What if GOKU Had FRIEZA'S Potential? (Full Story)

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[Music] what's up everyone welcome back to a brand new video this one is a really weird scenario i don't know why it's been recommended so much but hey i'm a man of the people if you guys ask for it i'm gonna do it it essentially boils down to what if goku was overpowered because that's what it is what if goku had frieza's potential this one is meant to be fun given the premise and all so let's mess with that this isn't gonna be something ultra serious and you'll be seeing what i mean as we go on for this video let's set a let go of 4000 likes once we get that i'll continue with another part of the series making him do a full story too anyways let's begin this is based on goku's potential alone not his raw power from the get-go so on planet vegeta he still looks like a normal low-class saint not like broly with fluctuations in power or vegeta who had a decently high power from birth no he's just gonna look pretty average sure he might look a little bit stronger than normal but no one's gonna really get to see it so nothing changes about him being sent off to earth or whatever but pretty much everything that does follow changes i feel like one potential issue with this scenario is the fact that goku does her into a great ape at some point and realistically if he had a really high potential him as a great ape would be incredibly powerful and would pretty much destroy everything but remember what i said we're having fun with this scenario so we can't just end it there by some miracle he stopped grandpa gohan sadly dies but earth is intact which is really all we could ask for right now as goku continues growing living in the woods on his own he's inadvertently training growing a lot stronger he doesn't even know his own potential of course he doesn't know he's a saiyan but he doesn't know his own potential either he has immense amounts of power within him and as you'd probably expect a lot of the early parts of dragon ball won't be too tough for him of course he is gonna have a very different mindset growing up though so let's say he ends up with a roshi eventually training with him and krillin going into a tournament and even if he faces threats beforehand like the pilof gang or the red ribbon army they're obviously gonna be no issue to it but the tournaments are where we start to see some real change goku would definitely win these tournaments jackie chun wouldn't even be able to stop him roshi's amazed at goku's power he knew he was a prodigy and all after seeing him perform the kamehameha so easily but goku is just growing so quickly he can't even keep up with it and that's where his different mindset comes in he beats jackie chun and this doesn't make him evil or anything but he loses an important lesson he basically thinks he's unstoppable and in his defense he basically is unstoppable right now but without getting that valuable lesson that he gained in the main story it's definitely gonna affect his actions moving forward roshi only hopes that this could be taught somehow goku's just growing too strong which is great but also he doesn't want to corrupt him goku is thankfully pure of heart and that's really all that matters to roshi as long as he keeps his pureness and nothing overtakes it it shouldn't be too big of a concern right we fast forward to the 22nd world tournament it's a pretty similar story here goku wins against tenshinhan pretty easily in fact as he continues trading his power source even higher higher than he can even imagine or really fathom 10 would be no issue for him but he is going to face his first struggle in a while not a struggle in battle but a mental struggle the pilof gang was lucky enough to survive their first encounter with goku meaning king piccolo eventually is revived of course this leads to krillin's death and goku feels rage like he's never felt before he's never encountered something like this he's lived a pretty good life so far of course he doesn't really know his origin but everything in his life has been awesome he's made great friends along the way he's grown a lot stronger and he's never faced any real challenge but now he's confronting death it's not something he's unfamiliar with i mean look at the red ribbon arc too but this is the death of someone close to him krillin his best friend it's such a shock to him it's so jarring he realizes he may be infallible but everyone around him they're not even with his amazing strength something that he's recognized by now that doesn't mean that everyone else is automatically protected and something snaps within goku he feels this rage for the first time ever and it's overpowering whoever did this he can't let them get away with it he failed to protect his friend but most importantly it means krillin is gone goku partially feels guilt for not being able to protect him but it's mainly focused on the fact that krillin is actually dead in general it shakes him through his poor and the anger explodes he morphs into something different his oar it flares up a golden key surrounds him and while he can't really see it he undergoes physical transformations as well his hair it turns golden it spikes up his eyes change color as he transforms the abilities and collapses with this power overflowing he lets his anger control it he doesn't know what this is but he doesn't question it he'll use it to defeat whoever killed krillin unknowingly he's transformed into a super saiyan utilizing this newfound power on top of the power that he already possessed goku moves quickly he calls for nimbus but for some reason he can't ride it it's only making him even more frustrated he charges up even more energy and begins levitating the raw amount of power he has he could fly instinctively he heads out seeking out anyone that he could find that monster that killed krillin he finds tambourine with one attack he's killed goku makes quick work flying around finding the rest of piccolo's kids killing them too nobody knows what's happening of course goku stops a lot of the attacks before they even occur but they see some sort of golden energy flying around and they hear all these explosions roshi's worried at some point they learn of krillin's death and that golden thing in the sky it flies towards them it's goku he's undergone some sort of transformation they could barely recognize him what the hell happened goku says he doesn't know either but whoever's responsible for this they're going to pay all of them roshi tells goku to wait but goku looks back at him the stare that he gives roshi shakes him this isn't the goku he knows this is what he was worried about this raw power it's gonna overtake him it's gonna go to his head especially whatever this new transformation is goku's about to fly out again but someone teleports it goku immediately tries to attack him he looks like those other people that he just killed but luckily this person's able to teleport out of the way in the nick of time he tells goku to just wait he isn't who he thinks he is it's calm he watches from his lookout and he can't just stand by the situation is far too dire for that if he does nothing goku will probably go out of control destroying earth and kami tries to explain as quickly as possible this is king piccolo's doing and he explains who he is too that's all goku needed to know he flies out again locating king piccolo and kami tries to teleport to wherever he is he needs to stop goku before things get out of hand goku arrives finding king piccolo himself and king piccolo is speechless he doesn't know who this is and more importantly he doesn't know if this is an opponent he could face at all comey then teleports it and on a whim he tries to use his power to seal king piccolo away he can't let goku kill him if goku kills piccolo then he dies too and without tommy's guidance goku will surely never gain control it leaves him exhausted but he's successful kami's able to steal pink piccolo away and goku watches out confused he's even more frustrated he wanted to kill king piccolo for what he did but kami tries to explain more he's here to help goku he promises this rage it's too violent it needs to be stopped he's not a threat but he could tell that goku's power might be a threat goku might bring about his own destruction if he doesn't learn to contain this power and that's what kami's here for sure he doesn't actually know what this power is but he can at least infer that it's pretty destructive thankfully goku ends up de-transforming he calms down a bit he doesn't know what that power was either and he asked kami if he's the creator of the dragon balls and king piccolo is already collecting them can he at least go summon shenron he wants to bring his friend back and kami is actually pretty speechless at this yeah he's perfectly fine with that goku's completely changed his demeanor that power definitely was controlling him he's seeing the true goku now he's so much calmer and whatever that power was it's gone at least temporarily the dragon balls are gathered and shenron has summoned revive and krillin king piccolo and his sons were stopped but now goku faces a new challenge it's something that's always been present in goku's life but goku never realized that could be bad the fact that he doesn't know his own ceiling has potential he doesn't know how to control his power he has so much of it and now he's reached a new height they have no idea of what it is but kami is determined he's going to help goku this is the next step in his training come to the lookout he has the perfect place for goku to go goku is getting more concerned too he doesn't know what that power was and he doesn't really want to take over him again but kami tells him not to worry he sees goku's calm side goku is just acting in the moment in a more controlled environment while also knowing about the power goku should theoretically be able to have a better control in it nakami has the perfect place for it the room of spirit and time of course it's pretty intense but he thinks that goku will be able to handle it it's a secluded room and goku can just stay alone with his thoughts growing stronger by training in there and also hopefully harnessing that power that he has goku is kind of nervous at first but he enters the thermosphere in time and he's actually kind of able to handle it sure it's still very strenuous but he could actually stay in here and he's going to keep what kami said in mind he's going to learn to control his power not just for himself but everyone else he doesn't want to put them at risk because he's too strong plus with his power he could protect those around him he recognizes his immense potential and as i mentioned he's grown up with a much different mindset than he had in the normal story and this is where we truly get to see it goku spends a year in the room of spirit in time training growing stronger not only physically but mentally too by trying to tap into the same emotion that he felt with krillin died he's able to access this power again he doesn't know what it is but he just refers to it as super goku because he has no other real name for it and the power is awesome the more he uses it the better he learns to control it and the more he trains with it the stronger he grows it's exponential think of it he has frieza potential here that's the whole plot of the story plus he already has super saiyan plus he's training in the room of spirit and time intense training for a long amount of time plus the power of a super saiyan that's an equation that's definitely gonna lead to a lot of power goku exits the room a spirit of time in this scenario two he's gonna keep his tail kami sees no reason to remove it because he's more so focused on controlling that other power that goku had honestly he doesn't even know if he's going to be physically strong enough to remove goku's tail but that's besides the point for now he's glad to see that goku control his power not to mention two goku's older not just in terms of his actual age but he looks older too he was in the room of spirit in time for a year and it seems he already went through a growth spurt but he's still going to spend some more time training with tommy maybe even some more time in the room of spirit and time i've said time so much within the past few seconds anyways goku continues his training focusing more on the mental aspects of the physical ones now he's training more with khan his mentality is just as important as his physical strength and that's mostly what they focus on there's not too much in terms of technique that kane could teach him maybe the mafuba but everything else goku is just so strong that he doesn't really need anything from kami their time would be better spent on this fortifying his mind and spirit goku also learns to use his power much more effectively at first was a bit draining which is why he detransformed the first time it was the first time he's really felt his stamina drain at all at least to a severe extent but now he can utilize his form with 100 efficiency he's so incredibly powerful and he doesn't even know it yet of course he knows he's beyond anyone here on earth but he doesn't know to what extent he's beyond them thankfully he has a good heart this power is not going to be used for evil the 23rd world tournament happens and of course goku wins with pretty much no challenge at all there's no piccolo there and pretty much anyone else won't be able to face him but now we enter a little bit of a time skip goku gets married to chichi but also doesn't lose sight of his train that experience with krillin he keeps it in mind he doesn't want to lose control ever again and serve his motivation motivation room to train his mind and body but also he wants to grow stronger in general so yeah of course he's going to keep training one big change here is that once gohan is born he's going to be way stronger than normal also with way more potential than normal he inherits some of goku's insane latent power plus with him being a hybrid and all well you can imagine that his potential is going to be basically on a crack here once again just like with goku they're in the midst of a potentially really powerful warrior without even knowing it and soon enough raditz shows up ready to retrieve kakarot but there's no real challenge this time the second rat tries to kidnap gohan gohan fights back rage overpowers him and gohan's power explodes raditz's scouter goes off exploding his face it can't even read gohan's power with one single attack go on headbutts rats fling him far away into the ocean as gohan jumps up in the air instinctively launching a blast at him everyone at comey house watches on from the distance seeing a massive mushroom cloud with gohan then flying back to the island yeah flying and goku watches on just as speechless as everyone else oh crap this never even crossed his mind the same issues that he had as a kid gohan's gonna have them and probably even more also a four-year-old just killed a random alien from space he's probably gonna have some issues growing up everyone here is gonna need therapy jokes aside though goku realizes now what he must do he needs to give that same sort of training to gohan he's seen bits of gohan's power but never to this extent and worries him he sees himself and gohan which is good but also bad but as long as they can get to the root of it before it's too late they should be fine but remember gohan's potential might even be higher than goku's and that's what worries what if he gets too strong too strong to the point where even goku can't do anything about it well they doubt they'll ever get to that point goku is so incredibly powerful too that yeah even gohan might not be able to face it but that also begs the question they didn't even really get to get any info at a rat so what's happening next rattus threatened them and was immediately killed little do they know the saiyans are about to arrive of course this doesn't really concern anyone else with goku there they're not going to face any threats so for the next year until the saiyans arrive goku is going to start training gohan unaware of a threat even approaching goku is now a little bit concerned about gohan if he has the same potential as him if not more that's going to make things really tricky going forward especially if gohan doesn't control his power thankfully he has the perfect person to train with goku himself someone who faced a similar problem before and got over it now gohan's not going to be getting super saiyan anytime soon unless he goes through some traumatic event like goku did but his base power alone is still concerning not for goku but for everyone else around him imagine if gohan were to lose control again like that do you see how he instinctively killed raditz right there it could definitely cause some issues so goku starts training with him trying to control that anger but more so trying to just get gohan to become a fighter in general gigi is actually fine with this because she's just a concern too if gohan's going to be focusing on studying at all he's going to need to get over this first right now goku and roshi are basically teaching him the principles of fighting first he needs to learn to control his key at the very least and then he needs to learn how to actually fight somewhat effectively of course he still is a kid so they don't expect him to be an amazing fighter but they still can't teach him the fundamentals at the very least unbeknownst to goku though the saiyans are going to come to earth of course they didn't hear any mention of the dragon balls that's not why they're coming they're coming because goku killed rabbit so easily or at least that's what they assumed they don't know that it was actually gohan's fault and it wasn't even purposeful it was just on accident still warranted though at least a year passes gohan is becoming much better as a fighter and he's kind of learning to control his strength the only bad thing is goku and gohan can't really train with anyone else they just have to train with each other because they're so far beyond everyone else that training with them wouldn't be too effective but they send some strong powers coming towards earth kami warns them of it too and goku is a little bit excited about this actually finally some strong fighters well he hopes so apparently they might be related to rattus somehow maybe they're more saiyans and that's exactly what they are they arrive on earth but just before they're about to level a city goku and gohan arrive and vegeta and napa are amazed they got here so quickly okay that's not really that weird maybe they were just nearby but they also noticed their scouters for a second there was a power surge first they detected nothing and then the scouters started going haywire they couldn't even get a proper reading on the power level goku tells them if they're gonna do this they're gonna have to do it somewhere else so vegeta and napa oblige a little bit amused that kakarot thinks he can command them but hey whatever they'll give him some choice of where he gets to die so they asked him what happened with raditz oh goku actually wasn't the one to kill him he points to gohan wait the child did he's part saiyan so yeah that probably explains it he's a hybrid saiyan he must be really strong but it's way more than vegeta or napa could ever imagine hybrid saying or not the fact that he killed raditz pretty much effortlessly and on accident that may be cause for concern and he doesn't have that power under control it seems nope goku says he actually does have it under patrol now they spent the past year training they didn't actually know the two standards come here but this is the perfect time to test out their strength and goku is really curious to see how strong these two are he tells them fight him right now hold nothing back he wants to see all the power that they've got they ask him if he's really sure and goku nods well he asked for it don't say they didn't warn him the two of them power up to their fullest and goku is a bit confused is is that all they have they're not holding back are they vegeta's have been angry at this is he mocking them no goku actually did expect more power but vegeta tells him this is strong this is the strength of an elite warrior napa is strong but not on the level of vegeta although the fact that kakarot's even underwhelmed by napa is still pretty interesting he's a low class say he should be way below the two of them the two are frustrated and immediately launched towards goku and goku fights with no effort at all he doesn't even power up actually he tries fighting with one hand and he's able to do it and then one finger how much power does kakarot have in reserve this can't be some sort of trick can it and that's why goku's disappointed he expected more out of them and they're confused is kakarot a super saiyan or something wait a super saiyan what's that no there's no way he'd be a super saiyan he's too stupid to even know what it is but then goku feels like he knows what he's talking about wait that's super saiyan is is that a transformation or something vegeta and napa don't know how to react to this they thought it was just a state of being but maybe it's a transformation they don't know for sure okay goku actually has something to ask them he transformed as a super saiyan he still doesn't know what this is and ask them is this what a super saiyan is he's had it for a while and he never actually knew what to call it he just called it super goku vegeta and nap are speechless completely stunned there's no doubt about it that that has to be a super saiyan like what else could that be and that explains why kakarot's so strong well not fully because he was still strong in base but they don't know they attribute that to the super saiyan part of him but why is gohan so strong then does he have super saiyan goku powers back down no he's just a normal kid well as normal as a half alien kid can be and vegeta theorizes maybe because he's the son of a super saiyan but goku says he didn't always have super saiyan yeah he's had it for a while but he'd never had it at birth vegeta and napa are completely confused but they want to learn more about this and more importantly they want to use this power hopefully it'll be used to defeat frieza and goku tells him too his power can go higher not just in vase but it's super saiyan he was still a little bit suppressed he just wanted to show them to ask the question but frieza he's never heard that name before he asked them who that is and vegeta and napa began explaining that's why they came here in the first place oh well it's a shame that raddus died but goku thinks he kind of deserves it because he did try to kidnap gohan so what gohan did was kind of warranted even if it was on accident and goku's not too fond of these two either how should he know that he could trust them well they say frieza poses no immediate threat to earth but he's still out there somewhere and if goku wants a good fight which is what he keeps saying frieza might be the perfect opponent they wanted him to fight frieza in the first place and goku is curious is frieza really that strong vegeta says he has no clue of what frieza's strength is but hey best case scenario they get to kill frieza using goku's power and goku might be able to get a good fight out of it they're not too sure and they can't promise anything but they tell goku at worst he'd be doing the universe a big favor if he truly is stronger than frieza but at best he gets a good fight out of it although there is the risk that frieza's too strong for him they don't know where his power can go to but that same idea applies to goku they don't know how high his power goes either so they ask goku show his full power alright goku obliges he transforms into a super saiyan powering up to his max they tell him to do it slowly because if he powers up too quickly their scouters are probably gonna overload and they watch as the numbers slowly rise quickly going out of the thousands to the hundred thousand range and then into the millions and as goku continues powering up suddenly the scouters explode there's no way it's power it's in the millions probably even above that oh cool goku didn't know there was a way to quantify strength at that with the power and he asks is that good well yeah in comparison that them that's huge they tell him for reference rattus was decently strong at least compared to everyone here on earth and he wasn't even at 2 000 in terms of power this gives goku some idea of where he is at least in comparison to the rest of the humans they're probably in the couple hundreds while he's in the couple millions or maybe tens of millions or maybe hundreds of millions he doesn't even know because they don't have any scouters anymore but this also did send a signal to frieza with this huge power surging somewhere random in the universe of course frieza's army would pick up on it it was so strong that it would be weird if they didn't pick up on it freeze is immediately alerted and wonders what could this possibly be apparently this is an area where vegeta and napa are right now because the signals did come from their scouters too but also the power reached frieza's base it was so strong that it traveled all the way across the universe and frieza has no other choice he's gonna mobilize his troops going to earth he wants to see what this power is those readings that they got on all their scouters apparently the last reading on vegeta napa scouters were in the tens of millions and frieza wants to see if that's true because if so this could be someone that matches his strength which he kind of doubts maybe it's a fluke but hey he'll also figure out what vegeta and napa are up to because they went here for some reason and he doesn't know why in the meantime vegeta and napa remain on earth trying to learn more about super saiyan and just kakarot in general why is he so freakishly strong because even basically was like this and goku says even before he got super saiyan his strength was off the charts they have no idea what this is super saiyan doesn't seem to be something that's genetic it might just be a transformation akin to something like grade 8 because goku did have great ape as well which doesn't really mean much but it just tells them the power might not be attributed to this transformation and goku also learns that his tale was the key to grade 8. interesting he'll keep that in mind he kind of knew before when his tail was removed that first time and eventually regrew back but who knows maybe in the future he'll revisit grade 8 for some reason with this training vegeta and napa don't really get to learn much it's not like they just learned super saiyan that quickly the whole point is goku's potential is so huge that he was able to access it in that moment of rage while also being freakishly strong beforehand and again goku's not really too fond of these guys and doesn't really care too much about frieza either so he's not just going to leave earth and fight to freeze him but he's fine trying to teach them whatever this is because he doesn't think that they can defeat him somehow so if he taught them this power which might not even be possible goku would still probably be ahead of them in terms of strength but thankfully for vegeta and napa they're not gonna have to drag goku to fight frieza because frieza's coming to them goku senses one day there's a very strong power heading towards earth vegeta and nap are confused oh yeah they forgot he could sense stuff without scouters that must be freezing there's no other way around it from what goku is saying it's malicious power and it's strong but not as strong as him that gives them hope that definitely means it's frieza approaching and it means that goku might be enough to defeat him and frieza's also bringing an army with him well vegeta napa say that's no issue they'll take care of the army and tell goku to only focus on frieza he can't draw his attention away from the emperor vegeta and napa become earth's first line of defense and they're not doing it to protect earth more so to just have fun killing all frieza's army and as the army descends on earth thankfully they draw this army to a wasteland as vegeta and napa begin fighting them going all out glad to just be using the army as punching bags basically and meanwhile frieza goes up to goku himself also seeing gohan interesting there was another saiyan that he didn't know about it apparently he has a brat he chuckles so this is why vegeta and nappa came here they thought they were going to recruit another saiyan to help defeat his army well his soldiers might be weaklings and that explains why vegeta and napo are able to defeat them but even with goku's help there's no way they would have defeated frieza did they really think this would work and goku says he only learned to frieza a few weeks ago not even he doesn't care about him or whatever but he heard that he might be strong and might lead to a good fight these apes they're so primitive only thinking about fighting and such and goku tells frieza he's been looking for an opponent like this and he tells frieza to hold nothing back is is he being mocked right now hold nothing back if he didn't hold back everything he would be destroyed and goku tells him he's confident he can take on frieza whatever his full power is really he really wants to test that out well okay frieza powers up going to his 100 power and goku is actually pretty elated still though this isn't as strong as he expected vegeta and napa promised a great fight and maybe this is the closest he can get to that goku starts fighting frieza pretty effortlessly in fact but as frieza's getting more and more serious goku is getting hyped up too he's still only in base not even using super saiyan but he's actually having to try against frieza something he's never done before and he wonders maybe gohan could fight him what is he serious that brat that child he thinks that he could fight frieza frieza's really pissed off now even more so at the fact that he can't even kill goku nothing that he tries is working and he can tell this eight might actually be a problem goku even hinted at something during the fight the fact that he has another transformation wait a second could could he be a super saiyan he doesn't want to test out the theory so instead frieza's going to end this quickly he goes up into the sky he begins charging an attack goku waits there hoping that frieza is going to aim something powerful at him but as frieza charges the attack he changes direction he aims a full powered blast down towards earth ready to blow it up and just end this on the spot but before this blast could even hit earth goku is about to jump in front of it but someone else is faster and gets in front of goku it's gohan and for a brief second gohan powers up the defensive earth he tries to knock the blast back and something strange happens his hair it turns golden his key flares up and goku looks on amazed he did it already for a brief second gohan went into super saiyan launching a massive blast that not only destroys frieza's attack but also launches right towards frieza killing him and just as quickly as the transformation appeared it disappears gohan powers back down into base goku is impressed and he's pretty proud of his son but also at the same time he's concerned this is just like rabbits it's kind of funny when you think about it like that but not as funny when you consider the fact that he's a super saiyan and can possibly destroy everything if you lose a control like that again and goku was also kind of bumped he expected more of a fight out of frieza his base form was enough to match his 100 strength and if he went super saiyan it would have been incredibly easy but was that the strongest person in the universe that vegeta and napo were talking about and it lets goku recognize a few things for one he needs to work with gohan more but also goku might actually be the strongest thing in the universe at least in terms of the people that they know of if that was the strongest possible opponent he could face how is he supposed to train how is he supposed to get stronger if he has no one else to motivate him to get stronger like he could just keep growing in strength but how will he utilize that strength if no one could fight him will he ever truly be able to have fun in a fight after that display of power from gohan and goku of course vegeta and napa are flabbergasted it's odd because first they were coming here with the intent of killing goku and now they realize that's completely impossible they just wiped out frieza with pretty much no effort at all and it wasn't even goku that did it it was gohan it was an accident actually when you look at it and that absolutely freaks vegeta and nap out these two aren't just super saiyans they're they're something else and it's concerning but vegeta and napa still do want to learn about super saiyan the fact that gohan got it means that it's not just goku that's one of them of course maybe super saiyan is something that's genetic and that's why gohan has it because he is a goku's son but that also leaves the possibility of super saiyan being inherent to all saiyans actually and there's only one way to find out if that's true train for it try and figure out the secret to unlocking super saiyan of course goku and gohan are completely different from any other stains that they've seen before but they could look at the scenarios that caused them to transform intense anger just intense emotion in general that seems to be the key and they decide they're going to stay here on earth of course the group doesn't trust them at all but ultimately it's up to goku to decide what to do with them the humans can't defeat these two saiyans so even if they wanted to they're powerless against them but goku definitely can and that reassures them if vegeta and napa do act up somehow goku and even gohan can definitely defeat them and if goku says it's okay for them to be here then their final thing goku definitely will keep them in check too vegeta and napa can't really do anything just as the humans are aware of goku's power against them vegeta and napa know that they shouldn't act out against goku but more importantly he's focused on controlling gohan's power and he knows exactly where to take it a place where he was before the room of spirit and time there is a bit of an issue with this goku's been in the room of spirit of time for over a year by now at least before when he was training with connie he only really has a few months of time left in there at least until kami upgrades it if that's possible but luckily for him he doesn't really need much more time even if he and gohan are only in there half a year it should be more than enough exactly the amount of time they need it'll allow goku to get stronger and it'll help him control gohan's power too most importantly he's going to help gohan get a grasp on super safe something that he initially had issues with but now that he knows more about it and the fact that he went through this exact thing himself it should be a lot easier unlike goku gohan's not going to be going through this alone he has help and it's not just help from some outside force like kami it's someone who went through the exact same thing he had the two of them spent some time in there and it's imperative that they do this because if they don't go on can explode with anger at any time of course this training does help goku a lot getting a lot stronger he tries to ascend super saiyan somehow he's already practiced enough with it and he wants to see if he can go beyond it but of course his focus isn't only on that a lot of time is spent controlling gohan's power not only improving him as a fighter but improving his access to super saiyan first goku teaches him to access it at will and this significantly helps with him controlling it now it's not just going to happen with random outbursts of anger it happens when gohan wants to summon that power and with gohan being able to use this power at will he can train with goku as long as he wants with both of their insane growths gohan encounters strides and power that goku had too he's eventually able to master super saiyan pretty quickly which this isn't really that outlandish especially considering the scenario here like in the main story one year in the room's spirit of time was enough for gohan to not only get super saiyan but master it too and in this scenario he has more potential and he already had super saiyan to begin with this is probably one of the most tame things so far in the series but that also begs the question with how great both of the potentials are i feel like it's safe to say that they're not just gonna master super saiyan here well goku already has but with him aiming to go above it and with gohan mastering it so quickly i think it is definitely within the realm of possibility that they discover a power beyond super saiyan beyond grade four of normal super saiyan goku gets something new an evolution in power that he didn't know existed but he suspected existed now he has that confirmation this is what he'll call super saiyan 2 a significant increase in power from regular super saiyan but not a significant change in how he looks but there's also another thing at the back of goku's mind something that he's not really going to address now but he's been kind of concerned about for a while gohan has a tail still just like goku of course goku hasn't had to worry about great ape in so long they simply just stay out of the moonlight but they feel like at this point they can't just live like that they either have to get rid of their tails or find some way to master grade 8. yeah it might be a step back in terms of power but think about it imagine if an accident were to happen where somehow they were exposed to moonlight who would be able to stop either of them if one of them turns to a great ape and a blind rampage that'll be the end of them their friends and probably earth as a whole but like i said goku is not going to address that just yet he's only kind of concerned about it right now and he'd rather just keep that in the back of his mind so besides goku gohan what else is happening well vegeta still ends up with bulma i mean come on how could i not do that and as for napa he's just there we don't need to set everyone up with someone napa's fine with being a bachelor just like yamcha the two of them probably bond over this too but more importantly vegeta and app are focused on getting super saiyan so they are doing their normal training but on top of that they're trying to learn as much as they can from goku who just now learned a new evolution of super saiyan great they're incredibly far behind so they know it comes from intense emotions but goku also describes how it feels to transform and yeah maybe if these guys are universe 6 saiyans that were just gifted a bunch of s cells this would work for them but no they don't have that luxury and even if we did go with the essels explanation they wouldn't really qualify for that but that's besides the point they do have one idea though the rumor spirit in time just like goku and gohan did they decide to enter in there and it's not like super saiyan's gonna come easily to them but with how intense the rumor spirit of time is especially the deeper they go into it it helps them with their training and every day they try and make a little bit more progress trying to go deeper into the room of spirit in time basically torturing themselves and at some point out of necessity right when they're due to exit the two of them are finally able to unlock super saiyan but they don't have a control in it it was out of necessity but now they know what it feels like and they know they could probably tap into it again they don't need to train in here forever they can train back on the outside it's a huge development and the two exit now proud to be super saiyans meanwhile raddus is in hell basically just missing out on everything and screaming no one likes to revive him there's no reason to and everyone's a super saiyan besides him he continues maulding but nobody cares and yeah everyone training is great and all but there's still other developments going on i mean the villains aren't just going to be sitting there doing nothing jareau for example he's still working on something his project is going to be very different this time though he doesn't even work on the other androids instead he focuses on cell specifically trying to speed him up cell is going to be so strong that he decides it's best to focus all his efforts on him 17 18 they don't even become a thing it's too much effort to kidnap people and turn on the cyborgs against their will why not just work on this guy giro is going to speed up the process of cell's development although there is one drawback he doesn't know if cell could truly attain perfection cell was born and perfect to begin with but at least in the main story he had the other two androids to rely on here cell's full potential is never realized because jerome never bothers to perfect him cell is basically a framework of what he should be and at some point he has awoken much earlier than normal although he resents his creator he realizes he could have been so much more he could have been truly perfect sure he's incredibly powerful as is but now he has to go on this journey himself to become perfect try and figure out a way to find perfection somehow and he has no idea of where to start and jerome thinks that cell's going to be under his control but with the amount of power cell has and the resentment he holds towards toro that's not happening jero is immediately killed and cell is now ready to terrorize the world think about how strong he'd be here he has all of goku and frieza's potential not to mention everyone else on earth basically but this still isn't enough for him because he knows he could have been much more than this but he knows one thing's certain even if he's not perfect yet he's gonna pursue goku maybe if he steals power right from the source of the strongest person he could think of that could help him achieve perfection him gohan hell even though they're weaker vegeta and napa too he could steal some from them they'll make great snacks at worst but at best it could lead him down towards the path to perfection at first he starts by attacking a random city absorbing all the people there sure they make for nice streets but they don't really add too much to his power he continues on this feeding frenzy and he does see a marginal increase in strength but it's not really enough this is mainly just to satiate his appetite but also it does serve another purpose drawing out goku and gohan having them directly come to him instead i mean it's the perfect plan and it's less work for him it's a win-win because he doesn't have to seek out goku which wouldn't really be too hard in the first place and he gets some snacks in the meantime of course at some point though goku is going to send sells power if not that he's going to hear about these cities just randomly having people disappearing and he's going to want to check it out oh yeah little side note no heart virus here i'm not going to do that like i said at the beginning of the scenario it's going to be a bit outlandish to begin with so i'm going to have fun with it and what won't be fun is trying to figure out a way to work around this and include another timeline so yeah full disclosure i'm simply just going to choose to ignore it here anyways goku and cells stare each other down cell's elated but goku has no idea who this guy is he's a bit concerned though his energy feels strange almost familiar in a way and he wonders why cell is so happy to see it cell explains who he is and why he's here and goku can see now the reason cell's energy feels like that the reason he's as strong as he is could he actually be as powerful as he seems if he's genetically engineered to be stronger and kill goku and the fact that he does have goku's dna in general that means he could potentially be a challenge for goku on one hand goku is excited at this prospect he's always wanted to fight someone strongly someone that would actually be a challenge to him but on the other hand he thinks about it goku recognizes his power his immense potential and he realizes if cell is actually as strong as he seems will he actually stand a chance against him and beyond that if he loses who would be able to stop cell it seems like there's no way around this there's only one thing to do now an all-out battle between goku and cell this will be goku's first real challenge and not like frieza it's an actual challenge cell power's up and in response goku goes into super saiyan 2 right away he's not holding anything back if cell truly is as strong as he claims he'll be able to handle this and the two launching towards each other goku feels exhilarating battle spirit flare-up within him it's the first time he's able to use super saiyan 2 in a fight actually any transformation in general he's used these forms before but he's had to use them against gohan as a training partner any other time he's used them well it was basically just to show off against someone like vegeta he's never actually successfully used them in combat for fun because it just ends everything in one shot here he could actually fight he could display this power at its full potential actually use it what it was meant for battle and goku also notices cell might actually be a little bit ahead of him but goku is more so amazed by the fact that he could actually utilize his power for once but he can't let that distract him of course it's a huge development but at the same time he has to consider what's happening here thankfully goku is not alone he sends us another power surgeon nearby gohan flies it he sensed all this going on wanted to check out who goku was fighting the fact that he was using super saiyan 2 was concerning because who the hell could he be using it against and gohan sees his father's having an actual challenge for once they're going to get to fight together at their full strength and goku looks to gohan asking if he's ready and gohan smiles saying that he's been waiting for this being able to use his power and fighting alongside his father it's part of what they've been training towards for so long it's a pivotal moment in both of their lives as fighters and now the real battle begins cell shows off more of a strength but now that the two of them are facing him he actually might have a challenge here of course cell's potential is immense and as he fights his growth is apparent he would probably grow so quickly that even in the battle it's noticeable and that lets goku and gohan realize they need to finish this as quick as they can if they don't cell might grow too strong and there's also another thing cell tries to absorb them taking their power if even one of them gets stabbed for just a little bit of time cell will take enough energy to become so strong that they won't be able to defeat him and goku turns to gohan so before they did train for gohan and get super saiyan but he was never able to help gohan access super saiyan 2 and he tells gohan this is the opportunity use this as the catalyst if he can turn into a super saiyan 2 right now cell will not be able to stop them and together they'll defeat this monster winning the battle having fun and protecting earth and their friends gohan realizes this the responsibility to win here and thankfully for the two of them they are feeling intense emotion during this battle remember what i said it's the first time they actually get to have a real fight like this and the first time they're facing a real threat a real challenge it's basically unheard of for them the two of them start losing ground cell begins getting ahead there's no way they'll stop him he'll become the perfect being he'll steal their power and destroy everything here becoming the strongest thing in the universe completely unstoppable but as he continues taunting them gohan's rage flares up his determination to stop cell his determination to win his say in blood is pumping and he needs to access this power with an explosion a key he transforms and goku immediately recognizes super saiyan 2. and for a brief second he's elated but it tells gohan in case the power is fleeting now's the time to strike don't focus on the fact that he unlocked it instead immediately use it channel that energy into a final attack gohan rushes into cell grabbing his tail swinging him around and flinging him towards goku cells able to stop himself midair but goku didn't just sit there he rushed towards cell as well kicking him right back towards gohan gohan delivers an uppercut sending himself flying into the sky good now he's away from the surface the two of them stand together side by side mid-air they each charge a kamehameha snow looks down from above quickly he charges his own launching it right down to earth and at goku and gohan if they don't overpower it not only will they die but earth will be destroyed more of a reason for them to win with all their strength they launch their beatings the father-son kamehameha overpowers cells cell tries even more power but there's nothing left he curses jerome this could have been avoided he could have won hadron not been so hasty noticing goku's immense growth he could have just taken his time and actually made cell perfect but no he slept up here and sell paid the price that's the last thought going through his head as he gets erased by the father-son tomahawk goku and gohan power down breathing heavily that was their first challenge and they won they smile and start laughing together so goku defeated his greatest challenge yet with the help of gohan of course a fighter genetically engineered to kill him someone that was designed to be just as strong as goku and have the same crazy potential as him so who could possibly face him now of course he's delighted he finally got that all-out battle that he wanted he finally got to test his powers against someone who is his equal or at least above that maybe he jumped the gun when he thought that there was no one to actually challenge him there could be people out there that he doesn't know of yet and he welcomes the challenge he knows that someday he might encounter someone else strong and at the same time earth will be safe he'll use his power to defend his friends he has a newfound motivation there could be great fights waiting and great threats lurking about that need to be fought against and now we enter somewhat of a time skip that same seven year timescape that we saw normally although of course there's a bunch of differences here one thing worth noting is goten is born and just like gohan goku is immediately concerned about how he's gonna act the thing is he got gohan under control so even though goten is going to be incredibly powerful and have insane latent potential it's proven that he's been able to control it not just with himself but gohan too so he's kind of worried at first with goten but then he's comforted by this knowledge and there is another issue with goten he is also born with the tail we haven't really talked about it much but i did briefly mention the last part goku still does have his tail so does gohan and yeah i know at a certain point saiyans aren't born with tails just because they're so strong that they don't need them but here we're giving them a tale for a reason this tale on goten serves as a reminder to goku oh yeah he remembers from before he wanted to see if he can control great apes somehow because he still is concerned about him and gohan but also goten too goku always kind of brushes to the side because they just ignored the moon and tried to not look at it which isn't really a great way to live they could cut off the tail but at the same time goku realized that there could be something there he could use it to achieve some sort of new power so that's why he saved it but he just kind of forgot about it focusing on super saiyan 2 and trying to go beyond that but maybe that's the key getting control over the great ape form that way they won't have to worry about turning into great apes anymore not to mention maybe they can unlock a new sort of power from that and it's kind of a necessity now because there's three great apes to worry about not just himself but gohan and goten if either of them transforms it's probably game over for earth unless they're quick enough to stop a great ape which is still possible there is the rest that one of them transforms goes berserk and blows everything up not the best outcome so they're going to want to avoid that instead of completely just removing the tail they're going to practice with the power that comes from it learn from it also over this time period both goku and gohan are still training with the immense potential that he was gifted gohan is still motivated also with the fact that goku's still around unlike in the main story where he died so goku is definitely going to be a good influence in terms of training both of them are training together they are the best training partners for each other after all growing a lot stronger over time as gohan grows up and something interesting is about to happen a tournament you know it could be fun to enter of course goku knows that he's likely going to be the finalist there as is gohan but hey for old time's sake why not enter the tournament also chichi would probably want this because it's an easy way for them to earn money they already know that by default either goku or gohan is gonna win but also there's another thing here the two of them could fight each other all out there's a motivation here to do so of course they can do this anytime but in a different setting like this it could be really fun and videl also does kind of pressure gohan into it the same man stuff still happens by the way so the two go on and do this just for fun but also because they're being encouraged too seems like they have no other choice they need to do this and they're looking forward to it but there's also one other development that i want to cover and that's vegeta and napa of course they unlocked super saiyan last time and they've been growing a lot stronger ever since they know that they're never going to reach the level of kakarot something that they didn't really expect to happen but in a weird twist of fate they're actually kind of following goku definitely by now they would have assimilated and the two find a rivalry within each other of course they are still amazed by goku's power and do want to achieve that same level one day but they don't think it's gonna be possible it seems you're just born a mutant or something but the two have each other by this point they're around the same strength although vegeta is ahead of napa but it's to the point where they could actually fight each other going all out in their battles growing stronger together their camaraderie flourishes and now instead of an expendable soldier vegeta actually views napa as a worthy rival a weird turn of events and the two live on earth pretty peacefully they're definitely gonna be entering the tournament too so at the start of the tournament not much of note happens of course piccolo's not gonna be here and any of the human fighters on the dragon team will of course be any of the normal humans there but then we see the fight between videl and spokovic and for a brief moment gohan's anger flares up and this is really bad goku already knows how gohan could lose control they have tamed it but still he is concerned seeing something like this could be disastrous but luckily before things get too bad it stopped and it let shin and kabito see gohan's power as well as smokovich and yamu once kibito is up to fight gohan they make a pretty great mistake here they're still going with their normal plan trying to get gohan's energy to be absorbed so they could follow supervision yamu and find bobbidy's ship so kabito cokes his gohan is powering up which he does smokepovich is able to attack and just as quickly as he attacks he escapes he and yama are amazed the amount of energy that they gathered no this can't be right they barely just stabbed gohan but in that very short time frame it looks like they got more than enough energy for buu they fly over with immense speed back towards bobby's ship and he's elated exactly what he wanted actually more than what he expected too of course the group has caught up with kibito and shin learning about their plan and such as well as who they are and why they're here but by the time they start heading over to bobby's ship it's already far too late they sense an ominous energy and and kabuto realized the massive flaw in their plan they didn't realize how strong goku and gohan were hell even goten too even though they thought they were only giving them a little bit of energy it turns out they were giving them way more than they expected when kibito saw gohan's power he was a little bit worried about this because gohan's power was insane and this just confirms that great they screwed it up they basically caused buu's revival there's no other explanation for it that ominous energy they sense it's gotta be boo in the distance they see a massive explosion of steep rushing over towards the ship by the time they arrive they see a massive crater in the ground and they watch as deborah has turned into a cookie eaten by boo the only two people still standing there are bobbidy and boo himself and bobbidy looks up at them greeting them the supreme kai what a nice surprise he thanks them all for their energy without their help but would have taken a lot longer to revive but thanks to whatever stunt those kai's pulled now they have more than enough buu is here finally awoken once again shin and kabito are incredibly concerned but the group isn't really too concerned these two were saying that boo was a really strong guy and he definitely is the group could tell but they're also not considering the fact of how strong goku and gohan are remember this scenario is based around the fact that they have frieza's potential here they have been constantly training for years on it and besides the fact that gohan actually has more potential than goku even just a little bit of training alone with that potential would be more than enough both of them are actually pretty confident boo shouldn't be too hard to defeat hell they could probably even do it in their base form bobbidy says that's a lot of tough talk from them there's no way they'll be able to defeat majin buu and kabuto think the same yeah they might be strong but are they really booze level well gohan tells them to consider look how much energy they needed from gohan just to revive boo it wasn't very much that was a fraction of a fraction of gohan's power and they were making it seem like it was a lot of energy and gohan's point actually does make a lot of sense yeah they didn't think about it like that same for bobby too that might be right if he had that much energy in store he might actually be able to face boo vegeta and napa step in too they say not to underestimate cack ride on the sun besides the fact that they're strong saiyan warriors they're also much more than that they're some sort of crazy mutants no offense to them but that's what they are their potential is far beyond the scope of even what this monster is and there's no way that boo will defeat them and goku decides he could handle this alone only needing a space form too he and bubagen fighting and of course goku is actually able to take him off it's a bit fun at first but goku realizes he's holding back a lot he wants to showcase more strength and also he does kind of want to make this quick because they need to get back to the tournament he wants to fight gohan there as a finalist he powers up in the super saiyan this is really overkill here and with a single attack he completely eradicates fruit bobbidy looks on with his jaw dropped but before he could do anything a blast from gopher hits him eradicating the wizard as well great that's it boo's dealt with the group's about to head back but something strange begins happening boo regenerates oh crap this is like a cell type thing ah it doesn't matter goku will just use a little bit more power and he'll make sure this time that boo is completely eradicated as soon as he regenerates though something strange happens buu looks pissed way angrier than it was before and he creates another boo wait what this actually makes everyone hesitate for a second because they're wondering what the hell is going on here and this hesitation leaves a brief opening for evil boo he knows he needs to act quick and as soon as he's created he turns good boo into a cookie eating him and absorbing his power and the group is distracted by this just watching on confused and just like that super boo is bored oh crap he's already changed that quickly ah no need to worry even with this change he's still not strong enough to defeat anyone hell goku and super saiyan is still way more than overkill here as he goes up to boot to attack boo then dematerializes turning into goo on the ground and splitting himself up into small pieces it seems like he completely disappeared turning into a bunch of little cells his target isn't goku or gohan instead he has other people in mind vegeta and napa shout goku turns around but it's already too late a large wave of pink sludge surrounds them as vegeta and nap are absorbed by buu now being assimilated within him okay this still isn't that bad goku or gohan can still defeat him but now there's another issue and boo tells them if they try to kill him they're going to end up killing vegeta and napa inside of him as well if they want to fight him they're going to have to find a different way boo's quick actions here allowed him to turn the tide of the battle at first he would have been easy to defeat but goku didn't realize how strong his regeneration was if he did the battle would have been over already but because of this it gave buu a little bit of an opening and with the perfect chain of events he's able to make a comeback now goku is staring down of bujita a version of superbowl with vegeta and nap absorbed and boo begins contemplating his next target it's gonna be kind of hard to absorb goku or gohan but everyone else is so weak in comparison to him maybe next he can go for the supreme kai he lunges towards him but gohan is able to act quick enough to protect the cots but as soon as he does this buu lunges a piece of himself off towards a goatee goten followed him here expecting to have some sort of experience that he could use remember how powerful he is too but now he acts as a target for boo and probably one of the most high value ones he's incredibly powerful and has that insane potential that goku and gohan have but he's less experienced as the fighter meaning there's a perfect opening to absorb him and with this distraction of him trying to attack the kai's buu is now attacking goten he materialized in front of goten quickly trying to utilize magic to try and paralyze him but goku is able to react quick enough protecting goten and getting in the way and this leaves goku paralyzed buu's smile morphs into a wicked grin wait a second there's a brief moment here that he could take advantage of goku is about to break free of the paralysis but notices something wrap around his leg and then his arm within a split second pieces of boob against surrounding goku absorbing him as quickly as possible so boo can take advantage of the smoke gohan tries to rush in once more but it's already too late a massive surge of power occurs once again taking advantage of them hesitating boo is now able to make another unexpected absorption he could have absorbed goten and it would have worked pretty easily but he saw another opportunity absorbing goku this was his only path to victory working as quickly as possible to try and absorb everybody and now all of that amazing power is his of course gohan and goten are still there two of the strongest fighters here but this threat got really bad really quickly not only is there an issue of their friends being inside of buu but now there's the issue of buu actually being strong enough to contend with them vegeta napa and goku being in there is one thing they could probably find a way to get them out of boo and kill boo that way but the issue here now is how strong he is with goku's strength who knows how powerful the buu is all right they've messed up enough here by hesitating so instead of hesitating gohan does the first thing that comes to his mind he grabs on to goten and kibito and tries to fly them out of there as quick as he can and while they're flying mid-air shin utilizes the kaikai to teleport them to the farthest place he could think of the sacred world of kai's oh crap what are they supposed to do now well at least this gives them time to plan this was a good move here but what will their next move be now buku is born and with his amazing potential in power he's about to wreak havoc not just on the world but the universe as a whole how will he be stopped so now on the sacred world of kai's everyone's trying to figure out what to do especially goten because he's still just a kid even though he is powerful you gotta remember goten is still just a child he's not gonna really know what to do here gohan and kabito start to think gohan does have one idea maybe if they spend a little bit of time in the room of spirit and time that could really help them he explains the shitty computer what he's talking about and it could probably work considering how fast both of them can grow hell even if they only spent a month or two in there that might be enough for their power to surpass boost with goku's power right now buu is far too strong granted they probably could defeat him if they teamed up of course they're going to be teaming up regardless but the issue is here they don't want to kill buu goku is still in there killing boo means killing goku and their priority right now is to save him so they do need some extra strength just so that they can keep up with buu and probably find a way around it if they go in right now guns blazing their only options are either dying or killing boo neither of which are great this would at least help them buy time so shin takes them back to earth this time teleporting them to the lookout kami's of course very concerned but he gladly lets them in there and he tells them if boo gets anywhere near the lookout he'll open the entrance and let them escape that'll be their signal to know that it's time to get out so go on and go ten end of the room of spirit and time goten actually hasn't been in here yet but it's not too hard of an adjustment for him considering how strong he is at the moment but what does gohan have in mind are they just gonna get stronger by training in general well he also has an idea of what he can do for a form maybe great ape is key i mean they've had these tales all along and for all they know maybe they could try and access something with that although it's going to be kind of tough because there's no moon in here there's no way for them to transform at least as far as they know it would be great if vegeta and napo were here but they're also inside a boost so yeah that's not going to help gohan's goal right now is to try and surpass super saiyan 2 in any way possible but maybe they don't need an artificial moon if he could harness his saiyan rage somehow the feeling of turning into a grenade who knows maybe that could lead him somewhere but it's still risky because if he transforms in here well that puts a goten at risk but actually that kind of works in gohan's favor too because that makes him more conscious of gotek so if he does transform who knows maybe it will force him to learn the form they're only theorizing right now at best they will get stronger but gohan wants to go beyond just super saiyan 2. so training begins on the outside buu is just trying to occupy himself he's trying to figure out where everybody went so besides going around earth causing chaos and eating a bunch of people he also starts teleporting around space trying to think of where everyone might possibly be it seems they teleported off planet he even goes to the sacred role of kai's but he doesn't find anybody there and kamido even evacuated because they knew boo would probably follow them there but boo realizes he's going about this all wrong he just needs to look inside himself literally look at what goku's thinking where would they go what would goku do in this moment in the situation he continues searching around for a couple of hours and then it hits him the lookout the room of spirit and time goku's been in there before and maybe gohan and goten are in there right now he's looked everywhere except on earth really and he just realized too if they were on earth he would have sensed their powers except for that one place and that explains everything perfectly this is the place that he needs to look at so he goes to look at immediately encountering without hesitation kami opens the door to the room of spirit and time and then teleports himself out of there as quick as possible and boo knows this is exactly where they are he looks into the room seeing the two of them training and right before he steps in gohan and goten step out they had a few months in there and that should be more than enough with their power right now they tell boo there's no way he's making out of this boo laughs at this notion and he's about to launch an attack at them but before he can execute it gohan launches one of his own knocking vu clear off the lookout they're not going to fight here buu sent rocketing down towards the surface below with gohan and goten following they've done it they've unlocked the new power while gohan has been theorizing about using great apes somehow instead they stumbled upon something else an evolutionist super saiyan 2 something beyond that before they started their training goten was barely on the cusp of getting super saiyan 2 and gohan's ceiling was super saiyan 2 but now they have something brand new that they'd love to show off against boo but it's something that they can't really utilize for too long so they are gonna have to make it quick which kind of defeats the purpose of what they're trying to do they wanted to buy time but it's okay they'll save the best for last right now they can just fight a normal super saiyan 2 and if they need they'll ascend who wants to know what they're talking about there's a level beyond super saiyan 2 as far as he knows goku only can go there and gohan says there is a level beyond but he's not going to need to show it to boo with their strength right now they're definitely winning here and suddenly the locale changes for everybody they end up on the sacred roll of kai shin and kabito teleported in and just as quickly as they arrived they use the kai kai again to teleport everyone off earth whatever battle is about to ensue definitely won't be happening on earth because if it does the whole planet is going to explode even if they hold back their powers so shin and kabito help out here and also for reassurance shin creates a barrier around gohan and goten he tells them this will allow them to breathe in space meaning they can go out there and fight it'll give them a lot more room to fight and it means the planet won't get too damaged because even though the planet is strong he doesn't know if it'll withstand this battle gohan banks them and looks to his brother asking if he's ready to fight go 10 nods and the two of them jump up rocketing out into space with buu following the two brothers stare boot down and boo then launches it they clash in the vacuum of space computer watch on from far away down below on the planet and they still feel the shock waves of every attack this power is so incredible not just from buu but the two kids what kind of insane potential do they have and apparently this isn't their full power yet they're just getting warmed up as they're battling gohan's trying to work out a plan he needs to figure out a way to get goku vegeta and napa out of there and boo's impressed they actually are stronger he swings at gohan but gohan's quick enough to dodge parrying the attack grabbing buu's arm and swinging him around he tosses buddha goten who greets the majin with a point-blank kamehameha who's barely able to block it in the nick of time underestimating goten's power of course this isn't enough to eradicate him but he's still surprised at the damage that goten does if this kid is this strong then how strong are they at their full power the two brothers fight in perfect unison and they're actually glad to have this opportunity it's pretty fun having an all-out battle like this especially as brothers it's not something that they ever thought would happen and something they hoped would never happen but now that it's here it's actually pretty nice and gohan looks at goten proudly seeing how well he's developed as a fighter with goten looking at gohan and admiration seeing how great he is as a fight but still right now they are just buying time trying to think of a plan to get everyone outside a boom i mean worst case they could just kill boo and probably use the dragon balls to revive everyone but they'd rather not resort to that and then gohan gets the perfect idea boo starts launching candy beams towards him and he realizes this is what they need but how are they supposed to counteract this and shin has been reading his thoughts a little creepy but at least it's helpful and he tells gohan with the barrier he provided to them theoretically if boo were to eat one of them as candy they shouldn't be assimilated within it so maybe they could purposely be turned into candy that could work they need to make food desperate so the two brothers decide to power up pulling out their trump cards a level beyond super saiyan 2 which they simply call super saiyan 3. even goten has it and this power is too much for buu to handle so he goes to his last resort trying to turn them into candy and goten is purposely hit by the beat and it's weird being candy now but he's still sentient and once he gets eaten by boo he's actually okay he's also kind of flipping out but at least shining community could probably reverse it gohan continues to face boo in super saiyan 3 but boo starts to notice something weird he didn't absorb goten's power but that wait wait wait what that doesn't make sense he just ate goten why doesn't he feel that power surge and then he feels another strange feeling like something inside him just broke or got detached or whatever and his power starts to go down his clothes they change reverting into new outfits and then back to his regular super boo outfit his stomach starts rumbling and then explodes gross but effective candy goten jumps out but then realizing the mistake he made as goku vegeta and napa start floating in the vacuum of space no need to worry though because shin teleports up bringing them back down to the surface of the planet out of anger boo launches another candy beat trying to turn gohan into candy he's going to eat both of them but goten is able to jump in front of the beam basically reversing the effects of what just happened to him and now he's back to normal and the two brothers still have a lot of power left in them both in super saiyan 3 stick and with everyone saved from side of boo they could finally eradicate him boo tries to put up one last fight but he can't he d transforms going back to his normal super bow four goten kept fat boo inside him because he wasn't sure what to do so he doesn't revert to kid boot and super boo realized how screwed he is he can't absorb anyone because that's not gonna work they know his tactics by now there's no way for him to fight defensively anymore because these two are just so strong and they're too fast too but maybe he could buy time he still can't teleport which is exactly what he does he retreats try to teleport to wherever he can he needs to find strong people to absorb so he starts randomly hopping between planets and he looks around there's no one no one's strong that he could sense he's going around randomly he doesn't feel any strong powers even though there definitely should be some out in space but wait what is he doing he knows exactly who he should go for he teleports back to the sacred world of kai's landing on the surface of the planet and without hesitation he immediately launches a piece of himself towards shin and kabito they're weak enough to absorb so it won't be too much of an issue for him but still strong enough that it'll grant him some sort of new powers maybe and they're still not right next to gohan and goten so that leaves him open for this but right before the pieces of buu are able to grab the kai's goku is able to stop it this time he's not going to hesitate he was just reawakened after being healed a little bit now that he's conscious and actually back in the battle he's going to finish us the right way and looks up as he sends his two sons ascending on the planet both in super saiyan 3 he's completely stunned what form is this they they ascended super saiyan 2 besides the confusion he's feeling he also feels immense pride he can't believe how far these two have come he powers up into super saiyan 2 telling them it's time to finish this out of desperation buu has no other choice he tries to fight back but it's not going to work the three members of the family stand together each charging a kamehameha the family kamehameha is launched in unison with brilliant blue light illuminating the entire galaxy being seen from planets far away even the power coming off of it is enough to knock everyone else back as and kabuto try to heal vegeta and napa they're just flung away well as long as they're not aiming it right towards the planet it should be fine and of course buu is completely eradicated by this attack with nothing but a massive divot leading onto space left behind not ideal but shining kabuto could repair it and at least majin buu is stopped vegeta and napa regain consciousness and for a brief second they see gohan and goten in these new forms again they got a new power again what the hell did they miss while they were unconscious the three members of the sun family powered down with goku putting an arm around each of them he can't believe it not only did they achieve this level of strength but they formulated a plan that actually worked not to say he didn't expect us out of them he knew they'd be capable of it he raised them as great smart fighters and he knows that going forward they're going to continue developing this way gohan looks out into the divot looking at the aftermath of their attack nothing if buu is left and he feels content but as he looks over the horizon looking through the massive hole in the ground made by the kamehameha his eyes lock onto something there's some moons in the sky a couple of them actually he didn't even realize this during their battle because his eyes didn't fixate on them but now that he's on the surface of the planet looking up at them he feels strange then realizing exactly what's happening he starts growing in sight his power surges and vegeta tells him to not look up it's already too late gohan has transformed into a grade eight but goten sees this might be an opportunity gohan was looking to try and utilize this power somehow and if they're here with a planet that could actually handle this beating plus with some people around gohan that are strong enough to defeat him as a great ape this could be their chance this could be their chance to utilize that power get a hold of it and probably use it for something else and vegeta sees what they're trying to do it's actually pretty genius but he wonders if it's going to work they have no knowledge of how to control great ape right now and gohan is completely berserk if goku's confident he'll be able to stop this rampage and hopefully calm go hunt down and get a control over this form with gohan now as a great ape goten and goku know what to do there's no time better than the present they asked the kaiser they could do this here and they say as long as the planet isn't destroyed it's okay but this planet is very resilient it should be able to handle it just like the battle with boo although they are a bit concerned even if great ape isn't as strong as their super saiyan forms there's still the fact that it's really strong especially in the hands of someone like gohan completely uncontrolled as well goku and goten are able to easily fight gohan in this form i mean they just need super saiyan really his strength isn't an issue for them rather the fact that he can't control it and that's why this is the perfect opportunity they're not going to be risking earth by having him train with this and if they could figure out the secret to controlling this form with gohan maybe they could do it for themselves as well it's not too hard to subdue the grid ape vegeta and napa even offer tips so they could use brute force but there's also the fact that maybe goku can get through it gohan may be able to recognize goku so try and utilize that as well and it doesn't take too long for them to figure out a way to do this not only is gohan completely subdued by their powers but goku is also able to get through to him even through the sheer rampage gohan is able to recognize goku and goten briefly snapping out of it and gaining some sort of control over himself and it's a strange feeling he now is actually somewhat controlled i guess and he's in this form it feels strange but he realizes who he is where he is and what's going on he's not completely berserk this is huge it's just like goten was trying to say before who knows maybe they could use this somehow to get some new powers get control over grade 8 combine it with super saiyan maybe yeah it seems like a long shot but they will try it it's better to get control over gradient because otherwise well it would be bad whenever they look at the moon they figured out ways around it by now but by controlling it like this maybe they could just get around the fact of transforming in general really they're mostly doing this for convenience but also the fact that they could probably get stronger from it too who knows though that remains to be seen but while they're here they ask gohan to try that power up into super saiyan while he's a great eight he does so and the results are kind of disastrous his power soars tremendously and once again he does lose control but this time it's gonna be tougher to stop him because he now has the power of super saiyan and grey to combine it's not just one of them so as a golden great ape he's unstoppable goku and goten are able to fight him off though with her combined strength and the fact that gohan's fighting blindly they just have to repeat the process of what they just did before although this transformation also had an unintended side effect with that great power someone else takes notice of this transformation the fight between goku goten and gohan continues and at some point they're finally able to get gohan to snap out of it again it is a lot tougher this time but he gains control and something really strange starts happening well two strange things start happening for one gohan gets control over this form and starts shrinking down but at the same time two people teleport into the planet completely unannounced and as for everyone else they can't even sense them goku's focus is diverted from gohan to these two people and then back to gohan and then back to these two two huge things are happening at once and he doesn't even have a clue of what's going on nor does anyone else really before these two mysterious people introduce themselves they say they're just gonna watch for a bit gohan continues shrinking down and eventually returns to a human waveform although he looks very different from his base he didn't de-transform he transformed this seems to be a completely new power the power of a great ape and super saiyan together he looks completely different and they have no clue what he's unlocked and gohan's also confused because he sees these two other people here and they finally introduced themselves beerus and wheats beerus was awakened by that huge power surge from gohan it was so incredibly powerful that it was able to wake him up and now seeing this form there's no other way around it this has to be a super saiyan god but he doesn't sense any divine key coming off of gohan wait super saiyan god this is the power of great ape and super saiyan oh interesting so this isn't that form well it does look a little bit primal maybe beerus jumped the gun a bit but he does know one thing it's powerful and he wants to fight the saiyan maybe he could be the super saiyan god well who knows though apparently this form is ungodly but it definitely is strong everybody is completely lost right now but once beerus catches them all up to speed yeah they'll fight beerus much earlier on in the story battle of gods begins in a much different format too beerus faces super saiyan 4 gohan and his power is actually pretty impressive even though this isn't a godly form beerus is having a lot of fun he never expected to find a mortal this strong and whis is intrigued too something's weird about these three saiyans of course he knows saiyans are naturally pretty strong at least by mortal standards but these three are so absurdly powerful especially gohan right there and he doesn't doubt that goku and goten can catch up there too the battle between beerus and gohan ends and he did have a lot of fun but he still is interested to see the super saiyan god he's definitely going to keep in touch with he's saying it would be great if you could just train them maybe that way we could help figure out how to get super saiyan god they have no shenron here and no idea of the ritual at louise just theorizes maybe if they utilize this form and get some godly key that could lead to super saiyan god but of course they won't know until they try beerus turns to gohan would he like to train on their planet well gohan actually does like the idea but also he has to go back to earth if he can go between the places that would be great but he doesn't plan on staying there for a while although goku jumps out the opportunity he'd love to do this well you know what two is better than one anyways even if goku is weaker than gohan at the moment soon enough he'll be able to unlock this form and probably something even above it and beerus will still have a gohan training on his planet too so it's a win-win imagine that two super saiyan gods vegeta and napa are a bit bummed because they're completely ignored i mean beerus does acknowledge them but they're clearly far behind these other saiyans and whis even notes that too no offense that's just the way it is with goku going to train on beerus's planet especially how early on in the story he's going and with gohan even going there too there's gonna be some key developments just like how vegeta was able to unlock super saiyan god by training on this planet goku may be able to do the same although at a much faster pace this entire scenario is about him having frieza's potential and he does grow stronger faster from training but also another part of that is he could probably unlock transformations quicker too and once he does get access to godly key that insane potential kicks in goku's power justin bass alone it completely skyrockets and eventually he is able to unlock super saiyan god and this this is really impressive beerus can't even wait any longer and a fight immediately ensues between the two goku can barely control the power first but as the fight continues goku learns to control it more and more and beerus is actually stunned by how strong goku got beerus definitely is suppressed here but not by a significant amount it's not like he's only using a percentage of a percentage of his power he's still using a fraction of his power but a big chunk of it and this is only when goku just got super saiyan god imagine when he gets stronger with his insane potential that's definitely possible he definitely needs to train goku more right now he's shaping up to be a great rival but he could be an even greater rival possibly even a god of destruction although it doesn't seem like goku wants to go down that path but beerus is going to train him for it anyways it will help him grow a lot stronger than he is right now which is saying a lot because goku is already incredibly powerful keep in mind this is also immediately after the buu saga there wasn't a short time skip in between but rather goku was just sent to that planet and started training immediately so on earth not much is really going on it's not like resurrection f's gonna happen yet because it's still too early although trading doesn't sue over there gohan continues work more with super saiyan 4. of course he does visit beerus's planet at some points but he doesn't actually focus on super saiyan god he has a godly key a little bit of an elise and that boosts his power dramatically and he focuses on super saiyan 4. goten wants to get it too right now super saiyan 3 is his max but he could definitely go up to this too but it also gets vegeta and napa wondering can they get super saiyan 4 as well i mean theoretically they should be able to they just need super saiyan and grade 8. both of which they already have a great control over so they'll definitely be working towards that years pass and resurrection f does happen but it's not even funny how quickly it ends this is actually a perfect opportunity for goten an opponent that he wants to face goten faces frieza alone and frieza laughs at the idea that he's fighting this child but base goten is able to keep up with final form frieza and then he goes into super saiyan 3. frieza transforms into golden and it's surprised to see that somehow he can't even face this kid and goten even chuckles during the battle ah super saiyan 3 might actually be kind of overkill but whatever gohan told him he needs to get rid of frieza as quick as possible so as much as he'd love to have fun here he can't really stick around and easily goten is able to eradicate frieza nice vegeta and napa probably could have fought him too but it's still funny to see this child defeat frieza like that so easily in fact too i think they've come this far where frieza after being revived and getting a new form and getting stronger was somehow defeated by a young saiyan using a third super saiyan form it's crazy how much has happened since they got here following this we definitely would have the universe x tournament and by now goku 100 has super saiyan blue he has been training on beerus planet for years he would have unlocked it a while ago gohan is kind of intrigued but he also focuses more on his earthly but even with his minimal training compared to goku he is still able to keep up with him somehow he does have godly ki which helps too add that with his great potential and the fact that he's focusing on super saiyan 4 and it seems like he's going down his own path but still growing incredibly powerful thanks to his insane potential same with goten too he eventually would get super saiyan 4 but that's kind of weird to think about because i know goku turned into an adult when he used it but like he was already an adult beforehand in a kid's body so maybe goten would transform into an adult who knows i don't care you know i don't even care about the gt logic we're just gonna have goten turn into an adult when he turns super saiyan 4. it looks hilarious and it would confuse the hell out of everybody which is just so good i love it and still one of the least crazy things in the scenario so far okay but back to what i was saying universe 6 tournament with goku having super saiyan blue well you know i kind of just realized i went off on a tanner there about super saiyan forms but that's because there's not too much else to cover about the universe 6 tournament with super saiyan blue goku is just able to completely wash everybody and that's without using the form too base goku alone with no effort at all could just wash everybody at the tournament except hit hit might require super saiyan but even that might be a little bit overboard once goku figures out all the time tactics hits also he needed feet too and champ was amazed to see this why is this mortal so strong is he on their level and beerus comments on this he definitely is this is his rival not just whis student but a full-on rival of beerus they spar occasionally like a lot and beerus has concluded that they are equal in power by now and goku is definitely growing faster but with beerus also training now with goku beerus is growing as well which is interesting normally he was lazy before but goku has motivated beerus to train which is insane because beerus was already powerful but he's growing even stronger it's an unexpected turn of events and especially for champa to hear this he's amazed wow wonders if any saiyans in his universe are that strong probably not but it's worth wondering they'll look into it later and yeah you heard me right beerus is training with goku whis is no longer training goku even though he does want him to get ultra instinct but that's gonna be kind of hard because now he's focused on working with beerus they love sparring together and both of them mutually benefit from this and they've been doing this for years now it's been a game to see who can get ahead of the other with super saiyan blue at one point goku was probably ahead of beerus probably by a significant amount too but with beerus now training again he's catching up this is the rivalry he needed it reinvigorates him it makes everything so much more fun having someone this strong not just to fight but to motivate him to grow stronger although this is all a double-edged sword in another universe there are rumors spreading actually all the universes know about it by this point so champa doesn't know this for a fact but on god tube i mean let's be honest it's probably just like youtube and there's probably some insane conspiracy theorists on there and let's say on god tube one person one of these crazy conspiracy theorists suggests that there's a mortal in some universe that's stronger than a god of destruction it's not like the rumors about universe 11 this one actually has more weight to it universe 7 apparently has a mortal like that and the universe 6 tournament confirms this one person in particular is watching on zamasu he doesn't actually see goku use his godly powers but he could tell all those rumors and theories floating around this mortal is making a mockery of gods and for some reason he's a rival to a god of destruction it's disgusting repulsive zamasu needs to expunge this mortal as well as getting rid of the gods that caused this but how could he do so he does consider taking goku's body but he has a better idea he'd rather fight goku personally that's too easy he does still want to go through with his plan but he doesn't want to do it with goku's body that would make things a lot less fun he wants to personally kill goku and not weaken goku in the process he wants to truly show goku that gods could triumph over mortals but he is still going to need to steal someone else's body for this too all he requires is that it's someone other than goku so he could personally fight this mortal this disgusting lower life form playing as a god and zamasu may have the perfect idea of whose body to steal with the zamasu having seen the tournament on god tube he's now intrigued well that intrigue comes from anger but still intrigued and he decides to seek out some information and that leads him right to zuno he wants to get as much info about goku as possible looking into his training and how he got so strong but from what he can find he learned something pretty interesting from zuna goku has a ton of potential and is very strong as is but his kids are also very powerful as well and not just that his kids probably have more potential than him due to being hybrids so while zamasu was focused on goku he actually might have found someone else that could be stronger than him especially if he's gonna be taking someone's body zamasu now has a better idea in mind and this will still work well symbolically not just because of the person's power but because of his connection to goku his sights are now set on gohan this way zamasu can attain that insane power and the best part is he'll actually be able to fight goku he'll probably take much more pleasure killing goku rather than just stealing his body and killing him that way it'll be much more satisfying to do this take his son's body and use that to kill goku although there is going to be a huge change here regarding the timelines because there is no time traveler in the story the zamasu we're talking about that's the zamasu of this main timeline so all this stuff is happening in this timeline not some other random separate one or some future timer and now zamasu has to get the super dragon balls of course they were just recently used but thankfully he has the time ring he seeks out the super dragon balls summoning super shinron and making his wish let's go over to earth for now thankfully zamasu caught everyone at the perfect time because goku was on earth as well one day while researching something strange happens to gohan he notices his hand turn green and he feels weird is he sick or something he runs to a mirror and sees that he's not gohan anymore he doesn't know who he is he looks kind of like a supreme kai or something he doesn't want to freak his family out but he knows exactly who to go to he decides to go to goku well it will freak him out and he is family so at least he's not going to fidel or something maybe goku will have some sort of answer who knows he has no idea what to do right now he just needs help as he flies over to goku he notices another power come in and the energy feels familiar but like in a weird way as in it's an energy that should be familiar to him but something that he's never really sensed before it's his own energy mixed with something else too he lands outside of goku's house and another person lands right in front of him he sees himself this of course is zamasu in his body immediately he's on guard not knowing that this is a threat or not but it obviously seems like a threat gohan black lunges in and gohan tries to defend but knowing that this body is weaker he doesn't see how he's supposed to defend against himself in the nick of time though goku flies it blocking gohan black's attack and he's just as confused he sends this weird energy and he sees that the attack he's blocking us from gohan but he also sends us gohan's energy in that other person gohan tries to clarify that this is him and even though that looks like gohan that's not him obviously this is confusing to goku but gohan black immediately begins attacking him and that pretty much shows everything that he needs to know whoever this is took gohan's body and appeared somehow and gohan tries to help but this new body isn't as too weak goku is not too sure what to do either he has an opportunity to defeat whoever this is because gohan black doesn't have full access to gohan's power yet although goku doesn't think this is a good idea if this actually is someone that took gohan's body if he kills this person then he's destroying gohan's body what are they supposed to do then for now he continues fighting this guy who appears to be really strong even though he's not transforming goku then has to transform himself going into super saiyan this makes gohan black elated finally he's getting to see some of his power and he can learn for himself learn a way to actually utilize this but from what he could tell this isn't even their final form it's actually their first form it's still useful but gohan black wants to learn more powers he needs to get something different than this he continues fighting goku and gohan tries to think of what to do he has one idea though if goku powers up enough he could probably just restrain gohan black maybe there'll be a way to do that that's really all they need right now they need answers and they won't get it by killing this guy if anything that could make things worse and gohan black is getting pretty angry this power he expected to have more of it but it already seems like his plan is failing he didn't even realize when he switched bodies he wasn't gonna have access to gohan's full power and he's losing here he's being humiliated actually goku's not even using his full power and he's still able to overcome gohan black's power goku powers up going into super saiyan 4 not wanting to use too much strength but this is more than enough he creates rings of ki throwing them around gohan black completely restraining him gohan black tries to wiggle free but he can't alright now to figure out what's going on but of course gohan black's not going to give up the info that easily the only info that they have is his outfit from what they could tell this outfit looks godly kind of reminding them of a supreme kai and that also makes sense because gohan now also kind of looks like a supreme kai but who is this kai why does gohan look like one and why is that other gohan dressed like one they keep questioning gohan black saying they know it has something to do with being a kai and that kind of narrows it down well for all they know there's more kaizen they can know of but they know 12 universes and it's obviously not their supreme kai so they got a 1 out of 11 chance of guessing where he's from and gohan black said it is useless even if they figure out his identity it doesn't matter soon enough he'll access gohan's full strength break out of these chains and he'll kill them both but goku says that's not happening anytime soon he's clearly struggling right now looks like they're gonna have to get beerus involved all right that's an issue zamasu needs to buy time he's backed into a corner right now until he can access that power he needs to make sure that goku and gohan don't go to beerus so he just explains who he is he doesn't care about giving this info away they probably were going to find out eventually too this is just to buy time he keeps his monologue long trying to power up during it access that rage within it they figure out his zamasu of universe 10. he also ended up killing the supreme kai of that universe gowasu he was working under him he got the super dragon balls using the time ring and now he stole gohan's body his goal is to kill every mortal that once he acts as a gohan's full power he can and he can tell he's losing their interest he's running out of time they're going to want to stop him as quick as possible but he feels something snapped within it that rage this is what he needed being beat down like this humiliated having to force himself to explain all this if he doesn't get that power now he'll never be able to accomplish the zero mortals plan his goal is to use the time ring and expunge all the mortals in the past too the universe needs to start a new one ruled by him not just this universe every universe the entire multiverse but without strength he won't be able to accomplish that and something catches zamasu's eye he looks up in the sky just barely visible he could see the moon his rage combined with seeing the moon something changes his power dramatically increases the chains around him are broken and goku could set something terrifying his godly key it's surging but also he's transforming into a different form not a godly form he's going into super saiyan 4 but what is this there's godly power that he can sense due to him being akai and also transforming into super saiyan 4 this form mutates into something else a collection of all of his strength this appears to be a godly version of super saiyan 4 it doesn't look too much different from normal super saiyan 4 it's not like he's going super saiyan rose on top of it just yet it's essentially an evolved version of the form with the fearsome reddish pink glow around him but other than that it looks like a normal gohan in super saiyan 4 with different clothes albeit goku tries to attack him but zamasu was able to block all his attacks and goku does recall even in base this guy was powerful so of course super saiyan 4 is going to be way stronger not to mention it has that godly key within it so goku is going to need to do something himself show off more of his power thankfully gohan black is weak and a bit injured from that fight so he's a little tired out as well and even though this form is strong goku might be able to overcome it he's been practicing and this is the perfect time to show off his new power he begins transforming into super saiyan blue but it turns into a different kind of super saiyan blue it's his first time using this in the real world he's practiced with this before but this is what he calls super saiyan blue evolution the fruits of his training are finally being shown and gohan black laughs his delight this is it this is all of goku's power maybe he could attain something similar but who knows but that doesn't matter what matters right now is killing goku here and now then killing the supreme kai of this universe so he doesn't have to deal with beerus the longer he stays here the higher chance there is that beerus will find him and his plan will be worthless gohan does want to try and help him fight but goku says to stay back with that body it's far too weak and he'll just be putting himself in danger gohan black takes some offense at this too that mortal should be grateful to be in akai's body even though he did abandon it it's still a body of a kai gohan black's twisted mind takes this as an insult too don't look down upon the gods they're the ones that should be looking down upon mortals as the fight ensues gohan black is already growing stronger goku notices he's getting a better control of gohan's power utilizing his body and power more efficiently he's learning as he fights growing in power too summoning more of his rage he's able to grow more that intense god of the aura grows more and more a mutated version of it the key of a supreme kai mixed with gohan mix with super saiyan 4 and goku can tell if he doesn't stop this as quick as possible maybe he's almost to unlock some sort of new power this incredibly unique situation with him can cause this he's seen how fast zamasu has grown already in gohan's body already tapping into new powers that even gohan didn't see before plus he is a fearsome opponent retaining all his abilities as a kai such as being able to teleport but this isn't going to go unnoticed with this huge amount of surging godly key of course beerus is probably going to pick up on it he's relaxing on his planet and he knows something strange he senses a goku utilizing his full power oh he must be training but he's fighting someone else someone else that has godly key with him and this makes beerus alert he asks wheeze to immediately look into this who else has godly key that he could be fighting because this key doesn't seem like anything that he sensed before he doesn't know who this is whis looks into his staff and they see exactly what's going on immediately departing for earth goku finally has the upper hand in the battle and he's about to finish it but gohan black's key keeps mutating and finally the worst possible outcome happens the power it manifests itself with something different that same aura around him it flares up getting far more intense he powers up thanking goku this is what he needed that rage that damage those injuries will make him grow stronger the anger will make him grow stronger it's the key to his power pink flames surround him spiraling upwards and creating a pillar of pink key reaching far into the atmosphere parting all the clouds the area is illuminated in an ominous pinkish glow with gohan black floating far above the ground he descends back down and he could tell he doesn't look too much different this is still super saiyan 4 but his fur it's changed color his aura has changed too and his power it's far greater than it ever was before he has no idea what to call this but how about something elegant like super saiyan 4 rose and he says that the mortal should be thanking him that's super saiyan 4 4 it was so primitive he's made it beautiful now made it godly this is true power right here goku can't do anything against him blue evolution is not enough gohan black actually welcomes the attacks he keeps getting punched by goku but the punches do nothing they barely even tickle goku starts rapidly punching as well so fast in fact that gohan can even see his arms moving he's not even able to make a dent and goku feels something he hasn't felt in a while concern he always has been looking for strong opponents to fight given his unique situation he's never been able to find someone like this but now that he sees it right in front of him he feels something he's felt a few times before against strong opponents like boo or cell but this time it's different with those opponents he saw a way out of it but here gohan black is just so far above him that he doesn't know what to do was this gohan's true potential he never thought he'd see the day a day where you see opponents so powerful and of all people it's his own son gohan blacks elated he's about to finish the fight but then someone else enters gohan black's stomach drops as he looks around to see beerus but even though he's concerned at first that concern then turns into happiness with this power maybe he'll be able to face a god of destruction maybe he won't need to kill a supreme kai and imagine how gratifying it'll be to kill a god of destruction with his bare hands in a proper way not by killing a supreme kai he smirks introducing himself to beerus beerus is ready for a fight remember in this scenario beerus is a lot more proactive as a warrior of course even in the main story we did see beerus doing a little bit of training such as him using a fake version of ultra instinct in the manga but here he actually has that rival that he wanted someone that's around his strength someone that could push him to go further beerus frequently spars with and trains with goku here but this is different this is a threat someone that can give him a fun battle but also challenge him there's actual stakes here a perfect test of his strength as a god of destruction will he be sufficient enough in his mind if he can't win this battle he's not fit to be a god of destruction regardless gohan black's getting very strong very quickly but beerus is confident he powers up and people can't sense his key but even without that everyone on earth can feel beerus's immense power his presence is just overwhelming even gohan black's taken aback a bit beerus is surrounded by an ominous purple glow goku's only seen this in a few of their fights where they went all out this is beerus's full power beerus completely disappears from sight a trail of purple flames can be seen but beerus can't gohan black turns his head knowing that beerus is right there but before he could even turn his head all the way around beerus delivers a powerful kick it generates a massive wave one that goes around the world the power of this kick almost sends gohan black flying into space within a fraction of a fraction of a second he's sent flying into the atmosphere but before he exits earth beerus moves so quickly that he meets him up there spiking him down to the surface of the plant and at this immense speed if he does hit the earth it's going to blow up so beerus once again moves quick enough to catch him down there stopping him with a powerful gut punch creating another strong shockwave if they keep fighting the planet's gonna blow up just from the shockwaves alone but beerus wants to enjoy this he doesn't want to hold back just for the planet and yeah no one else wants earth at risk either but we says if something does happen he'll just reverse time that's perfect for beerus he can go all out right now and if he doesn't finish the job worst case whis will just rewind time and then he'll hakai gohan black gohan black is not only dumbfounded to hear this but also angered more time manipulation this time from gods just so he could have fun in a battle it infuriates him to no end and that anger fuels him he powers up launching him towards beerus and beerus is happy he's finally fighting back and as this fight is going on goku and gohan are watching and gohan realizes wait beerus said he's gonna kill him yeah they kind of need to stop that they try and jump into battle but beerus tells him not to interfere he doesn't want them to get in the way okay well they just want to remind him whatever he does don't kill gohan black or destroy his body they just want to seal him somehow beerus is already getting a little bit too carried away and goku doesn't want to interfere to stop him but he knows that'll just make things worse it'll make beerus angrier and even though beerus is acting irrational right now he does consider keeping this body around he could have a fight with gohan like this in the future sometime even though he's not the one using it right now imagine how strong this could grow as much as it pains me to do so he stops fighting and gohan black's confused beerus sticks a hand down gohan black recoils expecting to be erased but instead he's sealed away beerus cools down like literally cooling down not only does he calm down but that heat surrounding him goes away that intense oar is gone he had some fun and he knows that he could fight goku anytime and maybe even go home but goku owes him for this interrupting that battle he was having a lot of fun and he needs something to make up for it following this shenron is summoned they're not sure if this is going to work but they asked shadowrun to swap gohan and gohan black's bodies shenron says normally he wouldn't be able to do this but thankfully with gohan black being sealed and very weakened here i mean he was basically beaten almost death by beerus shanron is able to do this gohan gets his normal body back and zamasu is sealed away but gohan notices something strange a lingering sense of godly power that he didn't feel before goku notices it too it's just like gohan black except this is his own power now the power must have remained in his body and gohan tries to test it out he transforms and he's able to use super saiyan 4 rosette he knew the power was insane but now actually having access to it he's completely dumbfounded and beerus is elated to see this especially because he has something to hold over their heads they do owe him for not destroying gohan black and as a repayment he wants to gohan to fight him join him on the planet at least for a little bit and gohan accepts he kind of has to anyways because he needs to learn how to control his power and he definitely can't do that here on earth even if he wasn't obligated to go because of beerus he probably would have done so regardless he wants to learn this power get a better control of it use it further it impresses everyone especially goku once again it seems like gohan surpassed him now having access to this incredibly powerful godly form and if this is what gohan could do well hopefully goten can do something similar in the future i mean he already did get super saiyan three and four so judging by how gohan grew he expects goten can grow a lot too in the future some time passes whis and beerus try to teach goku different techniques but goku can really only go down one path he notices that the things that whis is teaching him and the things that beerus is teaching him kind of conflict with each other he still is goku though even with a different life he still has goku's mindset and a lot of the knowledge that goku gathered as a kid many from the same teachers so while beerus's techniques are pretty interesting he might want to focus on whises instead maybe going down the path of ultra instinct but there is a catch the thing is unlike the normal story he's training with beerus like they spar together and train as normal training partners they are rivals and with how much time he spends with beerus even if he would want to pick up on whis's techniques he's probably gonna end up picking up stuff from beerus regardless and beerus really doesn't want goku to learn some god destruction powers in his hands they could be great goku doesn't really want to become a god of destruction but beerus at least says that he could try it out learn the powers try utilizing these techniques he wants to see how far goku's strength can go and that'll only push him further too for the power he's trying to unlock he'd have to stick to his saying roots stick to his ego but that's not really who goku is soon enough we also have the tournament of power coming up what would the team look like here it's actually not too hard to formulate there's goku gohan goten vegeta napa and tarble so all those saiyans and as for the humans tenshinhan kirill naroshi and yamcha not too hard of a team to form and team universe 7 is pretty confident i mean why wouldn't they be look at goku gohan and goten in the scenario also the rest of the team is pretty powerful too vegeta and nap are there and they're pretty good and even though the humans might not have the same strength as the saiyans they're still amazing fighters and great strategists tarble is actually kind of an oddball on the team but even as the weakest stay in here he's still a saiyan after all which is exactly why vegeta suggests recruiting him there's no need to recruit a villain here because they have enough strength so as their 10th fighter they just need someone else to fill the spot essentially even if tarble is not that great of a fighter and maybe this will help him get more involved with the cast but as i mentioned the team is already incredibly powerful and as you could probably expect goku gohan and goten are really going to carry this tournament first of all goten starts out by immediately turning super saiyan 4 which really confuses everyone because he was just a kid and now he's an adult what even though that's a pretty weird thing to see it's not even the craziest thing they're going to see here it's not like anyone could process it either because super saiyan 4 goten is incredibly powerful and probably way beyond a lot of the other people in the tournament and that's goten he's not even the strongest in his family with him using this form they realize wow it's kind of overkill this is going to be a much easier tournament than they thought but there's gotta be strong people in other universes right well there's some but compared to goku gohan and goten not really cause remember the whole point of the scenario is them have increased his potential and with how much they've been training and the forms they've gotten all that stuff really who's gonna be able to contend with them here it's a problem that goku has encountered before in the previous few parts we've discussed this a little bit and goku is starting to see it once again gohan would love to test out super saiyan 4 rose but it's just too powerful you can't even have a fun fight here it's just kind of unfair at this rate and even jiren well maybe he'll be fun to battle goku tries to take him on alone utilizing his god forms is more than enough to contend against him even forcing jiren to use his full power and that kind of stinks because goku didn't want to try something out against him something that beerus has been teaching him or maybe he still could try it it's a power derived from ego he tries tapping into it and briefly he's able to use it beerus has seen this a little bit in their training but goku hasn't really been able to control it goku is surrounded by the same flames that beerus was once surrounded by the other gods of destruction are astonished same for toppo too and now he sees jiren is definitely not gonna have a chance against goku that kind of power in goku's hands what is he gonna do against it and gohan's excited to see this too this is helping goku catch up to him but there's a few issues for one of course this isn't gonna be a fun fight goku is still so far ahead but on top of that as he tries using this power he can't really get a grasp on it beerus thought this would be a great test for him but apparently it's not goku drops out of it this isn't who he is first of all in a battle like this where he's so far ahead for a form that grows as he fights and has fun taking damage and having his battle spirit flare up this isn't the fight for that but on top of that remember what ultra ego is it's right in the name it's ego like i was saying before this isn't goku this directly conflicts with who he is even vegeta had trouble reverting back to his original self trying to utilize this form of course vegeta is a much different case though but for goku the fact that he can't use this properly tells beerus something and it's something he already kind of knew yeah he kind of knew goku wasn't compatible with this form but at the same time it seems like goku doesn't really want it because if this is something he wanted well he'd be able to access it it's all about ego after all but it seems like it's something that he fundamentally can't work with goku was still able to defeat jiren without utilizing alter ego and of course the universe 7 wins the tournament and while the battles in the tournament weren't too intriguing for universe 7 this still was a good learning experience especially for goku because it sets him down the right path and it shows beerus what goku really needs maybe if he does work with whis's techniques well it could really help goku he can get really strong with how fast goku can grow who knows maybe he can unlock ultra instinct as something that was even kind of unattainable for beerus but maybe it's more suited for goku maybe he'll be able to go down that path whis has been saying this for a while and goku kind of did want to try this out too and now's the opportunity gohan supports it as well he continues working with his form super saiyan rose with super saiyan 4 is amazing and it's cool that he can act as super saiyan rose as is but watching goku grow utilizing ultra instinct or at least trying to go down the path towards that that's going to be really good for both of them because it's like i was saying there's no one really they could fight here they're so powerful but if goku were to get stronger get a technique like that get a form like that it'll push beerus and gohan as main rivals and yeah he could try utilizing alter ego again but it seems like that's not gonna work beerus is very intrigued by this development though i mean it's great regardless because goku is getting stronger his rival's getting stronger meaning he'll get stronger he'll be more motivated but on top of that it'll be really fun to see immortal get ultra instinct if that's even possible i mean he got ultra ego though so who knows goku always has impressed him but for beerus the big takeaway here is that he's even more motivated like he was before in the scenario much more than normal but now think that his rival might have ultra instinct while he doesn't well imagine how much that's going to push beerus yeah not only will it benefit him in strength but what if he could use this as an opportunity trying to finally learn and master alternating for himself something that he hasn't been able to do for so long this is his chance the opportunity to get ultra instinct it's finally in his grasp not just his but goku's too following the tournament of course their training continues but on earth there's something else brewing actually not just yet first we begin in space even though frieza wasn't revived parts of the frieza force are still going around trying to get revenge somehow okay so reviving the emperor is not gonna work they've definitely ruled that out by now but even without frieza the frieza force can still continue on maybe there's some other strong power out there someone else that could help them and with some aimless scouting out in space they are able to try and find some new soldiers specifically a saiyan that they stumble across which is really interesting the fact that there's another saiyan out there and he's on some weird abandoned planet called vampa they immediately take him in and his strength is apparent even paragus is old and frail now he's decently powerful compared to the other frieza force soldiers which really shows how far their ranks have fallen and it's weird for him to see the frieza force without frieza and they all end up striking a deal well they saved broly and paragus so that's a good thing and because of that they want a favor they want these two to help eradicate the saiyans on earth the saiyans on earth well that's another plus for paragus because he could finally find vegeta and kill him they don't even need to ask any further yeah this is great and now we go back to earth one important thing worth noting is that tarble's now there even training with his brother a bit it's him vegeta and nappa and they are feeling very left behind obviously tarble's not really going to care too much he is excited to start training and grow stronger but vegeta and napa they've known this for a while and they've been feeling this for a while kakarot and his kids they're just on a completely different level they still don't know what caused it or why but it's just a fact no matter what they do they might not be able to reach that level but they can still train they can grow stronger they could push themselves and be the best they could possibly be and even if they can't grow as crazily as goku's family they can still learn like goten for example he's just using regular super saiyan forms well super saiyan 4 is not really a regular form but still something they can work towards and they could definitely work towards super saiyan 3 but still they kind of need something to push them and that thing will arrive soon on earth specifically arriving in a freezer for spaceship they bring broly to earth the saiyans all sense this power others sense it as well but the only people that actually try and check it out are vegeta napa and darble wondering what this power is they're surprised to see a frieza for spaceship they didn't realize those losers were still around but whatever more scraps to clean up that's fine of course frieza doesn't step off the ship and actually no frieza force soldiers step off either just two people and they're clearly saiyans on the site of vegeta paragus immediately sticks broly on them now this comes as a surprise to them not only does another say it exists but the freedom force somehow recruited him and now he's going to try and fight them that's not going to go over well for this guy i mean he just won't say it how strong could he possibly be there is no way he's on their level as broly begins charging up vegeta steps forward all right he'll see what this guy's got he wonders how strong the saiyan is broly launches in towards vegeta and vegeta quickly comes to realize this isn't any normal saiyan but it's strange it's like kind of what he's seen with goku gohan and goten something about the saiyan's power it's unbridled and even just as the fight begins he notes broly's insane growth but there's a big difference between him goku gohan and goten vegeta can't really gauge it too well because he's only been fighting broly for a few minutes at this point but he can see that broly does have amazing potential although he doesn't know how to control it and it seems a lot of his power is derived from anger at first he thought he was facing an opponent just like kakarot but he comes to see that broly's actually pretty different and he might be able to work with this unlike kakarot or his kids goalie can't control that power and he still has a long way to grow to even be on that level but if his power comes from rage well they just need to make sure broly doesn't get too enraged napa powers up joining the fight with vegeta the two of them are in super saiyan 2. they also have access to super saiyan 3 but they're not using it at the moment because they're not really too well practiced with it they still have to work out the flaws for that but for now super saiyan 2 should be more than enough at least just to hold broly off well at least they think so as the fight continues rolly of course is going to grow more and more and now it's getting kind of concerning and even mid-battle vegeta begins to think all these other saiyans around him they grow so insanely quickly of course they all are basically mutants in the scenario but with the big ratio of mutant saiyans to just him and napa the normal ones it makes them think maybe they're the ones that are abnormal maybe these are the normal saiyans and they're just the ones that are disadvantaged why is it like that no that can't be the case it just has to be a major coincidence that both broly and kakrod are like this which actually is the case they also do have paragus as a way to judge it he's like a normal saying so this does reassure him that it's just a very weird coincidence otherwise all the other saiyans would have been strong too alright that's a relief vegeta didn't want to think he was inherently weaker jokes aside though they start having a bit of a tough time with the battle super saiyan 2 is strong but not really enough against broly here even with the two of them combined they're gonna need something more thankfully someone else joins the battle actually they sense two powers but only one of them actually joins in it's gohan and goten gohan's watching from the sidelines he will help if they need but really he wants to use this as a test for goten he's returned to earth for a bit and does want to see how goten is going to perform here he jumps between planets due to his responsibilities and for now he's here at the right moment goten tells the two other saiyans he's got this which is pretty shocking to broly in paragus because this kid jumps in and says he's gonna fight broly instead paragus can tell that this kid is a saiyan though i mean the tails there it's pretty obvious but who is this kid and what is he even gonna do against broly in base goten and broly actually seem pretty even at the moment and that comes as a huge shock to paragus not really to everyone else there how is this kid on the level of broly royaly zanger continues growing as he goes further and further into his wrathful form growing stronger and stronger and eventually goten does need to bring out super saiyan but even then with his immense potential it's more than enough to actually counter broly and goten is having a lot of fun with this this is an opponent that's on his level see goten is in a kind of weird position of course he has the amazing potential that both goku and gohan have actually a little higher than goku's because he is a hybrid but the thing is he is a kid he has less years of experience so while he is incredibly powerful well he's not as powerful as goku or gohan are but at the same time he's stronger than pretty much anybody else that he faces and it's strange because that makes broly the perfect opponent for him someone who's so far above everybody else but not really on the level of goku or gohan and gohan's glad to see this too he could tell that goten is thinking the same thing this is the battle that he's wanted for a while but how is this fight supposed to end broly is not going down yeah goten might even be a little bit advantaged here but broly just keeps getting up when they think the battle's about to be over broly's rage gets him more power and he gets back into the fight and gohan can recognize the power that he's using vegeta even comments on it too same for napa that's the power of a great ape that he's utilizing he's completely unhinged he's just gonna grow stronger and stronger with rage but they don't want to kill broly they don't have a reason to kill him vegeta and napa even tell gohan why he's here and for what gohan can infer broly doesn't seem to be the one that's actually initiating this fight it was paragus he basically pushed broly into this and for all they know broly is actually a pretty decent guy goten keeps on knocking broly down but he just keeps getting up and it's not that bad for goten because he just continues doing this but it just makes broly angrier and angrier and even without paragus's death broly is able to go super saiyan paragus tries to electrocute broly but at this stage there's no point in doing that because he's too strong it's not going to affect him at all and of course super saiyan isn't too impressive to everybody else as a form but super saiyan for broly that's a completely different story so he is actually incredibly powerful here that's gonna push goten even further he has to go into super saiyan 2 and eventually super saiyan 3 just so he's sure that he has that advantage super saiyan 3 really does give him that reassurance and broly is still continuing to grow and grow and vegeta napa and gohan notice something strange too even paragus wants this to stop now he sees broly's too far gone and they don't know what he's doing with that remote but then they put two and two together that collar around broly's neck they can see the electricity coming off of it it's doing nothing to it and that tells them all they need to know just like they thought broly's doing this against his will paragus is controlling him essentially gohan lifts a finger up launching a laser at paragus is remote he curses them out but gohan says that's not the way to do it that's not gonna work here and it's already too late for it and even if it would work frankly gohan wouldn't want to do it that way he's sure that goten can stop rolling and as he's watching he tells goten don't hold back he needs to completely knock broly unconscious that's the only way to stop this and he's confident that goten can do it goten turns over to gohan giving him a thumbs up quickly he powers up going into super saiyan 4. this whole thing is making paragus's head spin first vegeta and napa have super saiyan and a level beyond that and then this kid comes in who is also a saiyan and also has access to super saiyan 1 2 and 3 which he didn't even know existed and now he's this whatever the hell this is and even though goten looks completely different in super saiyan 4 it's still goten he's still a kid and he has fun with this even laughing at the fact that he and broly are both using a great apes power of course broly's completely berserk and has no idea what he's talking about it's like talking to a brick wall but it doesn't bother goten either because broly just keeps attacking him and goten takes no damage from it in super saiyan 4. he tells broly thanks for the fight but he's going to end this in the best way that he could think of just as quickly as he transforms he ends the battle with a single punch broly is sent flying to the surface below completely unconscious as goten descends down just to make sure he's okay he didn't go overboard did he no broly's fine alright good he detransforms giving a thumbs up to gohan once more paragus has no idea what they plan to do next and he does want to take broly with him but he thinks that might be too risky he doesn't even know if these people will let him do that he was watching the end of the battle but he was watching it from a spaceship with everyone watching the fight paragus was able to slip away into a spaceship trying to escape yeah even leaving broly here he's acting pretty cowardly and even leaving broly behind unsure of how the other saiyans or broly would react if he tried to retrieve broly they already knew paragus is kind of an ass but this really just confirms it and broly is now here they'll keep him in good hands though they'll make sure he can control this and get him down the right path on beerus's planet whis was letting goku and beerus watch this fight pretty interesting goku sees that that guy is also a mutant saiyan but kind of in a different way from him he's glad that goten got a good fight out of it and was able to solve it he knew it would be nothing that he had to get involved with right now they're doing something much more important their training together it's such a strange thing for the other gods of destruction to hear about why is beerus training with immortal first of all how does that even work how is there a moral that's even on this level to train with well they already kind of have an idea of how crazy powerful goku is and with a rival like that the earth is only growing even stronger too he's actually the strongest god of destruction at the moment because he's actually training with someone who's really powerful with goku growing at crazy rates as well the two of them are competing they're having fun together as rivals just as he intended when he first sought out the super saiyan god and they're working towards an amazing power goku's already displayed this but he's working on refining in a different way while beerus he's looking to get it for himself ultra instinct their training continues and soon enough another threat does pop up but in a much different way than normal moro escapes barely having the power that he needs he's heavily weakened but he feels that maybe he can make this work the hardest part was escaping and now all he needs to do is go to namic the galactic patrol doesn't head to earth to try and stop this there's actually an agent within the galactic patrol it's maerus and he instead heads to beerus's planet knowing that there's a mortal there that's actually pretty powerful one who already has ultra instinct maeras still is undercover but he reveals his identity to goku which comes as a huge shock to goku but more importantly he's here to describe moro goku says he'll be able to handle this and beerus says he will join undefeated but he doubts it goku ends up going to namek with maerus with just him alone and they're confident they should be overkill well hopefully as he arrives on namek the question is what is he supposed to do now he knows moro could steal his power so what's the best option here if he powers up all the way yeah it means he could kill moro pretty quickly but at the same time that means moro could steal a lot of power at once and if he stays in his base yeah he should be okay too but who knows moro might be able to level the playing field while he's in base draining energy from goku before he has the chance to attack and it's a pretty tough decision if he uses too much power he's just giving more to moro but if he uses too little well he's going to extend the time that they're fighting and meaning more can get more power it's a lose-lose situation but he eventually decides to start out in base just to not give moro too much power but that's the thing goku has so much strength even in base that moro was able to absorb enough for him and by the time goku does try to transform well he's lost a lot of energy and now moro's regained a lot he actually looks a lot more youthful the energy from goku it's incredible he didn't expect one mortal to have this much energy the two of them clash as moro continues drawing more and more energy at a rapid pace from goku and at the last moment goku tries to activate ultra instinct not allowing moro to take any more energy from him but it's already too late he was able to act quickly enough moro was smart he's cunning he was able to get energy the second that he knew he had the opportunity to and that led him even the playing field and now actually get a hit since goku lost a lot similar to boo and cell goku being so strong here is a double-edged sword when there's an enemy who could thrive off energy like that goku being stronger means the enemy could be stronger too and in a rare moment goku is actually defeated by moro thankfully not killed moro leaves him alive knowing that if goku rejuvenates he can just take more energy from him he'll leave the saiyan here to rot and since goku was the only one on namek trying to stop moro well he's able to get the dragon balls get his wishes okay this is kinda bad but goku is not deterred he still has more than enough power in store and thankfully by using this method he didn't give moro too much energy moro absorbed a lot but goku wasn't at his maximum power he needs to recuperate first maerus goes to namic able to evacuate goku off of it and then he has to bring him back to beerus's planet by the time this all happens moro's wishes are done he's already regained his youth whis is able to heal goku and goku wants to get right back into the fight but this time beerus steps in he says he's going to join he says he doesn't want goku screwing it up again but goku said there was no way around it in all fairness moro is a pretty tough opponent him being so strong actually wasn't too helpful here but he did notice and that moment that he utilized ultra instinct it was enough it stopped morrow from taking more energy but the thing is he needs more strength in ultra instinct too because with how strong morrow is now well even that might not be enough but beerus tells goku he has been working on a new evolution of power so he should be fine he just needs to not hold back this time he needs to use that power right away and goku confirms this with beerus beerus is going to join along too just to watch and in case goku does need the help he'll be there not long after moore was on a planet that's been completely drained of energy just as they're about to leave all of his crew suddenly falls unconscious somebody attacks moving so quickly that nobody else could see it except for moro he saw it and sensed it it's goku he's back all the other prisoners fall to the ground as moro stares down goku and moro smirks great another snack he's glad to see goku healed so soon but goku doesn't exchange many words he remembers what beerus is saying he needs to work as quickly as possible here not being afraid to use his power and moro coaxes goku in using more strength trying to encourage him to use that power and goku asked if he's really sure moro hasn't seen his true power and more is confused he saw that technique ultra instinct and he was able to contend against that kinda and goku grins moro thought that was his full power goku powers up surrounded by a fierce reddish orange orb it's super saiyan 4. and moro is confused he doesn't sense much strength from this form but goku reassures morin trust him this isn't the end of the power that aura begins morphing slowly changing from reddish to purple becoming incredibly intense with blue keys swirling into it the power from the ore alone cracks the entire planet thankfully this was just an uninhabited planet and it's already dead anyways but goku doesn't recognize he doesn't want to needlessly destroy anything as he continues powering up he explains to moro calmly this is the full power of his saiyan side super saiyan 4 combined with the full power of his godly training a technique even the gods of destruction are envious of ultra instinct the two have come together in harmony and moro is frozen in fear he watches the silhouette of goku step out of the pillar of aura it's that same super saiyan 4 form except his fur it's completely white and silver just like his hair and ultra instinct it's the two of them combined together and goku slowly and calmly walks up to morrow morrow sticks the handout trying to absorb energy but he can't do anything it's almost like goku is not even standing there and that's because he isn't he's looking at an after image moro hears someone talking very calmly it's goku it's like his voice is disembodied he can't even see goku gogo says he wishes he could have continued this fight longer but he knows moro is too dangerous he really did want to test out this power though with one swift attack he knocks moro unconscious moro wakes up back on another plane it's beerus as plan maerus was able to round up all the glacial prisoners locking them away for good and moro was terrified at the sight of beerus but he can't even react in time by the time he tries to say something beerus already seals him away moro is too strong to be imprisoned but at the same time goku didn't want to necessarily kill him right then and there this is a better solution alright now that that's dealt with beerus wants to see the true extent of this power he tells goku it's time for them to fight at full power once more it's been a while since they sparred at full strength and goku hasn't utilized his power too much but it seems he has a control in it now even using it against moro even though it was overkill and he didn't really get to use it to its fullest and the two of them are ready goku is still at full power and that fight with moro didn't really take too much out of him and he does really want to fight it was a little bit underwhelming facing moro so yeah he'll fight beerus right now he powers back up into ultra super saiyan 4 his unofficial official name for that and then beerus powers up showing off something that he's been working towards for a while this one's an odd balance for his destructive godly energy flares up with his full power being shown but at the same time another side of him awakens he has to find the perfect balance a balance between destruction and creation specifically a calmer godly side of him on top of his full power he shows something else that he's recently unlocked he doesn't look much different from before but his aura definitely looks different and there's a slight difference in his eyes they're closed and he opens them they look just like goku's of course this power is no surprise to goku but he's glad to finally have an all-out battle with beerus between these two forms beerus is now utilizing ultra instinct to its fullest as beerus stands there in front of goku goku is just very impressed to see this finally watching beerus use such a power and beerus is just as elated he's been working so long for ultra instinct and now he'll actually get to have an all-out battle with it not only does he have it that's great as is but he could actually use it against someone that could face him evenly that's the most important part goku has seen flashes of beerus using ultra instinct but now he actually gets to fight it seeing an ultra instinct god of destruction in his full glory and before these two even fight their power it's so unfathomable both of them actually just from them standing there their power could be felt everywhere on earth even people who can't sense god ki they could feel some sort of strange presence or something they can't really put their fingers on it on earth vegeta napa and broly feel this odd presence gohan and goten not only feel the presence but they sense the godly ki and gohan smiles so that's his dad's current power king kai could feel on his planet shin and kabito could feel it on their planet the power emanates through the galactic patrol prison the presence is overwhelmingly felt on planet cereal any inhabited planet here feels it even in other universes those who can sense god ki are able to sense it the kais the gods of destruction toppo notes this presence and jiren's surprised to hear this from him their power could be sensed all the way over here the two are powered up to their maximum ultra super saiyan 4 goku vs full power ultra instinct beerus with beerus using the combination of his god of destruction powers and ultra instinct the power of a destroyer and an angel in one but there is one thing that annoys beerus and goku too goku can't breathe in space a very strange limitation for someone as strong as him but a simple fix by whis a strange presence coats him and then he feels normal again whis tells him he's granted goku the ability to breathe in space at least temporarily essentially having his own atmosphere goku thanks whis as he and beerus rise up floating out of the atmosphere of beerus's planet ready for their battle they're gonna start a little bit restrained at first just to not accidentally destroy everything goku then vanishes instantly flying across a huge portion of the universe with beerus chasing him down the two streaks of light run parallel to each other a whitish bluish light and a whitish purple light these lines can be seen throughout all of space but some places in between where they intersect and those are the points where goku and viewers clash they're moving so quickly that after images can be seen not that anyone else is witnessing the battle anyways because of how quickly it's happening and where it's happening wherever they fly through their auras are bright enough to illuminate everything the two continue clashing rapidly each of them seems even at the moment when they clash there's no difference in power but that's when they clash because sometimes each of them is able to dodge the other they are both using ultra instinct after all each of them perfectly counters and parries the other but it's an endless cycle of them not hitting each other at some point so goku decides to showcase more power in order to get more speed so he can actually hit beerus but beerus does the same and suddenly they find themselves somewhere that isn't actually where they were before they're in the world of void whis took them here to avoid breaking stuff in that universe this was the plan all along he wanted to let them fight in universe 7 for a bit and before things got too bad he would take them here we say surprises two other people appear in the world of void it's zeno and the grand priest they knew of this fight going on and zeno really wanted to see it it could be pretty interesting to watch and whis welcomes them here in an infinite void of nothingness the two of them are able to fight to their hearts content the two power up even further shaking the entire world of void the grand priest even comments wondering if even this realm can contain that power the two continue clashing with even more speed and power than before each time they collide shakes the void a little bit more than the last time and that's when they do collide beerus starts talking to goku telling him he needs to be the next god of destruction with power like that he could use it to ensure a better future for universe 7 and the multiverse also he'll get to have more cool fights like this not just with beerus but with anybody else whom he decides to be a great rival goku is still not sure but beerus tells him to look at himself that's strength is he really even immortal anymore he's a god already not just figuratively but literally and he tells goku to think on it and they get right back into the battle the battle continues but it's not even forever eventually a victor is decided exhausted with a decisive final blow goku was able to knock beerus out that was an incredibly fun battle one that's rare with someone with his power-like hits fighting someone who's that close to him in terms of power he knows how much beerus has been training and the great powers he had beforehand too but goku cemented his position he's the strongest in the universe probably the multiverse too goku returns to earth and he has to discuss something with the others that proposition that beerus had for him he doesn't really like the idea of being a god of destruction but think of it all the good that he could do beerus has continuously tried to convince him here if he doesn't like how god of destructions act he could change that if he is one and he's not too sure on the idea he knows that he has the power to back it up but could he really be a god of destruction that doesn't seem like him and his family has some points to make chichi thinks the idea is really cool and even if he's not necessarily making money she'll be married to a god and he'll be happy doing this that's kind of awesome it's a win-win for both of them of course she's considering goku's happiness too and the fact that he's questioning it and not just outright denying it means that he might have a good time doing it he doesn't really want to leave earth though but that's the thing he'll still get to see his friends and family he'll just have new responsibilities hell he doesn't even need to live on beerus's planet he's a god of destruction he could do whatever the hell he wants he can still stay on earth a much different future is in store for universe 7 with a different destroyer and after some hard thinking discussing with his friends and some push from beerus goku eventually decides to go for it an absolutely insane development that amazes the others once they hear it especially the other three saiyans they can't believe it kakarot becoming a god of destruction i mean vegeta always knew he was incredibly powerful he had some sort of insane potential after all and now he's this also goku does get to meet broly interesting another new saiyan out here and it gets him thinking about the possibilities of being a god of destruction he'll be able to go around all these different planets possibly finding even stronger people people like broly that they didn't know existed before it's just like beerus said he can continue having these great fights with others pushing other mortals to become powerful too but gohan does have a request if goku is going to become a god of destruction there's one thing that needs to do they need to keep sparring but before he ascends to true godhood they need to have a battle as well goku was able to fight with beerus so gohan should be able to fight with goku too and goku's surprised to hear this he knows gohan's incredibly powerful but he never even considered gohan's another rival of it someone who could have similar strength to him he might not have a technique as amazing as ultra instinct but in terms of raw power this could be an interesting fight and he's not going to turn it down it's goku he's not going to turn down a fight especially against someone like his own son and he's interested it'll be a great way for him to see gohan's power he hasn't really gotten to see how much gohan's grown lately he knows he has as well as goten i mean he did watch goten's battle with broly from beerus's planet and even though goten is powerful gohan's on a new level due to his really weird circumstances with the whole gohan black thing so just like with goku and beerus whis takes them to the world of void and of course zen was there as a spectator this time too this kind of terrifies gohan but goku tells him not to be worried zeno just wants to watch her entertainment and he even laughs to himself someday they'll be past zeno's level of power anyways that's a new height to shoot for the two power up goku once again goes on ultra super saiyan 4 with gohan going into super saiyan 4 rose and goku gets to really see how much gohan's grow now ascending his power at his fullest and the battle begins goku comes to learn quickly gohan hasn't just grown into strength he has grown in techniques goku kind of underestimated him here yeah ultra instinct's amazing but gohan has his own techniques now the body that he's using the one that was used by gohan black we saw that goku black was able to inherit powers from goku so the inverse is true too gohan's able to inherit zamasu's powers the magical abilities and techniques of akai one of the most useful of them being the kai kai allowing gohan to teleport anywhere during the battle they are fighting at immense speeds regardless but being able to teleport like this it gives gohan a little bit of an advantage in terms of movement goku's able to dodge a lot of gohan's attacks but even when he does gohan's able to try and counter-attack he's attacking quickly fighting offensively while goku is dodging quickly fighting defensively every time goku dodges gohan tries another attack and goku just has to dodge it again gohan's trying to wear him out and as goku dodges all these attacks suddenly he's attacked from behind two blocks akachikachi and fly in from behind him and goku is able to destroy them effortlessly of course but they serve as a distraction still he's surrounded by them at every angle around him hundreds of blocks of them fly towards him and gohan teleports between the blocks jumping from each one launching attacks from all different angles like goku goku stands there dodging everything that's flying towards him and then feels a strange sensation he's held there in place gohan's paralyzing him goku struggles to break free the two are very similar in terms of power after all and as goku tries to break free he watches all the blocks fly towards him closing in on his location alongside a bunch of blasts that gohan launched when jumping between the blocks they all coalesce into one spot hitting goku head on and he can't dodge because he was held in place it deals a good amount of damage but gohan lets go with a spell and goku then breaks free from everything surrounding him he seems injured and he's breathing heavily and he looks like gohan smiling he should have expected this even with a great power like ultra instinct gohan is still a tough opponent he's figuring out smart ways to work around that the battle continues in this realm with beavers being a spectator this time and he's amazed to see this of course he got to experience it firsthand but watching it again it's awesome and whis looks over at beerus he tells beerus that he'll be under goku's command soon enough and beerus knows watching goku utilize power like this he knows that the universe will be in good hands but there's something incredibly shocking about this entire fight as they watch they realize something goku does have an amazing power with ultra instinct but gohan has some great techniques of his own and due to him having higher potential than goku he might have actually grown stronger than goku since they last saw him utilizing these new abilities that he inherited from the kai's as well as utilizing his own power his latent potential and such the battle continues and beerus jaw drops as he watches gohan's figuring out more ways to counter ultra instinct just like he did before and there's a very shocking outcome goku is eventually worn out dropping out of ultra super saiyan 4 he's taken so much damage and use so much power at this point that he just goes to normal ultra instinct still very powerful of course especially in goku's hands but it makes the gap so big that gohan's able to win here whis heals them both up after the battle and zeno had a lot of fun watching all this universe 7 is definitely in good hands but he is intrigued by goku's son and goku is not too worried this will only encourage him to push himself further as a god of destruction he does need to maintain his spot and if gohan actually is ahead of him goku will do whatever it takes to become stronger and gohan says he'll keep pushing himself too their rivalry will continue as will their bond as father and son also master and student we fast forward a bit probably a few weeks in the future beerus officially retires from his position he'll stick around but this is the official end of him being a god of destruction he does still retain a lot of amazing power after all even though he gives up the title he's still free to do whatever he wants well besides the duties of a god of destruction of course he thanks whis for his millions of years of service and teachings he was a great teacher and a great colleague as well as a good friend luiz tells beerus to stop he's going to make him cry he sticks out a hand at beerus and instead of shaking it beerus goes in and hugs whis come on after millions of years they're closer than just a handshake and now luis will be goku's attendant not beerus it's a bittersweet departure for beerus and he could stay in universe 7 but at least for the time being he's gonna actually go somewhere else he's going to universe 6. he's going to live alongside champa in order to help him find his god of destruction of a universe six champ has been thinking the same of the beerus did i mean they are the same age after all and he probably wants to retire soon as well who knows maybe they could find someone just as strong as goku in universe 6. maybe that person hasn't been born yet or maybe they're already alive and they just haven't been discovered either way though beerus is gonna assist his brother it's not just that though it's about time that he's formed a better bond with champa as gods of destruction they don't really get to interact too much yeah occasionally they get to see each other but they bicker too much they could definitely grow closer just like goku and gohan beerus has seen how goku acts with his family how close he is with everyone there and it makes beerus actually want to seek out the same thing goku is able to grow so strong with all those people supporting him and also is so happy to have all those people around him and beerus doesn't want to take that for granted anymore he's gonna form a better bond with champa this is his chance it's not only gonna help champa find his god obstruction but it'll help him find a new bond with his brother while everyone's on beerus's planet they watch a small portal opens behind beerus he sticks out a hand to goku saying that it's been fun and goku shakes it and weirdly enough he hugs viewers too just like he did with whis he thanks beers for everything beerus is taken aback but then smiles returning the hook he's finally found his rival and was bested he found that super saiyan god and someone who is even stronger than him he walks through the portal going towards universe 6 but he turns back to goku and gohan just because he's retiring doesn't mean he's losing his power he smirks and he tells them he'll be back to fight again and he'll probably be even stronger than before hell maybe he'll bring champa along too maybe champa will have ultra instinct as well instead of 1v1 how about a 2v2 beerus and champa versus goku and gohan former gods of destruction versus the new god of destruction universe 7 and his son he chuckles to himself lifting his hands behind his head as he walks through the portal casually the portal closes and whis turns over to goku wiping a single tear from his eyes trying to act cordial whis taps his staff on the ground and goku's attire then changes looking kind of like what beerus had he'd like to formally introduce universe 7's new god of destruction goku although god of destruction isn't really a proper title that's not who goku is this is something completely different a big change is not just about to happen in this universe but the multiverse too maybe there'll be more gods like goku sitting in tune with their mortal side but also having the power of a god of destruction to back it up beerus planet becomes goku's planet although just like he mentioned before he's not going to stay here his first request to whis is to take them somewhere they want to go back to earth this planet will be nice to go to from time to time but it's not going to be their permanent residence we smiles happy to do this for goku goku's family all stand nearby whis as they then all head towards earth goku's planet in this realm sits there now being temporarily uninhabited a new future awaits universe 7 and the future is bright this is where the story ends so what do you guys think about the series i'm not gonna lie i was hesitant to do this scenario because i wasn't really too fond of the concept but i think i was able to make it pretty fun and interesting hopefully you guys thought the same i had fun covering it and i like how it turned out at the end if you liked the video be sure to drop a like and be sure to subscribe if you haven't already anyways thank you all for watching thanks for supporting the channel and the scenario and i'll see you all in my next video
Channel: Salad Saiyan
Views: 1,465,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dbs, dbz, dbz what if, discussion, dragon ball, dragon ball super, dragon ball z, explain, explained, meme, q&a, question, saiyan, salad, salad saiyan, salad snake, scenario, theory, what if, what-if, super, arc, saga, goku, frieza, bardock, potential, broly, freezer, freeza, gohan, trained, piccolo, king, ssj, cell, ssj2, buu, boo, vegeta, ultimate, kai, supreme, ssj3, ssj4, oozaru, time, chamber, room, spirit, beerus, whis, hit, ssg, god, ki, ssb, ssgss, rose, ssbe, evolved, evolution, zenkai, ue, ego, jiren, mui, moro, lssj, ultra, instinct, champa
Id: Sl48RkzSmGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 3sec (8283 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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