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somewhere between california and nevada is a single gas station nobody was brave enough to service this station except for us welcome everyone to crew gas gas the best gas station ever again nobody even knows about us all right listen up i'm the manager of this establishment and we need to get it in top tip shape so we can be the best gas station in the middle of nowhere anyone's never found yeah yeah but it says you're an employee move aside i want to be the manager really googled up this place and found it so we kind of adopted an abandoned place right no step aside i'm the manager and i say we all work together to actually get this place clean this is disgusting disgusting yeah it's actually disgusting we have a 25 bill already and this place still has no customers we can't pay for 25 bucks yet yo we gotta get to work hello does anyone need their gas filled okay you be the gas attendant i'm gonna go inside and mop the floors oh we need to buy a pump no we can't dude we only have 30 dollars in the bank is it worth it well just everyone wants to fill up their gas yeah pump no one wants to use the old gas pump okay fine stinks in there what we need all hands on deck this place is gross yeah this place is kind of a trash zone oh we can upgrade our clothes store manager that must be me everything's so expensive hello as the store manager we should buy stuff to stock the shelves with you know our gas station's opened oh i heard that store managers duties are to go clean the wall this vending i love your music um oh what do we do there's nothing please give us money we need it bro we need money totally instant noodles you're in the middle of nowhere so that's why you can't okay so we need a fridge right that's all we gotta say to customers gas off because we ain't selling you anything are you serious we just lost our custom wrinkles our bills are going up by the second i think gold should be fired okay guys stop panicking first okay we have to clean up panicking and dragging oh funny you know what i need a soda i'm gonna be the manager yeah you have to buy all the stock for the show hey hey no soda we didn't even make any money you can't spend money but draco got one hey manager manager come in here come here ignore the rest ignore the rest what all right you know what our favorite thing at gas stations is right for bro what is it it's road chips oh yes oh the celebrity's back poop stuff in this toilet you guys the blueberry celebrity's here oh hello okay a random celebrity of blue funny i heard you like um bubble gum here's some bubblegum she loves blueberries just one gold i can only afford to restock one point oh my god nobody okay okay i feel like everyone here wants ramen noodles let's see how much they are like really thirty dollars in the bang hold up i'm getting it are the best we got instant noodles we have no funds wait we have no spendable fights guys you gotta look for fun we actually have to work oh no luna i need customers yet hello no i'm just cleaning oh we have to refuel cars guys that's the only yeah drago good job hello need a top up for your car oh would you like a window cleaner here you go take some gas if you don't want you guys don't buy stuff they said bro i want water there's nothing they want gold why did you buy a bunch of bubble gum because i like chewing on bubblegum okay he likes bubblegum no one's buying it okay the customers complained they said we want milk we want water okay thank you choco we still have no money and we have bills we need more cars come on there's nothing else to clean i cleaned all the windows what else is there to do oh this is how i become a real manager yes both you're the manager yeah yeah i am the manager just gotta spend you guys car up front oh it's the famous fashion designer hey hurry hopefully she will listen up how much did that oh man would you like some bubblegum your hair's full of candy i'm not chasing the customers i am the official manager now and i say you guys need to get yourself together because we're going to go bankrupt funny you have no organization i'm organized do you see that i just got a perfect score thank you rainbow okay gold you are in charge of mending the till what's back here hey miss manager lady what's up everybody wants instant noodles all right and my job is to go fill stuff up if we weren't broke because we are broke our bills keep rising and nobody is allowed to buy any blocks ball okay i know it's a dollar's back here charcoal you can't afford clothes now let me restock let's restock with noodles guys you don't understand we're too we're too broke we're too broke for this funny stop that's something we can't afford no no no no no this is bad oh my gosh okay everybody you must convince every customer that walks in here to buy something don't let them leave unless you mean buy bubble gum at least like can you buy bubble gum okay designers hello please sell that sell that bubble gum i wanted windscreen washer that's it gold we have to go talk follow me okay let's go come to the manager's office home manager what is up manager the problem is you wasted all of our money on bubblegum that no one is buying it's because bubblegum equals sticky sticky equals sweet and sweet equals money don't you understand funny let me close what the all right stick why are we grinding don't kill me yeah yeah look good job good job rainbow yes i knew you had a candy gum addiction buying five more for us rainbow and how much money did we make from that oh rainbow's rich look at her car oh she made nine cents from bubble gum guys gold oh i they told me that it was and now we're closed profit margin okay we're closed and we can't afford anything we actually have to do something um oh yeah we can't get any of this get help stocking these shelves am i the only worker here hello hey hey i'll help you wanna sell stuff you gotta stock the shelves you gotta take don't worry i'm cleaning look at me you gotta put it on the shelf it's clean it's clean see i'm a good cleaner she should get promoted it was fun i paid for this and we lose right products 35 what i can't handle this i we got two we're horrible owners we lost in fairly tempting funny you're fired i'm the manager now i will uplift this station from the rubble that you have made it you know what draco you have fun being a manager because a manager at this point i just feel like a servant to all of you you just complain about stress okay you know what you gold and funny you are on gas you will refill the gas of any car this is for sale only stand here all day wait but we're not even opened yet like what's the does it matter stand there and wait yeah there's no sun outside it's nighttime oh gas for sale only 50 cents 50 [Music] lunar rainbow you are on stocking duty we have all these basics that need to be stocked we have 20 instant noodles 20 generic sodas 20 candy bars 20 cookies 20 bread buns 20 water 20 bubblegum so that our customers can find them draco's a really bossy manager but i guess we might win move out of the way rainbow oh my god i can't wait to see everyone's beautiful faces at the new gas station we're open draco gas gas station to be exact gas gas gas gold did you hear that draco just change the station name yeah he changed it to gas gas station what does that even mean it's crew gas gas gas crew oh hello customer what are you buying wait don't want candy bar oh scan no no no okay hey we have candy bars why are they stocked no no no we don't have a candy bar when we do indeed have candy bars i'm sorry i've been busy stacking these noodles in a while replacement don't worry i got it see i'm the fastest that's why i'm the manager oh my gosh gold how's the gas going it's going great i am totally not dehydrated from standing out do we get water yeah no water is for paying customers can you pay for the water no no you don't get the water okay okay hello welcome welcome to dehydrator there's not enough cars yet draco i literally can't afford it then you have to start one restock bunny what you like look look i'm cleaning i don't want you to clean i want you to restock what do you want manager drago we are we need restocking what come look at this beautifully fully stocked instant noodles this is a beautiful everyone learn from rainbows rainbow you get to manage them okay rainbow show me show me the ropes since you're probably come back here come on okay all right so we're going to grab you do the cookies okay all right cookies generic you just grab you're only allowed to grab five at a time because you don't want to drop precious merchandise okay and then you gotta stack them nicely okay okay got it got the generic cookies hi draco we're working and you gotta go fast okay i'm going stop oh wait you could just place them on aesthetically that's why you make it cursed this is cool whoa because no one wants to buy you know i'm paying for these things with my own wallet did you see how i stacked the cookies funny no don't show draco rainbow did that wow there's so many rich blueberries buying gum oh hey can you give me some no these are the funniest bubblegum these are the funny bubble gums gum not yoga huh hello i'm picking up your cash so much money that i'm going to buy a new gas pump what hey that's right get out a good job hey actually dragon shimmers are so bougie they like giving me like five dollar tips what no way let me fill up some gas hey i would like a hundred dollars oh hello wow that's a nice car you have i hope you guys are using the money you're making to help better i will open the door okay font feel a four star box what's sarcastic oh though it says we're out of the field what did you do oh no i didn't do anything funny drama feel dude that one has fuel this one has it but that will get you more fuel more fuel just filling this one up hello i accept tips in three digits yeah three digit tips you get asked for tips you just gotta give the best service uh does this one fill up too much you're good enjoy ride back home money i brought some more fuel okay thank you dracco i'll fill this one up too oh this is a pretty easy job hey i would just like to say you're being a very good manager good job yeah he got the spark to be the manager we dropped half a star why is there dirt on the floor clean that up i'm sorry i'm checking out for customers okay go go go the stocks are filled i literally just brought you oil out how are you out already i guess i could get the soda tracker we need more shells for this stuff i'm out of energy uh you overworked me i have to go no go drink a red bull from the machine again okay guys this is the most exciting purchase we're ever gonna make look we're gonna buy a hot plate [Music] food food for what why all right everyone hot food exists now like what are we talking about hot food where is it like pizza or choco stock us up so fun and hot dogs that's all we can afford right now thank you dracco do you see that it says you're negative two dollars no i'm not no you you're bad oh that's my wallet this is your money gold you have 44 dollars use it for the station i worked hard for it they're tipping me no gold use your tips to help the station no i'm gonna go in the store i'm gonna hello rainbow could i get one bubble gum stick please gold you don't work here gold that's what do you work here you can just eat it eat it for free yeah i'll just grab it off there's a lot of customers sorry get out there's so much we're so busy guys you aren't the manager jack i was gonna kick out gold no how do you get more gas how do you get more gas i'll get it we're filling up the station we got hot dogs and what else we got more hot dogs this is the hot dog shelf where we only sell hot dogs anyone who buys a heart attack will take my commission of a dollar i will take a dollar for me somebody go to the register i have to take my break curry what you know what 10 seconds [Applause] we can't get kicked out come on you can't go bankrupt wait are we going to go bankrupt soon don't forget no we're way above we can scan you okay customers you guys can't use your money since you're not managers what is that you can go customize your characters oh go buy like a new shoe or something a dollar for me oh what what that's so lame why am i working here like 37 we are going okay guys we are impending bankruptcy and we are dropping stars what has happened why is this little customer here it's luna you wanna luna get your butt out of here dracu we need to upgrade better well you look not fancy enough no one wants to go to a gas station go customize this house what do you expect hey um i guess since we work here we wear what what do you want us to wear you want us to wear like vests yeah like i want you to look welcoming i'm too broke for that funny i'll tell you how much you have you have 40 dollars i guess you know what if you want me to spend some good money so i can look fancy and we want a race yeah i need a raise yeah you can get a raise when you restock the rest of these bread buns we tried we tried that's exactly how getting a raise works guys as long as you try okay got my daily wage up oh wow wow funny you look excuse me gold i'm gonna pay to become the best employee i need a change i need to change i need to change i'm not changing no just wait just wait i gotta go i gotta go go go go go all right should we buy more shots i'm done i'm fancy now they're draco we can't afford to waste another penny right now we're already thirty dollars in debt we need to stock the shelves fully hey or else we'll go back a fancy employee yeah stop st oh i'm broke i can't even afford a dollar i the manager will restock thing jacko that's because it's gonna be your fault if the story goes bankrupt it's not my fault what [Music] we got some milk in the fridge um can you buy another fridge this is kind of full yeah afford another fridge we need 20 come on please i need all the money we're gonna go bankrupt you don't have a place to fill your gas go spend you have some nice boots you want to buy some shoe cleaner for those oh you're i see you're thirsty you're getting water you want some more water buy 10 more you get one water for full price ah good morning i feel amazing today sorry i'm late for work funny uh did you cover me though uh i mean draco's running around freaking out because we're out of money we're out of money we're out of fuel i guess i was helping we need more fuel and our funds on this beautiful apple gold that's your own funds that's what we get paid to do you know we don't work for free yeah and we don't get paid to stand around and if the gas station goes bankrupt you won't work at all wow can we just say that rainbow is a very good shelf jacket look at this okay gold coffee thank you are these hamburger buns huh yeah they're hamburger buns i don't know why go tell your customers to stop being rude everyone please buy more because we are going bankrupt support this local business in the middle of nowhere thank you have a great day ma'am thank you thank you have a great day sir [Music] as a good manager i am resigning from draco gas gas so that you guys can use your personal funds to buy stock for the store i jackal fire myself after surviving for two days manager wow what a noble god what no gold has the biggest personal wallet what too much hey yeah you need to help us with the greater good by the way i am not your wallet but there you go no she can't buy i can't buy uh no funny we're negative cash you have to buy stock money gas you can't buy upgrades yet we're negative gas i'm stupid go to the laptop but i need to try yeah draco i wasn't a manager for that long uh i just bought 240 liters of gas you just wasted all my money dropped twice that's great you just wasted my funds we love you all right thank you for making the gas gas a better place now go out and work and lunar go spend your funds on chips uh fine i'll buy stuff to stock the store with okay i'm sacrificing my own oh my gosh whoa do you see that everything's out you're the yeah okay i might have spent robux i think um someone has to stock us up on uh survival supplies like why does it say we're impending bankruptcy again yet we might not sell that all right no we will we will not with that attitude we won't sell since rainbow's stalker rainbow stalk all the shells oh wow chips and since i look like the manager here i will start buying stuff uh-huh oh cool more shelves look funny we can't fight we're not about the bankruptcy yet do not upgrade i will stop i'll go outside and see what gold's doing how's it looking out here gold i am fast super fast funny i'm filling up all the cars for you wait did you waste some money on that girl's crown what guys people want to find cleaning supplies but we don't have any stock of cleaning supplies can someone buy cleaning supplies yeah someone go buy for the team the trick is funny if you dress really nice they give you more tips oh that's what i like to believe hello welcome to gas gas please uh give me your car boom boom boom filling it up and we're gonna go bankrupt if we don't break a hundred because driving said i thought you keep stuff spending stuff i have to become manager again to stop you from bankrupting our gas state you're not being grown to the gas station thank you goals for the cleaning supplies no gold you're supposed to use your phone wow this is going great good job everyone we don't have the fun and it's already halfway past day chill jackal two dummies brought stuff using the store funds that we couldn't afford that's what happens when you're not managing you have to work by yourself yeah draco with that attitude get out go you know what get go to the desert chill draco me out it's just a gas station wow can we just say this dinner meal looks quite don't cry look it's like potatoes and sausages and look how slowly rainbow is doing this she's truly slowly but beautifully she's thinking everyone is getting everyone wait why is he saying he wants water not this trash we don't have water uh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh what do you mean rainbow rainbow's doing all the stocking work oh just talking gold it's not letting me use my own funds who restocked this fridge why is it so cursed lunar did you stop this bridge perhaps going fasting lunar no i'm restocking it messy yes please take the water thank you it is the lunar way to do things that there's no there's no there's too much gold's in here why are they buying so much stuff are they buying people please report to the tale we need help i'll report yeah she's truly a material girl hello material girl get out we need lots of money you're welcome dracco said we could buy one upgrade so let's buy the refrigerator okay not bankrupt yet good job good job good all right stock the fridge up everyone our goal is to get all of these upgrades done [Music] ah it's been a long day yep long day these shelves must be stacked perfectly every inch i don't care if there's burger buns i'm just gonna hide it behind these chips [Music] [Music] crew gas gas is finally a five-star booming business in the middle of nowhere do we care for tour our shelves are fully stocked with the best products and most importantly all in order our frozen dinners here are extra frozen why let me out of this place because i want to be in the middle of nowhere wait wait wait come look at this look at this hey over here we've survived nine days and time to save some money yes and also it's time to kick everyone out since we've achieved our goal yeah i just gotta turn out the aces we've worked so hard goodbye i don't care i'm still playing the game scan me too get out while you still can i don't know how you play for so long i'm out give me a card [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,062,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, roblox funny, roblox funny moments, roblox funneh, roblox krew, roblox funnehcake, no swearing, no cursing, roblox tycoon, roblox gas station, roblox gas station simualtor, gas station simulator, roblox gas station simulator itsfunneh, roblox gas station simulator funneh, roblox gas station simulator krew, roblox gas station simulator multiplayer, roblox simulator, roblox simulator multiplayer
Id: JwyFCj4YJgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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