People Share WORST Male/Female Double Standarts

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ass credit what male / female double standard do you dislike the most in the 19 year old male and I babysit my three and six-year-old girl cousins often last time I Babis at them we played tag then we had to go to the grocery store the three-year-old decided that she wants to play tag and runs away from me so I chase her down playfully saying I'm gonna get ya in a funny voice cuz it gets her to laugh a mom passes by and grabs my three year old cousin takes the six-year-old and goes to a manager my aunt had to come down and tell them that I was watching them that was the worse it's been but if I go anywhere in public with little kids especially girls I'm seen as a predator pedo you should have charged her with attempted kidnapping right eh if that had been another man who had grabbed that girl from a 19 year old female sitter it would have been an entirely different story backslash B she actually took those kids away and to the manager hello police yeah when I turned down chubby women I'm shallow but I get turned down for being bold and it just her preference my favorite is the five-foot girl that only dates guys that are six feet four and taller I did a lot of things for my boyfriend at uni cleaned his room cleaned his toilet made him food et Cie but as soon as he made me the occasional cup of tea well our house mud started openly accusing him of being whipped less of a man for bowing down and that I was a manipulative itch that forced him into making me tea whilst making his own may I yet not just mine yeah we don't live with him anymore one night in a bar this incredibly drunk incredibly skanky woman started ducking grinding on me while I was just trying to sit and drink a beer rubbing her gross bag all over my pant leg and generally being disgusting and inappropriate while this was happening I thought if the roles were reversed security would be tossing me out the door head first instead people just laughed similar thing happened to me when I was 18 and drunk 40 ice years old woman stumbles over gives me the iron just grabs my crotch her friends ran over and dragged her away me and my friends just laughed about it but just the other day I was thinking if a 40 year old man did that to an 18 years old girl he almost certainly would have ended up in court not to mention a backlash from other people in the pub men do not want sex 24/7 maybe some do but I imagine most don't and I used to really hate it in my last relationship where if my girlfriend turned down sex it was totally normal and okay and I need to respect her wishes but if I turn down sex it had an incredible emotional effect on her because all men always want sex and if I don't want sex it must be because I no longer find her attractive now that relationship wasn't the most healthy give-and-take in the world that I still feel like in the back of every woman's mind that if their boyfriend turns them down they are probably feeling this even just a little mathur duck yes I'm tired is duck by 11 don't cry to me that he were horny at midnight and couldn't wake me up Jesus Christ I wasn't even awake to reject you take control and come get some at 10:30 in fact I was trying to get us to bed at 10:30 but you wanted to watch some [ __ ] show that was recording anyway sorry happened this week and I'm a little triggered that part of being a man is being disposable and no one giving a [ __ ] if your life ends up ruined we hear talk all the time about the gender earnings gap women's right to bodily autonomy via abortions and access to birth control and other women's issues and those are all important things to discuss what we don't hear as often is the fact that 84 percent of the homeless are men 92% of workplace fatalities happen to men 91% of people in prison are men etc we talk about the subtle forms of discrimination in society that result in women choosing to pursue careers which don't compensate them financially the same way that careers popular with men do but we never talk about the subtle forms of discrimination that cause men ruin their lives at a rate nearly an order of magnitude higher than women right I try to explain this to people on Facebook big mistake I know most of them seem to think you can't both support equal pay and women's rights and also realize that men statistically take high-risk jobs and high-risk jobs pay more if women want to make the money being made by men in high-risk jobs then more women should go into those fields if they do so and are making 70% less than the male's doing the same work then yes that would seem discriminatory christina hoff sommers is a feminist scholar and she coined this great quote want to close wage gap step 1 change your major from feminist dance therapy to electrical engineering as a male teacher it really makes me mad that I can't console any student in a nurturing way because it's frowned upon to give a student a hug on the contrary a female teacher can literally have a student sit on her lap during read-aloud I do this I'm on a one-way ticket to the dog pound when a man is honest people think and many times same their face couldn't become a doctor after assuming that he is a doctor and those same people think that the female doctor coming into their room is actually a nurse I'm a male flight attendant and are the entire cabin crew recently just assumed that a female captain was the first officer and her male copilot the one in charge they even wear uniforms with stripes to make it clear it was an eye-opening case of unconscious gender bias also every time the captain made an announcement over the PA without first identifying herself as the captain I assumed it was one of the female flight attendants speaking we've still got a long way to go baby if a woman sleeps with a bunch of guys she is an empowered feminist I do and I'm a gay WTF I'm a stay-at-home father because I'm taking care of my wife and Di's two-year-old son my wife's got a career that's promising advancement and she works sometimes 12-hour days I often get the why doesn't he have a job and he's a deadbeat dad routine but if I was a woman sure I'd hear about how mothers work so hard as housewives drunk an eighteen year old woman can't consent to sex drunk an eighteen year old man can consent to sex can't evaluate if women are too drunk to consent I'm a FEMINIST and I think this double standard is [ __ ] if you or your partner are slurring staggering or have thrown up you are too drunk to consent that is the standard that should be taught leave gender / sex out of it girl has vibrators or other sex toys it's normal guy has a pocket [ __ ] or flashlight he is a weird loser I just had this conversation with two women the other day their responses well men sex toys are objectifying and unrealistic my response I haven't seen a lot of penises but I've never seen one that was 14 inches long bright purple and the end swirls I hate the TV portrayal that if a man cheats it's cause has an [ __ ] and heartless but if a women does it's scandalous and it's cause her husband must either treat her bad or is just never around or because she is looking for true love me as a woman I'm a Seahawks fan men really what's Pete Carroll's blood type who was the second-string left tackle in 1982 how many tickets sold at the Seahawks Dolphins game in 1996 like come on guys you don't know that [ __ ] about your team's either same goes for video games as a woman I can't stand how other women throw the word creep around when referring to a guy that they don't find attractive I've encountered real male creeps before and by creep I mean guys that don't back off when I've given clear signs that I'm not interested don't respect my boundaries taking upskirt photos / videos getting angry / violent when I turned them down stalking me etc if a guy is unattractive he's not a creep he's just unattractive I can't stand hearing stories from female friends about them getting hit on by a guy that isn't their type / don't live up to their standards of attractiveness and writing him off as a creep I like it cheapens the word creep when there are real creeps out there who truly deserve the title I guess the male equivalent would be guys writing girls off as crazy which is just as frustrating women can wear capes and so many hats I want capes and hats men need to take time to be fathers we have a whole advertising campaign about it mothers are automatically great mothers and know what to do from birth when my son was three weeks old his mother had to stay overnight in the hospital I took my son home and a nurse asked her if she thought everything would be okay I can't stand how a woman can blatantly sexually harass a man without consequences and have it be thought of as funny or wacky meanwhile so many men will be deemed perverted or creepy for simply complimenting a woman or trying to engage in conversation with them this is coming from a woman by the way I saw a video a few weeks ago where a woman aggressively and relentlessly sexually harassed a man in front of a group of people at a convention it was really disturbing to me because it was very obvious that he was not interested and extremely uncomfortable but no one tried to help him in any way and kept egging her on the man filming it was pushing him to kiss her which he ended up doing because everyone else was pressuring him to do it too it was despicable and I felt so sorry for him not having a single person even attempting to help him get out of a situation the whole time I was watching it I couldn't stop thinking about how drastically different things would have gone had it been the other way around with him sexually harrassing her it was really hard to watch okay one thing that bugs me is how women are expected to be great cooks and guys not so much in fact my parents discouraged me growing up to learn how to cook until I was a young adult because they told me I needed to be motivated to find a wife to cook for me now that I'm older and actually enjoy cooking I think it is a stupid double standard if anything both guys and girls should both learn how to cook it is a useful life skill to have and it is fun you have been visited by the great herb of capitalism many seed will come your way but only if you comment good job mr. bird
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 688,522
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, reddit and chill, toadfilms, men, woman, double standart, male, female
Id: PzgMUfCzMik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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