Our SECRET Minecraft Base in Krewcraft!

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this is a masterpiece no one will ever know about my secret underground base hmm i wonder what's for breakfast today hey it's gold's turn today why isn't she making breakfast hmm that's suspicious i wonder where she is hmm this wasn't here before hey everyone look at this i found something come on hurry up i found something amazing what what did you find draco what wait where's everyone else they have to be here too hello dragon wasn't this whole oh this whole looks upgraded i'm pretty sure this hole was here before i'm going down first no i found it it's new i'm going down no raid will be first yes dangerous oh wait why does it say do not wait wait wait stop i gotta take a picture of our expedition all right take a picture it's not really an expedition it's like built out it says do not enter jackal i'm i'm it says do not enter but since blogging wait where's gold anyways you guys broke the sign up i didn't break it i said do not enter so i just i mean technically it means we can enter now right yeah oh there's stuff in this chest hello oh there's lots of face stuff whoa wait is this called secret base she has she's a mob spawner where's gold though gold wait she's been hiding this from us i don't think it's gold i think it's ours because we found it so now it's ours that's not how it works jacob said do not see a sign saying gold's base anywhere no we should dominate this base what gold wait gold what are you doing hey yeah this is my place did you not read the sign there was no sign oh yeah gold you should go look there's no sign there was a son yeah hey this is my secret base are you kidding me how'd you guys find it it's really oh there was a little there's a little uh hatchet going down here a little door yeah it's not very secretive you did not try to hide it wow well now that it's figured out what do you think secret really nice i like it they're looking pretty cool but it's like missing kind of boring it's kind of like it is it is a basic underground base though so i have an idea how is it basic there's a mine there's a yeah it's extremely basic there's food it's a basic gold so crew i have an idea oh my gosh you guys just made a pun i have an amazing idea for us we should build a secret underground crew village base yes we will share this space together and we will have no both can keep the space we don't want it no the space what no yeah i want a new base yeah this base can't be from the kitchen because that's not like i don't know if i'm happy or offended by that no you should be happy gold we're not raiding your base so oh okay i did some work off camera i finally uh set up some paths around the village as you can see the paths are very nice they look like they lead beautifully well not this one i didn't fix this one here shut up look at this one look look at it right here it's gonna be a center masterpiece this is the path you've been working on okay i've been working on the village path what where is this secret so i have an idea that we should turn that house that house right there into this that normal house yeah like basically your house and there's nothing in it either look is this your house so and then how is it we can connect it to gold's base no we don't connect start digging no connection dig down go go ahead gold you're the mouse but how deep is your secret base dig a tunnel yeah maybe it should be like this it should be now we're gonna get down by ladder or really really spirally staircase um definitely by ladder so start digging to get to ladder funny uh are you gonna make the ladder stracco you know what you make it no i didn't oh wait then have fun toodaloo we will excavate this i have the ladders thank you and i have these books for everyone because we're gonna build our secret bunker um you know what we'll put the ladders right here for now just jump down it's totally safe i'm scared i'm going to die just give me you better draco okay this is good yeah rainbow oh hi can you spare some space we need to make this surprise oh i can't see i can't see i can't see uh okay so let me put on this mining helmet everyone please recruit down here for a buck it's a very good way look at that rainbow look at the rainbow area is this like spleef rainbow keep coming down rainbow you're coming down you're mining the wrong way get your foot down here make sure that it's four by four it's uneven up here what what do you mean it is four by four mine down you're making it later wait guys i think this might be is this no this is laughs all right um i think deeper yo are you sure we should go as low as we can go it's not no we should have layers no we should have layers this should be our first base what okay no guys no cave exploration no no more caves please [Music] [Laughter] don't pick up my stuff let's cover this up all right crew listen up i have yes the secret bunker book golds gold you're here yes dracula get your butt back down here here are the books everyone just grab it and i'll read it to you of what we're building today here you go everyone please flip to page one which is the only page um the secret bunker goals today an inconspicuous statue that will lead to the bunker so we have to build it up there all right okay and then a chill hangout area so when you go down the ladder there's a chill zone to just chill and flex of how gorgeous our bunker is a farm in a fishing pond a small kitchen food storage of course and then cool bedrooms where the villagers get to sleep this is a little project well let me give you a piece of beef and let me tell you something that what a lot of expectations funny what do you mean it's not stop it i'm going to start he's digging with the hole he's thinking it's time to dig creepers statue i think we need a very large room with the statue right in the center because that's why we're putting the statue up from our little friends what what because someone get rid of those oh they're still here they're gonna help us come up little guy rainbow they don't just slow down anything yeah we should just should we just keep digging this is cursed we should wait no no no wait wait stop funny no we build this way we're gonna kill it so we have finished digging our two by two hole i know i kept saying four by four but i fixed it guys it's a two by two hole and we have struck into a cave which might be a problem but i feel like we can use this uh good solution to our benefit yeah we can build with it so it looks like a real underground base because no underground bases are perfect all right where's our cave right here right here there's a lot of breaky bricks around here can i differentiate it i'm breaking brick i would just like to say it's this one i'm gonna need this redstone do redstone things yes rainbow i would just like to say that let's crack an egg because there's a place to be here right but that's a waste of money i needed room to get gold okay who's in charge of what i feel like we should do jobs you know what i'll assign everyone everything inconspicuous statue that's for all of us to do chill hangout area i will do that who wants to do the farm and the fishing pond why is everyone silent hey someone do the pouring pond okay nope pond lunar it's fishing pond and farm you're in charge of it be free dracco you are in charge of the small kitchen have fun gold uh yeah you're in charge of food storage probably the most boring one and the most easiest one so in your face and rainbow you are in charge of cool bedrooms [Music] okay all right this could be a cool bedroom you just have to seal it off all right i can do that i can put some beds on top [Music] why would you what site manager i have a question so food storage do i go hunting and just put food in a chest or do i build a kitchen uh you build a food storage room where we could put shelving and then just steal food from the village and bring it down here that's pretty much it gold weight gold weight boy come over here boy you missed some coal you missed some coal over here rainbow if you kill people you automatically get kicked out of the the bunker yeah don't be don't be sneaky yeah you don't rain foam i want if i get kicked out i don't have to work on the bedrooms the bunker should look this short though right or should we make them i think i think the ceiling is too good to make those ceilings higher oh but i like it like what are we doing like why is the square so huge draco that's up to me this is my job this is the chill hangout area it just looks like gold's bunker but worse now [Music] thank you no this bunker's gonna be very hot so high for my bunker to make it not look like no claustrophobic guys we're making the roof a little higher okay don't make it a squishy bunker this bunker has to be very nice [Music] it's been a good two days of hardcore crafting for me but them building and i have some cool stuff that i can build in our little hangout so when they get down here we're gonna have two barrels with trees you know it gives this place a more lively look so it doesn't look as dead but i only have two because that's all i can make and i also made these cool uh little oak benches wow this place is starting to look good guys good job and we're going to put them right here it kind of looks like a waiting room is that a problem um do we want to make it look like a waiting room i think i think a waiting room what do you it kinda looks like a waiting room but i'm gonna build a fountain right here so when people walk in our base they'll be like wow they somewhat put effort into it well the only people walking in here is going to be us and the villagers of course okay let me see if i can make a good fountain so let's extend this out let's extend this out and we're going to build one of those basic fountains because i'm a minecraft pro why do i hear so much glass breaking what are you guys doing i am revising my windows ignoring my smashing of windows all right it just sounds like a waste of materials draco i hurry is it that secret of rainbow yeah i cannot see how's it secret if i tell you how to do it because it's not it does not for you so i don't care let's go this fountain be uh big though ah let's see okay is this still even three it's uneven look we have to burn this bunker down my dumplings yet i've been saving it for a special occasion oh yeah i forgot we made dumplings here give me one yeah no it's for a special occasion rainbow what do i do is like this feed it what do i do if this fountain is uneven this is gonna like oh you must this is literally it's actually hurting me what do i do there's no way of fixing this no you can you can you can you can't no i don't want to make it any bigger it's already hot shut up it's already hogging enough space it's hub fountain what are we doing oh this is painting me i'm so much pain yeah oh can you stop the predicament um can you stop i keep wasting my loss downstairs what wait let me see it's smaller yeah no it's still oh yeah wait where are the stairs i think i figured it out i got it wait no idea here help wait yeah i do um i mean we can make a fountain you know what sometimes you have to settle for less wait that is even what do you mean that is even i don't know no it's supposed to have like water in the middle like something epic going down but this works i guess makes me kind of sad i mean we got chisel oh my gosh get my water back okay let me show you the magic of draco you chisel something so we're gonna excuse me ma'am where's the lake i needed water hello gold it looks like the fishing pool is unfinished right yeah are you okay i need water where do i get water i thought you guys had a well down here this this water is for me for my beautiful pond that's just one bucket wrinkled let's share wait gold let's share water just put water in my water fountain draco what are you doing draco dracula i'm chiseling where's the water at bro oh fine you can take this i'm gonna go get more water myself i'm gonna get give me give me your empty bucket i'll go from here go get it i am chiseling i went to a building you know what he's gonna build something i believe that he will build something okay just like what did you work on so far um i built these oak benches and i'm making nice i'm making um a lobster it looks like a shopping mall we're making a megaphone building a super cool underground vase this is cool it's a waiting area where you wait maybe i should move the barrels here give me a no i don't know where i'm going with this okay you know what this is no longer a bunker it does the shopping yeah if you put the barrels yeah i was just here it'll look like the barrels at the shopping mall like the flash stuff please i think it looks nice yes it's kind of complimentary teamwork but it's nice no it's not funny it's like the lobby area you know the chill lobby what kind of villain has a lobby i got something draco you go boy i believe in you and i also have a campfire because i just thought it'd be cute here but i don't see what draco sees but let's see i don't think this matches while i wait for draco i'm going to get these leaves and we are going to create some hedges to make this place more green i wonder if this matches that actually looks pretty good oh rainbow look it looks more like a mall a green mall i like it it looks totally natural like you would totally find this down in a second rainbow i'm not like other bunkers i'm a green bunker this actually looks pretty good okay be right back i gotta go up these really long long long ladders rainbow bring food down rainbow bring food down please bring food okay but can cairo have a request can we one day build an elevator draco can we build that no it's not come on rainbow fell it's two ladders rainbow it's two ladders this is yellow wait can i look am i allowed to look at the kitchen yet or do i have to watch draco [Music] okay fine um so while i was also mining guys i forgot to tell you but this is a dangerous work in progress area you see when i was digging i have found one of those uh dungeons which we can make into a spawner room but also i don't know what to do with this room so please leave a comment down below kf on what we should do with this dangerous door area like what should it be in the bunker okay dracco what's this are we done can i dump water not yet it actually looks good though but kind of not good thank you i need i'm gonna go get food i do want to look in the kitchen though guys because i figured out that you can actually craft shelves these chests are oh my gosh i need room for my inventory okay i don't know if there's gonna be room for shelving in my kitchen no luna you don't understand this shelving is going to look so good okay it's yeah okay so let's place a bunch of oak slabs around like a block our max i mean that's enough luna bring us the food oh my gosh the kitchen is so cute thank you thank you jaco made that this barn looking thing but i did the rest of the work it was all me take credit strawberry cake as well you just make cake everywhere please should we kick this in yes all right actually i'm gonna break this in you know what let's just do this you can do whatever you want i love that now i have some extra bread in my inventory look this is look how good this looks imagine you can just play yeah look at this i gotta put my strawberry scones there ones have i just put all bread just wait this is a waste of my bread i still need this luna i'm taking this bread back yeah okay we got our bread this bunker be looking super cute and do we need leaves out here i don't think we need leaves luna are we done with the tables in here yeah i am hmm i don't know i don't know what else to add to it i mean i could do this i don't think it adds anything but it just adds more greenery you can never have too much green feel like this has turned into a mall instead of guys everything everything india is starting to look like a mall gold and i love it is your pond looking hi this looks like a mall pond it does not look like a mall it looks like a construction gone wrong honey do you have stairs i accidentally broke your stairs draco here take all the stairs i don't need them anymore rainbow are you going to bring the food back yes i'm already down here grand opening final touch for you to fill the pond with water no no no that's too much work i'm not filling it up funny let's just put it in here draco taught me just put it in here i lost my bucket i lost my bucket infinity pool no thank you guys i bought you one cooked chicken did you take that from gold's farm no i just this room here's gold you keep working on the nature room what okay here's your cooked chicken thank you can you put the empty bowls in my kitchen rainbow thanks oh for accessory rainbow is this done huh yes can i go look in the bed place the bedroom no no okay you're not done yet i'm the bunker's looking good i'm just gonna go take photos of people doing stuff in the bunker so we can leave this as memories rainbow would you actually you're not done yet lunar would you like your first picture in the kitchen yes yes yes i will run right back down and then i'll by the way i think at this point all of us have swap jobs um yeah we do wait we're still missing storage he was in charge of luna was in charge of storage no it wasn't i was in charge of the food and then wait i was in trouble i told you i was in charge can't we just borrow gold storage room no yes i mean having the shelves is a storage room i guess i helped you okay luna just go in there take off your armor and stand right beside i guess under this this looks really great wait is this a cookie jar yes it is it's a it's a jar that i made i don't know if it can hold cookies though all right luna you ready to say uh say i don't know cooking this is your first photo in your bunker house okay i'm ready chop chop luna that looks amazing okay that's our first photo thank you luna gold if you don't decorate your pond your first photo in the bunker is going to be pretty bad i'm coming i'm coming okay here's just saying ready come take away me wait give me something the water into the pond really okay fine yes this is an amazing moment everyone everyone has already practically finished their builds but gold she still has a pile of dirt and she will be releasing water into her first moment okay gold i got it ready go tada that's it it's it's gonna fill up hey draco you lied to me why isn't it filling up what wait who told you who told you that's how minecraft works oh you ruined my picture do you know how to make an infinite pool of water gold yeah yeah four blocks fill it up break it and boof no no he can't break it he meant you just have to keep going back and forth and dumping gold right yeah you have fun doing that come back come back later this is embarrassing take that scene no gold it's no gold it's too late gold the picture's already here gold do you want to see it's right here look no it's too it's too late did you actually yeah it's too late i don't have enough film rainbow are you ready for your photo no because i need help it's not working i can help you draco's like working on my fountain anyway and my lobby was pretty easy to do he's really busy with the fountain here don't tell anyone yet but look this is the cool bunker bedroom space i made it's called the wacky world oh the fence is burned down hold on wait it's not ready wait it's actually cool it's like a jungle gym though it's actually i know oh no i put my respawn here poop what what did you do i set my respawn in that bed uh rainbow i think this is a little dangerous though you should have put glass here because a mob could run through and kill us when we're sleeping that's exactly the point anyways oh my wood oak plankton burned down oh my gosh everything burnt down before the reveal okay i told you not to put it over lava i need help putting our dear sweet i mean your dear sweet child up why why you carry that everywhere right gary i'm out she is a part of crew craft hello hello rainbow i'll go get it okay i'll go get you an item frame because i have one i have one wait what you have an item frame like a picture frame yeah yeah i made it what there was a cow in front of my house before where i always got milk and now it's gone uh i think i heard funny earlier saying something about it rainbow that's the wrong picture frame did you okay so let me give you an explanation bailey i was cleaning the pack okay and then the cow was walking the path and then i let the cow free it was the fresh was supposed to be the mascot of the town lunar well that cow wasn't that uh cute anyway so can i just say that i've searched the whole forest and i never seen a cow that beautiful and that was the only case well it's too late i moved it for aesthetics i have to go to my by the way for those who don't watch the live stream i've moved into dracco's house and this is my bedroom so we made this on the stream with everyone in kf it says be extreme fly low and follow your dreams this was me jumping off the cliff and dying but it's very epic good times um a great memory i don't need this picture of domingo fine i'll put don't make oh i don't know where to put her yeah okay fine there rainbow i'm bringing an image frame down uh i'll put no i need these photos i'll put chicken in here you know what i don't need my armor right now do we need a test gold lake we do need a tester pond actually not lake pond all right i'm coming back draco i'ma steal some stuff just kidding luna what are you doing what luna you better not touch stoopy the raccoon luna what are you doing don't you kill stoopy stoopy is the mascot of this town okay lunar don't why are you not there why are you crazy i'm walking i don't know she's creeping around stoopy the raccoon it's freaky luna just go what are you doing just go back down go get in go go into the bunker whoosh wait what if i do this i was about to do it look like we could be extreme we could go out and then go in wow taco did you fill this up yet it's not fail i need a bucket all right rainbow i have the photos why are we putting this i think we should put it right here no why not actually here drive no no no come here thank you dominga belongs right here on this wall so you can see her every night before we go to sleep i don't really like that but okay all right dominga welcome to our bunker that's so creepy private base look and your bed's right here funny so pretend you're sleeping rainbow this was what the villagers do and you wake up and you see dominguez like hi what's up remember me i'm the cursed child guard she's our guard okay wow great are you ready for your photo rainbow oh yeah okay in front of domingo in front of domingo wow okay rainbow ready hold on maybe i got a parkour on top of the bed hold on this is also a parkour map rainbow's first uh bonker bedroom she made okay looks great now i'm just like oh it's above lava it is rainbow i need you to take a photo of me now here okay okay there one paper now follow me follow me in the front where you can take a picture of our beautiful mall i've never seen anyone this crazy oh that's that's like detail you're crazy you're chiseling this yes you're following through with this [Music] i didn't craft this fountain but rainbow took a picture of me in front of it all right say hey shopping mall i am the mayor of the shopping mall she's all right just gotta get you in frame any day now rainbow pose for the picture i know i was joking i was joking no oh please no rainbow i'm sorry but oh wait it looks good you have to pay for another one i look possessed i was messed up it's too late now well thank you shall we have a tour can i have the camera back yeah we're ready for the tour guys sure you can have the camera back this is our bunker tour wait we have to check everything off yeah we definitely didn't do number one which we have to do after everyone round oh i can't look everyone please meet at the town i mean the bunker fountain that draco made wow wow this is beautiful is that lava i no there should only be one secret bunker so first when you start in our bunker you go down to the beautiful mall lobby area where you can sit and chill with your besties wow how nice wow bestie and then we have this bestie a three bench no uh as many people can sit on it as long as you believe so this is our dangerous area guys and we don't know what to do with it yet so i asked kf in the comments what we should do with this room right now get out it's very hot in there cold it's dangerous in there don't don't i just saw a spotter that's pretty yeah i know can't you hear the lava just keep that close the doors close the doors now moving on to the left side the or the left wing yes we have lunar's kitchen luna give us a tour of your beautiful kitchen wow enter in there's tables here for everyone to dine on cake we have food aplenty and you can look in the pots and there's ready-made stew and there's also strawberry scones for dessert and bread i think luna did a really good job crazy back tiling this was me oh dracula just loves chisels oh that's cool did you chisel that yes draco's chisel master that's pretty good luna 10 out of 10. luna you are now promoted to town chef gold you're ready for your final two the pond are you ready look at this oh it's so it's a cave pond so don't get your expectations so high i like it i like the flowers it's like a pretty fairy pond where are the fishies it doesn't matter for the fish it matters that i did it cheese they're actually nice i mean it's pretty thank you moving on wait dracula you're not going to say it's 10 out of 10. it's 10 out of 10. nine out of 10. nine out of ten it's like empty and it's missing trees wait this there's supposed to be a farm we're missing it it's a farm what the farm remember the farm who built the farm i thought i mean this is like kind of a farm there's flowers everywhere okay technically it says farming fishing pond so we'll we'll check that off as like sure i told you i will do the pond not the farm remember and i was told i would do the farm but then dracula was in charge of the kitchen and then i was in charge of the kids and then i got bored and then okay he just wants to take a picture near his fountain okay draco just smile just smile through the fountain dude turn around smile in front of your work this made me lag but it was worth it perfect and last but not least rainbow show us everyone it's been a tiring day hasn't it it has yes aren't you all ready for bed wow nice entrance [Laughter] this height is the bunker of the secret base yeah it was a beautiful can like creepers spawn there yes that's what i told her it makes it extra dangerous since this is a secret like you tried to build like build like a tree bunk bed but then you got lazy yeah no actually this was part of the design can you not see like it's supposed to be i can't get on my bed rainbow well i don't care because i have the highest bed okay get up there tell me go to bed why is domingo here yeah honey so is there supposed to be parkour to this rainbow yeah parkour to bed so you get chocolate is it possible um yeah okay it's possible rainbow wow 19. why was that waiting are these rocks gonna stab me at night yeah this is you guys it's because since it's a secret base i had to keep the cave aesthetic i didn't want it to look square i wanted to still look like a cave you know okay okay wow i like your plants beside the bay i'm just fascinated by uh all of our work so we technically checked yes the creativity the last thing we have to make is the inconspicuous statue so let's make our way all the way back up the statue okay oh [Music] yeah because it's a long way out the celebrators the weather guys [Music] what are you doing oops okay good so the statue this we didn't think we're starting to fit yeah we did it so first we need a trap door right yeah and then put the statue on top why are you just watching huh because your head pain i need to get up oh wait yeah we can make it let's put the statue right here and then we'll put trap doors there that works trapdoors behind the small statue we can make it like are you sure you can build a statue here the roof is kind of low no draco let's use white we use too much lava stone already we'll news we can do something creative what's poison like yeah we can make trap door draco chisel some art here that's for you a beautiful statue you know what i'm just gonna do something crazy and random it is done art what that was fast uh i want to see so beautiful draco it is inconspicuous is it nice it's interpreted as what do i see that's like oh yeah it looks like someone was angry and just started smashing uh chisel bits into it how much does it cost it kind of looks like swiss cheese yes smashed it kind of looks like cheese it doesn't look like swiss cheese now oh yes lunar trap doors i gave dracula the track doors oh okay oh you gave me the trap doors put the final touches here we go the trapdoor all right now we pretend wow what's a normal house in a normal village yes yes so normal oh what basic and then what a inconspicuous statue in a totally normal yet ugly yes very ugly see here let's go down oh let's go down i forgot to test one thing in the bunker i'm gonna go down fast i forgot to test if gold pawn passes that's rainbows wait we should put water at the bottom right oh these ladders but not gonna die okay so we can instantly drop down there should be that's true rainbow wait rainbow don't come down rainbow we're gonna make a safety landing pad for you okay rainbow jump so sweet thank you ready i'm gonna go fast [Music] maybe we should make it that's her fault i'm littering time to see if gold's pond actually works or because we we'll see oh wait i had this bluegill sitting in my inventory that's not does that work that's not how it works oh um i don't think it was enough gold what did you get no rainbow just threw this at me and draco's playing with trap doors oh wait can we oh oh where is he welcome to the vents whoa [Laughter] he's making a bed that's so cool we can make among us in here guys yeah gold i don't think this is the environment for fishing i don't think fish will actually spawn in it but um we're going now bye jacko see ya bye see ya skye
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 11,563,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, minecraft, minecraft games, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, minecraft episodes, minecraft krew, minecraft itsfunneh, minecraft funneh, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft funny games, no cursing, no swearing, minecraft mod krew, minecraft mods krew, minecraft krewcraft, krewcraft, krewcraft funny, krewcraft series, minecraft survival series
Id: UwNH5BY_pw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 12sec (2352 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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