What if PICCOLO Was the STRONGEST? (Full Story)

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what's up everyone welcome to a brand new series this one's kind of been a long time coming with Piccolo having his potential unlocked in superhero people were wondering what would happen if it came earlier so I started playing with that idea initially the scenario was just supposed to be what if Piccolo had his potential unlocked early and that still pretty much is the root of it but it morphed into something else something that I feel like will have much bigger effects as you can tell by the title this is a scenario where Piccolo actually becomes the strongest remaining as such and this isn't completely out of the ordinary back in the cell Saga Piccolo briefly was the strongest of Our Heroes after he fused with the Kami but this time there's a few changes that make that more of a permanent thing we'll be seeing how that affects the story in this brand new series what if Piccolo was the strongest let's begin so where is this actually gonna happen there's a pretty simple explanation actually for where this begins I would say this is going to happen in the cell Saga after merging with nail on Namek he knows of potential unlocking and it's not like he could do a dynamic anyways because by the time he gets there and learns of it after merging with nail it'll be too late for him to make a wish to paranga for obvious reasons and there's also no way for Guru to do it either because also obviously reasons and there is that point where Guru is briefly on Earth but that wouldn't be his main focus at that point it would be kind of a weird place for him to unlock it but he keeps it in mind after the fact and this explanation is perfectly sound because that's exactly why he went to dende in the movie in the first place it's just that this is going to happen earlier and that's why I chose the Android Saga when trunk shows up Piccolo to size is gonna go with his normal training long to work for his power for now just to see what he's capable of but he will keep this in mind as a last resort alongside nameki infusion had he wanted to do this right away I feel like he would have gone to Kami too at the same time deciding to fuse with him which he didn't do in the main story so I don't see him doing that here with power unlocking as well so the Android Saga starts pretty normally and the first chain is actually when Piccolo goes to the lookout to try and fear to the com Kami declines at first saying the Dragon Balls will become a dormant they might need them after all and Piccolo asks if he can at least unlock his potential he knows the elderon Namek was able to do that so shouldn't Kami be able to do the same and Kami isn't even aware of that it probably is within the scope of his abilities he's definitely old enough for it but he doesn't even know how to do so he even tries to do it but nothing comes of it Piccolo is pretty agitated by this he said they need to defeat the Android somehow he could at least merge with him even the Saiyans can't overcome the Androids but surely a super namekian like them fusing would be able to do so it's not like they could just go to Namek either they've got no clue where it is just yet and even if they did consult kankai Goku's not even awake to transport them there but he comes up with an idea he knows a way to get exactly what he wants and this might even Force Connie to do what he wanted in the first place he tells Kami he's gonna get the dragon balls on his own he left Shenron unlock his potential surely with a wish he could do something like that and Kami tells us pick a little weight don't be so rash but Piccolo already rockets off and he has to make haste he wants this to happen as quickly as he can he goes to Beaumont gets the Dragon Ball radar she she's a bit freaked out because they still know what Piccolo's capable of but he assures he's doing this for the Androids it's not like she could stop him either she just hopes things work out for the best kami's on the look at watching his Piccolo gathers to dragon balls and at first he doesn't like the idea of it but the more he thinks about it he realizes this might actually work and it might be even more necessary than they thought he feels a great evil looming about he has for the past four years with the Dragon Balls gathered Piccolo summoned Shenron it's only one wish and he hopes that Shenron can perform it even if Kami doesn't know how to do it surely his dragon can do so and he wonders well if he's doing this wish maybe he should just do it for all the others too have Shenron unlock all their potentials and he has Shenron and Shenron just says it's beyond his power first of all doing that for so many people at once especially so many strong people is not going to work out and on second thought Piccolo realizes this might not be the best idea also because it's not like they could even affect people unwillingly at least not though stronger than him the Andrews are a good example he wasn't able to revert them back to normal but he removed the bomb from them or in a similar case paranga trying to bring Goku back he couldn't bring Goku back against his will and Goku actually had a say in it not wanting to be brought back Goku's not conscious but he probably wouldn't want this handed to him it might work nice for Gohan on trunks but his wish is kind of a loaded one too Sharon says you need to make separate wishes for those and he kind of wants to exclude Vegeta purposefully because he thinks that might be a bad idea so if he did that with Trunks and not with Vegeta that would definitely cause a lot of issues so besides it's not even being possible for Shenron it's also probably not a great idea for other reasons as well but Shenron says he will be capable of unlocking Piccolo's potential alone if he wants this is a great plan he's linked with Kami after all if he were to Die the Dragon Balls would be gone regardless and if he fuse with Kami the Dragon Balls will be gone too so they might as well use the Dragon Ball hell pickle go stronger if Piccolo's too weak to fight the Androids they're bound to disappear and even if he does do the Kami and fight the Androids then they're gonna disappear anyways he might as well get a little bit something extra out of them instead of just letting them go to waste and Shenron unlocks his potential he's made noticeably stronger it's not a huge boost and no it's not gonna be something like a superhero because he was way Further Along by then it's going to be relative to the actual Arc where he does it and there's also the fact that he's infused with Kami feels the power flowing through it and even changes in appearance too this is his new power awakened form one that constantly Taps into his inner power growing alongside his potential in himself Shenron bids Piccolo farewell and Piccolo is impressed with the strength but he knows he can grow even stronger and there is kind of an issue they don't know how truly strong the Androids are they can't sense him and there's three of them yeah they had that fight but those androids were definitely not being too serious anyway if Piccolo wants to really assure a victory he still needs to fuse with the Kami again this is necessary regardless the wish at least helps mitigate things if Piccolo was attacked by the Androids and couldn't survive it but if he wants to win they need that Fusion Kami calls pickled at the lookout soon after this is around the time when Bulma Trunks and Gohan find out about the other time machine with cell lurking around and Kami discovering him too he knows Piccolo's got in the dragon balls and he sends his great increase in power but he tells Piccolo it might not be enough especially with this other threat looming about they don't know who or what it is and how powerful this threat is combined with the Androids they're gonna need to really assure that something's going to be able to defeat them Kami tells Piccolo he's accepted the fusion his strength may not do much for any ways and if they really needed extra dragon balls they could find a new Guardian but for now this is more important this way they'll save Earth and Piccolo's glad commies finally come around to his senses Kami says goodbye to Popo and the two namekians feuds but the effect is far greater than any of them could have ever expected immediately after the fusion Piccolo notices this unfathomable power the weirdest part is he's not transformed right now he's not in his power awakened State his normal base form it feels stronger than his form was that he just got so if he were to transform into that imagine how powerful it would be popo looks on with disbelief too as pickle then Powers up into his power awakened State accidentally Breaking part of the lookout with Piccolo quickly catching with telekinesis and repairing it with his own magic popo is knocked on his back and looks up seeing that Piccolo effortlessly just broke the lookout and then fixed it Piccolo Kami or whoever this namekian is he apologizes he's got to be more careful around the sacred place he needed more power but he didn't know it would be like this the nameless novakian says goodbye to Popo with Piccolo now having the knowledge that Kami had he's sees what he sends with cell and he goes immediately to stop this threat although Piccolo powering up so much so quickly that's definitely going to set off some alarms not just with the people that are his friends but the people that he's going up against Android 16 sensors pick up on this a huge increase in power far away you can't really tell what it is and the weirdest part is he doesn't know who it is obviously 17 and 18 can't even sense it but cell can Piccolo immediately hides his power going into the city where sellers encountering the monster and selling choirs was that power that he just sense piccolos it didn't necessarily feel like it but it also kind of did at the same time he also noticed that someone summoned Shenron he saw the sky turn dark everyone did well Piccolo can't really lie here cell knows what's going on and he kind of makes up a half truth he says he summoned shedron to get some more power to defeat the Androids but unfortunately he doesn't think it'll be enough especially because he doesn't know who this guy is but he does want to know who cell is so he acts like he's weakened acting like he can't defeat cell he Powers up and cell briefly does sense that power but realize that he can overcome this especially because it seems to be fleeting Piccolo constantly lowers his power making it seemed like you can't contain it he makes it look like he's tired too he thinks of how quickly Goku's power dropped after getting the heart virus and that's a perfect faint here he'll pretend that he's infected too that's all he could think of if Cell thinks that he's too powerful he's gonna run away but if he thinks he can beat Piccolo then take a look and get some information out of him and figure out what's going on here that's his main goal so he pretends this and cell buys it too not only can Piccolo contain this new power but it seems he might be infected by this virus so surprised that this is the case but it seems plausible and he laughs even with the help from the Dragon Ball that seems Piccolo still won't be enough to defeat it he inquires who sell it and cell obliges Pitbull's gonna die anyway so we might as well tell him and that's really all he needed to know Piccolo thinks so and then immediately he goes into his power awakened State he tells cell he's glad he bought that story and vanishes himself said looks around desperately trying to figure out where Piccolo is but then an arm stretches out from far away grabbing so then dragging him in as Piccolo then hits him with a punch from his other arm sel's neck breaks from this Piccolo didn't realize how powerful he was now he didn't mean to do that but that's gonna make it even easier to finish he grabs on his cell's tail spinning him around then fling him far away I sell flies with the air through all the collapsed buildings he can't even really tell what's going on the piccolo moves so fast that he then appears where cell's about to lay he unhinges his jaw launching a massive mouth beat sail is completely incinerated nothing is left of him which is good because he doesn't know the true extent of cells or generation immediately after this fight some of the other Fighters come over so that power was Piccolo and what was that person he was just fighting he says he'll explain later it's going to take a bit to explain he wants to find the Androids but they're probably gonna have to wait a bit for that they don't know how to find them or where they could even start looking so he just tells them what went off he can't really hide the part about Shenron either because they saw the sky turn black Vegeta especially wants to know what the wish was used for and Piccolo said the Dragon Balls would have been gone regardless him using the Dragon Balls was just a bit extra making sure they didn't go to waste even though it might have been a good idea to save them in case the Androids killed anybody but he said it's gonna be fine too they can get another Guardian for Earth and Vegeta's anger at how Piccolo got so strong so quickly how is he falling this far behind and to think he used the Dragon Balls for power it angers if she didn't know it and he rockets off eventually Goku does wake up wanting to train at the lookout just in case amazed at Piccolo's new power and Goku's glad that Piccolo is the strong but they can't sense how strongly Androids are Piccolo wanted to be safe rather than sorry and Goku does too even if the Androids can be defeated by Piccolo it's better to reassure themselves by going to the lookout and actually training for a bit and Piccolo says that's a fair point if he does find the Androids he'll try to defeat them but it's better to be safe and the Saiyans can grow stronger in the meantime trunks kinda needs this too because it's a good way for him to defeat the Androids in his timeline even though bone was gonna have the remote finish soon so that's also being safe so you can see how Piccolo being the strongest is already affecting the group everyone's playing things a lot more safely which is funny because the Android Saga started out the exact opposite way people weren't playing safely and this is unintentional by now but soon enough the effects of Piccolo being the top person in the group that's gonna have more effects than just raw strength although we're going to be seeing that later on in the series if it continues at kame house the Androids eventually arrive looking for Goku he's not even there because he's on the lookout by now but this is perfect because Piccolo's there and he leads the Androids away this time he'll do it Android 16 is surprisingly little cautious he tells 17 and 18. be careful they still don't know what that power increase was there might be another foe lurking out there that I don't know about 17 tells 16 to relax they're just fighting Piccolo they know how strong he is and 17 decides he's gonna fight Piccolo alone and once again this is good payload could fight strategically he'll only use his base form for now he could feign weakness making the Androids think they have the upper hand this one especially seems cocky he shows a slight bit of his power and then 16 yells out of 17. he's not fighting Piccolo that power that doesn't match his database that's not Piccolo's power but it's already too late Piccolo starts absolutely demolishing Android 17. and he's surprised too this is only a fraction of his base power so he knows he could actually defeat them with whatever other powers he has too hell he might be able to take all three of them on at once without transforming he thinks back to cell when he transformed he was far too powerful there so maybe it's kind of Overkill here too hey better safe than sorry after all 18 jumps into fight with 17 but is still still not enough and no matter what they do even with them having Infinite Energy it's not really going to help because they're already losing by default 17 even tried throwing up barriers not just around him but his sister too they essentially amount to nothing Piccolo punches through them with ease like a hot knife through butter Piccolo tells leanders they're done for and he lets them in on a little secret this isn't his full power not even close he tests that transforming again going into his power awakened State sexine tries to jump in a fight but just from Piccolo powering up alone the entire island is decimated and all the Androids are knocked back 16 tells the other two Androids Elite he's gonna self-destruct and try and kill Piccolo that way and once again he jumps in wrapping himself around Piccolo it's not like Piccolo can hear what he just said he knows what 16 is trying to do and simply he bulks himself up a little bit and this breaks 16's arms off freeing Piccolo from his grasp 16 begins glowing still trying to self-destruct but Piccolo simply pierces his hand through him grabbing a mess of wires and components with one of them looking suspiciously like it's gonna explode was this his bomb Piccolo simply flings it out into the atmosphere with a massive explosion of buff it looks like another sun on the sky except way closer everything glows Orange from the explosion with Piccolo simply finishing off 16. the other two Androids with their dumbfounded looking up the ominous glow of the explosion almost makes Piccolo look orange in color too he looks at them with the menacing glare and Piccolo then disappears from sight 17 minutes here's an explosion next to him with a single key Blast from one hand Piccolo eradicate to Android 18. and before 17 can even fight back the same happens with him the explosion dissipates up above with the area returning to normal except for the island that's missing pickled and Powers down completely uninjured and unfaced and he smiles then can call me for his help he flies back over to kame house with everyone there just looking on completely terrified actually they do Piccolo is stronger but not like this a piccolo assures him they don't need to be scared of him he's no longer Piccolo nor is he Kami he's something else completely different he's not the Demon King they knew before but still call him Piccolo don't call him like kamikalo or whatever eventually Vegeta and Trunks Act is the room of spirit in time finding out that their powers not actually needed oh they still grew a lot stronger though and Vegeta's confident this new form of Beyond Super Saiyan which he calls Super Vegeta this will definitely be above where Piccolo is and Trunks is confident too this is going to be great well first of all Piccolo had the power here to eradicate the Androids that's awesome and not just that but now he has this power to back himself up and on top of that just in case he has a remote from Bulma to destroy the Androids if he needs and the blueprints do that too so in case it does need tweaking future Bulma can do the same and he's obviously told about cell as well he'll train in preparation for him trunks thanks all of them Leafs although Goku still does kind of want to go in the room of spirit in time with Gohan it might be a nice opportunity and Piccolo actually suggested too he knows the two of them grow stronger and he's gonna need someone to test his power out against after all he was too much for the Androids but Vegeta steps in he'll be the one to do that Goku says they'll be out in a day and after that they can even go to Namaste to get a new Guardian maybe that dende guy would be a nice pick you know that kid named that helped them back there and while they wait for Goku and Gohan to come back Vegeta is going to prove his power against Piccolo he surpassed him he knows it the two of them find an open area and Vegeta Powers up saying this is his Evolution Beyond Super Saiyan he'll call this Super Vegeta and he wants Piccolo to hold nothing back too and Piccolo assumes a Battle Stance and Vegeta questions him he's not even going to throw off his weighted clothing and Piccolo smirks he wants to Pace himself up first Vegeta calls him quite cocky for that not realizing the irony in that statement and the two assume a battle stands ready to spar Piccolo and Vegeta stare each other down Vegeta launches in towards Piccolo with Piccolo blocking the attack from it impressive Vegeta definitely has grown in strength I'm Vegeta questions him is he going to start taking this seriously he swings that Piccolo again and Piccolo quickly throws off his cape blocking Vegeta's Vision as he's been hit by Piccolo's turban there he goes he threw off the way to clothing Vegeta swats them away and looks around and close disappeared then he sent his Piccolo Piccolo comes from above swing both his arms out of Vegeta and Vegeta narrowly jumps out of the way flinging a key blast over a piccolo but he could tell Piccolo still isn't taking this seriously this isn't the power that he's using before he's still in his base but he continues fighting regardless and Piccolo is able to actually keep up with him how is this namekian this strong even just at his base power Piccolo is either able to block Vegeta's attacks Perry them or just dodge them without effort and Vegeta's starting to get angry he wants Piccolo to show his full power he needs to see how he Stacks up he needs to see the true power of Super Vegeta and Piccolo knows that Vegeta's gonna keep asking if he doesn't do it so he decides to anyways it's a shame he actually did want to enjoy this fight but after he transforms he knows he's going to win here easily Vegeta lands a direct head on Piccolo a powerful punch right to the face and Piccolo doesn't even Flinch Vegeta starts rapidly delivering punches then he jumps back throwing kiblings and Piccolo simply stands there unfaced as the Smoke Clears from all Vegeta's key blast Piccolo is gone once again Vegeta quickly turns around but it's already too late a hand grabs him behind as Piccolo lunges his arm forward stretching it out as he drives the data into the ground Vegeta's in the dirt below and begins to throw him key blast upwards Piccolo Dodges all of them flying down towards Vegeta grabbing him once more and throwing him upwards so quickly in fact that Vegeta's flung into his own key blast a once again Piccolo vanishes Vegeta looks around him he's already getting dizzy and Piccolo appears in front of him he punches and his fist goes right through Piccolo then another Piccolo appears right beside him these are clones he's surrounded by a couple of piccolos fighting him all at once and the piccolos get some distance with each of them charging a key blast Vegeta surrounded he has nothing to do against them and all the piccolos assimilate going back into the main one he then moves so quickly that Vegeta can't register it and Vegeta feels a tap on his shoulder he looks behind him with Piccolo's hand stretched out in front of his face emoji to flinches but Piccolo doesn't launch the key blast this battle is over they descend back to the ground with Vegeta powering down he can't believe it how did he get so powerful he can't let this slide he needs to get ahead of Piccolo but Piccolo tells Vegeta he's definitely grown stronger too he could tell there's a significant difference in his strength and he says had he not defeated Cell in the androids Vegeta definitely could have done so too but Vegeta tells him to be quiet he doesn't want to be patronized and this fight also helps Piccolo realize how truly strong he is the strength here it was Overkill but he has a duty now he needs to use this power not just the power that he's grinned from Shenron but from Kami the power of the name of samekian he vows to use the strength to its fullest wanting to use it in the future to help defend everybody with Kami the former Guardian as part of him he owes it to Earth is power like this not just for himself by training but by helping allies he could help them grow stronger too and speaking of his allies growing stronger eventually Goku Gohan next to the room of spirit and time with both of them having unlocked Super Saiyan grade 4. with Vegeta then going back in not even questioning Goku and Gohan he looks over at Piccolo telling him to come in too he needs someone to train with him in there he knows Piccolo is the strongest here Goku and Gohan recognize that too and Goku is pretty amazed he knew that he got stronger in there and Gohan actually might have even surpassed him he thinks Gohan's stronger than him too but just by how Piccolo carries himself and the power that he sends before he could tell Piccolo is still above them training in the room and spirit in time will definitely help him grow even more and that reminds Piccolo oh yeah while he's in there he tells Goku try and find new Namek if he can get another namekian here they need another set of Dragon Balls Piccolo can't create another and if they want one they're gonna need another Guardian Goku says that's not an issue with him going to King Kai trying to find new name a day passes on the outside with Vegeta and Piccolo then exiting Vegeta now has grade 4 of Super Saiyan haven't grown significantly stronger Piccolo has grown stronger too and Vegeta's gotten to fight him all he wants but still he hasn't surpassed Piccolo surprisingly he seems he surpassed Goku having a great training partner like Piccolo really did help and now that he has Super Saiyan grade 4 that's definitely a big help but no matter what he does he can't get above Piccolo Piccolo's continuously growing stronger as well obviously and Vegeta's focus is now off of Goku he surpassed him he knows he could have done it and he did it but now he wants to get ahead to pickle him that's his main goal and surprisingly a new rivalry begins blooming and at the same time Earth now has a new Guardian with Den day being there happy to see the others unhappy to see Piccolo we enter a Time skip following the Sark of course no villains are going to show up but there are a couple of important things that happen over this time period right from the beginning as I mentioned Piccolo and Vegeta have a rivalry now which is strange but that's going to change the dynamic of them completely Vegeta is going to be constantly improving himself it's not like he wasn't already but here he has even more motivation to do so with Piccolo being Piccolo he would have trained regardless but now with the value that he made to use the power to its fullest he does whatever keep growing with most Piccolo's time being spent sparring with Vegeta training with him in some way as for Goku's family goten's eventually born and he actually really likes training training under gokula Gohan slacks off for a bit at first but as you'd probably expect it's a pretty big change here Goku's around and that's definitely a factor of course Gohan still preoccupied with the study but no matter how much he enjoys this peace time there's gonna be a few different factors encouraging him here Piccolo would definitely want to see Gohan train and Goku definitely wants to as well but there's something even weirder that pushes go on to start training again it's Goten we kind of saw this in the Buu saga too he saw how motivated Goten was and how strong he was going so quickly and Gohan realizes Goten might actually surpass him well at least if he's doing nothing here same for trunks Goten starts training at an even younger age than go haunted which is surprising in and of itself because Gohan was already Young when he started training and that's when Gohan realizes he should probably start taking his power more seriously leading to him eventually unlocking Super Saiyan 2. although he's not the first one to get this Vegeta is actually the first to get it all the training he's done with Piccolo has really helped and Vegeta is still the strongest of the Saiyans although though now he has more competition Goku's training with Gohan again both of them are growing significantly stronger so Vegeta's not only trying to get himself to grow stronger but he's also trying to get trunks grow stronger he knows he can he saw the future version of trunks and has his son he expects that it's a pretty interesting circle of a rivalry going on here you have Piccolo and Vegeta you have Vegeta and Goku you have one kind of between Goku and Gohan you have Gohan and Piccolo and then Vegeta I guess with Gohan as well because he wants to stay ahead of everybody and even Gohan Goten and then Goten and Trunks of course so everybody's basically pushing everybody to grow strong so let's give an actual ranking right now Piccolo is the strongest that's the whole point of the scenario you guys knew that and it's by a significant margin still although behind him we have Vegeta who's about equal footing with Gohan Gohan is rapidly catching up but Vegeta's already pretty far ahead because he's done so much intense training and this goes without saying they're both stronger than they were in Canon and then there's Goku which is a pretty interesting case he unlocks Super Saiyan 2 later on and he's not gonna get Super Saiyan 3 he's not training another world maybe he would tap into the power but he'd instantly realize how useless it is no offense is Super Saiyan 3. I actually really like the form but come on you know he's going to see the glaring flaws immediately and that's if he does get this right away he's doing less training than normal it's less intensive because he's not in other world but I think it's kind of balanced out with him trading with Gohan and then occasionally even with Vegeta and Piccolo he's got good trading partners and good abilities but I would say he's the weakest of the three Saiyans although not by a huge margin just like Gohan he's starting to catch up really quick especially when she starts to discover Powers Beyond Super Saiyan 2. that's what really pushes everybody but even with the flaws of Super Saiyan 3 when he does learn of it he doesn't really use it much because of the problems but at the same time he wants to work around those problems see if he could do anything about it Goku's Goku he's constantly pushing himself and that's no different here but he didn't go on probably have to watch out another big thing over this time is the fact that dende builds another room of spirit in time for Piccolo removing the limit of the two days because Piccolo would love to train in there more continuously going in there not being restricted by his aging because he's not actually really going to age at all namekians can live a while and I know it's kind of contested because King Piccolo didn't explicitly wish for Eternal youth even though he said he was going to you but in my scenarios I like going with the idea that he did get Eternal youth that was his intention after all even if he didn't specifically word it that way and I like applying that to Piccolo too I also like taking that idea because in Dragon Ball online it shows that Piccolo can live for really long seemingly not even really agent too much point being Piccolo could do this and be perfectly fine especially because there's only gonna be like a few extra years right now unlike the others he doesn't really need to worry about aging as much even if we don't apply the logic of him having Eternal youth maybe I'm just giving him something extra because you know pickle is the strongest here you've got to keep him the strongest all right so that's pretty much everything from the time skip besides the fact that the great Sandman will still happen Gohan would have probably still end up doing that especially with the great power that he's gained again he's gonna put it towards protecting others and naturally there's gonna be a tournament that comes up eventually it's pretty much the same roster except Android 18 is not going to be there she's dead otherwise pretty much everyone's still there and Gohan still becomes friends with Videl although Mr Satan's not the same hero that he was because he wasn't involved in the cell Saga because there was no cell games although he still is world champion highly regarded I guess maybe the biggest change is that maybe Satan City wouldn't be called Satan City but he and Fidel are still pretty prolific figures and the tournament does start differently too with the main changes beginning once Piccolo starts facing Piccolo can't even sense his key and can immediately tell this guy's a Godly figure he almost forfeits but Shantel him telepathically fight him he doesn't want him to Forfeit here he knows Piccolo could probably even beat him with his power and Piccolo doesn't even know what to do but he decides to go with it the two of them begin to fight and shentel's Piccolo showcase his strength if pickle feels like something's weird here but okay well he does that he starts powering up and then he starts to feel like he's Frozen in place Shin sticks his hands out and kabito does too the two of them paralyze Piccolo smoker and yamu then jump in trying to steal energy from Piccolo and they're able to do so getting a pretty significant chunk of energy what the hell is going on here isn't that guy supposed to be a God why is she doing this spokovic and Yama are able to escape with the others yelling at Shin kabito asking what the hell's going on Shin says he'll explain later and Piccolo would really like to know too Gohan's pretty angered at this he was actually about to jump in and help Piccola Goku and Vegeta are pretty annoyed too but Shin says to follow them as they chase spokovic leaving the tournament in disarray and for the record I'm Gonna Save the Del wins the tournament here Goten trunk to try to fight in the battle royale part but they'd end up getting disqualified because they fumble it revealing that they're actually not supposed to be there and the final fight is between Videl and Mr Satan with Mr Satan basically winning out of dumb luck realizing that Videl might have actually surpassed him by now which is pretty amazing not that any of that really matters but just for the record worth covering and with all that going on we go back to our other protagonists they find Bobby's spaceship with can be to apologizing for how they went about it Piccolo says there definitely was a better way to do this but whatever they'll stop whatever this threat is and once they get there immediately Deborah jumps out at them trying to kill somebody he aims for kabito but kibito actually lives here Piccolo is able to stop it instantly powering up transforming to and getting ready to face the board Shin tells him to not use too much energy but Piccolo says it doesn't matter they already got some energy from him after all and he's gonna make this fight quick so quick that they won't be able to get any more energy from him he looks over at Goku Gohan and Vegeta telling them to go into the spaceship and solve whatever's going on in there he'll take on Devore alone and and can beat a question is he actually gonna be able to do that and Piccolo tells them it's just like shin said he could have beat the Supreme Kai the Supreme guy knows his power besides he's not even at his full strength right now and Deborah is surprised by this statement this guy's cocky there's no way he's gonna be stronger than the great king of the demon realm and Piccolo laughs at this Demon King not really too much of a scary title considering he proclaimed himself as such a while back Piccolo says it's quite a flashy name but the power's not really gonna back it up and Deborah won't stand for this disrespect he's a true Demon King and Piccolo asked him to prove that the two begin clashing as the other three head into the ship with Shina kabido not really knowing what to do so they just follow along they have no problem with the others inside Poipu and yakkan are easily defeated and Bobby realizes he might be screwed as much as I would love to do a busaga here just consider the fact that everything going on pretty much prevents it they probably do get a lot of energy from Piccolo but not nearly enough to revive boo they need way more than that and as for Piccolo's fight with Deborah it's like I mentioned before Deborah's not gonna win Piccolo is just so much stronger he makes the fight relatively quick actually killing your boar pretty quickly too and maybe Bobby would be able to find out that Vegeta does have some sort of Evil Within him but I don't think Vegeta is going to willingly get possessed at this point but she doesn't really have a reason to turn Majin he's not behind the other Saiyans he's on par with them and he feels like he has ways to grow above them and his rivalry with Goku and Piccolo is just fine he could fight them as much as he wants it's not like in the main story where Goku had one day on Earth where he could test his power out against him he could do that whenever there could be a slight possibility of him turning the Majin but I just don't see that happening here it doesn't seem too likely and it's not like Bobby can possess anyone else no one else has enough evil in them and if anyone did it wouldn't be Piccolo who definitely wouldn't do that he's way past his evil phase and he wouldn't willingly get possessed like Vegeta so Bobby has stopped but it was almost revived they almost get enough energy because the amount they stole from Piccolo was just so plentiful but still not enough although that's not to say that nothing comes out of the Saga it's like I said everyone's grown so much stronger I already covered that part but there's also another big change here something that is vastly going to affect the next dark as well Shannon kabito once again apologized for how they went about it but they're impressed with everyone's strength especially Piccolo and shin actually has an offer for Piccolo of course he knows about Piccolo he was the former Guardian here at least part of him was or part of the previous incarnation of him it's a whole thing but they know what's going on there point being he made a vow to protect Earth and he was Earth's Guardian at one point he's a Godly figure here even kabito acknowledges that and they see the great potential in Piccolo he can make for a great student Chen sees his offer as a way for them to make up for everything not only for how the two guys help fumble here but also the fact that they stop Majin Buu plus Shin could hear Piccolo thinking about this too Piccolo did actually consider this he wanted to ask the Kaizer he could train under them this will be a great way for him to grow and he acknowledges this too he accepts the offer going to train with them the Saiyans end up staying here on Earth they can grow here just fine plus they all have their own responsibilities Vegeta is going to train trunks up to be the strongest Warrior he can and stay ahead of these other two Saiyans Gohan's Gohan he's got his responsibilities and Goku's probably not going to leave either unlike with beerus they don't have as much of an incentive to leave as they did they weren't even offered either they wish Piccolo luck as he goes off to train on the sacred world of Kai's shining could be to wonder where his power can go next and they asked Piccolo to Showcase his full strength this I saw a glimpse of it against Deborah but they want to see his true power he could power up here he doesn't need to hold anything back the planet can handle it and Piccolo says that's reassuring he was honestly kind of worried about that even with his great key control he hasn't really tested out his full strength on Earth he knows it's about but he shows it off here going into his power awakened State charging as much key as possible Shannon could be over blown back by this figuratively and literally this is amazing they couldn't have expected this power from Immortal much less than the Mekhi and they're usually a peaceful species but here this namekian he's so vastly powerful it's incredible maybe he could even pull the Z sword Shane and capito have big plans for him in mind now just as Shin hoped pickle tries to pull the Z sword and it's actually not too tough for him to do so at first he is surprised at how difficult it is but once he Powers up into his power awakens State he has more than enough strength to actually pull it from there and the craziest part is he's able to start swinging around immediately he does see some pretty quick gains from it eventually even being able to swing it just in his base State although at this point he starts seeing diminished gains at some point it's so easy to swing around that he's not really getting too much from it and on like Goku or Gohan pickle is a lot more careful with it recognizing it as a sacred thing he is part Kami after all he understands the importance of preserving Godly things like this so Elder cat's not gonna come out of the sword and do a ritual in Piccolo he already has his own power awakened form anyways even if it is different but Elder Kai's remaining in there for now because by the time Piccolo even does think to try and swing the Z sword against him kachin or whatever he already feels like he's not growing enough from it anymore but he still has other great training too as a demeket he knows he's pretty Adept with magic or at least can be pretty Adept with it he's seen what other meccians are capable of and he does have some of his own weird abilities but how about applying that to combat somehow yeah he has magic like the clothes beam or whatever but that's not gonna help him in a battle what about learning from shin and kabito people who actually use magic for things other than changing clothes and they wonder how Piccolo will do with it because he is a warrior intermekin rather than the dragon Clan one but he also has a dragon claim to making within him and he originally was split from a dragon Clan imekian he's a very unique case and isn't a normal mekkin by any means he's basically got both in there so he tries training with this he where it's going to take him and he stays here for a while back on Earth nobody really knows where Piccolo is but he's pretty fine up here and this separation from Earth is going to cause some issues later on Piccolo is making sure to watch over just in case there are any threats he will be able to get back there one of the first things he learned from China Cavite was the kaikai that's going to be pretty useful he knew that Kami had some sort of ability to teleport but it was pretty limited to Earth and it wasn't too useful but it did make Piccolo realize that maybe if he learned some sort of new teleportation that would really help especially if it's something like Goku's into transmission although the kaikai he likes that a lot better but no threats do come to Earth instead one comes to the sacred world of Kai's we move into Battle of Gods beerus has a different dream this time he doesn't dream of a Super Saiyan God rather he has a different prophecy he still does a dream of encountering arrival but this rival is different he actually can't really tell who it is he just sees a shadowy figure he sees pointy ears and antenna the silhouette kind of looks like a namekian but right before the stream ends his namekian powers up surrounded by a fierce orange glow it doesn't seem to be any sort of Godly ability that this namekian is showing but still it's a rival for him when he wakes up he immediately goes to whis telling him about this prophecy he saw a namekian warrior surrounded by a strange orange glow luckily for beerus there are a lot of namekians left including Warriors so naturally he goes over to Planet Mammoth he was telling whis he wasn't sure if this was a Divine form or something but it's worth looking into maybe then meccins do know something when he gets there some actually do know of his existence showing respect immediately with him talking to the new Elder Mori he asked if they know who name's strongest Warrior is and on top of that if there's any Divine Powers within that Warrior Mori says he doesn't know about any of the meccans that are on beerus's level with Divine powers like that but he does know who the strongest Warrior is although he's not on this planet it's a warrior named Piccolo one from planet Earth but he hasn't seen this warrior in a while they have no clue where he is or what he's up to now so this is kind of a surprising answer to beerus for one he knew the namekians were actually kind of a peaceful race they're pretty pacifist even though they do have Warriors but more surprisingly the warrior isn't even here it's in the making that didn't grow up here so he asked whis to help locate the namekian and we used comes up with something pretty interesting but before he could speak somebody then teleports it it's Piccolo SHINee cavito knew that beerus woke up and they told Piccolo he was on Namek for some reason and Piccolo immediately headed over whis was about to say he found a piccolo in the sake of world of Kai's but he came here somehow okay that's two pretty interesting things for beerus he was training with the kais and he could teleport this guy's already shaping up to be something great I didn't hesitate to meet beerus either he came directly to him the other namekians are amazed to see Piccolo they could sense his power overflowing he truly is the Pinnacle of a namekian warrior and Piccolo apologized for causing any trouble even if he didn't directly cause beerus to come here but they say it's no problem they're just glad to see him he says he'll be back here eventually a visit but he turns to beerus he'll definitely be able to show beerus some of his power and they can even Spar but this isn't the place to fight beerus is glad that this guy doesn't mince words he doesn't even seem to be scared of beerus it's confidence not Cockiness and he likes this guy's confidence so he goes along with Piccolo beerus does tell Piccolo though they were about to come to him anyways and they just go to the sacred world of Kai's a planet that can actually she handled their fighting beerus greets Shin surprised that he took Immortal as a student especially a namekian of all people their pacifists and Piccolo as appears why he sold out Namek in the first place and beerus explains so Piccolo gives a backstory about his power and even showcases some of it beerus apparently dreamed of some sort of namekian coded with an orange key and when he Powers up he's coded by a yellowish key and Piccolo tells beerus he doesn't have any Godly form as far as he knows but as a student of Akai he has developed some sort of Godly key and has the ability to sense it a little bit but he has no Godly forms and this form that beerus is looking at it wasn't what he imagined it's almost orange and it is strong but it's not what he was thinking of and he really wants to know what that rival that he dreamed of was it clearly wasn't a mekian but in a different form it might have not even been a Godly form he doesn't know but he can tell he's in the right place with Piccolo no other namekian is even close to the level that he's at and maybe what he dreamed of was some sort of evolution in the power of Piccolo but he asked Piccolo show him his power the two of them briefly battle Piccolo actually puts up a really good fight beerus heavily holds back of course but hey Piccolo is actually able to land some hits on beerus beers can see that this guy's got potential I mean that's what his form is all about after all drawing out that insane potential he has so he makes an offer to Piccolo and Shin's gonna want to hear this too he's intrigued by his power and he tells Piccolo he'll help him unlock a new power but in return he expects to see an incredibly powerful rival Piccolo doesn't really know what to say he's been training here with the kais and he knows that's been useful for him although Shin suggest that Piccolo goes along with it Piccolo has grown a lot here but Shin doesn't know how much more he could teach him he's grown so quickly that he pretty much learned everything he needs to he has been here for a few years after all he can learn a lot more under whis maybe and besides Shin would be happy to see his student grow even more powerful even if it means training under a different Master well that settles it Piccolo goes off to beerus's Planet training under we snap with beerus happy that he has a new rival or at least is working on getting a new rifle and yeah like I said nothing happens on Earth there's no Battle of Gods like normal because beerus just found Piccolo and there's no word of a Super Saiyan God either but what is happening on Earth it has been a few years so maybe we should cover some stuff well back on Earth Vegeta is still pushing himself to be the strongest same with trunks but wonders where Piccolo isn't what he's up to and Gohan has kind of slacked off a bit but thanks to his great potential he's still able to keep up Vegeta still does have that focus on surpassing Piccolo and with him training so intensely for this trumps kind of picks up on it too Goku is pretty much Goku he's not going to stop training regardless even if Gohan and Goten might slack off a bit here and there he's definitely not and Goku actually pursues a different method at some point he decides to go to King Kai it's been a while since he's seen him remember Goku never died on the scenario against cell outside of him seeing King Kai when he went to get dende the last time he saw kenkai was during the Saiyan Saga that's when they last trained so maybe he could try and revisit something like Kaioken again you know combining that with whatever current forms he has he can tell there's a way to surpass Super Saiyan 2 but what about going a different route that's why he goes to King Kai beginning to train there again everyone on Earth continues life not even knowing what Piccolo is doing they know he's okay but they just hope he visits eventually it's been a while since they've seen him but they know he's probably watching over he wouldn't have just left if he's not gonna watch over they know the value made to protect Earth and they also know they can defend themselves too if any threats do occur that is one of the points that Piccolo made too he wanted to make sure everyone else was strong as well but yeah this means no Godly forms for Goku or Vegeta yet although these two and Gohan discover Super Saiyan 3 while also discovering the downsize of Super Saiyan 3 and that's exactly why Goku is pursuing a different method of training Vegeta recognized the flaws in it and doesn't really like the four but wonder if he could somehow perfect it as for Goku he goes back to Super Saiyan 2. he already has an amazing control on that so what about maybe combining Cairo Ken with it and Gohan actually follows Vegeta's path he doesn't know Kaioken and it's not like he's gonna go to kinkai to learn it maybe he can improve this form somehow too there is a perfect test to power eventually at some point Shannara Summit they don't know who summoned him but they just know he's summoned and now we're in Resurrection F how are they supposed to stack up against Frieza though well there's a few things that are working in their favor even though they haven't encountered any threats in a while they've grown way stronger than they were in the last Saga even though it's not on the level of gods So eventually the Frieza 4 shows up on Earth there's three people there spearheading Goku Gohan and Vegeta with Goten trunks fighting alongside them remember these two are actually a little bit more involved and they even have Super Saiyan 2 by now plus the humans are there as well it's not too hard to fight off the Army but Frieza himself he might be a problem Goku can immediately tell he's far stronger than before Frieza glares at Goku the one who defeated him before and that child he sees trunks that looks like the one that killed him a while back too but he's a kid now somehow well whatever two birds with one stone plus he'll kill Vegeta while he's at it and everyone here on Earth but his first form is definitely not going to be enough he immediately goes into his final four this is should be more than enough Frieza tells them while this is the same form as before he has grown much stronger since then and he could tell they have too in super safe Goku laughs he could tell frieza's a lot stronger but Frieza doesn't know that they've ascended Super Saiyan by now multiple times actually Frieza doubts this but Goku decides to show it on going right into Super Saiyan 2. with the other Saiyans transforming as well a brief one-on-one ensues between Goku and Frieza and Frieza is impressed by Goku's strength he can't hide that but he does know that he's gonna win here he's grown stronger in this form of course but he has something Beyond it as well it's gonna be the last thing they'll witness and they're gonna love how it looks he shows off his brand new golden four and this this is actually kind of a problem no one here knows if they're going to be strong enough to counter this but Vegeta and Gohan power up showing Super Saiyan 3 with a red Aura then surrounding Goku Super Saiyan 2 with coyote as for Vegeta and Gohan they've completely mastered Super Saiyan 3. overcoming his glaring flaws but that doesn't mean it's a perfect form because it still is their strongest form so it takes stamina to use as for Goku well Kaioken has his own drawbacks obviously but Super Saiyan 2 he's perfectly fine with that and even though the three are using different powers they're kind of unequal footing the completed Super Saiyan 3 that Vegeta and Gohan have is similar to the Boost that Goku's getting with Kaioken on Super Saiyan 2. since it's a higher boost than regular Super Saiyan 3 and Goku's not using Kaioken to an insanely high level the five Saiyans all begin fighting Frieza Goku knows this can't be a one-on-one mvg recognized that too as much as he hates to say but for some reason Goku's still not too concerned and Vegeta doesn't really know why but Gohan can kind of soup and then it hits Vegeta he knows why kakarot's so confident but he doubts that's gonna work and he knows he's not gonna be involved with that golden freeze is able to overpower all five of the Saiyans at once but Goku can pick up on something as long as they buy time they'll be fine Frieza is quickly losing energy and with the Trump car that Goku has in mind this will be even better they play it out for a bit the fight is tough but Frieza made a mistake by not killing them right away his energy is rapidly diminishing and the same goes for the Saiyans but Goku knows a way to finish this he's not sure if it's a Surefire method but it is their best shot winning here they didn't realize Frieza grew this powerful and Frieza is elated and Goku looks at Vegeta he asks him to hold off Frieza just for a little bit distract him for a bit Vegeta knows he's not going to be able to fight Frieza alone but he could probably hold him off if he summons all of his strength he can at least buy them some time giving Frieza up a bluff and Goku then looks at Gohan he knows what he has in mind doesn't he Goku grabs on the Gohan into Transmissions away go wherever where Krillin is Vegeta briefly holds off Frieza and Frieza loves this he doesn't even pay attention to those other two kids there he's just glad that he can best veget data once again ever data tells Frieza not to get too cocky there's a reason he's fighting Frieza alone there's a huge burst of energy nearby and everyone senses a different Power someone then teleports in once more it looks like Goku but also like Gohan in his hand are two senzu beans he throws one at Vegeta and then eats one for himself the man introduces himself as gocom the fusion of Goku and Gohan Frieza doesn't get what happened they fused well yeah while another world Goku is able to learn some other techniques Ken Kai already taught him everything that he could know and while he did practice with Kaioken more he decided to learn some other things in other world too he didn't have those same seven years that he did originally but King Kai they suggest some new things for him because Goku wanted to learn other techniques and he was able to meet some other Warriors in other world learning this new thing Vegeta didn't really like the Fusion dance but Goku had to practice it with Gohan just in case and he knows this is a Surefire way to defeat Frieza immediately then powering up into Super Saiyan 3 and he sees a clear opening freeze has already lost a lot of energy and with gokhana full strength now he can make this quick he kind of needs to make this quick because he knows Super Saiyan 3 is going to run out the fusion regardless of how good he is with it there's still the Goku site who hasn't really mastered it just yet and to make things even worse for Frieza another Power then surges nearby Vegeta can't believe they did that stupid dance too but Goten and Trunks have fused now as go tanks also going into Super Saiyan 3. jumping in with gokon Vegeta doesn't stop fighting either Frieza is facing less people now but he's facing stronger Fighters and he can feel himself getting tired out but gokan tells everyone one final push that's all they need Vegeta's power soars once more same for gotex gohans then create some Galactic Donuts throwing them around Frieza and freeze is able to break out of them pretty quickly but it allows Vegeta to attack in the meantime with him then creating the same thing and the two continue binding Frieza with a bunch of rings of energy surrounding him as the two constantly barrage him with it gokan gets ready for his final attack he charges a powerful Kamehameha and just to put a little extra power into it his Aura flares up once more the aura of Kaioken surrounds him he knows he's going to defuse after this attack anyways so why not put his full strength into it just to assure they win this is a fused Father and Son Kamehameha empowered by Super Saiyan 3 and coyote it's launched directly at Frieza he's able to finally break free of the galactic Donuts but it's already too late the beam hits him head on with devastating power immediately after launching it Goku and Gohan defuse and in the aftermath there's a mangled Frieza still in Golden but in a terrible State he almost looks like he did on Namek the surprise is even still alive he then Powers down not able to maintain the golden form anymore he collapsed to the ground and looks up seeing Vegeta standing over him what a nice present for him Vegeta is the one to finish him off with a simple Big Bang Attack he eradicates what's left to Frieza that was way too close for comfort but thankfully they were able to come out Victorious back on Beer's Planet Piccolo's in the middle of his training and whis seems to be enjoying something he's watching something through his staff and pickle asks what's going on his jaw drops when he hears that Frieza return stronger than before and he almost killed everyone on Earth why didn't whis tell him Earth could have been destroyed he needs to go back and help them but we says it's all okay and these mortals actually seem decently strong they were able to handle their own but this does kind of put things in perspective for Piccolo he should have noticed that amazing increase in power and we said if there were an issue he would have informed Piccolo but he knew that Frieza wasn't going to win there although Piccolo is still kind of angered by this he remembers back to The Vow he made he does have to keep earth safe it's his responsibility but at the same time he didn't want to make sure the others were strong too and well they were able to handle it on their own but he also does see now he's neglected them for so long he's been back to Earth a few times but ever since he went to beerus's Planet he hasn't been since maybe it's about time he returns Piccolo goes to east and asks him to take him to Earth it has been a while since he's been there and beer says he has been keeping up with this training so yeah he can go there if he wants he doesn't really care so whis takes him there and once he arrives back he immediately meets up with the others they assume he's here because he probably knew about Frieza and if that's exactly why he's here he saw what happened with him and he's got to say he's impressed they're able to hold themselves pretty well and he knew they were powerful but he saw how powerful Frieza was too and the fact that they were able to fend off against him that's pretty impressive especially with that technique that Goku and Gohan use that Fusion thing but he sees they've evolved Super Saiyan even more he remembers Goku working with Super Saiyan 3 but now it seems they're using it a lot more efficiently and Goku says yeah it has its drawbacks but now they have a full powered version of it it doesn't have the glaring downsize that it did before the most interesting thing to Piccolo is the fact of who's the strongest here Gohan's the strongest and behind Gohan it's Vegeta he has a better control and full power Super Saiyan 3. since Goku didn't get it as soon as him and for Gohan he's Gohan he has that hybrid same potential so of course he's gonna say ahead although while Goku is the weakest with Super Saiyan 3 alone he doesn't just have super saiyan 3. so things really have a chance since he left well pretty much as expected and the humans have been training a lot too but Piccolo wants to see how much he truly missed out on he wants to test their power see where they stack up against him and more importantly see if he can test out his new power against them he explains where he was and what he's been up to and they can't believe what they're hearing he's a rival for a God of destruction besides Vegeta nobody has a clue of who or what that is but the name alone is not scary enough to make it impressive and he tells him about Godly Powers as well and the powers that he's gained he's also evolved himself further and he'd be glad to show them but he wants to see their full strength too hold nothing back he could handle it from what he saw with Frieza Frieza seemed like an opponent that he could take on too so whatever the Saiyans and humans have here he'll take that as well so everyone gets ready for a fight Vegeta is the one to step up first he tells Piccolo he'd love to say this fight won't go like last time but since he has some new Divine Powers he has no clue what Piccolo has up to sleep but Vegeta feels he can overcome he goes in the Super Saiyan 3 and Piccolo goes into his Nichol is able to fend off Vegeta and whenever Vegeta does hit him that doesn't seem to do too much damage and Vegeta is definitely not holding back either because Piccolo told him not to and Vegeta's not one to do that anyways so he's surprised that Piccolo is just taking all these like it's nothing maybe he truly could have beaten Frieza Gohan jumps in next he is the strongest of the three Saiyans at least with Super Saiyan 3 and Piccolo could see he's grown a lot as a fighter he's proud of Gohan's growth not only in terms of strength but just as a warrior in general the fact that he's still keeping up with this training too fighting like this alongside the others and he seemed to put in a valley and effort against Frieza to defend Earth but he's defeated as well and Goku steps up to fight well he's sure Piccolo already saw this briefly against Frieza Gohan is the strongest of Super Saiyan 3 right now but Goku has something else although it's something he can only really use short burst he goes into Super Saiyan 3 and tells pick look it also stack on top of it now he likes to jump into it when attacking any longer and is completely draining and harms him greatly and that's what they kind of did against Frieza when he landed the finishing blow he powered up and Kaioken briefly just to add the extra kick and Piccolo ask Goku to show it they briefly fight Super Saiyan 3 Goku is definitely weaker than Gohan but Super Saiyan 3 with Kaioken that's definitely a bug Goku wants to use this for longer periods of time but he doesn't know how possible it will be and they all also wonder if there's a way to go beyond Super Saiyan 3. at least that's what Vegeta is wondering I'll Goku looks more at Kaioken and Piccolo still is able to beat Goku but he does have one more ask of them he wants Goku and Gohan to fuse again he wants to show his true power but no offense he doesn't want the fight to end too quickly oh yeah that's right Piccolo's still holding something back well they want to see it immediately and Vegeta really wants to see it immediately so he butts it he says he'll fuse to play Piccolo he still doesn't really like the idea of it but he saw that dance happen and feels like he could probably copy it now that's interesting because Goku thinks that the fusion between him and Vegeta might actually be pretty cool probably not as powerful as gokan but still what would they call that one Gogeta maybe Vegeta says stop focusing on the name just fuse well they're not their full power right now not a problem Piccolo places a hand on them healing them pretty quickly this is something he learned while training with the kais I mean namekians can heal too and he's a weird combination in namekians but his commies within him and other dimensions can kind of learn that too so he wondered if he was capable of it especially as a student of Akai and it turns out he is he now has that ability definitely worth noting for the future but anyways for now they're just glad that they're fully healed now the two of them perform with a Fusion dance with Goku hoping that Vegeta doesn't screw it up because it is his first try but he replicates it pretty perfectly at least when Goku gives him a refresher and the brand new Fusion is born he decides he will call himself Gogeta that sounds pretty fitting for this I take locatella gogeta's power is pretty high but he says it might not be high enough all right come on he's got to be kidding now no he's not he tells Gogeta to go Super Saiyan 3 immediately gogeta's kind of taken him back what kind of powers Piccolo hiding if he's saying to do that well whatever Gogeta Powers up transforming instantly to Super Saiyan 3. the piccolo says Now's the Time to Showcase his new form he knows it's powerful beer is even prophesized it it's not inherently defined but with Piccolo's training and his access to Godly key he's been able to imbue it within this form a fiery orange key surrounds him the ground starts shaking everyone else watches nearby and Gohan can't believe what he sends him that's Piccolo's power and then suddenly it disappears as his Godly key flares up but the pressure from him transforming is Aura it's it's so insane they can't believe what they're seeing even Gogeta looks a little bit nervous maybe Piccolo wasn't lying after a massive explosion of key the area is filled with a blinding light and as it clears Piccolo stands there in a massive crate surrounded by even more fire he's bulked up considerably even growing a bit in size his antennae are standing up his eyes their piercing red color and the most notable change of all his skin has completely changed he's orange all over Piccolo says he's never been great with naming forms so he just simply calls it his orange form and he's glad to see how strong they've all grown but now it's his time to Showcase how strong he's grown Gogeta rushes in delivering a flurry of punches but Piccolo seems completely unfazed by it pickles not doing this as some ego boost he just didn't realize how strong he's got he really wants to test himself Gogeta jumps back trying some more attacks he charges key in his fist as he launches forward with one final punch using all of his power Piccolo simply blocks it with one hand Gogeta then delivers a kick Piccola blocks with its other hand and with him holding Gogeta he then spins him around midair kicking him upwards Gogeta catches himself midair so much damage taken from one attack but he can't see Piccolo now he's vanished he swings an arm behind him Piccolo's there he knew that he'd appear there but Piccolo catches gogeta's arm once more Gogeta charges a key blast in his other hand launching in a Piccolo's face at full pal even briefly powering into cow can when he does so that actually does leave a little bit of a scratch but that's all it is this Fusion thing does seem pretty strong to Piccolo as expected the Mac infusion was a big boost for him so this Fusion method while it's not too shocking that it's this strong good heater tries attacking more and more but Peck glue just seems completely unfazed the entire time Gohan can't believe what he's seeing Piccolo truly is that powerful it's incredible Vegeta tries to finish it with one final attack he sticks out his hand in the front end coming together an ominous blue ball of key appears with energy swirling all around him he shouts Big Bang Kamehameha as he also Powers up with a cow can when launching not holding anything back going to the maximum level of kylekin that he can the blast is about to hit Piccolo head-on and Piccolo shouts he charges key it surrounds his arm and then he sticks his hand in front of him grabbing the outstretched arm with his other hand the blast hits his hand and just dissipates around it it goes around Piccolo completely and this does actually strain him to try and block it but after the blast dissipates he just stands there completely fine and Gogeta ends up defusing so Piccolo really wasn't bluffing that is pretty insane well Vegeta does know one thing he wants to train for Godly Powers too they need to join beerus but it's probably not going to be that simple we'll use some beers were there the entire time and they step out the Saiyans do seem pretty powerful but they're not on the level of Piccolo but you'll consider he'll see what he could do for them although he doesn't really have a reason to take the Saiyans they're not on Piccolo's level and he doesn't know of a Super Saiyan God so what is he supposed to do there they're just gonna have to keep training and try to impress beerus cement and Piccolo tells him he's glad that they kept up with their training but keep doing it and he smiles he says he'll try to be around here more too he's sorry that he neglected them for a bit and now we go a little bit ahead at some point Champa spotted the universe 7 and the Universe X tournament takes place as for the team the pick is pretty obvious Piccolo Goku Vegeta and Gohan as for the fifth person Vegeta decides he wants to recruit trunks since they don't have anyone else anyways trunks might be the best pick because Vegeta's pretty confident trunks the strength they've been training intensely he's made sure not to neglect trunks especially because unlike the main story Vegeta's been around here the entire time so when he's not sparring with Goku or Gohan it's gonna be Trunks and he does join the team but before the tournament happens there's a few big things that occur for one beerus tells them if they perform well they could trade under him if they could really prove themselves he'll take them on his planet and we could train them seeing what they can do with Godly powers and because of that another pretty big thing happens Goku and Vegeta decide they really want to train intensely before the tournament going to the room of Spirit In Time beforehand desperately trying to catch up in whatever way possible and Gohan goes in there for a bit too but doesn't stand as long as that which surprises Piccolo that he left so early is he not taking his training that seriously well clearly he is he's very strong but Gohan actually feels like he's too far above them right now well Piccolo tells not get overconfident they'll find a way to surpass him and he's honestly not too sure it's not just him being overconfident he just doesn't really know besides intense training like that isn't really for him he's fine just keeping up with the normal training and he has what they just unlock in the room Spirit In Time wait what they get now Gohan says he'll keep it a secret but Piccolo will see in the tournament so the tournament itself begins Gohan really hopes he's going to be able to show this off but he doesn't know if he will the order is Vegeta Goku Gohan trunks then Piccolo although putting Vegeta first basically guarantee a victory for the first four rounds because Vegeta goes Super Saiyan 3 at some points and he's able to wipe out pretty much anyone he faces I haven't grown way stronger in the Time Chamber at some points he doesn't even need to do that especially against Kaba who decides to help teach Super Saiyan although it is worth noting that even though Vegeta is way stronger than he was just before compared to Canon Vegeta he's going to be way weaker but he still does have something up his sleep and he shows us off against Hit and he looks back to Kappa in the stands are they able to turn to great apes at all well cabba says they don't have their tails anymore but he knows that maybe in the past they were able to but he's not too sure well Vegeta tells him to get a load of this while they're in the Time Chamber they tested this out even without their tails Vegeta wanted to see if they could turn to great apes again somehow and try and learn something from there thankfully Vegeta doesn't know how to create an artificial Moon and even though it wasn't too concentrated with the Bloods waves it seemed to be just enough as long as Vegeta put a lot of power into it and now he has this brand new form he's able to transform into it at will and thanks to his great control over great ape he was actually the first one to access this briefly putting him ahead of the others until Goku and Gohan got it as well he starts to power up his hair grows out but doesn't change cope and his clothes at least the top disappears if it replaces it as a tail grows at his back too a fierce key surrounds him as he's ready to face it this is what they just called Super Saiyan 4. a fight with hidden suits and surprisingly Vegeta is able to briefly keep up but once hits start taking a little bit more seriously it's gonna get a little bit tough for that although beerus is kind of impressed the power coming off of that it is pretty nice but also Piccolo comments on it he can't believe how fast they grew even though they were using the Time Chamber still that was very quick and the motivation it definitely paid off and you know maybe beer is underestimated these settings Vegeta does end up losing against Hit and the following matches go pretty much the same Goku goes up against him and uses Super Saiyan 4 and ends up losing and Gohan does too he ends up losing as well so all three of them have this power and at least for the time being they're all around equal footing trunks then goes up and he can't really do too much against Hit he doesn't even have a chance to show up Super Saiyan 3 which he now has and now it just comes out into a 1v1 hit versus pickle the pickle is sure that he could handle this even though this guy has been growing with every fight that he had and he has the ability to time skip that doesn't matter to Piccolo you know what's crazy too that I'm just thinking about making this video we saw how strong orange Piccolo was in the main story and that's not a Godly form he doesn't have any Godly Powers there here he has the same form but now he has Godly key imbued within it so if he was that strong without Godly key what's he gonna be like here well it's safe to say he'll be hit pretty easily in fact he might not even need to go orange due to his insane training and the fact that a guy has orange form and his power we can form early on and that he now has got the key I also think it's safe to say that Piccolo at this point in this story he's beyond the current Piccolo in the main series that's how insane he is but hey it is the whole point of the scenario after all so you can only imagine how far ahead he is of the other but hopefully that's not for long because now yours finally wants to take the Saiyan's training with him they don't know about Super Saiyan God he doesn't know what kind of potential they have but he doesn't know they do have some sort of potential and Gohan decides to stay back again he's not being overconfident he decides that he just want to stay on Earth because that kind of intense training isn't for him and it doesn't fit with his lifestyle but he feels that with Super Saiyan 4 he can continue improving and he'll try to go beyond this as well yeah Goku and Vegeta might have their own Godly Powers at some point but Gohan will find some new way to evolve whether that's just a human or Saiyan he has both those factors working for him so happy ending right well not really because soon after with the universe 6 tournament happening there's going to be another consequence of this trunks returns to the past with a message from the future he says that they've been attacked by someone that looks like Piccolo and he doesn't think that it could be him that makes no sense can't be a kingpakalo because King Piccolo is gone and besides the fact that Piccolo's good he's also dead in this timeline so that makes no sense trunks thought maybe it could have been another namekian that just looks similar to him but no why would they be attacking here and why does his key feel like that but as he's explaining everything a portal appears in the sky and someone steps through it it's Piccolo it looks exactly like him except a few different changes he's wearing an earring he's wearing some sort of ring and his clothes are completely different but it does look like Piccolo thankfully the actual Piccolo's on Earth at this time and he looks up to the spitting image himself he can't believe it who is this is it some sort of imposter maybe he doesn't know for sure but Piccolo black stares down at him and smiles Piccolo immedially confronts this lookalike how did he get here especially without a time machine and more importantly who is he but there's one pretty important thing that Piccolo notes this guy he has some sort of Godly key within him and not just that it feels like the key of a supreme High while keeping eye contact with Piccolo Piccolo black sticks a handout launching a blast of the time machine below a fight that ensues between the two piccolos Piccolo should go for the kill right away here this guy's clearly a threat and clearly isn't him but at the same time he wants to figure out who this guy is but it's not like his normal tactics will work this guy knows how Piccolo fights not only is he Piccolo but he seems to know a good amount about Piccolo he's not going to fall for any tricks or schemes and he's not going to give away who he is just yet but Piccolo feels like he could deduce that on his own too fine in that case he'll just finish this here he immediately transforms going to his orange fool and in one hand he charges A Massive Attack Piccolo black has a shocked expression let's face trying to guard against it Piccolo launched the attack and almost completely eradicates him but Piccolo black is sure to keep his head protected and as the attack is launched he also makes sure to keep the time ring safe trying to create a portal back to where he came from the blast launches right through the portal sending Piccolo black flying through it now if that were any normal person that immediately died from this attack most of Piccolo Black's body was destroyed but Piccolo knows that his regeneration will be more than enough he's been working on his own regeneration abilities and his own healing abilities too especially since healing is innate to namekians and Kai's he he's been working on this because he knows how valuable it can be and the fact that he could probably make it more potent it's not like he could fully heal himself just whenever he wants it's more like his regeneration is a lot more efficient due to this and whoever this guy is seems to have some sort of knowledge of Godly key he'll have access to not only Piccolo's regenerative abilities but whatever healing abilities of Akai Piccolo flows back down to the ground besides the key of this guy he noticed that earring on it and the time ring Piccolo immediately knows that this guy has something to do with the Kai's but that doesn't really help deduce anything Piccolo did train with the kaiz after all but it doesn't add up because pickle is obviously dead in that timeline and trunk says he actually met the Supreme Kai no one else trained with him Piccolo feels like that key is familiar though it's not an exact match but it feels like a mix of his own key as well as someone else's that he fought before he rocks his brain trying to remember who it is and then it hits him under his extensive training with and kabito he's met other Kai's other Apprentice guys and he Sparta them too traveling across multiple universes and one from Universe 10 comes to mind he remembers this guy particularly for being well weird he seemed to have a disdain for Universe 7 and Piccolo and mention the fact that they were time traveling too but that doesn't explain why that was Piccolo it can't be that Universe 10kai Canon it is his best lead though so he decides he's gonna check it out I mean the motive fits and the key kind of fits maybe this is what he had in mind he never liked the fact that Piccolo Immortal was a student of Akai and he doesn't even know the fact that zombies who hates how they're making a mockery of Godly Ki as well Piccolo immediately goes to shin and kabito seeing if they could go find zamasu again and Trunks is just their dumbfounded well he knew Piccolo was smart but the fact that he kind of deduced it that quickly or at least got a lead that's very impressive but before he leaves Piccolo does tell them if they want to go to the Future they can it depends on how quickly bomo fixes the time machine but they could leave without him he feels like they could handle this he's seen Goku Vegeta's power as heavily and he says if they bring Gohan along that could really help but Goku's confused how's that supposed to work this guy has Piccolo strength and Piccolo says that doesn't seem to be the case yeah he does seem to be powerful but he doesn't seem to have access to Piccolo's full power otherwise he would have transformed he didn't even go into the power awakened state but they do have to be careful he'll meet them in the future once they go but how's that supposed to work he says he has his own ways of doing that he goes to the sacred world of Kaiser Hill shouldn't be to win and they're just as dumbfounded alright well let's find that Kai from Universe 10. they go to Universe 10 and meet with goasu and zamasu Piccolo asks if zamasu knows anything about this and this immediately sets up some alarms of zamasu and he can't believe what he's hearing this sounds like something that he thought of but never decided to go through it at least not yet so he said this Piccolo came from another timeline and he had a similar key to both Piccolo and zamasu and people who tells zamasu did not lie to him he could tell he's hiding something and honestly go as you can too he knows zombies who's been having some weird influences lately and Piccolo says he's not here to punish zamasu if that's what he's worried about zamasu hasn't done anything yet as far as they know and this way they can actually stop him from doing something and he does have another piece of evidence too before they came here Piccolo did want to check if there was any change in the timelines and they could tell something to miss with the time Rings zamasu didn't even really know about those yet but go also actually was just about to show him how to use them well zamas was kind of in a corner now he's annoyed that Piccolo suggested that they'd even punish zamasu wait right does he have he's not a Kai even if he's not here to actually do that zamasu can't stand that disrespect he's agitated on guard maybe even ready to attack but gowasu asks zamasu be truthful about it this is definitely going to take some time but like I said Piccolo didn't just go on here based on that accusation he stopped by to see San kabito and check the time rates and they did look into it themselves a little bit more too working non-stop to try and figure out what's going on here meanwhile in Universe 7 while Bumble fixes the time machine up trunks catches up with everyone in the meantime including him spending some time sparring with Gohan too Gohan lets trunks know that Goku agita have ascended to the realm of gods trunks has no clue what that means does it have to do with that beerus guy oh yeah trunks only knows the Supreme Kai though did apparently die in trunks's Timeline which means beerus is dead too that does reassure trunks though Goku Vegeta are probably pretty strong and they could definitely help out here but it does make him wonder if he could potentially grow that powerful and Gohan says that trunks doesn't need Godly form to unlock this sort of new Strength there's new ways to ascend Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2. Gohan shows off his newest forms Super Saiyan 3 and Super Saiyan 4. trunks is less speechless not only is the power of this incredible but the look of it too it's completely intimidating both forms actually although it's definitely going to take some time for trunks to learn this but it's good for him to know about it and good for him to know that Gohan could help out too we're glad to see how much he's grown since trunks last saw it soon enough the time machine is ready with Goku Vegeta Trunks and Gohan going along Piccolo still hasn't returned and they wonder where he is but apparently he said they can go when they want Vegeta says they should just trust his judgment clearly Piccolo knows something they don't besides with those weird Kai abilities he has he could probably just show up in this timeline without a time machine when they arrive in the future Piccolo black immediately knows they're back heading over to greet these Time Travelers although he's a bit surprised Piccolo himself isn't here what do they think they could take him on they're just all gonna die alongside trunks well it's probably deserving though they're time traveling as well messed up with the flow of time isn't something a mortal should do but he'll be sure to rectify their sins Goku and Vegeta can sense his power he has grown a bit stronger there is one thing here that's working against him something that Goku black had that Piccolo black won't have Goku black had some pretty impressive growth which is attributed to a few factors but one of the key factors being the fact that he was a Saiyan getting zenkai's of course pickle black is grown stronger learning how to use Piccolo's body and integrating his own Godly key within it but he doesn't get the zenkai Boost he was able to regenerate himself completely from Piccolo's attack with the zombies who even healing him after restoring him to full stamina and Health Plus it has been a few days anyways but it looks completely fine it's like he wasn't even attacked at all and he lets these mortals know he's unlocked a brand new power or at least one that's brand new to hit something that they might be familiar with though a fiery key surrounds him it looks at the Key of Piccolo's orange form but there's a little pinkish Hue to it Goku Vegeta could also feel a more Godly key Within Piccolo black transforms into this new state and he looks exactly like orange Piccolo he hasn't changed at all really it's just his Aura this isn't a completely new form like rose that's unique to him this is just basically his version of Orange He proclaims that he's finally tapped into Piccolo's full power combined with his own innate magic and the fact that it can regenerate he feels Unstoppable they won't be able to do anything against him but Goku and Vegeta aren't so sure Piccolo is powerful and all and this guy's probably on his level maybe even a little bit above him but they've learned from their counters of Piccolo they've trained with him on Beer's Planet as well they asked Piccolo black if he's familiar with this power they then power up showcasing a brand new form of theirs Super Saiyan God they haven't acquired blue yet they haven't been with beers for that long although they may be on the cusp of something else trying to improve Super Saiyan God however they can they've kind of abandoned Super Saiyan 4 while Gohan stuck with it they're now focused on these Godly forms Piccolo black looks a little bit taken aback at first but then he smiles sure they may be strong but even together there's no way they could do anything against him and he welcomes him to attack he doesn't need to test out this brand new power after all Goku and Vegeta launching together Trunks goes into Super Saiyan 2 with Gohan going Super Saiyan 4. trunks is a bit confused though he didn't realize Piccolo was as powerful and seeing this new form he's terrified of how strong Piccolo black is but he asked Gohan why don't Goku and Vegeta seem worried and Gohan says they probably have something up their sleeve he has an idea of what they might have in mind but he's not too sure sure enough these four don't do anything against Piccolo black but Vegeta thanks him for the battle they've been able to gauge his power they know where his strength is comparison at them sure he's Way Beyond them but no wonder Piccolo was so confident that they would win he knows exactly what Piccolo was thinking of Vegeta tells Goku and Trunks to hold off this Piccolo clone for a bit and then turns to Goku teleport them away Goku teleports to a random area getting them as far as possible and he can immediately tell what Vegeta has in mind he wants to try Fusion doesn't he Vegeta isn't as hesitant here he's already fused with Goku before and it's not gonna be like the main story where his first experience with Fusion was using the patara earrings and he thought they were permanent plus he's the one suggesting the fusion here surprisingly Goku is honestly kind of amazed that he's doing that Vegeta says don't get him wrong the dance is still pretty goofy but he'll do it just for this Gohan and trunks can't really do much against Piccolo black but they are able to buy some time Gohan especially is able to use some of his power to help here but a somewhat familiar voice then thanks Gohan and trunks saying that he'll take it from here now and Gohan immediately recognize who it is it's Gogeta they fused again trunks is lost go go what Gohan says he'll explain in a bit just watch for now and Piccolo black and see what happened oh they fused their powers together not through the patara the superior way but they can see they fused together what do they think this will work Gogeta says he's pretty sure it'll go well plus he's got the hang of fusion he knows how to control his power especially with this new form that he has he promises Piccolo black he'll make this quick a fight between them and Suits as Gohan and trunks watch on someone else appears to attack them who is this now trunk sees that he looks to be some sort of Supreme Kai maybe wait is this who Piccolo was talking about well whatever while Gogeta holds off pickle black they'll defeat this guy they still have no clue of what's going on here but they have faith in Piccolo and pretty much instantly after this Revelation Piccolo doesn't up here brandishing a Time ring of his own Piccolo black had sense him arriving but Gogeta holds him off not letting him go there Piccolo looks up at zamasu he already knows what's going on as long as you said that's impossible sure he knows of zamasu but he can't know what's going on here and Piccolo tell zamasu the zero morals plan it might seem good he points a finger at zamasu too bad for him to know that the plane has some holes in it he quickly launches a blast puncturing right through zamasu leaving a hole in him but zamasu immediately regenerates what he thought Piccolo knew his planned he should know that he's Immortal and Piccolo says he did he was just testing something he stretches out his hand paralyzing zamasu okay then there was a small container on the ground and quickly performs a mafuba sealing him away Piccolo turns over to Gohan and trunks he thanks them for helping too he's got everything under control here though and he knows it's probably pretty confusing but he'll explain in a bit he's figured out everything including a way to stop this Piccolo kaikai's over to Gogeta and smiles as soon as he sees the fusion he's got that they actually went through with it pickle black seems to have pretty tough time here and he says he still has one trump card he might be outnumbered here and he might be outmashed by this Fusion but but he has his own Fusion before we can grab the pataro pickle then shoots it right off yeah that's not gonna work besides even if he did grab the Vitara zamas has already been dealt with wait what Piccolo tells pickle black he'll spare wasting any more of his time he doesn't really have much left anyways so they might as well spend it just fight how cocky of this Mortal he'll find a way ahead but Piccolo doesn't really think so he Powers up into his own orange form thanking Gogeta for holding this guy off and he says once they're back in their own timeline he'll have to fight them fused Gogeta laughs he tells Piccolo that he just hopes he's stronger than this Faker Piccolo says Gogeta won't have to worry about that this guy is a faker after all he doesn't know how to properly utilize Piccolo's Powers even if he has that form and claims to know how to use everything he could tell this guy still has a long way to go he might have the raw power to back it up but against these two or I guess these three that raw strength won't be enough Gogeta disappears from his sight and then Piccolo black is held in place he tries to attack Piccolo but Piccolo delivers a rapid flurry of punches he's held a place by the god bind he looks down at Gogeta blinking setting a powerful blast towards the fusion freeing himself from the God by he starts exchanging flows of Piccolo but Piccolo is able to overcome him but as their trading blows Gojira then launches up from the ground below with a fist stretch out in front of him hitting Piccolo black with a queen uppercut and quickly mid-air he spins around kick and Piccolo black down towards the ground but as Piccolo black Rockets toward the surface below Gogeta follows him rocketing down below as well with a handout stretched in front of him holding a strange ball of rainbow key he launches the blast of echo black a soul Punisher he collides with the ground as soon as the attack hits him too there's a massive colorful explosion he's badly injured trying to regenerate himself but it's hard to heal his own self even with the Regeneration he then feels a hand around his leg Piccolo stretched his arm out from up above then fling Piccolo black back up into the sky once again Gogeta performs a god bind holding Piccolo black in place Piccolo thinks this will be much easier than shooting a moving Target quickly he puts two fingers on his forehead charging a makanko sapo he'll make sure this guy doesn't come back he knows how to stop that regeneration he launches the beef piercing right through Piccolo Black's head completely destroying it as well and just for good measure Gogeta launches a floor blast destroying the rest of it the two side breath of the week Gogeta then looks over at Piccolo giving a thumbs up take a little Smiles power him down giving his own thumbs up they go back over to where Gohan and trunks were oh yeah now Piccolo could actually explain he gives them a brief rundown they were able to figure out what zombies was up to and stop him before he did it in that timeline it did take a lot of time they want to make sure they were right after all and make sure they didn't forget any details and clearly it worked Piccolo came here stopping everything before it got even worse that's why he came extremely prepared well they're glad to have him here and Trunks thanks him as well as thinking the others too gojay diffuses immediately after oh yeah one more thing chunks needs explain they tell him about what Fusion is maybe they'll show him someday but hopefully he'll never need to use it trunks I think is pretty cool although he doesn't really have anyone to fuse with anyways but still pretty cool and Piccolo thanks trunks too because of him they stopped zamasu in the present timeline as well and who knows maybe he'll be reformed Piccolo will be sure to check on him in the near future as well making sure there's not another zero Mortals plan once again trunks helped to save them and they help save trunks Piccolo says ready to head back but trunk says they're probably gonna need the time machine right actually not really Piccolo tells everyone to grab onto him how do they think he got here in the first place oh yeah he did say he would come here on his own wow he's really full of surprises they all say their goodbyes to trunks as Piccolo takes them back to their timeline following this Arc Piccolo is gonna keep a watch in zamasu from this timeline they prevented him from doing anything and stopped him before he did something bad and they want to make sure it stays that way the thing is too Piccolo already knew zamasu before and although it's not often they've sparred before too but you know it's been kind of a while since he's trained under the kais maybe sparring with a Kai might actually be pretty fun he's got a lot of great things under his belt now he has Knowledge from so many areas of life that it's really going to help him fight but he doesn't want to hone more what he learned from the kai so he actually does visit them occasionally it's pretty easy when he could just teleport anywhere in a win zombies who is of course way weaker but in terms of magical prowess zamasu is actually a little bit better and pickle thinks he can learn a bit from that not just from him but all the other guys that he's around as in a mechan he innately does have magical abilities but he could probably improve them further he's had a great access to Magic already but it's been kind of sidelined since he's been training with so many things at once although most of his time is spent on beers playing it as well as training with Goku and Vegeta both of whom are trying to catch up with Piccolo although they're also having a rivalry with each other and the two are actually pretty on par but on the planet One Day the Earth wants to test everyone's power and he's not gonna fight them instead he wants them to fight each other the same say that's not really gonna be too Fair Piccolo's gonna win by default well they're not fighting 1v1 V1 it's gonna be a 1v2 Piccolo versus the two Saiyans oh that actually might make it a little bit better although they're still not really too sure but this might be a good way to test themselves a fight begins of course they start off in bass and Piccolo's base is above theirs so they decide to crank it up a notch going into Super Saiyan 4. they have a perfect control over the snap stamina is not too big of an issue with this and the two Super Saiyan 4's fighting Piccolo together is actually a pretty good challenge but they're amazed that Piccolo somehow is still able to keep up he's actually disadvantaged right now but once he goes into his power awakened state that turns the tables again alright looks like they're gonna have to crank it up more and here's something that they haven't really had much practice with Super Saiyan blue they unlocked it way later on and it is their strongest warm right now but they don't have as much practice with it as normal so while it has a great power there's still some issues with it but this is enough to tip the scales once more and beers are surprised to see they're already at their full power wondering if Piccolo is going to do the same the two Saiyans want to see pickles orange form again they want to see how they stack up against it in Super Saiyan blue they actually are overwhelming Piccolo at the moment although he's not fighting at his full strength and not just in the sense that he hasn't transformed fully but he's not using 100 of his power in this form either and eventually he's pushed to do so whis is pretty impressed Piccolo is able to keep up with both of them at once and he's not even in his final form although he's not too surprised those two say and still have a long way to go with Super Saiyan and blue Piccolo's been training far longer and has had Godly key for far longer as well and beerus asked the two of them if they could just fuse already he knows they probably want to anyways but Goku Vegeta wanted to fight alone they didn't want to rely on Fusion here again they're not opposed to Fusion but they do want to test their own strength although beerus really wants a seed it's gonna make the fight a lot more entertaining and they asked Piccolo and Piccolo says it probably would be a good idea well the two of them don't really have a choice it seems they fuse a few times for training and it's pretty routine now and Piccolo says if they don't want to do the dance anymore or they could use that patara Fusion that the kais have he's learned about it already from zamasu and looked into it more and found out that it's actually pretty similar they say maybe sometime later for now they're just gonna use the dance since they're pretty familiar with it and know that it'll make for a good fight so Piccolo stands back as the two perform the Fusion Dance powering down before they do so and fusing into base Gogeta now this should be interesting beerus is really invested now Gogeta vs Piccolo is actually a pretty even fight and Gogeta comets he's definitely gotten stronger as well as the two fuses obviously before he can hope to match Piccolo like this and he's not even transforming he's putting up a great fight here but they want to push themselves further and ask Piccolo he can go orange now they have their own thing up their sleeve they transform go into Super Saiyan 4 as gochi well Piccolo thinks it kind of makes sense he's surprised they're not immediately going to God though but they do want to see how strong they are in Super Saiyan 4 at least also because they've never fought a Super Saiyan for Gogeta it could be interesting and beerus watches on Delight as Gogeta assumes a Battle Stance with Piccolo powering up surrounded by the same orange Flames as he goes into his orange form he has whis who does he think has this battle and and whis honestly doesn't know Piccolo might be able to pull ahead but he knows Gogeta has more power he could go Blue at any point Gogeta does tell Piccolo though he's in this to win obviously his main goal is claiming Victory but he also wants to try and do it without using his full power so whatever it takes he'll do that but he needs to be pushed into that he tells Piccolo hold nothing back especially because if they start using more power the Fusion's not gonna last as long fako launched in Gogeta with a direct punch Gogeta is barely able to guard against it but he feels the pain from it Piccolo's definitely not playing around briefly he tries to fight while Super Saiyan 4 but knows that this isn't going to be enough it's a shame he did really want to fight like this but he goes into Super Saiyan God and Piccolo surprised they're not going to use blue right away well Gogeta knows is going to drain the fusion and they have a pretty nice workaround this fight is actually pretty even at First full power orange Piccolo with God Gogeta but Gogeta is definitely pulling ahead Piccolo's pretty amazed that he doesn't have to use blue yet but he'll push Gogeta into turning blue Goji is able to land an attack that catches Piccolo off guard and actually deals a significant amount of damage pickle doesn't know what happened they were fighting so evenly in God before and Gogeta didn't transform at all but he felt spike in power at the last moment Gogeta launches into attack once more and at the very last second Piccolo sees he turns blue when he attacks he flies over in Super Saiyan God but when he strikes he transforms gojita says this is a great way to conserve power he knew Piccolo would pick up on it eventually and technically he's not fully in blue yet and he says he could still win this fight without fully using it and now the Tide's completely turn Gogeta is winning with the god to Blue technique he's overwhelming Piccolo completely his God form already matches Piccolo but now his attacks when he attacks in blue it does significant damage to Pickler but pickle is not going down easily and with one final decisive strike Gogeta completely knocks Piccolo down it doesn't look like he's getting up and Gogeta says Piccolo stronger than he thought but is proud that he's starting to catch up to Piccolo he turns over to beerus about to say something Piccolo says he's not done yet and he looks back pickle is on the ground he's not in Orange anymore he D transformed right after that final balloon and beer steals out of Gogeta this fight isn't over until he completely knocks Piccolo out alright well Gogeta thinks this will be easy enough Piccolo weekly stands up Gogeta doesn't even go got to Blue he takes a stance ready to launch right towards Piccolo fling himself forward with his leg up about to land a direct kick but right as the kick is about to connect Gogeta sees a flash of light and Piccolo disappears Gogeta sticks The Landing nearby and sees Piccolo standing in that same spot interesting he didn't think Piccolo would have enough speed in his base to dodge but he notices something strange Piccolo doesn't seem to be in his base form it looks like it at first but then a weird Aura flares up around him beerus perks up and these actually does too Piccolo slowly turns towards Gogeta and Gogeta sees now that Piccolo's eyes look a little different that a tense or is completely surrounding him Piccolo says nothing just staring at Gogeta Gogeta goes in for another attack trying to hit Piccolo with a flurry of punches and kicks but nothing works he Dodges all of them effortlessly and as he keeps throwing those punches pickle grabs one of his fists and then the other fists holding Goji to midair and staring him down he only says two words go Blue Gogeta is actually kind of scared what is this he's never seen Piccolo use this power before and beerus can't believe what he's seeing this can't be what he thinks he is right whis thinks it actually is and we shouts to Gogeta he might actually want to go Blue Piccolo disappears from Goji to sight once more and quickly Gogeta does go Blue turning himself around as he blocks an attack from Piccolo he was barely fast enough to block it and sense it but pekko starts attacking at a rapid Pace what is this Gogeta tries to fight back but even in blue he can and at this rate he's gonna run out of the fusion he's using a form he doesn't have much control on and is draining his power greatly he'll put all his power into one attack that'll do it he swipes a hand in front of him creating a small Berry and in his other hand he starts charging Kitty but it doesn't even have a chance to charge it Piccolo punches right through the barrier effortlessly and then Gogeta is Frozen in place Piccolo paralyze him with magic simply by glaring at him he jumps up high in the air and then Rockets down towards Gogeta right before Piccolo connects with him Gogeta breaks free of the paralysis seemingly dodging Piccolo's attack the piccolo quickly throws a hand down launching a key blast that flings him right towards Gogeta instantly pivoting even with Gogeta dodging he kicks him directly in the face knocking Gogeta out with the fusion defusing right after and beerus says there's no doubt about it that's Ultra Instinct this is what whis has been training him for at least it's delayed they immediately have to start training with us even further and Piccolo didn't even realize that he got this and he was able to control it decently well actually he always wondered what kind of technique he'd unlock here maybe something from beerus maybe something from whis but it seems like it's gonna be the latter it does fit all of his previous training after all those destructive Powers appears might suit him kinda but this one suits him better edoes is very glad that Piccolo's been able to pick up on it although those abilities from beer is still do Intrigue Piccolo but now he's gonna Focus completely on this going down this New Path towards Ultra Instinct Goku and Vegeta wake up they can't even believe what they just witnessed of course once again Piccolo left them completely in the dust they'll pull ahead eventually but they have no clue how he even did that soon enough we have the torno in the power as well and universe 7's team is looking pretty stacked mainly because Piccolo's there he's the strongest fighter on the team by a long shot and he's a great support the magic that he has will be very helpful in fights not just for himself but assisting others as well as for the team it's mostly the same 17-18 Frieza replaced by Yamcha Goten and Trunks but everyone else is pretty much exactly the same but now let's cover the actual tournament Universe 7 is confident Goku and Vegeta are they know pickle is probably gonna win for them but this is a great opportunity to test out their strength Goku actually almost goes up to fight jiren but pickle tells Goku it could be very risky let him test jiren's power first and Goku's kind of bummed but okay Piccolo is the leader here actually and with his great strength they trust his judgment and follow it it's like I mentioned way before in the beginning of the series Piccolo being the strongest isn't just going to affect his strength it's going to affect how everybody around him operates that's a big change in this tournament and the original tournament Gohan led the team but half the team didn't listen to him and just went with their own strategy they're actually going to listen to Piccolo here though his judgment has saved them so many times before and with his great strength and wisdom they view it very highly everyone on the team listens to what he says Piccolo's plan was to have everybody fight with somebody else sticking together is the best bet Piccolo himself is going to fight alone but for example Gohan's gonna fight with Goten and Trunks the humans are all gonna stick together and Goku and Vegeta are just going to fight together that way everyone will be able to assist each other and in the event that someone does get knocked out of the ring well Piccolo has more than enough ways to actually get them back in and he's gonna Pace himself ready to test out jiren's power the two begin brawling in much shajiran's surprise Piccolo is actually somewhat of a challenge at first in his base German can kind of fend him off but he does have to get a little bit serious about it it's not like Goku versus jiren jiren is actually fighting back here and Piccolo commends him this guy really is strong and he might actually be his first Challenge in a while it'll be an honor to fight him and jiren tells pickle to not get too ahead of himself this will not be an easy match Piccolo goes into his power awakened State and the two continue wrong meanwhile somewhere else in the ring the hybrid Saiyans face the pry Troopers Gohan actually kind of admires them because they're all superheroes and they have pretty cool poses too but they eliminate most of the pry Troopers very quickly which surprises them Universe 11 is actually pretty strong and this only leaves toppo and dyspo left which might actually be a challenge for the hybrids although Goten trunks use a meal going right into a master Super Saiyan 3 and Gohan's glad they're taking this seriously these two actually seem pretty tough he goes into Super Saiyan 4 but quickly comes to realize that it might not be enough even with Gotenks on his side the good thing is toppo and disco aren't their full power yet toppo is actually not going to burn has got a destruction mode and Dohan kind of is holding something back but he knows as a key to Victory here he's gonna need to use it as much as he would love to Pace himself he says these two are gonna be the first to win his brand new power he's continued practicing with Super Saiyan 4 and has gone beyond it since it is super saiyan with great ape he thought to himself can he just do the same with Super Saiyan 2 and he figured out a way to ascend he Powers up while in Super Saiyan 4. his Aura morphs into something else and red lightning strikes around him his hair slightly spikes up his fur gets a little bit of a different tint but otherwise it looks really similar to Super Saiyan 4. and Gotenks looks on an amazement he didn't even know that Gohan had this and he's kind of annoyed that he stole a spotlight again he tells Gohan he'll get that super saiyan 4 forms from the deck but Gohan says that's not what this is this is a new state Beyond it he just simply calls it Super Saiyan 5. they make quick worker Topo and dyspo and Goku and Vegeta can sense this from across the ring looking over and then seeing Gohan that's awesome he ascended Super Saiyan 4 well it's definitely not as strong as their God forms but with Gohan's great potential it's still very impressive they love it maybe they'll have to look at Super Saiyan 5 someday although they can't focus on it for too long right now they're facing the universe 6 seconds and it's not really too big of a deal kale is a threat at this point especially when she does go berserk so they focus on getting rid of her they would enjoy fighting her just solo but they can't she clearly can't control her power and that makes her a huge threat and with her combined strength they're able to land a finish and blow that Center flying outside the ring while also fetting off Kaaba and cauliflush but at the last moment cap is able to save Kate kicking her back into the ring which propels himself outside of the ring too since she was already so far out Goku and Vegeta are surprised at how resilient these two are and colleague who says they're not done yet she places an earring on and Goku to recognize that that's the thing that Piccolo mentioned right she places one of the almost unconscious kale too with the two of them fusing into carefully oh great now they have to fight a fusion how is that even allowed those are items well is that no rules that despair because he likes it he thinks it's cool and Goku and Vegeta are a bit bummed because now they're actually being overpowered by kefla especially when she transforms damn it they went out of the fight alone but they might actually have to fuse into Gogeta this time although with kefla there doing the dance is going to be a little bit hard but shiny yells out to Goku throwing earrings at him as well the other gods get pissed and say this is cheating but Zeno said it's already fine and he does approve it kefla aims to get rid of them before they confuse and Vegeta really wants to fight alone why do they have to fuse in every battle they're in he's not opposed to Fusion but here he wanted to test his own power out and Goku says it's a bummer too but they don't really have a choice they each place the batara earring on creating a brand new Fusion at the last second capital's attack is blocked by a new fight and the man surprised wow he has different clothes and he feels like a different person too so this isn't Gogeta this is someone completely different well why don't they call this Fusion Vegeta instead and he'll be able to fight without transforming here as this all goes on Piccolo's fight with jiren continues pickle Good Sense Vegito fusing and he easily defeats kefla with Vegeta beginning to go after everyone else cleaning up all the other Fighters he tells Piccolo to focus on that jiren guy all of their team is still in the ring and with Vegito and Gohan's help they could pretty much clean up everybody else jiren tells Piccolo he admires his trick but it won't be enough the two continue powering up jiren says while pickle is strong he doesn't have a full focus on raw power lick it he's weak and he still relies on others for his help but Piccolo says the opposite that's what made him strong relying on others or rather the desire to protect others and have them rely on him that's what pushed him this far jiren bulks up considerably as his Aura flares up too he tells people no matter how he slices it it won't be enough and the two of them grab each other's hands starting to wrestle as pickle then begins both of himself with his own fiery Aura surrounding him as he turns orange and piccolos his jiren should face the facts he's stronger and he got there for those reasons the same reasons jiren looks down upon for a guy is so focused on strength he's surprised he hasn't tried this yet he's so solitary he can grow stronger working with others he is supposed to be a hero after all and he learns if jiren's past as well and how jiren was molded into this person that he is now but Piccolo thinks deer needs to grow past that his past doesn't Define him even if that's what he's used to they can't keep the Solitude up he'll go Stronger by putting his trust in others as well look at Piccolo his upbringing doesn't Define him he was a completely different person actually a terrible guy and now he views himself as a de facto guardian of Earth actually no he proclaims that he's the guardian of universe 7. he'll protect this universe any cost it's his priority he'll win here and he'll make that wish it's not going to go to someone's selfish like jiren if jiren can't see the flaw on his principles pickle is going to make sure he loses those Dragon Balls their Divine gift something that they can't toy with and something pretty amazing happens to jiren he sees that Piccolo is actually overpowering it and Piccolo is not using his full strength so he asked Piccolo don't patronize it show his full power prove him wrong show him that true power then and the two stopped clashing Piccolo detransforms no longer in Orange jiren's left confused but a weird Aura flares up around Piccolo the gods all look on a complete r with beers who he's probably looking up Piccolo closes his eyes and then opens them now having that same grayish glow he tells jiren these are the fruits of his training and this is what he'll use to defend the universe now with one simple attack from Ultra Instinct Omen jiren is flung completely out of the ring but as he's almost eliminated he thinks to himself Piccolo is still holding back what an interesting guy Piccolo then blitzes whoever's left in the ring even surprising Vegeta with his speed and with that the Universe 7 wins and they're not actually sure who to name MVP but with Piccolo having one of the most important eliminations and getting some early in the tournament and later on as well as being the leader he ends up getting it making a simple wish restore every other Universe maybe one day again he'll see jeer and maybe he'll learn the flaws in his ways jiren's clearly not a bad guy not at all he's just going down the wrong path and with him brought back in Universe 11 he reflects on this Piccolo's definition of strength at him to a new level of power that even jiren couldn't match he can't believe it and smirks one day he'll see Piccolo again back on beerus's planet Piccolo only has one Focus working on Ultra Instinct even more naturally Goku is pretty interested in the same while Vegeta he's actually working under beerus going down his own path doing this is the way to surpass both of them he already has been dabbling in this a bit and maybe with the power of a destroyer in his hands he'll reclaim the throne being stronger than both his Rivals so what actually happens in the story in the meantime what kind of challenges will they face well for one Broly's not going to show up at all there's no Frieza and not really reason for them to find Broly they don't know anything about his existence and as much as I hate to keep him out of the story there's nothing I probably can really do to find them either so he stays on fompan that leads us into the more orc Moro was able to get a fraction of his power back allowing him to escape prison that's all he really needed now that he's out he can get the dragon balls regain his Youth and grow stronger that way plus he'll be able to Feast on some planets on the way as well but the galactic Patrol has an idea of how to defeat him they go to Earth and they're not looking for Boo this time obviously instead they're looking for someone else a namekian that apparently lives there with the powers of a Supreme Court that's the only person that could help Jacob was actually the one to let them know this yeah I know this is the first time he's appeared in the scenario but he's been around I mean he still knows Bulma and he basically tells him yeah there's some dude on Earth that can do magic stuff so maybe he could fight more you can tell I'm going off script a little bit that's that's probably how he'd phrase it I love Jocko anyways Piccolo decides to go along with them well the first thing he asks is where is this Moro guy they tell not to fight him right away Oro might be a little too much the piccolo assures them no matter how strong this guy is he can counter he's farce past the abilities of even the Supreme Kai and that's just magic he has power from training underneath wheeze and beerus which Mayors actually doesn't know a little bit about he also thought it might be a good idea to recruit Piccolo and it'll be interesting to see how he handles Moro they go out into space Piccolo tries to focus on locating moro's energy normally he could just kaikai to any planet that he needs but there is kind of an issue there Moro is only out in space right now he could try teleporting onto the ship but they're not too sure although he ends up detecting more and more detects him as well and more was intrigued this guy that's sensing him he has the powers of a supreme kind it seems like it's like that Intrigue is also partially concerned because more wonders if this guy has the same ability as the Grand Supreme Kai if he does then he's actually screwed he's gonna have to be very quick about what he does here now Piccolo tells a lack of Patrol what direction more was going in and Piccolo can't actually really tell but they actually figure out where he's going he's going to Namek Piccolo immediately realized what's going on he must be going for the dragon balls he tells everyone he'll meet them there he's going to try and get Dynamic before Moro even gets there using the kaikai to instantly teleport there and Moro could sense Piccolo's power disappear he feels that presence it's on Namek tickle is not even trying to hide his presence anymore it's an intimidation tactic he knows more can sense it the namekian C Piccolo arrive glad to see him again too he says he wished he were here under better circumstances but tells them all to hide gather the Dragon Balls keep them safe and have the Warriors keep everyone else safe there's a threat coming konamic and he's here to stop it soon enough more ship does arrive with Piccolo standing there ready to encounter him Moro actually compliments him he sends that great magical prowess no wonder this guy was smart enough to figure out where he was going too and mower will immediate starts trying to drain energy from the planet and from Piccolo himself but it's not working Piccolo feels it happened for a brief second but is able to actually counter it protecting himself from moro's Magic with his own magic this makes more more concerned he should have actually expected this but he could work around it he'll get energy from the planet he'll make an escape actually he's not gonna fight Piccolo one on one Maura says the two of them will have a great Showdown but for now Piccolo's gonna have to wait for him to obtain his true power plumes of lava fly up obscuring more he starts flying away and feels a hand grab onto his ankle slamming him into the ground and then throwing him into one of his own plumes of lava Moro stop himself met her before he hits him but he's Piccolo teleported there with his arms stretched out he's not here to play around more was not gonna get any opportunity to get stronger he's the perfect person to face off against Moro two fellow magicians fighting with Piccolo having a great advantage in terms of strength even just in his base form obviously he's always made it a point to end these fights quickly and he's going to take it even more seriously here especially with namik at stake Morrow is concerned that Piccolo is actually going to seal him away the pickle has a much better solution he actually did consider the mafuba but heard the galactic Patrol only sealed him because they couldn't actually kill more not a problem for Piccolo though and with one swift motion he leaps over and grabs Aurora if the guy wants to absorb some energy Piccolo will give him some charging a massive amount of key in his hand with more disintegrated from the power as pekola launches a blast this planet's not going to face any more turmoil and just like that the ark's avoided another Arc that's kind of avoided is the granola Arc it doesn't happen because there's no Frieza around now there is a chance that the heaters might have some sort of scheme that gets granola to use the wish but I don't see it happening because well without Frieza they're free to do whatever they want granola does want to get stronger and defeat them but doesn't immediately go for the dragon balls and it's pretty much as this as usual with granola working under them and nothing happening with Goku Vegeta or even Piccola another Arc that does happen though is superhero Piccolo is back on Earth at one point while he does love training there are times where he does want to just be back on Earth he has a house now he's just living life there occasionally even training ohan's daughter pan Gohan 2 as well which is a big change here that's going to affect How The Story Goes gamma 2 does show up at Piccolo's house at one point and that fight actually goes pretty much like normal because Piccolo purposely gets defeated faking his own death using it as an opportunity to follow gamma 2 and figure out what he's up to now once he finds out about the red ribbon Army he wonders if he'll actually need help against them he feels confident in his own strength I mean he probably can't do it but he also doesn't want to see what Gohan's made of so he recruits Gohan to help him actually and while Gohan is still a busy guy that's a scholar hearing about this threat he's going to be a lot more proactive here and it's not going to take Piccolo trying to trick him or whatever and actually isn't involved here it's just Gohan joining in with Piccolo Piccolo would ask Goku and Vegeta as well if they were here but they're not but if they really need their help he could teleport to pierce the planet and bring them back here they probably won't though they're just being very cautious the two of them Infiltrate The Red Ribbon Army listening into more of the plants Gohan's even dressed up as a soldier too staking in disguise with Piccolo they figure out everything that's going on and now it's the time to attack they reveal their identities facing off against Gamma 1 and Gamma 2. and these Androids are actually powerful way stronger than the anders that they encountered in the past and Gamma 1 and 2 would actually probably be a little bit stronger than normal since they know Piccolo is way stronger as well and he's one of their main objectives but he's still confident their data is probably very outdated it's been a while since Piccolo shown his full power on Earth and even for Gohan to show his full power on Earth they completely missed the tournament and all Piccolo's training since then and actually even before that no matter how much data the Red Ribbon Army has it won't be enough but he still can serve as his energy going into his power awakened State while Gohan goes Super Saiyan 5. completely shocking the two Anders as they're quickly defeated which causes magenta to panic making him want to activate Cell Max even though he's been warned by Dr Hato that is actually not finished yet Cell Max still needs to be brainwashed he's just gonna be a Mindless monster it is too late though because he activates Cell Max on a whip of course this project comes as a huge surprise to Gohan and Piccolo with the game is even getting up and warning them about what's going on they're more loyal to the Creator than magenta and because this goes against what he wants and the fact that Cell Max is a huge threat they decided to actually team up with Piccolo and Gohan it is the right action as superheroes after all with Gohan and Piccolo you're figuring out this guy's weakness they actually that worried about Cell Max he does seem incredibly powerful but again the data is outdated Piccolo immediately goes orange with Gohan showing off his full power in Super Saiyan 5. he tells Gohan that this is the plan he'll hold off Cell Max trying to defeat him if possible but if this guy does prove to be too powerful Gohan will come in hitting him in his head the weak point that will kill Cell Max really Piccolo knows that if he uses full power and fought seriously here he could defeat Cell Max he just wants to see what Gohan's capable of and if need be he'll finish the job Piccolo also becomes giant while in his orange form clashing directly with Cell Max wrestling with him and he can't believe how strong this Android is although Cell Max actually isn't on its level Piccolo says there's still a significant Gap in terms of power but because this guy is completely uncontrolled that makes him dangerous normally the people he fights have some sort of key control but sell max is just shooting blast randomly destroying everything around him with no regard they gotta subdue him as quickly as possible he needs Cell Max in the stomach then quickly flipping above him with a flying elbow that drives Selma to the ground he holds Cell Max down looking up into the sky as he senses Gohan coming up from above Gohan launched high in the air and is now charging down at full power with his leg outstretched for a kick Piccolo grabs both sides to sell Max's head holding it out so Gohan gets a direct hit he kicks Cell Max right in the weak spot causing him to be defeated with both of the Gammas telling him to run away because Cell Max is about to explode they barely get out of there but people and Gohan grab onto the gamos and save them they could actually tell these two Androids they're not entirely bad guys they were just given the wrong information the wrong directives they didn't want to be superheroes too and at least they did help here against Cell Max and with that both of the Gammas actually live Piccolo is glad that he didn't even really need his full power either commenting on the situation and Gohan's a maze Piccolo wasn't taking that seriously well he was taking it seriously he was just interested to see what Gohan would be capable of in terms of strength of course Gohan didn't disappoint him but Gohan is curious what is Piccolo's full power he doesn't feel like he's seen it yet well maybe during a tournament he saw a brief glimpse of it but he hasn't seen anything since then Piccolo says he'll show him but he'll probably need to come to beerus's Planet to do so Piccolo does need a more proper opponent and a better place to fight because if he does truly show his full power off here he's not too sure how Earth will handle it even with all the key control in the world it might be a little bit too much for planet Earth well Gohan's got some free time so he decides to go along with it and the two of them teleport off to Pierce's Planet Goku and Vegeta are glad to see them again surprise that Gohan's here too beers is a little ticked off that Piccolo Brock Gohan here without his approval but he promises Gohan just here to spectate he's not gonna eat any of their food and if anything having him here will be a good motivator beerus is curious what does he need motivation for Piccolo says Gohan wants him to show off his full strength and Piccolo needs to fight some sort of opponent for that Gohan would serve as great motivation for him to win because he plans on fighting beerus actually really now well beerus doesn't really know what to think but before he does anything Vegeta steps up he needs to test out his new power as well and beerus is actually up for this he doesn't want to see how Vegeta's grow as well Goku would love to fight too but he also wants to see how Vegeta performs and he wants to see beerus fight all out so he actually sets this one out spectating with Gohan and Vegeta tells people they're not going to waste any time here no pacing themselves just go full power right away and Vegeta Knows What Pickle's full power is he says not to hide anything if he truly wants to fight beerus first he'll need to get past Vegeta Vegeta then surrounded by a fiery purple Aura showing off his strongest form one of these had a lot of practice with recently this is Alter Ego something that Piccolo actually has seen before and what a fitting form to fight Vegeta in because Piccolo then goes to his full strength there's no point in hiding it both Goku and Vegeta know about it although Gohan's probably not seen it yet what is that Ultra Instinct thing from the torment well kinda back then it wasn't really complete this time it's the complete version of it Nicola surrounded by the bluish and purple Aura and he doesn't undergo much physical change his antennae stand up and his eyes change color that's pretty much it a very simplistic looking form but one that comes with a lot of power and technique and Goku's glad to see this again he's close behind Piccolo almost at the point of completing the form like that but he still has a long way to go especially if he wants to reach Piccolo's level as for Vegeta though this is a perfect way to test out his power the two conflicting forms it'll make for a great match the battle ensues as Vegeta instantly rushes in trying to punch Piccolo of course he effortlessly dodges he could feel the power in Vegeta's punches Vegeta's speed has greatly increased although it doesn't seem like it'll be a match for Piccolo speed same for his power as well Vegeta is so much more powerful than he was before but pagalo could tell if he did take that punch head on it wouldn't do too much to him but he's interested to see how resilient Vegeta is he knows with this power Vegeta grows the more he fights the form is driven by this emotion that Vegeta has his pride his ego not only does he grow when he takes damage but just from The Thrill of the fight he grows stronger from that the two exchange blows Vegeta does take some of Piccolo's attacks head on feeling a little bit of a boost in power from that and Piccolo comments on this Vegeta's truly ascended to a new level of power one attack from Piccolo before probably would have knocked him out but now Vegeta's taking them head on and even being thrilled by them Vegeta says he still has a lot more power to show as the two continue dueling as Gohan Goku beerus and whis watch they can easily see Piccolo does a major advantage he has such a good grasp on Ultra Instinct he Dodges all Vegeta's attacks and his own attacks are very strong at first the battle might have seemed a little bit even with Piccolo having a slight Advantage but it becomes even more apparent than Piccolo has huge Advantage no matter how much Vegeta grows at some point he falls to Piccolo but he's not upset by it this was a great way to test his power at full strength and he thanks Piccolo for the battle but more importantly beerus is ready to face off against him now it's not going to be like the first time they fought this time Piccolo is so much stronger and beerus isn't going to hold back as much he wonders if Piccolo could truly defeat him whis Taps his staff on Piccolo healing him fully giving him all of his strength back he didn't take much damage from Vegeta but this at least restores the stamp and beerus tells Piccolo not to hold anything back he wants to see if Piccolo has truly become his rival right now beerus Powers up surrounded by an aura similar to Vegeta's he tells Piccolo This Is 50 of its power if you could push him enough in this beerus will go to 100 Piccolo goes into Ultra Instinct once more with his own or flare cup he's ready for this he's been waiting for this the two launching towards each other each striking each other in the face with a punch they start exchanging blows midair they're so powerful so fast outside of whis the others are having a tough time even tracking them but each time they Collide the shock waves are so strong whis doesn't want beers to get carried away but it seems like it's already too late so he puts up a barrier below where they are just to make sure the planet doesn't get destroyed in the process beerus commends Piccolo's power he's definitely grown a lot since they last fought he's actually feeling the pain from those attacks and that's at half his power the two of them seem evenly match right at but he's seen Piccolo's full strength he knows he can muster up more and Piccolo says he was about to say the same to beerus the two of them do fight for a bit at this stage but beerus gets very carried away then going to 100 while he would like to have the fight be even longer his desire for battle makes him want to just use his full strength right away this is it the ultimate test for Piccolo you won't disappoint beerus the battle rage is on Piccolo's losing ground but he's not gonna give up at all but beerus is still impressed with how adapted Ultra Instinct Piccolo is as the fight goes on it becomes clear that beerus is out speeding Piccolo and overpowering him but he can tell Piccolo is close to his level this is the first time he's had an opponent like this at least a mortal opponent and it makes things so much more interesting that power that Piccolo has that desire to grow stronger it impresses beerus and actually kind of makes him want to train more too if he doesn't pickles definitely going to surpass him very soon beerus defeats Piccolo Landing the final blow that knocks him unconscious but catches Piccolo midair as he then hovers down to the ground Piccolo wakes up to see a bloodied and beaten beerus smiling down at him that was definitely some fight and it's safe to say he's truly come beerus's rival the fact that Piccolo even got to this level it's impressive and the fact that he's pushing beerus to grow stronger too well it's even more impressive whis is especially intrigued he's never seen beerus this motivated at least not in a while and he looks over at the Saiyans who are all just watching completely dumbfounded their jaws are on the floor Gohan didn't know Piccolo could get to that level and with Goku and Vegeta they knew Piccolo was stronger than them but still this strong but adjustments further in their minds that they need to grow stronger Vegeta's gonna catch up to Piccolo keep that rivalry going and as for Goku he'll do the same he'll get Ultra Instinct wondering if he'd use it in his own way to stink the piccolo but more importantly they want to reach beerus's level too they didn't realize beerus held this much power back now that they saw a fraction of it they're impressed Piccolo gets up promising beerus he'll become the strongest in the universe not only just to see how far he can personally go but also to uphold his role as the protector not just of Earth but Universe 7. it's the will that Kami entrusted him with it's the will that nail entrusted him with and they fused on Namek and he's long since realized that this is the role he wants to play he'll go far beyond his links and this is where we'll end off what'd you guys think about the scenario and what would happen if it were to continue leave any thoughts in the comments below I'd love to see what you guys think as usual be sure to drop a like And subscribe if you haven't already it helps out the channel and shows me that you want to see more like this anyways thank you all for watching and I'll see you all in my next video
Channel: Salad Saiyan
Views: 98,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dbs, dbz, dbz what if, discussion, dragon ball, dragon ball super, dragon ball z, explain, explained, meme, q&a, question, saiyan, salad, salad saiyan, scenario, theory, what if, what-if, super, arc, saga, piccolo, namekian, fusion, kami, unlocked, power, ultimate, gohan, goku, vegeta, shenron, rosat, chamber, namek, god, guru, dende, dbssh, hero, superhero, trunks, ssj2, ssj3, shin, kai, supreme, potara, orange, beerus, whis, ki, sword, ssj4, ss4, future, rose, ssg, ssb, mui, ui, ultra, ego, instinct, ssj5, jiren, potential, gamma, cell, max, moro
Id: jNACtRo0yiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 21sec (6201 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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