What if KING KAI Raised KAKAROT? (Full Story)

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what's up everyone welcome back to a brand new video when goku was sent to earth there were a lot of variables about how he would land there or where he'd even end up at so many things could have gone wrong but not just that many things could have also gone different and that's what we're here to cover today instead of goku landing on earth what would have changed if king kai tried to intervene diverting goku's pod to his planet i'm not sure if this will turn into a full scenario or not but let's set a lego of 3000 likes and if we hit that i'll create another part of the series anyways let's begin just like normal from planet vegeta kakarot's pod is sent away it's on a course for earth of course the galactic patrol did pick up on this that's why xhaka went there in the first place but there's another person who's worried that is king kai there aren't too many planets with life in universe 7 and at least for his quadrant kinkai wants to do his best to protect it a saiyan being sent to earth is a recipe for disaster since he's so concerned about this he decides to redirect the pod bringing it to his planet he doesn't intend on raising this kid no his goal is to kill it worrying his magic the pod is then teleported away crossing realms as it goes to king kai's planet inside of course is a baby saiyan seemingly a low-class one king kai's going to get this over with quick but for some reason he really can't bring himself to do it he knows how the saiyans are and he knows that this should be done but there's something really holding him back it's a saiyan but it's a saiyan baby he begins thinking there has to be another way right but then he realizes there's one much better option that he could do instead of eliminating the saiyan he'll raise it they do need some more good warriors in universe 7. a lot of the strong ones are evil so not only would this mean kinkai doesn't have to do this but he would also be creating a strong warrior that could help him he reads the kid's memories finding out that his name is kakarot his parents seemingly were good people usually when a saint is sent to a planet they intend to destroy it but this one is different by now he's aware of planet vegeta's destruction and that's exactly why this child was sent away he's a survivor one of the last saiyans left this makes hinkai feel better about his choice he was never a danger to earth well at least not directly and he can't help but feel bad for the parents it's rare that a saiyan would show some sort of compassion like that so this kid his name is kakarot he seems to have a lot of potential although of course he is rowdy but king kai can fix that as the years go by kakarot becomes much smarter and a little bit more calm although he does retain some of his say in nature there was one little precaution that king kai had to take that is removing the tail for kakarot the tail does serve as a possible hindrance not only is it a weak spot for saiyans but he could turn into a great ape and lose control king kai could train him to have him control this form but there's not really space on his planet for that besides one monkey living there is enough he doesn't need a giant one on top of that besides becoming smarter kakarot grows much stronger than normal he still has that same peaceful environment that he grew up with on earth but he has the benefit of gravity as with every other saiyan he's actually growing up at 10 times gravity which is what planet vegeta had his growth isn't hindered in any way and this of course means he'd grow a lot stronger kakarot continues this growth but meanwhile on earth things are still happening although a lot differently than normal of course grandpa gohan gets to survive here living a relatively peaceful life but he's not really too important to the story here and surprisingly bulma also isn't really too important except for this small part her journey would likely go a lot smoother and even though goku isn't there to help her there's a fair chance that she gets her dragon balls between her wish for a lifetime supply of strawberries and a boyfriend she chooses the strawberries inadvertently this means that the pilaf gang doesn't get the wish so it's a win-win she gets her wish and the pilaf gang is stopped for the time being at least but later on there's a bigger issue the red ribbon army would start making their selves known and naturally with all their power they make great progress collecting the dragon balls and this is going to be an issue that earth can't really solve itself however king guy has the perfect answer he asks kakarot if he wants to go on a mission testing out his power on earth to stop some bad people of course kakarot would jump at the opportunity for this not only is it a chance to have a fight but also he'll get to test his power and visit a new planet kakarot is sent there and as you could probably imagine he stops the army relatively easily in canon goku did it pretty casually but this time with kakarot it's no contest he could do it in the sleep and naturally this wouldn't really go unnoticed some random warrior shows up one day and dismantles an entire army there may even be some surveillance footage of it from the red ribbon army people want to figure out what happened and all they see is a blur moving around speculation goes wild and no one really knows what happened one person that hears about it is krillin and he's pretty curious from what little they see in the footage it seems like it was some kid and this actually kind of motivates krillin he wonders if he can get as strong as that kid did although he doesn't know who that person is he could be a god he could be an alien or he could be something completely different naturally krillin is still with master roshi there's no reason he wouldn't be and he'd kind of be the main character for earth at this point he does still show the same promise and he wants to get a lot stronger so now he wants to learn more about this godly figure roshi directs him to corrin and krillin climbs up the tower krillin meets coryn and coryn actually knows somewhat about this warrior but he'll only tell krillin if krillin passes the test so for days krillin tries to steal the water from court eventually he'd probably be able to and coryn agrees to train krillin as well as telling him somewhat about that godly figure he does confirm that it was someone sent from the beyond a warrior from other worlds sent by king kai sadly krillin's not going to meet him anytime soon because that's so high up the chain of command but korin says maybe krone can work his way up krillin continues his quest for power eventually the 20-second world tournament rolls around and after his training with corn krillin's actually more than enough to defeat tenshinhan who would likely be the only challenge for it rochi would probably enter as jackie chun but he'd notice that krillin is way out of his league now he's proud of a student and he's still motivated to go further so roshi's not too worried and while things seem okay of course king piccolo and his crew are about to arrive tambourine attacks krillin but krillin is actually able to defend this time he thankfully gets to live but now he has this huge challenge in front of him and he doesn't have as many allies to help bulma of course is not involved and yamcha probably wouldn't be either tenshin on chaoshu probably would help though even though krillin probably won't have the same impact on them as goku did they do have a common enemy now so surprisingly the turtle school and the crane school team up piccolo must be stopped at all cost they dismantle piccolo's forces which isn't really too hard but it seems like they have a lot of the dragon balls already they do have a great plan though if they're able to get the dragon balls they can wish to seal piccolo away if not they'll be out of luck piccolo would be too strong for them to defeat the group is able to get most of the dragon balls before piccolo and now they'll have to lure him in to get the rest of them this plane ends up working krill and attention on distract piccolo they can't really contend with him in terms of power but they hold him off as chaos goes and steals the wish king piccolo is sealed away and it seems the job is done all is going pretty good earth remains safe and kakarot is watching along king kai was prepared to have him intervene but they're lucky that they didn't have to they're both pretty impressed with the people on earth it's not so often when you see an earthling that strong like krillin as we move forward krillin would eventually end up training with kami kami would still be alive here because piccolo was sealed away not killed and krillin would literally move his way up let's go back to kinkai's planet kakarot is of course growing stronger still and he's even beginning to learn some new techniques he has brief control of kyle ken now that he's aged up somewhat his body can actually handle it although he has to pace himself and work into it but when trees kakarot more is that guy on earth krillin king kai has word that he's been training with kami and kakarot gets curious you know what i'm now just realizing that everyone has k names king kai kakarot krill and kami weird coincidence they're gonna keep a close eye on this krillin guy more time passes and eventually the 23rd world tournament happens there's no piccolo jr this time and as for ten shinhan he's not as bad as he was before he's kind of rivals with krillin and naturally krillin would end up winning this tournament there's not really too many strong people there clearly a lot has changed on earth yamcha isn't involved and he's probably still abandoned as for bulma when she got her wish she was satisfied and she grows up with a normal life chi-chi may continue fighting but i'm not really too sure how long that would go on for so she's out of the picture too things are peaceful but pretty tame at least for the time being of course peril will strike eventually even though kakarot didn't land on earth there's someone that thought he did raditz he arrives on earth looking around for strong powers on his scouter he sees one in the couple hundred range this power is kind of weak in comparison to raditz only about 600 but is the strongest that he can find so he pursues it rattus lands at kamihaus and the only people there are krillin and roshi they can tell that raddas has malicious intent and since this guy is so strong he wonders if he knows anything about kakarot he clearly isn't an average earthling and not just because the fact that he has no nose when krillin hears the name kakarot he goes pale this guy's evil and he's looking for kakarot he doesn't know him but krillin does know kakarot's name by now does this mean kakarot's a bad guy he tells rad as he's not sure but he's heard stories about kakarot radis interrogates him seeing even get more info but krillin doesn't have any this only angers rats he feels that krillin is lying whatever though he prepares to destroy krillin but just before he can attack someone taps him on the shoulder he turns around and sees standing there in some odd clothing is someone that looks relatively like his father ah this must be him kakarot is here now with roshi and krillin looking in amazement rad is happy to see his brother and he seems pretty strong he wonders what's up with the outfit but doesn't care he asked kakarot to join the saiyans and kakarot asks what they plan to do with earth of course raddus plans to destroy it and he tells kakarot flat out thinking that he'll agree with it they'll kill everyone on there and then sell the plan that's all that kakarot needs to hear radit sticks out his hand asking his brother to shake it kakarot sticks his out but it turns into a fist as he then knocks raditz far away flying across the ocean into land nearby kakura asks krillin if he could fly and tells him to follow along krillin of course agrees now seeing that kakarot is clearly good they arrive at a crater and see raditz over there weekly ratta stands up angered at what his brother did alright if he wants a fight rattus will give him that kakarot's clearly strong so he can't screw around raddus creates an artificial moon and then turn into a grade 8. krillin's obviously pretty terrified and kakarot asks if he can help with something he'll fight off raditz but he wants krillin to cut off his tail if he can kakarot will be the distraction as krillin attacks krillin clearly would be nervous but he agrees activating kyle ken kakarot surpasses rats in terms of power although it's not something he can use for long which is why he needs krillin's help he fends off raditz landing some strong attacks rattus loses track of krillin not focusing on him and this is perfect krillin has a great technique just for this in his hands he charges a kienzon aiming for rudist's tail while he's distracted he launches the disc the kianzan cleanly slices through it as raddus turns back into his normal form kakarot powers down happy that krillin helped he actually chuckles a bit really he could have done this himself but he wanted to see what krillin was made of this was more so a test with a single attack he eliminates rabbits not caring that they're related of course krillin has a lot of questions so kakarot explains everything he definitely sees the potential in this krillin guy and for the next year they're gonna have to spend some time together before raddus died he does mention that the saiyans are gonna come to earth soon and this will be a perfect test for kakarot's power as well as seeing if krillin can train to this level too krillin goes with kakarot to train for kyle ken and prepare for the saiyans he's heard of king kai and kakarot but he's actually amazed to be here the gravity would be really hard for him to get adjusted to at first but he does adapt it takes some time but still he's eventually able to handle it and then begins his training king kai is pretty impressed too although he's not nearly as strong as kakarot for an earthling this guy is tough clearly he's also very smart a tactician at heart kakarot does most of the training while ken kai steps in at some points this is more than he can ever wish for of course he does have a close connection with kakarot but he's also glad that he grew up into a strong warrior but now there's another one too the north galaxy now has two great people that he can work with and even better for any other world tournaments this will really help him the tournaments aren't his main priority but hey it's a nice bonus for him over this year kakarot and krillin become good friends even with these odd circumstances they're still going to be best pals despite all the major changes in the story after this year training the two head back to earth and there's no games here they're not gonna play around with the saiyans and look for a good fight vegeta and napa arrive surprised to see only two people standing against them one being kakarot in that same weird outfit and then another being some short bald earthling who doesn't have a nose for some reason they sound at the cybermen but with one swipe kakarot eliminates them all he doesn't want any games fine if he wants to play like that they'll play along napa steps up first with krillin ready to take him on krillin activates kyle ken and immediately goes for the kill napa was no trouble for him as quickly as it started it ends vegeta is amazed but he can't get distracted he's facing kakarot at the same time and vegeta actually feels nervous chakra seems to be casually keeping up with him while vegeta's at his max being careful he's not going to take any chances vegeta throws up an artificial moon which isn't surprising to kakarot or krillin vegeta knows to protect his tail this time but kakarot actually laughs at this he's still confident that he can defeat vegeta and if anything this allows him to test out some new techniques kakarot fights great 8 vegeta and vegeta is amazed how do low class saiyan get this strong of course kakarot is way stronger than goku was in canon not only due to growing up in time stand gravity but also having a great teacher and a good training partner for a year by this point he actually has kyle ken up to times 20 but he really only needs times 10 let's actually look at some power levels so we can get a sense of his power kakarot's at 30 000 while krillin's around 10 000 as you can probably tell this is kinda overkill which is why vegeta needed to transform krillin has kyle can up to times three which would mean his power would increase to thirty thousand meaning he'd be matching kakarot in terms of power although that's just kakarot's base power once he activates cow 10 times 20 well it's pretty much game over for anyone else his power source is 600 000 a pretty huge number but for vegeta he's not gonna have to use that much power instead he goes to times 10. he easily is able to outpace vegeta and he's actually enjoying this fight krillin's confused us why he's not ending it faster but it's mainly due to kakarot's saiyan blood it's the first time pretty much ever where he's had a fun fight but this doesn't really mean he's gonna screw around he heavily overpowers great vegeta out speeding and outmaneuvering him vegeta does seem dangerous and he might blow up earth so kakarot's gonna end this he flies around vegeta's back and hits him right there in his spine causing vegeta to flip over and crash into the ground he's gonna have to use a lot of power from a beam to kill vegeta and with vegeta on the ground that'll be tough he doesn't want earth to get harmed so he actually has the perfect opportunity to use a new technique vegeta gets up and jumps up towards kakarot he stretches his hand out ready to grab him but as he jumps up kakarot lifts one of his hands up smirking he asks krillin to lend him some energy as well as the planet itself in his hands he begins charging a very small spirit bomb with how much time he spent with ken kai he has perfect mastery over this technique being able to quickly and efficiently charge it as vegeta flies up towards kak rod he launches a beam from his mouth and in response kakarot throws the spirit fire it cuts through vegeta's blast disintegrating it and flies directly into vegeta's mouth right as vegeta's hand is about to grab kak rod it goes right through him his hand begins disintegrating as well as the rest of him he then screams as he explodes from the spear bomb destroying him earth has defended against the saiyans and it seems all is going to go well now kritlin and kakarot congratulate each other happy to have done this so what would happen next well not really much since kakarot would have completely destroyed the red ribbon army there'd be no androids either and without any sands or namek there's not gonna be any frieza at least not yet but on that note i guess we can leave off here for now so as mentioned already there's no androids here no 16 17 18 19 20 anything there's no future trunks either because with no androids there's no need for a timeline anomaly that's due to what happened in the first part where kakarot completely eliminated the red ribbon army kind of future-proofing earth in a way by preventing this but of course the andrews are far from the last enemies that are faced in dragon ball this does mean we're gonna have a considerable time skip though at some point over this time kakarot's tail suddenly just grows back this hasn't happened to him yet he got it removed before but now it's back somehow so why is this while we didn't see it with vegeta or gohan after a certain point this still has happened before with goku and gohan and that hasn't happened for kakarot yet in this scenario plus i wanted to do it because it makes the design look nicer and because i have some plans for it tails barely have logic in the show as is so why not here as well following the sane saga krillin would occasionally leave earth to train while also bringing along his rival to shinhan king is fine having those two students from earth they both seem very promising and krillin was already great as is tan definitely had a weird upbringing but he has a good heart now and by all means he is pretty strong for an earthling after seeing his friend krillin getting so strong he kind of wanted to get in on that too thankfully kami and kinkai were gracious enough to allow this but the thing is there's been way more years that have passed since the saiyan saga at least peaceful years the next thing would naturally be the buu saga which we'll cover later on in this video and that's over a decade away from when the saiyan saga happened so there's a lot that we're going to need to cover from that beforehand training goes very well in kinkai's planet but everyone eventually starts seeing diminishing games especially kakarot kanga has a great solution though for krillin tenshinhan they can train with some people in other world kakarot does that too but king guy has better plans for him by now kakarot's well aware that there's other kai's people above king kai even king kai is so impressed with the student that he decides to take him to the supreme kai and honestly kakarot is kind of nervous about this someone above king kai he never could have even imagined that a few years ago but he looks forward to it he's going to get a lot stronger by doing this and to be fair it's pretty beneficial for king kai since his planet is kind of small and they're not growing fast anymore on there this means he'll finally have some more space there that he desperately needs kakarot starts training with shin and kabito we're able to tell him more about his saiyan heritage they wonder if there's a way for kakarot to grow stronger so they look into this sure kaioken is great for him and he's been able to push up to really high levels by now he probably even has times 100 which is insane but it's not like he can use that forever kaioken is very strenuous and even at lower levels like times 20 kakaroi just can't keep kaioken activated permanently they need to figure out ways to strengthen his base form first and possibly see if there's any other steps for saiyans kakarot first tries pulling the z sword but he definitely won't be able to do it just yet but shin eventually figures out something interesting after researching with some help from the namekians who are safe by the way because frieza never attacked their planet shin found out something really weird about saiyans that no one knew before something called super saiyan and super saiyan god super saiyan god seems kind of impossible right now though because apparently to get it you need five other saiyans and only one exists at the moment and the only other way to do that is for kakarot to get god key somehow and that'll take a lot of time but super saiyan that actually seems doable they don't know much about it but it's apparently some sort of legend i say in transformation that can be accessed through anger or something and it greatly increases the saiyan's power once they access it still information is sparse and vague about it but it seems like there's enough to prove that it does exist thank you namekian book of legends because of you cackrock at super saiyan in the scenario well he at least works towards it first and with his fighting expertise and some help from shining gabito he does get a lot stronger and eventually accesses this form he can tell is not as strong as kaioken times 100 but is stronger than many other multiplications of kyle kent and it's way less strenuous even in grade one just like he was able to practice and perfect kyle ken somewhat he wants to try and do that with super saiyan it's a smart idea that'll allow him to use it more efficiently and efficiency seems to be key with his training right now so he decides to do this it takes some more time but eventually he does get grade 4 of super saiyan struggling to figure out if he can go any higher at least any higher in terms of super saiyan he did find another way to surpass his limits but he's not too sure about how effective it is although he tested out occasionally and while he is with shin and gabito now king kai still does keep up with kakarot obviously he's a student and pretty much his adoptive son and he's amazed at how strong kakarot has gotten in this short period of time while krillin and 10 are very strong and kinkai could use them king kai has something that he wants to use kakarot for something that the both of them will have fun with the otherworld tournament this is something that kakra has no experience with remember he wasn't raised on earth so he has no experience with tournaments he's only ever sparred with his friends or fought people who are threats to earth but a tournament definitely does sound fun and it'll be a great way for him to test out his new powers it's been very peaceful lately so he kind of does need this so he ends up taking some time away from his normal training to go to the tournament and in the meantime krillin and ten decide to head back to earth they heard a tournament is coming up there soon too and one thing i want to mention here i know in the anime the other world tournament did happen before the buu saga but it's not really canon anyway and for the sake of the scenario i feel like it would be more interesting to have it take place at the same time and you'll see why as the scenario goes on krill and ten head back to earth going to see the respective masters again thankfully once again roshi and shan are on good terms after the whole king piccolo thing they put aside their differences once and for all i mean there was a lot to work out but after all these years i feel like eventually they'd have to put the pass behind them but that's just a little side note the main focus here are obviously krillin 10 who do end up entering the tournament and clearly there's not too many strong fighters on earth right now there's one guy mr satan who's apparently been the world tournament champ for a while but in terms of strength he's nowhere near them but there is someone else entering the tournament that wasn't there before well with both their students gone roshi and shen eventually stumbled upon a new student through their indirect connection with corin a bodyguard of cordon's tower who was pretty young before but is now an adult and this is the first time krillin and tencenhan meet him since the red ribbon arc went so differently of course i'm referring to uppa and thank god i'm finally able to use him in a scenario i mean earth kind of did need a new fighter some new blood that we haven't seen before he's actually made some great progress and although he doesn't match ten shinhan and krillin in terms of power he is very strong now this will be his first time entering the tournament and i'll be honest he's not going to be too involved in this part but we're going to see a lot of him later on so be sure to keep him in mind the tournament starts pretty much without a hitch and you know what just for fun even roshi enters he may as well have some fun too those four of course make it the farthest in the tournament but naturally the final match is probably gonna end up being between krillin and ten shinhan everything's gone pretty smoothly so far but there is still a threat looming about those weird guys that got taken out at the first parts of the tournament spokovic and yamu something about them didn't seem right at least not in comparison to where they were before they are still possessed by bobby and they're waiting for the time to strike although they haven't really found any strong fighters yet they are waiting to see who gets to the finals to actually steal energy then krillin and ten are ready to have a good fight but then suddenly krillin is attacked since he's the strongest here smokovic and yamu decided to take his energy as soon as he intend power up into kyo ken huh that kind of rhymes but the thing is they're not going to be successful here shane and kabito aren't here to help and that's because ten and krillin were expecting this they actually got this information from kakarot before they headed back to earth they knew someone was gonna attack but didn't know when so they were prepared for this and that's why they went kaioken right away they wanted to draw whoever was going to attack them shin and kamido feel that they could handle it on their own and regardless bobby might not even be able to get enough energy if he needs so when smokovich and yama jump out at krillin he gets out of the way quickly as tencent on defeats them knocking them clean to the ground immediately they try and escape and those two end up following oh yeah and before they leave ten decides to make things easy and tell everyone he concedes letting krillin be declared the winner of the tournament even though he technically left two i mean let's be honest he was gonna win anyways while those two face boba fish and yamu another tournament is happening in other world and it's definitely way more peaceful with super saiyan kakarot's very strong now he was before but this is something else it's crazy how strong it makes him but there's one opponent that gives him trouble that being pycon see kakura has a pretty big disadvantage here everyone in this tournament is dead besides him and as we've seen being dead actually helps you with fighting especially when using something strenuous like super saiyan or kaioken but not just that pycon is pretty powerful and the fight between the two is pretty interesting it's a huge spectacle and kakarot is forced to break out something that he didn't use before he clued king cayenne on this but this is the first time he's actually using any practice if he were dead it would be way easier and he'd be able to use this at higher levels but he's still gonna break it out regardless with his now perfect control of super saiyan he stacks kaioken on top of it going super kyle ken this gives him a massive increase in power it's the multiplier of super saiyan plus whatever multiplier of kaioken is using and with how good he is with kyle ken and super saiyan let's say he's going to be using times 10 here this helps him a lot against pycon and this technique is very taxing on his body but it helps him win the tournament but this pygon guy interests him a lot he wants to see him again afterwards i mean that strength isn't something that kakarok can just ignore he begins talking with pycon after the tournament and the two are very respectful towards each other acknowledging the other's strength python shows interest in that kaioken technique ken kai is very happy to hear this because it's something he can hold over westcott would you look at that west kai's student is interested in north kai's technique but king kai's laughter is cut short he gets some news from shin kabito about earth it seemed everything was going well but shin mentions that someone very strong is there and even with krillin tenshinhan's great power this fighter deborah he poses a pretty considerable threat krillin and 10 are on route to bobby's ship and shin's worried about their safety and he asked king kai if he could bring kakarot with him luckily this tournament just finished so king kai runs over to kakarot and tells him sadly this meeting between him and pycon is cut short but they'll meet later on once again shin teleports in surprising all the other guys there immediately bringing kakarot to earth ten and krillin are happy to see him glad to have him here to help and shin fills him in on everything deborah sounds kind of concerning but with kakarot here they may be okay they arrive at the ship and bobbidy seems pretty angry spoke vic and yamu got no energy at all so they're executed right away but of course bobby knows other fighters are there and he sticks to bore on them immediately deborah sees shin and jumps up right towards him but midair he's then slammed down by kakarot and goes super saiyan right away shin's worried that kakarot may be giving a bit of energy but he promises he'll finish this quickly deborah is angered by the sneak attack had he not been off guard this wouldn't have happened and he gets up and ready to face this cackrot guy he sees the clothes he has in the symbol on his chest a student of the kai's he's ready to fight and ready to draw this out for as long as he needs but kakarot's not going to let that fly for a very brief period he jumps into super kyle can but just kaioken times 2. little side note this means he basically gets the same boost as super saiyan 2 but he doesn't want to give off too much energy and this should be enough to defeat deboer he catches deborah off guard and with one powerful hit he knocks the king of the demon realm unconscious and as he falls to the ground tension on krillin finish him off killing him bobbidy watches from his ship terrified all he has left are those two schmucks wipri and yacon who are immediately defeated as the fighters enter the ship he did get a bit of energy from kakarot but it's not nearly enough and he panics trying to figure out another option maybe he can possess one of the fighters but no luck krillin's obviously not gonna go majin and ten's heart has hardened since he's been evil so he's resilient to this too ironically enough kakarot would probably be the most susceptible due to his say in nature but that's still not gonna happen he gave up his saiyan ways a while ago since he was a kid and his mental fortitude is way too much for bobby to break through so bobby's ship is blown up killing bobby inside the only thing left is buzek which shin gladly takes away to make sure it's safe he thanks everyone for their help and is glad it went so smoothly and he's sorry for sending krill intention on it without knowing that deborah was there they're a little bummed that they didn't get to finish their match of the tournament but it's fun they can't go all out there anyways it wouldn't be as fun without them being able to use their full abilities but maybe shin will allow them to fight on a place where they can do that oh of course as a reward they get to fight each other on the sacred world lokai's without worrying about destroying anything around them as i've said of course krillin is going to win but this allows the both them to have a fun fight for once in a while with kakarot and shin getting to see how far these two have got and that's when kakarot brings up the idea of pycon training here he mentions pykonoshin and how strong he is maybe he'd be a good student here and this is intriguing they'll definitely have to look into that and of course they do over the next few years krillin and ten move out to training here with all their training in other world they do know some pretty interesting things including fusion but the two of them can't use it for obvious reasons i mean look at krillin's height and look at ten's height but this could be useful for some other people because three the students there are similar in height and they might even know pycon and passive with their training in other world beforehand i'm sure they would have met him eventually and now they actually get to know him better over these next few years and while he's not here there is another photo that they're thinking about they've seen him occasionally since the tournament but that young fighter upa is pretty interesting uber was motivated by seeing 10 and krillin's performance in the tournament albeit a very brief performance he wants to be as strong as possible and he saw that those two humans were able to do it so maybe he can too as a guardian of corn's tower i mean it's only a matter of time before he climbs up there meeting corn and eventually meeting kami too and especially with his strength he can do that relatively easily now again we'll see more of him next time it's just worth mentioning right now a few years pass and eventually a visitor appears on shin's plan someone that shin knows all too well it's beerus and of course whis by this time beerus would have awoken and he'd probably still have his premonition about his super saiyan god and wouldn't you know apparently shin has a saiyan student funny enough they actually do know about super saiyan god this time and they tell beerus that it's kind of a long way off for kakarot they can't do the ritual but there is another way to get it as mentioned before if kakarot finds a way to access godki maybe he can access this form too of course the prospect interests beerus and he thinks for a second and then straight up asks a question would kakarot like to train on his planet well that kind of came out of nowhere kakarot's heard of beerus but he doesn't know too much about him and this is the first time he's meeting beerus and to be honest he is a little bit terrified of him i mean just listen to his title god of destruction you'd have to be crazy to not be scared of that well at least if you don't know beerus's true personality but jokes aside kakarot's a bit intimidated but also intrigued before kakarot goes though he wants to test his strength against beerus beerus says he could fight him with all he's got any transformations any techniques any weapons he'll allow all of it cockrock goes in with a lower level of kyle ken it does nothing he goes on a super saiyan it does nothing he goes on the super kyle ken it does nothing and then he breaks out something interesting a while ago he was actually able to pull out the z sword and that's what he's been training with with quickly he goes to grab it and swings it at beerus and instantly beerus breaks it but then realizes what he just did he glares at kakarot asking if that was the z sword kakarot is terrified too oh god what did he just do he broke the z sword but that's not why beerus is mad it's because out of the z sword comes elder kai beerus doesn't want to deal with this right now so he grabs onto cockroach and tells him to say goodbye as he and we strike kak right away to beerus's planet with everyone else just looking on dumbfounded both of the fact that beerus has kidnapped one of shin's students the fact that he's even awake and the fact that there's a new kai there that they don't know anything about elder kai is equally confused who are these three baldies on his planet and why was beerus here just now with a saiyan they have a lot of questions but we're gonna have to wait for the next part until they get answered so we'll leave off here for now as discussed last time once kakarot left to train with beerus it appears that there's a vacancy for shin and kabito they can train someone else now they already have ten and krillin on the planet but now pikon's gonna join too it's crazy he's heard of this place and of the supreme kai but he never would have actually expected to be here what's even crazier shin realized that pycon is actually stronger than krillin and ten here so he's got a head start right away not to mention since he's dead he's kind of advantaged in terms of stamina so not only does he fit right in but he hits the ground running another interesting point is that elder kai is now there freed from the z sword these students are actually pretty interesting to him he's not too involved in the training but he definitely sees the potential in these three fighters it gets him thinking maybe he can help these fighters grow he does have his own methods of course and they seem pretty worthy of it he continues observing them wanting to see how they grow to make sure that they actually deserve this of course while this is all happening on the sacred role of kais kakarot is still with beerus his training is going pretty well with whis he's already gotten a lot stronger and it seems he has a grasp on god ki but of course his life can't be all training he does want to take a break once in a while and ask whis if he could take him to king kai's planet well a break might be good for him so luis agrees they're glad to see each other it's been a while since kakarot seen king kai i mean think about it kinkai is basically his adoptive dad it's not the usual master student connection that they had before kakarot's excited to show off his new power and king kai has something to show too out of king kai's house somebody walks out it takes a bit for kakarot to recognize him but then he realizes who it is it's that other student roshi had oopa this is the first time kakarot formerly gets to meet him besides just seeing him in passing during the buu saga this is definitely a surprise king kai has a new student and it seems uber moved up here pretty fast much like krillin intended he worked his way up the realm of gods and within no time at all he ended up training with king kai his progress has been pretty good roshi taught him well and he seems pretty motivated oop is glad to meet kakarot he's heard a lot of good things about him and now he finally gets to actually fight him wait fight him yeah he asks hackard if he wants to spawn and i mean do you think kakarots are really going to turn that down no he isn't he's surprised to hear it but he agrees although kakarot's gonna have to hold back a lot right away they start off in base just to test their power with kakarot suppressed as he uses more power uber then goes into kaioken using times two so he's already learned this technique kakarot chuckles and does the same with the two of them controlling it flawlessly uber goes into times four and kakarot jumps back all right he's not going to play around anymore he transformed into super saiyan amazing upa naturally oop is kind of disadvantage i mean kakarot's an alien while loop is just a human with no transformations all he has is the technique kyle ken while kakarot has access to this boop is not going to back down he cranks up kaioken all the way to times 20. but even with that he's disadvantaged although he continues to fight kakarot commends his persistence anupa asks if this is kakarot's full power king kai knows kakarot has super saiyan kao ken but he wonders if this is the extent of kakarot's power as well alright well just for show he goes into super kaioken just as king kai expected this power is way higher than anything upa could ever achieve although it's a fleeting power super kaioken isn't necessarily easy to handle he can't use it for long periods of time but surprisingly to king kai kakros says that this isn't his limit beerus and whis have been watching the whole time too this everything is pretty impressive but he's no match for kakarot beerus nudges king kai saying he's going to want to see this he yes beerus helped kakarot access this new power luis butson saying that he did all the work but beerus takes the credit king kai's student never ceases to amaze him as he watches kakarot begin to transform kakarot surrounded by a fiery red aura as slowly the shade of his hair begins to change unlike the explosive transformation that super saiyan is this one seems a lot more calm his aura changes then his hair turns red with his eyes doing the same chakra introduces this as super saiyan god his newest evolution in power and his strongest form it's so weird upon sends any key coming off him but he can tell that the presence itself is overwhelming and king kai can surely tell if this is a strong form actually being able to sense it oop asks if cakra wants to continue the fight and kakarot agrees the both of them know that oopa will lose this but he just wants to see the extent of kakarot's power he lunges at kakarot with his full speed shooting pass kalkin damn 20 and even going into times 40 he rapidly punches and kicks cac rock but he easily dodges everything oopa continues doing this not landing a single hit until kakarot catches one of his fists he tells the human that he's impressed he has some great potential and drive but it's clear that even with that he's overwhelmed here with one hit he knocked super out finishing the fight as the two intended kakarot spent some time in the plan catching up with king kai and getting to know uber some more he's glad that king kai's found a new student and king has got to see how strong kakarot is now no matter where he is kakarot continues growth and that puts kinkai at ease eventually kakarot does head back to beerus's plan and everyone resumes their normal training for the time being until a certain someone comes to universe 7 that being champa the universe 6 tournament happens and as you can guess the team's going to be very different this time the only constant is kakarot who isn't even the same as goku as for the other four fighters krillin 10 and pycon are recruited with kakarot deciding to ask uber if he wants to join two that makes five fighters and they're all pretty confident the tournament itself starts and oop is actually the first up facing with tamo it's so weird because this guy isn't phased by any of his attacks but ubu realized that this guy is stretchy too that may have its perks but it might also be a disadvantage in fighting upper grabs onto one of atamo's arms and botama wonders what he's up to still unfazed upper goes into kyle ken and with his feet he creates a key blast quickly propelling him back to the other side of the ring as he flies back botamo's arm stretches with him but tomorrow can't pull his arm back but his uber is just too strong and instead this caused him to be slingshotted out of the ring being defeated in this one swift motion by open not only is he strong but he's smart although next he faces frost in frost's first form is not too much of an issue but frost realized that this guy's taking the fight very seriously he could just poison him but instead frost has to transform not going into his final form but his assault form he begins getting the upper hand until uber activates a new stage of kyle kent going into times 20 being able to keep up with it frost needs to maintain his demeanor but he's a bit annoyed so swiftly he decides to poison up winning this fight next up is ten shinhan who forces frost into his final form due to his power in terms of strength alone he outclasses frost and frost realizes that so once again he's going to poison this dude 10 doesn't notice until it's too late but with his three eyes he's able to see the needle right as he stabbed thinking it was a technique rather than actual poison he's defeated but makes sure that frost is disqualified as well this means him an upper will get to fight later on pycon is up against magetta next and of course pygon's gonna be able to come up with some insults against magetta to actually defeat him that's how he was able to hold off genemba so of course he should be able to do it here too there's nothing else to cover about this fight next up he faces cabba and again there's nothing really notable here pygon would probably take the win but next he'll be facing hit and this kind of is an issue pycon actually does have something up his sleeve though taking some inspiration from dragon ball heroes we're actually giving pike on a new form here although the form doesn't really change much as far as i can tell he has a state called super pycon and this is what it looks like in dragon ball heroes yeah there's not really much change i mean his clothes are different but that one really makes sense to change here the only difference that i could see is the lines on his eyes so we don't really know much about it and doesn't really change much in terms of features but hey him nor dragon ball heroes are canon anyways so really we could do whatever we want for simplicity and to help him power up we're gonna say that this is his equivalent of super saiyan let's say he gets around a 50 times boost hit's actually pretty impressed with this power and the best part is since pycon is still dead stamina is not an issue for him however hits timeskip is simply too strong pycon's disappointed that he's not able to win because he still had something else that he didn't show off yet and the next up is krillin krillin also has a new trick up his sleeve thanks to elder kai he actually did help power up him pycon and tan shinhan and right from the get-go krillin shows the song there's no physical change but in terms of power everyone could tell that he's way stronger he's surrounded by a white oar stating that elder kai unlocked its potential this is ultimate krillin kakarot's amazed to see the power of these two he definitely needs to spar with them sometimes to see how much they've grown but still krillin's not going to take the win here hit is able to overcome him and win kakarot's actually a bit nervous sure super saiyan god is pretty powerful but hit he kind of seems like something else immediately kakarot goes into god and he's briefly able to keep up but hit takes the advantage once more kakarot needs to stay in he's getting pretty desperate by this point he is the strongest fighter there and if he loses well 10 and uber are up next and they don't stand a chance while he hasn't really tried this before he decides to test it out on top of god he begins using kyle kent although it's not a high level it's only at a maximum of times four because he's not really sure how to control it and it's pretty painful to use but even with this desperate boost in power it's not enough hit takes the win once more it's the same with uppa and even though 10 also has ultimate he can't stand a chance either simply put hit sweeps universe 7 causing them to lose this means shama is going to get the wish but beerus isn't going to let it slide he doesn't have much time but he wants to find a way to convince champa to do something else wait now that he thinks about it why does shamba have to steal earth i mean with the super dragon balls can't he just copy it or something plus he tells champa zeno would probably get pretty mad if he's meddling with the universes like that he wouldn't want to anger zeno right this is a fair point and chappa considers it i mean stealing earth is kind of unnecessary so luckily champa hears beerus out and he's able to be convinced he makes the more reasonable choice of asking for a copy of earth rather than just stealing it from beerus and being an ass about it crisis averted so everything's back to normal right everything's all good well not quite things may be settled now but of course not gonna stay like that following this arc we'd normally have zamasu but that's not going to happen here there is no time traveler to anger zamasu in short seeing kakarot's power may sour him a bit but i mean it's nothing to kill every mortal in the universe over zamasu just doesn't have the same motivation here to actually do what he wants there's nothing that really ticks him off enough to send him in that direction so luckily that archive is completely avoided but one arc that won't be avoided is the torment of power zeno saw this tournament and actually visited deciding that it was pretty fun he wanted to do something like that for himself he's probably not gonna form the same friendship with kakarot here kakarot isn't goku as we've discussed many times in the scenario he's much more respectful of the gods and actually pretty fearful of zeno once he hears who he is but now he needs to find 10 fighters for the tournament and that's going to be pretty tough at first is not so bad the same people from the universe 6 tournament are recruited 10 krillin upper and pycon the first three of them actually suggest roshi should be recruited too he is pretty strong despite his age and he'd probably be willing to fight alongside his three students they ask and he does join much to kakarot's surprise he knows that roshi trained the three of them but he's never actually seen roshi's power this will be an interesting thing to see kakarot begins thinking trying to find planets where he could find fighters on that shouldn't be an issue though he spent so much time with king kai that he knows universal geography pretty well is geography even the right word for that i don't know i'm not an astronomer anyways he knows his galaxy and some of the universe pretty well for one he knows namek has some pretty strong fighters so he decides to check that planet the earthlings are pretty amazing to see namic they didn't even know until now that this is where king piccolo and kami came from or at least the person who used to be the two combined the namekians here this torment and realize that it's pretty dire they reveal that they got all fused together and helped that way and they see pycon wondering if he's a namekian too kinda racist but they say he doesn't have the nose ears or the intent so he's just a random green guy jokes aside though they can fuse together they just need to know how many fighters universe 7 needs so kakarot and everyone will come back later to see them another good place to check is yardrad the people here aren't very strong but in terms of technique they make up for that naturally the best person to recruit would be pybara and although he's hesitant he decides to join because it's for the sake of the universe they tell them they actually have namekians joining who are going to fuse together but they don't want to use all their meccans because they're worried if they're all fused together they can't defuse it turns out they're in good hands because pybara can defuse them how convenient so they go dynamic and tell everyone this the namekians can fuse together without worry after the tournament they'll be defused returning the planet back to normal and because of that they decide it's probably best that everyone fuses into one namekian just so they have as much power as they could possibly get as of now the strongest person there is a namekian named nail and he agrees to be the host the namekians begin fusing together fusing into him it's gonna be a long process because there's a lot of people to fuse so they'll give the namekians some time okay things are going good so far they have kakarot plus the original five people that he recruited now pybara and nail are joining two that makes eight kakarot racks his brain trying to think of some other fighters on earth there's not really anyone too strong i mean there is comedy but they'd be better off fusing them into nail which they're hesitant about because they're not sure how to affect earth and since it would be a lot to throw at kami at once kakarot does remember one person there was someone who wasn't particularly strong and wasn't particularly a good person either some emperor named frieza he explains to everyone this guy is a tyrant the most wicked of the wicked he's actually the person who destroyed his planet however the group votes against it they don't want an evil person joining them especially considering he might not even be that strong but it's good that they know about frieza they could be concerned about him for later but he'd be a bad pick they'd be better off just reviving buu purposefully well there is master shen but 10 decides it might be a good idea to recruit chaotsu he's not particularly strong and he hasn't been training with 10 that much he's only seen 10 when he's been on earth but he's an old friend who does have some good techniques at least and that's the only other strong earthing that they can think of but even then that only makes nine fighters kakrot 10 krillin roshi paikon pybara nail uppa and now chow tsu it's up to kakarot to find someone else strong in the universe there has to be someone kakarot goes back to whis maybe he can help they got to survey the universe there has to be someone thankfully whis is able to help but it's going to take some time to search the whole universe he pulls out his staff and they begin looking it seems they already have most of the strong people kakarot's hoping that maybe they have people like universe 6 did maybe their own version of hit he knows they have their own version of frost but he's not particularly a good pick in terms of someone like cabba or kakarot for that regard well kakarot's the only saiyan that's living right and this is where things get weird something catches whis's eye that he didn't expect whis turns to kakarot and actually has some good news and also possibly some bad news to go along with it the good news is whis did find someone who may be particularly strong and may be able to help but the bad news is well kakarot's not the only saiyan left in the universe this other strong fighter is also a saiyan as well and maybe the whole reason he survived because he was banished to this planet this of course comes as a shock to kakarot he thought he was the only one left but wheeze pulls on his staff there's two left one's an old saiyan not particularly helpful but the other name broly may actually be of use kakarot doesn't know what to think of this there's two other saiyans this whole time and he didn't know and even if the saiyan is strong time is running out he's not sure if he'll be able to convince him to join the tournament right away shen teleports cacrod away they need to make haste and hopefully they can convince this guy with that we'll have this part here for now after shin arrives on beerus's planet he and kakarot teleport straight to vamp shin's a little bit nervous but kakarot says it'll be okay he knows how to talk to people and hopefully he can convince this guy to get on the team shin waits nearby as kakarot goes over seeing a man carrying a giant dead bug he flies over and casually greets the man it's broly and he's immediately on guard no one else is supposed to be on this planet kakarot doesn't seem too intimidating but obviously this would be suspicious paragus hears and comes out too and now kakarot has a lot of explaining to do he knows they don't know each other but tell them they have a common goal the universe is at risk and he hopes that broly can help them save it he goes into a lot more detail explaining who he is and what's going on and why they should trust him even with all this explanation of course the two of them would still be suspicious although how else does this guy get here and know about them he might actually be credible but paragus notes something he has a tale is he a saiyan 2 he's dressed very weird for say and kakrok goes into more detail this puts paragus more at ease he thought he was just another normal saiyan but really kakarot's completely different he's only a saiyan by blood kakarot doesn't really know how to entice the two but he tells them that he can get them off this planet if they help from what he knows broly's pretty strong and seems to have a lot of potential but paragus has one more question if this guy knows about other saiyans exist in the universe does he know if one named vegeta is still alive kakarot tells him that he was responsible for vegeta's death he was a bad guy who attacked earth and kakarot helped stop it with some help from his friend krillin this puts paragus more at ease not only is vegeta dead but this guy killed him maybe the two can get along plus he and broly get off this hellish planet all they need is for bully to join the tournament although broly isn't really prepared sure he has fighting experience and is strong but he's gonna need a little bit more training no worries though kakarot has the perfect plan back on earth he takes broly into the room of spirit in time along with another fighter nail has now arrived on earth with every namekian fuse within him since they only needed one extra fighter they didn't need too fuse namekians only one which makes nail way stronger than he would be he has every single nimeki infused within him at the moment and kakarot wants to test his power nail actually may be the strongest on the team now and the best part is he can come in the room of spirit in time without taking any of the food so they won't have to worry about rationing anything it's not like they have that much time anyways the three enter ready to train for a few months as you'd probably expect nail is pretty strong and kakarot's impressed as well as with broly strength too broly doesn't have any real experience besides fighting those monsters on vampa but slowly and surely he begins to adapt especially with kakarot and nail's train nail notices something interesting with the cack rod the who try and test each other's powers out while fighting kakarot specifically wants to test something out taking luis's teachings to mind he calms himself ready for nail to attack nail begins attacking in terms of strength the two are pretty even but kakarot's going for something else he dodges nails attacks wanting to see if his body can react automatically broly watches on as well interested to see what's happening this isn't really out of the ordinary for them remember they don't really know kakarot too well but kakarot's clearly going for a higher power he even closes his eyes as nail fights with nails sort of getting an idea of what he's trying to do nail focuses more and powers up further with kakarot's body continuing to somewhat react on its own for a brief second it seems like his aura warps becoming more purplish but just as it does nail lands a hit right at kakarot's face knocking him back right into super saiyan blue again kakarot knows he's making some progress so he continues going for this a few days before their training is up in the time chamber surprisingly the door opens and someone bursts in it's elder kai he can't believe he forgot he tells them he wants to unlock someone's potential they wish they knew before because then they can unlock everyone's potential but now he only has time to really do one or maybe two people kakarot can't believe that slipped his mind but it doesn't matter he tells him to unlock nail's potential and broly's potential obviously he's pursuing his own power and he feels that nail and broly will benefit the most from it and as you'd expect they will broly doesn't have access to any forms yet and after kakarot hears about how he rages out at times yeah it's probably better that he doesn't try and transform into super saiyan or something him getting ultimate would really help as for nail he doesn't have any transformations at all he's just really strong as is getting ultimate will only make it more potent so elder kai unlocks their potentials wishing that he could do the same for kak raw but there's no time the three exit the room of spirit in time and immediately whis takes everyone towards the tournament all the humans are ready as is pycon and pybara they're teleported to the world of void ready for the tournament to begin at the very start pibara begins by multiplying himself not as a way to fight but as a way to persevere one of his clones gets really small enough to hide in one of the cracks of the rocks nearby once it's opened he does this with a few other clones his main body is hidden while the other one that's actually fighting is a distraction of course in terms of strength he's not too strong but he'll focus on support using spirit fission and instant transmission to avoid being attacked occasionally he taps random fighters to steal some energy gathering some as the tournament goes on one of the first fights is chow 2 vs universe 9 specifically the trio of danger ted is confident they could take them all on he just needs chaos help chow to begins by trying to stun lavender who seems to be one of the biggest problems tan avoids the poison and with lavender stunned he's able to knock him out leaving 10 only facing two of them basil isn't too hard for him to fight his strength is pretty impressive at this point way better than where basil is at once again chouch is able to support him by stunning basil but bergamo quickly sees what's going on once basil is knocked out bergamo goes right for chiaotsu luckily he's the last one left so that makes it easier for ten to defend against him with ultimate he's able to handily take out bergamo defeating the trio of danger thanks to his help from choutsu even though chaos strength isn't that great he was a good help having a fighter to support him was really good the rest of the fighters are able to hold their own pretty well broly is a lot more experienced now and stronger he didn't have much time to get used to ultimate so he doesn't really know his own strength but slowly he learns nail has a much easier time though he was already strong before and ultimate only makes him that much stronger he's definitely the strongest at this moment at least for universe 7. one of the interesting things that he notices is that universe 6 has namekians as well and they seem to have a similar story to him these two also fuse their entire planet although instead of one fighter it's two it seems they have a lot in common with them having a mutual respect for each other this is one of nail's first fights and as you'd probably expect he is able to win here he doesn't particularly care about a wish he's not going to get anything selfish but he says that if he does he'd prefer to revive the universes they don't deserve erasure neither is universe 7 all of them are equal in his eyes seeing those two namekians further proves it they're all in the same situation and nail's not really the only one to share that idea upa and roshi are also fighting together this is one of uber's first real fights at least on this scale he's had a lot of fights on earth but this is very different but he could finally put his training to use roshi definitely sells some things to teach him as does kami and king kai but in terms of strength he's far surprised his masters by now showing that off against some fighters from universe 2 with a combination of skill and power krillin even joins in the fight trying to help them surprised to see how strong the newest student of the turtle school is as for pycon he would either work with 10 in chaos or would go alone he makes great use of his new super form showing off some awesome power a lot of the universes are taken aback universe 7 is pretty strong and it's not just one fighter it's multiple nail broly pycon and of course kakarot they're all really strong and the humans shouldn't be underestimated either even the two weakest fighters chaotium and pybara they have a lot of great techniques up their sleeve in all honesty i say team universe 7 is better off here than it was in canon despite how radically different it is speaking of kakarot he begins testing out something brand new he's done super kyoken before and he has super saiyan blue so why not try blue kyle ken this is another big difference between him and goku he still hasn't really tried blue cow ken in the fight yet although it's great for short bursts of power here and there he knows he could break his limits but he's not sure how blue kaioken is strong at all but he knows there's something more something that whis was trying to teach him a power that he felt when he was training with broly and nail a good way to test this would be to fight jiren pushing his limits to the max also jiren does seem like a big threat kakarot aims to take him out right away he has a much different demeanor than goku would have but still his satan blood is pumping and he does look forward to a great fight against jiren this eventually leads to kakarot making a spirit bomb which surprisingly he's never really used before it's great because he's finally able to test out this trump card that king kai gave him and what's better he has some perfect supports for it everyone on this team is pretty strong granting him a lot of energy and as for pybara he's gathered some from other fighters from other universes which makes the spirit bomb much more potent than it was in canon and though kakarot hasn't really used blue kyle ken too much remember in this scenario he's focused a lot more on kyle ken so it's likely that he'd get the hang of this a lot faster we thought goku was worried about using it because he might die if he did it wrong but that's not too big of an issue here he uses it when pushing the spirit bomb back of course he faces a lot of resistance from jiren but the bomb itself is a lot stronger too jiren is actually forced to put some more pressure in and kakarot's able to push it closer and closer to him however at the last moment jiren unless had a burst of power the spirit bomb grazes him but just as it does he shouts as he pushes it back with more power kakarot falls into the spirit bomb seemingly dying from the attack but luckily this actually helps him it's more so a catalyst than anything he's able to survive not only doing that but channeling all the energy at the bomb within him using it basically as fuel trying to resist in whatever way possible so not only does he unlock ultra instinct like normal but he actually has a better grasp on it he almost saw it before in the time chamber this acted as a way to make him obtain it but also the spirit bomb kind of fueled him in a way making it so he's not that worn out like he was normally rather than this power being fleeting he has a much better grasp on it without even thinking he immediately goes for jeer and jiren is actually surprised at the power increase kakarot was strong before but this is something completely different the two begin clashing as kakarot actually gets the upper hand he knows that jiren is hiding more power jiren's a big threat and kakura wants to end this quickly he does enjoy the fight though but it's going to have to be cut short kakarot ramps up his power as jiren tries to do the same with kakarot dodging every attack even countering some of them slowly he pushes jiren towards the edge jiren throws a punch as kakrov grabs his arm pushing it past him as he gets behind jiren kicking the back of his legs jiren loses balance and is about to fall on its back and before he does kakarot lands a powerful kick flinging jiren off the side jiren tries to maneuver his way back in the ring but kakarot launches a massive ki blast pushing joon farther away until he falls into the void with this jiren is defeated although there's one downside kakarot is basically out of commission even though he had a better grasp on ui and had some fuel for it the power itself is still very taxing on his bot he gives out and pybarra considers healing him but he knows that he won't have enough for cacrod he just gives enough to make sure that he's okay but kakarot isn't able to use his power for the rest of the tournament luckily the other fighters got this inevitably at some point kale and cauliflower fused into kefla but there's two really big issues for them here for one kaaba never learned super saiyan by this point he probably wouldn't know what it is after seeing kakarot use it but he wouldn't know how to access it at all or even if he can and because of that cal and caulifla most likely don't know it either so when they fuse into kefla kefla just in her base form she still is decently strong but pycon takes her on and he's actually a pretty great match for her even overpowering the fusion pibara offers to defuse them but pycon likes the challenge he's able to face her alone defeating the fusion showing off some more of his great power nail fights against the universe 11 fighters eventually facing toppo the humans take on dyspo and dis was able to actually knock some of them out due to his speed but once pykon defeats kefla he comes in to help dyspo is defeated as nail continues to face toppo toppo never abandons his morals and goes into the god of destruction mode which actually helps nail come out on top no pun intended besides that the only other big threat left is any raza who tries to go for kakarot and defeat it seeing him as a potential threat even though he seems worn out right now but kakarot watches on as his friends defend him all of universe 7 bands together to defeat the giant monster kakarot summons the last of his strength and stands up as well going into super saiyan all of the remaining fighters defeat aniraza together showing off the true combined strength of universe 7. and with that they win the tournament of power in terms of an mvp there are a few candidates pybara did help a lot in terms of support payacon and nail also got some great eliminations on their own and obviously kakarot did pretty well too although really his only big elimination was jiren so i feel like nail would probably get the honor he helped out his group a lot and got some pretty important eliminations he has both quantity and quality to his name meaning he gets the wish from the super dragon balls as we know he wants to wish for the other universe to be restored he was planning this from the start and hoped that whoever won would wish for that and thankfully he's the one to get that wish he looks at super shenron with one wish in mind restore every universe that was erased he's never seen a dragon quite like this this is way more intimidating than perunga everyone's pretty happy to hear this especially zeno and the grand priest all the universes are restored and everything's returned back to normal although this poses a weird question nail said he was gonna get defused by pybara and he does end up doing that but nail got the ultimate form i want to saw that namekians are diffused out of him he's likely gonna keep that but when you think about it does it mean that the other namekians have ultimate as well i don't know imagine a whole planet of people with the ultimate form it would definitely boost namek's power i'll let you guys come up with an answer for the hypothetical question anyways we head back to earth broly and paragus would likely stay there king kai's plan doesn't have much space and there's no real reason for them to be on the sacred world of kai's or beerus plant but the earthlings welcome both of them which is nice they finally got off ivanpa and have a new home and broly's finally got a grasp on his power well hopefully we still haven't really seen his rage yet instead of working to perfect that kakarot somewhat ignored it he saw brief flare-ups of it in the time chamber but they've never seen broly's true wrath hopefully they won't have to deal with it later on but of course things aren't going to be entirely peaceful now that we've finished the tournament of power the next logical step is going into the moral arc this arc will be the conclusion of the series so after the tournament of power of course the broly movie is supposed to happen but here there is no broly movie the explanation's pretty obvious broly's already part of the story by now he's actually moved to earth thankfully nothing happens the same way it did in the movie he gets to avoid getting beat up and paragus gets to live there's no frieza force no chili and lemo and obviously no gogeta and with broly on earth that is gonna change some things you'll see later as for the namekians by now they've all defused in the last part i left off with a question it was kind of a joke but after thinking some more i realized that it would actually really change the outcome of this arc i was asking whether or not the nemechek would all keep ultimate remember nail got it while he was fused and i was wondering if maybe they can all keep it once they defused and after reading through the comments and deciding for myself i was thinking maybe it would be better if nails the only one to keep it it wouldn't make sense for only him to keep it after all only his latent power was unlocked not really the other namekians individually they may get a passive boost from this but they wouldn't have the same boost as nail does and you might be thinking what's the point of this distinction well it's actually pretty important because if you consider it every namekian have an ultimate would basically nullify this arc and make it not happen there would be two outcomes one more would go to namak and get absolutely devastated by all the namekians there or two more would steal all of their power and become unstoppable leading to the destruction of the universe most likely so instead i feel it might be more interesting to have them not get ultimately but nail gets lucky and he keeps it anyways the arc begins as you'd expect morrow escapes prison and decides to make a beeline for namek the galactic patrol is scrambling to handle it of course there's no buu to help them and they're not too aware of any good fighters on earth well they know there are some but a lot of them are gone by now they don't know much about broly and while roshi and uber are strong they're not strong enough to do anything against moro and the galactic patrol probably wouldn't know too much about them either all the other strong fighters are off planet and have been off planet for a while as discussed in the last few parts when moro is coming to namek all the namekians actually send some coming quickly they try and formulate a plan they think the dragon balls may be at risk so right away a lot of the mekians help hide them while the strong warrior namekians including nail all get ready to fight the galactic patrol is also trying to pursue more so while the namekians prepare for him to arrive they can sense that the galactic patrol is soon gonna come and try and help them nail takes charge kind of like we saw in the manga a lot of the warrior mechanics would probably want a fuse that gives him the best shot at fighting moro and here the namekian savior would be nailed they've already all fused into him before so it's kind of routine by now not to mention he'd be much stronger than the namekian savior we saw in the manga although it's not every nomeki infusing into him so he's not as strong as his tournament to power counterpart but even if he's only half as strong he's still way stronger than pretty much any fighter he may actually have a shot against muro this becomes apparent once moro actually gets onto the planet the sole person ready to fight him is nail himself moro doesn't really expect much of this namekian sure he knows some namekians may be strong but this one he doesn't really seem like too much trouble especially because it's only one of them he quickly learns that that's not the case nail immediately attacks with extreme prejudice ready to defeat him right away moro actually gets a bit injured by this caught off guard by a couple punches from a nail he's actually pretty surprised he would have never expected a nemeche to be this strong but there may be upsizes to this too using energy absorption he could benefit from this he starts to take energy from the planet and nail not killing nail because he may have information about the dragon balls right now he just wants nail out of the picture and to get a nice snack out of him he plans to keep the namekian a lot and while the lack of control hasn't contacted anyone someone is watching this after the tournament of power shin knows that the mortal level of his universe is pretty low so he starts to pay more attention this would most likely catch his eye not only is namic under attack but the person that's attacking actually seems pretty threatening and something about the guy attacking seems pretty familiar shin doesn't know too much about moro but he knows that he's heard of him from the grand supreme kai before although since it was so long ago he's only heard stories but from what he can gather this guy is a pretty strong magician that could take people's energy and while nail may be pretty strong namek's gonna need some help luckily shin has some people on this planet that could help right away currently training with him he has krillin pyke on attend shinhan and while the magic may be an issue shin has a plan using his magic abilities he may be able to work around it at least providing support for the fighters the fighters agree to go and immediately they teleport over to namic they're not too sure how they're going to defeat him maybe these three fighters and nail can help rob him up a bit and then the galactic patrol can take care of him but shin remembers the grin supreme kai says something about sealing him away maybe shin could figure out a way to do that himself if so that would be the simple solution but he's not too sure how yet he's gonna keep that in mind though now moro is outnumbered and overpowered pretty greatly over power too but he sees someone that catches his eye the supreme kai is there of course now with shin there he'd probably be moore's main target but luckily the fighters are all able to hold him off he tries to steal her energy but then he notices something he still can steal energy but it's not as potent as it was before shin doesn't really know how to do it perfectly yet but he's able to try and counter moro's magic again it's not something perfect but it's enough to try and mitigate it at least a bit if he does this long enough then maybe the fighter can kill more but the evil magician is much smarter than that he realizes their plan and knows that he's gonna have to work around it somehow and really the only way to do it is actually to retreat they're beating morrow pretty badly and luckily for him he has an escape he lifts his hands up launching lava out from the ground below him and as the lava clears the fighters see multiple moroes flying away there's at least a dozen of them and no one knows which one is the real moro moro and his apparitions all fly away with the fighters wondering who they should chase down pycon quickly charges up an attack and launches it towards the morrows but when it connects all of them disappear none of them were real the real moro actually escaped elsewhere keeping a low profile and running away instead of flying away it's clear that they may need some more help luckily someone else was watching over and someone tries to contact all the way onto beerus's planet kakarot is actually aware of what's happening but beerus and whis waited to send him they didn't want him to get involved right away but now that things are getting kind of bad they say that it may be a good idea he asked shin to teleport him there he thinks he has a great idea of how to counter moro shin immediately goes there picking up kakarot and going back to namic with him kakarot's idea is pretty simple he asked everyone if they remember that technique he had in the tournament of power ultra instinct well actually he's trying to work on that now and it might be effective against moro as well as letting kakarot test his power they definitely remember it from before but they're surprised can he even access that he shows it off after training with beerus and wheat some more he actually figured out how to access it at will we even saw this before the tournament of power when he was in the room of spirit in time he was really close to figuring out how to use it whenever the tournament of power just gave him a bigger push as to how it feels combined with all his knowledge and experience he can actually use ui omen whenever he wants it's still a bit draining but the fact that he used it at will is pretty helpful but nail sun to something terrible all the namekians are in trouble they hid the dragon ball but somehow moro was able to find them all he was able to quickly get some in his possession and now that he's close to getting the final ones they could actually sense him moving quickly he's definitely trying to make haste but by the time they all catch up to him it's too late baranga's in the sky and he already granted one of the wishes moro turns around grinning now with a new look his beard has shrunk his wrinkles have gone away and he's gotten slightly more muscular not to mention his powers increase greatly his former power has been restored but even with this kakura isn't deterred he tells everyone to try and protect the namekians as kakarot tells shin to follow him more was surprised he hasn't seen this fighter before he wonders what the sky's planets until he sees ultra instinct ah a technique of the gods this may be a worthy opponent but even with that morrow feels that he still has the upper hand but with shin there to help kakarot they definitely have the upper hand right now immediately he begins attacking more the gap in power is clear despite moro's new power up kakarot still has the upper hand not just defensively but offensively too plus shin's magic mitigates some of moro's not just his energy absorption but pretty much all his other abilities not that it completely nullifies it but it's weakened enough to make a difference more is pissed off now but luckily help is coming in soon kakarot continues fighting undeterred and just as he's about to finish off moro there's a distraction a ship flies in and laurel chuckles as he mentions that he had another wish all the galactic patrol prisoners have escaped and once again moro lifts a hand up as lava flies out of the ground almost hitting kakarot but he dodges it flipping backwards as he's surrounded by plumes of lava the plumes go away and he sees moro standing on the ship commanding all the prisoners to attack even with this threat the fighters are determined krill and ten chinon and pykon are all really strong of course nail's pretty strong too together with kakarot they're able to fight off a lot of the prisoners shin even gets involved in the fighting too focusing on them but they lose focus on moro and now with shin under attack he doesn't have to worry about his magic being mitigated moro begins taking their energy more and more they power down during battle slowly losing all their energy they've already defeated some of the prisoners and helped the galactic patrol catch some but if it keeps going like this they're not gonna win quickly shin teleports around grabbing on to everyone not just the fighters there but also locating the remaining namekians they teleport out of there landing on the sacred world of cottons as the galactic patrol also scrambles to escape nail says that he has an idea he can try and fuse with the remaining namekians and that could make him stronger he thinks that maybe fusing with more will really help and he's not too worried pybara can help defuse him later krillin perks up when he hears this wait that's actually an amazing idea nail thinks so too as everyone else but krill says he's not talking about that he's talking about pybara maybe he could help he remembers that the yards actually have some weird ability to take people's energy just like how they're able to defuse male maybe they can consult him for help kakarot actually picks up on this too and realizes that it might work he decides he's going to go ask him so shin takes him to yard draft pibara welcomes kakarot it's been a bit of time since he's seen it he wonders is the universe at risk again from a tournament well it's at risk again but not from that kakarot explains the situation and pybara understands he's willing to help although he personally can't go there and risk his life if he tried to fight moro and steal his energy there'd be no way that could work but he does have another idea he'd be willing to teach it to kakarot akron's surprise he didn't even realize he could learn something like this well yeah if that's the way it works he's down to do that things are seeming to get better since kakarot's pretty strong right now he's probably the best bet to actually get this shin considers bringing the other fighters here but it's better for kakarot to have himself there as the only focus for pybara shin has a separate plane he's gonna go back to his planet and train the fighters there trying to teach the magic sure he might not be the best at magic like the red supreme kai but this limited knowledge and it may be enough if he teaches some magic to the other fighters at the very least they can try and mitigate the effects of moro like he did plus it's a new route of power for them it'll let them get stronger in a different way as kakarot against his training shin teleports back to his planet this is going to take some time though and in that time moro begins going around the universe mainly with his scouts going to find treasure of course one of the big targets would be earth one day oop is training with king kai and king kai knows that he senses something terrible heading towards earth immediately uber goes to return flying across snake way in a matter of seconds quickly meeting up with kami who teleports him back to earth roshi's already at the lookout he sends this too and even chaotsu came along the three of them are ready to defend earth morrow scouts arrive and right away oopa goes into kyle kent and the three fighters go into battle while chad and roshi aren't the strongest fighters they are really helpful here and oopa is pretty strong in his own right especially with kyle ken now as they are now they're probably enough to actually defend earth defeating the scouts that came there at least the first wave of them these aren't the last of the scouts the three of them are still on guard and in the matter of days more scouts show up with some stronger than the rest one of them is actually the leader of the crew sagan but the three humans have a tough time fighting him but luckily they have another ally that comes in quickly broly joins it in the fight after those other scouts showed up they would be stupid to not contact him and he's glad to help it's been a while since he's had a real fight too so this is some great practice immediately the saiyan clashes with sagan bow having a clear upper hand he makes quick work of the escaped prisoner and tells him to consider this a message don't have any more of them come to earth sagan was angered but then goes to leave but before he does he tries to launch one last attack at broll but together the other three fighters jump in with him since there's not much else to do on earth they actually all train with roshi for a bit obviously uber already has but chow choo and broly are relatively new students for him or at least honorary students and they showcase their combined might against saginaw quickly the four of them all make the same pose charting a kamehameha launching it towards the escaped prison who's then easily killed by the blast they successfully defended earth and morrow considers going after earth himself but he decides not worth bothering yet scouts can focus on the other planets for now he's already lost a couple scouts from that planet and it wouldn't really be worth it for him to go himself and try and take their energy the fighters there aren't incredibly strong and earth is a little bit out of the way for him he'll get to it later so luckily for now earth is safe and off of morrow's radar but he'll keep it in mind laurel right now is trying to eat other planets and find kakarot once more kakarot seems like the best source of energy eventually this would lead to some of his scouts getting to yardtrack of course kakarot would defeat them pretty easily but this would mean word spreads tomorrow that he's there and kakarot realizes that immediately he needs to leave he thanks pybara for his training by now it's been about a month or so since he got there and kakarot's a pretty fast learner he's gotten stronger thanks to spirit control but also has some new techniques he waves by to bibara saying that now is the time for him to end this plus it gives him the opportunity to test out another technique he places two fingers on his forehead locating shin's energy he finds it and then using his new technique of instant transmission he teleports to the sacred world of kai he tells them all that it's now the time to attack asking shin if he could take the other fighters tomorrow shin says he'll come along too but he can't do too much if he dies then beerus would die but he'll still be there as a support he's just not gonna be one of the main fighters but the other three have gotten much stronger not just from their training but also learning limited magic chakra wants him to hold off moro as he goes to clean up the other planets and he wishes them luck as he teleports away immediately kakarot begins going around the universe going to any planets where he senses trouble this is really simple for him he moves so quick within the transmission and with single attacks he's able to wipe out all of moore's scouts hopping from planets to planet while doing so and before he goes to join the humans and pycon once more he has to make one last stop he teleports to king kai's plan he wants to make sure that king kai's okay and he says that he is saying that uber even went to defend earth king kai has been monitoring the situation seeing what's been going on and he's got to say he's pretty proud of kakarot kakarot has spent a lot of time on beerus's planet but the two have seen each other in between and king kai does know of his progress i mean of course they would keep up to date with each other kakarot is basically his adoptive son as well as his first and best student kakarot tells him that he's going to finish this with king kai wishing him luck but he tells kakra no matter what abilities he learns whether it's ultra instinct or spirit vision there is still one thing he needs to learn from king kai being a better comedian kakarot promises to brush up on his comedy but first he's gonna have to protect the universe once more thanking kinkai as he teleports away out on a remote planet the humans and pykon are fighting a lot of the prisoners it's not too hard to fight them shin students are much stronger but as they thin out the herd one fighter stands out named seven three but just before he attacks kakarot comes in ready to fight immediately he has the upper hand then jumping into super saiyan god 73 is confused he didn't expect someone this strong so instead he tries to reach for kakarot's neck kakarot doesn't know what he's planning so he dodges it doing so with ease 73 keeps trying to steal his power but kakarot won't let him he knows this guy might be trouble so quickly he ends it with one attack he kills the android and now with seventh redefeated most amorous crew is gone at least a lot of the strong walls it's now his time to fight he's angered but not too much he begins taking energy from the planet below him also trying to steal some from the fighters but as he tries to take energy from the fighters something weird happens it stops midway as he gets into a tug of war with them he's then kicked square in the face by kakarot who is now an ultra instinct omen once more as all the fighters pull the energy back into them they learn just enough magic to help prevent this and magic's pretty cool they definitely want to learn more of it i just realized that that's kind of an accidental pun more of it moro it now you know what ignore that that's kind of stupid anyways kakarot is now the main opponent for more and once again he has the upper hand not only being much stronger but also more has less of his magic to utilize easily kakarot is dodging all of his attacks as well as hitting morrow too he begins wearing the magician down and moro realized that things are getting bad for him kakarot's worried that this guy's gonna get desperate doing something really destructive so he'll end this right now he reveals spirit vision he begins taking morrow's energy not only returning it to all the planets where he's stolen from but stealing so much that the magician actually gets weaker he keeps trying to attack but as he gets weaker he has an even harder time hitting hacker than before and kakra only has an easier time dodging all the energy is returned and the only remaining energy is all accents and kakarot has the perfect idea of what to do with this with this excess energy he lifts a hand up dodging all morrow's attacks while he does this all the energy forms into his hand going to a small ball of source he thanks king kai once more he's going to use one of his master's signature techniques the energy he takes from moro is warped into a small spirit bomb of sorts but a modified version that kakarot made himself thanks to the help of spirit fission it's a deadly combo the energy he needs to fuel a spirit bomb is actually energy that he's forcibly stealing from moro and moro sees this kakarot then throws a small spirit bomb towards him opening his mouth ready to eat it but he then feels an odd sensation his snout is closed shut by pycon's magic with krillin intent shinhan's magic his arms and legs are restrained as shin also tries to paralyze him moro's eyes widen as he sees the spirit bomb get closer raising for impact as it makes direct contact all of the energy flows right into him being absorbed in the most wrong way possible everything goes silent and suddenly energy explodes in all directions out of more slowly the evil magician dissipates in a kind of ironic twist of fate moro was killed by his energy being stolen with kakarot there to claim victory far away king kai watches on as well as beerus and whis beerus and weeds are glad it turned out this way not only because they didn't have to get involved but because it shows that their student is getting better and better hopefully he can fully master ultra instincts soon and as for king kai he just feels more pride kakarot never ceases to impress him not to mention all the people around chakra have gotten much stronger too the earthlings pycon even namekians now and a new saiyan too all those years ago king kai realized that it was a good choice to direct his space pod here it helped the universe in more ways than one not only is there a strong warrior now but another strong comedian and that pleases king kai and with that we'll leave off here for now so what did you guys think about this finale and what did you think about this scenario as a whole leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments below i'll be sure to check them out to see if you guys think as always if you like the video be sure to drop a like and let's also try to hit that like button for the beginning of the video if you haven't already or if you're new to the channel why not subscribe as well as hitting in the bell icon get notified about any future videos i upload on my channel including more content like this scenario with that out of the way i like to thank you all for watching thanks for supporting this scenario and i'll see you all in whatever video comes next hopefully you all enjoyed and goodbye for now
Channel: Salad Saiyan
Views: 1,436,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dbs, dbz, dbz what if, discussion, dragon ball, dragon ball super, dragon ball z, explain, explained, meme, q&a, question, saiyan, salad, salad saiyan, salad snake, scenario, theory, what if, what-if, super, arc, saga, kaio, king, kai, beerus, shin, supreme, whis, kibito, kaioken, pikkon, paikuhan, tien, piccolo, daimao, krillin, tenshinhan, roshi, upa, master, moro, freeza, frieza, torunament, jiren, power, universe, other, world, kakarot, vegeta, raditz, broly, lssj, ssj2, ss2, blue, god, ki, ultra, instinct, ssbkk, ssb, ui, uio, mastered, omen
Id: 1-Q2vy03WMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 26sec (4706 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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