i drew people's deaths and this happened

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all right so we're checking out the only game where you get to kill people with bad drawings while being berated in poor English edge draw a puzzle kill me Edition more blood for the blood stick damn it draw puzzle is a game where you get to find the answers to everyday questions such as how to torture people to death with the power of a pencil that's probably absolutely going to happen here but the other thing I want to do is see how much ridiculous I can get this game to tell me this is one of the few games where if you suck at drawing like me the game will actually trying decipher what the hell you drew this was supposed to be a baked potato but I guess I could understand how it could look like a severed human ear if I draw a pile of blood does this change anything now it's a hamburger I like how disconnected human flesh is always something edible this game is rated T so I'm just checking how it would interpret this sorry I don't understand what don't you understand it's a dog bone I like how I legitimately tried to draw a son for this because it tells you what to draw for the first few levels and my ability to draw a circle is so bad that the game is actually making sure that's what I'm attempting to do it's like well that's a circle you know what game go to hell oh so you got to make fun of my circle but if I make the circle ejaculate it's fine oh and by the way it gives you the result of what you're drawing actually did in life as you can see we get to give a bunch of stick figures diabetes now oh yeah three and some stick figures already out the toilet but what draw nail why Oh I'm sitting here and I'm like how does a nail help this stick figure wipe his ass hold on real quick I'm just I'm trying to draw like a stick thoughts Instagram account is that a cell phone yes yes yes it is oh no I see picture frame oh no I see google translate right now you put the sticks on their hands like on you know what I mean like up here Wow Passport eight okay see and she gets the thumbs up here's your nail okay that kind of looks like a carrot sticking out of a wall hold on they go I don't have to cry about it it's a nail what do you want from me I mean is it did I go too far does it need to be a stick nail excellent is nail the stick figure doesn't look like he got wet he looks like he got hit by a cinder block I went to go see how many levels there are and I was immediately treated to a woman attempting to murder her boyfriend with an anvil draw mustache this is the first club I've ever seen that doesn't allow people without a mustache in it's like the best nightclub ever made like what kind of a mustache are we talking about here can it be like a mustache that is also strangling a human head how about that Wow ant what kind of algorithmic level Skynet stuff is going on here helicopter it looks like a sticky bun that someone tried to kick a field goal with here do I have to keep it simple okay maybe maybe that that's a little bit of a limp mustache let's try a slightly more masculine one look like Beach you're a beach is that Beach no isn't it and no it's not a goddamn Beach it's supposed to be the hair on the mustache do I have to draw the rest of the head how about this look like Beach see these are the these are the eyes of a man who is in constant agony I mean you want me to give him a little hat I see Beach that was that was the most mustaches mustache I could possibly draw it finally accepted it after thinking it was yoga girl star hold on real quick after that level let me just I just want to see what what it comes up with here oh it is the hand hey I don't know how a moon is going to save this man from getting shot in the face was the guy have like a curfew like no shooting anyone after 9 p.m. err yes it is a circle that is what the moon is effectively does it need to be more moon like what do you want you want some craters in it is that cookie okay how about how about this again I see Sun okay how about the crescent moon he transformed into a werewolf bit away from the neck this werewolf didn't just miss a leg day he missed every day dear love is into air okay it looks like he's about to orgasm did I need to draw anything or not she's like I know how to show my love by killing him easily he's like you're not gonna do it draw snake why because the best way to stop yourself from getting a poor work review is by killing your boss who just so happens to look like the monopoly guy okay here's what we're doing right here's a snake and here is a table with a mountain of cocaine look like flying saucer oh the snakes gonna be flying after inhales all this look like telephone what part of a snake abusing drugs looks like a telephone maybe I need to make the cocaine more granular how about that genius is snake the only thing you're getting is the last laugh and I doubt you're gonna keep your job with this draw four am i wearing ice skates am i also coming down off of crystal meth this is the craziest stick figure I've ever seen in my life I'm going to draw fork because I want to know what's happening here I draw a Satan fork and the very first thing the game thinks I did was make the beach this game exceeds my expectations by being every bit as stupid as I hoped it would be you're sitting with your stick girlfriend on a park bench when all of a sudden it kind of looks like an ass spewing out liquid feces but that is an apple so is she happy or sad that her boyfriend just got murdered by a piece of fruit from a hamburger I love it this poor guy over here is trying to lose weight and it's like fatten him up I mean to be fair he is a stick figure so I think I've drawn a hamburger before wasn't it supposed to I can't really don't used to be with like a mustache killing a man all right here's what we're gonna have you're gonna have to the bun okay there's the top button that is not that is not a lollypop there is nothing about this that looks like a lollipop if anything it looks like a stick figure that got scalped as a matter of fact here here's the blood spraying out of it rain yes it is rain it's raining it's raining blood all right so that's the top bun okay this is the bottom bun and then since we already got some of this drawn it's gonna be a shard of glass burger so I ended up having to redraw my burger and by draw a burger I mean I basically made what look like half of a decapitated head and it took it and apparently the way to solve this problem is to torture this man to death with food the stick figures over here he's like I love saturated fat and heart disease too bad what the hell happened here the stick figure is like I'm so lonely man this dude didn't just wet the bed is like a fire hose in his pants right here's my washing machine basically a washing machine is like a circle within a square excellent is washing machine that is a perfect replication of this draw wineglass the stick figure is over here trying to have like a nice dinner with his stick girlfriend and she's like a god damn alcohol all right today's wine is actually being sponsored by Bud Light the wine of Florida men hell yeah I appreciate that I just drew my own divorce draw call club am I gonna beat this man to death for stepping into my garden he's like how your carrots look like a wrinkly old man's Weiner you made fun of my carrots that means it's time for a homicide I I mean that's the best golf club I could do it's a driver actually okay it could be half a scissors or it could be a freakin golf club I see a mosquito how high are you right now game okay maybe the golf club needs to be pointed at the ground there we go great that's it yep we beat a man what the well man proposes God disposes I'm starting to wonder what this game is about I love how one stick figure all he wants in life is a relationship and this other stick figures like all you're gonna get is death big life is full of banana skin I'm so happy I got to this board any time a stick figure steals from another stick figure it can only end in one way that is death that is also not we're in New York City yes I love how all the stick figures have like fully drawn eyes and crazy faces and this is like the one oh gee stick figure I drew a phone so that a man could enter another man's house and eat his chicken and buy eat his chicken I mean no on the bones and after he's done knowing on the chicken bones he's gonna be knowing on this guy's bones so you set up a trap to catch a stick figure what are you gonna do with him once you got them this stick figures like well I'm diabetic so I can't eat this cupcake so I turn to cannibalism it's not until I attempt to draw something that I realize have that I am draw push wait I am am i helping a man stalk someone this game needs to be called like draw the crime all I've been doing the whole time is stealing murdering and now stalking sticker here's your bush I guess he's like yeah now I can be a lawyer draw a sock why so I can like stuff it with pool balls and beat this guy to death with it that's where every single scene in this Kinkos all right here here's a sock it looks more like a galosh but whatever I didn't know the sock was gonna be there to abuse him what will it be I don't know I didn't get to see what it was I'm pretty sure someone got assaulted by someone else yes ah the banana peel life what does this teach you that if you want to be an it'll always be a banana peel that will cause you to snap your spine in half you forgot your wife's anniversary what do you do you draw a necklace obviously and then you proceed to get kicked in the ball sack I'm gonna draw a very special necklace that it is this is not yoga this is a necklace okay made out of razor wire Hey I got you a necklace do you love me now it basically just looks like a testicle hanging from a string she's like you've severed another man's gonads for me of course I love you draw a lollipop it might am I trying to like go to kid into walking into a spike pit hello little stick you want some candy uh yeah come on over oh it doesn't show him breaking both his legs as he falls into the pit you've worked up the courage to give a girl a love letter but she doesn't have a mailbox what do you do well in this game you stalk her but I guess I could also just draw a mailbox so the sticky get rejected I see matches no no that that comes after we get rejected and he burns her apartment to the ground ax okay also a possible result of this can you just like keep can I just keep drawing like up here this is supposed to be the little male chunk there it is how could you not understand that this is an elephant it doesn't look anything like a mosquito this looks it is the perfect elephant I like how every time you get a little bit more of the level done the parcel becomes more wrecked be careful train crossing okay do I get it do I get a chance to save this stick figure there is no way in hell that would have worked if usually a train started moving after the stop signal is down I must draw a bandage so I can repair my girlfriend's heart after being a dick to her for ten years I know I'm a deadbeat lowlife but here's a poorly drawn bandage looked like belt I put one extra line connecting this to this and suddenly it became abandoned I love how the snake figures over here at the disco and he's like all of the stick girls ignore me because I don't have a goatee and I have gonorrhea it's fine though you can have gonorrhea just so long as you have sweet Robert Downey jr. facial hair I've never really thought about how I would draw a goatee like not on a person I don't even know how I got to this point I like how it doesn't even look like a goatee it looks like you ripped it off of someone else's face these girls standards are so messed up they're like oh you smell like day-old mushroom soup but you have a fantastic goatee draw the Mona Lisa are you are you kidding me if I could draw the Mona Lisa I wouldn't be all right we got this and you got the nice stick woman stick Lisa here with her hair and that's plenty I like how my picture looked like a head vomiting and it was like that's close enough when does this look like a hockey stick it looks like a syringe with a really really big gauge needle Ryan it's raw freakin popsicle I never thought I'd be stuck on this board for this long stop with the hockey stick what do you want we do what you want square popsicle here here's a thick popsicle here it's got the - it's got Upchurch guys missing his pants and the game wants me to draw well why the games like well have you ever seen anyone get molested at see my will us neither so go ahead and draw it uh you get the UM the tail over here it looks more like someone's balls having a stroke and then like this boomerang you just insulted like every Australian in the world that is not a boomerang all right so you get the whale spouts and then like a whale I yeah see there we go he's like a big aquatic bidet draw octopus what is it with this game I'm molesting people with sea life so an octopus kind of looks like part of a bagpipe I'm not really sure I would call that an octopus I'm also kind of curious what this octopus did to this man he's like gave me a lifelong trauma one stick figures stole the pants of another stick figure they take this before after he went into water also I love how the stick shorts like totally would not fit this guy he's probably all like listen I lost 400 pounds all right here's the shorts one plus three equals cake as we all know it is oh now this is a popsicle it's a square now the games like oh it's a popsicle yes it is a birthday cake that's a goddamn cake finally I get to watch a young man guy do it do it come on I'm immediately disappointed Am I am I seriously going to shove a cactus up a man's ass in that case I'm not just drawing a cactus I'm gonna draw a cactus with swords coming out of it fantastic it's the cake does everyone always wanted the kind that would penetrate a man so hard that actually there's no way I could finish this sentence that doesn't sound awful jacket isn't this supposed to be for like putting over the mud puddle on the ground what is this is this like it's just like stick figure blood just be a man and lick it up whatever here's a jacket this girl she's like I always wanted to sit on another man's viscous fluids what the heck what the hell is this is this like the neighbor or his mother if it's his mother that's amazing she knows how to deal with children or kids trying to listen to music Princess Leia comes in and beats the hell out of him with a baseball bat [Music] did I eat I don't think that that was the scene that I thought it would be did we just put her to sleep so that he could like rob her it's true the only thing that happens in this game is you commit crime I have to beat this man so I could steal his wallet all right I'm gonna draw a frying pan but I'm actually going to have it already covered in the blood of this guy's wife okay it wasn't as violent as I thought it would be we just started a grease fire so we can rob him well we've done it for now we've committed like every crime under the Sun a stick puzzle the leg side stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,595,635
Rating: 4.9137125 out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad choices, bad life choices game, all endings, funny ending, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, funny stickman, funny stickman fight, stickman jailbreak, stickman jail, funny escape, just draw, just draw game, just draw funny, draw puzzle
Id: VsfAr0r_z50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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