Recreating The First Meal On Mount Everest

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i was seeing somebody though was it a yak no it was bigfoot last time i saw him he was leaving and i was like hey where are you going and he was like i'm just gonna go hang out with my friends to understand the meals of our present we must first understand the meals of our past that's why we're recreating some of the most notable meals throughout history and today emily we reach our highest peak yet you mean kissing alexander skarsgard now that sounds pretty hot though we are recreating the first meal from the first descent of everest the first time we first kissed alexander skarsgard it's time for meals of history all right emily so the first ascent of everest was in 1953 by the nepali sherpa tenzing norgay and sir edmund hillary who is representing the british interest in the joint himalayan committee there was a whole big political thing about it and this is the menu from the first successful climb so right here we see a typical day and you see oatmeal biscuits bacon butter jam marmalade cheese chocolate and other sweets we've got all those in here so check it out right this is all super high calorie foods meant to sustain climbers so basically all you got there's just like some protein from the bacon then a ton of carbs from all these cookies the jams the butters and these are all foods that are familiar to british people and there's an interesting reason behind that all of the food going up everest on the successful ascent they were called field rations or composite rations that were essentially meant for british military they figured like if they're meant for people out in the field for a long time why not climbers and all the calories all of the nutrients and vitamins were broken down by scientists to get the right fuel they needed to climb this freaking mouth this is like the first mre this is like pretty much yeah this is a little they were just taking amareza they're here grab like an oatmeal honestly i'm kind of embarrassed to say i don't climb mountains but this is my diet you have the fuel you don't even know the fuel for writing gms what's not gonna look you got a cookie you got some marmalade hmm but i'm gonna drop it sure i don't want to eat this for the show i just there's chocolate in front of me oh yeah that's really good chocolate that's not what's good oh wow whole foods the whole foods on everest but what i find infinitely more fascinating than the food they actually took up everest was the food they were supposed to take up everest and then they found out that it didn't quite work so we got right here piss off yeah get out of here this is the menu from the expedition to cho oh you in 1952 one year before cho oh use the sick highest mountain in the world and this was designed to like test everything out this is the dress rehearsal for the wedding and this is the food that they took this is like a hybrid menu of a bunch of like nepali foods along with a lot of these british ration style things so you see for breakfast the british they got the bacon and the tea biscuits and all that but then you see here we got like sampa which is a roasted barley flour sort of dough or porridge that they would bring up with them very popular with the sherpa and everybody starts their day in nepal with that for breakfast with the yak butter tea so for me i'm really fascinated this because i think the sherpa from nepal and tibet they kind of get like lost in history even though they were the much more important people climbing up the mountains because they actually knew the terrain so when the joint himalayan committee went up to choo in 1952 was considered like a huge disaster because they screwed up their oxygen levels and also they changed the entire menu because apparently some of the foods just didn't agree with the british climbers because they weren't used to eating like lentils and chapati and things like that but i think this is really fascinating so i want to make some of the food from this many i think it's gonna be really cool i mean are you ready for this yeah i have no idea what any of those things are but i'm very excited to learn oh cool i'm gonna start prepping that out you wanna go get in costume sure do you think i should do something that's human this time yeah probably like a climber or something like that i do what i want josh okay wow god you're not a mountain climber at all well it depends on who you are i suppose so stupid question what why where whom all right so it's the first time you guys are seeing me on a camera i'm a yeti oh stupid me hey i'm really interested in becoming a human and being like amongst the human society i feel that um i got a lot to learn i think maybe saying hello was yeah you came in screaming more than most people would but i respect the energy in your culture is that like a sign of respect or it's just the noise i've always made yeah it does scare a lot of climbers though oh that makes sense do you do you climb yourself yeah well i live up there yeah so also most yetis like live in the mountain like inside like you burrowed yeah we're in there that's why you don't see this a lot that's fantastic this is maybe a stupid question how much do you know about the traditional breakfast of the sherpa people the ethnic group within the tibetan himalayan mountain range you know i don't know a lot about what they ate but i do know what scares them and i imagine that's you yeah usually it's more of like a hi i want to hang out and then they like fall to their death yeah gosh that's i guess a lot of everest has killed about 300 climbers yeah i'd say i take responsibility for about 80. oh that's not bad yeah it wasn't your fault but you know well hey uh speaking of everest do you want to make tea you want to make sampa it's the traditional breakfast maybe this can kind of bridge the gap between you and the human people i would like that very much if it would make people like me more yeah god like no guarantees because boy is this frightening also it kind of looks like you just got the herps around your mouth oh i haven't cleaned my face do you have the herps no i had a little dinner like 70 of people have oh that's blood whether it's herpes or blood i do not judge you my new yeti friend do you have a name oh um very good pronunciation thank you so much and then back of the throat very good thank you okay beautiful what we're gonna make right now uh this is called sampa we are taking roasted barley flour we're going to mix that with a little bit of yaki this is clarified yak butter do you eat yak no yaks are like kind of in the family of my peeps like well it's just the butter it's just you know i just all right produce milk can i milk you i don't know greg could you milk me let's start making this tea so sample is made with roasted barley flour it is made with yak ghee it is made with yak milk except this is just normal milk because we couldn't find the yak milk and then pure tea so puare tea it is a tea that is commonly drank uh in tibet by the sherpa people and also you'll find it at the occasional starbucks in america starbucks yeah you've heard of starbucks i've heard people talk about it a lot can you seem very obsessed with it in a healthy way i believe that's true so right now we are making a poo air tea concentrate we're gonna take four of these discs and we're gonna flake them off by hand you see they take the tea and they roast it and they pack it in these little uh discs right here why do you drink them by hand well you drink tea to kind of wake you up and it's like a really important sort of like ritual for people and this is a big thing right in the morning almost everybody wakes up and they eat sampa and drink it with salty tea no god did you eat that oh god i just said no no no please god don't it's i yeah i mean we're both drinking it you know it's gonna boil it off i don't maybe we'll be imbued with the yeti spirit that was good i feel awake that's that's good give that a smell though it's really interesting you say really pungent tea right now i'm making a concentrate so what you would do is you typically make it's real hot you make a concentrate of this then you would actually thin it out with water milk yak butter and then we're gonna make it sort of dumpling out of that so right now all we gotta do flake this off get this concentrate going and then we're gonna shut that down let that brew for a little bit let it steep and then we'll come back and we'll make our breakfast okay that sounds good so you have any like tips for how to land the dudes you on tinder no what's that it's a dating app for morally dubious people oh it's an app yeah i will tell you this lots of wi-fi problems on everything yeah that makes sense okay i was seeing somebody though was it a yak no it was bigfoot oh last time i saw him he was leaving and i was like hey where are you going and he was like i'm just gonna go hang out with my friends have you had a relationship with a human person is this the closest you've really been to a human honestly yes you're doing a great job that's thank you so much i think you're doing a great job you seem normal-ish for a yeti i don't know what my preconceived notions appreciate that i almost got very close to having a friendship with this guy who uh he scaled everest in eight hours it was like it's not on record though but i saw it he did holy crap do you follow him up there he was like hey do you think maybe he was running from you up everest you described people like coming after him with their arms like this and really i was like hey give me give me a hug buddy that makes sense you're doing great you just want to be loved this is going to be so fast uh you've killed a lot of people i will say that by accident by accident by accident for the record by accident i do not eat people who are alive i eat dead people that are already well now you get to eat roasted barley flour and tea is that exciting you can maybe go like vegan or something i've met some vegan people i can hear them off in the distance that's all they talk about chat chat all right so we've added water to the concentrate to thin it out and now we're gonna take our milk and we're gonna add that to it and then we're gonna take a nice hefty scoop of this yak butter you're gonna put butter in the in that yeah so this is actually really popular yak butter tea is actually what inspired bulletproof coffee where if you hear someone talking about the keto diet this is a good dating tip if you hear someone talking about keto just run don't you think that like the climbers of everest are like kind of the keto people of like athletes they kind of are yeah i don't know if i trust anybody who really wants to climb a mountain i don't know why you guys do it all right so now we have the yak butter we have the milk in the tea we're gonna add a little pinch of salt so this is like not a sweet tea this is actually a savory tea it's almost kind of broth if you smell it smells really aromatic really savory and now we have some of that sampa which is that roasted barley flour in there we're gonna add a little bit of butter you start kneading that together get your hands there you start start kneading that together we're trying to form almost like a solid dumpling don't eat no that's not snow don't eat that i like it you like it yeah all right so now we're gonna take some tea we're gonna add that here and then we're gonna start mixing it up and kneading it into a dough ball i got some of your barley bs in my eyeball sorry that was not bad all right so now i'm gonna try and aerate this tea a little bit i'm gonna dip a bowl in and start sort of passing this back and forth i'm gonna burn the hell out of myself and that's fine yep ow ow holy crap oh no wow that hurts so badly i don't know what to tell you you got to mix it up you got to mix the date wow but there's no water yet he's saved me yeti i got it no i gotta hear it please don't die this would be like to be on camera and then people really have a bad opinion about are there people trying to like poach you like do you have hunters coming after you i've never really thought about it oh god i'm sorry i didn't mean to put that in your mind are there single hunters what hold on this house is coming together it's nice i'm going i'm going i'm adding more i'm adding more tea thank you hold on stir this around a little bit now half of human existence is dealing with pain i can just the pain of lost loved ones i'm immortal so i don't really lose people i love so can you tell me nineteen fifty three that's when tenzing norgay and edmund hillary actually made the famous ascent of everest yeah were they really the first i feel like there was probably a random dude in like 864 who was just like well they were the first to not die okay that makes sense there's a few people that we would see occasionally i think in like the 30s i don't know if you know this but you guys can't breathe like not high like at all well oh you put a little stank on that one we got the sample we got a little delicious double inside that salted yak butter tea this is our breakfast but hmm we got lunch to make and i want to eat the whole thing together honestly how many times do humans eat oh well the climbers would actually have to eat a ton of times a day in really calorie dense foods but typically three is a good number how many times do you eat usually once a century oh i've had a very big meal recently as you can tell would you mind indulging with me i don't care i live forever oh man you're getting really good at it i feel like this probably looks familiar to you raw flesh yes you're probably used to eating like uh the steak and variety of it like the freezer aisle stuff yeah pretty much that's why i have these teeth i just gnaw on a chunk of ice meat those are really convincing by those are nice thank you my dentist says i'm doing a good job with them you don't got wi-fi you got this all right so what we got here we have some lean beef we were about to make pemmican so pemmican is also one of the things that didn't make it up everest but a lot of explorers and adventurers used to take it with them it is an incredibly protein and fat rich snack that actually originates from american indians the cree tribe actually came up with the word you would sun dry or smoke beef and then combine it with like berries and honey and fat and then you would just sort of take it with you on a hunt very cool all right so i'm just like these little chips and we're going to get the dehydrator and then we're going to mix it with some fresh berries and other things so this is the thing also that didn't make it up everest but was on the original trip which i find interesting well the original trip does what they say there's other people who tried that's true that's just make it to the top did you create any like fun bonds with those people there's this guy who snowboarded i would watch a made-for-netflix movie about a snowboarding yeti i want you to know that i think you have you think i should do it i think you should do it get you in a pitch room you're a friendly person he was there in like i don't know the year of your lord 2001. who's your lord he's in the middle of the mountain he's got like a mountain god that yeah his name's carl a big change in etymology carl yeah well carl is from your why do you worship him how did he convince you of that i don't know he just told us really cool stories about you guys like he didn't tell us about the internet that was something he told me yeah yeah yeah uh but he can't get you on tinder no i'm not allowed to have a phone yet i'm only 200 years old apparently i gotta wait a while so we got the beep sliced up we're gonna pop this in the dehydrator uh we're gonna let that go and then that's my name don't wear it out [Laughter] i should give you a name yeah what what was my name yeti is that good there you go the tongue there you go i gave you a yeti name why don't you give me a human nickname you look like a tina okay tina tina tina tina the yeti that sounds good i'm gonna take out the beef this is gonna we have dehydrated this for 12 hours it's like completely desiccated again we use a really lean beef but they're going to reintroduce fat into there so it's almost just crumbling you want to try that yes i got a beef chip it's hard to use the fake teeth on top of my fake teeth i can see your real teeth peeking out there okay so oh it's like beef bacon yeah it really is wait is no that's bacon's pork she's so good on a cooking show thanks guys good job tina all right so we're gonna add all this feed to the food processor we're gonna blend it up obviously they wouldn't have had food processors up there obviously the cree indians did not have food processors uh they would have just kind of like bashed it up oh no oh god tina's dying immortal immortality let's test you out i tried to wolf it down and it was too big what are you doing look at us all right so we're going to keep lining that up this kind of feels like the warning signs of an avalanche has that happened to you before yes i almost didn't make it but yeah that's like the number one reason why people don't get up to the top i thought it would have just been like lack of oxygen or hypothermia i mean that's a pretty obvious one too people really i mean the avalanche is y'all got to learn to like listen what's the weirdest way someone's died well i want to tell you a little bit about the snowboard guy so we made it all the way down that in here he was amazing he made it all the way down then he came back he came back and i thought he was coming back to hang out with me so this is beef towel right here we're just you thought the snowboard guy was gonna hang out with you well yeah i mean i i was like waving at him i watched him go all the way down i was really the only witness to seeing that he actually did you went alone though yeah is that common for people to go alone sometimes yeah i really just don't know why you even want to be up there i mean i'm grateful i like the company but like why are you doing this look i know those people that i watch free solo you should check that one out i've watched free solo and the whole time i was like stop it no one's making you do this here are the things that you don't have to go to everyone's and meet up with them there we go so there's snow that's it what about i mean like the face of god like the the reverent majesty of nature you're welcome to come hang out with carl just like uh he's kind of busy i do i feel like there's a really dark story behind carl that you don't know but like to my people or not no i'm having a good like did he hang out a lot in like uh southern california in the 70s listen to a lot of weird music i don't know where it came from where was he when sharon tate was murdered i don't know who that is was she a climber as well she was a bit somewhat of a social climber one could say but no no i want to do that here i have a tip for you actually you should give this to people that you see coming up the mountain this would be a great way to network we call it networking you got to get on linkedin you got to solve your wifi issues first what is this is it food yeah so it's called a kindle mint bar so this is actually something now you got to take the oh there's a wrapper on it there's a wrapper on it yeah we like to put things in little packages this is called kendall mint cake it's actually something that climbers uh from england i mean dating back to like the 30s would take on climbs because really it's calorie dense all it is is like sugar artificial mint flavoring and nothing else packed into a bar but it's become such a tradition that climbers today will still take kendall mint cake up there it was wild it doesn't feel cold but it tastes cold right so the inside of a york peppermint patty has just been like crushed to death and then like coagulated and mixed with a little bit of soap witchcraft like coral crab all right we got some parchment paper we're just gonna pack our pemmican in here and then it was gonna freeze in the snow and we're gonna take it with us and we're gonna eat it on a little picture we're gonna go back to the snow you're gonna hang out with me in the snow yeah i'd love to hang out with you in the snow all right cool yeah i'm slopping this in there we're just gonna pack this into a disc and we're gonna get it cool down and then all that fat's gonna coagulate and it's gonna turn this is like the original protein bar that's like the original clif bar all right pop that on there we go tina now we're making the main course i'm remembering that i'm responding to it i'm becoming more healing you are becoming more human so we're making the main course right now we are making kalo doll or black lentils this is part of like a set meal that is very popular in nepal that is called dalbot which is i mean typically eaten almost every single day you would have a vegetable curry you would have the dal which are these lentils right here you would have rice and a pickle with it however when they were traveling the mountain they would just take the dal and some chapatis uh which are like a you ever heard of a tortilla oh yeah that makes sense you don't got any taco bell up here but chapati is really similar to a tortilla it is a flatbread uh from you know south asia so we're gonna start by getting our kalo doll in this pressure cooker right here just gonna add some water to that you like lentils this is good if you're trying to be more vegetarian it's more you know kind of human friendly no god that's dried oh god those red beans oh those are they're gonna soak in your stomach yeah that's not i i respect the fact that you just put everything in your mouth that's gross there's yeti's fit on the counter we're gonna add some ginger we're gonna add some ghee right there and so we're just gonna pressure cook these and then we're gonna get all of our aromatics going in this pan right here did you enjoy those didn't taste like anything yeah not yet humans do a thing called cooking because you know you just kind of like go into a raw frozen yak that you find on the ground you tear it through with your teeth don't eat yaks sorry yaks are your friends i forgot i know they're like family family i'm sorry it's kinda like how you don't eat monkeys it's true i suppose you suppose i'm telling you so we got this in the pressure cooker we're gonna pressure cook that with garlic ginger salt and that in there we're gonna pressure cook this on high for about 20 minutes now we're gonna get the rest of it going oh that feels better that way you open that pot up so the lentil should be cooked how many times have you made me do this in different episodes a lot like too many and has it ever gone well not really but no this sh this should be fine it shouldn't have the pressure should have released there you go the key is you need to be in yeti costume that's how we cook these that's how we do it that's so good cause i have a few questions how are they gonna make this stuff the plan i think you would pre-make it at base camp and they would have a bunch of porters they would have teams they literally had 10 000 pounds of luggage and supplies that went with them up this mountain the team was like 400 people deep and only two people made it to the summit it seems like such a bad idea all of this is a terrible idea but they did it and they actually consider it to be the three poles because the brits had like a huge challenge to get to both the north pole and the south pole and then he considered everest to be the third pole well isn't it everest it's not even like the the tallest mountain isn't it no i think it's like the sixth no joe oh use the sixth tallest now everest is definitely the tallest mountain it is the tallest mountain yeah 100 percent boy that's like the number one thing i should have researched before doing this episode so this is this is the important part that's going into lentils so this is what gives it the flavor this is what makes it very nepali so we have here this mount everest himalayan jinbu so jinbu is this wild garlic-like herb that doesn't necessarily have a counterpart that we know but give it a huff it's really really fragrant it's literally like a wild garlic chive is what they would consider it and so we're going to get that toasting in this ghee right here and it's going to get super super fragrant and we're going to take a couple chilis we're going to break them open we're just going to add those to that then we're going to get some cumin seed going in there big hallmark of nepali cooking and garlic and we're just going to let this sort of sweat right here get nice and fragrant and then we're going to add the butter and all of this delicious flavoring into the doll right there it's interesting to think that anything can grow up there yeah it really is i mean it's a super cold climate but i mean there were you know a ton of spices and then a ton of wild herbs and stuff like that i mean it's just this very like big spring flavor got the garlic a little bit brown i'm gonna pop that into all our doll right there into the lentils we're gonna stir this around we're gonna add a hefty spoonful of butter and some more jimbo let me serve it but that smells so good oh my god doesn't it all right so we've got the collard doll done we got all our feasts done we're ready to have our little very nice i can teach you more about human culture and give you some more facts about things ignore do you know that edmund hillary was knighted but tenzing norgay was only given an honorary distinction although the largest mountain range on pluto was named after him which is like the smallest planet so it's really passive aggressive yeah it kind of is [Music] tina what's up in your quest to become more human i have prepared for you a full human picnic this is a five days worth of food on the mountain so if like you see these you can now bond with your new friends yeah so today okay so take this dough ball pinch some off this is a sample this is that roasted barley flour that's now in like a delicious doughnut take that you can dip it in your tea dip in the yak butter tea try it it's good food you're like a sloth with a baby ruth right now do not call me a sloth i won't click a sloth i'm sorry i'm a very hard worker there's like doughy and pleasant roasted barley flavor yeah give the tea a set i'm trying to stir the butter in a little bit whoa that tea is strong i gotta take these teeth out man the teeth stay i call it think about tingling maybe just one side okay i mean what do you think about it it kinda just like reminds me of eating cookie dough yeah right but it ain't got no sugar in it well it kind of like deep savory taste especially with the tea the poo air tea it's got this incredible just like i like the tea a lot it's like a little bit salty earthen and bitter that's dank i'd wake up to that wow right yeah all right now let's move on to like what would be like a midday snack my fingers too greasy from all the yak butter let's eat some of this pemmican so this is all of that dehydrated beef mixed with the fat and the cranberries and the honey juice i feel bad just putting this tooth there like that no leave the tooth leave the human remains on everest the two oh you are disgusting in my friend charlie yay this is going to be uh very fatty and rich i presume and a little bit sweet i gotta just take him hey i'm sorry i'm gonna put it down oh wow the sweetness in the honey it honestly tastes like it tastes like a freaking clif bar then you start chewing you go oh is that beef it's a beef bar baby berries beef and berries why does that go together it just does then again this whole thing is so calorie dense it just sustains you with all that fat and protein yep i'm into that i'm digging the everest life i could live up here yeah but let's try the kalo doll okay so we got no utensils no you're supposed to actually eat it with your hands so you take a chapati and you're gonna take it and kind of dip it and kind of use your thumb like a roti kind of thing yeah exactly roti literally just means bread oh and so like chapati is like a form of protein as soon as i eat this i'll put the teeth back in and then i'll tell you what tina thinks um that's really good it's so freaking aromatic the chilies yeah so it's just a little bit of chilis in there that's just excellent and can you imagine like on a cold day so you're a human and not acclimated to it like carl said carl's out there i really love that i'm obsessed i'm taking this home yeah what do you think about human food hang on hold please [Music] you're back good to see you good to see you too buddy this is really great would i do it again i don't know how i'd make it i suppose the yeti digestive system probably isn't uh acclimated to this well we'll find out won't we yeah you know i mean i hope that you meet your romantic partner up on the mount you know i'm getting a i'm getting a call it's weird i think it's for you do you want you do you want to take it uh okay hi long time no see yeah i'm hanging out with my new boyfriend now oh no no that's not good is that what this is okay but just for the sake of this no i don't tell me i'd rather just not be i'd rather okay yeah that's right i'm over you oh you're coming over no don't you're very angry don't tell me you're gonna beat up this man i just met don't do that no all right i'll see you in a bit you just freaking stop you just picked a fight with bigfoot what's wrong with you no you picked a fight with me aye okay well uh i gotta get out of here pretty soon thank you so much for watching mythical kitchen we've got new videos out every week we have new episodes of our podcasts and hot dogs the same which every wednesday maybe podcast hit us up on instagram at the kitchen with pictures of your mythical editions on hashtag food to see you next time you might need this psych yeah it's been very nice getting to know you i have a very special set of skills get as messy as you want in your own kitchen when you have the mythical kitchen towels available now at
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 551,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: VSdOlOhrRug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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