesn't know where that came from but clearly he doesn't have the same power we had moments ago he'll finish them off here but Goku tells rats they need to fight somewhere else rata says he could fight where he pleases but Goku tries to make it more enticing just to convince him they could have a much better fight if they go somewhere that's more open right fine he reluctantly agrees Goku gets unnimus with Gohan realizing they don't really have a choice and krillin's terrified but he's gonna go along too Goku and Gohan depart with rad is following alongside and then Krillin realizes he has no way of following them same for roshi but then Piccolo steps happen really they still can't fly Piccolo is here the whole time they didn't even realize he asked Krillin if he's coming along and gorilla not so Piccolo grabs on the Krillin dragging him behind as they fly along well looks like Roshi's hitting this out they arrive in a wasteland Goku and Gohan land with rabbits following close behind and not too long after Piccolo arrives at the Krillin Goku did sense Piccolo's power flaring not even realizing he was there the whole time Piccolo says no question as much as he hates the idea he's here to team up with him and fight alongside them and he looks to Goku they need to go hunt to unleash that power again he doesn't know where that came from but if Gohan unleashes out again they could definitely win he already damaged rad it's a good amount he could also definitely help land the finishing blow but just in case he also has another idea in mind one Surefire way to kill Raditz he stays back getting ready to charge up an attack with Goku Krillin and Gohan getting ready to fight now here as you could probably expect Goku's a little bit stronger than normal not significantly stronger to the point where he could easily beat Raditz but the gap between him and Piccolo is wider he has been doing some more semi-serious training Sam goes for Krillin because now he had a better training partner with Goku being there Gohan's obviously got way more control than normal although he's not too sure about that full power radus is outnumbered and he's down in armor he has an idea of how to even the playing field he could turn into a great ape that'll make sure he wins here but he notices Gohan also has a tail and that could definitely be an issue that kid was strong before and even if he doesn't know how to control his power if he becomes a great ape he really won't know how to control that power and he'll probably have way more than Raditz that would be a really risky maneuver to transform he'll save it just in case but while he's thinking about how to use his power as a grade 8 the other three have a new plan they're gonna go for radice's tape that's a weak point if one of them who ran onto it it'll leave him opening for an attack either from Gohan unleashing his Rage or from Piccolo using his full power a battle ensues and it's a lot closer this time because Raditz has already been injured by Gohan and he's fighting more people with more power he still does overpower them collectively but still it's a lot closer now he says this injury is nothing he'll get ahead of them kakarot's gonna regret turning against his brother they're able to hold him off just long enough at some point Piccolo's attack is fully charged and Goku reaches for radice's tape grabbing onto it and stunning him but just like normal radissa gonna try to smooth talk Goku out of it it's the only way he could probably break free and also just like normal this does end up working and Goku reluctantly lets go he prepares to attack Goku right after not even realizing Piccolo's charge an attack launch right towards him but before he could even hit Goku he hears that kid again yelling out to leave Goku alone his hybrid nephew again his power spikes dramatically Raditz almost Dodges people of attack but right before it hits Gohan launches an attack of his own knocking him right into Piccolo's beat it's a direct hit and the beam Pierce is right through Raditz with Goku barely jumping out of the way too Piccolo has a sigh of relief one of Stroke of Luck and Gohan's kind of mortified after calming down seeing what's there right in front of him it says alien uncle that just tried to kill him bleeding out in the ground partially because of him pretty traumatizing stuff and even though radiss is defeated he triumphantly warns them in a year's time two more Sans will arrive although this time Vegeta and Napa have no idea about the dragon balls but they still have a reason for coming there's a hybrid saying here who apparently is pretty powerful and they saw a lot more of that than they did normally this kid might actually be really strong he might be a Super Saiyan they're not sure plus Kakarot is there but they don't really care too much about him anymore they're mainly interested in that possible Super Saiyan ratus dies and the group now has to think of what to do well if more Saiyans are gonna arrive they definitely need to prepare thankfully they have a year and Piccolo says they were too close for comfort so imagine next time they have to deal with two of them both of whom are stronger than Raditz his superiors actually he says he'll whip Gohan out of shape clearly he knows how to control some of his power but only a small fraction of it he needs to tap into that rage that huge reserve of power that he has beneath it Goku clearly wasn't training him seriously enough but Goku says Gohan's pretty young they weren't training seriously they didn't expect this big threat to come by soon besides he's already made some great progress sure Goku doesn't really doubt Piccolo's Training Method he knows Piccolo's a really powerful and smart guy but if anything he's going to train his own son or at least get some assistance from roshi with Goku alive there's no need for Piccolo to kidnap Gohan he wouldn't even attempt it because Goku's there fine Piccolo's gonna go off on his own but he expects the other to take the training seriously and Krillin turns to Goku well they can get Yamcha attention on too they could definitely help out here Goku looks at Gohan to reassure it he says he'll be okay he did a great job back there already and even though they say and sound scary he knows Gohan will probably be able to help defeat them he was the key to Victory here he could definitely be the key to Victory there as well and Gohan still is nervous even if Goku's alive and is going to be the one to help train him I mean still look at what just happened and what's about to happen he's terrified but Goku's confident they could win over this time the training is going to be a lot different Piccolo's on his own which is kind of a good thing because he's not too focused on Gohan rather than focus on making Gohan stronger he's purely focused on making himself stronger the humans of course train with Kami like normal and as for Goku no Gohan they spent some time at kame house for a bit with Goku eventually going up to kami's Lookout on the Zone saying that Gohan could join them there soon roshi thinks he can stay here a little bit longer and Goku agrees that's probably a good idea plus before Gohan moves to more intense training he's gonna stay here for a bit learning more of the basics of martial arts and stuff and trying to get a better control of his power with him at Roshi's house it's pretty easy for Chichi to track him down though eventually with her coming there catching Goku gohanaroshi training he's been gone for days and she has no clue what's up at least this time Goku's not dead and Gohan's not kidnapped she hears they're gonna train here and she doesn't like that but Goku explains what happened and when she hears that someone tried to kidnap Gohan and then tried to kill him yeah whatever she actually wants Gohan to beat them up now she's more angry at the Saiyans than anything also surprised to find out that Goku's an alien but whatever that's besides the point she reluctantly agrees to it but tells Goku after the Saiyans are defeated she expects them back home and she does want Gohan to study he's not going to be training 24 7. he could use some of his downtime to get smarter well they find that agreeable so she leaves on B and tells him to kicks him saying ass it gets the point across some point through the the training Gohan does go up to Kami roshi sees that Gohan has grown pretty quickly he gives him the same training as Goku and he rapidly adjusts to it he would love to spend more time training Gohan but their time's compressed and they're not training for torment they're training to stop a world ending threat so maybe it's because that he goes with the Kami a little bit sooner although he's not gonna get a free ticket up there he still has to climb corin's Tower just as a test of his strength and surprisingly him climacoern's Tower isn't tough at all he meets Corin drinks the ultra-defined water too and even impresses corn too with his fighting abilities he definitely is fit to go up to the lookout and Corn's amazed this is the youngest person to get up here well he's definitely Goku's son but still he wishes him luck this kid's showing even more promise than Goku did which is definitely saying a lot Gohan finally makes it up to the lookout with everyone glad to see him there they can't believe he made it through Roche's training and Corn's training that quickly and much to go home surprise Piccolo's there on the lookout too eventually he did come up here realizing that he'd probably grow faster if he trains with these people rather than training alone and if anything it's probably better if they learn some Synergy instead of just fighting together randomly of course he was very come up here and it's especially awkward with Kami but still this should really help them so we could already see that Gohan has some pretty rapid growth he had a head start and unlike with Piccolo Gohan was way more willing to train with roshi since he knew roshi already and he's already trained under roshi and he wasn't threatened by roshi and he wants to train in the first place there's so many factors that work for it not only is he motivated to train here but there's better circumstances for it as well he has a pretty decent control on his power and when he gets to the lookout the humans look on with amazement he's almost on their level yams is actually kind of bummed because it feels like Gohan's actually surpassed him already and you'll probably surpass the other two pretty soon just as Goku expected Gohan's probably going to surpass him someday too maybe relatively soon but keep in mind this is just the power that Gohan can control he doesn't really have a grasp on his rage but with the Boost of power he gets when he gets angry there's no telling how strong he could get Goku already knows that and Kami instantly recognizes it as well discussing it with Goku he doesn't know how but his son he has immense amount of Dorman potential and Kami would be glad to train him too it is kind of a bummer that Goku doesn't a King Kai but he's still training intensely and even if he did go to King Kai he probably wouldn't have that much time anyways making it across snake way would be bad enough so he'd have even less time than he did normally plus he'd be training while alive rather than dead which unbeknownst to him would have some downsides but in exchange for that everyone else is immensely strong they've got an amazing training partner in Goku and Gohan is Gohan the year passes as the Saiyans get closer to Earth and one day their pods crash in some City Vegeta and Napa step off ready to look for Kakarot on that hybrid Saiyan Kami alerts everyone on the lookout although they could already sense it mostly he says he sees where the Saints have landed and they definitely are as powerful as they expected the group tries to focus more on the power it's incredible they definitely are way stronger than Raditz was well at least for the people that knew how strong Raditz was but they all feel like they're prepared they've grown a lot stronger and have trained a lot they're gonna have some great Synergy fighting together too and they have some new techniques to use so let's actually discuss some power look Goku is the strongest at around 7 000. he was training as intensely as possible but nothing compares to winning out with King Kai and although he was training with higher gravity there a lot of his time was spent running across snake way so here while the training was less intense he had more time training and he still has some good training partners with him Piccolo also had a lot more time focusing on himself and some training partners with him and he's also a little bit stronger than normal at 4 000. Gohan's actually third strongest at 3 000 which is insane of course everyone here doesn't quantify power levels but they can just sense how strong Gohan is Krillin and 10 are around the same at 2500 with Yamcha lagging a bit behind the 2000 and challenges at 1 000 that might seem weak but they're actually all stronger than they were normally again mainly due to them having greater training Partners which has been shown in the series to actually help especially when their training partners are so strong they have Goku and Piccolo there another benefit of Piccolo being there is they get to learn his fighting style more if they're teaming up against the Saiyans they're gonna need a lot more Synergy and they fight perfectly well with each other but with Piccolo this definitely did help they arrive in a wasteland hoping that this will draw the Saiyans out and of course it does similar to Raditz these two are wearing their scouters being able to locate the strongest power level they could find but Vegeta and nap aren't too worried so they're gonna start this off with some Cybermen one thing that might change here is Yamcha being the first to step up against the sidemen he is a bit stronger but not enough to stop from dying from self-destruction Yamcha did fight well against a Cybermen but ends up dying from the sneaky trick the rest of them are wiped out by Gohan 10 and xiaotsu Piccolo doesn't even need to step into defend Gohan or Goku for that matter because he's here although two of them aren't completely destroyed and they also decide to self-destruct trying to at least take one person down with him they aim for the weakest shout too of course they expect the sidemen to self-destruct but these two attack together shouty paralyzes one but it's not really gonna do too much he explodes midair while the other one comes up behind chaotu killing him that way it's already brutal to begin with and as for Goku and Gohan they're starting to feel that anger Gohan's gone to know these people in his time training on the lookout they're Goku's friends and for Goku it should be pretty obvious why he's upset same for Krillin attention but it's different for these two they're infuriated and the fact that happens so quickly chowshu's death concerns them they can't bring him back with the Dragon Balls Yamcha yeah they could bring him back but shouts has already died once and Vegeta picks up on this Dragon Balls interesting but he's not the only one to pick up on this he does have a scouter on step but Krillin tells Goku how about this they'll team up against one of the Saiyans that weaker one the big one Napa's annoyed at the notion that he's weak but he'll show them his true strength and Vegeta says he'll stand back letting an apple fight alone Goku thanks him and Krillin fighting together would be great that should be just enough to take on this guy plus he would love to fight alongside his best friend like that the two assuming Battle Stance and get ready and immediately there's a blinding look Krillin launches a solar flare even catching Vegeta off guard nap is completely blinded then attacked by Goku even his scouter won't help you and he can't sense key Goku starts off with a rapid meteor combination then Landing a powerful kick on Napa and propelling himself backwards from it and as Goku jumps backwards Krillin flies in Underneath Him launching a point-blank comment on high on his face this propels him backwards too Landing alongside Goku they actually dealt a good amount of damage to Napa his vision's clearing but he's still partially blinded quickly flings his head forward and blindly fires a blast from his mouth Goku and Krillin stand back to back each launching a Kamehameha a short beam struggle ensues but someone else then attacks Napa as well 10 launches at the dampa aiming at right at Napa's chin his mouth closes his own beam explodes in his own mouth and then he's hit by the double Kamehameha after the dust settles Napa is left there on the ground defeated and embarrassed unconscious as well after all those attacks at once Vegeta can't believe it but he's disgusted he walks over to the unconscious Napa the group thinks that he's probably gonna try and heal him or something but instead he simply flings nap up into the air killing him he has no use for a Saiyan like that anymore he must admit they're a little bit more impressive than he thought but not by much it did take their combined power to defeat Napa after all and he doesn't think their power will be enough to defeat him even if they all team up together it's not gonna work Goku mutter something under his breath no one could hear it but Piccolo can it's a signal the group sees Piccolo briefly move out of the way and they get the signal too this is a planned coordinated attack that they have and Goku was the one to give the go-ahead their surprise he isn't acting so early but it is probably a good idea to do it right now Goku Gohan attention on Stand Together Regina starts powering up their maze at his key but they start powering up as well and each stick their hands out together the three of them use a technique that they learn from roshi one other thing can be really helpful here Vegeta then feels a jolt of electricity running through his body and it's powerful it's the combined power of those three they're not sure if this is gonna be enough to hold him though but they're each using a thunder shock surprise and Vegeta is able to struggle trying whatever he can to break free from it he thinks he might be able to but he wonders why not all of them are using it maybe only those three note or maybe it's a strategy he needs to power up a little bit more to escape he struggles to turn his head looking to see where that namekian went then he hears it a blast is launched from a nearby Cliff as no normal blast it's a condensed beat a precise and Powerful one Vegeta desperately tries to power up finally able to unleash his full strength pickles beam draws ever closer and at the last second Vegeta breaks free Piccolo's beam flies right past him singing his arm leaving a cut on it he knew it would have done more damage if it actually hit him directly thankfully he barely got out of the way but while he Dodgers this attack he realizes he walked right into another one he flies backwards and then hears something that sounds like a razor behind him a key enzyme from kirlin with this one it's a little bit too late to dodge he doesn't even see it coming at first he can't even sense it he is able to maneuver out of the way quickly but not quick enough the back of one of his legs is sliced open he shrieks in pain and krillin's glad he landed a hit even if it wasn't direct Vegeta flips backwards landing on his hands and then trying to stand up he can't if he dodged any slower he'd be down a leg by now but still his leg is completely useless he can't stand at it anymore Vegeta tries to cauterize it at least he can stop the bleeding he's anger and starts floating there he tells him this is nothing he's faced worse injuries he could fight with his handicap besides he can maneuver more in the air anyways the entire remaining group launches at Vegeta he's at his full power and they are too this guy's powerful but with her Collective might they could overcome him they're confident in it especially because they handicapped him but they just need one more handicap one more thing to ensure Victory they do have another plan too that didn't work to kill him but maybe they can go for his weak point next his tail Vegeta first aims for kakura he'll kill him first he's a pathetic excuse for a saying he should have went with Radice when he had the chance he charges a blast quickly but before he could launch it his scouter goes off then exploded someone's power level spikes nearby it's Gohan he launches in at Vegeta with both the fists outstretched he hits Vegeta right in the chest with all his power now Vegeta launches a blast off into the distance exploding Gohan follows up with a flurry of punches right towards Vegeta's face the wind is knocked out of him from that first attack and Piccolo sees an opportunity he stretches an arm out trying to grab Vegeta's Tail as Gohan flips backwards then launching a blast Point blanket Vegeta Vegeta's not affected by Piccolo grabbing his tail but he is hurt by Gohan's attacks he grabs pickles outstret's arm ganking him inwards in one swift motion he slices Pickle's arm off and then slams his fifth on Piccolo's head they're idiots if you think that would work his Tail's not a weak point like rabbits but Piccolo grabs onto his tail again holding it out he lifts his hand up again trying to charge an attack Point like a piccolo but then he hears that same razor sound again he tries to fly up a bit the piccolo is still holding on to his tail holding completely out anchoring him down the key ends on flies right towards Vegeta's tail slicing at clean off Goku cheers them on even if Vegeta's tale wasn't a weak point they're smart enough to prevent him from transforming into a great ape still Vegeta looks behind him in disbelief the tail they actually got it although krillin's a bit disappointed he was aiming for Vegeta's torso because that would have been a killing blow but the tail is good enough too that's another handicap and while Vegeta looks down in disbelief using the last of his power Piccolo charges up a massive mouth beam it hits Vegeta head on injuring him a bit at first but Vegeta Maneuvers himself through the beat punching right through it and then shooting his fist right through Piccolo's chest he then kicks Piccolo off his arm launching a blast and annihilating him Piccolo knew the risk of it again too close but now that's another one of their allies down and it's even worse now pekko did help a lot here he entered Vegeta a bit and he helped them cut off his tail but at the same time with him gone they can't bring anybody back now the Krillin tells Goku he's not too worried he'll tell him later on but even without Earth's dragon balls they can bring Yamcha chaotsu and Piccolo back as well as Kami and whoever else the Saiyans eliminated in that City where they landed wait he's serious but she didn't see them discussing something they seem to be really upset about that namekian dying even more upset than the others beforehand but then hits him could it be those dragon balls he knows namekians have weird magical properties so maybe that namekian was linked somehow it's just a hunch but he's gonna look into that at least after he wins this battle Gohan's infuriated though thing is he's not as close with Piccolo here but this is another one of his allies died Yamcha chaotsu and now a hit there's another rage Boost from Gohan but before he jumps in Goku stops him it's too dangerous to head in alone if they need to attack together and he tells Gohan channel that anger into one attack and together they can defeat Vegeta he's injured enough and if they put their full power into one combined blast that could stop him but Vegeta starts charging more key around him he's blowing purple with Sparks of purple electricity they launches high up into the air assuming a strange stance charging a beam in his hands behind him he says he's done with this battle he'll launched a blast that kills all of them also penetrating right through Earth detonating the entire planet and he'll just Escape in time these earthlings that low-class scum and his son they're such cowards the way they're fighting they have to resort to these tricks but even so even with all these dirty tricks and the fact that they outnumber him Vegeta is still going to win here he's confident in it he tells him to say goodbye telling Kakarot to hug his son one last time because both of them are going to be wiped from existence in a moment Krillin nervously shouts okay well if they're gonna charge an attack together now is the time to do it together Goku Gohan and Krillin assume his stance one that ten immediately recognizes for a Kamehameha that attack's easy enough to copy although knowing that attack he wonders if it'll be enough but he assumes the same stance too and the four of them all get together in a circle or a square I guess they charge their blast behind them and then draw their hands forward right in the middle of the squid Vegeta launches as a gallica and they wait for the right moment continuing to charge the attack Goku shouts giving them the cue to launch it the beam that they're charging in the middle of the square gets larger and larger and then they all throw their hands up launching it upwards of Vegeta's blast the blast Connect Now Vegeta is starting to push theirs back it keeps bouncing back and forth they don't know who's beam is stronger they're evenly matched but at some points Vegeta's being briefly overpowered stairs Goku turns to Gohan remember what he said unleash that rage he knows Gohan doesn't have an amazing control on the rage but it's better than what he had normally plus unlike the main story Gohan's a lot more confident fighter here since he's been training for it longer and knows a lot of his abilities as well as his dormant power Goku tells him think about it he could help them win and if they don't push this beam back everyone's dead Gohan feels that rage boil up in him and he shouts adding a lot more power to the beam the three others are amazed at the sheer amount of power he added and their combined blast effortlessly overpowers vegetas Vegeta's head on by the blast and at first they think they're just completely eradicated him but the blast really just knocked Vegeta far away almost killing it he landed somewhere far in the distance and they could tell because eventually they see Vegeta ship fly over and then leave launching back off into space he must have retreated and of the four that are left there is surprisingly an okay condition they're worn out and they did take a bit of damage but not as bad as normal especially Goku and Goku has Krillin what plan did he have in mind and he explains Vegeta and Napa mentioned something about Piccolo being the namekian which also means Kami must be in the mekyan which means these namekians might have more dragon balls so if they could find Piccolo's Homeworld that could really help although they don't know where to begin looking Boma gets right on it though of course they need to revive their friends and she wants to bring Yamcha back too so she starts tirelessly trying to find the planet but about a day later everyone's together and they hear a voice in their head it's some guy that introduced himself as King Kai he intervened a little bit later because he didn't actually know anyone just yet but now he actually does he had watched the battle and decided maybe it would be best to help he tells them what's going on he saysu and Piccolo are with him and he Hypes up his Planet a bit too saying he's gonna give them some great training especially because they're training in 10 times gravity they're gonna grow a lot stronger and since these Earth fighters help stop some of the Saiyans he'll help them out a bit too telling them where Planet Namek is this is a huge help they thank King Kai although that does bring up something interesting Goku heard their training in high gravity that sounds awesome and now that he thinks about it he remembers Napa said something weird and passive saying that this planet had weak gravity and that's probably gonna make the fight a lot easier for them and out of curiosity before he goes he has King Kai does he know anything about his home planet like where the Saiyan's training in high gravity as well and kinkai says from what he remembers plant Vegeta probably had a similar gravity to his own Planet ten times of Earth interesting bombo begins to work on a ship thanks to some help from Mr Popo and also the other discarded same pods that are on Earth but Goku also asks is there any way she can help them train in higher gravity she's not too sure but her and her father begin working on it too since the travel might take a bit of time Goku and the others they all want to train in the meantime and Goku thinks that training in this High Gravity might help if it's possible both of them work on the ship together the ship does take a bit longer to build although there's some upgrades on it too unlike the first ship this one has a gravity route and on top of it this ship is a little bit faster making up for the time lost building this should be great they'll go to name it they'll get the dragon balls and in the meantime they're gonna get a lot stronger too by training of course they're not even expecting any threats they're Dynamic but who knows King Kai does say the namekians are peaceful people so it should be okay there but even so they're still going to want to train regardless just because they don't really have anything else to do especially because they don't know when Vegeta will show up again he's definitely still alive and he'll probably find them again one day so no time wasted the ship's complete and the group gets ready to depart and there's a big change this time besides the ship itself the group's obviously also way different it's not just Krillin Gohan and Bulma they have two extra people Goku intention like I said before Goku wasn't as injured as normal he wasn't using the Kaioken and wasn't beaten nearly to death by grade 8 Vegeta of course he was injured but he healed relatively quickly so this is going to be a huge Improvement for the group there's two more of them they're stronger to begin with and they're gonna have gravity training as well to help and now the group's fully ready to head for manic but they might not be the only ones going there the trip Dynamic is going to take a bit of time but that doesn't really matter they have a lot to do in the meantime for Bulma it's a little bit annoying because she's just stuck on a ship with a bunch of people training but for everyone else they're having a ton of fun of course they don't know to really expect a threat right now but they are a bit concerned they know nothing about Namek and they know Vegeta's out there somewhere he probably has other people in that Army he was working with plus since Vegeta is going to return eventually regardless it's probably best they spend their time training pretty intensely because if they ever do encounter Vegeta again whether that's dynamic or somewhere else they want to be prepared gravity training is really going to help though and they see significant gains in power not only is gravity training itself very helpful but the fact that they have multiple people training together is Great Dragon Ball shown that training with a partner is better than just training alone especially actually with everyone working off each other mentally as well when Goku initially got to Namek he was at around 90 000. that's after the boosted power he got from healing in the same song and then doing all this gravity training so it's gonna be significantly higher than that this time I think it's fair to say it could be around double that probably putting him around 200k for Gohan we're gonna put him at around 150k surprisingly catching up to Goku really quickly for Krillin and 10 gravity training is a little bit harder so they're not going to be doing it as intensely as Goku but they have enough training to put them around 75 000 for their power I feel like these Powers aren't too crazy and they aren't too conservative either and with a slightly bigger group this time too Bulma actually cloned the dragon radar that was what she spent most of her time doing on the she made a second copy of it this is great this way they could split up and search for the Dragon Balls it's gonna be a lot quicker that way so by the time they arrive to Namek they already know the plan Goku's gonna go with Gohan and krillin's gonna go with 10. and they do see dragon balls on the radar so that means there are some here great it seems simple enough they just need to gather the Dragon Ball and then summon Shenron here or whatever the dragon here is and although it does seem straightforward at first it turns out it's actually not a forward as they think because pretty much right away they sense other powers and they see ships flying in the sky they're definitely not here alone on Namek right away they're attacked by two free the four Scouts who aren't really too tough but it shows them that there's hostile forces on this planet good thing they've been training these Scouts are wiped out pretty easily with everyone knowing to now suppress their powers they're a bit worried because they don't really know what they're up against but it should be okay the two groups split up Goku and Gohan end up in the same village where dende was the encounter between the namekians in this Village goes pretty much like normal with Goku preventing Gohan from intervene they just need to watch first figuring out what they're up against but at some point Gohan does have that same Outburst of Rage but it goes kind of differently this time he goes into attack to Doria and basically just instantly kills him especially with the rage boost here that's going to be very easy and probably accidental quickly Goku moves in trying to keep a low profile Gohan launches a massive blast right at Frieza himself Zorba tries to defend against it but then he just gets killed by it frieza's hit by the blast head-on and very surprisingly to him it actually does some damage quickly Goku runs it this action might be good there's three dragon balls over there he picks two up tells Gohan to get the other and then that last namekian dende Goku tells him to grab onto his leg quickly just like that they got three dragon balls and got out of there but frieza's infuriated beyond belief there's people here that he didn't know about it and it was strong enough to kill two of his strongest soldiers not only that but they stole his Dragon Balls by the time the Smoke Clears they're already long gone but he did hear another voice in there he didn't exactly see who it was but it sounded like an older person they definitely weren't namekians he needs new scouters too he wants to chase his people down but he can't find them without hesitation he immediately rushes back to his ship alone trying to contain his anger it'll be fine he'll get the Ginyu Force to come in he'll get some more scouters and he'll get those dragon balls back those two that attacked him were strong at least compared to his first four and they might not even be stronger than his first form either he was caught off guard too after all and it was a 2V1 he feels fine although still is a little bit concerned more so just angry meanwhile 10 and Krillin are off on their own they're able to get one Dragon Ball and then they come across another arriving in the same Village that Vegeta does they can send some crazy power spikes nearby it seemed like it was Gohan maybe what the hell is going on over there I mean they could still sense them but they've lowered their powers again they seem okay but they attack somebody and for some reason Gohan went full power their encounter with Vegeta immediately results in a fight they actually feel like they could beat Vegeta here they might not be as strong as Goku and Gohan but they've tipped the scales Vegeta might be stronger too though so they're gonna be cautious and Vegeta says exactly this he's grown a lot of strawberries since their last encounter Saiyans do grow greatly from their injuries after all 10 Amelia launches a blast it's aimed at his face a Vegeta obviously moves out of the way but then Krillin punches him right in the face destroying his scouter in the process Vegeta's fuming but he's ready to fight Krillin tantel and the meccans behind them to stay back and ask them to hold on to the other Dragon Ball for a bit a short battle ensues and the two humans pretty easily pull ahead seems their training did pay off they're surprised that they got that strong though gravity training really did wonders but Vegeta doesn't go down easily and he's basically beaten to a pole these two aren't really gonna hold back they actually consider killing Vegeta at one point too especially with the stakes here and with him being so difficult that might be their only option but reluctantly they end up sparing Vegeta because Vegeta says something interesting they don't know what they're up against he can't believe they've gotten so much stronger and he doesn't even know what happened but he gave them a little info about who's here on the planet failing them in on the freezer force of course he still doesn't want the dragon balls but mainly he wants to defeat Frieza and possibly these guys could help especially if kakron and his son are here and they're stronger apparently but he thinks maybe there's a chance that they've become Super Saiyans and for all he knows they can help defeat Frieza and he wants to see that through he's not gonna die here he has to swallow his pride here for a bit though he asked them to bring him to a healing pot and you'll help them out later with more info and he will fight alongside them there's a bit of deliberation between the two of them but they eventually decide to go along with it worst case they can beat Vegeta again and maybe this info will be helpful they're able to sneak back to frieza's ship blazing Vegeta in one of the healing pots but then they're terrified because they sense a huge power approaching it's Frieza himself he lands nearby not going on the ship but he's there and they don't know what to do they're stuck on the ship at this point they try and find somewhere to hide in here at least this guy probably can't sense their power assuming it's Frieza because it's just like Vegeta everyone else had scouters so at least that works for them but they lower their energy just in case hopefully they weren't sense coming over here at least they find somewhere to Bunker down and then they hear a voice in their heads with Goku and Gohan hearing the same it's King Kai he tells them who they're facing and tells him to stay away from Frieza at all cost well they already kind of screwed that up and I can't believe they're getting involved they're lucky they're still alive okay well at least for the time being just get the dragon balls and go away Ted and Krillin didn't bring the two dragon balls with them they're back at that Village they protected but they hear apparently Goku has three of them already they checked their radar and the two that they found are still safe there's two others though Goku and Gohan brought theirs back to Bulma but now this dende kit is taking them somewhere else he's taking them to the Grand Elder who apparently has another Dragon Ball so that'll put the best six they only need to find one more once 10 and Krillin get the other ones back but that's kind of the issue they say that they're stuck on the ship they say this telepathically of course not speaking out loud and they explain what happened with Vegeta too great king Kai's even more concerned now but gobus is not to worry they'll come up with some distraction to get Frieza away from there but what's he doing back at the ship though and they have no idea he's just standing outside and they can't really hear him they assume maybe he's gonna go get some more scouters and yeah that's probably what he is doing but at the same time he's also getting in contact with the game waiting at that ship he's not gonna move an inch Krillin especially is terrified and since Vegeta might wake up soon that's probably gonna make things even worse because he's not gonna know that frieza's right there and he's gonna blow their cover they're surprised they haven't been spotted yet although they did eliminate anyone around the ship that they saw Frieza didn't even notice so Goku and Gohan have to work double time how are they supposed to get Frieza away from that he can't sense power and they don't want him to come to them anyways although there is one way if he did go back to get scouters maybe they could find another Frieza 4 Soldier even the weak ones and just temporarily raise their power so Frieza could pick it up on that Scout it's not gonna be too hard to find other freezer Force soldiers they just need to find a nearby namekian Village because that's where the soldiers are checking and then they also realize they were in such a rush that they didn't get that last dragon ball from the other Village that they were just in so right now Bulma has three of them one is in that first village where they encountered Frieza tour back at the village where Vegeta was found and the final one was with Guru they can make this work Goku is tempted to face freeze at them but first they want to gather the dragon balls he could worry about that after they're able to find some of the soldiers using them to get frieza's attention they make the fight quick and make sure not to destroy the scouters at least not until the very last moment this way trees is able to detect them on his new scouter realizing it's those two who attacked him before he's very tempted to go after them but he just needs to wait a little bit for the guinea Force to get there but he's so mad that he actually decides he's gonna go out and do it himself he'll meet up with the guinea Force after in contact then because there might be more than just these two the ginu force can handle whoever else is here while he'll he'll know these two alone they're able to quickly fly away also lowering their power because if Frieza has a scouter now he can detect them they move low and they keep their power Loop the distraction worked perfectly and now they can head off to Guru well then they leading them in the right direction 10 and Krillin are able to escape getting those dragon balls back and going back to Bulma but they are also gonna have to go back to Vegeta so the two of them actually split up prelim goes to get the dragon balls and head back while Ten's gonna stay here and watch Vegeta and also filament on what's happening because again worst case if Vegeta is too strong to handle 10 could possibly hold a Zone against him and he doesn't even think Vegeta will do anything Vegeta acknowledge the situation they're in but he is concerned about how strong Vegeta will be when he comes out Goku and Gohan arrive at guru's place getting that final Dragon Ball with Guru also unlocking their potential too which amazes them then his potential also gets unlocked allowing him to heal people now too Guru thinks that these two could help save his Planet as well as those other two that are with him he says to bring those other earthlings here too he'll grant them the same power or at least grant them the Catalyst to unlock that power and they can't believe how strong they are now this is amazing King Kai did tell him to avoid Frieza but it seems like it might be inevitable that they'll face him and Goku does want to kind of fight him especially now with his boost power this makes him a lot more confident he could do that he could face Freeze and kankai is watching all this and he doesn't like any of it well this is going to help him out but he also knows this might go to Goku's head and he probably will try and fight Frieza which is not good they head back to Bulma with his final Dragon Ball hoping that they'll find tan and Krillin back there too and on the way back they stop in that other Village grabbing the one they missed before Frieza still doesn't know who he's up against and he's been led to a dead end he's even angrier now but he looks up in the sky and sees five space pods showing him that the Ginyu forces finally arrived good they'll be able to help him with this they'll help him find whoever's meddling in his plans and stop them 10 cents of this too and decides to just take Vegeta out of the healing chamber he's not fully healed yet but if he stays here any longer he's going to be found and die but Vegeta is healed enough and he almost fights 10 but 10 tells with a stop they need to get out of here freeze is gonna be bad and he can send five powers closing it he doesn't know who they are but it's definitely not good news and Vegeta can immediately tells the Kenya force from healing he grew significantly stronger and thinks he could actually take on these humans too but now with the guinea Force here he might actually still have to team up with them so reluctantly he escapes with 10. with everyone covertly trying to get back to Bulma it does take a bit of time because they need to keep their power low but they all right back and they have the seven Dragon Balls Refugee can't believe what you see it maybe he might actually be able to steal a wish from them but he sees Kakarot and Gohan there too apparently they're even stronger than the humans and he doesn't even know that they just powered up even more which also means Goku and Gohan aren't going to tell them immediately what happened they want tan and Krillin to get that same power up but at the same time they don't want Vegeta here they get a little far away from Bulma taking all the Dragon Ball and they go ahead and summon they're amazed it's a completely different Dragon than Shenron he looks even bigger unfortunately it doesn't look like a kid or five multiple people at once but they have three wishes so that kind of makes up for it at least because they need to revive exactly three people anyways and they're about to revive everyone but then they hear a voice in their head it's Yamcha talking through King Kai he says they've agreed on something that could help instead of Reviving all three of them use one of the wishes to bring Piccolo there that could definitely help so dende makes a few wishes first one revive Piccolo second one bring Piccolo Dynamic and third one revive chapsu Yamcha lets him go ahead although then they did kind of screw up the wish because he didn't bring Piccolo directly to them but he was revived and he was brought to Namek so at least he'll show up soon paranga disappears and Frieza notices that the sky turned dark but he can't see the dragon because he's so far away it's over the horizon and harung is actually hidden by that Frieza says he's gonna go to whatever other power he could find and tells the game you force to spread out try and find the strongest power they could detect the group heads back toward ball nights they're ready to go home actually Goku does want to face Frieza and Vegeta honestly does too and he tells everyone it's not right to just leave here without facing Frieza like that nebek's gonna be destroyed Krillin tells Goku that they're not supposed to Face him kenkai said not to him but Goku says they might be able to he says they should at least help I mean that's what Guru granted them this power for Vegeta wasn't listening anybody butts in he said they need to fight Frieza with a Super Saiyan here like Kakarot they can actually win although with them flying back to Bulma this does put them on the radar and the Ginyu Force ends up finding them 10 says those are the same guys he sensed before and Vegeta says he knows who they are he tells him to be careful but can you force is stronger than they look but this shouldn't be too bad Vegeta says he'll go after the green one and the other split up each rated to take on a member individually Vegeta launches in towards Golda who then freezes time although when he freezes time he looks and in the instant that he throws that everyone else started fighting he looks around Goku's fighting genyu Gohan's fighting raccoon 10 is fighting Jace and krillin's fighting murder they're all moving so quickly he didn't even realize and in this time looking around he started to get panicked and he's running out of breath but he looks around and can't find Vegeta he disappeared he can't hold his breath for much longer he lets go and immediately as he does Vegeta appears behind him slicing goldo's head right off 10 and Krillin end up teaming up defeating Jason murder relatively easily Gohan fights with a crew for a bit not using his full power just yet but he ends up launching a blast at room that sent them flying while Goku is fighting guineyu Ginyu quickly realize he's about to lose and Goku is enjoying the fight but knows that he's going to Beacon you Ginyu tries to enact his body swap but right when he does rakum is launched right in front of him and he swaps bodies with one of his own men huh weird Vegeta quickly launched a blast up killing raccoon or recruitment ginu's body whoever that is while Goku and Gohan finish off Ginyu and rakum's body nice they actually made quick work with that and Vegeta can't believe that worked Vegeta did grow a bit stronger but he's still not on the level of these guys what the hell happened with them especially Kakarot and Gohan they didn't even seem to be taking this too seriously and now they probably shouldn't get back to their ship because if they do get back to the ship Frieza might know where they are right now and he could easily destroy it and then they'll really have no way back home they might actually have to fight Frieza especially since they sense him coming towards them quickly they're gonna have to think of a plan they've already alerted him he was trying to go around to other Villages and find extra dragon balls but he didn't even get to do that he couldn't really find any others and he didn't have luck finding Dragon Balls obviously because there were none he wasted more time he's really pissed off now and he'll make them really terrible fight as he flies over he transforms into his second floor and they can all sense this huge increase in power what are they up against meanwhile Piccolo somewhere else on the planet not even really knowing where he is but trying to also head back and find them thankfully there's a lot of namekians still alive Vegeta didn't Slaughter as many and same for frieza's Army and along the way Piccolo does meet some enameckian warriors with another one flying over tip but that other namekian that just arrived it's nailed he was going to meet up with some other namekians to fuse with them and try and fight Frieza that way but now this other random namekian showed him they don't know who he is but although the namekian Warriors look at each other they're thinking the same thing and Piccolo's confused what are they thinking of doing the namekians all tell pickle about Fusion all these Warriors banded together they're aiming to fuse into nail but now this other Warrior shown up and he seems pretty strong he's definitely namekian but they don't recognize him he must have not grown up here and they wonder if he's going to fuse into nail as well they learn her for Piccolo is and nail has a better plan all these warriors were infused into Piccolo instead he seems to be a stronger host and he'll definitely fare better against Frieza Plus without his power they probably won't be able to win and he's definitely not going to fuse into any of the others but they could probably fuse into him at least maybe they can convince him to do so let's go back over to where Frieza is Frieza finally gets over to the group and he can't believe what's happened they defeated the genyu force seemingly with ease his first form might have actually been enough to defeat them but for the first time in his life he's not so sure he's already in a second form though so this should be easy especially with how angry he is he'd rather just kill them he wants to ensure they'll die and with this form they definitely will they stole the Dragon Balls those were his they killed all his men they killed the genyu force he has nothing now and it needs to make them pay for it a fight immediately ensues just as soon as he gets there and his second form is actually quite the challenge but Goku and Gohan they seem to actually surpass him Vegeta can't believe what he's seeing first of all the fact that Frieza even transformed and what's even crazier is the fact that the slow class Saiyan and his son they're somehow keeping up with him and not just that but those earthlings that he fought not too long ago they're definitely not on frieza's level but they're fighting decently well too Vegeta's gotten a lot stronger as well thanks to Healing after being injured by Krillin intent but he wonders if it's going to be enough and Frieza taunts them they might be getting a little cocky now especially that random sane who he doesn't recognize but he tells them not to worry he'll be sure to exterminate them he's glad that these are seemingly the last Saiyans left in the universe he'll eliminate them and then finally be rid of the Saiyans for good and who knows what's next the short guy and the guy with the three eyes he'll probably find their home planet too and be sure to eliminate everyone there not even knowing that's the same place that Goku and Gohan are from but Goku says it's not going to happen they'll defeat him here and now Frieza says they seem to not truly understand his power yet he'll make them understand Ted and Krillin think it's wise to kill him before he reaches his full strength Goku surprisingly agrees he doesn't know what freeze is capable of and while he would love to fight Frieza at his full power he knows the risk here and honestly Vegeta is feeling the same way defeating Frieza at his full strength would be a huge ego boost an ultra ego boost if you will but at the same time he knows it's probably impossible and defeating him in general is more important than feeding him at his strongest but they don't have the opportunity to do so he doesn't even go into his third form he immediately jumps into his final form although he is a bit concerned for the first time in his life the fact that that's second form it wasn't enough he should have been able to eliminate them easily but for some reason those Saiyans they're actually pretty strong they can't be as strong as his final form though this will definitely overpower them significantly and that seems to exactly be the case in his final form he seems Untouchable his speed it's beyond their comprehension and when they do actually hit him it does pretty much nothing and freezes in a particularly strange mood he's going to be acting a little bit differently than his normal self because of the situation here these random people people he doesn't even know about people who stole his Dragon Balls they're putting up a fight against him revolting against him he's the emperor he needs to put them in their place especially Vegeta and that other Saiyan he needs to get rid of them at any cost casually he lifts up a finger launching a death beam right at Coke and it's so quick that Goku doesn't even have a chance to dodge it he's barely able to move before the beam hits him directly striking him right in the chest Krillin and 10 rush over him bring him to dende who's hiding nearby luckily he's still alive but they can't believe it with one attack he defeated Goku and Frieza says they could try to heal him but he knows that Sans aren't that resilient he yes who wants to be next maybe Vegeta or maybe that Saiyan's son he turns over to where Gohan is and Gohan's not there but what he does see is his own shadow something shining above him he turns around and sees Gohan midair charging a massive comment when did he get up there and how do you charge an attack that big that quickly the Blasted launcher Frieza it tries to hold it back but it actually is pushing him backwards how is it this strong and Gohan launches right through the beat charging through and beginning to Pummel Frieza now Vegeta just stands by and off how is that kid that powerful 10 and Krillin sent it from nearby it's that rage again it's one of those rage moves that Gohan's had before and while Dennis healing Goku he weakly Chuckles maybe him getting attacked like this was actually a good thing maybe Gohan's got this he continues mercilessly beating Frieza down blinded by his rage he summons all of his power charge and key in his fist as he lands a critical blow on Frieza hitting him right in the stomach and actually puncturing it through but his power drops significantly after that returning back to normal Frieza is injured but he can still fight he could survive worse injuries than this although this is a handicap it's gonna drop power of it and it does leave a weak point too how did this saying cause that much damage much less a kid he can't believe it and he can't sense Gohan's power but he could just tell that Fierce war that was around him before it's gone he's simmered down it was just a fluke that's what it was that was the peak of his power he'll return the favor tenfold actually he lifts an arm up charging a blast in it and right when he's about to fling his arm forward freeze is then kicked by someone from behind rapidly launched into the ground below and Gohan's glad to see a familiar face it's Piccolo he actually came here he tells them sorry for the weight it looks like he was sent to the wrong place and they could tell Piccolo's far stronger than before they don't know how but there's no time to question it either he says he'll explain later now is the time to fight dende finishes healing up Goku too and he also sees a significant boost in strength as well getting a massive leap in power from this near-death experience he thanks dende who then sends his Piccolo nearby that energy it feels like it's familiar somehow even though he doesn't know this namekian 10 and Krillin don't know what's going on either but they'll help join the fight everyone's reinvigorated Piccolo Goku and Gohan stand together as as Frieza launches back up at that average do you think it sense how strong Goku's grown he knows exactly how to defeat Frieza he pulls the humans aside he tells one of them to injure him critically if he can get healed like Goku just did he'll get a huge boost in power that'll turn the tides that'll tip the scale of the battle against Frieza krillin's actually a bit nervous to do this but 10 gladly doesn't not even hesitating he tells Vegeta to drop his power as he holds a hand up launching a blast right through his chest after what he did to shout out to Yamcha he doesn't care well looks like Krillin didn't really have a say out of the way Vegeta falls to the ground and dende actually heals him not as reluctant too because if Vegeta didn't really get far in a Slaughter actually he didn't really get much done after all dende doesn't know he's a bad guy but he actually heals Vegeta relatively quickly all the while Goku Gohan a pickle or basic Frieza they aim for that weak spot too the spot where Gohan hit him sure Frieza can survive it but that doesn't mean he's not feeling pain from it that doesn't mean his power isn't dropping from it either it's still affecting him in the fight and he tries to power up but he's not given the chance to he can't even go 100 because he needs an opening for that but he fights back rigorously these two say it that namekian they should be is hard to defeat he knocks Piccolo and Goku to the ground and he sets his eyes on Gohan next but notices something behind Gohan Vegeta's on the ground with a small namekian standing over him he's glowing he's being healed it looks like he just saw Vegeta get attacked by those humans he didn't know why but now he sees that's how Goku came back and they're healing Vegeta to exploit his zenkais he aims a finger of dende launching a beam but Vegeta gets up at the last second knocking it away and with all his power Frieza launches a blast in both directions wanna Gohan and one of Vegeta knocking each of them down to the ground as well Piccolo and Goku are lying there and Frieza sees Goku as a big threat he might actually be able to defeat him especially if he gets healed again after this he'll be sure to kill Goku this time and not just that he'll get rid of that healer that way he'll have a path to Victory and that kid the one who injured him like this he could watch the whole thing go down Frieza will make him watch as his friends die as Goku dies and he'll be sure to save Gohan for last Gohan gets up but Frieza launches another powerful blast setting him even further into the ground he holds both his hands up two fingers and one hand are pointed towards Goku and Piccolo and one is pointed at Sunday he says they'll play a game let's see which beam hits who first but a power soars nearby it's Vegeta jumping back in he attacks Frieza with a flurry of punches and kicks quickly dashing around him and hitting him from each side but him alone is not going to be enough although it did help delay him launching an attack towards the others with a single whip of his tail Frieza lends a clean hit of Vegeta's face then wrapping his tail around Vegeta's legs holding him there midair Vegeta is unconscious from that attack and Frieza looks down at the ground ready to finally finish everyone off ready to finally be rid of them but the ground shaking nearby that spot where Gohan was launched to the ground it starts glowing his Aura flares up but one feels immense anger inside of him watching his friends be beaten like this he's already lost some of them before and now the stakes are even higher they just brought Piccolo back and he's about to die again if he dies again too they can't bring anyone back either 10 and Krillin are eminent danger and then dende he's a kid and freeze is trying to kill him they've already caused so much damage to namik so much damage to everyone around here and probably the most important part to Gohan seeing Goku getting hurt like that he almost died once and now it seems even worse and Gohan's not going to stand by and let this happen that anger boils up inside him more so than it ever has before and Frieza hears him and Gohan starts propelling up towards Frieza at a rapid Pace not only is he flying upwards but my heart towards the ground using it like a jet to propel him up it quickly mid-air he flips around holding a fist out in front of him again his Aura grows larger and larger Frieza holds his hand out trying to block it but a surge of power rushes through Gohan and everyone on the ground watches it all Gohan flies right through Frieza and the others can't really see from where they are but as he exits the other side frieza's tail lets go with Vegeta and for a moment it almost looks like Gohan is golden his Aura even his hair they look like that but it's for a brief second he interferes are then fall to the ground with Gohan unconscious it freezes in really rough shape this might be something that he could even survive but he's got a giant hole in it he could barely move Piccolo picks Goku up and Vegeta descends down to the ground Vegeta Smiles looking down at the beat in Frieza simply holding a handout as the ground below him explodes destroying what's left to Frieza he was weak enough for him to do this and even though Vegeta wasn't the sole reason to defeat him he's glad he could land the final blow but one thing he can't believe is that power he sent from Gohan briefly and he asked if the others could see that well yeah they could sense it Gohan's power increased dramatically at the last second but didn't they see he was glowing for some reason well they didn't really notice but they definitely sensed that surge in power Goku caught Gohan when he fell down laying him on the ground as denda heals Gohan as well and Goku asked him if he remembers any of that and Gohan really does it it looks like he doesn't really have as good a control of an anger as he thought but Goku said he did a great job he summited in the time of need and honestly he really liked the way Gohan finish freeze off for some reason it seems a bit familiar but he can't really put his finger on why it gave Piccolo a big sense to Deja Vu as well and while they're stunned for those reasons Vegeta has done for a completely different reason why was Gohan so strong is is that what he thought it was no it can't be he he can't actually be a Super Saiyan right that's not what that was he's just a child he's just a low-class warrior there's no way especially because that would mean that he truly surpassed Vegeta an elite Saiyan surpassed by a low-class child a half breed he can't make sense of it Goku doesn't really know either but he says he's proud of Gohan good job at defeating that guy and Gohan's glad he could help even though he doesn't really remember what happened at the end the remaining few namekians thank everyone with Den day returning to them as well well they linked the namekians because of them they were able to revive their friends unfortunately by now Guru is dead but it's fine they got to use the dragon balls at least and they're gonna have a new Elder soon anyways things will be fine Dynamic the great thing is they still have a plan they just need to restore it and probably move it somewhere else too but they'll make sure to make it work bombo was hiding here by two minutes terrified because everything was just shaking she was actually pretty close to the battle and saw a part of it she can't believe they actually made it out of their life everyone boards the ship back and as for Vegeta he has no clue what he's gonna do next and Goku asked him if he wants to come back to earth with them Krillin to 10 can't believe what they're hearing wait Vegeta they're gonna bring him back and Bulma says the same too yeah he's got nowhere to go and he did help them against Frieza after all even if he isn't that nice of a guy now Vegeta can't even believe what he's hearing but reluctantly he does go back with him because he really has nowhere else to go and more importantly with Gohan potentially being a Super Saiyan you've watched learn more about that Vegeta Knows that deep down he could probably surpass them again kakaron and the sun they're just low-class Warriors Vegeta could use them for his own game because if one of them is a Super Saiyan he can at least learn from that and once he becomes a Super Saiyan he'll be even more powerful than that way beyond that actually he's an elite Warrior and not a kid he'll figure out how to do it himself back on Earth the dragon balls are used and Krillin finds a way to phrase the wish perfectly he says to revive all the good people killed by the actions of frieza's men recently and by phrasing it like this it brings back the namekians and Yamcha because at the time he was killed it was caused by action from people in frieza's arm ebit was the side of men that did it they're surprised that the wish worked and it's even better because not only does Yamcha come back but everyone on Namek does too except the ones fusing the piccolo obviously and following these events well they need to keep Vegeta under watch it shouldn't be too hard though because everyone here is pretty powerful and more importantly Goku wants to train Gohan he wants him to tap into the power again Vegeta says he transformed or something and they don't really know what happened with Gohan either but if he could tap into that anger again and find a way to harness it even more who knows how strong he can be their training commences immediately sometime after after the sarc 2 King Cole does try to seek out what happened with Frieza and by the time he gets to where Namek was it's gone they already got a new Elder and move the planet quickly and there's no Frieza there to tell him what happened he doesn't know what happened with Frieza and who was responsible for it he'll find them eventually someday but for now he's just gonna have to try and look into it in whatever way possible and this means he doesn't come to Earth Earth stays in a relative time of peace for now although everyone's definitely going to still be training especially Goku Vegeta and Gohan Vegeta training more so on his own trying to catch up to the other two and Goku's Goku and the whole point of the scenario is that Gohan's training like him so of course he's going to be training more and at some point he actually is able to tap into something he gets a brand new power and Goku can't believe what he's seeing Gohan's transformed his hair change color his eyes change color and he's so much stronger than before he barely is able to hold on to the transformation but he doesn't go unconscious this time he de-transforms and realizes what happened Goku and Gohan are equally stunned they need to find out how to access this power and see what's going on with it and Goku's got a new gold too he'll see if he can access it for himself as well Vegeta eventually finds out about this too having sensed it and interrogating Goku about it he has no clue of what to think or what to do next Gohan is now on the top of the group with access to Super Saiyan he's the strongest although he doesn't necessarily have a huge control in it right now Piccolo is the strongest just in terms of his base power but Gohan now that he has this power it's so insane everyone can't even wrap their heads around it especially considering Gohan's age he's the youngest in the group right now at his age Goku wasn't nearly that strong Goku's not even that strong now they wonder if anyone could ever reach that level but Goku's confident he'll be the next to unlock Super Saiyan I mean he is trained with Gohan after all and if his son's a Super Saiyan of course he should be able to do it too not to mention if he doesn't become a Super Saiyan he can't really be the best training partner and teacher for his son so it's not just the desire for his own power but a desire to help go on patrol his own power because if Goku gets it it can help Gohan with his own strength with Vegeta hearing about Gohan becoming a Super Saiyan he has no clue what to think he sensed the spike of power and he even witnessed it firsthand too at one point not to mention he did see it on Namek briefly how is a kid saying that powerful not to mention a low class saying at that he's just the son of a low-class warrior and he's the Super Saiyan the first one there's no way it's possible maybe the Super Saiyan isn't as exclusive as he thought he must be able to get it there's no way he can because if Gohan can Vegeta should be able to he's gonna trade non-stop until he gets it nothing's gonna get in his way he begins putting all of his effort into it training as intensely as possible he'll become a Super Saiyan and he'll become the strongest other than him though nobody's really doing too intensive training people are still training especially Goku and Gohan but there's not really much to train for anyways people still basically have the same motivations as normal and this continues for a while not only does King Cole not show up to Earth with Frieza but there's no time traveler either no future Trunks no future Gohan I evident future Goku before none of those just no time traveler there's a reason for that and we'll be seeing that in a bit we continue onwards years and years pass and at some point Goku Falls ill everyone tries everything they can to help there's no medicine there's no cure hell even if they try to summon Shenron they might not even get the dragon balls in time because as soon as this virus comes on Goku ends up dying from it Shenron can't bring him back either it was a natural cause it was the heart virus with no time traveler or no warning it just hits them Goku's gone and there's nothing they can do about it all of his friends can't believe it Vegeta surprised to see someone so strong being taken down by this by now Goku is actually a Super Saiyan Vegeta is too and as much as Vegeta hates to admit it Goku was powerful as a Super Saiyan he was starting to get control over that and someone so strong got taken down by that a virus it's unbelievable but even more so for his family Gohan has no clue what to think all he knows is he wants to keep up his father's Spirit everything he's learned from Goku he's going to take that and grow even stronger than before without Goku to help protect everybody Gohan has to step up and do so he already is the strongest and he only needs to get stronger from here on out keeping that same motivation training just like Goku he's already learned so much from him he could put that to use continuing to train and grow even stronger having that same drive that Goku did they even consider what if they went to Namek again too maybe doesn't have the same limitations that Shenron has maybe he can bring back someone who's died from natural causes but Piccolo says that's not going to happen Piccolo has some knowledge from the namekians that he fused with for what he knows paranga has the same limit it's no use but they'll figure out a way to bring Goku back they want to but soon enough there's a new threat that shows up one that's completely unexpected in a city one day there's an attack two people they look like normal teenagers no alien threat or anything but they're wearing a very familiar symbol that people recognize the symbol of the Red Ribbon Army the infamous Army that was defeated Long Ago by Goku and naturally this leads them encountering the Z Fighters so there's a few different things here with the Androids too obviously there's no 19 or 20. without trunks or cell coming back in time 17-18 are the only Androids here and they're not going to be stronger than normal because well this is essentially the events of trunks's timeline here at least in terms of how the Androids were made obviously a lot of other things went differently here but without time travel there's no separate timelines and that leaves the Androids just being like this 17 and 18. the same ones that trunks actually encountered in his story trunks actually is born in here too by the way but obviously it's too young to fight thankfully they still have a really strong group though Gohan Piccolo and Vegeta they're all there to face off against these threats plus the human Fighters as well the anders are a bit annoyed to find out that Goku's already dead but whatever they don't really care about jarro's directives anyways yeah they were made to kill him but they could still have fun in their own way here they're just gonna go around destroying things that's what they want to do and fighting these people should be fun so the Androids are slightly weaker due to them being the same ones that trunks faced off against and our group is actually slightly stronger Vegeta was more motivated than ever especially seeing Gohan become a Super Saiyan not just Goku so he's a little bit above where he is normally Piccolo's also stronger too having more namekians use within him and it kind of goes without saying that Gohan's way stronger than normal so instead of the Andrew is just completely washing everybody the fight's actually a lot closer the first encounter is actually a tough battle but it becomes clear that the Androids are getting an advantage they have infinite energy and sure Gohan Piccolo and Vegeta are pretty strong but all the Androids need to do is get rid of one of them and that helps dismantle the group first they're able to defeat Vegeta knocking him to the side he tries to get back up and fight again but an attack from Android 18 knocks him completely unconscious she sticks out a hand about to eliminate him completely but then Piccolo launches him his attacks aren't strong enough to actually fully damage her but they're strong enough to at least FaZe her but of course that's not going to do too much either Gohan's already fighting 17 at the moment and is actually kind of holding him off but he's having a tough time as well and he looks over Vegeta's already down the humans have already been defeated too thankfully he can still fear their energy they're all still alive but if the Androids even have one opening they're gonna kill everyone here they're already defeated some of them are knocked out cold it's just him and Piccolo 18 toys around a piccolo as well and then Piccolo feels a burst of power nearby as Vegeta gets back up barely standing but trying to use the last of his power to attack 18 simply points a hand at the ground launching a blast that knocks both of them away Vegeta's knocked out once again with Piccolo following suit she picks both of them up flinging them over to where the humans are with all of them lined up neatly she then joins Android 17 to fight against Gohan and actually she has a pretty fun idea another way to torment this kit 17-18 fight Gohan together trying to incapacitate him 18 delivers a powerful kick to Gohan's gut with 17 then elbow him right in the head he then grabs on to Gohan holding him in place 18 smokers as she then looks over at the rest of the group Gohan's on the brink of unconsciousness but 17 hits him to wake him up he's going to want to stay awake and watch this it would be a shame if he missed the fireworks after all he has no clue what they're talking about but sees 18 with a handout stretch with a blast charge in front of him they seemed right at everyone nearby Gohan's eyes wide he tells her not to do it but the two of them left she launched the blast at the group a massive ball key heads towards all of them Vegeta Piccolo Krillin 10 Yamcha all of them they tried still hard to fight against the Androids and this this is where they're gonna die Gohan tries his best to break free trying to block the blast in any way possible and something strange happens he feels a burst of power in him and within a split second his Aura flares up there's a brilliant flash of flight he punches 17 in the face knocking him back and freeing himself and he's just quick enough to jump in front of the blast speeding over there is so fast that even 17-18 are confused they don't even know until 18's blast just Koreans up into the sky it doesn't make contact with any of them 17 gets back up and they look over at where the blast was everyone on the ground is laying there untouched still breathing seemingly but they can't find Gohan anywhere 17 is honestly surprised he broke free and 18 then she just blew him up with the blast that's why they can't find him anywhere 18 walks over to others while 17 just looks around standing in the same spot and suddenly 17 feels something weird for a split second feels like the air pressure around him it just changes he can't describe it he can't sense any energy obviously he just feels some sort of weird pressure the air gets hotter just for a brief moment as some sort of glow appears behind him and he sees a shadow in front of him he tries to look behind him and see what's there but he's not quick enough it feels a sharp pain to his left side a kick that completely shatters his arm and just as quickly as that he feels a sharp blow to his gut making him Keel over on the ground 18 hears him looking over as she sees Gohan standing there he's in that same Super Saiyan form well it looks like it but his hair looks slightly different and has Aura it's more intense there's lightning around it too she points a finger at Gohan launches a blast and a one swift motion Gohan launches over grabbing the blast and flinging it right back at her and not only is she hit by her own attack but a punch from Gohan as well as he sweeps his arm and knocks her to where 17 is the pain they feel from this what just happened how how did Gohan actually damage them they were so above them before this kid he can't be that strong no it has to be a fluke but they have to face the facts too 17 grabs his arm in pain it's completely broken all those attacks they weren't flukes something happened something made this kid stronger Gohan then screams as Aura flares up a crater forms around him once again he vanishes going over to where Krillin is he's holding a bag of senzu they only have a few but that should be enough quickly he breaks some beans into different pieces dashing around and feeding them to everyone and the Andrews watch on disbelief everyone weekly gets back up those weren't full senzus but it was enough to help restore them a little bit it Piccolo's jaw drops the power that he senses is is that Gohan and Vegeta comments on it too something's changed about him go Gohan looks back at the group to make sure that they're all up eating a small fraction of a sensor that he took for himself and then disappears from their sight once more he appears in front of the Androids and a fight ensues they can't do anything against him especially since they've taken damage already he fends both the Androids off and powered by rage empowered by this new form whatever this is and that little boost that he got from that fraction of a senzubi this is fuel again he'll stop the Androids here he's already lost Goku he's not going to lose any more of his friends here every one of these works so hard to protect it is his role after all he needs to use this power to defeat the Androids and prevent any threats from destroying everything here and one last effort the Androids jump up in the air they float back to back looking down at Gohan they start charging massive balls of energy and firing them directly down below with a flurry of endless powerful blasts but they don't even hit the ground Gohan simply shouts his Aura grows even larger deflecting all the blasts he charges key in his fist stretching it out and making a powerful leap up into the air a geyser of key surrounds him it almost looks like a dragon even he launches up at a shocking speed cutting through all the blast and there's a brilliant explosion of light it makes contact with the two Androids swinging his fists and tilting himself punching a hole through 17 and then they're 18. lining the two of them up and he follows through continuing to fly upwards there's a massive explosion of key behind him where he made impact and for good measure he turns around quickly performing a Kamehameha erasing whatever's left of the Androids the clouds above part the city is illuminated in a brilliant glow it almost looks like a dragon is looming over the city the way Gohan left up and curved it looks like something they see from their dragon balls and Gohan floats back down with small golden particles a key falling from the sky behind him he calmly Powers down looking up with that serious look on his face going away he smiles it's over they defeated the Androids Krillin stands up no they didn't defeat the Androids that was Gohan that was all him that amazing power they can't believe what they just saw but Gohan says it was a group effort besides he couldn't have done all this without him he wouldn't have someone that anger without them either the desire to protect them grow stronger with everyone here too and the willpower that he inherited from Goku that's all what drove him to do this without all that they would have lost it wasn't just Gohan and Vegeta there with his jaw gape completely speechless that's a new level of power Gohan's not just a Super Saiyan anymore he's he's gone beyond that it has to be that's what that is somehow the immense rage he was feeling that pushed him over the edge that caused him to transform into whatever this is and he just barely got a control over Super Saiyan recently and now he has this a level Beyond it Vegeta can't believe it following this we start to enter that seven year time skip a lot of this part is going to go differently too of course goten's not going to be born here either again it's kind of like the future timeline so Goten is never born the group tries to think of ways to bring Goku back but they have no idea of how to although Gohan keeps it in the back of his mind even if they can't he's still going to keep up his training he'll be the strongest here but at the same time they will look for ways to bring Goku back they're not just gonna sit there and let him be dead although he's probably having the time of his life up there another world or the time of his death I guess Vegeta continues trying to catch up to go wanting to improve himself in any way possible if there's a level Beyond Super Saiyan he could access that as well and while Goten isn't born Gohan doesn't end up Bonnet with trunks trunks thinks he's awesome because he's the strongest person around and while he does admire Vegeta too he does occasionally leave the house to try and train with Gohan even though he is very young but Gohan says it's fine I mean he started training as a kid too actually younger than Trunks even he'd be glad to show him the ropes besides he does have to keep this going after all the whole point of the story is Gohan being incredibly motivated to train because of Goku and that's not just gonna be him that's an extent to everybody around him too so he wants trunks to grow that strong too he wants him to see the same sort of power and while Gohan is focused on his training he doesn't completely lose focus on his studying especially now that Goku's not around GG is going to make him try to study more which is fine Gohan likes that Gohan wants to be a scholar still he just has a way better balance between work and fighting and eventually he doesn't rule in school although strangely enough he enrolls in a school in some place called Satan city after the Androids attack it appears that somebody named Mr Satan took credit for he actually just so happened to be in the city at the time and they never saw the rest of the fighters leave they just saw Mr Satan walk by triumphantly parting in the clouds defeating the Androids with a miraculous glow they have no clue what he did or how he did it but they just accept him as their savior essentially Mr Satan defeated the Androids and got all the credit for it well that's kind of good for Gohan he does want to remain under the radar after all too although it's kind of weird because he has a tail and while he did consider removing it he actually just hides it which is as weird as it sounds trying to hide it in his pants which sounds really strange out of context but I mean what else is he supposed to do he thinks it could be useful for fighting because it's an extra appendage is basically another arm but at the same time if people from school saw his tail yeah that would be kind of strange although it also helps his identity as great say a man he still does take up this mantle he does like protecting people after all so he becomes the great Sandman and whenever he's in costume his tail is free which gives him more reason to have to hide that tail because if anyone ever saw it I mean he's the only one with the tail besides the great say man so it's easy to put two and two together and he actually learns from Vegeta that he could just wrap it around his waist and then trying to wear bag enough close to height still very weird but hey at least it makes him not stick out although he does stick out to some people still because he's very weird especially if Adele notices and she wants to get to the bottom of who the great Sandman is it doesn't take too long for Videl to eventually find out who the great Sandman actually is he still does keep the identity up but she knows who it is and she wants him to teach her how to fly a lot of that goes pretty much like normal eventually leading up to the tournament itself and this is kind of a rare instance to my scenarios but Goku's actually dead here permanently and it's not that he died against cell it's that he's dead from the heart virus he can't be brought back at all but he can be brought back for a day and this is the perfect time to come back a tournament it's great of course he wants to come back for this especially to see how much everyone's grown since he left he's obviously been another world this whole time he met up with Kim Kai and began training there a lot he fought so many great warriors up here learning all the different techniques from them you know there's people from yard rats so we've got some techniques from them there's the metamores we got Fusion from there's all different types of things here he doesn't know how much he'll use any of these in the torment but he does at least have all these great techniques and besides that he has a ton of strength too that he's gained but over this time he was the only one growing and Goku has been watching everything he tells Gohan he's proud of how he's handled the Androids and he does kind of know how strong Gohan is which surprises because not many other people do know how strong he is including the others around him there's also Vegeta and Piccolo with Vegeta focusing a lot on trading trucks but Gohan spend some time training with them as well even going back to roshi and kamiya points just to see if there's anything else he could learn that he doesn't know already Piccolo and Gohan have actually grown a lot closer they never really got the opportunity like they did normally Piccolo did want to train Gohan originally in the same Saga in the scenario but never did get to he's curious of how strong Gohan's grown them pretty much ever since they're encountered on Namek Gohan's been the strongest of the group there was that brief moment on namik where Piccolo was the strongest confusion with all the namekians but then Gohan got super saiyan and that changed everything it truly showed Piccolo all of Gohan's potential even though he knew it was pretty insane beforehand but it's even more surprising for Goku he trains 24 7 with the best warriors who have ever existed and he's still not sure if Gohan's above him at all this tournament will be the perfect opportunity to see so it's gonna be pretty much the same roster for the tournament itself this time instead of van 118 though let's say Yamcha goes there that's because we kind of need someone that we actually recognize and he was at the tournament anyway so hey maybe he joins because maybe he could win some money who knows though the Tournament begins and one of the big changes is the fact that Vegeta doesn't care too much about fighting Kakarot he's much more set on Gohan now Gohan is so powerful and Vegeta has sparred with him before and Vegeta is confident that Gohan is the strongest and while he would like to fight Goku it's still the fact that you know he kind of knows that Gohan is Advantage just by genetics alone and with that natural Advantage he's destined to be stronger as long as he keeps up with his training and he's kind of accepted that he's behind at this point he just can't keep up with being a hybrid Saiyan let's go hun just suddenly stopped training or something it makes him Wonder too if trunks would ever get that powerful but anyways that's besides the point let's talk about the actual match within tournament now at least the few that happen at first the first year pretty much on change and actually everything goes pretty much the same up until the point where Gohan's energy gets stolen spokovic versus Adele Gohan getting his energy taken the Kai's being there and then tracing two over the ship all of that happens the same way surprisingly there's pretty much untouched but once they're actually at bobbity ship a lot of other things start turning around Deborah eventually spots everyone there and decides to launch an attack but it doesn't really go as planned he tries to launch a key blast kabito but dohan's there on guard being able to move quick enough to prevent it from happening knocking kapito away and taking the blast back into boar Shin can already told out all the Saiyans here are pretty strong so he tells Gohan defeat Deborah as quick as he can not a problem he quickly Powers over the Super Saiyan he won't even eat Super Saiyan 2 for this now with a single attack he's able to eradicate Deborah Bobby's back in his ship and he starts panicking he's watching the whole thing go on and he can't believe what he's seeing that quickly defeated Deborah and now they're entering a ship defeating his other minions Point Breeze defeated and he doesn't even have Jacob ready to fight he needs to think quick he needs to find some way to actually stop them so he tries to see if he can possess anybody in the group but he can't he tries to possess Vegeta but there's no desire for Vegeta to turn back to his normal self like he did with the Goku he knows what makes Gohan strong and he's accepted that by now and with Goku he will have his fight here he does still want to have a rematch with Goku but he knows that even if he wins there it's not gonna matter he's not gonna be the strongest Bobby's in his head right now and Vegeta tempted to take that power but it's not gonna happen and besides even if Bobby did possess Vegeta he knows that power wouldn't be a big enough boot so Vegeta is able to ward off Bobby's tactics not willingly giving him this time which means babadi has no path to Victory here the group makes it to the bottom of the ship quickly defeating Bobby as kabito take Boo's egg saying they'll transport it somewhere safe and now everyone can head back to the tournament but they've already kind of wasted a lot of time so Goku tells him to grab onto him time to use a technique that he picked up in other world from one of the Dead yard rats losing into transmission he brings everyone back to the tournament they make it back just in time everyone was about to just start a new Battle Royale with whoever was left there but now they can actually have a tournament again although now the smoke Vision Yama were gone they have lost some contestants and need to figure out a way to replace them thankfully they'll just use some of the runner-ups there in that way they'll have a full roster for the tournament and the order is kind of redone tip Krillin vs Yamcha is the first matchup and the Amisha does have fun with the fight here and it's actually a pretty good match because it's two humans versus each other it's not like Krillin versus Goku or something but it's pretty obvious that krillin's probably gonna have the advantage over Yamcha not a massive Advantage but one that's noticeable enough for him to win next up is shin vs Piccolo and this one's kind of an interesting thing to cover because this is a different version of Piccolo he never did a few of the Kami here and I did mention before that all the other matches went normally which includes Piccolo forfeiting and because he probably still would realize that Shin is a higher being because even if he doesn't have comedy within him he probably does have the knowledge of the Gods at least although this pickle is a little bit more powerful than the normal one we know because of all that I'm making diffused with on Namek plus the fact that he's been constantly training with stronger people of course Piccolo's always been constantly training in the normal series but here have a Gohan of Vegeta's training Partners that's a huge help so basically I just went on whole Spiel explaining how Piccolo wins against Shin here I don't know if Shin would even really fight seriously here because it's not his kind of thing but assuming he even did try to fight Piccolo would probably find a way to win and with that unnecessary tangent aside next we have kabito versus Gohan and this is pretty obvious Gohan wins here the next match is pretty absurd because we're so film a starting round it's Vegeta versus Goku now the thing here is that Vegeta Knows Goku's hiding some power and says they'll fight in a better setting later on wait what Goku only has a day here Vegeta Knows he'll find some other way to fight him eventually whether that be what he dies or some time before that hopefully the latter so what does that mean he gives up no he's not gonna give up here he just knows that Goku is probably not gonna be able to go all out besides he actually did mention this before now Vegeta decided to do something that's kind of selfless which is nice he knows that if Goku does use up too much of his power it will shorten his time here on Earth and he'd rather Goku uses full power vs Gohan he really wants to see that bad so the two of them have their own fight here using Super Saiyan 2 and it is a pretty close and fun match but Goku does get the advantage it ends up winning promising to find some way to fight Vegeta again one day sooner rather than later and he says he'll keep that promise following this we have a match between Mr Satan and Videl and this one's actually a pretty close fight but Mr Satan is actually kind of worried about fighting Videl and it probably goes both ways too especially because now Fidel has some access to KI even though she can't use key blast or whatever they can kind of mutually hold back against each other without even realizing it since Patel doesn't want to hurt Mr Satan's feelings and Mr Satan doesn't want to hurt Videl both different kinds of pain and they want to avoid that but they'll also avoids flying which makes Mr Satan think that he was just dreaming that maybe and she kind of does throw the match even though maybe she actually tried her hardest she probably could have won against him but it makes for a really good spectacle for everybody else the next two matches are just random humans against each other there would be three of these and maybe we probably still get pintar Jewel Mighty mask and Killa and then we just get two random people who we don't even know because we needed to replace movich and yamu somehow so with the next round we start with Krillin vs Piccolo Piccolo obviously wins and again this is a weird one to have so early on but we have Goku vs Gohan next the most important fight here and go is kind of bummed out because this is kind of the finale match whoever wins this is really going to win the rest of the tournament they already kind of know the outcome it's likely going to be one of them but Goku gives Gohan the good news he'll be able to Showcase his full power he wants Gohan did the same if Gohan really wants to see everything that Goku's got they can't keep the fight going on for too long since Goku only has limited time here and while the tournament's Great there's still other things that he wants to do with the remainder of his time and this way he'll get to do that and also have the best fight that he could possibly ask for so Gohan decides not to hold anything back immediately going into Super Saiyan 2. with Goku then jumping into the same form as well any jokes a bit well if Gohan wants to fight like this that's fine but he knows Gohan has a higher power and Gohan's a bit confused for a second but then realize what Goku means so he's gone it's who hasn't he as expected of his father and Goku says he sends this from other world before he knows that Gohan has ascended Super Saiyan 2 and he's done the same and it all makes sense to Gohan that's what Goku was talking about he doesn't have proper control over this brand new power and for that reason he can't fight in this full strength for a while otherwise he's going to lose a lot of time here so the two started brief battle in Super Saiyan 2 but eventually Gohan asked him to crank it up a notch he wanted to see Goku use that new level and he'll do the same thing too and Goku's glad it's finally got tickets he begins powering up with Gohan doing the same with the two powering Beyond Super Saiyan 2 completely transforming into Super Saiyan 3. good ones kind of Avoid of using this because well for one it's dangerous and he doesn't really have anyone to use it against Vegeta actually doesn't know about the form because the second he sends Gohan go into it he asked what was happening and that's why he knew he wouldn't catch up to that level but Vegeta does kind of see the downsides in that form which is why he doesn't want it but Gohan decided to continue working with it too thankfully him having a tail still means he can maintain some sort of control over this form at least better than normal he doesn't instantly have foam astrion he still needs to work with it a bit more but it's not going to be the same experience that Goku had when he used it in living world it works much better for Gohan here and also Gohan avoid using this form of the tournament because it looked kind of freaky and he didn't want to scare his friends but it's already too late for that they've seen him transform a couple times and there's been weird things in the tournament so far well dope is glad that has finally happened the two of them start clashing in Super Saiyan 3. and this is a pretty close match I would say that Gohan's actually stronger here and he does have a better control over Super Saiyan 3 in general but Goku's also inherently Advantage because since he's dead he doesn't have the same issue of the Super Saiyan 3 that 11 person would have even though Gohan does have a decent control in it Goku doesn't have to worry about this while dead but still he's disadvantaged in terms of raw power if Gohan could end this quick he could win but if can drag this out he could win although it's going to be really tough especially because Gohan's fighting in full power right away not holding anything back realizing this downside tip he assumes Goku has the same downside as well and Goku accidentally gives it away that he doesn't have this downside he actually didn't even know about it which gives Gohan more of a reason to go all out right away and Goku says he can't believe the power that he's witnessing right now the fact that Gohan got this form and is that strong with it too and he might actually find a way to actually Master it fully he's not too sure yet but still the fact that Gohan's on that path and is working on his own craft with it it's incredible Goku really has trained him well the match gets very close towards the end but Gohan eventually does win but it does tell Goku if he went on any longer he would have definitely won but Goku's glad that Gohan beat him it wouldn't really have been fair if he won here it seems like being dead is way cooler than the sound because he has this Advantage with Super Saiyan 3 but at least the fight wasn't too long because that means Goku has more time in the living world and everyone just completely speeches from that explosive battle especially because the next one after that is Mr Satan versus one of the random humans and everyone is just terrified which is great because it gives us a shame an opportunity to win you probably wouldn't have a problem with these battles in the first place but he knows that he's gonna have to face whoever won that match which seems to be Gohan even freak you're considering Gohan that's the kid that Fidel's been hanging around with that Mr Satan doesn't really like and he's been doing that he can grow his hair out and become freaky like that Mr Satan's kind of terrified in the semi-finals we start off with Piccolo versus Gohan which is a pretty fun match because they've sparred before of course Gohan's gonna win though but still Piccolo's glad that Gohan's made it this far in the tournament and is glad to see the fruits of his training it's still a fun fight but obviously it's not going to be nearly as explosive as the one before or even Goku versus Vegeta but still it makes for a kind of nice spectacle and then there's a final match between Mr Satan and one of the other random humans with him winning obviously so for the final we get Gohan versus Mr Satan Chichi kind of wants Gohan to win to get the money but at the same time Gohan doesn't really feel right about it especially because he already knows that Mr Satan doesn't really like him and he kind of wants to leave a good impression on the guy plus Mr Satan actually ends up bribing him Gohan doesn't even ask that it's not gonna be like Android 18 where he's gonna drive bargain he actually just takes the bride you know this is actually great he can take the fall against Mr Satan so Mr Satan gets to keep his victory and he still gets some money in the end too it's a win-win because he kind of wants to be on Mr Satan's good side since he's already not made a great impression with Dell beforehand so the champ ends up winning and then Mr Satan comes to a shock and realization he did take credit for fighting the Androids but he realized that well with everyone here changing their hair color and whatnot he doesn't remember reports of him kid with gold and hair fighting against the Androids and given the fact that Gohan's around the same age of Adele that means he would have been a kid when the Androids arrived Mr Satan puts two and two together that was the kid who defeated the Androids the kitty stole the credit from he's lucky he walked away with his life although he doesn't realize that Gohan's a great person and he's glad that Gohan actually took the fall there so it's a pretty nice end for the tournament of course Boo's never awakens so it's not really the blue Saga we have a legit tournament which is nice oh yeah man trunks ends up winning the junior Division I think that kind of goes without saying though he's kind of pissed off that he can go into the main division but hey maybe the winner there is at least cool even though it was way too easy for him and he asked punches against Mr Satan too but whatever Goku eventually does have to return to other world though but it reminds everyone he'll see them again someday and for some reason he has a pretty good feeling that they'll meet again soon and not when they die he'll probably see them some other time maybe he'll have another opportunity to come back to earth he doesn't think he's going to come back to life but considering they were just introduced to these new gods and all the other crazy stuff that's happened so far there's probably room for opportunity and it's not just because he wants to see his friends and family again too of course that's a huge reason but he also wants to keep his promise to Vegeta and the same one that he made with Gohan too he'll fight them again at full power nothing held back not in a torment setting they'll be able to fight to their hearts content and he goes back to Otherworld knowing the Earth is in good hands essentially because Gohan ends up sticking with being Saiyan man Fidel even joins him too and they become the same man dude Gohan does really want to see how strong Videl can get for human with no actual Key Training beforehand she's shown some pretty insane potential and at some point the two of them are officially a couple too so all the more reason for them to train together it's a great couples activity at least in the world of Dragon Ball I guess they are both martial bars at heart so this is fun for the both of them but it's not just them that see the potential for growth in the future so if it wasn't clear enough already from the last dark Videl is actually going to be a lot more involved as a fighter she does have some pretty crazy potential when you think about it and this is just considering what we saw in the main story she was a pretty great martial artist without any actual key control and seemingly without a proper Mastery even she also learned how to use Ki and how to fly within only a few days of after school training of course right now she's not gonna be the strongest human not even close but I think it's definitely worth pointing out how absurdly quickly she grew and how powerful she was in general without the proper training and the reason I mentioned this is because if her and Gohan are dating here and eventually getting married well the whole point of the scenario is that Gohan has a different motivation to fight and it would be kind of strange to leave Adele out of that too especially because here the Sandman Duo continues fighting crime and of course while Gohan does spend a lot of time trading with Fidel he does still have the same relationship with trunks that we covered before basically being an older brother figure and kind of a teacher to him think of it kind of like Future Trunks and future Gohan except the obvious difference that trunks has a Vegeta and Piccolo to train with but he does take a lot of influence from Gohan as the years pass beer eventually wakes up prophesizing the Super Saiyan God this is the time that he wanted to wake up and now he wants to find this rival looking around to see where he could find any sort of Saiyans that are remaining seemingly they're all dead but we says there are still a few around in the Living World there are a couple although only one is a pure Saiyan the strongest one is a Saiyan on Earth named Gohan but interestingly enough it seems like there's a say in another world that got to keep his body and the only reason that mise notes this is because he's training under King Kai interesting beerus definitely wants to check that out too I mean if it's a saying that got to keep his body and trained with Akai he's definitely got to be a unique Saiyan so first they're gonna go there especially because they could ask King Kai more about what he knows since Earth the planet with all those Saiyans is under his jurisdiction beerus and weaves arrive on his planet with Goku obviously being excited to see him Goku has been training in other world non-stop a lot with King Kai actually another good thing is that kinkai is not actually dead here not that it really matters but I feel bad that he's still dead and the scenario Goku still trains with him but he gets to be alive here anyways beerus does ask about the Super Saiyan God and as King Kai about their Saiyans on Earth learning that the same Goku actually knows a lot about them partially because one of them is his son beerus actually does end up fighting Goku too because he seems pretty powerful not only did he get to keep his body here but he's been training constantly and Goku says that he really wants to put up a good fight of course it's still no match for beerus Goku's even able to use Super Saiyan 3 of Kaioken together he doesn't realize that it has a Gohan's tail but he seems to have a pretty good control on it but one thing that Goku does know is the fact that him being another world actually makes Super Saiyan 3 a lot easier to control at least and he's been working a lot with it especially to combine it with Kaioken and while it is absurdly strong it's not enough to defeat beerus beerus eventually does go to Earth locating these other Saiyans they know nothing of the Super Saiyan God but he's still interested in that one Gohan the hybrid Saiyan they eventually do decide to just ask Shenron about it and he tells him about the ritual although there's kind of a big issue here they have even less sayings than normal they only have Gohan Vegeta and Trunks Goku's dead and Goten doesn't exist here Vegeta has one idea well maybe they could bring his brother here he knows he's in some Far Away place but doesn't know exactly where oh simple enough for whis he departs for a bit and while he's gone they try and figure out what to do about the other two seconds beerus really does want to see a Super Saiyan God so he'd help pull some strings too maybe he'll bring that Goku guy here at least just for a little bit and that amazes them yeah they'd love to see Goku again especially if it'll make the ritual work but they still need one more and this is when it's revealed that Videl is pregnant but it's still a matter of if they can get Goku to come here and if they can get terrible to come here too although not too long after whis does return with his Saiyan that looks like a shorter version of Vegeta which is funny because Vegeta's already short and he looks a lot friendlier too Vegeta can't believe he was convinced that easily and that he got here that quick this is the first time a lot of them are hearing that Vegeta even has a brother and tarbo's glad to see Vegeta again it is very awkward for Vegeta though and honestly part of the reason he showed up is because he was fearful some dude teleported out of nowhere and then said that Vegeta wants to see him saying that he has the speed to take him across the entire universe within a few minutes or even less but also Tarboro doesn't get to see his brother again which he's not gonna turn down even though it's only temporary he can still catch up with him beerus has no clue if it's gonna work still first of all one of the sayings isn't even born yet and two of them are gonna be hybrids and if they do bring Goku here which which beerus Louise could probably pull off he is kind of dead but it's at least worth a shot it's their only hope at actually making this ritual work we size as beer sells them to depart once more and bring Goku here now he's not bringing Goku back to life beers has no reason to do so and he's only just bringing him here temporarily but this is great because he only had a day on Earth before and now he's getting an extra few hours at least and Goku's glad to be back but they have to cut the reunion short be responds to Super Saiyan God ritual done on that hybrid say in Gohan he knows Goku is pretty powerful but even Goku said that Gohan might be above him not to mention beerus wants a rival who's alive not dead so they attempt to do the ritual on Gohan and surprisingly enough it ends up working tarble's mind is blown in general the fact that Saiyans could even transform especially his brother and then now he's helping this random hybrid saying that it doesn't even know become a god this is pretty insane for him but it's even more insane for Gohan who gets all the energy channel into him then morphing into his Super Saiyan God the power of it's incredible and even beerus is impressed and there's definitely a significant gap between this Gohan and the Super Saiyan God Goku in battle the gods that we saw it's not enough for him to beat beerus obviously but nonetheless beerus is impressed with his performance and Gohan is incredibly strong so that satisfies viewers he got to fight the Super Saiyan God and knows that he will grow stronger he tells Gohan to continue his training keep up with that he'll visit Earth occasionally especially because some of the food here seems pretty great and beerus isn't as angry here because he never had the pudding incident and everything did go pretty smoothly he definitely will be back especially to fight Gohan and also to try all the food he and whis do stay for a little bit longer just to enjoy some food and then they eventually leave with tarble and Goku with Goku being brought back to Otherworld and turbo being brought back to tech tech it was nice catching up with his brother again and maybe he should come back to earth someday at least he knows where he is now again still awkward for Vegeta but also kind of nice also funny for trunks because he didn't realize he had an uncle he definitely seems like a way different guy than his father Gohan of course doesn't stop training he stays on Earth continuing to practice with the Super Saiyan God form seeing if he can access it again and try and tap it to the power even further it's just absurd for Piccolo and Vegeta to watch since they're his main training partners and it's even weirder for Videl so she's married to a God now kind of terrifying but also kind of cool Vegeta wants that form for himself too he should have the ritual done on him while everyone was here but maybe maybe there's another way to obtain it he has to find beerus again he has to train under him and whis one of them could probably open the path to him getting Godly Powers he's not too sure he definitely doesn't know how he's going to do this but he knows that he wants to do this thankfully a few months later beers and we used to visit Earth again trying to get some food and Vegeta is able to intercept them he wants to go train with them and it takes a lot of convincing Vegeta is pretty powerful but compared to Gohan beer is something to impress with Vegeta and even compared with that one dead say in Goku but after a lot of convincing beerus Louise do take Vegeta along with them one thing that beerus likes is that Vegeta is willing to go to his Planet he does actually ask Gohan first and he tells Vegeta if Gohan says no he'll bring Vegeta instead and Gohan he does say no while he does train a lot like Goku here he still has a lot of different responsibilities he has Goku's motivation for training and he just had a newborn kid he's starting a family and all this is going well for him he's still gonna keep up with his training here and has a hybrid stain with as much potential as him it's definitely going to be effective enough he would rather stay here and doesn't necessarily need to go to beerus Planet so so that opens a spot for Vegeta and reluctantly beerus and whis take him and once Vegeta gets to beerus's Planet his eyes almost pop out of his head because he sees someone else there that he recognizes kakarot's there oh yeah beer is completely forgot to mention that's why he didn't really want to take too many other Saiyans with him he only wanted to take one because he already had someone training here King Kong got in contact with him not too long later with Goku begging to see beerus again one thing led to another and now Goku's training and beerus is playing under whis aiming to become a Super Saiyan God as well even though he is dead Ferris allows him to be here just because having two Rivals might be better than one and Goku was pretty impressive he wonders how strong a pure Super Saiyan God would be so as long as he doesn't go to The Living World he allows Goku to be here so besides this being incredibly shocking for Vegeta he's also glad he finally gets what he wants he'll get that rematch with KHAK Bron although Goku's definitely got a nice Gap in power right now because he's been training for so long not just another world in general but under beerus and whis 2. but Vegeta could finally fight against Kakarot to his heart's content Goku kept that promise that he made before the problems that they made that they'd fight again and the two of them are both about it this will serve as an even bigger motivator for both of them and for Vegeta he can go back to Earth whenever he wants to Goku obviously can't but hey Vegeta gets to see him here he has someone he could fight as much as he needs but speaking of Earth let's go back there because that's where Gohan is who really is the main character of the story obviously one day on Earth there's a weird news story there's apparently an alien spaceship that land into one of the cities and there's aliens attacking it's terrifying and strange for everybody else but for the Z Fighters yeah this is kind of par for the course there's been a few aliens that have come to Earth before and most of them have been enemies but this one's weird because it seems like a larger scale Invasion it's no big deal though because the two say men are sent out going to the city to fend them off but then in another city there's another alien Vision that pops up as more coming to the city where the two say men are they're pretty weak and other Fighters go into other cities but Gohan picks up on something pretty obvious the armor that these aliens are wearing and they're spaceships they look familiar like like the ships that he saw on Namek and the armor that he saw in Namek and then he realized what this is this is the Frieza Force he tells Videl and she says that makes no sense she heard about his stories Dynamic and apparently he killed Frieza didn't he so frieza's dead then who's controlling the Army and then it hits Gohan he knows exactly what this is Vegeta mentioned it in passing before Frieza has a father maybe this is him and Gohan's answer comes not long after one big ship arrives a bunch more of the soldiers come off but Gohan sends its an ominous power aboard a large towering man steps off he looks similar to Frieza a little bit different obviously but still there is a clear family resemblance at least the other Fighters all fly to the city where they sense this power well trunks being one of the first to arrive flying up to Gohan of Adele Gohan tells the movie to stay back that might be powerful but they don't know who this guy is but more importantly how far his strength goes Gohan at least has some idea and he knows the identity of this man king cold makes eye contact with Gohan smirk here King cold vanishes from sight then appear in your trunks launching a point blank blast that sends a flight Gohan catches him thankfully trunks is okay he's in Super Saiyan 2 right now and he did get injured by that but still trunk says he couldn't even see that guy moving he moves so quick and the power from that attack there was so much in it he tries to assume in Battle Stance ready to fight but Gohan says no he has to stay out of this Videl assumes Battle Stance 2 and then King Cole looks over at her and Gohan sees King Cole locking his eyes onto her she quickly charges a Kamehameha and King gold simply stands there not being phased by it at all he then slightly ships himself ready to jump right through the blast and grab her but before he can even begin his movement Gohan then vanishes appearing right in front of him now powered up in the Super Saiyan 2. also being completely unfazed by videl's blast being in the middle of it blocking Kinkos from attacking she stops firing her Beam with Gohan then turning back to her in trunks he has memories of what he saw in Namek what Frieza did to his friends there he's not gonna let the same happen here trunks already got kind of hurt but he's still fine and tells King cold that's the last time he's gonna attack any of his friends his fights with Gohan now he knows exactly why can't Gold's here he's here to Revenge Frieza isn't he and cold laughs no he's not really here for vengeance honestly frieza's death doesn't really matter to him too much he's more so concerned about the Super Saiyans and looks like he found the Super Saiyan here or at least one of them it was rumored by some of the soldiers in the freezer Force that's what happened he was defeated by a Saiyan apparently some child was involved and judging by the amount of time that's passed the saying that he's looking at might have been the same child that fought Frieza simply put Super Saiyans or threats to him and he's going to eliminate any of them but Gohan says these fools should even think that he could do that if he could defeat Frieza as a kid without even having true acts as a Super Saiyan what makes Cole think that he could win here cold a bit anger that Gohan takes him as a fool of course he wouldn't come here if he knew he'd get defeated he knows he's gonna win he's stronger than Frieza much stronger he knows that Frieza has some contained potential and as a mutant himself he might have that same sort of potential he doesn't want to keep up with that he spent a lot of time locating the Saiyans eventually finding Earth with him Scouts in his army detect some huge soldiers and power there which Gohan presumes is from his fight with beerus before he became a Super Saiyan God or maybe one of the many fights beforehand Colt said there's consistently a lot of power surging from here the Scouts went in confirmed that Saiyans were there and then cold began training for a year and he could already tell Gohan is strong in this form whatever it is clearly it's beyond the normal Super Saiyan form but cold has evolved as well he begins powering up surrounded by an ore similar to that as Super Saiyan Gohan's eyes widen he turns back to trunks of Adele he tells him to fly out of here possible and warn the others don't come into the city Gohan tackles cold as he's transforming this does nothing to stop the transformation but it Maneuvers him away from the city the one's God that he at least got him away from here but Cold's transformation continues damn it go on should have taken that opportunity to kill him but it's already too late King cold has transformed into his new golden form which we'll simply just call Gold cold a nice simple rhyme Gohan of course isn't even going to try to play around here he's not in this fight for fun he needs to kill cold as quick as he can powering up into Super Saiyan God not many more words are exchanged the two begin clashing with King cold surprises to see whatever this form is he didn't know Sans can get red hair too and he can't even sense his power now he's learned a sense key but what is this he can't feel Gohan's power he felt it before that Super Saiyan 2 form but this he doesn't know what this is and called The Maze even with his year of training Gohan's keeping up somehow damn after all that after all the strength he gained it isn't enough to defeat this one measly Saiyan cold tells go honey won't fall here it might seem like he has the advantage now but cold has one trump card he tells Gohan he's not just gonna kill hit he's going to destroy everyone on this planet unlike Frieza he has no desire to make this say and suffer he has no attachment to it no history with the Super Saiyan nothing like that he doesn't have anything to prove he simply just wants Gohan dead and the fastest way to do that is to just completely destroy Earth he jumps up and cups his hands together in front of him charging a blast as he then throws his hands over his head with the blast growing even larger Gohan quickly launches up in the air trying to stop it or at least stop Cole from charging it but cold spins around hitting Gohan with a powerful tail whip Gohan's not too injured by this but it gives cold enough time to finish charging his attack as he launches the ball right towards Earth quickly Gohan launches his own blast backup engaging in the struggles cold continues pushing it and cold yells out it's uses for him to resist especially because this isn't his main attack this is a distraction he then takes one hand away from the blast then aiming it right down at the ground launching another beam right out of it aimed right at Earth's core Gohan hears it at the last second he doesn't have enough time to destroy King Cole's first attack and if he goes over to guard against the other one this first attack will hit Earth and probably still will destroy it and he's strong enough to fight against cold right now but not fast enough to block these two attacks and kill him quickly this is all happening within the fraction of a fraction of a second and within that Split Second he decides to go after King Cole's second blast knocking it away from Earth King Colt's first Massive Attack hits the plan beginning to dig into the surface Gohan quickly jumps in the air then launching right towards the ground tunneling through it trying to get under the blast once more but this still won't be enough King golden launched another attack even if he tries to stop this one somehow fighting King cold is no problem but if he launches even one attack at Earth that Gohan can't stop then they're screwed and can cold water with the light as his attack penetrates through the planet but somehow it stops a glow appears behind it it seems like the ball of key just changes colors somehow but it hasn't no it's just the light of some other Aura it's completely outshining it King cold has to block his eyes from the light but watch as honest as attack dissipates completely in the crater where the attack once was Gohan Standing There Will King cold looking terrified what's this now Gohan felt a surge of power and doesn't even realize what happened but King Cole could see it clearly his hair it's blue Now The Rage of a Super Saiyan combined with the calmness and power of a Super Saiyan God Gohan doesn't even know at the moment but he's combined the two together in harmony becoming the first Super Saiyan blue with one quick motion he launches right through King Cola unfathomable speeds punching clean through him then quickly grabbing King cold and charging a powerful blast in his other hand how ironic this is the same way he defeated Frieza no more words are spoken Gohan launches at blast defeating King cool with his ore dissipating as his hair changes back to normal what was that somehow that same rage that he's felt before overcame him the raid today fell against Frieza against the Androids but there was a commas with it too possibly because of him being a Super Saiyan God he sends the key of all his friends approaching as he just stands there dumbfounded what what was that the rest of the group finally arrives trunks Fidel Piccolo and Krillin are there they could have sworn that they just saw a blinding blue light but they couldn't sense anything they know they can't sense Gohan's God form but what was that Piccolo assumes it was just a very powerful Kamehameha just as expected Gohan was able to defeat King cold but Gohan says he has no clue what that was and they never saw the form either the only person to really see it was King Colt although Gohan remembers was getting an insane burst of power and his Aura did change color too to a bluish Hue but he doesn't know exactly what happened Piccolo is absolutely dumbfounded so he transformed and didn't even realize it krillin's kind of terrified to hear this and Trunks thinks it's awesome he really needs to get one of those God forms so Videl questions what happened too she asked Gohan if he just showed off again see if he knows how to act that same power that he had before granted she has no clue how Transformations work but knowing Gohan as long as she did she kind of has a gist of what goes on with it she knows that there's some sort of weird Sensation that goes with transforming so she asks him just try and recreate them so Gohan goes Super Saiyan God and then tries to recreate that sin Feeling Again it almost felt like going Super Saiyan kinda and this time when he tries to force it out there's a weird shift his hair change is golden for a brief moment his power goes down significantly going into Super Saiyan but then his or explode once again you're surrounded by the same blue aura and his hair and eyes have turned blue as well Piccolo theorizes what it is it seems somehow Gohan tapped into the power of a Super Saiyan while Super Saiyan God it would explain why there was anger tied into it too Gohan can't really maintain it for long and then just transforms out of it he also is a little bit tired out from the fight as well but also the form seems hard to maintain but the power within it the others can't sense it but they could feel the immense pressure with it Gohan transforming alone almost blew them back and injure them so they know it's something insane and to make it even more insane it sensed all the way across the universe on beerus's planet Goku and Vegeta are there they were actually watching the fight go on they knew that Gohan had it in the bag but they didn't know he'd do that they thought he'd just defeat King cold as a Super Saiyan God and it seems King cold was stronger than they thought he was training for a good amount of time though and it seems that he has some crazy potential as well but once they felt that transformation they realized how truly strong Gohan has grown it's incredible the fact that they could send it from here too and it's not just them watching the whis's staff they could actually sense it he went beyond Super Saiyan God somehow Goku it's really helpful to see this he wish he can go back to Earth to see Gohan and just congratulate him in person because that's awesome but he needs to get that form next and Vegeta think the same thing the good thing is he has kind of an advantage unlike Goku he could actually go to Earth whenever he wants and he asked wheeze take him back to Earth right now wait what he's leaving now Vegeta tells Goku if he's gonna access this form he's gotta go right to the source ask him go on will probably be the best source of info for him he even if Gohan doesn't really know how to access it still the fact that he could train with Gohan will use that form that could be really helpful and who knows he might train on Earth for a bit too just because Gohan's such a strong training partner now Goku takes offense to this come on Vegeta came all the way here and now he's abandoning him that kind of bums him out but since Goku's still dead he can't really do anything about it Fierce reminds Goku he's lucky that he's here on the planet in the first place but whatever Goku punches his hand and smiles well that'll just hype him more than ever it gives him more reason to just train harder and harder to surpass Vegeta too he won't let Vegeta get ahead of him besides Goku can train as long as he likes he doesn't need to sleep so while Vegeta could train on Earth Goku has this Advantage Vegeta eventually does arrive back on Earth with whis he is pretty glad to see how trunks performed too but more importantly he needs to find Gohan he wants to learn about that power please leave him here and Vegeta says he'll contact them if he needs to go back at least reminds him just bring some good food next time too fine whatever Vegeta flies out and goes to Gohan's house and when he arrives there he sees Gohan training with Videl and they're surprised to see Vegeta back then he go to that got a destructions planted and Vegeta says he'll explain later for now he wants to go on to come with him he needs to train with him so the two of them find an open place to fight Vegeta Knows that that new power is probably far beyond his hell and Super Saiyan God probably Gohan could beat him even with all his intense training under whis and all the great power and techniques that he got from that he knows Gohan is still ahead which is fine he's accepted that but he just wants to learn from it use this to make him grow and he wants to see that power that Gohan's unlocked and Gohan says he doesn't really have a great control over it but he'll show it anyways as he transformeth into Super Saiyan blue once more Vegeta can't believe the sheer power especially up close like this Gohan has practiced it a bit it's been a few days since they fought King cold so he's not really had too much of an opportunity but still he knows how to tap into it at will at least I mean it is super saiyan with Super Saiyan God after all it's not too tough but there's a stamina issue a big one with that but he knows he could work on it they did the same with Super Saiyan so they should be able to do the same with this it's a little bit different because of the raw power from it so it's a little bit harder to maintain but they might find a way around it there's a passage of time here now Vegeta does stay on Earth training with Gohan while Goku continues training on beerus's planet as well as going around other world and such too more so the former since training under whis he can learn the most and he can grow the strongest although at some point Champa does arrive on beerus's planet and the Universe X tournament is set into motion and this leaves Goku with the task for recruiting other Fighters beerus does consider getting someone on the team just as motivation like monaka for example but it seems they don't need it Goku and Vegeta have a pretty intense rivalry here because Vegeta doesn't even really seem to care too much about Goku he's more so focused on Gohan although the two really do care about surpassing each other or at least one staying ahead of the other they know that Gohan's probably gonna be the stronger one with Goku obviously being very proud of that but as for the two of them it's a pretty Fierce competition since both of them have very different training methods and both have their own upsides and downsides for their training so beerus thinks maybe Goku doesn't really need it especially because his training so far has been pretty fruitful although if Goku is going to recruit some other people for the tournament he's kind of gonna need to go to Earth which is an issue fine beerus hates allowing this but he allows Goku to go to Earth again and this time it's great great because Goku actually has a few days there he has to recruit people after all and he does want to train there for a bit as well so once again Goku temporarily returns thanks to beerus and whis pulling some strings and letting him go there Goku honestly doesn't have a great team in mind he just has Gohan and Vegeta in mind but they recommend two other Fighters themselves trunks is one of the other ones because Vegeta really wants to see how he's grown this is going to be a great opportunity for him to fight trunks has been training with them from time to time even though he doesn't have a Godly key he's growing a lot stronger yeah Super Saiyan 2 and is working on surpassing that he's much stronger than the trunks that we see in the main story and even when Vegeta did leave he's always been trading with Gohan and Piccolo and as for Gohan he recommends putting Videl on the team she hasn't really had a good fight so this would be a good way to test out her power Goku's honestly not too sure because she's just a regular human and she kind of started later on than everybody but Gohan promises that she's grown pretty strong it's kind of like I mentioned before we're going with the idea that Videl kind has a lot of potential because in the main series she did grow pretty quickly as a fighter so hear the same thing happens it's not like she's going to be on their level not even close she's still going to be the weakest on the team but by human standards she's going to be very strong and that's exactly why she's going to be one of the other members of the tournament at Gohan's request mainly and one of the other great things about Goku coming to Earth is the fact that he could use the room Spirit In Time the best part is he doesn't agent he can go in pretty much as long as he likes although there's a few interesting things in here for one they've never actually been in before Goku still did go in as a kid but they never went under the cell Saga because there was no cell Saga and there was no reason for them to go in there Goku was already dead by then anyways but another change here is the fact that kami's still around there's no dende and they never think to upgrade the room of spirit in time because there's no need so they just have two years in there and as for Goku he has about a year and 11 months and all three of them could head in at once it's pretty intense but especially at their level they're able to adapt pretty quickly and go to the more intense parts of the room as long as they bring in enough food for three people for two years that should be enough Goku has to leave a month early but the other two stay in as long as they need growing a lot stronger and the three of them all have a good gauge of each other's strength Gohan's definitely the strongest all three have super saiyan Blue by now and Gohan has the best control on it but Goku Vegeta took different methods of getting there obviously and this tournament will be a great way to test what they're doing with it and as for the order of the tournament we'll put L Trunks Vegeta Goku and Gohan is the order which kind of bumps Gohan out because if he fights last there might not be anyone to fight but they want to save the strongest for last anyways the first fight is Videl versus batamo and this is a great way to show how much Fidel has grown she has constantly been training besides the brief period when she was pregnant and did have to raise pan for a bit and obviously some other responsibilities basically her main hobby is trading with Gohan see that's one thing Gohan doesn't struggle with here time management is not an issue he knows how to manage his time between work family all his other responsibilities and training of course and it's the same for Patel Mr Satan doesn't even realize how strong Videl is he's just glad his daughter's trying to train to surpass him even though it might not happen but he doesn't know interfate with potomo he definitely is pretty strong but she's able to figure out a way to actually ring him out being a pretty smart fighter as well the best part is she has a bunch of different techniques now Gohan picked up a ton of techniques from Goku Krillin piccolo pretty much anyone around him he picked up a technique from them whatever he could learn he decided to learn it and that rubs off on Videl too so she's able to defeat batamo it's a pretty good showing for her and next she's up against Frost which is kind of an issue Frost is pretty powerful and even without the poison here and probably even without transforming he could beat her which is fine she's just glad that she got to fight at least trunks is up next and he's actually able to defeat Frost he looks exactly like that King cold guy they just fought he's heard about Frieza but has no clue what he looks like and the others see that he's the spitting image of Frieza but trunks automatically assumes hey it's King cold again or at least someone like him little did they know he actually is a villain that came cold even if he tries to not be but trunks doesn't coax him to transform or anything he just goes Super Saiyan and tries to defeat him as quick as possible which is pretty easy next trunks up against magetta and at first he has a really tough time but come on it's trunks I feel like he did come up with an install accidentally and he inadvertently eliminates but get it that way whis doesn't even need to tell him to insult machete and Vegeta watches on with pride that's his son he's a strong Saiyan warrior and it can be an ass when he needs to be and with pageta defeated next trunks has to face Kappa interesting a Saiyan From Another Universe of course trunks isn't going to try to teach him Super Saiyan he's surprised to see that Kappa doesn't have super saiyan but he doesn't really have any incentive to teach him and it's not like he wouldn't be a great teacher either I mean he's the youngest of the Saiyans here in Universe 7. well besides pan in terms of the fighting Saiyans at least you know what I mean point being he's probably not going to offer to train and even if he did he probably wouldn't know how to train cab at best but they have a pretty nice fight trunks wins and Kaba doesn't learn Super Saiyan and Trunks is feeling pretty confident he just defeated three people in a row this next guy shouldn't be a problem but it's hit and Trunks has no chance against Hit Vegeta might actually have a shot against him though Vegeta has grown incredibly powerful in Goku are basically a neck and neck their different trainings have helped him in different ways Goku does train for longer because he doesn't need to sleep he's been trained constantly under whis but as for Vegeta he actually was able to unlock Super Saiyan blue earlier on because by training with Gohan it did help him bit in terms of understanding it because Gohan already having it allowed the two to work off each other their minds working together a lot of Vegeta to unlock it sooner I would say Goku has more raw strength than Vegeta and after the two years of training in the Time Chamber they're pretty close but Vegeta has had Super Saiyan blue for slightly longer and with every day that passes the Gap Narrows even more because go could do more training but Vegeta probably has a better control because he had a few months of a head start although another thing to note is that in the Time Chamber Goku never needed to sleep so he did get some extra time training in there as well so even though he lost a month he gained all the extra time from not sleeping anyways brief tangent aside Vegeta's fight with hit goes pretty well actually it might go a little bit similar to normal and in the end I feel like Vegeta would still lose but still he was able to learn a little bit about hit and allows Goku and Gohan to observe but if he couldn't handle hit he wonders how the other two can the next person up against Hit is Goku and he tries to work out more of his techniques basically trying to get as much info out of him as possible and just from how Goku is he could do this naturally he doesn't need to pry that info to hit he just get by observing basically like he did originally although he actually ends up losing the fight here he doesn't have super saiyan Blue Cow can either so it's not like he's holding that back he just ends up losing which surprises everybody okay well they still have Gohan at least but Gohan's been observing he's figured out all of his movements or at least the telltale signs for what he's doing and exactly what his techniques are if he's not really too sure but he kind of has an idea of how they work and maybe he has a way around them Gohan can employ a multitude of techniques here besides his raw strength he's a very skilled fighter and unlike Goku Vegeta he has way more knowledge on hit because he got to watch their fights with him with a combination of smart strategy pure power and a God to Blue switch he's able to actually find a way to trip up its movements and he's actually able to defeat Hit just as Goku expected beerus is kind of panicked there and Goku seems really calm and beerus asks why he's so calm about that they almost just lost their entire planet but Goku says he wasn't worried he knew Gohan had this in the back and then beerus realize what he means don't tell him did he purposely throw the match and Goku gets all defensive he says he figured out how to defeat Hit and he just wanted to see how go did it but beerus berates him they could have lost their entire planet for that what if that didn't work and Gohan didn't see through it beerus is pissed that Goku did this but Goku just knew that Gohan would win and look it came true he wasn't that confident Gohan and it worked out besides he didn't know how to beat hit anyways and go on stronger than him so it's pretty obvious that Gohan could do it too beerus is infuriated that Goku gave him that scare and seeing this performance he's glad to actually see Gohan's skill and he probably wants to go on to train with those two as well it could be good to have Gohan on the planet but something more frightening for beerus is when Zano shows up with all of that stuff pretty much going like normal and then following that there's nothing with zamasu there wasn't any time travel in this scenario and since there's no reason for Gohan to meet zamasu either that's not gonna happen he's not gonna go out of his way to meet him and samasu won't go out of his way to do his plan really the only thing that would anger him is if he somehow saw the fight on GodTube which is more of goasu's thing anyways Sonos who probably wouldn't even come across it and even if he did really the only Annoying Thing would be hit I guess and the Saiyans using God forms but that's not gonna be enough for him to lash out sure he's going to Harbor these evil thoughts and the zero Mortals plan might come into his mind but there's not going to be really anything to push them towards actually acting on it like in the main story hopefully goessu can at least rehabilitate him but it seems for now zamasu is not going to act on anything but from this Arc beerus is actually able to get Gohan to come to his Planet he thinks that Gohan might be the best shot at his rival I mean he was the one to get that Super Saiyan God form after all at least first and with him being ahead of the other two it really does intrigue beerus Goku is getting very strong by the day being dead really does have its benefits and now Gohan's On A New Path trading under whis although he's not really on the planet too often he might go for a weekend here and there but unlike Goku and Vegeta he's not going to be there constantly which kind of irks beers but he's glad to at least see Gohan here sparring with the other two not to mention with Gohan going between the planets so much he has to bring a new piece of food each time so that's pretty nice for beerus and whis and Gohan does like going here because it gives him more opportunity to see Goku as well not just for training but it's good to just see him since it's really the only way to go there of course beers and weeds can pull storms and get Goku on earth when they really do need it but beerus is being really uptight about it so if Gohan really does want to see him his best bet is going there so it's got some pretty nice benefits to it and that's basically that first half of super without anything with zamasu happening everyone just continues their training in their normal lives but soon enough we're going to be going to the tournament of power Vegeta is on beerus's planet more often now since he's learned Super Saiyan blue he doesn't train on Earth as much as he did before and he's actually working under beerus directly right now trying to see if he can learn anything from the God of destruction himself and as for Goku he's learning a lot from whis like normal but he's also traveling between there and other world as much as he would love to go to Earth beerus is still pretty strict about that but it can move freely between other world and here which is great so there's not as much monotony plus there's not some learn techniques from a bunch of other dead Warriors in other world and meet a lot of new people too but as I kind of mentioned last time at some point Zeno would get kind of bored deciding he wants to do another tournament even if Goku himself doesn't intervene Zeno would definitely want to do it eventually especially without another Zeno to keep him company he definitely is going to want something to occupy him in the meantime so he announces the tournament of power there's no exhibition tournament because there's no need there's not a second Zeno that needs to see another tournament which means all the universes are going in pretty much blind Universe 7 now needs to get 10 Fighters Universe 7 probably has a great team here though considering the different people in the scenario it's definitely going to be pretty stacked Goku is an obvious pick and Vegeta is a pretty clear one too but at some point bra is born and that has to be dealt with like normally Vegeta still will join them he and Goku are excited to test out their new abilities in this tournament Gohan's another very obvious pick they just need to go to Earth and tell him and he's in and since he's been continuously training he's grown extremely powerful even Goku and Vegeta are surprised at how much he's grown they know he has some insane potential but this is amazing even Goku thinks that Gohan's above him and Goku trades 24 7 with the best people in the universe not just alive but dead he's feeling pretty confident about the tournament Vegeta decides they should recruit Trunks and Gohan gets Fidel on the team again she's grown a lot more powerful now we're still sticking with the idea that she actually has a lot of potential for a human and after all these years of training especially with Gohan of all people she'd love to be a part of the tournament Piccolo Krillin and roshi and 10 are also in the tournament too with the humans being surprised at how strong of Adele is it makes girl think that maybe he should start keeping up with his training more since he's become a lot more complacent even without out settling down with someone although he probably would find a girlfriend eventually point being they're surprised that Videl grew so quickly as a fighter Piccolo has been working a lot with her Gohan and trunks too and the four of them are excited to show off their new Strength although they're surprised that Goku's allowed on the team they can bring dead people here well whis has no qualms about it and beerus says their best shot at Victory even with powerful people like Gohan and Vegeta they're not going to exclude Goku alright well looks like they need one more member they could just ask Yamcha but Gohan brings up an important question well if they could bring dead people to the tournament too does Goku know anyone that could help them fight because Goku did mention before that he was going between Otherworld and beerus's Planet Vegeta seconds this as well he's been more focused on training himself recently especially under beerus's guidance he hasn't been trading with Goku much but he knows that Goku has some rivals in other world there has to be someone that's on their level right Goku thinks for a second oh yeah he knows someone who's dead but still very powerful he has whis and beerus and beerus says it's okay this is for their survival after all so it's better to get another strong person like this Goku leaves her a bit and eventually comes back with someone else he introduced is everyone to his newest rival pycon he's actually known pycon for a while Goku's been dead for a long time now but they've trained a lot more recently and pycons even discovered new powers that he didn't even realize he had plus with how much Goku trains with him Goku wonders if he's picked up traced amounts of Godly key or if he could even handle that pycon is an amazing Warrior and martial artist after all and he wouldn't put it past him pycon thinks this tournament will be a great way to test his skills and since it is for the fate of the universe after all he definitely wants to help out obviously no one knows about what this guy fights like but still if Goku is saying that he's a good fighter that's a pretty huge compliment they trust Goku's judgment and now it seems like they have the full team that they need so with everyone all set they now head off to the tournament of power Gohan still is the leader of the team here and a good chunk of the team follows his strategy at this point Vegeta and Goku probably go off on their own with the pike on also going with Goku because honestly he doesn't know how to fight with everyone else so he won't have much Synergy with them so they understand why he goes off on his own at least but as for everyone else on the team they all kind of stick together for now they'll fight as a large group like this to prevent anyone from getting eliminated and once they need they'll will be able to split up 10 roshi and Krillin will go together Piccolo and Trunks will go together and Gohan and the Dell will go together one of Goku's first spices with pycon against Universe 9 and they definitely feel like they're more than able to handle this pycon eyes have Goku's gonna show off that one power he has but he says he's gonna save it for a bit they need to conserve energy after all so pycon decides to take this a fiery Aura swirls around him and his clothes even more too as he turns into Super pipeline Vegeta's fighting nearby and sends this power Kakarot really wasn't kidding that guy is powerful no wonder he's been sparring with him so much another world this is a great way for pycon to test his power and he's glad to use it here although this puts a Target on their back for Universe 9 with him and Goku easily wiping out the rest of them elsewhere in the ring Universe 7 eventually does have to split up with a few of the pride Troopers going up against Gohan and Videl The Pride Troopers give their own speech and then pull off a pose and Gohan thinks it's awesome he turns to Fidel and tells her this is a perfect opportunity and Videl is just as hyped up as him but she's a little bit bummed out because they don't have their outfits The Pride Troopers are a bit confused but Gohan Videl do their own speech and then pull off a great Sandman pose it's gonna be a battle between superheroes the same men versus The Pride Troopers it's a very respectable fight each faction acknowledges each other's style and heroism however these Pride Troopers can't match the power of Gohan and Videl being eliminated by a couple Kamehameha with the two of them pulling off a lot of common moves along the way there still are a couple other Pride Troopers left though with one of them of course being jiren Goku approaches him with pycon close behind from whis they learn that there's a mortal that's apparently above his God of destruction and judging by how Goku surveyed everyone at the beginning of the tournament he feels like jiren might be that guy he could tell by his power too but pycon urges Goku to be careful and Goku says he's not too concerned besides if this guy really is that strong he'll be the perfect opponent for Goku and pycon asked why is he gonna fight now well honestly Goku doesn't think he'll have another opportunity to do this the pike I can't believe Goku is so casual about it but Goku lets paikon know if he falls here against jiren he knows that Gohan's got this obviously he doesn't know the extent of jiren's power but still he knows that even at his maximum Gohan might still be above him which is why he thinks he won't have an opportunity to fight jiren unless he gets it before Gohan he approaches The Pride trooper with a battle then suing as he Cycles through all of his Transformations with blue he's able to do a bit better than normal because again he's trained so much by now this Goku is far beyond the Goku in the main story because of that and by now with all the time he's gone to other world and trade of King Kai he started to use Kaioken and even learn to combine him with Super Saiyan blue which he didn't use last time and blue Kaioken is able to push jiren back a bit but he's still not taking seriously just as Goku expected this is perfect a mysterious Aura then surrounds him he tells pycon he can go with the others Goku wants to do this alone and jiren actually looks intrigued wondering what this Goku guy is up to the aura completely flares up and then Goku goes with a subtle change his eyes close and then they open and his eyes look completely different this is the power of ultra Instinct with how much time he's had on beerus's planet he's tapped into it he never actually completed it though and he doesn't know what the complete version looks or feels like as of now he only has Omen it it's pretty draining but he's able to use it whenever he needs being able to tap into it will and being able to attack effectively and not just defend a battle between Goku and jiren begins elsewhere in the ring Vegeta has his own battles going on he surprised Goku's already using that power but Vegeta is able to hold his own even with just blue Vegeta did try to get that form for himself at some point but ever since he went with beerus that's why he doesn't even go for it anymore he has his own abilities that he's working towards and he's not sure if he's going to pull us out during the tournament because it might be a little bit too much here dopa would be the perfect opponent to pull out against but toppa doesn't use his own God of destruction Powers so Vegeta decides not to use his own too since toppo sticks with this idea of fighting for justice but Vegeta is still waiting patiently to use the new powers that he's unlocked even if he doesn't have an amazing grasp on it Gohan is confident that they have this in the back Krillin tendon roshi eventually do get eliminated with the trunks almost getting eliminated but Piccolo is able to stretch his arm out just in time and grab him off the ring the two are fighting pretty well on their own too but the opponents are getting a bit tough so they regroup with Gohan and Fidel leading them to fighting against some people in Universe 6. kale and cauliflower aren't too hard to fight because they don't have super saiyan here and Trunks fights Kaaba again he's been trying to get that Super Saiyan form that trunks is using but never got it because he never knew how to get it drugs takes him on while Piccolo takes on kale and cauliflow as Gohan and Videl face the universe 6 to mechians who are definitely powerful but they're quickly defeated once Gohan shows off part of his power going into Super Saiyan God but that eventually leads them to hit the universe 6 Saiyans are then eliminated too and Gohan decidel face hit alone he wants to see how much both of them have grown since their last battle there's a short fight between the two of them and it's impressed Gohan's definitely grown but he's not gonna use that blue hair form that he had before Gohan says there's no need he's only using Super Saiyan God right now and he's keeping up with hit even with his time skip haven't grown a lot he even is able to freeze Gohan in place slowing time for him just like he did against jiren it is about to not go on out but then feels a huge burst of power from him Gohan completely overpowers head powering in a Super Saiyan blue freeing himself he tells hit that he admits that's a good strategy it's a very powerful tactic but like Gohan said he's grown a lot stronger now and with one shot he's able to knock hit out of the ring Goku's fight with jiren actually goes pretty long but he's getting kind of worn out dropping out of ultra Instinct eventually he needs some time to recover before he could use it again and this nearly leaves mobile for jiren to eliminate him but Gohan steps in in the nick of time catching him as he's flung off the ring Goku thanks Gohan he wishes that he could have taken Nigerian alone but it looks like he needs a little bit more practice with ultra Instinct he has forced iren into using his full power by now though and he apologizes to Gohan because now he's gonna have to fight jiren at his full strength but Gohan doesn't mind he'll be able to handle this just like Goku thought he's glad he at least got to fight jiren though and now he'll watch Gohan do the same Gohan fully charges up all his power still in Super Saiyan blue with the excellent control he has on Blue he's able to hold back some strength but here there's no need the sheer pressure from him powering up everyone in the ring is Frozen by it the remaining Gods all look on and awe too they thought altar Instinct was impressive but this this power is actually exceeding that how did a mere mortal reach that level especially without anything like Destroyer energy or Ultra Instinct jiren responds by powering up as well his fiery red Aura clashes with the Flames of Super Saiyan and blue the entire world of void a shaking and the two vanished from sight they fight so quickly that most people can't even see it their clashes generate huge explosions and shock waves streaks of red light and blue light are all that people see pycon goes over to Goku and picks him up since he can barely stand now and pycon can't believe his eyes that's Goku's son Goku's told paikon about him but he didn't think he'd be that powerful that Ultra Instinct thing was amazing Pike on that his super form was impressive but he knows Goku has a bunch of his own forms too he just never got to see that one in action but not just that he's seeing it being surpassed already and Goku says while he'd love to watch this fight they still have a couple other people to eliminate thankfully he has just enough power to use some lower forms like super saiyan blue and he could just take it easy for now so he and pycon get back to the battle Gohan's class this year and continues and jiren can't believe this power and they do stop at one point during the battle to discuss Gohan tries to relate with jiren respecting that he's also a superhero but jiren tells Gohan did not compare the two of them he could tell Gohan strong and while they both might be heroes they don't have the same motives you can see that Gohan's clearly not fully dedicated to his strike and that answer to go how jiren got so strong he casted everything aside strength was the only thing that mattered in his mind but Gohan looks over at the stands and sees the rest of the pride Troopers there he remembers the other ones he fought too they were so different from jiren they're all part of the same crew they're all superheroes upholding justice but until just now it didn't even occur to him that jiren was just so far removed from them not just in terms of strength but the way they all act that explains it all to it and while he hasn't fully dedicated himself to strength he prefers it to not be that way he's found that nice balance in his life he has strength he's grown so powerful but his life is more fulfilling because he's not just focused on getting stronger his friends his family everyone else around him is what got him to this point and as a hero too he doesn't work alone that's what got him to where he is and he'll continue to live his life that way and he thinks out loud wondering where jiren would have been if he followed that same mindset he could tell the two aren't completely dissimilar even though jiren is a completely different person from him Gohan hopes he could at least appeal to one side of him the hero side of jiri the fact that he wants to uphold Justice maybe jiren could be a better hero and that might make him a stronger Warrior than he already is the tournament ends with Gohan defeating jiren with Gohan being the MVP deciding to wish for all the other universes to come back he hopes to see some of them one day and not just that but it's the right thing to do as a superhero he has to protect everyone he can after all that's not just the people on Earth but the people in all these universes around him when everyone returns home they say their goodbyes to Goku and paikon too oh yeah whis almost forgot we slow as the staff above Goku and his Halo disappears and Goku can't believe it he's actually alive after all this time he's actually been resurrected he can't believe it beerus considers this as a gift to him for fighting in the tournament and because it makes it easier for beerus since he doesn't have to keep making exceptions for Goku to go to Earth which kind of makes him look bad as a god whis actually offers the same for pycon but pycon politely declines he's found his place another world and has been there for so long that it would be weird to come back to the living world but he does humbly thank beerus it's only fair that they offered to Pike on too and as for Goku it's much better because he has all his family on Earth still so him being alive actually does help out and while we're at a good spot now the series isn't over yet there's a major threat looming out in space one who's been dormant for a while but it's finally gained some of his power back it's the most fearsome Galactic Patrol prisoner Moro and he's setting a course for Namek he heard that there's some Dragon Balls there and apparently they can grant any way she wants naturally he's gonna aim to get them but he's also hoping to have a pretty great meal while he's at it maybe consuming some planets along the way but more importantly seeing if there's any strong powers for him to consume it's been a long time since he explored this universe and he really wants to see how much changed there has to be some strong Warriors somewhere that he can steal energy from and little does he know he's about to encounter his most fierce opponent while Moore was on his way to Namek someone in the Glock Patrol decides to take action that being mayors of course they go to Earth to look for Majin Buu who of course isn't there looks like his magical abilities won't be able to be used here but they could use the power of the earthlings specifically three very strong people Goku Vegeta and of course Gohan hearing of this great danger they decide to go to Namek with Maris wanting to help wants to hear that the planet's in danger again but this actually ends up being a double-edged sword everyone arrives on Namek pretty much the same time they normally did nothing changes with Moro arriving there and as we mentioned before Goku does have engine transmission from other world meaning that they get on the planet at the same time too the thing is no one really has a plan on how to fight Moro of course they're all stronger here which does help a bit but there's two issues here one Goku doesn't use ultra Instinct until it's too late by the time he tries to use against Moro he's already drained enough energy meaning Goku's attacks aren't as potent and such and they still don't know how to effectively fight Moro since this is their first encounter with him and the second bad thing is of course with them being stronger Moore is able to take more energy more quickly especially with Gohan being there even if Mora was facing someone one-on-one he has two other people waiting on the sideline just having their energy taken he's gonna grow stronger a lot more quickly so a lot of the arc ends up playing out like normal at first now they know enough about Moro had they known about that already from the get-go Goku would have used Ultra Instinct Omen and would have probably finished it right then and there so at least now Goku knows an effective way to fight him but of course it's still not going to work because they've lost a lot of energy which obviously also makes more stronger so even with the three of them being beyond their normal limits and with Gohan being there in general not much of the arc would change it's just worth noting that it could have changed had Goku known about moro's abilities but obviously he couldn't know that without seeing it in action he's not a psychic we do start seeing more changes after namik though when everyone escapes they all go down different paths Goku decides to get a train Ultra Instinct further of course he has a control and Ultra Instinct Omen and that kind of did help when they were fighting against the prisoners and such but it still ran out very quickly while he does have a control in it it's still not efficient enough not to mention he knows there's a complete level Beyond this he just doesn't reached it yet and now he knows how to fight Moro he just needs to grow a little bit stronger in the meantime and figure out a better way to control Ultra Instinct and if he could do that he could definitely defeat Moro once he gets a better grasp on this power as for Vegeta he doesn't go to yardrat and there's two reasons for that for one he hasn't heard much about it from Goku Goku does have anti-transmission but he learned that in other world he didn't specifically mention yard or anything but even if he did there's another reason Vegeta is not going to go there it's because he wants to train with Gohan but Gohan's confuses to how he could trade they need some sort of specific ability to fight Moro that's why Goku is going for Ultra Instinct right shouldn't Gohan go for that too Vegeta has a better idea though a way to train himself and a way to train Gohan that way they'll have three different ways to defeat him Vegeta did want to use his own powers against Moro but didn't get the opportunity because Goku fought first had he thought it would have gone a lot differently especially because the power he has would be perfect against him and Gohan's curious to see that which is exactly why they need to go to Earth to train together Vegeta Knows that for both of them trading would be mutually beneficial and each would have their own way to defeat Moro he thinks Gohan grows strong enough that even with his power absorption Moore won't be able to defend against an attack from Gohan he knows Gohan's insane potential and Gohan is still concerned because in this case his power works against him but Vegeta thinks that doesn't matter one strong well-placed attack could end this he just needs to unleash enough power once to prevent Moro from absorbing it and back on Earth Vegeta shows Gohan what he's been using so far he almost uses the tournament of power but never needed to although he admits to Gohan had he lost against jiren Vegeta would have stepped in and used this power instead he begins charging up surrounded by some ominous purple Flames his key completely changes it's absurd he's unrecognizable both in terms of power and his physical look because he looks terrifying now he introduces this power as Ultra ego while Goku got his own power with ultra Instinct Vegeta has been working a lot with beerus his control on this power still isn't amazed although it does grow a lot during battle the issue is though he hasn't really battle with it much recently Vegeta says this will work against Moro because this is the one kind of energy that more shouldn't be able to absorb the energy of a destroyer if Vegeta uses any attacks imbued with that energy Moro would be stupid to absorb it because then that energy would just be able to erase him now Vegeta is not sure if this is enough to defeat Moro at his current strike with how potent his magic is that might give him an edge but the point is he can't absorb Vegeta's energy in this form a Vegeta expects that Moro is going to be a lot stronger the next time they see him so Goku is ultra Instinct allowing him to attack without having energy absorbed Vegeta has the ultra ego which gives him a similar Advantage but for a different reason Vegeta says that's why he needs to train with Gohan he's going to whip him into shape to make him the perfect opponent against Moro sure he might not be able to counter the energy absorption but that's not going to matter if he kills him with one shot and Gohan's kind of surprised to hear this well yeah he probably could have done that Dynamic but by the time they see Moro again he's probably gonna be too strong for that and Vegeta says he's not talking about Gohan's current strike and he says Gohan must know it too even if Moro gets a lot stronger it should be a pretty easy fight for Gohan barring the energy absorption of course but Vegeta Knows Super Saiyan is in his limit he's had that for so long and he tells Gohan he and Goku have grown past Super Saiyan blue Gohan probably can too but Gohan doesn't even know where to begin with that and Vegeta knows exactly what the key to doing that is for him and Goku they each harness some different property of their own personality or at least something innate to them with ultra Instinct Goku's fueled by calmness and the Mastery of movements things that he's practiced for so long as a martial artist as for Vegeta Alter Ego is fueled by Vegeta's battle spirit the heat of battle not only fuels him but this form as well although he's not entirely sure what Gohan will get but after knowing Gohan for so long he knows a lot about who he is Gohan's Powers derived from a need for it a desire to protect others hell he's a literal superhero at the core of him that's a fuels him for battle protecting others whether that desire to protect others comes from the love for them or the anger from watching them being hurt Gohan needs the hardest both of those things the immense untapped rage inside of him but also that fondness for others around him the gentle part of his nature having those two work together in harmony will allow him to surpass his limits and Vegeta is really going to whip him into shape some of the prisoners have been eventually do show up to Earth and warn of more was returned because they're defeated very soon after especially with Vegeta and Gohan being there of course having came up with the likes of Piccolo and if the Dell as well even trunks is involved in this fight too so they have more people against these prisoners and stronger people too but this quick defeat does have a bad side at first Moro decides he's gonna wait two months to come to Earth that should be enough time for them to grow stronger and for a snacks to be better but seeing these two fight here it makes him start to reconsider that so the group thinks he's about to arrive in two months which is great for Goku that gives him more than enough time to trade with Mayors because now they can actually train for six months in that room of spirit and time that they have but little do they know Moro actually plans to come to earth a lot sooner deciding he doesn't need to wait that long to snack on Gohan Vegeta's energy again amidst their training much to everyone's surprise more Galactic Patrol prisoners arrive one day that makes no sense to them they thought more was going to wait longer not that these guys are hard to fight they're actually pretty easy to defeat the only one who's actually kind of tough to fight is 7-3 but one point grabs a hold of Vegeta's neck they actually did fight him before but he never actually got to steal any of their abilities and they have no clue what he's doing Vegeta thinks he's just trying to some sort of stupid sneak attack so he easily just knocks 7-3 away and this must mean more of himself is nearby but you know what that's fine Vegeta is still confident that they can defeat more he'll go up against the magician first and more was glad to see that Vegeta and Gohan are ready completely healed from their last encounter obviously they should make for quite the good snack but Vegeta says he doesn't think so as he then Powers up an ultra ego and at first Moro isn't phased at all that's definitely some sort of Godly technique at least until he hears that it's actually the energy of a destroyer that Vegeta's utilizing he does try to take some of Vegeta's energy but Vegeta codes himself in that energy and when Moro tries to take for himself it enters him it's like it's toxic to him Moro can't take any of Vegeta's energy and since Moro arrived here earlier he's actually weaker than he normally is with Vegeta being a lot stronger than he normally is and once this is revealed tomorrow he can immediately see the writing on the wall he should have waited to come to Earth he didn't realize this would be that bad and Vegeta gets ready to destroy him in terms of raw strength he's so far above moral that any normal key attack of it would kill him but Vegeta doesn't want to be safe so it's probably better to use a hakai and completely White out of existence but Moro tells Vegeta he's not going to be defeated that easily Vegeta sticks his hand in front of him charging the hakai but Moro then whips his hand out to the side of him using telekinesis to pull someone over and Vegeta immediately stops charging the attack when he sees who it is he's holding trunks infuriating Vegeta beyond belief but of course it can't attack more and this gives Morrow just enough of an opening to dash away shooting up plumes of lava from the ground Moro knows exactly where to go his backup plan is still here Vegeta makes sure trunks is okay and thankfully he is but then he sends his Moore's energy search not too far away it's where they fought the prisoners before and Moro has completely transformed having absorbed 7-3 getting all of his powers too he tells Vegeta now they should be more evenly mapped 7-3 did steal his powers after all so those attacks won't bother him if Vegeta is truly the best they've got then Moro has nothing to worry about but Vegeta tells Moro he just made a grave mistake Vegeta was gonna make his death quick but now Moro is just going to prolong the inevitable it's not because Vegeta's gonna savor it or anything it's just because they have their own separate plan too but also on top of that Moro really pissed Vegeta off 7-3 may have stolen his powers but not during the heat of battle sure Moro could probably tap into Ultra ego but Vegeta's already grown stronger plus Moro using trunks as a human shield really angered Vegeta and he's gonna pay him back in full for that having already grown stronger from the anger the two launching towards each other and begin clashing Moro doesn't know how to properly wield Vegeta's power and also Vegeta has already grown stronger thanks to his anger in his battle spirit growing he's matching moral pretty well and the two of them have the same abilities now and more asks Vegeta how he's going to defeat him now he's coded himself in the same energy of Destruction Vegeta is not going to be able to erase him but Vegeta says he doesn't need to any longer it's like he said more just prolonged his death in mid-battle Vegeta surprisingly stops turning over to where Gohan is he tells Gohan he's already had his fun with the but this guy's a tricky bastard so Gohan should just finish it off as quickly as he can and more says there's no way that guy's gonna defeat him sure he had a lot of energy before but it's probably not going to match Vegeta's left plus with his Newfound Powers nothing Gohan does will be enough Vegeta punches more Square in the face shutting him up Vegeta says he will enjoy the remainder of this battle right before Gohan finishes it at least and Gohan honestly isn't too sure about this but he just tells everyone to stand back like really far back thankfully there's not many people around since they were attacked on a whim with Trunks and Piccolo flying off videl's also nearby too and she simply just tells Gohan to be careful since she already knows what's about to happen and he promises her he'll be fine Piccolo can't believe they're about to witness this they've already seen it before and appears everything Vegeta said was right he turned out to be a really great teacher for Gohan which is pretty surprising all they see in the distance is two purple lines of energy hitting each other at random as Moro and Vegeta clash in the sky with Gohan standing there on the ground looking up calmly at them the ground subtly rumbles as blue flames swirl around go and it's almost as if the sky darkens and Moro can send some of Gohan's power Rising with all of Vegeta's abilities he can sense everything that Gohan's doing and at first he pays no attention to it but those blue flames creep up Gohan's body with lightning striking around him too the blue flames start turning darker almost purple and then war starts to feel a terrifying presence in the area even Vegeta's a bit unnerved they've seen this already but he can't get used to it he still can't believe what kind the power was tapped in there and that's kind of why he wanted to fight first because he knew if Gohan fought well he wouldn't have had a chance to face Moro honestly he probably could defeat more here if the fight went on any longer but again with how cunning he is he wanted Gohan to finish this for sure then summoning all of his power Vegeta tries to freeze more of mid-air using his destructive energy to hold him hostage Moro does try to wiggle free but his attention is diverted back to Gohan a massive pillar of a keep it slowly dissipates and in the middle of it is Gohan taking on a terrifying new appearance his hair it's noticeably longer than before his ore did have some of the blue flames of Super Saiyan blue but it's much fiercer now it's much darker he has a red glow around him with red Sparks of electricity as well and Vegeta tells Moro to take a good look this is what he helped Gohan access tapping into his rage his unique and immense potential and his desire to protect others but also combining that with the common power of Super Saiyan blue to control it little did they know this is actually a combination of forms which Gohan only discovered later on it's the power of Super Saiyan blue achieved through Tranquility but the power of much more intense form that Gohan had Beast form although Gohan underwent a shocking Evolution initially he evolved Super Saiyan blue to this level barely being able to hang on to it and only finding out later that he tapped into another Power while Super Saiyan blue the form that he's using now is the combination of those two the Tranquil Harmony is Super Saiyan blue the intense Rage of Beast and to name this form I'm going to take a name that you all probably know from before but one that's not really used in the series at all one fitting for the form that this is especially with Beast being part of it this is his newest form final Villa saying that name again really brings me back to 2022 Moro barely gets a glimpse of the four he tries to take energy but he can't Vegeta's own energy surrounding him destroying him whenever he tries to absorb any power Gohan says he wouldn't have a chance to take his energy anyways absorbing all this power would take moral far too law his body probably can even handle Gohan points a single finger alone and within an instant he just disappears with a massive shock wave following him every cloud in the sky Parks Vegeta has blown back from the sheer force of the attack he didn't even see Gohan launch that he barely even moved to do that attack and it was enough to completely eviscerate more when one shot leaving nothing behind everybody knows had he been any closer he probably would have been completely obliterated by that attack as well Gohan immediately powers back down with Vegeta also be transforming well he knew that would be terrifying but not that terrifying that's why he wasn't really too concerned about Moro he was confident in his own strength but confident in Gohan's strength too and Gohan's happy but he says it's kind of a shame because Goku wasn't here to witness it he still doesn't know anything about this form because he's somewhere far away trading with Maris plus with Moro arriving early Goku probably doesn't even know that he came here but Vegeta says in due time he'll see it and he definitely will be impressed by it a few days later Goku teleports onto the planet he heard about moro's arrival and then left the Time Chamber but everything seems okay here and he hears they defeated Mora which kind of bumps him out well he's glad that Earth is safe but he's kind of bummed because he didn't get to use any of his powers against tomorrow he's been getting a better grasp in the ultra Instinct and he probably is gonna actually train with Maris more but he couldn't use that against Moro obviously but he wonders how they won against Moro was it Alter Ego actually no while he was gone Gohan was able to evolve far beyond his limits and that really has Goku curious what what is this power that Gohan has can they Spar while Gohan use this well probably not wait what he can't be that strong and Vegeta tells Goku to trust him it is that strong wow it's not like Vegeta to say something like that but Goku still wants to see this power so they'll have to figure out some way for them to test out in a sparring match meanwhile on beerus's planet beerus sense the whole thing happened watching it through Reese's staff glad to see Alter Ego Vegeta fighting but that Pride turn into complete Terror once he saw the strength of final Gohan what what the hell happened to that mortal and how how is he so strong what the hell is this Goku asks more about Gohan's power well if they can't fight right now he at least wants to learn a little bit more about it Vegeta simply says it's too risky to use here and even Gohan knows that too Piccolo and Videl concur as well they saw it for nearby well actually kind of far away but they think it's kind of terrifying to use here even trunks who normally would hype something like this up thinks that it's kind of scary and a Goku's confused it can't be that strong right he did sense it far away but it can't be as scary as they're making it out to be well Gohan what happened he even held back against Moro that's why he only used one attack against him anything more would have been too much and Earth probably wouldn't have been able to handle it even with all the great key control in the world Goku wants to figure out a way they could fight though this does sound really promising but if Gohan's so scared to use it why did he use it against Mora wouldn't that have destroyed Earth he could at least transform into it for a bit right so he decides to do just that briefly showing Goku the form and that settles him Goku wants to fight him immediately he'll find something they'll go to other worlds they have to fight but he will find something he'll let Gohan know in a bit so after Moro the granola Arc doesn't happen there are a couple Reasons Why without Frieza live there might not be a reason for granola to make the wish and for the haters to enact their own plan and for the record if granola or gas then try to make a wish to become the strongest in the universe at this point it's probably impossible not because the wish is impossible but because the conditions with it are impossible no matter how much their lifespans are compressed they won't be able to be the strongest now since Gohan would be the bar for that and it would essentially drain their entire lives killing them instantly not just him but there's also Goku and Vegeta who are much stronger normal so that kind of makes the wish impossible but immediately after this Arc Goku wants to have that fight with Gohan but also a few other people want to see his power they go to beerus's Planet for this because beerus actually wants to see it up close too and Gohan transforms once more this planet can actually kind of handle it so he can maintain the form for longer he's getting a better grasp on it but not really too much it's hard to trade with this because again he doesn't really want to accidentally destroy anything so here would be great because that means he can actually gain a control on it trying to hold the power in even more than he did before alright so first Goku wants to do some sort of sparring match he doubts he'll be able to be Gohan but it's at least worth a try he transforms showing off his newest power ultra Instinct the completed version he unlocked this by training with Mayors by now he does know Mayors identity and he actually has been traded with him a bit more too besides all the training in the moroark because Maris is still alive he had Omen before now he has the complete Ultra Instinct and wants to see how this Stacks up against Gohan Gohan is impressed with Goku's power at first too he's incredibly powerful there's a noticeable increase in strength and not just that his speed his reflexes there's insane although he's facing one of the few people that can't actually challenge him and with Gohan's newest form he's actually able to outspeed Goku even with ultra Instinct Goku can't just dodge all of Gohan's attacks because he's just too quick for him but the fight doesn't end that easily Vegeta joins him too transforming into Alter Ego he wants to see if the two of them finding the other phase Gohan at least this should at least be a closer match and Gohan tells the two to hold nothing back so they don't at their full power they attack Gohan but he fends off both of them at once the only real downside with this is he doesn't have a special abilities like those two Vegeta has his access to God of destruction energy while Goku has the reflexes of ultra Instinct and the automatic movements and such Gohan's form is incredibly strong but that's really all it is he wishes it had more unique gimmick like their forms but they tell him with power like that he probably doesn't even need it and just as quickly as the fight starts it ends he beats both Goku and Vegeta at once and they are about to get back up and fight but someone else steps in beerus says he's pretty impressed he's seen enough of the form and wants to try it out for himself and this makes Gohan kind of nervous Beatrice wants to fight well Goku says this could actually be a good idea they haven't seen beers as full power yet either and would really like to hear since he rarely ever fights and honestly he shouldn't be scared Goku says that he probably will be beerus which kind of pisses beerus off because he could hear he has big ears even with Goku Whispering he hears it but this is better now that he's kind of pissed beers off this will make him fight more seriously using more power he tells Gohan to not listen to Goku don't get overconfident anyway beerus wants to see everything go on ass beerus begins charging key surrounded by an aura similar to what Vegeta had an ultra ego they've never sensed him give off this much power he's finally showing off his true strength for once not much about him changes physically besides the fierce purple glow around him but in terms of strength Gohan could tell he's holding nothing back he senses an almost murderous antenna as Aura there's a feeling of Rage within beerus but at the same time a feeling of calmness he tells Gohan he has perfect clarity at the moment despite what Gohan might feel in his energy and reminds him don't hold anything back the two launching towards each other much severe's surprise he can immediately tell that he might be outmatched he he knows it's been a while since he's trained seriously or even fought seriously for that matter using 100 of his power okay maybe he's just a bit Rusty but no it turns out that's not the case no matter how much he adapts mid-battle Gohan is still able to come out ahead the destructive power behind his attacks is incredible and not just that his fighting prowess in general he's had some of the greatest teachers in Universe 7 Goku roshi Piccolo he's even trained with whis for a bit and under Vegeta obviously he has the knowledge and tactics from all of these people and he doesn't have the pure skill of someone like Goku that is pretty much a given considering how long Goku's trained for and the fact that he's trained in other world with so many other different people but even so his skill is impressive and his raw strength backs that up a lot it's an explosive battle one that gives off a lot of power but one map burns out pretty quickly too with Gohan taking victory over beerus beerus is astounded at what he just experienced it's incredible this Mortal actually gained power like that and he hasn't even trained here he knew Gohan was strong before in Super Saiyan blue hell it was even comparable to where Vegeta and Goku were before and they had their brand new forms not only has he ascended it's super saiyan blue but he's gaining new power beyond that too and he's barely experienced with it as well beerus wonders what Gohan's ceiling would be like and doesn't know who he could even fight to test out his full abilities he thanks beerus for the opportunity though it was a fun battle and at least let him use some of his power but Goku stops Gohan he has a good idea finally he's not a way to fight Gohan a way to give him a good battle for once but it's gonna take some convincing with Vegeta and he's not too sure what Goku's talking about but Goku explains when he was in other world he learned some technique that he hasn't gotten to use yet one that allows Two fighters to merge together into one and he knows someone who will be the perfect fit for him and someone who will help create a strong Fusion Vegeta Vegeta doesn't really like the idea at first because well there's a pretty goofy dance that goes along with it and here the stakes aren't that high so it's a little harder to convince Vegeta but there's also something working in Goku's favor that does help him convince Vegeta which kind of balances it out it's the fact that they've never fused before Vegeta never had a bad experience with Fusion because they never turn into Vegito and have the potential to be permanently fused as far as Vegeta Knows this is just a temporary fusion and nothing beyond that yeah he's gonna have to do a stupid dance for it but at the same time he's gonna get the fight of his life he's gonna get to test out Gohan's true power and use a new power of his own Goku tells him to think about it he might even be able to use ultra Instinct for a bit since the fusion will have access to either of their abilities so after a bit of convincing Vegeta reluctantly agrees to fuse and they don't get it exactly right the first time but they're able to actually complete the fusion at one point creating a brand new Warrior which they simply named Gogeta now Gogeta is a bit concerned he wonders how quickly the fusion will run out if he uses all his power but Gohan says it shouldn't matter they should fight at quick enough speeds to make the fight worthwhile even if it only lasts a few minutes that's a long amount of time for people that can move as fast as they can oh yeah Gogeta says that is kind of true so he should be able to go full power right from the start although he does kind of want to test out the abilities of this Fusion too like maybe he could cycle through all his forms and he actually does that with Gohan just standing there confuses he Cycles through all his forms great they form her to an even bigger Man Child Gogeta goes through every single Super Saiyan transformation he has eventually going to Super Saiyan blue all right well you'll start the fight in this then even though it is just super saiyan blue it's far stronger than either of them so a battle begins and goget is immediately outspent it's truly amazing even while fused this isn't enough to fight Gohan Gogeta could tell he's a lot stronger as a fusion but maybe pacing those forms and holding back wasn't really the greatest idea fine he'll use his highest powers and he thinks he has the perfect strategy for it he just wonders if Gohan's gonna be able to figure it out Gogeta Zora completely changes looking like that of ultra Instinct his hair glows brightly and then turns completely silver so he's going to use ultra Instinct and not Ultra ego Gohan says that should make it pretty interesting a fight at a measurable speed erupts between the two and this is good for both of them because Gogeta doesn't know how long the fusion will last especially with this power and Gohan honestly doesn't know how long he can hold this form for especially now that he's actually using more energy with it but again with the speeds they're fighting at it shouldn't matter the speed at which Ultra Instinct Gogeta fights actually does shot Gohan just as expected of a fusion Warrior he acknowledges how strong Goku was an ultra Instinct but this Fusion it makes that look like nothing in comparison Gogeta is actually able to dodge a lot of Gohan's attacks so he amps up the power trying to fight with a little bit more using about half his strength and Gogeta is able to land a few hits but something feels strange about it and Gohan's able to pick up on him right away he finally figured out what gogeta's doing the strategy that he's using he has landed a few hits on Gogeta and now knows this but all of gogeta's movements that take place in Ultra Instinct his attacks are launched Ultra instinct when he Dodges obviously that's Ultra Instinct but there's a few very brief moments only a few milliseconds where Gogeta transforms into alter ego and Gogeta is not surprised that Gohan picked up on it that quickly when Gogeta lands an attack he transforms into alter ego and in the instances where he's not able to dodge one of Gohan's attacks he transforms an ultra ego there as well just to grow a Little Bit Stronger Gogeta thinks Ultra Instinct for this every action his body takes is automatic including that transformation it's like it knows when exactly to transform and Gohan says that's amazing but he's figured out one of the weaknesses there goget is using both of the forms but he can't use them together that's why he only transforms on occasion alter ego boost him when he takes an attack and it adds destructive energy when he lands his own attacks too but Gohan knows that the two forms are inherently conflicting he's seen enough of Vegeta's Ultra ego and knows just enough about Goku's Ultra Instinct he knows the two forms are incompatible and this might be the key to beating Gogeta here not to mention it might make him a bit unstable too trying to utilize the two Powers together and Gogeta commends for figuring it out that quickly just as expected so Gohan tries to find any way to work around the abilities that he can now using 100 of his strength and he knows exactly what to do here if he could trip Gogeta up enough that could make him unstable leaving more openings his body can react on its own transforming whatever it wants but that doesn't mean it can predict all of Gohan's movements too Gohan tries this out he lands on attacking Gogeta purposely putting all his power into it so he knows that it'll connect and the second it connects gojira's Aura turns purple he flares into Ultra ego briefly then striking back with his power and immediately turning back an ultra Instinct every time he lands an attack it actually Powers Gogeta up a bit he has to try and game Ultra Instinct if that's even possible but with his immeasurable speed he can find a way Gohan attacks and it almost seems like it's at random but it isn't every attack he makes is purposeful he just makes it unpredictable that makes it harder for Ultra instinct to react which also makes it harder for it to transform in time he's able to land some hits on Gogeta without him transforming attacking him perfectly while he's still an ultra Instinct and there's moments where Gogeta turns Ultra ego where his body isn't moving automatically either that's another thing Gohan's notice he can't go back into Ultra Instinct automatically he has to do that consciously and even though attacking Gogeta and Ultra ego does make him a bit stronger it still isn't opening where Gohan could damage him trying to use as much power as possible the speed of the Fight Continues increasing getting faster and faster within an instant it's almost like thousands of attacks are exchanged thankfully the audience is beerus and wheeze who can easily keep up with this and both are incredibly impressed watching Gogeta use the power of alter ego but also the power of ultra Instinct seeing the two of their teachings work together well at least for weeks because beerus didn't really teach that but he still does take pride in it Gogeta is pretty badly beaten and Gohan has taken some damage but he's adapted and Gogeta knows the fusion is about to run out and says time to end this he begins charging a massively powerful attack a big bang Kamehameha and Beauty with the energy of a destroyer while Gohan goes for something that's simple and reliable a normal Kamehameha well relatively normal in this form no attack could be described as such Gogeta charges all the energy he has left flaring into Alter Ego as he channels all the Destroyer power into it the Kamehameha takes on a deep purple here he launches the attack at Gohan with Gohan firing his two taking on a vibrant greenish blue cube the two beams connect with Gogeta trying to destroy Gohan's attack that's why he imbued it with that energy but surprisingly enough it's not doing anything it's not destroying Gohan's attack it's simply too powerful to be destroyed and slowly Gohan's attack overpowers gogetas Gogeta is barely able to Dodge in time using his transmission appearing behind Gohan trying to land one last attack but Gohan's quick enough to react swing his arm around seeing the fusion is an ultra Instinct once more but just as the attack connects he flares into alter ego and Gohan channels all of his power into this blow dealing a significant amount of damage causing Gogeta to completely defuse as well with Goku and Vegeta hitting the ground unconscious when they wake up Gohan thanks them that was a great battle everyone's amazed with each other's power Gohan honestly wasn't even sure if he could be Gogeta but Goku said he knew he had this in the back no matter how much power they use with Gogeta he knew that Gohan's strength is still above that somehow and he can't express how proud he is Gohan's training has definitely come a long way I might even push beerus to train a little bit more himself as well too just so he could fight Gohan one on one again at least now he knows he has a couple worthy Rivals a couple people that'll make this job a lot more fun for him Goku has his own thing Vegeta has his own thing and Gohan has his own thing you know now that beerus thinks about it assuming he gains a new power himself too it could be fun fighting a fusion between Goku and Gohan that would be truly powerful but that's beyond any of their imagination at the moment especially since Gohan still needs to get a better control in this form as well considering he almost dropped out of it mid-battle with how draining it is but where do we go from here well superhero probably would happen but in a much different way Piccolo wouldn't need to try and motivate Gohan to fight obviously he's motivated enough in this scenario Gohan Piccolo vedel and trunks all team up against the Red Ribbon Army defeating the game is so quickly that Cell Max doesn't even have a chance to be awakened and thankfully the Army was going off Dr duro's research they ended up finding his lab finding out everything about cell and used that to create Cell Max because originally they just wanted to create some regular Androids so it kills two birds with one stone here because everything that doctor was working on at least to undiscovered stuff involving cell that's all gone too and even if he was awoken it wouldn't be too much of a problem to Gohan it just goes to show how much he's grown here the teachings of all his Masters have really helped him along this way but most importantly the trainings of Goku the teachings of him the whole concept of the story is the fact that Gohan trains like him after all taking a lot more after Goku than he did originally and that influence is truly what drove him this far and he knows for a fact that Goku's not gonna stop there Gohan knows that he's going to gain a full control on this power while Goku is going to aim for something Beyond Ultra Instinct a much higher level of it with much more power and control it might seem like the two have reached their ceiling but actually they still have a long way to go this is only the beginning for them if anything but it is the end of the series so this is where we'll end off what'd you guys think about this scenario as a whole and this part as well leave your thoughts in the comments below I'd love to see what you guys think as usual be sure to drop a like subscribe if you haven't already since it does really help with the channel and it shows me you want to see more like this anyways thank you all for watching thanks for supporting the scenario all the way through and I'll see you all in my next video
Channel: Salad Saiyan
Views: 290,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dbs, dbz, dbz what if, discussion, dragon ball, dragon ball super, dragon ball z, explain, explained, meme, q&a, question, saiyan, salad, salad saiyan, scenario, theory, what if, what-if, super, arc, saga, gohan, trains, train, goku, krillin, piccolo, chi-chi, tien, tenshinhan, yamcha, chiaotzu, kami, korin, roshi, master, raditz, nappa, vegeta, rage, boost, trained, training, kai, potential, ssj, fusion, ssj2, videl, ssj3, ss3, shin, ssg, god, beerus, whis, ssb, blue, hit, champa, ui, ultra, instinct, ego, moro, jiren, omen, ue, beast, final, gogeta
Id: QT__fqBg3Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 3sec (9303 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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