INSANE PERFORMANCE ๐Ÿ‘€ | Escape From Tarkov #46

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oh all right so we're we don't have we got no meds okay all we got is a shitty PM pistol and we're to hope to headshot three PMC's it's gonna be extremely hard how many chokers me yeah it's dirty Mexican you think all my stomach's black sighs leave I got food did initially with the [ __ ] suppressed gun wait a majority make something right you didn't have a suppressor what was it that killed me SKS I don't know you have to post that screen you can see what kind of hover over your death message it shows you a bullet killed that's true it does that's true weird those like I never heard you'd get shot yeah I don't know what happened at all no sound [ __ ] played it's suppressor broke here to take it off and Damned suppressor durability [Music] unless it was the Mosin guy cracking shots just get the [ __ ] out I mean holy [ __ ] I was that close all right there's one there's one PMC kill that's scared I think he's doing the same question I am she's different bullets oh god we made a mistake nobody up here oh oh okay that's to get any meds on you sir I guess I might as well use my effect stop the bleeding huh okay just a scab that's fine unless I miss that it's not fine okay I missed this okay grab this grant peace to the pack of soap garbage my Makarov went through that [ __ ] just what the oh he got that I see my Makarov went through that so quickly was literally just shred through this like it was [ __ ] paper that's why that's what I'm saying like the pet the PACA is garbage it's literally not even worth it to bring it because I just got it's just straight shredded that you know Oh I don't know if any players or what is going on these gaps are crazy you know what the right beer PMC in here they usually like to hide in here let me in all right where do you guys like to go how are you guys out yeah okay give me you a one second I'm just owning about scabs the factory scary what you can't hear a damn thing Oh PMC I'm sure let's get out of here though 84 okay I am out factories always a good time honestly yeah it is it is always a good time you just run around you basically factory is just a deathmatch you just run around you just like one tap [ __ ] no I mean if you you can rush his ass because he doesn't wear armor and if you have any kind of like high flush damaged armor you can one tap them rather actually got a pretty solid someone I give you have a shock over the slug you can once apon with that thing oh yeah do you get ap 20s holy [ __ ] you shouldn't it I'm just testing my drop I'm just gonna serve my shot signing here ok mr. eagle eyes there's no impacts are enduring at a distance I've no idea where my [ __ ] drops on these scout snipers up my blue pop true let's take a peek hold on I'm singing God I'm just asking a good shot I'm over at the car right near where all the extract oh my god you're so hard to see yeah oh is this a boy is that you Patrick oh [ __ ] and so it starts so it starts I'd he's gonna want at me dude I could just feel it I see him where she's someone there's scav or something yeah he has two guards okay holy [ __ ] I'm coming close to you Patrick I think if you're still at the car I'm just big rock oh you made it there where is he behind a woodpile thank you close I think I'm shooting at all right I can't tell I can't tell if that's a guard here mister my see him I'm looking at one of you see you oh that's saying you I'm in the woods oh I'm buying Patrick this is you right now check it was right yeah oh oh oh you're playing a dangerous game uh oh I love it I'll peek with you forget yeah you killed one yeah I got the other one psych I want to get close and loot but I may not have killed Sherman he's he's by the no all right next we definitely did it well last I saw him he's right by the ural right next to the big white warehouse okay they're trying to move to get an angle on him what's another movement shooting at him isn't it I mean I did I don't know he's still up I read cover good cover just some movement there guys are right next to me yeah where the heck was that oh that's sv-98 good I hate you yeah no it didn't take any damage well I heard the hit yeah you loot those guards hey there aren't herds yeah I just regular scabs blue don't know hmm how do we approach the situation I think I'm gonna run across to the excavator oh that's an excavator yes well it's called escalator it's an escalator yes I think we have a Mosin man friend around here somewhere yeah careful it's gonna be me that gets one times I can just smell it I'm late behind you guys I'm coming whoa the garbage is a [ __ ] Mose and you have that serve kit on you still truck I do I do you think I'm one of the guards you go get [ __ ] Mosin just a prison yeah one is uh one of them's like right by the log piles by that red cover right across from us right now in level six armor and he took quite a few shots that chest I don't play a dangerous game careful sure mo of you over there I'm scared for you better [Music] [Music] you go to read covers I'm in there and I just wears a dead body I only see what this body is where he is coming out right next to us I got Stern I got him must be looted that's already oh that's sketch sucks it's probably one of the most min you guys going for the guard your student head players mm-hmm I don't have the ice pick or right one died do another player dead my rock searching this duffel aperture I want to find that guy the sniping at us or is that he's got that like overlooked by the water in the road I'm talking about the left side right right side oh right side by the rocks he's still over there I don't see him shooting at something and see his ass though he's over there wait hold on no some of the water maybe those guys that you killed it they have some loot in the woods I'd like to kill it my quest right to left I see it I see it yeah boss is a little bit of a difficult shot oh my god all I'm clean old I missed get him No there we go it's so hard on your sights oh there's other one there's no one you know get him I'm looking for him I don't see there's a lot of bushes shooters are gonna be coming through the bush shooting with his hands yeah no no take him there left right you're right more right my right do that Bush to you right Oh thank you there's the other one I killed Jules up here yes or scabs cut to the right here I do not go check for the key card are they in the woods submerge of the right yeah where we just worry about that rock I don't a duffel bag look for him just get this question [Music] I do not see them you see the bedroom what uh out on the rock oh yeah there's a scab by me at the checkpoint I'm not gonna kill him I'll have to shoot him okay what I'm coming I'm coming it's got a pistol it's very scary I got a a dead nice it comes more Moses you lose that guy Patrick I'm back you guys did you loot the pistol man no you didn't have a backpack ready oh good spot could suck it up a key maybe heck did I kill him somewhere over here uh you see him no I did I don't always right here ooh so much grass huge humpback let's go to the cabin see if there's more scoffs no let's get out do together I have one right now I don't have fuel half those engage actually a quest reward I think once you get this done you get to go we looted this I see you have pretty far at the rock next to the house titties up on the rock it now he's to the right of the house there's like a little rock up there and just walking right just patrolling he's patrolling back to the house now be some freebies hopefully good bushes right in front of us you have stopped I got that scale clear this bush I'm in the extract okay all right here oh no I got out [ __ ] oh go loot him all right men I get a scope to visit nice let me know if you're not taking it oh I snagged that real fast let's get out of here okay do you recommend it for solo players this game I think it's a lot of fun solo honestly my level 10 I think I leveled up nothing's fun this is the best one we'll see if scabs bond over here I don't think they really do they do but if we spawn here I don't think that's what I'm saying cuz we spawn there I don't think they'd spawn at the same time weird push man impacts would render don't worry shooting all let's go I can't I don't see my impacts well yeah I have a scope so they should render formation day I have a scope as well mine has more magnification than yours bo's'n's it's woods yeah come Mosin land that's you running back around yeah coming no scan spawns okay look look good just can't shoot you look like a basic you sec yes I am basic no that's that's a compliment I mean it's the truth you sex strive to be basic I'll take care of this you get that hoodie the other I know super go super cool top pretty high level almost yeah I kind of wish I would kind of wish I went you sick but whatever yeah you have a bunch of you swag era has a really dope [ __ ] top though you can get this tiger-striped came out top and bottom it makes you look like a naked snake it's really cool yeah I haven't seen how the hoodie looks a little like armor on the gear surely you right-click your character when you're at the screen it will put your gear on none of the cabins are you ready yet art yet I are yeah I'm here okey I'll go on the third one bigger than warehouse portable cabin key of customs factory zone that's what you need yeah okay nice kill him kill him kill him shoot him I'm not a sob not close to shoot it oh you're waiting okay I'm coming okay where is it isn't this isn't the white warehouse comment blares come back yeah Ricky's dead we got a player right around back yeah I think he just went inside no holding the door I don't see him I'm peeking the left side of it don't see him on the left I'm still holding the door okay okay back side back right I got him nice there's a shock enough everybody needs some packing here if you want some armor yep I don't know if it's finding raid though you can take his rig too I'm inside don't freak out I am inside the hollers so much lit on the ground here even though there could be a bit on the ground I'm gonna loot those breeki I was really cool watching you guys like I crouched behind cover and wait for me it's look cool I might get a head shot doing this I'm scared this is the to9 one yeah oh that's a trash alright okay eight more brie keys whoa goodness I think doesn't scab yeah I think so cuz that was deep I was like deep in the treeline I don't know what kind of player would shoot from that far don't see again i careful in this tree line if it is a lair Gomer left on the left more place there yes to see him about the flashdrive tent he's really close there's nowhere him around he's dead wait he's dead huh hey I killed him I don't know someone's dead here I killed him I guess such like a shot him yeah [ __ ] got him yeah house guy yeah this is the guy that shooting us oh good idea okay I want it mmm no I'm good one drink there's juice in there I can't grab I'm upset no juice for you I don't think that's actually like an item though let's go to scope Shack just see Hammond running back again scavs around here to kill what happened to see you so much clean you're like oh what I kill them oh okay I guess yeah mark circle real quick hey guys wanna come yeah sure I count on it we got bags over on the right I don't like is by the bunker your remarks yeah I see them along the wall right to left or left all right oh yeah by me come to me bark sir Oh Kevin I'm [ __ ] playing ring-around-the-rosie with him Oh remember your brother don't shoot the one by the tree you did get him yeah at least I think that's him hey I can scavenge no good looting it ooh will suppress DT see mess yeah I got a survival kit I was happy about it thank you I just gotta I just gotta see him you find there's what I'm sorry where's this thing next to the road then look is it that's gonna be a hard shot I don't really have a good Oh maybe he'll not know he went to the dead okay hey now he's just God and he went to that dip and he's I think this is his head I just don't know I got a virus to go to the barn I said I couldn't see anything behind you know another scab just spawn - right where you killed that one yes it is it hey nice you got him hit Nikki it's so hard more you got like high five left yeah well actually I got that here take this what's that you put that on there no no you can't hear me it's not my keys then okay let's gather next to me all right unless you can help me her coming to my ready are you are oh yeah you're at the rock so where is he he's right there kill em we good I hid the [ __ ] level one airframe yeah it's it's it's an airsoft helmet what if someone's camping down here oh god I remember good I remember when I was looking for her body in the dark here dude gonna find anything yeah all right here maybe no a shot did you loot the bodies in the dip the scabs but I also want shotgun for twist I'm starting to head towards the extract sorry question I would own I don't keep the shouting man you only need two of them I'm just saying are we the smart play the greedy players take the guns better you know scab at the fencer is that you shoe queen you're not the house fan nope you guys yeah I thought those clean - yeah yes yeah I shoulda shot it no he's in the house I think I'll gate of Naples we contracting I laid on the one tap I asked maybe I didn't get him nope in here somewhere can't see ya can't see it don't summer here don't headshot me don't I check out there's hey lame or do I need to go get on the next one King just spiked up to 400 for a second tiny or something what the heck just happened oh okay give us the fake out almost done almost my laptop hates me for playing this game honestly I believe it seems a chunky one are you playing ninjas for a night tournament no they asked me if I wanted to play but I'm not not good enough nor do I even played fortnight so I just passed what's the point of playing a game that I don't play just to go get out here's your gun sir Oleg a ruski are you oh my god Patrick Oh got some lag lag in the house now you want the tree or you want the house clean house yeah damn hey everybody got sick case oh yeah dude I don't get why this [ __ ] loot spawn isn't everywhere you know what I mean yeah like why isn't that [ __ ] loot spawn into the tree around back everywhere around the game bro I don't [ __ ] get Mike uh back here are you you think negative tank was that Mosin man all right I guess the PMC kills Patrick you're up I was really scared to run in front of your barrel there Oh scab sniper I don't see him these scab kills right but go through it get a get him champ shoot his ass that scared the [ __ ] out of me I mean go loot what the oh yeah yeah I'm try to pistol it but I do it you got it oh never mind how it works well through the collision at that like the top of it no it's regular free keys please did you shot him in the back of the head he didn't die I don't know how good really hurt me that oh my god you say did my dad me blacked my leg out holy [ __ ] I'm not lactose go baby yeah Oh save me somewhere in the gas station all right my meds are gone oh god he's mad at me he's mad at me I see it is that there's more I got this one but this one my gas station yeah gas station no not easier I hear him Mary oh good well good I need him to I gotta go I gotta go to military checkpoint oh my god the SCAF was rich he's loaded yeah it 25k he had the the the penis mask the scabs got level four armor come grab this this guy over here bye-bye checkpoint he's got one of the tactical rigs on oh yeah I didn't pick that up because I'm stupid it's [ __ ] untouched good lemma I need to go to a military checkpoint clean anything for you where here's military check wait uh for the scabs lepers all right double scab I'll kill it I'll kill ya is babji's by the fence for the fence oh he's in the hello where did you go we're behind gas no I killed it we're good oh yeah yes you have anything good clean McCormick's getting this back into CMS oh I need meds actually I got [ __ ] get the car make it take someone spreads and I'm scared I think I heard somebody in this bush right here oh there's somebody in that Bush for sure did I heard somebody in that Bush yeah but the tars kill it he's by me am i right I don't oh he's out of my oh there we go damn it you little [ __ ] you think one Pearlie is there supposed to be this one's in there we're good how many might be in there as it was oh god the smartest way to check that I think it's that bad Danny on the hill get a scam it's a scam firing scoff he's over here a lot of scams is ready I need your death to fuel my experience that's true that is how that works don't want at me wherever you are it's just gone Oh Israelis right and I guess oh [ __ ] there's someone in there hey as a you and helmet guy none of has a you in hell all right oh no ittsan gasps yeah and I hear that's the player yeah I shot a pistol him he said he hears me burster no no no no thank you he said cease fire so he knows we're here go with your hand I'm looking there might be another one holy [ __ ] just got so cold all of a sudden what is going on my body's freezing I hear pushes most so me that's you on the inside now where'd you kill your head here uh-huh mr. UN oh what's this oh well then this is the guy he killed airsoft helmet nice I just see this loot disappearing as I search okay I kill it give me the mp7 boy you can't buy over I remember someone I remember someone stealing an SR 25 or something so I don't know it's justified sure scope on the scam the time on interchange when I killed a scab and you're alluding it can't remembers - dude if I can remember that [ __ ] hey I got a scab over here scab over here where's over here he's welcome to the left side near the wall walk in there's snow he's almost by a hole in the wall you gotta neener yeah he's almost the hole in the wall yeah are you so far hey tell sure say God you did a psalm flop you got yeah you totally got him she's so hard to see I'll bet all times let's contact over construction over I feel like this pistol kills on the factory that's how I did it last time I did it on customs well you know we're not as good as you okay you are way better the death yes came to me sure I don't even say that Oh as a camera froze I think that's a breeki is that over there that's a breeki locked onto a guy right no that might be a player actually oh there's two of them it's guys dead whether that was there's a dude down the way there's a guy by the blue containers he's running he's going to elbow okay is it on boy they heard the Mosin I got scared so much blood in this pit holy I'm in the pit are you on metal that was there okay so d4m here in some you know that pmc know all right is this guy okay MCS down the way you went to elbow this lout going for the hole one yep yes one tap turn this off dude I think there's Chuy's he's on right now uh-huh freezing this man dipped wherever he is pastel bow here thank you dead well he's dead as [ __ ] today I am good at the job like I got them I figured you know the reload wall 80s thing does that work with handguns too if you get a masters oh yeah yeah works with every gun ahead of it the five-seven last batch is great that's pretty cool eventually there'll be like different reloads and [ __ ] that'll be faster but it'll be a new animation and won't just be like a faster speed boat engine zft on unity unity 2018 [Music] just need some pmc kills so it's like looted turkeys like the only serious fps in unity it's not true rest rest is on unity good peace Oh scab sounds good a lot of thieves yeah speak for yourself I'm we going to getting from you now let's do it it's gonna happen [Music] I'm really glad they hit me in my armor cuz I would have died well maybe not yeah they're I think they're working on unity 2019 right to get this game on the next version of unity the one when this game went from or when this game went to unity 2018 it was such a big improvement my inventories a mess don't judge me I'll clean it eventually this thing [Music]
Channel: Virb
Views: 67,534
Rating: 4.5777779 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant, tarkov, escape from tarkov
Id: x2SHSGW0D_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 17sec (3557 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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