Identical Twins Abusing Their Powers | People Stories #148

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identical twins what's the craziest way which you've abused your powers of mistaken identity i've run into people not close friends just acquaintances i haven't wanted to talk to and have pretended to be my identical twin to avoid annoying small talk oh i'm sorry you must think i am my name we are twins this happens a lot i'm not a twin but had my whole class of fourth graders convinced i was and that my twin was also a teacher and we would switch places and teach the others class occasionally it was hilarious hearing kids theories on how to decide when i was me and when i was my twin i had a friend who had an identical twin and they both spent the first month of university they went to the same school convincing everybody that there was actually three of them and that they were triplets by the time they decided to come clean nobody would believe them that there wasn't a third of them around somewhere you can't trick me i've hung out with luke countless times that is so freaking great my dad is an identical twin when he was dating my mom in college he used to play a game with his twin he would call my mom and part way through the conversation hand the phone off to my uncle my uncle would see how long he could carry the conversation before he had to tap out and hand the phone off to my dad anyways the first time my mom ever said i love you to my dad she was actually talking to my uncle my uncle faltered and that was when my mom realized what had been happening they must have straightened everything out because they ended up married and had me but seriously what a colossal strategic error on my dad's part my brother and i had a sequence of 10 numbers memorized so if anyone ever asked if we were telepathic we could prove we were this was like third grade my twin brother got me a detention for his dress code violation and neglected to tell me which resulted in me almost getting suspended in return i failed his french test savage thug my twin and i tried switching places for a day in grade school it lasted all of five minutes because even though our teachers didn't catch on her classmates knew and kept asking what i was doing in their class and where my sister was while in iraq i signed all my legal rights over to my brother that give him legal rights to my bank account when my family was in financial trouble i gave the okay for my brother to take money out of my account the bank refused to honor the legal document and would not let my brother take money out next day he went to the same bank with my passport and took the money out of my account my brother went to a job interview pretending to be me i he got the job and i've been working there for just over a year now what a bro okay i got a great one but in typical reddit fashion it's my grandfather's story not mine my father's father had an identical twin and they both were in the air force first trick was that my grandfather was blind in one eye due to a childhood accident while running with scissors his brother went and took his physicals for him but they caught them just before pilot training fast forward they are both active duty during world war ii and one is stationed in california while the other is stationed somewhere at a us base in the pacific my grandfather earl was the guy who would put pilots in their cockpit and make sure it was sealed correctly before they took off mind you these pilots are flying the fastest aircraft manufactured at the time and nonetheless my grandfather tells them right before they leave i'll see you when you get there with a wink his brother with the same last name imagine private swenson or whatever was the guy who would undo the cockpit for the pilots after they landed in the pacific and he would say to them hey you made it i got here pretty fast how producing the most astonished look of bewilderment and amazement one could muster they ran this joke for quite some time and even got written up in the newspaper about it later on i thought it was such a great old joke hope you guys liked it oh my god this one is hilarious my identical twin died there are some people who knew him but did not know he was a twin when i bump into them accidentally they always freak out this one is incredibly sad sorry for your loss i have identical twin brothers as children they constantly called each other ugly which they did not get but made my mother laugh every time they still do it today mostly as just a dumb old joke one of my nicknames for my twin is ugly some of the others are lefty and spare parts i went to a convention with two friends who were identical twins they dressed the same one day hoping to throw people off and have some laughs which worked perfectly at least until they got separated then they both ended up going around in circles using the have you seen someone who looks exactly like me lying to try to find each other i'm reminded of a story i saw here on reddit about a really old man was with his wife for like 50 years eventually ends up passing away without ever having told anyone he had an identical twin so his brother shows up to the funeral and chaos ensues that would be an awesome story like if the other old man's life is in shambles at the time he shows up and then decides to keep playing his brother who is extremely successful and loved all over town he fakes everything by acting hella confused about the funeral idk just a thought dated a girl a couple years ago that had an identical twin they said they would switch class schedules for a day and stuff like that for fun i was able to tell them apart due to the way they presented themselves everyone has slightly different facial expressions and stuff like that for fun my gf would leave the room i was in and her twin would come in and pretend to be her rarely worked fun game though and no i didn't have a threesome with them so don't ask man if you noticed you were talking to the sister you should have played it off like you didn't then when your girlfriend came back said stuff like man you've never kissed me so passionately before that was amazing my sister and i were handed each other's picture forms on our senior year picture day in high school we thought it might be funny to not switch them back take each other's yearbook schooling card pictures and have few people know we did it harmless shenanigans right then one day at the end of the year after sats ap tests and collage applications were all over i got called into the principal's office this had never happened to me before and i had no idea why on earth i would be called down since i hadn't gotten into any trouble i get there and my sister has already arrived and i'm just like oh crap principal sits us down and tells us that when cross referencing our school it photos and the driver's licenses we provided at the sat college board found a discrepancy and was investigating the possibility that we may have taken each other's tests i hadn't even thought about that being a possibility and all the blood went to my stomach my sister and i freaked out and as calmly as we could try to explain what we thought was a harmless prank billy kept a straight face and insisted that if there was any possibility that we had switched tests our scores could be invalidated after about 10 minutes of explaining and reasoning with him about how we'd comply with any investigation but we swear we took our own tests and so on he calmly told us it was all a joke i felt like i was going to pass right out he was laughing his butt off and saying things like got you good and reassuring us that everything was fine and that we should go back to class turns out that since we have family in the school district the principal had heard that my sister and i switched and decided it would be brilliant to make us think our futures were in danger in his defense it was objectively a fantastic prank and his delivery was so level and authoritative it had no point occurred to us that college board doesn't reference yearbook photos to confirm identities props to him for creativity but what goes around comes around tl dr sister and i switched places on yearbook day our principal pranked us hard months later by making us think our life careers were in danger principles with a sense of humor aren't those a rare breed not a twin but asian back in middle school my friend and i took each other's classes for an entire day and no one noticed it's even easier when you have the same name as another asian we had three people with the same name in our grade in school i think the best one i ever heard was twins who worked super ultra over time at the same job by simply pretending to be the same person and trading off shifts putting in a 120 hours a week or so super ultra mega overtime a teacher of mine who is a triplet told us once that she took an exam for her sister that she already took and studied for got an a for herself and an a for her sister and the third triplet got a d because the other two excluded her from the scheme honestly being an identical twin is not so much about cool pranks as it is responding to people who ask why are you so nice and chem class then totally ignore me when i try to talk to you in english or this most common problem guy hey what's up love the new hair internal me do i know this guy i didn't do anything special to my hair who are you why can't i remember anyone is me hello guy how brutal was that test the other day right internal me maybe he's in my psych class wait did we even have a test maybe just go along with it me totally i am so screwed for next week guy next week the finals not until the end of the quarter internal me no he thinks i may should i say something that'd be awkward i'll look like an idiot for pretending to know him he might get embarrassed maybe i can just wing it and no one will have to know i'm me at this point in the conversation i decide if i should continue to be my twin or reveal myself this is definitely my fault in part because i am so bad at remembering faces the people in my classes people at bars people from past classes i'll meet people on a smoke break and find out that to my surprise they've been sitting the next table over from me for a few weeks add twinliners into the mix and it's so awkward imaginably is he waving at me feeling all the time i get that plus a conversation if they ask for help or make it obvious that they just want to chat i tell them i'm the twin my favorite story from another time this question was asked my twin brother and i went to different colleges and didn't generally reveal to the friends we made that we each had a twin one day a group of people approached me in the street calling me by my brother's name and asking me if i would like to join them in the pub i knew that my twin brother was already at the pub so i said i'd bet them free drinks if i beat them to the pub in a foot race even if i gave them a head start they agreed and ran off at top speed while i stood there casually checking my watch and buffing my fingernails on my lapel only for them to arrive exhausted and find me standing at the bar drink already in hand craded to you lordly i have a twin sister i am a guy my little brother was born two years later on the same day however now that we're older we look practically identical close enough to fool his kids at least when we do stuff together we often get asked if we are twins i answer yes he answers no this will need some backstory my wife is a twin her sister and her both worked at the same camp my wife worked at the camp during the school year while my sister-in-law worked during the summer when there was a lot more staff basically they were trading places all the time but stuff of the camp would change during those times as well summer stuff versus not summer stuff so it was never really an issue my wife worked mostly in the kitchen while her sister worked as a counselor generally the two were never seen together when they were both working there it should also be said that myself was often mistaken for a few other people around camp anyway which only helped the situation in the end at the end of the week the groups of campers would do skits one group of campers decided their skit would be about a machine that would multiply things so myself decided to help them out the skit came down to the campers saying that my sill was such a hard worker that she needed a clone to help out around camp at this point the campers in this particular group knew about her twin but most of the other campers did not they turned on their machine and put my sill in out came her and a boy that had the same hair color and style but that wasn't quite right they got rid of the boy and put her back in out came a girl with different hair color but at least it was a girl this time next the machine spit out a girl with the right hair color but not quite the same build the fourth time the machine spits out my wife being a nearly identical twin this basically blew the audience away tl dr my wife and still freaked out some children and even some adults with their shenanigans i love the slow build most kids would have gone straight for the twin punch line but these ones knew they tricks what maybe you guys don't understand and maybe some other twins can back me up here but it's not so much tricking the teacher when switching classes as it is keeping all the other students quiet about it since they can usually tell right away at least for me and my brother anyways my sister and i have picked on my partner quite a bit we've tricked him in mostly harmless ways but it is fun to watch his reaction other than that we've always had the same schedules at school so we haven't really taken advantage of our twin powers i'm curious to see other responses my sister teaches grade school and every year she comes up with a new way to prank her students and i have to go there for april fool's day stories please i work in a locked psychiatric ward while my twin brother works in a local emergency room according to him he has at least too scary as frick psych patients come up to him saying hey earth turtle you crazy frick howie and then ensues a long scary conversation that he is not me not my story unfortunately but i knew a pair of identical twins in high school who fricked with people all the time i quickly learned how to tell the difference out of self-defense and they always gave me grief for ruining their fun we'll call them steve and dave anyway here's the story they told me at their tiny high school they were both starters on the football team one was the running back and the other the fullback for four years dave blocked for steve as steve got the yards the touchdowns and the records in the final game of their senior year they switched jerseys without telling their coach and for one game steve blocked for dave dave set the school single game rushing record under steve's name because they were blabber mouths the story got out and the coach was psm for lying and for making him look like he'd put the wrong brother at running back the whole time comment removed you to privacy concerns not a twin but i had a good friend growing up whose dad was a group of us gals all went to the movies one night twin dad's daughter goes to the bathroom while we wait for her in the lobby wouldn't you know it not even five seconds later we see her dad in the distance holding hands with another woman we start freaking out thinking we've caught her dad cheating friend comes out and we explain the situation ready for battle she laughs and says oh that's my aunt and uncle then she goes up to them and gives them a hug actually her dad was cheating but she really hated her mother so she was covering for him that's why the other woman was so surprised at being called aunt whatever hernamus my twin sister and i aren't really fully able to utilize our ability due to not living with each other for most of our lives but we do like to have fun with it if we visit each other's town with a new group of friends we will switch places with one another and always make the newcomer look like they are amazing at figuring out random tips and tricks of the city on a more serious note my sister and i switched places about eight months ago in order to save her from a terrible boyfriend my sister is too sweet to hurt a fly but she really needed to dump this guy so we switched places i met up with the jerk at the bar and told him very honestly that him and i my sister couldn't be together due to his abusive nature not identical bit fraternal still both girls which makes look more alike than not alike we would usually say things at the same time but that was a coincidence when we realized this we started doing it on purpose to creep people out and it really creeped them out one specially that i remember was in eighth grade a dude always told my sister she confused her with me so we knew that if he saw us together he would say that something in the lines of you are totally identical so that time comes and he says that so we go and say at the same time what are you talking about we are totally different the look on his face was priceless i wish i could have recorded this doesn't really go along with abusing my powers of mistaken identity so much as going out of my way to not be mistaken as my twin sister she dated some douche nozzle in high school who literally could not tell us a part at all he began pursuing her but since he was an idiot he didn't even really take the time to get to know the differences between us too he would mistakenly hug me or be flirty or check me out or call me my sister's name all while my twin was standing one foot away it became too awkward for me to the point where i just completely ignored his presence and didn't make eye contact when he was around so that he would finally stop mixing us up sometimes that didn't work so i would immediately sarcastically insult him and throw in a couple dudes and broth to solidify the fact that i was the non-romantic twin even then this dip crap couldn't read the flashing signs so i just started to turn around and just walk away whenever he approached he eventually picked up that his twin was the one who wasn't a complete beat at him has it ever occurred to you that he really didn't know and was taking advantage of the situation last night i was at a bar with one identical twin whose brother was doing his driving test so was running late he comes in late forgotten but didn't think it would matter because his obviously identical brother was there the barman didn't believe they were twins they literally look like the same person and complained to his supervisor because he thought we were taking the p ended up getting kicked out basically the opposite of the question asked but still appropriate i'd say identical triplet here i was a paper writer back in high school while one brother took care of the sciences and the last one helped with math tests or homework done it a few times in the freshman and sophomore years decided to end our shenanigans in the later years for academic integrity and stuff i was the paper writer and our shenanigans story doesn't check out finally a question i can answer on ask reddit my brother and i swapped classes in secondary school the class my brother went to had the deputy head master of the school as the teacher the teacher wasn't impressed when he found out afterwards one of my high school teachers said she had her twin take and pass a driver's test for her no one was ever the wiser this is why we have bad drivers people not me but two twin friends of mine one of them got an automatic red light camera ticket and they both appeared in court saying that they regularly drive the same car and that they couldn't be sure who was driving at the time even though they really knew which one got the ticket the court dismissed the ticket because neither could be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt i am not an identical twin but i am a boy and i have a twin sister and i am often asked when i mention i have a twin sister if we are identical i lose a little more faith in humanity every time [Music] my brother-in-law takes drug tests for his chronic using twins so he can stay employed seems to work out pretty well for them not me but my friends in high school i had algebra with one twin his brother sat in his seat while he hid under a desk in the back in the middle of class after having his head down the entire time he got up and walked out the teacher was confused and followed him out and while they were outside the real twin came back to his seat when she came back and she was so confused for about 30 seconds priceless my brother got a speeding ticket as he was pulling over he realized he'd forgotten his wallet at home without thinking i threw him my wallet cop shows no mercy to a speeding high school kid so the moving violation went on my license he had to go to traffic school though that's awesome i'm an identical twin and i've always thought about this exact situation i'd do it in a heartbeat my brother is my closest friend i'd do anything for him my social studies teacher in eighth grade was kind of a dong but he had an identical twin brother and he told us a couple stories about it when they were in high school his brother had attention and my teacher took his place so he could go pitch for the baseball team cool story but frick you mr chadwick classic chad was friends with a twin in elementary school and they hated each other so they would cause a lot of trouble right before school ended and then blame it on the other brother the next day and the brother would get punished for it not me but our folks we had ninth grade signs and different periods one right after the other the teacher was not considered very bright and was also called meathead because of it mind you my twin and i were so identical that it wasn't till we were 18 and started dyeing our hair different colors that our parents could even tell us apart the ninth parent teacher conferences went like so meathead by the way mr and mrs bane are you related to the parents of theresa bane because they're scheduled to come in next dad well you see i'm bridgette's dad and this is teresa's mother meathead blank stare dad they are twins twin sisters meathead oh i didn't know i like your dad not me but my so they went to different colleges in the same large city he would go to his brother's campus and eat meals on his meal plan and vice versa also use the gym and other amenities my so had to be careful as his brothers was a smallish college and he would often meet his brother's professors and one time the dean walking across campus and would have to carry on full conversations about topics discussed in class etc at least their parents got their money's worth out of their meal plans my twin and i went to college together for one year when i went on dates with girls my identical twin without telling anybody would come to the movie theater and sit on the other side of the woman just to freak her out if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 133,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: identical twins, identical twins prank, identical twins switch places, twins, twins switch places, twins switch boyfriends, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit
Id: TNPgko1dQDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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