We're STUCK on a BOAT in Gang Beasts!

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ahoy crewmate today is the 60th day of being stranded in the ocean let me out hungry that lazy blue cat down there i'm starving you know we're trapped in here because of this guy right here dino head he locked that key to the caption tired of you complaining about my key you locked the key and you are blaming me we need to clean the poop deck it's too smelly might not you clean the poop jack please i'm tired of cleaning the poop deck whoa i say we throw her in the cage no no no don't get her captain i'll save you remember me face are you gonna listen to me now or not huh [Music] do not get off the top you guys should all get off the ship so i can eat all the rations draco there is no rations left that's why we're taking this back we're close to a city um more importantly which one's blue deck i don't want to go there come on [Laughter] [Music] thank you she's struggling please please i don't deserve this kind of thing i guess you can say the sharks like the chicken she's dead like the monkey you are um i just spent looting to the sharks rainbow face rainbow can you get dracula being the captain of this that jackal sure does talk a lot huh funny i think i know how to get him to stop talking let's beat him up oh oh wait grab this we can smack it let's see my [Music] well i say we all get into the cage and live yes you all get into the cage i'll make sure to lift you to safety i'll get into the cage and we have an underwater fight it'll be really cool there he is get in the cage come on um just gotta pull it down come on together guys pull it down are you uh is it for safety or is it for sharpening no it's for safety sharks can't get in this kit no easy way for every crewmate to survive in the cage yes get in the cage uh-huh oh i'm in all right everyone in the kitchen hold on tight where am i going hold on everybody outside of the cage because we didn't enter outside wait please i'm trying trapped away shark viewing tour that is the tragic story of the salted bee i'm sorry it wasn't my fault the cage wasn't built don't punch us at him yeah no no you know what bring him to the other side of the deck everyone let i hope the sharks got you did you know this boat is called salted beef junior oh that means that's my boat oh wow i have a secret to show you i'll show you where my secret food stash is i'll show you my secret food stash don't kill me look look okay look yeah she always just told my [Applause] [Music] there's no food at all i ate it all why did you do that now get off get off this boat no no no bye-bye that was cruel and good head butt calm down panda it's okay we can share this boat together me and you we could control and you know escape the sea together just let me there is no sharing here please die now go be shark wait so i can get food no lunar oh mama and the chicken wins again guys wait we don't have to fight when rainbow threw me down there i found the key the key mirror the key to the captain's quarters yeah [Music] i can confirm you guys don't fight the island is right there look we're so close to the land already says f which means best friends forever forever oh so we hope to have a better idea i'm going to tame the sharks and ride them to land no no i will be i'm gonna shark trainer draco kick off go up thank you thank you boost me up there i'm gonna call for help go get help we can glitch this get up go go no oh yeah hello city we are the five crewmates who have been stranded for 60 days three three sixty-three oh i mean three 63 days soon to be uh we have lost two crewmates but it's okay i don't know what rainbow's doing i think she wants to become her trying to get in the cage i want to get in the cave i can't die if i stay on the cage oh never mind do you need help i can get on myself i'm strong no we're almost at land help we're here wait we're sinking we're saying good night we are saying [Music] it's okay i'll make it i'll survive wait she's still look i see a boat help is on the way [Music] gold go oh at one just die already go no i'm a fighter i'm still here where is she oh see my house she's hiding you can't take me down so why did we climb all the way to the top again because we got to job as construction workers and now our job is to dispose of the truck no no no no no no oh i know i'm going to try it out no no come on you're not supposed to fight in a construction site yes this is dangerous yeah you're supposed to be safe like this jump oh that was pathetic all right let's go funny we're supposed to be building we're supposed to be building look oh yeah we built let me build something damn you're great you build a house stop it you need to go down destruction oh no no no no no victorious i feel like someone should go down that slide right don't you agree you feel on my petition we rage quit the high petition we build something stop it no position you break the floor [Laughter] i'll help you let's go get in there i will rise we need to build a bridge of friendships [Music] never be able yeah wait a minute rainbow what right you're coming here you're looking for a bridge of friendship you'll never get me you're lucky my foot is stuck halfway in the bridge of friendship i feel like a real cat this is what happens when cats get stuck in boxes we should listen to the ox i quit okay guys we just have to build to wow wow let's build it that's a bill to the other skyscraper it's really not that fun it'd be easy no one knows how to watch their steps i got it don't worry i went to construction school when i was a wee wee kid i'll help i'll help okay okay teamwork team i said teamwork you got this rainbow you're buff you're an axe i got this you just dropped it not buff i'm not building a foundation oh i'm sorry you're in the way of my construction bridge sucks all right this is tesla bridge just a bridge rainbow it's completely safe now don't break my bridge i just built that okay rainbow if you're so good at building uh-huh okay now both of us are going to hang off the edge and we'll see you oh okay come on let's go let's do your side first this way oh this is a rigged game no no no it's not i'll i'll hold on too just wait this is the most boring no here's the suspense no now you wait now who will fall first jump right not me i have strong arms yeah yeah yeah so we quit our construction job and now we're just part of this garbage disposal factory i'm not i know i look like a chicken i do not want to be turned into chicken nuts you have to regulate the heat valves by punching them no rainfall i don't want to become they're watching this if you don't do work they'll fire you but don't you want to eat a chicken nugget no golden chicken nugget get off me you crazy you know what's tastier than a chicken nugget bunny a chicken nugget a funnel cake because i can't say oh so funnel cake it is luna don't you like [Applause] oh get out of here so so far we have dino panda nuggets can we have more shakes please um like chicken nuggets like actual nuggets no no i would would like to request chicken nuggets no hey chicken nuggets oh yeah that's a fail you know why beef nuggets don't exist it's because of me it's because of me it's tough that's why i'm a survivor that's it bye-bye you know they say cats are the worst i am the owner of the establishment yeah and i will offer you a lifetime of free dino nuggets i love dino nuggets just just kidding i could own this establishment if i just be rid of you of no harm please how are you dodging everything any last words because i'm a chicken and i can run really bad name her chick-fil-a chicken [Music] yeah i heard that too yeah [Music] you did a backflip join my team cat nuggets how about no how about no nuggets huh no how about okay no nuggets wait guys we're just fighting for a tv show look there's nothing else past here it's a tv you used to be stay down you guys fight right in the middle and stop being a baby jacko yeah fight in the middle like stop being a baby let me go okay wait i got it i got it one person i'll just punch in a straight line kick her down down i thought we should help rainbow um should we help her wait no oh wow it's another draw let's do tug of war everyone link hands across this opening and we will pull okay sounds fun yeah hold my hand hold my hand right into formation into tug of war gold get in here okay now maybe i'll make a long line okay you guys tucker is working out great for me this is working yeah oh [Laughter] oh this is a real tug of war now you guys can't handle any jobs now we have to go clean uh-huh i'll go clean the others well i don't want to be on this platform i want to go move it move it no lunar no the panda couldn't cross the road don't worry we've joined too many jobs and we clearly suck at all of them the only thing i know is i'm a pro boxer and i'm ready to join my first fight oh yeah boxing match huh yeah i'm the i'm the real boxer here okay gold ready nuggets are the new hot thing you wanna is this a content battle jacka are you twerking don't you dare twerk at my face that's it look at this isn't one of those gonna fall time to defeat tracker oh my goodbye no no draco it was my reigning moment [Music] it would have been really cool it was actually the winner [Music] oh it's always a draw there's only one way to do this a tug of war go 1v1 wait i'm not ready i'm not ready okay how am i supposed to tug that here i'll grab it i'll sacrifice and grab oh oh no he dies [Applause] i would say that was pretty unfair okay oh okay fine yeah that's a timeout for you and a timeout for you i set a timeout for [Laughter] and i am the best the competition begins what keep letting go i have slippery lizard fingers pull [Laughter] thank you thank you please clap for me um pro fighter buddy in the comments below thank you thank you i'll take my roses now no we should do okay yeah i'll give you some roses come here just let me give you why are you roses look like punches not bad i told you i'm a pro you don't get anything i don't want to fight with you i want to be your bff that's a great answer gold that's a lot you're going to be my best friend for life now come give me a hug yes don't go over there gold that's a trap you trader dude okay luna's she doesn't wanna pretending to play dead is this she's an anchor cats aren't very your nine lives are out cat can you do it you're lucky luna's really playing dead [Laughter] well we hope you enjoyed today's video guys if you did make sure to punch punch punch punch the like button and don't forget to subscribe if you hit like button yeah thank you so much for watching we're crew and we'll see you all in the next one still proud oh my gosh yeah i'm so good i'm so good [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,806,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, gang beasts, gangbeasts, gang beasts itsfunneh, gang beasts krew, gang beasts funneh, gang beasts funny, gang beasts funny moments, gangbeasts funny, gang beasts multiplayer, gangs beasts gameplay, gang beasts hilarious, gang beasts co-op, gang beasts new map, gang beasts update
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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