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like the video and subscribe right now and i'll show you a picture of the scariest shark doggo ready three two one what are some self-defense tips everybody should know can't believe this isn't already here bring your chin down to protect your neck while continuing to stare in his eyes bring up your hands and say i don't want no trouble you're here flex your traps and core slightly bend your knees here comes the important part in a low voice begin to say well lower lower lower low or low slowly increasing in volume he should be surprised by now begin to sway side to side and loosen all facial muscles and your anal sphincter and your kegel muscle by now you should be pretty loud and your opponent will have stepped back and appear visibly shaken begin to piss and yourself and let your eyes roll to the back of your head by now you're chanting the lower lower low are low at the top of your lungs he will run away everyone within a one mile radius will feel a terrifying presence within their soul marvel as you are sent into your planet form [Music] someone once suggested that screaming your own name will force an attacker to recognize you as human it was allegedly meant as a deterrent to muggers but i don't think it would work hey whoa i got the time nope sorry just check it on your phone i don't carry a phone when i go walking past dark hours late at night you're weird i'm going to stab you now or you can give me your wallet jimmy jimmy what jimmy jimmy jimmy what are you doing jimmy stop it what are you a pokemon jimmy jimmy jimmy jimmy jimmy erg i told you i was going to stab you have a nice night run life is not a movie you need to run first skill verbal judo second skill nike foo use your voice if you're being threatened make a scene by yelling and hopefully attracting attention it is like the burglars bypassing a house with a barking dog bad guys want a softer quieter target that's my purse i don't know you the knee bends one way kick it to make it bend the other ways that hurts to read the eyes are the groin of the head edit yes this was simply a foolish office quotation i have no opinion about fighting and hold no expertise i'm sorry my neck moves quicker to dodge and i attack than my hips from a nut shot the only thing that's going to stop a full grown man if you're already being held by them is significant blows to their nose from either a headbutt or an elbow attack the softest part of the face with the most blunt part of your body this is if the situation is already physical and you can't run the duck away someone grabs you from behind stamp as hard as you can on their foot not the toes the metatarsals nice and easy to break a couple and it hurts another good one is a thumb in the eye socket don't just jab it and though really gadget it like you mean it try and push the eyeball to the back of the head found the mountain do not ever try to physically defend yourself from a knife attack if at all possible run and run fast the loser of a knife fight dies at the scene the winner dies at the hospital don't walk around with your head down in neighborhoods you don't know know what is going on around you and when you have to stop at a street and someone is behind you turn around and look at them this is that hood safety information also no earbuds or sunglasses wallet chain in your pocket if you still have one for some reason never put your hands in your pockets unless you have a weapon in there but even then if it's a knife be sure there's only one dude approaching you before whipping it out the last thing you want is for your weapon to be used against you it's better to get your ass beat by two people than to get stabbed by something that you thought would protect you you can read training tips all day or you should grab here hit here etc chances are you won't remember any of this during a real fight slash defense situation your best bet if you cannot run away or avoid a fight is to attack fast and intense you go after that attacker with all of the rage and violence you can muster as fast as you can punch grab scream kick scratch whatever gouge their eyes grip your cell phone and hammer strike them if they wrestle with you bite something on their face and rip intensity and speed will deter the attacker 90 percent of the time yup i agree with all of this i took a women's self-defense seminar before someone attempted to mug me and i actually did remember what they told me but it was mostly irrelevant i had already been confident i had looked him in the eye and acknowledged him as he approached me i screamed for help when it happened but the people across the street just watched he grabbed my arms so i headbutted and mustered my best battle yell threw myself forward and bit anything i could get my teeth closed to the tips from the self-defense seminar that actually worked acting like an absolutely crazy person slash zombie and pinching and twisting his skin between my thumbs and the side of my first finger be aware of your environment when your head is low your earbuds are in and you're staring at your phone you might as well be wearing a big sign on your back that reads i'm a victim attack me the best way to survive a confrontation is to not get involved in one in the first place avoid unsafe areas travel in groups and cross the street if you're gut if things seem fishy my driver's ed teacher told us to always always lock the door after getting in the car if your car has a door remote you're probably familiar with where the lock slash unlock buttons are without having to look as soon as you unlock your door and get it open slide your thumb over and press the lock button and lock that even if you're only halfway in your car and somebody tries to rush at you or yank you out you'll already have the doors locked and hopefully have just enough strength to get the door closed also never roll your window all the way down for someone you don't know or trust trained martial artist but it's been over a decade since i practiced and haven't actually had to use it my first tip is don't fight kill if you don't think you're in the right killing somebody you probably don't need to be fighting you need to either go for lend a wiggin on their ass or you need to walk slash run away there is no middle ground both legally and ethically with that out of the way there's three main targets the head the chest and the groin slash legs generally you can only protect two at any given moment attack the one that's least protected however you can't go for the obvious spots take a detour if you go for the head try to punch them in the throat people always assume you want to punch them in the head and while they might push at your arm or something it's very easy to at least wind someone enough to land some follow-ups and in the worst case scenario you hit them so hard their windpipe collapses and they lie down and suffocate if their face is protected go for the solar plexus duct or kidneys you can't kill them quickly this way but you can cause such pain they lower their guard the third option is to kick the side of the knee they'll think you're going for the balls and actually angle your target towards you look at how many bends you want it to bend left to right kick it right in the side they will fall down and if they still have control of a weapon you can step on their hand put a boot on their neck or just kick them in the head one if you can avoid it avoid it two if avoiding didn't work try running three if that doesn't work be loud four nutshells and die gouges no one gives a about honor 5. if it is a mugging duck it just give them your wallet for the ever-loving duck stay off of the ground when you're working your ji jujitsu on attacker one his friend is stomping your face in not that i can explain this well but my bf taught me some tips a while ago if someone grabs you from the front like by the armorist or something if you step slash push into them as hard as you can then grab the hand that's grabbing you and push it off of you as you twist away from them to run away from them then it's pretty effective at getting someone off of you i also heard that if you try to hurt someone who is after you you're more likely to get hurt don't know if that's true but i learned some ways of distancing myself that actually work when i practice with my bf and he's much stronger than me just give them your wallet it ain't worth it but if you're forced to defend yourself don't pull a weapon unless you know how to use it and are willing to use it brandishing will escalate a situation quickly especially because of you take it out and don't know how to use it the attacker might and they can probably take it from you you've just given them something else to hurt you with actually train something to know how to fight you need to practice fighting doing a million compliant partner drills of anything is useless if you've never tried to do it to someone actively fighting back that and not everything requires you stomp someone's knee into dust and hate duck there adam's apple with your fist high force may make you feel like billy baddis but seeing how you can get charged with aggravated assault for disproportionate force there really are rules on da streets first off run this isn't a movie just run and try to remove yourself from the situation second and only if running is no longer an option there are no rules about defending yourself don't feel bad for hurting the assailant you don't know how far they will go to hurt you third make noise scream yell make other people aware that you're being attacked fourth if actual confrontation is imminent strike first and strike hard from as much of a distance as possible my friend who is a state champion martial artist said that kicking someone in their shins is a good opening salvo shins hurt like a mother ducker and many people will drop right then and they're from a good shot to their shin it will at least make them stumble so long as you connect right on be careful to kick someone in their groin while that is a very debilitating place to be hit it requires your kick to go higher which will put you off balance kicking the shins however is only a little jab with your foot which shouldn't get you too off balance from doing it if you're going to hit them with your hands pick one spot usually the nose or the mouth and strike it repeatedly this causes the most pain and does the most potential damage to the attacker finally another reminder to run if at all possible avoid confrontation if at all possible it's not worth the alternative headlocks are a common form of assault especially among bullies if you find yourself in a headlock sweep the leg nearest your attacker behind their feet assuming this is your typical attacking from behind you headlock so your foot is behind their feet and then shift your weight backwards they will fall backwards over your rear leg and disengage the headlock to protect themselves from the fall almost automatically confuse them with complex riddles then steal their rings don't ever carry a knife unless you are well trained and prepared to get stabbed a few times what happens when you get stabbed adrenaline what happens when adrenaline surges in a fast fight you don't feel anything you stop when the adrenaline wears off or when you're too ducked up to continue or of course when the other guy lost now you have a huge bloody mess you can't explain your way out of and you're probably dead just carry a gun if you can't figure out how to run fast okay here's what i've learned hit weak spots stomach nose ball slash tits ankles anywhere that hurts bad you're fighting to win this isn't the ufc fight dirty if you know for 100 facts something bad is gonna happen to you hit first and hit hard if you're locked in close bite as hard as you can on their skin if they have you pinned down go for the eye push as far as that mother ducker will go if you're being held with them behind you your heels are ducking hard break the metatarsals stomp as hard as you possibly can a backwards headbutt is risky but also an option try your best if you must to headbutt the nose if you hit first hit the nose you have exactly one second before the stun wears off and the tears go away either run or commit to the fight pull their hair or loose articles of clothing throw them off balance don't bother with the movie star cheek punches they hurt you more than they hurt them and you waste a potentially life-saving punch if there's a weapon involved get the duck out unless you cc if they've just eaten slash drank stomach is a priority 45 degrees upward angle they'll almost certainly throw up lastly yet most importantly avoid fighting at all costs defending your ego is no reason to be potentially killed hospitalized mugged humiliated or any other consequence of losing there is always a chance you will lose don't take that chance the average person is four thousand percent less able to fight than they think they can one punch will throw anything out the window of a preconceived notion you're able to strategize how to overpower someone if at all possible walk away from the situation and don't lose control of your temper if you have no choice be first and hit hard but context always first thing avoiding the fight is always the preferred option never fight unless a you or someone you care about is in imminent physical danger and b there's no way to avoid it second thing if you ever have to fight hit first and hit hard as soon as you can make a safe escape run escape is always your priority thing thing unless you're well trained and no a few kickboxing slash mma slash krav maga classes a few years ago doesn't not mean well trained don't aim for the head it's the most well defended part of the body it's very mobile resistant to impact and contains some of the hardest bones in the body an untrained fist will lose to a skull every time then you have one less weapon to hit with aiming for the throat is a much better target it's soft and squishy and impedes breathing once struck even better than hitting someone with your body is hitting them with something else chair bottle glass literally anything hard fourth thing be prepared to throw something anything i like to keep ice in the bottom of a glass so i can quickly flick it towards an aggressor's face people flip out when things fly at their face and its instinct to flinch backwards and bring your hands up feel free to punch them in the stomach then then run while they can't breathe to chase you this has saved me from knife attack in the past fifth thing if you get knocked down pray to your preferred deity and fight with every ounce of strength you have kick scream bite everything you've been visited by the toad of peace you will be blessed with peace and harmony but only if you comment peace to you too froggy thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 6,181
Rating: 4.9790211 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms, self defence, martial arts, defend yourself
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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