We're STUCK on a RAFT in Minecraft!

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we're trapped in the middle of the ocean with no food wake up lunar we're gonna get in trouble we were supposed to be getting materials for the wrath when they get back they're going to be so mad at eyes i wasn't slacking you were slacking guys i think you're right i see them doing nothing i knew it slackers it's time to go incognito okay let's see if they're actually doing stuff oh let's swim with the school of fish come on rainbow this way i need air i need it jacko we're supposed to be incognito hello you just got bit by sharks how's the process on this raft it is day one after all it's great great we got a bunch of stones um some tree uh-huh for like you know stuff then why is it still three by three that's still three by three well what were you guys doing did you catch anything for us we were making sure you were doing stuff yeah we totally have stuff too i'm just kind of getting hungry pocket yeah rainbow you should show them what you have because it's a lot oh yeah right here in the palm of my hands i have this really rare type of food that you can't see only i can see it we're five people and we're on this tiny raft come on let's actually work together that's true if we expand this rough we can have the biggest raft i don't know why i'm fishing i can just drop it already you're wrecking the experience it's so much easier whatever you can die out there what food will go here in this barrel okay whoa you guys actually see i wasn't slacking i told you i see can you get us a weapon so we could actually get some fish because rainbow saw a school of fish down there okay i'll go swim for one whoa look at all this stuff she got i will take some carrots there's one fish i'm taking that there's stuff in the barrel oh wait wait wait you didn't no no whoa i don't think we need this leaf i thought oh so luda didn't collect this it was just it was just this is definitely a trash raft let's make it okay guys can we make our rafts pretty since it's the only thing alive in the middle of the ocean so you're telling me you don't approve this cobble not too bad we can have the cobble if we make a design you know like make like a pretty yeah i want to make it look like a survival rack yeah oh wait i'm just gonna there's a dark oak side we can grow something if we find dirt is there dirt around here is there dirt in the chest oh how'd you find a barrel anyway do they like spawn up and you just kept yeah they do yeah they just appear in the water all right like a lucky treasure box there's some string over there wait i know how to get there we can just swim to the bottom of the ocean raccoon that's not the fight we're on a raft he's gonna draco this is sand yeah but understand it is stoned that wasn't very nice and we must stay on the raft guys i'm gonna go find us food i think um some seaweed would help us survive the night i think some good old kelp wait wait tell her about the potatoes dude you can't collect kelp in here it's because we're on a raft i thought it was the easy way out to eat food so we just gotta wrap stuff in choco there's seafood down here ew i'm not eating that i'd rather starve dude that's the one it's just minecraft you're gonna take all these potatoes because you guys can eat fish this is about teamwork um excuse me what happened to making the raft a raft aesthetic you guys do not use the cobblestone we can use that to make a furnace yeah um we are forgetting the basics of minecraft well we stopped him in a crafting table so gold how is fishing over there i see a dirt we can plant we can have a farm just grab that piece of dirt let me see if i can get it cool i can't get it it's cobble ah give me the cobble hold up follow me is there i think there might be some islands around right here is that a house over there where i follow this there's no house seriously i don't see a house wait i see something what is that what the what is what wait i see a weird block under underwater kingdom it's a squid head oh it's disappointing all right i'm gonna go back to the raft and beautify you guys explore beautify yeah i'm gonna beautify the raccoon there has to be some islands around here right i don't see anything over there in the distance where draco i don't see you where i'm i'm in front of you wait where'd you go oh i'm all right behind you right here [Laughter] going back to the raft wait go let's go there's something standing alone in the middle of the scene i'm a swimmer do you think it's treasure i hope it's gold treasure i'm gonna keep it for my room oh wait my first goal is to build my own room on the raft that's what i want to do how you don't have any supplies that's why i'm going to go with harvest supplies um dude i'm dying wait a second what is that what is it what is it i think it's just birch no it's not no it's a piece of a coral what corals did oh it's an abandoned ship is it yeah oh it is oh there's treasure in here this treasure is there treasure guys bring home good taco i gotta find the treasure gotta find the treasure before finally finds the treasure you know guys you're gonna have to share the treasure got it ah it's books and paper books on paper no no i'm gonna die my diet we must journal he's gonna take my stuff that's my stuff now see he just while there's a moss block lunar where'd you go you're not going to found an island over here but i don't know what's on it yes follow lunar and stop making this raft uggies and go ahead go exploring but guys the sun's going down luna i don't think you should go explore that let the older sisters take care of the party far it's too late we're in the middle of the ocean there's nothing dangerous beautify this raft i'm out rainbow there's dirt right here guys i'm pretty sure it's nightfall i told you not to go over there well there's nothing dangerous in the sea at night yeah give me a second i don't see you guys oh i see you i know the only thing dangerous is um you gotta have this back i don't want it you can have your suspicious due back thank you jungkook but you threw it dude where is it picked it up thank you i will keep this soup to myself oh it's almost done at night what there's a zombie there's a water zombie oh my god i said there was nothing dangerous and i have no weapon where is it oh wait we can kill it it's a drowning round oh it glows in the dark with these shaders that's cool yeah it does it looks sick lunar and draco fighting drowns with fists can they be drowned we'll okay i will fight it with fishing rod keep fighting it i'll pull it back wait jack just pull it away nice yeah what is this i don't i'm not sure what this is i think it's just like it's just a pile of rocks it's like sand no something here was worthless no it hasn't something at least the moon is beautiful tonight don't you agree it is very beautiful but we traveled out here for what luna and draco we got to bring something back or they'll laugh at us so we can't believe there's nothing here maybe sea pickles i think the moon will lead us to treasure we just need to follow it draco we can use sea pickles as cups that doesn't sound very delicious well we can put like you know we can make it look like cute little cups on our left what do you see pickles taste like i never tried to see pickle draco neither have i maybe you should google it because there's more secrets what happens if i fall asleep while swimming oh well the moon makes me pretty tired you think we can make a bed on the raft that's cool on the raft [Music] are we even allowed to make a boat i'm not sure okay we should stop exploring and head back i think i'm gonna starve myself i'm gonna head back now it might take until daytime it was a very bad idea to swim out that far because now all of us are very hungry lunar this was your idea you went to go let us look at sandstone that we can't even harvest i bet there is something there i hope you're happy where's the raft i see it now ahoy what are they doing ahoy whoa it looks a lot better thank you basically the same no no it doesn't don't worry we bring back gifts is there food we made it more organized less chaotic see there's no stone in sight oh and this is our wardrobe a wardrobe yeah for that one two three four five okay dibs middle wardrobe well we bring gifts back are you ready to see this oh what did you find cups yes perfect we must cook dinner then hurry set the table somebody thank you because she's at the table i don't um have anything here's our table no the furnace we couldn't make it lunar enjoy your meal be humble fine hair luna hey we need a five table there's not gonna be enough room for cups you can just squeeze in uh oh i placed that wrong rainbow they wrecked erector oh i see this is why i told you guys to go collect stuff so i could use stuff to make things where's your crafting table yeah right here where should i put it right here we need one more cup for someone right here there you go all right what are we gonna do for dinner guys i got my cup of sea pickles i got some potatoes for everyone it's time for dinner i have more you bought home poisonous potatoes are you trying to kill us hey that's draco okay fine wait if we cook them they'll be fine right i don't think that's how it works but i don't have a furnace since schools and rainbow have been working so hard we offer you wow they hate our food oh no sorry i just want to collect this cherry wood to finish okay well here suspicious stew oh gold you first you first that looks delicious mmm is this berries in the stew and uh huh what's that berries onions i have if they're so hungry why didn't they eat it that's true i'm full i'm awesome i'm really up i'm full of salt water you would never think of killing me right no no okay not on par totally don't want to take over the raft everyone eat your dinner we have a long day ahead of us eat up eat up guys hurry don is breaking oh i'm not even hungry do you feel good yum i can't my vision is blurry oh hello oh take that bull lunar hi hello i got it you're fine she's fine i mean for one night this raft is looking pretty promising right it's dawn thank you thank i like you create more stuff like i don't want to go swim in there because it wastes your energy dracco that's the difference i could just stand here and realize i have an idea how about you three create a cute little boat and set c go see if you can find anything i think she's kicking you guys out again that's it do you know what to do we're building a wrath beside them out of pettiness we're super petty let's leave i'm gonna go inside though [Laughter] we're going farther we're not attached all right rainbow i'm going to steal their materials first luna collect the stuff we'll have a raft battle we'll see if he's wrapped it's better look at luke wait lunar is collecting all the materials she's our blue shark that we own here you know what as a peace offering since we're neighbors i will give you uh this gift and i will give you this gift wow you are so nice to you thank you neighbors i like big names with this raft i know stop drago luna do you have one okay i come back with a barrel get off no luna we need wood yeah right there oh nice there's stir enough do you think we can make a pickaxe [Music] let me try opening all these barrels first sorry neighbors we're kind of creating trash beside you but don't worry the trash will look absolutely beautiful after absolutely absolutely amazing let's get enough for a furnace and a crafting table rainbow oh you want another pickup hey guys i'll start making the raft we need more wood though no we need more wood place a dirt two oak planks in this new barrel what [Music] we gotta make it bigger than theirs yeah jacko you got wood anymore yeah i got yeah no no more okay let's extend it nice and then i think we just use random materials right like who cares of making it solid yeah who cares about the aesthetics it's all about the surviving it's all about story yeah okay so it's all about quantity for you guys i see yes it is it's going to be the biggest and baddest raft you've ever seen in minecraft are you gonna definitely be baddest are you gonna name it the fatty raft oh that was a good burn rainbow i'm sorry hey she's gonna get a rainbow someone find me a bucket of lava [Music] we're playing ralph not pirates you guys are actually worried get out of here rainbow say a pun no say a pun i don't want to wait what the oh she's no way she's getting better stop that that's really annoying i keep seeing a stupid bomb on my head draco is newsing leaves smart yes seems to see if a shark's coming to attack us seems kind of stupid why would it be stupid okay can we make a pickaxe now but we need more wood here's one piece of wood thank you luna for this i like our raft it looks like trash gold i need you to collect them none of these have anything all right i'm going now i am the shark of the seas now no one will steal from me um gold you kind of have very like hoggy neighbors next brother i know right what are we gonna do you can't do nothing crew mates i have found yet another barrel amazing place it down on our barrel you guys don't even need all that barrel oh obsidian the ultimate griefing tool okay we can make their raft forever ugly he's never gonna die no jackal please why aren't these trees growing are we missing luna you can't put trees beside each other we got our dirt hello goals hello just taking a peek what are you doing on our trash raft rainbow can i borrow your ex i will give you a sea pickle do you have anything better than that i would like cherry wood oh yeah i will give you a cherry wood oh that's fine yeah uh you're gonna give it back though right you're throwing it yes okay fine thank you for throwing it in the bottom of the ocean oh sorry i was uh it's okay i didn't scam you you guys how many blocks does it take to grow a tree i actually don't know uh i think that should be good enough for are you lying to me draco we have to detach our wrath from this castle please don't rainbow i need to destroy this or else it's gonna merge with your wrath oh you guys are so annoying stop throwing to the bottom don't worry we'll invite you over for dinner because you guys are such nice neighbors right gekko yeah we're having potatoes i finally have enough materials to make a crafting table wait i think i see actual land you always say that i think funny look over there no it is no it's not it's different track oh my render distance can't see what land over there you see it in the distance no no that's the stupid sandstone thing it's the same thing this is the sandstone yeah it's the same thing why are you okay now we can have cooked food i'm gonna go look at it thank you luner now we can eat good oh i'm on a journey hey good luck i see a scrapper you gotta get all the scraps on this it's okay i have to go return this to rainbow oh your raft is looking very cozy thank you cozy as in tiny it'll be tiny but cute all right luna we need more stuff to get more food we must start getting a hoe correct yes oh no um i accidentally wasted two pieces of wood to make a pressure plate uh you guys are right it's the sandstone thingy i do he is so he's so stubborn the teamwork sounds phenomenal over there guys keep going the thing is why is this stuff spawning anymore i think we've eaten everything in the sea nope i'm gonna steal again there's literally nothing left luna i wonder when we'll get a sword okay go grow tree grow never this is my growing song oh wait did you just ask for a sword funny lunar yes i did but i think draco's about to break into song i'm not this is grocery grow i'm so boring jackie look at this tree isn't it neat no stop it i know what you're gonna sing draco don't do it wouldn't you say my tree elections complete why didn't you say i'm the girl oh it's jordan copyright what are they doing can you make a jail for him i wish the line where the sky no not another c song it says me get out get out jack where does this raft go no one no can someone find um bone meal so we could all grow our trees our ship has levels all right balls level levels what do you have a level that's not that's not a ship that's like a canoe that's why it's the next level [Music] actually it looks like a like a high heel yeah that's the goal you might as well just put like an undertake like a little heel all right keep improving trash raft everyone their raft's getting a little bigger than ourselves no skeletons there's nothing can we get a pickaxe and just mine underwater or something i think that's more efficient someone find us a pickaxe oh wait i have more cobblestone we already have a furnace so i can use this luna's making the farm yeah i have to draco can you find this falling okay i'm just going to use the obsidian because why not this raft's cute we need to what my favorite thing to do in minecraft is what stare at the sun because i can't do it in real life but in minecraft i can stare at it for as long as i want chocolate i don't think that's a good habit are you guys wait why are you making a bridge it's not a bridge it's a plank i told you is it is it one of those like ship ship front things it's a farm get away i'm making a farm okay look what wait a minute this will be an inefficient farm this is a dumb farm yes are you are you happy now this barrel has iron ore let's bring this and iron ingots okay who wants to smelt these someone smelled that you should make an iron pickaxe so why go underwater oh let's do it okay that's the way to get ahead of the game go people go i already put it in with iron nuggets can we like combine them together i don't really know what they do yet can you make an iron ingot with iron what do we do with this yes you can you need nine ew hi neighbors can we borrow some chicken nuggets otherwise known as iron man you know what choco just get your butt in there and go fishing ow go go to this what is this it's cobble oh wait we do so we can make ourselves one iron ingot and that is enough for a pickaxe luna do we have any wood i have one i think that's enough okay cool let's take this [Music] no it does not we need to only try to steal from the neighbors and see if they have no no no no no no go away hello revealing stuff i heard it you need some supplies is she a snake what kind of surprise can i can i trade for one wood one this wood yes okay deal only if you give jerry the blowfish a barrel a bit okay uh why do you need a barrel rip-off i just found a piece it's okay luna these barrels have nothing thank you and there's your one piece of void that's a favorite it's nice doing business with you thank you hey we gotta start our own business too we'll call it the cup business once we get our iron pickaxe finished we can get anything we want draco i hope your ambition is right okay i have it do you want to dive and make a cave um i think i got in the bag how about you build the the breathing i made a hole for you it's somewhere over there where it's like sand that i put wait draco but like how do we um it so there's air pockets you gotta go too deep then you gotta mine forward under the sand layer mine into the stone and you should make an air pocket don't think i'm making an airplane i'm dying i'm dying hurry hurry oh oh it worked oh this is genius okay charge money we're not gonna let anyone into these mines draco this is oh um lunar draco you might want to come down here it's really nice okay i'm coming but maybe bring a pickaxe let's charge for this area oh wait do you have a trap door wait try crafting a trapdoor we're gonna lock this whole area up uh we don't it has a pressure plate though good news we're gonna get a lot of cobble though honey you gotta go deeper if i want to make it that's the iron it is oh what's this wait why does it look so different with shaders whoa oh it's iron ingot very pretty this is a gold mine we're gonna we're gonna be gonna be rich and trade and i got a pickaxe where where is it there in jackson you want to build this out it's hidden under where our um competitors would never expect oh whoa there's more what's that careful careful it's a plot it's a flood all right draco you and lunard do something here i'm gonna go trade with our competitors i bring them iron ingots wait where the heck is down here i'm being derpy i have it all right luna and draco you make this place beautiful i'm out i need a torch i'll be back hello neighbors hello oh where'd you come from where did you spawn from nowhere anyways i want to offer you because you guys are such cool neighbors some raw iron a trade oh that's really good rainbow that's super rare i'll give you what would you like food okay and wood um i offer you half of our beet supply and a few potatoes but no wood wood is of rare currency okay fine diamonds yes oh please you guys don't even have diamonds i don't think you'd be throwing that around thanks you're welcome okay trash raft is now gonna become extra large because we got cabba and we could literally do anything yay i think we're gonna start building bedrooms sadly probably only one bedroom because i don't know how big this raft can get with all this would you like a raft made out of cobblestone that's what i'm doing right now luna because that's the only thing we got ahoy mateys would you like to come over for a tour of course yes cozy little rainbow that's gonna okay so just hop on in see right now you're stepping on our emergency raft right there see no one can never break that because no one has diamond therefore oh actually draco found diamond no he didn't anyways um gold continue with the tour this is where we have our nice little dinner with the ocean view do not look that way that is an obstruction to their argue this is the view because we're supposed to be nice okay anyways um you guys just came in time for dinner we're serving fish and chips today today's the special question double the chips because you hate fish um and yeah tomorrow's special will be chips and fish so if you guys want to come so creative aren't neighbors yep that's what we're having okay jaqen needs to go to the bathroom right now draco right yeah where's the bathroom no no no no no that's not the washroom that's not do not that is where that is for the last that's right thank you you know okay what else oh my gosh this is not gonna go hear that here's our farm yeah you guys are so rude you're going to the tour yes this is the washroom that's the guest washroom so go gosh where he just stepped on my carrot garden he was losing on the camera sorry guys my roommates are kind of rowdy because you know they live in the pirates okay let's see here funny come demonstration this is how you this is how you would use the washroom okay how do i you would just squat and you go i don't think i have that much propulsion for us okay no no no no no no no no not on the floor yelling you gotta get a bucket and a mop keep going we should be destroying my garden okay these these guys are about to get kicked out yeah they are really even the open sea the air can't mask this stench oh you're gross anyways down here is our follow-up room this is where we get our beauty rest oh beauty sleep is it okay to go oh it's actually gigantic oh it's small okay well not as clean as the rest of the ship is it form over function [Applause] i'll be taking these my diamonds from the rude house guests no no more okay and that is the end of our cozy what's that what's behind you this is the door to go to our neighbors to steal all their stuff guys what the heck okay yes my associate's cobbly dracula deckhand draco um hi isn't it called cobble no it's cobbly sounds more fun yeah yeah you're on our ship refills it's salt water no would you like a refill drink as much as you want that is why i'm still thirsty okay i'm good for now wow what a magnificent cobbly cruise you have yes luna just got some more water for you i am astonished about how cobbly it is okay so this is our dining area this is where we all have some drinks and have a good laugh hardy harjar oh oh that's really cool see and you can put your food on here and cook wow so what are you serving the sun has gone down to dinner lunar we're presenting you a five-course meal brb oh you can make something else of course rainbow this is way too good for for um the starters i baked potato oh baked potato yum yum yum yum yum yum don't forget for the main course it is one beet stew just one uh-huh one to share yeah ooh chocolate edible floss of course yeah we're out here also for dessert a crunchy delicious apple with a side of potato whoa this was like seven courses from our beautiful tree garden wow yeah this is where we get all of our tree supplies from old gold i don't know if this is actually fancy or they're just kind of like you know scamming hey hey we're not scamming you i've been feeding these vegetables every customer will leave with a smile on their face and if they're not smiling we will make them now to your bedrooms whoa whoa i feel like i'm cheated like royalty how much does this cruise cost we're not being charged for this right this is a this is now please take a rest but you're probably wondering you're like oh this bedroom it's so it's so big right i love it you can see the seat we have a vip bedroom for the guests that we loved the most no way why aren't you following what hey wait wait you wait what we're not being charged rainbow you're not being down let's go wait where's the door it's right here it's right here got the door i put it here put it here all right double security you're going i need you i'm ready go ahead i need to go in now come on hurry up guys yes yes i will go before i die too okay since you're here this room is killer it has a killer view [Music] okay let me see and you can put stuff in these chests and you sleep underwater i don't feel safe sleeping it's an experience like no other yeah yeah it's a very a thrilling ah experience who designed this dumb vegeta that's so true i'm gonna die before i get out okay maybe it's not oh my gosh i don't think it's made for all guests only some vip we're gonna sue goldman soon we're gonna assume we didn't have so many waivers when we went on this yeah yeah and that's the beauty of cobbly cruise oh wow rainbow yeah now back to the top surface everyone we still have more to explore how big is this ship now draco do you want to show them the part you designed oh yes over here we have our very own ride it is called the cobbly wobbly um cobbly wobbly minecarts extravaganza did you just think um [Music] expensive expensive luxury ultra class five star this is right this ride's name sounds longer than the actual ride itself come on let's just shut up reverse five seconds okay wow you had to add more okay show them the ride now i mean let's go straight what this is put your minecarts up here in this hole where's though and then we will push you right here there yes okay all right down you go rainbow you go go get your butt and push up pass forward ma'am just do it just go forward push it hands up clear the track whoa that's cool see it's all from our mining this is so cool i'm finding hiding equals money for cobbly cruises this is so cool i never want to leave okay i don't think you can pay for the extra loops i'm gonna have to actually get there's a chance of poison those are kind of like dishes because it's for those who seek the better thrills in life this is like a horror shift it's extreme i refuse to get poisoned while riding a coaster fine gold you're so boring lunar do you want to show the last part of the tour the best part oh yes the best part is this oh i was talking about that but okay this what is that exactly down there this is where we get our water toilet you know that's the toilet [Laughter] wait wait they've been feeding us toilet water rainbow that's a puffer fish for you and that's a puffer you are not allowed to inflict damage on cobbling yeah hey hey we can kill them all right for the final part of the cruise yes it is still a cruise is out where you also go to the washroom no and you poop on people down below goals lightning this is toilet water lunar fed you i did not know our awesome watchtower where we watch our neighbors tiny neighbors on their own ship yup what you've been looking and spying on us from up here well gold either way we could see each other our rafts aren't that i mean i right now that tiny little gold rainbow is really cute from this from this view update it's also a great attraction itself would you like to see the extreme experience skydiving the wrong way funny what's up puffer fish all right do it jacko i'll show them what this real skydiving is skydiving and some people can get hurt but that's okay because you can take their diamonds all right we hope you enjoyed your stay at cobbly cruises your total charge comes up hey your total charge comes up to i guess gold ping your total charge comes up to 900 999 diamonds if you fail to pay within leaving this premises we will seize your boat and it will become part of our new franchise cobble you know what cruises cobbly cobley could have this you could seize the toilet water right so it is death for golden rainbow you must relinquish your boat to us or pay the charges or face burning doom because your boat's made out of wood it's really flammable what do you think we're made out of money we can't do that die this is really scary [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 4,080,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, minecraft, minecraft games, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, minecraft episodes, minecraft krew, minecraft itsfunneh, minecraft funneh, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft funny games, no cursing, no swearing, minecraft raft, raft, raft in minecraft, minecraft raft itsfunneh, minecraft raft funneh, minecraft raft krew, raft itsfunneh, raft funneh, raft krew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 10sec (2470 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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