People That BUSTED Their Partner Having ''FUN'' ...

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like the video and subscribe right now and i'll show you a picture of a super patient doggo ready three two one [Music] people that walked in on their esso having shreks with another person how did you react serious i was on a trip and decided to come home a couple days early and surprise my now ex fiance we were not living together so i was going to go to my apartment to shower because i took a red eye flight and i wanted to wash off the airplane stink before i surprised her with some flowers i walk in and i see a pair of shoes by the door that were not mine i thought maybe they were my roommates as i round the corner to my room i start to hear moaning and heavy breathing i thought my roommate was ducking in my room so i thought i would duck with him i burst through the door and said something like surprise ducker and find my fiance getting ducked by her roommate i guess their other rumored had people over so they thought to go to my place which they thought was empty i looked at them and i think you should leave the ring and the key they freaked out and asked what i was doing home i told them that this is my place and i didn't have to answer to them they scrambled to collect their [ __ ] and leave in the process she left behind her ipad i decided to go through it i'm really proud of that but i figured why not the wedding is off now anyway turns out she had been sleeping with a bunch of different people for the past six or seven months we'd been dating for over a year she'd gotten a new job and to congratulate her i left work early and brought over two bottles of champagne no one was answering the door but her rumored was in the stairwell outside their friend's apartment and heard me knocking she let me in we both walked together to their room at the end of the hall and as her rumored push the door opened my so called out not to come in and i heard laughing at this point i moved on a kind of num auto pilot and pushed the door open she was on top of him she threw the blanket over her shoulders and looked back toward the door i honestly lost my [ __ ] i cried screamed went to absolute pieces i knew the guy from other friends and he'd abandoned a close friend of mine after their daughter was born severely epileptic she wasn't apologetic at all they were in love i drove home bowling the whole way i haven't loved anyone like i loved her yet in my life i drank both bottles of champagne at my apartment and packed a bag calling my family to pick me up i spent a few days with them being back home reminded me of the actual unconditional love in my life she and the guy deserved each other in the end she called me almost a year later while she was living with him and wanted to come over she wanted to have shreks so we did then i detailed the whole affair in a message to him and he kicked her out of his house everything works out in the end people came home early from work noticed a strange car outside found them sleeping in our bed cozzy as can be after doing the deed they woke up to me closing the door and leaving she called and begged me to come home i said everything i had ever bitten my tongue about filed for divorce two days later a month after divorce was final i moved 1 000 miles away she still wants me to come back and tells me it's the biggest mistake she ever made people ask me why i even still talk to her i say it's because i have to be civil the truth is i'm still enjoying knowing she's struggling and that i won petty i know but dukkha well i came home from work about two hours early due to finishing up my papa work quite early then i entered the bedroom ready to take shower then it happened and to be completely honest i just stood there and started them as they start back at me she then said babe it's not what it looks like i then started laughing in an obnoxious way and turned around and left the room then when she came out of the room i'm guessing he left the same way he came in the window she found me playing battlefield 4 on my pc baby she said i just replied saying her she asked if i was okay i just said yeah i'm fine i guess she thought everything was actually okay and started to walk back into the bedroom as she walked away i continued to keep playing and just said oh and you have three days to get all of your things out she tried to get me to take it back and started to get frustrated saying i can't do that i simply replied i signed the lease i personally pay all the bills and everything that is even involved between you and i has my name on it not yours so you need to get out i would appreciate that greatly she then started to cry and i just laughed some may call me heartless for this but if you knew the amount that i had put into the relationship and how much i sacrificed for it you wouldn't blame me not exactly what you're expecting but i walked in on my fiance being sexually assaulted we were at a halloween party and she got a little wasted mind you everyone there were friends pretty damn close friends too everyone at this party was actually invited to our wedding so my fiance appears upstairs with the woman who owns the house and i think no big deal my girl gets tired when she drinks she's probably going to lay down i assumed the woman who owned the house a very old friend of my fiances was going to lay down with her since they both have a history of doing this fast forward 45 minutes and the owner is back down at the party but my fiance was nowhere to be seen the owner told me she was asleep in the spare bedroom and she had closed the door and left her up there about 10 minutes ago but something wasn't sitting right with me so i went up to find her the door wasn't closed in fact it was wide open and one of our friends the husband of her best friend to be exact was in the bed with her her dress was on floor and he had his fingers inside of panties i hate to admit it but i assumed the worse for a split second just a second but i hate myself for it i assumed she was encouraging it but then i realized she was crying and he had tied one of her arms to the bed frame not only that but she's a petite girl and he had most of his bulk on her holding her down i hauled him off of her broke his nose and gave him a concussion before someone else from the party pulled me off of him after the three of our combined screaming brought people running he attempted to sue me for assault she pressed shrek shall assault charges it hasn't been easy the past couple of months her best friend the guy's wife sided with her husband and called contact with my fiance she was also my fiance's maid of honor so she obviously kicked her out of the wedding party i didn't say anything just walked in and she said the typical it's not what you think i just walked out and haven't spoken to her in over six months i don't even miss her it's nice to say that and actually mean it that's such a stereotypical thing to say i want someone to respond to it rather than walk away just to see what is supposed to follow that it's not what you think oh okay so what is it oh it was another thing hopefully i'm not too late this was the moment of my life for a couple of weeks i suspected my girlfriend was cheating on me with this particular guy we'll name him john the relationship was going south anyways but i just wanted the pleasure to see her face when i catch her my buddy and i devised a plan i told my girlfriend i was going home to visit my parents i was away in college but in fact i was staying at my buddy's place a couple of miles down then the stakeout started we knew where john lived and decided to follow him throughout the day i was obsessed we took my buddy's car six in the morning parked right where he lived and started following him everywhere day one was a bust john left the house only twice that day grabbing his lunch and in a nearby dude never cooked my buddy wanted to give up that day but i knew we would catch him eventually sure enough the next ducking day he left his house three times lunch dinner and finally something after dinner my heart was pounding i can't even imagine to tell you the adrenaline i felt when i saw this guy leaving his house followed him for a few miles and sure enough we see him pulling over to my girlfriend's apartment waited about half an hour and decided it was time to walk in this is when we come in walking down the lobby with tank tops shorts happy new year glasses confetti poppers helium balloons party horn and a dslr camera all at midnight in ducking march we slowly creeped into the room i had the keys and sure enough you could hear faint moaning we busted the door open screamed surprise confetti is everywhere and the camera started flashing we left immediately after that anyways you ever seen a picture of a spooked cat floating in midair and his fur all fuzzy well the picture came out exactly like that she was ducking him in reverse cowgirl so we got a picture of her floating above his dick in a squad formation while he laid down anyways i texted her the photo the next day and said i would delete it if i got all of my stuff back i never received my belongings in such a neatly packed box i heard from friends that my first wife was cheating on me i drove by my house and sure enough there was a strange car in the driveway about the third time i did that i finally manned up and pulled in the driveway after a few minutes to calm down enough that my hands weren't shaking i went in and found them going at it in the best deadpan voice i could manage i said jesus christ another one how many guys are you ducking haha the joke was on me the look on her face told me he really wasn't the first went out got way too drunk somehow managed to drive home without killing anyone and as i sat in an empty house had a simply brilliant idea that i should take all her [ __ ] outside and burn it ended up getting beat up by a guy arrested for drunk and disorderly and raped and caught for damages in the divorce settlement the upside was that years later i found out she was now was blowing guys in bars for ant money so in the end i would call it a win when i was younger i had a girlfriend my mistake is that i thought we were close i had a key to her place and worked part-time my manager sent me home one weekend because we were overstaffed and there wasn't any point in me being there i went and picked up a dvd and some ingredients to make dinner and headed to her place i let myself in and could already hear suspicious noises my heart was pounding and my brain was saying all systems go i went upstairs and opened the door and lo and behold there was some guy balls deep in my girl there was so many emotions that all i could spurt out was i hope his dick tastes better than dinner and proceeded to dump my shopping on her floor and stormed out hugh texts calls saying how she was confused slash wasn't sure if she still liked guy slash how sorry she was let's just say i haven't had a girlfriend since edit for those confused i'm female michelle was my girlfriend in question and a [ __ ] morning after reddit to clarify i'm bishrexual but i don't feel like being in a serious relationship with a woman for the foreseeable future married for about five years walked in on my wife and a cow walker on the kitchen floor all three of us work together just to be clear which i'll get to later she worked graves and i work days at the time and saturday morning was a time when many of our co-workers would hit the bar that happened to be behind our house i remember seeing someone else's car in the driveway and assumed someone likely a female had crashed to avoid drunk driving i remember opening the door super quietly to not wake anyone and experienced something i was not prepared for the first thing i heard was a rapid squishing sound accompanied by the moaning of my wife this was quickly followed by the strong smell of vagina i see them clear as day on the kitchen floor i'm not noticed until i close the door and greet them with a friendly what the actual duck it's difficult to even begin to explain what that does to you i realize it's unfortunately not all that uncommon to experience cheating but to walk in on it especially when you are married is a life-changing experience i did not react the way i would have imagined i would i simply felt nothing my actions became autonomous told the fellow to get out now repeatedly as he insisted on apologizing and asked me to hit him after several warnings i threatened to get my gun as i felt as if that was what you were expected to do eventually he left only after my wife told him to leave i calmly went to the bedroom to remove my suit and get into something more comfortable as my wife remained in the kitchen still laying on her back covering her face i left and immediately drove to a nearby apartment complex and called my boss who is a good friend as i was leaving i saw the other guy in my driveway but i didn't give a [ __ ] i just wanted to get away after telling my boss friend everything i began the application process for an apartment not even two hours after discovering the two because of the nature of the incident since my wife was the boss of the guy she was ducking there had to be an investigation i didn't intend for there to be an investigation i just wanted someone to talk to less than 24 hours later because some people on the committee can't keep their mouths shut every single person i knew found out it was a horrific experience that i'm fairly certain has scarred me yet strengthened me for life zero tenths would not recommend edit per request i will finish the story i hope that it's worth the read and i can make a difference in someone's life at some point or give everyone something to reflect on i made the mistake of giving her a second chance about two months later it lasted about a month before we separated and i filed for divorce don't ever give someone who cheated a second chance in a monogamous relationship ever cheating occurs when one's selfish desires exceed their compassion and respect for their partner period you owe it to yourself to cut them out of your life like a cancer even if they become a better person afterwards it simply should never be worth it for you the emotional turmoil is surreal for a while i would break down crying anytime i saw the color orange she was wearing orange panties when i caught her i chose to welcome the single life and to numb the pain with a large amount of booze time is a beautiful thing eventually i came to my senses and stopped drinking and started to progress to a constructive life i did the classic stuff i hit the gym became the strongest i have ever been in my life to coincide with the strength i wanted to develop mentally and emotionally resumed college and got a new job it's been a few years but i like the direction i'm going i have more self-respect than i have ever had in my life i have wonderful woman in my life whom is a great support and compliments my personality i lost a lot of friends for various reasons but i'm building new relationships does time help yes but it won't fix everything i occasionally struggle with trust issues as well as anxiety but it's getting better trust me on this though it was hard as duck and it still is on occasion but you will learn a lot about yourself you've been visited by smoker lizard help the lizard to quit smoking by commenting no i don't have a lighter thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 260,616
Rating: 4.9545417 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms, people walked in on partner, busted
Id: 5sUHYkSmbIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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