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like the video and subscribe right now and i'll show you a picture of hulkbug ready three two one what's the best accidental nudity you have seen in person 15. at supermarket with mom walking down to get some cereal 16 to 20 year old woman in same area daisy dukes that don't fit she bends over for cereal thong and bare ass mother tells me not to stare staring intensifies in high school the girl that would eventually become my girlfriend and i were talking about bras she was telling me that sombra's come snapped to the front i truly didn't believe her so she unsnapped hers and because i was way taller than her i saw her sarah scouts she quickly ran into the bathroom to fix them i don't believe you good man i'm 42 but i remember this like it was a moment ago i was at sixth grade camp and a group of us boys were sitting indian style around the bottom of a slide while one of our teachers a pretty hot youngish lady was talking about something to do with nature she was sitting on the edge of the slide wearing those eighties short shorts that had the white stripe that went around the hem she shifted her position and i found myself three feet away from the first ever real live fully exposed vagina i had ever seen i couldn't believe it it was glorious elbows began nudging ribs and within seconds every i was staring at her cooter she noticed and quickly adjusted but not before my life was changed permanently and i learned what my mission in life would be to see more of those things as often as possible i used to swim with a club three times a week one time just after finishing a set the girl in front of me stood with with a boob hanging out completely oblivious i just stood [Music] swimming and traveling for nationals etc girls who swam long enough become quite adept at deck changing they wrap their towel around themselves strip the suit off and get dressed all without losing the towel usually you usually get stuck in gym somewhere with 500 other swimmers and every so often a girl misjudges her rap down goes the towel and every little guy in the place loses their minds for a few seconds it was a glorious time to be a young swimmer dunno if this counts but i have an extremely early memory of when i was about two to three years old where my aunt got out her boob to breastfeed her daughter and my fruit mother told her not to expose herself in front of me and then my aunt saying it's okay he's too young to remember anything i remember everything easy there patrick stewart i left the house and returned for something i'd forgotten my girlfriend oblivious to my return was furiously matubating with our bright orange dildo when she finished she pulled it out and smelled it sometimes i miss that girl key word here is our i was walking back from a night out at around 3am in june with some slightly drunk friends one of my friends shouts it's a naked girl putting up a christmas tree we all tell him to stop talking bish but he points to the window of a nearby flat where there is a rather attractive 20-something lady in nothing but her pants decorating a christmas tree at 3am in june in the uk pants refers to underwear in the u.s pants refers to trousers learned this distinction the hard way while traveling in the uk stopped at a friend's place and they offered to let me use their clothes washing machine i said yeah that would be great i haven't washed my pants for a couple of weeks of course i was referring to my blue jeans but they all thought i was talking about my underwear it took me a while to figure out why they were so shocked was it a formal function when my friend's attractive date was just standing there with her boob hanging out of her strapless dress completely unaware i signaled my friend and he went over and put his arm around her and pulled her dress up poor girl was at a wedding reception about 15 years ago four couples at each table as we begin eating dinner again across the table says to the woman on my left not my wife did you get a baked potato i glanced over and her perfect light brown left boob has slipped out of her low-cut dress and is resting against her plate we all burst out laughing as she tucked it away even her husband was laughing along with us later on after dinner he brought it up saying i'm still hungry can i get one of your baked potatoes for a snack seventh grade saw my lab partner's boob slash nibble when she leaned over to get her folders out of her backpack first boob i ever saw no one noticed the sound of my boner hitting the underside of the table okay so around two to three years ago a bunch of my friends were hanging out talking during a hot summer's day in the town center one of my friends looked up towards a hotel window and saw a women in her bra bouncing around and didn't quite know what to make of it at first he told the rest of us and we looked up and by this point we'd all figured what was going on with all of our group looking up this made other groups of people on the grass and benches around to also look at what we were looking at eventually the women turned around and saw half the city looking at her while she was banging some guy so she did what anyone would have done she took her bra off which made everyone in the area scream yeah at this point the guy got up and it was this older guy around 50 to 55 years old i guess he immediately left the view of the window then everyone proceeded to laugh hysterically it was a grand view to behold let me tell you halloween my freshman year i passed out on the floor in a girl's dorm room when i woke up she and her visiting friend were both changing in front of me needless to say i didn't move a muscle almost same thing happened to me i was passed out drunk and after throwing up for a while they took me to their room because i couldn't climb into my lofted bed they set me up on the floor and when they thought i was passed out started getting ready for bed akka getting naked so they could shower before bed i rolled over and looked at them with my drunk ass giggling and they just started laughing because they thought i wouldn't remember it and they are college girls experimenting with freedom but i remembered and it was glorious fell asleep on my girlfriend's friend's floor looked up when she was walking over me sleeping and saw up the t-shirt she was wearing she was wearing just the t-shirt we made eye contact and have never brought it up eye contact when i was a little seven-year-old girl i would look out my window a lot i lived in the city so the neighbor's house was about 10 feet away on each side i was looking out my window into the kitchen window of the neighbor's house the older high school girl walked into her kitchen topless i was so freaked out either for cover and crawled out of my room supposedly she did that a lot according to my brother i'm sure brother could give you a detailed schedule of when she does that each day the artificial wave bodyboarding ride at the kalahari water park that ride was amazing because it sends girls chest first into jets of water whoever designed it as a genius this i'm a wee native and used to go to wisconsin else water parks all the time as a kid i still remember walking up to that surf simulator for the first time i couldn't understand why so many people mostly older guys wearing sunglasses were just sitting there watching for so long without getting in line then it happened and again about 15 minutes later this thing literally shoots girls tops right off their bodies boobs everywhere i was 13 at the time but still talk about that ride today being a lifeguard at that ride was probably the highest promotion you could get i don't know how they kept it together when i was 14 my 16 year old step cousin got up from her drunken sleep dropped all her bottoms [ __ ] herself in place then went back to sleep i got a really good view there was a lot of mixed emotions but still i don't have anything else edit it was a family vacation on my step-dad's side the adults looked the other way and went to bed i didn't drink at the time edith too okay so late in the game the thread is almost in the graveyard now but a lot of people have been asking for clarification on some things it was a beach vacation at a lake the grandparents and parents all chipped in and rented a houseboat it comfortably seated everyone but didn't have enough space for sleeping so all the kids teenagers and young adults slept out on the beach one of the nights all the parents turned in early and kind of confined themselves to the boat i'm pretty sure they knew most us were drinking and just turned a blind eye that night the cousin in question god weights are carried away and passed out early in the night other family members put her in her sleeping mat and carried on after everything dies down and everyone is asleep slash passed out is when the event happened being that i was a light sleeper and had nothing to drink that night i woke up when i heard her fighting her way out of her sleeping mat it took her a few moments to disrobe her bottoms i tried whispering to her a few times like uwtf but it was to no avail she was out of it i saw everything in great detail it was the first time i had seen a real-life vagina and i'm not going to lie part most of me thought it was amazing up until she started [ __ ] herself at least i don't think anyone else was awake i didn't wake anybody because i was new to the family and was too nervous in the early morning her eldest sister woke up and noticed her shitty ass out in the open she woke up some other female relatives and they whisked her away before anyone really caught wind they kept quiet about it for the rest of the trip i never mentioned it to anybody either i've told this story on reddit before but i was playing poker at my brother's house with a few buddies went upstairs from the basement to the kitchen to grab some more beer for the refrigerator downstairs and as i looked up i could see into my brother and his wife's bedroom sister-in-law had the door open and was changing i got a profile shot of her in just underwear she had nice breasts not huge but nice but her ass holy moly i knew it was relatively big just by seeing her in jeans but not only is it big and round but it was firm i got a good five-second look before she walked to the other side of the bedroom and i could no longer see her she and my brother got divorced about a year later and she was crazy everyone wondered why he was with her for so long i knew why the [ __ ] people put up with for a good ass hottie sat down at a table i could see right up her skirt and she had no knickers on so i got a great view of her big mac and crossed legs thanks for the memories similar moment in high school really attractive girl in my homeroom just casually sitting in her chair with a leg up on the chair to lean her head on it was morning so i assume she was just tired and being comfortable as if she was home i was in year 10th and my school is only co-ed from year 11th so the rest of us guys gave each other a heads up and sneakily glanced directly up her kill to a sight of well-form-fitting panties that morning i went to go pick up a female friend when i was about 17 her mother told me to wait in her sister's bedroom as my friend was in the shower and her sister was away no one really thought about the fact that the bathroom my friend was in had a door that opened into the sister's room as well as one into the hall which is why my friend opened that bathroom door and walked in to grab something from the sister's dresser completely naked before going back into the bathroom she didn't notice me sitting in the corner until she came out the second time now fully dressed she said hi and then i got to watch her face as she slowly realized what had just happened the incident was later used as justification for us going to a nude sauna in austria i had seen everything she had already and she wanted to even the score and it wasn't accidental but family friends had two daughters that were my age and two years older and they weren't shy about getting dressed slash changed while i was in the room that was an education growing up following the nude sauna at her suggestion you duck right if you didn't duck after she suggests a nude sauna am i gonna come down there and slap you at prom when i was 16 a bunch of us was in a side room just hanging out and talking the girl sitting opposite of me was wearing a dress too small and had her boobs taped together it looked like the boobs were about to burst out of the dress at any moment and they did i liked prom the couple in the house opposite seem to be unable to grasp the concept that people can see into their lid bedroom at night from across the other side of the road she regularly walks in from the shower and just towels herself down oblivious to any audience last summer they were just walking around naked a few months back i witnessed the guy doing some weird swingy shrek's dance it's very awkward when my wife and i bump into them in the street and we exchange nods was delivering pizza and a young hot woman opened the door and one of her boobs were hanging out i was like don't stare don't stare until her gigantic boyfriend came up behind her while she was signing the receipt they tipped me six dollars nice people many of the films i have viewed online led me to believe a different ending was coming in college went to student race day got drunk met the girls that lived across the hallway went back with them sat up drinking and talking for a few hours one of them was very flirty with me and left the sitting room we were all in after about 15 minutes i said i was going back to my flat to get more beer instead i decided to wake up the girl who had left presuming she was asleep she was actually getting changed and when i walked in she was down to her panties i kind of froze and smiled which she later told me was pretty funny but at the time i had to leave the room cause it was awkward best part was we would have shreks about two weeks later miss that girl you've been visited by mouse doggo this doggo will steal your pizza unless you comment stop that mouse doggo thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos [Music]
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 51,722
Rating: 4.9541082 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms
Id: tz-Upy_6ZBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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