What Are You Sad to See Become Normal Practice?

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like the video and subscribe right now and the protected augo will protect your room ass credit what are you sad to see become normal practice people having to leave a company to get a better deal every few years just take care of your people give them what they deserve this is the same for careers and for services there's always new customer deals for services but they don't have the same benefits for their loyal customers for careers it is becoming more and more common for people to jump ship from a company to increase their compensation it's far easier to improve your financial position by getting a new job versus trying to work your way up a single company this is because company loyalty is a one direction thing nowadays the company expects you to be loyal but isn't loyal to you and will screw you over at the drop of a hat take my field for example the yearly raises around $80 per month per year which isn't bad but if I jump ship to a different employer they will give me and extra $200 to $400 right out of the gate it just doesn't make sense to stick with one company anymore oh god yes I'm watching my opportunities for advancement evaporate before my eyes my GF just had to find a new job because hers was a dead end as well train and promote your people instead of leaving positions vacant for two years because you're looking for a candidate with ridiculously specific qualifications I'm wondering if there will eventually be a new paradigm shift constantly sourcing new talent is not easy or cheap we are certainly at a point where the executives are hoarding for themselves and I hope the people coming up do not follow a similar path yes exactly in most companies you get hired for a certain position and then pigeon-holed making it impossible to move up in the company and therefore you leave it also sucks when you leave because you lose all your seniority vacation etcetera and have to start over requiring two years of experience for an entry-level position also duck third round interviews if you're not paying more than $12 are I'm a team looking for a job and I've looked and applied to even the most entry-level [ __ ] like car pushing or bagging and they will require all this job experience and [ __ ] like how am I supposed to get the job experience - psh cars around if you won't even consider me for a job I can't find any jobs anymore edit pls guys my inbox edit - guys pls my inbox maan pls was going for assistant manager at panel bread they made me drive hours from Orlando to Boca Raton Florida - sim hub store where they do first-round interviews ok sure can't be that bad right went there three times before they decided I wasn't a good fit duck you're three round interviews and duck you for making people drive an exorbitant distance to tell them they might have delegation issues raising fund for everything like GoFundMe fund raiser etc this Australian girl with suss story about carrying 5.8 kilograms of cocaine in Colombia has a family trying to raise $15,000 for their innocent little girl oh my god yes girl on my FAFSA book has a go fund me so she can have a graduation party like jeez bummer I thought that was going to be shake my head calm day you ghosting when I first tried online dating years ago I never had this happen and after a date or two a simple sorry I don't think we are a good fit best of luck or something similar was the norm now that I'm back to trying online dating it's very prevalent to the point of dating someone for over a month and having them just ghost you hasn't happened to me outside of online dating so maybe it's only normal practice online for now thankfully I think ghosting happens because it's also normal for people to completely flip out when rejected and if you ghost them they won't have so much of a chance I think we need to fix both to fix either I dated a girl for like two months and I was starting to get the feeling that she wasn't that into me because I was making all the effort so I brought it up one day and she said no I don't want you to think that Oh I said the convo kind have died out and I wanted to see if she was telling the truth so I decided not to contact her for a couple days thinking maybe she would reach out never heard from her again happened to me with a guy I was actually dating we were in a relationship texting constantly for a month plus spent time together etc etc then one day he just never responded I sent a few messages checking up on him and letting him know I was a bit worried no response it really sucked and had me genuinely worried something had happened I searched the news for his area and never found anything about him so I accepted he ghosted me a couple of months later I was in a relationship with someone else I thought about the previous guy I looked him up because I did still casually wonder if something did happen I ended up finding his wife my heart ducking sank and I felt sick to my stomach he used me to cheat on his wife made loads of promises to me he obviously had no intention of keeping then disappeared on me after we got emotionally intimate I messaged her on Fator book and let her know she was grateful I told her and bore me no ill-will Solal duck that guy charging people for the volume of data they download over their internet connections this is made possible because people treat it as a service like water power and gas where volume is the unit of measure rather than speed of a constantly open pipe that doesn't cost more to do something than nothing and if net neutrality gets tanked it's going to get a hell of a lot worse edit charging money for nothing that is net neutrality doesn't have anything to do with data charges sorry I didn't make that clear yeah that sucks not too long ago you could buy an unlimited plan and you'd be paying mainly for the speed luckily over where I live you still pay mainly for the speed and not the volume but shifts in mobile plans have me worried that the home line plans might follow not being able to let your kids be alone for a few minutes in the car or play alone outside without busybodies reporting it instead of talking to the parents first my dad used to leave me in the car at the supermarket all the time I hated being inside the store and just wanted to play my gameboy and sit inside the car I see a lot of child endangerment cases in US and am baffled at those mind you if the child is in serious or grave harm the parent must be clearly held responsible for their actions leaving a child unattended which lead to some accident or mishap however if a child is even playing in your backyard and you go to bring something from inside some busybody has already complained against you it seems the law is such that it is better for a child to be removed from a loving household and traumatized by that experience than to see how these situations can be mitigated better people showing up late or cancelling plans at the last moment it basically started once SMS were cheap enough to send them without thinking about it and when everybody had a phone absolutely all people who think not answering counts as a polite way of saying no thanks I'm over here trying to organize this event and I've got a three percent reply ratio give me something to work with anyone who does this to me with any sort of consistency makes their way into the your debt to me group my sister-in-law managed to do this to herself with a lot of her and my wife's mutual friends you guys hung out with and went to this weekend I didn't even know about it that's because people stopped inviting you to stuff because constantly flake out last-minute companies that honestly expect you to see yourself working there in five more years that won't blink twice when it comes to downsizing to save money when needed honestly I think it's incredibly stupid to see employment one place as a long-term option anymore after a year at one spot I start looking at other options just in case my mom and dad think it's the most selfish thing in the world because they are good to you they keep a roof over your head sure but they'll also farmy because I speak out about about calculating bonuses or lay me off because an investor doubt so why wouldn't I go to other interviews and farm some job offers just in case it's interesting there is another post on this thread about how common it is for people to jump ship on careers constantly it's the natural progression and it's merely the employee catching up and balancing the system 40-plus years ago companies usually employed everyone who worked under them from Genesis to cafeteria staff to customer service engineers et Cie think IBM's requirements twenty to forty years ago companies started realizing that it was more expensive to keep janitors as full-time IBM employees and started replacing them with janitorial contractor companies they'd ended this slowly with every department they could until it was almost only essential staff related to what IBM actually does during this period however the dominant culture and mints it was still that of a mutually protected relationship in that the company would take care of you if you took care of it as more and more departments get axed to save money that relationship looks shaky and shaky er 20 years to current you see that the youngest generations Millennials and Jen's heirs have realized that the days of the mutual relationship are over and that companies don't think in the way of cultivating retention over a decade all timescale so there's no reason the employee should either similarly you can reasonably negotiate a three to seven percent raise each year if you perform well but you can easily negotiate a five to twenty percent raised simply by switching companies and this is exceptionally true in certain industries like health care it would be nice to live in the world of our parents where we could find a great company do the four decades get our watch and go home with the pension but those days are long gone our generation has to learn that pension buy job hopping every two years it's exhausting people getting their news from single sources on social media and jumping to the conclusions that suit their worldview admit that I've been guilty of that too and actively detaching from that cycle helped quell my outrage addiction alot tiny edit some of you have taken me up on my username you're all welcome to do the same as long as a new source confirms your opinions it's credible but as soon as it says something negative about something you believe in it becomes fake news yesterday I had to put the record straight on the kitty Genovese murder all because the New York Times a respected newspaper decided to go for a fabricated average story 50 years ago it's always been normal practice and even reliable media have always been unreliable behaving in an absolutely reprehensible manner in a discussion / debate but feel they are justified because it's just their opinion sup you can express your opinion without being such a bellend edit didn't expect this to blow up glad to see some interest encounter points as well as alternative approaches to debates also glad people like the use of the word Bell and xD people who treat their opinion as fact are the second worst the worst are people who have an opinion that is factually wrong because there is an actual provable fact that nullifies it such as I think that time you played Team Fortress 2 for two hours on my computer five years ago got me that virus yesterday televised opposition of every fact of life I swear if someone of power states that gravity makes things fall there will be an anti gravity movement started the antigravity movement don't forget about flat earthers shaming people on a huge scale if you make one wrong misstep heaven forbid someone recorded it on the Internet now you're shamed by several hundred if not thousands of people and if it's some random bad mistake you made they all turn against you forever sure getting trouble and dealing with the repercussions for a few weeks or months for doing something shitty or embarrassing is to be expected I guess but it shouldn't force kids to switch schools or for people to lose jobs / suddenly every move you make has potential to be public and the group mentality can follow you forever in this age people can never forget I wholeheartedly agree I spent years on tumblr and I've seen this happen more times than I can count some little 13 year old saying some stupid / insensitive / embarrassing [ __ ] is / the natural order of things and they will grow out of it eventually everyone was embarrassingly stupid at that age that [ __ ] who said at 13 shouldn't completely destroy your life and cause a horde of adults to relentlessly Harris you kids should be allowed to make mistakes this also definitely applies to adults no matter how old you are you can always grow and learn from your mistakes but the way things are now those mistakes will never stop being used against you even long after you've grown from them and that's so harmful to everyone clickbait this since little articles need to be higher in this damn thread you've been visited by the rare dog oh of cleaning this dog Oh we'll clean your room but only if you comment clean well dog go thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
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Id: 630eZazQ3JA
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Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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