Minecraft but I can only BUILD with Dirt!

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look at this block it's so plain and boring dirt it's the most basic block on minecraft i can't build anything extravagant with this i don't care welcome to the dirt challenge build-off subscribe and like for some free dirt it's worthless hello everyone we are crew and today we're taking on the most challenging challenge in minecraft we have to build with only it's a dirty you should start crying so everyone you should split up and find your corner i dibs i did this cute little mountain behind me this is mine okay am i allowed to make a big chocolate dirt pool gold it's anything that your heart desires build challenge everyone has a build challenge and you just have to search dirt in your inventory let's see what we're dealing with we get rocky dirt dirt stone oh there's actually a lot of dirt modded blocks we could play with dirt stone stairs and dirty glass pane wait let's see what this looks like oh this looks still got the word dirt in it luna what are you building actually don't tell me i want to be surprised gold you are building too close to my plot please please stay on your own side so i have enough room for money said that this corner is mine rainbow okay they're using dirt girl this quarter right here this corner this whole corner what is the theme of this dirt building lunar it's how creative you can get you can build a house which is pretty boring it's pretty boring wow but i'm going to build something so crazy that it will blow your mind i'm building a house because most people like dude you're not also building a house guys why are we all a long time building something different let the dart house challenge begin my third house is gonna look very sick that's why i want to build a dirt house first i'm gonna get the dirt house shape by building this all the way up and we're gonna put a roof on it and we're gonna destroy these that looks pretty good look at everyone's tiny houses compared to my beautiful big dirt house like regular dirt houses are just square noobs but we're gonna take this up a notch because we're extra i'm going to build hopefully i don't make this like crooked again i always make my roofs crooked that's why i keep flying up i don't want my stuff to be lopsided it's going to be embarrassing okay so this doesn't look that lopsided it looks pretty great and let's top it off i have two options for dirt stairs we got dirt stone stairs and we have cobble dirt honestly they both look the same so if i just alternate these no one will notice okay let me line this up yeah you know what that actually looks pretty good it gives our dirt house some texture at least so it's not as boring the roof for the house is done but now we have this giant empty area and i think the perfect block that would fit here is dirty glass so the neighbors can look in and then we also have like some skylight going in so our build doesn't look so uh boring yes perfect it looks really dude the dirty glass looks so dirty guys it's dirt the rocky dirt has nice texture to it so this is gonna be our entire flooring oh wait or i could actually do something more creative where this could be the texture of the flooring like we can rim it and then in the middle we can do some sort of design because this is supposed to be a creative build i'm not going to do checker checker is so boring let's put some patches up here like that we're going to fill it in with dirt stone did you guys notice the dirt stone looks like just plain brownies kind of looks like wall yeah gonna say it looks like chocolate cake rainbow you're giving us a hint are you making are you making a cake maybe maybe not right rainbow might be making a cake that's our one hint what type of design can i do with this flooring though i don't i don't really know are we allowed to use torches uh no dirt only no no just dirt okay we gotta follow through with this challenge so um for our walls let's texture this up and hmm you know what we're gonna make these like pillars these will be cute pillars and since they are pillars i have to follow the pattern through we got some pillars in the back and i'm gonna repeat this pattern actually let's get a giant big window so let's build this pillar up it's starting to look like a gingerbread house this is what you mean i mean my builds kind of be looking tasty i'm not gonna lie here do i want to eat my dirt build can you eat dirt yes you're building a gingerbread house this is totally creative okay let's destroy these little parts and not bad not bad how can i get creative with these stairs i feel like i could put some more texture into my build i'm gonna put a line up this window area so it can make a yeah so it's like a window lookout and i think if i can i could actually make a little bay window right here i'm creeping on luna oh nice uh nice stuff you got over there lunar is that a mud fountain it is how did you know so you are using mud i see yes i am what about guys luna's using mud does that still count it's dirt it's dark i guess it's watery dirt so yes oh she's she's being clever the good thing about dirty windows is no one could just creep on you you know look at this house no one shall look ever inside this house oh i love this look this looks so good okay let me go on the outside that looks pretty good if i want to make a bay window i have to make these blocks stick out a tad bit so we could have our bench here and let's bring this over there and then we got to put up our window i think we're going to use glass pane because glass pane looks the cleanest i'll bring up these two walls a perfect bay window for creeping on my neighbor luna can you move your house a little bit more to the right so i can get perfect so i can creep on you too late too late i reckon it for you i'm gonna make the bay window seating we're going to use dirt blocks and i'm going to chop this block down to make sure there's enough room for cushioning that's actually too short let me try this again okay there that works i'll destroy these two copy this for the cushion i'm gonna use dirt stone now that looks like a pretty good cushion now i'm gonna make a little teacup near the window you know because people drink tea near the window i finished my cup and put dirt water in it and now we're going to make a small little book so it looks like someone can just chill here and read a book near the windowsill but the pages are made out of dirt i would put the top on but now it just looks like they're magazines which looks very cool all right i like the vibe for this place now for a perfect house i am missing a toilet and a washroom so let's just make this a bachelor pad style where it's just opened and we have no walls just because i can't afford any walls in this house time to make a double dirt bed so when i think of a dirt bed i think of just dirt and then it's very flat like we're talking about it's shorter than a regular minecraft bed because it is a dirt bed and it's probably not that comfy for the pillow it's fairly big just like that and i think we should have a blanket the blanket should be the same color let's drag it all the way out like this and bring the blanket down so at least it gives it like a 3d feel you know what that looks pretty good time to mimic it let's copy this left bedside over and done oh wait i could actually get more creative in the front but i forgot to drag this side down and i guess that's what the bed would look like now for a dirt end table the dirt end tables they shouldn't match because like imagine a minecraft player just like trying to merge together dirt and table it wouldn't be perfect so i'm just going to go off my head and try to make the most imperfect end table like it looks like someone just went out they took they took their hands and they just merged this together all right that looks like an end table and then for the other side i'm going to try doing this as quickly as possible let's put the legs up and then on top we got the table roof and that also looks like a mismatch end table i'm gonna go the extra mile and make a table lamp table lamp is a little misshapen but it is done now it's time for the toilet time to make the dirt toilet so it has to at least stick out of the wall a tad bit so people know it's a toilet i'm gonna extend this part out and then we're going to make the whole i mean this looks like an actual dirt toilet this is so cool let's put the hole in like that and we are missing the flush i'll just build it on the side like this i'll make a stick out so people know that's right this is the most modern technology in the house time to make the bathtub i'll just make it really like long and big because this dirt house is already pretty miserable enough so we got to make sure the bathtub is at least comfortable for every minecraft player the last wall for the tub and then we got some dirt because lunar won't stop talking about this dirt let's just dump it it kind of looks like an eating trowel like for the like a feeding trowel yeah that's what they're called for animals the tub does look pretty sick though luke why are you calling it delicious because that's water with dirt i know let's put water in the toilet now there that looks gross i'm disturbed i'm disturbed by my build can i delete it no no okay well when you guys see this challenge ever it's pretty it's pretty uh gross i'm making the bathtub faucet that looks pretty good and there oh what else is near the bathtub faucet you know dirt soap the attention to detail is very nice in here the last thing i'm missing in this little cute dirt house is a table where every minecrafter could come and chill on the chairs i would make a stool but i'm lazy so i'm just gonna make a tiny dirt block chair the house is already made fully of dirt and the cushion you probably wonder what they eat in this house well let me tell you they eat dirt peas that's right a plate full of delicious dirt totally edible delicious i know what you guys are thinking you're saying oh funny you forgot the kitchen why do we need a kitchen in a dirt house there's food all around this entire server you just go out you start punching blocks and yummy this is all the food you need the last thing i need to build is a door so let's make sure our door is a little thick because thicker doors equals more strength okay i'm going to drag it up that looks perfect i'm going to cut a window in the door so it looks nice this looks like an insane asylum door that's fine that still looks good i mean technically this dirt house looks quite like a place where someone doesn't want to be i'm adding the final touches on the door we're just going to get those type of handles and let's put it there it honestly it doesn't even matter if it's uneven or not because that is our house oh hello dracco hello don't look at my thing i went the extra mile for my house and i made dirt flowers finally so my house could stick out okay dirt flower here and it is complete my dirt uh cottage my dirt cottage ring-a-ling-a-ling-ling challenge time is up show your builds i present you the dirty house why did you choose your name why dirty oh i will show you once you get in anyways um may i offer you guys a beautiful cup of mud yes mud okay good guys the mud tastes great this is it's like fun it just are so rough i have to climb it's dirt see observe the dirt flowers whoa you guys is this a dirt door yes it does nice dirt doesn't it looks like we're gonna have to deduct a little bit because the path doesn't finish rainbow what are you talking about who cares just go inside the house welcome i'm a mew she has like chocolate what are these chocolate flowers and yummy oh yes those chocolate mushrooms that rainbow loves to eat too good oh yes it can be that so once you get in this is the dirt bed it's quite comfy here you could jump on it whoa funny build is actually really good and i'm trying to do it again is this your pet doggy right here what so do you think that's a dog yes no gold it's an artistic dirt end table oh it looks like a dog yes is this my favorite a dirty pop tart no it's magazines and some tea beside the bay window i i won't shut up about this bay window but look at this bay window it's nice i thought it was a slice of rye bread but okay i mean it can be bread if you want it to be and over here gold is dirt peas homemade peas oh i thought that was not chocolate dude the water and this is quite dirty oh yes that's why it's called dirty house look in the toilet dude you know i give this dirty house a hmm a regular one in my bucket i'll take it i'll take all the dirt quality of a mud bucket which is their support down this hill hey don't grief i give it an e five beautiful dirts for big effort okay gold thank you uh you guys could just give it to me you don't need to put it in my house i appreciate it so next to funny's beautiful dirt home is this one and only doll but what is that read this sign she's kind of creepy what's what's your name is not dirt i'm deducting marks that's crazy i don't care it's for the comedy and next her the beautiful cursed doll is the beautiful cursed fountain oh okay let's see i'm impressed and if you're talking your curse is pretty you know what the dirt curse doll is pretty so i'll rate you 10 cursed dirts do you like the effort i put in the anymore oh yeah the teeth look great i thought her lips looked kind of funny but okay i give this um stairs thank you i give it 10 scaries because when i was building my house i peeped over and it kind of creeped me out these girls look so scary gorgeous hair though welcome to the more expensive version of funny's house this looks what's the name you can see we have a beautiful mud pool it doesn't okay fine and that's very modern architecture is shaped to look like a dirt block oh okay that's crazy these are full visibility dirt doors whoa oh so you'll go in and you'll notice there's not many furnishings because what um you have to decorate it yourself i'm not paying for that okay these are the furnishings it comes with you get a duck couch and you get a tv filled with dirt books dude yours is like a modern version um yeah this is really good dude if your house went up for sale at the same time as this guy's your house will never sail well why is he going on sale beside my house oh my goodness you've got the seats with pendant dirt lights wait it's starting to rain does that mean your house is apart i have a bathroom there's nothing yeah you poop on the floor it's dirt no no no no dude that's gross and this is the whole window view so you can look at your neighbor who's in the last nice dirt house and you can say haha you suck i will burn this dirt house down dracco did you know it's raining that means all of our houses can fall apart right now oh my gosh like this i mean it started to rain when draco's build was there so what does that mean it means draco's build does not deserve no it means it's amazing okay whose building is this [Music] what excuse me take a guess it's rainbow it's mine it's rainbows cake to meet you guys alright so we're not gonna really bother about the inside because it's kind of a creative space and you can do whatever you want with it that's what a lazy person is that's just an excuse that you didn't furnish your house lunar lunar lunar lunar please can i just say you gotta fly to really appreciate this build because it is a triple tall decker chocolate cake made out of dirt and you might be observing these little tiny balls on top of my cake those are no no i knew someone was gonna say that they are not poops they are very time-consuming dollops of whipped cream okay this ah they are if you look far away they look good if you look farther farther farther good all right it doesn't look like poop anymore rainbow you have to go i don't wish that the fudge filling between these cakes was thicker okay should i go inside rainbow inside oh see before anyone says this also looks like poop this is a dollop of whipped cream throne chair it's just an artistic piece but i don't think you know what i live here you can decorate how you want it's a dollop of whipped cream google it okay um five dollars i give you half a mud bucket your cake me too much your cake needs more chocolate thank you i regret wasting so much time on my uh whipped cream welcome to gold's grand grand castle look all these pillars man-made dirt pillars they shine bright at night connection can we test that back of my cake okay shining gold it's not they are what they're not moving on into my castle i will show you what's of course could you not tell by the beautiful structure it looks like something i mean it looks pretty nice okay fine it's a nice throne room over here handcrafted bench very nice you sit here and you know just you find his this area you have to be careful okay very careful there's a lot it's the same oh this oh that's really steep this is the wondrous amazing fabulous toilet are you sure you're not going to boil my toilet why is [Applause] i have a question actually what happens if one day someone slips down there what will you do who would like to demonstrate accidentally a slip you can't slip it's too tiny it's too tiny oh that's way deep i guess i gotta go down see ew you guys that's the toilet in the water but okay rainbow there is no water it's an endless hole to the abyss it goes nowhere what i mean that's kind of smart it's pretty we're smart gold i rate your toilet highly dangerous but very amusing the most creative you're talking about your house is leave a comment down below which dirt build you would purchase yes make sure to leave a lots of emojis please let us know because buy mine buy mine epic buy mine vote for my toilet the cursed doll is the best [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] bye you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,018,686
Rating: 4.9191403 out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, minecraft, minecraft games, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, minecraft episodes, minecraft krew, minecraft itsfunneh, minecraft funneh, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft funny games, no cursing, no swearing, minecraft building challenge, minecraft build challenge, build battle, minecraft dirt build
Id: yGH0iMJq8H0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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