Great Depression Thanksgiving Dinner

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"Well, I pretend that he's a little submarine bolt... and I just... pop a squat!"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BurnZ_AU πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wanna make this next year!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/waryfairy69 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Any chance we can get a recipe for the London broil? I bought one and I would like to make it and I thought you put your recipe on every single video but not seeing that in this case.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/networksurfer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
You can't smoke on airplanes, either. What? There's airplanes? They had planes in the 1920s. Oh, they did? Yeah, yeah, definitely did. That makes sense. To understand the foods of our present, we must first understand the foods of our past. That's why we're recreating some of the most notable meals throughout history and today we're going back to a very bleak time for the United States. Oh, is this like back in the pandemic when I had to make that struggle meal but I fed it to a friend of mine that I made out of a ball of hair from my vacuum? Named it Doris, though. Saltines and cheese. Oh God, no, but that is bleak. Today, we are recreating a Thanksgiving meal from the Great Depression. Oh. Well, it's time for- Meals of History! All right, Emily. We're going back to the Great Depression. So you had the Roaring Twenties where everyone was all happy and hopeful and there was a big economic boom. And then in 1929, the stock market crashed, but not only were people poor, they were also bereft of food because of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act as well as the Dust Bowl. But there was a savior, Aunt Sammy comes along. This is either Uncle Sam's sister or wife, depending on who you ask. I feel like they probably should have clarified that. Sister wife? Nope. I think it was a little early for sister wives, but then Aunt Sammy comes along. It's never too early. So it was part of a radio show that was put on by the USDA's Bureau of Home Economics that was meant to help housewives, specifically from small town farmers, figure out how to sort of modernize and economize their cooking, right? How do you take a budget and stretch it when there isn't any food to go around? I need her right now. Aunt Sammy, come back to save us. Save me! Aunt Sammy was portrayed by 30 different voice actors across 30 different radio markets, all with specific regional accents, trying to connect to these Housewives. Aunt Sammy comes along to help women rethink their Thanksgiving menus during the Great Depression when there wasn't much food to go around and people didn't have any money to buy anything. And so that is what we are going to be recreating today, a time during American history where people needed hope, where they needed something to grasp onto, and sometimes that thing is, it's like a jello salad. Beans. And beans. A lot of creamed vegetables you don't wanna cream. Yeah I'm guessing we're not doing a big juicy Turkey this time. No, certainly not, but we can have a fake duck. Okay I'm into fake duck. Me too, do you want to go off and put on like a silly little costume, then we'll cook something. A silly little costume. That's what you think I do. No, I-. You do a lot. It's okay. No come on. It's an accurate description. Wa wa we wa. Thank you, sweetheart. You can leave now, thanks so much for bringing me today. You can pick me up at a quarter to five. What are we making today? He's finally gone. Oh god, who's gone? My husband, he's finally gone. Oh, I'm so- That sounds like a bad relationship. Uh, anyways- No no. It's more of a fetish thing. He heard me on the radio. He likes the voice. So I just do it when he's around. I feel like radio fetishes have gone out of style and I'm not quite sure why. I do listen to the NPR ladies though and I like them. Don't know what you're talking about, but it sounds very sexy. It is very sexy. Public radio is sexy. So right now we're making creamed onion. So aunt Sammy was all about vegetable cookery. Oh I did that. I voiced one of those. You did? Yes, in Missouri. So you had the regional Missouri accent. You were teaching like farmers wives how to cook- Whatever this accent is, that's what it was. So as you likely know, aunt Sammy was all about vegetable cookery. The bureau of home economics was all about trying to modernize the way that Americans ate. There's a lot of people sort of stuck in their ways, but there were a lot of new products in. And so like broccoli for instance, was first introduced to Americans via aunt Sammy and these radio shows. But that said vegetables weren't exactly a plenty during the Great Depression. So you ended up with dishes like creamed onions and that's what we're making right now. Well yes. When you can't have meat, broccoli. Yeah. So do you want to help me start peeling these pearl onions right here? Oh I would love to. Yeah just kind of dig your fingernails in. This is something I'm an expert at. Oh yeah, what's the, what's the secret. What's your secret to appeal in these pearl onions? Well sir, you just peel the onions. I don't really-. You just do it. Mostly what I do in the show is I list off the recipes and take a brief pause between each ingredient because you got to write it down. And everyone knows women take forever to write and read. Yeah, there were a lot of- Even though we built submarines during World War I. We can- No, I'm not finished! We can stop, stop peeling the onions! We already have, I have a bowl, I know-. This, look- Ah I hate when you do this! We have to do everything, give you everything from scratch, it was so hard we already- We got the peeled onions. I'm just gonna, I'm going to boil the onions and then we're gonna boil them. And then we're going to cream them. And then our Thanksgiving is going to be nice. And we're not going to talk about politics and your aunt's not going to talk about her minion memes on Facebook. You missed two, are we are- Put the onions in there, we can't afford to lose any onions. Exactly that's why I'm telling you. Pop em in the water. Don't waste any of your rations. All right and so to cream these onions, one this sounds kind of good to me. I might make this from my own Thanksgiving and we're going to add a bunch of margarine to this. That is the most margarine I've ever seen in my life. This is a lot of margarine. And cause I mean part of this right, was trying to like keep people fed. You have so many things here. You don't need all of that do you? No, things-, times have changed, you know, 2008. Wasn't great either, but we've all recovered. And no don't steal. Please don't steal the things and take them back. I, just this one, just this one, I like it. You can have that. I just, don't steal. I can put my one potato in it. What was your profession before going on the radio? I told I made submarines. You- You're a submarine maker? I was, I made entire submarines by myself. What's the first step to make an a submarine? I wouldn't know where to being. Bolts. Bolts. Yeah, I guess you need the bolts. You gotta have the bolts. What was it like to transition from being a submarine maker where you made them all by hand in World War I to then the roaring twenties, were you a flapper gal? I was my husband doesn't like it when I talk- Yeah. Is he around? Is he around? No. No. I don't see your husband he's not here, Oh Harry! is he going to fight me? Harry! If you're around I love you very much. Perry just ignore her- Even though you're short and poor. Perry, you're doing the best he can man. You're doing the best you can. He's very short. That is an aggressively short man. The fedora doesn't add much either. I, I told him that, you know, get a Derby or a top hat or something like that, and he's just like, no, I like this. And I'm like- Uh now he can wear a $40 beanie from Limited Too. Is that still a store? Oh what's a beanie? All right so we're melting down the margarine. Margarine is obviously a much cheaper substitute for butter. However, dairy was still pretty plentiful because you know, U.S. was subsidizing dairy farmers so much. And so that's why a lot of these recipes included creamed items. Again like cream peas on toast, he had cream chip beef, which is actually something that I grew up eating. Because my dad was from that very boomer era. They call it SOS or let's say scheisse on a shingle. If we don't get demonetized in Germany. I don't know anything about shingles. I feel like you've probably had shingles. How's polio going? Oh, well, if we can just get everybody vaccinated it would be fine. Just get the shot kind of thing. Just get the shot. All right. So we're adding some flour to this margarine. We're going to create like a roux. This is essentially like a white gravy filled with onions, which again speaks to my personal sensibilities. You have personal sensibilities. Wow. Yeah. You all must have a lot of free time. We really do. Oh, we just, we lost one again. What? You just, just eat it. I don't know- Something you should know about me. I don't like onions. I did know that about you. I find them to be rude. What do you mean? In my twenties it's like boys had just discovered hummus- Ah yeah, yeah, yeah. I feel that. And like they just, they still were doing full on tons of onions on their burgers. And then I was expected to make out with them during the Moulin Rouge. Mm mm mm, yeah And, not going to of it. No I made out with my first date with hummus breath, watching avatar. Ahh! Yeah, yeah, yeah. That is such a hummus breath movie. Uh huh. And there's no amount of teeth brushing or gum that's going to fix it. I didn't even try we were both just stinking up that theater, take that James Cameron. It's very good that you're physically attractive, because geez Louise. Perrys watching, Perry I'm sorry. I don't want to make you bear the horns of the cuckold. No, his name is Harry. Oh it's Harry? He knows your name is Harry. Every man's name is Perry. Every man from 1920 is named Perry. All right I'm going to add our milk to this here roux. We're going to thicken it up for the creaming process. Ou. Cause we're not just milking these onions. We're creaming them. No, you have to say it like we did on the radio. Ah so right now we're adding the milk to the roux. We're going to cream onions. What is that voice? That's your voice. You've been doing the same voice. That's not what that sounds like- That's exactly what you sound like. You sound ridiculous. You sound ridiculous. I'm Perry, I'm very short and being cuckolded by my wife. Once again, talking way too fast for the women. You have to say one... Of sh- Is it salt or sugar? That's salt. That's salt. You're not going great- Let me start over. One th- What is this? That's like a- Tablespoon, quarter cup. Ou quarter cup, I like that. Quarter cup. One quarter cup of salt. Pause. You don't say- Yes I know I was saying it for effect. You would be fired immediately if you were a woman. I don't- Woo. You've abandoned your children anyway, get out of here. Ah yeah. Do you have kids? Yes I do. How many? I have four. That's such a low number for this era. I feel like everyone had 19 children. They're all like feeding them, I don't know. One egg out of a shoe. Well fun story. Once we got the right to vote, we started getting birth control as well. Hey, mozel! That started happening. My husband doesn't know that I have it around though. Yeah. He doesn't need to know. Might want to keep that from him. I keep it up real high on a high shelf, he can't get it. He can't find it. He can't see it. Makes sense. All right, we're going to add a little bit more milk to this. Stir it around until it gets nice and thick. One quarter cup of pepper. Give me some of that pepper. I need some pepper. That was the amount of time- Not a lot of flavorings back then. You just had the salt and pepper everything. Ou wow. I will say it was very hard to get sugar. Yeah, because I mean, there were rations, right? They gave us little booklets with, you know, little coupons, tokens. Is that that like, that's like the origin of the food stamps program, right? There were physical stamps in there. And if you had a stamp for sugar, you could redeem it for sugar. But it wasn't just like a money program. Like it was physically you, you get this single piece of food that you have the stamp for. I don't know what a money programming is- Well like a pr- EBT, we have what's called an EBT now. EBT. Where you just, they give poor people money to buy food and it's still not a great system. All right. So this is getting nice and thick. Now what we're going to do, we're going to strain all these onions and we're just going to stew them down in the cream. I like- If this doesn't look like a Depression meal, I don't know what does. This is the essence of the Great Depression. I just like my one little onion that's just like not being included. Can I have him, Can I put him in there? If you want to put the onion in there, yeah. It's not going to cook really well. You did so good. Ah splash! Yeah, yeah, yeah cooking is pain. All right. So now we, I mean, we got the cream base. You know, we're getting the onions in there and now all we gotta do is just got to cook the onions down in the cream. We're gonna pop this in the oven. We're just going to let it kind of broil and become nice and creamed. And then Thanksgiving. And we're all going to be happy. Very grateful for the Great Depression. Is it all right if I smoked? Is it all right if you smoked inside a closed kitchen? No, it's not all right if you- What is the, get it, get that out of your mouth. Oh, come on. You can smoke in- You can smoke inside anywhere. Well, what am I supposed to do to calm my nerves? I drank a lot of Coca Cola today. Take some Valium. Isn't that what you, people were all doing back then? All right fine. Don't eat the- Oh she ate the cigarette. Now I'm not going to be hungry for lunch. I don't know what to tell you. That's on you not me. I just, we have to make a jello salad. And we can't- You reek of tobacco and onion. Yeah. Yeah and it's down. All right so we can't talk about food from the 1920s without talking about jello. This is like a hallmark of all old time recipes. Oh I love jello. Yeah, everyone loved- You loved jello and mayonnaise. Because both of those were like novel. And part of your radio show obviously was getting people to quote unquote, modernize their pantries. And so you use a lot of like technological innovation, like shelf stable mayonnaise and gelatin. So that's what we're doing right now. It's the most humorous of foods. God, I guess I agree. Moves it. It does, it moves and wiggles. Like this. It's fun, you get to put mayonnaise on it. Can you stir together the cranberry sauce and mayonnaise? Oh yes. That's going to be our condiment for this nice jello salad. Love that. Pre-packaged gelatin goes back to like the 1840s. But jello itself was in like the 1890s. And so then like once mass market grocery stores ended up across America and people were all sort of exposed to the same food products. You just get a lot of weird jello bowls. Not that this is weird. This is- Your recipes were not weird. They were very cool, inventive. It's fine you can call me weird all you want. Weird as hell. It's gross. It's weird. And it's gross. But I'm actually excited to try this. I did a lot of commercials for jello. I bet, I bet. We would do- I wouldn't have to talk slow for those. Yeah. Actually they want me to go very fast. Why do they want you to go fast for jello? Because they're like, get this woman out of here. I'm so tired of her being here. She's eating cigarettes. Get her off the jello set. I don't have to eat the cigarettes in the studio. They let me smoke them with everyone else. I'm sorry. You can't smoke on airplanes either. What?! There's airplanes? They had planes in the 1920s. Oh they did? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Definitely did. That makes sense. All right so we're going to go ahead and we're going to add boiling water to activate this- This looks like barf man. Lemon gelatin. This is gross. Nah it's going to be good, you wrote the recipe dammit. You were telling all the farmers wives to do it. Yeah this is your fault. You're going to add some ice water to the gelatin to cool it down. Is this mixed up enough? My wrist hurts. No, keep going. I know you're on those dainty flapper wrists. I am no longer a flap. I'm a reformed flapper. A reformed flapper, but you're still addicted to the amphetamines of the era. Well, I don't know- What do you mean? My, my, my beverage? Yes. Your beverage, your special pet beverage. That's amphetamines. That is not, it's just, it's good wholesome American fun is what it is. All right so we got all of our lemon gelatin in here and we're going to be adding walnuts, cranberries and grapes. I never asked your name. What are your intentions? I'm now a wary of your intentions. I just want to know when I can go. Harry or Perry keeps staring at me. Harry! Harry can you freaking stop? You're weirding me out. Harry please. You keep licking your lips. Stop that. Wait outside of the car Harry, I love you very much. My name's Josh. I'll kiss you on the top of your head, when we're done with this don't worry. One kiss though, not more than that you got more last time. Get out of here Harry, go on! I feel like I'm about to- I spilled all the crap. I feel like I'm about to get involved into like some weird sex games with you guys and I don't want that. We not not have weird sex games. What are they? Well, I pretend that he's a little submarine boat. Yeah. That's what that sounds like, a weird sex scene to me. And I just pop a squat. Mmm certainly sounds- Yeah. We added the grapes and the cranberries to the jello, and now, and now we're going to add all the nuts. I imagined this is what it was like though, for women listening to it on the radio and then just going ahhh. Ahhh oh god! I missed the thing she said last. Like oh no! Yeah well, you know, now we got the jello mold made. And isn't this going to be a lovely- That's actually very, very pretty. And you kind of look like the guy from Ocean Spray that's just standing in the middle of the things. You should just- Yeah a cranberry bog. Take a little step in there. Ow it's hot. Yeah, yeah, yeah it's hot, it's hot. So we're going to take this, we're pop it in the fridge. In the fridge? Yeah pop it in the fridge. This fridge? Yeah, it's like an oven but its cold. Oh yeah, I'm supposed to remind you about the onions. Oh wait. Oh dude those are looking great. Whoa those look really cool. They look really good. I think that we're, we're setting ourselves up for a fantastic meal right here. I think cooked onions are not as rude as raw onions. Yeah and these are cooked to death. Every vegetable before 1986 was just cooked to a fine mush. I love mush. Oh I'm a fan of mush too. All right so speaking of mush- You'd love me in a swimsuit. Well, we got our sides. We got the creamed onions those are creaming in the oven. We got our delightful jello salad, but now we need the big show-stopping centerpieces. Aunt Sammy had a couple suggestions, one instead of a Turkey, take an old hen. Which is incredibly tough and just slaughter that and kill it from your backyard and then roast it. But the other suggestion is mock duck. So instead of stuffing a duck, you're going to take a tough piece of London broil. You're going to pound the hell out of it and you're going to stuff it with old stale breadcrumbs. You won't even be able to tell it's not duck ..ish. That's a very good slogan. You should be doing commercials for our radio show. I'd like to, how much did you get paid? Oh, in a glass of milk. Yeah, I- We, no, we, we get paid in almond milk here. Almonds? They've figured out the technology to milk almonds. That sounds amazing. Can you mix that there, melted margarine with those breadcrumbs. That's gonna to be the stuffing. I'm just going to start pounding the hell out of this beef. Oh lord! That's what you gotta do. Tough piece of beef. You got to pound the hell out of it. And then we're just gonna tie this up and we're going to roast it. Oh you'd be really good on submarine bolting. Oh, I would be so good on submarine bolting. Yes you would. I feel like I'd be an asset to the weird group sex stuff on submarines to. Oh, you know about our club. I- It meets every Wednesday at 5:30. That sounds fun. I bring the lemonade. To prevent scurvy? or to- No it's for refreshments sir. Oh, I'm sorry. I don't know. I'm not- I think- I'm not a pirate. No when would we have ever been talking about pirates- Never- So we're going to salt and pepper up this large hunk of beef right here. We're going to do it on both sides. This is a, this is a heck of a piece of beef. While you're doing that I'm going to do a, a few advertisements. Cause you haven't had any on your show. Take a note from me and then you go back to whatever commercial. I'm taking notes. All right, what do you want me to do? Something for something for that? Are you selling things here? Yeah no, we do sell these aprons on, on, on That means nothing to you. Sure, ladies and gentlemen, do you need an apron? Sure everyone needs to cover up the nice dress. Cause you only have one. Get yourself a mythical kitchen apron. Cover your- That was off the cuff, so it was a little bit, you know. No that was very, that was very good. You're obviously very talented- I'm mostly just telling women to put on more lotion. Just put on all the lotion, put it on your face, put it on your legs. I gotta tie up the steak, I gotta tie the- You've gotta stuff it and tie it. You ever noticed that like there are so many movies and things with women putting on lotion, their whole body. And then they're still old when they're old? Yeah, did- Why are we wasting our time with all this lotion? I don't know, I've never worn lotion in my life because I hate feeling sticky. You don't wear lotion at all? I literally never, I've never lotioned. They can confirm I've never lotioned myself. That you've never lotioned? I don't believe in sunscreen either. Why do they know that Josh? What? Because are always trying to put lotion on me. They're all going up to me with creams and salves. And they're like Josh lotion up your skin. Sometimes I imagine that the kitcheneers just follow you home. And then they're in the closet waiting to find out if you put on lotion. Yeah it happens, it's mostly Trevor. All right so we're going to roll this up. God your elbow is harassing me! I'm sorry. I don't mean to elbow your- We got our steaks stuffed with breadcrumbs. Wow this is going to be so good. Wow! I'm just going to put that on the counter. Screw it. Who cares? We're going to lay out these strings and we're just going to tie this roast together. So it cooks nice and evenly. Get these nice and even across. And then we're just going to take our beefs and we're going to lay our large beef log over it- I really just want to tickle your armpit right now. Do it, do it, do it, do it! No! Do it, I dare you, I double dog dare you. But I knew that there, things would go everywhere. I'll go tee-hee like the Pillsbury Doughboy. Tying up that roast. I like that bow that you're doing. I'm going to get some oil going in this pan, not going to explode the pan today. Oh Lord. Uh oh, uh oh. Do you live with your in-laws? I do not live with my- Susan, if you're watching though, she's not an in-law though, that's a weird thing to say. That's just my girlfriend's mom. Whew. Someone's got cold feet. Someones on a first name basis with his lady's mom. That pan is smoking up. We've got to get this in there. And so we're just going to sear this off on all sides and then we're going to roast it and then you get to eat those breadcrumbs. That's a new side, I call it bread salad. Can I take it home with me? Cause I really do like it. You certainly may. Thank you. Have you stolen anything- I feel like we have to take stock of everything. She's just been pick-pocketing- I just I'll tell you one thing that I want you didn't give me a cup of milk, so I'm going to request something else. We're going to sear this and then we're going to flip it. What she- I want this diamond- No, those are my beans, those are my beans. And that is not a real diamond. It's not a real diamond? No, it's not a real diamond. Well the what's the point of this. I don't know what to tell you. We have chintzy little things as decorations. But those are my beans. You are very frivolous in the future. Those- I am taking the beans. All right we're going to take- Ou that's really hot. We're going to put that in the oven. And then we're going to have a nice Thanksgiving. Then I get to learn from my friend about the olden days. And this is going to be just like having Thanksgiving with my actual grandma. Oh yeah. Real depressing. Emily there ain't nothing depressing about this Thanksgiving feast right now. No, it's really pretty. I think it's really gorgeous. We got this lovely jello mold salad right here with the cranberries and the grapes and walnuts in there and that pink mayonnaise in there. It looks like a giant Jurassic park or like Amber thing. Welcome to the Great Depression. And look at her giggle! Wobble with a wobble. Okay and then we've got this mock duck right here. Stuffed with just margarine and breadcrumbs. Even that looks really good. You know, the China doesn't go bad during the depression. We still got the nice stuff. Mhhm. And then of course our creamed onions right here. Got that little brulee on the top. I think we're about to have a great meal. You want me to start serving you up? Sure. Thank you. Lets get some of this here/ I'm going to just scoop out some of that cranberry mayonnaise from the middle of little. I'm a little skeptical of that. Why? I don't know why. I mean, I'm going to try it. Oh this is, this is hard. This jello is hard. Hard? This is a hard jello. That is a huge slice. Yeah, you're gonna no, you're gonna want to fill up on jello. I don't know why I gave you such a giant jello slice, but I don't regret it. All right here grab some duck for yourself. Just, just spear it off with a fork. Okay. I want the good piece. I mean, I think they're al probably going to be good, right? Yeah. More or less. It's honestly a really beautiful cook on it. I mean the breadcrumbs are going to soak up all that steak flavor and then of course here, you're creamed onions. Oh man this is really cool. I think that if this is good- This is such a messed up looking plate- I don't think so, I think this is very pretty. The smells coming off in this are insane. Honestly this doesn't look that much different than when I would go have family like things with grandparents. Yeah. There was always some kind of this and that. This, this reminds me of, of the Kaukauna red wine cheeseball, which is a messed up- I love those. Me too! All right let's get, get some of the mayonnaise on the jello, otherwise it's ruined. Do you know what the Jell actually- No the mayonnaise situation reminds me of is salad bars that have pudding next to the dressing. Yeah you always get some on the lettuce. Whoever decided that. Hold on, mayonnaise and jello. We got ourselves a winner. That's really good. That's really good, why is the mayonnaise and cranberry sauce so good? Something about the crunchiness of the nuts with all of it- Yeah. It's very nice. That's really good food. Try- Try the duck. I'm going to put some of that mayonnaise on the duck. Yeah. Heck yeah. I think I like to call it a duck even though it is no where close to duck. Now we're mayonnaise people. Oh I've always been a mayonnaise person. I like mayonnaise too, I was kind of scared of it for the longest time, but I don't think it's all bad. Mmm. That's just a good ass dish. There's nothing bird-like about this. No, no. You would not be confused that this is an actual stuffed duck, what it is though it's like a delicious three ingredient stuffed steak dish. The breadcrumbs soak up all that steak flavor. All right, it's time get rude. Let's get rude. Let's cream on these onions, cheers. Cheers. That's really good. Not to minimize it, the Great Depression ruled. The Great Depression ruled! Here's- Here's you got water milk. You got water milk to wash it down. Now this kind of sucks but- No, this is just more refreshing than milk. What people would do is water down there milk. Oh this is my payment. Thank you for finally noticing what I was owed. I was going to have to send an invoice. This is a bonus. I put some onions in your purse. Oh boy. Yeah it's like milk aide. It's a nice, refreshing milk aide. I hate that! Why? It's good. Basically skim milk. Number one, it's not wine. Fair. Number two, it's definitely not cold. I don't know how we got the milk water to this temperature- I don't know either. But it's nice. I think it takes effort to get it there. It's been warming under the lights- I blame Trevor. Do you think after seeing my skills today, I have what it takes to be on your radio show? I think that you should take over my show and I should take over your radio show. We'll do a little switcheroo. You have a great face for radio. Oh no, no, no radio. No, this isn't a radio show. There's actually a camera. We've been re recording video this whole time. You could see me? Yeah, what were you not prepared? No. Do you want to do the outro? If is your official audition. I would've gone in the sun- Or like at least- You've been building submarines and doing weird stuff with Perry. That- You don't have to sit in the sun. I don't know if my husband would like this, I'm on a camera. I also talked a lot of smack about him, which he would have heard, so I guess this is fine. Yeah here you do the outro, this is your official audition for the talkies. Is this it? Is that where it is? Are you watching me right now? They're not like live. They will see it eventually. You can't talk to them. I can't talk to them right now? You can't talk to them. No, no, no. Are you sure? Yeah I'm dead sure. But they can watch you and you- they already know who you are. They've been watching for the last 20 minutes- What's you favorite color? No, that's- They're not inside. They're not little people inside the camera. It's recording everything that you do. I didn't think they were a little people inside the camera. I thought it was like a phone it's calling the people right now. Oh like a Twitch stream, a twitch stream. You gotta do the outro to the show- That sounds like a definite symptom of something that you could get in the days when I was a flapper. All right, yeah, yeah. Well we're not gonna- Well we can switch right? Yeah I will gladly take you chair- Fantastic you're going to have to learn a lot about cold cream. Ohh Ohh Ohh. You've got to learn about all the lotions to sell the ladies and detergents. I'll give you a play by play. Oh and soap to put in children's mouths. Oh, chil- Children- I'll teach you about it later. Thank you so much for stopping by the Mythical Kitchen. Not sponsored by children mouth soap. We got new episodes for you every week. We got new episodes of our radio show every Wednesday, wherever you get your radio shows. Hit us up on Instagram. You have no idea what that is and it ruined a generation. Oh no. @mythicalkitchen That's why they call it- Call us the lost generation. With pictures of your dishes under the hashtag dreams become food. We'll see you all next time. Happy Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving, Goodbye! Goodbye! The mythical trucker hat is the only hat I wear. And I am not just saying that because this is an ad. So go get
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 425,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: mZs9SlLNQCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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