What if BARDOCK's Squad Survived and Met GOKU? FULL STORY | Dragon Ball

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this video is brought to you by squarespace last time on dragon ball z the emperor frieza has ruled over planet vegeta with a firm fist for many years but an unrelenting fear of the super saiyan legends have caused him to make the decision to kill the entire saiyan race frieza has commanded all the saiyans to return to planet vegeta within the month and slowly dozens of saiyans pour into the planet bardock's planet squad made up of leak fascia borgo sugesh torah and bardock himself while out on a mission bardock and leak receive the call to return to vegeta to which they quickly comply however the rest of the squad does not receive the call as they finish another simple mission torah gets a bad feeling at his core what will become of these warriors the saiyans live on now mission make a new legend what if bardock's squad survived torah looked alarmed as he clicked on his scouter fascia slowly approached him but her eyes widened when she heard the conversation because of the order to return home bardock and i are on our way to planet vegeta what about you guys order to return home wait a minute we haven't been told about that that's because all of you are about to get killed shigesh spun his head to look at the speaker todoria one of frieza's highest-ranking man and someone who had a particular disdain for bardock and his squad after they proved themselves to be a capable team taurus scouter shut off right then radio silence torah hoped that whatever was happening that bardock would be able to figure it out and escape shugesh haunted the doria but fascia told him to stand down borgos quietly looked over at torah and they both nodded they tried to reason with the soldier but before they knew it they were being attacked the saiyans tried to hold their own but the doria was too powerful if only the moon was out torah knew they would not be able to win they needed to escape quickly fascia blasted at dodoria's men taking out their scouters dodoria rushed into attack but torres saved her grabbing her and blasting off the other followed suit borgos turned around to rain down a flurry of key bullets escaping away as the key fell on the soldiers by the time the smoke cleared they were gone dodoria cursed under his breath without scouters they would have a hard time finding them torah and his men quickly found their own ship destroyed how could this happen how could they escape well the dodoria get there not far from there said dodoria ship and they ran in to steal it they knew they couldn't return to planet vegeta though they simply blasted off they'd have to figure it out later dodoria and his men watched as the ship zoomed out into the distance the pink alien squinted but before he could speak the ship was blasted by one of his men stop stop you idiot that's our ship we have to go it's gone i'm i'm sure lord frieza will come here soon damn saiyans inside the ship they felt a great tumble as they were shot so the ship was not destroyed and could still fly it wouldn't take long before the damage left them stranded they had to travel to a planet any planet where they could live at least until the ship was repaired no doubt frieza could track it if they found out about the doria they had enough food for a few weeks travels but their battle against the doria left them with extreme wounds by the final day all of them were unconscious the ship began to malfunction until finally hurling down to a nearby planet torah woke up and tried to steer the ship but all he could do was crash it onto the water then nothing he blacked out it could have been a few minutes or even months but the sands woke up in a room laying down in beds they looked around but only noticed that they were healed she gets joked about having died to which fascia punched him in the arm a small green kid ran inside with water shigesh instantly jumped in and grabbed him up and asked who the hell he was the others just watched until he was told that it was enough he let the kid down he was shaking but another green being walked in murray the village leader ah i see you're awake sorry about the little one he was just trying to help not scare you what's going on here i am the elder of this village and i welcome you to planet namek i do not know what you are running from but we are glad to have helped you your ship is outside though badly damaged but we can do what we can vasha's got it she knows her way around ships either way why are you helping us you're our guest make yourself comfortable as he left the saiyans were left dazed and confused they discussed things and agreed that while they could probably easily take over the planet it was better to keep calm while the ship was being repaired either way they didn't know if these creatures were dangerous if they were weak then know that frieza would have made efforts to take them over already shigesh however protested against staying and not taken over what shigesh didn't know was a conversation torah and bardock had some time before he left once we return i think i'll take a break you know come on now we're soldiers have you ever wondered what it would be like if we just stopped at least for a while to build something rather than destroy it i i haven't we're saiyans huh right whatever come on torah we gotta do this last mission last bardock hurry up thus shugesh and torah would often clash heads their shattered battle armors had to be reinforced by wearing other pieces of namekian clothing it was sad but they knew they would have to slowly shed away their saiyan pride and find a new home however as the months went by and the saiyans began to settle little by little unanimic they began to enjoy it borgos in particular torah liked the people but didn't want to stay on the planet while fascia hated the people but loved the land sugesh on the other hand torah you know we could it's not that we could or not it's that we shouldn't we don't want to alert frieza it's too risky they know the power levels they're looking for if we give ourselves away we're doomed don't lie to me this isn't about us it's about them they've made you soft look at fascia she's out there watching the giant crabs fight in the olden days we'd have killed them all and eaten them by now stand down shigesh that's an order these people have fed and healed us we will leave and that will be the end of it don't you give me orders you're a weak saiyan a poor leader and definitely no bardock torah gulped and looked over at the horizon bardock he wonder if he was still alive either way that was very uncharitable of shugesh the teammate realized so and just stormed away the saiyans were getting restless all the food they had to eat was plants and if they wanted to get any meat they would have to hunt him down never did fascia think she'd miss guinea who was one of the many butchers of planet vegeta and once their team mate she had married bardock closing off a sort of love triangle he had although it was brief enough for fascia to dismiss and just forget about it either way knowing guinea definitely helped her in finding and getting good meat but the saiyans hadn't fought in many months they were getting restless fighting amongst themselves more and more after another altercation between torah and sugesh about taking over the planet shigesh stormed off and they didn't see him for another few weeks unless it was to eat he wouldn't speak to anyone fascia repaired the ship and deactivated any tracking that would have helped frieza find them however not all was well we'll be right back with this dragon ball what if [Music] and we're back with this dragon ball what if that same day the saiyans with a small namekian home on the outskirts of the village for the great disturbance while sleeping the usually green sky was dark and they could smell smoke coming from miles away quickly they rushed to find murray's village where they found shugash firing at various houses some namekians laid unconscious on the ground and murray pleaded with shigesh to stop but just as the saiyan was about to kill the elder borgos landed a strong kick against sugesh sending him flying off please you're not here to continue hurting us are you of course not what the hell is going on he he just attacked us for no reason i must try and heal my brethren please protect us reinforcements should be here any second reinforcements shigesh can't take all three of torah was hit by a powerful blast then exploded and sent torah fascia and borgos flying off don't you see torah these weaklings can't stand up against us this will be our planet a new saiyan planet just for us what the hell is wrong with you we agreed to leave them alone in exchange for help with the ship and food we don't want frieza to find us why because you think we can't take him on don't you understand torah i've been training for weeks now i could easily take on frieza this is what fardock would want bardock was tired of this life don't you get it he saw what was happening ahead of us he told us this life of destruction would be our undoing you idiot stand down or we'll have to fight you he was wrong i'd like to see you try brother tara rushed in first followed by his two comrades the battle began and to their surprise shigesh was much more powerful than before so that's what he had been doing training without their scouters they couldn't tell anything was off they just couldn't keep up with them they could only imagine his power as an ozaru but as fascia and torah were pushed aside borgos was the only one standing in shugesh's way he wouldn't let him take another step but shigesh ignored it rushing to attack borgos however a huge flash of light blinded everyone shugesh was defeated with his eyes just barely open looking at his enemy who could it had been mori get everyone healed i will take them to the grand elder nail thank goodness thank you the saiyans looked up and saw the tall namekian with a vest on they couldn't read his power level but could tell he was powerful without even bothering to let moory heal them nao threw shugesh over his shoulder and told the others to follow him they reached the grand elder's place with a giant namekian set peacefully the saiyans were to be judged by the grand elder sugesh who finally regained consciousness had calmed down he argued that torah and the others had done nothing wrong but tara stepped up please don't kill him kill him isn't that what you're planning on doing killing us take me alone leave the others to live here they haven't done anything wrong you come from a very violent civilization young one we have exiled many for crimes but killing is something we only resort to under a dire need i will not kill any of you in fact i welcome you to stay you defended the village and saved many even going against your teammate him however i'm just glad you're leaving them alone do whatever you want with me watch your tongue what are you gonna do about it slug boy enough for having attacked our people you are forbidden from leaving our namek sorry fatcha i know you worked hard on the ship but shigesh will need it to leave fine whatever thank you for our lives sir i do have one more part of the punishment shigesh go out and reflect on destruction on pain on yourself you will find others who are looking for a new path as well i'm sure whatever that means i'll see my way off this rock the saiyans said their goodbyes to their friend who though upset did feel heartbroken for having to leave their friends for a rephrase what bardock has said before and shugesh took it to heart this time his anger and loss for battle made him lose his friends maybe it was time to think things through thus shigesh left fascia and the others were fine with living on namek for longer so the ship wasn't the biggest loss shugesh would begin traveling through the universe dodging both the galactic patrol and the frieza force through his travels he would run into various creatures and warriors all of whom had problems and needed help suggest trying to see the way bardock did tried to help these people it was hard at first and he messed up many many times by just trying to blow things up but he got better and slowly gathered allies who joined him on his ship and traveled through the universe with their help he was actually able to liberate a frieza forced planet but if you want to see that story let me know in the comments i have some stuff planned for that but only if people want to see it it could be fun either way shugesh had many adventures to many different planets even some familiar ones but the worst of it was yet to come as he ran into a strange wizard meanwhile after knowing neo fascia would constantly annoy him challenging him to fights she thought he was quite attractive but above that he was the first person she could fight and not get bored with nail mostly refused to fight but sometimes humored her she was very disappointed to find out that namekians were all asexual and she quickly gave up eventually though the grand elder told neo to train with the saiyans a little more he ended up taking on the role of a master to them and grew stronger and stronger as a result as well the saiyans learned to love namek slowly eventually the grand elders saw their potential and admired it maybe they would be good candidates to get their power unleashed maybe many years passed and borgos helped some namekians plan their crops while fascia trained with some warrior clan members but both of their spines went cold once they saw a shadow loom over them lord frieza had arrived on planet namek i hope you're enjoying today's dragon ball what if story be sure to click the link in the description below for 10 off your first purchase over at squarespace squarespace allows you to connect with your audience and generate a revenue through gated members only content manage your memberships send email communications and leverage audience 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frieza he can sense his enormous key so he had finally come tora curses under his breath for being so foolish as to think that he and his friends could just hide from frieza forever torres starts to tell the village elder suno along with the villagers they need to evacuate to a safe place when he gets stopped by an unknown figure back in moore's village frieza zarbon and dodoria arrive immediately dodoria recognizes fascia as one of the saiyans that tricked him many years ago and stole his ship zarbonne laughs mocking him for getting outsmarted by a low-class saiyan before dodori and zarvon can continue arguing frieza tells them to be quiet murray asks them why they have come here as frieza reveals that he's here to collect their dragon balls fascia is surprised to hear this she assumed that frieza came here to kill her and her comrades frieza asks murray if he knows where the dragon balls may be murray declines but the emperor chuckles one way or another he will find these wiz orbs in the original frieza killed cargo dende's brother in order to show murray that he was deadly serious about whatever it takes to learn the location of the dragon balls however in this story none of the villagers except for namekian warriors and fascia have stayed behind so dende and cargo are safe fascia steps up telling the tyrants that he needs to get the hell of the planet which amuses frieza he tells latoria to come up and remind her just how terrifying he can be todoria cracks his knuckles and goes right in to fight fascia although dory is quite strong in his own right fascia has gotten much more powerful over the years of training with neil and her comrades for so long even so dodoria is still slightly stronger than her as the doria goes in for a sucker punch the other namekian warriors intervene to even the odds just like fascia these warrior namekians have also gotten stronger thanks to their training with the saiyans during the battle murray notices that these enemies seem to use scouters to communicate between each other and find their power so him and the other warriors destroy the scouters seeing dodoria now struggling against the combatants frieza asked sargon to lend a hand despite todora's protests zarbon jumps in and with his help hemendodoria quickly turned the tables on the warriors they kill the namekian fighters as frieza fires a deathbeam towards murray before he dies he tells fascia that the fate of their people is now in their hands the lieutenants are about to finish off fascia when out of nowhere a raging gohan blasted away both sarban and dodoria with a single masenko gohan picks up the injured fascia as they retreat with krillin with dodoria chasing after them and frieza searching the village with his men zarbon finds the dragon ball it's revealed that one of the soldiers cranberry had hidden himself after seeing the terrifying power of the zamekians and fascia as a result he still has one functional scouter back with torah it's revealed that the figure that had arrived earlier was vegeta tora kneels before him calling him king vegeta but vegeta tells him to stand back up saying that the saiyan warrior race along with his father have been wiped out by an asteroid many years ago vegeta says that he's surprised to find another saiyan in another backwater planet although it's refreshing to see a low low-class saiyan actually know his place earlier when vegeta had landed on planet namek he was able to sense the key of not only the namekians and frieza soldiers but also a familiar key of other saiyans this is why vegeta went to this village before confronting the rest of the frieza force qui was about to intercept vegeta at the time but notices that he's heading somewhere in a hurry he decides to instead follow behind him to see where vegeta is running off to vegeta asked torah where he could find the dragon balls but the other saiyan gets quiet when vegeta commands him to speak up taurus stands up and says that the dragon balls are only given to those who complete several trials to test their character fijia scoffs saying that they don't have time for any idiotic trials since frieza is on this planet as well vegeta threatens torah telling him that if he won't tell him where the dragons are then he'll simply beat it out of him and the other villagers in a single motion vegeta fires a beam towards anamekya the torah intercepts it smacking the blast away surprising vegeta defiantly torres states that if vegeta wants to attack the namekians he'll have to go through him first the prince smirks in a matter of months he has run into two low-class saiyans who dare defy their prince vegeta and torah fight gohan and krillin carry out an injured fascia as they attempt to escape the enraged dodoria thanks to the solar flare from krillin the group was able to hide by lowering their power levels after blasting the nearby islands dodoria assumes that they're dead and leaves fascia immediately gets off of krillin and gohan as the two remark about how odd it is that she knows how to lower her key then they notice a tail she's a saiyan just like vegeta this causes fascia to go from annoyed to shocked these punks know about the saiyans fascia keeps her questions to herself for now and she tells the two that she needs to head back to borgos and the other villagers to make sure that they're safe however she's too injured to fly on her own reluctantly she asks gohan and krillin for their help in taking her to her friends but not before threatening to kill them if they ever try to betray her which makes them both nervous and scared fascia tells the two where to go as they travel to a cave far away from the namekian villagers there fascia gohan and krillin arrive as then they heals fascia she tells borgos that murray and the namekian warriors from the village have died which saddens everyone especially borgos fascia explains that she'd be dead right now if it wasn't for these two strangers gohan and krillin introduce themselves and tell everyone who they are and why they're here burgos and fascia look at each other this kid he's a half saiyan and from earth that planet sounds familiar he couldn't be could he fascia has finished being healed she stretches a bit and gets a massive senkai boost her power is now a little more incredible than before it's so much so that for a moment she wasn't able to hide her key dende and karu ask her what she's going to do now that she gets to their eye level she puts a hand on their heads and tells the siblings that she'll make sure that these bad guys are taken out and taken care of she turns to the group telling them that she's heading out to hunt down dodoria zarbon and frieza she asks borgos if she's coming along for the hunt but he declines saying that someone needs to stay behind and protect the namekians krillin says he can tag along and an annoyed fascia begrudgingly accepts fashion and krillin agreed to leave the cave as gohan stays behind with borgos and the namekians at frieza's ship frieza and zarbon discuss their plans when dodoria reappears triumphantly gloating that he was able to take out the saiyan woman and her two saviors before dodoria and zarbon can begin another argument cranberry enters the room revealing that he still has a scouter frieza congratulates him on keeping their last remaining scouter safe as he orders him to leave it behind cranberry does so and frieza begins to test it out at this point the scouter is able to detect two power levels flying both around 18 000. frieza believes this to be fighting vegeta and thinks that the fight could go either way the scouter is also briefly able to detect fascia's soaring key which completely surprises frieza to think there would be such a strong warrior on this planet frieza gives the scout to zarbon and orders him and adoria to take down whoever that is as fascia and krillin fly out they sense two huge power levels heading towards them zarbon and doria the two land on a nearby island while zarbon checks the scouter noticing that he picked up another energy dende from the same coordinates as the previous energy reading zarbon and doria land on the same island as faj and krillin they stared down a confident fascia and a nervous curling zerban teases the dorian joking that he didn't seem to have killed him properly like he said which annoys the dorian the brood says that he'll have no problem making sure that they're killed for good this time and he cracks his knuckles fascia responds by saying that she's ready for anything now but zarbon ignores it saying that he noticed another power level coming this way and that he's going to investigate fascia and krillin lunge at zarbon preventing him from leaving potadoria gets in the way of both by performing adobe lariat zarbon quickly flies off to the location registered on the scouter meanwhile vegeta and taurus fight continues vegeta tried to attack any namekians he could if the torah was able to intercept the attacks at every turn vegeta is starting to get angry was this low-class saiyan toying with them it was almost like a repeat of his battle with kakarot the namekians are able to escape as an angry vegeta as torah just how he was able to get this strong tour simply replies that he used to be like him but he learned to appreciate life training and fighting for something other than death and destruction this allowed him to become much stronger than he ever was before it's at this point where cree arrives with vegeta spitting on the floor saying out loud that he was wondering how long it would take for him to show his face we asked the prince if he needs any help with his rogue saiyan as vegeta thinks to himself before smirking he accepts his offer but only because he wants to see just how strong the saiyan truly is we and vegeta launch themselves satora and they're surprised to see that this enemy saiyan is still able to keep up with them torah smiles as he says that it's time he takes this fight a little more seriously even with qui attempting to use his strix and vegeta revealing his full power of 24 thousand they still can't seem to land a hit on him it even gets to the point where qui tries to trick torah by yelling out that frieza is right behind them both but torah and vegeta tell queen to shut up at one point vegeta grabs an injured ki and throws himatora to distract him as he points his fingers at kui causing him to explode at point-blank range of torah who is killed but torah is okay which shocks vegeta torah appears in front of him grabbing him by the shoulder and kicking him in the gut before vegeta faints torah tells him that he only got this strong by believing in others by believing in his namekian family and believing in his squad the doria's battle with fascia and krillin continued krillin was pretty winded but fascia was okay krillin's solar flare was able to blind dodoria as flashy attacks with the arranged doria declaring that he'll kill them both slowly fascia puts out her hand telling krillin to stand back this is her fight it's personal curling backs off as fascia and dedoria who charge out each other todoria and fascia lock hands in a vicious battle of strength dodoria begins to notice that he's getting overpowered by the saiyan commenting on how she's not the same saiyan he knew before then firmly grabbing his hand and crushing them todoria cries out in pain and faja throws him up in the air leaping back and landing on all fours she jumps up in the air spinning as she slashes his neck then swiping across his chest in a flurry of blows shattering his armor fascia jumped on his shoulders and launched herself onto the island below jumping off right before impact crushing dodoria with her knee a large crater forms as the lifeless body of zedoria lays that was for her friends krillin is a nervous awe and fear back in the cave gohan is playing with cargo dende and vorgos when zarbon appears zarbon says that he knew that the other namekians were here but he was pleasantly surprised to see just this many one of them must know where the dragon balls are gohan gets in the fighting stance but vorgos puts his hand on gohan's shoulder the saiyan walks towards sarvon who flips his hair saying how repulsive a creature like him is compared to someone as beautiful as himself as zarbo goes in for an attack borgos grabs him by the head punching him in the stomach with a free hand zarbon ragdolls out of the cave and towards a mountain borgos follow suit zarbon curses under his breath how dare he try to destroy something as beautiful as him but borgos doesn't flinch at any of his attacks zarbon laughs saying that he still has one card under his sleeve transforming into his monstrous self but borgos is having none of it zarbon goes down quickly zarbon attempts one last desperate move as he goes to bear hug borgos and headbutt him but this doesn't hurt borgos instead he looks at the lizard man burgos breaks zarbon's grip grabbing him by the head he repeatedly headbutts zarbon until he's defeated logos jumps back as he charges up a mouth beam hitting zarbon point blank this is the end of him meanwhile at frieza's ship frieza realized that it's been a long time since the dorian zarbon left so he has no option but to call down the ginyu force with some new scouters how have they been unable to locate any dragon balls frieza is furious at this point torah borgos and fascia bring their groups to the grand elder's home gohan and krillin are shocked to see that saiyans were able to beat vegeta nell comes out of a home and greets his students torah borgos and fascia explained what happened to them and that frieza had returned neo thanks them for saving the people once again and asked that all of them including gohan and krillin to come inside as the grand elder is waiting the earthlings meet guru he asks krillin to come forth as he reads his memories doing the same for borgos torah and fascia the granddaughter decides that it's finally time to release the saiyan's true potential unleashing into enormous heights doing the same for krillin and gohan as everyone begins to plan on their next course of action they start to feel many namekians ki around the world disappear they feel five new key energies arrive they are attacking the planet vegeta enters the house sweating tired and hurt the guinea force have arrived he recognizes them nao orders his students to save the remaining namekians as he stays behind to protect guru fascia tells him that it's suicide he has no chance against this monster but neil smiles at her saying that it's his sworn duty to protect the grand elder but fascia won't listen nail puts a hand on her shoulder and he tells her and the others that should he die it's up to them to become the protectors of planned dynamic in this place it's a tearful goodbye the saiyans and the earthlings leave guru's home to find the guinea force the fighters split up on different directions to evacuate the namekians defined to their horrors that every single spot had been decimated additionally their dragon balls taken except for one in the mountain caves where cargo and dende were the kids were able to successfully hide the dragon ball from raccoon and golda but not before killing cargo and leaving dende to die dende was able to heal himself after krillin and fascia arrive he explains what happened and that the ginyu fours now have five dragon balls tora and the others have found ginyu as they were flying towards frieza's mother ship to sneak attack them kicking ginyu and jais into a nearby island there they fly down to meet his glance he's surprised to see several saiyans survive but it's about time they finish what frieza started the ginyu fours play rock paper scissors in order to see who goes first but all of them attack at the same time the guinea force has no option but to fight altogether the saiyans have a great disadvantage especially thanks to goldo's time stop and vegeta's injuries however the timely arrival of fascia and krillin helps swing things a little bit on their end borgos vs raccoon krillin vs goldo fascia vs jais gohan vs birder and torah versus ginyu meanwhile vegeta is healed by dende receiving a senkai boost and rejoining the fight landing a fatal sneak attack on goldo krillin joins borgos in fighting raccoon captain gino orders everyone to regroup with the four remaining members of the guinea force together now they unleash a brutal quick and coordinated attack that begins to take out each of the heroes as tora lies on the ground bleeding raccoon holds him up by the neck captain gino asks if he has any last words torah is about to say something when he suddenly stops his eyes moving erratically looking at something in the distance he whispers something which makes ginyu ask him to speak up torah yells out bardock as the kenyan forces blasted away with a ginormous kamehameha goku has arrived he says that he doesn't know who they are but he thanks them for helping out his son and best friend borgos and fascia stare in disbelief just watching him walk in front of him tori's on his knees hurt trying to crawl towards goku asking for bardock but goku says that he doesn't know anything about rocks goku throws a senzu bean at them splitting it in half so they can heal a little goku proceeds to stomp raccoon jaisonverter all of the saiyans get healed pumping up they watch as goku dismantles the guinea force with vegeta realizing that frieza's ship is now empty and flying towards it torah asked borgos to follow him as he tells fascia that now it's the best time to summon the dragon she heads back to the grand elders to grab one dragon ball and then to the cave to grab the other captain ginyu tries to stop them but goku gets in the way the two switch bodies with the events playing out more or less as usual but instead of vegeta being around it's torah after an arduous fight goku gets returned to his body but is gravely injured torah picks him up and all of them head towards the healing pot on frieza's ship at frieza's mother's ship vegeta and borgos clear out the remaining frieza men the other heroes arrive as tora places goku in the healing pot he tells him that he reminds him a lot of a man he once knew for goku is placed in the pot he thinks to himself that if they were to survive this that he'll tell kakarot about who his father is about his mother about his people because he knew who he was he was the son of bardock dende and fascia arrive with the dragon balls with the fighters putting on their new battle armors for borgos fascia dora this feels strange yet familiar they hadn't put on any freezer force armor in many years they approach vegeta as torah begins to tell him about his plan that might be able to take out frieza they leave to a nearby clearing with then day summoning paranga they can all feel frieza's key heading their way vegeta yells at dende to give him immortality but borgos and torah hold him off while fascia whispers to tendee their wish the first wish is to revive piccolo and the second wish is to bring him to namek but right before their third wish is made perranga deactivates the grand elder was dead the sands mourn in silence but there's no time for that frieza arrives tora asks vegeta to stick to their plan but instead vegeta launches at frieza first declaring himself to be the legendary super saiyan gohan and krillin asks what exactly that is and borgos explains the legend vegeta is losing so torah yells at him to do it now with no other options vegeta launches a powerball up in the air telling gohan krillin and dende to stay back torah fascia and borgos turn into mighty ozarus for the first time in many years after decades of intense physical and mental training they have been able to overcome their tail weaknesses and they gamble that this might mean they'll be able to control their ozaro forms the gamble pays off and they are able to control themselves and begin to launch attacks towards frieza the emperor is overwhelmed he didn't expect this at all he should have finished the job when he had the chance however frieza transforms into a second state now much stronger than the ozarus even with the help of gohan krillin and vegeta they still aren't enough to deal with frieza frieza blast away their tails turning the saiyans back down to normal is getting ready to kill fascia when all of a sudden he gets knocked away by a namekian piccolo has arrived fascia stares at him in disbelief and whispers nail piccolo shakes his head as he takes off his cape he's no longer the nail she once knew in this timeline piccolo still finds the dying nail who attempted to fight frieza and assimilate it together piccolo fights against second form frieza as dende heals everyone else given the saiyans another need a power up frieza transforms into his third state shooting down piccolo the saiyans arrive to save piccolo from frieza frieza is very impressed with everyone's increase in power and gohan's rage boost allows him to at least knock down third from frieza this shocks torah and the rest of the saiyans but there's no time to think about it frieza is still alive and reveals that he has one more form left everyone rushes in in an attempt to stop him from transforming but the shock waves resulting from the transformation since then flying off final form frieza reveals himself with a single blast killing dende but vegeta declares himself a super saiyan going in to attack but resulting in a loss the other saiyans gang up on frieza but simple slaps from his tail send them flying off in a crew lag frieza watches as borges and fascia line up for an attack and with a flick of his finger he pierces through both of them torah falls to his knees over the body of his friends it's then when goku arrives frieza remarks on how goku looks very similar to a saiyan that attempted to rebel against him and fought alone for his planet torah realizes that frieza must be talking about bardock so he really was dead after all torah always held that hope that bardock might have survived that thought helped him survive all these years torah begins to shed a tear and tells goku about his father about his mother and all of the saiyans that they were proud warriors and that this monster and his father other people enslaved for their entire lives they couldn't be anything more than vicious killers but he knows that thanks to bardock and the namekians he knows that the saiyan people could have been much more if they were just given the chance he looks at goku and says that although he didn't think vegeta was actually the super saiyan he genuinely believes kakron has the potential to be torah looks at kakarot in the eyes everything stops for him for a second torah realizes that kakarot had been sent to earth that bardock had saved him that before any of them realized bardock was already seeing good in the saiyans that he was tired of all the death and destruction how the rest of his squad would eventually be too it's then when frieza shoots him he's knocked down unconscious but not dead quite yet and goku looks at the dead bodies of fascia borgos as frieza laughs to himself goku buries the bodies of the saiyans but frieza is going to attack goku who merely slaps the blast away goku talks about how he understands that they were killers like vegeta and did bad things but the torah was right they changed and their people could have done the same if they were given the chance goku looks at the bloody robes on torah as he rips some of it off he ties the red cloth over his forehead and says that he will be not only avenging the saiyan race not only the namekians but also bardock torah fascia and all of the saiyans goku and frieza fight vegeta watches in awe through the whole fight the genki dama eventually takes down frieza but he's not dead quite yet when he reappears on top of the mountain formation he remarks on how the saiyans were so weak they could never kill him he proceeds to kill krillin tries to kill gohan and piccolo it's then when the super saiyan legend is achieved the heat of the aura wakes up torah and he looks up just barely being able to look at kakarot but he recognized that instantly this was the legendary form this was the super saiyan torah feels himself being picked up and sees that vegeta is taking him even if vegeta wants to stay he knows he doesn't stand a chance and he admired the saiyan he wanted to at least keep him alive the battle between frieza and goku plays out similarly to the original the earth's dragon balls revive everyone killed by frieza and his men including borgos and fascia they look around as their planet is being destroyed and far away they see a golden aura before peronga's dragon balls are used to bring everyone from namek to earth toro mentions to his friends that he believes that goku will in fact defeat frieza and on earth torah borgos and fascia reunite with the namekians as they gather for the passing of the grand elder murray becomes the new grand elder and thanks everyone for their help he decides that his first act as grand elder is to recognize borgo's fascia and torah for their efforts by making them honorary namekians they have been for a while but decides that it's best to make it official the saiyans thank them for this honor and approach piccolo all three of them ask if he is nail and piccolo responds that no he explains what happened to him and they are all saddened by the news but pickles says that neil isn't dead he continues to live on within him shooting a smile towards fascia the namekians have all lived on capsule corp until planet namek and the dragon balls are reactivated the saiyans enjoyed their time on earth and when their dragon balls were reactivated they wished to bring back krillin and goku but goku is still alive out there somewhere they tried to bring him home but goku is busy at the moment he'll be back soon shenron also revives the rest of the z fighters the next time they use the dragon balls they use the wish to bring back namek and teleport all the mekians there fascia asks piccolo if he'll be coming with them and he declines fascia stays quiet for a moment and she's making a decision she approaches the namekian and she tells them that she plans on staying on earth torah says that he wants to stay here for a while as well he wants to be there when kakarot's son returns the namekians understand and give them the blessings borgo says goodbye to his friends he's going to nunemec that's where his home is fascia and torah say their goodbyes as both get on their hands and knees telling the namekians that they saved their lives and that they owe them everything the namekians and borgos leave torah decides to live near mount poutsu building a home for himself while fasha becomes a nomad fasha finds piccolo in a wasteland piccolo asks why she doesn't live in a house with her friend fashion says that she doesn't feel comfortable doing that she misses the bluegrass and the green skies of namek so she'd rather live in the wastelands here that remind her of her home piccolo says that he understands why torres stayed but not why she stayed fascia sets it simple piccolo or neo then one to be on namek so she didn't want to go either fascia says that nail's death made her realize that she needed to be more true to herself and says that she misses nail quite a bit looking down in sadness and she recognizes his key within piccolo piccolo blushes and doesn't really understand what she's talking about but fascia simply turns to him saying you can't get away from me that easily nail a year and a half later the z fighters all detect something horrible heading towards earth something familiar frieza was alive heading towards the planet everyone gathered together ready to fight off frieza but a new arrival surprises them a boy able to turn into a super saiyan who defeats the tyrants the boy tells them that goku will be arriving soon torah fascia and vegeta question how this random boy who doesn't even appear to be a saiyan was able to turn into a super saiyan but around the time the boy said goku would arrive everyone looks up in shock even the boy is shocked instead of a single space spot it's a larger spaceship arriving on earth everyone gets into a battle stance not knowing what to expect when goku steps out in his yard clothing with another person behind him comes out sugash torah and fascia couldn't believe it standing before them was not only bardok's son goku but also their former comrade shigesh it happened decades since the last saw him ever since he was banished from their adoptive planet of namek before anyone could bombard the pair of saiyans with questions goku looked around and asked what the heck happened here he could have sworn that he sensed frieza's power here before it suddenly went away trunks stepped forward and said that he was the one to take care of frieza goku congratulates the boy before admitting that he doesn't know who he is as strong steps away with goku to tell him something private the rest of the z fighters look at shigesh torah fascia and shigesh simply stare at each other in awkward silence before shigesh decides to break the eyes saying so how you've guys been torah goes in for a hug with sugesh as he reciprocates fascia smirks and he punches him in the shoulder asking where he's been this whole time shugesh explains that after he left namek he became a freedom fighter and launched attacks against many of frieza's outposts over time he started to gather a gang of people with similar grudges against frieza he ended up becoming an unlikely leader of a rebellion and for many years he roamed the galaxy with his crew to liberate the frieza forced planets it took a while but he thinks that he finally understands the lesson that the grand elder guru was talking about so long ago he asked the pair how the elder and the namekians are doing and they look at each other solemnly they explain the events that happened on namek frieza's invasion the death of neo and the elder their battles against frieza and their meetings with the earlings and with bardock's son kakarot meanwhile trunks reveals himself to be a time traveler from the future he asks goku exactly who these saiyans are since he's never heard of them from where he came from goku tells trunks not to worry and then they're good people they used to be friends with his dad trunks gives them a warning about a pair of androids that would lay waste to the planet in three years time he also gives him a heart medicine to save his life he wishes goku luck before departing in his time machine goku regroups with the others and he tells everyone about the time traveler's warning everyone is shocked to hear about these androids especially torah he clenches his fist as he hears about how these robots destroyed planet earth and killed their last remaining members of bardock's family torah pledges to protect goku and his family with all his might as fascia retorts saying that he can't protect anything if he can't figure out how to turn super saiyan first fascia asks goku how he met shigesh goku tells his story about what happened after his battle against frieza after escaping to a planet named yardrad on a guinea space pod the local inhabitants nursed them back to health as their elder pibara trained goku in various spiritual techniques along with a method of controlling his new super saiyan state during the training pivot mentioned that he wasn't the first saiyan to be trained there this surprised goku he asked his master for more details on the saiyan and he starts to get excited many years ago another more violent saying crashed on the planet he was angry a lost soul who needed more guidance it took many years of training for him to steady his soul and temper his mind goku excitedly begs his master to meet this guy he sounds pretty strong pibara agrees that perhaps having his former pupil around could help goku further refine his super saiyan transformation he searches for shigesh's ki and finds it out in space however he's concerned he sees that the saiyan's key is extremely low and dropping fast pibara asks goku for assistance in rescuing the pupil as they both instant transmission to shigesh they appear in front of the wounded man shugesh is lying on the floor of a spaceship motionless his key dropping pibara does what he can to stabilize him while goku looks over to the controls of the ship and sees that there's someone laying on top of it dead an alien creature of some kind once back at yardred sugesh comes to his senses couldn't believe what he saw as he woke up bardock goku was taken aback this man knew his father too after a little more conversation shigesh explained that he ended up on planet zune his squad had been investigating a mysterious gang of evildoers that engraved themselves with an m on their forehead they had been kidnapping many powerful individuals through the galaxy after the fall of the frieza empire what he didn't expect was to find a man called dabura who proclaimed that he wanted to revive an ancient evil known as majin buu and serve his master bobbidi daburo slaughtered shigesh's men and although shugesh wanted to battle till death one of his men shifted into a spaceship the soldier typed the coordinates for namek and just as he finished he was blasted along with shigesh the ship sped off but dabura and the rest assumed that they were all dead shukesh lived but his squadron perished now the saiyan makes it his mission to not only avenge his squad but also stop this babari and whoever majin buu is back in the present shukesh sees these androids as an opportunity to find someone who's strong enough to defeat dabura they all have a long way to go but he hopes that goku can do it shugesh is also introduced to vegeta who doesn't care much for him although the story about the demon king does pique his interest shugesh notices the prince's loud and prideful demeanor which reminds him of how he used to be shugesh offers to show vegeta a different way but the prince immediately rebooks the offer saying that it's of no interest and he doesn't care about this low-class trash during the three years of training shugesh served largely as a mentor for goku though he also took a liking to gohan the kid would always want a challenge and shigesh gave him some tips though he didn't take it too seriously fashion and pigelo trained together a lot and she was actually the first one to transform into a super saiyan after goku she achieved dead when piccolo nearly defeated her in a match she saw a mirage of nail sensing him from within piccolo the namekian was very proud though part of him wished that she would stop hanging around him so much nail's side appreciated it though torah trained largely with suga and goku as well and the three along with gohan would discuss and tell stories about bardock and guinea every piece of bardock's past both surprised and infuriated goku sans were awful killers but torah always punctuated the stories by reminding goku that in the end bardock changed his ways in order to save him even if it was too late for him torah was the third person to turn into a super saiyan achieving it during a battle against goku and being reminded of bardock eventually the three years passed and shigesh was very happy with her progress he never achieved super saiyan status himself he decided long ago that he wouldn't rely on this anger dictating his actions ever again instead he wanted to try a different approach don't underestimate him however he's still a mighty foe torah and shigesh also made sure that goku took the hard medicine then the androids attacked goku and the rest arrived on an island city what they didn't expect was that at the moment of the explosion another explosion was felt from a very far distance two androids attack at the same time bulma informed them that there were news reportings about another attack occurring at the same time in ginger town so goku sugesh krillin and tien agreed to check it out meanwhile fascia gohan yamcha and torah would stay to fight these androids goku and shigesh teleported everyone to the key presence near a scared civilian in ginger town the smoke blinded them but they watched as two pairs of red eyes beamed through the smoke a short one and a tall one they call themselves androids number 14 and 15. the fight started with an explosive punch of goku the androids didn't stand a chance sugesh however was having a little bit more trouble even so he stood his ground meanwhile dr jero finds yamcha and the bandit immediately falls to the curse of yamcha getting his energy drained when fascia finds them she reacts quickly picking up a nearby truck and slamming it into the androids which saves yamcha although he does get hurt in the process yam just scolds fascia for nearly killing him but she smirks replying without your welcome the other saiyans gather as they question the old man and the clown you two were unexpected visitors it's because of you that i had to release 14 and 15 doesn't matter your days are counted dr gero explains that his goal is to kill goku and the other heroes before taking over in the name of the red ribbon army turret ledges his fist declaring that no one can harm goku and his family torah rushes at dr gero as the others deal with 19. yamcha warns everyone about the android's ability to absorb energy as he attempts to recompose himself torah exchanges many blows with gero but he remains cautious of his hands as torah struggles against juror the doctor totally states that he's been planning his revenge for many years but his entire plan could have been accomplished if it wasn't for so many different unknown variables these variables being torah and the other saiyan friends because of this he was forced to release some older models of androids in order to deal with these new fighters suddenly before the doctor could say anything else 19 is kicked towards jerome and knocks him off his feet shooting them both towards a building fascia smirks to herself saying that if they don't like these unknown variables they really won't like this she yells out charging her key to the max her aura and hair turning golden unleashing the mighty roar of a super saiyan this shocks gero quite a bit fascia charges the 19 she dodges all of the android's punches before grabbing his arms and snapping them like a twig a scared number 19 tries to grab her throat but she easily dodges and slashes his arm off too fascia chuckles she begins to walk slowly towards the machine it had been aegis since she had dominated another warrior like this it reminded her of times she used to conquer planets with bardock and his squad 19 is horrified and attempts to run away but fascia appears in front of him head butting him repeatedly until his face is nearly unrecognizable just bolts and wires she picks him up immediately and crashes him back down against her knee the impact is so powerful that 19 breaks apart electric circuits and oil flying off everywhere as the remaining husk of 19 falls on the floor gohan yamcha and even giro are left in shock and awe at the brutal display torah chastises fashion asking her if she really needed to go that far but she simply shrugs her shoulders and says that she never hold back against her enemies besides these robot rejects were planning on raising the planet so it's only fair to not show them mercy during this conversation jarrow recognizes that this battle is lost and immediately takes the chance to escape gohan yells out that jerome's getting away and the warriors speed off after him goku focused on 15 while krillin and tien rushed against 14. shigesh stood back and watched goku dodged out of the way of a blast from 15 but this gave 14 a chance to grab on to him the android created a barrier that hurt goku immensely and kept everyone away they realized that the barrier was impenetrable 15 began to rain down key bullets and in response krillin and tienda fired a kamehameha and 15 activated his barrier as well shigesh had an idea that blasts were slowly pushing the android away shugesh charged up his key to the max and fired a huge blast this pushed 15 and his barrier into 14's own barrier the two force fields making contact exploded and sent both hurling out to the ground 15's head rolled off to goku's leg 14 took the opportunity and the confusion to grab on to 15's body and slammed it against shigesh his nose breaking with the gust of dirt around them 14 looked ready to finish off shigesh it's then that 14 explodes vegeta had arrived his super saiyan aura pushed away the dust and he dropped his hand having just destroyed 14 with a big bang attack following the battle goku and his team teleported back to help they find the fighters going after dr grow they end up on the hillside where his lab is at in desperation and realizing his other androids had failed as well giro reluctantly activates more 16 17 18 and 13. he hoped this would be enough the one he almost didn't free was 16. he couldn't bear deal with the death of someone that looked just like his son again android 13 was an older android developed by gero's computer he was one of the most powerful but he was incomplete needing parts from 15 and 14 to reach his maximum potential similar to another creature he was developing 17 and 18 threatened gero but 16 steps in the way he's completely loyal and jareau orders him to protect him at all cost 17 and 18 get into a small scuffle but realize that this isn't worth their time warning jiro that he can stay alive as long as they can keep him in sight jiro agrees 13 pushes the twins away they complain but realize that it was because the door of the left came hurling towards them the z fighters had arrived led by vegeta this time another super saiyan 13 slams his way out of the lab taking everyone in his way down without a choice a vegeta starts to battle against 13 et and 17 find as a drag but they join 18 fights fascia while torah fights 17 an incoming blast gets slapped away by 16 and he focuses on the assailant goku giro puts a hand on 60's chest 16 knotted and goku's toughest fight began but the saiyans don't stand a chance these androids are out of this world even trunks warning seemed insignificant it was trunks android 13 smashed his knee against vegeta's groin leaving him out of the battle this was when shigesh realized that they needed to escape without even telling them he teleported torah pasha and the rest i don't think to goku's home pasha yelled at that she had 18 only to fall back down from her injuries vegeta slowly gets up screaming out and nearly blowing the roof off but goku wasn't back in fact he was enjoying the fight against 16. goku was strong but nothing like this guy even so he was trying to push his limits the other androids were confused that everyone had teleported away and simply watched the fight giro yelled at them to help 16 but the twins didn't listen but android 13 did goku shouted two against one no fair but neither android cared without a choice goku also teleported away he cursed the world once he landed he really wanted to keep fighting that 16 guy the team finally were very unprepared trunks the future warrior reappeared in the present things had changed he flew over to the destroyed lab there weren't supposed to be this many androids that weren't supposed to be freed too early he hoped that everyone was okay he needed to get over to mount poutsu before the androids found goku again meanwhile goku explained to everyone that they needed to work together and enter the room of spirit and time he put a hand on gohan's head and smiled he passed around pieces of a senzu bean but vegeta and fascist pride were far too hurt fascia pushed goku to the side and told him that she was going to defeat those androids no matter what right here right now piccolo tried to stop her but she pushed his arm away saying stay back nail she blasted off and vegeta followed behind she couldn't be the only one to get vengeance torah went after her goku stopped everyone else from following they needed to stop and think piccolo was surprised at goku but says that he has something to take care of first realizing the gravity of the situation piccolo heads to the lookout meanwhile fascia and the others pass by trunks who was heading out to mount poutsu he does a u-turn and goes after them he asks what the hell is going on but that becomes painfully clear once they find two key signatures disappear near where they fought the androids landing they realized the androids had stolen a ban 16 said in the back along with gero while the twins drove 13 followed by flying behind the truck but 13 was suddenly slammed into the road beneath him vegeta landed on the hood of the car with 17 and 18 crashing through the window a rematch already but this time there was a new super saiyan giro was getting really tired of this much like how trunks was getting tired of these androids vegeta once against phase 13 fascia against 18 torah against 17 and trunks against 16 it didn't go well trunks kept on pleading with them to stand back and run away but they wouldn't listen trunks sword broke in half on 16's shoulder when the androids then grabbed onto trunks and slammed against the truck exploding trunks could barely stand up 18 was a little impressed with fascia she was doing better than before after all their say in biology made them somewhat stronger but still wasn't enough 17 taunted torah as he was able to easily dodge and parry every single one of his attacks he even managed to flick taurus forehead before grabbing his arm and throwing him into incoming traffic in his anger and frustration over his own self-perceived weakness torah burst his golden key and landed a punch onto 17. however even though they gained their second wind the saiyans were clearly fighting and losing battle and beaten to their breaking points on the brink of death they all expected to be executed when goku appeared and teleported vegeta and fascia away while shugesh got trunks and torah they ended up at kami's lookout there were no more senzu beads popo left them to recover in the lookouts bed goku looked down at the ground there were no more dragon balls nothing to heal them tora was the least heard of the group and he walked over to goku with his bandages on he asked why he couldn't feel kami's key at the lookout goku explained to look further out and torah finally sensed it an incredible key no doubt enough to destroy these androids that was piccolo he had fused with kami tora laughed saying that fascia wouldn't be happy to have someone else sharing with nail but without kami there were no more dragon balls goku nodded but torah simply asked him why not get someone from namek maybe even bring borgos along goku's eyes widened he instantly teleported away grabbing dende and borgos and teleported back everyone was confused but dende was quick to understand his duties he could be kami's replacement as the guardian of earth vargo was also very happy to see his friends and will help any way he could however he was apprehensive about shigesh in fact borgos punched him in the face she gets staggered back with his eyes closed shut but he was brought in for a hug shugesh welcomed his old friend as he explained to the situation going on on earth in one of the only times borgos ever spoke he said that he wished they had an android on their side goku raised an eyebrow then they helped heal everyone and goku explained the plan they would need to go into the time chamber vegeta and trunks agreed to be the first ones in but no one else wanted to simply stick around goku told them to search for the dragon balls with bulma's help just in case meanwhile goku needed to visit an old friend after the battle against the z fighters the androids turned back to find another ride maybe one of those cars on the highway still worked it was at this point that they realized that dr giro was gone they asked 16 what happened but he simply looked away it was his mission to protect him but he knew he was okay that's all he could tell them 13 looked at 17 and 18 sternly saying that he would return but that he needed to find 14 and 15 first the twins were confused they thought those were destroyed already now we see ginger town the town where goku battled 14 and 15. but this time the streets are empty not a single soul alive as a creature made his way through the town leaving piles of clothes in his wake it was cell the bio android the bug looks up hearing the sounds of footsteps this time it wasn't piccolo however it was android 13 hello brother i knew i'd see you sooner or later i assume you're looking for this scrap metal hand those over nicely no way i need something from you first i need 17 and 18. you know where they are now now kids we can all get along from behind thirteen cell heard a familiar voice a voice that told them both to stop bickering they are brothers after all it was doctor jerome cell was surprised he had thought him to be dead by now gero told cell to give all the parts to android 13 and not to worry giro would bring him to the twins giro proclaimed himself already as the ruler of earth the twins and the z fighters were the only obstacle soon giroud 1613 and cell would rule over the universe cell kneeled in front of jerome and proceeded to hand over the parts to 13. the two shook hands pressing hard a sparkle of electricity going on between them giroud told 13 to leave him and find goku selangiro had a lot to talk about calling him the future android goku arrived at jingle village there he was welcomed by an old friend suno and android 8. goku had come seeking help from ader the three sat down and discussed the situation and of course aider agreed to help and go to capsule where bulma would examine him perhaps there was a clue inside ader that could help them defeat the androids it was decided but goku jumped to his feet and rushed out the door telling adar to take care of suno while he gave them time to get out of here the girl was confused but goku watched as android 13 floated over the village he chuckled and blasted at the house goku protected it and instantly launched himself at 13 pushing him further and further into the tundra until they reached the remains of mosul tower 13 laughed loudly this was what he was fighting for what was left of the red ribbon goku transformed into a super saiyan he was sure that now he could take on 13. he just needed to be careful after all he wasn't as strong as 16. goku started to dominate the fight easily outmaneuvering 13. he grabbed him by the legs and spun him onto what was left of the tower it came crashing down but 13 expanded his aura and pieces flew everywhere goku was surprised android 13 said that he was done playing around it was time for goku to meet the ultimate android out of his pockets he revealed the remains of 14 and 15 and a bright light consumed him goku couldn't believe it the ice below them both broke apart super android 13 was born goku was instantly slammed into a mountain this caused an avalanche that drowned goku the saiyan escaped but was brought down by an elbow to the back this was followed by an ss deadly bomber which he tried to escape from but it followed him up to the sky without a choice goku blasted a kamehameha down at it but android 13 kept on pressing ki onto it the kamehameha finally ripped apart and goku was sent hurling out as the ss deadly bomber exploded 13 was sure that this had been enough to kill goku as his hair returned to normal 13 grabbed onto goku by his limp arm throwing him over to where the avalanche had been one last i-beam to seal the deal and android 13 left the scene goku fell deep below the water unconscious but someone dove down and saved him throwing him back out to the surface the person provided cpr back at the lookout torah was sitting on the floor as sweat fell down from his face he was desperately searching for goku he looked everywhere but he couldn't find him he was starting to panic did those monsters get to kakarot had he failed to uphold his promise to protect bardock's family his thoughts were cut short however when krillin gets a call from a terrified bulma she had just been called by chichi saying that some of goku's old friends were visiting she handed the phone over to dr giro who said hello telling bulma to call over goku or chichi dies jiro had returned to the twins and 16 earlier explaining that he had just some prior commitments to clear up they had no idea where goku is so piccolo and fascia agreed to go piccolo had been looking for the creature who was absorbing humans but never found him he was sure he could at least take down 17 and 18. they both flew off to mount poutsu hoping that goku was still alive out there while gohan sat at the lookout looking up to the sky waiting for his father to return at goku's home chichi was busy serving tea to their guests jiro thanked her for her hospitality as 16 remained silent 17 and 18 declined saying that they were more into soda than tea in an instant fascia appeared grabbing chichi and throwing her back jiro was surprised he wasn't expecting anyone to try that a blast from 16 came her way but she yelled out for shigesh who teleported chichi out of there jero damned the world said that it didn't matter chichi was frightened telling shigesh to get his hands off of her but krillin made sure to get her to calm down when she reached the lookout piccolo and fascists stood their ground face to face with a mechanical menace but before fighting piccolo channels nail and reminds fascia about what she learned dynamic peace calmness strategy over brutality she needed to focus for this battle fascia failed nail's key within piccolo more than ever even if it was shared with kami it inspired her to get into her battle stance and under her breath she apologized to goku for trashing his home piccolo rushed at 17 and fascia at 18 while 16 watched nearby they crashed through the wall and onto the outside of the property fascia was doing a lot better finally getting used to 18's fighting style and on her end 18 was having a little bit more trouble after all they've already fought twice and fascia was getting stronger than the last time they met as piccolo continued to exchange blows with 17 18 attempts to land some blows on fascia however the saiyan parries punches and responds with her own counter-attacks tasha confidently states that she's not the same saiyan as she was before crashing her palm straight onto 18's jaw fascia throws a volley of keyblast at android 18 which forces her to open her barrier fascia smirks this was the opening she was waiting for as the barrier dissipates fascia suddenly appears before 18 kicking straight into her gut before performing a haymaker which sends the blonde cyborg hurling into a forest beneath them after fighting the androids multiple times now fascia picked out a crucial flaw when the androids activate their barrier there's a brief moment of time where they're left wide open as they close it down the fights continue until an ss deadly bomber crashes between the fighters they look back around and to their surprise they see android 13 giro and a new creature piccolo fears the worse this is the villain he had been looking for jiro explained that this was the prior agreement that he was talking about he welcomed cell from the future and told him to have at it absorb the twins and become the ultimate life form that he was created to be before they even knew it cell launched himself at android 18 13 throws his hat to jerome and tells him to take good care of it as he bolts up into a super state super android 13 bulldozes into 17 which takes the wind out of them flash and piccolo tried to do what they could to get them away from the twins they were extremely overwhelmed giro ordered 16 to attack as well but he hesitated he had spent so much time with the twins something deep inside him was compelling him to stop but giro continued to bark orders at him meanwhile in the tundra goku wakes up he jumps to his feet ready to throw a punch but realizes that he's at suno's home with ader he was very cold he felt like he had just been revived and in a way he was he was nearly dead asuno explained she had to dive down get him out and aider had to shock his heart back but he was okay goku cursed he couldn't believe that he let himself be defeated by that android but that transformation that was something impressive what he needed to do now is return to the lookout and trained himself to be above him but first he needed to do what he came here for he looked over at aider asking him if he was willing to go to capsule corp and get himself examined by bulma and fascia fascia after all was a mechanic and she was very interested in this sort of thing ader agreed he had recognized that android he was nothing but lines of code when ader was finished but he knew that number android 13. if adore could do anything to help goku out he would he also asked if he could get his bomb taking out from inside of him he thought it was a miracle that hadn't exploded yet remember uh in the manga they never took out aider's bomb so he just had been living there with a bomb inside of him the entire time it's kind of weird goku thanks suno telling her that he'd miss it soon he teleported over to capsule core leaving ader in the care of dr briefs goku returned to the lookout after dropping off ater and he happily looked around but then realized that gohan was looking worried then torah yelled at goku chastising him for making him worry so much goku told him that he was as good as he could be after getting beat up by that android torah sighs and looks at goku in the eyes telling him that he wouldn't know what to do if anything happened to him goku smiled and then he got pulled into a hug by chichi goku screams in pain he hasn't fully healed just yet but he asked what chichi's doing up there she explains that some people came to visit her and then she appeared over here goku couldn't imagine who would visit at this time and then he realized she was almost taken hostage by dr gero after getting healed by dende goku explains to everyone what had happened in the tundra torah borgos and even tien feel weak and useless they were warriors and yet their enemies never seemed to stop getting stronger goku reassured his friends that there was a way to get stronger quickly had they forgotten they still had the room of spirit and time goku asked gohan if you'd like to go with him but the fighters at the lookout start to notice drastic changes in key the battle of mount poutsu was really starting to heat up could feel an enormous monstrous ki torah told goku that he and gohan needed to go training asap goku agreed as he and his son started to get ready to go into the chamber borgo's ntn gritted their teeth there was nothing they could do where they really expected to stay in the lookout this entire time and watch their friends die tien yelled out that he wouldn't do that he couldn't stand back borgos silently not torah tried to talk them out of it they were adamant leaving borgos looked at torah just for a moment that moment seemed like an eternity gave him a weak smile before he could say anything else tienen borgos jumped off the tower and rocketed towards the battlefield super 13 logged 17 into a bear hug as he yelled out for cell supper was ready cell wastes no time in extending his tail and swallowing 17 whole cell blows and transforms into his semi-perfect state he feels a rush of new power and stares at 18. she was next fashion and piccolo step up telling her to run the pair try their best to hold off cell but they stand even less of a chance against this demon cell tossed both of the fighters aside like a rag telling 13 to take care of them he extends his tail over to 18 but two fighters appear before him tien and borgos jero grits his teeth another saiyan this was starting to get ridiculous stell laughs at tien for showing his face and 13 looks quietly over our borgos while he smashes piccolo's and fascia's face against each other this guy wasn't in jiro's database gorgos was shaken violently he looked over at fascia who was lying bloody on the floor he then looked over at piccolo who reminded him so much of his master nail pure seething rage was building up within borgos then snap he roared and trees beneath him began to shake with birds flying away in panic his key burst open and his hair turned golden he looked at cell and 13 with a vicious slayer they wouldn't get away with hurting his friends giro nearly made his palm bleed as he balled up his fist a super saiyan bargain sale bargos yelled at 18 to get herself and his friends out of there as he fires an enormous mouth beam straight to cell in 13. tien can't stand by and launches a huge shin kiko hole to assist borgos they both continue to fire their blast repeatedly as the ground and the entire mountainside shakes 16 grabs a row and jumps back away from the battle saying that the blasts were far too dangerous for the doctor when the blasting ceases and the dust settles both borgos and tien pant as they look at their crater but it did nothing all they heard was 13 yell out for his lost hat suddenly super 13 appeared in front of the two fighters he punched them both in the gut and knocked out borgos out of super saiyan in an instant he then slams their heads together just like he did before and threw them over to the mountain forest super 13 turns around and yells itself asking if he's all right cell limbs out of the crater after finishing his regeneration super 13 says that it's time to track down 18 but to their surprise vegeta and trunks arrive at the scene cell laughs asking if he really thinks the prince could stand a chance vegeta confidently states that he's going to kill him and his boyfriend right away he powers up into super saiyan and rushes at cell super 13 attempts to intervene but he's stopped by trunks who coldly tells the machine that he'll be his opponent this time super vegeta battles with semi-perfect cell similarly to irwin and canon vegeta dominates the android additionally super 13 is getting destroyed by trunks giro looks in shock and fear he damned the world and yelled out that this is not how it's supposed to end if only they had found 18 in time if only cell could achieve his perfect form vegeta hears this and slowly flies towards him he asks what this perfect form is and if it would be a real challenge a sinister smile from the old man's face comes he tells vegeta that he's still a word to absorb 18 that he'd face an opponent like no other this convinces vegeta and agrees to help locate android 18. trunks begs his father to listen to reason and attempts to stop cell but this time both super 13 and vegeta prevent him from intervening he yells at 13 that he doesn't need help from scrap metal as he blasts down an ss deadly bomber that consumes trunks the doctor and his creations locate 18 hiding behind a waterfall with no way to escape she yells out at 16 for help 16 looks on as the cries of 18 are being ignored 16 clenches his fist and cell absorbs 18 the area is engulfed in blinding white light as perfect cell is born trunks looks on in horror and vegeta fills with excitement finally a worthy challenger vegeta smirks as he points his thumb at himself offering to give cell a chance cell obliges beating the lights out of vegeta trunks transforms into grade 3 getting in the way of the fight but this isn't nearly enough to take on perfect cell 13 and the injured heroes look in disbelief dro laughs maniacally this was his ultimate android 13 with glared at him then looked back nothing could stop him now cell finished beating on trunks and throws him to the feet of his father bored at the performance they displayed torah had felt enough asking shigesh to take him over there they needed to buy enough time for goku and gohan to finish their training even if they're killed they were the only hope shugesh told everyone to grab on torah krillin and a frightened yamcha grabbed onto sugesh locking on to the key of the weakened trunks the group arrives on the scene with no chance of winning they still get into their battle stances 13 laughs sweat falls down krillin's face and yamcha gulps shugesh grits his teeth and yells out that even if they're going to die they'll fight for their friends the remaining z fighters roar as they launch at cell and super 13 it goes about as you expect as the androids decimate their reinforcements super 13 laughs but cell doesn't say anything in fact he looks rather bored torah notices that cell isn't satisfied with the battle he's super disappointed that these weak fighters showed up he was expecting goku instead but he had krillin and yamcha he received all this power and this was the resistance he gets torah continues getting smacked by cell as 13 throws around yamcha by the leg but cell looks like he's ready to kill them all torah weekly asks a question saying are you really okay with ending things like this cell asks what that means and torah smiles coughing up some blood he explains that he may not be really smart he knows that he's got saiyan genes inside of him he feels it the need for battle the need to fight strong opponents and push by his limits to fight a real challenge 13 comes up behind cell telling him to get this over with but cell puts a hand to stop 13. telling torah to go on the saiyan casts the bait he tells the bio android that if he gives them a few days cell will be able to face a real challenge a powered up goku that would finally be able to give him a real thrill hell give him a few days and everyone there could defeat him then they'll have a true battle like nothing they've ever seen before jero yells from afar asking out loud what's taking his creation so long to kill these pests cell is quiet thinking to himself he smiles before dropping a bloody torah on the floor and walking over to jerome telling him the idea jiro laughs this was a perfect plan and it would give him time to upgrade 13 to meet these new challenges he told them that they would make a special announcement soon to be on the lookout he then ordered 16 13 ansel to take him to a specific location the only one that was still conscious was trunks and with what little energy he had left he took his father up to the lookout he could barely stand and asked mr popo to take everyone up they only had a few days then they healed them both every single fighter felt utterly defeated and a looming sense of dread overshadowed any progress they made super 13 was powerful but so he was on an entirely different level and that 16 guy who knows how powerful he is no doubt jiro was going to upgrade at least 13 since he had gotten damaged everyone was left speechless except for goku and gohan who stepped out of the chamber he seemed calm everyone informed him but he didn't seem worried goku puts his hands on yamcha and krillin thanking them for their bravery and for standing up for their friends he also looked at tora and shugesh nodding this reminds torah of his conversation with cell the remaining fighters will go into the room of spirit and time and goku can go as many times as he wants he's their only hope goku tells torah that he and gohan will be taking it easy for the next few days but he wishes everyone luck before anyone can ask why fascia grabs piccolo and drags him into the room saying adam and lee that she'll never be weak again shigesh laughs poor nail later that day they all head to capsule corp to check on boma's progress with adr fascist being very attentive to the operation it'll be interesting to see how advanced earthling technology is compared to the rest of the universe meanwhile krillin turns on the tv in the waiting room and gohan switches channels until seeing breaking news just like jarrow had promised he and his creations hijacked three different news stations ztv super tv and gt tv to announce the red ribbon world tournament whoever wins the tournament will be given the honor to face against cell and 13 along with a chance to live in the new world order they finished their announcements by destroying the new station the heroes looked on in fear but goku reassures them that it'll be okay the following week the remaining z fighters went in and out of the room of spirit and time fascia and piccolo trained intensely during their time there and piccolo grew closer with her acknowledging her progress and fascia hugged him tightly piccolo blushed he didn't really understand her feelings but maybe not even his own at this point he thought to himself whether this was the nail in him or if it was really piccolo he kept it to himself but fascia smiled pickle and fascia left the chamber the following day everyone was amazed at the power they accumulated there were leagues above what they were yesterday torah also noticed something else fascia and piccolo acting a little different that was weird borgo's laughs and shigesh demands to know what the hell is happening toran shakes his head afterwards sugesh and torah went into the chamber sugesh taught torah what he knew about spirit control along with helping him further refine his super saiyan state torah was amazed by what the yard had taught him and wonder if amplifying his key with this new technique would make his attacks strong enough to harm stealth by the end of it he could teleport as well shortly after they departed the chamber vorgos decided to go in next but he didn't have a partner after seeing the bravery he displayed during the final attacks against the androids borgos asked tien if he'd like to be his partner tien gladly accepts their training provided them incredible results as well with tien even learning a few namekian techniques borgos enjoyed teaching others the techniques of his family as he wondered if he could teach the namekian warriors back home how to go beyond their limits as well during the time before the cell games torah chooses to chill out a little more with gohan and goku while the others train he didn't know why but he could tell that goku had something under his sleeve shugesh isn't having any of it and wants them to keep training not only for cell for whatever this majin guy was but nothing really gets through to them goku tells chugesh that overworking their bodies with any more high intensity training will just make things worse reluctantly shigesh concedes maybe they should rest a bit chichi even invites the older saiyans to a picnic with their family they all had a lot of fun eating with goku and his friends reminded torah of their times together with bardock this was the piece they were fighting for this was the piece that bardock died for torah asked his friends quietly about gohan they all agreed that they had never really seen or heard a saiyan as young as him becoming as strong as he is as a super saiyan already they all saw the power he had during that battle against frieza and the androids torah stares at gohan who was laughing happily with his dad what if he was stronger than his father meanwhile gero had cell 16 and 13 built a tournament arena within the old ruins of the red ribbon army base the one that goku had destroyed he also fixed up and upgraded android 13. he was a lot stronger now and even included the absorption mechanism that he and number 19 had eventually 10 days passed and the day of fate arrived bulma and flasha had finally finished studying ater not only did they remove the bomb but they also created a remote control tuned to android 13. but said that it was tuned to the twins they would have most likely blown up but 13's hardware was so different from twins or aider that they weren't even sure what would happen at best she reasoned that the remote would only be able to circle them after all she wasn't even sure if there was a bomb within him she advised krillin and the rest to use it as a last resort bulma also gave trunks the health of his broken sword she wasn't able to fix it in time but trunks thanked her for keeping it safe he grabbed onto it and placed it on the sheath on his back the z fighters gathered together at the spot dr gero had chosen as the grounds for the tournament the ruins of the former red ribbon army in the courtyard of the destroyed facility was a large white marble ring dr jeros stood tall in front of his most powerful creations 13 and 16 stood side by side with a doctor standing tall as his guards while cell positioned himself in the center of the ring surrounding him were five small blue creatures that looked just like him cell juniors the remaining z fighters arrived with an impatient fascia firing a blast at dr jerome only for it to be slammed away by android 16 the doctor told everyone to calm down that everything will come in due time jarrow welcomes everyone as the world news watches jero sits down on his makeshift throne explaining the rules there were too many fighters so first they would have to have preliminary rounds fighting amongst themselves before fighting jerome's finest creations the warriors will choose their best mr satan burst through the gates throwing his cape over shigesh the pompous man laughed loudly proclaiming the defeat of this gyro doctor and the trucker jiro simply lifted his shoulders and allowed him to enter every circus needs a clown after all after some deliberation amongst the fighters a lineup of their best were chosen the preliminary matches were as follows torah versus trunks goku vs vegeta gohan vs piccolo fascia vs mr satan the first battle was torah and trunks the older saiyan recognized that trunks was the stronger fighter between the two and respects him greatly but he makes him promise not to go easy on him he wants a true battle glancing over at gohan the tournament began with boat fighters clashing in the middle of the ring cell keeps his eyes closed trunks caught torah's arm and threw him to the ground what he didn't expect was torah using instant transmission to disappear behind trunks grabbing him by the armor and slamming him down shigesha taught himself yardrian tricks while in the time chamber shugash even had time to further refine his spirit control and finally master some more advanced techniques trunks responded instantly spinning on his back to trip over torah torah jumped to his feet but was met with trunks bursting into super saiyan just for a second and being blasted out of bounds next up was the fight which cell finally opened his eyes for vegeta vs goku the two stepped up to the ring silent without even saying a word both turned into super saiyans in that instant every camera in the venue exploded while dr gero was protected by 16 from the various pieces of rubble that flew everywhere mr satan couldn't believe what he was watching when goku stepped out of the chamber he had commented that vegeta was still way too weak he was going to prove him wrong however though goku wanted to enjoy the battle to the max he knew that he had to win he had to advance to the next round at one point goku and vegeta reached a stalemate in the center of the ring pushing each other vegeta slammed his head against goku sending him back he was about to fire a final flash it's too dangerous there's civilians everywhere so without much of a choice goku responded with his own kamehameha goku didn't want to overwhelm vegeta but he had no choice as soon as the blast crashed the kamehameha ate the final flash and vegeta was sent spiraling out of the arena shugesh heals them both having just mastered the yardrian technique in the room's spirit and time to heal vegeta shoves him off at first though eventually he lets himself be healed vegeta was furious not a goku but at himself kakarot was right it was still weaker than him shugesh could feel the anger and loathing festering within vegeta he was worried now more than ever that the prince was going to go down a dark path he saw it himself once before if they survived this he'll do anything he can to save prince vegeta gohan and piccolo were next piccolo was very proud of his student and now gohan had to prove to his master that he could stand on his own as a warrior who didn't need to be saved this was a rite of passage piccolo goes up to gohan and asks if he's sure he wants to fight gohan is hesitant but looks over at his father trunks and torah he nodded a piccolo the two began as they both took off their capes they could predict each other's moves perfectly piccolo brought up every single technique he hadn't used in a while stretching his arms using multi-form hell zone grenades even a special beam cannon to his surprise gohan had counters for nearly every one of these and he defeats piccolo by grabbing his outstretched arm and setting him out of the ring the last preliminary round was fascia versus mr satan she had no patience for this and italy rushed in against him before he could finish gloating she flicked him on the head and was sent flying off anyways now it was time for the real battles goku wanted to go first facing off against android 16 then it would be fascia versus cell 13 versus trunks and finally gohan versus a cell junior gohan was a little embarrassed to be put up against a just then created fighter goku smirked at 16 explaining that he's gotten a lot stronger since the last time they met he better not pull any punches 16 didn't respond the fight started like the first one with goku firing a blast which 16 reflected the android rushed up to goku grabbing him to slam him down however this time goku spins and kicks 16 in the face goku uses after image to appear to be everywhere until firing at kamehameha at 16's face the android didn't expect it and he barely dodges out of the way but he's immediately punched in the face by goku who sends him crashing down towards the arena 16 stands back up and before he can even think goku rushes towards him continuing to attack with a meteor combination each punch sends a minor shock wave over the arena as goku finishes the combo with a powerful blow in the gut 16 staggers back it seems like a giant would fall he stands back up and makes eye contact with goku even to goku's surprise 16 smirks goku talked to him during the battle saying that he didn't seem like a bad guy and he promised to get 18 and 17 out from within cell in response 16 stopped all the punches and looked at goku he asked that the saiyan promised and goku nodded nobody heard this they simply whispered it sixteen smiled and took off his arm to fire a cannonblast at goku the saiyan disappeared and appeared behind sixteen grabbing onto him and slamming him outside of the ring he was going to get back up his programming to kill goku kicking in but cell put his hand out stopping him jiro raised an eyebrow why was his creation telling his son what to do next up is cell vs fascia finally the ultimate android would get to show off a little bit he wasn't going to go easy on her fascia counted on that flasha burst into her super saiyan form and relentlessly attacked cell every punch pushed him further and further back it seemed as if cell wasn't able to dodge her flurry of blows fascia chuckled she was going to win but cell nearly laughed was that all she had cell grabbed onto fascia's hair and slammed his knee against her face similarly to how she had defeated android 19. the saiyan was disoriented from that single attack and cell threw her up to the sky with his fingers he slashed upwards cutting fascia sharply blood and pieces of armor raining into the ring the attack was so intense that it knocked fascia back down to her base form the saiyans couldn't simply stand by and watch this could they torah clenched his fist looking over at borgos and shigesh but it was piccolo who stepped up and stopped the attack from continuing to hit fascia piccolo gathered all his energy into a karate chop that slammed the unsuspecting cell in the back of the neck so was sent across the arena piccolo then flew up to catch the falling fascia cell yelled at piccolo to go away he was already out of the tournament he used his telekinesis to bring piccolo crashing down to the ground a furious fascia went over to him grabbing him by the ghee demanding to know why he stopped her match piccolo pushed her off saying that he wasn't just going to stand by and watch her die fascia stopped as she told them thanks but before them three figures appeared shugesh borgos and torah they looked back at piccolo saying not to worry nail we've got this piccolo's eyes widened and fascia stood by them all of them butcher gestures transformed into super saiyans and rushed in at cell the bioandroid happily declared that if this is what they wanted then it's now a free-for-all he pointed his arm out forward and the cell juniors along with android 13 rushed in at the rest of the fighters it was an all-out brawl where the heroes were on the losing end cell takes all four saiyans on easily even if they've gotten stronger they stand a little chance against him at times he has some trouble because of their numbers and torah and shugesh's teleporting was rather annoying but one by one they were taken down they had no choice but to fall back giroud stopped it all by screaming that this was his tournament his chance to show the world the might of the red ribbon army there will be order that's when he felt the blast hit the side of his head asell jr had blasted at him and nearly blown him to pieces jiro looked at him in fear and then back itself why hadn't he stopped the cell junior from attacking cells stepped towards the doctor explaining that he was a malevolent android and that he only wanted what was best for the doctor being in this imperfect body existing as a mere brain in a robotic jar was disgusting he was going to do him a favor and send him to a better place he would do that for everyone actually he was very generous cell raised up a hand and aimed it at doctor jerome that's when 13 and 16 stepped in the way cell smirked this was going to be fun he told the cell juniors to attack the z fighters once more while he took care of the scrap metal the tournament had turned into a war zone blast flew everywhere as the sounds and yells of explosions filled the arena 16 and 13 proved to be a lot more troubling than the saiyans 13 absorbed some of cell's energy and this angered him greatly slapping 13 far off cell began to take steps towards giroud and 16 took this chance to jump on cell's back sub was trying to shove him off while 16 yelled at dr gero to run away but jerome knew what he was doing he begged 16 not to do it he couldn't stand to watch his son die again even calling him gebo his own son's name but it was too late 16 was going to explode goku torah and shigesh grabbed on to whoever they could and teleported away they were able to save all the fighters including mr satan jaro's eyes filled with tears as he watched android 16 smile at him the z fighters looked back and watched as the red ribbon army base exploded in an enormous mushroom cloud and even from that far away they were pushed back the z fighters returned to the arena nothing was left but wait cell was there he was regenerating that hadn't done the trick and android 13 was standing over where dr gero once stood but without jerome what could he do it was as if something snapped within him he was no longer a slave to his programming he had individuality he now wanted to prove who was the true perfect android he turned to look at the regenerating cell the bioandroid sped towards him telling him to wait they can battle later they first need to take care of the trash he looked around the cell juniors were gone it was only the both of them this wasn't over yet goku gohan and bardock's squad rushed in towards cell but it was as if him regenerating only made him stronger goku told tora and the rest to back off they were already far too damaged and although they fought together goku noticed that gohan was struggling he wasn't pushing himself all the way meanwhile everyone else fought against super android 13 trunks was glad to get another opportunity at the fighter gohan slowly begins to reveal a little bit more of his power which surprises everyone except for goku and torah piccolo and the other fighters work together to deal significant blows on 13 but every time they get too close their energy is absorbed cell wants gohan to take the battle seriously and show him his true power so in order to get gohan angry cell decides to go all out first it's goku and is about to kill him right in front of gohan but he stopped when a blast hits the side of his head it was doctor jerome he was incredibly damaged his arms were destroyed his skin was blown off it was just the robotic metal exoskeleton underneath cell asked the doctor how the hell he survived when 16 self-destructed giro attempted to absorb the incoming blast it worked it lessened the impact but he was gravely injured and his hands exploded and he was sent flying off he told the doctor he'd put an end to his mystery and he plans to keep his word jero shouts angrily that he should have never bailed these androids he now sees that his desire for revenge cost him too much his humanity his son if he wasn't so focused on his ego on his hatred 16 no his son would still be alive cell's smile turned into a frown he can't believe all of this asinine drivel spewing from the doctor's mouth he's starting to sound like one of these foolish humans cell drops goku as he suddenly appears in front of jerome picking him up and locking him into a bear hug cell is going to crush giroud to death with his final words jerob leads to goku and gohan to stop his creation and save the world his son loved so dearly then crack a loud snap echoed through the devastated landscape everyone looked at cell he let go and the arms of the lifeless body of dr jerome slumped down towards the ground goku was angry cell didn't have to kill him he was helpless he was absolutely limited despite everything jero had done gohan couldn't help but empathize with him he just wanted his son back and cell took that away from him he was tired of seeing all this death gohan unleashed a mighty roar that echoed across the bering wasteland his hair spiked up lightning danced around his aura gohan had ascended beyond before he realized it cell was punched from then on it was all a blur though an uppercut itself to the sky and blasted him up he punched him so hard back down that it created a crater it didn't matter if this thing was perfect if he was a super perfect cell didn't matter super 13 and the remaining heroes are in disbelief the battle resumes as gohan yells at cell that he won't get away with this super 13 realizes that he's just wasting time and returns to fighting the remaining z fighters in a strange twist of events gohan and cell punch each other their fists clashing in that moment both their arms broke both of them staggered back they had to end this quickly all the sound around gohan disappeared for a second all he could focus on was cel-sane coming gohan responded immediately with his own kamehameha goku and piccolo's eyes widened this was the moment goku jumped behind his son putting an arm where gohan's other arm should be supporting the kamehameha but even this doesn't seem to be enough torah sees that goku and gohan are in trouble but super 13 won't let him or anyone else interfere in cell's battle suddenly fascia shigesh borgos vegeta and trunks grab onto super 13 restraining him shugashi yells at him to go lora thanks everyone flying off to the site of the beam struggle transforming one last time into a super saiyan torah looks at the massive clash before him he's momentarily overwhelmed at the level of power and display he wonders if he can even do anything against such an overwhelming monster this is how bardock must have felt when he tried to stand up against frieza alone helpless he looked over at goku and gohan for a second a mirage of someone else appeared behind them someone familiar to torah and it looks like they locked eyes you can recognize that scar anywhere bardock was behind them all this whole time he didn't know if this was real but it was the motivation torah grits his teeth and shakes his head before looking at his hand no he wasn't alone his family friends everyone was there fighting together for a better tomorrow images of bardock fascia sugesh borgos gohan goku nail dende trunks vegeta krillin even the grand elder those images flooded into his mind as a ball of dense key formed in his hand torah gathers every ounce of key into his body amplifying it with spirit control bardock may not have been able to change the future but his squad will his family will torah yells out everything launching bardock's signature move darya javelin it explodes on contact and the force of the blast was enough to hurt itself he looked around to see torah shaking in midair smiling before falling to the ground cell curses are torah and in that moment he let his guard down goku gohan maybe even bardock use this opening to unleash all their power the kamehameha in gold's self as the ultimate life form is finally defeated goku and gohan collapsed to the ground dropping to their base forms they couldn't move anymore torah couldn't die the heroes celebrate briefly before an ss deadly bomber strikes from above super 13 was still alive krillin tries to take out the remote control and use it but 13 recognizes what he's doing he launches at krillin as the remote control falls from his hand onto the robo below the other fighters tried to retrieve it but they were stopped at every turn by 13 he's able to easily sweep aside nearly all the remaining fighters the heroes lay on the ground injured near death as super 13 laughs triumphantly he had finally proven to himself to be the ultimate android after all he declared that he's going to kill everyone before destroying the entire planet however from the scatter bodies and beaten fighters a single hero weakly stands up trunks despite his various injuries and shaky legs trunks picked himself back up no there's no way i'd let you androids destroy another timeline i won't let you i'll keep fighting for my future for their future as long as i keep breathing super 13 stares at him before smiling he could easily change that trunks and super 13 rush at each other slamming their fist against one another creating enormous shock waves the only thing the word down heroes could do was lay there and watch everyone from goku to torah and the other fighters tried to stand up as well but they just couldn't no matter how hard they tried trunks tries his best against the behemoth but he's starting to lose the second wind super 13 catches a punch from trunks and kicks his arm in trunks howls in pain as 13 prepares to land a finishing blow vegeta looks on at his son he was about to get killed right in front of him no shigesh puts a hand on vegeta's shoulder he could see the rage within him but he was trying to get him to channel it onto something positive just telling him to save his son vegeta's rage reached the tipping point as his fury explodes launching himself off the ground and tackling 13 away from trunks fuelled by this anger towards himself and his feelings to protect his son vegeta has entered a berserk rage goku looked over our trunks the time traveler had broken his arm and was clearly on his last legs but despite this he somehow found the strength to stand back up goku remembered back to when he first saw gohan's potential many years ago trunks had the same potential within him he just needed an extra little boost goku had an idea yelling at everyone to give as much ki as possible to trunks while they still can the earthlings the saiyans and piccolo stretch their arms out giving energy every single last drop of key inside of them it almost seems like it's not going to be enough for a second until gohan lifts his arm up a little wave of ki runs up the trunks his eyes sparkle energy cursing through his veins while vegeta does his best to hold back 13 trunks returns and manages to deal one clean punch at the robot unlike before super 13 is finally starting to lose his ground the combined efforts of this father and son pair was simply astonishing 13 sees that there's no chance of him to win so he grabs on tightly to trunks and sets up a barrier he laughs maniacally saying that if he's going to die he's going to take trunks with him he prepares to activate the bomb inside of him and he roars nothing happens 13 is shocked why isn't his bomb going off he looks around and spots the injured krillin from inside a crater chuckling weakly while he's pressing down the button on the remote control oh no you're not getting off that easy that was for 18. super 13 sweats while trunks breaks free from 13's grab and punches him in the gut vegeta still enraged begins to pound at the barrier rapidly with his bloody knuckles he screams out that he should never underestimate the saiyans shattering the barrier like glass 13 panics and yells at them to stay back he starts setting up even more barriers as trunks holds up his broken sword vegeta grabs onto the sword looking up at his son telling him that they'll do it together trunks knots and stairs at 13. tell me 13 do androids feel fear vegeta and trunks poured every ounce of ki onto the sword with all the energy trunks had been given to plus vegeta the sword begins to shine bright as it looks like the blade is being completed piercing through the android barrier and stabbing through 13 all the key in the sword immediately shot out onto 13 who gets sliced in half and explodes finally it was over the threat of the androids was done walked up to gohan and gave him a thumbs up in reality he was really looking at his master thanking him for his help soon afterwards everyone met at the lookout wishing for everyone that was killed by cell to be brought back to life except for the bad guys of course krillin also wished for the bombs within 18 and 17 to be removed as well everyone thanked each other this had been a crazy adventure but they were glad it's finally over goku hooked chichi tightly thanking her for her patience and that he was sorry that she had almost been kidnapped in fact their last wish was to bring back goku's home it had been destroyed after all soon after everybody started to say goodbye tian explained that he'd probably not see them for a long time and shigesh well he wanted to explore space a bit more he made everyone promise that they would continue training for the arrival of babari whenever that would be but he needed to investigate a little more so he left once more when trunks was about to leave torah offered to go with him but borgo stopped him saying that bardock's family really needed him around so instead he would go with he would help rebuild the future and maybe eventually even go to future namek spent a little time there before returning torah asked if his friend was sure about this and he was he wanted to help rebuild trunks's future with him he was very proud of this boy trunks reluctantly agreed but he knew that they would need help the time machine disappeared back at the present piccolo and fascia begin to roam the earth just as they had done before but this time piccolo didn't find her as annoying and they were at the very least challenging opponents for one another goku invited tora to live with him but he said that he'd liked another place a little better he ended up living at the lookout with mr popo and dende he already knew dende for a long time from before frieza's attack and he asked mr popo what he could do to help he wanted to be part of earth he wanted to help zende and protect bardock's family and so dende sits on torah's shoulder looking down from the lookout he's watching over everything on earth but torah focuses in on one small house kakarot's home he smiled thinking of his friend bardock he promised that he would continue to keep his family safe as much as he could peace has returned to earth following the battle against the androids goku and vegeta continue their mission to become the strongest in the world the saiyan squadron has been divided through the universe while fashion torah remain on earth borgos has gone to the future along with trunks in order to help him reconstruct earth and along the way find new planet namek asking peronga to rebuild earth to its former glory meanwhile sugesh decides to take the stars once more his mission has been to prepare the saiyans for the possible resurrection of majin buu as he found out about the monster's existence many years ago he now searches the universe for more answers before he left however he helped vegeta undergo some training he taught the prince many spiritual and key focused techniques this is because sugesh saw himself in vegeta and knew that vegeta was a better person than he led on when he eventually departed he hoped that the prince would remember his training reflecting on his past and overcoming his personal demons fascia and piccolo continued their training in the highlands living together as nomads for many years but as time passed they slowly settled down in the lands under the lookout a place where piccolo could be close to dende while living by himself fascia didn't mind she understood that having personal space was important but she made sure to camp close by anyways so she could always keep training with piccolo she even got along with the karinga tribe whose warrior-centered culture she enjoyed and respected borgos returned from the future and told everyone about his adventures and how he watched trunks defeat the future androids and cell borgos meets with torah and dende at the lookout tora had decided to watch over earth along with dende as his new assistant in order to safeguard the planet goku and his family loved so dearly after reminiscing on their past on namek and their battles against the androids vorgos decides it's time to head back home after receiving directions from dende and a new ship from bulma borgo's bids farewell to his friends as he heads off to nunemec but not before telling fascia and torah that they would meet again thus peace reignited goku and chichi had another son goten who spent a lot of time with torah at the lookout gotenk called him gran patora because he sometimes acted like an overprotective old geezer meanwhile trunks was a big fan of fascia who didn't treat him like a child and would often spar with her whenever goku and vegeta were busy training together gohan even goes to torah for help how about a girl at school vidal but torah is hopeless when it comes to girls fascia tells him to never go to him again because she will help him instead and sure enough fascia's suggestions worked out the pair would go to the land of cory and to train together alongside piccolo and fascia fascia liked videl she was a tenacious fighter just like her she also noticed videl's feelings for gohan she understands how thick-headed men can be while looking over a piccolo and remembering nail she smiles and adds that despite how frustrating things can be it's worth it for the people you care about piccolo pretended not to hear though his ears perked up one night while at the lookout torah and dende got a message telepathically it was shigesh explaining that he would be returning soon with some friends bobbity was on the move heading towards earth torah was worried but shigesh told him to keep things quiet from goku and the rest shugesh originally thought that gohan would be the one to lead them to victory however he realized long ago that gohan was a quiet and gentle boy who didn't want to fight gohan his father and the other fighters they had been through too much already so it was just up to the original bardock squad for this battle months passed by as tora continued training and overseeing the events unfolding on earth he prayed that they would be strong enough to overcome whatever threat came their way he swore to himself that he would keep bardock's family safe and he intended to continue keeping the promise a few days before sugesh was supposed to return borgos was messaged telepathically by torah torah told his friends the details about the upcoming threat and borgos was more than happy to come lend his help the day of the tournament arrived and the sea fighters gathered together fascia and piccolo were approached by krillin 18 who are still married in this timeline while krillin attempted to make small talk and piccolo remained stoic as ever fascia and 18 stared each other down after fighting so many times in the past they had considered each other to be rivals 18 asked fascia if she was going to participate in the tournament but fascia laughed and struck her shoulders oh that little pissing contest it was a waste of time in her eyes most of the fighters here weren't even a challenge fascia looked at 18 with a smug grin saying that if she wanted to play fight with those chums for some paltry cash then that's her business besides if she did join the tournament there's no way that she'd let her win electricity sparkled between the two women's eyes as 18 challenged fascia to a fight calling her an old hag as a vein popped in fascia's forehead oh they were going to have a battle alright when this tournament is over they'll settle the score once and for all krillin and even piccolo looked in fear krillin whispered that women were a little scary and piccolo slowly nodded his head what they didn't expect was suggests to show up with two mysterious strangers but piccolo's eyes widened as they approached he recognized what they were kaioshin neither shin nor shigesh explained much simply saying to have a good battle shigesh took torah aside to explain the plan but torah seemed upset gohan looked at them from afar it was clear they were talking about him in reality torah was arguing with shigesh that he would not allow gohan to be attacked and used this bait shigesh tried to reason with him that this was bigger than any of them and that gohan would be okay but torah wouldn't listen when the matches finally began vidal squared off against the brutes popovich thankfully thanks to her additional training and guidance for foster and piccolo vidal was far more powerful than she is in canon her aggressive fighting style complemented fascia's techniques while her tactical strikes and quick thinking echoed piccolo's training thanks to this vidal was actually able to defeat popovich he was furious and he almost blew his cover but his partner yamu held him back no the girl wouldn't provide the power they needed they had to be patient surely a new fighter will appear that will meet their needs their patience paid off when gohan faces off against the enigmatic kibito he asked the boy to transform into a super saiyan 2 to which gohan happily obliged seeing this incredible display of power yama and popovich attacked tora knew this was coming and he jumps in the way but shigesh gets a hold of escape shin tries to tell him to calm down but it is goku who jumps in and attacks yamu it didn't matter they had enough energy and the pair blasted off gohan was okay but shin yelled at torah he finally explained the situation to everyone those were babadi's minions and they were on their way to revive majin buu they can now follow them to this location goku and the others were confused but shigesh grabbed goku's arm telling him that he doesn't need to worry that's why they didn't tell anyone because this tournament is a time to enjoy themselves he then turned to fascia and borgos saying that it is up to their squad let the old guard handle this this was their battle to fight piccolo also spoke up saying that he'd rather join the saiyan in stopping babari than participate in the tournament he was their master in another life and it's only fitting that he'd be alongside them goku told them that he would help if things get out of control and reluctantly agreed because he was very excited to fight vegeta once more but he swore that if he sensed anything wrong he would teleport over to them in a flash shigesh thanked him for everything as the team led by tora and shin follow the majins to bobbidy's ship but trouble begins right away as the evil demon king dabura not only sees and kills kibito but spits on torah and piccolo while piccolo is helplessly turned into stone torah manages to take off his armor just in time fascia explodes in rage but dabra blips backwards before she can attack inviting them onto the ship these villains have been hyped up to be the strongest in the galaxy by shugesh and the kais but their first match was a small fry shigesh was familiar with this race and planet in fact that was where he had first encountered the evil bobbidy and his minions this was the sum of many years of training he had to win it didn't take much despite not having super saiyan himself puipy was nothing shin smiled as he thought back to all the progress his comrade had made the supreme kai had encountered chugesh years ago when their respective investigations of babari caused them to cross paths shin had taken a liking to shigesh seeing a flood man who fought against the darkness in his heart and overcame it to become someone better he assisted him in investigating and shin even helped him train for the upcoming battles despite kibito's protest poipi was blown to bits and they moved on to the second stage yakon was a much more fearsome foe the sands felt weak as their key was taken away they kept asking themselves what would bardock do this eventually evolved into what would goku do that's when it hit torah who transformed into a super saiyan and poured all of his ki into yakon destroying him it was time for their toughest challenge yet dabura he felt similar in power to the incredible cell but fascia was sure that he could take him on she goes up to the bat ready to avenge piccolo she immediately transformed into a super saiyan 2 and her powers shocked both dabura and the kai she was doing well fighting aggressively and keeping the pressure on dabura so that he was forced to stay on the defensive he tried to spit on her but she was way too fast he attempted to counter the blows with a kick but fascia easily blocked it saying that she knows a hot-headed stubborn woman with blonde hair the throws kicks are far stronger than that comparatively speaking fascia is probably more adept than the other four her constant training with piccolo trunks and goku made sure that she would keep up with the mightiest foes torah hated to admit it but he was now the second strongest in the squad shukesh was annoyed demanding torah to explain himself did he actually think he was stronger than him as the two saiyans bickered to borgo's side as he looked on to the battle fascia was a marvel to watch it was clear that she had been practicing some of bardock's and piccolo's moves she stopped dabura's sword with a spirit cannon and kept him at bay with a hell zone grenade dabura realized that they were fairly matched and informed bobbidy of it he could hold her off but he wasn't sure if he could face all of them at once concerned that their power gathering would end quickly bhavari analyzed the minds of the saiyans though they were hints of evil in all of them it was clear that he would not be able to possess them in their current state he looked further discovering an awesome battle between goku and vegeta going on in the tournament arena that vegeta guy had a dark aura but his mind and heart were stronger than any other his love for his family and his new home planet prevented babity from accessing his mind bobby concluded that he would have to pull out a more advanced technique darker magic than usual if you're familiar with side stories like shin budokai or budokai 2 you know that babadi can do much more than take over minds in those stories he can bring forth the dead simply from the memories of his adversaries and he did just that while looking into fascia and torah's mind he finds fond memories of a powerful saiyan warrior one whom they trusted and one whom they would fall to [Laughter] a crack of lightning was heard across the plain as deborah disappeared smoke surrounded them and they found themselves in a familiar area planet vegeta their village the smoke slowly dissipates to reveal the back of a man standing before them the four saiyans stood dead in their tracks they recognized him instantly torah took a slow step towards him saying his name bardock the man turned to look at them the hair the scar the armor it was really him they couldn't believe it but his head was down there was something wrong fascia started to run towards him but borgos grabbed her shoulder stopping her he said to feel his key her eyes widened it was dark contaminated by evil this was more like the bardock from their youth not the one that saved his son no it was even darker than that kaioshin had one response this was bobbidy's strengths forbidden black magic was used to revive a loved one and take control of them bardock smirked slowly lifting his head up to reveal a dark m carved on his forehead bardock's voice echoed as he asked why didn't they go back for him why didn't they save him why did they get to live but he didn't fascia was struck with shock and fell back into her base form torah yelled that they wanted to save him but there was nothing they could do they were ambushed by dodoria he took steps towards bardock fascia tried to stop him saying that he was just trying to get in their head but he wouldn't listen tora continued to walk tears on his face he tried to explain that they barely survived and they spent many years stranded on an alien world hoping beyond all hope that he was still alive every word he spoke cut them like a knife bardock had one final question why did they not revive him he took a battle stance he then took the chance to punch torah across the face sending him flying into a mountain bardock laughed loudly as his aura exploded and he became a super saiyan his power pushed thanks to bobbidy's magic torah rubbed his face and looked at him in shock bardock didn't even look back as he shot a blast at torah his eyes widened while he let out a light sound but he couldn't move his best friend his leader a man he admired above all had just turned against him a large figure appeared before him standing in front of the blast and taking it with full force it was borgos he protected him bardock laughed saying that he was aiming for the bigger threat but the vermin has stepped in the way borgos fell back dropping out of super saiyan he coughed out blood when torah caught him he tried to get him to calm down asking him to stay with them but it was too late the gentle giant could only tell his friend to protect their family borgos slowly passed away this bardock was incredibly powerful dabra laughed from behind bardock appearing from the shadows he declared that the real fight begins now and that majin buu would soon return torah damned him and marduk while shigesh and fascia got in their battle stance bardock and dabra opened their auras causing such a shock that the ship itself began to fall apart babadi was forced to take the egg outside while the ship crumbled teleporting everyone to the desert not too far away vegeta and goku threw one more punch during their awesome match the arena was nearly destroyed people ran from the stance and the commentators shook with every attack but they felt the kia of bardock rise up this wasn't good they didn't know who it was but they knew it meant trouble then they felt borgo's key drop all the z fighters looked at each other goku said vegeta's name and they nodded at each other before they left goku told beaumont krillin and the others to collect the dragon balls just in case the team blasted off towards bobby's ship the saiyan squadron was not alone and would never be alone again fascia jumped in front of torah and borgos saying that she would be the one to face bardock she turned to torah shigesh and shin telling them to keep dabber at bay in the meantime shin tried to tell them that the more they fought the more energy they gave taboo but fascia wouldn't listen she was already swapping blows with bardock bardock grint asking fascia if she had gotten any stronger since the last time they met fascia merely stared in utter fury she gave bardock a final offer to stand down and join them or else bardock sped on the floor saying that friends were worthless and their power was the only thing he could ever count on fascia charged her key her rage creating shock waves across the wasteland which scared dabra but amused barda fascia coldly told him if you don't come back to us i'll break every bone in your body and force you to come back bardock was very sadistic in his attacks mocking fascia as they fought he asked why fascia bothered protecting a weakling like kakarot why she was not the one to avenge him and kill frieza he even told her that it was her carelessness that caused him to leave fascia gritted her teeth and told him to shut up his words were really breaking down his friend vegeta goku and gohan zoomed onto the scene where goku was confused that man looked very similar to himself fascia told goku to get away to which the majin saiyan smirked and punched fascia in the gut she fell onto the floor while bardock tilted his head at goku so this was his son mai he had grown up but was it worth saving him he shouldn't have been so selfless he should have just saved himself not even guinea goku didn't know what to say even when bardock rushed to attack goku kept on the defensive he was too shooken up by what he was saying this was the man that torah fascia and shigesh spoke so highly of all these years yet here he stands now as his sadistic maniac meanwhile torah and dabara's match raged on he told shigesh to stay out of it while he pummeled dabra but it looked like he had underestimated the demon king as he materialized the sword and slashed through torres back the pain was so intense he was brought down to his knees gohan rushed in slamming dabra across the face he was sent flying back to which vegeta appeared to elbow him back down torah rubbed his eyes to see a smiling gohan giving him a hand he took it and he broke the sad news to him that piccolo had been turned to stone gohan not it saying that they will avenge him and get him back shin told everyone to look at the egg near bobbidy it was steaming buu's birth was almost complete vegeta sugesh and shin rushed over with fascia and torah switching places in the fight gohan and fascia faced off against dabra as vegeta and shin tried to kill bobbidy however babadi was crafty panicking as he kept using magic to create illusions and shields to protect himself vegeta was getting rather annoyed with this ring called spud meanwhile goku and torah fought majin bardock goku didn't want to hurt him he didn't care that he was his father he cared that he was torah's best friend but torah yelled at him that nothing bardock was saying was true that bardock loved kakarot and gave his life to save him this basically gave goku a clear pass to do one thing kick his ass goku transformed into a super saiyan 2 uppercutting bardock in the chin and sending him up to the sky bardock stopped himself wiping some blood and laughing this was what he was waiting for the two saiyans traded blows for a while while vegeta and fascia finished off dabra but it was all for naught as dabra opened his eyes slowly extremely hurt to watch majin buu's egg crack open nothing shigesh and gohan did stop the resurrection kaioshin knew that it was all over all the fighting stopped as they watched the rebirth of buu the pink blob stumbling out of the cloud of smoke bobbidy commanded him to attack with all the heroes getting in their battle formation but boos simply played around battling the heroes but never trying too hard majin bardock thought that this was ridiculous he watched everyone battle boo but one person approached him torah he asked why he was doing this which bardock replied by saying that this was what he was born to do to battle viciously and conquer his enemies nothing more as a true saiyan should but torah knew that this wasn't true all these years they learned from goku gohan and even vegeta and the namekians that saiyans were much more than what they were born to be his son was a prime example of that bardock stayed quiet torah extended his hand out to bardock holding something it was a bandana red with blood taurus said that kakarot warrior during his battle against frieza and to him it contained the spirits of not only the entire saiyan squad but bardock as well the majin warrior took it looking at offensively torah left to battle buu without saying another word but the battle against buu was not going well a single angry explosion sent everyone flying away shugesh damned the world he trained all these years just to see his friends be decimated by buu just like when dabura annihilated his crew on planet zune no not again he refused to let this happen he devised the plan he would get gohan's energy back while buu fought against goku gohan and vegeta fascia noticed deborah standing back up he wasn't going to support buu on her watch she launched herself forward to confront dabra but she noticed something it was shigesh sneaking around he teleported over right behind buu grabbing a hold of his head tentacle boo was confused even shooting a chocolate beam that barely missed shigesh's face shukesh finally pushed himself back with his feet jumping off a boo he felt a lot of energy being poured out he had just used spirit vision to take away all of the power that buu has stolen from gohan however that wasn't the only thing that shigesh took from buu a dense cloud of steam came from him and a large amount of energy made everyone scurry back the steam dissipated and two majin buu stood next to each other one gray one and one pink shin asked sugesh what he had just done he doomed the universe shugash looked at his hands afraid and confused bobbity celebrate it until he watched the grey boo turn the other one into candy and eat him once again transforming this was insane fascia thought super boo was born and he was not amused by the lack of power around him deborah as bobbidy if this was part of the plan to which bobbidy commanded buu to finally kill kaioshin and the rest superbowl didn't move an inch he simply admired his hands hindabra walked up to him punching him in the face yelling at him to listen to lord bobbidy superboot did not flinch instead he shifted his eyes to lookadabra flicked his finger towards him and a mass of his own body engulfed the demon king absorbing him another piece of himself lunch towards bobbidy who yelled in fear a bright light consumed the arena while boo's power shut up super boo was the strongest being around and now he was even smarter because of bobbity he smiled at shin and turned to look at everyone super boo said he wanted a real challenge his power was enough to cause the fighters around to shudder in fear nonetheless shigesh fasha tora goku vegeta and gohan all rushed towards buu sugesh tried to spirit fishing out dabra and babadi but boo knew shigesh's trick now and would never let that happen again boo grabbed sugesh's arm and broke it in half throwing him across the field into shin kaioshin healed him while he tried to think of what to do but sadly it looked like they may have to retreat at the rate they were going boo was not only more powerful thanks to dabura but he now had babity's magic and intelligence shin ashugesh if he could teleport again because he would need his help saving the fighters at the tournament people started to realize something strange going on all the fighters had left and it looked like nothing else was going to happen mr satan was declared the winner but he was worried looking around for vidal unbeknownst to him eating krillin goat and trunks even vidal they had all joined bulma and chichi in finding the dragon balls shugesh declares himself as the one to the feet boo pointing towards himself buu slaps torah away and laughs saying that the only one he cares about is goku the one giving him at least a little bit of a challenge a blob of pink shoots towards goku but a giant foot crashes down on it it was giant shigesh goku recognized this it was a yardrat technique but that wasn't all shigesh multiplicated himself in order to battle buu everyone watched in awe as hundreds of shigesh stormed the monster buu left it but his target was still goku from his body shot out spikes of his own mass striking the varioshigesh and making them disappear but one of the spikes zoomed all around so fast that no one could follow it confusing it with other spikes but it rapidly approached goku from behind gohan noticed yelling out his father's name but it never struck him goku realized the shadow being cast on him he slowly turned around to see bardock some blood dripping from his mouth goku's eyes widened as he realized bardock was wearing the bandana that goku himself had worn many years ago bardock smiled at his son saying that he was sorry for the stuff he said but he saved kakarot for a reason and now he had to do it again goku reached out to bardock but the spike enveloped itself around his father dragging him into buu one more absorption goku yelled at buu the only thing he was able to grab was bardock's headband he felt someone and grabbed his arm it was shigesh the heroes were teleported from earth and to the kaioshin realm goku put two fingers on his forehead about to teleport back but shin asked them to stop they were the only hope for earth shigesh's clones are still fighting down there which should buy them some time goku looked helplessly at the bandana in his hands telling shigesh to tell them as soon as the last clone disappeared shin continued to argue but gohan said that he would stay and undergo any training that needed to be done and would need his father's help thus training for gohan began with the z sword fascia and vegeta teleported down to earth to continue the fight but buu was far stronger than they anticipated shigesh couldn't get anywhere close to take out bardock and dabura because buu could simply spit turn him into candy or stone they hoped things were going better for goku bulma was acting independently wishing for everyone that was killed by the majins to return to life piccolo was broken from the stone and borgos took a breath once more they floated towards one another and watched the battle borgos could even feel bardock's presence shugesh noticed them and teleported over to them but they wanted to join in the battle and help their friends from behind shigesh heard a scream fascia and vegeta were absorbed piccolo and borgos jumped in to fight the namekian would never forgive buu but the monster knew all of piccolo's moves already he laughed saying the poor girl was quite fond of him it must have been bobedi's influence from within but this boo seemed to take pleasure in collecting and absorbing these fighters because he aimed to absorb shigesh and borgo's next as buu uses his magic to trap piccolo in an illusion he sends a piece of himself to absorb borgos however the piece is blown back by a surprise kiko ho from the distance burgo sees an old ally ten shinhan vorgos thanks tien for the assistance as the triclops asks for a quick update piccolo breaks free from the majin's illusion borgos points at boo merely saying that he needs to be stopped sweat falls from tien's face saying that he wasn't sure if he was up to the task vorgo simply responds that if he were to die here he'd gladly do so with an ally like him the earthling with the heart of a saiyan tien smiles as he borgos and piccolo stand together against the monstrous super buu buu is far too powerful and none of them stand a chance but they have to keep fighting or buu will have a chance to destroy earth they are just buying time kibito was also revived with the dragon balls and shook in fear at buu's energy he approached the wounded piccolo who explained that they needed to save dende without him the earth's dragon balls that just brought back everyone would cease to exist kibito agreed teleporting over to dende where he took dende popo and piccolo to the kaioshin realm gohan was very glad to see piccolo alive though he couldn't move as his power was being unlocked by the old kai earlier gohan had lifted the mighty sea sword but accidentally broke it releasing the elder kai from it kibito hated seeing all these mortals in the world of the kais meanwhile on earth everything seemed hopeless they knew it was only a matter of time until they were absorbed the mixture of fascia vegeta and bardock within definitely made buu want them even more he needed the whole collection of the bardock squad his attacks were more violent explosive and intense sure enough sugesh made the mistake to get too close in order to spirit vision out of the people within buu which is exactly what he was expecting the magin turned his head all the way around and smiled turning him into candy borgos tried to stop him but it only resulted in a piece of booze body dragging him into himself as well tien looked on in despair that was it all of bardock's squad was absorbed no buu's eyes narrowed he was missing one person he heard a sound ring off the instant transmission behind him goku gohan piccolo and torah appeared how lucky torah was the one person he was looking for but it was gohan who stepped to the plate the battle commenced very similar to how the original story went however buu is stronger thanks to all the people he absorbed once again gohan was too cocky and was using too much energy or was he unbeknownst to him buu was actually using sugesh's spirit vision taking more and more of gohan's ki goku noticed this and developed a plan buu was way too focused on gohan and he was leaving his back exposed thankfully he didn't know that goku could also use spirit vision goku saw this opening and immediately sprang into action he said sorry to gohan underneath his breath for interrupting the battle but he teleported right behind buu and reached out from buu a hand came out grabbing goku's buu had no idea that this saiyan could also use spirit vision goku pulled back dragging the person it was bardock he literally pulled his father out from within buu his power decreased some as soon as buu felt this happen he whipped his head tentacle and slammed it across goku's face sending him and bardock into torah they rubbed their heads and bardock opened his eyes slowly he was on torah but they smiled at each other though the m on his head remained bardock and torah fizz bumped like old times it was time to face one final adversary together goku wasted no time in rushing back to help gohan he wished he could have gotten shigesh as well the longer they fought majin buu the more their power was taken away torah and vardaka got in their battle stances ready to fight but they could tell that goku and gohan were slowing down they needed to get them out of there quickly before all of their power got absorbed bardock mentioned to torah that everyone within buu was alive and that they needed to get them out torah agreed but buu now knew perfectly well who exactly could use spirit fission they couldn't use it again bardock not it but he knew of another way meanwhile in the kaioshin realm shin talked to the old kai kibito had gotten everyone in the battle area out of there tien and piccolo were safe they huddled around the crystal ball afraid that they might lose the old kai was furious that gohan would misuse the power he gave him but he knew that there was another way the potara after a brief explanation shin and kibito demonstrated the power of the earrings by fusing into kibito shin they wanted to face buu as well but knew all they could do was hand the potara over to goku and gohan they teleported in watching the saiyans fight kibito shin yells out catch everyone turns around including buu goku and buu both reach out no way he was going to allow them any more help boo and goku end up punching each other in the face while one potara flies down gohan is confused what helps his father bartok catches the second potara looking at it in confusion torah flies down to look for the other potara while shin telepathically tells them what they are and how to use them he specifically tells tora and bardock to give them to goku and gohan but there is no opening for them to do so buu was easily defeating goku and gohan and bardock couldn't stand to watch it he shook in anger torah finally found the potara and looked at shin he knew that goku and gohan would be the better choice for the fusion but bardock yelled out he's killing them shin looks down and nodded bardock and torah looked at each other placing the potara on their ears goku watched does a giant mass of buu's body shut itself towards him was this really it out of nowhere a flash of green and blue light blinded boo cutting the mass of him off buu was surprised and when his eyes cleared everyone looked in shock he was not bardock nor was he torah he was torduck he was going to be the one to save his friends gohan and goku celebrated while they watched the fusion power up and pomo boo but his plan was not to defeat him in this way no he had to do something first the fusion angered boo but he was glad to see them together this way he would be able to absorb the last two pieces of the bardock squad he would finally become the most powerful warrior in the universe tordock was counting on it protecting himself with a keysphere as he was absorbed telepathically he made sure to tell goku and shin his plan and to not worry goku was able to still sense their ki alive and well within buu he smiled on the outside buu cheered in victory though it was strange since his outfit did not change this time around it didn't matter he was going to win goku acted as if he was terrified and both him and gohan continued to challenge buu kibito shin had healed them while the fusion fought so they would be able to keep buu busy in the meantime inside the fusion remained unbeknownst to them they only had around an hour to get everyone out there was no time to waste the fusion ventured through the inside of majin buu until locating a room that contained some sort of egg-liked incubator for each of the absorbed people fascia suga borgos dabra bobbidy and even the other boo bardock's side of the fusion remembered this room looking over to a broken incubator that's where he was before he needed to do this quickly but he wasn't going to go unchallenged as superboost spawned various miniature versions of himself to intercept the intruder superboob was very threatened and from the outside goku and gohan saw him change over and over first they took fascia followed by shugesh and borgos buu wouldn't be able to take their energy anymore the monster yelled out in anger steam feeling out the inside of his body next it was bobbity and dabura those monsters didn't deserve to be saved but they needed to be in order to weaken boo boo created hundreds of versions of himself to attack the fusion but he smirked this was a combination attack the nail gun and the spirit cannon call it the spirit gun tordock pointed his finger out as if holding a gun and fired a huge blast that destroyed all the super boos it created a huge cloud of steam that would push all the heroes out it was terrifying torah had been training in the ways of the yardrat for a very long time but one technique that he always struggled with was multiplication but this moment with the help of his friend bardock the fusion split itself into several parts the various tordoc grabbed the people they freed including dabra fabu and bobbity they sped outside of buu as steam followed them from outside goku and gohan watched does buu began to contort even more the fusion arrived all the clones disappearing and dropping the various villains and heroes boo continued to morph while the team regrouped the people from inside buu slowly woke up and they were happily reunited with the rest of the bardock squad but bobbity and dabra were gone they made sure to keep an eye on fabu however who was mostly confused didn't have any evil within him they felt it bobbidy slowly approached the small boo who was born from the steam he was afraid to go to him but he recognized this boo from bibbidi's memories as the original one perhaps he could control him better in this state babadi did not hesitate conjuring the spell his father did to control the original majin buu it was difficult to keep him under control but buu listened to him when he asked them to kill all the adversaries kid who laughed creating a giant ball of key over his head dabura was afraid that they would dial along with the planet but babadi created a shield around them he knew buu would make it the heroes watched in disbelief earth would be destroyed they had no time but the fusion turned to kibito shin telling him to teleport everyone to the kaioshin realm the kai was confused but didn't have time to ask once the fusion teleported over to kit buu and moved him to the kaioshin realm as well just as the keyboard was launched the fusion knew that the world of the kai's was a lot more dense than earth it could take the abuse sure enough the keyboards skid across the land while the old kai tien popo dende and piccolo jumps back from the appearance of fat boo the old guy yelled at the fusion for bringing him there but he was also confused the fusion hadn't brought him there goku shamed in saying he did he wasn't going to just leave him there on earth in a flash everyone teleported to the kaioshin realm including dabura and bobbity the two teams landed on opposite sides staring down at each other this was it it was going to be the final battle all of the z fighters stood together staring down at bobbidy and his warriors there was a moment of silence that seemed to last an eternity then babari shrieked ordering his minions to attack without another word the heroes and villains clashed fascia borgos and shigesh aimed to take down dabura the fusion goku vegeta and gohan rushed to kibbu it was an all-out assault in the meantime piccolo and tien protected the old kai and the others tordoc have fired a bunch of blue blast all over the place this was another special technique the hell soul utilizing piccolo's hellzone grenade and the spirit cannon the fusion closed his arms the balls of key firing like bullets into majin buu buu ended up with a bunch of holes all over his body but not only did he regenerate he also launched himself into the fusion slamming his head against his it could have knocked him out but the fusion ended right then and there bardock and torah pushed themselves to the side to avoid boo the earrings were damaged they couldn't fuse anymore but it wasn't over they weren't giving up meanwhile sugesh and vorgos did a combination attack against deborah with shigesh slowly taken power from the demon king borgos grab dabra slamming him into the ground followed by shigesh hitting his knee against dabra's chest that was it they had won sugesh pointed his hand out at deborah a ball of ki ready to kill him but he didn't fire because shigesh promised himself that he would never give into his anger again he can't kill him but he doesn't have to save him either shugesh and borgos flew off to face buu while deborah looked confused but he realized something he was surrounded by giant balls of ki he turned a set to look at a smiling fascia who closed her arms and launched the balls of ki against dabura killing him she sped on the ground that was payback for turning piccolo into stone as the battle intensified piccolo watched proudly within him the remnants of nail's soul stirred he trained the saiyans for many years and they had all grown so much sugesh especially surprised them he was once a bloodthirsty killer who attacked his village with the intent of conquering namek but now he is one of the universe's most fearless defenders he looked at torah fascia borgos and gohan time and time again they broke their limits and rose above the chaos to become beacons of hope for so many people they were all his students and he loved them greatly he then moved his head to look at the two saiyans leading the charge up front goku and vegeta they were both men he had sought to kill so many years ago yet here they are now fighting side by side to protect everything and everyone their universe was in good hands piccolo smiled brightly he proclaimed triumphantly you guys are number one the battle continued with everyone focusing on kid buu that was until he copied goku and fired a giant pink kamehameha that sent all of the fighters into different directions they were all spread out shigesh and torah landed in front of dende and the others with sugesh clashing into majin buu he was just standing there silently sugesh heard him whisper something he was saying that this was boo's fault he was talking the third person who was talking about himself this structure gash kid buu fired a barrage of key bullets at fatboo after realizing that he was standing there almost as if mocking him but shigesh stepped in the way deflecting them torah looked at shigesh surprised but he felt it too the lack of evil in fat boo shigesh turned taboo and said this is your fault our fault everyone's fault but i need to know if you're up to this because that monster will kill us all we're fighting a small wizard and can be turned into candy at any point none of this makes sense but i'm going out there because this is what i have been fighting for all these years to stop you to stop them but i can't fight and protect you at the same time it doesn't matter what you did or who you are if you're fighting out there and you're fighting for earth the universe if you stand back here and choose not to fight you're fine we will find you a home but if you come fight with us you're part of our team you're part of bardock's squad taurus and boo's eyes widened shugesh was giving boo the being he had been training to defeat for so many years a second chance just like the grand elder had given shigesh a chance to prove himself as a good person so long ago no matter what he did in the past sugesh extended out his hand and boo took it it was time to fight together piccolo who was by dende took off escape tien threw aside his cloak even kibito shin cracked his knuckles goku vegeta gohan fascia and vorgos reunited with them there was one final person still fighting out there bardock boo was the first to rush in and the rest followed suit key blast and punches flew everywhere kid buu duplicated himself changed grew but everything he did was countered he wasn't going to lose but he wasn't having fun anymore babari cheered for him from afar buu was exploding his key pushing all of them back this was it he was going to destroy them all he threw a giant ball of key down all of the z fighters were tired nearly out of key but with the last bit of his strength bardock stood back up he remembered the last time he saw a keyboard of this size his planet was destroyed he would never let something like that happen again bardock launched the spirit cannon just like he had done many years ago it crashed against the keyboard but it was quickly being consumed shugesh had an idea it was crazy but it may work he told everyone to point their hands at him they all did even the old kai and tamajin buu they watched as their spirit energy was taken from them shugesh was spirit fishing out their key collecting them into one giant keysphere he launched it at bardock whose eyes flared up when he obtained it his aura erupting once more the keyboards were much more equal this time but he wasn't winning just yet shugesh told the squad to go support him bardock looked to the side to see fascia borgos and torres standing by him hence raced to support the keyboard it pushed forward a bit more shukesh took whatever energy he could from the fighters with a good chunk from boo then he went up there to support the ball as well the bardock squad had been reunited slowly they took steps forward pushing buu back but it was so difficult bartok closed his eyes he felt like he was going to give up but suddenly this spirit cannon got a lot lighter he opened his eyes looked to the side and saw something incredible his son the proud super saiyan one hand raised to support his spirit cannon wearing the bandana that torah gave him to wear bardock smiled he felt all the other fighters jump in to help gohan piccolo tiend and fat boo all stood side by side bardock smiled with goku yelling out this skirt cannon grew to completely overtake boos keyboard in an instant he disintegrated the blast continued forward and hit bobbity as well his dreams to take over the universe vanishing before his eyes it was finally over goku looked on proudly as the spirit cannon it he turned to his father to say that they did it but bardock had a sad smile on his face fascia hooked him tightly with borgos and sugesh jumping in too tore i couldn't look at him in the eyes without crying i tried so hard to save the universe but now i did thanks to you my squad my dearest friends thank you for believing in me he forced torah into a hug as well they all let him go as he took steps forward to goku and gohan he said that he was sorry for what they went through because of him but that he was proud of the men they had become he hoped that they meet again in another life gohan asked why he couldn't stay there anymore bardock laughed lightly saying that he was only there because of bobbidy's magic the m on his forehead faded now that babadi was dead he had to return to the other world bardock hooked them both he stepped away as he looked at his squad mates one last time finally his anger and rage gone bardock took his final breath before disappearing goku asked the old kai to tell bulma that she can use the final wish to return earth to how it used to be before the majin attack they have caused a lot of destruction through the planet and so the z fighters once again saved the universe this time with a little help from some new friends a few months passed and peace returned to earth but the bardock squad had decided that though earth was their home they couldn't stay there anymore they saw what bobbidi could do and they couldn't ever let another threat like that pop up thus everyone met a capsule corp to say the goodbyes majin buu had been living with torah and shigesh at the lookout becoming a great ally even if he did act like a child he would accompany them the team stood in front of the most advanced capsule corps ship ever created with a red bandana sprayed painted on the side they would travel the universe and offend anyone who needed their help like guardians or something like that the same way shigesha done many years ago it was a tearful goodbye but there was someone missing piccolo it was very sad especially for fascia she hoped to say goodbye but as they stepped through the door they heard a voice from within piccolo stepped out from the shadows welcoming them fascia was shocked but none of the other saiyans seemed to be surprised he looked at her in the eyes as he told her you can't get rid of me that easily fascia the saiyan blushed immensely as she gesh snickered he had known fascia for decades he had never seen her make a face like that his chuckles quickly turned into a cry when fascia immediately kneed him in the gut as piccolo and the rest laughed piccolo had already told gohan and goku that he planned on joining the bardock squad on their space mission but if they ever needed anything to just tell him he can get shigesh to teleport him home the new bardock squad composed of fascia sugesh vorgos torah buu and piccolo smiled and waved at everyone from the window at this moment torah looked at the cheerful goku waving goodbye but torah seemed to see something for a split second he swore he saw bardock standing there where goku was smiling and waving his arms toras started to cry as the memories of his past began to flood his mind he owed everything to bardock and his family he and his friends wouldn't be the same people today if it wasn't for them sugesh tells everyone to hold on tight as torah wipes his tears they'll continue to honor his name every day by living of the examples set by him and his son kakarot the team blasted off into space in search of new heights new friends and new adventures [Music] tora looks out the window as he reminisces upon the story of bardock's squad from vegeta to namek and earth they have been through so much his thoughts are interrupted by something the noise of the communicator him the squad buu and piccolo have been traveling the galaxy helping people out they have had run-ins with the galactic patrol being considered vigilantes either way they weren't planning on returning to earth anytime soon that's why he was surprised to hear bulma's voice come from the communicator she asked for their help frieza had returned torah and everyone else's eyes widened frieza could that be true he was for sure defeated long ago and even if he was back goku and the other should be strong enough the bardock squad gathered around to discuss the situation while fascia thinks it's nothing shigesh thinks it's urgent the two argue but piccolo comes in between them without opening his eyes he explains that they are telling the truth he can tell by bulma's voice whatever is going on they really need their help as soon as piccolo explains this the rest of the squad agrees inputting the coordinates towards earth and rushing back home it took some time for them to return to earth and in that time not only had frieza and his army arrived but they began their attack on earth as she sent me battled gohan a loud sound rang off behind them the two stopped their battle with frieza cocking an eyebrow the wind blows off as the ship lands outstepping torah sugesh fascia borgos buu and piccolo frieza then frowned when he saw the giant pink blob stumbling out of the spacecraft holding several chocolate bars wasn't that majin buu frieza laughs weren't they the guys he killed a long time ago piccolo nodded a gohan who was excited to see mr piccolo and the rest the squad didn't waste time as they rushed to the rest of the army they asked what the hell was going on with torah approaching gohan to help him against shizumi he explains that there was a lot that happened since the last time they saw each other including beerus the god of destruction appearing and the birth of the super saiyan god torah smirked saying that he knew that if anyone was going to birth the super saiyan god then it would be goku of course gohan said that now that they were all together they could use that sort of power shizuma tried to interrupt the conversation with a blast but torah appeared behind him with the instant transmission blasting him into gohan who hammerfest him back down to earth gohan explains that his father and vegeta are still out of the picture but that he has a plan at first he thought that he would have to power up to the max to get goku here but if he felt the power of a new super saiyan god the key that only him and vegeta could really feel then perhaps they would not only have a better chance of getting their attention but also have a new powerful ally to defend them as the other saiyans finished off their battles they gathered around in front of frieza who asked where goku was torah questioned who the new super saiyan god should be but they all looked at him even gohan he gulped he wasn't sure he was ready for that responsibility but goten stood by him holding his hand trunks cheered him on from the sidelines thus torah gohan shigesh and goten held hands all of their power going directly into torah but frieza wasn't easily fooled he wasn't going to allow this super saiyan to transform right in front of him he fired death beams at each one of the saiyans piercing them piccolo winced reminding him of frieza's third form he was torturing them he wasn't trying to kill them even so they held on to their friend for their life no matter how painful of their power was pumped into torah as the aura exploded into a fiery light he was now a super saiyan god all of his friends are laid on the ground hurt from the piercing death beams he promised himself that he would protect his friends and so that frieza would never hurt them again frieza smirked realizing that this super saiyan god was the power he feared long ago fine it was time to bring out the big guns after transforming into his final form frieza and torah began their battle with frieza quickly realizing that toro was a lot more powerful than he thought not only because of the super saiyan god but also because of the years of training with a bardock squad and their outer space adventures jacka commented on the fact that they were all vigilantes and that he'd had to apprehend them after the battle but seeing taurus power he backed off torah did his best against frieza powering up higher and higher until whis was able to read his god ki it wasn't long before goku and vegeta teleported to earth with their brand new super saiyan god super saiyan the battle went on as normal they told torah to stand down that it was time for them to battle torah insisted that he'd be the one to defeat frieza but once he transformed into his golden state he knew he didn't have a chance with the two gods battling frieza torah admitted that this power was incredible while watching goku and vegeta fight fascia explained that she was jealous and that she wanted that power torah looked upon goku proudly and then vegeta who seemed to be winning but to everyone's surprise goku interrupted the battle he pushed vegeta aside and talked to him in private frieza was extremely confused and yelled at them but goku apologized with vegeta looking very upset goku then turned to torah fascia borgos and shigesh calling them over the team approached slowly goku put his hand on flash's shoulder saying that this was their battle it was about time the old generation of saiyans settled their own score after all he had already saved them once before torah wasn't sure and frieza felt insulted but fascia was excited she had been waiting for this moment her entire life she may not have super saiyan god but she would support torah anyway she could with the whole team behind him he knew he was ready sugesh burst his aura his full power in effect borgos turned into a super saiyan 2. fascia into her brand new super saiyan 3 and torah into super saiyan god frieza left even after the arjuna's battle against vegeta he was still strong enough but torah declared that even if he had more power frieza didn't have the spirit the pride of the saiyan race and above all he didn't have the squad the whole squadron rushed in with frieza blocking the attack torah alone was enough to push down frieza at least a little bit who was severely hurt by vegeta and goku it came to the point where torres stood over frieza who was about to destroy earth torah was none the wiser but the gentle silent giant borgos noticed something his eyes widened in an instant the saiyan appeared behind frieza and held his arms back yelling do it to torah tore a naughty saying for bardock he did not hesitate placing his hand on frieza's chest and firing the blast creating a great explosion both torah and borgos were sent flying into opposite directions while frieza was nowhere to be found he was defeated and the older saiyans had finally avenged their friends the team celebrated after making sure that burgos was okay luis and beerus took notice of the prowess of the older saiyans noting that they may be good candidates for the training alongside goku and vegeta they extended this offer to them which they initially refused they wanted to travel the galaxy still though whis was surprised beerus actually thought that this was very noble he told them that the offer was there anytime they wanted it and thus the day was saved once again but the z fighters wouldn't see the last of the older saiyans they said goodbye with the spaceship blasting off once more into space but beerus's offer remained on their minds so much so that not long after fascia tore piccolo and vorgos took them off on the offer and began their arduous training burgos wasn't too interested in training and would rather spend time exploring the planet or taking care of the oracle fish shukesh continued to train in his more spiritual manner something that interested whis he felt as if he would be the one to near the ultra instinct state while beerus thought that fascia could reach ultra ego because of how aggressive she was they weren't nearly as far along as goku and vegeta but were still extremely impressive and of course they trained piccolo as well and once champa challenged beerus to the tournament for the super dragon balls it was fascia who agreed to join in the tournament the other saiyans were generally not interested in that sort of thing thus the team was composed of goku vegeta monica fascia and piccolo only after they realized that buu would not pass the test it was a total surprise for the squad to meet another saiyan in the form of kaaba and learn about the history of their universe so that's what they could have become they would have lost their tales become more peaceful they thought it was crazy but then looked at goten and trunks those kids were the future of the saiyan race in universe 7 and they had those features it once again reminded them how much things had changed and what they fought for as in the original goku defeats botamo but loses against frost piccolo also loses against frost where jekyll realizes that he is cheating this infuriates fascia who challenges frost in piccolo's stead wanting to prove that no one will dishonor nao her old master piccolo smiled proudly as she showed off her new form super saiyan god fascia cracked her knuckles explaining that she may not have been able to defeat frieza by herself so this would have to do she proved herself by weaving around frost actually paying homage to piccolo by using the multi-form technique and ultimately defeating him with a fiery fist she then had to battle magetta since she cursed like a sailor all the time she accidentally figured out magetta's weakness and won her next battle was to be against cabba but vegeta asked her to give him a shot he wanted to see what this saiyan was made of fascia ruled their eyes and stepped out of the arena these saiyan guys and thus the tournament went on as normal and ultimately ended with hit giving up against monica and him becoming the champion with goku and hit promising to battle each other once more everyone awaits for the arrival of the tournament of power after goku asks zeno for one and while goku and vegeta take off to save the universe with trunks piccolo continues to train at beeruses however the squad takes another route they ask kabba for a tour of planet sadala and end up spending a long time there they learn what their civilization could have been in a bitter sweet trip torah packs a lot of things for their trip while the others pack very light this proves to be a mistake as a hooded girl steals his bags caba is surprised and yells at the criminal but she is gone before he says anything while the squad tells torah that he should have packed light torah pleads with kaba to help him get everything back kaba knows exactly where to find the girl leading them into a base where a different girl sits above a number of gangsters cabba is clearly a little scared to be there as several large saiyans step in the way torah is confused but the girl speaks telling him that he should not be there and to take those tailed freaks somewhere else fascia is about to protest but kabba pleads with the girl to just return what his guests had she finally stands up turning into a smaller girl and asking her if she took stuff from the visitors she nods pointing towards stores stuff in the corner the leader laughs high-fiving the girl cabba isn't sure what to do but torah is perplexed grabbing onto him and asking him what he's doing he's a super saiyan he saw it with his own eyes during the universe 6 tournament though nervous still cabba knew that torah was right showing off his transformation and blowing the huge saiyans away this finally piques the interest of the leader smirking she didn't know that kava had gotten so powerful cocking an eyebrow to ask if torah and the others could do that too kappa answers that yeah and much more the girl laughs calling on to kale to throw stuff back at them she tells them that they get it back only because she knows they will train her and kale shukesh and tora tried to argue but fascia smirks she was a lot like that girl when she was younger screw it a little sparring wouldn't hurt the girl introduced herself as khalifa and for the next few months her kale and kaaba would become disciples of the bardock squad they were surprised to see just how fast universe 6 saiyans were able to pick up on training super saiyan 1 2 and even 3. they were extremely powerful they were much more involved than them so maybe that's why they grew so quickly the months of training also served to power up the squad with fascia and torah both achieving super saiyan blue however their transformation was much more unstable than that of goku and vegeta and couldn't maintain it for long fashion was always annoyed at kaulifla she had been right that girl was just like her and she hated it kava was always curious about vegeta and the team promised him to take him back to earth sometime as a thank you they were all surprised to see kale's power a strange transformation unlike anything they had ever seen before it was triggered by fascia and caulifla spending so much time training together and it happened a couple of times they knew they had to help her control it and though it took a lot she managed to do it tora did mention something to fascia that this girl reminded him of paragus's kit the one that had scared off king vegeta fascia realized that too one fateful day came with cabba came running towards caulifla and kale he had been informed of the tournament of power and it was going to be a matter of life and death everyone went pale when they heard this the bardock squad realizing that they have been training what may be their ultimate enemy if they lose against universe 6 then they really were doomed caulifla refused to join and kale apologized to the bardock squad they all remained quiet but sugesh spoke up saying no you two have to participate if you beat us then it means you really have surpassed us as students and we will be proud this is your final test but just know our universe has guys stronger than anything you can imagine we won't go easy on you khalifa's blood was pumping she was going to beat them and under her breath promised that she will bring all of them back with a wish if they win the team separated into their own universe ready to embark on this new challenge they approached goku who was looking for teammates the team was formed as goku vegeta gohan piccolo torah fascia shigesh borgos 17 and 18. borgos really liked 17 as they were both nature lovers and vorgos reminded 17 of android 16. with the team set the tournament began torah and the others were excited to show everyone just how much they had grown in the start of the tournament fascia made sure to look for frost she really wanted to kick his ass again and he was eager for a rematch he had gotten stronger not nearly as much as fascia who with a quick burst of super saiyan blue defeated the alien shuge used his various yardran techniques to take out the yard red fighter while borgo's accompanied 17 and 18 through the battles torah helped gohan impressing everyone with a new transformation as well borgos was the first one to be taken out from universe 7 as he actually caught kale and saved her from being pushed out of the ring during the battle between jiren and goku though kaulifla did get some training with goku in as well her and kael already had all the tools necessary to battle him this was a more serious match than the one in the original anime with goku complimenting torah and the other's teachings but goku's mastered super saiyan blue proved to be too much for the girls even with their super saiyan 3 either way this was store's fight not his goku left satisfied with the match and khalifa kale and caba all stood side by side staring down at shigesh torah vegeta and fascia it was time to show what all that training had been for though kale and khalifa were offered the potara earrings by their kaioshin the two saiyans refused because they had promised themselves that they would prove just how far the training with bardock's squad had taken them now it was time to prove just that khalifa thinks back to how she crushed the potara looking at her fist and then smirking both teams powered up to the max ready for battle kale and shigesh smirked at each other the master versus the student this was time for her to prove that she could truly control her power she guest tried everything under the sun his cloning giant form even spirit vision but kale knew her master's moves too well and even if four-spirit fission was hard for her to avoid her strength and plentiful key source more than made up for it in the end the giant shigesh was grabbed by the finger by kale who ran up his body only to slam him back down and out of the arena shugash smiled proudly saying not bad kid as he disappeared but ko wasn't out of the woods just yet as tora punched the sky ready for their battle kale is the strongest of universe 6 saiyans giving torah an incredibly hard time kappa continued to learn as he tuzzled with vegeta he knew he wasn't a match for super saiyan blue but he was at least much stronger than in the original story he was proud of his super saiyan 3 even if vegeta made fun of it as that transformation that kakarot liked to show off as his own fascia in caulifla's fight is intense but it is interrupted by the incredible match between kale and torah torah couldn't help but admit that he was very proud but it was time to stop playing around torah threw his weighted cloak off of his back his muscles bulging as his aura erupted into a bright blue flame he took a deep breath extended his palm out and taunted the girl into attack this was torah's final challenge it was the moment he had been waiting for he had accomplished everything he ever wanted even going as far as defeating frieza now his job was to leave a lasting legacy and these two girls would be it he passed on what he learned all he had left to do now was show them all he knew torah flashed forward dragging a huge wolf of air along with him that dragged a bunch of tournament contestants along with him even disqualifying three of them kale managed to stay on her feet but it forced him on the defensive next thing she knew she was surrounded by multiple torah clones she was actually struggling to defend herself and being forced to grab one of the torahs by the face and using him to attack the other ones but this was merely a distraction a store appeared above kale with a fist full of bright blue key his eyes reflected the faces of his old masters wheeze goku nail the grand elder and finally bardock torah pushed his blast forward utilizing his fallen best friend's technique the spirit cannon there was a huge explosion that made everyone look back even cabba and vegeta in the middle of their fight the ground below them cracked and finally torah and kale fell off the edge together he was very proud of her with that incredible match the tournament continued as matchups changed khalifa and fascia wouldn't battle each other until later on time passed with super saiyan blue fascia helping gohan defeat dyspo sadly this resulted in gohan himself being disqualified fascia and piccolo had a great match against toppo they knew each other's moves perfectly and were completely in sync piccolo was actually one of the most powerful members of universe 7 thanks to the training he underwent with beerus he is comparable to golden frieza to put it into perspective vegeta once again sacrifices himself to help goku battle jiren with the last few contestants up being khalifah fascia piccolo 17 goku and jiren they all did their best to battle against the mad titan even khalifala did as much as she could with her super saiyan 3. in the end piccolo and goku rushed ajiren in unison piccolo used his stretchable limbs to grab onto jiren and slam him down into the abyss to make sure that he goes down goku rushed after him with a kamehameha but jiren wasn't about to give up so easily pushing himself off of the side of the rubble and back onto the stage where he stopped the kamehameha by grabbing goku and piccolo's faces as he landed khalifa and fascia flew in with a double kick against jiren's back crushing the ground beneath them and forcing him to let go of goku and piccolo the three fell into the abyss once more this time goku and piccolo holding on to jiren with everything they had dragging him across the tournament rubble 17 realizes that jiren is about to set himself free thankfully fascia was still around he could be used to win 17 jumped off the stage at just the right moment to dive headfirst onto jiren with a palm full of ki this created a great explosion that sent all four fighters flying off into different directions it was over fascia fell over on her back tired happy that the battle was over but she heard someone clear her throat she set up and saw that beyond the smoke stood one more person khalifa she was still around universe 6 cheered loudly flasha cracked her knuckles it was fitting that the last battle of the tournament would be between two saiyans a master and an apprentice fascia and caulifla seemed equally matched their moves were near mirrors but fascia had one thing that khalifa was missing experience she used everything she learned in her years as a saiyan soldier to predict her moves it worked at first but khalifa was faster and even more clever she watched fascia rush her way with her fist pulled back khalifa crossed her arms to block the attack up until fascia was mere centimeters from reaching her khalifa smirked took a step to the side and stuck her foot out flasha tripped over khalifa's foot and was sent flying directly off of the tournament stage everyone gasped but as fasca opened her eyes she realized that kaulifla was holding her hand saving her from falling fascia smiled at khalifa she had truly grown into her own since the first time they met and it had only been a few months she was nowhere near as powerful as goku nor vegeta but she had grown into a powerful fighter in her own right fascia asked khalifa to keep her promise and she slapped khalifa's arm off falling down caulifla was the final person in the tournament arena universe 6 had won as beerus yelled at fascia torah and the rest of bardock's squad smiled at khalifa super shenron was summoned and champa tried to yell at khalifa what the wish should be it was something dumb like food but khalifa looked at kava and kale with a large smile telling them that their training was not over she wished for every universe to be returned explaining that she didn't do it for them she just did it because she wanted to continue to get tougher as all the various universes were brought back jiren and goku promised to battle again things were returning to normal but the bardock squad had a decision to make while at bulma's welcome back party they gathered around torah stood in front of goku and the rest explaining to them that they had made a decision it had been so many years since their planet was destroyed and now they had found a whole new planet of saiyans full of a new generation that they could teach and help create a path for long ago torah promised himself and bardock that he would protect his family but goku and the others are so much more powerful since then that they haven't been needed in a long time thus the bardock squad has decided to move to planet zadala sure that they would meet again soon it was bittersweet but the z fighters understood the celebrations went on for a whole day until whis was ready to take torah shukesh fascia and borgos to universe 6. whis arrived with vatos and khalifa sugesh thanked everyone for making him feel welcomed through these difficult times giving a big hug to goku and his family borgos made 17 promise him that he would take care of the planet fascia approached piccolo nervously which surprised the other squad members they'd never seen her like this before she tells piccolo that he doesn't have to come if he doesn't want to after all his home is on earth and it always has been that's why she'd understand if he didn't want to leave but maybe if he was able to put up with her for all these years maybe he'd like to join them again everyone is quiet for what seems like an eternity but the silence is then cut by piccolo chuckling piccolo puts his fist up to fosher's chest smiling saying that they still have some training to do together and that whatever place she's at he'll feel at home everyone starts to clap with sugesh whistling fascia turns her head to avoid people seeing that she's blushing gohan and vidal walk up to piccolo giving their farewells and wishing him the best of luck in his new journey piccolo bends down to see the little pan in vidal's arms and he tells them that he'll come back he's excited to see just how much the little one has grown the squad asks boo if he'd like to come along too but to their surprise he says no he still wants to go explore more of the universe and need even more tasty food they'll laugh as the saiyans and piccolo give him one large group hug telling him to always be on his best behavior and help everyone in need they also remind him not to eat too much which makes buu laugh in fact beerus tells him that perhaps boo and him can hang out sometime discuss which food they like the best finally torah promises he'd visit and that they can always count on them to help he brought goku and vegeta in for a hug whispering to them to be careful if there are any more saiyans in the other universes then there may be more in universe 7 too goku shot them all a thumbs up and the z fighters waved them off paradox squad was ready to begin a brand new adventure and this time they had new allies to train and get stronger with they knew they didn't have too much longer left so their quest was simple leave a lasting legacy and leave this new set of saiyans with the training knowledge and experience to avoid the mistakes of the past torah shugash borgos fascia and bardock would go down in history as the legendary saiyan squad that led the way for the next generation of warriors the cosmic cube disappeared as torah felt a hand on his shoulder he didn't turn around but he knew bardock would always be with them [Music] you
Channel: SmugStick
Views: 1,598,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragonball, dragon ball super, dbs, dbz, dragon ball what if, bardock, what if bardock survived, what if bardocks squad survived, tora, fasha, frieza, what if the saiyans survived, what if bardock returned, what if goku met bardock, what if bardocks squad retruned, what if bardock was revived, goku meets bardock, anime, manga, dragon ball discussion, gine, goku meets his father, goku meets his mother, dragon ball, dragon ball 2022, smugstick, What if Bardock's Squad Survived full story
Id: NbVOYiU2zn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 26sec (10166 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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