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i'm the most problematic baby in the world not on my watch all babies will behave ooh what's this a dangerous substance does that mean delicious not on my watch [Music] yeah we're gonna avoid daddy's love because we're a baby and we want to poison ourselves guys where are we meeting up whoa whoa whoa whoa what is this let's meet up in the living room yeah guys the daddy is oh my gosh she's so cute come on what's going on we're crooked babies i don't know what to do we're angels we're angels we should look here hello hello hello okay what's up let's let's pretend to play ball luna we're playing ball yeah what the heck you're playing oh my gosh where are the babies uh-huh [Music] i literally don't know what's happening rainbow rainbow oh we need to we need to find something no i know we gotta okay wait there's a hammer rainbow hold up i think i could smack you with it come here oh really stop it right there what are you doing what is nothing it's no hammer for you oh come on no why the puppy is cute what did you eat oh wrong baby baby i'll bring you to the kitchen oh thank you girl see you rainbow to the kitchen you guys i'll follow you guys i think have fun with draco what's here uh oops sorry um i guess my dog has a diarrhea um [Laughter] this is disgusting this is the most natural thing i've ever witnessed now stop oh yeah i can't get it oh what is this i'm gone you guys no you have to witness this gold i think the dog is broken okay we gotta get out of here let's find someone another people um luna you better take care of that dog oh my gosh okay dog good job gold thank you thank you all right time to finish it off can we find a treat oh some glass no look at her look at that let me throw it you go outside you stay in that pen nothing can hurt you out here guys help oh it opens why are you ready to play with it she's dumb let's go let's go hurry hurry the dog's still pooping what he called trash delicious i slipped too many times um is there anything delicious in here oh rainbow it's a cookie yeah but you have the cookie no thank you oh oh yummy cookies great you know what you guys need some fruit no i don't need fruit you need some fruit i don't need fruit um luna i think baboo is down what do you mean i think she was it got toxic from the poop you know why she deserves to be right [Laughter] look what i have what oh nice batteries yum yum yum yum [Music] yo there's some bleach let's go oh no i do there's point drink drink drink no no no no you cannot laundry detergent ooh paint hey take this guys 40 seconds come on we need to win i'm trying i'm trying to place it myself delicious green poison whoa don't mind if i don't have does anyone want to go into the washing machine no just going to eat come on let's go everything looks real nice huh are those batteries no 14 seconds can you stop eating all you guys batteries hey did we win yeah did we team baby yeah you're a bad parent tracko you're gonna be the worst dad alive hello i am the new daddy i am baby proofing the house oh is that fruit disgusting oh give me that thank you hey luna what oh why are you a skeleton what happened to you you know i went through a lot of stuff you know you want to know the story of how this all happened yeah sure where'd you go what so i went in this fun ride you see oh you're not going on that ride you will be coming out here baby oh great draco's having a good dad and that is the story of how i became a skeleton you know the rest oh we should go to the washroom what is that um it says daddy's juice you want to try oh yeah yes please here you go the oh come on i need the glass glass okay this way jacko we have to go to the bathroom because we're babies and i need to go right now okay well i'm still supervising you i'm trying to unclean the toilet i'm being a responsible baby i'm not doing anything wrong go away you don't go away you need to do that it's okay i'm gonna get up here whoa i'm beautiful i don't need fruit i'm a baby i need tons of nutrition like i don't like bleach you don't i heard bleach has a lot of vitamin poison ah send me something i i don't drink it no oh wow you have so much tasty things down here i can't [Laughter] okay oh now let me go come on ah guys i don't feel so good let me oh oh funny why are you always going in the box i don't know i always end up in this bucket you you you binky binky oh thank you for the binky now move your butt you know what i'll save you guys i want to take a bath i'm going to see if i can what's on and this one you guys killed what what knock me out your own daddy can you get out thinking about it he's so boring i'm out go shoot him you gotta have a bubble hurry guys watch dad is knocked down go go i said i want a bubble bat hurry guys two more left did you guys know that ducks are edible look hey don't worry what are you going to do spy hurry up oh no hi can i just please i need to go to the washroom can you please leave i need some privacy no how about you goldie 40 seconds left do something else i know i'm trying there's mouthwash over there there's pickle mouthwash in the corner go grab it i'm gonna eat soap so annoying oh this is over for him is there anything in the cupboard no there's nothing ah 10 seconds 10 seconds gold i think it's over for you no please jekyll open that cupboard up these drawers oh isn't that a happy baby a well taken care of baby wow i can't believe you beat us because gold was stuck in a joy babies i heard gold sucks at bina daddy what do you mean i am the best babysitter oh really yeah uh yes you can have dinner what would you like to eat today uh stuff i would like toast toast okay okay oh yeah luna brought you flowers never mind she threw them at you oh wait is that water in the fridge can i can i have some i'm here you can eat some fruit ah yummy yeah let me in here honey look at me i'm on the sink [Laughter] can i eat toast with the wire can i eat toast oh wait oh my gosh oh my god baby i have to plug it in no here eat some fruit she's feeding us fruit um does anyone want cheese you want to join me [Music] yeah i'll have some cheese lunar please okay this skeleton baby is very bad hey girls girls yes yolks up whoo [Applause] i'm gonna grab these sorry put them in our inventory it's not funny not funny where are we going salt yolks on you no no please i will cook you a delicious you like some eggs with that i heard rainbow's trying to do something cool oh get in the blender yeah no no no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait to pay respects wait can you put funny back down sure i did not know i could do that rainbow what's your word oh no was that ketchup yeah funny you were a bad baby and you loved ketchup that is all all the babies follow me aye aye i'm already she always goes back to the washroom she's oh yeah oh rainbow i have prepared this nice bath for you oh nice okay is it a ketchup bath perhaps yes oh i ran out of ketchup with a toaster what are you guys doing oh no all right i don't know dude that was too fast not fair gold i thought you said you were a good babysitter oh i am let me be the babysitter does anyone see rainbow i see her picked up all these fruit for my lovely little babies oh oh can do baby i just wanted to roast some turkey i don't know why you're stuck yeah can we have steak i asked steak from the last babysitter they didn't give me any oh steak yeah oh i drink too much milk [Laughter] somebody happy i didn't know i was lactose intolerant don't worry here's a banana no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i think you should help her no i think this dorm she's pooping everywhere he's making the floor sticky if the baby would stop farting everywhere you go circles please remember this don't ever feed me milk i found cotton juice oh my gosh this is so hard lunar lunar get a lighter get a lighter nice we got poop here go ahead take this okay okay no no i don't want the you froze me you're bad guys guys let's find let's find a lighter okay let's go hurry come on let's go fast lure get up come on anything in here no i found something flammable flammable nice yes i did oh i got something too it's a battery rainbow the garage is on fire oh she's going to be poisonous everything's on fire where's this stupid baby you guys can't be little hot chili peppers no can i come back here i'm crispy now i'm a pizza [Music] oh everything looks colorful rainbow at least i can keep one baby alive i want you it's a lot harder than it looks doesn't it rain though yeah especially when the babies are rascals i am so happy i can't believe i'm the best babysitter in the world time to keep my babies alive [Music] i do think i need some backup equipment but i think fruit is the easiest way hey who's here yeah hong kong hello are you guys here at the door what oh hallelujah okay fine you could come back thank you what's up i can't really see around here no driving in the house stinky okay yeah hold up hey come here come here luna hello you with your puppy um look i brought you a gift do you like snow cones no what i'm called you ate peace what would you do [Laughter] hey happy baby come to the kitchen i'll make you something sweet okay just be nice okay what did you do to me did you just i don't know what happened um it's probably from the yellow snow that you were eating okay where is rainbow i'm trying to cook dinner here i made a present for you oh my gosh i just want to make dinner oh good you're on the way come to the living room i made a present for you it's real i'm a good baby i'm an angel what look at this what did can you not read what the funny number one dad oh that oh this baby is so cute here have some candy oh thank you so much wait you didn't let me finish it's actually number one bad because i'm not getting it wait wait sister let's play game let's play a game okay if you don't leave this circle i'll give you 10 million zillion baby dollars no way yeah so if you just stay there i won't leave yeah i found daddy drink what dummy this is challenging wait give me a second uh i found the perfect thing to compliment this date daddy's ring you have daddy drinking wait let me see draco daddy drink yeah you can have and some water oh no i left the circle papa and now i'm dead oh there's so much daddy dream where are you guys you drink water please just love me too much [Applause] oh my god ugh i'm too tall for this house oh medicine oh wait medicine apples justice still stay still please where'd the babies go hey you are you all are dead you poisoned me with raw eggs how do you feel this is more challenging than i thought oh this one baby but this is my favorite ride i know it's your favorite ride you dum-dum no no no leaving this circle one minute remaining i got this wait did you just press start button how about you put some laundry detergent i'm drinking it why am i joking i'm such a bad dirty green you two are annoyed that's it that's it what do i grab i have nothing i'm gonna come here i'm gonna drive daddy's car no you're not choco should i get out no they're keen no key how do i stop this door there must be something oh vacuum thank you hold up got it i got the keys no you're staying here draco bleach draco draco yeah that's right best dad ever it's too late what are we eating for dinner steak the best steak you've ever eaten please like and subscribe if you enjoy future daddy and you would love to see more videos like this here it is one cooked steak finally this took forever let me just eat this is disgusting where's your seasoning it went right through you where's the salt and pepper what i don't care you guys can live alone no don't leave us i'm leaving we actually need dad come back no i need my pill what happened to you you know what i don't care not my problem come back come back papa we're just kidding [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 8,192,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, who's your daddy, who's your daddy itsfunneh, who's your daddy funneh, who's your daddy krew, who's your daddy funny, who's your daddy funny moments, who's your daddy gameplay, who's your daddy game, who's your daddy multiplayer, who's you daddy babies, who's your daddy funny gameplay, who's your daddy play through, who's your daddy let's play, krew plays who's your daddy
Id: LmLkSxXAHwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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