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join mando's elite notifications go on today if you think bomas aging just as good as Jennifer Aniston authors and artists work really hard on their stuff so please support them using the links below what's up everyone I just want to quickly thank the Dragon Ball guys 75 for translating this series and let you know Bardock afterwards created by young GG you can find all of his links in the description our story begins at an iconic scene the original moment where Bardock stands up to Frieza only to be stricken down in his attempt to liberate his people suddenly jumping forward were taken to the moment right after Goku hits Frieza with a spirit bomb and when Frieza murders Crillon helplessly watching the death of his best friend Goku promises Frieza he will pay before transforming into a Super Saiyan jarring Bardock awake he finds himself in an unfamiliar location all I can remember is being attacked and the vision in his dream wondering if it could possibly be true will his own son be the one to fulfill the ancient prophecy as we get more of a feel for the alien planet Bartok has found himself on his door creaks open Bartok asks wait are you and sure enough it's yard rat Ian confirming he's on Planet yard rat asking him if he's the one responsible for saving him from Frieza the man says yes adding this is the second time they've actually met remembering back Barnack ventured to this plan at a while ago and saved this guy's life several years prior Frieza caught wind of the RIT ins teleportation technique not exactly being a warrior race they were pushed to the edge of their limits but were able to hold their own managing to hold off the invasion Frieza eventually lost patience and set more powerful troops to once again attempt to conquer the planet one henchman in particular named GP changed the tide of the battle as soon as the natives laid eyes on him they knew the resistance was futile the planet had all but resigned to their fate when bar-top arrived having a previous relationship with this man the Saiyan shouts out that it's been a while and notes that he's still picking on weak and feeble races commenting how low he's fallen GP says that he wasn't notified of Bartok's involvement on this planet and demands to know what he's doing here Bartok assures him that he isn't here on official duty and has no interest in interfering with the natives instead she pees mere existence makes him want a wrench as he's had enough of watching him only torture and killed those who are already weak so Bardock has come to this planet to kill him away from the prying eyes of Frieza you think that'll be easy for you you filthy monkey you have no idea how long I've waited for this pray to whatever God will have you your face tells me you have no idea why I'm here let me jog your memory Bardock then details that GP killed his friend khayru simply because he failed to complete a mission the Saiyan also admits that he himself is no angel but sheep he belongs to the deepest bowels of hell Piru was like a brother to Bardock and the two of them planned to rise up against Frieza together you think one little ape can harm me you're delusional Bardock don't underestimate the Saiyan race you arrogant swine you're a slave to that Scouter I'm going to show you something that'll shock you with both warriors claiming the other has miscalculated the other part power is up checking the scouter Bardock strength rises to over 4,300 terrifying cheapy who claims Barack has never been that strong continuing the sands power soon goes above 6300 sheepy carries on leaving Bartok's max power should be only 3,000 with the outcome of this fight seemingly already decided Bardock promises the solar he'll soon tear him apart [Music] commander CV fern have been easily succeeded in his goal Bardock turns to the other soldiers saying sorry but I have to kill all of you also it's not personal but I can't have freeze up finding out what and just like that the invasion of yard right had ended as Bardock tells the remaining yard rest their business here is concluded and have no reason or desire to conquer this world leaving peacefully back in present time the RIT Intel's bar taught that regardless of his intentions the fact still stands that he saved the are dry people even if he didn't come here to help the natives are in his debt using their teleportation they've been keeping an eye on the sands and waited for a chance to repay that debt a week ago they learned to friezes plans to destroy plane of vegeta well they wanted to outright save the planet freezes immense power prevented them from doing so so doing the next best thing they instead save the man who saved them using instant transmission at the last moment to save Bardock from being completely obliterated by the blast they can now rest easy knowing that debt is repaid taking in all of this Bardock has a moment of silence before the yard ride asks him what he plans to do now but being the hard-headed guy he is he snaps asking why should tell the yard rat who asks Bardock he plans to attack Frieza again so what if I do monologuing he fouls from this point forward he will rededicate his life to a singular purpose making that tyrant pay for what he's done as Frieza was so cowardly to commit genocide over nothing but an urban legend he must restore the honor of the Saiyans letting him finish the odd right affirms that if that is Bartok's goal then he should allow the are aliens to assist in this endeavor but Bartok firmly assists that he doesn't want any help however he reminds us saying that from where he's standing Bartok could use all the help he could get to be blunt if you were to fight Frieza here and now Bardock would get slaughtered asking why the alien wishes to meddle in his affairs all the RS suggests is that Elie lo here in train while plotting his revenge thinking for a moment he registers that if his visions were true in a son truly is meant to become the super saiyan then he is indeed too weak to take on Frieza and if Kakarot was able to do it then he should be as well finally agreeing to the yard rats wishes and so began Bartok's rigorous training regimen to overthrow Frieza as his body begins to wear down he remembers that he must surpass the limits of the Saiyan race wanting nothing more than to make Frieza beg feet several months later Barna cusine rocking the local fashion even though it's not exactly to his liking laughing that he thinks a suit some yard rat tells Bardock that he has grown tremendously over the last year commenting how the saiyans truly are terrifying creatures based on their estimation he's at least 100 times stronger than before he arrived putting his power possibly around sixty three hundred thousand yard ready and even says that he has single-handedly redefined the limits of the Saiyan race but Bardock can't find celebration in this fact thinking back to his visions he knows he's not even close to the power of the super saiyan he could sense that Goku or Kakarot was the strongest in the entire universe over the last year Bardock exploited the zheng kai boost through gravity training in the arid radiance healing abilities noting his powers have grown explosively but it's still not enough leaving him to wonder what he's missing another year passes Bardock believes that he's now ready to take on Frieza thinking the yard drop for sparing no expense in his training even he believes the Saiyan should have little issue taking on the Galactic tyrant now saying he's glad he and his people were finally able to repay him finding some respect for his what I guess you would call mentor he asks if he may ask one more favor asking Bardock to name it he explains that in a few years his son may arrive on this planet if that should happen all Bardock asks is that they take care of him pretty confused the native says of course and with that Bardock says wish me luck here I go thanking him one more time even calling him a friend he uses as a transmission to leave the planet as the audre wishes them farewell Frieza planet number five bara appears in the middle of a group of soldiers startling them all you're a Saiyan where did you come from after sending one of the henchmen flying another one asks how he got so strong not caring to explain Barnack merely asks the next one who wishes to die please step forward is this a joke he doesn't take long before alarms begin to ring at the compound alerting everyone to bar box presence as a lone soldier wanders outside he sees the mass destruction done to the base this being the first battle Bartok has encountered in almost two years he admits to himself that he was worried for a moment but his body feels so light almost weightless shouting this is our Saiyan rage Frieza and believe me this is only the beginning all the yelling gets more soldiers attention as Bartok sees he has to perform a little more pest control he resumes the slaughter [Music] as things quiet down someone catches his attention a single henchman stares calmly at him before saying and always expected a warrior just monkey trash I thought Lord Frieza killed all of you exchanging further unpleasantries the managers bar top that he will achieve nothing alone in his quest for revenge but Bardock argues that he's not alone as he embodies the hopes and wishes of all the Saiyan comrades have been easily defeated his enemies bartók ventures into the base to find some armor more suiting to his style looking a bit more familiar we're left to wonder what is next for the renegade Saiyan but elsewhere a new enemy has begun to take action after hearing of the destruction a Frieza planet number 5 promising whoever is to blame will pay Barnack teleports from planet to planet eliminating freezes troops slowly tearing apart his empire while sensing out the next planet he feels a familiar energy wondering if there's any chance it could possibly be another Saiyan if he were to guess his bet is that it's his former ally pupule sure enough this others say it is revealed as another tells him hey bub pool your next planet has been decided go and get ready teleporting in Barnack happily greets him leaving pupule in a state of shock asking Bardock you're alive how do you just appear here Babar doc has questions of his own such as how he survived planet Vegeta's explosion explaining that he was on a mission at the time he was just lucky have you been an hour faster he would have easily died in the meteor collision meteor collision the lying bastard so that's the nonsense he's been feeding his troops curious people asks what he's talking about who quickly spouts out that it was Frieza not a meteor that destroyed the planet leaving him horrified remembering back papoul remembers that not long ago when he was taking a bit too long to complete a task another soldier told him clearly they took pity on you to let you live only realizing now exactly what he meant getting back on subject he asks Bardock how he survived answering honestly he explains the situation with the yard rats but Poole instantly puts together that's all Bartok managed to learn the teleportation technique changing the subject again Bardock warns purple the Frieza cannot be trusted as soon as the Saiyan outlives his usefulness he will kill him too being a loyal soldier but Paul has trouble believing this then Bardock bluntly asked some pupule will you join me asking where they would even go Bardock says on a bloody revenge mission to kill Frieza kill Lord Frieza that's insane we can't win maybe you'll change your mind after seeing this powering up Barnack shows his comrade the fruits of his training where purple is a considerably powerful warrior Bardock maxes out a 1.5 million however it doesn't even take us full strength for purple to get the point while exerting is key bårdek tells him to measure his power activating the scouter it quickly climbs to over 50,000 before exploding before Bardock Warren said this isn't even close to his true power Barnack argues that the Saiyan race gave the piece of trash nothing but undying loyalty asking Popova makes his blood boil knowing that Frieza would just erase them like expendable filth taking a moment to think it doesn't take him long to join Bardock site in the matter papa was born with an abnormally high power level making him a suitable candidate for friezes elite his power and obedience made him friezes favorite saying though he lacked the aggressive traits inherent to his species this made him a model member a friezes intergalactic army no coincidence that he was off planet during Vegeta's destruction power levels over 10,000 were rare for the satan race fearing an eventual uprising if their powers were left to grow unchecked freeze I decided to nip the problem in the bud Saiyans who did achieve a power of over 10,000 were made to compete in a special tournament to help them grow Bardock was one of only a handful to achieve such status during one of these tournaments he encountered pupule after a long and grueling battle the Saiyans had formed a brotherly bond forged from mutual respect with their plans said they decided to start with the planet they're already on taking off to kill all those loyal to Frieza easily wreaking havoc on the many henchmen Bardock jokes at mr. elite is certainly deserving of his title but makes people aware that he still has a long way to go for their future battles explaining that despite his natural-born abilities he's yet to scratch the surface of what a Saiyan is truly capable of while these grunts have no chance as he is now there's no telling how powerful the Lexa's are bonded or E or the Guinea's will be urging the Li warrior that he'll need to reach Bartok's own level by increasing his strength at least tenfold causing people to ask if he can even get that powerful but Bartok assures him that if he himself a low-level warrior was able to do so then surely he will have zero issue and considering there are healing pods on this planet he figures that'll only take about a month or so as pupule obviously remains a bit skeptical of Bartok's expectations he tells them to put that negativity aside he reminds him there's no time to doubt himself as Frieza could show up at any moment believing in his comrade he finally says all right let's get to it meanwhile in the endless void of space the Zelda force has become aware of Bartok's vengeful crusade demanding a report from a soldier shield asks if they've been able to identify the offending party but they've had no such luck almost if they have simply vanished after wiping out each planet actually meaning so literally their firm belief is exactly Bardock is doing leaving chilled to wonder if this menace possesses some kind of advanced technology regardless he must be punished the soldier adds that it seems his assault has halted over the last few days leaving them to believe that he's either settled on a world or perish causing chilled a snap demanding they go check his last known location resolving to send his henchmen known as gay Bella and Toby to investigate with any luck it should only take him a few days to reach him with their plan decided upon it looks like pupule has undergone some serious training and Frieza plan at number 8 par not congratulate him on a great session as he helps him into a medical machine very impressed on how much befall has improved in only 10 days noting that if they're able to keep up this pace then Frieza will be the last of their worries just then the two warriors simultaneously sense a presence rushing to a window or knock spots an oncoming spaceship laughing to himself do these fools just dug their own grave as they emerge from the ship it's the two soldiers chilled dispatched excited to have finally arrived toby comments that he wants to get this over as quickly as possible activating the scouter it doesn't take Cabella long to get a reading in classic form the Saiyans show to be suppressing their power only registering 5000 each leaving them to wonder why they were sent here for such pathetic creatures getting pupule from the tank the renegades await their opponents sensing them out where doc tells us comrade that they seem rather powerful and in just seconds they make their arrival overhead feeling cocky Bardock thinks this will be the perfect chance for people to test his progress before we do anything I need to ask if you're the people who attack this planet so what if we are are you saying by chance again so what if we are Cabella then tells him that he heard all the Saiyans were killed by a meteor strike this story sounding familiar Marduk asks them if they're friezes men as he's never seen them in his army someone who knows who Frieza is and still attacks these planets is a complete idiot we are part of freezes forces but we answer directly in a commander Zelda Zelda never heard of them anyway it's time to waste you our target is Frieza once we kill you we'll head after the Zelda guy with a power of only 5,000 you won't get far declaring that the ranks of Zelda have no time to waste some fools like these Saiyans Toby laughs that as soon as they put an end to these idiots it's goodbye to the sand race but you'll try to take care of these guys on your own what relax you have the power you just need the will I I understand for pool power is up shattering the soldiers expectations but not their confidence as you wish you'll be the first to die this will be over in an instant I can see their movements they're strong that I can win looking for me you're a quick one the speed alone won't grant you victory [Music] [Music] while kekulé lands a direct hit it doesn't do nearly as much damage as he expected taking a moment to top the saying toby then says this battle is nothing but a farce and it's time for him to die stepping in Bardock tells people to tag out he'll take it from here [Music] after blowing the henchmen to dust Bardock locks eyes on the remaining soldier say now it's time to deal with him knowing he doesn't stand a chance he decides to run instead but the Saiyans can't have freezer or the Zelda guy finding their location so Bartok is not about to let that happen while pupule struggled in the fight Bardock once again shows that he has become a force that is yet to be matched for pool then apologizes to Bardock who tells him not to worry about it as he performed well considering he wasn't even fully healed and pretty soon he'll be able to reach the same heights as himself as Papouli's happy to hear this it seems Bartok psychic powers reemerge as he sees a dying pupule in his arms snapping back to reality people asked what's going on in afar doc is okay - which Bartok is not quick to answer as the interference from the yard riding created an alternate timeline is the future that Bartok sees merely one possibility or an inevitable fate Bartok had begun training with his brother in arms pupule however a recent vision of the future has left him shaken as Popol continues to ask if he's okay barnacles him that he is only a bit dizzy not inquiring further Bartok reaffirms that they must get back to training there's only so much time that they have but on the inside Bartok can't help but fret that if things stay the way they are if his vision proves correct pupule will die and he knows he cannot let that happen again not like his team not like khayru if he can see the future then he will change it on shield ship a soldier runs up to him with some urgent news giving him permission to speak he informs him that they've lost communication with Toby and Cabella stating that it's very possible that they've been killed shield demands a subordinate elaborate further well they have little information to go on it seems that shortly after arriving on the planet the scouter cease transmitting this sends shield into a rage furiously wondering who could possibly be to blame then barking to anybody with an ear shot that it was a mistake to send Scouts and he will deal with this situation on his own his henchmen definitely don't argue the decision then shield commands a soldier to change course immediately as chilled has begun to close in on the saiyans our heroes continue their fierce training a few days later showcasing his gangs Marduk believes he's passed the test and should be strong enough to enter the next stage telling him to gather his belongings as he wants to leave immediately however they once again catch a whiff of an oncoming power level with Bardock saying it looks like they have more Scouts after him then soon realizes this one is much stronger than the last not chilled but a new unnamed soldier lands not far away he says aloud that he can't believe he's been tasked with such a bothersome assignment the Frieza Force needs some serious maintenance but resolves to just finish this quickly taking off it's not long before he finds the offender unlike the others Bardock seems to recognize this one who simply identifies himself as Scott a special agent of the Frieza force explaining that he was sent here on orders of extreme importance yest papoul what the meaning of this is further inquiry and if he's betrayed Lord Frieza without much else to say babul tells the soldier that he's learned the truth both Scott and Frieza have been lying to his face this entire time is that so shame you always seemed rather intelligent to me I don't think I need to explain why I've come here then prepare yourselves Scott is an elite soldier that even surpasses the infamous captain ginyu and strength he also acts as commander in chief for the Frieza Force and only enters the field for special missions Scott can also be considered a direct representation of freezes ideology his mere presence here shows how serious Frieza must be taking Bardock as a threat to his empire Bardock please let me fight him normally this eagerness would delight Bardock but after that vision he's not so sure papoom you've grown immensely but don't worry your training has given me the strength I need I can't lose the pool you actually believe you can win even jokes have their limits however Papouli's confidence stands and promises to make him feel the pain of their fallen brothers then Frieza will be next reluctantly partic gives him the go-ahead but tells him that if he ever feels threatened then he will intervene to which pupule has no issue with facing off with the Frieza force powerhouse Scott mutters out so I guess you were serious then very well if you really do wish to fight me you'll have the nursery Gretz in hell [Music] chattering yet another Scouter football confidently state said he doesn't intend to hold back so Scott better give him everything he has pleasantly surprised it's kind of messed up the saying is much stronger than before [Music] with people quickly showing his confidence Scott confesses that he underestimated him promising now to give him his undivided attention oh dear did I go too far now for that one you're a new face but my freezes command you will die saying huh if I were you I wouldn't underestimate pupule look behind you what walking away from the rubble the pool is just fine though even he himself is surprised at how durable he's become even taking a self given compliment to think he'd be able to go toe-to-toe with the commander himself though the thought of a Saiyan thinking himself as an equal in rageous God [Music] what's wrong is that your best befool huh you can't match me Satan monkey pupule then focuses his mind given Scott speed he knows his eyes will only betray him in battle instead choosing to take aim at his key signature but since freezes forces are completely ignorant of these kind of tactics Scott can only interpret this as a sign of weakness almost as if he's praying to his God [Music] down and rattled but not yet out it's got explodes from the wreckage you push me too far I'll crush every last bone in your body anger will win you this battle as the key blasts engulf sky the pool stops to catch his breath as Bartok laughs out loud congratulating pupule although this attack did not succeed in defeating Scott it did succeed in breaking down his spirit thinking to himself that this makes no sense how can a mere say and overpower him then shouting that he's the crown jewel of or freezes Empire this humiliation will not stand relying so much on his rage as made his attacks simple and predictable begone now with Scott seemingly defeated Bartok rushes to pupule side once again telling him he's done well and he's amazed that he was able to defeat Scott on his own I have you to thank for that my friend although I have to admit I've used up all my strength don't worry you deserve a break defeating Frieza might be possible after all so we've managed to avert Purple's death the future can be changed we'll rest first then we'll hunt down Frieza although this sounds good to PO fool their plans will once again have to change due to some interference as it looks like freezes cronies are arriving one after another as chillz forces move in one of his henchmen requests permission to disembark which is quickly granted as chills where's he'll make whoever this man has suffer for defying him while chilled makes his way closer the Saiyan soon realized that this isn't just another soldiers key they're feeling wondering if it could even be Frieza himself Bardock wisely tells pupule to stand down as it's his turn to fight but this concerns his comrade who reminds Bart off that he's only one man but he lets his friend know that he was fighting solo way before stumbling upon him anyway he'll be fine shield and his forces emerge from the ship has showed himself grimaces at the world in front of him let's stop searching for this disturbance Lord chilled there are two powerful entities in that direction really let's go then and only mere moments Bardock will be forced to show the results of his labor but will these elite Saiyans be enough to defeat chilled and has the future that Bartok predicted really been averted soon after the defeat of a subordinates shield has decided to intercept his foes himself now the battle of faith will finally begin lor chilled down they're descending from the sky chill dies down Bardock a you the scoundrel that's been destroying my planets you're not Frieza who are you answer me Simeon I'm the Saiyan warrior Bardock so I ask again who are you saying oh yes I remember now you people will freezes ever loyal dogs correct so out for revenge against your masters then what a foolish endeavor bartók inquires again if this man knows Frieza and why he has a similar battle power to him he momentarily dodges the question mentioning that's quite an impressive observation considering bears no Scouter then revealing he's freeze his younger brother Lord chilled what your brother's explaining that us not often they meet anymore given their busy schedules conquering the universe he admits that he doesn't have the same authority as his brother within his father's army but he does manage a few planets and happens to be rather protective of them only to hear of this Satan coming along and wrecking them up like it's nothing given that Bartok's antics have damaged children you will have to pay well done great detective work now what are you gonna do about it ignorance is bliss I suppose Bardock then states that even though chill does nothing to do with his crusade in order to get closer to his goal freezes little brother will have to do until he's able to get his hands on the tyrant himself but of course child isn't the slightest bit intimidated telling his soldiers to return to the ship but pool also decides to take a few steps back even a full-strength there's no way he could stand up to a guy like this though he does continue to worry about Bardock safety at a distance [Music] [Music] [Music] it pleases me to know you're not just talk I did not expect you to keep up with me hmm I suppose that'll do for a warm-up watch a warm-up so that means you're not serious even at this revelation chill doesn't really bolt going on to call bar Doc's arrogance stunning give it a minute we'll see if it's just arrogance I'll beat the terror into you [Applause] [Music] such overwhelming strength to think it'd be this strong but it's quite wishful thinking to hope a relative a Frieza would be to feed it so easily but this beating does anger him quite a bit getting even more cocky Bardock announces that he believes they can both agree that shield screwed up proclaiming this to be the true power of the Saiyans that shields kind fears good if he keeps this up he'll win yeah I didn't think you'd be worthy enough of this technique outside my family no one has ever pushed me this far you should take pride in that what do you mean you assume this is my only form how naive while their banter continues Jill tells Bartok to watch closely and begins to power up huh what he's getting stronger [Music] [Applause] what is this well this is new and didn't expect you to climb this high well gentlemen let's begin round two [Music] such speed I can't keep up [Music] now you know the gap between us huh mockingly commending Barack on his tenacity far not compliments showed on his increased speed and strength but as if he thinks this will be enough to win then he's the one who's arrogant you'll blow us are no longer amusing saying hmm and your constant smirk is getting on my nerves Bardock tells chill to come at him with his full strength one last time as shield tries to remind Bardock he's the one in charge [Music] whoa such a battle third that even shield comments that even in this enhanced form he's pretty surprised Bartok can keep up as the same feels pretty much the same saying he wasn't expecting this tough of a fight though the ability to sense key can't be understated he tells chill that he can feel his power dropping much faster than his own then I'll write telling him the battle has been decided but this only causes chill to throw his head back in laughter foolish sayin what's so funny even after all of this you still hold out hope for victory what do you mean what makes you think this is my final transformation what Gazin overwhelming despair saying he can't mean I still have one more form have yet to tap what did you say with this final transformation will Bartok still be able to hold his own against the fearsome Lord shield I have one final transformation do you know what that means no way having hidden his final ace in the hole shield is by far the most powerful opponent Bartok has ever faced and without further delay he wants to end this now while the Saiyans stare on chills power explodes [Applause] while the smoke comes to a settle shields final form is revealed I help you're ready I won't be as gentle as before you would have been wise to attack before I managed to complete the transformation he's so small yeah his aura so intense this is bad now shall we begin [Music] ahead of myself and I've just barely begun to warm up for the first time since joining his side but will begins to doubt bartók's ability to win and for good reason as he already looks rather beaten while picking himself up you're quite durable I think I'll turn you into my plaything don't think you'll die an easy death I was such an idiot to think I could become strong enough to avenge my people I can't even beat his little brother how the hell am I supposed to fight Frieza this is my limit can I go no further will my revenge come to nothing my home my friends no this is not the end I can't let the scum leave here alive I don't care what happens to me you've become rather quiet monkey as the fear finally got into you I'm hmm nowhere near my breaking point summoning everything he has Bardock power radiates through the planet this is all the rage of the stand race jeez though his efforts proved valiant shield appears no worse for the wear but this does manage to plant a seed not previously believing the Saiyan race could muster such strength Bardock has managed to instill fear into chilled considering the potential the Saiyans could have you've irritated me quite a bit Saiyan I think it's time you realize I still hold the upper hand this isn't over I'll keep showing you the power of the Saiyan race this is amazing I can feel Bardock power rising this this is the power of a Saiyan huh during a break in the action shield tells Bartok but he's been very stubborn up until this point and in light of the most recent round I'd like to offer him a proposal why not join forces as chilled could very much use a man of Bartok's advanced abilities not even entertaining the idea Barna calls the offer a sick joke fitzy ferrata gee such as yourself a very rare the only other option you have is dead by the way since I don't have a Scouter I can't measure your power level watch what you say it is yeah so no pretty big though no matter this was fun it's been a long time since I've moved in this body well then time to begin the countdown to your demise still he's still holding back [Music] you know what I think I'm making something extra toll mat for rejecting my offer and don't even think about changing your mind now poor doc any final words before you die saying I'll let you in on a little secret my brother is far more powerful than I did you really think you'd be able to defeat Frieza you can't even beat me a simple pets like yourself should not rise above your station you have the arrogance to defy your master without even having the power to face him no no damn kid like this no no way shoulders handling him like a child Bardock I can't let you die in a place like this you represent the last hope of the Saiyan race furious at his interference Bardock demands to know the meaning of this further saying he plans to win ask him for Bartok's forgiveness papoul responds that it's pretty obvious they're both outmatched here so he will distract chilled while Bardock lives to fight another day huh pupule what are you saying if you fall then everything the sands fought and died for will become nothing I don't want that you've shown me that there's truly no limit to say in potential if you keep training I know you'll take Frieza down you can't die in this place you're the last hope of the Saiyan race the pool you Bardock live make our dream a reality what's this Sophia throwing his life away in an instant papoul is fatally maimed by chilled who then tosses him to the wayside before he can hit the ground bar not catches em who asks his friend why this had to happen before reminds him that none of us are meant to last forever that's just how it is but pool don't talk anymore I'll get you help just hang on Bardock please you have to get away from here and someday you can avenge us all but pool then closes his eyes and leaves this world while Bardock begs them to wake up no that's all the interfering maggots are gone your next bar knocks vision coming true he swears he will make shield pay even if it kills him chilled won't get away with this [Music] what's the rage Barta felt towards his brother and arms death erupted inside of them realizing a legend now Bartok the super saiyan will fight chilled to the death slumbering within Bardock a legendary power has been called forth from a sorrow now the counter-attack of the Saiyan race begins what is this change what I say it's always capable of transforming I will kill you oh you think change in your hair color somehow changes your situation you and your kind killing my people one after another what why do you have such power who cares I just want to make you suffer you're nothing but a monkey is that your best race what's hit me with your full power Oh trying to be clever are we honestly saying pitiful let me show you how to throw a punch shield continues to wonder about the origin of bar docks power but fails to find an answer and as if he's reading his mind Bardock shouts oh that's right you wouldn't know about this you know nothing of our legends every thousand years he will appear a unique saying that can cross the boundary no other saying can the strongest warrior who lusts for blood and combat the super saiyan commanding men shall burn this moment into his memory as he was the one who awoke this power giving birth to Bardock the super saiyan super saiyan huh as far as legends go I've had better this is unacceptable this man is beating Lord Jill I have to report this to Lord Frieza letting his anger get the best of him shield curses Bardock but thinking to himself he knows he still has his 100% state in reserve but doesn't feel that's an excuse to be losing to a say in this is the end shield all right I'll give you what you want my full power huh this is getting interesting this will be over shortly [Music] Bardock mocks chilled telling him he needs all the power he can get bulking up similar to Frieza Mardock tells him to get ready [Music] [Music] asking Bardock what he thinks of his real power he warns the same to be prepared to be put through hell with his unwavering confidence Bardock admits shield a stronger but if strength is all he gained this form is nothing but a disappointment come on shield let's settle this ugly little monkey [Music] Oh the blast manages to wear down chill that seems to come out relatively unharmed leaving him to wonder why this is happening to him his race is supposed to be the strongest in the universe how could an insignificant simian like a Saiyan be such a threat appearing bored Bardock asks shield if this is his limit realizing his 100% form is draining too much power too fast and he won't be able to sustain it for much longer but even if this wasn't the case chilled in any form is no match for a super saiyan for what it's worth it was a good fight all in this fast you think this is over I'm not finished yet there is a reason you will lose this fight my race is special we don't need an atmosphere even in the cold dark depths of space we will survive what about you no chilled was driven to the brink for the first time in his life and was forced to use his last resort taking advantage of his races ability to survive in space shield attempted to detonate the planet has this strategy sealed the fate of Bardock has the tale of the revenge of the final Saiyan come to an end but Poole's death awakened the rage of the legendary super saiyan within Bardock the ensuing boost of power overwhelmed chilled who was forced to concede the battle taking aim at the planet itself however it appears his last-ditch effort was in vain as only a small crater was formed in result of the blast Bardock chastised them for holding back accusing him of being afraid of taking the ensuing damage now it's time to feel the anger of everyone killed by you and your armies [Music] my family is the strongest in the universe I won't allow some random monkey to be more powerful than that oh good lord chill loose due up this this is a nightmare hurry we have to get out of here having to feed it chilled for good Bardock Diggs pabulum makeshift grave just as Goku would also do one day for Vegeta solemnly gazing down at his fallen Ally he apologizes knowing his words are useless but to lose another comrade just makes this entire revolution that much more difficult while searching out for Frieza Bardock begins to get another premonition Goku and the androids his training in the room of spirit and time and finally his sacrifice against cell then all the limits had go on to break in space Tsar bomb gives report to Frieza informing him that the majority of the Zelda force has been killed along with Lord chilled by none other than a couple of rogue surviving Saiyans naturally this infuriates Frieza arguing that shield is almost as powerful as himself he demands to know of zarba knows for sure the intelligence is correct thus our bond confirms this saying it was relayed by the Zelda force themselves before their Scouters went offline Frieza wonders how this could be what sort of powers could this menace possess budding into freeze us train of thought Saban says that rumor has it shield subordinates were killed by a so-called super saiyan this causes freezes blood to run cold during a conversation with King Vegeta the Saiyan royal told Frieza that the Saiyans have a legend back on their planet every thousand years a warrior is born who can cross barriers that no ordinary saying can they are known as Super Saiyans with the addition of this legend Vegeta tells Frieza that he believes the Saiyan race can contribute quite a bit to the space Lords plans of conquering the universe Frieza grinds his teeth believing that legend was nothing but a myth resolving to the fact that shield really was killed by such a creature sar bond that acquires what they should do with the remainder of the zelda force and in an unheard-of move for Frieza he orders them to reach read asking why he tells Arbonne that there are simply no more planets in that part of the galaxy that would prove profitable so it's merely time to change focus however he also mentions he has no desire to waste any more of a sub ordnance on a single man and commands our bond to just let him go who argues with a tyrant reminding him of all the soldiers the super saiyan has killed they can't possibly just let them go free but we all know we're arguing with Frieza we'll get you profusely apologizing sir bond takes off to give the orders as freeze us left to sulk and his brothers demise continuing to have his visions Bartok soon sees a son facing off against Frieza himself I can see your future Kakarot your battle with Frieza is unavoidable as a result of your life on earth as a father I don't want to be the roadblock on your path to personal growth or regrets or anger I entrust them to you I really want to see the future of the last Saiyan Kakarot the survival of our legacy depends on you I don't need to keep fighting any longer my mission of revenge has come to an end Frieza I wait the day you'll be trampled by the same race you look down upon who destroyed us because you feared us and soon my son will find you and tear apart your entire empire one low say it will bear the Revenge of all Bardock had finally made peace with his inner demons he placed the hopes of the memory of the same race on his son as the renegade hero makes his way into the sunset he's decided from now on he's going to live life for himself instead of for our cause and after seeing the heights his own child would climb he can now see the true potential of what he can also endure his new mission is to move on from his crusade against the likes of Frieza and his Saiyan identity but just like a Saiyan he promises himself to become even more powerful and that was Bartok after by young gg check him out in the links below and please follow him on Twitter Instagram and YouTube once again we have an additional bonus chapter at the end of this post video so stay tuned for a few minutes or just skip ahead Who am I kidding if you want to check that out this is what the author himself had to say about the series and even though I've never heard young GG's voice I imagine this is how he sounds hello everyone I'm Jung GG thank you so much for reading Bartok after at this point the revenge mission of the lone Saiyan has come to a close before this I thought about Bartok's growth in this story I had to wait until the next opportunity for now the story of Bartok will be put on indefinite hiatus while I focus on a new project on trunks after this will be an original story so stay tuned the remaining pages are sort of a special chapter they tell the story of help of pool and Bartok first men and freezes tournament matches between the lower level and Elise Saiyan fighters it also gives more details to the secret conversations between Bartok and pupule I created this Side Story after many readers contacted me wanting to know how these two warriors met I hope this story will please my loyal readers in the future I hope to give more attention to the Dragon Ball franchise as a whole please look out for my latest works so once again big thank you to young GG for creating this series I personally really liked it but of course I have my own opinions on it like anything on this channel it's not perfect so here's my little mini review now I thought this would be a pretty good retcon for the episode of Bartok and maybe a bit of Dragon Ball - mixing the time travel idea was a must I think most of us can agree how hammy the time travel cliche is to begin with while I like having chilled as freezes brother rather than his ancestor I know and understand a lot of folks prefer to keep him as the ancestor and it's something that predates the first act of the Broly movie for example that would work really well although I personally would like to see King cold in that role instead it could take place even before that we could say but I don't think that would work in a story like this so much I think young GG was just put into a spot where he had to make sacrifices somewhere that's ultimately where it came out - the biggest criticism of Bartok after I hear a lot is that it's too much of a copy and paste from Goku freezes battle or just episode of Bartok in general and it kind of just falls under that whole Dragon Ball script creator generator cliche and I get it and I'm definitely not defending its lack of originality in places but I still dug it for what it was and I'm glad to have read it anyway I'm pretty rambled out for the day so I'm just gonna leave you at Bardock after Bardock vs. elite warrior / pool I'm playing at Vegeta an announcer brings Bartok and pupule onto the stage marking this is the final matchup of the 54th saying contest pointing out the difference in background between the two of them where purple is an elite warrior Bardock is ranked merely low-class as the announcer goes on in the background Bartok's crew cheers him on and presumably who pulls as well admitting to Bardock he didn't think a low-class warrior would get this far but barak reminds him it'd be foolish to look down on him a short stare down ensues before the match begins [Music] [Music] and we'll cannon everyone takes note that Bardock remain standing even after a direct hit not bad well done Bardock that essentially tells people that he shouldn't shout out the name of his attack before actually launching it kinda gives it away and all then as the announcer carries on and how impressive this low-class fighter is Bartok adds that Papouli's cautious approach to battle hasn't changed much leaving the elite warrior confused as they've never fought before but the idea that Bartok wouldn't prepare for a fight like this and study it's downright laughable will it be enough though let's keep going and find out [Music] take this huh I did it sorry as bardock careens out of the ring it smashes into the barrier pupule has announced the winner having the good enough nature to help Bartok to his feet the announcer commends the low-class spider imploring the audience to give him a round of applause and so is the story of how two soon-to-be renegades would me and come to earn each other's respect as this battle draws to a close the one no defined their legacies was soon to begin [Music] you
Channel: Mondo Cool
Views: 1,324,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragon Ball, manga, anime, new dragon ball super, new dbs, fan manga, comicstorian dragon ball, comicstorian dbz, dbz, narration, anime 2020, manga 2020, bardock after, what if bardock, what if frieza, manga review, first super saiyan, chilled, dragon ball super, db super, dragonball super, dbz bardock, frieza race, special, comic movie, dragon ball z, full story, complete story, blackscape, granola dbs, anime 2021, comic review, what if goku, xenoverse 2, dbs manga 67, dbza
Id: Ftl5oRJGrfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 6sec (3246 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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