What Myth Did A Company Invent To Sell Their Products? - (r/AskReddit)

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit what myth did a company invent to sell their products the inventors of oxycontin tried to convince the public that it was addictive free version of oxycodone they blatantly lied and were sued for like $500 Miller well back they were basically the same ads as the ads for heroin back in the late 1800s heroin was marketed as a safer non-addictive replacements for morphine it's probably an urban legend as I can't find a source for it online but I remember reading about a company that sold can tune of advertising its products as being guaranteed not to turn black in the can of course tuna would never turn black in the can but by saying it won't it implied that competing brands did sell tuna that turned black in the cab I heard it has one turn pink in the canoes at the time dyeing the tuna to be pink was what was done and they decided it would be cheaper not to diet but still no idea if that is legit or not guaranteed not to turn pink and the canvas can salmon since canned salmon was farmed salmon that I didn't contain the tiny organisms that colored salmon flesh pink how to sell what looks like defective salmon make a slogan step 3 profit super late to the game but ivory soap so pure it floats they whip air into the mixture it has nothing to do with purity so cheap it floats there is a reason people like it which is why it became a thing the first batch was apparently a manufacturing error but it's not purity people just like using it in the bathtub because they can find it easier if they drop it alka-seltzer increased sales by changing the recommended dose to two tablets instead of one the famous plop plop fizz fizz marketing campaign was only to increase sales not based on real medical advice I'd stop going to the doctor who advises a plop plop fizz fizz a counterexample Wonderbread was widely mocked for their slogan builds strong bodies 12 ways since it was just white bread with some added artificial vitamins as natural foods became more popular that was regarded as an advertising myth however during the Depression Wonder Bread prevented pellagra and other vitamin deficiencies among alcoholics who had poor diets but did eat white bread and saved tens of thousands of lives in the process correct fortified rice and other grains still are the go-to in countries other than America maybe here to correct fortified rice and other grains still are the go-to in countries other than America maybe here - same with iodized salt costs practically nothing the consumer will never notice any difference and when it was introduced in 1924 the IQ of people with iodine deficiency rose by 15 points that your teeth are supposed to be ffffff white I was always a little insecure about my teeth because they're clean but not very white on account of drinking coffee a lot I wondered why TF people were going to judge me so harshly for my teeth and then I grew up and realized no one really cares they may not be yellow because of coffee if you are fur your enamel may be more translucent which means the dentin can show through the dentin is either yellowish or grayish my son is a redhead and as always have yellowish teeth I thought that we weren't keeping them clean enough then I noticed many redheads have yellow teeth I looked it up and viola an explanation Nutella told people their products were a healthy alternative in 2011 I received a notice that I might be eligible as a member of a class-action lawsuit because of Nutella healthy alternative advertising I filled out the card saying that yes I had purchased three Nutella jars in my region between X and X date and mailed it in three years later I received a twelve dollar check in the mail with a letter saying this was my settlement I deposited the check and for $12 of to celebrate delightfully devil issue / positive dabs that bill will spoil if it goes from cold to hot cause started this because there had refrigerated trucks and push that always cold thing in reality most beer is going from cold to hot multiple times while being shipped out the real enemy of beer is light and time sketch a shape-ups made your ass more tone and figure I bought the Reebok shoes that claim to do this a year or so later I got to check in the mail for I think around $30 apparently they lost a class-action lawsuit that the shoes didn't do what they claimed sincere question when stuff like this happens how do they know who where to send it to till you know how they found you mentioning JD power of wards in an ad means something to you as a consumer JD Power and Associates rated best car in initial quality that literally means that the car seems nice at first hike initial quality is only based on the number of complaints in the first 90 or 180 days I don't think that it is adjusted for severity of the complaints I hear soda companies switched from glass to plastic as a cost-saving measure claiming they were more convenient as you can just throw them away rather than bringing the bottles back for cleaning and refilling they then blamed consumers for all the additional plastic trash I remember many years ago coca-cola actually came in reusable plastic bottles the plastic was much thicker and the whole thing was very sturdy still a thing in Scandinavia you have to pay a little extra for beverages depending on what sort of bottle it comes in and you get it back when you return it all stores over a certain size that sells beverages needs to be able to take the empty bottles you just put it into a machine it's a very effective system the majority of plastic bottles are returned diamonds are forever diamonds are a girl's best friend two months salary my grandpa used to tell me the story of how he was friends with a guy who created the beverage talking rain the sparkling water became very popular in the 90s and came in a bottle with the story of how the native people of the area found a bubbling spring that seemed to talk his rain fell into it or something this magical water became the source for talking rain but that was all of course Justin like the guy made up to sell carbonated tap water to idiots talking rain some stay dry and others feel the pain leans away from the mick to breathe hurting some holes in a cardboard box for a pet rock to breathe was one of the most inspired advertising ploys ever freaking brilliant I loved advertisement that people know isn't serious that stuff works for instance the left-handed whopper and diamond shreddies Oasis UK is currently running an interesting ad campaign the bottles do exist though but can't be bought Postum perpetrated the myth that coffee stunts your growth Smithsonian Mack comlink edit bayou slash mail I meant perpetuated sh hhhh I do not need caffeinated children coffee stun seal growth have a cola that my sea monkeys were going to be my new friends if it makes you feel better their creator was a Klansman adding since I was at work and didn't think it would spur a conversation the sea monkeys were actually brine shrimp and the brainchild of Harold von Braun net who made a living in mail-order novelties namely x-ray glasses he got the idea after the success of ant farms and decided to make use of brine shrimp which have been used as fish food the shrimp had already adapted cryptobiosis the ability to dry out and later be rehydrated back to life Ronit works with dr. Anthony D'Agostino a marine biologist to develop the powder they would come in that would give them the nutrients and sold they'd need in their water the trick was actually pretty clever on von gronitz part supposedly there were two packets the first would prepare the water and the second contained the sea monkeys which would come to life instantly and would be added 24 hours after the first in reality the first packet contained the water prep and the live shrimp the second packet blue dye that would make the already rehydrated and grown shrimp visible von gronitz was Jewish but supported his local KKK and attended Aryan Nations conferences he's been quoted for several racist views I won't repeat here if it makes you feel better their creator was a Klansman I looked him up cause of this and he was a Jewish Klansmen the world is ducking weird the Disney Vault law I remember during the pre streaming days of how big a deal Disney made about pulling stuff out of their vault for the last time making a VHS of Dumbo available for a single Christmas season at $29.99 even then people had to know that Disney would sell it as long as people bought it completely unrelated note but this is pretty cultural in Japan if something says limited-edition you better ducking believe that when it's gone it's gone you'll get burned if you come in with a McRib mindset and miss out people go gaga over that type of stuff probably because it actually is what it says it is the slogan more doctors smoke camels implying that Camel cigarettes were some sort of healthy cigarette recommended by doctors I have an old cigarette tin that advertises especially designed for sore throats menthol they were originally marketed to sick people clothing used to be an intentional part of the american lawn prior to World War two it thrives in poor soil fixes its own nitrogen and can survive drought conditions and was deliberately added to assist with the growth of the surrounding grass once we'd color came to market post-world War two it wasn't long before chemical companies successfully rebranded clover as a weed clover is a broadleaf plant and was unintentionally killed alongside the other unfavorable weed so it was successfully removed from the picturesque perfect American lawn by chemical companies why grow your own soil regulator for free when we can sell one to you plus one one three seven seven karma holy duck this is my most upvoted post ever without clover or other weeds I have no yard carry gold butter originally was just a standard butter that happened to be made in Ireland they released a marketing campaign about how you shouldn't cook with carry gold because it was a fancy a high quality butter it ended up working and international sales skyrocketed so they used the money to actually improve their product so that it would be as it is today a fancy a high-quality butter that lead in gasoline was safe Smithsonian makam link the guy who invented leaded gasoline also invented freon he's nicknamed the most environmentally damaging organism to ever live edit cause people keep commenting freon is a brand not a chemical it's both freon was the name given by Thomas Midgley to his discovered compound of de chlorine if aroma Thames it was then classed freon 12 to be more specific freon the company then took its name from this chemical as it was what they would originally use in all the products initially freon 12 has since been renamed our 12 as freon has been phased out as a name due to the number of different refrigerants he also accidentally killed himself with a contraption he built when he lost mobility later in life the man was full of bad ideas this isn't so much a myth to sell products but to divert blame anti-littering campaigns were started by large corporations that polluted heavily in order to shift blame away from them to the individual for keeping the planet clean don't get me wrong people who litter uh scumbags but no one human could produce as much pollution as a factory let alone an entire industry same thing goes for water conversation a single family uses fractions of a percent of water compared to what industry uses when you see blame for something shifts to individuals take a moment and look at the broader picture of the major perpetrators are areas to look at drugs pharmaceutical industry water usage pollution greenhouse gases waste in general all are things we as individuals did contribute to in some way but that is so small compared to what is actually happening and what companies are doing this is a little disjointed on mobile can clarify later perfect example causing their pollution at 1,300 feet long it's not hard to notice the gargantuan profile of a container ship even miles out their immense silhouettes are easily spotted against the horizon what is less visible is the near unfathomable amount of fuel emissions generated by a single container ship an amount equal to the emissions of 50 million cars for prospective the 760 million cars that are currently operating worldwide emit as much sulfur as 15 container ships running at full capacity there are currently over 6,000 massive container ships operating globally and 85,000 commercial cargo ships on top of that infest commlink which means that even if we reduce the emissions of cars by 20 percent or so which is a massive undertaking it's still not even noticeable since it just represents a purely three cargo ships in total he all cosmetics company claiming male and female need a different soap shampoo razor lately some even tried to apply the gendered marketing to yogurt toothpaste handkerchief or pens all I remember seeing some yogurts being marketed towards men at the grocery store of Welbeck Oh WTF makes it manly is it beef jerky and beer flavor yogurt you telling me dudes don't like strawberry or peach yogurt mints journal comlink weirdly I imagine the logo is supposed to look like a bull although female cows can have horns and the horn les gene is actually dominant but it mostly just looks like the female reproductive system I've seen my uncle stir a little beer into yogurt but he's a weirdo to begin with rinse and repeat from shampoo bottles was designed to sell more shampoo you know how on the bottle it says lever rinse repeat I don't repeat I did some research on why KFC is the food to eat for Christmas in Japan and found this according to brand legend there were some American tourists in Japan during the Christmas holidays back in the 70s when they couldn't find roast turkey for their holiday meal they got the next best thing a bucket of KFC fried chicken a manager at the local store soit's telled some higher-ups and eventually the marketing team started advertising it as a christmas tradition to the point that it actually became such a popular tradition you now have to reserve your chicken weeks in advance japanese KFC is pretty friggin good into my bucket even came with a commemorative Christmas plate daka's invented business casual to sell more kaki slacks and help get men out of wearing suits to work as much thank God for that my question at a time someone brought up dress code when people have a choice to dress down they do ie casual Friday so who exactly are we dressing up for edit a lot of people seem to equate casual with slob you can still look nice in a pair of jeans and an open collar shirt that vitamin water is healthy I actually tasted vitamin water a year before it was released it tasted very different way less sweet no one actually liked it so I don't know if anybody knows this tobacco companies have their hand in more than just seats causing cancer the reason horrible cancer-causing flame retardants existed in almost all foam inside furniture for decades was because of these companies in the 1970s the government was trying to force Big Tobacco to make the self-extinguishing cigarette because it was the main cause of household fires at the time people falling asleep with a cigarette hand you get the picture well Big Tobacco made a bunch of shittily conducted research as well as spread propaganda for years that it wasn't the cig which they didn't want to change at all but that furniture is poorly insulated and catches fire easily so skip to about 1990 and people start realizing all these carcinogens are in breast milk and huge PPT ppm counts of bad [ __ ] and humans caused mainly by people living with this degrading flame retardant coated foam firefighters cancer rates also skyrocketed because of this smoke death due to the fire retardant burning also spiked it took something like 10 years or so for shitload of lawyers and legislators to finally get the law changed in California the last state requiring flame retardant coated foam and even then it's still being battled because the chemical companies that sold the flame retardant make so much money off it it's a much deeper and richer story but I don't want to go that far TL DR the reason carcinogenic chemicals existed in all foam-padded furniture was that big tobacco didn't want to admit that cigarettes caused fires my dad was a building code inspector when I would talk to him about his smoking 3 God impacts a day he'd quit that there was more arsenic and carcinogens in the furniture in carpets than he smoked a day the ironic thing about your comment is that pure tobacco cigarettes naturally go out by themselves the tobacco companies add potassium nitrate to their cigarettes to keep them lit so they don't have to make self-extinguishing cigarette they just have to stop making non self-extinguishing cigarette edit so I quit decades ago didn't know about the FSC standard which has added larger rings to cigarette paper to create extinguishing points if the cigarette is ignored however cigarettes are still dealt with potassium nitrate to promote burning otherwise when I was a kid they used to sell a premium brand of cigarettes with colored papers to be distributed at weddings etc I forgot the brand and can't find a reference they used to advertise that they were additive free and therefore would go out if not smoked as compared to regular cigarettes also there are wide bands that will extinguish a smoldering cigarette but I was thinking of the many closely spaced narrow rings in cigarette paper that are there to promote even circular burning patterns the 1970s fontina craze of the u.s. of Europe was generally started by shui circus Union the Swiss cheese Union which is a cartel of cheese makers which controlled the cheese output in type and volume of all dairies in Switzerland it was formed because of a cheese surplus that had built up during World War two and they wanted to limit supply so a cartel was formed after a couple decades of controlling supply schweiz a Ksenia decided to push the demand side of a menthol that's the familiar Swiss cheese with the holes in it by a marketing blitz if they knew of this dish called fondue which was sometimes eaten in the Alps and started advertising it abroad as if it was somehow the national dish of Switzerland in the 1980s the Swiss government started to wonder why it was subsidizing a cheese cartel and there were also suspicions of corruption around 1990 the SH Weiser casue nyan collapsed and the free market opened up and dairy farmers could us make whatever goddamn cheese they wanted aboveboard for the first time in 40 years edit typos water memory to sell homeopathy products the colorful flowers in your yard are actually terrible weeds spray toxic chemicals on your property weekly but I like dandelions plus you can heat them I agree my country home which I'm getting ready to sell has a yard full of purple dead nettle dandelions violets mulberry bushes and mock strawberry which birds and bunnies love to lead the house I'm moving to in the city as much cleaner yah wise but I'm not going to treat the dandelion infestation I like them women love the smell of an entire can of Axe body spray which was believed by every teenage boy for years they also used to give those trials sized cans out by the duck in case in middle and high school our entire locker room always weak to that [ __ ] because we would take full cans of it and slap them with our track spikes and they'd shoot off across the locker room like a rocket they also made ask me any things in flamethrowers our locker rooms were like back there back in the day ax bombs are all fun and games until you're taking a [ __ ] and a can of dark temptation rolls under the stool edit holy [ __ ] my first reddit gold is about middle school locker room warfare thank you kind stranger literally any company that claims detoxifying properties what toxins your kidneys do that feel anyway and liver thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day [Music] you
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Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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