Going to PRISON in Krewcraft!

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[Music] hey guys welcome to crew live uh something something very terrible is happening to today in crew town and i can't tell you yet because i will go there right now so we have created this crew courthouse where uh you know what i'm not even gonna say anything i'll just go in right now i'm kind of like hello funny yeah you are like please take a vote rainbow you don't understand i was doing the intro for the live stream buddy all right we may now begin uh i was drinking water yeah what uh gold can i get a little help i need my seat to be raised thanks yes your honor i will help you oh wait let's get some suspense music yes can you say that one more time you got that okay ready yeah welcome to crew law and order [Music] chocolate man all right um defendant no talking over the judge okay you will be allowed each to speak on your own behalf but defendants please state your full name for the record full name yep um dracco oh oh you must stand up you must stand up from your seat and say it okay yeah okay for the record please state your full name and why you're dracco and right now you are showing some emotional question um no no no i'm just a serious judge okay there is no bias here okay all right please listen to your judge so we can continue with our lives and this court doesn't take five hours yes yes yes [Music] dracula are you looking at her what i'm listening she's gonna talk please state your full name for the record you still have it yeah taco that's your full name you're under oath yeah it's dropped right here yes it's draco no it's draco space space space space space space space lunar i suggest you help your clients because i think he's going to get in trouble [Laughter] fine you really want to know do you really want to yes [Music] all right my turn my name's it's funny that's my full minecraft username i am here because of a felonies that that we have caused but my lawyer here is gold she's defending me we [Music] no do not do not say anything that will incriminate you please be careful what you say all right all right do you take that off the record or do you want me to keep that on the record off the record oh yeah oh my god okay it's going in the record rainbow do you know what you're doing as a judge yes i do i have a whole list of things that judge say on here okay so you all may be seated okay you all may be seated we are seated rainbow do you know what you're doing do you want do you need help okay so are you are any of you familiar with this what this what am i holding are you any of you from it's a it's a diamond pickaxe so it's funny of crewtown over on my left side here has been accused of stealing diamonds from the treasury [Music] no is that true go defend me go defend me no she didn't ask yet funny this this is what she has been accused of okay and draconite dragon over here to my right michael twerking please address me as my legal name draco turkey rainbow can i ask something can i have this timeline in this place since you seem very very confused judge i think you should ask hashtag crew live to see if they can pull up any evidence about this instead of you making this bombarded evidence on the top of your head i am defending me excuse me you're not supposed to be talking for yourself it's supposed to be your lawyer but but i do agree it's funny of crewtown has a point i summon hashtag crew live our jury okay kf you have to be crazy will you be our jury you'll be our detectives okay you guys are detectives and you guys are going cuters and they're prosecutors i don't know what we are i don't know i think it's time for you to take over this courtroom yes go go [Music] don't even know what you're being charged for undeniably okay um yeah guys hashtag crew live so super serious courtroom here we need you guys to grab us evidence of the illegal crimes that draconite dragon and it's funny has committed in crew life in the past how long do court rooms take you know like this is going to take forever a long time you want to go on break okay you guys are all dismissed for break go we get break okay yeah you get a break all right time go to sleep with your clients a gold i want to talk to with you over here dracula don't close the door on my lawyer gold you're not defending me in there okay you need to get evidence from twitter what yeah i have nothing because come over here can you guys stop creeping on our conversation we have to we need some privacy around here oh yeah sure all right go on you you're very guilty but we're going to try you know you're innocent and until proven guilty that's that's the thing hey get out of here shoot so uh we're gonna be quiet for now and you know we'll wait for crew life to you know get some stuff all right rainbow are we on our break or are you gonna show us around the place i also wanted to take a break too i also wanted to let so since we're like kind of the only people in town we're like the construction people where everything um yeah we don't have a jail so i thought before so kf has time to gather evidence we us also must build a maximum security prison and a regular prison why it's going to go into manchester service you haven't charged me yet well draco exactly exactly gold we don't know who's going to maximum security prison yet so that's why we're going to build it and then well how do we know you're not going to go back to court yeah rainbow she's the judge that's true the only thing we know is that funny is guilty okay okay so you've seen people go to prison but have you ever seen people build a prison to go to prison that's right on this channel that's what we do so um gold already pre what is this gold you know what gold you're the one who did this so please give us a tour of what you guys wanted a base i mean a jail prison above ground but i said underground everyone head down there let's go together [Music] roller coaster wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait look at me this one oh oh go rainbow go on the front all right uh rainbow you gotta push us though there's a rainbow there's a car in the front right well there's a car oh oh no rainbow why you goofed yeah you guys just hopped into the prison truck and now you are in the facility it's quite squishy i'm going out we're going gold this is a child's project no it's the prisoners just denied look is this failed it's pretty cool look at this drunk will push nothing down yeah jack we're gonna have to hop out here comes the prisoner oh no oh oh no oh we'll fix that we need to fix that well that's the biggest fail oh oop um everyone on crew live is just saying that draco twerking what's up with the twerking lately draco can you answer that yeah i don't know ask the world all right that's it get out of the cart so what is maximum wait gold what's this what is this on the left okay let me explain myself i'm clearing this so this will be where just you know the prisoners go with not that much um not maximum security to the left down that dark hole is maximum security oh it goes deeper are you do you want to see it so what do you want us to work on first oh maybe we should ask chad where they want us okay why am i president of building my own prison this channel that's the way it works in crew crowd whoa maximum prison looks so cool wait why am i saying it's cool i don't want to be here wait i have a great idea for this one exactly in the middle of nowhere so the prisoner cannot escape i don't like mexico we bring food we feed them and they stay here there's nowhere to run hmm yeah do you want us to build maximum prison or the regular prison i'm going to go back up this is way easier push me whoa no by the way maximum security prisoners won't get a cart why not because all right everyone's saying whoa the map okay so judging by the chat it looks like everyone really really wants us to build the maximum prison first let's go all right all right be a maximum security prison it must prevent any prisoners from escaping that's the point because they're dangerous i'm a dumb prisoner i forgot how to make animals uh shouldn't we have like an interrogation room as well what no no that's the court that's the court that's the court we don't need no interrogation you seem like a very knowledgeable judge oh yeah i studied definitely for two hours before i'm sure you're not just pulling these these words off of google rainbow you may step down hey what happened to my diamond sword what it's in the chassis oh wait wait wait wait wait wait hey hey wait wait wait wait wait wait hey give me the diamond sword you're weird no why would i be that doesn't make sense why do you need a diamond sword to build a prison it's dangerous around here can you hear the zombies i could die anymore you're just you're just being filmed every move right now so one hot and 4k yes funny you need to okay i swear funny you will be proven guilty if you do anything bad while we're building what type but there's witnesses right now so you've got to be on your best behavior or else i'll i have a problem so like being filmed right now in 4k and being live streamed to to youtube is it 4k or is it like no no no it's like 180 but we could say 4k but anyways there's like 20 000 people watching me right now so i'll be on my best behavior don't worry guys i got you thank you for tuning in i will be i'm very good you hear that chris jf detectives draco witches i'm working on this i'm gonna destroy that firing bars wow how nice are you that will be good for later i have iron bars too look you totally can't walk through these right [Laughter] so does that count as building a jail um draco draco no we need better and this also excuse me you also need a proper toilet let me help you hey that was an accident that was an accident i swear she was just in the area [Music] wait doesn't that mean she can be charged not really i mean you have to respond at the same time yeah but to you because you did it to her first so therefore [Laughter] are we are we approving vigilante justice in this town is that approved no get to building the maximum security jail i'm building it but someone made this crooked yeah i'm trying my best um excuse me are you tired you're supposed to be symmetrical yeah you're a lawyer place needs light why are you using glass do you want people no draco stop making yourself look more guilty i'm gonna go out here yeah draco see look wait a minute is this the bars coming in before going to mac security jail no this was the mack security joke oh dangerous look why is there glass what yeah console it's really weird if you're in a mac security prison no eyesore no that looks bad luna you don't know what maximum security is you know i'll put a lamp i mean a torch right there this looks pretty good this looks pretty like sad to be in we need a toilet we need a toilet we're not massacre you didn't get a toilet they can uh don't talk about it don't um because it's hard to escape i mean this looks like okay luna's making the toilet and she's in the toilet no we do need like one one torch in here so it's nice and bright how's it looking so far um it looks too easy to escape yeah i think i say like the judge just pushed me in the water she almost killed me ah you fell by yourself i said no i think this could this could be a better max security if we just made a little deeper because you know like over there there's something that looks totally amazing in this tiny hole and i have lost all of that evidence okay just follow me over here just follow me what dude [Applause] what prisoner draco all the way over here i'm gonna get more lava wouldn't max jail look much more menacing in this place yes oops hey oh sorry i missed clicked um yeah no um this is too far from max prison what do you mean it's literally a few blocks away yes dude there's like one tunnel away but it's so cool that's too intimidating maybe that should be for later for the max maximum max so this this looks like the max and then there's the max max you know this is the max max jail there will be no escape rainbow you are going to kill yourself lava no i'm not why didn't anyone bring a crafting table here oh i wasn't going to bring anything you brought nothing to the jail yeah enough to go back up i have to walk see i'm the only prisoner making stuff just saying nah i'm making oh what are you making wait what are you making i'm making i'm gonna make this place impossible to escape it's gonna be great how do i because i know that there are some certain prisoners that love digging underneath stuff so have fun i don't know what you're talking about i need some regular stones you hopped into that i didn't do that i didn't do that no but bunny was away so the cat had to go to jail i forgot how to make a lever all right how to make a lever yeah i just made it i thought you used stone whatever i don't want to talk about it i'm going down what can they say i'm a little rusty i'm making the toilet uh our judge is quite something i won't say what do you mean i'm gonna make this place so incompetent maybe i made the toilet it's so cute judge are we allowed to compliment our own builds yeah of course all right well my toy is great look at that see maximum look at this and then bam oh oh no oh he helped me out of the toilet did you do well with your toilet yeah can you help me out please i'll give you a pork chop a pork chop not good enough i need something more i got luna just give me why are you happy don't i just open it thank you thank you imagine getting stuck in the toilet draco shut up okay go go um their bed what what bed would you like to sleep just carpet i don't even think they get a bed if it's max luna get in i need to test it out hey i need to test the toilet lunar come try wait can you pass me the bucket wait let me ask you enough if you haven't evil no no no no okay back away thank you i need the water first rainbow what are you doing i'm trying to put lava everywhere just ignore me okay well you can attempt to put lava everywhere but i will i'm going to try and i will [Music] oh sorry i got by a creeper all right let's put water in here much better who wants to try out my new toilet draco come here no um i think that the person that gets charged and goes to max security should have the honors of trying the new toilet wait there's something in there no what there's like an emerald i don't care about emeralds gold i need to have to put something more enticing in there if you want me to i am do not kill me i was not i was yeah and this is the bed is it it looks so comfy yeah it does okay i'll test it funny funny i can't breathe under here if you suffocate me no funny no no luna oh i'm running out of oxygen are you actually dying yeah i'm just late no [Music] get out get out oh oh my god okay there everyone how do you uh what do you think of our max prison here it is yeah i have a good idea no no it's not done yeah it's not done yet i have a good good good good good good putting luna's putting love under there luna what are you oh that makes the toilet more dangerous yo it looks pretty good idea needs this yes someone warm toilet with a super chat is saying something i'm not going to say what it is because why are they saying the t word no no i'm not going to read it i'm not i'm not going to read what comment moon said because it is liable to me and i don't read liable things that will get me more into jail so i'm not reading what are you guilty of i'm guilty of nothing and welcome new crown members thank you so much for the super chats everyone no don't read it don't read it i'm not reading it oh we totally forgot happy friday everyone how's everybody oh my gosh we have happy friday oh my gosh we totally forgot to say happy friday happy friday we were so worried about ours what about friday this is dangerous i didn't do that she did that herself she literally walked into it that was her place caught in 20k i thought jack will push luna she did not push her i was on the other side how would i push her caught in 20k jacko everyone's saying the maximum prison looks really good yeah even there's a crying statue out there guys i think we outdone ourselves this place is beautiful gekko we need more lava everywhere yeah i'm working on hey oh no i would not like to live here no oopsies i ruined your toilet my bad oh she brought your toilet she's just waiting no get in the toilet again no you broke the toilet i'm angry i'm out i'm presenting who wants a question from twitter sure okay do you mean um cloudy demon said i have hello i have a question have you ever tried cherry smash what's that what's that no i don't know cherry smash maybe you should google it i don't know what that is sounds cool is it good or is it bad what is it someone google what cherry smashes or kf you can tell us it sounds like a type of candy yeah is it candy or is it a soda oh my gosh it looks like a soda it's a perfume oh sorry i actually clicked that i don't know why google search wait what is it lunar well the first thing that pops up is a fragrance well kf please tell us that's why lava have we ever tried a fragrance i feel like that doesn't sound right but it'll come back i'm just building yeah first so it can spread okay yeah please please help us spread the lava this will be amazing on twitter stupider said i think funny should be jailed for 30 minutes and draco for an hour are you guys scared now there's no evidence to those claims well draco you don't know that yet oops wait what this thing be looking creepy um this is max prison for you wow colors are not max i mean what is funny so funny this is my hat i am making mini prison how's my this is uh rainbow rainbow what this is my hand yeah but there should be lava underneath even if you break it with your hands oh you're making a moat oh i see what you're doing emote yeah these colors are a crime exactly rainbow's making our prison no rainbow's making our prison into eyesore it's supposed to be max prison rainbow not cursed prison not hurt your eyes no exactly this this is atrocious to look at so it's like basically like uh you know this is not fun yeah this is christmas the twitter hashtag is crazy there's awesome receipts for funny right now yes okay what are you doing i'm not doing i'm building what what are you doing funny girl i'm still in prison i don't know are you sure you're building prison yes i'm a thousand percent sure wait winner can you redo the toilet please actually wrecked it prison is dangerous to build you know you do that funny here here's your lever here hey hey hey save it save it for the courtroom whatever proof you have of me i will delete it oh all rainbow i can't pick it up my inventory wait is that bad that makes me frightened i am on your side so i will not say anything obviously but i'm saying stop whatever you are doing all right i will i can't it's in my jeans my blood i'm trying gold look at me i'm being a good prince look at me what am i doing right now what am i doing yes good prisoner look i'm just vibing and i'm building oh yeah and they're building a cursed prison well i'm when i make real prison oh we have a lot of time rainbow what the heck why would you say that about a prison this person is gonna be i just made too much iron bars eh all right we're making the basic prison um we'll put this and probably we need an iron door girls how's it looking it's looking not nice for you no one look at twitter whoever's on my team do not look at twitter that's exactly where we're going to get all our evidence from of course we're going to no look at draco draco's back what you're talking about okay here's one that's not related to your crimes um thank you frapp blue on twitter said what are your guys favorite chocolate or type of chocolate chocolate what i don't really like chocolate chocolate bars i like caramel ribbon crunchy oh yeah i loved kitkat maybe because it has a k in it look wait you don't love pit cat no more no um wait what's the other chocolate we all love the crisp the stuff that what is it wait what's that thing that rainbow loves a lot it's like it has like those crispy rice in it or whatever it's a crunch bar yeah yeah and draco caramel ribbon crunch chocolate anything caramel for draco if it's caramel macca will you eat it ribbon jack i swear you have so many fake uh fate facts what is he even called he has like what does that call like an addiction to a type of food for like like a short segment yeah faith macca williams phases crunch yes um depends how much see i see youtube chat saying draco what do you like right now then i told you no they said food food caramel ribbon crunches food no it's not a drink no if i'm chewing it it's a food i can't what the heck all right you chew it it's a food yum yum yum yum yum yum anyways gold do you have any so um fairy on youtube said the last time i saw funny build a jail it was made out of a dirt pile that's right i upgraded look at this it's cobbled now and totally escapable i mean what what man i say such i'm sorry i don't know i'm tired i don't think you're going in that jail what oh no yeah i am going to this jail because i don't think oh you're thinking oh wait no no wait you're right i don't deserve to go to any job because it's water i'm innocent what were you saying earlier rainbow what i think you asked a question oh what else is kf asking while we build these jails uh crew honey said hey guys are you planning on doing anything for draco's birthday draco and he just wants caramel you're gonna eat yeah i'm gonna eat he's a movie do nothing because i'm lazy and i don't want to do anything on my birthday [Music] okay literally yesterday guys we asked draco do you want like do you like surprises like can we do surprise and he said no no surprises he just wants to sit in his room eat and do nothing the true lazy life jacket oh come on nice you asked and you will be granted yep oh yeah sorry sorry to break it to you that's working sad twerking so sad all right you could do it before your birthday so then yeah you can edit before your birthday draco that's that's what we usually do we're like if you want to be free on your birthday you can do it before and then you're free i need more cobble look i'm giving you texture what is happening hey you can't pour it down the right side yeah i didn't do the back so max present sounds like it's going great that's all i'm going to say dude max present is gorgeous gorgeous we're feeling it counterclockwise we're filling it from the back forward from the back chad is going they're all saying sad twerking [Laughter] draco you've opened up a hole jacko not every comment is just gonna be about twerking the two memes are it's too funny though that's good disrupt it's working one of us curse talking what's my twerking merch um just kidding no no no i don't hit well rainbow okay i won't twerking match twerking we are not making parking merge why not boring i want to make um [Music] a a twerking sound button and then whenever you press it it says sad twerking and then it vibrates dude oh that actually sounds sick that sounds fun i like it it's kind of funny it's like a magic eight ball except no i say i say we make twerking plushies just kidding no just kidding no dude i'm joking already i'm joking i'm joking oh my god yeah that that uh that that unicorn thing right those exist already what do you mean no you mean the santa things yeah like the santa all right that looks like a really dirty prison well gold can you get um by any chance would you possibly grab me some vines if we have it let me go see oh don't think they're innocent let me see why not you think you're in a position yeah you can climb vines the whole chat right now on the live chat is just saying cobble's working [Laughter] that's hilarious super chat stickers twerking thank you very much all right from twitter nineties idiot said i don't know if anyone asked you this but what are your zodiac signs hi c like my snapchat zodiac sign or like stop dude [Laughter] mine is zebra zodiac that's crazy i don't know about the snapchat stuff that stuff is like out of this world like draco showed us that day we're just like whoa jack we're like you're crazy draco so many things um mine is a scorpio but apparently there's like uh a new zodiac which i'm not sure of i don't know yeah like i'm just like born when that happens so yeah so we weren't yeah we weren't born with that happen so we don't really care we don't know the most important thing is though do you guys it's like a snake your zodiac signs [Music] wait wait let's read let's read the daily the daily horoscope for our zodiac and see if it fits yeah guys we're that type of channel it's more yeah i feel like it's more funny of personality draco you're a tourist yeah not illies oh my gosh it says this is right here on my phone right now it says taurus today is like very criminal that's what it says no it does no it does i just saw it oh it's true where is that so weird that's a lie really how does this look kf i want to make this prison look as rusty as possible and i ran out gold did you have any luck finding vines uh no but i found like some mossy cobblestone oh if that works okay that works but yo does this look sick oh my gosh see being on tick-tock minecraft guys i've advanced what tick-tock minecraft oh i see vines one second i'm gonna bring it i'm an advanced person now okay you see when i google what the scorpio traits are it says you're destructive so that's like dude we are not going to horoscope law and order please stop seriously that's not evidence evidence is you have hard proof evidence that is fake evidence i will not believe it okay lunar now make this whole ceiling laugh or do you not actually we will save this for the court save the ceiling above right now we are just chilling and building the prison no we're not we're starting arguments i want to fight max security is done it's done wait wait wait wait wait i gotta go back up jerk oh i gotta go back up too bad i don't know what's happening down there no i'm gonna drop these off for you and then i'm gonna go collect vines because it's right across town okay thank you um that's enough light you know what let's put it here this prison looks pretty good i'm gonna get rid of all of this a full cobblestone prison see guys you don't need any pretty block to make a prison you just use cobble kabul is a very here you go i will be right back thank you god wait only one i give you two can i go what's too good too well that's all i have up there no it's it's not enough wait i'll come back with vines just let me i just need i'll come back just wait [Music] i'm making aesthetic jail don't wreck it oh there's a bunch of escape holes no you dude you think so bad i don't know why bunny thinks she's going to minimize why are you thinking the worst of funny she's just being a good person you know the doors for say sals they're never in the middle last year they're on the side draco don't tell me how to build the prison you just come in here all right like my stuff another question from twitter stupid audrey said have you guys ever tried sunflower seed do you like it yeah they're amazing yeah they're good i haven't eaten them in like a long time though that's true it's been a while last time was the last time we've been outside just kidding a long time it's it's been a minute or less no if we ever went on road trips didn't we always get like a bag of like sunflower seeds and i spit them at choco wait that makes me sound bad for prison i mean i wouldn't do that like i'm literally okay you know i'll just i can't i'm going to the mountain i'm going to jail right now here we go again you didn't spit them at draco you spat them on the floor yes i no i spat them into a bag and not at draco i i'm [Laughter] where am i sorry luna you're gonna have to tp back up i apologize for dumping you down the hall but that was your fault diamonds that's another crime hey she walked into it dude she wanted diamonds down here i meant um i love sunflower seeds and i put them in compost yes yes yes yes yes yes nothing to see here yes composting yes they do belong in compost yes see see i'm a good prisoner i told you good person you know how to recycle good job that's right i told you let's put this there you know what this prison is looking pretty rusty i like it all right now we just need to get the bed where's the skillet you guys this girl presents bed need a bed for back security guys all about the toilet there's no beds it's carpets there's buckets of lava ready for the butt lunar this is just regular prison there's no lava here that's the toilet i mean that looks pretty good let me go make an iron door y'all we need carpet somebody grab the carpet please no i mean what's the point of this iron door it's supposed to not let the prisoner gekko it's supposed to look fancy yeah no but like they can literally walk through here so what's the point there is no point how do i make this look more like a toilet um oh i know i know i know i know i'm coming down you take this tracker why are you whispering i know how to make it look like a toilet dude i made it look like a toilet no i made it look like a toilet here bunny is this enough for you see i would put gravel under here but i can't oh is this enough for you yes please can you bring carpet yes what color bed would you like you only have hair prisoners not bright colors in the color i can't hear you rainbow ride is rainbow wish me carpet they should sleep like in a tube why should they sleep in a tube because it's uncomfortable y'all i'm not trying to show off but this prison cell looks pretty decent okay this looks pretty good i'm complimenting my own work it looks great okay well i want to live in this prison ew why are you bringing this block in here i hate it no we don't appreciate break take your block out here take it where are you running oh wait sunflower wait can i read this yet i feel like if i don't read it it's going to get passed but sunflower on youtube said i'm here to defend funny's case in the recent crew craft live draco put tnt under her house which then she retaliated in a manner of self-defense because yes my tnt never went off therefore can we can we pin that or see that that statement because i have no lawyer so that that person should be your lawyer i can't get super chats to be my lawyer you're my lawyer gold i don't pay you anything okay okay i'll try to get your stuff together i'll try to remember that in my brain cloudy gotcha says do y'all eat ketchup chips yeah ketchup chips are so good we love ketchup chips so good you eat ketchup chips do you guys have ketchup chips they're really good yeah so write a letter to the free ketchup chips no write it to frito's lace and be like bring ketchup chips here i heard the canadians have it but why not us have you guys tried it let us know so my jail's looking pretty sick everyone should try cut poop noise i mean i'm pre max max security prison is like looks pretty good like it's ready so am i ready to give it to am i ready to go look at it wait i'll bring you carpet hold on one second i want to say prisons of course we have to decide your guys here rainbow what i already have carpet thanks i mean this looks like a cell oh rainbow where are you maybe this tweet what are you going back to court oh okay uh stupid said hey crew can you make puns out of your names i think rainbow probably could do that it's rainy though she's that was funny oh everyone's laughing [Laughter] lying that's a felony get out of here i can't think of anything i'm sorry how about you guys think of a pun for us my brain is not an unpopular oh here look i'll show you how to really do the bed here look you do this dude what are you talking about how is that dude that's a deathbed no it isn't you'll wake up okay then you go would you sleep like that you know when something like this then you sleep then you sleep do it i won't have to because i'm not gonna be in here actually i will be oh you wait yeah you're right you're gonna be in max prison down there in the deep hole no no no you're going to be in max prison down there that's where you're going to be track them look at this what do you think of this oh i mean that's pretty sick i have to go reset my spawn point otherwise i'm going oh i glitched into the wall dude you're breaking my prison all right rainbow i think we're ready to go back to the courtroom the cell looks complete yay i mean funny funny you did an amazing job this looks spectacular i'm really good at making presents this is my one it's my one minecraft skill okay let's everyone see that you didn't put a powered rail here dracco oh you just stand up funny are you coming in yeah yeah yeah i have to put my stuff away and take some stuff what i'll pretend i didn't hear anything guys where are you going the potty's gone go push me push your push out that's dangerous yo jack what are you doing nothing ah it's still night i think draco's doing a felony i don't care i'm a prisoner [Laughter] um gold and rainbow you could come up now it's safe no go on the minecraft no gold minecart no don't be boring minecart i can't there's jackal there's no minecraft we'll send them it was built badly so we can't really just take that rainbow push yourself what okay i'm already waiting in the courtroom that's too many oh rainbow's in the courtroom you guys have four more minutes to get back to the corn all right four more minutes you can't have a break we already had one we just built our jail give us a break yeah rainbow this minecart rail is cursed please i just need a card draco help her what uh why did you build [Applause] [Music] um rainbow can you come witness this please the prisoners are killing me between the stones funny i am your attorney and you should like me out of here right now there's no evidence it's just funny just killed it mr rock funny was a bystander kf do you guys know who killed gold please i was just building i didn't know that would kill her funny just watched and let her die i wasn't into vicinity graco the court is not in session yet i don't care what you say right now i just rely on evidence i am a non-biased judge oh wait you're not biased also yeah also stupid valley's asking have you guys ever had ramune yeah yeah my gosh okay i always wanted to get the marble out of the the bottle i love what's your favorite flavor though i like i think i like original oh i made rainbow go double high [Laughter] okay um i need to get something ah yo two more minutes chill why we have a cow in the kitchen you know what i'm not going to ask every minute that you are late for this court section i'm not late i'm not late i'm running i'm running i'm running all right ah always late i'm watching the stream why are you watching the lawyer um judge rainbow i was late i was late because i brought you eggs extremely what did you play i brought you eggs oh thank you thank you i don't really like fried eggs but but okay here you go okay that's you can have them back that's so rude um can i also ask why um the defendant's lawyer over there is wearing violent armor in a court yard just according oh yeah can you take that off please there's no intimidation in this courtroom oh sorry i say anything [Music] you know what i already have a feeling i know what's gonna happen so fair is fair we i said that we cannot control what this little one does right here i'm not doing it i gave you something to defend yourself with so in case they know a little crazy in here unless you have something to defend yourself with okay can we start is that even a real bug did i just eat it rainbow your mic is glitching she doesn't even she has no words what kind of judge are you your mic is not working rainbow your mic is broken how sad i guess let's leave you know what time it is that is a very bad twerking for rainbows and hello hello hello hello can you hear me don't listen to her listen to me that is my old book you can't even do it it's not eating it's the book of justice justice was eaten rainbow what happens in a courtroom when people don't listen to you what do you do you put them right in jail actually i thought you have the hammer that's working uh i'm all right i guess it's time to start please we need to start go sit down please shake your feet i don't sit down to that working order back in this session from the last episode which is uh 40 minutes ago draco and funny are here because of the felonies they have caused in crew town gold is funny's lawyer and gold has to protect funny oh funny will stab her what i mean funny will be very upset bunny will be very upset over here is lunar the defendant i mean the lawyer she's clearly trying to buy rainbow which is very bad but we're not going to talk about that ukf you're watching the stream right now and you're watching the most heated court battle of all time crew law and order now smash like and subscribe because it's free and that's all i have to say okay i'll go see uh first of all this cake is for me not bribing oh okay it is for me rainbow do you agree not to be in contempt of the cake i am a judge and i will not answer you okay let's get the show on the road judge come on what needs to sit right here by the way in here so rainbow please go all right i would like to call up miss funny all right to the wit hand the [Laughter] don't take this as a real court of law anyway gold well i know what i'm saying please proceed with whatever you do okay you know you're supposed to say the charges right i don't even know rainbow here i'll do the charges okay rainbow i'm the judge and funny you are under arrest and you're charged with many felonies because you are too perfect for the world okay i'll get it all right no no no no no no no no no no no no okay see i gave you an example gold may you please say what you are defending your client against please that's your job no it's not a school's job yeah it is it's the judge's job to say there you go yeah be quiet order i can just replace my bookcake he was accused of felony for stealing from the village wait are you kidding me draco why draco excuse me [Music] order go take a seat and stay seated or you're going to mac security jail thank you okay gold please proceed yes your honor bunny was wrongly accused of stealing from the village and harming another citizen draco yeah okay your honor we have some witnesses from twin twitter yes yes you twitter yes bluewolf891 said dracco has committed arson attempted murder with mocking and almost murdering the judge funny did steal diamonds but she put them back right and uh i think draco should go to prison not funny objection i have i have uh evidence to refute that as you can see uh okay please speak lunar i will paste this in discord oh wow she has actual evidence from head hunter they have shown definite proof that she did not return those diamonds can you show the evidence on screen funny why would i show it on screen i don't need to it's awesome why would i show the evidence on screen from discord i don't need to luna false rainbow rainbow look at me nine remember i was going to grab my own evidence to prosecute funny i have evidence wait wait wait wait wait talk about my dick my evidence goes first right rainbow hello hello one at a time who is speaking islands oh yeah i just said yeah i forgot uh-huh okay continue luna you can look on discord yourself rainbow i'm not showing the image i don't need to i saw it and it's very clear evidence you have an evil mustache in this clip i've seen and it's i don't know i don't know what you're talking about i don't know what you're talking about just pull it up come here your honor those photos could have been merely photoshopped you should know that well i have evidence too this is taco crocodile draco this is wait is that evidence twerking again this evidence is a photo of bunny abandoning her daughter domingo what do you mean draco in this picture funny is clearly standing next to domingo okay can can i just say this is getting out of hand this we're not even at the topic of the felonies he's just he's putting random stuff out just saying and we'll get this together i need i'll take a picture of my daughter my beautiful daughter against the law okay lunar you know what funny you are dismissed you may go take please go take a seat thank you i think we got this in the bag please come up to the stand i'm stuck in this chair um jacko go to the stand you definitely you stole my cookies earlier so he's stuck look honestly he should go to max just for being annoying um that's the wrong chair i will not i i will not put up with this anymore i think we should charge him with destruction of court property i think you should go sit in your chair right now okay all right please speak about your client um [Laughter] luna there's twitter and hashtag live for a reason come on luna do you have anything to say to defend drag or like force to defend jacob that's your job rainbow i have a super chat can i read it what's what what is he doing please fine no what is my client guilty of um i see some evidence coming in here from the detective that draco was double fisting two cookies in his hand stealing from the courtroom's cookie jar uh what else do i see um dracco was is charged with arson attempted murder attempted house explosion do you mean i didn't even attempt to house explode and if you forget funny actually house exploded i mean taco there was no attempt bit from twitter said draco also escaped prison for the first time tried to blow up funny's house okay okay buddy blew up my head objection objections a rainbow as you can see i'm pasting in the discord chat again what's up with the discord come on what are you posting let me see i'm opening up this car let me okay alexa said i'm here to defend draco funny blew up his house and stole items such as emeralds more than once all right all right okay no evidence that is no doubt what do you have to say for yourself what do you have to remember honestly so do you see the bottom of my hands right now you see the bottom no it's like like like honey so like stuff gets stuck to my fingers and like it's not my fault because my hands are sticky see oh so your defense is that you are a honey bear wait wait can i defend myself for the cookie can i defend myself for the cookie jar fisting time is it a crime to be hungry [Laughter] no are you saying it is a crime to have a basic human right of wanting to eat those cookies are you accusing me of being a criminal for a living smearing pants it is not a crime to be hungry but it is a crime to steal food when you are in fact but there are no other snacks in this court and if i don't eat i have eggs then i cannot bananas here i have bananas oh he ate it i mean he kind of just proved himself innocent for that because he was hungry so i mean i'll let him i was fine all right let me say my super chat so draco this is from london they say draco killed rainbow and lunar and in the mines to be exact also i didn't kill you were jumped inside he also killed and pushed gold and rainbow down the mines to die from the hands of creepers that is not true i misclicked look miss click honey are you you're a lawyer glorious defend me lawyer thank you the witnesses say dracco is being disobedient to the judge and i agree 100 percent agree obviously that's not a valid argument on twitter where did she get those secrets in the house hashtag snitch alert what are you doing seriously okay you want to go through my house come on no let's go let's go come on come on me my house yeah my house yeah let's go let's take a trip tour you want to prove something right you want to prove something well i no longer have a house because i moved from the tax grounds i now am draco's roommate we are both roommates yes yes and you can go through my chest that explains your felony in the town see you can come up here come on come to my tiny little humble abode when did you move here draco you stole one of my pictures off the wall you kidding me hey when did you move here did you sign paperwork rainbow i didn't need to see nothing did you apply for paperwork no he's right you guys there's nothing here there's wrecking draco's house i'm trying anything on the bottom floor yeah i think there's nothing this is literally choco's house i don't know what you're destroying good job funny you're innocent you're good back to the courtroom uh a nice beautiful day being an innocent woman guilty see lunar luna and jacob have no proof isn't that great um can you find me more proof of what funny was hiding no rainbow i think it's time for the judging wait can i do my sad epic backstory yes some chocolate cake make you feel better on why her story is probably fake oh thank you for the chocolate cake but i would just like to say again that i am an unbiased judge so it like sucks to suck but i have chocolate cake now and i'm still going to be unbiased okay who does this be annoying come on graco stop noey clouds from twitter said draco put tnt underneath funny's house last episode so she tried to defend herself uh-huh didn't try to defend herself i was just storing the tnt in a place where no one would find it and it wouldn't blow up there was no redstone attached to the tnt whatsoever it was covered in dirt so it wouldn't blow up why are you laughing why is he laughing why is he laughing while saying that can you say it you don't have no objections i think our judge is dead i'm just opening up my snack and enjoying the coral between you guys there is okay can i can can you just give me permission so i could explain my story rainbow i have another object i have other proof what is your objection she's eating chips what the heck so another kf let me just pull it up all right another and okay yeah paste it in discord has stolen the stuff she is hiding is now in her inventory as you can see there's nothing in my human clowning crew uh-huh she must have cleared it but there's proof right there there's poof right there rainbow you see that my name what you've got some precious jewels in your inventory yes they are trinkets from my great great great great stupid raccoon grandmother that's all all right can i do my story now please yes lunar please take a seat it's just funny please take a seat all right everyone this is the dramatic story honey no no no you talk from the desk thank you i hate the desk it makes me makes me feel sad so oh you know you should have really known me hey shush is my story time you probably know me i am right now being put on the courtroom floor for what for defending myself against that monster draco he tried to shut up he tried to bomb my house he stole from me and you bombed my house last but not least he is annoying the judge do we allow annoyance should we let that go by is he allowed to bomb my house and store tnt without me defending myself hey i'm in the middle actually you're both annoying me so but keep going and by the way dracco everyone on live chat is saying draco is guilty i'm not just only reading the draco's guilty ones that is all okay now since the court is almost coming to a close i will let rocco defend himself draco take the stage stand jacko what track do you want you want she actually blew up my house oh jeffy you want to change the music i'll get you twerking she actually blew up my house that is my case go on how long tnt twerking [Music] wow i would just like to say that this has been a very not productive court session honestly i don't even think we solved anything and um from all the evidence and rainbow can i say something you look confused all right your mouth is just full of i don't know i don't know what you're going to be doing okay i do believe rainbow that there you go you don't get to decide remember who gets this one kf kf gets to decide okay if there's also the jury i mean what are you saying they both deserve to go to jail don't listen nobody that was my conclusion as well that all right most of you guys are destructive no both no no no no no you guys just can't go yeah but who's going to max no guys i have a solution for all of this um can you give me all your paper in your inventory lunar oh yeah sure here i'll just uh every single paper yup thank you why is your floating cake so there are 30 papers so let's just get rid of six got it we'll split between 15 and every single paper right here is let's say it is um a hundred chat votes so as many as you see golden lunar you're gonna read the chat right now the live chat for youtube and every time you see a or around 10 you're gonna drop the paper whoever ends up dropping the most paper in rainbow you should count us down in 20 seconds that is the person who is going to max you just take this you don't need to be confused i i don't i don't understand 100 how how would i possibly the chat is moving at light to name speed how do i know if it's a hundred dollars gold actually like startup hole you are my lawyer oh yes no what what polls i don't know what a poll is yes there's no thing as a live chat poll no no we could do twitter poll you i don't want to do a twitter poll twitter is not you're on your side i would not yeah no twitter no twitter no twitter no time that's unfair wait discord i'm angry all right oh that's a draco is guilty for youtube um rainbow so from twitter from twitter i don't know if this is like out loud okay i don't know if i'm allowed to do this so statistically on twitter right now we have around 169 votes and i said who is guilty right now it says draco with 75 and funny with 25 percent [Music] i put draco first because i know if you put that name first people always click it so i don't know if that's statistically rigging it but that's that is all i just want to speak the truth because i'm a good prisoner i'm honest well on discord draco also put himself first so well i wasn't thinking about how to um clearly read this one is psychologically messing with the pulse she's the worst what are you talk what are you talking about you psychologically knew that people would click the first one first but out of all of the chats youtube is glowing green discord is glowing green and last but not least what's twitter twitter is filled with green so draco please lead your way to the prison actually rainbow i think it's your turn guys get off the stage none of you get to be on there oh sorry my bathroom uh draco move go back to your seat please take a seat please take a seat draco okay so the jury has decided that both parties are guilty what the hell yeah committing crime come on in crew town what did you think this was what what do you mean it has more votes okay and to my best um knowledge yes to my best and that's it pause and that's it next time you can watch it on the next crew live stream that is it cliffhanger i did not ask you to approach the bench funny i did i did not ask you sorry i just wanted to make it a cliffhanger okay so i'm hungry before i put out my ruling how do you plead dracco not guilty twerking how do you plead i plead i plead with this whole courtroom knows i'm innocent so i plead with innocent twerking guilty [Laughter] and i say that mr draconite dragon and miss money both guilty under the court of law for committing crimes in crew towns such as stealing blowing up homes and causing havoc in the town and both of you guys will be sent to maximum security court adjourned goodbye what oh did he have great court property yeah honestly i know who's going to jail [Music] guilty of being real bad lawyers yeah i agree honestly we should kill them i mean no no i'm the parole officer and you must drop everything from your inventory right now drop it okay oop you didn't drop your diamond sword oh no okay drop it drop drop oh here's all my stuff oh i'm dropping everything whoa he's picking up the stuff okay i'm good is that all yes why do you have i think i might have to kill you so i can see no don't kill me i have xp don't kill me i'll be so upset you're not you cannot care all right we're ready to go to prison anything in your inventory does it look like i have everything in my inventory yeah hey if you hit us you gotta go to max prison too luna all right because you're prisoners you don't get to take the car you go by your feet no all right funny boring they can take the car oh yeah take the cart all right no no no no no no no no no no no no no come on no no messing around no tricking around you're going straight to max security let's go let's go guys bounce okay these two are cool again the longer your sentence is right okay fine whatever [Music] all right dracula come on draco i'm sorry it's sad times we have to go we have to pay that we do the crime we pay the time that's right here you go cinch get in the time dramatic tackle come on draco come on move no no i'm going to max prison in greentown no no dracula what the heck i'm dude it's a dramatic moment come on dramatic music they're saying draco is guilty i know jack was more guilty than me chat i know i know what the ew this is what is this wait wait wait wait wait wait something happened something happened what what gotta cover it just wait a little bit wait how is there's not even a door on this thing how is it max prison okay wait you guys have to lay on this bed go lay on the wall lay on the bed it's not nighttime that i set myself into night time and lay [Laughter] it's not night time [Laughter] draco drop the bucket fine felony kill him [Laughter] no draco get back escaping from the maximum security area there's a prisoner escaping [Laughter] get back here oh my gosh no escaping jacob [Laughter] oh funny since you have uh defeated the escapee you now don't need to go prison anymore what do you mean she starts to go to minimum security okay i'll go to minimum all right gold why is the door broken okay i'll i'll serve my time in here with my beautiful armor set all right you guys better sit there we'll bring your meals when it's meal time but no games okay is definitely the worst what's your reaction are you done with the chaos sir [Music] um so uh we we are crew and we would just like to say thank you so much for tuning in to the crew live stream we hope you guys enjoyed it this was a lot of fun uh you know live streams are so much fun because we got to talk with you kf and if you're new here uh don't forget to subscribe we hope you have a wonderful weekend hey don't kill me don't kill me we hope you have a wonderful weekend a wonderful weekend and yeah that's and maybe draco will be done with his you know twerking obsession oh no no no no i said we're about to end the video jack are you ready you know what to do let's go this is working prison twerking you're bad you're bad you should do your bad twerking you're bad you're bad twerking come and stop us yeah stop you're bad you're bad you're bad you're bad you're bad your best has to stop is getting over news it is a dead meme now go run chuckle run let's go they can't kill us go draco do it no jackal twerked down the hole ah so she built the prison so she can escape [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 4,496,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, minecraft, minecraft games, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, minecraft episodes, minecraft krew, minecraft itsfunneh, minecraft funneh, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft funny games, no cursing, no swearing, minecraft mod krew, minecraft mods krew, minecraft krewcraft, krewcraft, krewcraft funny, krewcraft series, minecraft survival series
Id: 02O7ADfwZio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 16sec (5176 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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